knowtify-blog · 10 years
Knowtify HackDay #1 - and we're live blogging it!
Today we are holding our first (of hopefully many) internal Knowtify HackDays. We decided that we are going to hold at least one internal HackDay per quarter. The "rules" of our HackDays (as of now) are very simple:
It's one day;
We have to build something that incorporates our own API; and
Whatever we build can't be something for our product (in other words, we don't want our HackDays to become normal development days with a fancy name. 
So, that's it. Pretty straight forward. 
We had a random idea last week that we talked about while walking back to the office from lunch. We don't know exactly what it will become today, but the basic idea is to build a daily digest email for early-stage investors that 'mashes up' data from various sources to give them immediate insights into some of the products that are making waves. We're going to start with data from Product Hunt and AngelList and see where that takes us. We have some ideas to start, but as is the risk and opportunity with HackDays...we don't know what we'll uncover as we build.
At some point, Dane thought it would be fun to live blog our HackDay. Not sure exactly why, but we thought it was a fun idea. Even if no one cares to tune in, I think having an archive of the process during the HackDay will be valuable for us in the future. 
So, last night he put together a quick live blog site (built off Reddit) where we'll be posting our progress. You can find it at: http://www.knowtify.io/live
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We would love to see you there and get your input. Feel free to comment on the live blog site, ping us on Twitter, or email us at [email protected]
With that said...let the hacking begin!
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