#burr besties
thatpoorfraulein · 2 years
@kfc-bucketman @pawn-of-aaronburr @ghosts-untold-tale @theaaronburrsimp @ablittlerose @swirlzz
There's another anti burr asshole in the aaron burr tag 🤦‍♀️ apparently these people don't know proper tagging etiquette, not to mention very uneducated. I did try to educate them in the replies, hopefully they learned their lesson, if not I need u guys to help me lol. The post begins with "aArOn bUrR wAs So PeTtY".
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icarusbetide · 6 months
my fav genre of hamilton tiktok edits is the people editing the burr-hamilton duel to the sound "everybody respects the shooter but the one in front of the gun lives forever" but completely misunderstanding who "the one in front of the gun" should refer to 😭
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reueslee · 1 year
Burr barbie... Burrbie, perhaps
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Just a rough drawing but thought I'd post it here anyway
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swirlzberry · 2 years
Jackson and Burr are besties
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alexreadssomeshit · 1 year
Part 24 fool! Hamilton on crack
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Also credit to Szin on YouTube for her art
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kellodrawsalot · 10 months
So me and my bestie finished Leo on Netflix today, was a bit skeptical because I'm not a fan of Sandler and Burr. But the movie was far less mean spirited then I thought it was going to be? We ended up enjoying it!
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There was a scene where the character Leo sings to a young girl that she needs to stop crying cause it's ''for weaklings and it makes you ugly''
and i was just like yiikkess, that's not good for kids to hear, but then the movie suprised me with a twist where the girl, teaches Leo why it's good to cry sometimes and Leo thinks back about this lesson near the end of the movie: Ya got me there movie dam.
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blorbologist · 2 years
THings I Noticed:
There's KAYLIE!! My girl!!! Shank your dad for me! I love her hair
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Grog fighting a Goliath, or otherwise some member of his herd. Could it be Kevdak?
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GILMORE ISN'T CHARBROILED! Thank Fuck! There's Cass and Yennen too!
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These seem to be the Raven Queen and Purvan's Tomb - she and her likeness both have stars on theur foreheads. Hadn’t expected it to be a red dreamscape!
EDIT; Thank u Burr for pointing out the blood pool, so that's the Raven’s Crest!
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Kiki are you in love, tripping balls or both? Did they add something new to the Aramente, or does this tie in with the 4SD 'Percy needs some fucking weed and his bestie's likely gonna get him the good stuff'?
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Bonus: Percy being a complete (flammable) dork. My brother was kinda Eh on him after his angst during the Briarwoods arc, this one line (+ me sharing a few of his silly quotes) completely turned him around
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rae-unbeloved · 5 months
(Or im a fucking dumbass)
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This is a shit angle to pause it in, but, both Laurens & Burr are on stage during the Schuyler Sisters right, and also a moment before, Mulligan and Lafayette were on the screen, im probably reading way too far into this but what if its the ones that fought for freedom most leaving last since the lyric is how theyre looking for a mind at work, which could mean wanting to get rights, which Laurens fought against slavery and im pretty sure Burr was proved to have moreso 'feminist' thoughts thab what the time normally had. Its either that or amybe its 2 of the most important figures in Hamiltons life, musical Hamilton especially, since Peggy, Laurens, Angelica, Burr, Eliza & the actor im pretty sure play Eacker, is all on the screen, all of which play large parts in Hamilton's life (peggy and hamilton were kinda besties yk ''peggy confides in me'
Either that or im reading way to into this<3
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rhiannonelf · 3 months
I have an idea for an incredibly cursed musical. The plot is that in act 1, a young witch goes to magic school and finds out her government is corrupt. In act 2, she joins a rebellion against said government and successfully brings independence to her people. Finally, in act 3, she becomes mired in political/sexual scandal and is ultimately killed by her former bestie from witch school.
Why is this cursed?
Act 1 is the fist half of Wicked. Act 2 is the first half of Hamilton. Act 3 is a mashup.
We start with colonial munchkins belting out “GOOD NEWS!!! SHE’S DEAD!!!” and end with Glinda Burr lamenting “I was too young and blind to see…the world was wide enough for both Elphaba and me.”
Who will fund my monster???
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jennicatzies · 20 days
hi i came up with two questions yay
how does the opening number work in general? it's structured that hamilton and burr are themselves (yay!) but what happens when double actors....
not really a question in hindsight but - for newly conscious people, does it take some time to gain back consciousness after a lights out ? (sorry if you've. talked about this already i have bad memory :p)
Okay the first question is. That sure is a question.
I'm unfortunately too eepy at this time when I answer this to draw out the exact/approximate visual in my head but. Choreography fuckery does wonders. Esp during the "we fought with him/me? I died for him" lines. For the rest of the first few lines of narration that are ambiguous characters/double roles, I imagined they would be the act 1 roles,,, no other reason other than they're The Besties really fkdhrjjr
I believe the opening number doesn't play out in universe. Or at least not to the non conscious characters. Burr still sees everything. And Ham. Sorry for the underwhelming answer 😔
The second question! I do imagine they would still be conscious directly after a lights out, just a bit more disoriented because. Huh whuh what happened why are we here again again. Hwah. Oh shit my line. Basically just take a bit more to Fully set in djjeodjr It's okay they'll get used to it eventually
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pub-lius · 1 year
aaron burr pt. 1
hey y’all.... how y’all doing.......
so ive been gone for a while. sorry about that. but! i have a lot of posts to work on. i only have three more historical figures to do for @thereallvrb0y because i love him, and then imma post my notes from A People’s History of the French Revolution by Eric Hazan, so i am back. anyway, it’s burr time
but before i get into everyone’s favorite bisexual with a receding hairline, i have to give a little disclaimer. these notes are OLD. like from 2020 old, and while I always trust my sources, i don’t trust my ability to read my own handwriting, so if you go on the google doc and see Burr’s notes and you’re like “this makes no sense”, i don’t understand what i meant either. they’re also the most disorganized notes i have, but im not taking them again so. this is what we’re stuck with besties. 
The Start of the Shitshow
Aaron Burr Jr. was born at Newark, New Jersey on February 6, 1756. His father was a highly respected clerical scholar who served as a pastor of the Newark First Presbyterian Church and as president of Princeton University. He contracted a fever and died when his son was only one and a half. His mother was a daughter of noted Puritan theologian and scholar Jonathan Edwards, who was remembered for his passionate speeches. She died when he was two, so he got the whole orphan arc over with very quickly. 
He and his sister, Sally, lived with family friends until 1759 when Uncle Timmy Edwards of Stockbridge Massachusetts became their legal guardian and local pain in the ass. He was highkey abusive and we don’t like him. They moved to Elizabethtown, New Jersey in 1760, and Uncle Fuckface noticed that Burr had inherited his parents’ intellect, but not their piety, because he was too busy serving cunt to pray. He was also described as high-spirited, independent, precocious, and self confident, which sounds about right.
He had a fairly advanced education, studying with a private tutor until he was 13 when he got into Princeton, and he graduated from there at 16, which was round the age of most freshmen there, so that’s pretty sick. He enrolled in Reverend Joseph Bellamy’s school at Bethlehem, Connecticut in 1773 to study ministry, until he realized he couldn’t accept the Calvanist discipline nor avoid the distraction of the town, or maybe just got tired of the highly not okay gay relationship with Bellamy, so he moved to Litchfield, Connecticut in May 1774 to study law under his brother-in-law, Tapping Reeve. (Burr moves around so much, I never know where this mf is at any given point). \
Burr didn’t get his degree in law (yet *foreshadowing noise*) because his studies were interrupted by the revolution
The War *eagle screech and fireworks*
Burr joined the march on Quebec as an uncompensated “gentleman volunteer” in 1775. During the December 31 assault, he attempted to carry General Montgomery’s body back after he had been shot and killed by grapeshot, which won him an aide-de-campship to Washington’s staff. However, he was almost immediately reassigned to General Isreal Putnam because he didn’t like Washington’s office, which I can’t blame him because we all knew that shit was stressful. Washington also didn’t seem to like Burr much, but like Joseph Reed worked there, so Washington obviously wasn’t firing people bc he didn’t like them. 
Under Putnam, he received a commission as a Lieutenant Colonel and commanded his own regiment, which was a vast improvement to the rank as one of Washington’s aides, because they weren’t considered actual Lt. Colonels and they were constantly at a desk, which Burr would not tolerate. He saw action at Monmouth, and his regiment suffered heavy casualties, and he was also ordered by Washington to determine future movements of the British in New York. He commanded troops at Westchester, NY, and imposed rigid discipline that brought order to the frontier outpost. 
He resigned his commission in 1779 due to stress and exhaustion. This was a pretty great military career, and he was proud of it. People called him “Colonel Burr” even after his service. 
After the war
He traveled often after leaving the army and continued his law studies. In 1782, he began his law practice and married Theodosia Bartow Prevost, a widow of a British officer he had been hardcore flirting with. Their wedding was actually unplanned, bc her sister was getting married and Burr was invited so they were like “why have two bitches get married when you can have four” so they had a cute little double wedding. 
Burr moved to New York in November, 1783 after the British evacuation, along with Burr’s two stepsons and their infant daughter, who lavished special attention on his only child and supervised her education. If you want more info on Theodosia Jr., I answered an ask about here here. 
Burr was an able lawyer, working mainly for non-whigs (loyalists/tories, neutral parties during the war). This worked in his favor and he rose to prominence. This is around when he began his famously neutral political philosophy, the whole “don’t let them know what you’re against or what you’re for” thing Lin Manuel Miranda is obsessed with. 
He served a single term in the New York assembly during the 1784-85 session, and left public life until 1788, when he played a minor role in the NY debate over ratification of the Constitution. The Sons of Liberty (bc they’re still around apparently) considered Burr as a possible delegate to the ratification convention, but he declined. He had some reservations over the Constitution, but abandoned them when a majority of the states ratified it. 
He supported Richard Yates along with Alexander Hamilton during the 1789 gubernatorial election. Yates was an anti-federalist and a friend who helped Burr win admission to the Bar (which btw there was this whole thing about Burr fighting so that college credits before the war didn’t have to be retaken after the war or whatever idk i can’t remember). Yates lost to George Clinton, who appointed Burr as attorney general in 1781, so he didn’t really lose anything. 
Clinton also helped orchestrate Burr’s Senate election in 1791, unseating Philip Schuyler. Now, this did cause beef between him and Hamilton, like in the musical, but this wasn’t their first beef, especially since Burr dueled Hamilton’s brother-in-law soooooooo...
Also, during this time, Burr’s daughter, Sally, died in October 1788 at three years old and four months of an unspecified (i think) illness. 
Okay, that’s it for now, but the other posts are coming soon because I’m literally dedicating the next to days to this and only this so yay! hope y’all missed me <3 
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donpishya · 2 years
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Andrew Jackson & Aaron Burr
Art I drew for my Ipad's wallpaper
They're Besties in my world😌
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jittyjames · 2 years
iconic things my friend has said as hamilton characters (no context)
alexander: what do you mean you would never curb stomp anyone??? i have a list of people. honestly, it’s not hard to get on that list either.
john: all i ever do is yearn. it’s my favorite hobby.
lafayette: it’s all about the croissants, baby. if the croissant isn’t going to be there, neither will i.
hercules: i was obsessed with spies and shit as a kid. i wanted to be one so bad. i imagined the blue secret agent guy from club penguin was my dad… wait. that sounds really pathetic. don’t think about that last part too much, actually.
washington: i’m never having children. i will be adopting friends, and adopting friends ONLY. you wanted a parent? too bad. you get a bestie.
eliza: *sobbing* THE MOUSE IS AN ORPHAN
angelica: *aggresively pushes the lock button of her car every time a man walks by while waiting in the parking lot for her chinese takeout*
peggy: i could fall into a fuckin’ lake and my family wouldn’t notice for like…two days.
jefferson: for the love of god, please stop singing about alexander hamblin for five seconds
burr: well, she's a whore. whores don't get cupcakes.
madison: *singing* i’m about to have a panic attack over this dumbass paper and this dumbass man
maria: ok but like… what if i were to just sleep with them a little bit, and then i find a church later to pray it off.
philip: why the hell would i save that much money? i’d rather have fun with it now than accidentally die and have it all saved up for nothing. we’re here for a good time, not a long time.
hamilton: how the fuck do i continue to make the worst career decisions in the world?
jefferson: trust me, it’s not just your career decisions that are the worst
hamilton: … the fuck is that supposed to mean?
eliza: (to alexander) i haven’t heard from you all day. i assume you’re writing your strange little words again?
alexander: ye
eliza: i love that for you, you little weirdo.
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crys-sp · 1 year
Hamilton and Burr sleeping with each other 4 times already (because, yk, stormy nights) and still the day they're like : “you’re my friend, my brother, my bestie, my close buddy-”
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alexreadssomeshit · 1 year
Part 20! Hamilton on crack..
(this is fun and torture at the same time)
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Credit to Szin on YouTube for her art!
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sleepytimemoga-p2 · 8 months
✨️Imagine if Bernard Burr had a low taper fade✨️
POV: Your bestie just murdered the mf who killed his brother so you sing him a song to cheer him up
Bernard and Wes belong to @floating-space-jellyfish
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