#bury my heart in the Clex graveyard
cinnamonanddean 2 months
And I want you to be there on our wedding day, to see what you lost.
See, what's funny is that they could have written that line to specifically mention Lana, but they left it ambiguous and so OBVIOUSLY what Lex is really referring to Clark losing is HIMSELF.
No, I will not be taking any questions about my media literacy or selective interpretation of the text at this time, thank you all very much for coming.
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cinnamonanddean 2 months
The end of 6x12 nearly took me right out. A brief moment where it was almost like the old days, just Lex and Clark looking at each other all soft 馃槶
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cinnamonanddean 2 months
Clark he MISSES YOUUUUUUUU 馃槶馃槶馃槶 look at him, he's trying. He all but asked you to go out for coffee and talk it out, the darling.
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cinnamonanddean 2 months
Sorry it's Lexana's wedding so we're doing notes again:
I'm being so normal about Clark's lingering look at his bowtie I swear to God.
Lol he just frisbee'd that fucking picture frame out the window.
Ew Lana's makeup is aging her real bad
Why is Lex in the white suit? I'm not a fan of it here. Is this a dream or something?
Yeah I thought so. Now that made him look like a waiter serving high tea. Yuck.
Clark sweetie, don't take out your anger on the poor hay bales. Or poor Chloe, she doesn't need your sass.
What the hell is that big dumb L on the door lol
Jesus, Chloe, why are you dumping all this on Clark?? Why don't you tell Lana how you feel?. Clearly everyone is just gonna be a dick in this one.
Has there ever been a TV wedding that just went smoothly?
How the fuck is Clark STILL getting into the mansion without anyone stopping him?? I mean I guess it's the superspeed but c'mon. Security should at least be turning up like WTF
I'm sorry, I do not believe that Lex and Lana share that bedroom. I know they had him putting his watch on and whatever in the last episode, but I don't buy it.
Lol Lionel is so fucking rude.
HAHA I know pegged didn't mean the same thing at the time, but holy shit that's disturbing
Lionel, what the fuck are you up to? So fucking shady.
Yes, smart, have your secret meeting in the crypt of the church where you're getting married. Not sus at all.
Oh shit okay Mr Angry Pants
Wait wait I have something for Lex rn. God I wish the Tumblr gif search was actually good:
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This scene with Aunt Nell is weird.
It's not a final dress fitting, it's just getting dressed.
There is no way Chloe's phone would work from inside that cooler.
Oh dang all his secrets just out and about. I would be more careful about using my powers in Lex's house, but sure.
Also convenient that he doesn't super-hear Lana lurking, but sure.
Uh ohhhhhh
"this will destroy Lex" like you give a shit, Lionel. You'd love to destroy Lex.
What happened to Lex's tux?? The suit is boring.
Oh I hate that bow on Lana's dress. At least it's not purple.
Poor Clark, I'm so saaaaad for him. That little quaver in his voice, stop it 馃槶
"do you sit up at night, practising this stuff?" Lex Luthor, always asking the questions we're all thinking
Lionel is such a piece of garbaaaaaage omg.
OH MY GOD WHY ARE THEY LOOKING AT EACH OTHER LIKE THAT. I know what it's supposed to mean but THAT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. Jesus, have they ever been able to look at each other normally???
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cinnamonanddean 2 months
Okay I'm late to this fandom so I don't know if it's already been done, but I'm co-opting that song at the end of Wither for Clex.
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I know this was primarily a Lexana scene (among others) but I'm so sorry, this is a post-rift Clex song now. I don't make the rules.
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cinnamonanddean 2 months
As much as I love Lex telling Clark that he's not welcome, didn't he try that last season? It didn't seem to stick.
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cinnamonanddean 2 months
Omg Clark looks so wrecked at the idea of having to kill Lex, the poor sweet baby.
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cinnamonanddean 2 months
Lana, don't let him find out from somebody else first.
God he still loves Clark SO MUCH it makes me want to die 馃槶
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cinnamonanddean 2 months
All of your Smallville posting is making me so nostalgic! Clex was my first ever ship and I'm just over here looking through your blog with the biggest heart eyes 馃ス
Oh good, any advice on how to get over them? Cause it's killing me 馃ゲ馃ゲ馃ゲ
It makes me nostalgic too, even though it's my first time watching. The music and just the vibes sent me straight back to the early aughts. What a time to have been alive. Smallville is proving to be a perfect time capsule, which I didn't expect.
Glad you're enjoying watching through my eyes! I'd like to say I'll stop spam posting and yelling about things soon, but I feel like that isn't going to happen until Lex goes, at least.
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