#bughead space
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From Archie #646 (2013).
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userlaylivia · 2 years
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winerytales · 1 year
My three Riverdale fanfics: (on AO3. Freewriting style.)
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I.) Continuation post series finale; consider this S8
II.) AU - post S5x03 - Four core goes to college in New York (4 chapters available, and will resume shortly)
III.) Post S7x20 - before major character deaths - Varchie in California — — coming soon!!
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good-night-dodger · 2 years
Bughead Fandom Love Day
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We are incredibly lucky to have so many talented creators in our fandom. I want to thank you all for your gifs, your fics, your fanart, your memes, your comments, your presence. The last few years haven't been easy in canon (to say the least), but we can always rely on you to make it better.
To kick start Bughead Appreciation Week, here are 20+ Bughead fics, new and old, that I revisit often.
Detention by @lovedinapastlife
(wise men say) only fools rush in by @anniemurphys and @syl-s
I would woo you in a quiet place (if i could speak the words) by @honestlyhappymoon
How Things Could Be by GoingQuietly
Playlist Amour by @1sleepydormouse
For All the Words I Can't Speak Aloud (I'll write down in verse) by @itsindiansummer13
Tacos and Tequila by @jugandbettsdetectiveagency
Harvest to Home by @writeradamanteve
Jellybean's babysitter by @cooperandjonesinc
(my youth ain't) tangled up in bad decisions by @anniemurphys
The blonde in the window by @sadie-quinn
A New Creature by @thepointoftheneedle
The Space Between by @bugheadsextape
Southside High by @noorakardemmomesaetre
otherworldly (is how i describe you) by @riverdalenerdlol
Milkshakes & Chastity Belts by darlingdearestdead
if i told you who i am (can i call you baby?) by @thetaoofbetty
Of Midnight and Moonlight by @likemereckless
Summer Shivers by @lucivar
do you like or like like me? by @stonerbughead
In vain I have struggled by @purple-spring
Betty Cooper and the Elixir of Life by @easyluckyfree45
a revelation in the light of day by @iconic-ponytail
a great language by @heartunsettledsoul
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stonerbughead · 1 year
down at the drive-in ch 2 sneak peek
I originally had dreams of finishing and posting this investigative bughead story on riverdale series finale day but life got away from me. so, in honor of the end of the ridiculous show that brought us bughead and the beautiful fandom space we’ve all created together, here’s a sneak peek. I love you all and personally, I plan to keep writing rvd fanfic so this isn’t goodbye to our bughead family—it’s just farewell to canon, whatever the hell that even means anymore.
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It’s strange to admit, but the creepy, bigoted mystery she’s been investigating with Jughead has turned Betty’s attitude around. Each day she wakes up with a spring in her step. The hunger she feels to solve this mystery is new and exciting, like nothing she’s ever done before. (And yes, she’s counting the time she streaked with Cheryl and Veronica.)
Every day that week, Betty and Jughead spend their once-quiet lunch hours in the Blue and Gold office examining evidence and talking out theories. They keep the door shut in an unspoken ritual, something sinister about the case lending itself to confidentiality.
On Tuesday, they spend the lunch hour poring over the Riverdale section of 4chan, even following a couple offshoots and more obscure right-wing forums in the area, but come up with no leads. Betty leans over Jughead to see his laptop screen, and there’s a moment when their eyes lock and she knows neither of them are thinking about the case. But the moment passes unacknowledged, and when the bell rings, they go their separate ways.
On Wednesday, they come up with the idea to put up a flier for a Young Republicans club, hoping to bait the bigot into bragging about their crimes. They even consider going shopping for more conservative looking clothing, but then….
…On Thursday, the members of Toni Topaz’s militant feminist club spend their lunchtime meeting phone banking the number on their flier in protest, flooding Jughead’s voicemail inbox with angry messages.
“We should’ve invested in a burner phone,” Jughead murmurs, his phone to his ear as he empties his voice mailbox, one by one.
“I just don’t think the Blue and Gold has a burner phone budget,” Betty insists, and after realizing what she’s said, they both burst out laughing.
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bluevelvetvideo · 1 year
I have some feelings to share:
I know that the majority of people didn't like the later seasons of Riverdale. I held off watching the last two seasons until recently. I finished season 6 mid-August and just finished season 7 about fifteen minutes ago.
Were they ridiculous seasons, and did they look nothing like seasons 1 and 2? Yes. Were they straight up bad? Absolutely not. I am sure I'm in the minority here, but I did not hate them.
Season 6 was outlandish and supernatural, but I chose to look at it through a lens of fanfiction. Season 6 was an AU. It was built to be fanciful and weird because that's what AUs can be. Our favorite characters can be superheros and fight comets and bad guys because that's what superheros do in AUs. By very definition, its an alternate universe.
Season 7, being back in the 1950s is again, an AU choice. However, being set in the 1950s is an homage to the comics. Did the ships play out how we wanted? No. Did they give us tastes and teases of what we did want? Sure. We got glimpses of what we knew these characters to be.
I watched the last 40ish episodes in a state of suspended disbelief. I knew I wasn't going to get Bughead in its purist form. I knew things would be different, but I watched anyway because I spent years getting to know these characters. I've spent years loving them and appreciating them.
I did not expect to sob uncontrollably after watching the series finale. (If you don't believe me, ask Bina, I sent her a snapchat of my sobbing.)
The Bughead fandom, this show, has brought me immense joy over the past seven years. It has given me space to find my love of writing again. It has provided me with a small corner of the internet to learn and create and find my people. It provided comfort in a time of global uncertainty. It gave me one of my best friends. It gave me somewhere to escape when I didn't know how else to deal with myself or my emotions. I hid here for a very long time until I was ready to face things. I got to experience things and people I'd never have gotten the chance to without it.
Riverdale isn't just Murdertown, USA. Riverdale is where I went for a visit, and it welcomed me without question. In my time in Riverdale, I learned about myself. I learned about life and love and people. I learned that everything is not what it appears to be. I learned the art of kindness to strangers. I learned appreciation for art and hope. Riverdale has given me so much that I will never be able to thank it for properly.
Riverdale will always be a second home. This community will always be a second home, even if there isn't much left of it.
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chenfordsrollisi · 1 year
New Fics: 2/26/23 - 3/31/23
2/26/23: Fic: Turning to You (Wayhaught) Fic: Taking A Break (Avalance) 2/27/23: Fic: One Last Good Memory (Tillow) Fic: Sudden Warmth (Avalance) Fic: How It Should Be (Clexa) Fic: Two Things (Tillow)
2/28/23: Fic: The Easy Part (Wayhaught) Fic: Make Time (Avalance) Fic: What Love Is Like (Clexa) Fic: The Morning After (Tillow) 3/1/23: Fic: Wasn't the Same  (Upstead) Fic: Puppy Love (Avalance) Fic: Remember to Breathe (Clexa) Fic: Better Ways (Tillow) 3/2/23: Fic: Some Things Aren't Meant to Be (Avalance) Fic: Build A Home (Bughead) Fic: Happy Together (Clexa) Fic: Sure and Steady (Tillow) Fic: Small and Cute  (Brettsey) 3/3/23: Fic: Stay With You Forever (Manstead) Fic: An Excellent Start (Avalance) Fic: At the End of the Day (Bughead) Fic: Where My Heart Is (Clexa) Fic: My Miracle (Tillow) 3-4-23: Fic: Something Like You (Bughead) Fic: One Bright Spot (Clexa) Fic: The Real Me (Shory) Fic: Say Something (Tillow) Fic: Making You Happy (Avalance) 3/5/23: Fic: Unexpected (Bughead) Fic: One Fine Day (Clexa) Fic: Always Okay (Tillow) Fic: Taboo (Moreid) 3/6/23: Fic: Best Day of My Life (Bughead) Fic: Hold On to the Feeling (Zibell) 3/7/23: Fic: You're Where My Heart Is (McRoll) Fic: You Make My Soul Sing (Bughead) 3/8/23: Fic: Something Nice (Bughead) 3/9/23: Fic: An Unlikely Romance (Brensen) Fic: Close Enough to Touch (Supercorp) 3/10/23: Fic: Ghosts ~ Joel & Ellie 3/11/23: Fic: Wrapped Up (Supercorp) 3/15/23: Fic: When It's Right (Chenford) 3/16/23: Fic: Empty Spaces ~ Jay Halstead & Hailey Upton 3/17/23: Fic: In His Arms (Chexton) Fic: Living Proof (Burzek) 3/23/23: Fic: The World Can Wait (CoNic) 3/24/23: Fic: Time For You (Kangs) Fic: Only Natural (Queliot) Fic: One Truth That Always Stays the Same (Brettsey) 3/26/23: Fic: Happily Ever After (CoNic) Fic: Before the End (Ichabbie) Fic: Things That Don't Change (Tillow) Fic: Whatever You Need (Palex) 3/28/23: Fic: No Need For Words (Sante) Fic: One Good Reason (Rollisi) 3/29/23: Fic: A Good End to A Bad Week (McSwarek) Fic: No More Drama (Darco) 3/30/23: Fic: No Complaints (Britin) Fic: Lucky Stars (Hodgela) 3/31/23: Fic: The Best Mornings (Zibell) Fic: Counting the Days (Jemmy)
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mothmanchronicler · 1 year
at this point jabitha in canon means nothing to me ... jabitha in my time loop fic means everything and has transcended canon idgaf abt whether jabitha has enough on screen chemistry or if bughead will get back together because tabitha tate watched jughead die 1374 times and im just supposed to believe that it didn't drive her insane?? yeah right ! sorry i cant think abt endgames when tabitha is unweaving time and space because riverdale trapped her too
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doctorcurdlejr · 1 year
heyyy 5 8 & 11 for the ask game!
5. What is something you wish the show would have done better?
gosh, probably the bit in season 2 (if I remember correctly) when jughead was doing his whole oppression olympics thing. Jughead becoming the serpent king and like co-opting the struggle of all the people of color in the Serpents to make himself the most oppressed boy in America was not a good look LMFAO. I think it could have been an interesting exploration of oppression and the ways it intersects along lines of class, race, and gender - but it needed to be thought out better.
8. Which ship(s) do you dislike?
Barchie and Bughead are like if love lost and being closeted forever and Hateful won
11. Who do you think is the most underrated character?
#1 Veronica, #2 (and this is very hard because I curate my riverdale space with Good Opinion People) but proooobably Josie. It's not that I think people dislike her or anything, I just think by nature of being in a show that grew away from her she doesn't always get the mention she deserves! Also one of the FEW people on the show who could sing from the start.
riverdale ask game
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thatiranianphantom · 1 year
just curious, but do you have any predictions for the riverdale finale?? I'd say the rest of the season but lol like anything can and has happened on riverdale but as someone who does ship barchie but prefers bugvarchie it's hard to be hopeful for them lol like at this point I just want a meaningful scene that gives closure to both couples I'm not expecting endgame I did for a long time but they've done everything in their power to try and erase bughead (they can try all they want but bh is the biggest reason with choni and varchie it's lasted this long ugh) and disrespect the fanbase(s) that made their show what it was and popular ugh sorry for the rant I get very negative feelings talking about this show which used to be a favorite of mine ugh I was just wondering if you have any predictions I know it's hard to predict what riverdale will do since they don't even know till they do it lol can't believe we'll still be in the 50's in the finale who tf wants that lol I do believe in the finale they'll go back to some timeline because that's the whole point but it's hard to know what'll happen, which timeline and etc it'll be lol sorry for this random rant of a message lol I love reading your thoughts and opinions so much!! <333
Hello my dear :)
Honestly, I am waffling between two spaces, the "my bar is a tripping hazard in hell and who really cares" space and the "some things are interesting" space.
As for predictions, I really don't like to buy into twitter gossip, but my thought is maybe they'll take them back to high school? I've said before I feel a retcon a-coming, if only for Tabitha's implication that they have to go back to when things were good, and the very high-school garb we've seen Jug in. And if the finale is their one last shot to preserve SOME rewatchability and not HIMYM it, retconning a lot and putting at least Choni and VA together, with Bughead as an open ended, that'd be my prediction. Don't misunderstand, I am expecting next to nothing, but if I had to make a very general prediction, that'd be it.
When and where that'll be, I don't know. In the last few seconds? Last half? Who knows. I know they don't shoot in order, so it's really tough to tell. Either way, whatever the amount they retcon, it's going to be retconning at least SOME of the BA, so I doubt the most devout of BAs will be happy.
I don't know if that answers anything but I hope that helps!
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From Mars Retreats, Jughead with Archie Digest #144 (1998).
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darkshrimpemotions · 1 year
Speak Now TV Fandom Associations
I would not survive if I tried to talk about my real life associationd with every song on Speak Now (Taylor's Version), but I thought it'd be fun to get a little tag game going with fandom associations. So! Here are my fandom associations for each song. And at the end I'll tag some folks to do this too (only if you feel like it, no pressure!).
Mine - Brittana 🥺
Sparks Fly - Destiel, 100%. Their meeting, obviously, but every time they show up for each other.
Back to December - I have no justification for this but it's Bella about Jacob, especially when she's a thousand years into her horrorfail marriage with the dusty glitterbag watching Jacob follow her daughter around and knowing he didn't want this.
Speak Now - April and Jackson from Grey's 🫣
Dear John - Dean about John, maybe also Mary when she finds out what John became (she was 19 when they met 😭)
Mean - This is Kurt Hummel's song to all his bullies for me
The Story of Us - Silverhardt 💔
Never Grow Up - Dean 🥺
Enchanted - Klaus about Caroline
Better Than Revenge - Katherine Petrova. I'm not saying she's right, I'm just saying this is how she sees Elena and Stefan
Innocent - Dean again 🥺 (seriously half this album is on my Dean playlist, you know that man is a Speak Now girlie)
Haunted - I want this to be about anything else, but it's that fucking sex scene from True Blood
Last Kiss - Bughead's breakup
Long Live - Quentin, Eliot, Margo, Alice, Josh, Fen, and Julia. With heavy emphasis on the Queliot vibes.
Ours - Bughead during the good times, especially season 2 🥹
Superman - Juliette Silverton watching Nick drift farther and farther from her as he becomes more focused on being a Grimm (especially in season 1 when he's lying to her about it)
Electric Touch - Ethan Waite and Lena Duchannes (rhymes with rain)
When Emma Falls In Love - IT'S EMMA SWAN 😭 and all the bad boys who tried to be good for her
I Can See You - Haylijah but also somehow Klaroline?
Castles Crumbling - Dany when everyone began turning on her in season 8, but also Rhaenyra as she becomes more angry and paranoid throughout the Dance
Foolish One - Caroline with Matt, Tyler, and Stefan
Timeless - Malex and their incredible love story that transcends time and space
@thehomohomosapiensapien @pixiedustandbluebutterflies @darcyfangirlsfrequently @moonlightspectre @pinknatural @spookybibi
(I wanted to tag 13 people but failed)
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imreallyloveleee · 2 years
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I posted 638 times in 2022
140 posts created (22%)
498 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 630 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#bughead - 227 posts
#fic rec - 61 posts
#anon - 43 posts
#riverdale spoilers - 38 posts
#fanart - 34 posts
#fic - 32 posts
#euphoria - 30 posts
#anti b*rchie - 20 posts
#rd negativity - 20 posts
#betty cooper - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#anti-mask people in dc were like 'it's a competitive disadvantage because dc people who want to dine out will drive to va for dinner instead
My Top Posts in 2022:
I can understand that they wanted to "explore" ba this season, and I can even understand that they wrote themselves into a corner and went "fuck it, 50s high school reset it is." (It's inexcusable for a bunch of people who are doing this professionally, but it's not like this hasn't happened before.)
What I CANNOT for the life of me comprehend is why they wrote ba as a series of red flags? Like, the most consistent thread in that relationship all season was them repeatedly bumping up against the fact that they explicitly didn't want the same things in life, and then ignoring those signs that the relationship isn't going to work, instead of making any attempt to resolve the differences. Then Archie proposes after the anvil that is his mother saying "yeah we got divorced bc we didn't want the same things"? And Betty (rightly) tells him he's not in the right head space, and then turns around and changes her mind 5 minutes later because...she didn't want a promotion?
Like they could have easily just written a ba relationship that...worked. instead they chose to lobotomize Betty and repeatedly emphasize the fact that they're incompatible. To what fucking end!?
ETA: i just want to clarify a little bit that i’m not questioning why they flattened out Betty’s character to make the ship happen. i’m questioning why they made explicit - as in, made the characters themselves state out loud! - the very fundamental cracks in the relationship only to continue forcing it to progress without ever addressing how the two of them might bridge those gaps.
95 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
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come into the water, chapter 2
Betty Cooper – Betty Cooper, with blonde hair and green eyes and straight As and gold earrings and lacy collars and vanilla milkshakes and straight white teeth and lips that he now knows are warm, smooth, unbearably soft –
Betty Cooper is his soulmate.
His heart jumps at the thought, one single, uncontrolled pulse of joy. Just as quickly, it sinks into the pit of his stomach. No, he corrects himself, shivering as the water flows down his back. Betty Cooper shares his mark. Which is not the same thing.
read it on ao3. (or start from the beginning.)
102 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
it makes me sad that this version of betty doesn't get to be with someone who *likes* her as a person
107 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
17 yr old Jughead nervously squeezing Betty’s hand, stumbling over his words - “isn’t this what...people like us, who have gone through what we’ve gone through...do?” - walking backwards with a goofy grin on his face because he can’t stop looking at her = cute
25 yr old Archie telling Betty with the deadest eyes you’ve ever seen - “...I’m not seeing anyone else...” - after weeks of casual fucking and occasionally touching one another’s knee in public = the opposite of cute
133 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i just got sad knowing i will never be a fan of anything that's as fun to viciously mock as riverdale is ever again
136 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thedarkestgreys · 1 year
What fandoms have u been part of? How many of them did you write fic for? Love your works 🫶🏻✨
oh gosh the laundry list is long my dude, hold tight it’s a doozy. are we talking in the last twenty years or more recent? because i’ve been writing fic since like 2002/2003 (i was like.. 12ish?) if we want to get technical. i have a ffnet account still hanging about and ill never reveal the name on it lmao.
an incomplete list of fandoms bex wrote in the 1st decade of her career because she’s sure there’s more than this she just doesn’t remember :
Lizzie McGuire
Life With Derek
Zoey 101
fandoms bex has wrote for in the 2nd decade of her career that you can find on ao3:
ASOIAF/GoT - primarily sansan, jon x sansa and podrya
teen wolf -stydia
star wars sequel trilogy - reylo
the avengers - one steggy post endgame
marvel’s eternals - drukkari
euphoria - fexi
fandoms bex has most definitely read fic in but never wrote:
twilight - im a wolf pack girl and i always have been 🐺
avatar the last airbender - zutara my beloved
harry potter - dramione & some hinny
star wars - gingerrose & obidala
riverdale - bughead
honestly nonny this is probably just scratching the surface of fandoms ive read fic for in the last twenty years. that’s a long time to remember but these ones stick out for me. there’s definitely fandoms out there that i’ve enjoyed that i’ve never felt the need to read fic for as well, because i don’t always feel the need to fill the gaps you know?
all this to say I’ve been lurking around online fandom spaces for a very long time despite my age lol. i wouldn’t change a thing.
thank you for the kind ask 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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bugheadsecretsanta · 2 years
Hey! Is BSS happening this year?
Hello @smudgedbypen sorry for the late reply. Thanks for getting in touch about this year’s Secret Santa. All of us mods at the moment have a lot going on outside of tumblr so we haven’t been very organised (alongside many issues with the show which we won’t delve into on here). This means we haven’t been in the right head space to host this years event currently.
I’d be happy to organise something if everyone is calling out for it, but I’m not sure if it’s too late to drum up interest and it’s quite a task to get everyone assigned. It would have to be a very quick turnaround as real life gets in the way unfortunately 😞
I can whip something together but very very quickly (literally in a few days) if enough people respond to this but hope everyone can understand if there’s no interest why we haven’t arranged something this far.
We have talked recently about a new Bughead Appreciation Week over at @bugheadcentral so keep your eyes peeled for some stuff potentially coming 🙂
- Laura
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