#bully!chrissy cunningham x reader
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brainwashedkitten · 2 years ago
Everyone at school hears about it and it’s all anyone talks about for weeks!
Even after the fervor dies down, all you get are dirty looks and scandalous whispers from everyone in Hawkins for as long as you live there.
“My life is ruined!” You cry to Chrissy, who is loving every minute of it. “But you liked it, pet. I know you did!” “Yeah, but—“ “but nothing, pet! If it’s really that bad for you, move away with me after graduation.” She says wiping your tears away, looking at you lovingly “move away with me and start fresh, somewhere everyone won’t know how big of a slut you are” she practically chirps, making you cry harder while Chrissy’s smile grows wider
I guess TW for dubcon
I can’t stop thinking about per disobeying mistress Chrissy in some way, and she’s so mad at her pet.
She comes up with a punishment for pet and says if she takes her punishment well and does a really good job, mistress will not only forgive her, but reward her.
She drops pet off at a house she doesn’t know, dressed in the sluttiest outfit mistress has made her wear yet, and the whole senior basketball team is there.
They gangbang pet, and Chrissy is watching from outside, so proud and turned on by pet debasing herself and working so hard to please all those cocks better than they’ve ever been pleased before
Hhh yes you try so hard not to enjoy it but you just can’t help it :((
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munson-blurbs · 14 days ago
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Eddie Munson x Best Friend!Reader
Summary: The jocks decide to prank you with invitations to the Valentine's Day dance. But is it them? Or is your so-called best friend secretly messing with you?
WC: 2.1k
Warnings: hurt/comfort, bullying, best friends to lovers, fem!Reader, public make-out session (oops)
Based on an anonymous request I got. I hope I did this justice 💚
Divider credit to @saradika
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Everything is pink. 
And it’s not that pink is a bad color—pink Starbursts are clearly superior to the other colors, for example. The Pink Ladies from Grease strutted with a badassery you could only wish to emulate. And the stuffed pig you won at the carnival as a kid—the one that you still keep on your bed—is pink, though you have to admit that its color has faded over the last decade. 
No, pink itself isn’t the problem. Even the abundance of it isn’t bad, from the paper hearts lining the school hallways to the streamers criss-crossing the ceilings. 
It’s that every flash of pink, particularly that Pepto-Bismol shade, reminds you of what you don’t have: an invitation to the Valentine’s Day dance. 
The events committee decided to “do things differently this year” and make the Valentine’s Day dance a couples-only event. Apparently, Hawkins High had no room for platonic love in their budget. 
Whatever money they’re saving by cutting the number of attendees seems to have gone towards invitations. Instead of buying tickets, one half of a couple fills out a slip of paper, and the committee delivers a personalized invitation to the partner’s locker. 
It’s absurdly cheesy and way over-the-top. And despite knowing how ridiculous it is, you can’t suppress the pang of excitement when you open your locker and a small, bright pink envelope falls out, face-down. 
Who would be asking you to the dance? 
There was only one person you wanted to ask you—but that would never happen. No, Eddie Munson was a lot of things: a Dungeon Master, a drug dealer, a senior year three-peat, but he was not a school dance attendee. In fact, you don’t think he’s been to a single one since you’d met him four years ago. 
You pick the envelope up tentatively, and though logic told you it wasn’t from him, your heart still sinks when you see the loopy script on the front:
To: Chrissy
Love: Jason
Why is Chrissy Cunningham’s invitation in your locker? Her locker is with the other cheerleaders’ down near the gym, a considerable distance from yours. 
“Oh my god, did you see that?”
The sound of muffled laughter catches your attention, and you look across the hall to see the President of the Events Committee, Gina Phillips, and her boyfriend, Andy Garber, smirking at you. Jason Carver stands beside them, his head thrown back in uncontrollable laughter. 
“That was so worth the five bucks,” he says to Gina, placing a crumpled bill in her hand. He strides over to you and plucks the envelope out of your grasp. Not that it takes much effort. “I’ll be taking that.”
“So sorry about the mix-up.” Gina fans a manicured hand over her heart in feigned sympathy. Andy slings a muscular arm over her shoulder as they walk away. 
You stave off the humiliation-induced tears until you find an empty bathroom stall. Pathetic. You had no date and you fell victim to a cruel prank in one fell swoop. 
Whatever—it was over and done with. Tomorrow is a new day, one where you can ignore Gina and Andy and Jason, like you’ve been doing for years. 
Except there’s another pink envelope in your locker when you open it the next day. This one is more crudely shoved in the slots, all wrinkled and creased. The paper tears when you yank it out. 
To: Nancy
Love: Jonathan 
Of course, neither Nancy Wheeler nor Jonathan Byers have anything to do with this—Jonathan just filled out the slip and expected the committee to deliver it to his girlfriend’s locker. And Nancy, though somewhat uptight, has always been nice to you. 
That’s why you stuff down your embarrassment and trek over to her locker, sheepishly explaining that her invitation accidentally got delivered to you. No need to tell her that there was nothing accidental about it. 
Nor is there anything accidental about the envelope marked To: Rebecca, Love: Patrick that sticks out of your locker after fifth period. Or the one Gina had manages to slip into your backpack while you’re changing for P.E. To: Ellen, Love: James. 
If you could carry around all of your books and avoid your locker completely, you would. 
By the end of Valentine’s Day, you’re no longer returning the invitations to their rightful owners. Any stupid pink envelope that finds its way into your life is promptly ripped to shreds and tossed in the nearest trash can, creating a heap of the saddest confetti you’ve ever seen. You’re not even looking at the names anymore—whatever arguments that causes between normally happy couples is their problem, not yours. 
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You feel some of the week’s tension melt away as you walk into the drama club storage room, though it’s quickly replaced by a much different kind of tension. There’s a fluttering in your stomach when Eddie stops setting up the game to turn towards you and smile.  
“You’re early, sweetheart.” He crosses his arms over his chest and half-sits on the table. “Here to get some secrets out of me?”
“Nah. Just felt like bothering you a little extra today.”
Eddie shakes his head. “Never a bother. Especially compared to the freshmen.” 
He pauses for a beat before turning back to the game, suddenly very interested in adjusting the DM screen. 
“Found anything interesting in your locker lately?”
His question knocks the wind out of you. Eddie has been in on it? Your supposed best friend has been planting other people’s dance invitations in your locker?
It makes sense: He knows your locker combination and your class schedule. If he isn’t the one actually putting the envelopes in there, he’s at least helping Gina. 
“That was you?” You will your voice to not break, but your eyes are already glassy with tears. “Why would you do that?”
Eddie’s brows bunch together. “I…thought it might be fun?” 
“Fun?!” Is he serious? You know guys can be dense sometimes, but he must truly be an idiot to think this prank would be fun for you. “God, are you that desperate to keep the jocks buying from you that you’d do that? Because let me tell you–there isn’t a lot of variety around here as far as dealers go.”
He puts his hands out. “Whoa, hold on.” He starts towards you, but stops when he sees the anger in your expression. “That’s not why I did it.”
“Then why?”
“I don’t know! I guess I figured you’d be okay with it, but you’re clearly not, so just forget it.” 
There are only two words you can think of to sufficiently convey your feelings.
“Fuck you.”
You slam the door behind you as you leave, not caring who might hear. It’s the least humiliating thing to happen to you this week, anyway.
What hurts more than the prank itself is that Eddie actually believed that you’d find it funny. Getting your hopes up that someone asked you to the dance followed by a walk of shame to deliver the envelopes to their real recipients–yeah, what a hoot.
You only make it halfway down the hall when you hear Eddie calling out your name. 
“Leave me alone!”
But he doesn’t; the sound of his sneakers squeaking across the linoleum faster as he jogs to catch up to you. His hand grabs yours before and pulls you into an empty classroom.
“I’m sorry, okay?” He jams his hands into his pants pockets. “Look, I never would have done it if I knew it would ruin our friendship. That’s why I waited until the last minute to ask–I kept going back and forth about whether you’d freak out on me or not.”
“And, yeah, I was probably gonna do a few deals at the dance. But that’s not why I asked you, I swear.” 
You nearly choke on the breath that’s lodged in your throat. “What are you talking about?”
His eyes widen when he sees the shock that’s written all over your face. “What are you talking about?” He counters, taking a step back.
“I’m talking about the horde of other people’s Valentine’s Day dance invitations that have been shoved in my locker every day for the last week.” You force yourself to look at him. “You’ve been putting them there, right?”
“What?! No. No.” He shakes his head to emphasize his point. “I would never do that. That’s…brutal, sweetheart. God, now I just wanna kick some ass–”
“So then why did you ask if I found something interesting in there?” You try to ignore his flexing hands clearly itching for a fight. The way his veins are prominent against his skin.
Eddie scrapes a top tooth over his lower lip. “I was talking about the invitation from me. To you. Obviously. Not someone else.” He cocks his head. “You didn’t get it?”
It must’ve been one of the ones you’d tossed out without looking, and you tell him so. Guilt gnaws at you–not just for inadvertently throwing away his invitation, but for assuming he would take part in such a cruel prank.
He scuffs one Reebok against the floor, shoulders untensing. “If you had read it,” he says, “what would you have said? Like…would you have wanted to go with me? Or, like, same reaction as when you thought I was the culprit?”
You can’t give him an answer–not without getting one first.
“Did you really send me an invitation to the dance? Or was that something you said out of pity after you found out about the prank?”
Eddie sighs, his hand reaching out to yours. It’s different from when he grabbed it earlier; this is all tenderness and no urgency. “I really sent you an invitation. You can ask Gina–well, maybe don’t talk to her,” he adds quickly when he notices your grimace. “But there was no pity involved.”
“Do you swear on James Hetfield’s life?”
“I swear on James Hetfield’s life.” Eddie laughs softly. His thumb brushes your cheek, his ring cold on your skin. “And every other member of Metallica, for that matter.” 
You look up at him, at those deep brown eyes that always seem to soften around you. You spent the last four years convincing yourself that it was all in your imagination, that any extended glances or long hugs are things he would do for any other girl friends.
But now, as he slips his other arm around your waist, slowly backing you against the chalkboard, there’s no doubt in your mind that everything he’s done has been purposeful. 
“So…” Your nose bumps his, but he doesn’t lean in and close the gap.
“So…will you go with me to that ridiculous dance?” 
Oh. Right. Every thought besides kissing Eddie Munson already fled your mind, but he had technically asked his question first.
You smile against his lips. “God, yes.”
His mouth is on yours in an instant, bodies colliding haphazardly, but neither one of you mind the clumsiness. Your back is almost certainly covered in chalk dust as he pushes you into the board. His tongue slips between your lips and you let him in, arching your body slightly so it presses to his.
You could do this forever, let him touch and explore you. Here, or at the dance, or on his twin size mattress with a metal mixtape playing in the background–
The kiss ends abruptly, the two of you coming back to reality when you see Mrs. O’Donnell standing in the doorway. Her arms are crossed against her chest, one foot tapping an orthopedic loafer impatiently.
“The term ‘get a room’ does not refer to my classroom, Mr. Munson.” She heaves an exasperated sigh and points an arthritic finger between you and Eddie. “Detention. For both of you. Separate days, before you get any ideas.”
You accept defeat, shoulders slumping, but Eddie doesn’t back down so easily.
“C’mon, Mrs. O. It’s Valentine’s Day. Have a heart–oof,” he grunts, rubbing his ribs where you not-so-subtly elbowed him. “I mean, this is the girl who’s been helping me pass your class so I’m not your problem for a fourth year in a row. Can you cut us a little slack, just this once?”
Mrs. O’Donnell isn’t exactly known for cutting people slack, so you’re more than surprised when she relents. Maybe it’s because you’re the living, breathing miracle who is keeping Eddie Munson from taking her class again.
“Fine. Just…take this little soiree elsewhere.” She flits a disgusted hand in your direction, glaring over her bifocals as you and Eddie slink away.
Eddie drapes a tattooed arm over your shoulder. “Probably better off,” he murmurs in your ear. “We got a dance to get ready for, sweetheart.”
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msgexymunson · 1 year ago
Highest Bidder
Description: When you get Eddie to agree to be on auction for the Valentine’s Ball, you don't count on jealousy affecting you this much. To be fair, you didn’t think Chrissy Cunningham would be there. But maybe, just maybe, he likes you just as much as you like him? 
Warnings: Angst, fluff and smut, my favourite horsemen. NSFW, Minors DNI or I'll shoot you with arrows and not the cupid kind. Slight older, 25 ish Eddie Munson x 23 ish fem reader, confessions, BFFs to lovers, oral fem receiving, p in v unprotected sex (dress before you impress irl) 
A/N: So this was meant for Valentines but I decided to catch Covid instead. Inspired by the auction scene in Groundhog Day. I loved writing this, hopefully you get the desperate pining feeling that I was trying to give off. I love all of you, not only on Valentines but every day. 
Comments and reblogs keep this little paper heart from bursting Into flames. Please, comment and reblog, it makes me so happy you don't even know. 
7k words
“So sweetheart,” Eddie begins, a sly smile creeping over his face as he steeples his hands in front of him, elbows on his knees, “are you gonna tell me why you did it?” He's sitting across from you in his armchair, like this is some sort of bizarre job interview. 
The surroundings are familiar. Eddie's second hand couch, the worn fabric soft under your thighs. The coffee table you helped drag up four flights of stairs, adorned with a coaster placed entirely for your benefit, of course. It's not like Eddie cares about water rings. The comforting smell of the fabric softener Eddie uses intermingled with cigarettes, and incense to cover the smoky aroma. That, and Eddie's aftershave; faint after a night in proximity of it, but there all the same. 
The situation is not familiar. The wayward glances, the lingering touches, the tension filling the air so thick it's like trying to move through cake batter. Wading through some dense, sweet, all consuming feeling that sticks to your ribs and pulls you into its gravity.
Torn between looking at him and shyly stirring your drink with its straw, you think about it. Why did you? The answer wasn't simple. It never was, with Eddie.
It all started with the Valentines Charity Ball your mom roped you into helping to organise. She was a force to be reckoned with, your mom. The human equivalent of a wrecking ball. When she got involved with any good cause, no one and nothing could stop her. Including you. 
So, when she ran to you in desperation last night, you didn't hesitate. One of the guys for the date auction had taken ill and she was stuck for a fourth. So, the first name you could think of spilled out of your mouth. It took some convincing. No, he's not just some freak. Yes, he's doing well for himself. Yes, he's got a steady job, an apartment. No, he doesn't deal anymore. Yes, he's good looking, obviously. No, we aren't a thing, we were never a thing. 
You were never a thing. It was much more complex than that. Affairs of the heart always were. When you'd met Eddie at school you were quiet. A loser, living on the fringes of obscurity; not popular, but not strange enough to be bullied. Eddie was safe. A shield. You'd entered Hellfire without a second thought. And sure, he was handsome, ridiculously so. But at the time, he was seeing some twig called Stacey or Samantha or something, and you bit down on your attraction. Hid it deep within the tissue of your heart. Swallowed it whole. Then, you'd dated Thomas, and after that, he had seen Wendy, and then it was circumstantial. At no point had the pair of you been single together until recently, so it clearly wasn't meant to be. Whatever attraction you'd been harbouring was mellowed, dissolved and disintegrated in yourself. After that, he was just Eddie. 
Convincing Eddie to do the auction had been an entirely different story. It wasn't nerves. He had stood on tables in the cafeteria to speak his mind, after all. He had conveyed his innermost thoughts to almost any who would listen, like some wayward preacher at a bizarre sermon. It could never be nerves, not with him. It was always the fear of not being enough. The fear of himself. After many words of encouragement, he'd agreed. If only to shut you up, but it worked. 
What you hadn't accounted for was the sight of Eddie climbing out of his beat up van in a goddamn button up shirt and fucking dress shoes. In jeans that weren't ripped, with wild hair scooped back into a low bun. You hadn't counted on the easy smile you'd seen a thousand times now winding into your stomach and sending raven wing beats into your heart. In the soft wink that loosed a thousand moths within your core. Moths, they say, live at most, a day, but these seem ancient compared. Alive in an enclosure you had created years ago, set loose suddenly and all at once, their once fixated caretaker ignoring his responsibilities. 
“Hey sweetheart, am I late?” 
When had his voice gained that huskiness, that depth? When had looking into his chocolate brown eyes melted your insides? A twinge in your back brought on by the stress of the night took you back to the here and now. Gazing back at him whilst you attempted to rub it away, you replied.
“N-no, not at all. You, you look really good, Eddie.” 
He scoffed aloud, shaking his head in disbelief, a cascade of loose curls flowing around his face. 
“That's a load of crap. You, hey, you look amazing. Seriously, smoking hot.” 
Your head span with the compliment, as you looked down at your own outfit. It was a ball after all, and for once your mom had insisted on a dress. It was a deep red, cheap satin, low cut, a tasteful hem at the knee, with a slit up the side providing at least a little mobility, and kitten heels. Currently, you felt like an outsider looking into a different world through plexiglass, but the way Eddie looked at you made you feel like you belonged. 
‘It's nothing, just a dress.” 
“Hey,” he replied, crowding your space with the confidence he embodies, “you look incredible. Trust me.”
His knuckles dragged across your flushed cheek, and for a moment all sense of who you were and why this was happening was lost to the feel of his skin on yours. But only for a moment. Dipping your eyes down, you took a tiny step back. 
“We should head inside Eddie. You ready?” 
After a couple of hours of cheesy music and weak as fuck punch, you tapped your fingers on your plastic cup and turned down the latest pensioner who thought you were here for his amusement. Until finally, the host tapped the microphone and asked everyone to gather at the front for the main event. You made your way to the side of the stage in case you were needed, and waited for the bidding to start. 
“And now, ladies and gentlemen, we have the highlight of the night. For one night only, Hawkins’s most eligible bachelors will be yours, to an extent. Be prepared to be wined, dined, and entertained, by our finest gentlemen, all in the name of charity, of course. And first up, is our very own George Heights! Give it up for George everyone!” 
The crowd clapped as George walked onto the stage, an early balding man with just the hint of a pot belly poking through his chequered blue shirt.  
“George is an artist, and an aspiring architect, with a penchant for poetry and an insatiable appetite. Give it up for George, everybody!”
After a lukewarm auction, which ended with George being bought for 65 bucks, the next one was sold. And the next one. Pretty soon, it was Eddie's turn. He stepped forward, and whispers began to float around you. You expected that, to some extent, but there were woops, and even a wolf whistle too. Ever the showman, he bent into a low bow, straightened back up, and winked at the audience. 
“And last, but not least, we have a handsome young man up for your bidding pleasure. Put your hands together for Eddie!” 
As he did a turn on the spot, hands outstretched, the rouse of applause went on for longer than you thought it would. Enthusiastic hands clapped for your man.
No. Your friend. Just a friend. 
“That's it, that's what we're looking for! Eddie is a mechanic, and a talented guitarist, who is looking for your company tonight! So, starting bid, can I hear twenty dollars?” 
“Here! Twenty dollars!” An old lady waved her programme enthusiastically in the air. Eddie's eyes rolled and caught yours momentarily, and you flashed a smile at him. 
“There we go, twenty! Can we go to twenty five?” 
“Thirty!” an equally old lady shouted, earning you yet another look from him that made you laugh. 
“Fifty dollars!” 
The crowd went silent as a man in the back shot his hand in the air. 
“Woah, a high bidder! Anyone want to beat fifty?” 
Before the crowd had a chance to recuperate a young and extremely pretty woman's hand shot upward. 
“One hundred dollars!” 
Everyone fell silent. The only thing not getting the message was your heartbeat. The beautifully manicured and delicate hand belonged to none other than Chrissy fucking Cunningham. 
She looked more beautiful than ever. Hawkins’s sweetheart, all grown up. The popular girl, the pretty girl. Prettier than you, at least to your mind. Prom queen, beauty pageant winner, and the icing on the cake? Actually a nice person. No one could hate her, it would be like kicking a kitten. 
But as your heart dropped like a lead weight into your chest, you thought you wouldn't mind seeing a bit of fur flying across the room, guided by your heels. 
You saw it, you couldn't fail to. The sudden way Eddie stood a little straighter, chest puffed up a little more, as a slow smirk crawled over his face. 
“One hundred? Wowee! Thank you young lady! Anyone for one twenty?” 
The man at the back called out, “right here!” 
Chrissy giggled, small hand held up covering the cute noise, and made another bid. 
“One thirty!” 
It seemed like the entirety of your body's blood had rushed to your head. You felt dizzy and sick, watching this happen, like some slow motion car crash. Again, your damned back hurt. you rubbed it in vain, and gazed back at the ruin in front of you.  
“One fifty!” The man at the back bellowed. Eddie's eyes widened, and he put his hands together, as if in prayer. His gaze was begging, pleading, and directed at Chrissy. 
The frozen spell you seemed to have been under lifted suddenly. This was not going to happen, you wouldn't let it. Chrissy had everything she could possibly need, she didn't need more. She couldn't have him. 
He's yours. 
Through watery eyes, you fiercely trawled through your purse, and came across the little envelope you tucked in there earlier. The money you had scraped together to go towards buying a car. You'd almost forgotten it, intending to drop it home before you came here. 
It looked like you'd have to be a pedestrian for a while longer. 
At the same time Chrissy placed delicate fingers in the air, your whole arm shot up, purse clutched in hand. 
“Two hundred and fifty two dollars and thirty nine cents!” 
Gasps and grunts from the crowd echoed throughout the hall as everyone turned to face you. Even Eddie's jaw hit the floor. It took a moment for it to register, but when it did people were cheering. 
“Well, I think that wraps it up folks! The highest bid of the night, sold to the very eager young lady in red right over here! What a great donation!”
He continued talking, wrapping up the show, and signalled for the music to start once again. Blood was hammering in your ears, making you almost oblivious to everyone around you. All you could focus on in your tunnel vision was Eddie as he walked to the edge of the stage, climbed off in a smooth hop, and started sauntering toward you. 
“You know, if you wanted me that badly you could have just asked, sweetheart.” He said, as he flashed you a smug grin. 
“Hey, I was just saving you from that guy over there, pretty sure he wanted more than a date.” Your words came out calmer than you thought you were capable of as you clenched a fist at your side to hide your shakes. 
“Oh, really?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest, “That's what you were saving me from, huh?” 
He knew it was a lie. You knew it was a lie. You're pretty sure the entire hall knew it was a lie. 
“Of course, don't want some old geezer putting his hands all over you. Not a fun Valentines. Plus, I own you now. You've gotta do what I say.” 
Your hands dropped to your hips, holding them as you smiled at him. 
“Kinky,” he replied, stepping closer, making you falter in your confident stance as you’re forced to look up at him, “so, what are your orders, princess?” 
“Can you, get me a drink. A proper drink, from the bar? Please?” 
Taking your hand in both of his, he brought it up to his mouth, pressing a soft kiss to it that turned your insides upside down. 
“Easy. Your wish is my command. Jack and Coke, right?” 
Gormlessly nodding, all you managed to say was a stunted “uh huh.”
He flashed that grin again, and bounced off with more of a spring in his step than usual. 
You turned on your heel, begging yourself to get your head together, and busied yourself with gathering the donations for the auction, including your hefty one, and passed the cash to your mom to be locked away. When you approached, she opened her mouth but you wildly waved a finger at her. 
“I know, I don't want to hear it. Not right now.” 
She smiled, and just said, “pretty sure you could have got that date for free.” 
Rolling your eyes and simultaneously rubbing your back, you passed over the cash and turned quickly, nearly slamming into someone. 
“Easy princess, I know you bought me but I won't stand for full on tackling.” 
He was holding your drink high, arms up to protect it.
“Sorry Eds, just escaping from-” 
You looked over your shoulder, but your mom had disappeared. 
“-nevermind. Thank you.” 
As you grabbed your drink you took a generous gulp in a vain attempt to steady your nerves. 
“So, now you have me, what are you gonna do to me?” 
As he guided a wolfish grin to you, you simply rolled your eyes, trying to hide the fact that several unsavoury thoughts were swimming through your mind. 
“What if I told you to hop on one leg and bark like a dog, huh?” You replied, sending a grin right back. 
“Oh you don't think I would? Don't test me princess.” 
You simply folded your arms and cocked your head, daring him with a look. Eddie nodded, and started fucking bouncing on one leg. 
“Woof! Woo-” 
“OK OK stop you weirdo!” Gasping a laugh, you grabbed him by the crook of his elbow and dragged him away from the curious stares of those around you. 
As the song changed to a slow ballad, Eddie whipped the drink from your hand despite your protests and placed it on a nearby table. 
“What are you doing?” 
Grasping your hand he escorted you to the middle of the dance floor and suddenly pulled you so close that the air expelled from your lungs. There was no air, just music, and feeling, and Eddie. 
“I'm dancing with you. Isn't this what you do on dates?” 
As he held your hips, thumbs rubbing into your sides, your mind cleared. Like a bubble of smoke had popped. This felt good. This felt right. You circled his neck within your arms and relaxed for the first time that evening.  
“This isn't a date, Eds.” 
Your words held some spite, but it was belied by the smirk tugging at your cheeks. 
“You are right. This isn't a date. If it was, well, we wouldn't be surrounded by geriatrics.” he nodded at the crowd around you, eliciting a high pitched giggle from your chest. 
As you swayed in step with him, gazing into his chocolate eyes, the smirk only grew, fuelled by the mischief in his eyes. 
“So, if this was a date, what would we be doing instead?” 
A part of you wants to feel bashful and turn away, but the spell his eyes have you under is in control. No force on earth could tear your gaze asunder. The couples around you could burst into flames and be chalked up to little more than background noise. 
“Well, first, I would have picked you up at your house, bought you some flowers too,” he said as he brought his hand to yours, holding it and pushing you into his frame even more, so you strained your neck up to him. His breath fanned delicately against your ear as he continued his explanation. 
“Probably took you to a fancy restaurant, with fabric napkins,” he said, making you giggle at his understanding of ‘fancy’, “would have paid too. Maybe had some wine. Shared a dessert.” 
“Yeah?” You nearly whisper it, words falling into the exposed skin of his neck. 
“Yeah. Then, I would have taken you back to my place, offered you a cup of coffee,” suddenly he spun you, pressing his lithe front to your waiting back, his fingers scooping the hair from your neck sending comet trails of sensation down your spine. He continued, words making your head dizzy, “Then, I would kiss you, properly. Like you deserve to be kissed.” 
As he spun you back to face him, you held his gaze for a moment, seeing every ounce of honesty etched into those big brown eyes. 
“Let's get out of here.” 
You shake your head, bringing yourself back to the here and now. Here you sit, opposite Eddie, invaded by his scent, debating whether or not to just tell the truth and hang the consequences. 
Taking a gulp of your drink, you set it back down and look Eddie in the eye. 
“Listen, I'm gonna be honest. I saw the way you looked at Chrissy and I… I was jealous. I didn't think, I just kinda acted. I'm sorry if it was weird.” 
Bravery fleeing your bones leaving behind an airy wobble, you look at your own lap, fingers twisting over and over. You're only slightly aware of the shuffle and rustle of Eddie rising to his feet, of footsteps, of the dip in the couch next to you. Then, Eddie's large hand comes to rest over both of yours. 
“Do you know why, sweetheart? Why were you jealous?” 
His hand is steady, fingers stilling your movements confidently, but there's a quaver to his voice that seems entirely unlike him. Grasping his fingers, you absentmindedly play with his heavy rings. 
“I feel stupid. I've had… kind of a crush on you, since high school.”
Of all the reactions, you hadn't expected a deep laugh to reverberate from his chest. Recoiling in horror, you shift your hands away from his and move to stand, your only thought to run, flee. 
“No no no, please, sit,” he asks, hands grasping at your waist to keep you there, as you rub at the twinge in your back again. 
“Turn around,” he says, and you don't find it in you to disobey. Firm hands stroke softly down your back, “you've been rubbing your back all night. Right here?” 
Fingertips circle the spot that's been aching and you nod, confused.
“Eddie, if this is a rejection, it's a really odd one- oh fuck, right there.” 
He chuckles lowly, knuckles working at the knot near your spine. 
“It's not, it's really not. You're in pain, and I know you'd never ask. Plus, I, ha, don't have the balls to say this to your face.” 
You don't say anything in response, you can't. Of course he's noticed you're in pain, he always notices stuff like that. The fact that this isn't a rejection though? It has your head reeling with so many thoughts that you can't express the words. Eddie clears his throat, hands rubbing into your skin through your dress, easing some of the building anxiety. 
“I've got a secret. I've- had a crush, on you, since middle school.” 
“Shut up!” You gasp, mouth hanging open at his confession. 
“Absolutely not.” 
“You didn't even know me in middle school Eds.”
“Yeah I did. Well, sorta. You remember that day I ran into the library? I asked for help?” 
You pick at the scab of a memory, itching it to the forefront of your brain. 
“Oh yeah, you were running from that idiot... Johnny?”
“Jimmy Salinsky. He was gonna beat on me. You, you didn't hesitate. You didn't even know me, but you told me to hide under your chair, you even threw your coat over your lap to hide me.” 
“What else would I do?” 
He snorted derisively, continuing his impromptu massage, “ignore me, tell me to fuck off, just like anybody else. But you, no, you didn't. Jimmy ran in looking for me and you didn't even lie! He asked if a freak had run in and you-” 
“-I said ‘the only freak in here is you’, I remember.” 
“That's right!” He laughs, squeezing your hips appreciatively, “Then he asked if you'd seen the poor kid, Eddie. You said, ‘I've never even met an Eddie’, which was true too. Not like I introduced myself before I dived under your chair. I remember crouching there, trying not to laugh, watching your little legs swinging. You had odd socks on, and you smelled really good. Anyway, I crushed on you hard.” 
Head buzzing over his words, you try to organise your thoughts. 
“Did the guys- did Hellfire know?” 
“Sweetheart, I'm surprised you didn't know, it was common knowledge. I just thought you never liked me like that.” 
Turning to face him again, you stroke hesitant fingers over his knee. 
“Didn't say anything, you were seeing Stacey.” Eddie's face screws in confusion until clarity rings like a bell in his mind. 
“Her? I wasn’t- that wasn't a relationship. I would have stopped in a fucking heartbeat if I'd known.” 
“Oh. I dated Tom to get over you.” 
“I dated Wendy to get over you!” 
Sharing a laugh, you both hold eye contact, giggles dying at the realisation of what this means. 
“So, Eddie, about that kiss…” you inch forward, ever so slightly nearer to him. A pink tongue darts out of his mouth, wetting his bottom lip. 
“Yeah, that. That was me, running my mouth,” he says, anxiety wracking his voice as he strokes his neck compulsively, “Not that I don't want to kiss you, I do, just, erm, don't expect fireworks?” 
It's almost like he's back at middle school, the nerves radiating off of him. Smiling sweetly, you take his hand and place it on your jaw, leaning into its touch. The breath he exudes is shaky as he moves closer, eyes darting to your lips as yours flutter shut. 
It's tentative; a brush of his mouth as if he's scared of you running, of some practical joke. When you make no move to pull away his thumb strokes your cheek, lips now moving more confidently against yours. Your heartbeat is echoing inside your head as your hand slips to slither down his chest and around him, circling his side. 
Only then does his tongue slowly snake out to wet your bottom lip; a silent plea which you happily grant. Still, it's delicate, tongues moving leisurely against one another as if you have all the time in the world. It's by no means dispassionate; far from it, it may be the most emotionally  charged kiss of your life, but it feels like he's holding back. 
So, you pull him closer by the front of his shirt, flicking your leg over his knee as your fingers tug hard. It's then that his tongue licks into you in earnest, thick and smooth, filling your insides with need. Just when you feel utterly consumed, whining inside his mouth, he breaks away. After a few pecks to your lips, he presses his forehead to yours, breath uneven, cooling your swollen lips. 
“I'm in love with you.” 
It comes out of his mouth in a rush. All you can do is stare gormlessly. 
“I love you. I just needed you to know that. This isn't just a- a thing. I'm in love with you, I have been since forever. I know it's a lot to take in, and I don't expect you to say it back I just need you to-”
You shut him up, pressing a hard kiss to his parted lips.
“Eddie, you lied.” 
“What? I'm telling the truth I-”
“You said don't expect fireworks. You were wrong.” 
Wasting no more time, you force your body onto him, tongue clashing against his teeth as the force of your kiss presses him backwards. His head makes contact with the arm of the couch, hands hot and heavy on your hips, pushing you into his bulge. 
The fabric of your dress is constricting your movements, making you huff into his mouth. 
“Eddie,” you manage in between spit slicked kisses, “unzip me.” 
There's a cross between a grunt and a moan that vibrates from him into you as his hand wanders across your back, groping its way to the zipper. In a few short bursts he manages to unzip it, not once breaking the kiss. 
Cool air hits your skin and you stand up, shimmying the dress to the floor and you straddle him moving in for- 
“Woah, slow down a second, just, just wait.” 
You try to kiss him again but he pushes you back, your ass flush against his crotch as you sit up. His gaze is scrutinising, examining every inch of your form, making you feel more exposed than you've ever felt in your life. 
The desperate urge to shy away works into your arms as you cross them over your chest, but Eddie's having none of it. He tugs at them gently, pulling them to your sides as his thumbs rub encouragement into your skin. 
“Sweetheart, there's a thirteen year old boy doing backflips in my head. Let him have a moment.” 
A little laugh you let out comes out as a snort whilst he gazes up at you in wonder. So, you give him a show, flicking your bra undone in one practised movement and sliding the straps down your arms, eventually letting it fall to the floor. 
“Jesus H Christ and all the angels.” He breathes, grip tightening on your forearms. 
A quivering hand reaches up, and to your surprise, cups your face. 
“You are so beautiful.” 
Eyes suddenly watering, you blink twice to will the onslaught of emotion away. 
“Not like Chrissy though,” you shrug, eyes downturned. 
“No, you're not like her. You're beautiful, like you.” 
Tugging you forward, he pulls you in for a breathtaking kiss, the full force of his feelings overflowing and filling your heart with heat. With a nibble to your bottom lip, he lets up for a second. 
“Can we go to my bedroom?” 
Nodding, you clamber off him and stand up. Eddie just makes a noise like you knocked the wind out of him, holding his hand to his heart. 
“What?” You ask, hands on your hips, like it was normal to be standing in front of him in just a pair of panties. 
“Don't look all stern like that, or I'm gonna bust in my pants,” he jokes, standing and crowding your back. 
The journey to the bedroom takes a while. Mostly because you can't keep your hands off of each other. He's grinning, giddy as a school boy, firm hands pressing into your sides, hips, ass. You respond in kind, nearly ripping his shirt in your efforts to remove it, only managing to unbutton the offensive material to expose his lean tattooed torso. 
Eventually, your spine hits Eddie's mattress, the soft furnishing welcoming you, begging you to sink in further. His touches are soft too, almost reverent in their delivery. He stands to remove his shirt and jeans, bulge prominent in his black trunks with little patterns on them. As he coaxes you further up the bed you squint and realise what they are. 
“Eds… are you wearing Star Wars underwear?” 
He chuckles, following your eyeline. “They are Darth Vader pants, to be specific, very manly.” 
The smile you flash him almost hurts your cheeks, the situation feeling so close to normal. Normal adjacent at least. 
“Yeah, very manly. Almost caveman like.” 
“Look, I didn't think I'd have a hot girl watching me undress tonight, let alone the woman of my dreams. Just forget the nerd pants.” 
You're laughing now, even when he's grabbing a pillow and getting you to lay on top of it, positioning you just where he wants you. Your giggles stop however, when he asks a question that steals your breath away. 
“Do I need to put a towel down?” 
“That's very presumptuous of you.” You smile, batting your eyelashes at him. 
“Look, I'm just asking. I don't mind sleeping in a wet patch I just want you to be comfortable.” 
He hovers over you, lips pressed into a line of concern. pressing your mouth to his to will the tightness away, you whisper into his face. 
“You want me to stay?” 
“Sweetheart, I'd ask you to move in tomorrow.” 
The next kiss is a searing heat, all heaving tongue and grinding hips. His hand winds into your hair, tilting your head to get you just where he wants you. No longer the blushing boy, he's the confident man, taking just what he needs and giving you what you crave. It's fire, it's want, it's everything. 
“Eds?” You murmur into his mouth as your hips chase his form. 
“Get the towel.” 
Hopping off of you, he practically skips out of the room, leaving you to debate whether or not to take your panties off. As you finally decide to strip them, fingers wedged into the fabric, he returns. 
“Nope, just wait, please?” He asks, propping you up with ease to lay the towel down under you. So, you let go, allowing your arms to fall to your sides.
“Lemme look after you,” he says, climbing on top of you to plant open mouthed kisses to your neck. You nod, gasping when his teeth graze a sensitive spot on your neck. Short nails dig into his back as you whimper at the contact. 
“Right there princess, hmm?” He chuckles, mouthing at your neck. 
“Uh huh- oh fuck,” as he bites softly, tongue flicking out to lather at the spot. 
Moving down, his lips press to your collarbone, then down your chest, until he places a peck to your nipple. 
“I've been dreaming about these tits, but nothing can compare to the real thing,” his tongue darts out, swirling around the pebbled nub, sending goosebumps over your skin, “fuckin’ flawless sweetheart.” 
You want to say a smart remark, shaking your head, but all thoughts fly out the window when he sucks, rough fingers reaching out to rub the other. Back arching, your legs clamp on his little waist, saying their own prayer to keep him there. 
As he releases his mouth with a wet noise, the thoughts flood back, all barriers forgotten. 
“I've been thinking about you too, what you'd do, what it looks like,” you admit, truths flying free in the heat of the moment. 
“Yeah?” He smiles up at you, “been thinking about my dick?” 
“Yeah, how'd it feel in my mouth, how'd it feel inside me,” you breathe out as he continues his worship of you, tonguing and kissing at your tummy. 
“Fuck,” he says, hot air fanning over his wet string of loving kisses, “you're gonna kill me, saying shit like that.” 
“Don't die, I'll never find out,” you joke, breathing unsteady as he falls between your thighs, playfully nipping at the sensitive flesh. 
“Oh we wouldn't want that. How else could you know what this feels like?” 
Lifting your head, he locks eyes with you as he licks thickly over your clothed clit, pressing hard. 
“Oh Eddie, yes,” you wail, wriggling under his touch. 
He merely smiles in response, hooking rough fingertips into the waistband of your panties and pulling them down almost torturously slowly. They stick between your legs so much that your cheeks flush. Eddie doesn't seem to mind in the slightest, working them off your feet and tossing them on his bedside table. You briefly wonder if you're going to get them back, but then his lips are sucking at the soft skin on your ankle and you stop caring. 
Up, up, up he moves, showing each patch of skin just the same amount of love, until he reaches the crease where your thigh meets, tongue rippling over it. You huff in frustration, hips wiggling. 
“I'm getting to it sweetheart,” he says, pressing a kiss to your mound, “I wanna savour this.”
Words of protest dissipate when he laps at you, rooting out your clit without a moment's hesitation. Any clandestine thoughts you had about this very moment are nothing compared to this. To the feel of Eddie sucking at your clit, his pillowy lips wrapped around it. To the sudden roughness of his fingers as they graze your entrance. To the breach of one, slipping deep inside of you, immediately seeking out your sweet spot. 
“Eddie, ri-right there, oh God!” 
He moans into you, vibrations tickling you in the most delicious way. It's an amazing feeling, but you can't help but think about the noises you're making. Maybe they're pathetic, and not what he's used to?  You bet he's heard some beautiful moans in his time. Some pretty blonde things with long legs and big tits. Girls who know what they're doing. Oh God, what if you start feeling him up and he laughs at you? What if- 
“Hey, sweetheart, you here?” 
He gazes up at you between your legs, eyes boring into you with the question. 
“Sorry, so sorry, I'm here I-” 
“Hey. Don't apologise. You in your head?” He asks, head resting on your thigh, “you know we don't have to do this right now.”
“No, no I want to, honest, it's just- I dunno, second guessing myself? I'm just thinking about-” 
“See? That's the problem. Stop thinking. Lie back and enjoy it. Just, get out of your head. No place I'd rather be.” 
His brown eyes are wide, wet with honesty. He was never able to hide his real emotions, at least not with you. 
“OK, I'm so- I'll enjoy it.”
“That's it. Close your eyes princess, and just feel.” 
Eyes fluttering shut, you concentrate on the feel. Of his lips, suckling softly at your clit, tongue running around the hood. Then, fingers slipping inside once again, curling within you. Moans slither out of your hoarse throat as your hips roll up to meet his lips. 
“That's it, so good for me,” he mumbles into you, “doing such a good job. You sound so sweet.” 
Sweet. You sound sweet. 
In that instant, all your hang ups begin to melt away. The pleasure he's giving you is hitting just right, making you forget all your worries. Pressure builds in your tummy; a whirling, winding force hitting you from the inside out. You're squirming, but it's as if someone outside of you is letting you know. It must be Eddie's firm palm, the one that presses into your abdomen, keeping you steady. Keeping you here, in this moment. 
There's no rush. Time loses all meaning. He could be between your thighs for minutes, hours, days. All you know is the ball of desire tightening within you is fit to burst, bubbling over in a melting pot of raw emotion. 
“Eddie, I'm so close, s-so close!” 
He doesn't falter, doesn't deviate in his ministrations. He continues, tongue circling, fingers curling so deep inside you think you can see God. A swirling, cloying heat encapsulates you, winding around that feeling you buried in your heartstrings and tugging it loose. That deep emotion you pushed aside years ago, a healed splinter, set free by the love and care he's pouring out of his flowing tongue.
It reaches its crescendo, vision darkening as every nerve is coddled with an inner fire. You're not even sure what you feel; release, blinding pleasure, pure love? It could be all three as you cry out, fingers tugging at Eddie's hair. 
He rides it out with you, fingers coaxing your orgasm to the very brink and beyond until you flop back into the bed. 
The first clue you have that something different just happened is the wet feeling underneath your ass. It feels damp, and cold? Opening your eyes, you haul yourself onto your elbows to look down. 
“Now are you glad I said about the towel?” 
Never have you seen so much of your own release coated on a man. It's covering his mouth, chin, cheeks, hand. You briefly wonder at how it could have happened, how that much could have come out of you. 
Eddie wipes his mouth and hand on the towel underneath and makes his way to hover over your heaving form, eyes practically shooting hearts at you from deep within.
“You alright princess? We can stop right now if it's too much.” 
Blindly you reach out, clumsy fingers rubbing at the hard swelling of his member inside his underwear. 
“Don't you want me to return the favour?” You ask, confused. 
“Sweetheart, one kiss of those pretty lips on my dick and I'll be done for.” 
“Then- I'm on birth control. Fuck me, please.” 
The groan that he lets out is deep and guttural, moving his limbs for him. He gets up to whip his pants down and you see it for the first time. You see him. 
It's big. Fuck, its the biggest you’ve seen; not just long but thick, even thicker than your fumblings thought. A glint of silver throws you for a loop, almost making you think you imagine it, but there it is again. 
“Holy shit, Eddie- are you, pierced??” 
“Oh yeah,” he chuckles, glancing down to follow your eye line, “you didn't know about that huh.” 
He climbs on top of you, kissing as he goes, plush lips on your skin. Soft, delicate, and warm. Guiding his hardness to your opening, you can't help but rub your thumb over the tip, pre cum slipping on the balls of the piercing. Eddie's breath stutters, nearly panting in your mouth as you smirk. 
“Now that's not fair sweetheart.” 
You continue to smile, gathering your slick to slide him in, but it quickly turns into a wince. 
“Fuck, Eddie, you're too big,” you whimper out as your eyes screw shut. 
“You're fuckin’ flattering me princess.” 
“I'm not, seriously, you're- oh goddamn-” 
He's pushing into you, slowly, but it still burns, the sheer stretch at his girth almost too much. Gnawing at your lips, tears well in your eyes. 
Eddie looks shocked, taken aback by your reaction. 
“Really? Fuck, OK sweetheart, you're OK. Look at me, you can take it, yeah?” 
Trust Eddie to say the hottest thing by accident. He's just trying to check in, but by God it sets your insides on fire. 
“I-I'll try.”
“That's it, atta girl, little more.” 
Reaching down to where you're joined, you wrap your hand loosely around the base, realising he's only halfway in. 
“Eddie, jeez you could- oooh- you could have f-fucking warned me, ah!” 
“Just relax, I've got you princess, you're taking it so well, you can take the rest- oh Jesus H Christ you're tight.”  
A long drawn out cry echoes out of you as he bottoms out, tears loose and running down your temples. He's leaning on his elbows, fingers stroking at your hair, leaving snowflake kisses on your cheeks. 
“Uh- mmmph- Eddie, you've got a pornstar dick.” 
Gritting his teeth, he looks at you almost sternly.
“You can't say that or I'll cum right now, please.” 
Eyes softening, you kiss his lips instead. He envelops you, tongue dancing in your mouth making you forget the dull ache. Nothing can make you forget how full you feel however, your pussy quivering uncontrollably around him even though he's not moving. 
“This is so nice,” he says, entwining his fingers with yours over your head. 
“Eddie, you're literally balls deep in me and it's ‘nice’?” 
Laughing so hard you feel it in your chest, he kisses you again. 
“Sorry, I mean, just being this close with you. It's everything I've ever wanted.” 
Lips quivering, you stare at him, eyes wide and wet. 
“Eddie, I lo-” 
“No, don't. Not like this. Just- can I move?” 
You nod, biting back the words, and he slowly rolls his hips. Eyes nearly hitting the back of your skull, you moan, meeting his movements. He's so deep, it's like he's everywhere. Every pore, every capillary, pulsing with him. 
“Oh my God, baby, oh God!” 
You're rambling words but it doesn't seem to matter, mind filled with fog, with feeling. With him. He links one arm under the fat of your thigh, coaxing you to curl it around him, and everything seems to fall into place all at once. Each rolling movement is pressing into that sweet spot inside of you, that spot he seems to find so easily like a gravitational pull. He smiles, panting in tandem. 
“Right there princess?” 
Nodding like a puppet on a string, he lets out a long groan. 
“Good, I-I’m not gonna last, you feel too fuckin’ good.” 
Pleased at his reaction, you link one arm around him, stroking at the taut skin of his back as he drives into you harder. Grunting with each thrust, he's tensing, holding back. 
“You can come, Eddie,” you say shakily. 
“Not before you sweetheart,” he replies, doubling down on his efforts. 
It all feels so intense, each whirl of feeling sinking deep into your bones and fanning the flames of your heart and desire. 
“Eddie, s-so close, come with me, please.” 
Almost as soon as you say the words your climax springs out, overflowing with every emotion he won't let you say. It fizzes through your nerves, throbbing with each beat of your pulse. 
Eddie groans, releasing at the same time, two bodies with one heart. As you both relax, melding together, you giggle at the same time. A laugh of relief, of pure happiness. 
“Sorry, thought I'd last a little longer.” 
He seems embarrassed, lifting his head enough to look you in the eye. 
“Eddie, that was perfect.” 
He snuggles his head deep in your neck, inhaling your scent as if it were the last time. 
“I'm gonna get you cleaned up, hang on.”
Lifting his head once more, he kisses, and kisses, lips moving against you with pure feeling. 
“OK, now I'm really gonna go.” 
You giggle as he just keeps kissing you, staring up at him with each unspoken word swimming in your mind. 
“Right, now, just hang on.” 
With a final peck, he slips out of you, returning with a warm cloth. Not used to this affection you merely lay there, allowing him, and wriggle out of the way when he takes away the towel. When you move, you see there's still a wet patch, but it's been mitigated at least somewhat. 
“I can change the sheets if you want-” 
“Eddie, I don't care, just hold me.” 
Grinning like a boy he climbs back into bed, pulling blankets over the both of you. Fitting together like you were always supposed to, you sigh with relief. 
“Eddie? Can I say it now?” 
You whisper it into his chest as he holds you close, almost afraid of breaking the spell of the evening. 
“That depends sweetheart,” he says, fingers tracing unknown patterns on the skin of your arm, “you have to mean it. I couldn't take it if you didn't mean it.” 
“I mean it. I love you Eddie, I think I always have.” 
The smile in his voice makes you smile too.
“I love you too. Happy Valentine's Day."
@liminalpebble @eddies-puppet @rip-quizilla @micheledawn1975 @vanilla-demon @millercontracting @roanniom @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @mrsjellymunson @usedtobecooler @eddiesprincess86 @ali-r3n @choke-me-eddie @littlebebebunny @big-ope-vibes
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eddiernunson · 11 months ago
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I Can Do it With a Broken Heart | Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader | 18+ | PREVIEW
Summary: You and Eddie have both had crap luck on dates lately, nothing that can't be fixed with a strawberry milkshake. However, he gets asked out on a date and it goes well...until it turns your life on its head and he forgets how to pick up the phone. You don't even care that he's dating someone else you just want your best friend back.
Warnings: idiots in love, best friends to lovers, ANGST, brief EddiexChrissy, ooc Chrissy, attempted SA, bestfriend!Steve, and needy, desperate smut that makes it all worth it.
Excerpt here:
The puff of smoke that leaves his lips as you approach him should not be this gorgeous, it’s practically unfair. “Hey, Eds.” 
He dusts the filter, killing it on the cement table he sits at as he blows out one more puff. “Hey, sweetheart.” 
Just from that particular look in his eye, you can tell something is on his mind. “You okay, there, Munson?” 
He smirks, effortlessly standing up. “I suppose. I’m not sure how to react. Or how you’ll react.” 
Your brows meet your hairline, watching his mind move at a million miles per hour. “Ok, Eddie this better be about a new class of creatures in DnD, or something, because you’re scaring me.”
He smiles, nodding his head over to the halls that lead toward the front door of the campus. “Someone asked me out on a date, earlier, today.” 
Your brows furrow, biting back the jealousy that eats at your chest. Every little part of you holds back the monster that threatens to class its way out, to snarl and hiss at every girl that even so much as looks at him wrong. It’s hard to bite it back, to choke on it purposely, but if you must, you will. 
It tastes like venom as you swallow it back down. “Oh, who?”
A faint pink spreads across Eddie’s cheeks, much to your dismay. Not once, in your fuck, what, seven, eight years, of friendship have you ever managed to see Eddie blush. (Just once but it was when you nearly walked in on him jerking himself off a few short years ago.) “Who?” 
“Um Chrissy. Chrissy Cunningham?” 
Your jaw drops, but your gut falls through the floor. You swear you hear it smash through the tilted floors and fall into the depths of hell. 
“She asked you out?” 
“Hey! Don’t act so surprised! A cheerleader could like me!” 
That was the last thing on your mind. Of course a cheerleader could like Eddie, they’d be stupid not to. No. Every other girl that Eddie has either slept with, or gone on a date with brought no worry to your head, competition, per say. But a sweet girl like Chrissy, one that bore pretty blonde curls, a sweet smile and a sweet disposition, this is like your worst nightmare come true. 
Thanks to the notion of living in a small town, you could recall 99% of the names that Eddie had told you, whether they be hookups or a date. Most of them didn’t intimidate you, only because, selfishly, you could nitpick at things you think wouldn’t work out with Eddie. Whether they were too vapid, too shallow, had none of the same interests as him, only shallowly liked him for his looks, or was a bully…you had something to give great comfort to you to prevent that little jealousy monster from clawing its way out. 
This time, your brain wracked itself for some sort of answer. Some sort of flaw in the Queen of Hawkins High that could settle this uneasiness that has taken over your mind. Nothing. Nothing. 
“I’m not surprised a cheerleader could like you, I’m surprised that Chrissy Cunningham asked you out,” you answer candidly, watching in step with him to where you supposed was his van. “I’m guessing you said yes?”
“I’d be crazy not to!” Eddie answered sheepishly, tugging at the sleeves of his leather jacket. “I’m taking her out on Friday night.” 
“Ah, you’ll tell Steve to take Creeper off hold for us, then?”
Eddie stops mid stride, faltering, his brows pinched as he gives you those big brown eyes. “Shit. It totally slipped my mind.” 
This is also new. Even as his dates would happen any previously made plans with him were always a priority. You just hope this isn’t a new habit of his. 
“We’ll do it on Saturday, yeah?” 
You nod, giving him the comfort you suddenly find yourself craving. From the pep in his step, the rosiness of his cheeks, the warm glint in his eyes, you can tell that he’s truly excited. As a best friend, you tried to be happy for him, however hard it is to make the smile on your face even remotely convincing. 
Eddie curls his arm around your shoulder, tugging you along with him for what is probably another afternoon in his room, clouded by a haze of weed. 
You smoked more than usual, if anything to allow his excitement and plans for his big date in two days to buzz into the background, the bong rippling through your lungs as a punishment for yourself. 
Final word count is about 24k so I think I'll post on the 15 to give my editor a fighting chance. If you want to be tagged let me know <3
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voidangxls · 22 days ago
ˋ°•*⁀➷ Valentines Party ʚ♡ɞ
╰┈➤ a part of my valentines special!
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pairings(s)- Eddie Munson x reader
Summary- The popular kids never miss out on an opportunity to throw a huge party, it was valentines and you have an unexpected interaction with an unexpected person.
category- fluff
warnings- alcohol consumption, kinda popular!reader, cheek kiss, not proofread
word count: 2336
masterlist; valentines special; stranger things masterlist
You dancing in the middle of Jason Carvers living room, surrounded by different bodies of people you go to school. The house was decorated in pink and red, hearts, streamers, clearly the work of his girlfriend Chrissy Cunningham.
The music was loud and the red lighting had been messing with you but as you drink on the cup of alcohol in your hand you slowly stopped caring. Everyone, more specifically the girls were dressed cutely for the aesthetic of valentines day, you were in a short spaghetti strap dress that had a double layered skirt paired with a black oversized leather jacket and black platform heels. You were dancing freely with your best friend, the both of you had one drink in you and were ready for the rest of the night.
You then still and tap your friend on the shoulder “i’m gonna go get another drink, do you want one?” you lean in and yell over the music. She nods and looks at you with a grateful smile “Yeah, thank you” she responds
You nod and weave your way around dancing bodies so you could get to the kitchen. A couple of people said hellos, now you weren’t necessarily popular. You weren’t like Chrissy Cunningham or Jason Carver but you were known by most of the school because of your involvement. You weren’t looked down on, or praised, or ignored, you were something somewhere in between.
As the night went on you’ve had 2 drinks while your friend has had plenty. You had to pee but you didn’t want to leave alone so you made her follow you and wait outside of the bathroom while you peed. Once you were inside of the bathroom you called out to her as you pull up your dress “stay right there, okay?”
But when you walked out of the bathroom you weren’t met with your friend and her drunken state, instead you were met with a mop of dark curly hair and a leather jacket. You look around the hall but come empty handed so you look back at the mop of curly hair standing in the hallway, also known as Eddie Munson also known as freak of the town. “Did you see her?” you ask hurriedly. You knew your friend could get kinda reckless when drunk so to say you were worried was an understatement.
Eddie looks at you in surprise for a moment, shocked that you were talking to him then he answers “see who?”
You groan slightly and look at him “There was a girl standing right here and shes very drunk. She was supposed to wait there until I got out of the bathroom” you tell him quickly, moving your hands theatrically.
“um n-no I didn’t. When I got up here no one was here” he responds, shaking his head side to side causing his curls to move slightly in the air. You throw your head back and run a hand through your hair “fuck” you whisper to yourself
“you lost your drunk friend?” he asks and you look at him and nod with an exasperated look. Sighing you behind to walk away but you are cut off when his voice calls back out to you “I can help you look for he “ he says.
You turn around and face him in shock “really?” you ask him.
Of course you knew Eddie Munson, the entire town of Hawkins knew who he was. He was a freak, or at least thats what everyone said. You didn’t think so, in your eyes he was just another person who had interest and expressed his interests. When Eddie Munson first began getting bullied for his interest and who he is you did research on some of the things he liked. None of it seemed demonic like your peers and their parents seemed, if you were being completely honest it seemed kinda interesting.
Of course Eddie Munson knew who you were. You were apart of the Schools yearbook team so you were known, you even took pictures of Hellfire club once. Although they didn’t get much in the yearbook, but he knew that wasn’t in your control. He was pretty sure you were the only person in his life aside from his uncle and his freak of friends that was ever civil to him. Sure you didn’t go out of your way to speak to him or anything and he was pretty sure the two of you had a total of 3 interactions in your entire life but they were all friendly and kind unlike everyone else.
The first interaction had been truly life changing for Eddie even though he wouldn’t admit that. A couple of the basketball boys wouldn’t leave him alone in the school hallway, they had kept nagging him but then you swooped in. You walked up with your camera in hand, the strap of it around your neck with a smile on your face. “boys, can I take your picture for yearbook?” you ask, standing in between him and the guys, looking only at the basketball players. They look at you with a smirk and nod, walking away. As you guys are walking away you turn around and gave him a wink pared with a smirk. You did that so they would leave him alone.
The second time was when you politely asked if you could take a couple photos of Hellfire during a game for yearbook. He said yes and the next Hellfire practice you were there with your camera but you were in and out in 5 minutes.
and then the last time it was just a simple smile when the two of you made eye contact in class.
“Yeah of course” he responds, walking closer to you. Once he’s next to you he looks down and confirms “Ashley Davis, right?” he asks
“yeah” you respond quietly.
Eddie nods down at you with a small smile. He felt like doing this was somewhat a way of repaying you for being one of the only kind people in his life, even if you guys didn’t have any kind of relationship with the other. “So if either of us find her, where do we meet up?” he asks, bouncing slightly on his feet
“um, Outside? Like the front of the house?” You say in a questioning tone, making sure it was also okay for him.
“Yeah, yeah okay” He nods, his smile growing slightly bigger as he continues to talk to you. You both then part your separate ways, the two of looking for your best friend Ashley.
After a little time passed you couldn’t find her and you were starting to worry. You decides that you would peak outside just to see if Eddie had found her and was out there waiting yet. When you peaked out today the front door you saw the one and only Eddie Munson trying to hold your friend upright.
“Thank god” you sigh stressfully, speed walking towards the pair. once you arrive in front of Eddie who carried Ashely you took Ashley from his arms and let him lean on you. “thank you so much, for helping me” you thank him while stumbling slightly because of your friends dead weight leaning on you.
“have you had anything to drink?” Eddie asks you with his hands in his pockets. You feel your friend shivering in your arms slightly. “Ive had like 2 drinks. Can you hold her for a second” You say while passing Ashley over to him “Eddie Munson?” slurs in a mumble.
You reach up and slip your leather jacket off of your shoulders and take a step forward to Ashley. “Hey, put this on” you tell her as you maneuver her arms into the jacket
“Do you need a ride home?” Eddie asks, looking down at the girls with a thoughtful expression. He didn’t want either of you driving while intoxicated, he didn’t drink since he was here doing business. He also couldn’t help but smile when seeing you do something so simple but so generous for your friend.
As you put your jacket on your friend you think about the proposition. “I don’t want to disrupt” you dismiss, shaking your head.
“I don’t want to pressure you or anything but it’s really no trouble. If you don’t want to it’s fine, I just thought I should offer” Eddie responds nervously. For some reason you made him nervous, only you, not the popular cheerleaders, or the uptight rich moms who gossiped about him, not the basketball players, you were the only one that truly made him nervous. He wanted to help you in any way he could and one of those ways could be giving you and your very drunk friend a ride home.
“are you sure?” you look up at him and ask, your brows furrowing.
“yeah, of course” Eddie assures with a nod
“okay” you whisper, sitting your friend up straighter in your arms following him to his car. Did you trust Eddie? for some reason yes but he was still a stranger and you did have a pocket knife in your purse if you needed to use it.
He leads you to the car, opening the back door so you could sit your friend in and then opening the passenger side door for you. You shiver slightly because of the chill in the air. “madam” Eddie says as he opens the door for you. You let out a small laugh and get inside of the car.
Eddie gets in the van and starts it but before he could pull away from the house he takes off his leather jacket. “here” he tells you, holding out his jacket for you. You look over at him surprise, trying to hold in your shivers “I can see your cold, you gave her your jacket and I don’t want to see you freeze” he looks over at you and tells you in a surprisingly soft voice.
During the drive to your friends house you gave him directions but other then that the two of you talked about the party, yearbook club, and hellfire club.
You guys arrive in Ashleys neighborhood, not quite at her house yet and Eddie speaks “think of this as me repaying you” he tells you, taking a quick peak at you, smile stuck on his face. You look over at him quickly with a confused expression “why would you need to repay me?” you scoff out a laugh
“Being kind to me, and getting the guys off my back once” he responds
You then let out a slight laugh and your eyes stay on him “You don’t need to repay me for that, thats the bare minimum. They’re jerks” you tell him with a dismissive shrug
“yeah but I don’t get the bare minimum, so it means a lot for someone like me.” He responds quietly. You guys then pull into the driveway of Ashleys house and you both let out small sighs of your own. The two of you enjoyed your conversation, enjoyed talking to one another. It was nice and the two of you would be lying id you said you didn’t want to continue speaking.
“You don’t deserve that, no one does.” You tell him in a soft voice, looking over at him with soft eyes.
“Thank you, you’re a good person yknow”
“and so are you, nice to talk to too” you respond to his kind words. You look over at your friends house then to the back of the car where she was asleep “I should probably get her inside” you sigh sadly
“Yeah, did you need help or anything?” Eddie sighs sadly as well, sad that she our conversations were over.
“No, no it’s okay.” you shake your heard and open the car door. “oh! here” you say, taking off his leather jacket he lended you.
Eddie only had a moment to think, and the thought that passed through him he deemed as stupid but he blurted it out anyways. “keep it, I can get it back the next time i see you” He tells you but as soon as he says it he regrets it. Why would someone like you want to hang out with someone like him, he thinks to himself
“like..outside of school?” you question, looking at him with a smile as you adjust his leather jacket back onto your shoulders
“uh…yea-yeah. If you want of course I totally get if you wouldn’t want to” he rambles but you cut him off before he could go any further
“I would love to, Eddie. It was really nice talking to you, I’ve always thought you were pretty cool” you respond
“wha- really?” he splutters, looking over at you with wide eyes. To say he was shocked would be an understatement.
“yeah” you laugh lightly
“Ive always thought the same about you, always wanted to talk to you more but I never did” Eddie admits, he felt his palms getting sweaty and his heart starting to race.
“good to know, see you at school Monday” you respond
You get back into the van and lean towards Eddie and quickly grabbing one side of his face, and kissing his other cheek that you weren’t holding. Eddie could have sworn he just had a stroke in that moment.
You get out of the van, shutting the door behind you then grabbing your friend Ashley and heading inside of the house.
Eddie was now left in his van in the driveway of your friend’s house. He was stuck in a frozen position ever since you kissed him on the cheek and he couldn’t believe that he, Eddie Munson could have a shot with someone as amazing as you. After a long moment of just sitting there stunned in the driveway he moves and pulls out of the driveway, smile stuck onto his face. Let’s just say he was very thankful your friend got drunk that night.
a/n: this did not turn out nearly as good as i wanted it snd halfway through I wanted to change the whole thing but writing this one for some reason draggggged on :/
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munsonluhvr · 1 year ago
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader word count: 3.7k warnings: fluff, nervous Eddie, bullying, mentions of a fight, light cussing, alluding to eating disorder, probs misspellings lol
next chapter: part 2
You take a deep breath as you open the door to exit your classroom; feeling relief that you were finished with your least favorite class – chemistry. 
Sneakers squeak all around you, your fellow schoolmates excited to be out of class and going to lunch, as you made your way down the hallway. You get to your locker, twisting the lock that held the door closed until it popped open. To your surprise, Chrissy Cunningham, your closest friend, slides up next to you, leaning against the set of lockers that neighbor yours.
“Look who survived chemistry another day,” she exclaims, nudging your shoulder. Chrissy knew how much you hated chemistry. 
“Somehow; I zone out by the first twenty minutes,” You say, shaking your head. “I’m not looking forward to the final.” 
Chrissy giggles, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “That’s me with Mr. Khan’s class. He makes history so boring.” 
Before you could respond, Jason Carver, Chrissy’s boyfriend, sneaks up to hugs Chrissy from behind. She squeals with surprise, and you roll your eyes, annoyed by how in love your friends were. They had been dating for some time now, always having their hands on each other. Since then, you’ve been a third wheel, nonetheless, still very included.  You put your books away, re-locking the door. 
“You survived chemistry again, y/n!” Jason says, catching your eye.
Chrissy giggles, “That’s exactly what I said.” 
You laugh, leaning back on your locker, joining Chrissy and Jason who watch fellow school-mates walk by. Several guys from the basketball team came up to Jason, patting him on the back and saying hello. Their girlfriends, who were friends of yours and Chrissy from the cheerleading squad, came up to you and Chrissy. Your group is bigger, having accumulated boys and girls from the basketball team and cheerleading squad. You chat together, laughing as your friends make jokes. Your eyes are pulled away from your friends when Eddie Munson, leader of the 'Hellfire' club walks by with his friends.
Your breath hitches as you watch Eddie walk by who is in deep in conversation with Dustin Henderson, laughing about something someone in their group said. Just as he passes by, Eddie looks up, making eye contact with you. Your stomach twists, already blushing under his gaze. His eyes go wide, noticing your gaze on him, and he pauses in his steps. 
You take in his appearance, as you usually do every day, and your fingers dig into the fabric on your skirt. Today, he wears Hellfire's club t-shirt, a jean jacket, black jeans (hugging him in all the right places), and his typical dirty white sneakers. His face was beautiful, as always, freshly shaved and a smile planted on his mouth.
You're pulled out of your gaze when Jason claps his hands, also pulling Eddie out of his trance. “Keep moving, freak.” 
Eddie's eyes automatically drop to the floor and he picks his pace to catch up with his group of friends that moved forward with out him. You blink, turning back to Chrissy who shoved Jason lightly. "That's not nice, Jason." Chrissy muttered, shaking her head. "Don't say that."
You feel guilty, associating with people that make fun of others, calling them names to make them feel inferior. You turn your head slightly to watch Eddie walk away, heading into the cafeteria. Jason and his friends laugh, amusing themselves.
You look back at Chrissy, "Should we head into lunch? I'm starving."
She shrugs, and then nods. "Sure."
You and Chrissy make your way into the cafeteria, weaving through the large crowd that is doing the same thing; Jason and his friends trail behind. The table you and your friends sit at every day waits for you completely empty, the perks of being on the cheerleader team. You hate to admit it, but you enjoy being popular. Being elevated in the high school social system adds an extra layer of ease and carefree-ness. Or does it?
Your eyes flick to find where Eddie and the Hellfire club sit, always on the right side of the cafeteria. You spot them sitting down with trays already in hand.
"I'll get your food for you, y/n" Alex, a friend of Jason, says as he pulls out one of the chairs for you to sit down. You smile, putting on your pleased face. Alex is sweet to you, but that's about it. Of course, Jason would disagree. Alex plays rough on the court, usually targeting the skinniest kids on the opposing team to knock over. He laughs when they fall, high-fiving other players. It makes your stomach twist to watch from the sidelines.
You sit with the some of the girls who wait for their boyfriends to bring them their food that the cafeteria is serving today. After only a minute, Alex places your tray of food down in front of you and you thank him. He smiles at you, pleased with himself, and you try your hardest not to roll your eyes. Jason had told Chrissy, who told you, that Alex had a major crush on you, spilling his intentions to ask you to prom. You had pretended to be excited, but in reality you would rather skip prom than go with him.
Jason sits next to Chrissy, who sat with no tray in front of her. You frown, "Chrissy, aren't you going to eat?"
Chrissy shakes her head, looking down at her lap. "Not hungry," she says simply.
Jason leans forward to look over at you, snickering "I think she's on a diet or something."
You turn back to your tray, picking up your fork. You bite your lip, thinking about all the times you've noticed Chrissy skip a meal lately. You didn't know if you should say something but you decided it was best to not bring up questions in front of everyone.
Conversation flowed across the table, the loud hum of everyone else chattering in the cafeteria. Chrissy whispers to you about how Alex was staring at you from the other end of the table but you couldn't get yourself to look over. Conversation came to a halt when a performance from another table occurrs.
"As long as you're into band, or science, or parties.." A voice, who you identified as Eddie, says as he stood up on one of the cafeteria tables. Everyone's attention turns to where he stands, elevated over the rest of the cafeteria. Jason and his friends snicker, watching him.
"-Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets," Eddie says, aiming his gaze to the table where you and your friends sit.
Jason stood up quickly, his chair knocking over behind him. "You want something, freak?" Jason yells back to Eddie. Chrissy covers her face with her hand, embarrassed by her partners outburst. You shrink in your chair, arms crossing in front of your chest, although you can't help but continue to watch Eddie and Jason's interaction.
In response, Eddie makes horns with his fingers, sticking his tongue out accordingly. For a brief second, Eddie and Jason have a moment of exchanging intense gazes and your breath hitches in fear of what will happen next. Surely, Jason could easily beat Eddie to a pulp in a fight.
"Prick," you hear Jason mutter, turning to pick his chair up and sit back down.
You breathe out, feeling relief that the intense moment between the two boys is over. Jason, however, is still annoyed.
"What is Munson's problem? It's like he wants to get his ass beaten." Jason says, shaking his head.
You zone out, letting the other boys conspire together. Chrissy leans over, nudging your shoulder. "Boys are so stupid, right?" She says, smiling big enough to show her two front teeth that overlapped. You smiled, agreeing, "So stupid."
The bell rang loudly across the cafeteria sending everyone to disperse from where they sat. Jason leans to kiss Chrissy on the cheek and followed his friends out of the room. Your eyes catch Eddie walking out, and again, he looks over and catches your eye. You smile, and his face expresses surprise that a girl in a cheerleader outfit would lend him such a gesture. You feel embarrassed for a moment until Eddie lifts his hand slightly, offering you a small, almost unnoticeable wave. You return the wave, and he smiles too, continuing to walk out the cafeteria doors.
Your stomach flips at the littlest interaction with Eddie, although this was the most you and Eddie had ever interacted before. You had noticed him look at you sometimes, and vice versa. Eddie had caught you looking at him too. But of course, your friend groups and social status kept you apart although you knew you wouldn't care what either would have to say about being seen with Eddie.
The rest of the school day went by quickly, you only had two classes left. The first one, English, went by fast without much excitement. History was your last class of the day and what occurs upends the rest of your day.
The previous week, Mr. Kepner had assigned a paper on a historical moment that was similar to the historical events the class had covered already. You had chosen to write about Egyptian civilization and you hoped you had done a decent job as you underestimated the complexity and denseness of the topic.
At the beginning of class, Mr. Kepner places graded papers on everyones desk. You take a deep breath before flipping the paper over to see a '100%' placed at the corner of your paper. Written next to the grade was 'see me after class.' You frown wondering how you could be in trouble by getting a perfect grade.
Your stomach was in knots for the rest of the class, afraid to hear what Mr. Kepner had to say to you. When class concluded, you walked up to your teachers desk.
"Y/n, I must say well done on your paper." Mr. Kepner says, taking his glasses off.
"Thank you, Mr. Kepner."
"I was thinking that you should submit the paper for the school's annual scholarship contest." Mr. Kepner says, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "I dare say you'd have a good chance at winning."
You're flattered, feeling stupid for worrying so much about the paper and not having confidence in your work. "I'd love to; do I have to fill out a form?"
Mr. Kepner begins to explain how to submit the paper and your mind went to the fact that you were cutting it close to missing your bus. Normally you peel out of class to miss the first bus instead of waiting twenty more minutes for the next one.
"-and that should be enough. I'll sign off on your submission of course." Mr. Kepner says, handing you the form to fill out.
You nod, taking the paper and side stepping away from his desk to head towards the door.
"Miss y/n, I still have more to discuss with you." Mr. Kepner says, watching you head towards the door. "I think you should take AP History next year. Your work is far more advanced than your classmates and I think you'd be better suited there."
You nod, still inching towards the door. "That would be great, Mr. Kepner. That would help with college admissions too. I'm really sorry but I have to catch my bus."
Mr. Kepner nods, standing up. "So sorry to keep you, y/n. I hope I didn't make you miss the bus. See you tomorrow."
You peel out of the room, listening to the door slam behind you. You jog to the end of the door at the hallway, ignoring the stares from the people you run pass. Once you reach the end of the hallway to the parking lot, you push open the door. Your eyes scan the parking lot to see the back end of your bus driving away from you.
"Fuck," you whisper to yourself.
"Let me guess, that was your bus." A voice says beside to you. You turn your head to see Eddie standing next to you.
You turn quickly back to look ahead of you, "That was my bus. Freakin' Mr. Kepner made me miss it. "
Eddie hums, "Ohh yeah. Mr. Kepner is a chatterbox. You're y/n, right?" Eddie leans against the brick wall of the school, his leg propping him up.
You nod, "That's me."
"I'm Eddie Munson." Eddie says, pushing himself off the wall to stand next to you. He has a curious smile on his face, as he puts his hand out for you to shake.
You match his smile, amused by his hand placed in front of you. You take his hand, shaking it. "I know who you are."
Eddie stares at you for a minute, analyzing your face. His eyes move from yours to your lips. You feel nervous under his gaze and you cough to break the moment. "So, what are you still doing at school? I'd assume you be out the minute the bell rings to go play that game you and your friends play."
Eddie places a hand on his chest. "It's Dungeons and Dragons; it's not just a game, it's a lifestyle. I'm waiting to make some extra cash." Eddie says, pulling a small bag with green lumps in it. You had previously heard some of the basketball players talk about Eddie's quality of products. You raise your eyebrows and nod, "I see."
Eddie tucks the bag away and clasps his hands in front of him. "When does the next bus come?"
You sigh, "Twenty minutes or something like that."
Eddie coos, "That won't do. I can take you home after my client comes."
You laugh, "Your client? Pretty fancy for a drug dealer."
"I'm not a drug dealer, it's just a side hustle."
"Sure," You say, a teasing tone lacing your words. You don't want to come off excited to spend time alone with Eddie. "If it's not any trouble, I would appreciate a ride home."
Eddie nods and before he could speak, Alex turns around the corner. "Y/n?" Alex says, looking between you and Eddie. "Is this freak bothering you?"
You shake your head, "No, Alex. I just missed by bus and I'm waiting."
"Are we going to do this or not? Twenty bucks, brother." Eddie says, displaying the bag of weed to Alex. Alex scoffs, "I'm not your brother and here." Alex places a paper bill in Eddie's hand.
Eddie takes the bill, tucking it into his pocket. "Thanks for doing business."
Alex ignores Eddie, turning towards you. "Y/n, I'll drive you home so you don't have to wait."
You grimace, but catch yourself and put a fake smile on. "It's okay, Alex. Eddie already offered."
Alex turns to Eddie who offers him a simple smile. Alex shakes his head, "I'm sure Eddie has a club of freaks to attend to. Just get in my car."
You turn away from both boys, stuffing your hands into the pockets of your puffer jacket. You want to signal to Alex to get the hint and leave you alone. You wanted to spend time with Eddie, certainly not Alex. "You have practice anyway, Alex. You couldn't drop me off and get back in time."
"Run along," Eddie says, snickering. "You heard the lady."
Alex glares at Eddie and mutters an expletive at him. Alex saunters away, taking one last chance to look between you and Eddie. Once Alex is gone, Eddie turns to you. "Shall we?"
You nod, following Eddie across the parking lot. The brisk Indiana wind cut through your jacket, sending shivers to your skin. Eddie guided you to his car which wasn't far from where you started near the school. His car was a large, maroon colored van, most certainly bought used, with a white stripe in the middle. Eddie walks over to the passenger side, opening the door quickly. He leans in, swiping objects of the seat.
Eddie backs up, helping you into the van. "Sorry for the mess, I didn't expect a co-pilot today." You smile, glancing at him. You could tell he was nervous by the way his eyes shifted.
You sit down in the passenger seat, taking a look around. In the middle of the two front seats there's a pile of cassette tapes. You lean over, picking two up; Iron Maiden and Metallica. Sometimes, late at night, you wondered what music Eddie might be listening to in his room at the same moment. Now you knew.
Eddie climbs into the van, sticking the key into the ignition.
"Nice music," You say, hoping he didn't ask what songs you liked. You had never listened to Iron Maiden or Metallica but you wanted to come off as cool to Eddie.
Eddie takes the cassettes from you, looking at which ones you picked up. "You like Iron Maiden? And Metallica?"
You nod, folding your hands in your lap. "Yeah."
Eddie raises his eyebrows, glancing at you. "I didn't expect that." Eddie puts the car in reverse, barely looking to make sure there was nobody walking or driving behind him.
"What do you mean?" You ask, cocking your head at him.
Eddie shrugs, "You're just a cheerleader, you know. I definitely didn't expect for you to be in my car ever."
You laugh, "Why not? I'm still a person even though I'm a cheerleader."
Eddie pulls out of the school's parking lot, starting to drive towards the street. "You hang out with Jason and all his friends. They don't like me at all."
You bite your lip. "Jason doesn't speak for all of us."
Eddie coughs, nervous at the sound of you alluding to the fact that you don't find him weird. "Where do you live again?" Eddie asks, before he pulls on to the street. You tell him your address, and he brings the car to a start again.
You sit in silence as Eddie drives. Your body flushes, the reality that you're alone with Eddie starting to settle in. You notice Eddie taking glances at you and clearing his throat. "Which songs from Iron Maiden do you like the most?"
You stomach clenches at the question. "Oh you know. They're all so good, how can you pick just one?" You roll your eyes at your response, and you look out the window.
Eddie laughs, "You're never listened to Iron Maiden before, right?"
You sigh, glancing at Eddie. "No, I just said that to sound cool to you."
Eddie raises his eyebrows again, turning his eyes back to the road. "Why would you need to act cool? You're already the cool one; in fact, you being in my car would get you kicked out of being popular."
You turn towards Eddie now. "Why do you think I care so much about being popular?"
"Don't you?"
You sit back in your seat. "No. It's lonely; you seem to have more genuine friendships with the Hellfire club."
"So you're watching me and my friends?" Eddie says, a smirk playing on his lips.
You are embarrassed at your choice of words and you quickly search your mind for a comeback. "It's kind of hard not to when you stand on a cafeteria table and publicly launch insults at the people I'm sitting at the table with."
Eddie laughs, shaking his head. "That was pretty good, wasn't it? God, I didn't think you'd be like this at all."
"You keep saying that, what do you mean?"
"I just- I don't know. I just always imagined you'd be-" Eddie stumbles over his words, causing you to look over at him. "The truth is I've had like a major crush on you since sophomore year and I always assumed you'd be a certain type of way because you're a cheerleader but you're..."
Your heart thumped at Eddie's confession but you tried to play it off. "But I'm kinda nice, right? You out of all people shouldn't judge how another may be."
Eddie glances at you, "Fair enough."
"So you've had a crush on me?"
Eddie nervously laughs, "I was hoping you wouldn't come back to that."
You cross one leg under your other, turning towards Eddie. "How could I? That's quite the confession."
"I shouldn't have said anything."
You shake your head, glad to finally get this secret off your chest. "I'm glad you did because the crush is reciprocal."
Eddie jams on the breaks, sending you forward until the seatbelt caught you. He turns towards you, cars honking behind him. "Really?"
You look in the side mirrors, watching cars dodge around you. You flinch watching a car almost slam into the back of Eddie's van. "Eddie you should probably drive," you say, afraid of what will happen if his car continues to sit in the middle of the road.
Eddie listens to you, pressing the gas. He turns the car onto your street, leaning forward to look for your house number on the mailbox. "It's the white one," You say.
Eddie parks the car in front of your house. "You really like me too?"
You smile at him, sad that your social status makes it seem impossible for you to be with Eddie. "Yes," you say simply.
Eddie's nervousness appears again, his words beginning to jumble and his voice high-pitched. "I-I, wow that's cool, I mean."
You laugh, opening the car door. You lean over, deciding to be bold, and you place a kiss on his cheek. You inhale, embracing the strong cologne he has on. You pull away, moving to grab your backpack and hop out of the car. "Thanks for the ride, Eddie."
You look back at him from outside the car. He offers you a small wave, startled by your move. You turn around but then turn back again. "Would you ever want to go out sometime?"
Eddie's jaw slacks, "Y-Yeah, I'd love to."
You smile, glad that he agreed to go out with you. You drop your backpack on the ground, pulling a sheet of of notebook paper out and finding a pen at the bottom of your bag. You write your home's phone number on the paper and hand it to Eddie. "Call me sometime." Eddie folds the piece of paper, putting it into his jacket.
You turn around, leaving Eddie behind you. You feel his eyes trailing you and you smile to yourself, proud of your boldness.
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I have a request for ya! Just thought of this (sorry for the long entry 🫣)
what if Reader has been harboring a MAJOR crush on Eddie forever, and maybe they're friends, maybe not, maybe just acquaintances, I'll leave that up to you, but the Reader is this stereotypical shy, quiet, nerd girl who loves fantasy novels and (though no one would guess it just by looking at her) heavy metal and D&D and she's always been way too scared to tell Eddie how she feels (and she also knows he has a crush on Chrissy Cunningham and how could she ever compete with the Queen of Hawkins High? The Perfect Girl?). But then one day a group of bullies (maybe Carver and his Goons, maybe somebody else, again, I'll leave that up to you) somehow get a hold of her diary and read out the entry where she talks about how much she's in love with Eddie, out loud in the cafeteria during Lunch! Eddie's there, Chrissy's there, Reader is there, everyone, all of their friends are there, and of course the Reader is MORTIFIED and takes off running and hides somewhere else before anyone can say anything.
How it ends I will leave up to you 🙌 (but preferably fluffy 👀)
Vulnerability (Eddie X GN Reader)
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Ehehe I’ve been writing this all morning and I love this request so much! *The diary entries are in bold italics. Also this was typed on mobile, so sorry for any typos!!
The entire table erupted into cheers as they won the battle and finished the campaign. You smiled, glancing over your book and grinned even wider as they congratulated each other. You were tucked away in the corner, engrossed in the plot of your latest novel. You’d only pretended to read in the past half hour because you had been trying to pay attention to what was going on at the table.
You and Gareth had been friends since childhood and went everywhere together. You often watched the Hellfire campaigns, but had been trying to finish up your book since it was due back soon.
“So, what did you think of my campaign?”
Your heart jolted in your chest and you pretended to find a place to stop in the story before looking up to see Eddie hovering over you. Eyes widening, you tried to laugh normally, but it just came out strangled. He patted your back, concerned, while you begged whatever higher power was listening to just take you away. Tears leaked from your eyes and you glanced to him to see he was waiting expectantly.
“It was really good, Eddie.”
He flushed and rocked on his heels.
“Your storytelling was so creative and I had no idea that side character was going to have such a big role!”
He flourished under your praise and sat beside you, rambling eagerly about his strategy and how he was inspired for the campaign.
In short, I absolutely have a crush on Eddie Munson.
You groaned and flopped your head down on the table. The library was especially quiet before school and was often the place you divulged your most private thoughts to your diary. The five-minute warning bell rang and you scooped up all your things and dashed off to class, not realizing the diary had slipped out of your grip.
The day passed in a blur. Tests were coming up for all your classes and you could barely keep all the information straight in your head. You huffed as you sat down at the lunch table and pulled your book out. Gareth sat next to you and opened his mouth to say something, but you waved a hand dismissively.
“Just a few minutes, Gare. Almost done.”
The last few pages flew by before you closed the book with a thud.
“Good?” He asked.
“Amazinggggg,” you sang back.
Your table descened into a mess of conversation that stopped abruptly the moment Jason Carver walked up to you. Encountering Jason was never a good thing, especially up close.
He smiled at you, sending shivers down your spine. He waved a familiar small blue book at you. “I think this is yours.”
Your eyes grew as you turned to dig in your bag, confirming what you already knew. You turned back to him, face heating with embarrassment. “Give it back, Jason.”
His grin turned more antagonistic as you stood up and reached for your diary. He held it above your hands, opening it to the most recent entry.
“Ahem, everybody? Can I have your attention?”
You bristled as everyone turned your way, hands balling into fists at your side. Of course nobody could miss what stupid Jason Carver had to say.
Gareth stood and held out a hand for your book. “Hey, man. Just give it back to her.”
Jason pointed a finger into his chest, moving him back. “Hang on a minute, nerd. Gotta read something real quick.”
You darted around the table and surged toward Jason, groaning as you slammed against two of his goons that had stepped into your path. It was too late. Tears pooled in your eyes as he started to read, exposing your heart to the world.
He cleared his throat before starting in. You had written snippets of campaigns you would run if you were a DM and he skimmed over them, reading the romantic bits aloud and laughing cruelly as he continued to flip.
“Boring, boring. Yadda yadda. Oh! Here we go. This looks good.”
He slowly turned to Eddie, his grin spreading wider. Eddie glanced to you, confused and your stomach lurched as he started reading. This whole time he’d been working toward this grand finale of embarrassment and damn, it was working.
“Eddie is by far the cutest guy I know. He’s always so nice to me. I don’t have many friends and he has always been so welcoming. Ugh. Skip the gooey stuff. Aha! In short, I absolutely have a crush on Eddie Munson. How sweet, the freak and the lonely loser!”
By this time, you’d practically melted into the floor. You snatched your bag up and turned to Gareth. He saw your face crumple and started to rise, but you put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
“I’ll see you later.”
The words came out in a rasp and you took off before you allowed yourself to breakdown. You burst through the library door, startling the librarian who shot up from her seat.
She tilted her head in concern and motioned for you to come behind the desk. She opened the door to her office, which you sped into, dropping your book on her desk as you went. She guided you to the small couch in her office and quickly brought you a cup of hot chocolate before stepping back out to the media desk and closing the door behind her.
You curled up against the cushions and sobbed, barely able to take sips of your drink. Your afternoon teachers would just have to wait to see you until Monday. Or maybe never if you decided to move out of the country.
You woke a while later, low voices murmuring outside the door.
“Have you seen her? I know she comes here a decent bit.”
“Mmm. Nope. Haven’t seen her since this morning,” the librarian retorted.
You pulled one of the blinds down to see Eddie standing across the counter. His eyes flicked to yours, drawn by the motion and you gasped, letting the blinds snap shut.
You began gathering your courage to step out. Meanwhile, Eddie’s mouth curled into an amused smirk. He spoke slightly louder, ensuring you could hear him.
“Alright, well if you see her, let her know I got her diary back from that jerk.”
You opened the door and poked your head out, bag slung over your shoulder. You looked to the librarian and nodded at her.
“I’m okay. Thanks for the hot chocolate. I’ll be back for more books next week.”
You offered her a grateful smile, which she promptly returned, patting your shoulder kindly. You stepped around the desk, arms crossed protectively over your chest as you looked into Eddie’s eyes. A gasp slipped out as you noticed his swollen split lip. “Hi,” you mumbled.
“Hello,” his voice lit with a smile. “Walk with me?”
You nodded and turned, brushing past him as he held the door open for you.
“Need a ride?”
“Probably,” you sighed.
It was just late enough in the day that all the buses were gone for the day, student parking lot almost emptied out.
He strolled at an easy pace beside you and you kept your eyes lowered, determined not to acknowledge the cafeteria incident. He paused right outside his van on the passenger side and pulled your blue book out from under his arm, passing it to you before he pulled the door open for you. You searched for a way to say thank you, I’m sorry, and never bring this up again, but instead gaped when you saw the other book he was holding.
“Why are you reading that book? I just turned it in.”
“Well. I thought it could help my campaigns.”
You turned away, embarrassed. He reached for your arm, taking hold of it gently.
“No no I’m not teasing you. I really liked your campaign ideas and thought that if you could write something like that after reading this, then maybe I could too.”
Your heart fluttered and you bit back a smile as you climbed into the van. Eddie shut the door once you were in and circled around to the other side, climbed in and started up the van.
The drive started off quiet until you couldn’t handle it anymore and blurted out, “I’m sorry!”
He chuckled, ���What are you sorry for?”
“I just… I know he’s not above embarrassing people, but I feel like his main target was probably you, so I’m sorry. I know you like Chrissy and-“
You were cut off by him laughing and you shrank back into the seat. You trembled with frustration before saying, “Alright. If you’re gonna laugh at me, let me out. Stop the car.”
He rolled to a stop on the side of the road and you reached down for your seatbelt. He caught your hand in his and your breath halted in your throat, eyes tentatively rising to meet his. His bangs had grown a bit longer, landing right above his eyes. Your hand twitched, wanting to brush them aside. He squeezed your hand and your eyes drifted back to his.
“I like Chrissy. As a person. She’s very kind and we knew each other when we were younger. But I haven’t liked anyone else in a long time. No one besides you.”
Your thumb brushed his palm as your brain processed his words.
“Me? You like me?”
“That would be what I said, yes.”
“But why? Why didn’t you say anything before now?”
“Why didn’t you?” He grinned as you blushed under his gaze. “I didn’t say anything because you’re Gareth’s best friend. He really cares about you. And about Hellfire. I didn’t want to start anything between us that could get messed up and make things awkward for him.”
You smiled at his consideration for your friend. Your diary poked at your side from where you’d tucked it next to you in the seat.
“Can I read something to you? Jason read a lot but somehow missed the best parts.”
He nodded enthusiastically and his eyes lit up as you opened your diary, stopping when you found the entry you were searching for. You kept holding hands, shivering when his rings brushed over your skin.
“Today was a bad day. I didn’t do so well on a test and the bus was late and it was pouring down rain. When it finally got there, Eddie ran up behind me and held his vest over my head until I got on. It happened so fast, I’m surprised I remember it. But I’ll never forget looking out the window and seeing him standing there in the rain. His fingers were hooked into the collar of his vest and it was slung over his shoulder. God, he looks good in the rain.”
You blushed but continued flipping to the next entry and began again, emboldened.
“Today I realized that my crush on Eddie isn’t just because he’s cute and kind to me. He’s good to everyone. It sucks seeing people mess with him. He’s somehow gotten so amazing at laughing it off and continuing about his day. He defends the kids in Hellfire. He takes care of everyone. I just wish he had someone to take care of him. I wish he knew how special he is.”
You closed the diary, your finger still tucked in. Fingers tenderly slid under your chin and lifted your face. He was waiting for you, his sweet smile already painted across his face. He groaned and blew out a puff of air.
“I wanna kiss you so bad, but could I take you out first? Where do you wanna go?”
You thought for a moment. “Well, I like ice cream.”
“Ice cream it is, then! Cone-gratulations on being the cutest person in Hawkins!”
“Oh, my God, Eddie.”
He snorted and your laughed filled the car as it started down the road again. He turned the volume up, one of his tapes in the player, and hit the dashboard in excitement when he caught you singing along.
“No way, you know this song?”
“I started listening because of you and as it turns out, I like metal music.”
“You are absolutely perfect.”
He pulled your joined hands to his mouth, kissing yours, careful of his injury. He set your hand down gently in your lap and his hand curled around your knee, determined to keep you close.
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thatdumbmexicanbimbo · 7 months ago
everyone was sword fighting in her mouth.
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Perv!Mean!Bully!Eddie Munson x Bimbo!thick!latina reader
A/N:*INHALES LOUDLY* I cannot stand the lack of people, writing for latina's, SO I'm just gonna write myself *grins evil like*, but with a twist, HEATHERS AU!!, Eddie is ram Sweeney bc he's my fav, and reader is like Veronica Sawyer in the situation :P, Chrissy is heather McNamara, Nancy is heather duke, heather Halloway is heather Chandler!
WARNINGS: SMUT!!, NONCON,drugging ,impiled oral sex(F only), virgin reader!, PIV
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you wonder how your life would be if you stayed in New Jersey, you sighed as you unloaded your boxes to your new house.. well trailer, you and your papa have been slightly struggling, your pink suitcase was heavy so your papa came to help, it wasn't a shabby trailer it was quite expensive, 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom was okay for you and your dad.
Now it was your first day , you've been to racists schools your whole life, casually getting rude remarks on your weight and race, but ever since you moved away from Hawkins temporarily, you can't shake the thrill of coming back!, you struggled, to slide your white skirt on, you made sure your thong wasn't peaking out so your dad wouldn't see, you put on a lacy white bra obviously!! a push up, a pink tube top,and cute black backpack a bow on the zipper!
When you arrived you got loads of flattering and a few un-flattered looks, you just looked at your schedule, you go to your locker number
seeing a woman already there, but the sudden turn around revealed a long-haired man, "Whats with the staring,baby doll?" he chirped,
"my apologies, I'm confused on how to open my locker? I forgot how, I use to be at this school I just moved but came back for personal family issues", he looks you and up down scanning your hot thick body up n down,
"you ain't new then?". you nod meekly, "ah okay, well let me tell ya sweetheart I don't recall seeing you 'round these halls" he says while pulling a cigarette out, you look away embarrassed,
"I was slightly overweight, glasses and baggy clothes..i-i was called chunky y/n.." you say stuttering,
he looks at you "oh now I know you, you looked HIDEOUS, those glasses were not for you" he says chuckling, his smile fading seeing your face form a frown,
"is a pretty face and body all that matters to you?"you say annoyed,
"well, what else is there to offer?", you scoff and storm away, fucking guy judging your body fucking looking at you like a pervert.
you skip your 3rd period class, your lip liner was fading, fashion emergency!, you reapply your lip-gloss as 3 girls walk in, one of them goes into a stall and forces themselves to throw up, another girl trails behind another, LOUD RETCHING NOISES, "god Nancy hurry up!" the main girl shouts checking her pores
a teacher walks in to use the restroom, "what are you lady's doing out of class??", you were quick to write fake passes after you recognized your first period teacher's handwriting and signature, you quickly hand the 3 girls one and say
"um Ms Burn-ham gave us each a bathroom note" you show the teacher, "oh very well you ladies stay out of trouble" she said as she exited the bathroom
"sick forgery, thanks for helping" the main one says, "the name's Heather Holloway, i'm pretty popular, among the school",
the second one chirps up, "ugh didn't even bother to introduce us Heather, i'm Nancy wheeler, and this is Chrissy Cunningham", Chrissy waves shyly,
"I see you being a popular girl stick with me and you'll be on top of the other low-life losers" heather says wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
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a month has gone by heather wasn't fully wrong you were popular with her guidance, But so much people noticed you finally, even that sick pervert hasn't stopped trying, you were laying lazily on your bed, and get a call from Chrissy, "y/n I need help i'm at the cemetery"
before you could respond Chrissy hangs up you made your way to the cemetery, you see Chrissy in her car
, "uh why is uh Eddie munson passed out?" you questioned
"well nancy, steve,eddie, and I were ya know hanging out and they dung into the booze, then Nancy and Steve were together and Eddie tried hooking up with me..and he wouldn't stop trying to grope me..." she says blankly
"so after all this happened why'd you call me??" you say tugging at your annoying socks
"oh well that was the deal, if I called you Eddie promised to leave me alone"
"SO you avoided date rape by volunteering ME for date rape?"
"gosh you make it sound so ugly"
eddie groans drunkly, "HEYYYY Y/NNN, I WAITED HOURS FOR YOU!!"
he passed out, Nancy comes from Steve's car, him attached to her while she buttons her skirt, "Chrissy, open the door" she says sharply
"UGHH don't leave me like this baby!!" Steve whines. he lays on the grounded passing along-side Eddie
Eddie rises, when Chrissy and Nancy drive away, "so you're my reward huh" he says says while smirking
"as if , you have a left hand use it" you reply with disgust you hear a noise off in the distance looking away.
he whimpers, but replies, "there's some alchol left?" he was quick to slip in a roofie
"welp this Friday was shit i'll take it" you chug it down
"I don't feel so awesome" you pass out but Eddie catches you
"oh trust me sweetheart you will soon.."
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your eyes flutter open, still in a ditzy unable to move trance, you feel an odd stomach twisting feeling between your thighs, a long- haired man between your thick thighs, you cry as he shoves fingers into you, you gush out more slick and cum
"fucking naughty girl, getting her tiny unused cunt violated, n getting wet off it, pathetic" he says degrading you
you whimper, and try moving or screaming unable to from the roofies effects, he tugs his boxers down, aligning his cock to your virgin cunt, you sniffle as he shoves his cock in, he thrusts uncaring if you're enjoying it
"so fucking tight, mmm yea just for me, fucking bitch you rejected me??, I don't fucking think so, you are enjoying this you're clenching go ahead slut, cum for me, cum on my cock"
you sqeaul and cream on his cock. after this everything fades to black
you awaken in your bedroom, you walk into your bathroom, hickeys everywhere, bruises, you sniffle knowing it wasn't a dream..
you arrive at school seeing Nancy cleaning out heather Holloway's locker, you heard she was kidnapped by billy who also died or dissappeared,
"jeez what are you rummaging for??" you say
"a little respect, I'm cleaning out a loved ones locker" Nancy scowls at you
"I don't think heather would want you going through her stuff-"
"lets not focus on me right now, more about your new reputation, Eddie n Steve have been telling the whole school about a scandalous little three way last night after Chrissy and I left" she said smirking
"there was no three way, I don't even recall doing anything with either of them-" you get off by the boys giggling
you ran into the bathroom crying terribly.. it was just a rumor but what could you do..
possible part 2?
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andvys · 2 years ago
We'll burn the sky | part five
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Warnings: 18+, smut at the beginning, angst, mentions of drugs, substance abuse and readers dad's death, cheating (not on reader)
Pairings: Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Rockstar!fem!reader | Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham
Summary: Things are going great on tour— maybe a little too great.
Author's note: Get ready for some agonizing pain, my friends
series masterlist
Eddie woke up to an empty bed and cold sheets.
Furrowing his brows, he stares at the empty spot for a moment. Anxious thoughts fill his mind and he wonders if you regret what happened and escaped before you had to face him again. The smell of your shampoo and your strawberry scented body wash lingers on his pillow, it’s comforting. 
The images of the previous night come rushing back to him. His hands tingle as he remembers the way he touched your bare skin, the way he made you moan with just the touch of his hands, the way you begged and asked for more before he flipped you over and gave you what you wanted. 
The tension was growing between you from the first moment you met. And so were his feelings.
He didn’t touch you out of temptation, he touched you out of love. All these feelings that he has been pushing back all these months finally boiled over and there was nothing he could do but to give in. 
He knows it’s wrong to feel this way when he still belongs to someone else and he hates himself for it, he turned into something he used to despise; a cheater. He did something that was done to him before, he knows how much it hurts to be betrayed like that and yet it didn’t stop him from doing all these things. 
Chrissy was his first girlfriend, his first love. 
She was the one he always wanted, the one he used to daydream about, the one he used to pine after but she never saw him. He was nothing but thin air to her for the longest time and when she did notice him, he felt as though he was on top of the world but Chrissy wasn’t what he thought she was and deep down he knew that but he only saw the obvious things. 
Eddie was a freak and Chrissy was the queen. 
Eddie was bullied and she was dating his bully. 
Eddie was poor and selling drugs to help his uncle with the bills while she didn’t even have to lift a finger. Not only did she grow up rich but she was also surrounded by wealthy people, including her ex boyfriend; Jason. 
Eddie treated people with kindness, even the ones that didn’t deserve it and she.. Well, to Eddie she always seemed like a kind and sweet girl but the poor boy was always blinded by his love for her. He didn’t see the way she looked down on his friends, he didn’t notice how rude she was being to his uncle, he didn’t realize why she never brought him to her place. 
He was blind to so many things when it came to Chrissy. He was blind to the way she stared at Steve for a little too long, laughing at his jokes a little too loud. 
Eddie was just happy to be with the girl of his dreams– or what he once thought was the girl of his dreams but his feelings already started to change when he picked her up after her best friend’s house party, one night. She was crying, holding her jacket close to her chest as she stared down at the ground with tears streaming down her face. Eddie had never been more worried in his life than he was at that moment, he thought that something happened to her, that someone hurt her but when he jumped out of his van and ran towards her with a concerned expression on his face. He grabbed her face and wiped her tears as he asked what happened. 
All she did was look at him with a guilty look in her glassy eyes, ‘I’m sorry, Eddie.’ is all she had to say for him to understand what had happened before she called him. 
Eddie swore that his heart broke that night. 
The girl he loved with all he had, betrayed him in the most painful way. 
For the longest time, he stood frozen in place and stared at her with a shocked and heartbroken look on his face. He didn’t hear her voice, he didn’t feel her touch, all he felt was the pain that took hold of his heart. And when he looked over her shoulder and found Jason staring back at him, his heart hurt even more. Not only did she cheat on him but she also did it with the guy that made his life a living hell. 
His eyes were filled with tears but he didn’t say anything, he only took a step back and looked away from her. She took a step forward and reached for his hand, ‘it didn’t mean anything… Eddie, please.. I’m sorry.’ He should have pushed her hand away, he should have left her there with Jason. ‘Please, forgive me.’
The fool he was, he forgave her. He even took her home that night and took care of her, he wiped her makeup off and held her in his arms as she dozed off like nothing happened. 
He blamed it on the alcohol, he blamed it on the weed, he blamed it on Jason.
But Chrissy wasn’t drunk and she wasn’t high either, she knew exactly what she was doing. She knew that she was hurting him. 
While she was having sex with her ex boyfriend, he was at home writing a song for her, something that he did out of love, excitement and happiness– the happiness that she had ruined in him. 
Sleepless nights followed that awful night and Eddie realized how much love truly hurts. 
He should have left her, he shouldn’t have given her that second chance, he deserved better but he was a fool.
His feelings changed more and more when he moved to California. 
He learned more things about himself, he got to know himself in a different way, he has grown in character after leaving Hawkins. 
Chrissy stayed the same. Still caring about the meaningless things in life. The perfect clothes, the perfect status, the perfect friend group, the perfect future, gossip.
Deep down he knows, they aren’t right for each other. There was not even a single moment where he had a genuine and deep conversation with her, all they ever did was movie nights, getting high and having sex that wasn’t even exciting to him. She talked about her future, about her dreams and her wishes, not even caring about what he wanted. Not even caring about the pain she put him through that night. 
A moment of realization of what his future would be like made him panic. He didn’t want to live her life. He wanted to live his life, he wanted to fulfill his dreams. Perhaps that is why he abruptly made the decision to leave Hawkins. 
He should’ve left more than just the town he grew up in, he also should’ve left her but he couldn’t, not when she was looking at him with those big and sad eyes of hers as she watched him pack his bags. He should have broken up with her but back then he believed that he still loved her and that she loved him. 
He was never one to break someone’s heart but look at him now. He is not just playing with her heart, he is also playing with your heart and he is setting himself up for a big disaster. 
But can he stop? No. 
Could he have stopped the loss of his feelings for her? No. 
Could he have stopped himself from falling for you? No. How could he? 
How could he be in your presence and not fall in love with you? 
“Fuck…” Eddie mumbles under his breath as he slaps his hand over his face. He hates himself for doing all of this. He needs to stop, he needs to come clean about everything, he needs to tell you the truth and he needs to tell her the truth. He needs to break up with her but he doesn’t know how. Doing it over the phone would be a shitty move but waiting till he gets to Indiana is even worse. 
You will find out about her when you get there and that thought leaves him feeling scared and anxious. 
The moment he steps into the kitchen area and finds you standing with your back to him as you fix yourself a cup of coffee, he forgets about everything he wanted to say and do, though. 
His mind is blank and his heart flutters as he watches you. He can’t even stop himself from walking towards you and wrapping his arms around you. He pulls you back into his chest and kisses your neck, “good morning.”
You flinch a little, surprised at his affection. 
You didn’t know what to expect but for some reason you didn’t expect this. You felt a little guilty and ashamed for what you did the previous night. 
If there was one thing that you promised yourself before you joined the band, it was not to sleep with any of your band mates but here you are, 20 days into the tour and Eddie already made you cum around his fingers twice. 
A smile appears on your face as you turn around in his arms, “good morning, Eddie.”
His eyes light up and he has to restrain a groan as he sees the way you look at him. 
“Did you sleep well?” you ask as you move closer to him, pressing your chest against his. He might have had the upper hand last night but today, you will have it. 
Eddie’s eyes widen and a surprised look crosses his face as he feels your hand sliding down his stomach. 
“Y-Yeah,” he whispers, looking around the empty area, he figures that the others are still sleeping, thank god. 
“Yeah?” you smirk as your fingers reach the band of his boxers. You can feel him, his dick is already hard. You didn’t get to touch him the way he touched you last night and you were dying to return the favor. 
He nods, eyelashes fluttering as a sigh escapes his lips when you start to palm him over the thin material of his boxers. He places his hands on the counter behind you, caging you against it as he leans into your touch. 
“F-Fuck, y/n,” he sighs, “what are you doing?” 
For a moment, you admire him and how pretty he looks. His messy hair falls down his shoulders, his eyes almost black, lips plumper than usual in the mornings. The little moans and whimpers that fall from his lips so beautifully make your stomach flutter. 
You stand on your tippy toes, mimicking his actions from the night before. Your lips finally touch the sensitive skin on his neck for the very first time. 
Eddie’s eyes flutter closed, his heart begins to pound heavily in his chest, his breathing stutters and he moans your name like it’s the only thing he is meant to do. Your touch, your lips, your smell, your voice, you, you drive him crazy. 
“Returning the favor,” you whisper against his neck, “is that okay?” 
“Mhmm,” he mewls as he holds onto the counter tighter. He forgets about everything, “more than okay, baby.” 
You chuckle at the pathetic moan that left his lips after those words. 
Your hand slips into his boxers and you grab his hard and aching dick. 
“F-Fuck… oh fuck.. baby.” 
Eddie doesn’t even remember anymore what it feels like to feel someone else’s touch but his own. The fact that it’s you who’s touching him like this, makes it all even better. 
You brush his hair back with your free hand and Eddie tilts his head to give you more access to his neck. Another moan echoes through the empty area as you begin to jerk him off. 
“Shhh, you gotta be quiet,” you mumble, “or do you wanna get caught, pretty boy?” 
He repeats your name over and over again as you jerk him off faster and kiss his neck harder, as you bite and suck on his skin, marking him as yours. 
“F-Fuck,” he sighs as he bucks into your hand, “your hand feels so good…” 
“My pussy would feel even better, Eddie.” 
He whimpers at your words, dick twitching in your hand. 
Smirking, you grab his cheeks and force him to look at you, “you want that, huh?” you ask him. His eyes shot open, surprise flickering in his pleading eyes, “you want to fuck me, don’t you?.... I know you do. I know you jerk off in that little bathroom after every show, I hear you moan my name. I know you watch me change, you fucking perv.” 
His eyes widen, cheeks growing red. 
But the smirk on your face tells him that you enjoy it just as much as he does, “it’s okay, baby,” you whisper as you lean closer to him, lips brushing against his, he whines pathetically as you move away again after he tries to connect your lips, “uh-uh… no kisses for you.” 
He wants to question it, his brows furrow and his lips part but before he can even form a sentence, he feels himself getting closer and closer and he can’t do anything but shut his eyes and hide his face in the crook of your neck as his lips find their way to your shoulder.
“Please…. please..” he mumbles. 
“You wanna cum, Eddie?” you ask as you hold him tighter, “you wanna cum all over my hand like a desperate little slut?” 
He nods, whining and whimpering at your words. 
“Cum for me then,” you order as you nibble on his neck, “be a good boy and cum for me.” 
That’s all it takes for him to cum, painting your hand white with his seed. He moans and whimpers against you, body slumping against yours as he breathes heavily. 
“Oh my god,” he whispers, kissing your shoulder.
You giggle, rubbing his back with your hand as you let go of his softening dick. You slip your hand out of his boxers and he groans at the sight of the mess he made, “shit..” he says, blushing. 
He turns on the water, grabbing your hand, he pulls you off of you and holds your hand under the running water to clean it. 
You can’t even help but laugh at the sight of him. He gives you a side eye, knowing that you’re laughing at him. His cheeks are red, his hair messier than before, his boxers are sticky, he is a mess and if anyone is about to join the two of you in this area, then they’ll easily figure out what just happened. 
“Shut up,” he mumbles with a small smile on his face. 
You bite down on your lip and look down as he begins to dry your hand off. 
“Didn’t expect your morning to go like this, huh?” you whisper, giving him a teasing smile. 
No. Not at all. If anything, he would have loved to have a repeat of the previous night but this? This was too good. 
He shakes his head and he leans closer, annoyed at your dominance– no matter how hot it is, he wants to be the one in charge. 
Eddie throws the towel on the counter and places his hand on the small of your back to pull you closer. Leaning down, he moves your hair back, “next time, I’m gonna make you scream.” 
His husky morning voice sends shivers down your spine. 
“Yeah? How so?” 
“I’m gonna eat your pussy, fuck you with my tongue and fingers until you squirt all over my face.” 
You gasp, squeezing your thighs together in an instinct. 
He kisses the spot he covered with hickeys, “you’d like that don’t you?” 
Your eyes flutter closed as he pulls you flush against his body, you nod, mewling at his words. 
“You know what else I’d do?” he mumbles against your skin. 
He gives your neck a soft peck, “I’d split you open with my cock, I’d fuck you so hard that you’d remember nothing but my name.” 
“Eddie–” you rudely get interrupted by the sound of a door opening. You jump away from him and lean back against the counter as you reach for your mug. 
Eddie chuckles as he sees your flustered expression. 
“Good morning–” Gareth halts in his tracks and his words get caught in his throat when he lays his eyes on the two of you. There is nothing obvious about the two of you, well aside from the flustered expressions on your faces and your awkward cough but Gareth seems to figure it out pretty quickly. He keeps it to himself though and smirks to himself as he runs his hand through his messy hair that looks like a bird's nest, “why do you look so flustered, y/n?” he asks as he walks closer.
Eddie chuckles to himself as he takes a step back, subtly trying to hold his hand in front of his boxers. 
“I’m not flustered,” you mumble before you take a sip of your coffee. 
Gareth snorts, “right.” 
He tries to reach for the coffee pot but you slap his hand away. 
“You stole my room again, asshole!” 
Tour day 30 
I never thought that I would love being on tour so much but it’s amazing… Well, it’s amazing when Gareth isn’t stealing my room to hook up with his groupies in my bed. 
We arrived in New Orleans today! I’m so excited to be here. We’re going out for drinks tonight and tomorrow we’re having a concert before we leave for Miami! Eddie if your future self is reading this, I hope you know that I’m very excited to see you shirtless at the beach ;)
You close the diary and throw it on the bed before you walk towards the big mirror to check your outfit one more time. The leather pants hug your hips perfectly, that red cropped top that you bought yesterday goes well with the rest of your outfit. You run your fingers through your waves and adjust the necklace around your neck.
Turning away, you’re just about to reach for your boots when a knock on your door interrupts you. 
“It’s me,” Eddie announces on the other side. 
A smile tugs on your lips as you walk towards the door, opening it, you lean against the wall, “hey there.” 
Eddie’s eyes widen as he takes the sight of you in. He sees you in your sexy little outfits all the damn time and yet he still feels like the wind gets knocked out of him whenever he sees you. 
You giggle to yourself as you turn around after inviting him into your hotel room. 
Eddie blinks as he follows you inside. His eyes widen even more when they fall to your ass, the leather pants are made for you. 
“Fuck,” he sighs quietly as he clenches his jaw. 
“You ready to go?” you ask as you bend down in front of him to put on your shoes. 
A groan falls from his lips as he stares at your curves. Tearing his eyes away from you, he clears his throat and nods, “y-yeah,” his voice shaky as he speaks. 
He wants to touch you again, he wants to feel your bare skin beneath his body, he wants to kiss your neck, mark you up all over again but after that night and the next morning, you gave him no sign of wanting a repeat. You continued to tease him, giving him those eyes, touching him subtly, whispering suggestive things into his ear but whenever he made a move you pulled away. 
You are teasing him, playing games with him and he can’t say that he hates it. 
“You look good.” 
“Thank you, so do you,” you smile as you face him again. 
He smiles at your compliment, “yeah?” 
You nod and walk towards him, eyes meeting his, you reach your hands up to his hair, running your fingers through his curls to smooth them out more. Eddie smiles at your action, unable to keep his hands to himself, he lays his hands on your hips and pulls you closer. 
You continue to fix his hair, furrowing your brows as you do so. 
A loving smile appears on his face, his eyes flicker with happiness. His heart feels warm and safe when he is around you. 
“You know, I’d rather stay in tonight,” you mumble as you pull your hands back. 
“Really?” he asks, “why? You were excited to go out earlier.” 
You shrug, placing your hands on his forearms, you look back into his eyes, “I always get way too excited and I find joy in getting ready but the moment I’m supposed to leave the house, I regret making plans.” 
Eddie chuckles, dimples appearing in his cheeks, “I know that feeling all too well.” 
“Mhmm,” he nods as he rubs circles into the bare skin on your stomach, “I’m a homebody too, Sweetheart. But we’ll go out, you were so excited to be here, we’re here now, so let’s go out, just for a little bit, okay?” 
You pout. 
He looks at your lips, your very kissable lips. 
“And then we can have a sleepover and watch movies, how’s that sound?” 
“Sounds very good,” you smile, “oh and Gareth can’t steal my room tonight,” you snort. 
The menace that he is, Gareth continues to bring Groupies on the tour bus without you noticing until it’s too late. At this point, the only private room there that was meant for you doesn’t belong to you any longer. 
“Let’s go.” 
The night was eventful as always. Between concerts and sleepovers with Eddie whenever you made it to one of the hotels, nights out with the band are your favorites. You’ve been with the boys for months now and you have already formed bonds with them but even more so on this tour. 
Gareth is more like the annoying younger brother to you, always pranking you in some way and annoying the ever living shit out of you but also being kind and sweet when he wants to be. 
Jeff seems to be the wise and protective friend, distant at times, especially when he sees Eddie acting affectionate with you but an amazing friend nonetheless. 
Johnny is the fun and careless one, just vibing along and not caring about a single thing. 
Eddie, he is the special one. There are no words to describe your relationship with him but special or magical might come close to it. 
A frown settles on Eddie’s face when he sees a guy coming up next to you at the bar. A hungry gaze in his eyes as he eyes you up and down before he taps your shoulder. You turn away from the bartender and look at the man next to you. He hopes that you’ll turn away, get your drinks and come back to him but instead, you smile at the stranger and accept his hand as he seems to introduce himself to you. 
Eddie swallows harshly, a weird feeling settles in his chest. 
Jealousy. That is what he feels when he watches you talk to the guy. That’s what he felt when he saw you kiss that fan in Dallas. Hot rage, jealousy and possessiveness. 
“You can’t keep doing this, man.” 
“Do what?” Eddie asks over the loud music, still not looking away from you. 
Jeff sighs, “whatever you do with her.” 
Eddie clenches his jaw, eyes burning and heart aching in his chest the longer he stares at you. 
“It’s not fair to her, it’s not fair to either of them but especially y/n.” 
Jeff was against this from the start, not only because of the relationship Eddie is still in but because of the mess it’ll get all of them into when you and Eddie fall apart. 
Eddie blinks, chewing on his lip, he reaches for the beer bottle as he turns to look at his friend, “I know, Jeff.” 
“Then why do you keep doing this?” Jeff asks with a confused expression on his face, “why do you keep leading her on?” 
“I’m not leading her on,” Eddie objects, shaking his head. 
“Oh yeah? Did you break up with Chrissy then? Did you tell y/n the truth? Does she know about–” 
“No,” Eddie hisses, interrupting his friend, “she doesn’t know anything and I-” he hesitates, rubbing his chin, he looks down. Drowning out the loud voices and the music in the background, “I didn’t break up with her yet.” 
“Jesus,” Jeff sighs, shaking his head, “what the fuck, dude?” 
He can’t believe that Eddie is doing this. It’s not like him to do something like this. He knows how much he suffered when he found out about Chrissy’s infidelity. For the longest time Eddie thought that Chrissy was just using him to spite her parents and Jason or that she was using him for the drugs, he cried about it to Jeff and now here he is, doing the same things that hurt him. He cheats, he lies and despite his protests, Jeff believes that he is using you. 
“You are using her.” 
“No, fuck, no!” Eddie shakes his head, looking at his friend in anger, “I am not using her.” 
Jeff can only laugh at his words, “right,” he mumbles, “then why are you still with Chrissy?” 
Eddie avoids eye contact, he looks down at his hands again, ignoring the way his heart aches in his chest when he thinks about the way you will react when you finally find out the truth. 
No words leave his mouth. 
Realization crosses Jeff’s face and he scoffs angrily, “you’re doing it to spite her? To get back at her?” 
Eddie furrows his brows, head snapping up and eyes meeting his, “what–” interrupted by your angry voice as you slam the new beer bottles on the table in front of Eddie. 
He looks up at you, concern and worry appearing in his eyes. The look on your face is angry, disgusted and downright pissed as you look back at the guy, you just left at the bar, flipping him the bird before you sit down next to Eddie again. 
Jeff raises his brows at your action, watching the way you drink your beer in an almost aggressive way. 
“Uh, you okay?” he asks. 
Eddie stares at you and then back at the guy, glaring at him already. 
“That guy,” you pause, pointing at the blonde asshole with your manicured fingers, “that asshole, flirted with me, was all nice and sweet and tried to get in my fucking pants.” 
You don’t notice the angry look on Eddie’s face as you speak. 
“Not the first time that happened but okay, keep going,” Jeff laughs with an entertained look on his face. 
“And then he mentions his girlfriend,” you exclaim, “his fucking girlfriend, Jeff! What a piece of shit does that?”
Eddie pales at your words, he turns away from you, eyes widening and heart pounding in his chest. 
“God, I hate men like that.” 
Jeff glances at Eddie. 
“I hope he gets his heart broken or something, stupid bastard.” 
Eddie swallows harshly, blinking, he feels his throat tightening, his chest aching and his eyes burning. 
He is screwed, so so screwed. 
Tour day 31 
Y/n, if you’re reading this. I’m sorry for everything that happened and that is going to happen. -Jeff. 
Forgot what day it is, oops. 
I hate hotel rooms, the beds are comfy and the rooms are nice but I hate them. I can’t sleep and it’s driving me crazy. 
I prefer the bunk in the tour bus. My pillows and blankets still smell like strawberries, I think it puts me to sleep or something. -Eddie
Tour day whatever.. 
I never loved life the way I do right now, everything is just so perfect! Oh and by the way, you guys made my life better. I love you all :) -y/n 
November, 30th, 1988
So Gareth accidentally fucked someone’s girlfriend and got into a fight with her man. Fucking idiot. Y/n and Eddie got drunk and got matching tattoos, idiots part 2. -Johnny.  
The light from the tv illuminates the darkened room, the faint voices from the movie echo through the room. The smell of weed, alcohol and clean sheets linger in your nose. Eddie’s finger trace the skin under your shirt, leaving goosebumps everywhere on your body. 
Feeling Eddie’s eyes on you, you turn away from the tv, you glance at him and a smile appears on your face. His doe eyes lighten up when you move closer to him, “hi,” you whisper. 
“Hi,” he smiles as he places his hand on your lower back and pulls you closer. 
Unlike the night in his bunk, there is nothing sexual about tonight, no heavy tension is lingering in the air, just comfort and safety. 
You reach for his hand, sliding your fingers through his, you intertwine them with his. Eddie gives your hand a gentle squeeze. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers as he continues to look into your eyes.
Blushing, you smile and close your eyes as you try to hide your face behind your hair. 
“Hey, don’t hide that pretty face from me,” he chuckles as the hand on your waist leaves to brush your hair out of your face. His palm lingers on your cheek and his face grows serious for a moment as his eyes flicker down to your lips, the lips he has yet to kiss. 
You stare at his lips the way he stares at yours. 
You want him and he wants you, it’s simple and yet it isn’t. 
“You make my life so much better,” you whisper, unaware of the pain he will put you through. He is gonna ruin your life and you don’t even know it yet. 
“You make my life so much better too,” Eddie whispers with the urge to break down and cry. 
You smile at his words, you’re too high and too drunk to notice the pain behind his voice. 
“When I came to California, I never thought that I would get here and I never thought that I’d meet someone like you.” 
Someone so special. 
“I never thought that my life could be this good.” 
“I feel the same way,” you whisper. 
Eddie closes his eyes as he feels your hand touching his cheek, enjoying the feeling of your touch. 
“I’ve never met anyone like you before.” 
Eddie feels like home to you and that is something you struggled to accept for the longest time. It’s not easy for you to be vulnerable around someone else or to let feelings in.
Love is a complex and painful thing. You’ve seen what it did to your dad, it put him through agonizing pain, through suffering and through the darkest times and eventually he couldn’t take it any longer and put an end to it. 
That is what genuine love does to you and you never wanted that for yourself, you never wanted to fall in love but now it’s a little too late for that. 
You look into his dark eyes, your heart skips a beat and all you can think is that this is gonna hurt. 
December 5th, 1988
We’re in New York, baby! And we have two shows here, I’m so excited. -y/n
You have never seen a bigger crowd than there was tonight. People were screaming, cheering and calling your name. Your heart was pumping wildly in your chest and the smile on your face just wouldn’t fade away. 
Eddie couldn’t take his eyes off of you, his heart swelled and he felt proud of the band, of himself but especially of you. 
This was his dream. 
To perform in front of large crowds, to sing and play for the people and celebrate with them. To be here, perform in New York City. 
He made it, all he ever wanted is right here in front of him and he can’t even begin to describe the happiness that is flooding through him. 
But as he watched you sing, as he touched your body when you came closer to him, as he looked into your eyes and sang the song that you have written together, he realized that his dream just got so much bigger. He doesn’t just want this anymore. He wants you in his dream, forever and not just by his side as his band mate or his friend, he wants so much more than that. 
The love you have described to him all these months ago, the night at the beach is exactly what he feels now, what he feels for you. 
He wants it, he wants it all with you. 
So as you stand beneath the night sky, leaning against the railing on the rooftop as you stare at the bright city lights. Eddie thinks of all your moments on stage, of the nights you spend together, of all the hours you have spend working on the album you are performing in front of thousands of people now, of the smiles you give him, of the way it feels to touch you, of the way you make him feel so safe and at home. 
He realizes just how deep his feelings really are. There is love and then there is something deeper than that and that is what he feels for you. 
Your eyes twinkle, a content look is resting on your pretty face, you took all the makeup off after the concert. You’re wearing one of his hoodies and he can already feel the excitement forming when he gets to wear it after you and smell your scent on it. 
The wind blows through his hair and his bangs fall in front of his eyes. 
You turn to look at him and chuckle, the sound leaving butterflies fluttering in his stomach. 
You take a step towards him and brush the curls out of his face, fixing his bangs too. Eddie stares at you and suddenly he feels his heart racing, his breath hitches in his throat. He blinks, eyes flickering down to your lips again. He wants this, he wants you so bad. 
The shift of energy isn’t very hard to miss. 
The air around you two feels different tonight and leaves you feeling vulnerable. 
Eddie can’t hold himself back any longer. 
He cups your cheeks, lips twitching when he sees the surprised look in your eyes, you know what he is about to do, it’s what you’ve been waiting for all this time, it’s what you have both been waiting for. 
“Eddie,” you whisper as you bring your hands up to his wrists. 
Before he can change his mind, he grabs you harder and leans down and for the first time, his lips touch yours and Eddie kisses you the way you have never been kissed before. 
The little gasp that tore from your throat only makes his heart race even more. He kisses you gently, softly and slowly at first. 
You melt so easily into his touch as you start to kiss him back. Your smooth lips move against his so perfectly. 
Eddie’s knees almost give out as he feels all kinds of emotions rushing through him. 
No one has ever made him feel that way before. No one has ever made him feel these things just from kissing alone. 
He savors the moment, he savors your touch, your kiss, your scent, your taste, you. 
And as you pull away from each other, you stare at one another with big eyes. His thumb lingers on your bottom lip, his brows are furrowed in confusion. 
How can a kiss make him feel such things?
How can it feel like the first time that he has been touched? How can he feel so whole from an innocent and gentle kiss? 
You become more and more perfect to him. 
Eddie can’t even help it, he pulls you in for another kiss but this time, he slams his lips against yours and kisses you roughly and passionately. 
You whimper at the feeling, once again he caught you off guard but you quickly start to kiss him back. You wrap your arms around his neck as he pulls you closer and closer until your chest is pressed against his. 
He deepens the kiss and moans when he feels your hand disappearing in his hair, tugging and pulling at his messy curls. 
His hands slide down to your waist and the small of your back. 
Your tongues meet and you both moan at the feeling as the kiss grows rougher and rougher. 
Your breathing becomes heavy and you both get breathless but neither of you care, you just want this moment to last forever. The kiss grows more desperate and rough the longer it lasts. 
Eddie whimpers and you smile into the kiss at the sound. 
Kissing you feels like heaven. 
Kissing you feels like a drug that he can’t live without, like he will die if he stops doing it. 
God, he loves you. 
That night and the kiss was only the beginning. Once he got a taste of it, he was unable to stop. He used every chance he got. He kissed you before each show, after each show when you were both running on adrenaline, using the changing room backstage to make out with each other. 
You slept in his bed, in his arms, after making out for the longest time. 
On your off days, Eddie takes you out to eat or to get drinks and each night it ends with the two of you tangled in the sheets, kissing each other like your life depends on it. 
You are happy and so is he. 
Both you and Eddie are too blinded by the excitement and the happiness to feel the storm brewing. 
December 12th, 1988
We just left Pittsburg and we’re in Cincinnati now. I don’t know what to say but, life is fucking good. I can’t wait to go back to Hawkins and show all those assholes that we fucking made it. -Gareth. 
A gnawing feeling settles in your stomach and you don’t know why, maybe it’s because of all the Christmas decorations and the fact that each day that passes brings you closer to Christmas or maybe it’s because something bad will happen. 
Either way, you feel awful and you can’t even explain why. 
“Hey,” Jeff nudges your shoulder, “are you okay?” 
You look up at him and give him a small smile, “yeah, I’m good.” 
“You sure?” he asks, knowing that he won’t get a genuine answer anyways. You hide your feelings, all the time. 
“Yes, I promise. I’m just tired.” 
He nods, he looks over your shoulder, glancing at Eddie who talks to Rob, the tour manager. 
“Well it’s a good thing that we’re here now,” Gareth grins as he comes up next to you, throwing his arm over your shoulder, he holds your hotel keys out for you, “I can keep Eddie’s keys since he’s gonna stay with you anyways,” he says, wiggling his brows. 
You roll your eyes at your friend, not noticing the disapproving look Jeff gave to Gareth. 
“Shut up,” you mumble, snatching the keys out of his hand, “I’ll give those to Eddie.” 
“Because those are his keys?” you mumble, raising your brows. 
Gareth smirks at you, “yeah but you share your room all the time. I hear those giggles and your screams ‘Eddie stop!’” he mocks you with a high pitched voice. 
You shake your head, slapping his shoulder, “I don’t sound like that!” 
He snorts, “uh, yes you do!” 
Jeff shakes his head and walks away with a sigh, taking his suitcase on the way to the elevator. 
“Wait up for me, Jeff!” Gareth yells out to his friend with a frown on his face. He grabs his bag, “see you at soundcheck, rockstar,” he says to you as he follows Jeff, “hold the doors open asshole!” 
You shake your head as you watch him almost trip over a small dog, mumbling an apology to the owner of the dog. The woman gives him a disapproving look, especially when she sees his attire. Leather jackets and plaid shirts must be a rarity at these fancy hotels. 
You turn around to find Eddie and Rob walking towards you. 
“Sam wants you to give him a call, kid.” 
You nod, “I will.” 
“He was worried,” he says as he takes his sunglasses off, the ones he doesn’t even need considering there is not a single trace of sunlight outside. 
You frown at his words, “why?” 
Rob gives you a pointed look, flipping through the magazine that he’s holding in his hand. 
You give Eddie a questioning look but he only shrugs, looking as clueless as you do. 
“Here,” Rob mumbles as he holds it out for you. 
Raising your brows, you sigh and take the magazine. A collection of pictures of you and Eddie at different bars and after parties with drinks and cigarettes in your hands are all over the page. 
You laugh as you read the headline, “is the fame and the rockstar life too much for the young, rising star?” you mockingly say, “will she carry on the legacy of her father by following the same footsteps and get lost in drugs and alcohol?”
You hold the magazine up, “really?” you scoff. 
Eddie raises his brows, eyes filled with uneasiness as you continue to read the article that mentions your father’s death. 
You hide your feelings well, another person wouldn’t even see the pain or the anger and the sadness in your eyes but Eddie can see it. 
He can see right through you. 
“Really, Rob?” 
Rob shrugs, his dark eyes looking back at you with concern. 
“This is bullshit, man. You know they always come up with some dramatic stories. Do you even see any drugs here?” you ask, pointing to the pictures that were taken of you. 
He shakes his head but the worry stays in his eyes, something that concerns Eddie. Rob looks as though he knows something. 
You roll your eyes, “whatever. I’m gonna get some rest.” 
He nods, “alright, and don’t forget to eat, you got a long night ahead of you.” 
Eddie takes your bags before you can even reach for them, “I got it, Sweetheart.” 
You smile at him, “thanks.”
“Soundcheck is at 4pm!” 
Eddie gives him a nod before following you to the elevator. 
He feels uneasy and worried about the article and he doesn’t even know why. He knows that you don’t take drugs, except for the occasional joint you both share. You’re not exactly a drinker either, only having one or two beers whenever you’re out. You’re responsible and careful, despite what is written about you. 
There is nothing to worry about, right? Yet, the weird feeling stays as the day drags on. 
You spend the day together, just as Gareth said, Eddie didn’t really need his hotel room. He stayed with you, showered in your bathroom, took a nap with you in your bed and you both got ready together as well, the way you usually do before a concert. 
Eddie painted your fingernails red and you painted his black, giggling as he kept kissing your neck. 
“Stop,” you giggle as you hold the little bottle in your hand, trying to prevent the nail polish from spilling all over the couch in your backstage area, “I’m gonna get this everywhere.” 
“It’s okay,” he murmurs against your skin as he continues to pepper your neck with kisses, “you smell so good, baby.” 
Your eyes flutter and a breathy sigh escapes your lips as he finds your sweet spot. 
“And you look so good,” he whispers, placing his hand on your bare thigh, his fingers brushing the hem of your short leather skirt, “I could just eat you up.” 
“Eddie,” you whisper, biting down on your lip. 
The way you say his name will never not make him melt. 
You put the bottle away, pushing him back, he gives you a confused look. 
You smirk at him, laying your palms on his shoulders, you straddle him. 
His eyes widen and a smirk tugs at his lips as he stares at you. Your top pushes your boobs together nicely, he licks his lips, groaning as you grind down on him before you slam your lips against his. 
“Mhmm,” he mewls, grabbing your waist tightly as he kisses you back. 
You moan into his mouth as his hands move down to grab your ass. 
A knock echoes through the room but you ignore it, you keep kissing each other. 
“Guys, we gotta get out there in 10 minutes!” 
You giggle as he groans in annoyance. 
“10 minutes, he said?” 
You nod. 
Eddie smiles at you, “that means we still got 5 minutes.” 
You yelp as he gets up with you in his arms, tightening your arms around his neck as he carries you over to the door. He places you on your feet and pushes you against the door, sliding his thigh in between your legs. He stares at the hungry look in your eyes. 
“Fuck,” you mumble, biting your lip, you slide your hands down to his chest, grabbing his necklace, you look at him with big eyes, “you’re so hot, Eddie.” 
He cups your cheek, placing his thumb on your bottom lip, his dark eyes bore into yours with an intensity that leaves you squirming beneath him, “so are you, you are the fucking hottest.” 
He moves closer, leaning his forehead against yours, “I’m crazy about you.” 
Your breath hitches in your throat. 
“You do things to me, Sweetheart,” he murmurs as he pecks your lips again. 
You can’t tear your eyes away from his. 
“There’s no other like you.” 
The look is one of love and adoration but you don’t see it. 
“I fucking adore you,” he mumbles against your lips before he kisses you again until you’re nothing but a moaning and squirming mess, he leaves you breathless the way he always does, he leaves your skin feeling on fire, your heart racing and your stomach fluttering. 
A small smile lingers on your face as you walk out of the room with his hand in yours. 
He smiles down at you, stopping you with a gentle tug on your hand. Just as he is about to reach out to brush a fallen strand of hair behind your ear, he gets caught off by a loud voice, calling out his name. His smile falls, his body tenses up and the look in his eyes is one of terror and shock, before he can even react, his hand is ripped out of yours and he stumbles back as a pair of arms are flung around his neck and lips that don’t belong to you meet his. 
Confusion is written all over your face as you stare at the unfamiliar girl in Eddie’s arms. For a moment, you think that it’s some crazy fan that sneaked her way backstage to meet her idol, it wouldn’t be the first time it happened but that usually only happened to Gareth with his crazy fangirls. 
But as you watch Eddie wrap his arms around her waist in a way that he would only do to you, you realize that she is not a crazy fan and she is not a stranger to him either. 
She places her feet back on the floor and wraps her arms around his waist and looks up at him with a big smile on her face, “hi baby.” 
You furrow your brows as you stare at the pair in front of you, heart already dropping to your stomach, eyes burning as you blink. 
Eddie looks over her shoulder, his guilty eyes lock with yours. The fear and the worry is so clear in his brown eyes, he looks pale and scared. He glances at her and then back at you and that’s all it takes for you to understand. 
taglist: @prettyboyeddiemunson @littledemondani @wroteclassicaly @corrodedcorpses @cry-for-u @mysticmunson @aftermidnightwriting @eddielives1986 @1paire2vans @poisonedluv @sherrylyn628 @aysheashea @kaitebugg03 @lma1986 @miarosso @novelnovella @magenta-moon @strawberries-n-lavender @bibieddiesgf @michaelfuckinglangdon @tlclick73 @maystecc @hazydespair @veravee-blog @lfaewrites @saayanaaa @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @munsonsuccubus @stylesxmunson @bejeweledmunson @utterlyinsanity @littlepotatobeansworld @tvserie-s-world @moonflower1387 @micheledawn1975
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eddiessluttywaist · 2 years ago
as if (part 4 based on angst ending)
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summary: continuation of the angst ending of as if, moves away from how eddie has been acting just so you know 👀
pairing: ex-bully!mean!perv!soft!eddie munson x fem reader
word count: 10,964 words
content/warnings: swearing, mentions of smutty content MDNI (y/n is 18/19), bully!eddie, mean!eddie, perv!eddie, brief threats and violence, rejection, angsttt, depression, very brief mention of unhealthy eating habits, heartbreak, yearning, anxiety, arguing, crying, near death experience, regret, isolation and loneliness. i think that’s all pls tell me if i miss anything!
a/n: i’m sorry this took me so long skbvdjkk enjoy the suffering. credit to whoever owns/posted that picture ^ it’s not mine :)
part one - part two - start of part three - angst ending to part three
Eddie Munson is an asshole.
He’s a cruel heartbreaker, that’s for sure. He’s selfish. He’s mean. He’s smug. He’s ruined love for you.
As much as that sentiment reeked of teenage melodrama, it’s still true. He’s ruined mean guys for you cause you know what to expect from them, and he’s ruined sweet guys for you cause you know better than to know what to expect. Eddie is someone who finds a way to be so sweet and charming for that subtle kind of control, just to turn out to be an asshole through and through. Every nicety and moment of tenderness was only to keep you on the hook for a good fuck; and if things hadn’t spiraled into an apocalyptic shitshow, he would’ve been the one and only reason for your aching misery.
He’s a lot of things. You could go through a list of adjectives that would make your mother gasp and cross herself.
He’s a life ruiner in so many ways—but he isn’t a killer.
Despite how he treated you, you liked to think you still had a good sense of his heart—even if he refused to give it to you the way you would’ve so readily given him yours. He’s smug and rotten, but murder is not something he’s capable of. Some violence? Probably. Maybe. Given the right circumstances. But he wouldn’t kill someone. So you were one of the few who weren’t surprised when news came out that he wasn’t to blame for everything that happened. Sure, there were still plenty of kooks who remained certain that he used his “ties with Satan” to open up a portal to Hell, but as more and more came out about that lab near the quarry—the rarer those types became.
By now nearly everyone’s forgotten about him, or at least that’s how it felt to you. No one talked about him—they didn’t even seem to think about him—but not you. Despite everything, his memory seemed to live on in your head. On repeat some days.
Just to clarify: he didn’t die. His memory didn’t need to be kept alive because he wasn’t—he was pretty damn close when he was found (at least from what you’ve heard), but he wasn’t dead. However, that didn’t change the fact that the people of Hawkins liked to act like he was. He was nowhere to be found for starters, and everyone left in town seemed to appreciate things that way so they didn’t have to address him.
The turnaround was baffling to you. How his name never even came up, and when it did people grew uncomfortable and tried to turn the conversation elsewhere. Even you—someone who decidedly hated his guts months before the day Chrissy Cunningham was found dead—thought he deserved something better than becoming a banned topic after what this town put him through.
You could remember the day he appeared on the news like it was yesterday.
You had been curled up on one corner of the couch of the living room, your mother on the other end, and your father in his La-Z-Boy. It was pitch black in the room with the only light source being the colorful and fuzzy glow of the television. It was unfortunately your mom’s night to watch her program so of course you and your dad were already half asleep by the time her show was suddenly interrupted.
“What the-!” your mom had gasped. “I wanna know what happens! Oh those darn news… people…”
She had trailed off as the reality of the emergency newscast sunk in, no longer reaching for the remote but settling back into her spot instead.
You didn’t really know Chrissy. She was popular and well-loved, and had hundreds of friends. You definitely weren’t one of them, though. Whether it was secretly too beneath her deep down in her innocent demeanor, or if you simply weren’t interested in gravitating around her enough for her to truly take notice of you. She was a sweet girl though. She was a senior like you and the few times you two interacted, she was nothing but kind. And even if she hadn’t been, she still wouldn’t have deserved what happened to her.
You remember your mother nervously toying that necklace she always wore as she watched the news with big eyes. The way your dad sat up more and gave the screen his full attention. The tension and anxiety that made the air in the living room feel heavy; and when you thought your throat couldn’t get any drier and your heart couldn’t race any faster—Eddie’s picture was plastered on the television.
You remember the way your hearing seemed to turn into a faint buzz as the newscaster spoke of the victim’s body being found in his trailer.
“I always knew that boy was trouble.” your dad grumbled out, and you had to fight the urge to huff out a laugh and tell him he had no idea.
Neither of them knew what happened between you two or that there was even a “you two” to begin with. And you certainly wouldn’t have said anything that night because then they’d know in the worst way possible. Admitting it back then at the start of Spring Break would’ve been admitting how deeply you had fallen for someone who was possibly wanted for murder.
Even if it was never explicitly stated that Eddie Munson had shattered your heart (when you were completely falling apart just a couple months before your hometown did the same) your mom had been quick to notice something was wrong. Motherly instincts or something like that—or, y’know, just the fact that you were visibly a mess.
Even at that start of it all you didn’t want to talk about that one particularly miserable day. You would wait until it was late at night to cry into your pillow. You had briefly lost some weight since the whole situation had left you with a solid knot in your stomach, leaving you horribly nauseous and deadening your appetite. The fact that you were constantly lying about being sick to avoid school was what truly confirmed your mom’s concerns.
Sure, you could’ve had a stomach bug. Maybe that’s why you had been picking at your food at dinner. Maybe that’s why you looked so pale and tired all the time. But then throughout the school week you would keep saying you were sick, and with the state you were in she didn’t have the heart to tell you your temperature was perfectly normal. Besides, you never skipped so she wasn’t all that suspicious at first so she let you stay home. You kept lying, though, and she finally felt she had to ask if something was going on at school.
You remember that time when boy problems still mattered so vividly. When Eddie Munson was still a mentionable name, even if you didn’t act like it. When your mom was checking in on you because of him and because her main concern was still little nuances in your behavior.
“Is something going on at school?” your mom had murmured softly as she sat on the edge of your bed.
It was nighttime and the only light in your room was the faint and warm glow of your bedside table, giving a false sense of comfort to the room that was filled with memories of him. Some spots of your room still smelled like him—especially by the window where he would sneak in, and sit on to smoke. It felt like cold spots in a haunted house to you.
“Is someone not treating you right?”
“No, mom, really. I just don’t feel well.” you murmured, and she can’t help but notice how dry your lips look. That little scab where you had been anxiously biting and picking at the skin there—a bad habit that only ever flared up when you were distraught, even as a child. You certainly looked ill, but her instincts were pointing elsewhere. She insisted you drink some of the water on your bedside table before she continued.
“Well…” she had sighed, smoothing out the blanket resting over you. “Is… is it a boy?”
You remember feeling your heart temporarily stop before lodging itself in your throat. You tried to ignore that burning feeling as you avoided breaking down and confirming her worries. But fighting it off didn’t mean that lump wasn’t in your throat. It didn’t mean your face didn’t get all warm as tears began to prick at your eyes. You were oddly silent as you kept your gaze down and shook your head. You were sure you could’ve held those tears in too, but then she got you to crack with a couple simple words.
“Oh honey…” She murmured and pulled you into her for a hug.
You didn’t want to tell anyone. It was embarrassing. It wasn’t even embarrassing—it was humiliating, mortifying. So you weren’t expecting how relieving it was to sob and finally let someone know, even if you didn’t go into detail.
“I thought he really cared about me d-deep down-“ you had wailed as your mom shushed you in a caring manner and rubbed your back.
You still appreciate the fact that she didn’t push. She didn’t urge you to tell her everything, she just let you cry until you were spent and she left to soak a face towel in cool water so she could press it to your flushed cheeks. She held you and murmured reassuringly, especially when you spoke up again—your voice horribly broken.
“I-It’s not fair because he’s perfectly fine and I… I’m…” you choked up after your tone got high with emotion before crumbling again.
“I know, honey, I know… it’s never fair…” she whispered. “But you’re gonna be okay. It feels like the end of the world now, but before you know it it’ll be a little bit better, okay?”
She had pulled back to look at you and wiped the tears off of your cheeks. “And then it’ll be better after that, and even more after that. You’re going to keep healing, I promise.”
In hindsight she wasn’t wrong, but there had still been so many days where you wished Eddie Munson would turn up dead for what he did to you. And now you felt horribly guilty for those thoughts after he had been so close. Even though you still despise him deep down, you hate yourself a little bit too. For letting him in, in the first place. For falling in love and for admitting it. For falling apart because he didn’t feel the same. For wishing he would drop dead.
And there was another thing that burned away at you. Right next to the fact that no one mentioned Eddie, was the frustrating fact that Jason was still talked about and practically canonized. There were portraits of him and Chrissy in local churches and in Hawkins High and sure maybe he didn’t deserve to die, but why wasn’t anyone talking about how he put fire under that ridiculous manhunt? To urge everyone to find Eddie and do who knows what to him?
Steadily approaching a year since Hawkins broke open, you’re scowling as you walk past that portrait of him in school. Having to repeat your senior year after the disaster threw everyone’s educational progress off the rails, you had to deal with that picture a lot. You turn your gaze elsewhere as you head to your last class of the day, and even that little glimpse of his image sparks up memories of his crazed state.
Jason had an inexhaustible vengeance, and refused to let anything—or anyone—get in his way. He had to find Eddie. He had to make him pay.
You didn’t know it at the time, but he had been hunting down Eddie’s closest friends and band mates to get information out of them. That’s how he found you.
“Where is he?” Jason shouted in Gareth’s face as he gripped him by the lapels of his cut up flannel.
“I don’t know!”
“Where is he!?”
“I don’t know!” Gareth insisted before Jason hit him again.
While a restrained Jeff shouted at him to leave his friend alone, Jason tossed him into his drums. A cymbal crashed while the set dispersed in different directions and Gareth was left lying on the floor of his garage.
“It’s gonna be hard to play those drums with a broken hand!” Jason rose his voice again, holding Gareth down by his back and crushed his hand between his sneaker and the concrete floor. There was an audible crunch as Gareth cried out in pain.
“Dustin Henderson!”
“What?” Jason repeated, urging him to clarify.
“Dustin Henderson!” Gareth shouted again, face twisting in pain. “Man h-he was- he was calling around looking for Eddie! Maybe he found him! Maybe he found him!”
“See that wasn’t that hard, was it?” Jason taunted, but kept pressing his foot onto Gareth’s hand before finally stepping away.
“O-or y/n maybe, I don’t know.” Gareth cried out, cradling his hand that was pulsing with pain.
“Who?” Jason’s brow furrowed as he looked back at him.
Jeff spoke up for him, repeating your name in a panic.
“Y-yeah maybe. I don’t know, I haven’t seen her around him in a while, b-but I caught them fooling around in Eddie’s van once,” Jeff rambled on “And he was constantly messing with her. He… he might be with her. Or she might know.”
The more he thought about it, the more Jason remembered the occasional moment where he would see Eddie tossing things at you in class or pushing up against you in gym. Back in the car, Andy and Patrick chimed in with other things they witnessed. Eddie feeling you up. Eddie shoving you or knocking your books out of your hands. Eddie harassed you constantly. Maybe even being tutored by you (according to Andy). If you couldn’t join them through a mutual hatred for the metalhead, maybe you could at least be forced to give more information—especially if you had some fucked up relationship.
You were home alone despite your mother’s insistence to join her or your father at work. With two deaths and a possible killer still on the loose, she wasn’t wild about you being by yourself. You convinced her you could take care of yourself, especially with all the baseball bats and heavy golf clubs she kept around just in case.
Considering everything, you shouldn’t have opened the front door when someone rang, but you were so shocked to spot Jason Carver through your peephole to think about it. You weren’t impressed, even when he flashed you his best smile. You were just curious why he was here.
“Well, I’ll be quick. I’m sure you have better things to do.” he said with a soft laugh which you were sure he thought was charming. You just kept scowling.
“Yeah. I do,” you said bluntly and there was a flash of anger across his face for a moment before he filtered it through a weaker smile. “What do you want?”
“I just want to know if you have any idea where Eddie Munson is.”
You can’t help but scoff at this.
“No, and I really don’t care about where he could be.”
You’re about to close the door, but he was quick to speak up again and keep your attention.
“I heard you tutor him-“
“Not anymore. Too difficult.” You interrupted, and he faltered for a moment before continuing.
“I’m sure. I know how he treated you. It… it’s horrible really.” He spoke softly and you hesitated for a moment, hand still on the edge of your door.
But then you realized something.
If he knew, then where had he been? Why didn’t he do anything? Even if you didn’t want anyone to interfere—not really. Not to mention after he broke your heart and all ties were cut, Eddie surprisingly let up on the constant harassment. It wasn’t fun anymore. Soon enough he had been avoiding you in the halls as much as you had been avoiding him, but that didn’t mean everything before that never happened. If Jason really took notice of your interactions, where had he been?
“I could tell even then just from how he acted with you that he wasn’t a good person. He’s not a good person. He’s a killer, and he can’t be out here loose in Hawkins ready to claim another victim.”
You stare at him in silence. Your lack of response is clearly testing his patience and he’s parting his lips to speak up again, but you cut him off.
“Why now?”
“What?” Jason laughed this off casually.
“Why now are you suddenly so interested in how he used to treat me?”
“Oh, well I-”
“No,” you interrupted bluntly at your swift decision and with no room for fluff. No matter how much you hated Eddie. “I’m not here for your senseless propaganda. Thanks.”
You went to slam the door, but he kept it open. It touches on a memory of Eddie doing something similar once upon a time to get to you while you were all alone in your bedroom. The only difference is this isn’t Eddie, and Jason is really starting to scare you.
You glance over to see the concern on Lucas Sinclair’s face—you recognized him from the occasional interactions he had with Eddie and then from all the excitement of that recent basketball game he won for the high school team. He was behind Jason, a little off to the side and you spotted the car in the driveway with a few others inside. The fact that he had others with him didn’t exactly comfort you.
“I just want to know where that freak is, okay?” Jason clarified with a smile as if it covered the fact that he was clearly unstable. You could see it in his eyes.
“It’s dangerous with him out there. I’m just trying to help my community.”
“Whatever, Jason. Like I said: I’m not interested in any of this. I don’t talk to Eddie anymore. I don’t know where he fucked off to.”
“I know you’re screwing him. Just tell me where your creep boyfriend is.”
This sudden flash of anger and the contents of his accusation shocked you, but you didn’t let it force your guard down.
“I’m not with him like that. Like I said: I don’t fucking talk to him. I don’t know where he is.”
Jason still wasn’t budging, and you’re suddenly grateful for your mom’s incessant worrying when he took a step forward. You grabbed the metal bat your parents kept by the door right as he’s parting his lips to continue speaking.
“Get off my doorstep. Get away from me. Or I’m using this, Carver, I swear to god.”
This made him hold his hands up in defense and start to back off again, especially as Lucas murmured a swift “C’mon, man, maybe we should just leave her alone.” A sad excuse for a kind smile curved up the corners of the blond’s mouth. It made you sick.
“Just trying to take care of my community. No need to get violent… I’m one of the good guys. If you’re sure you don’t know anything—I’ll leave you be.”
“Well I don’t. How many times do I have to say it?” You snap, gripping the handle of the bat a bit tighter.
He finally started to walk off with an okay okay, but then he turned to look at you one more time.
“Be smart about which side you’re choosing.”
At that, you slammed your front door and locked it. One of the good guys, you think with a scoff. Yeah, sure.
Currently on your walk home, your mind is still swirling with memories of last year. You understood the need to commemorate and show respect, but the constant reminders didn’t help to move on. You hated being here. You couldn’t wait to graduate and move as far away as possible. You wanted to forget about Hawkins. You wanted to forget about Eddie Munson. You wanted to forget how close the world had been to ending.
You happen to glance up as you walk towards your house when your steps become hesitant at the sight of someone sitting on your doorstep. It was no jock ready to berate you. It certainly wasn’t Eddie.
It was none other than Nancy Wheeler.
Eddie was miserable.
Actually, it was beyond just misery. He couldn’t even think of a word to describe everything he had been through and everything he was actively going through—whether that was because he always failed vocab tests due to lazy disinterest or because such a word just didn’t exist. The whole experience took a lot out of him—quite literal chunks out of his body, not just emotionally.
Besides those who had become closest to him, once everyone was focused on the next suspect no one bothered to check back in with him. No one apologized for literally hunting him down with plans of… god, he didn’t even want to think about what they would’ve done if they caught him.
After being resuscitated, he had to be holed up in some secure room of a nearby hospital while he recovered since Hawkins Memorial Hospital was too risky for him. As the days in the hospital went by painfully and with more and more news on Hawkins turning up on the small TV of his room, he wondered if karma was a real thing. He narrowly escaped death and an arrest for a murder he didn’t commit (really the only thing saving his ass coming from the insistence of his uncle and Chief Hopper when he randomly appeared back in Hawkins). It certainly made a guy think about what he’s done.
In fact, all the isolation gave him far too much time to think. Watching the news; constantly pressing the morphine button even though he knew it wouldn’t give him more; falling into pits of depression where sometimes he wished they never brought him back—those thoughts of karma came up. He would eventually brush them off as hippie garbage, but memories of you were sounding off like an alarm in his head. It wasn’t hippie garbage. The concept held some real truth to it, and he knew he deserved everything that happened after he had been so cruel to you because of some stupid, childish need for distance from any sort of vulnerability.
After realizing that, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. He was stuck in Hell on earth with aching wounds he wished would heal faster and memories of a girl he should’ve treated better. He regretted how things ended, and wondered what it would be like right now if he hadn’t ended things with such brutal carelessness. You’d probably be right by his side and making it easier to get through. And when he thought about how much better it would be to heal with you here, something ached deep inside him that even morphine couldn’t touch. He missed something he never let himself have, and certainly didn’t deserve by this point. He knew what kinds of things mattered now, and it didn’t even make a difference because as much as it changed things for him that didn’t mean it changed things for you.
Then one night, it dawned on him that you might not even be alive.
He was sweating from all the pain and the drugs and the heat of mid September of ‘86, when it occurred to him that you could be gone. Having already established a constant pattern of thoughts that revolved around you, it wasn’t surprising that he was up at 2 AM with you on his mind but that intrusion to his pleasant memories or self-loathing put him into a panic. You could be dead quickly turned into you are dead, and he couldn’t handle it. How could he deserve to live, but you didn’t? Maybe because you deserved mercy and he didn’t. Either way, he ignored his crying nerves and scrambled for the walky talky on his bedside table.
He tried just about every channel he was allowed to use, but no one was picking up. Maybe they were sleeping, but he knew he wasn’t the only one in the group suffering from insomnia after everything that happened. Still, he wasn’t granted the peace of a response and he had to lay there just hoping for a chance to make things better—and worry that he wouldn’t get to.
The group that helped him through that horrific Spring break came to visit him when they were able to. It was typically at random, with the occasional stop at his request for certain food or begging for a distraction before he went insane. Lucas was the first one to answer when he tried the radio again early that morning, and he soothed Eddie’s anxiety with the promise of stopping by.
With Max in the hospital and still no signs of coming back, Lucas had his own need for a distraction. He trudged into the dull room Eddie was stuck in, and settled into the chair kept by the bed.
“Is she alive?”
Lucas blinked, wondering if maybe he missed something in his own fog of exhaustion and despair. Really it was because Eddie blurted out in mid-thought without the courtesy of some background, but he still grew frustrated with him. His face bunched up as he briefly bared his teeth in that split second of muted rage. One of his hands made a fist before he unfurled it to rub at his face and shake his head.
“Y/n. Y/n, Sinclair—jesus christ—is she alive?”
Lucas parted his lips and then closed them again, tired eyes staring over at the metalhead as he tried to get his mind to cooperate. Eddie nearly cracked over the hesitation, taking it as a sign that Lucas was struggling to tell him that you were gone rather than trying to remember who you were and if he had seen you around.
“Yeah. Y-Yeah,” he finally murmured and a heavy sigh exhaled from Eddie’s lungs. “I’ve seen her around school. She’s alive.”
“Jesus chr—she’s okay?” Eddie was rubbing his palms over his face again, bangs partially sticking up when he pulled his hands away to gesture with energy he didn’t have to spend.
“Yeah, man, she’s okay. I think—I-I don’t really talk to her, but she isn’t injured.”
Eddie sat with that for a moment, relieved that you were alive and at least fine physically, but his eyes were still sad. Lucas joined him in this bubble of misery, the silence tugging him back to thoughts of Max until Eddie finally popped the bubble again.
“Did… did she join everyone? Y’know in the Great Hunt for the Freak?” he let out a partial laugh, but it was hollow.
“No, she didn’t buy it.” Lucas shrugged and leaned forward to rest his forearms on his thighs.
His eye stung for a moment, watered and then returned to normal. After that fight in the old Creel house, his eye was never truly the same. It healed enough that it wasn’t swollen and bruised, but it was still sensitive and it watered more often. Whenever it did, it made him think of that night and he felt as if he was being punched all over again. It made him think of Max. It made him think of Jason.
Although with the topic on you, remembering Jason made him laugh a little—a soft, amused chuckle breaking through his sorrow.
“Jason actually went to her house. I… I was still with him at that point,” Lucas flicked his gaze up at Eddie with guilt before looking back down. “He wanted to interrogate her about you. See if you were hiding with her or if she hated you enough to join him.”
Eddie swallowed, brows frowning as he waited for him to continue.
“She uh… she threatened him with a baseball bat.” Lucas laughed a bit more wholeheartedly this time.
Eddie’s head sunk back a bit in surprise, big doe eyes even wider and brows raised in disbelief. He said your first name to clarify and even though Lucas nodded, he said your full name with that same questioning tone.
“She threatened Jason Carver with a baseball bat?”
You were meek if nothing else, and as Eddie knew you—you were easy to break. Easy to bend and mold so he never considered the possibility that you were strong. That you could take care of yourself, and you weren’t as weak as you looked. But maybe it was fitting. You appeared delicate and fragile, but were tougher than you looked. Whereas he had that rough n tough, bad boy act just for it to fall apart when he found himself scrambling away from danger. He just hoped he wasn’t the reason you were surprisingly resilient—that maybe it was always there and he just never noticed.
“Yeah. He wouldn’t back off and she said she’d do it if he didn’t leave,” Lucas snickered a bit before his mood was sobered by the other side of this memory. “She uh… she was scared. He was scaring her, and I don’t blame her. He was scaring all of us…”
He was focused on his hands now, toying with them anxiously and he could hear the sigh of Eddie’s puffy hospital pillow as he settled back against it. He was letting it all sink in, and for a moment he wished he was the one to kill Carver instead of the cracking earth. You didn’t deserve the way he treated you, and you didn’t deserve Jason’s intimidation tactics just because you had been caught up with the likes of him.
He hated that you had been scared, he hated that it was his fault, and he hated how much worse he felt now that he knew that you stood up for him even after everything he put you through. Maybe not so much stood up for him, but you didn’t let yourself get dragged into the accusations and mob mentality even if you had every reason to.
This hurt worse somehow, and he was bound to a new bout of pain and suffering.
“I just miss her, I guess…” Eddie admitted to his uncle once the topic turned to you. He felt the urge to repent and voice how badly he wished you were with him right now, and his uncle was the only one he felt safe admitting all of this to.
“The girl that you were spending time with at home?” His uncle’s gruff voice wondered, and Eddie was taken aback by the question.
All he said was there was a girl he had a thing with, which he messed up royally, and he wished he could have another chance. Nothing else, so he looked like a fish out of water now and his uncle chuckled at his reaction.
“I may not be the smartest man around, but I’m not stupid,” he grumbled out, sat in the same chair Lucas had been. “I was aware of your uh… activities.”
Wayne scratched at his stubble, embarrassed to acknowledge just exactly what his adult nephew had been up to—just as mortified as Eddie was over having to discuss sex with his uncle.
“I found her panty things stuck to the inside of the dryer,” Wayne explained further. “And I ran into her one morning when I had just come home from the plant.”
You had been leaving Eddie’s room to use the bathroom early in the morning, not realizing he would be home from a shift. You hoped that with how tired he looked that he would think it was all a weird dream or maybe that he was seeing things. After all, you were back in that room in a flash. Fast enough to be a fleeting ghost, but he saw you and he clearly remembered you. Eddie was grumbling something to himself now about you being careless enough to get him caught, but Wayne was quick to shut this down. He wasn’t known to raise his voice, and he still really didn’t, but his tone was harsher now.
“No—don’t you go blaming that girl cause you insisted on keeping her a secret. Christ, boy—you know, I thought I taught you better.”
Of all the things he could say, this was the worst. I thought I taught you better. Eddie wished he could shrink down to nothing, and he looked down at his hands in shame.
“You should’ve treated her better. That’s on you.”
“Yeah…” Eddie laughed out bitterly “You have no idea…”
Eddie sighed now, hiding his face behind his palms.
“I’m so fucking stupid. I don’t know how I thought that kind of shit was important,” He rips his hands away to jerk them outwards in an exasperated gesture and looks over at this uncle. “It was fun a-and then it was too serious and I just— I— and now I don’t know why I was thinking like that.”
“Well,” his uncle started after a pause to think it over. “you may have been a grown man in the eyes of the law, but that doesn’t mean you were thinking like one. You’re still young. I…I’d like to think you would’ve learned these kinds of thing at a regular pace as you grew up, but—shit—between your parents and especially after all this-”
Wayne gestured out into the air with little energy to his casual motion.
“You’re forced into adulthood. That’s what shit like this does…”
“I don’t know what I’m gonna do,” Eddie finally admits in a rush after a moment of considering his uncles words. He was sure they had some truth to them, but he thought maybe his uncle was giving him too much credit. “I really cared for her— I still really care for her. I was just… I was being-“
“Stupid? Childish?”
“Yeah, yeah okay- geez,” Eddie sighs and looks down at his hands to pick at his nails. “Yeah… all of that…”
“Well… maybe if she really means that much to ya, then be honest. Try again. Really put some elbow grease into it, and maybe—if you’re lucky—she’ll forgive you.”
Eddie scoffs out a miserable laugh and gestures around him in a way that’s far more animated than when his uncle did it.
“Yeah. Cause I’m clearly so lucky.”
What made all of this worse was the fact that he couldn’t even reach out for months.
Being hidden away didn’t only mean a different hospital picked out by Hopper. It also meant no calls, no letters—nothing. He couldn’t risk being found by anyone who was still convinced he was guilty. Eddie insisted it calmed down enough to come back and he had healed enough for it, but Hopper was hesitant and ultimately unyielding.
“It’s bullshit. You guys even said no one mentions me anymore, and it’s not like I’m a suspect.” Eddie ranted to Nancy during her visit, Steve somewhere else in the hospital looking for food.
“I know, but you’ll still stand out right now,” she reasoned. “If you come back, it could stir something up again.”
“What, so I never go back? I have to uproot my whole shitty life because of rumors?”
“Eddie-“ she sighed.
“No, it’s shit. It’s all shit. If I have to stay one more second in this shitty fucking room, I’m gonna start climbing the walls,” he ranted with wild eyes. “I need to leave. I need to live my crappy life. I… I need to see y/n again.”
At that, Nancy perked up. It wasn’t out of excitement, but rather something blowing through her sideways at your name. Familiarity burned at her before it all went up in flames, and she was overwhelmed with memories and guilt.
“Oh my god… y/n…” She murmured to herself with an upsetting sense of nostalgia.
She completely forgot about you in the mess of everything. At first she had been trying to keep you from learning anything that could put you in danger—doing her best to keep it between her and Jonathan. She had already lost Barb because of her own selfish carelessness, she couldn’t let something happen to you too. Then it was all a whirlwind from there and you were suddenly caught up in a past that she forgot existed. A past where a shoebox was just a shoebox.
Her eyes grow sad, her mind filling with thoughts of how she could’ve ever possibly left you in the dust. Sure, you were a newfound friend in high school—whereas her and Barb had been friends for years by that point—but that was no excuse for letting leaving you out of the loop turn into completely leaving you behind.
She’s so caught up in her own regrets that she forgets about Eddie until he’s speaking up again and waving his hand in front of her face.
“Uhh, Wheeler? Hello?”
“Oh- uh… yeah, yes.” She shakes her head, her curly hair shuffling around with the motion, her brow frowning and her lips taut. “Yes. Yes, I know her. You know her?”
“Well uh…” he lets out a nervous laugh, suddenly fearful of the rage of an old friend. “We sorta… we had a thing going…”
He risked a glance over at her, and her expression was anything but sparing. She clearly wasn’t happy with how guilty he sounded, but who was she? She abandoned you for all intents and purposes, even if she didn’t mean to. And if she had been blind enough to never notice what went on between you and Eddie, she had no right to chastise him for it even if she did have the familiar urge to get up on her high horse.
“But uh… I kinda screwed everything up,” he muttered and was back to picking at his fingers while he stared down at them. “Like you wouldn’t believe. And I just… shit, I’m so sick of this place and waiting around.”
“I’m sorry, Eddie, but you can’t go back to Hawkins yet.”
“Yeah, I think I got that,” he snaps bitterly before cooling down again. “I just… I need to talk to her or something. If she could be brought here, or if I could meet her somewhere else. I need to fix things.”
After constant complaining and threats of breaking out of the hospital, Nancy eventually found a compromise to get him to shut up.
Steve came back around the time he had started rattling on again about how he was going to go crazy. Utterly confused as always, he was off to the side and watched as Nance did her best to calm Eddie down again. He occasionally broke through all the noise with his questions, only to get a searing glare from Nancy. At some point, he finally caught on (kinda) and only made things worse.
“Munson has a crush,” he finally said with a snap of his fingers and points at them. “That’s cute. Embarrassing, but cute.”
“I don’t have a crush, you idi-”
“Will you please stop?” Nancy hissed over at him, expression begging for him to keep out of it.
“Why am I even here?” Steve wondered out loud with a sigh and kept eating his suspicious hospital jello.
“Cause I can’t leave this fucking place!” Eddie reiterated, making Nancy groan over Steve agitating the problem that she was just barely starting to settle.
“I’ll- I’ll give her a letter!” she finally offered, cutting Eddie off mid-complaint. Her arms shot up with the raise of her voice, laughing with exasperation. “Just write down what you want to say, and I’ll give it to her!”
“What are you doing here?”
It came out harsher than you intended and even you wanted to flinch at your own words, but maybe it was justified. She completed cast you aside you when you lost a friend. You both lost a friend, and it seemed to make her hate you. Or at least that’s how it felt. Why else would she have avoided you? Why else would she have stopped talking to you?
“I guess I deserve that.” Nancy replied with a soft huff of a laugh, and a sheepish smile.
More news seemed to be coming up little by little about Barb. Once upon a time you thought it all came to a close when it was revealed that she died from a chemical leak, but now there was talk of things that a chemical leak would wilt in comparison to. Things that went on in your own home town that you can’t even imagine going unseen by so many. Or maybe they all saw, but curled up into their comfortable ignorance to avoid it. You couldn’t judge them—you did too. You believed every story you got, even if—in hindsight—they were obvious cover ups every time someone started to demand for better explanations.
You eye her cautiously, hoping your eyes don’t show the sadness that came with such hesitancy around someone you used to know so well.
“I uhm…” Nancy shook her head the way she always did when she needed to clear her thoughts, brows furrowed and nose briefly scrunched up as she glanced at the ground. “I had to bring this to you…”
She was looking at you again, gauging your reaction as she extended her slim arm to offer you an envelope. You’re toying with it in your hands, wondering why there was no name on the back and if you should open it now.
“I’m… I’m sorry.”
You look up at her now, but remain silent. What was there to say?
“I should’ve never left you behind like that... Trust me, I never meant to. I thought I was protecting you and I was, but…” Nancy’s pouty lips scrunch together for a moment. “It wasn’t fair.”
“No, it wasn’t…” you concur, but your heart aches from the look on her face.
Sure, she hurt you but maybe you should’ve been grateful. Even if you wished she would’ve been honest with you, you knew how stubborn Nancy could be when it came to protecting those close to her. Instead of shutting her out, you extend an olive branch.
“Barb would be rolling her eyes at us right now, huh?”
Nancy stutters over her own disbelieving laugh as she glances at you through her lashes.
“Yeah, she would be.” Her nose scrunches again, lips bunched up a second time as her gaze grows sentimental. “She’d be telling us to stop being so stupid.”
“‘You both get perfect grades, why don’t you use your brains outside of school?’” You quote before laughing and she joins in.
“Guess we can’t say she wasn’t honest. She was always pretty straightforward with her thoughts.”
“One of us had to be.”
Nancy nods, and then let’s out a sigh as she rubs her arm and starts to move out of your way.
“Well, I should probably let you get to that-“
“Yeah, this letter that isn’t suspicious at all.” You joke, holding up the blank envelope and she laughs lightly before ducking her head down.
Figuring you were parting ways now, you turn around and open your front door, just to turn around in your doorway when you heard her suddenly chirp out your name. She hesitates again, but then finds her words.
“I… now that things seem to be going back to normal… I… I’d love to try being friends again. Maybe have a girls night.”
A smile breaks out onto your face, and you watch her defenses slowly start to melt away and smooth out the stiffness in her body.
“I’d like that.”
“What did she say? How’d she react?” Eddie asked over the radio, barely even waiting for a second to pass before continuing. “Wheeler? Hello?”
“Can I have a moment to respond?” Nancy quipped back, the crackling of the station breaking up her voice but not enough that he couldn’t hear her frustration. Not that he cared right now.
“What’d she think?”
“I don’t know, Eddie,” she sighed. “She didn’t open your letter in front of me.”
“Shit…” Eddie mutters, chewing at his thumbnail. He wanted—maybe even needed—the instant gratification that Nancy could’ve given him had she stuck around to watch you open the envelope.
Then again, maybe he was lucky.
“It— It’s whatever. I just hope it makes a difference.”
“What…what did you say to her in the letter?” Nancy asked now before shifting her focus quickly. “What did you even do in the first place?”
“Uhh, well let’s see,” Eddie looked up at the ceiling from where he was sat on the edge of his bed as his leg started to bounce. “I was a dick. Yeah… yeah, that about sums it up.”
“Don’t make me regret doing this for you, Eddie.” Nancy sighed and turned down the volume to her walky talky.
“I’m sorry, and I mean it. I’m capable given the right circumstances, remember?” the writing said, then there were a few words that had been crossed out and he followed those scratches of ink with a winky face, concluding with: “Leave that window unlocked, kay? I’ll be back for that necklace so keep it safe.”
Was the world falling apart all over again? Did you actually die and you didn’t even realize it? Everything seemed so unexpected and oddly… nice? Reassuring? Like Nancy showing up and apologizing. Or this letter you had open on top of your bedding.
It was part of a full sheet of paper, likely the bottom third of a page torn off. The handwriting and the comments throughout were enough to immediately make you think of who wrote this—even if he didn’t sign it. But what really confirmed it was the necklace with the red guitar pick hanging on it. You’re infuriated with the involuntary flush reaching your cheeks as memories rush in. All the times he was on top of you, that necklace hanging down and resting on your chest or nudging your chin and lips.
“God, you’re such a good girl for me.” you remember him groaning that one time he watched you sucking on the guitar pick, big eyes staring up at him while he fucked into you.
You had been folded into yourself on his mattress, tears prickling at the corners of your eyes from each and every thrust that fed your greed for him but was inevitably making your body ache.
The pick that was now resting in your palm was suddenly just a thin slab of plastic. The more you thought about it, that’s pretty much all it tasted like it, but you remembered the saltiness of his sweat too. What made it so special in the first place was knowing it was his. It was such an integral part of him—it laid close to his heart where you wished to be, and it was cherished by him which you wished for yourself once too. That moment in his small bedroom when you let it slip past your lips, you hadn’t been sure how he’d react, and to be completely honest you were too fucked out to think at all. But he didn’t pull it away from you, he sunk into you with that shuddering praise instead.
The memory of his words was enough to raise your body temperature, but you fought off that familiar instinct to melt just for him. He’s an asshole. A cruel heartbreaker. He’s selfish. He’s mean. He’s smug. He ruined love for you.
Your stomach bends and curls enough to make you nauseous as the butterflies kick in—then why do I still want him so badly? You were so desperate to take every single ounce of attention—good or bad—that he gave you. Hadn’t you learned your lesson? Hadn’t you been practicing your borderline religious hatred for him enough for it to be real?
You’re not sure if it’s anger towards him or yourself for slipping so easily, but your blood is starting to boil. You remind yourself of all those games he used to play with you and the sentiment of him being a heartless, sadistic fuck plays on repeat in your head so that no softer thoughts can break through. Surely he was toying with you. This was a test of some kind, probably because he got bored and wanted to brush you off like some forgotten toy he wanted to use again.
You needed to prove to yourself that you can shoot him down. Stare into those gorgeous doe eyes and tell him to go fuck himself. Look up at him when he’s giving you that beautiful half-smile and moving his hands to hold your hips, and tell him to never talk to you again.
You needed to show him how it felt to be treated the way he treated you. Maybe it was childish, but some twisted part of you felt relieved at the thought of it. He deserved to have his hopes shattered when he thinks he’s getting what he wants, just to be shut out. He deserved to be humiliated. He deserved to be broken down so thoroughly just like you had been. To be broken down into such a fine dust that even when you were sure everything had been swept back together again, there were always going to be those missing bits and pieces that fell through the cracks or blew away.
As you’re toying with the necklace in your hands, you can’t help but think you’re being too immature. What about last year? Everything that happened to him? Maybe he’s been put through enough? Your brow frowns, and you’re internally cursing yourself for being so horribly incapable of making a decision.
Your hand shot up to cover your frustrated expression, a groan leaving your lips. You wanted to let yourself hate him so badly, but you wanted to feel loved by him so much it hurt.
You think it over for the rest of the night, laying in bed with your hands still clutching that necklace. You’re up for hours, only falling asleep when your body forces you into submission around 4 AM—nodding off and snapping back up just to nod off again. Your last thought is that you had to be strong—whatever that meant. You didn’t have to be mean, but you refused to cave and immediately let him have you in whatever way he wants.
He’s won far too many times, and now it’s your turn.
“If you get caught then I had nothing to do with this—got that, Munson?” Steve whispered as he glanced over at the metalhead, one arm still outstretched as he held onto the steering wheel.
Eddie was too busy taking in the sight of your house and breathing in the fresh night air. It never occurred to him before just how much he loved the smell of chill in the wind, like it might snow soon. Ever since last year he was realizing a lot of things he never knew he loved, and he felt both relieved and crushed by the knowledge. He was sure he knew himself before everything happened. He liked fantasy games, music, and indulging in that metal rockstar lifestyle even if it was just another fantasy he was playing into. He liked having all eyes on him as he made a scene in the lunchroom. He liked being the local anarchistic leader of fellow freaks, and ignoring any other responsibilities. He liked girls he could use like he was some big shot backstage after a show.
He thought everything was about prepping himself for that kind of life. He was comfortable being the asshole who never pulled his weight anymore than he had to if he wasn’t interested enough. He was comfortable being a runner because then he could continue living the way he was used to without anything to come in and hold him back, until his whole life fell apart. Then he was afraid for his life. Then he was afraid for that kid’s life—all of their lives, actually, not just Dustin’s. Then he was suddenly the person charging into danger to give someone else a chance.
And now he was alone. He still had his new group, but they could continue their lives while he was kept hidden away and all he had to do was think about everything he never realized he would miss. Something as simple as recognizing a familiar comfort in the smell of a soft breeze felt heart wrenching. Or laying in a hospital bed wishing he still had that one girl to love him made him horribly aware of how empty he’s always been.
“Hello?” Steve urged with an impatient tone.
Eddie glanced over at him and despite his frustration at the lack of response, Steve felt taken aback by the sight of him. Something about finally seeing him back out of the hospital made him realize just how miserable Eddie really was. Maybe it was because sadness made sense in a hospital, or maybe it was the way the moonlight hit his features the right way and he could see the deeper shadows of his face and his sullen eyes.
“Just… be quick alright? And I was never here.”
“Yeah, Hopper’ll have your head.” Eddie snickered quietly.
“I’m less concerned about Hopper…” Steve muttered as thoughts of a certain young woman being upset with him flashed through his head.
“Women, am I right?” Eddie asked playfully in a mocking manner to anyone who ever seriously shared that sentiment, leaning his body towards Steve before laughing as the brunet nudged him back.
“Will you just go?” Steve laughed it off, shaking his head and watched him finally clamber out of the car.
Eddie snuck to the side of the house where he could spot your window. It had been a solid couple of weeks since Nancy brought his letter to you, and he just wished you would let him back in. He huffed before forcing himself up to make his way towards the window, the tip of his tongue sticking out of the corner of his lips in concentration. He was understandably weaker since the last time he was doing this on a weekly basis, but he pushed through and squeezed his eyes shut in frustration when it wouldn’t open. You kept it locked.
Your whole body tensed at the sound of someone rapping on your window, hand clutching your blanket. It had been long enough that you thought he was never going to come and retrieve his necklace, and you were irritated with your own disappointment. Now you were struggling with the sudden surge of excitement lighting up your nerves, which was making a sour combination with all that built up anger towards him.
When you finally forced yourself to look over your shoulder, you weren’t expecting how badly you wanted to cry. You wanted to let him in and just kiss him. Kiss him until you could pass out from the lack of oxygen. Hold him to you and refuse to let him leave. He wasn’t allowed to make a visit like this and leave you again—physically or emotionally. You couldn’t handle it, and you were surprised at how all these feelings presented themselves.
“What is your problem?” Is the first thing to leave your lips when he’s climbing into your room, and you might’ve been more surprised by your words than he was.
“W… what?” he laughs off your question, shocked by you starting the interaction this way; although realistically he shouldn’t have been.
“Why are you here?”
“Well I…” he rubbed his arm once he was back to his full height, scratching a bit at his elbow. “I wanted to apologize-”
“Why does it matter to you now?” you interrupt, your anger surprisingly not faltering even when his big eyes flit up to look at you sadly like a dejected puppy. You felt so broken when you finally saw him again, you didn’t know where this was coming from. Why—when you wanted him back so badly—you were being so… mean.
“What? Did you develop a conscience all of a sudden? Get hunted for months and suddenly have an opportunity to stop and think ‘hm it really sucks to be treated like garbage, gee I wonder if this is how I made her feel’”?”
Eddie’s expression hardens for a moment, and it’s more familiar to you than any bit of softness he was showing you.
“Y’know, I wasn’t exactly treated all that great in school either. I can assure you, I already knew what it’s like to be treated like shit.”
“Oh so that excuses it then.”
“I-” Eddie huffs, letting out an incredulous laugh before trying again. “That’s not what I said. Shit— I just… I’m sorry, okay? I’m not trying to make any excuses. I should’ve been better to you.”
You stay silent for a moment, arms crossed as you watch how honest he looks when he’s all soft like this—with those puppy eyes hopeful and glossy.
“Why did you do it? If you really cared all this time why were you so hell bent on hurting me so thoroughly?”
“I never wanted to hurt you…” he mutters as he looks at the floor, glancing up when you scoff out a disbelieving laugh of your own. For once this kind of attitude doesn’t fuel his fire, but tamps it down. He felt awful, and what made it worse is he couldn’t blame you if you didn’t believe it.
“I… I thought you were cute before. Just in passing, y’know, cause you were still an underclassmen back then, but…” he glances down at his shoes. “I overheard you with your friends talking about me, and when the possibility of me liking you came up you jus’ laughed about it. Like taking an interest in me was that bad.”
His brow furrows at the memory, and just when you’re about to respond he continues to explain himself the best he can.
“I just… I don’t know, alright? It was stupid but it made me feel like shit. Like as if you would ever give me the time of day. And then it was like you were obsessed with me, and I just…”
“Wanted to make me hurt?” you question and he glances up at you briefly before nodding.
There’s a beat of silence, and he’s hopeful this is you letting everything sink in and understand where he was coming from. That you’d see his sincerity, and take him back because fuck he couldn’t stand being alone again.
“You took my heart and ripped it into shreds because of that?” you finally ask, tone sharp enough to make him cringe. “Because of something I said as a nervous sophomore who couldn’t fathom being liked? Or being seen as interesting? That’s what this is all from?”
“Well- I- but you liked the teasing-” Eddie attempted, and immediately regretted when he saw the fire in your eyes.
“That’s not what I’m talking about, and you know it!”
“I… you… you do it too! Sometimes we overreact! It happens!” Eddie finally snapped back, but tried to keep his frustration within a whisper the same way you were. “Sometimes you overhear a conversation and you make the wrong conclusion! Sometimes you don’t get kissed and you get upset! Sometimes you try to sell a girl drugs and end up on the wrong fucking side of hell opening up! Shit happens in fucked up ways! Things get messed up! I’m trying to fix how I messed up!”
He’s visibly distraught, and even though he knew this wouldn’t be easy, deep down he wished you’d melt into him like always.
“You don’t get to pull that with me, Eddie. I’m sorry about what happened last year. I really, truly am because you don’t deserve it—no matter how much I hate your fucking guts. But you don’t get to use it to distract me with it.”
“I’m not—fuck— I’m not trying to distract you with it! I’m just saying things get mixed up because of assumptions n shit like that. And I’m… I’m sorry I…” he trails off, letting out panting breaths. “You… do you really hate me?”
You hesitate, that broken look on his face almost getting to you, but you’re so sure you know better. You know how he can manipulate things.
“Yeah, Eddie. I hate you.”
He’s surprisingly quiet as he looks at you, an unfamiliar glittering to his eyes.
“And by the way, there’s a huge difference between you spending years hell bent on my misery and leaving me beyond devastated; and me giving you the silent treatment after you fucked me in the middle of the night and didn’t stick around or kiss me or make me actually feel cared for in any way.”
Eddie murmured your name, taking a step forward in a quiet plead for forgiveness. Mercy. Anything but this.
“No. I’m talking right now. Not you. So shut up and listen for once,” you choked out as tears filled your eyes, which felt oddly dissonant to your anger.
“I don’t like you. I don’t trust you. And I don’t want you back in my life,” You listed off with an attitude that surprised him, even if he deserved it. “I’m sorry that Hawkins has ruined your life, but that doesn’t mean you get me back just cause all of this has given you a fucking backbone and a conscience.”
Eddie’s lips part and then close again, feeling like a fish out of water. He doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t know what to do with that aching in parts of his body he didn’t even know could ache.
“Doll, please… I really…” he breathes in deep enough that it turns shaky and burns deep in his chest. “I need a chance. I need a chance to show you I mean it. That I did love you back. That I still love you. That I can make it all up to you.”
You dig your nails into your crossed arms, looking away. You know if you keep looking into those big brown eyes that look so desperate right now that you just might cave.
“Well… I don’t love you anymore. So don’t call me doll, and just leave me alone.”
Eddie rubs his hands over his face, reaching back to temporarily grip his hair to use up some of that rage on himself before he lets go again.
“What do I have to do? What do I have to do to get even one chance? Just one, that’s all I’m asking. It’s all I need cause I swear I won’t hurt you ever again,” Eddie pleads and he’s shocked by his own words, but he doesn’t regret them for even a second. “I-I’ll check in more on how you’re feeling. I’ll ask if there’s anything I can do better. I’ll meet your fucking parents. I’ll be gross and romantic and honest. Please. Just give me one last chance, and I won’t take it lightly. Just don’t lie to me if you still love me. Trust me, I know what’s it’s like to be scared shitless about letting someone in so you’d rather just lie. It’s not worth it.”
He notices that last remark sparks up your frustration and he clarifies speedily.
“And I know that me being like that is the reason you’re hesitant to let me in now. I know that’s my fault, I just… shit, I need another chance.”
The fact that he was so insistent and willing to grovel gave you some comfort, but you’ve learned to not get your hopes up. You stick to your guns, but not as confidently as before. And Eddie sees that.
“Please just leave…” you murmur, even if it’s burning away at you to insist that he go.
He groans, rubbing at his face again but goes to straddle your windowsill anyway.
“I really do care about you. I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner.”
You started chewing at the skin around your thumbnail—a nasty stress-related habit you picked up from someone. You didn’t respond, just waited for him to actually go. You were too busy fighting your urge to crumble at his words that actually felt so sincere.
“I’m glad you’re alive.” You finally offer in a voice so soft you might as well have never spoken up, but it’s enough to ease some of that aching he felt.
“I’m glad you’re alive, too… I was worried you wouldn’t be. Bugged the shit out of Sinclair so he’d let me know.” he admitted with a soft laugh.
“You asked about me…?”
“Yeah… you’re all I’ve been thinking about.”
You bite your lip, swallowing when you realized just how tight your throat felt. You’re unsure of how to respond without giving into him, until you catch a glimpse of his necklace on your bedside table.
“Oh uhm… you came here to get this back.” you murmur, padding over to the nightstand to grab it and bring it over to him. Eddie stares at the pick in your palm before looking at you with sad amusement.
“The necklace wasn’t really what I was interested in coming back for…” he admits with a soft chuckle, eyeing you as his smile falters. “Keep it.”
“But it’s your-”
“Keep it. Please.”
The moment is bittersweet, and you’re thinking about what it would be like if you really gave him a chance to prove he’s being honest with you tonight, but you’re too fearful to take that chance. You do hold onto the necklace though.
“Good night, Eddie.”
taglist: @mynameismothra @angelina16torres-blog @tlclick73 @elvendria @psychospore @daisyridleyyyy @sidthedollface2 @kelsiegrin @swiss-cheeze @darknesseddiem @magnificantmermaid @hazydespair @bonehead-playz @stephanie-nicks76 @madaboutjoe @homiesexual-or-homosexual @neobanguniverse @prestinalove @galaxyfxcs @canyonmooncreations @hereforshmut @ediewentmissing @sadest-bookshelf @harlowsgirl @damon-loves-pie @stardustmunson @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @bitchyseawitch @littlered0000
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sweeter-innocence-fics · 1 year ago
I'd Burn the City Down (To Show You the Light) - Chapter Two
Pairings: Chrissy Cunningham x Reader, side Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
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Work Summary:
All you wanted to do for your senior year of high school was keep your head down and scrape by, but a certain blonde in a very short skirt gets in your way.
Chrissy Cunningham x 'badgirl'!reader
Chapter Summary: You go over to Chrissy's house to study.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4...
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1960
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye
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Previous Chapter
Lots of warnings for this chapter because of discussing the content of The Color Purple, as well as other things. Spoilers for the early parts of The Color Purple.
Warnings for discussions of rape (including of a 14 year old girl), incest, racism, poverty Also warnings for eating disorders, body image issues, reader being a "not like other girls" girl, reader being an arsehole, hints of religious trauma, bullying, food insecurity, reader is mean, chrissy gets angry
Chrissy’s copy of The Color Purple sat dauntingly on your nightstand. You hadn’t touched it since you’d taken it out of your schoolbag.
You should really get started on it. The sooner you finished it, the sooner you could return it to Chrissy, and the sooner the weight of its presence in your life would be alleviated.
You were regretting taking it home with you. You should’ve just told her that you didn’t need to read it, you could do the project just fine without it.
But it was too late now. You had already told her you would. You didn’t want to drag this project out for any longer than it needed to be. The idea of going over to Chrissy’s to study made you sweat. She was a pretty girl, and that made you nervous for a whole host of reasons.
You sat up on your bed, leaning back against a pillow, and flipped the book open.
Your reading skidded to a halt on the very first page. The protagonist, a fourteen-year-old girl, was talking about being raped and impregnated by her own father. It was deeply unsettling. You’d never read any book that had gone into such graphic detail about that kind of stuff before.
Your curiosity was piqued, but you had the strange feeling that you were doing something that you weren’t supposed to, like you were a voyeur to someone else’s pain. You read on.
The writing style took some getting used to. A lot of it was written phonetically, in a dialect that wasn’t all that familiar to you in small-town Indiana.
Each short chapter was a letter to God, which was another thing that chafed against you. Your experience with religion and faith in your life had never exactly been positive. Still, you kept reading. The narrative compelled you in a perverse sort of way.
The book sat with you uncomfortably. You weren’t sure what to make of it.
The main character, Celie, seemed hardly better off than a slave to the men in her life. She cooked, she cleaned, she looked after the children. And she was raped. Repeatedly.
In a strange way, it almost made you feel better about your own life. Life wasn’t easy, but at least you weren’t beholden to anyone. No man was going to make you cook or clean or have his children. If any man tried to touch you, you would knock him out cold. With no children or younger sister to protect, your body was your own. That, you supposed, was a privilege, inconsequential as it might seem.
It did make you wonder how a girl like Chrissy Cunningham could relate to a book like this. What did Chrissy – white, rich, pretty in the way that models are pretty – have in common with Celie?
You hadn’t finished the book by the time you left your trailer on Saturday morning, but you were sure Chrissy wouldn’t have expected you to.
It had taken you an embarrassingly long amount of time to get dressed. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d gone to someone else’s house.
Not that you were trying to impress Chrissy. Just that you had been bullied for your clothes and your appearance for as long as you could remember. You didn’t want to give Chrissy – or her friends – any ammunition against you. And you didn’t want to wear anything that might attract the attention of her parents.
You settled for plain black jeans and your least threadbare shirt. At the very least it was clean. You took a little longer in the shower than usual, and sprayed yourself liberally with deodorant.
Just your luck, Eddie was sitting on the front steps of his trailer as you walked outside. It was like he had a sixth sense for when you were going out, and when you didn’t want to speak to anyone.
“Hey neighbour,” he said, far too cheerily.
“Get fucked, Munson.”
His laughter followed you as you walked away.
Chrissy lived in a much nicer part of town. She had given you her address on a small folded up piece of paper that you’d kept tucked in the copy of her book.
Buses didn’t run that often, so you decided to walk. It took you forty-five minutes, and by the time you made it to the neat suburban street that she lived on, you were sweaty and tired.
You hung around on the corner for a few minutes, re-applying your deodorant and getting your breath back.
Her house was pretty much identical to all the others on its street: two storeys, a large driveway, a well-kempt lawn. You strode up to the front door like you belonged here and hit the doorbell before you could psyche yourself out. You heard footsteps, and then a moment later, the door swung open to reveal Chrissy.
Stupidly, you found yourself surprised to see her out of her cheerleading uniform. Of course she didn’t wear it while she was at home.
Instead, she was dressed in an oversized hoody and jeans. The sleeves over her hoody were too long, so you could only just see her fingers curled around their cuffs.
“Hey,” she said, sounding a little breathless. “Come on in.”
“Thanks,” you said, trying to sound casual.
“My parents aren’t home, so I figured we could just work in the dining room.”
You were relieved to hear that you were alone in the house. It was one less complication. You didn’t want to spend your time making small talk with strangers. You just wanted to finish this project and get out of here.
“Are you enjoying the book?” Chrissy asked, leading you into the dining room. She had clearly already been doing homework. There was a stack of textbooks on the table, notepads and pens and pieces of paper with scribbled notes on them scattered haphazardly across its surface.
You realised that Chrissy was looking at you expectantly. “Hm?”
“The Color Purple? Are you enjoying it?”
“Oh, uh, yeah.” She looked doubtful, and you wondered if that was the wrong answer. “I mean it’s… It’s pretty intense, right?”
“Right.” She chuckled awkwardly. “Make yourself at home. You want something to drink? Water, or coffee?”
“Water is good, thanks.”
She disappeared into what you assumed was the kitchen, and you took a moment to take in your surroundings.
At one end of the room, there were big glass doors that led out into the back yard. Through the window, you could see a large trampoline. You wondered if Chrissy used it for cheerleading practise.
The walls of the dining room were lined with family photographs. You recognised Chrissy at various ages, sometimes with her parents, sometimes alone. There were pictures of her with her cheerleading squad, and even some of her with her boyfriend Jason. She was clearly the apple of her parents’ eye.
As Chrissy set down a glass of water on the table, you jerked around like you’d been caught doing something you shouldn’t. If she noticed, she didn’t say anything.
“I got a few books from the library that I think might help with the historical context part of the project.”
“I was thinking we could each write some stuff for a couple of these sections, and then we could bring it together into a presentation. Does that make sense?”
“Alright, how do you wanna divide this up?”
“I think you should do the talking for the presentation. Because you’re… you know…”
She frowned at you. “I’m what?”
“You’re like…” You grappled for the word. “Charismatic, or whatever. Plus you love this book so you can infuse your passion into the talking. Teachers eat that shit up.”
“… If you say so.” She looked a little uncomfortable. “How do we wanna decide who writes each section?”
“You can pick. You know more about it than I do.”
She frowned again. “Fine.” You watched her mark a couple of the sections with her initials, and then a couple with yours. She hesitated a couple of times, tapping her pen against her glossy pink lips. “Does this work for you?”
“Sure, whatever.” It didn’t seem to be the answer she was looking for, but she didn’t push.
And so the two of you got on with it, separately, but together. Occasionally she would ask your opinion on something, but mostly, neither of you spoke.
It was surprisingly pleasant. Peaceful. Until the clock struck 12:30pm and your stomach started to rumble.
Chrissy looked up at you when your stomach made an embarrassing gurgling noise. “You hungry?” she asked, like the thought hadn’t occurred to her.
Part of you wanted to say no and carry on working, but you weren’t exactly in a position to say no to free food.
“I’ll fix us something.”
She got up without asking what you wanted. You supposed you’d get what you’d get. That was fine with you. You turned your attention back to the paper in front of you.
A few minutes later, Chrissy returned with two plates. She set one down in front of you. It was a sandwich made with thick, crusty bread, and apple slices arranged neatly beside it. It was like a meal a person would make for a child. You wondered if this was something she’d learnt from her mom. Was this practise for the children that she would someday have?
“Thanks,” you said, and took a bite of the sandwich. It was fairly plain, but tasted good anyway. She had been generous with condiments.
You continued to work as you ate. You didn’t know if Chrissy had expected conversation, but she wasn’t pushing you in any case.
Although you had eaten slowly, Chrissy hadn’t finished by the time you had. You looked up to see her picking at the crust of her sandwich. She had taken a couple of small bites, and eating half of her apple slices, but seemed to show no interest in finishing them. She seemed to have given up on work for now, and was instead staring straight ahead of her.
It didn’t surprise you that a girl like Chrissy would be obsessed with her weight. You had heard the way that popular girls would make it almost a competition about who could eat less, bragging about almost passing out. You doubted any of them understood what real hunger was. You fought the urge to roll your eyes at Chrissy.
“Is that like a cheerleader thing, or what?” The words came out of you dripping with venom. Chrissy flinched, like she’d forgotten you were there.
“You have to eat like a bird or else you’ll get kicked off the team, right?”
Her brow furrowed. Her face was flushed pink with embarrassment. “Excuse me?” She looked genuinely angry. You faltered, feeling suddenly embarrassed yourself.
“Nothing. Never mind.”
“It’s not nothing, clearly.” She was glaring at you now.
“I guess I just don’t know who you’re showing off for here. I’m not one of your cool girl friends.” 
She let out a laugh that seemed to startle both of you. Chrissy, normally so mild-mannered, stood up, knocking her chair over in the process.
“You think you’re so much better than me, don’t you?” she hissed. “Because you don’t give a fuck about anyone or anything, right?”
“You think you know me but you don’t. You’re not the only person with problems.” You stared back at her in stunned silence. She pinched the bridge of her nose, eyes falling closed as she took a deep breath. “I think you should go,” she said. There was a tremor in her voice that she was trying to hide, but you heard it.
You didn’t need to be told twice.
Next Chapter
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mattiehenderson · 1 year ago
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Synopsis: my first Stranger Things fic, don't be hard on me please. I'm so happy to see an 80s metalhead represented in a positive light for ONCE! I couldn't help but fall in love with him just like everyone else with taste. So I prefer writing male x male romances, and can I just say we need way more bottom princess male reader and dom daddy Eddie fics. This is my attempt to try and help with that. So this story focuses on my OC, Matthew "Mattie" Henderson, he's Dustin's older brother who's a senior. Heavily bullied for being so effeminate and goth. He has always had a crush on Eddie Munson since freshman year, but unfortunately Eddie is straight...or is he?
Warnings : Sexual language and imaginations. Minors do not interact, 18+.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Henderson!OC
Look at me, please turn around and just look at me.
I stared intensely at the boy who sat in front of me in English, wavy chestnut curtains of hair poured past shoulders too broad for a normal senior, and onto my desk.
I could smell his v05 shampoo, the aloe one, and the Irish spring that almost hid his signature Marlboro and kush cologne. Slowly, quietly, I inhaled the scent that was all things Eddie Munson, the eternal prisoner of Hawkins High School.
In my marble notebook that was graffiti'd with cutouts of my favorite bands and scented stickers, I sketched an imprisoned Eddie in a medieval, hooded cloak behind bars, and coming to rescue him was a soft looking male witch. It went along with the story I was secretly writing for my own pleasure, the poor dungeon master who has been trapped in the dungeons of Hawkeye Castle for 400 years, under an evil queen's spell. Perhaps I named her Queen Cristiana of Hawkeye, after a certain stupid cheerleader that I always see hanging around a certain metal head after hours.
I don't know why I do this to myself, in what universe do I have a chance? Maybe in my own universe in my own land of make believe, but nymphs and orcs and furies also exist there so there's that.
In the real world, Chrissy Cunningham is the most beautiful girl in Hawkins, she's the head cheerleader and smells like Anais Anaïs, she has perfect hair and she's a she.
I, Mattie Henderson, am a boy. Not only am I a boy, but I'm a boy who wears more makeup than any girl in school. I wear my bleached curls too long and listen to darkwave. Eddie Munson would never!
I gently huffed before I finished sketching the scene where Matthias the Enchanter, in his red violet cloak and gossamer garments, shared a kiss with Sir Edward the Banished. 
It was hilarious really. I have known him since I was a freshman, secretly pining, and knowing we have many interests in common, especially D&D, but I've always been too shy to approach him. Too shy to approach anyone, only having one friend my whole time living in Hawkins, Robin Buckley. I'm not as good with people as my little brother, growing up in the Midwest with being what I am and how I am, I figured it's smarter to keep away. Robin always understood me, since we met in seventh grade and I moved here from Connecticut.
After everything last summer with Starcourt, and finding out about what my brother and his friends have been apart of, I shockingly acquired new friends, the very unexpected Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, and my art class acquaintances Jonathan Byers.
It's been a lot, it's been a fucking lot, and with it being my senior year the stress has been added. Mom keeps asking about my college options, telling me Indiana University has a pretty good art program. But I don't have the grades, I do enough to get by, school makes me miserable, I could care less about mundane things like classes and grades and teachers, and artificial societies. And sure I like art, but I love doing hair and makeup and nails too, something my mother definitely reaps the benefits of. And I don't exactly love Hawkins the Cursed Lands, but after everything and not sure about this place ever being safe again, I'd never leave my brother here without me. And as pathetic as it sounds, the thought of leaving the man who doesn't know I exist makes my stomach hurt.
I felt guilty for my thoughts, for my fantasies about him, for wishing the reason why I put my black velvet choker on this morning was to cover a bruise from his huge, ring wrapped fingers. Oh how I would cut off all twenty inches of my hair to just have his towering 5'11 frame over my 5'5 one, staring down into my black lined Hazel eyes, with his dark, teddy bear gaze.
The teacher must have sent paper down, because with the melodic swish of his chocolate butter ringlets, I was looking up at him and slamming my marble notebook shut faster than you can say Kissimmee. Dark, button eyes glanced at me before doing a double take. Now fixated on me feeling like a goldfish, with his plush, pillowy, bubblegum pink lips parted.
How the hell could anyone ostracize and hate such a gorgeous human being? Then the angel spoke and I felt like he was oozing the gospel.
Here we go again.
All because of one damn class I'm sitting in Johnson's English for the third fucking time.
I was the last one to plop my ass down, toward the back, the desk with the D&D scribbles and the classic "Ozzy rules" that violated government property. I got a snide remark from Johnson, and snickers and insults from Carver and his ball buddies.
This was exactly why I preferred to escape to my own world, where there are dragons and halflings, or when I close my eyes and finger my sweetheart. Just close my eyes and listen to The Number of the Beast, forgetting that reality is being the town's leper in a town where they decide Jason Carver is a good person because he knows his way around a ball.
Johnson was droning on about fucking writing prompts where he cares more about where a comma goes than if the story is good or not. 
And then, as I'm passing back the picture prompt for the first day of hell, I did a double take at a new face. A face prettier than even the likes of Chrissy Cunningham. Looking up shyly at me, drawing out a protective feeling I didn't know I possessed, are bedroom, dreamy lidded eyes painted a lavender gray,with thick broom-like sweeping lashes that flutter before bright Hazel eyes, that reminded me of summer turning into fall, green fading into browning leaves and golden maples. Kohl-rimmed, making them more pronounced and more awe-inspiring.
Her nose is cute and broad with a puggish finish that rests prettily between roundish cheeks painted a deep blush. My eyes traveled down to a pair of the ideal cock sucking lips, I'm so sorry but I don't really know what else to call them. They're so full and big, so cushiony and I'm a pretty imaginary guy, so what I'm thinking of doing to that mouth…fucking that gorgeous face, making those Hazel eyes water and her gothic makeup run down those pretty chipmunk cheeks, making a big mess of her blood red lipstick smudging it on my cock. 
I shifted in my seat feeling my dick stir, and this was not the time. Cascading around her face was voluminous white blonde curls, so wild and untamable like an elf-witch, very surreal and otherworldly and contrasts beautifully with her dark eyebrows.
And as if my she-elf couldn't have been more perfect, not only did she have herself collared by a black velvet choker, but a cut off Shout at the Devil Mötley Crüe  shirt encased her. My mouth watered and when she lifted a fishnet, arm fingerless glove adorned wrist to take the prompt from me, I inhaled the sweet smell of apricots and roses and sweet, expensive perfume. I couldn't get enough of it.
"Munson, are you drooling? Is that drool, freak?" Carver happily and loudly like a fucking foghorn called me out in front of everyone. Nothing new, usually I'm very unphased by embarrassment, I mean I'm a 20 year old senior. But, for once that jockstrap got to me, knowing this enchantress witnessed it witnessed him calling me out for something she caused. I snapped my head away fast and wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my jacket before inspecting the porosity. Damn, I was fuckin drooling.
Saved by the Johnson, the droning authority started a roll call. Imagine my surprise when Johnson called out Matthew Henderson and it happened to be my little elf-witch…or elf-warlock should I say.
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munsonsreputation · 2 years ago
The Great War
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eddie munson x fem!reader
inspired by "The Great War" by Taylor Swift
word count: [13.7k] not proof-read, sorry!
warnings: no use of y/n, angst (a lot of it), physical violence, blood & bruises, cursing, talks of insecurity (eddie), portions of fluff scattered throughout, let me know if i missed any!
summary: you and your boyfriend eddie were accustomed to the scrutiny that came with being together in a judgmental town, but you both never expect it to take a violent turn into an alternate dimension. with a monster coming for your boyfriend and his friends, you and eddie are forced to fight off everyone and anything that comes in your way. but the question is: will you both survive?
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Eddie had a big reputation long before he was accused of the murder of Chrissy Cunningham. From Hawkins’ middle to Hawkins’ high, he was pegged the “weird boy” or his personal favorite, “satanic cult leader” just because he liked to play a fantasy game for hours on end. While he thought it was just a phase, all this name calling and stereotypical high school bullying, it seemed to be more than that. People loved to hit him where it hurt by going after his friends and the people he cared about just because they were associated with him.
It hurt more when they would advert that hate towards his girlfriend, the one person he truly ever loved. He didn’t know how he could protect you or if he even had the capabilities to. It wasn’t his fault that frustration would boil over and would accidentally burn you. He never meant it like that. He just wasn’t used to being defended so publicly. And things got even worse when the accusations against Eddie were out for the town to hear.
“Keep his name out of your mouth!” You lurched forward attempting to escape the confines of Dustin and Lucas’ arms, but instantly remaining in place as they held tightly.
Jason strode closer, glaring, “You’re defending a murderer. Let me repeat that again since you clearly don’t understand the severity of it all. A murderer! He murdered my girlfriend—“
“He did not!” your hand sprung as far out as it would go, palm greeting his cheek with a harsh whack that rung in the half full parking lot and taking Jason aback as he held a hand over the spot you had just hit.
“Was that really necessary?” Dustin whispered annoyingly under his breath, shrieking as Jason reached over for you.
Struggling and hands blindlessly throwing punches, hoping you weren’t hitting any of your friends and only the target of a monster, Jason, “C’mon fight me you son of a—“
“Piece of shit!”
Eddie rocketed forward, fist connected with the side of Jason’s jaw, planting him face first onto the gravel as he shook his hand, knuckles burning from the initial impact. You glanced around. A small crowd gathered over Jason’s senseless body and Eddie’s van parked beside them all. The driver’s door open, meaning he had just pulled up and hopped out after seeing the commotion.
“You ok?” Eddie turned his attention to you, drawing you out of the grips of the young boys and clasping your cheeks in his hands.
Concern shrouded his face as he looked between your eyes, trying to sense any worry, but you shook your hand. Fingers wrapping around his wrist reassuringly, “I’m fine...adrenaline is just pumping.”
Eddie nodded, letting his arms fall back to his sides, looking towards the boys, “I thought I told you guys to not let anyone get close to her.”
The two rolled their eyes, looking at you knowingly, “Kinda hard to do when she slapped him across the face.” Lucas rebutted, brushing past the couple and heading into the backseat of the van.
Eddie stared at you, shaking his head in disapproval as you furrowed your brows in confusion over his reaction.
“It was pretty sick, though.” Dustin quipped, patting you on the back and following Lucas into the vehicle.
Eddie paid them no mind, instead, clutching your hand and leading you to the passenger the seat and watching you buckle in before heading into the driver’s seat,to head to their current safe house, The Wheeler Residence. The drive there was completely silent for the most part, except for the two boys bickering in the backseat.
When you arrived, everybody had sensed the tension between Eddie and his partner. These days it was on high due to the hecticness that was surrounding the twos lives.
Eddie brushed past his friends who were sitting in the living room watching the news and headed straight for the basement, and of course you were there trailing behind him with vigor.
“You can’t possibly be mad at me for sticking up for you.” You jerked his arm, yanking him to face you, and he did so with disappointment and irritation laminating his features.
He hauled back his hand as lightly as possible, not wanting to startle you, but never letting up his emotions, “You don’t understand the risk you’re taking by acting on emotion.”
You scoffed, shaking her head, “I know what I’m getting myself into, Eddie—“
“No you don’t!”
His voice ricocheted against the walls in the small space, taking you aback by this sudden outburst that was one you had never seen before. Feeling so small, you wrapped your arms around yourself, seeking to find some sort of comfort in a time where Eddie was too wound up in his mind to do so himself. 
“This isn’t stupid high school rumors anymore ok? This is life or death...” He paused, pointing at you, “You go out there and you defend my name. They’ll kill you. I—I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if anyone put their hands on you because you wanted to defend me.”
He had his reasons for tearing down the banners of support you proudly held up, and now you understood why, but still you wanted to support him. 
You unwrapped the arms from your body, tiptoeing closer into his space in order to cup his face in your hold, “N-nothing is going to happen to me, Eds,” Your hush whisper was a futile attempt to reassure him.
Eddie stretched away, not daring to make eye contact with you, knowing he’d break... mostly because he didn’t know if he could do this any longer. Continuing to run and hide, while his girlfriend picked up the slack and put herself in harm’s way for him.
Just because you loved him.
“Eds...” Your voice was barely a whisper that was accompanied with a sigh as you watched him turn his back, now facing the wall.
One of his hands rubbed along his face, attempting to keep his composure, as the other rested on his hip, “You can’t defend me in public anymore.”
You had heard him loud and clear the first time, but you just couldn’t understand why you were the only one limited to not sticking up for your innocent boyfriend.
“I mean it,” he finally turned eyes brimmed with salty tears, and his voice cracked with the next sentence, “can’t lose you, just promise me...please.”
God, you wanted to be the understanding girlfriend so badly, but you couldn’t. He couldn’t possibly expect you to walk around town and pretend like the posters and the mobs were ok, to put on a front and let them think that what they’re doing was right.
No way.
“You know I can’t do that, Eddie.”
His fist clenched and unclenched, the dried blood that decorated the wrinkles of his knuckles opening the cuts that were once sealed, “I’m not asking.”
“I’m not taking orders.”
The two of you never backed down, especially when it came to each other. You two always wanted to be right. And god forbid one of you doesn’t agree…it all goes to hell.
Eddie couldn’t contain the mixture of hurt and enraged tears that fell numbly down his cheeks, his mouth seething and the vein in his neck popping out with each word he spoke.
“I’m looking out for you! And it’s bad enough that I’m running and hiding from this godforsaken town, but what’s worse is you putting yourself in harm’s way when I’m not asking you to!”
You grimaced, jaw trembling as your own hot tears spilled, “There are people out there who want your head on a platter, Eds—“
“Yours too, if you keep this up!”
Eddie exhaled noisily, mopping his tears away with a mean hand, while you did the same using the sleeve of your sweater. Neither one of you wanted to crack...give up on their own argument, but it was what needed to be done.
You approached him gradually, his eyes glued to the basement floor until your shoed foot came into view. He finally met your teary eyes, the sense of your hand reaching for his, bringing him back.
“I-It hurts when they say things about you...especially when they’re not true.” the sniffled voice broke him, urging him to rub a soothing thumb over your delicate knuckles, a far contrast to his scrapped up ones.
He leaned forward, resting his forehead against yours as you continued to talk, “I hate what they’ve done, how they made you the bad guy when they don’t even know the full story. I—I hate this fucking town. so. much.”
Your head shook against his, tears flowing again as he reached up with his free hand and brushed them away, despising the fact that you were feeling like this all because of him and this stupid town.
“Shhh, s’ok, can’t let what they say about me get to you, babe.” He kissed the top of your head, thumb caressing the hot liquid off your face.
“I let it get to me because I love you, Eddie...don’t like hearing them say such mean things about the person I love.”
It sucked from day one, and he knew it was taking a toll on you. The news coverage and the backlash that Eddie was receiving was also affecting you. So much so that you would stand out there and protest, fighting back against the bombs they were throwing at him. Trying to make them understand something that was larger than life... something that the general public couldn’t possibly wrap their heads around.
But you did it all for him. Because you saw the truth in Eddie and you were not going to let anyone, especially in this lousy town to bash your boyfriend’s name as if they were any better.
“I’m sorry, baby...it’s all going to be over soon. So soon. We can run away and find a new home when this is all over...have a fresh start. How about that?”
They were still in high school, just a twenty- and nineteen-year-olds, barely adults. But you both needed it.
To get away from all of this and start a new chapter together. Things were hard enough before this Upside Down bullshit happened, and now it was like they were living in a real life hell. Somehow they just couldn’t seem to escape the madness, even with them being a couple months away from graduating, it just seemed like this would obviously happen to them. As if the world was cursing them for being together.
You smiled half heartedly and nodded, making Eddie do the same to a degree, “Yeah? I promise it’ll be ok...here.”
He pulled his hand away from your cheek temporarily to dig into his back pocket of his jeans. The white envelope folded in half as you palmed it, the front of it reading, “to my beloved,” you went to open it, but he stopped you.
“Want you to read it when this is all over...” he gulped, stuck out his pinky and staring at you, “promise me?”
“I promise.” You assured him, hooking pinky fingers with his and sealing it with a kiss for good measure.
There were many things written in that letter, some of which he hoped would come true if this all ended the way he wanted it to. But there were other things he had inscribed, if things would not turn out in their favor. Eddie knew this was bigger than any bully or jock trying to come for him. This was a monster capable of anything, especially ending his life. But if there was one thing that he knew for certain it was that if he made it out alive, everything would be ok.
Your thumb brushed over his cheek, snapping him out of his inner monologue of thoughts coursing through his brain, “Y-you’re crying.” You murmured, pulling your lips away from his slightly.
“It happens, especially when an intergalactic monster is out to kill me.”
It was a poor joke to try to make you laugh, which did so, only for a few seconds before straightening your mood back up.
“I don’t like it when you cry.” 
Lips brushing against his as you kissed him softly, he only hummed, bringing his back to yours, wanting to savor that feeling and remember it forever.
“When this is all over, the tears will stop pouring.” He finally said, and you nodded, taking a skeptical gulp before kissing him once more.
The sweet dream of your mundane and everyday life now over in a blink of an eye. Everything that made you and Eddie work as a unit and lovers now being put to the test. But you’d hope that despite his violet bruised knuckles and your banners you were forced to tear down, that everything would be ok.
But that was before everything took another turn…before the battles that you took underground now became battles you had to face outside.
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“This is ridiculous!” You argued loudly, pushing yourself roughly into the leather of the police car.
Eddie sat in the passenger seat with Hopper zooming down the roads, hyperaware of his surroundings, being sure you guys weren’t being followed by any mobs. He had picked the both of you up from Eddie’s trailer, rushing you two to pack your belongings as he was taking you somewhere secluded. The mobs were getting out of control and Hop knew it was only a matter of time before something bad happened, so he had to take matters into his own hands to ensure the safety of you both.
“It’s the safest thing we can do right now.” Hopper countered, ignoring the sounds of protest that came from his backseat.
“And what about Henry...One...Vecna, whatever the fuck we’re calling him!” Eddie swung his head, running rough hands through his head that was pounding.
Hopper offered you and Eddie a reassuring glance, “We’re working on it, alright? One of us is going in there and killing that son of a bitch.”
“Yeah, except the fact that Vecna has an army...if you let anyone go into the Upside Down alone, to face him, they’ll die.” Your voice bound so much terror, yet you still managed to remain impassive, not wanting to worry the father about his daughter’s possible risk as it would most likely be her going up there to kill Vecna.
It sent shivers up the spines to think that this was really happening. A fucking fictional monster, actually terrorizing their town. Unbelievable.
The rest of the car ride remained quiet, listening to the dull hum of the radio and the engine spurt out roughly every time Hopper would increase his speed. It wasn’t necessarily the most ethical thing for Hop to do, considering the fact that the rest of the department wanted to take Munson in for questioning...but he knew that it would mean locking him up for good.
Even if he was chief, it was one against the entire department.
So he did the next best thing he could to ensure Eddie’s safety and freedom...hiding him and his girlfriend, that everyone knew would be with him, away in a secure location. 
His cabin.
“You’ll be staying here until the coast is clear.” Hopper declared, putting the car in park and gesturing you two out with a hand.
He led you through the woodlands, instructing to step over the wire trap he had built, to alert the inside of any trespassers and uninvited guests, until slowly the cabin came into view behind the trees.
You and Eddie shared skeptical glances as you observed the chief fiddle with his keys before finally finding the correct ones to unlock the two latches that decorated the door. The creaky wood pushed open, and it was fairly homey to you and Eddie’s surprise.
A small couch, TV, a somewhat clean kitchen, two bedrooms, and even a bathroom.
“Look around and make yourselves at home...I’ll go get your bags.”
Hopper headed back out to the car, meanwhile you and Eddie wandered into one of the bedrooms that you would claim as yours now. A queen-size bed was laid in the center of the room, with a small desk right across from it. The janky ceiling fan spun, and the light sputtered on when Eddie flicked the switch. It was nice, but nothing like Eddie’s trailer bedroom that you came to love.
You couldn’t accept this and you weren’t going to.
Exhaling and tugging on Eddie’s hand, you brought yourselves back out to the living room once you heard the heavy bags drop onto the floorboards.
“There has to be another option, Hop...we want to help.” You tried to reason, following behind Hopper as he walked around, checking to make sure everything was working properly, not knowing how long you and Eddie would be staying here.
“This is the only way. The safe way.” He responded, giving the top of the heating unit a firm SMACK! until it finally came to life. He turned around to give a pleased smile, but all you did was sigh again with arms crossed against your chest.
“What if Eddie takes a polygraph test and proves he didn’t kill Chrissy?”
It could’ve worked, but Hopper knew the town wouldn’t fall for it so easily, even when Eddie was completely innocent.
“Polygraph tests are only 90% accurate, leaves too much room for speculation.”
You grumbled, stopping your foot, trying to find another option than to be hidden away from the rest of the world, “Why can’t we hide out at Joyce’s house? What if you guys need help, but we’re too far away to do anything?”
Hopper exhaled deeply, knowing there was no point in shouting to get his point across. You were obviously very against the idea of staying here so far away from everything and he completely understood. But he had to at least try to reassure you, taking your shoulders into his hands, looking down.
“Listen, kid...I know that this isn’t necessarily what we had in mind, but this is the best thing we can do to make sure you and Eddie are safe. Right now, the town is too focused on trying to find Eddie, which leaves the rest of us time to focus on killing Vecna so that we can prove Eddie’s innocence.”
He looked over at Eddie, signaling you to the same as he stared on, blankly, “You’ve got to trust us...we care about you and Eddie, which is why we’re doing this. You have to trust. Both of you.”
Taking a deep breath, you nodded, closing your eyes and reeling in this moment. Having to accept this with nothing else you two could do. “Ok, you’re right.”
“Good.” Hop tightly smiled, patting you on the back before reaching into his pocket, pulling out a walkie along with a pack of batteries. “If you guys need anything, radio in. We’ll do the same.”
“Will you guys be coming down here anytime soon?” Eddie finally spoke after what seemed like hours, but in reality it had only been ten minutes. 
Hopper shrugged, making his way over to him, “We’ll radio in beforehand if we do. In the meantime, just stay put and keep your eyes peeled...try to relax, and know you’re safe. No one will be able to find the two of you here. The fridge and pantry are stocked, but if you run out of anything just radio in and I’ll swing by and drop off whatever it is that you need.”
Eddie nodded, giving Hopper a small hug of gratefulness before pulling away, “And for the love of god, just...try not to get her pregnant.”
You two smothered laughter, nodding your heads as you watched him depart the cabin and drive off out of the woods. Eddie immediately went for the door, locking it firmly and drawing all the curtains shut, relying on the yellow lighting from the bulbs to brighten the room.
“It’s going to be ok, Eds.” Placing your hands over his chest, tiptoeing up to kiss him, which he happily returned, squeezing the sides of your waist comfortingly.
“You want to go unpack and I’ll figure out what we can eat?” He suggested, and you agreed, pulling the duffle bag full of clothes and other personal items into your who-knows-for-how-long room and getting them sorted.
He rummaged through the small kitchen, searched the cabinets and fridge, pulling together a ham sandwich with some chips and retrieving a cold bottle of water for his girl and grabbing a beer for himself.
“Babe, food’s ready!” He announced out, slicing the sandwich in triangles.
You walked out a few seconds later. The previous t-shirt that you were wearing traded in for one of Eddie’s hoodies, and jeans now discarded as you sported your bare legs and underwear.
“Thank you,” a kiss laid up on his cheek as you sat down, “did you want to change?” You asked, taking a bite out of your half as Eddie shook his head, taking a swig of his beer.
“I’ll wait until we’re done eating. Are you feeling ok?”
Nodding, you swallowed before voicing a reply, “I’m ok...just happy to be here with you, even if we’re hiding.”
He smiled tightly, reaching over to hold her hand across the small table as he set his beverage down, “You know, you never had to do any of this for me.”
“And what is it that I did?” You speculated, dusting off your crumby fingers and resting them on top of Eddie’s creating a hand sandwich of fingers and palms mushed together.
“Sticking with me. Hell, you could’ve ran away the moment you heard the Chrissy died in my trailer, yet you never questioned my innocence, just stood by me the entire time and held my hand.”
“That’s because this town has preconceived notions about you, Eddie...they think they know you just because of what they see on the outside, but they don’t know anything. They don’t know the man that I love...I would scream it out from the rooftops even in the midst of all the madness, because I don’t care what this town thinks, what anyone thinks of you...of us—no ones opinion will ever come between you and I.”
Eddie’s heart rate slowed down, beating forcefully against his chest. Every word spoken from you, like a drug that he was irrevocably addicted to. Here was his girl, devoting so much love and care to him as a person, making him feel so human, after all the scrutiny he had faced for the last couple of days and his entire life.
Only when you slid your fingers through his, giving him a curt squeeze, did he feel himself come back to Earth.
“You still with me, baby?”
In this moment, yes. In the mindset, no.
“Scared of what might happen after all of this.” He blurted out wistfully, hanging his head low, eyes kept on the condensation that dripped down the side of the beer bottle and onto the wood.
You never once let go of his hand while you stood up, placing yourself in his lap, nuzzling your face further into his neck as you murmured, “There’s probably going to be a lot of trauma that we’re going to need to work through, but we’ll get through it, together. I swear on it.”
“I’m sorry for acting like a dick for the last couple of days.” He mumbled, causing you to pull away and furrow your brows.
“What are you talking about, Eds? You haven’t—“
“I have,” He said regretfully, turning to look at you.
As he stared at the face he loved to wake up to every morning, he felt instant shame for the way he had been acting and treating you for the things you weren’t responsible for.
He picked up your hand, clinging to it tightly, “I...I’ve been taking a lot of my stress out on you and it isn’t fair, ‘specially since you’re always the one who never hesitates to be here for me.”
“Eddie, I understand—“
He shook his head, giving you a pointed look, one that begged you to just let him do this.
“It doesn’t matter that I’m going through this shit, because you’re going through it, too. Doesn’t mean that I get to treat you like shit, and baby I’m real sorry for acting like that, I swear it isn’t my intention...never want you to feel like I’m not grateful for you, ‘cause I am—I don’t know if I’d even be alive right now if it weren’t for you.”
If there was a quality about you he absolutely adored, it was that you were incredibly genuine and understanding. A blessing and a curse at times since Eddie had needed to step in on the past when your old friends would walk all over you, treating his love like a floor mat and taking advantage of your kindness.
He especially never liked when you were too nice to him, never letting him apologize for things he did wrong all because you loved him. But he knew that he had to hold himself accountable, even at a time like this.
“I forgive you, baby.” You snickered softly, squeezing his hand in yours, a nonverbal way to tell him that all is forgiven and that there were no hard feelings.
The touch of your hand against his was enough to know that even in the midst of the war, you were here and you were all he needed to feel safe right now.
No matter if he drew the curtain closed and chose to drink his poison all alone…you were still here. He was never really alone. You would do whatever it took, even trusting more freely…something you never liked to do, but only with Eddie you’d ever do that. Trusting that the good faith you left was enough to get you both through this unprecedented time. That none of you were playing with fire, but doing your best to extinguish the torment for good.
But as the days past, nights were the hardest to endure for you two, even if Hopper had reassured you that the cabin was the safest place to be. When the wind would rattle the windows or the crunch of leaves and sticks when animals passed by, it was still spooky. Even on the third day, it wasn’t something you got accustomed to.
Daytime was by far the pleasantest. You and Eddie would wake up at the crack of dawn, watching the sunrise from the small bedroom window, the view from there capturing the sky perfectly. It was their little pocket of peace at a time like this.
Hours were spent cuddled up on the couch, watching whatever was on TV. Making up your own rules to the board games you assumed belong to Eleven when she had been camping out here a year and a half ago. Experimenting with whatever was left in the pantry. And listening to the brief updates Hopper and the rest of the gang would tell them through the radio.
Suspicion on their whereabouts had died down, mainly because Hopper had forged a letter in Eddie’s handwriting, saying the couple would be fleeing the state, when in actuality neither of you had traveled outside of Indiana. Nevertheless, it felt nice not being suffocated and harassed by the rest of the town. The cabin provided you two with your own solitude, which was very much needed.
You and Eddie had gotten the chance to reconnect and focus on one another, something you hadn’t done for a while since the main goal in Hawkins was about surviving. Here it was simply about waiting.
Waiting for good news.
Waiting for it all to end.
Waiting for their peace to be disturbed.
Heavy knocks on the door did just that.
The panicked screams of her and Eddie’s name echoed through the woods.
You shouldn’t have been so careless, opening it wide even if you knew it was your friends. It could’ve been a joke your mind was playing on yourself, but yet you trusted it.
There they stood, panting, out of breath some of them with blood on their clothes and hands. Others just shaken up.
“What the fuck!” Eddie shouted, watching they filed into the small space.
You immediately lock the door shut, stumbling into the kitchen to retrieve whatever cold water bottles were left. Passing them around, in hopes of it helping.
“Why didn’t you radio? You said you’d radio in if you were coming!” You were flustered, crossed arms as you stopped in front of Hop, tapping your foot heavily. 
Sweat beaded on the man’s forehead and he gulped down the water, taking a deep breath before responding, “That son of a bitch is crazy.”
“V-Vecna?” Eddie's voice stammered as everyone nodded silently, shaking in from the events that happened so quickly they couldn’t even process it.
Silence filled the small space, which had you pacing back and forth from one wall to the other. Eddie, however, staying in place leaning up against the couch, trying to keep his composure.
“I’m next.”
The words spilled out of Max’s mouth, taking the two of you aback where you paused at stared at the redhead.
“Next? Next what?” You asked, turning to the young girl who gulped thickly,
“Vecna’s next victim. I’ll be dead in the next six hours.”
Your stomach dropped and you’re sure your skin went pale. This was even worse than your imagination.
“Y-you’re lying, right? Someone please tell me she’s lying.” Eddie searched around the room hopefully, but was greeted with head shakes and Lucas stood up.
“We figured everything out. Vecna targets his victims psychologically. He uses their trauma to haunt them, weakening their already fragile state of mind, then he kills them. He did it to Chrissy. To Fred. His mom and sister. And he just killed Patrick.”
It all hit you and Eddie like a shit ton of bricks. Sure you two knew that Henry...One...Vecna, was a mentally ill monster, but you’d hadn’t fully fathomed the severity of it all. Eddie heavily sighed, running a rough hand over his face, watching his girlfriend quickly go into the bathroom, coming out with a first aid kit as you started patching them up.
Your own way of processing it while trying not worry.
“We figured out a way to get into the Upside Down, through watergate and Eddie’s trailer.” Dustin revealed and the two of you shifted your wide eyes at Hopper who glared lightly at the curly headed boy for spitting the information out so nonchalantly.
“And what about Wayne?” You both ordered worriedly as he passed them a reassuring look.
“I moved Wayne to a secure location. He said he had a friend from the plant he could stay with, so I brought him there. He’s alright. Safe. Just like I promised.”
You two took a deep breath nodding your heads, a little relief looming over the both of you, knowing that Wayne was fine and away from the mobs. You moved over to Lucas, disinfecting a scrape on his knee and pressing on a bandaid before you continued treating Nancy, Steve, Eleven, and Erica, all of which had a few cuts and scrapes on different parts of their body.
“So how are we defeating this son of a bitch?” Eddie demanded, plopping himself over the arm of the couch, looking at Nance who winced slightly as you pressed an alcohol pad on the gash that was on her cheek.
You gave the Wheeler a remorseful smile, which she returned before looking back at Eddie and explaining their game plan.
“Max is going to the Creel house in order to lure Vecna in, and Lucas, Erica, and Jonathan are going to be there to serve as backup in case anything goes south. Hop, Joyce, Will, and Mike are going with El and she’s going to piggyback into Max’s mind. Steve, Robin, and I are going into the Upside Down in order to create a distraction and hopefully help El defeat him in order to permanently close the gate. Oh! and Dustin is going to wait in Eddie’s trailer in case we need anything.”
You got off of your knees on the rough wooden floor, heading towards the bin to throw out the bloodied pads and bandaid wrappings before washing your hands clean. There was a lot to take in, and the more time that passed meant the less time Max had to live. Anxiety washed over you, understanding that it was no longer Eddie’s life on the line, but an innocent girl who you thought of like a little sister.
This was hell.
“C-can we help?” Your eyes darted to Eddie’s who nodded, looking at the room of friends who all stared at each other skeptically.
They knew they were supposed to be leaving the two of you out of the plan in order to ensure maximum safety, but they knew all too well that they needed the extra help, not knowing if this would work out the way they planned.
“Are you sure? It might put you two in even more danger.” Robin advised nervously.
You nodded and made your way over to Eddie, resting a comforting hand on his chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Your free hands intertwining with one another and resting between your bodies. Your friends watched on, understanding that this was the way of nonverbally communicating that you two were sure.
Eddie looked over at Hopper who smiled tightly before standing up, “They’ll need another person to go with them into the Upside Down.”
“Eddie will come, obviously.” Steve said, and Eddie nodded in agreement, feeling the squeeze of your hand that indicated uncertainty, but he just smiled at you reassuringly, attempting to ease those nerves.
Dustin perked up. “You can stay with me in the trailer! The portal is so cool, but the laws of gravity are kinda weird because if you think about it there can’t possibly be a way that —“
Mike placed a hand on his friend’s back, shaking his head, “Dude. Not right now.”
“Sorry.” Dustin mumbled, shot you a sorrowful look as you shook your head, knowing he was rambling for good reason.
Joyce stood up, removing her soothing hand from Will’s back, “Let’s get moving, time it ticking.”
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And just like that, the bombs felt closer than they had before. But you promised yourself that this was the last time. That this was the end. If you all could somehow band together to defeat this son of a bitch, then there was nothing else you two would ever have to worry about.
Metal clambering against one another, heavy footsteps, and loud voices was what surrounded the cold air as the group gathered the necessary materials they would be needing. Extra bullets, protective armor, lighter fluid and matches, stakes, and hell even a trash can lid and nails. You all made use of what Hopper had lying around in the cabin before filing everything into the cars.
You gulped, taking one last look at what was their makeshift home for a last couple of days. Savoring that short-lived peace before Eddie’s hand wrapped around your wrist securely, pulling away your gaze.
“You ok?”
“Yeah, just gonna miss the time we had here.” You grinned conceivably up at him and he nodded, eyes sweeping over your features.
“Didn’t forget that envelope I gave you, right?”
You shook her head, patting the pocket of your jacket, “I have it with me. Why?”
Eddie just smiled, kissing your forehead before leading you to the stolen RV, “Just making sure...come on.”
The ride was pleasant to your surprise. It seemed as though everyone was used to battling monsters, but of course it was only you and Eddie’s first rodeo, and surely the last. Soft music played in the background as Steve drove calmly. You were wedged between Eddie and Max, soothing a hand down the young girl’s back knowing her life was at stake.
Hopper’s police car eventually parted ways, heading towards the trailer park first to set up Eleven’s bath in an empty trailer in order to mimic the sensory deprivation tank that was used in the lab.
Meanwhile, Steve had dropped off the Hawkins’ Creel house group, everyone saying their goodbyes to Max, Lucas, Erica, and Jonathan. Reminding them to radio in a code red, if anything were to go down, that wasn’t a part of the plan. You hugged Max the tightest out of all of them, whispering sweet words of consolation of how she would survive and they were going to do whatever it takes to bring Vecna down.
As the RV shifted back into gear, driving away from the Creel house there in Hawkins, is when reality finally began to settle in for you. How you instantly reached for Eddie’s hand once the house could no longer be seen in the rear window, leaving only darkness illuminated by the twinge of moonlight. Your heartbeat pumped faster once you all approached roadsigns signaling the impending reach back to the trailer park.
You spotted Hop’s car parked in front of Max’s home, assuming the chief had evacuated Mrs. Mayfield into a safer place in order to use the trailer for tonight’s battle. You gulped, only vaguely catching the words Nancy and Steve shared between each other, those of which you would usually care to ask about, but all you wanted to do was run.
Far away from what was waiting on the other side.
“C’mon, the clock is ticking.” Dustin called out, snapping his fingers as he got up from his seat. Lugging some supplies with him as he threw open the door and briskly made his way into Eddie’s, as if it was his own home.
Eddie made the first move, letting go of your hand only to briefly stand up and offer it back to you, which you gladly took. You two gathering the rest of the guns, ammo boxes, and lighter fluid in their free hands and heading back into the place they use to call home.
The last time you were here was only four days ago, but the wreckage seemed to have increased since then. Most of the mugs that were once displayed on the walls, the ones that belonged to Wayne’s most prized possession, were now in shattered pieces covering the now grimy floors. The couch cushions had been absolutely ripped apart into shreds, walls covered in a coat of what looked to be smoke, and Eddie’s mattress, the one place you and Eddie used to find the most comfort if not in each other’s arms, laid out in the middle of the living room, above it a makeshift rope hung.
“Holy shit...t-thats the portal? Into the Upside Down?”
You approached it with caution, never letting up on Eddie’s grasp as you stared up into the abyss of what appeared to be like molten lava that never dripped as the vines outstretched themselves along the ceiling.
Robin hummed, dropping down her arm full of supplies onto the mattress as she stepped closer beside you guys, “Portal. Gate. Whatever you wanna call it...it leads into the Upside Down.”
“W-what does it look like in there?” Your voice full of curiosity and fear.
Nancy now joined in, beginning to load up the guns on the floor beneath them and she looked up, “Lots of vines and they’re all connected like a Hive Mind. If you step on one, you’re stepping on demo bats, you’re stepping on Vecna.”
Eddie made a mental note, preparing himself to get his clumsiness in check, knowing he couldn’t fuck this all up because of his negligence.
“It really is an alternate dimension. Everything is practically the same except time is frozen and stuck in 1983.” Steve informed you two as he got suited up.
“Here,” Nancy stood up, offering the death weapon to you, “I know we said that you’d be staying here, but just in case anyone that isn’t a part of the plan comes in, you’ll need to shoot.”
Your shaky hands took shotgun, staring at it skeptically before glancing back up at Nance who reached out her fingers to instruct you on the different parts. She was definitely more experienced that you with this type of machinery.
“Just remember to shoot and don’t stop until whoever it is is dead or leaves.”
“Got it.” You slung its strap over your shoulders, allowing it the rest on your side.
Dustin was rummaging through the place, basically ransacking it for whatever supplies would help the group once they entered the other side.
“Hey Eddie!” the young boy had hailed out from the other side of the trailer where Eddie’s bedroom was.
He groaned, tightening the bandana behind his head before making his way towards him with the rest following behind, complaining on how there wasn’t much time left, “Dude, I know this isn’t really much of a home anymore, but this is still my room.”
“I know, I know, I know,” Dustin apologized, holding his hands out before gesturing towards Sweetheart that still hung prettily against the dresser mirror despite the mess that cluttered the rest of his room.
“What?” Eddie shook his head at the kid who walked closer to the guitar, but not daring to place a finger on it, “What year did you get this?”
“’82, Wayne gifted it to me for Christmas. Why?”
The smile that broke out on Dustin’s face was one as if he won a contest. Pure and elated.
“I’m coming into the Upside Down with you guys.” He spoke confidently, and the room clattered with voices.
“Are you insane!”
“Absolutely fucking not”
“Don’t curse in front of him...you’re not coming with, Dustin.”
Nancy spoke seriously, avoiding the eyes of the young boy that was boring into her. Dustin plucked the sacred instrument off Eddie’s mirror, watching as his eyes widened, attempting to take it back from the dingus and hang it back, but Dustin had held it behind him away from his grip.
“Dustin, stop being a little shit! Give it back!” Eddie lurched forward once more, attempting to get his guitar back, but only leading Dustin to run back out to the living room with everyone hot on his tail.
He stood right under the portal and pointed, “The Upside Down is stuck in ’83, meaning this guitar is in there.”
They looked at him suspectingly, waiting for more details.
“Eddie and I can stay in his trailer and create a distraction so that you guys can make it to Vecna’s layer, without a scratch. The demo bats will be too busy focusing on the sound of the guitar.” He revealed as everyone looked at each other, not opposed to the idea, but just thinking about everyone’s safety.
“I mean shit...I can totally do it. You’d be ok with that?” Eddie looked towards you, who was now practically chewing down on your nails after realizing what was going to happen.
You took a deep breath, shrugging your shoulders, “I-I can’t make that decision for you, Eds...you’ve just got to promise you’ll make it back safely and that you’ll look after Dustin.”
He nodded, patting the younger boys back who thrusted his first up high after getting the clearance that he would be able to follow his friends into the Upside Down with some supervision.
But his moment of celebration didn’t last long as static erupted from the walkie that was strapped onto the band of her jeans, “Is everyone ready? All in position?”
It was Lucas.
You picked up the device, pressing on the button and signaled back, “We’re almost ready. They’re about to head into the Upside Down.”
It was Nancy who climbed the rope first, giving you a reassuring smile as she ascended into the unknown. It was weird watching the sense of gravity enact as Steve and Robin tossed her the guns, which somehow were able to end up on the other side. Then it was Steve. Then Robin. Dustin.
You waited near the poorly tied bedsheets, watching your boyfriend, ensuring that he had all the weapons attached to his body and was ready to go. Deep down, you really didn’t want him to go into that hellhole, knowing that the things they have heard about that place were just the beginning. To be literally in that demonic place was going to be a different experience that would change Eddie’s life.
You knew it.
But you also knew that Eddie was a good man. That he would do anything to make this right. And so you had to let him do it. 
“Don’t look so tense, baby,” He attempted to joke, as he grasped your cheeks in his hands, ripping away your attention from the thoughts running through your head. 
You couldn’t laugh. You didn’t have the energy to try to fake it and make this seem normal because it wasn’t.
Nothing about this was ever going to be normal.
Shaking your head in his hold, your eyes welled with salty tears ready to slip, “W-when this is over, promise me we’ll get out of this town.”
He smiled and nodded, bringing his lips down to yours as they moved slowly in sync. Their friends watched the scene below them, knowing that with anything good or bad happening after this, the least they could do was let them share a moment like this one, not knowing if it would be the last.
“I have to go, sweetheart,” He whispered, and you closed your eyes tightly. 
You brought your hands to rest upon his, rubbing your thumb across his knuckles, giving him a squeeze, “Make it back to me, ok?”
“I will...and in the meantime, read my letter?”
His other hand patted the pocket of the jacket where you said it was kept, and the quiet crinkle of the envelope was the only sound you could hear besides their breathing, “I will. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
You shared one last kiss before Eddie had pulled away, fingers wrapping around the sheets as you stabilized it, watching him disappear into the darkness as their voices faded.
“Ok. Ok. O-ok Everything is going to be ok.” You whispered to yourself, nervously pacing back and forth, picking up the radio and signaling in your team’s update, letting them know that everyone was in position and ready to go.
Your shuddering fingers managed to pull out Eddie’s letter and took a seat on the mangled couch that once used to be you and Eddie’s resting spot, and began to open it.
You recognized the paper from his DnD notebook. It was the one that you bought him for his birthday since his last one was filled with stories and all sorts of doodles and drawings. The edges of the paper were slightly jagged from being ripped from the spine, but nevertheless Eddie’s handwritten was always surprisingly neat. The free flowing cursive letters were written in black ink, some of it bleeding from the water droplets, which you assumed were his tears...you begun reading.
It’s just our luck that this happens to us. Am I right?
We can never seem to catch a break, you and I. At first it was just silly high school rumors about the good girl and the bad demon worshipping boy, and here we are battling something else. I don’t think I deserve you, but you always scold me when I say it, but you can’t really do anything if I write it, huh? You’ll probably swat me for that one later, but it’s true. You’re my best girl in the whole world and in no means am I religious, but God do I think Jesus himself made you for me. You’re heaven sent. Truly. I mean it.
I found it difficult as a little boy trying to figure out where I fit, you know that of course. And I know I have this whole persona of being the freak who doesn’t care, but the truth is I do. I only started caring when I met you, though. I hated what they would say about you in hallways, just because you were connected to me. I hate that they wouldn’t leave you alone because of me. And now I really hate that they want to physically hurt you because of me.
Sometimes I think everyone that I love gets hurt because of me.
I want to protect you and I wish I could make this all go away with a snap because I can’t bear to witness anything remotely horrible happening to you because of little ole’ me. You’re too pure for this world...too pure for me. The love and safety that you’ve made me feel, even before all of this crap happened means so much to me. I’ve lived my whole life trying to pretend like I don’t need love to be happy since I never was truly given it by my own parents, but here you come, waltzing into my world and you’ve changed that.
Changed me.
You’re the best thing that has happened to me and I’m so grateful that I’ve gotten the chance to experience this love that I’ve longed so much for. Every little thing you do takes my breath away and I never want that feeling to end. I never want to stop seeing you strike back at anyone who tries to cross me or you. Or anyone you love, for that matter. Never want to stop seeing you smile. Or feeling your hand against mine. Never want to ever stop experiencing you.
But who knows what the future holds after this?
I’ve been nothing but a coward throughout this whole thing. Hiding behind you and our friends, and their parents who have been trying to save me. I’ve put your life in danger and I could never forgive myself, knowing that someone would hurt you all because of me. And because of that, I need to make this right and if that means dying in the process, then I hope that you would understand, sweetheart.
Know that I would do anything to protect you, even giving my life away to some demon from hell. I will do whatever it takes to make sure that you and everyone else don’t need to face this thing anymore.
The only thing that I ask of you is to not forget me...don’t ever forget. Remember the love that you deserve and make sure you go out there and find it, again. My heart will always be yours no matter what. I just hope that I can live in yours when I’m gone.
I love you with every ounce of my being.
x, EM
Your lips quivered as sobs erupted from your mouth, hot tears gliding down your cheeks as you clutched the letter to your chest, racing around the trailer, trying to process the words you had just read. But it seemed that the fates just had to collide as Dustin’s body fell through the other side of the gate onto the mattress, as he quickly rolled out of the way as Robin, Nancy, and Steve came through one by one.
Each of them in a shaken up state. Sweat lined brows and pale faces.
“Where’s Eddie!” You screamed, voice shaking with apprehension, as if you already knew the answer.
Dustin cried, eyes spilling with salty tears as he fell to his knees in front of you. Steve immediately sprinting into big brother action, attempting to comfort the boy who grabbed at his shoulders screaming incoherent words that were muffled by the battle cries.
Nancy gulped hands, dropping her weapon on the floor, “He told us to run and not to come back.”
Nancy couldn’t do it. She could not bear to look you, her friend, in the eye and tell you that the love of your life just offered his will to a monster.
And so Robin knew she had to be the bearer of terrible news, “Eddie offered his life to Vecna in order to spare Max.”
“And you let him!”
You were angry.
Beyond livid that they would so easily leave your boyfriend up there to fend for himself as they got to make it back here alive. But you didn’t know the full story, however you were determined to get it.
Your feet and fingers didn’t hesitate, reaching out for the dingy makeshift rope and wrapping your body around it as you pulled your body weight up. Screeches of your friends beneath you, attempting to bring you back down to reality. One in which you didn’t want to live if it was without Eddie.
“You can’t go up there! He’ll kill you too!” Dustin pleaded, grabbing at your foot that you carelessly kicked away in the heat of the moment.
It might have been coming from a place of anger, but you needed to go and you weren’t going to let anyone stop you.
“If I don’t make it back, then at least I get to die with the person I love.”
Steve, Robin, and Nancy knew that there was no way of stopping you. And so they let you climb up. Robin picking up the walkie to radio over the happenings as her voice slowly died off as you entered the unknown.
Like your friends said, it was practically Hawkins, but with monsters. So you weren’t too shocked to see the jarring identical trailer that was Eddie’s, just more roughed up and the windows boarded up with steel and wooden planks.
It wasn’t until you opened up the door when it all came crashing down. 
The sky was pitchy black with grey clouds and red undertones that coated its aura. You were careful, remembering Nancy’s word about a Hive Mind and stepping on Vecna. The ground was cluttered with half dead bats and burnt pieces of wood and other material you couldn’t quite make out.
You followed the sounds of grumbling and thunder, racing through as quick as possible in order to find where Eddie could be in this hell. The drum in your chest thumped harder and your ears began ringing as the sounds got closer and closer until finally you had reached the true depth of this hell.
Your hoarse wail echoed in the air as Eddie struggled to keep himself upright, the bites from the bats covering his now bare abdomen and sides. The creature in front of him, tilting his head to the side with a evil sneer displayed on his eerie features.
He followed your voice, thinking it was some kind of mind game that Vecna was playing on him, as if he was drawing him to death even when he had already agreed to give his life in order to save Max.
But when he turned around, seeing you in the flesh as you ran over to him, wrapping your arms around him in a haste, he knew it was all real. You had really followed him into this place and his friends allowed you to.
“You need to go.” He managed through deep shaky breaths pulling himself away from your touch, something that he wouldn’t do, especially in an instance like this.
You shook your head, eyes darting up to the monster, and back to her Eddie, “C’mon, we can still make it out of here.”
“Please, just go.” He shut his eyes tightly, wincing as you tried to pull him in an attempt to escape this demon, but it was no use.
Eddie stayed planted on the floor, a heavy laugh filling your ears as you finally looked up at Vecna, “Adding another sacrifice, aren’t we?”
“Go to hell.” Eddie spat moving you to stand behind him with whatever strength he had left.
Before you could even anticipate it, you could feel your ankles being confined by the vines wrapping around your skin. A scream leaving your mouth as you felt yourself being pulled away from Eddie and the gun dropping from your hands. 
“No!” Your chest hit the ground, taking your breath away as your hands tried to scratch and claw against the ground continuing to be dragged across the floor until you felt your back be pushed against a rough tree. 
“Let her go!” Eddie growled, failing to stop the monster and his actions as he too faced the same fate, getting wrapped up the in the vines and pushed up against another tree opposite of you. 
You were in shambles, shaking and crying as the vines pulled tighter around your body, nearly crushing you to death. 
“P-please, why are you doing this?” You whimpered, shutting your eyes tighter and gathering a deep breath, struggling against the restrains as Eddie cursed and the monster laughed like a maniac. 
“Let her go! She didn’t do a-anything!” Eddie reasoned, wiggling in the confines only for them to tighten. 
Vecna crept closer to you, the long fingernails getting closer to your face, “Aren’t you embarrassed of him?” 
You shook your head vigorously, “N-no…never. He’s not an embarrassment!” 
Vecna huffed, laughing once again as he turned around to face Eddie, approaching him now.
“Do you really believe her? Do you really think she wouldn’t feel embarrassed that her boyfriend can’t even defend himself or save her?” 
Eddie stopped his movements, meeting the eyes of the villain that got close enough to feel his breath fanning over his face. Your body and cries now darkening in the background as Vecna continued to talk. 
“She must pity you. Do you really think she would stick around with a man like you?” 
The more Vecna spoke, the hazier everything seemed to become. As if Eddie was lured into a different body, no longer in control of what he was really feeling on the inside and allowing himself to be taken over.
You couldn’t hear what Vecna was whispering in Eddie’s ears, your cries being too loud and your screaming voice begging for the monster to stop.
“Don’t listen to him, Eddie!” Your jaw shook, trying to regain whatever breath you had left in you to stay alive as long as possible.
Eddie, on the other hand, had other plans, “…Finish the job, Eddie…”
In a snap, the vines that trapped you both were loosened, letting you guys fall to the ground. You were relieved, like something magical just had happened, quickly pushing the vines off your skin and crawling fast towards Eddie as Vecna seemed to be walking away from you both with heavy footsteps.
Like he was giving you both mercy, if that was even possible for a sick creature like himself.
“E-Eddie, c’mon,” you hissed, your voice horse from the screaming and crying that still persisted down the valley of your cheeks.
He wasn’t moving. In fact, Eddie was staring you down like you were his prey. Those chocolate brown eyes you’d come to love now pitch black, with no sense of Eddie behind them at all.
“E-Eds?” You gulped, your rattling fingertips sliding away from his torso where they were resting to guide him back up, and your legs, despite how numb they were, hustled themselves away from him.
But he came closer, never blinking nor speaking. Just you proceeding to inch back, a hand held out to keep some distance between you two until he finally jerked.
His hand brutally moving down to slap your arm aside, making you wince, “O-ouch! Eddie, p-please.”
You grasped your arm, wiping the skin before a yelp escaped you, a new pain coming from the back of your head as he shoved your shoulders back, prompting you to lie flat on the tough coarse ground.
“It’s your turn.” He snarled, poising over top of you where his grips immediately enclosed around your neck, cramming all the air out of you.
“S-stop! Eddie—g-get off me!”
You clobbered beneath him, palms pushing with all your might against his heart to get him off of you. Never did you ever think Eddie would do something like this. It was never like him to put his hands on you. Ever.
“I-I can’t bre…breathe.” Your hands floundered, weakly giving up little by little until they slouched on your sides, your eyes fighting to stay open as long as you could.
“Euugh!” The unexpected breath came to you suddenly when his hands unwrapped from your neck.
The skin around your collar was on fire, your fingers covering your throat and coughing out brutally. The tears in your eyes welling, not sure who this man in front of you was anymore.
“You don’t really love me!” He shouted, forcing you cringe a sob leaving your mouth as you cried, swaying your head back and forth with your swollen lip caught between your teeth.
“W-what? Of course I love you…p-please, let’s just go, then you can explain.”
You found it within yourself to snatch at his wrists, pleading with him to follow despite what had just happened. But he only shook his head, holding your hands down on your chest, pressing down firmly.
“We’re not going anywhere.”
The rumbling that you thought was loud before became almost deafening now. A lightning bolt stuck the sky, defining what once was maroon to become lava red, then back to twilight in a glare.
There was no Vecna in sight. Not a single demodog or demobat.
Something was happening.
Hyperventilating, you struggled to calm down, reminding yourself of Lucas’ words. It all coming back to you gradually.
He took his victims hostage. Making them see things that weren’t there. Using their insecurities and deepest fears against them.
Vecna was doing it to Eddie.
You needed to get through to him. Somewhere, Eddie was still in there.
You needed to find him.
“Edward Munson! Your name is Edward Munson, but you go by E-Eddie because you think Edward sounds too 1800s like.”
Somehow, you were able to spit that information out through your irregular breaths. The stronger Eddie forced your arms down towards yourself, the harder it was to speak and inhale, but you needed to get to him.
The only that you could think of is reminding him of who he really was.
“Y-you live with your uncle Wayne at the Forest Hills Trailer Park, and….and you’ve lived there since you were six. You started playing DnD when you were twelve, then you s-started your club in your sophomore year of high…high school.”
You took a deep gasp, noticing his hands retreat a bit, as your story went on. His eyes finally blinking, and his frenzied gaze now weakening.
“I met you when I was a junior and you were a-a senior…your first senior year! And, we had world history together, y-you would ask me for the notes because you never showed up for class.”
In some weird way, you were able to let out a minor laugh through your sobs, reminiscing about the turning point that led you to him.
The love of your life.
��I would get s-so annoyed at you, cause…cause you passed every test without even being there for the lectures and only studying the s-stupid notes.”
Your voice shuddered, cracking in between words, wanting that old Eddie back right now, instead of the possessed one.
“Then you asked me if I wanted to study together in the library…and I said yes. I-I’m so glad that I did, because that’s how we got closer, then you asked me to be your girlfriend a-and I said yes…then two weeks later when Jason Carver tried to pour his milk carton all over you, I p-pantsed him from behind. T-then you told me you loved me for the first time…and I haven’t stopped loving you since then.”
You hadn’t even realized the way that you started breaking down, but these were peaceful tears. Not the afraid ones that were shed only moments ago. There was a small smile on your face, your fingers stretching out to fold around his wrist, still feeling his pulse knowing he was still there.
“And—and I don’t ever plan on stopping,” You hiccuped, nodding your head at him almost to assure him you were still here too.
“I just need you to wake up, Eddie…I-I know you and this is just Vecna making you see things and feel emotions that aren’t really you. I love you…you know this Eds, and I know somewhere in there you love me t-too.”
Another strike of thunder resounded in the air and a lightning triggering up the sky once more. Something was taking place, there was no way for these actions to happen with no meaning behind it.
“Eddie please!” You begged, launching off his hands and shaking his shoulders roughly, “Listen to me Eddie…you cannot die like this! I r-refuse to let you die! Now wake up, Eddie!”
Thunder. Lightning. Chirps flocking in the sky, growing closer. And heavy howling becoming nearer.
You pinched his skin tight, eyes searching his orbs and to the sky and enveloping space around you, “Eddie! Wake the fuck up! I’m begging you, p-please.”
He began to shake aggressively, agonizing groans leaving his mouth and his own hands covering his eyes and rubbing his lids trying to get himself out of the trance.
You swallowed when you could pinpoint the bats in the air, driving a beeline towards you, and the footsteps you knew were the interdimensional creatures coming after getting the signal that Eddie didn’t finish the job that Vecna tasked him with.
There was no time left.
Not with the state Eddie was in.
But you needed to accept it.
That you were going to die tonight and lose him, but at least it would be with the love of your life.
You nodded to yourself, not putting up a fight anymore while you closed your eyes securely, hands finding Eddie’s and grasping them, demanding nothing more than to die with your hands intertwined.
“Wha—babe, w-what’s going on?”
You rose your brows, eyes still shut.
“Are we dead already?” You sought shakily, opening one of your eyes, only to be met with Eddies.
The dark brown chocolate ones that actually belonged to him.
Your Eddie.
You sat up and he moved off of you, instantly pulling you up and into his arms, covering your heads as he ran hastily back towards the trailer, “C’mon…f-fuck, shit, what the hell happened to me?”
The pain settled onto his body where the bats had bitten him; the gashes oozing with blood, almost too much of it, but he kept racing, realizing he had to get you and him to security, even if it meant just his shabby metal trailer keeping you two out of harm’s way.
“T-the bats, they got to you!” You shouted, flinching as you two were avoiding the falling debris from the sky only a few feet away from the trailer.
Only this time, you two weren’t alone.
Steve, Nancy, and Robin were there, guns in their arms with bullets disappearing and the homemade molotov cocktails being flung far behind you and Eddie.
You only dared to take one glace back, and there was Vecna, a distance away gradually crumbling to pieces, his flesh turning into ash and evaporating away like it was all just a bad dream.
“Shit! Steve, give them a hand!” Nancy caught the sight of the two of you first.
Lowering her shotgun briefly as she turned to Steven who darted his eyes in the direction she was looking at. By now you were the one holding Eddie up, his midriff burning in misery, as he stumbled forward with his leftover energy. Blood covered your hands where you pressed onto the wounds, hoping to stop the bleeding to the best of your ability.
“Hey, c’mon, it’s gonna be ok.” Steve assured the both of you as he bound Eddie’s opposite arm around his shoulder, essentially the two of you pulling Eddie’s body into the trailer.
He collapsed right on the floor, harshly coughing, only making you more worried about his state. Dropping beside him, you ripped off your jacket, then pulled off your shirt, using the thin pieces of cotton to act as gauze.
“Stay here!” Steve instructed, heading back out the door and shutting it strongly.
You could faintly hear the rifle firing along with Robin’s orders with glass exploding with every throw they made.
“I’m sorry…just stay awake, Eds.” You pleaded, giving him a quick glance where he cowered and nodded when you pressed harder against his morsels now covered with the material and blood.
You looked up, and the portal was still there, open, just waiting to be entered back through. You never wanted to go back to normal Hawkins so badly in your entire life.
The door opening followed by your friends’ three voices startled you and Eddie a bit. They all looked at you two only for a couple of seconds before the static rumbled through the walkie strapped onto Nancy’s belt, “G…gate, c-closing gate…hurry back!”
Steve stepped forward beside you, employing all his energy to guide Eddie up to his feet and towards the rope, “C’mon man, need a little more energy then we’re out of here.”
“T-trying.” Eddie countered, binding his arms around the sheets and dragging himself up, struggling to burying the pain that was radiating all over his body towards the back of his mind so he could concentrate.
But thankfully, arms snatched above him, peeping out through the portal, and there were the familiar voices, “Hold on, Eddie!”
Dustin and Hopper.
Suddenly he was pulled through, landing on the mattress and urgently being rolled off as everyone came through one by one.
Across the street from Eddie’s trailer, Eleven had been able to piggyback into the Upside Down, creating an illusion of a distraction towards Vecna, allowing the others to really kill him, and for her to close the gate forever.
“Please check on him!” You got up, stumbling towards Eddie with Hopper and Dustin right by your side.
Hopper held his hand out, shouting for the walkie talkie which Nancy placed in his hand, “Anyone with telephone access I need an ambulance at Forrest Hills…hurry!”
Eddie felt his eyes begin to flutter close, weakening by the minute. The only sounds to his ears were the voices of his friends calling out his name, but the only one that resounded sweetly was yours, even if it was screams of terrors begging him to stay awake.
He couldn’t.
The sleep took over before he could even process what was going on. If he was dying slowly or if he just needed a few minutes to close his eyes.
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He finally awoke…after three painful days.
Disoriented and confused, the sunlight slowly flooded his senses—his eyes squinting at the brightness, yet his skin warming up at the warmth. The hospital bed beneath him felt like heaven despite the scratchy blanket they had provided and the less than springy mattress.
You were asleep curled up in the chair beside him. Hair a tangled mess just by the looks of it, and your bare arms and skin around your neck covered in small cuts and large purple and green bruises.
“B-baby?” He coughed out brutally, clearing his throat from the dryness, wincing at the strain.
You mumbled something out, moving around slightly before your body froze, eyes ripping wide open as you stared at him. He was up, eyes actually open for you to see and his chest moving up and down showing he was breathing on his own accord.
“Eds!” You straightened out of your chair, making the short distance to his bed where you stayed by his side, holding his face gently in your hands.
Somehow, from him just being awake, his features came back alive. His skin was a little less pale, with the blood seeping into his cheeks with a slight red blush and his tiny freckles glittering a dark brown against his forehead and nose.
His hands weakly wrapped around your wrists, feeling your warmth there, and smiling, “I missed you.”
You missed him way more, even if you were by his side the entire time.
You missed feeling his eyes on you. You missed him reaching for your hand and squeezing it. You missed his hair tickling your skin as he snuggled closer to you. You missed everything that made Eddie, Eddie.
Instead, you had to sit there beside his lifeless body for the last three days, watching the machine monitor his heartbeat and praying that it wouldn’t stop. Everyone came in and out of his room, checking on him and bringing you food—Wayne and Hop trying to convince you to leave so you could go home and get a good night’s rest, but you refused. You weren’t going to leave Eddie’s side.
“Me too,” you settled for, nodding your head as you appreciated your man a little more today.
His eyes finally shifted from yours and trailed over the exposed skin that was barely visible under the collar of his shirt that you were wearing. The deep purple and dark green specks coming to him as his eyes traveled lower to your arms where there were small cuts and bruises that looked to be healing now.
“What happened to you?” His voice was still hoarse yet concerned, pulling his fingers away from your wrists and gently going towards your neck.
You flinched at the feeling, still not used to the discomfort that came with the bruises so close to your face. He pulled back quickly, immediately whispering an, “I’m sorry,” when he saw the way your eyes clenched shut and your bit your lip.
“No, no, it’s ok, you didn’t mean to.” You assured him, swallowing thickly as you opened your eyes and met his again.
You didn’t know if you had it in you to tell Eddie that he was responsible for the injuries that littered your body. But you didn’t have it in you to lie to him, not after you two had already gone through so much together, and you knew it was all Eddie’s fault.
“Y-you did it to me in the Upside Down while…”
His eyes widened, and his fingers fell from your skin into his lap. He couldn’t fathom that he was capable of putting his hands on you. He would have never done that to you, ever. He promised he wouldn’t be like his dad and ever lay a finger on a woman or a child yet you were here covered in bruises because of him.
Realization hit him like a ton of bricks as he listened to you continue to explain what had happened a few days ago on the other side. It had all felt like it had happened in a blink of an eye when the monster suddenly invaded his entire being. It had been a terrifying experience, like nothing he had ever felt before. He remembered feeling like he was no longer in control of his own body, like something else had taken over.
It was as if the moments were replaying in his head while you spoke every detail of what you called, “the night I almost lost you.” He could see the fuzzy picture of you in his head, laying beneath him while you cried, yet never trying to attack him. You looked so broken, but yet so sure that everything was going to be ok with truth coating your eyes.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered, tears welling up in his own eyes. “I don’t know what came over me. I-I would never hurt you, I swear.”
He couldn’t believe he had hurt the person he loved most in the world. He fully expected you to tell him that you couldn’t bear to be with him after everything that happened, but your soft expression spoke otherwise.
You leaned forward, closing your eyes as some tears spilt over the precipice, kissing his forehead gingerly.
“It’s okay, Eds. It wasn’t really you, and I know that…I’m just glad you’re awake and that you’re going to be ok.”
Your apology should have been enough for him to accept everything, but still he felt so ashamed and guilty for something he had no control over. He shook his head, tears now streaming down his face as he cried, “No, it’s not okay. I h-hurt you, and I can never make that right.”
It wasn’t going to be something that Eddie would accept overnight and you knew that. You couldn’t imagine the pain and anguish he was feeling inside or out, but you knew that you two were going to get through this, eventually.
You climbed into the hospital bed with him, wrapping your arms around him and holding him close with his face buried in your shoulder, “Shh, it’s okay. I forgive you, Eddie. We’ll get through this together.”
There was a long road ahead of you two, one that you didn’t quite know the directions to, yet you held out hope that everything—all the suffering and the turmoil that came from the Upside Down would leave itself in the past as you and Eddie continued forward.
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Three Months Later
Eddie felt the squeeze you gave his hand as the two strode through the makeshift memorial built for the lost lives during the time between the gates opening and Vecna’s final victim. Everyone from Barb, Chrissy, Bob, and Heather had a plaque with their names and a bed of flowers resting upon each of them.
“Somehow, this feels wrong.” Eddie whispered softly, watching you bend down to place a few of the pink and red flowers on Chrissy’s plaque, neatly arranging them and running your fingers through the letters of her etched name. 
You peered up behind you, following as Eddie awkwardly looked around that the area. Other members of the community and the family members of victims doing the same to each plaque. 
Standing up and dusting your fingers, you gave him an enthusiastic smile, enclosing your arms around his back staring up at him, “Everything is ok now…I know it’s weird and eerie but….they all deserve to be remembered.” 
“No, not that,” He shook his head and closed his eyes, the sun blaring down adding brightness to the dark before he opened and saw you once again, “I mean like…people aren’t staring me—at us.” 
You took a deep breath, breathing softly as you turned and looked around. Sure enough, no one was glaring at you two, simply doing their own thing and taking the time to honor those who died. 
It was nice. 
You didn’t notice how accustomed you had gotten to the heckling and staring that now realizing it, this did in fact feel weird. Everyone seemed to leave you and Eddie alone after Hopper had finally come clean about the Upside Down and everything that had happened. It took a while for the public to believe him, but when everything started adding up and the proof came to light, they all just sort of…stopped. 
There was no more threats. 
No more mobs outside the trailer park. 
And most importantly, no more danger. 
“It’s nice.” You whispered, resting your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat taking over your senses while he wrapped his arms tighter around you and place a kiss on the top of your head. 
Eddie was grateful that everything seemed to work out even with the turn of event that had happened. It was hard for him to accept at first that he would ever think of harming you, but you had sat him down and talked. 
Vecna possessed him…doing things Eddie was not capable of, but that monster Vecna was. Essentially using his body as a vessel to hurt you, but thankfully somewhere in that horrible trance Eddie was still there. Behind the haze, it was still Eddie and he could and would never hurt you. 
Sure it was almost the night you had lost, Eddie.
But you hadn’t. He was here with you and you were here with him.
“Do you think the kids will visit us?” You wondered, and he murmured, nodding his head tenderly against yours. 
“I think they’ll like California…maybe we can take them to Disneyland if they visit during the summer.” 
Eddie and you never liked Hawkins too much, but you had your family here. Eddie had Wayne. And you both had your friends. But it was too heavy to stay here any longer, so you two had agreed that it was time for a fresh start of a new chapter in your lives. Freshly graduated from high school with little money in either of your bank account, you two were taking a risk. One that you knew had to be taken and would eventually be worth it in the end.
You felt his hands leave your waist and instead cradle your face, bringing you to meet his lips as you shared a kiss. Then he pulled away, briefly kneeling down to pick up a stray poppy and placing it behind your ear as you smiled and kissed his lips once more. 
“We should probably go now…flight is in a few hours.” He said against your lips, feeling your smile radiate off yourself and onto him. 
You forced yourself to pull away, but never getting lost in those eyes as you reached for his hands as you two always did time and time again, “Let’s go, baby.” 
Nothing was ever easy, and that was true for you and Eddie. 
The two of you had to fight off everything. 
The rumors in the hallways. 
The bullying and teasing. 
The mobs and riots. 
And a supernatural creature. 
But at the end, you two survived. 
You two had each other to reach for in times of crisis, whether it was when everyone had found out you and Eddie had begun dating or even when people were coming for your lives. You and Eddie gave each other the strength to keep pushing back, to know that there was a light way down deep on the other side of the tunnel. 
The light that wasn’t morning glory and getting towards survival wasn’t fair, but it led you two right where you were. In each other arms and holding one another’s hand because you two had survived The Great War. 
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A/N: finally i am done with this fic!!! this has been sitting in my wips for the last couple of months and im so happy i am finally done with it. let me know what you guys think!! reblogs, tags, comments, and likes would be greatly appreciated!! <3
taglist (if you would like to be added just leave a comment!): @translatemunson @kennedy-brooke @manda-panda-monium @tvserie-s-world
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jinxtoyerekko · 1 year ago
Chrissy Cunningham x fem!reader x Eddie Munson
"If all of their kings had their queens on the throne..."
Warnings: Bullying, trauma, Panick attacks, mentions of alcohol, weed, and tobacco.
Lmk abt spelling mistakes or sum
Summary: All Eddie wanted was to sell some drugs and then go back home. Little did he know he'd end up kissing Reader, who was also dating the queen of Hawkins.
Feel free to request:
Eddie sighed as he made his way towards the giant house where the party was going on. Someone wanted to get drugs so some people could get high, but he honestly didn't know why he was being here beside his usual excuse.
I need the money. He told himself as he stepped into the house and looked around slowly. He looked through the whole place to look for the one who'd ordered him there.
What he wasn't expecting was for him to run into you and Chrissy in a quiet corner. You both had a drink in hand, and your arm was wrapped around Chrissys waist, holding her close as you placed a kiss on her lips.
When you pulled away, you saw Eddie, who was staring at you both.
He quickly turned on his heels and walked off so he wouldn't look like a creep, though he probably already did.
He flinched lightly when he felt a tight grip in his arms, seeing you standing behind him as you pulled him closer.
He felt his whole body heat up with how nervous he was, your hand moving up his jacket and to his neck.
Nothing was said as you leaned in before pressing your lips against his, and he could taste the cherry chapstick, not knowing if it was Chrissy's or yours.
Shit. He thought to himself as he moved closer to make it more comfortable for the both of you.
Once you had pulled away again, a smirk formed on your face as you lucked your lips. "You taste good, Munson.", you spoke loudly, though through the loud music, you were still hardly audible.
Hardly a minute later, you blew him a kiss before you walked back to your girlfriend, telling her about every single second of the encounter.
Not even two days later, on Monday in school, Eddie avoided both of you like the plague, and you found that adorable at first.
Though, that changed when you realized that he struggled to properly function in and out of class.
He always looked panicked and scared. When you looked at him, his face turned pale, and he avoided looking at you for the rest of the class. He barely spoke, and when he did, his voice was shaky and broken. So... you decided to speak to Chrissy.
"Hey, pumpkin.", you said as you approached Chrissy in the girls' bathroom that you usually hid in so you could cuddle and give each other kisses.
She smiled and immediately went to hug you. "Hi. Is everything okay? You look so worried...", she mumbled softly and you placed your forehead on hers gently.
"It's about Munson.", you said as you closed your eyes. "I think I overwhelmed him. Or scared him, perhaps."
She tilted her head softly and caressed your cheek. "Baby, he's just nervous. He's gonna be okay. Just give him some time, and he'll surely approach eventually."
You shook her head softly. "Chrissy, my dear, he goes pale the moment I look at him, doesn't speak in class, and when he does, he sounds like he's about to cry. But seemingly only when he's in classes with me, because others said he's fine when I'm not around."
Chrissy listened to your explanation before she nodded softly, her hands gently combing through your hair. "Let's talk to him then, okay? I'll pretend to buy drugs from him, bring you and then we'll talk this out."
You looked at her and smiled softly. "I love you so much, Chrissy."
She chuckled and kissed you softly, basically trying to kiss away all your worries like she always did.
On the same day, you received a call from Chrissy after school. Eddies place, 6 pm.
You sighed as you got yourself ready, pulling on a comfortable pair of demin jeans, a white shirt, a similar shaded jacket, and a pair of white shoes. You loved this outfit. Not because it made you look particularly good, but Chrissy liked it. And considering the way Eddie looked at you when you wore it to school, he also liked it.
You then made your way to Eddies place where Chrissy waited for you with a smile on her face, waving once she saw you.
You happily walked up to her and placed a kiss on her head as a greeting. You were horribly nervous, but you wouldn't show her that. There was no way. She'd just get worried and make you go home. You couldn't have that.
Moments later, Chrissy knocked on the trailer door and waited. Eddie took a hot minute to open the door since he'd been in the shower barely a minute ago and had to slip into his clothes in a Speedy Gonzales way.
He smiled at first but seemed to be sweating all over when he spotted you. "Y-ou're both here-", he said, his voice cracking lightly.
You smiled and crossed your arms. "I can wait out here if you'd prefer that."
He quickly shook his head and made space for the two of you to get in. "N-Not at all! No, it's okay. You can come in. Please, don't hesitate."
Chrissy got into the trailer, and you followed her quite excitedly. You'd never been in Eddies trailer before, so to you, this was like getting a little look inside of that young man's head.
Your eyes wandered slowly as you took in the trailers decoration. You hardly could see anything of it, though, considering that everything was dirty and there were either clothes or trash everywhere.
And Eddies room wasn't exactly any better. You weren't judging him in the slightest, but it did make you want to help him clean up. It'd be good for his clogged and confused mind, surely. At least that was what you had learned over the past few months that you'd lived alone and kept your place clean and perfectly comfortable.
And then you saw the mattress. Again, you weren't judging, but you had a feeling you'd shiver if you were to ask Eddie just what those stains were.
Eddie cleared his throat and pulled out the huge lunch box that he usually stored his drugs in. "So.... what were you thinking and how much?" He asked the two of you, and before Chrissy could say anything, you decided to speak up.
"Before we do that...", you started gently and smiled. "I think you should sit down for a moment cuz l've got some questions."
You could see the way Eddies jaw clenched at your words, but like you'd recommended, he sat down. It almost looked like he was a little dizzy.
You sat down as well and put your hands over your own knees after pulling them towards yourself ever so slightly. "Don't worry. I'm not gonna scold you or anything. You didn't do anything wrong after all."
You could see that saying that had hardly helped at all, and it made you feel slightly bad, but you had to speak about this. You liked Eddie and seeing him so tense and scared all the time made your heart ache in a way you only felt when Chrissy wasn't feeling well.
"So... in the past few days, you seemed a little unwell. What's that about?", you asked as carefully as you possibly could, though that seemed to kinda only worsen the whole situation.
Eddie opened his mouth to reply but it stayed agape for a few seconds before he, visibly, bit down on his tongue as his eyes teared up.
It was like you'd unlocked something. As if you'd taken the key to his heart and opened up all those feelings that were stored in him for years.
And when the first tear was shed, it was over. Eddie was sobbing, while gasping for air and clutching his chest.
Your whole body perked up since you knee damn well what was happening right now. You've had many panick attacks in your life before, and seeing this now made you feel horrible.
You quickly stood up and commanded Chrisdy to get to your car and get a special something before you sat by Eddie and carefully embraced him so he could move away if he wanted to. He didn't.
You weren't even sure if he noticed considering the way his hands were clutching onto his hair and his nails digging into his skull.
As you held him, your hand moved to gently caress his hands, trying to carefully remove them from his head so he wouldn't hurt himself, no matter if accidentally or on purpose. You wanted neither.
Eventually, Chrissy came back and put your keys onto the table before she crouched in front of Eddie slowly. You managed to get the males hands out of his hair, which was thanks to him being distracted by what Chrissy was holding in her hands.
A stuffed animal. A plush bunny in a dark grey shade with a small smile sown onto his face by whoever had made it. She held it up and wiggled its arms before speaking the way she would when you had a panick attack, and she tried to distract you.
He kept his eyes on the bunny as Chrissy spoke through it. "What's making you upset?" Her voice was a little more high-pitched than usual, and she giggled lightly. "Let me cheer you up!"
Eddie looked at it for a moment before he let out a shaky breath. "I'm... really scared." He mumbled softly, and Chrissy tilted the bunny's head softly. "Why?"
Eddie looked from the bunny to Chrissy and from her to you. "Being a bad person? I mean... I just... let (Y/n) kiss me. I let her kiss me." He said, paying extra attention when he said 'me'.
"But what's the problem with that? She liked it.", Chrissy explained as she lowered the bunny slowly.
Eddies eyes went double its size as he looked at you again. "You liked it?"
A chuckle escaped you as you put an arm around him and nodded. "Of course. Eddie, I kissed you. Not the other way around.", you reminded him and his cheeks immediately flushed red.
"But you- I mean- You're with Chrissy. A-And you're so popular. If... someone found out about this they'd... hate you."
You stopped him by gently taking his chin in your hands and turning your face towards him. "Eddie. I like you and Chrissy. I know it sounds weird and kinda like from a movie but it's true. And... Chrissy likes you and me too."
Eddie looked away from you slowly, the tears slowly drying down as your hand caressed his back. "I... I see."
You took his hand and squeezed it lightly. "You should lay down for a bit. I don't want you to pass out here."
He looked at Chrissy, and she gave a slight nod as if to say he could trust you, and he gave a soft nod to that as well. "Yeah... maybe I should."
You slowly took the bunny from Chrissy and carefully gave it to Eddie so he could hold it, which he did as he stood up to go lay down.
Chrissy and you exchanged a glance, and while Chrissy made sure Eddie would stay asleep, you started to clean up, only throwing stuff away if it was obviously trash.
It took you about an hour to finish outside of Eddies room, but cleaning up his room specifically without waking him turned out to be one hell of a challenge.
But you found a way. What that would be?
Chrissy laid down beside the sleeping male and hugged his head so one ear was covered by her chest, and the other was gently covered by her hand. And then you got to it.
Putting dirty clothes to a free spot, gathering all the trash and putting it into the bin, taking magazines, and putting them away safely into a shelf. You even put some drugs you found back into the lunchbox and then put it aside carefully.
All together, this took you about half an hour, adding about five minutes for all the kisses you gave Chrissy and Eddie in the meantime.
And yes, you involved Eddie in your gentle affection. He deserved and needed it.
Once you were done, you brought the trash bags away, before finally returning. When you did, Eddie was awake and clearly confused as to what in the world happened in his place.
You smiled and sat by him and Chrissy happily. "(Y/n) cleaned up a bit. She said it'll help you with your mental health."
"Not exactly." You replied and laughed. "I said it might help. I do hope it does since I want you to feel better."
Eddie nodded softly and rubbed his eyes for a moment. "Thanks a lot. I don't think I could've done that."
You chuckled and placed a small kiss on his cheek. "Just call me next time. I'll gladly help you out again."
"So..." Eddie started as he looked from you to Chrissy. "About earlier..."
You smiled and later his back lightly. "Don't pressure yourself. Make no decisions without being sure you're okay with it, got it? I mean, I'm sure it's gonna be weird to all of us if we were to become a couple, but I think it'dbe worth it. And if that means I need to give you time, I will."
Eddie nodded softly. "So... I have one more question.", he mumbled as he looked up at the ceiling. "Which one of you uses Cherry chapstick? It's been bothering me ever since the party."
Chrissy and you looked at each other before you grinned a little. "The one who's wearing it right now."
Eddie raised a brow as he looked at you. "And who is wearing it?"
You leaned closer to him slowly. "Try and find out, pretty boy."
Only a few seconds later, Eddies lips were on yours, but this time, your kiss held longer than it did at the party. Much longer.
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therosebunpost · 1 year ago
A list of Readers I want to pair Eddie with, but may never get around to doing so (Feel free to use any of these!)
Just a quick Disclaimer: These are just ideas that pop up in my head, if there are stories that feel similar to these ideas, please know that I am not trying to steal anything!
Eddie x aspiring children’s author! Reader (I’m thinking Beatrix Potter vibes, with cute lil forest creatures and magical worlds. Can you imagine Eddie making a one shot campaign to help them write their book? Cuz I can!)
Rockstar! Eddie x Opera Singer! Reader (Reader is appalled by Eddie’s lack of taking care of his voice, bullies him into taking better care of himself. Reader also impressed Eddie by their ability to hit some sick notes)
Eddie x Paranormal investigator! Reader (I know this one has been done before, but I do think it’s a fun idea)
Eddie x Abba loving! Reader (back on my old blog, I wrote a lil idea about them having a war between metal and Abba, cuz they lived in the same trailer park)
Eddie x Traveler! Rich! Reader (They live that van life, but break down in Hawkins. A mix of being down to earth, but also incredibly out of touch in some aspects. Eddie helps fix their van and Reader eventually offers for Eddie to join them)
Eddie x 911 Operator! Reader (What if Eddie had called 911 after Chrissy’s death? What if Reader knew, for a fact, that he had nothing to do with it?)
Eddie x Cunningham! Reader ( Reader is the half sister of Chrissy, and comes to Hawkins in a bid to get Chrissy’s dad to visit their sick mother one last time. )
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lightvixxen · 2 years ago
Mean!dom!bully!chrissy being controlling and possessive, making you dress like a slut (or even more of a slut) at school, spreading rumors that you’re a stripper, hooker, slut, lesbian, porn star, you fuck teachers for grades, anything she can come up with to ruin your reputation, then bragging about it while she rails you
And of course there’s nothing you can do to stop her. She has tons of blackmail porn to use against you. And no one would believe she’s the other girl in the porn. You can’t identify her, and as far as everyone knows, chrissy hates you
All you can do is sit there and take it<3 of course, she doesn't let OTHER people bully you, at least, physically, she tears them down if they do. But you are her little pet, she can do whatever she wants you and then some. And the fact she brags about allllll the shit people say about you to her behind your back!! No one's sure what you did to chrissy to get the nicest girl in school to practically hate your guts but in reality its all part of your dynamic<3 the mean bitchy cheerleader and her poor helpless victim<3
before everything, you hadn't even talked to her. But you drunkly kissed her at a party once and she was completely and totally hooked on you. You had even told her you got off on being humiliated and degraded, and she realized she got off on doing that to you the first time you ate her out, thus the pet and the mistress were born<3
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