#bunny e623
esmeislewd · 6 months
I'm so happy you are enjoying these writings!!
Thanks so much!!!!
However I need to remind you that you are not reading the "story" of E623.
When you read this YOU ARE E623! Now before you read part 4 you need to be a good bunny.
Grab your belly and say the rules
"Bunnies must always follow orders"
"Bunnies must always smile"
"A bunny must never cry infront of anyone"
"A bunny must eat everything given to her, and then must ask for more"
"A chubby bunny is a good bunny"
"A chubby bunny is a happy bunny"
You get out of bed…… you don’t feel good. Your belly feels sloshy and bloated. Your mind also feels bad due to a mixture of sleep deprivation and still being drunk from the bunny juice you drank before going to sleep
After getting your command you go to the bunny feeding room, you feel a very real fear of what is about to happen remembering how much you were encouraged to eat………… however a little part of you is feeling excited………. No…………. You are not excited……….. you were in so much pain as you ate way too much the last time you went to the bunny feeding room………… but there is a chubby bunny growing stronger in your mind slowly taking you over……..
Your meal/meals is like how it was yesterday………. You are just so bloated and full,
You follow the rules and ask for more with your high pitched bunny voice………… it was so so hard to eat the second plate…… but it was a little easier
You follow the rules and you ask for more after your second plate. The voice in your bunny ear headband responds to your request for more with “E623, you sure are a greedy bunny, but you can’t have more food yet, more food will make you too tired for training, but because you are so greedy you will be a happy cubby bunny in due time”
The voice in the bunny headband then guides you from the bunny feeding room down the halls to the waitress training facilities. As you walk down the halls, you stuffed swollen belly makes it hard to walk, every step you take, you feel your belly jostle. However you are not alone as you get closer to the waitress training facility you see many other bunnies, all of them plumper than you, and they all have a forced smile as they rub their stuffed bellies as they make their way to the bunny waitress training facility.
The bunny waitress training facility is multiple bars and tables, and all around the set up are leather couches.
You see in the middle of the room you see the woman who made you sign the bunny contract. Her curvy figure is on full display due to the form fitting cut of her suit. She makes direct eye contact with you, before she starts to speak “ok cocktail bunnies! Welcome to training, but before we start it seems like all of you gobbled up too much food…….” The middle aged curvy woman in a suit playfully rolls her eyes. “Looks like you all have to let those bellies settle, all you bunnies please take a seat.
You and the rest of the waitress bunnies take a seat on a couch. Once the bunnies are settled in on couches the woman in the suit says “now it is time for to make your bellies feel better, give the bunny next to you a belly rub”
You look next to you to see a very plump bunny girl lean back slump she shoulders down and present her belly to you…….
You were given an order to rub the belly of a bunny……. You can’t disobey…… you put your hands on the belly of the bunny next to you…….. her belly is so soft but also it feels firm due to how stuffed with food she was……… you rub her belly and she gives a sign of relief
The woman in the suit then says, “ok bunnies switch!!!”
The plump bunny next to you looks at you with her forced smile, she sits up with a great amount of effort….. she then pushes you back into the couch,
You feel her warm hands make contact with your very bloated belly……… you want to flinch…… but you don’t as her pudgy fingers massage your stuffed belly…… it feels really nice and you feel better….
After awhile the woman in the suit says “ok bunnies time to begin training”
Training is fairly simple while sitting on the couch you say phrases in your high pitch bunny voice “hi cutie, want another drink?” “You are doing so well, keep gambling” “you seem tense, another drink will help you relax” “you are so lucky! Let it ride!”
While you are practicing your phrases occasionally the woman in the suit will call you by code over to a bar station, where you will do the very easy task of bring one drink on a tray, to a table.
When you pick up the tray with a drink on it there is a number on the tray, and you take the tray to the table with the same number on it….. it is a pretty simple task, but with your full belly, and off set mind it feels soooooooooo hard and you are relieved to sit down when you finish it.
When training is done you are ordered to go to the bunny feeding room…….. and after all that hard work of taking a drink to a table a few times you feel like you need some food. You follow the rules and ask for more, again you get really stuffed, but your fully belly reminds you of how good it felt to have your belly rubbed by another bunny girl, and you welcome the feeling.
After meal time you go back to your room where you are presented with a full bottle of bunny juice, you drink it all, and fall asleep drunk, watching and listening to the rules on repeat
"Bunnies must always follow orders"
"Bunnies must always smile"
"A bunny must never cry infront of anyone"
"A bunny must eat everything given to her, and then must ask for more"
"A chubby bunny is a good bunny"
"A chubby bunny is a happy bunny"
Your life falls into a pattern. A buzzer wakes you up, unsure of how long you slept. You go to the bunny feeding room, where you belly gets absolutely stuffed and bloated. Then you go to bunny waitress training where you give and get tummy rubs, before you do hours of phrase and voice training, with a few training sessions where you carry a drink from a bar to a table.
Then you return to the bunny feeding room where you get totally stuffed with food again, always asking for more
Finally you go back to your room where you drink a whole bottle of the very alcohol heavy bunny juice, before falling asleep listening to the bunny rules
You have no idea how fast time is moving, every day your old personality fades and is replaced by a good bunny girl.
One day as you are walking to the bunny feeding room, excited for a big meal for a good bunny. You notice your body suit is really feeling tight. Your new belly is round soft and juggling with every step you take…. As you move you have noticed that your body suite has been really compressing you, making you feel constricted….
As you get close to the bunny feeding room you hear RRRIIIPPPPP, and feel your left new lovehandle and left side of your lower belly paunch exposed to the air….. your bunny body suit has ripped. The second it happened you hear the bunny head band voice say to you “E623, please report to a medical evaluation center for a health check and a resizing if your bunny uniform”
I’m so happy you are liking these. They are a lot of fun to write. I’m trying to add themes and ideas based on what you have posted in the past.
In your upcoming bunny medical evaluation would you like to see the detailed data of what is happening to your body as you fatten up (morbid feedism) or would you prefer to be ignorant to the effects happening to you as you continue to transform into a good chubby bunny?
"Bunnies must always follow orders"
"Bunnies must always smile"
"A bunny must never cry infront of anyone"
"A bunny must eat everything given to her, and then must ask for more"
"A chubby bunny is a good bunny"
"A chubby bunny is a happy bunny"
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E623 reporting for duty and enjoying every second~
I'm really glad they're as fun for you to write as they are fun for me to read! Honestly, I cannot wait to see where this goes! As for more morbid/death feederism stuff I'm undecided where I stand on it. I enjoy it sometimes and sometimes I don't, hard to give a consistent answer for it. Imo go for it if it's something you like and I can always tell you if it's too much or get to it when I'm in the mood ^^
I do have a massive medical fetish tho so love doctors poking and prodding me and stethoscopes are so hot~
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esmeislewd · 6 months
Very very good work E623
Now before part 6 say the rules and grab your belly
(I’m not going to type them, you should have them memorized by now)
It has been some time since your medical appointment.
You are really starting to get chubby. Your belly is softer, your breasts are fuller, your thighs rub together with every step, you are looking like a proper chubby bunny.
After your appointment at the BMEC with the bunny doctor you have fallen into a doomed spiral where every day what was left of your personality is further destroyed and replaced by a good bunny.
Every time you wake up you drink a few shots of bunny juice. You go do the bunny feed room where you drink more bunny juice and eat plate after plate, with no restrictions and you asking for more, you literally eat yourself unconscious.
After you recover from your massive stuffing you report to your casino shift, in your shift you spend your shift serving drinks to women in the casino, getting them drunk, and encouraging them to gamble
Inbetween visits to bar to get a drink for a victim (sorry casino visitor) you are required to take a shot now and again to keep you heavily buzzed, but not sloppy drunk.
As you go around the casino as you speak……. Your voice is high pitched, the bunny voice was easily flowing out of your throat…… in fact your old voice was gone and you only the bunny voice, even if you tried you could not speak how you used too
You go from future victim to victim
“I have your drink cutie”
“You almost won try again!!! You will get it for sure!”
“I got you a complimentary cocktail, you have really not had that much”
“You are here to have fun so let your self have fun!”
Shift after shift you encourage more women to indulge in booze, and gamble the night away.
Not every woman falls victim to the bunny system, but it is always nice to see the women you served become a bunny.
When you finish a shift, it is back to the bunny feeding room. Where you are now permitted to drink bunny juice with no limitations…
Gulp gulp gulp after every shift you drink absurd amounts of alcohol, along with the gluttonous amount of food you eat and eat, always asking for more, eating, asking for more, eating and asking for more until you go unconscious and physically can’t ask for more.
The longer you live like this the more you change. You are getting just so fat, you now are forced to waddle it is impossible for you to walk normally, you get out of breath after walking just a little bit.
You try to get the girls in the casino their drinks quickly, but you have become just so fat…….. 15 minutes into every shift you are a sweaty mess………….
Like normal you keep your belly full and your mind dull and drunk.
In time you have grown so fat that it needed to be addressed………..
You find yourself in the BMED…….. have have been here many times as you have plumped up more and more but now is a little different…… you were told to report here after your performance as a waitress was written up for making girls wait so long for their drinks in the casino.
The bunny doctor looks at you surprised……….. “E623……. You are back here sooner than I expected….” She looked you over and looks shocked……… “do you feel ok???…….” The doctor asks….. she was used to seeing bunnies get ridiculous fat………. But the speed of your gain was concerning to even her…….
After a full session of testing the bunny doctor says “E623…… I you are way ahead of schedule………. I did not predict you would not get this far this quickly……… as valuable as you are to the casino, I am afraid I have to recommend we re assign you to another job……. You just can’t physically work as a waitress anymore…….. however I think you will like your new job a lot” she says that with a smile
…………………………… after much time has passed. “Uuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrpopppopppp” a massive belch escapes your mouth. A very wealthy casino visitor approaches your drunk ass, the rich woman puts bite after bite after bite of food into your mouth…. A curvy woman in a suit, the same one who made you sign the bunny contract smiles at the rich woman and says “you can feed E623 more and faster, she can handle it” the rich woman smiles and shoves a piece of cake into your mouth.
Your handler (the woman in the suit who made you sign the contract) says to the rich woman, “would you like to upgrade to the VIP piggy bunny platinum package, by doing so you can funny feed bunnies, like E623, and obtain access to up to 5 more bunnies than your current VIP piggy bunny gold plan”
The rich woman gives you and your handler a devilish smile as she hands her credit card over…. You soon have a funnel in your mouth as the rich lady pours pitcher, after pitcher down your throat into your massive gut.
Years of being force feed, encouraged to drink gluttonous amounts of alcohol, and having zero physical activity has turned you into a literally fat blob of a bunny.
It has been a year since you tried to stand, and frankly you did not even know if you were immobile because you have not tried to stand for so long.
Living life as a premium blob bunny is the good life, lots of food, lots of praise
You have literally forgotten your old life, forgotten who you were, forgotten your name, forgotten your values you had before you became a bunny. All you know is booze, food, and being a good bunny
This was fun to write out, you were such a good obedient bunny as you said the rules and played with your belly. This is going to be my last part of your chubby bunny journey I write. I loved writing every part but I know when I am about burn out on a story, so I’m going to end it with this part.
Always remember the bunny rules
Say the rules in the bunny girl pitch, grab your belly and remember to always be a good bunny
Bunnies must always follow orders
Bunnies must always smile
A bunny must never cry infront of anyone
A bunny must eat everything given to her, and then must ask for more
A chubby bunny is a good bunny
A chubby bunny is a happy bunny
Thank you so much anon!!!! This was really fun and I loved reading these! If you post stories elsewhere I'd love to read them (if you'd be okay with sending a link either here or in dm) or if you don't want to I really hope you'll send some more of these whenever you next feel like it~
Honestly, in this position I think I would end up like E623~ Stuffing myself beyond the ability to work and just becoming a huge piggy they use to dispose of leftover buffet food, gorging myself for the entertainment of guests and the other bunnys. Shocking the managers and doctors with my rapid growth as I slowly lose myself to the bliss of chasing a full belly utterly ignorant of what was happening to me~
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esmeislewd · 6 months
E623, it is time for part 5
Let your mind fall into that of a good bunny
Grab your soft belly and say in a high pitched, cute voice
"Bunnies must always follow orders"
"Bunnies must always smile"
"A bunny must never cry infront of anyone'
"A bunny must eat everything given to her, and then must ask for more"
"A chubby bunny is a good bunny"
"A chubby bunny is a happy bunny"
You have been given an order, and the voice in your bunny ear headband gives you directions to the bunny medical evaluation center aka the BMEC.
As you walk away from the bunny feeding room, you are disappointed….. you worked really hard at bunny waitress training………
Your belly gave a hungry gurgle, your time as a bunny had not only made your belly softer, and rounder but it has also conditioned it to be used to having it totally stuffed with food during most of the time you were awake. Your belly now craved to get stuffed, it was its new normal, and your belly was upset you had been directed away from the bunny feeding room, and now we’re going to the BMEC.
As you walked to the BMEC, your bunny body suit began to rip more and more with every step you took. By the time you got there, your belly was now overhanging exposed after it had torn the front of your body suit
You are greeted by a woman wearing a white coat with a stethoscope around her neck. She has very tight figure showing scrubs, like your bunny waitress instructor she is on the meaty side, and seems very proud so show off her curves. She is in her mid 40s and when she sees you walk in with your belly out after breaking your body suit she smiles at you in a devious way.
She says is a dark sensual feminine voice “E623, welcome to the BMEC, I am the bunny doctor, and we have……..” she bites her lip “we have a lot we need to test and measure” she is looking at your soft pudgy belly, with a hungry look in her eyes.
The bunny doctor then walks deeper into the BMEC swaying her hips side to side as she approaches a door to an exam room.
She opens the door and with her finger beacons you to enter the exam room
You walk into the exam room, as the bunny doctor closed the door behind you.
The bunny doctor leans in really close to you putting her hand on your belly bursting out of your body suit, “let’s get you ready for you examination” she whispers into your ears
The bunny doctor takes out a pair of sterilized scissors. She turns you around and you feel the cold metal touch the skin in your back as she starts to cut horizontally the body suit “don’t worry E623…” the bunny doctor says as she cuts and you feel non sharp end of the scissors touch glide across your back and you feel them start to press into you love handle, and move to your belly “you might be getting plumper, but I’ll be careful not to cut your new belly”
When she is done cutting the bottom half of your ruined body suits falls to the ground between your feet, and the bunny doctor slowly takes the top half up and over your head, the throws it away in a trash can in the corner of the exam room.
“Ok E623, now sit on the exam table.” The bunny doctor says with a firm tone.
You plop yourself down in the table. The paper on it crinkles as you sit. Your belly and breasts jiggle after the effort.
The bunny doctor then takes off your high heels, then moves to your leggings….. and your leggings are in bad shape…. Your black legging part of your bunny uniform have become so stretched on your plumper body that they have become see through….. and they are so tight on your body…. The bunny doctor has to put real effort in taking them off you….
Once they are off the bunny doctor catches her breath and fixed her hair, after the task of removing your leggings.
You are sitting on the exam table in just your underwear and bunny ear headband. The bunny doctor then says “I need to evaluate your voice, Please state the bunny rules”
You say back
"Bunnies must always follow orders"
"Bunnies must always smile"
"A bunny must never cry infront of anyone"
"A bunny must eat everything given to her, and then must ask for more"
"A chubby bunny is a good bunny"
"A chubby bunny is a happy bunny".
However the high pitched voice is significantly less forced… speaking in your high pitched bunny voice is feeling a lot more natural
The bunny doctor smiles as checks boxes on a tablet and takes notes.
The bunny then says, “E623 please stand up”
You stand up like a good bunny
The bunny doctor then pokes your belly says “you belly has started to get chubby, but what about the rest of your body, I need to see just how much you are letting yourself go”
The bunny doctor then snaps a measuring tape. “Legs together, arms at your sides”
She starts at your ankles, then calves, and then thighs. You feel the tape constrict around you as the bunny doctor inputs the measurements into her tablet
Next is your hips, the bunny doctor starts to wrap the measuring tape around the widest part of hips, after she does your butt, and your belly and then Waistline .
As she does these measurements every time you look down see the bunny doctor’s hands press one side of the measuring tape into your both, bring it all the way around, feeling slight pressure from the tape as it wrapped around you. The bunny doctor then puts the measurements into the tablet, she then slaps your butt hanging out of your very undersized panties “you have been a greedy piggy, you have gotten so pudgy, you definitely are not forgetting to ask for more food”
For the next round of measurements she does your bust, how round your biceps are, and the width of your neck.
She puts the data into her tablet, then she holds your hand and starts to look at your fingers “Wow E623, even your fingers are looking pudgy, what have you done to yourself”
For the next part of the exam the bunny doctor puts away the tape measure and pulls out a caliper (the metal tool that pinches and measure body fat)
The bunny doctor goes to your side and pinches your lovehandle……. “Yep, just as I figured you are a chunker”. She then pinches your developing side role above your lovehandle. She smiles and records rhetorical data
Next she goes right infront of you and grabs a handful of your pudgy belly and says in a sly tone “now for this next part, don’t you dare think about sucking in, even if you did it could not hide the fact that you are quickly becoming a fatty”
She then bends down infront of you so she is eye level with your belly button, your belly rises and falls as you breath as she brings the caliper to your soft belly……. You feel the cold metal pinch your belly……. The bunny doctor laughs “of all the new bunnies I can say your belly is definitely plumping the fastest, you really are greedy”
She then uses the caliper to pinch your arm fat, and measure your newly developed double chin. “You are getting so pudgy, that you wear it on your face”
The bunny doctor then puts the caliper away, “time for the main event” the bunny doctor says with a devilish grin, please go stand on the scale” she points to a scale in the corner of the exam room…. The scale is the type that uses weights to balance the arm at the level line right in front of the patients face.
You step scale and the arm infront of you rockets upwards……
“Wow I did not expect the balance to rise so fast” the bunny doctor says.
The bunny moves the 100 weight into a notch…… the balance does not move……. The doctor then pushes a 50 weight into position…… it does not move…….
The doctor says…… “most women your age should be around this weight, if not lighter…….”
The bunny doctor resets the scale and pushed the 200 balance into position….. the balance does not move……… “OOOOOOOOOOOOHHH MYYYY” the bunny doctor says in an exaggerated way…….. the bunny doctor then says to herself under her breath “this girl is fat”
The bunny doctor then pushes adds a 10 weight to it…… it dips down for the first time only to rise back up…….. she puts another 10……. It dips down a little and says a little down, she posts another 10 on the slider…….. with the scale set to 230 pounds the balance is still floating above the level line……
The doctor then makes the scale balanced for 240 pounds……. And it hovers just a little above the line………….. she adds 1…… still above…… she adds another…….. the line rocks back and forth before settling at 242 pounds!
Before you can process just what this bunny contract is doing to your body you feel the doctor wrap her arms around you from behind, and her hands grab and shake your belly “242 pounds!!!! You are growing into a real chubby bunny, as a doctor I have to inform you that you are considered medically obese”
For the next part the bunny brings out a blood pressure cuff and gets her stethoscope ready. “Please sit back on the examination table E623”
You do as she says, your fatter butt crinkling the paper.
She puts the blood pressure cuff around your arm……. But when the Velcro is closed it feels very tight on you ……. The bunny doctor says “it seems like you are too big for the standard….. I have to use the XL cuff” she switches it, and the new cuff does properly fit your chubby arm….. the doctor inflates the cuff and then you feel the cold stethoscope touch your arm……….. she listens as the cuff deflates.
She has a big smile as she gets the results she was hoping for…..
“E623, I need to inform you that your blood pressure was 127 over 85. That means you have elevated blood pressure, this is likely due to a sedentary lifestyle, your diet, and the excess amount of weight you carry. Being obese raises the likely hood you developing hypertension quicker, so please keep that in mind. To drive how serious this is I am officially giving a diagnosis of pre hypertension” The bunny doctor was trying to sound serious, but she had a mocking smile on her face when she said spoke to you about your it blood pressure.
The bunny doctor then put her blood pressure kit away and said “ok E623, it is time for your last test…….. I need to see how much your belly can handle.” She went to a refrigerator and pulled out a massive pitcher of what looked like brown sludge….
“This right here is I call a bunny belly buster smoothie, it is a mixture of concentrated protein powder, melted ice cream, butter, chocolate, and of course alcohol”
She then gets a funnel with a tube attached to it. “Now be a good bunny and open up, with what a piggy bunny you see I know you want it”
The tube is inserted into your mouth…… the bunny doctor begins to pour…….. it quickly fills your mouth causing your cheeks to bulge……….
“If you dont swallow E623, you will be punished” the bunny doctor says with spite in her voice………..
you are a good bunny and you start to swallow, gulp after gulp………… finally it is over…….. but then the bunny doctor is starting to pour more down the funnel!!!!!!!!!!
The more you drink, the alcohol starts to take hold of you………..
………………… finally the tube leaves your mouth……………… and you feel bloated beyond anything f you have ever ever felt before. You are very drunk, and the room seems to be spinning. You find yourself falling to the floor……….. you to speak, but the only sound coming out of your mouth is deep breaths, a burp, or hiccups……….
As you lay drunk on the floor you see the bunny doctors legs walk up to you and stop…….
You look up at her but she looks blurry…….. you can’t focus on what she looks like……… you are so drunk…….
The blurry figure of the bunny doctor infront of you starts to talk
“Si….. ….p.”
“…..it …….”
The tone now sounds frustrated
“E…….3, SIT …….ur f….t as…… u…….”
You feel a sharp shock ZZZAAAPPPP
the pain forces you to sober up a little.
“That is be…ter, now SIT UP”
You really don’t feel like you can move……. You are so bloated and drunk from your medial funnel feeding. But the pain from the shock motivates you to sit up….. but you slump forward, your bloated gut surging outwards.
The bunny doctor measures how wide your belly is when you are at your absolute (current) limit of how much it can handle.
After she records her data she says to you
“E623, I am very pleased with your progress, your mental resistance is almost completely gone, you are gaining faster than the average bunny, and your weight seems to be settling in a figure flattering manner.”
She starts to type something into the table
“I am going to authorize less limitations on how much you are allowed to eat in the bunny feeding room, you have proven you have the belly capacity to handle an extra plate or two more than your current average meal size. I am also going to mark that you are ready for casino work as a waitress, you will still have to report to training sometimes, but you will not be spending more time working in the casino than in training. Lastly I am going to prescribe you more alcohol, now instead on only getting your bunny juice before you fall asleep, you will now be required to have a constant intake of alcohol, less while you are working, but now during meal times and training you will be drinking a significant more amount of bunny juice”
Two nurses, both are wearing bunny ears, but instead of a body suit they are wearing a sexy nurse uniform.
The bunny nurses help your drum bloated body up. In only your underwear the nurses prop you up and escort you back to your room.
As you leave the bunny doctor says “keep up the good work E623, go right to bed when you get back to your room, when you wake up new bunny uniforms will be in your room ,fit to your current size. I look forward to your next visit to the BMEC”
You don’t remember the nurses guiding you back to your room, but you feel into a deep sleep, snoring away
I hope you like this one, it was fun to write and I hope it helps keep you inspired to continue your gaining journey
Part 6 will be you living the chubby bunny life
Now before you do anything else, grab your belly and say the rules in a high pitched tone. And also eat a nice big meal
"Bunnies must always follow orders"
"Bunnies must always smile"
"A bunny must never cry infront of anyone"
"A bunny must eat everything given to her, and then must ask for more"
"A chubby bunny is a good bunny"
"A chubby bunny is a happy bunny".
(i do apologise about my voice being a little rough, hayfever is being kind of brutal this year T-T)
Oh gosh that was such a good chapter~ I loooooooove this doctor! Going to have to find excuses to come back to the BMEC as often as possible so she can be mean to me again~ Thank you so much anon!!!
I positively can't wait to see where this is going in part 6, E623 has some very fun changes ahead of them and they're going to positively blimp ^^
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esmeislewd · 6 months
Hey E623 before you read part three you must say out loud the rules, in real life
You must also say it in a high pitched voice
"Bunnies must always follow orders"
"Bunnies must always smile"
"A bunny must never cry infront of anyone"
"A bunny must eat everything given to her, and then must ask for more"
"A chubby bunny is a good bunny"
"A chubby bunny is a happy bunny"
Say it three times over then you many read part 3
As you followed the verbal instructions down the halls, as you get closer to the bunny feeding room. You see a line of mostly fatty bunnies waiting for their turn for food, you stand in line.
You wonder what the bunny feed room looks like…………. Zap!!!!!! You were not smiling…. You force a smile
A plump bunny girl next to you gives you an actually real non forced smile, but her eyes show no signs of life or independent thought,and she says to you in a high pitched tone “awwwwwww you must be a new scared bunny” she pokes your stomach…. “Wow you are much too skinny, don’t worry before you know it you will become a happy chubby good bunny”
You realize that have so many hours of introduction training has left you feeling hungry….. your stomach lets out a growl………
The line moves quickly and as you enter the bunny feeding room. The bunny feeding room looks like a mixture between a factory and a cafeteria buffet. Big machines mass produce ungodly amounts of heavily processed foods that fall onto the plates of bunnies holding their food under a tube…
After getting food, the bunnies go to one of the many tables, seat their plump ass down and start to eat as fast as they can….. afterwards they all say “can I have more” and then they are given permission by the voice in their bunny ear headband to get back in line for more food, she stuff into their already packed stomachs
It is your turn to go to the dispenser, the food plops onto your place, and you are directed to find a place to sit,
You sit down between two fat bunny girls, there is little room for your tinny body as you are squished between the hips of the bigger bunnies around you…..
You are hungry and you eat the extreme about of processed food, you feel so full…… you let out a sign as your bloated belly pushes against your body suit…… however you broke a bunny rule……. You feel a sharp shock in your neck and the voice in the bunny ear headband says “E623. You finished your food but you did not ask for more. Follow the rules and be a good bunny.”
You the say “can I have more?”
You feel another shock…… you were so bloated and full of food you had trouble making your voice high enough……
The voice in your headband says “say it with the proper tone!”
You take a deep painful breath with all your might you force a high pitched voice, “can I have mo uuurrrrppppp re”
The voice in the head band says “yes E623, you can have more, get back in line”
With a painful effort you force your stuffed bloated body up from the seat and you waddle you hear the voice in your head band say “I know it hurts E623, but you plump up to a proper bunny it will get easier….
You get another plate full of food, you sit down…… you try to eat it all but you can’t, you get half way through the plate and you can’t get anymore bites……. ZZZZAAAAAPPPP
You hear from your headband “a good bunny must eat everything give to her…..”
You try to eat more to avoid more zaps, but you fail and the pain of the zap becomes more intense….. the pain of the zap becomes greater Thant he pain of stuffing your belly full of more food…….. you force yourself to eat more….. it takes a while but you finish the plate……… you know you have to ask but you don’t want to……….. you ask “can I have more?”
The voice in your headband says “E623, no more food for you, soon you will be allowed to eat more, but until you grow into a bigger bunny you are permitted to eat more during this meal session…… you are now required to go to your room.
You are relieved that you don’t have to eat more……… but there is a new aspect inside you now, and it is disappointed that you are done eating…..
You painful haul your bloated belly into your room, the door locks you in right after you enter……
You want to crawl into bed……… but the voice in your bunny ear headband says “E623 you must drink your bunny juice before you are permitted to sleep……..”
Then a bottle of pink liquid lands with a thump into the delivery slot in the wall… the voice says “grab the bottle and drink it up as you watch your training video.”
You grab the bottle and open it…. It smelled very sweet, but also like very strong alcohol…… you force it down into your already packed belly…… as you start to drink a video comes onto the screen. It is a group of very fat bunnies saying in unison in a high pitch
"Bunnies must always follow orders"
"Bunnies must always smile"
"A bunny must never cry infront of anyone"
"A bunny must eat everything given to her, and then must ask for more"
"A chubby bunny is a good bunny"
"A chubby bunny is a happy bunny"
As you drink you hear the rules over and over buzzing around in your head…….. as you get more and more drunk the rules get seem to get louder, with every gulp of booze you drink the rules become more imprinted into your mind……… after you finish the bottle you are a very bloated drunk bunny………. You drift off to sleep hearing the rules over and over, sealing it on your brain.
A Loud beeping noise wakes you up…… you did not know how long you were allowed to sleep, you have no idea what time it is……. You feel a shock zaaaapppp and you hear the bunny ear headband voice say to you “just because you just woke up does not mean you don’t have to smile”
You force a smile, it is a little less forced and a little more empty than it was yesterday.
The voice continues “you will report to the bunny feeding room, the. After you will report for bunny job training, you will be trained as a cocktail waitress for the casino”
End of part 3.
I am LOVING where this is going~ I cannot wait for E623 to grow more into her role at the casino and have the training really start to take hold along with that diet. Forcing the bunnies to ask for seconds is such a nice touch and I absolutely love it! Forcing someone to be complicit in their own submission or transformation just does things to my brat brain and it's amazing
whoever is writing these thank you I love this so much it's amazing!!!!
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esmeislewd · 6 months
Here is part 2 for a girl who did such a good job gaining In March
You agree to take the deal… you sign a long lengthy contract that you were not given the opportunity to read and you were recorded on video agreeing to the contract tract verbally stating you understand the contract before you sign it.
Right after you sign it you see a plump woman waddle into the office dressed in a “sexy” nurse uniform she has some type of tagging device……. “Hold still” she says as she brings the device to your neck…. It really hurts, and the site is cleaned up and a bandage is put on the right side of your neck.
The curvy woman behind the desk smiles and says “you hardly flinched, what a good girl, you are going to fit in soon enough” the woman behind the desk then continues, now you will be taken to your room, you will get dressed watch the new bunny video introduction video, and lastly” the woman gave a big cruel smile “it is against your contract to speak your name or respond to your name, while you are under contract here you will only respond to E623, and breaking contract results in punishment”
The woman behind the desk smiled and then said “now __________” as she says the name you were given at birth “exit the office, there are bunnies outside waiting to take you to your new room.
As you walk to the door you feel a sharp painful shock on the right side of your neck, where the nurse put the device of hers up to. You fall to the floor in pain…
The woman behind the desk laughs in a malicious manner “you have to be be better at following the rules little bunny, it is against the rules to respond to your name, you can only respond to E623”
The shocking stops and you look up, to see the woman in the suit laughing over you, you can’t see her face due to her belly blocking your view of it as you look up from the floor.
A tear comes down your cheek as you realize just what your life has become……. You feel another painful shock
The woman bends down, her belly bunching up fighting against the waist band of her dress pants as she does she looks angry “it is also against the rules for a bunny to cry infront of others, now get up!!”
You force yourself not to cry as you stand up. You leave the office where you see two chubby bunny girls waiting for you.
As you look at the faces of the two chubby bunny girls you see they have a forced smile, but eyes that looked dull and hopeless. With a high pitched tone they say in unison “Hi E623!!! Welcome to the bunny family, you might be a poor little skinny bunny right now, but soon you fit in with the rest of us as you find your purpose in our family!! Now let’s go to your room!”
You follow the chubby bunnies down the hall to an elevator…. Their asses hanging out of the sides of their body suites, bouncing and jiggling with every step, their stockings were so tight they had become see through, their love handles swayed with every step they took, and even their back rolls jiggled a little as they walked.
When you entered the elevator one of them hit a button with a 6 on it as the elevator went down unground
Upon leaving the elevator you see a vast maze of metallic hallways and doors.
The chubby bunnies guide you to your room…… there was a metal door with E623 on it, you enter the room and the door closes automatically, and you hear it loudly lock.
The room is very simple, there is a queen size bed, a bathroom, a shower, a mirror infront of a desk with a make up kit on it, a closet, a delivery slot in the wall, and lastly a large screen taking up almost an entire wall.
You hear a command speak to you from the tv “E623, please put on your uniform”
You do as you are told, you want to avoid being shocked again
You go to the closet where you find a sparkling body suit, it is a tight fit but you squeezed into it, next is the thigh high leg wear…… you slide into it, for a moment you pause to think how good your legs look before you remember why you are here and the terrible situation you are in.
You slide into the high heels….. it was going to be hard walking in these…… and lastly you put in the bunny ears……. The second you do you hear a command through a tiny speaker In The headband of the bunny ears, “E623 now please pay attention to the introduction video, any slight deviation from the screen will result in punishment”
The screen comes to life
On the screen is a very fat woman in a very very tight fitting bunny outfit. As she waddles to the center of the screen she starts the training in a very bubbly and high pitch tone. “HEYYYY, so I am super excited for you!!!! You have chosen to be a bunny at the casino!!!”
She takes a moment to catch her breath
“I’m A37 and im here to tell you about what your new expectations are!!!! I’m going to say a rule, and then you say it out loud and repeat it back to me!!!! Let’s practice bunnies must always follow orders!!!”
You really don’t know what the hell is happening, but after 2 seconds of you not saying -bunnies must always follow orders- You feel a sharp shock in your neck, as you fall to your knees In pain. The video pauses and you hear from your bunny ears “E623, you must repeat everything A37 says in the introduction video or else you will be punished.
You say “bunnies must always follow orders”
The video resumes A37 says “good, now say it again, but more like a bunny force your voice to a higher pitch!! Bunnies must always follow orders!”
You repeat “bunnies must always follow orders”
The second you say that you feel a shock. You hear the ear speakers say to your pitch was not high enough, bunnies must always speak with a high pitch in their voice”
You say it again “bunnies must always follow orders”
You are shocked again “not high enough”
You try again, “bunnies must always follow orders”
Zzzaaaaappppppppp “try again”
You force your voice even higher “bunnies must always follow orders”
————— no zap, you hear the voice in the ear headband say “good now keep that up”
The video resumes and A37 continues
“Bunnies must always smile”
You repeat in a forced high tone “bunnies must always smile”
A37 on screen says “GOOD” as she gives a thumbs up with her pudgy hands “you are getting the hang of it keep it up!!!” A37 catches her breath and continues “A bunny must never cry infront of anyone”
You repeat in a high tone “a bunny must never cry infront of anyone”
A37 then says “a bunny must eat everything given to her, and then must ask for more”
This whole situation was weird…….. but this rules said on screen was more strange than the others…… this one really did not fit In with the rest…….. however you took too long thinking about it and ZZZAAAPPPPPPP. The video pauses and You fall down in pain as you are shocked you hear from your bunny ear headband “E623, please don’t think about the rules, just repeat them back with an appropriate bunny voice”
You get up and you say in a high pitched voice “a bunny must eat everything given to her, and then must ask for more”
The video resumes and A37 says “now do as I do and repeat after me, A37 then started to poke her soft fat belly with her finger and smile and laughs a little as she says “a chubby bunny is a good bunny”
You repeat back “a chubby bunny is a good bunny”
ZZZAAAAPPPPPP. The video pauses again. You hold the right side of your neck In pain as you are shocked……. The speaker in your bunny ear headband says “E623 you did not poke your belly like A37 did on the screen, also the pitch of your voice was too low…. Try again”
You want to cry, you want to stop smiling but you cant, you will be shocked if you don’t do it correctly you……. You make your forced smile bigger and you poke your, not so chubby belly and say with a high pitched voice “a chubby bunny is a good bunny”
The video resumes…… you did it right…… the shocked were so painful, you are so relieved you were not shocked again…….
A37 then jiggles her belly and says “a chubby bunny is a happy bunny”
You then try your best to jiggle your belly and you say in a high pitch “a chubby bunny is a Happy bunny”
A37 on screen then says “yay you did it!!!! Those are the main rules, to make sure you got it we are going to go over them again……
For the next few hours you repeat with a forced smile, and a high pitched voice. Following A37’s movement when the rule was about a chubby belly
“Bunnies must always follow orders”
“Bunnies must always smile”
“A bunny must never cry infront of anyone”
“A bunny must eat everything g given to her, and then must ask for more”
“A chubby bunny is a good bunny”
“A chubby bunny is a happy bunny”
Over and over for hours you do this, you start to feel tired, you make more mistakes, you have to really force the high pitch…… but after many hours the screen shuts off and you hear from your headband “E623 training will be suspended for now, please follow follow the verbal instructions given to you as you leave your room to go to the bunny feeding room”
Your door opens up and unlocks and you hear from your bunny ear headband, “exit your room and turn left”
End of the 2nd part. Later I’ll give you the 3rd part if you prove to your followers you are continuing to become fatter, lazier, hungrier, and more docile
“Bunnies must always follow orders”
“Bunnies must always smile”
“A bunny must never cry infront of anyone”
“A bunny must eat everything given to her, and then must ask for more”
“A chubby bunny is a good bunny”
“A chubby bunny is a happy bunny”
I don't need to think or show initiative I just need to keep eating and doing what I'm told because that's what I'm made for ^^ A docile submissive little piggy, the only thing I love more than following orders is stuffing my fat belly~
ah wow this is getting really fun ^^ I absolutely cannot wait for more I hope you realise~ This is really delving into some of my deeper kinks I don't talk about that often and its soooooo good, I adore getting to play with droneification (idk if I spelt that right) and the managers are absolutely ruthless~
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esmeislewd · 6 months
Time for another piggy as a reward for plumping up so well in March.
How do you feel about this.
You go to a casino. However this is a new special casino, no toxic masculinity allowed. Only women all allowed to enter this casino, and the staff is all women.
When you enter the casino you see every staff member is wearing a similar outfit. A very tight fitting sparkly body suit, heavy make up, bunny ears, black leggings, and high heels. Most of the workers are chubby, some are just down right fat on mobility scooters, and very few are skinny
A pudgy bunny girl checks you into the your room. With a forced smile she says “I hope you have a wonderful time with us”
Before you leave for your room she hands you a room key, and along with the room key you get a golden card, with a note that says good for 50 dollars in the casino.
After you get settled into your room you go to the casino to see how what shows or events there are to do, you step out of the elevator and step into the casino. It is a visual and audio experience of bunny girl workers serving drinks, dealing cards, runnings games. You can not hear yourself think die to all the noise of women celebrating winning, slot machines buzzing, and roulette wheels spinning……
Before you know it you see a chubby bunny worker approach you. In a confident but demanding way she says “hey sweetheart how about you test your Luck” as she puts her plump fingers on your shoulders and guides you to a slot machine…… she says “the jackpot is pretty big, see if you can handle it”
You have the gold card with 50 dollars….. you put it into the machine. The machine comes to life, you get lost in the lights as the push the button to gamble. You win 5 dollars. The chubby bunny girl with you says “nice job cutie……. Keep going”
You listen to her. After all the money on the gold card was not “your money” the casino gave it to you.
You continue to play the slot machine…….. won 2 dollars, lost 25 dollars……. Better get it back…..
Won 10 dollars, lost 7 dollars……
“Good girl” the cubby bunny girl with you says “you are a natural, keep playing.
You lose track of time as you continue to gamble. Too distracted by the chubby bunny girl complimenting you, the lights from the slot machine, and the noises it keeps making.
The chubby bunny girl with you hits the server button on the slot machine. A skinny flustered bunny girl approaches the slot machine. The chubby bunny accompanying you whispers something into the ear of the skinny server bunny girl, for a brief moment she has a look of disgust and horror on her skinny face….
You see The skinny bunny girl look at you with a look of concern she looks around quickly and then while looking you straight into the eyes she say “hey, you don’t know what is going on here, don’t end up like me…. You need to get ou……………. AAAAAAAAAA” the skinny bunny girl stops mid sentence and cries out in pain as she holds her neck………….
The chubby bunny girl looks very angrily at the skinny bunny girl. The chubby bunny girl then turns to you and says “just keep gaming, you are winning so often……. Don’t mind her” the chubby bunny girl says as she gestures to the skinny bunny girl. “She is new and is still learning how to do her ROLE PROPERLY!!”
The skinny bunny girl sadly walks away and returns with a very large cocktail drink….. the skinny bunny girl forces a smile and says “here you go cutie…… on the house….” The skinny bunny girl sets the drink next to you and sadly walks away, to continue serving drinks to other casino patrons.
You take a sip of the drink….. wow that is a strong drink…… you take sips every so often continuing to play the slot machine…….
Did you finish the drink….. when did a new cocktail arrive…….. you won 40 dollars!!!!!! Take another sip….. you won 20 dollars…… take another sip…… you lost 70 dollars…… how many drinks have you had?…… it does not matter because you just won 85 dollars!!!!!!!!
After awhile the chubby bunny girl stands you up giving your cheek a cute pinch…….. “you have done so well my little winner, you have 200 dollars on your gold card……… you are such a good lucky girl how about we get you a snack, another drink, and have you win some real money.
The chubby bunny girl takes you by the hand and takes you to the buffet, and you are drunk and hungry so you don’t resist.
At the buffet your chubby bunny girl who has been with you this whole time checks you in and has them charge the fee to your room…… you did not hear the amount it cost, but you are drunk and having a good time, and you won so much money…. Who cares how much the buffet is
In your drunk state you gather so much food, pizza, Mac n cheese, cake, steak bites, more cake. You have a loaded plate. You sit down at a booth with the chubby bunny girl, where of course she has gotten you another strong cocktail
You really eat and eat…… your poor belly is so full, your mind is so foggy from the booze….. but the chubby bunny girl smiles and says “you gotta make sure you eat everything” as she brings more food to the table.
You don’t resist as she takes food up to your mouth……. You bite into it filling up your belly more and more….. “drink some more, it will make you feel better” the chubby bunny girl says as she brings another strong cocktail to your lips, “drink it up, be a good girl”
You feel really sick, but the chubby bunny girl starts to rub your swollen belly full of food and booze…….. when you start to burp the chubby y bunny girl says “good job, feeling better?”
After a good amount of belly rubs and burps the chubby bunny girl says now let’s get back to the casino and win some real money for you……
By now you are super drunk you can’t think for yourself, and you feel sick due to how much you ate, but you keep listening to the chubby bunny girl and doing what she says…..
You need up at a roulette table you are fading in and out but you hear “and the adorable lady has put 200 on black, let’s see if she can double her gold card!!!”
“3 red, I’m sorry miss but your gold card is empty”
“That is no big deal, she is so lucky, let’s set her up with credit…..”
You barely remember agreeing to gamble with credit
The night goes on with the chubby bunny girl eagerly encouraging you to gamble more and more
You lost 150 dollars
“That is ok, remember how lucky you were earlier you just have to keep playing and your luck will turn again”
You lost 5000 dollars
“Hey you have to win next time”
You win 100 dollars
“See your luck is turning around!”
You lost 30,000 dollars
“Hey keep betting big, and you will win big”
You win 50,000 dollars
“See what I told you, let it ride!!!!”
You lost 100,000 dollars
“Shake it off you still can easily make it up by taking more credit”
You won 20,000 dollars
“See how cute she is, here remember to keep drinking, it’s more fun to gamble when you drink”
You lost 300,000 dollars
“Hey finish your drink and rally, you got this….”
You lost _________dollars…………
“Sorry sweetheart sometimes things just don’t go your way…………..”
You lose consciousness as the booze finally over powers your tired brain…
You wake up in what seems like a luxury office…… seated infront of you is curvy woman in a business suit…..
You have a terrible hangover “about time you woke up” the curvy woman behind the desk says “I have gone through your assets and you do not have the 2 million, 72 thousand and 24 cents to cover your debt to the casino………” she pauses…. “You have a choice you can go to jail, or you can work off your debt in the casino” she holds up a sparkly body suit, bunny ears, leggings, and high heels.
End of part 1, I’ll post part 2 later
Oh Oh this is so devious and I am sooooooooo excited to read the part 2!!! This set up is absolutely immaculate for some very morally dubious forced weight gain. Whoever you are anon please start writing fat fic if you aren't already this is wonderful~ Also I'm really coming around to the idea of intox play tbh, originally I just liked hypnosis for playing with my brain but the idea of getting me drunk and taking advantage is honestly kind of hot ngl~
I'm absolutely taking the bunny suit btw~
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esmeislewd · 6 months
Just spoke with the anon who was writing the bunny E623 posts and a few of the others and for those that want more of their work you can find it at https://www.deviantart.com/ftty123456/gallery ^^
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esmeislewd · 6 months
Also I’m working on part 5 of your chubby bunny journey, I hope to have it in your ask box by the evening, but am more busy today. Sorry if you have to wait for it E623
It's honestly no problem at all~ Please don't feel rushed or obligated to have a part in every day! I'm absolutely loving it but I'm not entitled to your time~
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esmeislewd · 6 months
You are being a very good bunny E623, we all look forward to watching you progress.
In the next part I’ll make the exam very medical focused, but I will not be morbid or dark about it, I might imply a medical professional taking and measuring your vitals, but will not make it seem your life is threatened. If anything I do crosses a line with you please express it and I will not do it again
I don't mind implying health problems at all~ I just generally prefer not to dwell on them beyond a bit of teasing about it ^^
I honestly just love doctors being mean to me~
But thank you for checking with me!
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