#bumpy kanahele
freehawaii · 4 years
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Maui News - February 12, 2021 
A Maui-based Native Hawaiian housing advocacy organization on Thursday filed a whistleblower complaint that it called the “last warning” for Bank of America to uphold a long-standing commitment to make $150 million in home loans available on Hawaiian Home Lands. 
The complaint filed by Na Po’e Kokua with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission alleges that Bank of America defrauded its investors by not disclosing its “criminal and civil exposure” for “systemic fraudulent conduct” involving its failed commitments, false statements and false claims, among other actions through the years. 
Na Po’e Kokua President Brandon Maka’awa’awa and attorney Bruce Jacobs said that next step would be a federal lawsuit. 
“This is the last warning for Bank of America to stop disrespecting the people of Hawaii and reach a fair settlement before NPK sues for RICO (Racketeering Influenced, Corrupt Organizations Act) in federal court,” Maka’awa’awa said in the complaint. 
Maka’awa’awa and Jacobs announced the complaint in a news conference facilitated by the Hawaii State Teachers Association on Thursday. 
Maui County Mayor Michael Victorino, Maui County Council Vice-Chairwoman Keani Rawlins-Fernandez, Committee for Better Banks Co-Director Nick Weiner and Hawaii Fair Lending Coalition Coordinator Ian Chan Hodges also appeared at the news conference. 
Bank of America said in an email statement on Thursday afternoon that “while we respect the issues faced by the Native Hawaiian community, this is a meritless claim relating to a pledge made in 1994. The Bank fulfilled its pledge and the state confirmed that in 2007.” 
The bank attached a 2007 letter from the state Department of Hawaiian Home Lands that says “the statement of BoA contributions toward fulfillment of its commitment appear to be in order. The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) is therefore pleased to formally acknowledge that the $150,000,000 commitment has been met by Bank of America.” 
According to public documents and news reports, the Hawaiian Homes Commission in 2012 disputed the earlier letter, saying that the decision had been made without commission approval and agreeing that the bank had still not fully followed through on its pledge. 
In 2018, Gov. David Ige invited bank officials to meet with Na Po’e Kokua in Hawaii and work out a fair settlement, but the issue was never resolved. 
“We feel hurt, I personally feel hurt for the kupuna who are no longer here that originally took on this fight,” Maka’awa’awa said during the news conference. “But this organization was started by kupuna on Maui. Their dream was to have affordable housing options for Hawaiians and their dream got crushed by this commitment not being fulfilled.” 
He said the condition that was supposed to be fulfilled by 1998 was not an act of charity, as Bank of America was able to merge and profit. It was a condition of the bank’s acquisition of Liberty Bank and ordered by the Federal Reserve System, public documents show. 
“They got to grow their wealth, when we got stuck over here holding the bag,” said Maka’awa’awa. 
He added that if the bank fulfilled the commitment, it would assist Hawaiians getting into housing and alleviate some of the housing pressure on other Hawaii residents. 
Na Po’e Kokua also created the Hawaii Fair Lending Coalition as a group of Native Hawaiian housing advocates in 1993....
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whattawitchh · 8 years
Friendly reminder that Hawai’i was once an independent country.
I’ve been looking all over Tumblr for this video and couldn’t find it so I’ve decided to share it. Honestly, you should do your research and educate yourselves before you go anywhere in the world because you are ultimately setting foot in someone else’s home. Take a break from the main tourist attractions to actually get to know the locals who call it home, you’ll be doing yourself a favor. 
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itsalycenotalice · 8 years
Hawaii Five-0 - Episode 7.14 - Ka laina ma ke one - Press Release
FIVE-0 GOES UP AGAINST AN AGGRESSIVE U.S. MARSHALL WHEN A MAN WANTED FOR MURDER SEEKS ASYLUM IN THE SOVEREIGN LAND BELONGING TO THE NATION OF HAWAII, ON “HAWAII FIVE-0,” FRIDAY, JAN. 20 Lou Diamond Phillips Guest Stars as U.S. Marshall Lincoln “Ka laina ma ke one” – Five-0 must go up against an aggressive U.S. marshall, Lincoln (Lou Diamond Phillips), when a man wanted for murder escapes capture and seeks asylum in the sovereign land belonging to the Nation of Hawaii, on HAWAII FIVE-0, Friday, Jan. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (“Ka laina ma ke one” is Hawaiian for “Line in the Sand”) CHEAT TWEET: #H50 Ohana, say #Aloha 2 guest star @LouDPhillips! @HawaiiFive0CBS #CBS 1/20 9pm http://bit.ly/2igpM17 REGULAR CAST: Alex O’Loughlin (Steve McGarrett) Scott Caan (Danny “Danno” Williams) Daniel Dae Kim (Chin Ho Kelly) Grace Park (Kono Kalakaua) Masi Oka (Dr. Max Bergman) Chi McBride (Lou Grover) Jorge Garcia (Jerry Ortega) GUEST CAST: Kalani Queypo (Kanuha) Dennis Chun (Sergeant Duke Lukela) Lou Diamond Phillips (Lincoln) Shawn Thomsen (Officer Pua Kai) Jeffrey D. Sams (Devon Berris) Bumpy Kanahele (Himself) Matthew St. Patrick (John Berris) Brandon Maka’awa’awa (Brandon) Nathaniel Niemi (Doug) Cathy Tanaka (DMV Instructor) Wallace Salazar Jr. (HPD Officer #1) Ryan Pagan (HPD Officer #2) WRITTEN BY: Sean O’Reilly DIRECTED BY: Peter Weller
SOURCE - http://www.spoilertv.com/2017/01/hawaii-five-0-episode-714-ka-laina-ma.html
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talesofhawaii · 2 years
Why are we at the UN?
Why are we at the UN?
Did you know that Hawaiians have been advocating at the UN for nearly 50 years? Starting with Kawaipuna Prejean who in the 70s teamed up with AIM (the American Indian Movement) and native leaders from around the world to confront the UN for its deafness to indigenous voices. Over the years, many other Hawaiians followed, including: Poka Laenui, Mililani Trask, Bumpy Kanahele, Kekula Crawford,…
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bytemarks · 5 years
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Imagining the future with my good friends Bumpy Kanahele, Brandon Makaawaawa and John Garcia. Talking about indigenous connectivity. #2019ICS (at Ken's Pancake House) https://www.instagram.com/p/B42hEtajXgj/?igshid=mjuxevmvkvkf
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kakaimeitahi · 8 years
In 1893, armed U.S. naval forces helped American sugar plantation owners illegally overthrow Hawaii’s constitutional monarchy. One hundred years later, the U.S. apologized and admitted in a resolution that Native Hawaiians had never relinquished their claims to sovereignty. Today, many Native Hawaiians continue to yearn for independence. One activist, Bumpy Kanahele, has even created his own village as a model for Hawaiian sovereignty. AJ+'s Dena Takruri reports on the Hawaiian fight for sovereignty.
I think I heard about this place a long time ago? I heard there was a lot of issues with the Sovereignty land because it works like a reservation/community that shouldn’t be applied to Hawaii because it’s not even apart of USA? I don’t know much, but I remember that... A great story nonetheless!! 
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romcomathon2016 · 7 years
Aloha (USA, 2015)
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Predictions: Ah, Aloha. This 2015 gem that we saw such colorful billboards for around Los Angeles, and were kind of intrigued by, until b) it came out and got terrible reviews and a) we realized that Emma Stone was supposed to be Asian. Yeah. That happened. We predict that Emma Stone pretends to be Asian, and Bradley Cooper and Rachel McAdams are hard-hitting reporters who set out to debunk this obvious falsehood. A prequel to Spotlight, if you will.
Plot: Alas, nothing like our prediction. :|
Bradley Cooper is a sad city coyote who's lost his emotional military-coyote way and finds himself (back) in Hawaii, working for Bill Murray, trying to swindle the Hawaiian people. There, he runs into Rachel McAdams, whom he used to bang here in Hawaii 13 years ago, but who is now married to his strong, silent military...friend? acquaintance? John Krasinski and has two kids, aged 12 and 10. The 12-year-old is obviously Bradley Cooper's child, though. I mean, obviously. Thus Bradley Cooper causes mild disruption in Rachel McAdams's strong, silent marriage, but eventually they all work it out, whatever.
Also, in the course of his Bill-Murray swindling, Bradley Cooper meets Captain Emma Stone, whose job seems to exclusively be following him around talking about her quarter-Hawaiian heritage. She is so annoying. So annoying. And yet, they fall in love. BUT OH NO, SHE DISAPPROVES OF HIS SWINDLING, BECAUSE OF HOW HAWAIIAN SHE IS. SHE'S SO HAWAIIAN, YOU GUYS. HAWAIIAN HAWAIIAN HAWAIIAN. (Also a quarter Chinese, which is honestly even weirder.) Anyway, blah blah blah, Half-API Captain Emma Stone ensnares Bradley Cooper with her zest for life and changes his mind about his swindling, and together they blow up Bill Murray's satellite. (Wait...what???? That's the course of action you chose????) Then he like...sort of breaks up with her to save her career or whatever… But then Rachel McAdams persuades him to go confess his true feelings… Oh, who cares.
In conclusion, Alec Baldwin discovers that Bill Murray is bad, Bradley Cooper and Half-API Captain Emma Stone deserve each other, and Bradley Cooper's 12-year-old kid has a magical epiphany about her previously secret parentage and runs out of her hula class into his arms. Sure, sure.
Best Scene: At one point, Bradley Cooper and Rachel McAdams are in the kitchen talking about John Krasinski's strong, silent personality -- Rachel McAdams complaining about how he (literally) never says anything -- when John Krasinski wanders through, and, after he leaves, Bradley Cooper helpfully interprets his silences for her. It's actually pretty funny, and we would have enjoyed it, had it been part of a different movie.
Worst Scene: Ummmm. Pretty much any moment when eager-eyed Emma Stone can't stop talking about how Hawaiian she is?? Maybe especially when she's bonding with the actual Hawaiian guy over their Hawaiian-ness, and he's moved by how Hawaiian she is. /cringe
Best Line: At one point, Emma Stone is on the phone to her mom while Bradley Cooper listens in from the next room, and she says all sorts of disgusting shit, but she ALSO (amazingly) describes Bradley Cooper as a "sad city coyote." Our new favorite phrase. For the rest of our lives, every time we see Bradley Cooper in a movie, we will think of him as Sad City Coyote.
Worst Line: Everything else she said in that scene. Something about his eyes being "miles of blue." Oh god, you guys. People just keep talking about their Hawaiian-ness and Bradley Cooper's blue eyes, and… We just wish everyone in this movie would take a leaf out of John Krasinski's book and never ever speak.
Highlights of the Watching Experience: So many! Where to begin? Our puzzlement that Rachel McAdams is old enough to have a 12-year-old daughter? Our surprise that John Krasinski is now silent, after seeming capable of normal conversation when he and Bradley Cooper were on the plane? Our utter confusion as to why Emma Stone, a supposed adult, would choose to sit in the middle of the backseat of a car???? Also, important discussion, you guys: what is harder to believe, that Emma Stone is Asian or that Emma Stone is a competent member of the military -- so competent that Hillary Clinton insists she be there to salute her when she arrives in Hawaii?? (We think the latter. Personally, we actually find it easier to believe that Emma Catface** Stone would be Asian than a captain in the military.)
**Over time, Kat has compiled a list of celebrities that she feels look like cats. Mila Kunis, Amanda Seyfried, and Matt Bomer, for example, should clearly all be sitting on somebody's window somewhere, sunning themselves. "Actresses Who Look Like Cats (and Matt Bomer)" is perhaps our favorite of the many one-trick tumblrs we have thought about starting. Others include "Bad Parking in Los Angeles" and "White People Peeling Shrimp."
How Many POC in the Film: Lord. Well, let's just be clear, all the main characters were white people. EVERY SINGLE ONE. NOT EVEN A TOKEN BLACK FRIEND, Y'ALL. BRADLEY COOPER DIDN’T HAVE ONE ASIAN PAL, ON THE ISLAND OF HAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!! That being said, there were some background characters of color, which frankly is almost more than we expected from this film. There was the guy who played real-life Hawaiian Bumpy Kanahele. There was the hula teacher and all the hula classmates in Bradley Cooper's daughter's class. Some other passersby…
Alternate Scenes: Well. At the beginning of the movie, when we first glimpsed Rachel McAdams and her son, Kat thought that she might be divorced or a widow. If that had been the case, maybe she and Bradley Cooper could have gotten back together. Wouldn't that have been nice -- so much nicer than what actually happened. Emma Stone could just have been a chatty coworker, or a local barista, who never mentions her Hawaiian heritage except when it comes up in appropriate context. Sample dialogue: "I'm a quarter Irish." "Oh, really? I'm a quarter Hawaiian." "Really? You don't look it." "I know, I really don't."
Was the Poster Better or Worse than the Film: Better. I mean, let's just be clear, the poster's not GOOD, but. The poster seems to be just a regular old straightforward tale of three white people on vacation in Hawaii, maybe falling in love with each other. That's the boring, inoffensive movie we thought was being advertised on those billboards. We wish this had been that movie.
Score: 2 out of 10 quarter-Hawaiian smooches. That's half a Hawaiian smooch, for those of you who can't do the math yourselves.
Ranking: 65, out of the 70 movies we’ve seen so far. Oh man, you guys. We really thought the worst thing about this movie would be Emma Stone's "heritage," but IT WASN'T. The plot was so bad. The dialogue was so bad. Bradley Cooper's issues were so boring. SO BORING. How did this film come from the same person who made Almost Famous????
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mauitime · 6 years
Remembering the late U.S. Senator Daniel Akaka
Remembering the late U.S. Senator Daniel Akaka
Love. Courage. Care. Empathy. Collegiality. Dignity. Respect. Humility. Kindness. Grace. Compassion. Warmth. Aloha.
These are just some of the words Hawaii officials are using this morning to describe former U.S. Senator Daniel Akaka, D–Hawaii, who died this morning at the age of 93. The first Native Hawaiian to serve in the U.S. Senate, Akaka was a schoolteacher and administrator who went one…
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uilanic · 8 years
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Catching up on back episodes of Hawaii Five-0 and we start watching last week's episode Ka Laina Ma Ke One. It was so relevant to our current events!! Touching on seeking asylum on sovereign land, #blacklivesmatter, fugitive scared of police, different levels of government knocking heads then having to work together, trusting the system, finding some good cops out there. I literally cried at the end. Bumpy Kanahele played himself as he is the Head of State for the Nation of Hawai'i. He and Chin Ho's character showed much aloha towards each other that was beyond acting. Maika'i! ✨💚🤙🏼😍🤙🏼💚✨ (at Where the Love Flows from)
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fandommadememad · 8 years
FIVE-0 GOES UP AGAINST AN AGGRESSIVE U.S. MARSHALL WHEN A MAN WANTED FOR MURDER SEEKS ASYLUM IN THE SOVEREIGN LAND BELONGING TO THE NATION OF HAWAII, ON “HAWAII FIVE-0,” FRIDAY, JAN. 20 Lou Diamond Phillips Guest Stars as U.S. Marshall Lincoln “Ka laina ma ke one” – Five-0 must go up against an aggressive U.S. marshall, Lincoln (Lou Diamond Phillips), when a man wanted for murder escapes capture and seeks asylum in the sovereign land belonging to the Nation of Hawaii, on HAWAII FIVE-0, Friday, Jan. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (“Ka laina ma ke one” is Hawaiian for “Line in the Sand”) CHEAT TWEET: #H50 Ohana, say #Aloha 2 guest star @LouDPhillips! @HawaiiFive0CBS #CBS 1/20 9pm http://bit.ly/2igpM17 REGULAR CAST: Alex O’Loughlin (Steve McGarrett) Scott Caan (Danny “Danno” Williams) Daniel Dae Kim (Chin Ho Kelly) Grace Park (Kono Kalakaua) Masi Oka (Dr. Max Bergman) Chi McBride (Lou Grover) Jorge Garcia (Jerry Ortega) GUEST CAST: Kalani Queypo (Kanuha) Dennis Chun (Sergeant Duke Lukela) Lou Diamond Phillips (Lincoln) Shawn Thomsen (Officer Pua Kai) Jeffrey D. Sams (Devon Berris) Bumpy Kanahele (Himself) Matthew St. Patrick (John Berris) Brandon Maka’awa’awa (Brandon) Nathaniel Niemi (Doug) Cathy Tanaka (DMV Instructor) Wallace Salazar Jr. (HPD Officer #1) Ryan Pagan (HPD Officer #2) WRITTEN BY: Sean O’Reilly DIRECTED BY: Peter Weller GENRE: Drama Photos are available at: http://cbspressexpress.com Official CBS website: http://www.cbs.com/shows/hawaii_five_0/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HawaiiFive0CBS Twitter: http://twitter.com/HawaiiFive0CBS Instagram: @HawaiiFive0CBS CBS Twitter: http://twitter.com/CBS Cast on Twitter: Daniel Dae Kim @DanielDaeKim Masi Oka @MasiOka Jorge Garcia @JorgeGarcia Cast on Instagram: Daniel Dae Kim @DanielDaeKim Masi Oka @Masi_Oka Jorge Garcia @PronouncedHorhay * * * Press Contacts: Beth Haiken [email protected] 818-655-1583 Ryan Aguirre [email protected] 818-655-7218 Photo Contacts: Michele Crowe [email protected] 212-975-3265 Gaye Ann Bruno [email protected] 818-655-1542 source
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never-a-president · 9 years
Bumpy Kanahele was never president of the United States.
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kanaiolowalu · 10 years
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Todayʻs Lahaina News has an article, titled Hawaiians Urged to Participate in Kanaʻiolowalu Process featuring Dennis "Bumpy" Kanahele.  Kanahele is the Head of State of the Independent & Sovereign Nation State of Hawaiʻi.   In the article Kanahele explained how he signed-up with the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission only hours before the January 19, 2014 deadline.   Kanahele is quoted as saying, "We gotta own this process; and that's the message, to own it. We just have to be real, real disciplined about that. I never seen anything come this close in my life."  Join the Native Hawaiian nation building movement today!
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bytemarks · 5 years
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Honored to be a part of this CNHA Conference panel to talk about broadband and community networks with Brandon Makaawaawa, Dennis ‘Bumpy’ Kanahele, Geoff Blackwell, Matt Rantanen and Mark Buell. @internetsociety Mahalo to James Pakele for the photo. (at Hawaii Convention Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B221IXUDHMb/?igshid=1u1zsu9fhc6sr
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bytemarks · 5 years
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Spent the afternoon at the Nation of Hawaii, talking story with Bumpy Kanahele, Brandon Makaawaawa and Colin Kippen about sovereignty, self determination and the legend of the three legged crow. (at Waimanalo, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxl8qxTjvvx/?igshid=1iusi14m4z4k4
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