dragon-inc · 2 years
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kawashimakenji · 2 years
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【 金曜日の都心のビル 】【 Downtown buildings on Friday 】 
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the-persimmon-fox · 1 year
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stereo-91 · 1 year
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People have requested some gothic items so me and the lovely @annadedanann have started working on a new Gothic set. This new set will be available as soon as it is completed.
Stay tuned for more
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trans-green · 2 years
i know we've all already talked about how fucking great it is that leverage gave the femme fatale role to gina bellman when she was forty five but they're doing it again in redemption by yeah keeping gina as the femme fatale ten years later but also by keeping parker... parker. like how many roles like that are there for forty five year old women honestly? god. props. (AND THEN they got their first female cast member under thirty and dressed her up in so. many. layers. because shes gnc. godddddd 🙌🏽)
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hime-memes · 2 years
                        • Not-Your-Mother’s™ Character Building Questions •
                            - Hime’s character building questions with a twist ! -
                                    ** If this goes well - I may make a part 2 ! **
As always: Feel free to change anything within these that you see fit to make it work for your muse & the receiver’s muse !
Recommended For: Adult muses / plots / timelines. ** ( Could also work really well for those that employ video responses for their ask answers ! There are multiple parts to some questions and it has potential to open the way for more in-depth RPs and character development ! ) ** 
Trigger Warnings For: alcohol / drug references, NSFW-ish innuendo, swearing, death mentions, violence. 
1 | Does your character have a favorite swear word ? If so, what is it & why is it their favorite ? 2 | If your character could fight any muppet, which would it be ? ( Bonus: At what location ? ) 3 | Is someone else going to have to clear their browser history if they meet an untimely end ? What message would they give that person ? 4 | What cartoon / fictional character was their sexual awakening ? Looking back on it, how do they feel about that choice now ?  5 | What fills them with unbridled rage & how often do they encounter this thing ? 6 | If they could switch bodies with ( 1 ) animal for the day, what would it be and why ?  7 | What’s their favorite youtube viral video & how did they find it ? 8 | Which social media site do they use and what do they think is the worst part(s) of it ? 9 | Picture it: your character wakes up in a booth, at a crappy diner, across from a ( clearly ) dead body with ‘ What’s new pussy cat ? ‘ playing on a loop. What’s their first guess as to what happened and what is their next move ?  10 | What clickbait title would your character use to describe themselves ?  11 | What’s their favorite saying ... and why ? Does this have an impact on how they live their life or is it a silly thing they just like to say ? 12 | What targeted ad shirt would they un-ironically own ?  13 | If they could cause whatever chaos they wanted -- Where would they start and would they escalate their antics quickly ?  14 | Which anime would consume their lives as a teen and why ?  15 | What’s their favorite insult to use and when / where did they learn it ?  16 | What family tradition(s) have they modified, or simply grown to ignore ? Is there a reason they’ve done so ?  17 | If their personality was an alcoholic beverage ... what would it be and how do they think others will interpret this information ?  18 | What would their social media handle(s) be and what significance do they have for your character ?  19 | How many demonic chihuahua - toddler hybrids could your character reasonably fight before they were overwhelmed and overpowered ? Did they walk into this scenario with a plan in place, or are they winging it as they go ?  20 | What’s the worst bootleg movie they would become invested in by accident ?  21 | How do they insult the average reddit / tumblr user ? ( We all know they deserve it. )  22 | What does cilantro taste like to your muse ? Delicious herb -- or -- corner store bathroom hand soap ? Do they eat it anyway ?  23 | What’s the craziest thing your character has done for love ? Did it pan out ... or did it start their villain origin story ? 24 | What’s the hot button issue that they use to rile the people around them up so they can just watch the chaos and stupidity unfold ?  25 | What’s your character’s snide comeback to the family member that constantly asks them if they’re dating now, thinking about having kids, getting married, etc. ?  26 | What’s your character’s reaction to brand™ twitter ?  27 | What big chain store would they single handedly and with no remorse put out of business if possible & why ? Would their plan to do so be successful - or just make stocks in the company rise from the attention ?  28 | How does your character feel about adult Minecraft & Roblox youtubers ? Is their criticism valid ?  29 | What 3 AM infomercial can they recite verbatim ? Can they do it right now ?  30 | What modern slang word do they detest above all others ? Can they tell us why or when the first realized they hated it ? 31 | What fanfiction would your character write & for what fandom ? What’s the most interesting tag they’ve given / would give a fic ? 32 | What is your character’s favorite meme and in what contexts do they use it ? Has it ever caused a misunderstanding or fight ?  33 | Oh no ! Your character just sent a late drunk text ... who was it to, what was it about & what did they say ? ( Bonus: Tell us the response they got ! )  34 | What is your character’s favorite vine™ or tiktok™ ? Can you quote it for us ? ( If applicable ! )  35 | What’s your character’s least favorite color & who’s wardrobe would they change to nothing but that color just to add an extra reason to hate them ?  36 | Your character is told to make one dish / meal for someone they like -- What do they choose that will make their crush fall in love with them instantly ?  37 | Can your character describe what kind of phone they have, their favorite apps, the person they contact the most, and what their favorite phone case / accessory is ?  38 | If your muse could be isekaied into the another dimension/time, where would they choose to go & would they survive the trip ? Would they bring anyone with them ? How do they think their companion would react ? 39 | Tell us, is your character creative ? If so, in what way do they stand a cut above the rest ? Are they aware of this ?  40 | Give us the style run down for your character ! What sorts of items do they go for when creating their signature style ? Do other people try to replicate this / even if they did, would the look have the same impact ? What are their influences when dressing themselves ?  41 | Forget love interests; when your character saw their nemesis did they know immediately that they were the one, or did they have to antagonize one another first ? What kind of relationship do your character and their nemesis have ? Do they foresee it changing in the future ? If so, how ?  42 | What’s the most expensive gift your character has received & how do they feel about it ?  43 | What lyrics speak to your character’s soul and why ? Do they have any musical selections that would surprise the people that know them ? If so, what might they be ? 44 | What does it take for your character to stand up for someone else ? Are they a reluctant protector -- or bold badass ? Who’s behalf do they step in for most often ? Does teh other person seem okay with this or are they usually annoyed ? How does your character feel about that reaction ? 45 | Can your character name a movie and a book that has fundamentally changed them in one way or anther ? Can they elaborate on why ? When did they first encounter this media and why has it stuck with them for so long ? Do they often watch/read these ? 46 | After some snooping, someone’s found your character’s dating profile: what’s the most shocking thing they find out about your character ? How accurate is your character’s dating profile ? Can you tell us what their bio says ? Which dating site do they frequent ? Have they successfully met someone using it ?  47 | What smells / flavors do your character associate with themselves ? Would this be accurate if they asked other people ? Why do they feel those scents and flavors are representative of them ?  48 | Would your character rather fight a baboon once a month, or fight a chicken every time they needed to get in a vehicle to go somewhere ? 49 | What’s the most pained your character has ever been ? Was it physical, emotional, or mentally ? Is it something they’d be willing to discuss ? If so - how have they come to terms with it ? 50 | Your character has to write a haiku that describes their dominant emotion: tell us what it says and see if we can guess the emotion it’s describing !  
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aloyssobek · 8 months
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medieval library! i saw the castle pack and NEEDED to make an old library based on it
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bnbc · 1 year
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asteroid trash mercenary sociopath babygirl
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takunwilliams · 9 months
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St. Patrick's Cathedral is a Catholic cathedral in the Midtown Manhattan neighborhood of New York City. It is the seat of the  Archbishop of New York as well as a parish church. The cathedral occupies a city block bounded by Fifth Avenue, Madison Avenue, 50th Street, and 51st Street, directly across from Rockefeller Center. Designed by James Renwick Jr., it is the largest Gothic Revival Catholic cathedral in North America.
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madamemoonscosplay · 1 year
Today, I made fake rocks for a photoshoot.
Made from hot glue, polystyrene and foam clay...
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I also made this headdress for the same shoot too.
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estilo-sims · 2 years
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PLEASE like if you chose to download, Thank you
To download click this link :
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bleachposting · 2 years
just a few more bleach thoughts on second rewatch
inoue just running into battle, absolutely no hesitation, like our girl has grown so much
and ishida showing off as usual, never change my favourite megane
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cloudsjulett · 7 months
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the-persimmon-fox · 1 year
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Sims 4 Wooden Ceiling Set - 20 Swatches
Hey, everyone! 😊
The fancy wooden ceilings were something I have been really missing, since base game (and ceilings in general  😄)
So here is a big vintage collection, that you can combine however you like, to create beautiful complex ceilings for your Sims houses! 😉
Click here to download
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stereo-91 · 1 year
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I have uploaded a template of the Royal Naval College in my gallery to save people time and confusion while building.  
CC Download Link:
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oblongburrbank · 11 months
Just did up a quick worksheet, mostly for myself, figured I'd post it up.
The idea is to cross over a few things:
get the small local vibe from hex flower
get the exploration aspect from a proper hex crawl
get the efficient use of detail from a point crawl
heavily encourage the use of landmarks
Anyway might fill out a couple myself if I have time!
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