brujitasobrenatural · 2 years
Acabo de publicar " 9. En busca del perdón " de mi historia " Animales Fantásticos: Amores improbables ". https://www.wattpad.com/1254989656?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=CristinaSim94&wp_originator=eF5M90IsmawJyAcAwS7i3L8HdcYOERdW9x5OIw3gKVbI6vcdCaZR3tVf5ZF2ZejPxxUdvvu3329rU1TIILdt1kVQWRETbb3J%2FdFeFOVTgU%2Fwbmy1ie%2B76edwofREy%2Fd9
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knightlynox · 2 years
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Aberforth feeding the baby Qilin (and Bunty observing)
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Headcanon that Aberforth and Bunty forget a silencing spell for their room. A couple of the guests heading out that morning give Abe a smug look. He’s confused and Aurelius is witnessing the whole thing and is trying to hide his smirk. Aberforth notices and after the guests leave, asks Aurelius about it. Uncertain as to how the rest would play out, but I’m sure they’d really try to remember silencing spells in the future.
This ask honestly made me bust out laughing. I love it!
Aberforth getting *hint* *hint* *wink* *wink* from Aurelius and going into silent mode and finding some mundane task to do, while Aurelius just busts out in laughter on the side.
When Bunty comes back from work , she comes through the door and the whole pub just starts clapping and whistling. Bunty has no clue why, but she just smiles and waves it off. Aberforth starts hollering at everyone to knock it off and the guests start snickering to themselves.
Aberforth carefully drags Bunty to a back room by the hand and sighs.
Bunty: What’s with all the fuss?
Aberforth: About last night…
Bunty: *blushing* What about it?
Aberforth: They heard everything.
Bunty: *pale* Everything?
Aberforth: Everything.
Bunty: Wait, how do you know?
Aberforth: Aurelius.
Bunty: AURELIUS? Aurelius heard???
Aberforth: Everything.
Bunty: *nearly dies of embarrassment*
It wasn’t until a couple nights later, Bunty came home and the light from the fireplace was hitting just right on Aberforth, she took out her wand and cast the spell.
Aberforth: What was that for?
Bunty: Later.
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Buntyforth Headcanon
Bunty isn't much of a drinker, but she does like one particular type of booze. I imagine it's something like elderflower wine. Nothing super fancy, but not something they'd usually serve at the Hog's Head.
Once Aberforth finds out that's her favorite- sometime after she realizes she has a crush on him and she starts hanging around the pub a bit more but before either gets up the courage to start flirting - he starts ordering it from his distributor and makes sure to always have a few bottles in the back for her.
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blanquitagb · 2 years
Creo que te gustará esta historia: " Amores improbables " de CristinaSim94 en Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/310664074?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading_part_end&wp_uname=Shiroi_Tsubaki&wp_originator=fgTPnvil%2F62C12QQ90xNU6Ybof8EuFXD72Omg0Pzb0dX1eRZHquARHRJ%2Flr9Z6OM52h4fcde0AqxR8i3ZSD2H%2BTemvjs7l5G6ZJa4m%2BBqdfZ7IJyEIzCLuB2%2BiHgkIBg
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mooncalf87 · 2 years
(You can always have a little more Buntyforth in the world, damnit.)
"What is she decides she doesn't want to marry me? What if-"
"-she loves someone else-"
"I'm not good enough-"
Bunty gave a swift slap to Newts cheek to bring him back to reality. "Newt. She wants to marry you. Trust me, it's normal to be this scared before your wedding. I was an absolute mess before I married Abe, as you probably remember."
"How did you stop being scared?" Newt asked, sitting next to her on the couch infront of the fireplace in the Hogs Head inn.
"Well, I didn't. I just went out there and- well, got married." Bunty said with a quiet chuckle.
Both Newt and Bunty were awake at midnight, sitting infront of the blazing fire in the middle of the inn, also Bunty and Abes house. Newt's nerves weren't letting him sleep so when he went downstairs and nearly ran headfirst into Bunty, who was also not able to sleep, she said the babies were kicking her too hard.
Bunty and Aberforth had been married for nearly three years now, and Bunty was eight months pregnant with their twins. Newt was going to marry Tina Goldstein tomorrow.
"Sometimes I wonder how you do it. You're eight months pregnant with twins and you still manage to be a Magizoologist, and make your husband stop hating everyone he sees." Newt thought out loud.
Bunty gave a small hum and shrugged her shoulders.
"Can I tell you something, Newt?" She asked.
"Of course, Bunty,"
"At one point in time I was in love with you." She admitted.
Newts head snapped over to her with a look of pure shock. It looked like something just clicked in his eyes.
"Around the time if what happened in Paris and onward till I met Abe." She started to explain. "I thought it would only ever be you, but I was wrong. Abe will always be the one I was meant for, you might have been at one point, but I was different then. I've grown. I realized who I am for myself, not just the Broadacre Magizoologist assistant."
"I- I never realized. . . " Newt said.
"I hope you don't think less of me."
"No, not at all, I know your different now. You love Abe."
Bunty smiled asn looked down to her bump. "Ya'know, I think these two want me to be sleep deprived during your wedding."
Newt laughed a little. "I can tell you've been tired lately. Do they do this often?"
"Yeah. Mostly every night. They will usually calm down when they hear Abes voice, but I didn't want to wake him again tonight." She said, running her hand through her long red hair. She rested her head on Newts shoulder and yawned.
"Are they doing it again?" A voice came from the stairs, Aberforth was apparently awake. "Why didn't you wake me, Bun?" He asked walking over to her.
"You looked so peaceful." Bunty said, turning towards him as he sat on her other side. "I didn't want to bother you."
"You wouldn't be bothering me." Abe said as she nuzzled her face in his neck and curled into his side.
Newt recognized that this was a special moment between Husband and Wife, so he took it as his cue to leave.
Bunty listened as his feet walked up the stairs and into the room where he and Tina were staying.
"You're carrying our children, Bun. Its the least I could do. I want you to get at least half a decent nights sleep." Abe said, running his hand through her hair and his other hand rubbing circles on her belly.
The babies kicking stopped mostly and Bunty imitateley slipped off into sleep.
Aberforth smiled and picked her up bridal style and carried her to their room. He layed her down on her side of the bad and pulled the covers up over her.
She turned over in her sleep, both hands protectively on her bump, and she cuddled into Abe once he got back in bed.
The Dumbledores were certainly a special couple. Even so, if Bunty had never changed her last name.
@the-real-bruce-banner (a fellow Buntyforth lover)
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brujitasobrenatural · 2 years
Creo que te gustará esta historia: " Animales Fantásticos: Amores improbables " de CristinaSim94 en Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/310664074?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=CristinaSim94&wp_originator=k0P3n%2FYkA6I7xHXrtHtZ%2FrOF4HPJr7BLGG8HuI3OLnnRK2pGbk0p9WcvcUMpI%2Bz3kBT4rzV1JEwZb8rZYLJX5LiYIb24a43UQ3akSl9wPEEqdcW0fkH3J7bKTafLRafD
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brujitasobrenatural · 2 years
Creo que te gustará esta historia: " Animales Fantásticos: Amores improbables " de CristinaSim94 en Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/310664074?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=CristinaSim94&wp_originator=3HL65HeHR2tPIsMxmL1oUPWvFSJ2xCFdlYZ9sC5DV1mqeqkn%2FC2sEpRlX0IlMMnH97c9sZOmo5SSbRbJQ%2FLUPmz5RU07iJ69EvsIiNPxdzyiZKF5cVN3QuPCkDJTG7UX
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brujitasobrenatural · 2 years
Acabo de publicar " 8. Peleas y un corazón destrozado " de mi historia " Animales Fantásticos: Amores improbables ". https://www.wattpad.com/1252081467?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=CristinaSim94&wp_originator=JuvX0RWYYbXeCOAj9I6LiNpPa2veF9iypoz5Zp2%2FYUlAAjhs39Bmj79Fjj%2FlpBEFPOZpIL924JHCYBzTpp81emwPz%2FU2FL3Ofms%2BQ2BN4Hn6wmidkCRYfCixwTRJwDhp
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Yep I also just saw fb3 and I 1000% am on board with Aberforth and Bunty. They seem to just work, even with the small scenes provided. How has no one (that I’ve seen) written a fic yet? Regardless I’d love to know what other potential headcanons you and others have!
Ok I’ll give a few of my HCs for Buntyforth which might also serve as fic prompts 😂:
Bunty’s favorite nickname for Aberforth is “Abe” (obviously)
It took Newt a while to realize that Bunty was starting to fall for Aberforth. He started to notice that every time he sent her on a supply run, she didn’t come back as fast as she did in the past. He would ask her what kept her sometimes and at first she would slightly dismiss the question by saying she got distracted. Then, her excuses turned into her mentioning she was talking to Aberforth and she was sorry she lost track of time. Newt still didn’t think twice about it.
Newt got smacked in the face with the realization after Bunty started to make a habit of getting distracted while making converstion about what her and Aberforth talked about. Newt was use to Bunty talking about random things at work, usually he just tuned her out, but then she started to get overwhelmed with her iterations of the comments Aberforth made. She would mention a joke he said or something one of his customers said and next thing she knew, the animal she was feeding was sizing up to eat her without her notice. Newt told Tina about the constant mishaps at work and she just started giggling at his obliviousness. She told him eventually (when she got off the floor from laughing so hard).
Aberforth loves playing with Bunty’s hands. Just grabbing them, kissing them, and lightly touching her fingers randomly. Bunty is caught off guard everytime and always blushes.
Bunty, on the other hand, loves his face. She’ll just study his face while he works. He doesn’t talk much, so he’s made up for it with his facial expressions. Sometimes she’ll randomly grab his cheek gently and he’ll instinctively lean down so that she can kiss him. His forehead and his jaw are her go-tos. Then they both just go back to whatever they were doing prior.
Aberforth named one of the goat’s after her.
Aberforth gets even more grumpy when he’s sick and he becomes really agitated easily. Bunty is the only one that can tell him to go lay back down and he’ll instantly turn around without fussing.
Bunty took over the Hog’s Head Inn ONE time and never again. There’s a reason she doesn’t work with people.
Bunty took Aberforth to work with her one time and he just gently followed her around. He listened to her talk about each animal and their histories, smiling the whole time. She would tell him when to keep his distance and he would listen, then she would say “ok done” and he would continue his stroll. It was one of his favorite days. (He doesn’t get to take much time off work, but he tries to get someone he trusts to fill his spot for a few hours every few months for this reason only).
Bunty bought him a goat head pin for his vest and he wears it everyday at work.
Aberforth has a habit of seeing things in shop windows in Hogsmeade and just saying “Bunty would like that”. He then proceeds to buy that very item. She loves it every time without fail.
Bunty once convinced Aberforth to wear a matching sweater with her for two hours. There is no physical proof of this event.
Everyone in the bar knows to never disrespect Bunty or they’ll end up like Mundungus Fletcher.
Bunty let it slip that she loved him one night when he was cleaning glasses at the end of the day. She watched him as he became very still and she almost regret saying anything before he looked up at her and did a full teeth smile. Aberforth practically jumped over the countertop after that, racing to pick her up bridal style and kiss her as much as possible.
Aberforth asks Bunty to slow dance with him sometimes by the fireplace in Hogs Head Inn.
Aberforth can personally tell you how many freckles Bunty has.
I would keep going but I don’t wanna over do this one post 😂 Thanks if you actually read even 1/2 of this! Let me know your thoughts as well!
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Do you have any wedding buntyforth headcanons?
The first question that needs to be asked is…would it be small?? Would it really?? One part of me imagines it being HUGE, and another part of me is like no way. I feel as though Bunty wants it to be big…but Abe is too uncomfortable for that. (I know how this reads if your mind is in the sewer but that’s the point 😂 ) I don’t think he would want a big wedding but he wouldn’t want to disappoint Bunty. The truth is Bunty probably would just want a small bunch of friends and family there.
Aberforth is a sweaty mess ALL DAY of the wedding. He’s agitated and he swears that his tie is crooked no matter how many times he casts a spell on it.
Albus is his best man (thanks to Bunty) and he keeps trying to convince his brother that everything is alright and that he looks fine. The more Albus talks, the more Aberforth gets sweaty and convinced everything is going wrong.
Eventually someone gets Bunty and she closes her eyes to come see him. Aberforth closes his eyes and tries his best to act like everything is ok.
Bunty: I thought the bride is suppose to be the one to go mad on the day of?
Aberforth explains that he just wanted everything to be perfect for her because that’s what she deserves. He doesn’t anyone or anything, especially himself to ruin it for her. Bunty just smiles at that thought.
After she assures him that he could do no wrong, he starts to breath again. They interlock fingers for one second before parting again. Aberforth quickly after goes to find Albus to continue the wedding.
They have an outdoor wedding and Newt is the man of honor with Pickett as ring bearer.
Albus gave Aberforth their parent’s old rings since he figured he would never get a chance to use them like he dreamed. Abe knew how much the rings meant to Albus so he took them with much appreciation.
Aberforth absolutely shed a tear when Bunty came down the aisle.
Bunty had memorized her vows and they made Aberforth cry even more than he was trying to, because he knew Bunty meant every beautiful word she said. Aberforth had his vows written down so that he wouldn’t forget to mention anything. They were shorter than hers but sweet. His vows managed to make Newt and Albus cry silently in the back.
Bunty gets a chance to dance with Jacob, Theseus, Newt, and Albus. Aberforth dances with Lally, Queenie, and Tina. It’s some of the most fun everyone has had in a while.
Abe and Albus had a chance to talk after while Bunty was dancing with Newt. Abe explained how he knew how much the rings meant to him and it was the first time he thanked his brother in years. Albus was just glad that his family still got a chance at happiness and he was able to be apart of it.
The food served is a combination of Aberforth’ special recipe and Kowalski baked goods. The cake was done by Jacob too and Queenie enchanted it to have little edible fondant beasts running around on the multiple tiers that leave little footprints in the frosting.
Aberforth marks this day as one of his happiest in his entire life and tries his best to capture and remember every instance. Especially the way that Bunty looks at every moment.
Bunty pulls Abe over at one point in the night to tell him that the day had been better than she ever imagined. Abe just laid his head on her shoulder while she scratched the hair on the back of his neck, watching their friends giggle, laugh, and dance.
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any headcanons you haven’t shared yet? ;)
I’ve actually been working on these for a minute now and also sorry I went quiet, I was gone on vaycay. These are just some HCs that came to mind at different moments. Mostly Fluff and Angst:
Bunty and Aberforth rarely argue, but every couple does at some point. Abe is always quick to apologize if he says something mean. Bunty is also really fast with her apologizes whether it was her fault or not. They’re arguments have never lasted more than a couple hours maximum.
Newt contacting Aberforth about a slight hiccup that happened at work. Aberforth running to find Bunty sleep at the infirmary, being treated for an almost severe bite on her arm. When she wakes up he’s sitting in the bedside chair, holding her hand and fast asleep. She could see the worry and stress on his face and it almost made her cry realizing how important she was to him.
Abe taking off his coat and wrapping it around Bunty so she won’t be cold. It makes her look smaller than she actually is and he adores it.
The first time Aberforth really talked about Ariana and what happened to her, he broke down crying. Bunty held him, with his head on her shoulder, and she just gently rubbed his back. Aberforth couldn’t remember the last time he had someone there to grieve with him about Ariana.
Aberforth always tries his best to remember the dates and anniversaries of everything that happened in their relationship. He knows how important the dates are to her and so he always has a gift put aside for that reason.
Because Abe can do spells without saying them, he started to teach Bunty more on defensive magic and in return she taught him more about herbology. 
Aberforth jumping through hoops to plan Bunty a surprise birthday party. He wanted it to be perfect and that meant he had to pretend like he didn’t get her much for her bday. He could tell that Bunty was slightly bummed about how her day was going and his secret didn’t make anything easier.
First she told him about Newt and how he had forgotten her birthday in total (the truth was, he hadn’t). She had grown used to his obliviousness in regards to her but it still stung. Then, Bunty led the conversation to how she thought they might be able to go out somewhere later but Abe explained he was sadly busy with the bar for the day. Bunty gave a sad smile and made her way upstairs alone. Aberforth almost broke on the spot as he watched her shoulders slump and tears form in her eyes when she acknowledged his “busy” schedule without fuss.
When Abe went upstairs later that day to find her, she had mysteriously disappeared. Aberforth found a note on the nightstand that read, “I understand you’re busy, so I went out on my own for a bit. Be back later. Love you.” -Bunty. This took Abe by surprise because all their friends were downstairs waiting for her in the dark. He was forced to tell everyone that they had to wait a little while longer, so they turned the lights back on and everybody got served drinks.
After a couple hours, the pub door opened and Bunty stepped in covered in muck and dirt but a smile on her face. Everyone stopped in their tracks and Bunty turned confused. Queenie was the only one to shout out, “surprise!” Aberforth made his way to her and pulled her to the side to explain the situation. Bunty had went out to play with beasts to make herself feel better. She was successful but dirty. She couldn’t believe that he had went through all this for her, she kissed him until Newt kindly cleared his throat. It was one of the best birthdays she ever had.
Bunty nervously taking Aberforth to her flat for the first time, she didn’t have visitors often. He was surprised to see how many random artifacts she had collected. Abe noticed that she owned at least 11 framed photos of her and Newt. Mostly them on their journeys over the years, and the pictures were perfectly spread throughout her flat. It made him a little jealous until he saw a picture of himself on her nightstand. She had apparently snuck a portrait of him while he was smiling at a book one morning at breakfast. When Abe asked her about it, she got flustered. Stuttering something about “how he looked quite fetching that morning” and how she “was sorry to invade his privacy like that”. Abe shrugged it off and when he got some free time, found an old photo of himself just for her.
Aberforth loves telling people that Bunty is his partner. Bunty is usually the first thing he brings up in a conversation, especially when he’s forced to talk to somebody.
After a month of knowing and talking to Bunty, Aberforth had grown to care deeply for her. He knew if anything happened to her, he would completely lose it. He was tired of losing people and he refused to lose Bunty too.
Bunty loves to wash Aberforth’s hair. She likes running her fingers through it and just doing whatever. Abe doesn’t mind one bit and now avoids cleaning his hair with magic.
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knightlynox · 2 years
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Moodboard: Buntyforth
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When Bunty arrived, the Hog's Head was empty minus Aberforth carrying some buckets. She introduced herself, and he said he had to feed the goats so to have a seat or whatever. He started walking away. She lit up and was like “Oh you have goats? May I see them?” He stopped & looked back rather surprised, but nodded and she followed him. She asked their names and everything and knew after seeing his interactions with them and talking that she could trust him to handle the qilin.
This would be a great in-between scene! Thank you for the submission!
Him being his usual gruff self and Bunty still being excited to see his animals!
Her watching him be gentle and see the way the goats trust them
Bunty trusts animal instincts more than peoples and she can tell this man is way more loving than he makes himself out to be
Maybe she even tries to help him feed the goats and they automatically like her. Aberforth notices and jots it away in his brain for later
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I’d really really love to know your pregnant!bunty headcanons!
Oooo Pregnant!Bunty would be a thrill. First, I would like to mention that I have no clue whatsoever about the magic that witches use during their pregnancy. For example, the potions they have for illness and so forth. However bare with me and I’ll try not to screw it up 😂
Buntyforth Pregnant HCs:
Aberforth and Bunty weren’t actively trying for a baby. Sometimes they happen to get caught up in the moment and Abe forgets to cast a protection spell.
When Bunty realizes that she is pregnant, she freaks out (in a good way). She doesn’t know yet how she’s going to tell Aberforth because they hadn’t had many convos about their future including children. The topic has been brought up a hand full of times but never in detail.
After a week of knowing, Bunty worked up the courage to tell Aberforth the news. It was early, before Abe went to work, and he was in the mirror tidying his vest when she blurted it out. Aberforth turned around and nearly fainted. Abe told the whole pub that a round of drinks were on him that day.
Bunty’s morning sickness starts to kick in and her senses heighten, she can’t stand the smell of the pub. The thought of it makes her nauseous. So for a limited time only, Aberforth put a spell on the pub and made it smell like peppermint. The regulars surprisingly had no complaints.
Aberforth cooked every meal for her and did his best to make sure she stayed off her feet, even early in the pregnancy when she was barely showing.
Aberforth was proud to share the news with Albus, only after Bunty convinced him it was better to tell him now before he was the last one to know.
Aurelius, Newt and Tina were first, followed by Jacob and Queenie (because of Newtina), and then Theseus and Lally (through Newt and Jacob). It was only a matter of time before the whole village found out. Bunty would hate if Albus felt negativity in any way because of that so she invited him over personally. Albus immediately pulled Aberforth into a hug and told him how excited he was for him. It was sadly one if the only times you saw the brothers happy together.
After Bunty told him that she was expecting he ended up making his way to some old childhood boxes. They had a layer of dust covering them, but they were filled with a lot of objects he had consistently pushed down. One of his old baby socks, a couple photographs, a few children’s stories, and some baby toys. Aberforth figured that maybe it was time to put some of the items back into use.
Aberforth talking to Bunty’s stomach when she’s asleep, because he feels like the convos are more personal.
Neither of the parents had a preference over what gender the baby was, they just wanted them to be healthy (to they’re later surprise they had two daughters).
Aberforth dragging Bunty away from work because she was due in a couple months. He argued she shouldn’t be on her feet in the first place, nevertheless trying to mess with beasts. Bunty laughed at his protectiveness and let him drag her out after she played with the nifflers and mooncalves.
The two of them spent an excessive amount of time trying to find a good room for the baby.
Aberforth’s personal room was the only room that had constant repairs and constant upkeep. The rest of the rooms either had a water leak, smelled like they had a leak, or always had a constant slight breeze. Aberforth joked that he never liked his customers to feel too cozy, where they would feel inclined to overstay. They settled on a room with a few small leaks and several stains and vowed to repair it quickly together with the help of some magic.
Aberforth asking Aurelius to come help decorate the babies room and add his own flare. Aurelius ends up adding a flock of cute birds, gold trimming and painted clouds that move.
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Newt: *checking out Bunty’s ring* “it’s incredible! You made this Aberforth?”
Aberforth: *nods*
Albus: “I knew my brother could weld but had no idea he was quite that good with his hands”
Queenie: *hears Bunty’s snarky thoughts and giggles*
There is nothing for me to add here. Everyone else just enjoy this in-character submission that I adore.
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