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backgrounds-for-ads · 5 months ago
Ceannaich dealbh craobh na Nollaige Santa Claus
As the festive season approaches, we are excited to introduce our wonderful collection of images that will surely bring joy and warmth to your projects. Christmas is a time for love, togetherness, and celebration. With our collection, you can truly experience the spirit of Christmas.
Our collection features beautiful images capturing Christmas traditions and symbols. You’ll find stunning Christmas trees, joyful family gatherings, and cherished moments shared with friends, each image telling its own story and evoking its own emotions. These pictures encapsulate the atmosphere of Christmas in every detail.
Every image is of high quality, designed especially for designers, marketers, and individuals who want to express their love for the holiday season. Whether you need material for social media, promotional items, or simple Christmas cards, we’re here to assist you.
Why is it essential to have beautiful images during Christmas? Because images have the power to capture emotions and memories. Our pictures are crafted to showcase special moments you remember and share with your loved ones. With these images, it’s easier to convey love and joy during the festive season.
You can browse our extensive collection on our website. Our images are categorized by themes, styles, and colors, making it easier to find the right pictures for your needs. Don’t miss the chance to purchase these special images for your projects.
Images aren’t just images; they’re invitations to express messages and ideas. Every detail matters, and our pictures will help you communicate your message effectively. Christmas is a time for giving and sharing love, so make your messages special with our images.
If you have any questions or need help selecting the right image, don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer support. We’re here to provide assistance and information you need. We support you throughout the entire process, from selection to purchase.
While searching for Christmas images, you’ll discover opportunities to create new memories and traditions. Images are reminders of joyful moments you can share with your family and friends. Each image carries a story and a history of your celebrations.
Our pictures can also serve as inspiration for your own projects. For example, you could create invitations, Christmas cards, or even artistic prints featuring festive themes. Let your creativity flourish and bring a special message to your projects with our images.
Remember, each chosen image can convey special feelings and stories to its viewers. Take your time to explore our collection and allow yourself to be inspired by the beauty and spirit of Christmas. Our images will take you on a journey through memories and joy.
Celebrating Christmas is an opportunity to showcase your art and creativity. Our images provide space for your ideas and enrich your projects. Use our pictures to create new memories and emotions for your audience.
Don’t forget that Christmas is a time for giving. With our images, you can spread joy and inspiration to those around you. Each purchase benefits not only you but also those who receive your creations.
Are you looking for classic designs or modern interpretations of Christmas? You’ll find it all in our collection. Our images are crafted with every taste and style in mind, providing you with a wide range of options. Don’t miss the opportunity to bring beauty and joy to your projects.
Start now and explore our images! Our collection is filled with stunning pictures that are sure to inspire you. Don’t miss the chance to make your Christmas special with our beautiful images.
Thank you for your support! We wish you a joyful and meaningful Christmas!
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misneachdalba · 2 years ago
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English below.
Tha sinn a’ cur fàilte air an aithisg air cothroman sòisealta agus eaconamach don Ghàidhlig, a chaidh fhoillseachadh le Riaghaltas na h-Alba air 20 dhen Ògmhios 2023.
📝 Gàidhlig - https://shorturl.at/eBN49 📝 Beurla- https://shorturl.at/yCUV4
Tha an aithisg, a chaidh ullachadh le buidheann neo-eisimeileach de shàr eòlaichean air suidheachadh coimhearsnachdan na Gàidhlig, a’ sònrachadh chothroman far am faodar deagh bhuaidh a thoirt air cor a’ chànain air feadh na h-Alba.
Chaidh Prìomh Choimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig a ghabhail air sgìrean san robh a’ Ghàidhlig aig còrr is 20% den t-sluagh a rèir cunntas-sluaigh 2011, ged a tha an aithisg ag aithneachadh cho cugallach ’s a tha cor a’ chànain anns na coimhearsnachdan dùthchasach.
Tha i a’ toirt aire air na dùbhlain dheamografach shònraichte a tha nam bacadh ro bheothalachd nam Prìomh Choimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig agus a’ moladh raon farsaing radaigeach de phoileasaidhean a bhualadh air taigheadas, gnìomhachas, agus bun-structar.
Tha am buidheann-obrach a’ cur an taice “san fharsaingeachd” ri bhith a’ comharrachadh sgìrean Gàidhealtachd oifigeil, ged a tha iad a’ moladh barrachd soilleireachadh air a’ bheachd-phoileasaidh. Tha iad cuideachd a’ sònrachadh mar a dh’fhaodar feum nas fheàrr a dhèanamh de reachdas agus poileasaidhean làithreach, a leithid planadh ionadail agus measaidhean buaidhe nan eilean.
Bidh àrdachadh a dhìth anns a’ mhaoineachadh a gheibh leasachadh na Gàidhlig, agus tha sinn toilichte fhaicinn gu bheil am buidheann gu làidir dhen bheachd gu bheil àrdachadh a dhìth gach cuid anns na tha Riaghaltas na h-Alba fhèin a’ cosg agus ann am buidseat Bhòrd na Gàidhlig.
Tha sinn air togail fhaighinn bho mholaidhean na h-aithisg, a tha faisg air cuid de na nochd anns a’ mhanifesto againn fhèin a dh’fhoillsicheadh ann an 2021. Nam biodh poileasaidh Gàidhealtachd stèidhichte air a’ mhodail ann an Èirinn air a chur an sàs, bhiodh sgìrean ionadail anns na h-eileanan, agus lìonraidhean G��idhlig ann an àitean eile, a’ faighinn:
Plana Gàidhlig ionadail gach 7 bliadhna air a dhealbhadh le proifeiseantaich agus a’ choimhearsnachd,
Co-dhiù £150,000 sa bhliadhna airson am plana a chur an gnìomh anns gach sgìre Gàidhealtachd,
Co-dhiù 1 oifigear leasachaidh do gach Gàidhealtachd airson taic a chumail ri gnìomhan ionadail (a bharrachd air oifigearan òigridh aig CnaG agus oifigearan Gàidhlig aig buidhnean eile a tha ann mar-thà),
Inbhe nam Planaichean Cànain agus dreuchd nan Oifigearan Leasachaidh air an stèidheachadh ann an lagh,
Taic, goireasan agus eòlas bho bhuidheann cho-òrdanachaidh Gàidhealtachd, stèidhte sna h-eileanan,
Co-dhùnaidhean mu phrìomhachasan agus buidseatan nas fhaisge air a’ choimhearsnachd le co-obrachadh eadar buidhnean ionadail.
Tha sinne am beachd gum biodh aithneachadh sgìrean Gàidhealtachd oifigeil na dheagh cheum a thogadh air obair a tha cuid a sgìrean Gàidhealach a thoirt air aghaidh, a leithid an Eilein Sgitheanaich agus Ghabhsainn Leòdhais. Bhiodh e cuideachd a’ daingneachadh na h-obrach ann an reachdas, a’ toirt tèarainteachd agus inbhe do na phlanaichean ionadail agus do dhreuchd nan oifigearan. --------------------------------
The campaign group Misneachd welcomes the report on social and economic opportunities for Gaelic, published by the Scottish Government on 20 June 2023.
The report, prepared by an independent group of top experts on the situation of Gaelic communities, specifies opportunities where a positive impact can be made on the state of the language throughout Scotland.
The Key Gaelic Language Communities were defined as areas where Gaelic was spoken by more than 20% of the population according to the 2011 census, although the report recognises the precariousness of the language's situation in the native communities.
It takes into account the specific demographic challenges that are an obstacle to the vitality of the Key Gaelic Communities and proposes a wide range of radical policies pertaining to housing, business, and infrastructure.
The working group supports "in general" the designation of official Gàidhealtachd areas, although they recommend more clarification of this policy concept. They also specify how better use can be made of current legislation and policies, such as local planning and Island Impact Assessments.
An increase will be needed in the funding received by Gaelic development, and we are happy to see that the working-group strongly believes that an increase is needed both in what the Scottish Government itself spends and in the budget of Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
Misneachd as a group have been greatly encouraged by the report's recommendations, which are close to some of what appeared in our own manifesto published in 2021. If a Gàidhealtachd policy based on the model in Ireland was applied, local areas in the islands, and Gaelic networks elsewhere, would receive:
A local Gaelic plan every 7 years designed by professionals and the community,
At least £150,000 a year to implement the plan in each Gàidhealtachd area,
At least 1 development officer for each Gàidhealtachd to support local activities (as well as youth officers at CnaG and Gaelic officers at other existing organisations),
The status of Local Language Plans and the role of Development Officers established in law,
Support, resources and expertise from the Gàidhealtachd co-ordinating body, based in the islands,
Decisions about priorities and budgets closer to the community with collaboration between local organisations.
Misneachd is of the opinion that the recognition of official Gàidhealtachd areas would be a good step to build on the work that some Gaelic areas are already undertaking, such as the Isle of Skye and Galson in Lewis. It would also consolidate this work in legislation, giving security and status to the plan and the role of the officers.
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medaler602 · 2 years ago
Tha teicneòlas às aonais tèarainteachd anns na diofar mheudan
Tha teicneòlas às aonais tèarainteachd anns na diofar mheudan aige gun bhrìgh. Is e tuiteam an eag-shiostam IT agus gnìomhachas agus a bhith a’ dol air ais aon de na draghan as cudromaiche a tha aig gnìomhachasan teicneòlais an latha an-diugh agus gnìomhachasan stèidhichte air teicneòlas, agus eadhon buill fa-leth den chomann. Gun teagamh, tha leantainn air adhart leis na suidheachaidhean gnàthach de mhì-thèarainteachd anns gach tomhas de ghnìomhachas a’ tarraing àm ri teachd mì-chinnteach agus dùbhlanach dha gnìomhachasan agus proifeiseantaich IT.
Tha ceannard Coimisean Afta aig Buidheann Nasr Tehran den bheachd gu bheil leantainn air adhart leis na cuingeadan o chionn ghoirid, a bharrachd air a bhith a’ tarraing àm ri teachd mì-chinnteach agus dùbhlanach, cuideachd a’ cruthachadh mì-thèarainteachd anns gach taobh de ghnìomhachasan agus thuirt e:
Tha gearradh dheth cuid de discord na slighean sin air dùbhlan a thoirt do eadhon ùrachadh uidheamachd tèarainteachd agus sgiathan dìon bun-structair, a chaidh a dhèanamh anns na dòighean as duilghe rè na smachd-bhannan, agus tha seo a’ ciallachadh barrachd mì-thèarainteachd.
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