#bunny doll ice scatters au
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rozenmaiden25 · 10 days ago
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Baced on the amazing digital circuits skating au when they said Jax used to make ragatha cry so he started being nicer to her I envision it like a Damian and Anya thing
There so good and I love what they did whith the story and characters @https://www.tumblr.com/deduukkk
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cupsofsuga · 5 years ago
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{ ⚠️} WARNING - This is a yandere au, meaning the following may be triggering to some viewers.  I am not trying to discriminate the boys in any way, this is for entertainment purposes. Viewer discretion is advised!!!
{ ☕️} NOTE - there’s some heavy violence in this headcanon! again, viewer discretion is advised! also, thank you anon for being so kind!!!
{ 💐} ANON ASKED - ❝ Hcs for each member to their s/o having a hard time at school because they have a lot of exams and there is like this one girl who is kinda bothering them a lot and says thing’s like „you’re so dumb“ + Thank you for your hard work🌟 :) ❞
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whilst walking through the early afternoon, jin can’t help but let his mind wander to his y/n
they are candied cherries, chocolate-covered strawberries, slices of honeydew of a sultry june afternoon
they are a summer sonnet, saccharine sunshine embodied
they are in every means the light in a pit of darkness
and just before his fists meet with the mahogany door, the hushed sounds of sobbing brings his ethereal thoughts to an abrupt halt
that sugary taste of spring melts into a metallic tang
jin is ripped from the arms of serendipity and embraced by a holy, winter night; he is exploited by hell and feels it’s knife-sharp kisses litter his body
and without a second thought, he bursts through the door with enough force to puncture the wood
he is quick to provide aid for his love, letting them trail on of tales of their arrogant teachers and that sadistic blonde who finds pleasure in your torment
jin’s heart shatters and underneath the glass shard in unfathomable rage
and just like that, we watch as his anger swells and the events that follow after the faltering of his flower
5:38 PM, your teacher who has thrust you into a rough patch with school stands by his car
jin strikes, he falls to the ground, streets seeping with crimson blood as his sinful acts bleed into the creases of the pavement
the brick in his hand is quickly disposed of as he hijacks the stranger’s car and attends the key to his office
hours later, he finds you, nestled under silky blankets with moon tea in your grasp
he presents to you a cheat sheet, relishing in the way you smile so vividly and the summer petals that asphyxiate him
next, is that girl who dared to let you cry tears for her
and the acts performed on her were horrific
he nustles you back into bed, a gentle kiss to the head and caresses to the cheek, then, he is off into the night
within the next 12 hours, jin had managed to slice off her fingers and toes, laughing sadistically as she begs for mercy
the annoying disunity of her pained, guttural screams irritated jin, and to end of the night with a bang, he forced her to eat a bullet
now, the burdens have been disposed of, the anger has simmered and his love has found peace, you both can live smoothly
without the suffocating weights of the horrid world, jin can listen to his midsummer sonnets as they grace his world with their delicate smiles and infectious laughter
finally, he can breathe.
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yoongi awakes in the evening a couple of steps into march, early spring sticky on his cheeks and sheets pressed upon his dainty legs
the burning revelation of what lies next to him feels like the midnight sun warm against his bareback
he knows the love of his life rests right beside him, deep in a luminescent slumber
yoongi turns his body around, meeting with his love, who instead is perched on the side of the bed, phone screen illuminating the room that drowned in obscurity
beneath that canopy of constellations, there is his y/n, crying out to the empty night
and that bruising palpitation that strikes his heart with one bitter-intended swing could’ve crumbled planets in the galaxy to nothing but dust bunnies you’d find nestled in the depths of the attic
every bated breath is suffocated within his lungs, saltwater smothering him as he can’t find the words to provide aid for the love of his life
the ashes skies and dull clouds envelop him, and alas, magic has died
with a gentle touch to your shoulder, the boy behind you coos and hushes his own cries of worry as you both sit in solid darkness
through saturated cries, you manage to cough up tales of demons that litter the hallways, choking on the acerbic aftertaste of tears
with the moon strung high, yoongi finds devotion through the thorn-laced ivy that punctures his form
he must prove his infatuation, he must
after all, when the world left him astray, you painted him gold with stardust brewing in your lungs
when the galaxy abandoned him, you gifted him the sun as if the planet was nothing but coins in your pocket
when he was alone, you were there in all of your effervescent glory
and that leaves your lover now, writing an anonymous complaint about that blonde’s behavior, lacing the letter with false stories of her becoming physical
yes, yoongi knows this is wrong, but that image of you with gleaming tears sprinting down your cheeks robs him of any potential mercy
he loves you, and he must defend you from the world
and there it is, your smile
you look like a pack of adonis blue butterflies in the summer, the diamonds that scatter the galaxies, rose petals as they fall from the clouds
you are happy, and now you can live in tranquillity
as the sun sets and the wolves venture out of their the caves, you two spend eternal hours on the roof, sipping cheap red wine as bellowing laughter echoes
and it’s so sweet - so, so sweet - living days in the depths of ice-rimmed snow globes and soaring through the land of hogwarts
it's so sweet finding forever summer within the cold days of late winter
it’s so sweet to live the rest of his days with you.
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❝ oh, oh! i’ll do them for you! ❞
without a hint of breath, hoseok interferes your rant about exams with a shimmering idea
that’s who he was, after all
a boy willing to spit out the ash of bullets with the sun pounding against his ribcage and with the alacrity of his spirit
he’d watch the stars bleed and summer fade, he’d embrace violence with pleasure and hunt out the wolves of the night
he’d swallow seas, seethe in hellfire, swim within the embers of the sun and wither planets to dust
he’d just about do anything for you, and you milked his very desire to do such
you see, exam season was hot on your tail and there were only seconds before you witness the death of a downfall behind procrastination
the elegance of time has faded, and fortunately for you, your pretty-pliant boy toy is there with a cape to save the day
you should feel guilt for manipulating and twisting your lover's brain, but, the poison that seeps through the maze of your veins robs you of any empathy
his whitening bones and your rotten figure, his sunset skies and your ashen wastelands
you both might as well have been a devil and an angel sitting in the same high school class
but, the burden of exams is only an inkling of the baggage heavy on your shoulders
that blonde who finds sadistic pleasure in turning your life into a living hellhole awaits your next move, and with the help of your delusional lover, you may find stars within the black hole of the universe
as your grades all skyrocket as planned, you’ll have enough golden stars and lollipops to have her regina george and her precious good-girl streak melting into the tile before her expensive platforms
so, as the next afternoon blossoms, you meet hoseok at his locker with a disposition burning within your heart and ask him out on a date, watching as summer’s sky drowns out within his irises and the essence of spring spreads amongst his doll-like features
as he accepts with a stutter, you become concerned with whether or not you should check if the poor boy is still breathing, but settle on attending the ice cream parlor on the corner of town
and as you both sit in the sunset as superman ice-cream stains his lips, your plan proceeds in perfect harmony
with your sweetheart who resembles a golden retriever who’s met face-to-face with a battered-off tennis ball, your every desire is granted
with cloy praises and sugar-tainted caresses, you’re passing your exams with a pretty little pet there to serve to every one of your commands
and blinded by the infatuation through the manipulation, hoseok finds lavender-infused meadows and universes undiscovered
ever waking second with you, he finds the sun as it beats against his empty eyelids
alas, he has found clarity within the treacherous world
and he doesn’t know what he’d do if you ever left him.
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wednesday afternoon, namjoon is roaming around the somewhat-secluded library, once again
he finds you at a deserted table and relishes in the ambivalent pandemonium of your eternal gaze that pounds his hummingbird heartbeat
he finds cherry stains chalked upon your lips, the dust of a child’s dreams scattered upon your features, the touch of aphrodite herself laced within your fingertips as you turn the pages with elegance
to have a stark sight of you, he has found rome in the depths of you and he is only left to scrutinize every last moment
as you talk with a friend on the phone, namjoon picks up a stray book off the shelf, posing to deem it interesting as the ink fades to nonsense
there’s a tangible bitterness in your tone, stating your stress over exams, then exclaiming your rage for another student who has found entertainment in using you like a rag doll
namjoon listens, and he seethes
there’s a vivid pulse of red, a breath of tranquility left astray, heavy spring rain that envelops him
in the serrated halt in his thoughts, he listens to your rants and the harmonious claps of thunder that follow after the light rain showers
as the clock reads 3:27 AM, the boy spends the ungodly hours of the night inhaling the musk of silken mist as he dives into the depths of whatever information he can grasp of your supposed bully
after all, he’d do just about anything for you
he’d swallow bullets, suffocate himself on clouds, slice galaxies and set your shadows aflame if you simply asked
he loves you, and the burning light’s embrace taste of lemonade
you are willow trees in late june heat, apple pies left to cool on an autumn afternoon, a star amongst a field of faux pearls, a fairytale you’d find hidden in the dust of a bookstore
you are in every means a melody of summer and the ethereal sense of purity that follows after
so, that leaves namjoon now, casting his gaze upon a penthouse where the villain of your story lies
and the acts that follow after climbing into the adobe through the fire escape are horrid
he spits out threats and insults as the girl shows her submission, tears tumbling down her rosy cheeks as she pleads for any potential compassion found within the man
she then proceeds to swear on her life that she won’t utter a breath of this night if the intruder were to simply leave, but, the myths that lie within those ocean eyes state differently
and so he kills her - he kills her so violently - he watches the life leave her doe eyes like a dying star
namjoon then leaves her in the bathtub, mustering up some sob suicide note about how unfair her life was, then neglecting his sins at the domain
finally, finally, he can taste the midsummer plums and strawberry-tainted air without the burden of the world
finally, he can dance with the sunbeams as the rain begins to fade into lustrous stars
finally, he can breathe with you.
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even with the simple incantation of a compliment, you have jimin vowing his devotion to you, a simple stranger
you, who holds the hypnotic elegance of a swan, the unintentional divine nature of a ghost and the substantially ethereal depths of aphrodite herself hold a young boy’s sensitive heart in the palm of your palms
you, who lives in the wind by the riverside, hold the universe in your hands
jimin, and his tenacious behavior, stand just outside the door of his father’s office, ear pressed against the door, clinging onto any inkling of a word he can grasp
your father stands in the room, too, just without you, the sun in the empty abyss
with muffled words, he listens as your father speaks stories of your stress with upcoming exams and with a bully of yours
his brave iris, his luminescent flower, his star dripped in honey nectar- is suffering…?
jimin has been left to wallow in a desolated graveyard, just to fantasize of your dancing touch and luminescent smile
you are both two bunny rabbits prancing through the barricades of spring, two fairies dancing with dust in the heat of summer
every fleeting moment, it all echoed within him
and that leaves jimin now with the yearbook that he borrowed from you settled in his lap
he takes the brief second to examine your school picture, tracing delicate fingers amongst your features and the doodles of hearts and flowers that litter around your sparkling face
flipping through the pages, he hears your father’s voice in his head, who had spoken the name of the demon that dared to dwell in you
languorous days, lavender hearts and june-infused nights, he has found some sense of clarity within the heartbreaking loyalty
inhaling the musk of a filthy bar littered with drunk men, he finds a blonde head, plan lingering within his mind
he then forges attraction, single whispers proving more of the bruises on his skin than the flower of his love
with angelic tones and forcing gags back down his throat, jimin had finally gotten this parasite alone
he had gotten the doe-eyed villain alone in an alleyway, lust staining the shades of her eyes
and that leaves the blue-eyed, plum-lipped girl with golden hair now, left in a puddle of piss and beer - dead
there’s blood everywhere - in the wind, on the pavement, on the brick walls, stained upon empty skin
but, alas, despite drowning in the sticky residue of his sins, eden’s garden has bloomed
alas, without the burden there to touch your soul and carve letters to ghost upon your precious skin, he is free
and you venture behind your father to another meeting several days later, meeting face-to-face with an abnormally bright puppy-dog with summer sunbeams soaked in the hues of his irises
❝ y/n! y/n! hey! do you- do you need help with your exams? i can help, i swear! i really can! i promise...! i’d do anything to help… ❞
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you curl your fingers around the flutter of the telephone cord, the prismatic pastel hues complimenting every syllable that leaves your mouth
your brows knit and nose scrunches, your lips twist and eyes glimmer
and, within your haze, after leaving your window open to find some contentment in the heavy humidity, a figure slid in through the crack and resides in the closet
taehyung now cherishes you through the speckles of light given through the rift of the closet door, summer leaving its eternal residue upon his form
he stares and finds the embodiment of the moon and its naked bones through the gentle film of your bedside lamp
he then listens as you complain about your bad day, dwelling in the curves and juts of your tone
how no matter how many times you attempt to curl your way out of her embrace, the blonde who has learned to despise you, an angel, always seeps her way back into your bloodstream
like a sour lemon upon the july sun, like the burning embers of winter amongst summer stars
his tranquility found in the human he loves has suffered a perceptible shift
and now, all he can touch and all he can see is unfathomable rage
how dare someone treat such a creature with envy? how dare they treat his love with obsidian-stained hatred!?
how could a human disrupt a heartbeat trapped in the galaxies!? how could a human hurt such an angel...?
these thoughts spread like constellations as taehyung sits beside you on your bed, tucking you tighter into your blankets with caution not to jeopardize his identity
you sleep like pearls in the sea, like california poppies in the daybreak
and with a gentle kiss to your forehead and a secret in the grave, he is off into the night
and within the blistering bite of the night, taehyung finds the girl and gives a gaze with two beady, stern eyes that burns bullets into his helpless victim
a good game of tag as the wind chills through the oxygen, cat and mouse in the opalescent midnight sky
and within a matter of seconds, an arrow pierces through the night and penetrates through her neck
he watches- watches as life bleeds down her collarbone
and he loves it
but now, he has returned to his love, soaked head-to-toe in the irony taste of his own sins
he sits beside your sleeping form, clutches midsummer peaches in his grasp as places his land ever so gentle upon yours
a plan lingers- a plan of how he'll kill two birds with one stone
he'll begin tutoring lessons, assisting you with your exams and drowning in the neon hues of your soul
and through the lullaby, kim taehyung has found a pale summer sky in an eternal night
he has found the lulling taste of july fruits in the suffocating depths of the attic
he has found his heartbeat in the graveyard of his mind
and his love for you is eternal.
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with a juul held beneath your skin, nicotine soaks in the air and poisons the musk around
it fills your nostrils, holy smoke fogging up the deceased, midnight breeze
there’s muffled music that doubles yourself in this dream, there’s tranquility found in the abandonment of time
you listen and bathe in the epiphany found in the ghost of the late-night song, dwelling in the simmering sounds
you and your closest friend sit on the roof of your car, just outside of a party, gazing at the moon and sharing hits of the toxic juul pod
and within jungkook, there is infatuation infused with every breath, every blink, every waking second
there lies pearls and petals of lotus flowers within your irises, the smoke serving as a wreath around your exquisite form
your voice sounds of nature as you speak to the moon, and he has fallen prey to every curve and jut of the gibberish that leaves your mouth
you are graceful, you are broken
you are enigmatic in the hypnotizing land of twilight, you are beauty embodied as the stars circle the earth
but, through the canopy of tulips and chirping birds, the wolves venture from out of their adobe with bloodlust staining their golden eyes
you fuss about a particular blonde, proceeding to thrust your friends sanity into the flames of a hearth
you are but a doll in her grasp, a bruised and battered toy crafted for tantrums
you speak words of sour lemonade, and alas, the tranquility in the air has simmered into wrath
with lilacs in the black skies and tragedy in the pavement, you, too, find anger within the slender bones of the moon
you despise being wormwood in her grasp, but, you assume those are just the blues of being a high school student
and as the night falters and dawn blooms, you are met with fatal permission
you have met with the edge of the woods, found the corpses of mauled wolves, found ecstasy in a wasteland of dust
you eavesdrop and hear silent chatter of how regina george did not retreat home from the party the previous night
unknown to your knowledge, the sadistic candyland you were a plastic figure in has met its fate
as it will forever live as a mystery, you are unaware to the fact that her body lies miles away, left to rot within the venomous soil
then, you approach jungkook, filling him in on the latest gossip and expressing your cruel joy for her disappearance
and the pleasure that settles in his face like honey’s residue on a july afternoon was terrifying
jungkook has lost himself in a hallucination of lively color, an illusion of summer days amid winter
he has found the phoenix flower as it blooms within the hues of your eyes, he has found silken stars as they litter your face like sugar and glitter
he has found solace in the new day, the new beginning
he has found euphoria in judgment day.
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