#bunneh rambles
banshee-hare · 3 months
Hello! This is just my secondary account to my main, this will mostly consist of my attempts to practice ns/f w type of art or just be my scrap bin of ideas.
However please only be 18+ as there will be horny posting!
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sigmabunny · 1 year
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Sometimes when my fatigue gets really bad, I have trouble with dissociation. Soma helps by being big and soft and heavy and real
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bunnehplays · 2 years
So Netflix is going to be doing a Dragon Age series. I’m hyped, it’s been a good couple of weeks of game announcements.
But, I really need to stop looking at the comment section of announcements. There is so much salt that I just want to vomit.
It’s like they forgot this beauty exists.
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*chefs kiss*
-Full Disclaimer: Bunneh has never played any Castlevania games.-
Though if we’re going to bitch about not get what we want (in regards to dragon age) let me ask this. Why didn’t they put in a cutscene at the end of Origins of Alistair in a pretty dress dancing the Remigold? I feel fucking cheated. (Mods don’t count.)
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celshelrin · 5 years
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🐰 Bunneh 🐰
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martheh · 7 years
sweet and soft asks: lovely, pictures, stars
lovely- what’s the adjective you use when people ask “how are you”
I usually just say “alright” most of the time;
pictures- is art important to you in any way
I’d say in some way it is. Art can be anything you want it to be, it’s however you choose to express yourself or what you want to express to the world. It can be appreciation for a place, a time, a person, a concept, fictional or otherwise; It can be a form of therapy and healing and a way to feel better about just about anything. I know for me, art mostly comes in the form of fanarts or occasional writings, but it’s still a form of art despite what anyone says, and it helps me feel better about myself or get ideas out of my head or show appreciation and gratefulness to someone; it even makes me feel closer to people who have changed my life even a little who don’t even exist because thanks to art, a part of me can exist alongside them, as silly as it sounds.
stars- use one word to describe space
“Ethereal”. I would say beautiful, but it’s so much more than that. Honestly I feel like you need more than one word to describe space.
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braincoins · 4 years
B, C, and Z
Oooh a wild (and somewhat scarred) bunneh appears!
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind Plance. [finger guns at @hailqiqi] 
C - A pairing you have never liked and probably never will Cullen/Anyone. As always, as usual, my disclaimer: You like Cullen (from Dragon Age; I’m not talking about Edward The Glittering), more power to you! I support you! But if it were up to me, every Dragon Age game would come with the option to light him on fire.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go I knew/worried someone would pick this one. Ummmm....
okay, look, I am always going to dislike the idea of either King Alistair or Drunk!Alistair babbling about how he’s a prince. ALWAYS ALWAYS. See previous disclaimer: your game, you play how you like, I support you, etc. That’s all still true, but for my sovereigns? Hells to the NO.
Alistair doesn’t want to be king, hates being thought of as “the bastard prince”, and doesn’t want to lead. Even if you harden him after his quest, he still doesn’t want it, he just steels himself to do it if he has to, for the sake of Ferelden.
BUT IT’S NOT GOOD FOR FERELDEN, DAMMIT! The time is coming fast when “King Alistair” won’t be able to have heirs, and if you fuckin’ married him, that means he did the Dark Ritual, which... uh... is even worse? Now there is an heir out there, and one being raised by Morrigan, whose view on power is pretty well-established. Even if she doesn’t use the boy as a play for the throne, if someone else out there finds out about him, they will because apparently the Theirin bloodline is more important than COMMON FUCKING SENSE.
Let’s say you and Alistair somehow manage to have a kid (even though he told you it’s next to impossible for two Grey Wardens to have a child together). Won’t the kid be born tainted? o_O 
ONE Grey Warden on the throne is bad enough; TWO is another crisis waiting to happen.
And although this has nothing to do with what I just rambled about? “Oh, it turns out Alistair’s half-elf...” Um. Really? Half-elves just look human then, I guess? Way to even further erase elves from the world, honestly. I’d rather Alistair just be fully human if you’re gonna do that because I HAVE FEELINGS ABOUT BOTH ELVES AND MAGES OKAY LEAVE ME ALONE. 
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nightmaresyrup · 6 years
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Ooh Noers :U
Well, I drew something simpler this week. My hands are full...NO bad choice of words! Hah..heh..uhh.. it’s  kinda steamy. I hope I’m not in trouble. No actual p.p. yet, but uh... more grabby, grabby? 
Uncropped grabby-grabby...
I’m a little on edge, because I’ve just began drawing nsfw-ish themes. I didn’t start out that way and it made me nervous. I still enjoy drawing Yokai, random animals and the same old-same-olds. I want to try something new that’s all, I found some of my characters kinda look cute together. Lastly I blame my April fools bunneh guy! Ugh.. I’m so lame with muh ramblings... :U
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sigmabunny · 1 year
Had fun with Soma today
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sigmabunny · 2 years
Having a bunny means that sometimes when you’re not well they come and snuggle you, and other times they take the advantage to go and eat the broom
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sigmabunny · 2 years
It’s Soma’s birthday, and he had a cake!
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sigmabunny · 2 years
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Soma missed me while I was away. I put him on my lap and he climbed up to my shoulder to snuggle
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sigmabunny · 7 years
Capaldi was being a snuggle bun today, and let me hold him for cuddles.
In the past 2 months we’ve had him, he’s grown, which is odd for a ~3 year old rabbit, but he’s definitely longer and heavier than when we first got him. Probably because he gets a more varied diet now, with fresh veg and grass as well as hay and pellets. 
He’s a fairly solidly built rabbit, more muscle than anything, and strong. If he doesn’t want to be held, you won’t hold him. Plus, he’s much more of a shapeshifter than some of the other buns we’ve had. All can vary between a ball/loaf, and a long thing sausage, but I don’t think any we’ve had can change from so compact to literally sliding out of your hands like him.
We’re beginning to see his actual personality now, too. He’s a cheeky little guy, who will act up to get your attention, and loves treats and cuddles.
Bonding between him and Lois is slow going, but progress is happening. He no longer immediately bites as first instinct, and let her groom him for a bit once.
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