#builders kingston
tamarackhomesca · 2 months
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fortebuilder · 11 months
Transform Your Braddon Dream Home into Reality with Builder Braddon ACT
Are you ready to transform your Braddon dream home into a reality? Builder Braddon ACT is your trusted partner for custom homes and renovations. We'll work closely with you to understand your vision and create a home that perfectly suits your lifestyle and needs.
Our team of experienced professionals will handle every step of the process, from design and planning to construction and finishing touches. We're committed to providing exceptional customer service and ensuring your satisfaction throughout the entire project.
Here are some of the reasons why you should choose Builder Braddon ACT:
We're passionate about building beautiful, functional, and energy-efficient homes.
We have a proven track record of success, with a portfolio of stunning homes in the Braddon area.
We're committed to using high-quality materials and employing skilled tradespeople.
We offer a wide range of services, from custom home builds to renovations and extensions.
We're committed to providing exceptional customer service and ensuring your satisfaction.
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cramerdesign · 2 years
Our expertise encompasses townhouses, dual occupancy designs, duplex designs, bespoke homes, subdivisions, multi-residential developments, renovations-extensions and commercial buildings. We renovate designs according to the instructions and wishes of our clients while offering them the upper hand when it comes to customizing their own house.
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omg-hellgirl · 2 months
My grandfather was a boat-builder who had learnt his trade in Gravesend and Kingston-upon-Thames, while nan was a Kent girl; one of 12 children. She saw granddad as a ''good catch''. She was already ''with child'' when they married.
Chris Jagger, Tales of our Australian mother.
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scotianostra · 5 months
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17th April 1892 saw the death in Toronto of Scottish-born Canadian political leader Alexander Mackenzie.
Alexander Mackenzie was born near Dunkeld. His parents were poor, and young Mackenzie left school to apprentice himself to a stone mason. At the age of 20 Mackenzie emigrated to Canada, where he soon found work in his trade at Kingston, Upper Canada. Prospering, Mackenzie moved to Sarnia, further west, as builder and contractor. He was also a concerned citizen, and in 1852 he became the editor of the Lambton Shield, a tiny newspaper that nonetheless served to give him access to the world of politics. In 1861 he ran successfully for the Assembly as a Reformer, and in 1867 he was elected to the first Parliament of Canada, where he became the leader of the opposition to the government of Glasgow born John Alexander Macdonald. For a time in 1871/1872 he was treasurer of Ontario, but in 1872 he determined to devote his time to federal politics.
The Macdonald government was pressing ahead with plans for a transcontinental railroad but had unfortunately become too close in its relations with financiers and contractors. The resulting "Pacific scandal" drove the government from office in disgrace, and Mackenzie became prime minister in November 1873.
The Mackenzie administration had some able men in it, but the Liberals had bad luck in taking power at the onset of a long business depression. Mackenzie's only remedy was to trim expenses to the bone and to halt the construction of the railway. The depression continued unabated.
There were some real successes, however. As a convinced democrat, Mackenzie extended the right to vote and introduced the secret ballot. A Supreme Court was established, the Royal Military College of Canada was founded, and the nation was pushed toward independence after Mackenzie and his attorney general, Edward Blake, trimmed the powers of the governor general to interfere in affairs of state.
For all these accomplishments, however, the nation was unhappy, and when the Conservatives began to advocate a protective tariff to encourage the development of Canadian industry, they found ready audiences. Mackenzie, as a free-trade Liberal, regarded the tariff as an abomination, but not enough of the electorate agreed with him and the Liberals were defeated in 1878.
For 2 years more, Mackenzie, who is often described as a dour Scot led the Liberals. He remained in Parliament until his death on this day 1892.
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organizing my thoughts
7 days of making
aviation, mechanics, building, designing, exploring, and adventure. If I were to encompass what I want this project to share, it would be in these simple terms. I begin this journey by reading some published works on varying yet interesting topics.
Firstly, I googled the most pondering questions in my brain. Things that seem to bother me constantly or that I am endlessly curious about. Somehow it always comes back to the ideology that I, along with so many others, are trying to find "their" purpose. Something that drives them, a passion, a reason, and a love.
Here is what I have found thus far...
The ideas of conceiving, designing, implementing, and operating was one of the first articles I dove in. I was searching for something to define how one can know if they want to be an aeronautical engineer? an engineer? a pilot? or even a builder of sorts?
After reading about this article, I better understood what skills, along with level, engineering students are being asked in the real world. Furthermore, by reading analytical studies of aeronautical history, I was better able to understanding the perspectives that engineers throughout history have held.
"What Engineers Know and How They Know It" is a book by Walter G. Vincenti that explores engineering practices in the context of US aeronautics from 1908 to 1953. It delves into two main conclusions from this period: Firstly, engineering generates its own knowledge, extending beyond applied science. Secondly, it investigates "how engineers know" through case studies, shedding light on the nature of engineering as a distinct discipline from scientific methods. Vincenti, a notable figure in aeronautical engineering and the history of technology, presents a unique perspective. He also discusses the influence of human behavior on engineering requirements and the role of engineering science. The book highlights the iterative nature of engineering discovery and categorizes engineering knowledge into six key areas. Vincenti's work contributes to understanding the epistemology of engineering and offers valuable insights into the history and practice of this field.
I also searched into aviation/aeroanutical engineering studies abroad.
Another article, "Apprenticeship as a model of vocational 'formation' and 'reformation': the use of Foundation Degrees in the aircraft engineering industry'" by David Guille discusses the concept of apprenticeship as a model for vocational learning, emphasizing that apprenticeship isn't limited to a specific age or phase of one's career. It explores this idea through a case study involving the development of a Foundation Degree (FD) program in aircraft engineering. This program aimed to support both "new entrants" and "career switchers" in their vocational development. The article uses the concept of recontextualization to demonstrate how the company (KLM) and the college (Kingston) designed the curriculum to achieve these goals and how learners benefited from these curricula to enhance their vocational skills. In conclusion, the article provides insights into the implications of this analysis for conceptual understanding and policy related to vocational education and training.
Reflecting on this text, it highlights the adaptability of the apprenticeship model in vocational education. Traditionally, apprenticeships were associated with young people starting their careers, but this article shows how apprenticeship can be applied to individuals at various stages of their professional lives. The case study involving the FD program in aircraft engineering illustrates how institutions can design educational pathways to cater to the evolving needs of learners, whether they are newcomers or those looking to switch careers. It underscores the importance of flexible learning approaches in vocational education, which can accommodate a diverse range of learners and their goals.
Thirdly, the Digital Twin for Integration of Design Manufacturing Maintenance: An Overview, provides an overview of the concept of a "Digital Twin" and its application in the integration of design, manufacturing, and maintenance in the context of mechanical equipment and systems. The traditional approach to these three aspects of engineering has been separate, leading to inefficiencies and increased costs. However, in today's rapidly digitized world, there is a need for a unified platform that can streamline these processes. The Digital Twin concept is introduced as a potential solution, offering real-time feedback and combining virtual and physical worlds to make informed decisions in design, manufacturing, and maintenance.
The article emphasizes that the integration of these processes is crucial for reducing development cycles and costs in the engineering industry. It also highlights the challenges in achieving this integration, including determining design solutions, constructing digital scenes, and fusing the physical and virtual worlds effectively.
One key point is that the Digital Twin concept involves the creation of virtual models that simulate the behavior of physical objects. This simulation allows for predictive analysis, evaluation, and optimization, ultimately improving the efficiency and effectiveness of product development and maintenance.
Overall, this article sheds light on the potential of Digital Twins in revolutionizing the way engineering components and equipment are designed, manufactured, and maintained. It highlights the need for compatibility between digital and physical models and underscores the importance of cyber-physical systems in this context. Digital Twins offer a promising pathway to more efficient, cost-effective, and intelligent engineering processes.
Florman, Samuel C. Technology and Culture, vol. 33, no. 1, 1992, pp. 140–42. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/3105813. Accessed 18 Sept. 2023.
David Guile (2011) Apprenticeship as a model of vocational ‘formation’ and ‘reformation’: the use of Foundation Degrees in the aircraft engineering industry, Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 63:3, 451-464, DOI: 10.1080/13636820.2011.600835
Fu, Y., Zhu, G., Zhu, M. et al. Digital Twin for Integration of Design-Manufacturing-Maintenance: An Overview. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. 35, 80 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s10033-022-00760-x
Built another world made up of multiple layers and spaces. This is out of my comfort zone as I have limited animation skills and have been exploring all the realistic creations you can make using softwares like Cinema 4d. 
Working on my rendering skills and ability to create realistic pieces digitally. 
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Super out of my comfort zone. Never even digitally designed a three dimensional piece, let alone something relating to what I am interested to design in the future. The folds and the complexity of the once flat plane was difficult to bend and split while still maintaining a single body form. 
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Creating scenes using different materials, lights, and reflectance. Using different tools that I have never touched before was a major priority and a major risk that had an awesome reward. 
Created a scene using a completely different 3D software tool. I was not sure where to even start but took the risk of tinkering with the software and learning as I go to create depth and dimensionality to a space.
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Never used procreate before, a completely different tool, platform but was able to create designs for my automotive club. They were lacking in the design department and even though I have never used design softwares, I took on the challenge and came up with three logos and several different text layouts. 
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2. Used CAD softwares to create more technical structures. These more mechanical pieces are something I definitely would like to incorporate in my work as it is a basis for engineering design.
Created an infinite outdoor space with tons of objects. Normally, I like creating a clean, simple, serene environment that brings peace but for once, I thought I needed to bring some chaos into the picture while still being up in the clouds. Tons of motion and animation were added to each and every one of the assets.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Is Your Diet A Thief?” Kingston Whig-Standard. February 15, 1933. Page 10, --- Is Deficiency The Robber Stealing Your Strength Vigor and Resistance? --- A diet deficient in certain elements that the human body needs is a thief no less than a hold-up man is a thief For example a diet deficient in Vitamin A robs the body of vigor lowers resistance and makes you more susceptible to catching cold and to other germ diseases.
Chronic fatigue, lack of appetite, unsatisfactory bowel movements, are often symptoms of a deficiency in Vitamin B1.
Underweight in children is frequently caused by a deficiency in B1.
Nutritional anaemia, so common today, is due to a deficiency in iron. 
These are only a few examples of the results of deficiencies in diet. But more important to you is the fact that a new product called VIP has been developed after long patient and expensive research to bring to you an increased supply of vital elements in which the ordinary diet is frequently deficient. 
Science Turns To "Life Cells” To Overcome Dietary Robberies To secure the needed elements scientists went to one of the richest known source of Vitamins, Proteins, and Minerals— the life cells of wheat. A life cell, while only a tiny one-hundredth part of a grain of wheat, is its most vital part. It is the embryo from which life springs and which causes the wheat plant to grow. This life cell however has one defect that has restricted its use. When separated from the grain of wheat, it deteriorates, becoming rancid and disagreeable to the taste. This is the reason why it is discarded when milling white flour.
In order to use these life cells of wheat,  a special process has been devised that overcomes this defect without destroying or impairing the nutritional value or vitamin content. The manufacturers of VIP are the sole owners of this special patented process. 
With these specially processed life cells of wheat are combined cocoa and malt, and an easily-assimilable form of iron, to produce a delightful nut-like food drink packed with vital nutritive elements. 
VIP Increases Your Vitamin Supplies Because of these life cells of wheat, VIP brings to you an increased supply of Vitamin A so necessary to maintain the health of eyes, air passages, lungs, the bladder, and the skin and to maintain bodily vigor and resistance to disease. VIP also brings you a much increased supply of Vitamin B1 which has been proved to have a stimulating effect upon the appetite to invigorate the intestinal tract and to aid digestion. 
A third valuable Vitamin in the life cells is Vitamin B which has a beneficial effect on the nerves and digestive organs, while a fourth Vitamin, the life-producing reproductive Vitamin E, without which human life would cease, is richly concentrated in the life cells of wheat.
Children Gain Weight Research has conclusively proven that Vitamin B1 so richly stored in the wheat life cells, is vitally necessary for children. An adequate supply increase! their rate of growth and weight. 
Supplies Energy Builders and your Daily Needs of Iron In addition to Vitamins VIP brings to you an increased supply of energy-pro-during proteins and minerals stored in the life cells. These have bean amplified with an additional supply of iron for the purpose of enriching the blood and preventing nutritional  anaemia. Two teaspoonfuls and preventing nutrition teaspoonfuls of VIP supply 12 milligrams of iron needed by the blood daily.
Add VIP to Your Dally Diet If you are rundown, nervous, lack of strength and vigor if you have intestinal and digestive disorders as a result of deficiencies in your diet, you cannot start too soon to add VIP to your diet. Even if you are in good health today a deficiency of Vitamins and Iron if continued is bound to store up future trouble for you "Deficiency the Robber” is no less a menace than a "hold up” man.
Delicious Hot or Cold— A Distinctive-Nut-Like Flavor You'll like your first cup of VIP and your children will drink it eagerly VIP is easy to make Just stir two rounded teaspoonfuls into a glass of hot or cold milk until adding sugar if desired.
While it is a delirious drink HOT or COLD at any time the greatest benefit to you will come from die steady daily use to offset the work of "Deficiency the Robber.”
 Obtainable from Druggists VIP (Vitamins + Iron + Proteins) is obtainable from druggists and department stores in two sizes... 
Scientific Feed Products Limited Toronto McGILLIVRAY BROTHERS LIMITED Distributors FLEET STREET TORONTO 
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strictlyfavorites · 2 years
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BOBBY HAAS LEFT a giant hole in the custom scene when he passed away unexpectedly last year. As the owner and curator of the Haas Moto Museum, he was a bonafide patron of the art of motorcycle customization. And in that role, he formed deep personal relationships with the custom builders that helped to fill his museum’s halls.
With three of his builds already in the Haas Museum, Dirk Oehlerking of Kingston Custom had become a close friend of Bobby’s. So this impossibly elegant BMW R100 is particularly dear to him. Not only is it the longest custom boxer we’ve ever seen, but it was the last Kingston build that Bobby commissioned.
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elliothardie · 5 days
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Home Builders Kingston
Renowned across Canberra and beyond, Elliott Hardie Homes stands as a beacon of quality in the industry. From the initial design stages to the final delivery, our meticulous attention to detail sets us apart. The premium finishes that adorn our architecturally designed homes testify to our unwavering dedication to quality. Beyond aesthetics, our homes are functional spaces that cater to the nuances of modern living, enhancing your daily life in every way imaginable.https://elliotthardie.com.au/home-builders-kingston/
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awesomeactive · 18 days
Elevate Your Online Presence: Web Design Morden
Get expert web design service in Morden with Activ Digital Marketing Kingston. Here we offer top-tier, results-orientated services that create unique and innovative websites. We proudly serve the areas of Kingston, Wimbledon, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surbiton, New Malden, Worcester Park, Morden, and Raynes in the UK.
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tamarackhomesca · 2 months
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Man of Steel Roofing of Franklin TN
Website : https://franklinroofer.manofsteelresources.com/
Address : 700 Oak Meadow Dr Franklin TN 37064
Phone : +1 (615) 567-7648
We work all types of projects including residential commercial or industrial and our types of service include new roofs roof replacement roof repair gutter installation skylight installation tile roofs service and much more. We have experience providing to contractors professional home builders and do-it-yourself home owners or anyone who needs top quality reliable roofers!
Area Served:
Spring Hill Arrington Rockvale Primm Springs College Grove Santa Fe Nashville Hermitage Kingston Springs Pegram Columbia Eagleville La Vergne Smyrna Brentwood Fairview Franklin Nolensville Thompson's Station Murfreesboro
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christinekingston · 3 months
Christine at a glance
"Mirrored souls with twice the love"
NAME: Christine Miriam Kingston
AGE: 43 [Born March 2nd]
ARRIVED: Mid June 2024
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis Female, She/Her
QUIRKS: An odd mix of girly girl and tom boy, Christine is big into fashion, makeup, etc., but also loves getting her hands dirty. Though her focus is on structural engineering, she has a fascination for figuring out how the world works at large. The more analytic twin, she can come off a bit cold and has a dry sense of humor. Allergic to most melons and kiwi, but eats them anyway - so what if it makes her mouth and throat tingly? Will speak German to Carrie when they want to say something with more privacy. An absolute cynic when it comes to romance. Is the younger twin and refuses to acknowledge it.
Life had always come easy to Christine. She was born with her best friend, her platonic soul mate, which meant she was never alone. On top of that, the girls never wanted for anything. While their older sister Hope had to carry all the weight of their parent's expectations, Christine and Carrie had the freedom to do whatever they wanted. The girls looked for fun and antics in whatever way they could, including switching places with one another on the reg. It was easy, no one could tell them apart. Not their friends, the people they dated, not even their parents. The only person that knew exactly which twin was which, much to both the joy and frustration of the girls, was Hope. There was always tension between the eldest and the twins, but also an undercurrent of love; an unspoken bond that sisters share.
Christine and Carrie were never meant to be in a small town, and even with their pranks they were desperately bored of Huntsville. Immediately after high school they asked Mommy and Daddy to help them get student visas, and off to Europe they went. At first Christine wasn't sure what exactly she wanted to study. Sure, she always loved math and science, but the options were limitless. It was only when Carrie proudly announced she was going to be an architect that the pieces fell into place for Christine. Afterall, who else would be the perfect counterpart to her twin? The dreamer and the builder.
They studied diligently in Vienna and spent their off time living it up throughout the continent, experiencing everything they could get their hands on. As they grew older their careers flourished, the girls turned into accomplished women.
Though she would never give up her living mirror for anything, both twins could admit that it was also lonely, hurtful, that only one other person could see them for their individual selves. This especially reared its ugly head when the twins were in their mid 30s. Christine thought she was happily married, going on four years of contentment with her wife. They had even started talking about raising a family. And yet, the asswhipe didn't feel like it was enough. She had to know what it was like to have the other twin. In her folly, she thought she was hitting on Carrie, trying to seduce her at a party she was hosting. But it was actually Christine. Needless to say, the divorce was ugly, and Christine leaned heavily on her other half following the emotional devastation it wrought. Since then Christine has focused almost exclusively on her work, flaunting herself as an independent woman that needs no one but her twin.
As the two got offered a commission back in America, they realized they hadn't heard from Hope in a while. Even with the strained relationship they always held, the three made an effort to keep each other updated as best they could. Concerned, Christine and Carrie decided to visit the town they swore they'd never come back to.
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govindhtech · 6 months
Kingston’s M.2 i-Temp SATA SSDs with 3D NAND flash memory
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The world leader in memory products and technology solutions, Kingston Technology Company, which also operates as a flash memory affiliate, announced that it has created a line of Industrial Temp solid-state drives(i-Temp SATA SSDs) especially for system builders and design engineers who need a wider operating temperature range for harsh environments. These SSDs are made for a variety of applications, including point-of-sale, robotics, digital signage, self-serve kiosks, and military and agricultural uses.
These industrial SSDs will be offered in 128GB to 1TB sizes with support for SATA connections and an industrial working temperature range of -40°C to 85°C to accommodate both climate-controlled and non-climate-controlled situations. The powerful SATA 3, 6Gbps controllers that Kingston i-Temp SATA SSDs provide include 2.5-inch and M.2 2280 form factors. These controllers automatically handle wear-leveling, trash collection, and other crucial NAND Flash management functions. In addition, they have next-generation 3D NAND Flash Memory at high speeds, which can be easily installed to replace HDDs and provide up to 20 times better performance and durability.
To ensure correct operation, every industrial grade controller and NAND component is meticulously inspected and tested. designed with specialised firmware to help safeguard data by providing heat control via throttle and, if required, shutdown. Lifecycle management, which includes a managed bill of materials and a locked firmware code that guarantees the SSD that qualifies at the start of their project is the same SSD they will buy throughout, gives system builders and their end consumers peace of mind. In addition, engineering and failure analysis resources are available, as well as help for end-of-life notice and product changes.
“Working with Kingston gives you access to our committed team of experts for industry-leading technical support as well as high-quality products,” said Tony Hollingsbee, SSD Business Manager, Kingston EMEA. “We think at Kingston that we’re more than just a component. We continue to be a partner after the sale in order to create a long-lasting business partnership based on trust and ensure mutual success in the long run.
Kingston’s i-Temp SATA SSDs features
A few of the main characteristics of Kingston i-Temp SATA SSDs are as follows:
Extended temperature range of operation (-40°C to 85°C)
Accessible in M.2 2280 and 2.5-inch form factors
128GB to 1TB of capacity using a SATA III interface
Advanced controller for NAND flash management activities, such as trash collection and wear-leveling
Next-generation 3D NAND flash memory with high speed
Performance up to 20 times quicker than HDDs
HDD drop-in replacements
NAND components and a controller of industrial quality
Specialised firmware designed to control heat
Regulated bill of materials (BOM) and firmware code locking
Support for product change notification (PCN)
Resources for engineering and failure analysis
Endurance: Due to its industrial purpose, Kingston has not officially stated this, however it is often greater than that of normal consumer SSDs.
Performance: Although Kingston has not released read/write speeds, they are probably comparable to or higher than the SATA III interface’s limits (around 500 MB/s for reading and 350 MB/s for writing).
20 times quicker than HDDs (depending on which HDD in particular is being evaluated).
Garbage collection and wear-leveling for longer lifetime
Thermal reduction and cessation for safeguarding data
Locked firmware and a controlled bill of materials (BOM) are used in lifecycle management.
Notification of Product Changes (PCN) assistance with forward planning
NAND components and an industrial-grade controller (perhaps for increased enduran
It should be noted that while Kingston does not provide read/write speeds for i-Temp SSDs, real-world benchmarks should be accessible shortly after the drives are released into the public.
Kingston’s i-Temp SATA SSDs specs
FeatureSpecificationForm Factor2.5-inch, M.2 2280Capacity128GB, 256GB, 512GB, 1TBInterfaceSATA III (6 Gbps)ControllerAdvanced controller with wear-leveling, garbage collection, and other NAND flash management featuresNAND FlashHigh-speed next-generation 3D TLC NANDEnduranceNot specified by Kingston (may vary depending on capacity)Operating Temperature-40°C to 85°C
What are the advantages of i-Temp SATA SSDs over standard SSDs?
They are appropriate for severe situations such as digital signs, self-serve kiosks, and industrial automation systems because to their greater temperature tolerance.
Are i-Temp SATA SSDs faster than regular SATA SSDs?
Maybe. Kingston claims that its performance may outperform HDDs by up to 20 times, although actual speeds may differ according on the workload and model.
Do i-Temp SATA SSDs have any data security features?
Kingston refers to regulated Bill of Materials (BOM) and maybe locked firmware, implying some degree of control over hardware and software, however specifics are not accessible.
Are i-Temp SATA SSDs compatible with all computers?
Your system should work as long as it supports the selected form factor (2.5-inch or M.2) and has an available SATA III connector.
Can I use i-Temp SATA SSDs for gaming or everyday use?
Indeed, they have a wide range of uses. Nevertheless, depending on your requirements, alternative high-performance SSDs can be a better fit for activities requiring continuous read/write operations.
Do i-Temp SSDs require any special software?
Usually not. After installation, your operating system ought to detect them and they should work just like any other SATA SSD.
Concerning Kingston Digital Europe Co., Ltd.
The Kingston Technology Company, Inc. and Kingston Digital Europe Co LLP are members of the same business group, or “Kingston.” The biggest independent memory product maker in the world is Kingston. Kingston assists in delivering solutions utilised for living, working, and playing, from big data to laptops and PCs, to IoT-based gadgets like smart and wearable technologies, to design-in and contract manufacturing. The biggest PC manufacturers and cloud hosting providers in the world rely on Kingston to meet their manufacturing demands, and rheir enthusiasm powers everyday technology used by people all across the globe. They work hard to suit their clients’ requirements, go beyond only their products, and provide solutions that have an impact.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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rickygoldman34 · 7 months
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AEW Tag Team Championship.
👍Good Points:
This was most definitely a great send of for Sting,i was expecting a quick 5 minute match.
This was great storytelling.
👎Bad Points:
Most definitely the glass spot Darby Allin took,he put the fans in danger.
To many kicking out of finishers.
I give it a rating of gold.
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AEW Revolution 2024 notes
1.     Bang Ban Scissor Gang vs Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Willie Mack, Satnam Singh and Private Party, match you would have seen on Rampage but The Acclaimed and Bullet Club Gold gel well.
2.     Kris Statlander/Willow Nightingale with Malcolm Bevins vs Julia Hart and Sky Blue, fun tag match which could continue to plant seeds in either Statlander or Nightingale betraying one another to side with Bevins.
3.     TNT Championship match Christian Cage vs Daniel Garcia, good opening with an impressive performance by Garcia but would have been better if both Christian and Garcia didn’t get injured during it.
4.     Triple Crown Championship match Eddie Kingston vs Bryan Danielson, one of my favourite matches of the night showed that Kingston had proven his worth to his peers in Danielson, Claudio and Mox and isn’t a bum.
5.     No.1 Contender Scramble, seeing Wardlow, Archer, Hobbs and Cage try to shove each other while the crowd chants meat was fun, it didn’t work with the non-body builder wrestlers, Dante Martin botched a few dives didn’t help either, but the right man won.
6.     AEW International Championship Match Orange Cassidy vs Roderick Strong, Cassidy held his own in a good match but Strong was too much, looking forward to what happens with the returning Kyle O’Reilly.
7.     Blackpool Combat Club (Mox and Claudio) vs FTR (Cash and Dax), AEW continues to deliver great tag team wrestling with this banger match, was going with FTR but it looking like Mox and Claudio will be the next AEW Tag Team Champions.
8.     AEW Womens Championship Match Toni Storm vs Deona Parazo. Great technical match, but was hoping for a Jamie Hayter return, hope Storm gets a long reign.
9.     Will Osprey vs Konosuke Takeshita, only way to describe it is an early contender for match of the year plus match of the whole PLE
10. Triple Threat AEW World Championship Match Samoa Joe vs Hangman Adam Page vs Swerve Strickland, was the right call for Joe to retain as it was too soon to put it on Swerve, Hangman was the right call to take a pin, all three men blended together and hoping to see more Swerve vs Hangman.
11. World Tag Team Championship Match Darby Alin and Sting vs Young Bucks, Sting went out with a bang in a fun last match, the opening will make you sad knowing it’s his last match, Darby Alin had some fun scary spots and the addition of Flair and Steamboat did more to get heat on the Bucks with their attacks, Sting winning gives the fans leaving with a smile on their face and to be thankful for the great memories he left.
Overall:  Early ppv of the year contender with more good than bad and satisfying ending to a legends career, rating Gold.
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[ad_1] Validus Improvement cleared a serious hurdle to proceed with a residential highrise in Dallas’ Turtle Creek neighborhood. Luis Gonzalez’s agency obtained approval from the Dallas Plan Fee to rezone the 0.75-acre website on the nook of Hood and Brown streets, bringing the developer’s plan for a 104-unit residence constructing nearer to fruition, the Dallas Enterprise Journal reported.  The rezoning to permit elevated flooring space comes after addressing neighborhood considerations. The plan consists of burying parking, making a landscaped parkway and making certain handy entry for supply automobiles, all whereas emphasizing sustainability. Commissioner Melissa Kingston counseled the challenge’s deal with bigger models appropriate for households, a rarity within the space dominated by one-bedroom and effectivity residences. Whereas the Oak Garden Committee and a few close by residents expressed assist for the challenge’s design and advantages, opposition from owners in a close-by rental complicated involved the challenge’s measurement and its potential influence on visitors. Validius’ representatives defended the challenge, citing a visitors examine indicating minimal influence. The developer additionally has an opportunity to earmark 5 % of models as reasonably priced housing, reserved for households incomes 81 % % of the world median revenue —  a requirement facilitated by means of a metropolis incentive program.  Nonetheless, there’s a risk that Validius might choose to pay a price to town as an alternative of offering reasonably priced models, drawing criticism from Commissioner Tabitha Wheeler-Reagan “On this explicit space, there's a want for reasonably priced housing,” Wheeler-Reagan informed the outlet. “For us within the southern sector, we don’t consider that’s an awesome selection. … We want to reside on that facet of city too.” Learn extra Turtle Creek has emerged as considered one of Dallas’ hottest neighborhoods, attracting a slew of multifamily builders. Final summer time, Fifield Firms purchased 1.6 acres at 3515 Brown Avenue for $20 million, with plans to construct a 24-story residence high-rise.  Houston-based Hanover Firm is creating a pair of luxurious residence buildings within the neighborhood. The primary one, Hanover Turtle Creek Tower, is slated to open in 2025. —Quinn Donoghue  [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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