#bulk schedualing these
atesomerocks · 1 year
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of course for green i couldn't not do my little forest guy link! went for ocarina of time link so i could draw both kid and adult link and sneak in navi between the green and light blue :O
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smashedcocobeans · 4 years
Ruby has always had a crush on Professor Goodwitch, and wanted the whole class to know. Blake has always had a crush on Professor Goodwitch too. The two decide to show their love for the Professor on the last day of Beacon by allowing Glynda to use their bodies with whatever toys she had... on the condition the class could watch.
Ruby and Blake has an ongoing relationship for multiple months, and they were making the most of their early relationship passion. They had fucked in every bed in their dorm (when their teammates weren’t in of course) had skipped class to make out in the halls, bought and used just about every toy they could imagine, and still came up with new ways to mix things up every day. Which is why Blane was so confused when she saw the distant and distracted face on her team leader after she came up from eating her out.
“Hey, if you’re not enjoying this we can do something else, you don’t have to do it just cause I think you taste so sweet...”
“Hmmm? Oh!! Blake no no no! It’s not you at ALL! I was actually having an amazing time! It’s just....never mind I don’t want to upset you...”
“Babe, we aren’t just fuck buddies. We are dating, and you can tell me anything, even if you think it’s something I don’t wanna hear.”
Ruby blushed and rubbed her cheek against Blake’s tender hand before meeting her eyes again.
“Ok, just promise not get too mad....I.....think Professor Goodwitch is INSANELY hot!!!”
Ruby braces herself for her girlfriends anger, but was instead hit uproarious laughter from the cat Faunus. She had to steady herself to keep from rolling right out of the bed. When the laughing fit passed she looked up at Ruby, beaming with joy.
“Babe, I think she’s super hot too! Whenever you’ve asked me to top you I’ve been trying to copy how I think she’s be like!”
The two young loves laughed together about their shared crush before continuing their night of passion. The next day they formed a plan to take a bit of action on their shared interest. They arrived at Proffessor Goodwitch’s office before their shared class of the day. Blake had a suspiciously full backpack strung over her shoulder, and Ruby was practically vibrating with anticipation. They invited themselves inside and made their offer.
Two hours later, Professor Good witch strode into her auditorium class and smacked her riding crop down on her desk to gain the classes attention. She smiled as they all fell silent and watched her, none of them noticing her lack of undergarments of her messier than usual bun.
“Class! There has been a slight alter to our syllabus today. I will be postponing today’s schedualed lesson indefdinetly for an extend series on a new subject!”
“I have been made aware that a great many of you have been engaging in copulation outside of my classroom!”
Nervous whispers filled the class as the tried to determine who had let it spill, and how bad their punishment was going to be.
“Yes you are all aware that Beacon Academy does not condone sexual activities upon it’s campus! We do not want you becoming dependent on sexual pleasure for all of your needs. But I understand that I am not able to stop each and every one of you from doing something you’re already doing!”
Glynda smugly but her bottom lip as she took a powerful stance in the center of the class.
“So I might as well teach you the proper way of doing it!”
The sultry professor waved her wand and all of the windows in the class blacked out, the lights dimmed to only illuminate the main sealed area in the center of the room, and the main door to the class room creaked open before being locked behind two veiled figures.
Ruby was led into the light in the center on a thin leash. She was blindfolded and had a black ball gag secured in her mouth. Her arms were bound behind her back with thick leather cuffs and her nipples were connected by a bedaveled chain attached to two clamps. Her legs jiggled and buckled as she walked due to the loudly vibrating dildo secured inside of her by a thin red and black thong.
Leading her was Blake, in a tight leather corset and bedazzled black collar with thigh high fishnet stockings. She was wearing a harness around her hips, but the strap on was not any where to be seen.
Ruby was lead into the middle of the room, and made to kneel in front of the shocked classroom.
“These two lovely ladies will be my assistants today in showing you how to best and safely engage in your debachurous activities!”
Glynda waved her wand again and her skirt and too evaporated into nothing. Her nipples were piercered with silver barbels and she had an intricate lace garter holding up her stockings. She spread her legs as she removed the eight inch golden strap from her soaking lips.
She approached Blake and pulled her into a heated kiss, moaning and teasing each other while Glynda affixed the toy to Blake’s harness. With the toy now in place, Blake undid Ruby’s arm bindings and led her up onto their Mistresses desk.
Ruby was on all fours, her profile to the bulk of the class. Glynda sauntered around to the back as Blake took her position near Ruby’s rear.
“Class, you more than likely heard that this is the most pleasurea me position for those who are on the receiving end of your encounters. This is true! Although some small tweaks will take your experience to the next level.~”
Glynda made note of the arch of Ruby’s back, how it bent upwards like a freight ended cat, before allowing Blake to begin. Blake was putting in some decent effort but there didn’t truly seem like much of a change in Ruby. Then Glynda had her demonstrator arch her back downwards, popping her ass into the air, and resuming their activity.
The difference was instant. Blake’s slamming hips were completely drowned out by the muffled and fevered moans of Ruby despite the gag. Glynda was touching herself as she had her assistants move on to their next position. Blake flipped Ruby onto her back and positioned her hhead to be just hanging off of the edge of the desk before teasing the toy against her pussy.
“Now class, another way to make your more intimate moments more enjoyable is to position your partners legs above their hips. If your partner is as flexible as miss rose here, try and get their knees alongside her own head. This will allow you to reach deeper than ever before and be able to ellicit some truly delectable sounds!~”
As Blake pushed in the full length of her toy, Ruby sailed into her gag. She was practically screaming as Blake hilted her. Glynda walked over to her faithful demonstrators and removed Ruby’s gag.
“OH FUCK!!!! GODS ABOVE BLAKE!!!!!!! Fuck you feel so good!!!! Just like that just like that!!!!!!! FUCK!! Make me cum for Mistress Glynda!!! Make me CU-“
Her moans were instantly muffled by Glynda covering Ruby’s mouth with her own soaking wet pussy and demanding she be licked. She ride her tongue and let herself get lost in the pleasure before addressing the class again.
“We will be continuing the rest of today’s lesson without commentary to allow ourselves to focus! If you have questions for any of us please save them for the end! Tomorrow’s lesson will be about Oral Sex so study hard~~~”
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