edge-lorde · 1 year
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busgirl! a practice.
bonus comparison with clone face:
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capndragn94 · 2 years
After the war Kyle, Lonnie, and Rogelio reunite Hordak with Imp, and Entrapta invites them all to live with her in Dryl. Kyle assists them with lab work, Lonnie becomes their bodyguard, and Rogelio becomes the leader of Entrapta's kitchen staff from the episode System Failure.
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iammthesol · 2 years
Can we pay more attention to my guys Soda Pop, Busgirl, and Baker I love them
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honnelander · 1 year
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once again i got carried away and wrote way more than i planned too lol thank you to the lovely anon who requested this and i hope i did your prompt justice request: what if the reader’s a merchant’s daughter who was supposed to marry a suitor but she runs away and ends up meeting sanji
word count: 3.4k
pairing: opla!sanji x fem!reader
summary: reader is arranged to be married but she won't stand for it. so what does she do? she runs away and meets one particular chef, begging him for help
taglist: @smol-book-nerd @shuujin @smolracoon25 @mischiefmanaged71 @amanda08319
You never imagined your life turning out like this: still living with your father at this grown age, never having gone beyond your small island town ever in your life, and waking up every day just to relive the same day over and over again. It was torture.
Every single day of your life has been the same since you left school: you woke up before the sun rose, made breakfast for you and your father, helped prepare the wagon for its daily trip into town, then spend all day yelling in the town's square trying to sell any shoes you could (your father was a shoe merchant), pack up the unsold product at the end of the day, head home, make dinner, then go to bed soon after cleaning up just so you could wake up and do the same things all over again. You hated it.
But what could you really do to change anything? You were born to a poor shoe merchant and ever since your mother had died, things had become even tighter for your small family, of now, two.
Your father never had much, barely a penny to his name, so that meant you also had no money to your name either. Sure, you could've started a side hustle of scams and cons, maybe trying your luck at playing poker at the docks whenever pirates showed up, but how could you just leave your father like that? Just leave him all alone once you scraped together enough berry to buy a one-way ticket out of this town? As much as you were tempted, you couldn't. It didn't feel right. And besides, you were always too exhausted at the end of the day to do anything else anyway.
But then one day, your father said something that would change your life forever.
The day started out like any other. You had cooked a quick meal of toast and eggs for yourselves and once you finished your plate, you moved to get up to put the dishes in the sink for later.
But before you could get out of your seat, your dad grabbed your wrist gently, telling you to stay seated. "Actually, y/n, no need to rush this morning. We're not going into town today."
"What?" You were taken aback. You couldn't remember a day where you both didn't do this daily routine. "Why?"
Your father couldn't look at you in the eye. Instead, he kept his focus on his half-eaten breakfast, which was also weird. He normally finished eating before you. "Y/n...you know I wouldn't do this unless I had no other choice," he started.
You felt your heart drop to the bottom of your stomach. What was happening?
"But business has been really slow lately, and I tried to hold this off for as long as I could," he continued.
"Hold what off?"
He kept talking like you hadn't said anything. "But there really was no other choice." He swallowed and finally looked up and the look in his eyes scared you. You've never seen your father look that upset before...the only other time he had looked like that had been when mom died.
You tried to swallow but your mouth was dry. "Dad, what's going on?"
"And you know I always will love you, right?"
"Dad," you said a little more sternly, your heart beating a thousand miles a minute. "What is happening?" After a moment of silence, you repeated yourself. "Dad, answer me."
His next sentence hit you like a ton of bricks. "Y/n, I arranged for you to be married."
You couldn't move. "What?" you breathed.
Like always, your father continued on like you hadn't said a word. "He's a nice man, a decent man. His name is Olaf and he's from the North Blue, comes from money..."
You felt your dad tighten his grip on your wrist and suddenly you felt like you were being suffocated. You ripped your hand away from your dad's grip, the sting of betrayal hurting more than any cut or wound ever could. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you fought your hardest not to let them fall. "You sold me?" your voice quivered.
Those three words finally got your dad's attention. He looked into your eyes again, hurt evident in his gaze, but you realized you didn't care. Not anymore. "No," he replied firmly. "You know I would never sell you to anyone. I would never do that."
A humorous laugh escaped your lips. "Oh? But you'd put me in an arranged marriage instead? For money?" When you blinked, tears fell down your cheeks. "Are we really that poor dad?" you spat.
"Why didn't you tell me how bad off we were before? Before-" you stuttered and waved your arms around, "before all of this? I could've- I could've done something, anything." You ran a hand through your hair as you exhaled, a sardonic smile appearing on your face as you looked up to the ceiling, up to whatever God had subjected you to this cruel fate.
"There's nothing you could've done, y/n."
"You don't know that!" you exclaimed. Pure hot red rage adorning your features as your furious eyes snapped down to look at your dad. "I could've hustled, I could've conned the guys down at the dock for some money. I could've done something instead of nothing!"
"And then what? End up dead in a dark alley once those men found out you stole money from them? End up raped?" Your dad's anger matched yours, his voice growing louder with each sentence. "Maybe become a pirate? There is no way I would ever let that happen to you y/n."
Your dad hated pirates and you knew he would rather die before he ever let you become one.
You flung your arms up in exasperation. rolling your eyes as you let out a frustrated groan. "Oh I don't know dad," you yelled, "maybe I could've joined the Marines or something!"
But your dad didn't like the Marines either. He believed pirates and Marines were the same person, just in different clothes.
"I wouldn't let you do that either, you know that y/n."
Suddenly, a thought stuck you: you were an adult, so why was your father still making all of these major life decisions for you? It didn't make sense.
But you knew one thing: you certainly weren't going to marry some rich guy you didn't know from the North Blue. Not if you were still living and breathing.
You glanced at the open window behind your dad, seeing the early morning tinges of a sunrise lighting up the sky. Perfect, you thought. Docked ships normally didn't leave port until the sun broke the horizon, so you had a chance to hop aboard any ship that would take you far far away from here. Away from your miserable life and a father you were realizing you hated.
The sky started becoming brighter by the minute and your heart rate started to spike. You estimated you had around 20 minutes or so until the sunrise broke and if you were serious about running away, it was now or never.
Suddenly, you stood up from the kitchen table and realized that your father had stopped whatever he was saying to look at you with a curious expression.
"Y-you know what dad?" your voice shook and you swallowed your nerves. "I...I think you're right? This Olaf guy probably isn't that bad and would probably give me a better life than I ever could," you ground out and forced a smile that you were sure looked more like a grimace. "I'll do it."
If today had been a normal day, your dad would've been tipped off that something was up but he was just so relieved that you were actually agreeing to all this.
Your dad had a relieved smile on his face as he said, "That makes me so happy to hear that y/n. You have no idea."
"Y-yeah, me too," you agreed with a small nod. You reached down to pick up your plates but your hands were shaking.
Your father placed a hand on your arm. "I understand you're nervous sweetheart. Why don't you go lie down in your room? There's some time until Olaf gets here. I can handle the dishes for today."
Perfect. You agreed and nodded quickly. Thanking your dad and giving him one last look before you went up to your room and never saw him again.
--------- -----
Your lungs were burning as you ran towards the docks. You could feel sweat running down your back as you pushed yourself to run as fast as you could, arms pumping and feet kicking out dirt behind you.
The sky was beginning to turn a lighter shade of orange and a ping of fear gripped your heart.
What if you didn't make it? What if all the ships were all boarded up and ready to set sail by the time you got there? It wasn't uncommon for ships to leave a tad early since most of them had a full day at sea before them but you were so close, you just had to make it. There were probably around five minutes or so until you reached the docks and you just had to get over this ridiculous hill.
But your legs were tired and your sides were cramping and you could feel yourself slowing down due to exhaustion. You weren't a huge runner to begin with but you were literally running for your life- so what choice did you have?
If you made it through all this, you vowed to yourself that you would get better at running. Who knew the next time your life would depend on it?
As you reached the top of the hill, you took a quick second to breathe and survey the docks before you but what you saw nearly stopped your heart. There were normally a dozen or so ships that littered these docks but it looked like most of them had headed out early with only a few ships remaining, and the ones that were left? They looked like they were nearly ready to leave port as well.
With newfound urgency, you sprinted down the hill, yelling out to any sailor who would listen to your plea.
"WAIT!" you screamed. "Wait for me!"
But no one acknowledged you. You started to wave your arms around, your travel bag bouncing around as you continued to sprint.
"PLEASE! I beg you!"
As you got closer, you could start to make out the names of the few ships that were there. There was one ship called "The Happy Farewell" and you figured since they were closest you would try them first.
"Get lost girl," the ship's captain sneered. "I got no use for a girl like you."
"But please, I need to leave. You don't understand," you begged.
The captain clicked his tongue as he shook his head. "Don't we all?" he muttered. But he spared you one last glance before boarding his ship and something in your expression must've been wildly desperate because he sighed before nodding towards the ship two docks down. "Zeff's."
"Go to Zeff's ship, girl. The Baratie. He doesn't have the heart to turn away desperate souls like yourself."
Your head whipped towards the direction the captain was looking and you saw the decent-sized Baratie standing there.
"But you better hurry," he warned. "They're setting sail as soon as we leave."
You quickly looked back at the captain to thank him but he was already walking up the plank to board his ship, barking out orders to let down the sails and hoist up the anchor.
Shit. You had to hurry.
You sprinted two docks over and once you reached the dock The Baratie was tied to, you saw a couple of men in white coats loading up the last of the crates of food onboard. You had just made it.
It was weird to you that these pirates were dressed up in matching white coats and blue bandanas around their collar but, hey, it could always be worse and you weren't in a position to be picky. You would even join a circus crew at this point.
You made your way over to the closest "pirate", a tall blonde guy that had hair almost covering his left eye. He was inspecting one of the crates, clipboard in hand and checked things off as he examined it.
"Excuse me," you huffed, trying to get this man's attention. "But I need your help. I need to speak to the ship's captain."
"Don't we all," the guy replied with a good-humored laugh and crooked smile, not looking up from his clipboard.
"Please," you urged. "It's important."
The man looked up from his clipboard and did a double-take, clearly not expecting a young woman like yourself, who looked like they just ran away from demons, asking to speak to the captain this early in the morning.
His eyebrows rose as he looked you over, his smile disappearing. "Are you alright Madam? Is something the matter?"
As his eyes scanned you over, you noticed how good-looking this guy was. And here you were, all sweaty and disheveled, your hair probably sticking out in all different directions. You prayed to whatever God was out there that you didn't have sweat stains on your shirt.
What a day this was turning out to be.
You ran your hands over your hair, trying to smooth down your flyaways and hoping you looked a bit more presentable. "I will be alright, when I speak to the captain."
"Anything I can help you with?"
What the- was this guy hitting on you? Your wandering eyes snapped back to look at this man when he asked that, looking to see if he really had the audacity to hit on you while you were begging for help, but you saw no trace of flirtation whatsoever, just concern.
"Ah- no. Unless you have the power to give me a spot on this crew."
The man's eyes lit up (you noticed they were blue). "Ah, so you want to join the Baratie? Become a chef yourself?"
You looked at him in utter confusion, blinking a couple times to make sure you heard him right. "Huh? A chef?" You looked at his outfit a little more closely and turned to examine the other men who were dressed similarly. You didn't notice it before, but they weren't just wearing any white coat, they were wearing a chef's white coat. "You guys are chefs?" you asked dumbly.
The chef, as you now noticed, rubbed his jaw as he tried to hide his smile at your obvious question. "Yes, Madam. We're chefs."
"So you're a pirate chef?"
The blonde cook couldn't hide his laugh at your series of questions, his blue eyes sparkling and white teeth showing like he had just heard the funniest joke. "No, Madam. We're just chefs. Not pirates or pirate chefs."
You felt stupid and felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "Oh." But if they were all chefs on this boat, did that mean... "Wait- do I have to be a chef in order to get on this boat?"
"Ah well, if it were up to me," he sighed, "I would give you a spot on the ship regardless if you could cook or not." He twirled the pencil between his fingers as he crossed his arm in thought. "Although, we do need some new waiters. The dining room always seems to be short-staffed..."
You opened your mouth to quickly volunteer yourself even though you never waited tables a day in your life but the blonde chef kept talking.
"Or," he thought out loud," if you really wanted to be a chef with no experience, there are ways you could get into the kitchen. We do need a new busboy. Or girl," he quickly corrected. "Move your way up and learn..."
The sun broke the horizon, the morning orange light now fading into yellow. You swallowed. You were out of time. If you couldn't get a spot on this ship then your life was over.
"I'll do it," you quickly interrupted and nodded. "I'll- I'll do anything. A chef, a waiter, a busboy or busgirl- anything. I'll even clean toilets if I have to. I just- I need to get on this ship."
Your desperate plea silenced the chef, pulling him out of his musings and you could see concern wash over his features. But before he could say anything else, a voice called out from the top of the ship's plank.
"Oi! Sanji! What the hell are you doing down there, son?" the man with a tall chef's hat and braided mustache called out. As he made his way down to the dock, you noticed one of his legs was a wooden peg instead. "The sun's broken the horizon. I don't know how many times I need to tell you this, but next time we pull out of port late, I'm shoving my leg up your ass and you're off the line for a week."
Sanji shook his head, for once not caring about the threat of not cooking, and looked at his father figure, nodding to you. "Zeff, you need to speak to this girl. You have to let her join our crew."
You watched as Zeff followed Sanji's nod and looked down at you with raised eyebrows. It was like he just noticed you were there. "Her? For the last time Sanji, I'm not letting one of your one-night stands join the crew," he said with an exasperated sigh and turned back towards the ship. "Pretty or not."
"Wait!" you called out, grabbing Zeff's arm and immediately dropping it when he turned to look at you in disbelief. "I, I don't know him," you quickly said, pointing at Sanji and taking a big step away from him to prove your point, "My name is y/n and I desperately need a spot on your ship, Sir. Please."
Zeff studied you for a moment, eyes scanning your face. "People like you normally aren't 'desperate' to join my crew."
"But I am, Sir. I," you inhaled a shaky breath at the thought that this man could also turn you away. "I can't stay here. I need to leave. I'll do anything. I can even scrub the toilets."
Zeff regarded you with a short sigh. "Lass, there's no way I would have you scrubbing toilets. I'd make him do that way before asking you," he said and jabbed a thumb at Sanji, silencing Sanji's scoff of disbelief with a look. His face became serious as he asked, "You're serious aren't you?"
You nodded. "As serious as I can be sir."
The head chef became quiet, looking at you like he was trying to figure out what you were running away from, but it wasn't any of his business. At the end of the day, everyone had a past and he wasn't there to judge.
"Alright, lass, you want a position at my restaurant that badly? You got it. Your first service as a busboy- girl, whatever- starts tonight." He pointed a finger at you and with a stern voice asked, "Everyone on this ship earns their keep, alright? And no talking back. Understood?"
Relief flooded your veins at his words, you couldn't control the smile that stretched your cheeks as you nodded. "Yes, chef."
The corner of Zeff's mouth twitched upwards in amusement and he nodded once. "Good." As he turned around to head back onto the ship, he glanced at Sanji. "I like this girl. Wherever you found her...good job, son." He started walking back up the plank onto the ship and called out, "Get those last few crates up on here, boy. We got to leave, we have a dinner service tonight!"
You frowned as you watched Zeff walk away, a little annoyed at the thought that 'Sanji found you' instead of you finding him. When you looked over at Sanji, you saw him still watching Zeff make his way up the plank, beaming slightly at the head chef's praise.
"You didn't find me. I found you," you said to your newest crewmember.
Sanji looked over at you, a small mischievous smile on his face. "And aren't you glad you did?"
Before you could correct him or slap him, you heard Zeff calling out to you from the ship's deck. "Oi! Y/n! What are you doing down there? I'm not paying you to just stand there all day with Sanji! There's a pile of dirty dishes with your name on them in the sink."
"What? Already?" you grumbled as made your way up the plank to board the ship.
From behind you, you could hear Sanji's laughter and you could hear it until you made your way inside.
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phenphoenix · 7 months
Haha, looks like you could use some help, From the big overlord herself!
Check out bestie's glowing reviews on Yelp
(Five stars! Flawless! Greater than great!)
Oh, with the punch of a pentagram, wap-bam-boom, alakazam!
Usually, I charge a leg and an arm, But you get the cordial rate.
Thanks, Ro!
Who needs a busgirl, now that you've got the chef? (Whoa-oh-oh)
Michelin tasting menu, free à la carte.
I'll rig the game for you because I'm the ref!
Blood red fountains, sweetbread mountains, that's just to staaaaart!
Who's been here since day one?
Who's been faithful as a nun?
Shows you a bunch of otherwordly fun, Your executive producer!
That's true!
I'm your gal, your day-to-day.
Your chum, your steadfast hotelier.
Remember when I fixed that clog today?
I was stuck, thank you ma'am!
Oh damn!
I'm truly honored that we've built such a bond! (aw)
You're like the brother that I wish that I had!
Excuse me?
I care for you, just like a companion I found!
Wait just a moment!
It's a little funny, you could almost call me Paaaaal!
*epic dance off lol Charlotte probably trips her and Rosie eats shit*
They say, when you're looking for assistance, It's smart to pick the path of least resistance.
Others say, that in your needy hour, There's no substitute for pure cannibal power!
Who just happens to also be your bud!
Sadly, there are times a best friend is a dud.
They say new friends you choose are better.
What a bunch of losers!
Can you butt out of my song?
Your song? I started this!
I'm singing it, I'll finish it!
Oh, you churlish little-
This is great lmao XD tysm!
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lowkeycasanova · 11 months
one piece fic recs 2023
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I will add more as I find them!
confessions of a swordsman- @imamotherfuckingstar-lord
tiny mishap- @daegall
lost- @feirceangel
A book and a nap- @stray-kaz
Zoro climbing into your room at night- @undiscovered-horizon
Less than or equal too - morioriohno on Ao3
go fish- @honnelander
Stolen glances and culinary charms- @x-uno
busgirl- @honnelander
Sanji realizing he loves you- @imamotherfuckingstar-lord
Marry me- @truebluesanji
Tall Blonde Pacifier- @stray-kaz
Tasting the sunrise- @downforsanji
Imagine Sanji flirting with you- @imamotherfuckingstar-lord
Sanji’s shelter- @hakryuuu
unintentional stalker/secret admirer - @ofallthingsnasty
c0ckwarming- @usopps-devotee
Bubbles- @the-anxious-youth
Sweetness- @aesthetic-bbyg
I won’t treat you like you’re oh so typical- @rorywritesjunk
Meeting Shanks Headcanons- @soft-mafia
First blushes- @stray-kaz
Can’t sleep - @luffysprincess
Confrontation - @staratie
You drive me crazy - @soulofapatrick
All wrapped up - @kaiijo
Need you with me - @anystalker707
Stargazing - @beautyandrosie
Taicho - @portgasmyass
Stupid - @demonpiratehuntress
Trafalgar Law
Beset Fixation - @eelnoise
Stay here, with me - @willowhaze26
Don’t be so shy - @fanaticsnail
400 notes · View notes
sharkaddiction · 1 year
Live Action One Piece Fanfiction Recommendations
(None of these are mine please go check out the original creators!!!)
Luffy ▽
SPECIAL: LUFFY x Y/N ( Part Two )
Take you on to the world | Inaki Godoy
A Night to Remember | Monkey D. Luffy
Luffy X Reader: Love bites
Always serious about you
Luffy Finally realizes he Loves you!
Love at First Sight (Luffy x Reader)
Me gustas tú
Head Empty. Only You.
To Breathe Underwater (Luffy x Mermaid!Reader)
Zoro ▽
mise en rose.
"one more kiss?please?"
pretty in that ( Part One )
nobody but you ( Part Two )
Buoyant : a Roronoa Zoro x f!reader oneshot
After the Storm
speak teeth
intertwined ribbons
Chaos in Their Bones
how to disappear. (opla!zoro x fem!reader)
Sanji ▽
the Special | Sanji x reader
Effortlessly Sweet
Go Fish! (Part Zero) (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three)
Napping and Cooking (Part One)
Napping and Defending Friends (Part Two)
𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈 | 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 + 𝙨𝙚𝙢𝙞-𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙘
back of house.
Tasting the Sunrise
how do you fall in love / harder than a bullet could hit you
𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
❛ opla! sanji + reader who takes naps on the regular ❜
Dancing in the rain
things I won't tell you
One piece headcanon
Sanji with a s/o with food sensory issues
“CREEP ALERT,” {v.s}
"Birthday Treat"
Imagine daydreaming about Sanji…
Imagine Sanji’s reaction when you cry after hearing his life story...
Forbidden fruit
Nami ▽
Skinny Dipping
Shanks ▽
there's nothing left, nothing left for me to do / you're the one that I want (shanks x f!reader)
when i get back
Mihawk ▽
Work life vs private life
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curiositydooropened · 9 months
Late Checkout • Teaser
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The cursor blinked.
A writing retreat at an exclusive 5-star ski resort. A New Years Eve party in the moody lodge bar. A handsome heir. A bratty bad boy. A snowstorm blocking every guest from the outside world.
Pairing: Rich!Steve Harrington x Writer!Reader, Eddie Munson x Writer!Reader
Wordcount: 1328
Warnings and Tags: Modern AU, femme!reader, strangers to lovers, angst, smut, voyeurism, fantasizing, longing, isolation, snowstorm, skiing, writer's block, murder, blood, gore, recreational drug and alcohol use. This is an 18+ blog, minor DNI please and thank you. Please check chapters for further warnings.
Navigation • Masterlist
Fic Masterlist • Moodboard
Your thoughts drifted back out to the veranda. Sun poured over the mountain side and bounced off stark white snow. Golden rays cast down and carded through his chestnut hair. Your fingers ached. 
He tilted his face into it, eyes closed, lashes fluttering freckled cheeks, ecstasy evident as his features softened.
You licked your bottom lip. 
The woman with him reached for his cheek and procured an eyelash, holding her finger skyward. 
His eyes opened, amber and honey. A smile pulled at the corners of his pink lips before he pursed them to blow. His cheeks puffed up and hollowed, dotted with freckles, bone structure immaculate. Wish sufficiently made, his face lit in amusement, brows raised.
What did man like him wish for? He had the money, the looks. You hadn’t seen his car in the lot, but you were sure it was as luxuriously as the parka stretched over broad shoulders. The woman by his side was stunning, a Scandinavian supermodel with legs and curves for days.
So what was it then?
He swirled his glass in an ungloved hand, tips of his fingers reddening as he brought the amber liquid to his pink lips for a drink. What did a man with mid-afternoon Scotch wish for? Maybe he wished to bag a new account at the firm. Maybe he wished for his offer to go through for that rental on the Cape. Maybe he wished for his secretary to wear that YSL skirt again, with those pantyhose he could tear off with his perfect teeth.
You sputtered a cough, accidentally inhaling some of the saliva filling your mouth. Face warm, you mopped at the corners of your lips with a sweater cuff.
At your bistro table, your laptop screen had gone to stand-by. With a sigh, you clicked the track pad until the screen revived. On the blank page, the cursor blinked.
“You done with your coffee?” A busgirl approached, cheeks pinched pink and a smile across freckled features.
“Oh,” you handed her your mug and saucer. “Thank you.” 
“Sure,” she nodded, and you were surprised when she leaned in. She smelled of espresso and vanilla. “Hey, this guy in the corner? The cute one with the man bun and the leather jacket? He paid me a really big tip to give you this,” she slipped a drink napkin in front of you. 
Beneath the lodge’s bright orange logo were chicken scratched letters in black ink. 
I hope the novel you’re working on has a better ending. 
“He also offered to buy you another drink,” the barista informed, taking in your reaction with wide eyes. “But if you’re totally disgusted, I will be more than happy to call security and get his ass escorted right out of here.”
You snorted and glanced over your laptop at the far corner of the room. Your Critic from the previous day sat in his same corner, long limbs draped over the sides of the furniture like he he lived there. Slender hands folded the spine of a new novel, decorated in silver rings. His curls were pulled up into a loose bun, exposing a prominent widow’s peak, and a playful smile pulled at the corners of plump lips. 
“You don’t need to kick him out,” you smiled, crumpling the napkin into your discarded mug in her hand. The last drops of coffee soaked into the paper. “But tell you what. Why don’t you and your coworker buy yourself lunch on his dime? I’ll double his tip.” 
“You got yourself a deal,” she flashed a grin and made her way back behind the counter. 
You went about closing your laptop and packing your things into your bag, avoiding the gaze on you from across the room. Zipper zipped, you schlepped the bag over one shoulder, adjusting your sweater beneath the strap. Your table was cleared, save the pen you capped. When you finally looked up to leave the little cafe, you found yourself leveled under a honeyed stare.
Mr. Harrington, the handsome stranger on the veranda, had noticed you through the window. Well that, or the windows were tinted enough to capture his attention, and judging by the darkening of his eyes and the soft smile etching itself onto the corners of his perfect lips, he enjoyed his own reflection. He waved, almost imperceptibly, and mouthed a hello. 
You smiled and nodded. 
Then, the women he brought with him came into view, all freckles and blue eyes, stunning, full lips. 
You turned on your heel and left before you had a chance to wither under her scrutiny, staring at the orange and cream hexagonal tile as you walked through the threshold and back into the lobby. 
“Hey,” another voice startled you, impossibly close, the sting of cigarette smoke mixing with espresso in the air. 
“So the last book inspired you after all.” You sighed, halting before a head-on collision with a family of seven. 
“What?” Your critic crashed into you, capturing your shoulders in large hands to stop you both from barreling into the last set of twins. 
You huffed him off with a shrug. “The Vanishing was about a stalker.” 
“Oh,” he flashed that charming grin of his, scratching at the stubble on his jaw. “How do I know you aren’t stalking me?”
You snorted and swept past the convenient store, the pro shop, narrowly avoided a sled dog near the exit to the veranda. “Don’t flatter yourself.” 
Your stalker barked a laugh and managed to trail you past the bar and ballrooms and into the back hallway. “Alright, sweetheart, you caught me. I’ve been following you for weeks.”
You stopped in front of the resort gym. Two middle aged women chatted on ellipticals in matching leggings. “What?”
He didn’t seem like the usual incel fan of yours. They were less clean, less put-together. The ones who managed to weasel your real name and location through hours of research on the dark web usually showed up to a local coffee shop and sent a text message to your laptop from a restricted number. 
This guy had a charcoal sweater made of cashmere and designer cologne. His jacket smelled of real leather. You spotted the glint of a silver watch beneath one sleeve. 
The Cheshire Cat grin fell from his face when your reaction sunk in, and he shook his head, eyes going wide. “I’m totally kidding. That’s probably creepy and terrifying, I’m sorry. I promise I’m not stalking you. I don’t even know your name.” 
Instead of offering it, you turned and headed back down the hall. 
“Hey, okay. My name’s Eddie,” he scrambled to catch up, all the bells and whistles jangling on his leather jacket, “and if you want me to leave you alone, I swear I will. But if you’d be at all interested in letting me buy you a drink tonight, can you let me know? Because I’m scaring the spa receptionists.”
You glanced at the two girls behind the nearest desk. They giggled behind their hands. 
“I’m sorry I insulted your favorite book.” Eddie’s voice softened.
With a sigh, you tucked yourself into a nearby alcove. “It’s not my favorite.” You’d published a handful of others you liked better, all of them less popular.
“Well what is your favorite?” The smile slid itself back onto his features. He remained a few paces away, giving you a respectable amount of space.
You weighed your options. You’d planned evening room service and sweatpants and drafting, endless drafting. Or, you could let someone else pay for your martini, and maybe his refreshing (albeit rude) perspective on your library of work could spark some much needed inspiration.
“I’ll tell you over drinks tonight.” 
“8 o’clock?”
Your stomach flipped at the proud look on his face, and you nodded. 
“See you then, princess.” He bowed so low his bun flopped, and he backed out of the alcove, wagging fingers at the giggling spa receptionists. He whistled as he left.
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strawberrymilkcart · 5 months
Rdr2 more modern au shit...
possible jobs ??
Dutch - Philosophy Professor
Hosea - Communications Consultant (?
Arthur - Printmaker
John - Unemployed but searching for jobs
Tilly - University student; majoring in Paralegal studies. Works @ retail clothing store
Marybeth - University student; majoring in English. Minor in Creative Writing. Works @ retail clothing store
Karen - University student; Undecided major.Works @ retail clothing store...
yes the three girls are all coworkers lol.
Molly - University student; majoring in Business. Only attending because all of her family members went to the same school as her.
Sean - University student; majoring in Communications.
Lenny - University student; majoring in Philosophy, planning to attend law school.
Abigail - two part time jobs. One, Busgirl and the other is a custodial assistant. She cant get a full time job because she needs to take care of Jack, and John isnt helping either.
Pearson - cook @ University.
Trelawny - Magician for children's shows.
Strauss - Loan Processor.
Grimshaw - Manager @ Retail Clothing Store thats in the mall
Grimshaw is the girls' manager which makes them all hate her more.
Bill - Construction worker
Uncle - lmfao u think he'd have a job?
Charles - Carpenter ??
Kieran - University student, majoring in Equine Science. House sitter and landscaper for Colm. Also works in the aquarium department of a pet store.
Javier - Works at a Guitar store
micah, cleet and whatever the hell is his name can kiss my ass
As stated before, Dutch and Hosea raised Tilly, John and Arthur...meaning they bought a house and lived together. (not in a gay couple way. in a friend way /hj)
They still live together despite the kids being grown up. Tilly and John live with them. But Arthur lives on his own.
Dutch and Colm are neighbors. And are rivals in this AU. They often make snarky comments about one another and give glares.
Arthur enjoys being friends with Charles Châtenay, Albert Manson and Algerson Wasp...even though theyre a little erratic. He feels comfortable being around creative people like him c:
Tilly has a crush on Javier. The other girls tease her about it. Arthur knows about it too and will bring it up if he wants to antagonize her (canon btw)
Marybeth and Kieran both have feelings for each other. Tilly and Karen both gag whenever she talks about Kieran. They dont like him because Kieran is associated with Colm.
Lenny has a crush on Jenny :) (i dont want her to die in this au :(...so why not make her live? I dont have much information on her tho.
Arthur's son Isaac is very much alive. (yippee!) so is his mother, Eliza. The two live in a different state but they're doing well, Arthur visits them once a month and always comes for holidays and Isaac's birthday.
Sadie and Jake live happily together too c: Sadie works at a shooting range. Arthur and John visit the range often to blow off some steam or just to bond together with Sadie.
Arthur dislikes how John acts with Abigail and Jack, he tries his best to talk to him about stepping up to be a father but John is a little hard-headed...
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whenstherapy · 11 months
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butchfriend · 1 year
i love when people get so flustered about using gendered terms for me that they straight up forget there are normal gender-neutral words for what they’re trying to say. for example, one of the servers at work referred to me as a “busgirl... sorry busboy - busperson?” ma’am the word you’re looking for is busser
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n7punk · 2 years
All Fics Extra #6: Races
This is going to be a weird mix of reboot canon, original canon, fanon, and personal headcannon. I used to cover this partially in my AU Constants fic extra, but I wanted to make things clearer.
This is specific to my fics and not fact/correct, just worldbuilding I’ve done based on what the show provides us and general fanon. That said, some of these terms (or similar ones) are widely used across the fandom.
Note: I will use race and species somewhat interchangeably in this post. Race is a social construct that I think would form differently in a world with multiple sentient species, and also I feel weird using species a lot because it's such a scientific-feeling term to me.
Though we can get more information from show materials/Crew-ra, inside the show itself, species aren’t often named. Angella is immortal, Adora is a First One, there are humans, and everyone else on Etheria is indistinct. It isn’t even clear if First Ones and immortals are actually separate races from humans. It can be inferred that First Ones are in some way distinct as the Sword of Protection only responded to a First One, and thus likely relied on something similar to a DNA marker to identify them, but this is conjecture and it could have used some kind of magical signature.
ND stated (I don’t remember where for sure, but my instinct is to say the BLM livestream) that a history for Etheria that the crew came up with was that Etheria was a melting pot planet of various immigrant races. This can be seen in the show when Mara (via hologram in S3:EP3) says that “we [the First Ones] were the first ones to settle Etheria - to really study this planet’s magic.” Thus, the great diversity of sentient life on Etheria is likely due to many alien species arriving as explorers and settling there before the planet was put in Despondos by Mara. This means that a term like “Etherian” would be closer to a nationality than anything else.
There are species from other iterations of the franchise that have canonical names which can be extended to the reboot. Please check out this amazing chart that clarenecessities/birdindale put together to reference those. While the names here are researched and have canon sources, that’s not research most of the SPOP fandom has done, especially early on, so there are common fanon names for several species that developed. Many of us built on each others’ ideas to flesh out the world in writing. It’s easy to not mention a character’s race in a visual medium when you can see that they are a satyr, but in writing we usually need names. 
Humans: (EX: Bow, most of the princesses, etc). Humans seem to be found in large congregations in Bright Moon, Plumeria, and the Kingdom of Snows. There are many characters that are “questionably” human as well, such as Glimmer (one of her parents is “immortal”, and thus she could be human or demi-mortal). I consider the princesses (and Adora/Mara) to be human in most AUs.
First Ones: (EX: Adora, Mara, etc). As discussed above, this could be distinct from the humans of the show, an ancestor race humans descended from, or merely the nationality for the humans that come from the First Ones’ homeworld. This homeworld is Eternia, and thus the term Eternian might be used instead of First One depending on the story.
Elves: (EX: Shadow Weaver, Entrapta’s busgirl, etc). Elves are seen mostly in the background. I state Hordak’s race as dark elf for fics where he isn’t a clone, though he looks the same. Dark elves are different from other elves due to having skintones in either monochromatic or blue/purple colors, which range in saturation from white to dark blue/black. They also generally have varying degrees photosensitivity, which is why Shadow Weaver wears a veil or mask to protect herself from burns even in modern AUs.
Hybrids: (EX: Catra, Scorpia, Rogelio, etc). Hybrid is a term that I believe originated with the fandom/fic writers. It describes the races in the show that don’t fall neatly into human or some other common fantasy species. These are the alien species that show both human and animal characteristics. Hybrids are commonly found in the Crimson Waste and the Fright Zone.
Magicats: (EX: Catra). Magicats are a named species from previous iterations of the franchise. In the original they resembled furry, anthro cats that walked both on hind legs and all fours, but in the reboot they are mostly-human in appearance but with the addition of fur, fangs, cat ears, and cat tails. They have various coat patterns/colors and some cat characteristics in personality and traits (examples from Catra in canon include: grooming her arm with her tongue, her tail reacting to her emotions, hissing, growling, purring, etc). In the BLM charity stream, ND stated their headcannon is that magicats were an explorer race who came to visit Etheria, but that the magicats seen on Horde Prime’s screens are intended to be from the magicat homeworld. They are found in very limited numbers on Etheria (in fact, only two are seen on Etheria throughout the entire show that I could find - Catra and an unnamed background character in S5EP7 - with an additional two from the homeworld seen on the screens). There are other feline background characters that are visually distinct from Catra, however. These characters have cat-like head shapes and more closely resemble the magicats from the 80s original. Whether they are intended to be magicats as well (or related to them) is unclear. Note: Catra was human in the original 80s show.
Scorpioni: (EX: Scorpia). Another highly-rare species as of the time of canon, though this is explained by the Horde’s base having been built on top of their conquered kingdom.
Lizardfolk: (EX: Rogelio, Tung Lashor, etc). I believe this is a term that originated with the fandom to describe the lizard hybrids in particular (I've also seen variants of it, such as lizardkin). Some lizardfolk seem incapable of human speech (Rogelio), or perhaps just don’t speak it as a first language, while others use the human tongue (Tung Lashor).
Finfolk: (EX: Octavia, Salineas background characters, etc). This is a term used to describe supernatural/magical creatures related to the sea IRL, and is an umbrella term I use to refer to any ocean-related hybrids such as Octavia or the many sea-based people of Salineas. I think they are canonically called Merfolk, but I leave that term to describe more strictly mermaid-based/sea-bound characters. Therefore Merfolk might be used to describe Mermista (I mean, she can literally turn into a mermaid) but it wouldn’t be used for Octavia since she primarily lives above ground and far from water.
Other Species/Terms
Krytian: (EX: Melog). We don't really have a name for Melog's race, so I just call them krytians, or perhaps more generically shapeshifters, but they are very distinct from say, whatever shapeshifting race DT is, so krytian works best.
Fae: We see what appear to be fairies, elves, satyrs, mermaids, etc in the background or in recurring cast characters. I don’t use this a lot, but it’s included here because some of the races we see could fall under it as an umbrella.
Orc: Apparently Huntara's race has a name (from Clare's chart), but I've always just called them orcs in my fics since it fits with their general look.
Satyrs: (EX: background characters, such as in Thaymor). Satyrs are definitely present in the world of Etheria, though I don’t know if any actually speak in the show. They are, of course, human-goat hybrids.
Moth hybrids: This is what I believe the leader of Elberon is supposed to be.
Bull hybrids: Seen in the Crimson Waste. See Clare’s chart for possible names. I believe taurus-based terms are used by furries for this kind of character? But that's coming from like, one tweet, I don't know shit about furries, so take that with a grain of salt.
Fairies: Again, this is what I think Flutterina is supposed to be (or maybe she’s some kind of butterfly hybrid, but clearly her race exists out in the world or the Alliance would have been more suspicious of her).
Canidae (Lycans/Vulpes): A term I’ve used before but decided not to really again because it caused confusion in the two fics where I did. These are the canid-based hybrids seen in the Crimson Waste (Lycans: dogs/wolves. Vulpes: foxes). Based off terms I think furries use once again, but I only asked one person.
Squamagica: (EX: Double Trouble). This term probably hasn't appeared (yet?) and I think is the main reason I drafted this fic extra a year ago and forgot about it, but I like what I came up with, so I'll leave it in. As said above, there are multiple shapeshifting races, so referring to DT’s race as simply that (even if it is what's used in canon) and nothing else isn't a perfect solution, especially for AUs where magic doesn't exist. In those AUs, they don't have full-on shapeshifting powers (some ability to manipulate their forms, maybe, but not total reformation), so I’ve settled on the name squamagica for them, based off squamate (the largest order of reptiles, which DT’s design seems inspired by) and the precedent from magicats. I think it sounds like something that could be from the franchise, but I just pulled it out of my ass and worry it would cause confusion once again, which is the main reason I haven't actually used it yet.
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kaleuh · 2 years
I got a free cheesecake today.
So I go to this little deli all the time, run by this sweet woman who's always there. She has an entire section of cute Japanese snacks that she imports in, but they also have this dessert case above the deli meats where there's all these cute little Japanese cakes. One day, I thought, "You know what? I'm trying one of these. I don't know if anyone ever gets these, and they look absolutely delicious, so I'm getting one." So, one day, I order this vanilla Swiss roll that's sitting behind the glass. And the lady told me that she personally loves those, so I made sure to let her know that I was excited to try it!
Boy, let me tell you, that was the best packaged cake I've ever had.
It was like someone made freshly baked Angel Food Cake. It was soft and light and creamy, and not so sugary that it could outshine the vanilla flavor. Not processed, not stale, not oily. It's the perfect cake.
So every week I go back in to get that same cake with whatever bacon-egg-and-cheese, BLT-thing I decide to have for lunch that day. Last week, there was a plot twist: there was now a STRAWBERRY version of the cake I've been getting! She even pointed it out, as if I didn't already have my debit card ready. Obviously, it was perfection. I thought, "Holy shit, does anybody know? That this little lady at the deli has the best cakes in town? Imported all the way from Japan, yet somehow still perfectly fresh?" It's madness to think about.
So I go in today. Funny enough, I was actually just stopping in to get chips for some guacamole I made. While she's ringing me up, I thought, "Oh! I've got to let her know how the strawberry Swiss roll was!" So I do.
"Oh, I loved that strawberry cake, by the way!" "Ah, I'm so glad you liked it!" "It was so good!" "Well you know what? Here!" And she gives me a miniature cheesecake that I don't even think she had for sale in the dessert case yet. And I couldn't believe it, and I was like, "For free??" And she laughed and nodded and I told her that I always tell people this is the best deli in town, and she said something so sweet.
"I love how you're always trying new things!"
I smiled and let her know that I'm a big dessert fan, and thanked her VERY much (and as always, would let her know how I liked it, as such exchanges have gone.)
And as I left the deli to go back home, I should have been thinking about how reminiscent that scene was of Belle in the bookshop with the nice librarian at the beginning of Beauty and the Beast. But I knew that, with all the goodness it brought, that that three-ounce cheesecake was going to become an all-consuming weight on my mind for the rest of the day.
I wish I could be normal about these things. She probably didn't know that during that entire counter interaction I was screaming AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, in my head. Every time something like this happens, there's a sense of - and it can be small and fleeting or big and timeless - dread.
I used to work at a diner, where I was supposed to be a waitress, but I was so bad at it that they should have fired me. Instead, they kept me as a busgirl. For years. I was told, "Hey, the waitressing thing isn't really working, but we all really like you and nobody wants to see you go, so do you wanna just bus instead?" And that's how it happened. I was hired because I was liked, not because I was good at anything. So, I made sure to always try to stay liked. I wasn't trying to be liked when I first got there, I was just trying to do a job. But now there was a precedent: you're here because you're liked. It felt like I had to work within that frame, so I smiled as much as I could, made as much conversation as possible, and tried to do everyone's side-work. It felt like my actual bussing services weren't needed as much as my emotional services were. But within that frame, I was wondering, "What did they see in me when I first got here? I don't think I was trying to be liked more than any other regular person on the planet tries to be liked, so what was it? Would they have done this with any other trainee? Am I giving off some kind of aura that tricks people into thinking they like me?" My dad told me once that I have a "face that makes people feel sorry for me" so maybe it was that? But there's a bigger fear, beyond all of this, and it eats away at me, when something like this little cheesecake happens.
I start freaking out about things like this, because of one very specific thought. "Was that nice lady stocking new desserts specifically because of me? I couldn't have made that big of an impression, right? All I do is buy a BLT and an Arizona Iced tea, every few days. Sure, I make small talk, but doesn't everyone? Everyone smiles and says thank you, I'm not special. There's not a shot in hell that anything I do is that big of a deal. I go there, get something to eat, compliment the food, and then come back another day and do the same thing. Doesn't everyone do that? And doesn't everyone try new things? Unless, oh god, no they don't. Is the world such a cruel place after all? That no one will make small talk with the counter lady? Oh god, oh my god, no, please don't let it be true, it can't be that mean. The world can't be that bad, that no one else compliments the food she makes, that no one else asks the waitresses how their days are going, it can't be. Is that why? Is that why they kept me at the diner? Is that why I got a free cheesecake? It can't be that the bare minimum is special. It can't be that there's proof of a cold world."
I don't try to be remembered. Do people just project what they want to see onto me? Am I just extra-projectionable? An extra-projectionable face? I think about all the times something like this has happened, and I wonder how many people see my true face, and how many of them are projecting what they might want me to be? It always feels like I'm conning people - if only they knew how messy I really am. Or that I've got to work to live up to be the kind of person worthy of that free cheesecake.
But then, who is that person?
*This post is sponsored by Koriyama's Deliciously Light Cheese Cake: 'Fabulous cake that melts in your mouth'
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gabriellaalvarez · 1 year
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[cis female & she/her] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [GABRIELLA ALVAREZ]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [PRISCILLA QUINTANA]. You must be the [THIRTY] year old [BARTENDER AT OASIS NIGHT CLUB]. Word is you’re [LOYAL] but can also be a bit [OVERPROTECTIVE] and your favorite song is [NEVER SEEN THE RAIN by TONES AND I]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [SEABROOK QUARTER]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
- Preferred name/nicknames: Gabi, Gab, Ella, Alvarez. - Age: 30. - Birthday: June 13th, 1995. - Zodiac: Gemini. - Gender and pronouns: Cis-female & she/her. - Sexuality: Bisexual. - Relationship status: Single. - Hometown: Aurora Bay, California. - Current residence: Seabrook Quarter. - Length of time in Aurora Bay: Born and raised for 22 years, moved to New York City, New York for 8 years, been back since Jan. 2023. - Occupation: Bartender at the Oasis Night Club. - Faceclaim: Priscilla Quintana.
Trigger warnings: alcohol abuse & mentions of drugs
Born and raised in Aurora Bay, Gabriella grew up in an unstable household with an alcoholic mother, an absent father, and two younger siblings, one boy and one girl.
Growing up, Gabi was adventurous and tame all in one. She loved to play outside with her neighbors and loved to stay in and spend time with her siblings. When staying inside and away from her mother, she was seen by her siblings' sides.
Her rebellious phase didn’t start until she witnessed her family’s demise. When her mother was too drunk to function, she was left nights with her stomach empty and needed to do something about it. Before going to high school, she’d go to the town center and beg for money. After getting enough to decrease the hunger pain, she would buy her and her siblings whatever food came from the nearest fast food restaurant. This went on until she got her first job as a busgirl at one of her favorite restaurants.
Helping her siblings make do at home, she spent her unsaved money on groceries and bills for the house. She matured through this and dedicated herself to taking care of her siblings.
If she wasn’t in class at school, she was seen lurking around campus trying to make friends. The extrovert in her sprung most when it came to the wrong crowds. She’d smoke with the stoners and hang out with the partiers. She was introduced to sex and drugs early on, but when it came to alcohol, the thought of her mother made her back away. She wanted to be nothing like her and not drinking is a good way to start.
Gabi ended up not graduating high school, but nonetheless, she stayed in Aurora Bay until her youngest sibling graduated high school. When that time came, she was 22 years old and moved all the way to New York City, New York.
After years of working as a busgirl and hostess, she became a waitress quickly and was promoted after half a year. Moving behind the bar of restaurants, her reputation started to increase and her name was shown on restaurant magazines around the west coast. Making bank, she made sure to send extra money to her siblings when she could.
When she had time off, she FaceTimed her siblings, hung out with new friends, and partied a lot at clubs. She didn’t need alcohol to have a good time.
30 years old and still growing, Gabi was living her life. She lived in a stable apartment, made a few good friends, made a lot of money, and loved her profession. Loving the big city, she couldn’t help but miss her siblings. Packing her things, she moved back to Aurora Bay in January of 2023.
Reconnecting with her siblings, she bought herself a nice apartment in Seabrook Quarter and started working as a bartender at the Oasis Night Club.
(+) Flirtatious, loyal, and outgoing.
(-) Controlling, overprotective, and stubborn.
Ages 0-22 - Aurora Bay, California.
Childhood friends
Childhood best friend
Unlikely friend(s)
First girl she experimented with (possible ex-girlfriend)
Party friends
Age 22-30 - New York City, New York.
Craigslist roommate
New friend(s)
Drinking buddies
Blind/Bumble/Tinder date(s)
Flings/exes of any gender
Age 30-Present - Aurora Bay, California.
Bad/good influence(s)
Current best friend
Good/close friends
New friends
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honnelander · 1 year
i write what i am hyper-fixated on at the moment. i don't write smut
the fics with * next to them are my personal favs
want to be tagged? read this
The Boys
birthday gift - Homelander x vought!reader
One Piece Live Action
Sanji x fem!reader
go fish! series (mutual pining)
go fish! - prequel* part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4* part 5 (WIP)
how you met/first impressions (blurb)
Sanji learns you collect sea shells (blurb)
you make Sanji your fav dessert (blurb)*
Sanji comforts you in a storm (blurb)
you try making dinner for him and the crew (blurb)
Sanji listens to you read to an ill Zoro (blurb)
unnamed best friends to lovers angst series
Zeff "accidentally" tells reader about Sanji's feelings for her
Buggy x fem!reader
Loki series:
Brad Wolfe (Hunter X-5) x reader
Taz Skylar x reader
wedding bands
submitted story: part 1 part 2 part 3
Sanji x theif!reader
long lost childhood friends to lovers
you’re a bad cook so you ask Sanji for some help (you both like each other w/out knowing)
actor!Sanji x actress!reader au
modern opla!Sanji cooking teacher AU
gender bent human lady and the trump! AU
human aristocats! AU
possible Shanks one shot 👀
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alotsgonnachange · 2 years
Danielle Bio:
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Name: Danielle Dupont
Dob: Sept 7th / Virgo
Age: IDK 30 or something
Gender: cisgender woman
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5’6
Favorite Food: Espresso, Pain au Chocolat, or a good wheaty ale
Magical Specialties: Eclectic - mostly spells and potions
Familiar: None
Patron Arcana: The Sun
Ethnicity: I made up a country called Korgelsberg which is like France/Luxembourg vibes but with less money
Family: Orphan! Literally no idea!
Ocupation: Sex Shop owner
Love Interest(s): [explosion sounds]
Danielle is energetic, charming, and amusing to interact with on a surface level. A saleswoman first and foremost, it’s a front that often doesn’t seem super genuine to some. Once you get to know her better, she’s actually very interested in having deep and philosophical conversations about anything, but particularly science and chemistry and sex. She fancies herself a collector and lives a maximalist life - finding that she often accumulates a growing menagerie of stuff whether it’s useful for her shop or just for her own interests. Despite this, she’s quite organized and deeply values routine. She can lose track of time very easily and is prone to missing or forgetting important things. She feels her emotions very deeply and often copes with this in ways that are less than productive.
Magic overview:
Danielle is something of an eclectic practitioner who specializes in sexual magic. What this consists of can include things as innocuous as candles, lotions, serums, tinctures, and lubricants. On the more complex side, she’ll have sex toys, outfits, tools, and other enhancers that she either makes or orders from vendors. Most of this involves a lot of knowledge of potions, chemistry, spells, and ingredients. She’s mostly self taught and considers herself to constantly be in a state of research. She also dabbles in visual and beautifying magic, along with facilitating intricate self care spells and rituals.
Height and Appearance
Danielle is the shortest, she is probably less than 5’6. She is also the palest. She has good facial structure and is very conventionally attractive, big blue eyes, pouty lips, blonde hair. She tends to wear makeup when she’s out and about. She’s busty and hourglass shaped. her stomach and thighs are chubby and if she gains or loses weight it’s there. She keeps her hair very long and cares for it meticulously to keep it in blonde ringlets. Her hair is like her CHILD ok. Secretly would like to dye it black at some point.
Dirndl style dresses (with and without the cinch like bodice). not super formal. may sometimes wear a scarf over her hair if it’s windy. Not afraid to get dirty but needs to look cute doing it. She has many comfortable dresses in blues, greens, whites and tans. Doesn’t like to wear blacks or purples Or reds.
Abridged Backstory
Danielle was born without any family or ties whatsoever and is unaware of her origins. She spent most of her formative years being bounced from orphanage to orphanage, some good, some bad. She did not have many real parental figures and had many behavioral problems (as one would expect). Once she began exhibiting magical abilities, she found ways to market herself selling flowers and offering services however she could. Unfortunately she spent many years resorting to theft and trickery to survive.
Her first ever job she got as a Busgirl/barmaid at an inn in an area that would resemble switzerland/germany. She would clean up and serve drinks and food and sing along to old Lieder that would often play in the establishment. Eventually her singing was noticed by a patron who offered to teach her lessons and employ her at the Opera house, which she accepted and this would become her first source of real income and security. She relocated and worked at the same performing arts center as Isabella and Ivan (Mutual friend of Isabella and Danielle).
Her time at the Opera house went well at first but she did a bit of self sabotage by being unprofessional and perhaps…breaking up a marriage and eventually called it quits and decided she wanted to go off on her own, much to Isabella’s chagrin. She’s spent most of her life in a semi-nomadic state, picking up knowledge, items, experiences, and hookups. She decided she wanted to open up her own shop at this point. She got in a real relationship but with a literal criminal and got caught up in both an abusive relationship and a crime syndicate which was messy and traumatizing for her, but she managed to escape and throw herself into learning/planning her shop in all of her spare time. However it’s permanently altered her trust, so forming new relationships will be difficult for her.
As A Friend: A good person to have on your side. She’s funny, charming, and ridiculous. She could use people in her life who are good influences and not likely to take advantage of her or make her feel small. She loves giving gifts (which can vary from expensive and rare to “do you want this eggshell???”) and gossip. She tends to ramble, and also would be over the moon if you would just let her talk for 3…or 35 minutes about her magical theories???? You might have to remind her of basic etiquette from time to time, but otherwise she truly means well and cares deeply for her friends. And if someone wrongs you, she is willing to do something VERY illegal to that person.
As A Lover: I’m gonna be so honest she is not for everyone. As a self proclaimed “love witch” and someone who studies sex magic and sells dildos for a living she feels like she intimidates everyone and these days worries about making a move. She fears being vulnerable and experiencing romantic love, but it is something that she wants. I think there will be some communication snags if you pursue her like not as a joke and express that you actually want her. Once there, she’s loyal, doting, and enjoys having someone to share company with even if it’s just doing domestic things.
Top and dominant. She prefers to be in control unless she knows a lover for a very long time or trusts them deeply. Very creative and of course keeps things fun and fresh due to her profession, but if you’d rather just screw without all the fancy stuff, she liked that too! It could also help her to have a long term romantic partner/fwb so she can make real connections and frankly….have better sex.
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