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nicovaldez · 10 years ago
bumbledean replied to your post: whatismylifeomg said:I think I st...
OH MY GOD ‘M NOT THE ONLY ONE LOL I say Nico Valdez instead of di Angelo so often it’s hilarious :’)
Does this actually happen. This makes me so happy!
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weeaboo-trashh · 10 years ago
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I can't handle not talking to you all day every day (u)
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nutckles · 10 years ago
I talk in the language/accent of the show or moie that I just watched. Lately, I speak in really really extremely broken japanese in my head LOL
I tend to copy the accent I hear the most? (though not in a very good accent) like I get influenced by the type of accents I hear?? haha
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smalldestiel · 11 years ago
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sxldierbarnes replied to your post: my little apartment (for two weeks ee...
Wow it looks really cosy
it is!! and the people who own it are really sweet too, they already call me "sammy" haha
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buckykisses replied to your post: my little apartment (for two weeks ee...
looks really cute ^^
and it has cable like i'm watching soccer (of course pfffft)
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bumbledean replied to your post: my little apartment (for two weeks ee...
OH MY GOOOD that’s so adorable QAQ i’m so glad you found a place to stay! I hope everything goes great ughghgh I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU *SCREAMS*
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ssebastianstaan replied to your post: my little apartment (for two weeks ee...
omg that is so cute!
it's so weird being alone omg like i can sit around and do nothing without anyone yelling at me??? but that's not good cause i need to work out haha
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inaudiblemon · 11 years ago
It would seem as if I was tagged by mademoiselle bumbledean. Since I have lack of Tumblr friends, I shan't be tagging anyone, but please, answer as you please. 
Rule 1: post the rules Rule 2: answer the questions the person who tagged you asked. Rule 3: write 11 new ones Rule 4: tag 11 people and link them to the post Rule 5: actually tell them you tagged them
1. If you could control one element on earth (doesn’t have to be the big 4 that we associate this question to the most) which one and what would you do?
Alright, starting off strong. Tough question. If I had to choose between the big 4, the obvious answer would be Air, since it's the element that most closely resembles my demeanor. Being free and malleable, zen, one with your surroundings, flowey, seeing the good and the substance behind things, that would fit me quite nicely I think. Obvious answer would be to use my new-found airbending skills to fly, because honestly, what else would there be to do? As for fighting, I'd mix muay thai boxing with airbending, but with little contact, as I'd still be able to adapt the circular motions of airbending and have a fighting skill that is as useful as an offense, but also a close-contact defense (I've thought about this before).
2. If your life was based on the last song you listened to, what would it be like?
Mita Anakit, by Yoni Bloch (It's on iTunes, if you wanted to look for it). So, a hebrew love ballad, with a melancholic tone? A man in Tel Aviv who searches to find his place in the universe, as he spends the nights wandering the streets filled with lamplights and watching the sunrise on the beach, all while wondering "What is my purpose? Is this all worth doing, if I am to keep monopolizing this gorgeous view, the wonder of day's first light? Am I not meant to share the small pleasures of the sand beneath my toes and the brisk summer air on my skin?". And one night, on his usual stroll, he sees her.
3. Do you pretend to be in a music video when you listen to music? (cuz i do)
Hell to the yeah!
4. What’s one thing you usually think about before going to bed? (can be a person or whatever)
Well shit Roxane. You'll be getting an alternate answer, but by thoughts usually drift into these weird places, where I make strange connections and odd comparisons, or reach clarity in deep thoughts, since usually by the time I'm going to bed, it's hella late and I've most likely been awake for 18 hours and have not stopped much since waking up. Sometimes it's math and unicorns (no joke, that once happened), other times it's the colour of my ceiling and the wrinkles in my hands, other times I think of what's important to me, what's important to others, if my actions define me as a person or does my person influence my actions? Am I striving to be the ideal of what I want to be forcefully and against my nature, or am I just doing me? How much of this has been internalized? Am I really doing what it is I love or am I just fooling myself because I don't want to come to the conclusion that I am unhappy? Or am I actually satisfied, or at the least, satisfied of what I can do in the limits imposed on me? Am I having way more fun and am much more fulfilled in an Alternate Universe where I'm a space-pirate or a househusband?
5. Open a book, find a random phrase and write it down. Analyse it. (that’s right, this is irl situation that english class prepared you for)
"Conformément à la signification propre et généralement admise du mot, UN HOMME LIBRE est celui qui, pour ces choses que selon sa force et son intelligence il est capable de faire, n'est pas empêché de faire ce qu'il a la volonté de faire." Here, Thomas Hobbes, in my french copy of his book The Leviathan, explains that a free man is one who is able to pursue all his endeavors without limitations of others. This one is a fundamental concept in what Hobbes will heavily influence, such is Liberalism. This liberty to do as one pleases is difficult in the state of nature, as Hobbes theorizes that man is inherently bad, and will thus not naturally know how to compose himself in society. In order for man to be free, one must then become ruler and attain absolute power, in order to socialize man and guarantee a level of protection for all, so that one may be able to live freely without fear of one man's happiness coming to squander another's, or in some cases, leading to the death of one man for the happiness of another. Through order that the Leviathan puts in place, peace and freedom will be achieved, according to Hobbes.
6. Hurry, I need to be swooned, come up with a pickup line!
Oh dang, I've made all this food (which is mainly deserts) and I can't possibly eat this all by myself. Who ever will be so nice as to help me finish it all so that I can make more? Oh, whoops, my hand slipped and Ghibli's Whisper of the Heart just happened to fall into my computer's CD drive. And look at that, I forgot to remove my fluffy, comfortable sheets from my couch/bed. This just isn't right if no one is there to cuddle the fuck out of eachother. What ever shall I do?
7. I’ve just fallen on the ground in front of you and i’m severely bleeding and wheezing, what is your initial reaction and how screwed am I? (try to think of how you’d REALLY react. My bro would freeze if that happened aha)
First, slowly lay you down on the ground and kneel down next to you. The next step if finding the wound. If external, apply pressure. If internal, make sure you don't move. Alert medics or tell bystanders to call an ambulance. Calm myself down and remind myself that I have this under control. Calmly reassure you that you're alright and to stay alert. Comfort you in any way I can until someone who is more competent than me can take over. 
8. Yo, listen here. I’m only 8 questions in and i’m already brain farting so this is how it’ll go. You come up with a question for this one and answer it yourself, pls and thank. *kiss kiss*
You asked me what I was considering studying as a continuation of my bachelors in Political Science and Francophone studies. I complimented you on an excellent questions and answered that I wanted to do a lot of things. Namely, what I've been considering as of late was to progress my academic career and study politico-linguistics as a Masters degree, with a thesis on the acadian dialects, and whether we should consider them as pidgins, a créole or a variation of french, as well as the political and societal implications of the use of language by the acadian population. I'd also like to dabble in a bit of Leadership studies, and Community Economic and Social development studies.
9. If you could domesticate one animal, which one?
Most likely the Bison. Who doesn't want to ride a bison?
10. Would you rather have a small group of close friends on tumblr, or a lot of curious and wonderful anons on tumblr (with the occasional asshole)?
Small groups are often a lot better. As wonderful as anons could potentially be, I prefer getting to know and have somewhat of a more intimate relationship with my friends.
11. Perfect/ favorite weather conditions?
During winters, a light snow, just enough to accumulate a bit but not enough so that it becomes a nuisance. During summers, warm nights with a light breeze, with little light pollution so that the stars are visible.
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aavengrs · 11 years ago
holyloki, bumbledean, assvenge-it c:
holyloki - gorgeous blog, just followed!
bumbledean - cute url and i love the sidebar image
assvenge-it - amazing blog, one of the first blogs i ever followed ily
send me a url
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nicovaldez · 11 years ago
hmmm... neck and feet 8D
Neck- Do you wear necklaces? I had a necklace I wore in middle school but other then that no.
Feet- Favorite pair of shoes. I ha these where the wild things are shoes and I loved them I think I have a picture of them too other the that I just wear Vans all the time.
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weeaboo-trashh · 10 years ago
Dear hasubando, (you're welcome)
Dear hasubando,Hey there... uhh if you're real...and you actually exist... Can you holla at a girl? It'd be really nice to  know if one of my hasubandos was more than just fiction U _  UTo my fictional hasubandos..... I'm sorry that i can never make up my mind between wanting to fuck you all or have you all fuck each other. Alas its one of my fatal flaws... But what matters is that I love all of you * smooches everyone's foreheads*- Your loving waifu
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puncessgou-blog · 11 years ago
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There you are OwO
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{ THIS IS THE CUTEST THING EVER... omg thank you so much Q A Q literally this was a nice surprise I didn't expect it. Its so cute and asdsdgds- *huggles tight* thank you so much }}
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nutckles · 10 years ago
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vodkaliciousunflower replied to your post: I can’t believe I managed to finish kn...
season 3 was confirmed by October 14th
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bumbledean replied to your post: I can’t believe I managed to finish kn...
GUILTY OF DOING THE SAME THING A;DLKJ the anime was just so easy to watch and when I finished I was like ????? what, where’s the rest ????
it's just one of those that doesn't feel like it's 30 mins long? it's like watching hetalia all over again
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smalldestiel · 11 years ago
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knight-gwaine replied to your post: no makeup selfie day wee
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bumbledean replied to your post: no makeup selfie day wee
woWOWOWOOW cutie alert a;sdlfkj alsO FRECKLES *SCREECHES*
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sirmarvel replied to your post: no makeup selfie day wee
Yup you’re still gorgeous!!
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merthurkisses replied to your post: no makeup selfie day wee
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makototachibana replied to your post: no makeup selfie day wee
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boxpolice replied to your post: no makeup selfie day wee
Ohmygoodness your freckles you darling little lamb you~*~
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merlinsbluebutterfly replied to your post: no makeup selfie day wee
your freckles and your adorable hair! <3
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inaudiblemon · 11 years ago
In which I am cliché and spout off about fear that all 20-somethings have. I'll at least add this one that I did put in the audio: The fear of being too different. I'm often told that I'm an exception to rules and normal social conventions and that  I register things and see things in a light that not many people do, which sounds great in essence, but sometimes I wonder, is there something wrong with me? Is something important escaping me or am I thinking things too thoroughly through? Is the fact that I see so much and understand a vast amount of things from someone over the smallest of details a normal thing to do? Is it healthy for my mind to constantly be analyzing and deconstructing people to understand them and attempt to help them? Are people going to consider me as an insane person if I tell them I can vividly feel, emotionally and physically, their emotions, feelings and thoughts second-hand, that I can get inside their heads and understand them, and experience memories with them, that I am an empath? So to speak, the fear that I am different in my way of understanding the world around me, and that there potentially aren't many people who are going to understand. The fear that understanding, kindness and realizing the immensity and enormity of people is a thing often disregarded as something unimportant.
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pearljawbreakers · 11 years ago
bumbledean replied to your post: bumbledean replied to you...
UGH That’s good that you don’t! I keep getting a fanmail of a person freaking out about this tumblr crash but she doesn’t even follow me.And on my anime blog, 1 post doesn’t even appear on my post feed and the other I don’t have the option to delete
I still have the option to delete but when I do and then refresh they're all still there SO... AND MY SUBMIT OPTION ISN'T ON EITHER. WOW.
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nicovaldez · 11 years ago
bumbledean reblogged your post 3 followers away from my ... and added:
YO GUYS FOLLOW THIS AWESOME PERSON He’s awesome and has a great blog
Thank you so much for helping me hit my goal!! You're amazing
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weeaboo-trashh · 10 years ago
baby in #5 please
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LAZY AS FUCK ///shotgomenz, my wrist is made of owwies
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toughcute · 11 years ago
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Among the Dead and Shattered Glass
This is my part of the art trade for Bumbledean c:
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