#bunch of photos from the web lol
skruttet · 1 month
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oh I looove the 1973 latvian cover of comet
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kyomunosaki · 1 year
I started Hypnospace Outlaw
...and I've noticed a few small things that are super interesting, mostly with the idea of tutorialization.
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I didn't plan to do a writeup on this, so I don't have any of my own gameplay's screenshots. I remember most of the gist, so I can probably write a few sentences on this topic that really stuck with me. I would've gone back for more screens but I'm feeling very lazy and I might repost this with editing/photos in the future lol
So Hypnospace Outlaw is basically a pre-2K "internet janitor simulator" except that you don't do it for free. You're like a free contractor/PMC janitor, where you get comissions to hunt down certain infringement of internet/Hypnospace law.
The first case is to find instances where the copyright for a 1968 of a cartoon character named Gumshoe Gooper is being infringed upon. I found this case to be a phenomenal tutorial for both the game mechanics and the philosophical(?) questions the game wants to ask.
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Gumshoe Gooper (Hypnospace Outlaw)
At first upon getting this case, I was still grappling with the game mechanics, exploring the Windows 98-ass interface with the skill of an old man in a nursing home. At the time I entirely forgot about the search function, so I just explored by going through various web portals and webrings, a la Geocities.
I found a lot of interesting sites that I don't really have the time (nor screenshots) to talk about and do justice with, but there's a lot of awesome things to find in Hypnospace if you're willing to just take time and look around. I do want to possibly talk about that later if there's interest.
After just stumbling around the internet and remembering how hard it is to find stuff through web portals, I remembered the search function existed thanks to one of the sites I ended up on having tags that open up the search window. So I searched for "gooper"
You find 3 sites from that search, two from AbbyWrites58 and another from another woman who's name I can't recall right now. The first site is a typical late 90s personal site you might find, for a first-grade teacher. It contains mentions of memorials to dead lost ones, a Hypnospace Heaven or something, and is part of a "Spirituality" web ring, but otherwise not much to note. The first link however, is a link to "Drawings of Gumshoe Gooper by my first graders"
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Webrings on Abby's World (Hypnospace Outlaw)
On the link, its filled with pencil/crayon sketches of Gumshoe Gooper by a bunch of children, but also 2 gifs that seem like legitimate copyright infringement. I still felt apprehensive about reporting this page to the Hypnospace Enforcers, because it felt like a teacher just wanting to share the work of her students and I was hoping to find other violations to fit my quota. Regardless, even if I were to fill out my quota there were only 2 very clear examples of copyright infringement on the page.
So, I went back and checked out the other site by AbbyWrites58, and this one was... a political support website for a local politician? Who was seemingly a politician that had different views than, I, the player did? And she was using a GIF of Gumshoe Gooper saying that he supported her? I didn't have much hesitation just hitting her with the copyright violation on this page.
The third page was just another site but with an official Gumshoe Gooper strip posted on it. As you can tell the rest of this essay is lazily thrown together and just a retelling of events, but I do not remember the exact details of the page. I just remember still feeling apprehensive about reporting stuff on the page with children's art, so I think I reported that strip.
I still hadn't reached my quota of 3 violations reported, so I begrudgingly made my way back to the initial site I had landed on in my search. I decided to report one of the GIFs, and didn't feel too bad about it since while she did teach first graders I did find her political views somewhat, off-putting. I was going to make my way back to the case page to finalize it, but I got a notification on the not!Clippy software, telling me that if I find more violations I could get a bonus on closing the case?
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A child's drawing of Gumshoe Gooper (Hypnospace Outlaw)
So, I decide to report the other GIF on the page as well, and look at that: more money. And then I have a dark urge to test something out. What about this first grader's art? What if I file it for copyright infringement, what would happen? Would the kid get in trouble? Will the teacher get the blame? Did the teacher even deserve any blame? Well, I hit the report. It works. So I go through the page, filing every crude drawing of Gumshoe Gooper by children as a violation of copyright law.
I get a lot of money, and I don't feel too bad after learning more about AbbyWrites58. Besides, the other members of her webring were openly fascists! That sort of association makes you liable to uh, getting in serious trouble over copyright infringement of a 1968 cartoon character right? It's just my job! I needed to hit the quota! And what if I flag her account to the authorities, her account with her location and other personal information tied to it?! What is the worst that could happen, and maybe I would feel a bit more bad about it if her political views weren't so, wrong?
This sort of self-justification I found myself doing just felt fascinating. It was some of the most engaged I felt with a game's narrative in so long, and it's only been made more fascinating by later cases like even the one just following this with ZANE_ROCKS_14. If you liked this post, maybe I'll actually try to edit this one down properly and actually take screenshots too. Regardless, if you got this far thanks for reading!
Edit: I can see how this makes me look like kind of a dumbass but I guess what's more accurate is "what her political views were being signalled as" is more accurate for some of the stuff I say above lol, but I'm too lazy to edit the post more than this
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rjalker · 1 year
some drawing references for an offset cane hand pose. Meant to do this outside for good lighting but it decided to rain all day lol.
There will be better versions when it's not constantly thunderstorming since I need good lighting and also someone else to take the pictures.
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[ID: Two cropped photos next to eachother, first from the side, then the front, showing a white hand holding a cane with a black foam handle, black wrist strap, and the metal of the cane painted in stripes of purple, black, and blue. In the background you can see the model's striped blue shirt and shorts, and a white sheet with a pattern of black squares. End ID.]
And painting version for arm pose and the front of the cane.
My arm looks orange because I forgot we have yellow lights in the hall and colorpicked from that lol. oh well.
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[ID: Two lineless digital painting versions of the same images as above, showing more of the picture, with the person standing sideways on a white background, with the tank top drawn as solid blue, and the stripes on the cane now revealed to form the trans progress flag, with stripes of purple, black, blue, pink, yellow, white, yellow, pink, blue, black, and purple. End ID.]
anyways feel free to save for drawing references, that's why I made this. There's not enough drawing references for people using canes, so I'm being the change I want to see in the world.
I'm uploading a bunch more to the web archive, currently loading, I'll add the link here when it's done. Tumblr keeps eating the pictures when I try to post them here.
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smileymoth · 7 months
We were making an ai classifier toda which was pretty interesting, like you get a bunch of photos for multiple things (i did it on moths so, one class is rosy maple moth, second is atlas moth, third is herculese moth etc etc) and train it to recognize the patterns and if you show it a moth it will try to guess what moth it is (regarding the classes you made for it). We made a quizz off it after.
However because we scraped the web for images to train it on, most of us used google. And it just proved the point of how useless google's image search actually is. We used an image downloading extention called "imageye" which basically scrapes all the images from the website you have open and downloads them, this also means it downloads absolutely all favicons and random icons that nobody wants so you have to filter them.
And oh my god it was garbage. ~10% of your results depending on what moth you searched were AI sludge. Then it shows you shop listings (obviously), then it shows you a completely different moth. It was impossible to get photos for the rosy maple moth because 50% were plushie/etsy listings. Like I get it its a popular moth thats really cute but jesus christ. I had to go to flickr to get pictures of that thing because after sorting the images i was left with like. 15 files. Which is Not enough for a classifier.
I think the saddest part beside the fact of youre just downloading random images with no permission is that there was barely any art in the search results. Like there were a couple of moth drawings, and some "buff moths" (bc i was looking up buff tip moth lol) but the rest was just... online listings, ai sludge, or some other thing you didnt need.
I think the classifier itself is a more useful tool than an image generator since you can train it to recognize plants and animals, like those mushroom identifier books but automated. The professor showed us a classifier that sb had made for shooing away foxes and raccoons from their garden, so if it detected it it would make a noise and scare them away. Lol
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losech · 1 year
Any chance we can see your personal collection of collars leashes and gear? You mentioned keeping rejected things and such so it makes me curious of just how much you have accumulated over the years lol
I actually haven't been making collars for very long, under a year! I started doing it in I think September or October of last year. I do have a fairly big collection though.
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These are all collars I did not make. Some I really like, some I don't. I bought most of these before I started making them.
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I did make these. I didn't include all the doubles of some patterns. Cinder has a bunch of purple mushrooms. I kept some of these since the pattern ended up too far to one side or I didn't like the stitching.
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These are what happens when I play around with ends on full slips. I sell them with the pattern fully covering the end.
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These are limited slips. The slip action works better when the pattern is not on the slip part, but it looks better when it is. I only do the no pattern if someone asks for it.
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This is the only example I could find of thread color. I made one with orange and one with blue. I use blue and kept the orange. Plus the attachment stitching on the orange by the D ring is off a bit.
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These are the only leashes of mine I've made so far. I couldn't make up my mind on the color of thread that attaches the handle, sometimes it matches the pattern and sometimes it matches the webbing.
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And some more leashes. Ruffwear on the left, Mendota on the right. I love the carabiners on the ruffwear leashes and the mendota are just nice. I use those a ton.
I didn't include all the hunting stuff, leather, biothane, or tie out collars. It's not a ton but is mostly repetitive. There's also other stuff missing because I couldn't find it. No harnesses or packs either. Or the box of collars I have leftover from a festival and examples I made for photos lol
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iheartnimbassacity · 9 months
[Delibird mail!: a box full of various little trinkets!
The box includes:
A little metal extendable back scratcher with a rubber handle. Labeled as a "joltik web collector" with familiar, messy handwriting. Seems hes still finding clever ways to not waste what's around him.
A bag of wooden spools.
A hand-made travel pillow lined with conductive joltik silk. It's still charged, and buzzes comfortably with electricity.
A collection of hairclips with all sorts of little decorations. Also lined with joltik silk to hold electricity.
Incredibly fluffy woolen socks. Better wear these and slide across the carpet.
A picture book showing off common electric type Pokemon. Labeled: "For joans."
A hand-carved wooden bird perch carved from a gnarly looking piece of wood.
A spider pokemon themed calender planner book for 2024-2025.
And last but not least, a note.
"Heya Dave. Hope this made it on time for the holidays. Also hope you're home for this, hahah. I know you gotta travel for work and all. Couldn't figure out some kind of big thing this year, so I just thought I'd bundle up a bunch of things I've made or found. Hope it isn't too disappointing. Honestly for me it's the little things that count, but I know a lot of people dont share that sentiment, not that I dont understand why. I just hope all of this can make at least somethin in your life brighter, or give you some ideas. Hell, you're an electrician. You've sure as hell got a brighter mind than me. Happy Delibird day, little bro. - Skrub, Gomez, Morticia, and the rest."]
[A photo, the book of electric types is proped up, Joans in front of it and stareing at it with big ol eyes.]
holy fuck skrub, you really went all out. man, this is anything but disapointing!! im just sittin here staring at everything.
sadly i am away from home, but that aint really supriseing lol. at this point im basically a nomad, havent steped in my old apartment for months at this point.
but dont discount yourself, dude! your incredibly smart, i know it! dont say your mind is "dim" or whatever, your one of the smartest people i know, big bro.
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swforester · 1 year
Just curious, but have you been to Spider Gates cemetery in MA? I've heard a lot of crazy things about it but also people say it's a rather mundane looking place. Lol
I have. There are a bunch of stories about this place. Someone hung themselves from a tree next to the entrance. At night you can hear whispers and voices in the woods around the cemetery. Hidden inside is the 7th gate of Hell. To get there you have to park a fair ways away on the side of a street and then take a trail. There is an entry about Spider gates in Atlas Obscura, a really cool resource for finding strange and weird stuff anywhere in the world. The gates would seem to suggest a spider web but really they were influenced by art Deco and are meant to look like the the rays of the sun. When I visited, what I found was a quaint Quaker Cemetery, surrounded by a stone wall. Autumn leaves were blowing around the very simple gravestones of the Quaker tradition. It was actually quite beautiful- and peaceful. I'll have to find those photos and post them again. It's located in Spencer MA.
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theoriginalladya · 1 year
Hello! Your Caleb Shepard has inspired me to make the last push to get in touch with my Irish heritage, but I don’t know where to start. I definitely want to learn Gaelic.
Hello! Oh, what a lovely compliment and wow, how exciting!!!! Thank you!! I will admit, Caleb has become very dear to my heart and I have used him to learn a lot of things Irish that I never would have otherwise!
I'll be honest up front: I do not know Gaelic myself. That's one of those things on my 'to do' list that I probably should bump up to the top. Most of what I use in my stories come from a lot of searching around the internet. I have some experience learning a foreign language (French) as well as researching documents in others (the joys of being a history major lol) so I understand enough about phrasing and structure once I've found a few examples and can get a feel for it, but I also tend to do an over abundance of research to make sure I get a word or phrase as accurate as possible. I also follow some Irish blogs that help, too.
As for actually learning of the language, I have a couple of friends who have suggested I look into starting with Babbel. (I honestly know nothing about Babbel, but I have seen advertisements for it as well) I'm sure there must be other options out there, but I haven't started checking into them yet.
As for the other aspects of his Irish background - history, folktales, places, etc. - that is something that comes far more naturally to me! I was a history major in college ages ago and eventually ended up getting my MA in Medieval History. One benefit to that was learning how to research and how to discern reliable sources. It's a skill that has come in handy over the years (and as a result, when the research bug hits, I tend to go deeeeeeep into a subject just to satisfy my curiosity! lol).
Now, as for deciding where to make Caleb come from, I won't say I threw a dart at the map to choose (I'm not nearly so good at darts as he is!), but my parents visited Ireland about a decade ago and shared a bunch of photos and stories of their adventure. That fed into my love of geography, all things Celtic and history, and so I sat down at the computer, did a quick, general Google search on Irish history to get me started, and ended up chasing after bits and pieces that caught my interest. My Master's thesis was on the history of an abbey in England (of which I hope to one day publish an original fic with that as a large part of it's story) and in doing my research for that, I occasionally came across references to events in history that tied back to Ireland that piqued my interest as well. It's a research adventure that is still ongoing today - some thirty years after my MA Thesis and three and a half years after creating Caleb, but there's still more to learn about!
But like I said, I honestly cannot say what made me decide to plant Caleb in Shannon. He has the character background of an Earthborn Shepard, so I knew he'd be from a city. The foundation of his character, though, stems from a different game where I play Brigit, his mother, who is most definitely from rural Ireland. He was a natural fit for Mass Effect, and once I plonked him into Shannon, I started to explore the surrounding areas on maps, in folklore, in history, etc. It all kind of snowballed from there. I've scrounged up some 2nd hand travel guides for Ireland at used bookstores, read numerous books of Irish folktales I've collected over the years, and continue to search the Web for new and interesting tidbits to feed my fancy. My latest fixation has been on discovering more of the fae/fairy stories and folklore so I can adapt it to a Mass Effect/Fairy AU idea I have. Now to be fair, some of my fae knowledge is influenced by an RPG game I play as well as the information I've gathered, so please don't take it as 100% accurate, especially once I've added in the Mass Effect side of things!
So, all of my rambling aside - sorry about that, get me going on my characters and you might have to tell me to stop! lol - I would suggest a Google search to get you started or, alternatively, to help you narrow things down a bit to a starting point. Do you have a place you are really interested in? A story or bit of folklore? An ancestor from over there you'd like to learn more about? (trust me, tracing genealogy is just as dangerous for me - still happens to me whenever I pull mine out to update!) Could be something as simple as wondering about the history of Guinness beer or what Irish wool/yarn is native to the country or a W.B. Yeats poem you want to track down the meaning behind.
Come to think of it, a friend did pass along some W.B. Yeats back when I created Caleb. And my mom did give me some 'real Irish wool' yarn when she came back from that trip that I really need to dig out and make something with. Hmm....
(and feel free to drop other asks if you have specific questions! I'm sorry I've rambled on so long, but what a delight to find your comments in my inbox! thank you so much!!!)
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ladybuggirl123 · 1 year
We have to talk about how difficult it is to start a raw/snappy/confessional/generation defining blog in the year 2023.
That sounds hard as fuck.
I wish i lived inside an episode of girls. I wish I applied myself in school so I could be smart like lena dunham.
I moved here in august and I had a fucked up bob.
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i don’t think i took photos of it w/out totally obscuring it because i felt ugly😁
Obviously I had a fucked up bob because I was sad about some guy idk if I need to explain that.
I worked at a coffee shop where this one time I let some random man who said he was a photographer take a bunch of photos of me because I felt too bad to say no. Then I went home and cried and called my mom.
Then in September I still wasn’t over my ex
-I’m lying i’ve never dated anyone
and It had been like 4 months, i took matters into my own hands and got over him the old fashioned way ( don’t worry about it ) . After this I think I subconsciously decided on some level that I needed to get my virginity back.
- I’m lying i’ve never had sex
Honestly it wasn’t that hard all you have to do is be rlly good and pray a lot :)
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After I did this I rediscovered the power of true friendship. I spent a lot of nights sharing a bed with my best friend because the air mattress was kind of uncomfy. Sometimes it felt like we were twins in the womb. I’m starting to think I feel everything exclusively in extremes lol.
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unfortunately and unbeknownst to me, In october the fairies started spinning their little webs and lying out the tracks for me to get emotionally terrorized by another random guy! but don’t worry i still have a few months of peace………
(imagine me smiling and kicking my feet while i wrote that cuz i was.)
bet u wanna hear what the fuck happens next. i’m gonna probably tell u soon.
genuinely i hope i put things on this blog that prevent me from ever working a job again.
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here’s a playlist that has nothing to do with this if u change ur Spotify settings so they overlap like 7 seconds or something it’s better
goodnight babies ·˚*୨୧꒰∗ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷∗꒱୨୧*˚·
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andromedaa-tonks · 4 years
a gif tutorial!
welcome back to this episode of nobody asked for this but im doing it anyway! just kidding. like three people asked for this. so here’s how i make gifs!:
edit as of 20 august 2022: i don’t make gifs like this anymore and tbh this old tutorial makes me cringe! sure, it’ll work just fine, but there’s a few things i’d tweak in this post even for beginner gifmakers. if anybody out there wants an updated gif tutorial, send me an ask! <3
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note: this post is for someone who’s just starting to use photoshop for gifs! i hope i can help someone who was just as lost as i was when i first started lol. if you’re experienced already, please bear with me!  use photoshop cc. there's definitely other ways to make gifs! before i used photoshop, i used this site or gifski and a bunch of different photo editing apps to play with the coloring. also, gimp is a good gif making app thats a bit like photoshop (and free!) but i believe you have to edit each single frame. nobody wants to do that.
ok. so you need a video of the shot you want to gif. as HD as you can possibly get! you can download the movies if you really search, but all i do is search for scene packs on youtube or something. most people have a link in the description where you can download the packs. if not, i just screen record. i find most of my scene packs here. if there's something i cant find, all the movies are here. some movies are better quality, but this is the best i’ve got tbh. LOL.
making the basic gif:
now say i have the shot i need! i need to convert the video to layers. i go to file > import > video frames to layers
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the window that comes up gives you the option to limit to every 2 frames. i like to check that box just because it compresses the file. click ok!
when i’m in, i click window and check that each of these are checked. (color, layers, properties, timeline, application frame, options, tools)
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now i resize the image so the file is small enough for tumblr! go to image > image size > width >780. you can go even smaller, but it ruins the quality a lil bit.
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click ok! then i take the crop tool (the 5th down on the toolbar on the left of the screen) and crop to the size i want.
now you could go to file > export > save for web (legacy) > preview and just take it like that! this is the basic gif that we have:
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isn't she cute! 
she is cute, but she’d be cuter in better lighting and if i neutralized that god-awful green tint that just comes with the hbp movie, but that’s a different conversation. so here's how i color my gifs!
note: before we start, make sure all your coloring layers are ABOVE YOUR TOP LAYER. or else you wanna have to color each layer individually. but omg you don’t wanna do that. all you need to do is click the top layer (on the right!) for me, i have 71 layers, so i just click the 71st layer. then all your layers should automatically go to the top.
i click the adjustments tab (still on the right!) first go to the curves feature. (i actually learned this trick from a coloring tutorial from @astoria-malfoy!) i click the white point dropper
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and click on one of the lightest points on the image. here, i clicked on the whites of the sky in the top right. you can play around with whatever you think is best. the lighting and color will neutralize significantly!
then go balance it out even more, i create another layer of curves (by going to the adjustments tab again > curves), select the black point dropper (two icons above the white point dropper that i just used!) and click on one of the darkest points of the image. here, i clicked on the shadows in hermione’s hair.
from there, i add more layers that adjust the color. i usually add brightness, vibrance, saturation. i use the selective color feature a lot. this one takes some getting used to, but my goodness, it’s a life saver for coloring.
once satisfied with the coloring, i like to sharpen! there are a few different ways to do this, but this is how i like to do it:
click this lil guy in the corner: convert to video timeline
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then select all your layers on the right (click the very top layer [mine is vibrance] > shift and hold > click layer 1)
then click filter (at the very top of your screen) > convert for smart filters
then click filter again > sharpen > smart sharpen
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and this window should pop up. i like my settings this way. i like to sharpen my gifs like a mf knife
amount: 500
i’ve found that i like my radius around 0.4 — 0.7, depending on the quality of the video that i downloaded. if it’s not really good quality, i usually leave the sharpness low so that it doesn’t highlight the crazy pixels 😭
reduce noise: 10
remove: gaussian blur
then click ok!
the sharpness might look funky in photoshop but i promise it’ll look better once you have it in your browser and all.
now all i need to do is go to file > export > save to web (legacy) and check that the file size is under 10MB. tumblr doesn’t support files bigger than 10MB!
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mine is only 7.453MB, so i’m good!
time to see it in all its glory! i just click preview (right there under the file size!) and bam. look at you. you just made a gif! here’s another cute lil before & after just bc wow! you did that! look at that!
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you did it and im so proud of you! 
if anyone tries my way and has questions, feel free to send an ask or message me! cause i might have missed something along the way 😭 i really hope this helps someone! if you learned how to make a gif (or learned anything at all tbh)  from this post, tag me in your edits! i track #andromedaa-tonks! or send me an ask and link me to your gifs :D
love u mwah 
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Ok yall I'm listening to tma for the first time and im gonna record my thoughts here.
I dont even know if this is worth posting but im going to do it anyways. I listened to episodes 1-40 in 3 days, I believe that's the first season.
ep 1: this is v good so far idk not much to say
ep 2: are all of these gonna have somebody named jon? thats the name of the dude speaking right?
ep 3: design with lines and a square in the middle? gotta be real that just sounds like a spider web. (isnt there an entity or wtvr called The Web? i think?) also are we just gonna brush over whatever thing shoved her into the street bruh
ep 4: the eye! That's a thing I remember seeing posts about
ep 6: worms? Worms!! "This story is concerning" arent they all?? who the heck is Jane prentiss uh oh
ep 7: so I'm guessing this is one of the entities we hear about?
ep 8: fractals feel like a Web thing idk its just vibes. this box sounds like a Web thing too- oop yeah spiders
ep 9: ik the hand with the eye on it is significant cuz i see it in fanart but im not sure what it means.
ep 11: web go brrr
ep 12: eyes!! In ep 4 the poem mentions smth about hearing right? AYO look at me makin connections Jared Keay (keye?) baybeeee. Beholding is a thing!
ep 15: I think theres an entity called The Dark but I'm not sure if im just making that up
ep 17: is it jorgen shitener or wtvr his name is again. IT IS!
ep 16: web time
ep 18: sus smells. Is it Eye time?
ep 19: oh!! this is connected to the other one! woah!
ep 21: this feels a lot like the cave diving one so far. was that a squish noise i heard at the end? worms? doesnt he have worm scars from whatever thing?
ep 22: martin voice reveal!! pogchamp! oh wow ok i knew the worms were gonna be somewhat important but not this important oh boy.
ep 23: oh god please no not the books. is this related to the graveyard thing from mist? jw 1279 (doesnt jw mean jehovah's witness) ffFUC KING KEAY
ep 29: i wonder if gerard keay (as ive learned his name is spelled) is one of those immortal death thingies. he does seem to show up a bunch but somehow i doubt it
ep 30: The Slaughter time? Meat! like the upstairs neighbor one!
ep 31: he mispronounced Appalachia >:( aw hell naw this is some Most Dangerous Game shit. this has The Slaughter vibes
ep 32: Prentiss oh boy. worms go brr. beholding is such a specific word i feel like i have to write it down ever time i hear it. spiders again. I still havent figured out which entity prentiss is related with. "you rob it of it's fear" "i dont know why the hive chose me" Is there an entity called the hive? i wouldnt be surprised but i cant remember hearing about it. Nicholas says worms are related to The Corruption
ep 33: "trying not to think about eachother" sean kelly o no re u gonna die. yeah im with jon on this one theres not rlly any supernatural stuff happening. probably they sacrificed him to keep something ? at bay (heh)
ep 34: i dont have to talk about how weird John Doe is right? v sus. The cracking noise is them giving themselves bones right. Apple? spiders? awww teeth i tried to call it. Teeth like the trash bag episode!
ep 35: passages: as in from a book? please no god not litener tell me it isnt so- GODDAMMIT OH WAIT JARED ITS HIM THAT LITTLE SHIT 13 passages + the one they came from. Weirdly wet, probably covered in blood. Bone! from the book that jared has! that's where he got his fuckner book. pages with web, figure in the darkness (anglerfish) stranger who means him harm, smth abt heat idk lightless flame go brr. eww the wormsss.
ep 36: buzzing? like in Hive? this sounds like a worms thing, perhaps the person who gave the statement got infected, thats why she was washing/ itching her hand? lighter?? hold on jared had one and the guy who got killed by the crime dude had one. spiderweb design go brr web go brr
interesting note cuz i cant remember which episode this came up in. In one of the past episodes tim was talking about some mistakes in the recordings. jon doesnt seem like the type of person to just not care about mistakes. he's gotten obsessed with these recordings like others get obsessed with the web etc
ep 37: They have the table? hmm... is this gonna be some fairy ring stuff. oh boy more burning. iron oh boy fae shit. milk bottle? this all sounds like witch shit i gotta be honest. rain water? yeah this feels like witchy things lol. dont tell me he opened one of the bottles. istg. he messed with some witch's spell jar and now he's cursed. is it a photo of his "predecessor" AYO IT ISS I CALLED IT
ep 38: books at lease we know they wont be involved but they couldve been. how come no one but jon ever calls the design a spiderweb? he has a migrane from the design? (idk if it is a guy but i always use he/him in my head cuz jon does) hopefully that means he wont be influenced? idk. oh dear a person is gonna disappear arent they. is david gonna go missing. is the speaker gonna go missing? spider oh no jon. oh no worms oh fuck
ep 39: oh dear this is quite unfortunate. LMAO he just asked if martin was a ghost im losing my shit. AYY TIM. fucking sasha is gonna get brainwashed by the web istg. I think that's a new voice but i cant tell im not v good at determining different voices. is it prentiss?
ep 40: "my eyes are up here but yknow, theyre not." LMAO how come those worms were slow (tim's statement) sasha sounds off. it's not her for sure. Is it like NotGraham? NotSasha? its funny she (gertrude) has such an ordinary death but that almost just causes more questions. If she didnt die due to a supernatural thing then it's something scarier, a person. (ayy me n jon said like the exact same thing) "they'll have to kill me first" oh god oh fuck foreshadowing
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peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Reacting To: Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (Season 2 Episode 6)
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Episode Title: Fun Gus Part 2
Spoiler Warning: Kindly proceed if you’ve already seen the episode or are able to handle spoilers.
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1. Finally! The three cloaked individuals have revealed their identities to us and they’re humans just like I predicted too. They also have managed to steal the giant collar from Scarlemagne and the leader, who we still don’t know her name surprises me and asks the others to put the collar around the Mega Monkey. I thought they wanted to bring it as far away as possible from the monkey? Well, the monkey understands what she’s asking them to do and goes on to attack her before escaping its den. 
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2. Back in Kipo’s parents old apartment; Kipo, Wolf and Benson are spooked by the fungus mute with the toddler voice. It decides to come out of hiding and reveals itself to them. It’s actually kind of cute and he calls himself “Fun Gus”. Ahhh, so that’s where the name of the episode title comes from lol. We also know that Dave and Mandu are fine but Fun Gus considers them as his toys now.
3. They try to convince him to give them back but Fun Gus isn’t budging. Realizing that he’s just a kid, Kipo asks him if he would like for ALL of them, including Dave and Mandu to read him a story, to which he agrees but wants to be the one to read it. Whilst he’s reading Kipo’s mom’s journal, they use this distraction as an opportunity to find their friends.
4. Fun Gus is actually reading the part in Song’s journal where Kipo stopped last episode and it’s the part about Song discovering she grew fur. So we get another flashback of the past:
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5. Song and Lio are trying to make sense of what’s happening to her; Song thinks that it could be the result of Kipo’s stem cells passing to her via “microchirerism”, which is basically a fancy term for what they just explained to us. They’re worried about their lab team members finding out about this or else they will use her work to turn mutes back into animals. So they need to give them a good excuse to allow Song to not come to work. 
6. I think the question here is how did the animals of Las Vistas become mutes in the first place? Was it through experiments conducted by humans? Like if you were to ask me if turning back the mutes into animals is a good thing, I can’t really give you an answer. 
7.  Lio comes up with the idea to tell them she needs to be quarantined at home because she has burrow pox, which DOES NOT EXIST! So Lio has been lying to Kipo for all her life but again...why? Is her mom living her life as a full jaguar mute now with no recollection of her old memories? That seems quite likely. 
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8. Kipo is now caught off guard by this new revelation and thinks that her mother might still be alive. They also wonder if she’s taken away by the scientists or possibly even Scarlemagne. Fun Gus then pops up from inside a cupboard and asks them if they’re still listening to him. Kipo comes up with another idea and that is to play hide and go seek with him; If they manage to find Dave and Mandu, they can win them back.
9. Meanwhile, the Umlaut snakes are being tied up by the Nobles and they’re forced to attend Scarlemagne’s coronation; Well, at least they’re not dead. Anyways, Scarlemagne finally notices that the collar isn’t with them anymore and that the Mega Monkey has ran off.
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10. As Kipo, Wolf and Benson are trying to find their friends, Kipo tries to use her heightened sense of smell to track them by making her jaguar nose appear. And very shortly after, they manage to find them. But Fun Gus still wants to play; Ugh, he’s starting to really annoy me. 
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11. Scarlemagne and the Nobles are also doing some searching of their own but the Mega Monkey trapped his Nobles in a net, leaving only himself to capture her. Without the collar, how exactly is Scarlemagne going to control her again since the Mega Monkey is really strong.
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12. Our main characters unfortunately have no other choice but to play with Fun Gus. But eventually, they manage to trick him into closing his eyes, thinking that it’s a game and he also ends up falling asleep. However, they can’t escape just yet because Kipo still doesn’t think that her mom’s journal is the anchor she needs and she wants to keep looking by continuing to read through the journal.
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13. We head back to the flashback and Lio reveals to Song that the scientists are getting suspicious of her burrow pox and he thinks they should leave tonight. Song isn’t feeling so good and it’s not because of what he said but it’s cuz she’s in LABOR! It then fast forwards post-delivery and they’re on the bed with baby Kipo. That was quick! LOL. And she’s already showing signs of her jaguar-nature. 
14. It’s also revealed that the reason why they made Kipo a hybrid is so that she and the future generation of humans will be able to live safely on the surface since mutes are the dominant group now. Ahh, that makes sense. If that’s the case, then I respect their decision to make their child a science experiment lol. They decide to start packing to head up to the surface world to avoid getting caught. And they’re also bringing Hugo aka Scarlemagne with them. Hmm...
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15. I think if you put two and two together, it’s safe to say that the scientists that Lio and Song were trying to run away from are these three humans here. And we find out the leader’s name is Dr. Emilia and the guy in the group is called Zane. Yeap, it’s obvious that they were the scientists. No wonder they are so adamant in stopping Scarlemagne. The Mega Monkey was also Dr. Emilia’s experiment for 13 years it seems. I guess she was trying to find a way to turn her back into a regular monkey?
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16. Back to Kipo and the others; Fun Gus is really angry at them for attempting to trick him and he goes crazy and starts attacking them. Someone needs to drop kick this kid for real lol. He needs to get a permanent time out. He traps Wolf, Benson and Dave in his webs of fungus, leaving Kipo and Mandu to try to find a way to rescue them.
17. Wow, this episode has a lot of revelations, huh? Scarlemagne says that Dr. Emilia stole his pheromones to control the Mega Monkey and he’s asking the monkey if she wants to get her revenge on the doctor. But the monkey doesn’t seem so sure about it. 
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18. Kipo is trying to find Mulholland to plead for him to help them and he arrives really quickly lol. I guess that’s why he randomly showed up last episode. And just like that, Mulholland manages to save her friends by putting Fun Gus to sleep and feeding off his brain energy. Wait, why did they have to skip through so much? They didn’t show a bunch of things before this. Anyways, Mulholland is starting to find it difficult to hold him off for long.
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19. Back to the flashbacks of Kipo’s parents and Kipo as a baby; They took a family selfie of the three of them and place the photo in between the pages of the journal. I reckon the photo is supposed to be Kipo’s anchor. They hear a knock on the door and they decide to split up to keep Kipo safe with Song staying behind to answer whomever is behind the door. I guess this is the last time she saw Kipo... ugh so sad.
20. Fun Gus isn’t so fun anymore (in fact, he’s really scary lol) but all of them manage to escape! Phew! Mulholland was really useful here and he tells them that he will be around to help them whenever they need him. After Mulholland leaves, Kipo is frustrated that she isn’t able to feel the anchor in the journal and throws the book towards the ground. 
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21. Wolf notices the family photo sticking out of it and hands it over to her. She gets emotional looking at it and feels that this photo is the anchor she needs. However, she realizes that there’s fur sticking out of her mom’s arm and it’s not jaguar fur. Oh snap! Her mom is the Mega Monkey! I kinda had a hunch that she was but I wasn’t so sure because didn’t she experiment with jaguar DNA on Kipo? I guess there might’ve been a mix-up? Also, does Lio know that his wife is the Mega Monkey? Again, why didn’t he tell Kipo the truth about her mom being part-mute too?
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22. Meanwhile, the Nobles have surrounded the Mega Monkey aka Song and they start spraying the pheromones all around her. In the end, she gets mind-controlled again unfortunately. Wait wait wait....so does Dr. Emilia know that the monkey is Song all along? I guess not because she would’ve addressed her by her real name, no? But she’s been her experiment for 13 years; Couldn’t she have discovered that the monkey has had human DNA? 
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23. As Scarlemagne, the Nobles and Song are walking back to the Court (I assume), Kipo sees them and starts getting emotional, knowing that the monkey is most definitely her mother. And because of this, she transforms into a FULL-ON Mega Jaguar and runs after them. However, she left her anchor, the family photo and without it, she could get lost in her full form forever. So, the episode ends with Wolf, Benson, Dave and Mandu trying to catch up to her. 
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24. I just got chills y’all! OMG, this show is so good. I can’t believe the Mega Monkey has been Song all along! Although like I said earlier, I did think of that as a possibility before. And now, we have Kipo in her full Mega Jaguar form. This should be good but of course, she needs to keep her anchor with her at all times. 
25. Thank you guys so much for reading my review of episode 6. I had such a blast. Stay tuned tomorrow for when I will post my review of episode 7. Till then, bye!
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
One of my fave Disney Princess stories is how she often implied that one of her 3 male LGBTQ+ actor ROOMMATES in LA is Oliver Stark. She said her roomie was a regular on 9-1-1 (dating back to s1) who was in every episode, was young (25-35), hot and unmarried. Oliver is the only guy that meets her stated criteria. Since she also said 2/3 of her LGBTQ+ roomies are closeted (and the 3rd is out), what's she implying about Oliver? Who outs close friends? It'd be horrifying, if it wasn't ALL LIES.
I’m just looking through some posts and found a bunch referring to her roommates as “L” and “A” -no mention of the 3rd one but I know she has claimed 3 in the past. I found this post about “L” calling her baby and clearly flirting so IDK what she is claiming with this. 
She says she is staying in the mansion of the wealthy roommate so here we have mention of the hot gardener (as an aside, how many WalMart and Sam’s club stores are there in 90210-ok I looked the nearest Sam’s club is almost 40 actual miles which in LA is 3000 miles; WalMart is only 10 miles. I used “90210″ so super generic and I’m not sure that is where she claimed she lived- but the rich dude who owns the huge home and drives a BMW SUV he freely let’s random model/actor/influencers use isn’t driving 40 miles to Sam’s Club to save on chicken salad.) 
La chronicles: I was tricked.
L: baby, I’m running to the store, wanna go?
Me: nope I’m staying here and salivate over this fan fiction and the gardener…. Whichever goes shirtless first.
A: *barks out a laugh* don’t molest the gardener.
Me: who me?
L: come on baby..
Me: noooooo. Sex and intrigue.
A: *Snorts*
L: I’m going to that little organic place you love…..
Me: chicken salad????? With the sprouts.?????
L: yep yep.
Me: okay!!.
A: have fun
Me: *running out the door shouts back* tell me if he gets nnnneeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkiiiiidddddddddd
L: BABY!!!
Me: what? He knows he is hot….
(Thirty minutes later.)
Me: the fuck is this?
L: I said I needed to go to the store….
Me: no oo you said organic grocery…
L: yeah and I’ll get your chicken salad after we stock up.
Me: but that’s sams
L: pretty and brains
Me: but but ….. only place worse to be on Saturday is hell mart!!!! I don’t wanna go in there..its gonna take forever
L: suck it up buttercup
Me: I was fucking tricked.
L: lead by the tummy…….
More about “L” who is apparently famous enough to have fanfiction about himself which he can readily find.  .  
Watching Nomie
Youd be surprised who visits tumble land.
L loves reading fan fiction about himself (he says he gets more game online than he ever does in real life) and tumbler. 😂🤣🤣😂😂😂. He has a ridiculous fascination sharing gifs of himself. he’s a goober. They crack him up.
Below is her post about how she was bearding and had to hide “A” -is he her  boyfriend of husband now she is hiding him along with her kids. Her kids were never living in CA that I ever read.  They were in South Carolina she occasionally talked about being separated from her teenage kids but that it was her time now and her career was important. She would write about being in LA most of the time-cryptic parties and work posts- and going back and forth to SC though she rarely posted from SC- except during one of the hurricanes.
Anonymous asked:
Hmmm ok I'm slightly intrigued maybe u do get it But most probably you don't Have you ever given up and gave away something you shouldn't have because you thought it was for the best and that guilt just fucking eats away at you every day I have lied to everyone even my family to hide something I didn't even know about The work was more important and I would have sold my soul to get what I wanted I just don't know now if any of it was worth it and tbh I don't think the big guys even think it
answered: Yeah.
I had to hide my kids for two years when I first got back heavily into modeling and switching back to acting. Was also bearding. Because I look so much younger than I am, they were afraid it would show negatively work wise. Also they didnt want questions about A and the minis. (I’m still cast as characters ten years younger than the actress that usually plays my mother. Its the cheeks and the voice).
One day I fucked up and mentioned my kids and it got in print when they were talking about fashion week. A was cool about it. But it resulted in a huge move for the minis and the whole family had to adjust. Mine and his.
There are other times I purposely fuck up. Because you just get sick of juggling. Other times its an honest mistake and then you deal with the shit and move on.
So now she and “A” have minis (kids) and they had to move. I’m not sure what the hell she is trying to spin here but clearly he isn’t the platonic roommate hanging out in LA. 
I found posts tonight where she claimed she has two friends in Hollywood who are gay and came out and one friend who slammed the closet door so hard it shook after he got an important role. 
I had no idea about Oliver- good sleuthing. 
She claims she’s pan and that gives her permission to say rude and misogynistic things 
Anonymous asked:
Who is gonna tell Darr/en he looks like M/ia's "best gay" in most of the pictures of them together where they are supposed to look in love? Especially the ones from last night lol
Just ya typical queer (I’m pan so imma say that). With his beardy.
Or hag. Whatever term ya wanna use.(X)
She HATED MIa...called her Amelia and wrote incredibly offensive-downright hateful-posts about Mia under the pseudonym The Ghost- who just happened to call her Amelia. Anons would ask Disneyprincess question for The Ghost and Disney would either answer them on The Ghosts behalf or claim she would relay the message/ask The Ghost. Yeah right. She even wrote fanfiction under that pseudonym. It was super bad -sentence structure, plot development, and character development were all grossly missing. It was basically BWP (bullying without plot). The stories are gone now- I have scoured the web looking for them.  I could kick myself for not saving some of them...if anyone has one, I'd love to see it.  The plot line of one was Mia ordering Darren around her office telling him she had complete control over him while he coward in front of her.  Darren meekly declared he would win in the end, but Mia just kept ordering him around. 
These are kinds of posts who would make about Hollywood -keep in mind there was nothing before this post that make it understandable- I'm not exaggerating when I say this was typical: 
Nomie party
You did????? When? Was I annoyingly perky or in professional mode??
That’s freaking awesome. We must have lunch.
Didn’t post the ask cause that was too many details on that party. 😂😂 already been in trouble thanks.
Glad I’m not the only one that thought he is an ass.
Anonymous asked: (X)
When did you see them out? Details
Can’t really say where I was as it included what I was doing and with whom. But it was here after the first of the year
I already posted this but it bears repeating- she, like Abby, won’t give away all their secrets aka they won’t give specifics (X)
Anonymous asked: 
there is evidence of Wll and aash kissing in the clubbbb?!!!!!!!
That I can’t tell you. I know I’ve never taken a picture cause why would I? but I mean folks do snap pictures when folks are out and folks get things in background photos that people prefer not be seen publicly.
However I will say if you do some digging, there are a lot more cuddled up w/a pictures out there. One just needs to have the time and be invested enough to look.
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kikaykim · 6 years
Taiwan Trip 2018
I’ve always been curious about what the heart of Asia can offer and by taking advantage of its government’s initiative for Free Visa to attract more tourists, it’s time to get to know this neighboring country.
I turned to AirAsia for cheap flights and got a good deal for Taiwan from Dec. 17-21. The dates are the best as they’re literally 1 week before the holiday break kicks off so I don’t need to worry about the “back to reality” dillemma that we get right after spending a holiday away from home then going back straight to work.
I did a lot of research by reading blogs and watching vlogs on Youtube. The information I got from the two mediums really helped me out in planning my 4 days trip. AirAsia flights to Taiwan from Clark are always at night so I only have 4 days instead of 5.
The next thing I did after securing my flight tickets, I looked for discounted hotels/hostels. I always turn to Agoda because they have the cheapest accommodation deals. Been booking hotels with them since 2016. I never had an issue and their customer service, although the queue is too long, you’ll spend a tantamount of time waiting on the line for a rep to attend to your concerns, is superb. Agoda also have the options for “pay nothing until” or “pay at the property”. I also considered looking through Airbnb but in the end, I found myself booking two accommodations via Agoda. Mind you, always read the reviews of people for that hotel you want to book. It will definitely help you decide if it’s the right one for you.
I also thought of booking activities, buy tickets and rentals online (aside from flight tickets) when planning my trip. I turned to two travel applications: Klook and KKday.
-Rental of 4G Wifi Mobile Broadband I got on Sale. My usage is 5 days. The pickup location is right at the Arrival Area of Taoyuan Airport T1. It was an easy transaction, instructions on the Klook voucher is accurate. I presented the QR code on the voucher on my phone, my passport and Debit card (credit card can be used too). The card is required so when you loose or damage the device, they’ll charge you. Signed the receipt and that’s it! The device was low on power charge though, so I got to use it the next day but boy, it’s so fast! No lagging anywhere I go in Taiwan. The price shown below is for 1 day use only. So the price will multiply depending on how many days you’re going to use it.
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-Taichung World Flora Expo Ticket. This ticket is for the entrance fee of the three world flora expo sites. I’ll go into detail of the itinerary later on.
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-booked a Day Tour Package for three tourist spots: Yehliu Geopark, Shifen and Jiufen.
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What you need to know for first time travelers in Taiwan like me:
1. If your arrival time and immigration process allows it, catch the airport MRT going to Taipei or any other places in Taiwan. Otherwise, take a bus or Uber or Taxi. I was lucky to catch the MRT. MRT Airport Operating hours: 6am - 12am only.
2. Purchase the Easycard. It’s going to be your bestfriend in going around the city and neighboring states/provinces. It costs NTD$500 - there is a NTD$100 fee so your balance on the card will be NTD$400. The Easycard can be used both in MRT and Bus. This is available to purchase at any Information booth in MRT stations. Taiwan has a very systematic and easy to understand transportation system so I’m really happy about it. It’s so easy going up and down stations to your destinations.
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3. It’s December, it’s Winter. Do you need to wear a jacket? I would suggest to search for the weather forecast from the duration of your stay. In my case, it never rained. It was sunny. The lowest temperature I experienced was just 17degrees Celcius -at night. Temperatures tend to get low at sun down. During the day, while wearing a fleece jacket, puffer jacket and a sweater, met with humidity and highest temp of 28degress Celcius, I got too sweaty!! So on my last day in Taiwan, I was wearing a sando and shorts. No sweat, no cold feeling though I attracted attention for wearing differently. I can’t help it, I’m a tropical island girl so 17, 20, or 28 degress are not cold enough for me except when I’m about to have my period, my body temps get low, I’m shivering at 20 degress at the office aircon. Lol. But you will notice the Taiwanese people are still wearing layered jackets I think it’s because they just got used to wearing those clothing during Winter months. And anyway, most of the year, it’s raining in Taiwan and the rain adds to the cold temperature so yeah, maybe that’s the reason. I was just lucky I guess that the duration of my visit was sunny, no rains at all.
4. Taiwanese are very friendly, accommodating and helpful that in spite of language barrier, they will proactively help you out when they see you confused or trying to figure out which way to go. That alone made my journey very easy and I really felt safe there.
5. Speaking of language barrier, taxi drivers speak little to no English and they’re having a hard time understanding what you’re trying to say. So I suggest that you prepare an address of your destination that’s written in Chinese. When I was going to the hostel from Taipei Main Station, the taxi driver was clever enough to call the hostel to get the address in Mandarin.
6. There’s plenty of climbing and walking from stations to stations and hiking trails. So you must wear comfortable shoes, and you should be an active person to prevent yourself from suffering painful legs and knees.
7. Get a copy of the Taipei Metro Guide pamphlet. It will help you navigate which train line to take to get to your destinations. You can get it from the Information booth or train officers around the stations. You can also get a soft copy online at english.metro.taipei -just type it as it is on your web browser.
Here’s my detailed itinerary..
Day 1. A DIY trip I planned:
Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial
Elephant Mountain
Mala YuanYang Hotpot
Chun Shui Tang Milk Tea
Maokong Gondola
Longshan Temple
Taipei 101
Shilin Night Market
What I actually able to fulfill: all of the above except the ones written on RED. Yes. I ran out of time, I wasn’t able to squeeze them to the schedule.
Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial - this is just a walking distance from the hostel I stayed in. No entrance fee as it is a public place. I was in awe at how huge those traditional structures are and how spacious the whole park is. It’s magnificent! Also, the Exit 5 of the Chiang Kai-Shek MRT station is right in the compound.
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Elephant Mountain - it’s a hiking trail where you can get a great view of Taipei 101 and the city from afar. It is a popular destination for both locals and tourists alike. This is where my knees got in real trouble, I could use a wheelchair! The steps are too steep going up, I was not able to finish the trail and get to the boulders because my legs, specially my knees were giving up. This is the price to pay for not being an active person. Though, there is a spot, a balcony where you can already take a photo and see the city from there without going up to the boulders. That’s where I stopped and got the below 2nd photo.
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How to get here: from any MRT station in my case, Chiang Kai-Shek Exit 4 station, take the RED line to Xiangshan station and go to Exit 2. From Exit 2, go straight to the park then turn left at the end of the park, go straight then turn right. Continue walking straight until you see the sign on the above photo on the left side of the street. When in doubt, just Google then look for the result from “Guide to Taipei”. Tried pasting the link here but this silly tumblr can’t save it, the app crashes.
Mala YuanYang Hotpot at Ximending - took a lunch at this unlimited hotpot that is popular to tourists. This place gets really crowded mostly by Korean tourists. The lunch costs NTD$545 and dinner is NTD$635. You can have unlimited premium meats, seafood and other hotpot essentials, unlimited drinks with plenty of varieties and this is the most exciting part: unlimited Häagen-Dazs and Movenpick ice cream!!! Aside from other desserts like fruits, puddings and egg tart. The only limited though, is time. Your lunch and dinner is limited to only 2 hours. It is located in Ximending which is also happens to be Taipei’s shopping district. So in this stop, I was able to hit two places in one go. And I think Ximending is livelier at night. So if you want to get dinner instead of lunch at Mala Hotpot, then I think that’s a better idea.
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How to get here: Ximen station is your drop point station. It is in the Blue and Green lines as it also serves as the transfer station for Green line. Blue line has transfer stations from Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center station and Zhongxiao Fuxing station from the Brown line, Taipei Main Station from the Red line, Zhongxiao Xinsheng from the Orange line, and Ximen station from the Green line. From where I was at Xiongshan station of the Red line, I dropped off the Chiang Kai-Shek station then transferred to the Green line and stopped at Ximen station.
Taipie 101 - the most famous landmark of Taiwan. It’s astonishing! Since it’s sunny on the day I went up the Taipei 101 Observatory, I was able to see the whole city, crystal clear! What I forgot to do though is to get to the 91st floor observatory. The main observatory is at the 89th floor and it took us 37seconds to get there from the 5th floor where the ticket for the observatory is being sold at NTD$600 per person. It is indeed the fastest lift!
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How to get here: Take the RED line going to Taipei 101/World Trade Center station.
Maokong Gondola - it’s a gondola ride with three mountain stops. The last stop is the Maokong village where there are a bunch of tea shops. It is better to get there before sunset to see the city sunset while enjoying a tea. Unfortunately in my case, I got to ride the gondola past 5pm. Night time comes early at 5pm. But I get to see the city at night while riding the gondola and enjoying the cold breeze.
How to get here: from Taipei 101 station which is in the RED line, take the same line to Daan Park station which is the transfer station for the Brown line. Take the Brown line going to Taipei Zoo station. From Taipei Zoo staition, just follow the signs that leads to the Maokong Gondola. It will cost you a total of NTD$200 for a round trip from the gondola.
Chun Sui Tang Cultural Tea House - based on Google search, it is the one that started the Milk Tea craze! They also have the Taiwanese Beef Noodle soup which is also a famous Taiwanese dish. Hitting two birds with one stone. This is where I had my dinner. The milk tea tastes bittersweet which I really like. The beef noodle soup tastes good too! The servings are huge!
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How to get here: Take the Red line going to Chiang Kai-shek station. Go to Exit 5. The restaurant is located just under the stairs of the Chaing Kai-Shek Concert Hall.
And that’s a wrap for my first day in Taiwan. My next posts will detail my journey for the rest of my 4 days in the country.
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obeythebreadlord · 2 years
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So here’s a bunch of sketches I made of the new Arachnid AU I made (btw thank you so much for 5 likes I never expected anyone to see it)
And I’ll just explain all of the pictures here in order.
The first picture (Ford running into a pole): So Ford as you all know is a tarantula and apparently they don’t have good eyesight. And before I start getting smart people reposting this then yes I know that all spiders have bad eyesight I just want to keep it limited to tarantulas for my AU. And so basically because Ford has bad eyesight he runs into things, and this is a example- also I know it’s hard to see Dipper and Fords face so basically Dipper is just laughing at Ford for running into a pole
The second one is basically just a reference photo of what the spider design/body looks like. I’m still trying to learn a bit about drawing like 6 arms so I’ll hopefully improve on that.
The third one (Mabel waving at Dipper while hanging upside down) is basically what I just said- Mabel waving at dipper while hanging upside down- also I’m just gonna say this, I don’t know where the webs come from but all I’m gonna say is they do not shit webs 💀…..
And the fourth one (Wendy and Stan) is another thing referring to Stan and Ford’s horrible eyesight at tarantulas-
I know it’s extremely hard to see like their eyes- I still need to work on it. I could only give everyone 6 eyes but they all indeed have 8 eyes. Just needs improving 💀
Anyways I just wanted to share this, I know it’s another extremely long post but I felt I needed to explain them just so that people aren’t confused lol
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the--elementals · 6 years
Hey! Your blog is really cool, I've been following for over a year now. I was wondering what your ocs are for? Whether they are just characters you draw or if there is a web comic or story behind them? I discovered your blog when you tagged one of my photos #ocfelix, do you have a drawing of what they look like? I just love your blog aesthetic, each oc has such a distinct style!
First of all, this message made me so happy omg. Thank you so much!! ;o; 
But yes to both! I draw them and they have a story, but I haven't done much in terms of writing/making the comic for them. Hopefully I can actually start doing that this year!
But my story is called The Elementals and the main idea is that our Earth, among numerous other planets in the universe, has “Elementals” born from it.  Elementals are powerful beings that are the essence of different elements based on that planet. (Ex: some of the many Elementals on earth are based off fire, wind, animals, humans, sunlight, darkness, trees, etc.)
My story focuses on the Elementals from Earth, primarily Lyle, who is the Elemental of plants and flowers. The Elementals like to live different lives on Earth as if they were regular humans. However fear overcomes the group when they find out that Elementals from other planets are taking over planets and destroying them. Not long after this discovery, Earth gets some visitors of their own. They now have to fight for the first time to save their planet and themselves, because if they die, their element dies with them.
Hopefully that makes sense? lol but yeah! Each tag is for a different character based on their element and different aesthetics/pics I feel fit them or their personality. so its really pleasing to go into a certain tag and see similar pictures. 
Here’s some art I have off my tablet of them:
In order: Lyle (flowers), Linda (trees), Kaylee (oceans), Mark (energy), & Judy (sunlight) 
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There’s a whole bunch of characters in this story. i think i have like 14 Elementals alone for Earth? But this post is already long enough as it is lol. Again, thank you for the ask!!! ^-^
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