#bughead fiction: mine
werenzki · 8 years
Title: ;) Ship: Jughead Jones/Betty Cooper Fandom: Riverdale Episode: 1x03 Misc: Feel free to send me some prompts and what not, if you like my writing!
Are you already at B&G?
I looked at the top right hand corner of my laptop screen to see Betty’s message come through. I finished up the sentence I was writing on my article before clicking onto the notification and opening up our messages. There wasn’t much before, we only exchanged numbers the other day after Chemistry, which lead to her texting me to meet her at the old school paper room. Which then lead to us relaunching the Blue and Gold. 
Been here since fourth period, I typed out and immediately saw the little bubble with three dots pop up. 
Are you skipping class? The first one read, the bubble popping back up before another blue one appeared. Honestly I’m not really surprised if you are ;)
I raised a brow at the attached emoji, winking faces usually were meant to add a flirtatious motive to a message. My stomach got a weird feeling at the thought of Betty flirting with me. Not that those sorts of emotions were my main priority in life - in fact I pushed back any ‘crush’ like feeling out of the window before they could develop into something else. But anyone would be an idiot to not like Betty Cooper.
My thoughts were disrupted by a mass amount of blue bubbles popping up onto my screen in Betty and I’s messages. Seems she had caught her little mistake.
Oops that was suppose to me a :)
Not a ;)
That’s always awkward lol ;)
A little monkey with it’s hands covering it’s eyes followed the last text. I let out a chuckle and uncrossed my arms, my fingers falling to the keyboard again. I typed out a few different things. One being ‘youre cute when you get embarrassed’, but I decided to settle with something that wouldn’t turn this into a certain situation we both wouldn’t know how to handle. 
It’s alright haha. But for the record, I don’t have a class fourth period but decided to ditch fifth.
I noticed the smile hadn’t left my mouth, zoning out I let myself imagine for a moment. Imagine if I made a bold move and if I let Betty know how much of an idiot Archie really is for not liking her back. But also I wasn’t an idiot either, if Archie wasn’t good enough for Betty then in what world would I be? She didn’t deserve a guy like me - someone with more problems then they could count on their own two hands. 
You really should attend class Juggie
But anyways I’ll be at B&G after school. Dilton’s coming around 5 right? 
Correct, I wrote back and figured the conversation was over so I returned to the article I was working on. 
Yesterday’s issue turned out to be a hit - for obvious reasons that involved the main headline. Betty out did herself with outing Chuck and his pigs but now we needed to work on next weeks paper. My article happened to be on the advantages of being in the Scouts program and what sort of survival tips Dilton taught. Of course I left out the part of him shooting his gun for teaching purposes on the day Jason Blossom went missing. 
Fourth period ended with the bell ringing through the school. The door had been left open since it was so quiet when I got into B&G but now there were people shouting and rushing around to get to the final period of the day. I heard Reggie’s loud laughter pass by, glaring up at the door in case he tried to bother me, but instead when I looked up I saw Betty in the doorway. She looked good in blue.
“Working hard?” She questioned me with a smile. I felt that dumb smile trying to appear again so I decided to hide it with a snort instead.
“Nearly done,” 
Betty took another step into the room, I sat up straight and minimized the window that had my novel open. No one read it, only my eyes got to see what I was writing. But Betty didn’t get around to see my screen, instead she reached into the tin that sat upon the desk I was at and grabbed one of my pencils. Holding it up, she asked, “mind if I borrow this? Kevin stole mine last period.”
“Go ahead,” I said. 
“Thanks, Juggie,” she smiled, “I’ll see you later,” she called over her shoulder before walking out of the room. I let out a deep breath and shook my head, taking a moment before re opening my novel. That stupid nickname was growing on me again. 
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pepperpieonfire · 6 years
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A-Z Challenge: Fictional characters
Forsythe Pendleton “Jughead” Jones III
Things were always messed up at home. Usually because of my dad. And then there was this arbitrary day, that we would just get together and pretend things were great, we were normal. And it just made me feel really lonely.
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bellarketogether · 6 years
Bughead AU
I started a thing. I know I suck. I have a lot of work unfinished. But this was itching at me.
Bughead AU in which Jughead has attended South Side schools his whole life, and Betty is a new transfer student.
“Hey,” Fangs chirped, elbowing Jughead to get his attention. He tipped his chin to the other side of the cafeteria. “Check it out.”
Jughead followed his train of view, an odd sort of chill worming its way through his blood stream at the sight before him. It was Betty, holding a lunch tray, looking around the cafeteria for somewhere to sit. She looked as though she’d rather be swimming in a pool of acid.
“Is that the new girl?” Sweet Pea demanded in amusement. “Hello, Nurse!”
Several of the guys at the table laughed along with him, but Jughead could not bring himself to find the humor in the joke.
“Seriously though, what is she wearing? Is there a Stepford Wives convention later today?” Joaquin quipped. The boys erupted in raucous laughter once more.
Sweet Pea chewed on his lower lip, a gross sort of fascination crossing his features. “How much you wanna bet a girl like that is a virgin? What do you think it would take to get that pink sweater off her perky—”
“Enough,” Toni said at last, slugging him in the shoulder. He tried to be nonchalant, but it had very visibly caused him pain. “Grow up, you pig.”
Jughead was silently grateful for Toni stepping up where he could not. The comments had made him uncomfortable, too, for whatever reason. As annoyed as he was at the idea of Betty Cooper, something in him connected with her. That look of loneliness and despondence on her face was haunting. Probably because it was a very visual manifestation of how he felt, most days. And that sort of vulnerability did not need to be poked at.
“Cool it, Ghetto Barbie,” Sweet Pea grumbled. “Just having some fun.”
“What you fantasize about in the shower is your own business. Do it on your own time. Nobody wants to hear about it,” she replied waspishly.
Jughead snorted involuntarily. Sweet Pea had gone crimson at the implication, mumbling a few very unkind female names under his breath. But he did not speak up again. Toni had successfully shut him up for the time being.
Betty’s eyes flickered over to him, and they locked gazes. He instantly looked away, trying to refocus himself on his laptop. But he had completely forgotten what he was doing before she walked in.
“Uh…she’s coming this way,” Fangs said.
Some of the guys at the table smoothed their hair and adjusted their jackets at this. It was ironic, really…That not two minutes ago, they were making fun of her. And now they wanted to impress her. Jughead understood, to a point. It wasn’t every day they saw this kind of creature in their midst. She was an enigma. A siren amongst mortals. Mesmerizing and deadly.
  Continue reading here
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flannelplanet · 7 years
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>>> Stranger Than Fiction Update <<<
Word Count: 5540 Rated: Explicit
Chapter Summary:  "...I could spend the rest of my life doing all sorts of things with you, in bed and out, and die a happy man. There is something different about you. Something I haven’t been able to put my finger on. Something I’m dying to figure out."
Chapter Notes: A monumentally gigantic thanks to @jandjsalmon for being my beta. She's a whiz with words, people. Another monumentally gigantic thanks to @fangfogartys and @paperlesscrown for helping be along the way.
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER TO GET TO YOU GUYS!!! My muse disappeared for a while there. Thanks for sticking with me!
The cobblestone steps leading up to the Cooper household seemed to go on forever. Betty stood at the bottom, having just gotten out of Jellybean’s vehicle, dreading her ascent.
”Betty, you can do this. Jellybean and I are both here for you. We’ll be right outside, okay?” Jughead said, encouraging her to get moving.
“Can’t you just come with me, Juggie?” she practically pleaded, nervous to see her family for the first time in a decade. “Please?”
The Jones siblings shared a look before Jughead nodded. “I’ll come if it means you’ll get through it a little easier. I just didn’t want you to feel awkward having a complete stranger there when such major family issues are discussed,” he said.
As the two of them approached the big, red, imposing front door, Betty turned to her companion and hugged him quickly. “Thanks for coming with me. Not just here, to my family, but to Riverdale. I really appreciate it.” She then rang the doorbell and waited.
“It’s no problem, Betts. I’m just happy I could be here for you,” he told her with a soft smile spread across his handsome features.
A few seconds passed before the doorknob turned and the perfectly prim and proper woman of suburban Stepford-mediocrity who could only be the Alice Cooper opened the door. “Betty!” she gasped, her hand gripping her chest over where her heart would be if she had one , Betty thought to herself bitterly. “What are you doing here?”
“Hi, Mom. I left you a voicemail. I’m guessing you deleted it without a second thought?”
Alice lowered her gaze. “I didn’t recognize the number,” she said, her voice full of something resembling regret.
Betty shook her head in disappointment. “Of course you deleted it.”
Moving the soon to be less-than-pleasant conversation along, she gestured behind her to where her companion stood. “This is my boyfriend Jughead. He’s just here for moral support. I need to talk to you and then I’ll be out of your hair forever.” Alice nodded, wide-eyed and nervous. “It’s important that I speak with all of you. Is Dad home?”
“Um, just a moment. Polly is here too.” Alice held a finger up and called for the other members of the Cooper family.
Betty and Jughead stood just inside the elegant foyer waiting. Betty’s hands were clenched into fists and she was breathing erratically, which Jughead took notice of. He grabbed one of her hands and held it, hoping he could send every ounce of strength he had through their connection.
“Mom, what is it?” Polly said as she rounded the corner of the hallway. Upon seeing Betty, her face mutated into one of utter disgust. “What the fuck is she doing here?”
“Now, Polly. Language. I don’t know why she’s here but maybe she’ll tell us if you give her a chance. Where’s your father?” Alice’s patience for the entire situation seemed to be wearing thin. “Hal? Would you hurry up?”
The middle-aged man looking just as picturesque as the rest of his family had arrived not even a second later at his wife’s side. “Betty! Well, this is a surprise. What have you been up to?” He asked with an easy-looking expression on his face. Betty fought hard not to roll her eyes at her father’s ability to pretend as though nothing happened. At least her sister’s pure hatred was a real emotion.
“Now that the whole family is here, I need to tell you all something incredibly important. Dilton Doiley is being released from prison on good behavior. He’s only served half his sentence, but I just wanted you to know because there is a possibility that he’ll come after you now too and even though we aren’t really a family anymore, we’re still…” she searched for an applicable word. “Affiliated.”
“What does that have to do with us?” Polly asked petulantly. “You were the bitch that put him behind bars. You’re the one he should go after.”
Betty held back the tears threatening to burst from her eyes. “I just… I cared enough to tell you about it so that maybe you’ll watch out for one another. We’ll be going now.”
“Good riddance,” Polly said, not expecting the man next to her sister to speak, let alone stalk toward her as he did so.  
“Listen, little girl. Betty Cooper is one of the most amazing, strongest women I’ve ever had the pleasure to know. It infuriates me to know she comes from a family who could clearly not give a shit about her or the trauma she suffered.” He backed off from Polly slightly to look and Alice and Hal, making sure they realized he was addressing them as well. “You all should have been the support Betty needed, but instead you’ve driven her away. Well, you can rest easy, Cooper family, knowing that she’ll be taken care of by people who actually do love her and care for her wellbeing. I hope you all rot in Hell. It’s been horrible meeting you.”
He stormed towards the door, softly touching Betty’s shoulder when he reached her. Pulling her outside, he closed the door behind them. “Are you okay, baby girl?” he asked, hoping he hadn’t overstepped. “I couldn’t take the way she was treating you. Or any of them, for that matter.”
“I’m okay. Thank you, Juggie, for doing that. You didn’t have to.”
“Yes, I did, Betty. You don’t deserve what happened in there. You deserve a family who’s going to give a shit,” Jughead murmured, his hands gentle on either side of her face.
Behind them, the front door opened. It was Alice. As she walked toward them, Jughead dropped his hands from Betty’s face, only to grab her hand instead.
“Betty, can I speak to you, please? Alone?” she asked, wiping at her face as if she had been crying. Betty thought the likelihood of her actually shedding tears on behalf of her youngest daughter was pretty slim, but she was curious to know what had gotten her mother out of sorts.
Read the rest of chapter 6 now on AO3!
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bughead · 7 years
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bughead AU - play with fire 
Forsythe Pendleton Jones III has the kind of cocky arrogance only money and power can provide a person. Descendant of one of the founding families of Riverdale, Jughead has lived a pampered 21 years of life. He’s never wanted something he couldn’t have, and he’s never faced a problem his family’s money or title couldn’t solve. That is until his younger sister goes missing, and he believes his parents may have had something to do with it.
Gladys Jones had never been a good liar. She had a very distinct tell. She would blink twice and tuck a strand of hair behind her right ear. It was how he’d discovered the truth about Santa Claus and what really happened to his pet iguana–so seeing her brush a strand of her jet black hair behind her ear while explaining that the last time she’d seen Jellybean was this morning before school sent a stabbing pain through his abdomen like nothing he’d ever felt before.
Feeling frustrated and distrustful of the people around him, Jug abandons his lavish life on the Northside and starts an investigation of his own. The Southside is as cruel and harsh as he’d always imagined it, and he finds himself toe to toe with a pair of Ghoulies before another former Northsider, Cheryl Blossom, steps in and saves him.
Cheryl looked exactly as he remembered her: lips painted a glossy red, spider broach perched just below her left shoulder, and high heels so tall that the petite girl was nearly eye level with him. The only difference he could spot was the leather jacket with a serpent embroidered on the sleeve hugging her frame… No, there was something else too… she looked happier. Even with the sharp scowl on her face as she instructed him to “stay here,” she looked happier and more at peace than he’d ever seen her growing up. She was a topic of discussion at parties sometimes and he’d always wondered if she regretted cutting ties with her family and friends on the Northside–he could say with absolute certainty now that the answer was no.
After a conversation with Cheryl’s girlfriend, Toni, Jughead decides his best chance of surviving on the Southside long enough to figure out what happened to his sister is to join the Southside Serpents. The initiation is brutal, but he manages to earn himself a spot in their ranks. The Serpent’s connections and comradery give him a confidence and hopefulness he hasn’t felt since the night he reported Jellybean missing. His optimism wavers when he meets Elizabeth Cooper. She’s the most upbeat, vivacious person he’s ever met, and yet also incredibly guarded. He wants to discover what darkness is hiding behind her sparkling eyes and humble smile. The problem? He’s supposed to be spending all his time trying to find his sister–
Jughead threatened to kill Fangs if he ever repeated that story to anybody else, and then slunk off to get himself another beer. As he waited for Toni to get to him, he took a moment to survey the bar. Fangs was texting furiously, which likely meant he was ignoring Jughead’s threat of death and was repeating their conversation verbatim. Cheryl was seated on the edge of the pool table with her head tipped back in carefree laughter. Sweet Pea had Veronica up in his arms bridal style over by the jukebox–She was well into her third trimester, so he wasn’t sure how wise it was to be swinging her around like that. Polly appeared to be trying to teach Betty how to play Quarters. The intense furrow of her eyebrows as she tried, and failed, to bounce her quarter into her cup had a smile creeping on his face. Before he knew it, and without his permission, his feet began moving him in her direction.
then there was also the fact she was already in a relationship with a fellow Serpent. Any half sane person would have distanced themselves from their temptation, but Jughead accepted her offer to help him search for answers instead.
It was 3:34 A.M. and Jughead was wide awake, staring at the ceiling of Betty’s guest bedroom. Why had he let her talk him into staying the night? Sure, it was late by the time they called it a night, but Cheryl and Toni’s place was only a few blocks away. There was no way he was going to be able to sleep when everything smelled like her.
Jug laid in misery for 10 more minutes before deciding he couldn’t take it anymore. He quietly put his jeans and shoes back on and slipped out of the room. He was contemplating what excuse he could text her when he heard a soft moan come from the master bedroom. Jughead felt like he was going to blow chunks on the spot until he remembered Guy was making a delivery in Greendale and wouldn’t be back until the afternoon. The raven haired boy stood frozen in the spot between his bedroom and hers, listening to the nearly inaudible mewls and whines. He knew it was a huge invasion of privacy, and he was disgusted with himself, but he still couldn’t seem to pull himself away. Her voice was always intoxicatingly melodic, but the sounds she was making right now? They had to be nearly identical to the songs sirens sang to lure sailors to their deaths.
Two months ago he wouldn’t have cared if she had a boyfriend, that Jughead wanted what he wanted. No apologies or care for anybody else. He wasn’t that person any more, though. His sister being taken away from him had changed him, leaving his life on the Northside had changed him, being a part of the Serpents had changed him, Betty had changed him–Jughead’s “I’m a better person now” monologue was cut short when he heard his siren whisper his name in the midst of her pleasure.
Jughead squeezed his eyes shut. He wanted to barge into her room and replace her fingers, or toy, or whatever she was using with his mouth. He wanted to feel those delicious moans against the skin of his neck and shoulders. More than anything, he wanted to hear her say his name again. And again. And again. And again. Until the neighbors heard it, and there was no doubt in his mind that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Instead, he crawled back into the guest bed and repeated the Serpent laws over and over until he finally fell asleep.
The 5th law. A Serpent never betrays its own.
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jabitha-endgame · 3 years
A rant/Jabitha/and Bughead fandom
Ugh! I’m so sick of some people claiming Jabitha came out of no where. I’m sorry you all had your shipper goggles on and weren’t actually watching the show but cherry picking BH and then extrapolating your own fan fiction from it. What is hard for you all? Betty sleeping with Archie? Or saying she “wanted to do that since HS”? Or Betty literally not caring if Jug was missing or dead (and told Tabi she shouldn’t either)? Ignoring and being passive aggressive about him (until this most recent episode)? What do you think playing that VM was about? It wasn’t to make Tabi and Jess feel warm and fuzzy about Jug, it was to paint herself as the victim cause he was “mean” when all he did was bag on the fact that she cheated on him (and V by extension) and has blown him off for YEARS. As for Jug I’m sorry BHers you didn’t understand Betty IS JUGS TRAUMA. She was perceived as just as toxic as Jess (in his most recent hallucination) It’s not that he can’t move on from Betty, he can, he dated Jess longer than B, its that he can’t form any deep meaningful connections because he trusts no one, because the two people he trusted most betrayed him in the worst way. And I don’t want to hear how Jugs parents fucked him up (first), of course they did but they pretty much always sucked and Jug knew it, he was consistently let down by them, Betty made him believe he was worth someone loving and pulled the rug out from underneath, sorry that you don’t get that’s worse. Sorry you don’t get her lack of compassion after he almost died and was still suffering various after effects, including PTSD and depression was horrible. And insult to injury cheated with his best friend, her childhood crush, a guy who didn’t graduate while throwing Jugs academic situation, through no fault of his own, in his face. THAT IS JUGS TRAUMA. And all these years later still no real apology or explanation. (and DON’T get me started on Betty jumping Jugs bones while he was reeling from the shock) As for Tabitha herself if she wasn’t going to be a love interest for Jug why introduce her at all? The core 4 could’ve returned to Riverdale on thier own, all thier lives were a mess, a trip home to reset would’ve worked just as well (or better) But instead they had Pop’s retirement and made Tabi the granddaughter of the only character everyone can universally agree on. If the role was just going to be supportive black BFF cheerleader to BH why cast her at all? Wasn’t that what Vanessa was complaining about? If it was just so Jug had a friend the Serpents were right there, hell fellow outcast Reggie would do. Why not some random recurring character? And I’m sorry you BHers didn’t understand that Jabi agreeing to be “friends” was Jug and Tabi tabling a relationship because Jug knew he wasn’t in a headspace to date (which makes him more self aware than anyone else in that town) and liked Tabi enough not to jump into anything until he was ready. The false equivalency and cognitive dissonance of a certain corner of fandom is telling. Why do you ship Tabi with ANYONE BUT JUG? Why is Jug not good enough for Tabi but okay for Betty then? Why do you want Tabi relegated to BH cheerleader? Do you not know how systemically racist that trope is? Really? Why are you okay with Betty “getting Archie out of her system” (so she realizes Jug is the one, which is just 🤢, that’s a horrible mind set, 7 yrs apart and absence hasn’t made her heart grow fonder??) But now that Jug is in the same town as Betty he needs to be celibate until Betty decides to grace him with her attention? FUCK THAT! Jabitha has been building slowly but surely all season, you just took scenes that were supposed to show how disconnected Betty and Jughead were and turned them into the opposite of what you were being shown and told. Meanwhile the Jabi scenes were trivialized and to pile on that insidious racism so many BHers are unaware of, if the scenes between Jug and Tabi had happened between Jug and Betty you’d be loosing your shit and crying from the hill tops how cute it was and how much they were into each other and
true love. I hate to break it to you but Jabi has had more build up than any couple on the show. Tabi is Pop’s granddaughter for a reason, its not an accident she is related to the only person who has ALWAYS been good to Jug. Maybe deep down you BH stans know it and that’s why your so angry and deep in denial. For me personally a former Bughead stan, who was convinced they were endgame I don’t want it anymore. From my perspective too much has happened to walk them back now, better to let them both move on and be happy elsewhere.
Sorry for bringing this rant into your blog but I deleted mine a while back and I have read A LOT of nasty things about Tabitha, Jabitha and Erin and I needed to get it off my chest. If you made it to the end thanks💙
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varchieforever · 3 years
RIVERALE | Betty and Alice Discuss the Highway Killer
Dark Betty, take a seat. Because mama is about to show you just how lethal a Cooper can be.
In tonight’s Mädchen Amick-directed Riverdale, entitled “Chapter Ninety: The Night Gallery,” we get a stylish and surprisingly horrific anthology of tales, inspired by Cheryl’s (Madelaine Petsch) latest paintings.
In the first, Archie (KJ Apa) is literally confronted by the demons of his military past while mining for palladium beneath the Blossom maple fields, while the kicker explores the origins of the addiction that’s trapped Jughead (Cole Sprouse) somewhere between the facts of his life and the fiction he’s penned. Both are pretty eerie and, honestly, Apa is doing his best work since the episodes surrounding Fred’s death. There’s also an emotionally abusive phone call that should have shut down #Barchie years ago.
But it’s the middle installment that gave us true chills — perhaps because it’s also entirely believable that the Cooper women would have no problem killing someone. In this exclusive sneak peek, Alice (Amick) urges Betty (Lili Reinhart) to off the trucker (Thomas Nicholson) they suspect to be the Truck-Stop Killer. Having nabbed him last week, it seems Betty’s interrogation hasn’t resulted in any usable info on Polly’s whereabouts and for real, Alice is done with it. So she coldly states, as a former Serpent is wont to do, that the guy needs to die. “As your mother, I give you permission… kill that monster.”
Of course, we’re not gonna tell you how it all turns out — think we want to tick off these two?! — but it gets insane. And yeah, there will be blood.
Update: text was updated and it now reads "There’s also an emotionally abusive phone call that should have shut down #Bughead years ago"
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dangerousdreamrebel · 3 years
I actually cringed at all the “romantic” scenes in this episode. Jabitha have lost any spark they had when they were friends and watching Jughead kiss Tabitha, after the worst molatov cocktail throw in the world, like he was passionately in love with her was such a huge let down after all the Bughead chemistry. Even the smallest Bughead pecks had more passion than this travesty.
As for Betty and Archie, well don’t get me started on how months of not even really talking to each other seems to not matter as soon as there is cake, balloons and a couple of beers.
I was waiting for Betty and Veronica’s “big” talk to be more than “oh, did you know Archie and I broke up, let me check my manicure”. Riverdale writers have taken what was once a kick*ss friendship between two amazing women and reducing it to a couple of lines, almost like a postscript.
As for Cheryl using Britta as child/slave labour in the mines, isn’t there some kind of law about that?!?!
And can someone please tell me how Betty is now a fully fledged FBI agent when she quit and she gets to run the whole Riverdale FBI office on her own?
I actually didn’t mind Veggie getting together and they had the most believable chemistry, but I feel sorry for Reggie because the only reason Veronica is staying Riverdale is because she’s now the Black Widow of Wall Street and no one wants her in New York.
The best part of this episode for me was Nana Blossom saying “oh, I wondered if anyone would ever find those bodies” as if it’s an everyday occurrence to dig up the skeletal remains of long dead miners. Well I guess it is Riverdale after all where there are more dead bodies than average. I hope for more Nana Blossom in season 6!
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I’m patiently waiting for Bughead to come back and hoping there will soon be episodes of Riverdale that I want to re-watch over and over again like I have with the first 4 seasons. I’m going to pretend that Season 5 doesn’t exist and immerse myself in all the amazing Bughead fan fiction so all is right in my Riverdale and Bughead worlds again.
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thetaoofbetty · 3 years
Hello again, taoofbetty. Thanks for answering. Even though it wasn't really an answer...Anyways. And now just a rhetorical question.. I suppose you have a best friend right? A friend you love and trust. I m sure you have. And of course you have a SO, right? That u love and have decided to spend your life with them, right? Now imagine these two people kiss. Behind your back. What exactly do you feel? Your SO didn't kiss a random person. They kissed your bff. What do you do?
...are we in a fictional town with fictional characters who go through unrealistic nonstop drama wherein the last 3 years of all of our lives had been a series of events so awful that most people don’t go through that much in their entire lives? 
if so, i would call that a poorly designed plot device to break us all up for a time jump so 7 years later all our lives could be even worse because building tension and drama is how stories work. 
however, since i’m not projecting my real life onto fictional characters, i will tell you that i have never kissed my best friend’s bf or had any of mine kiss my bfs that i know of. but if that had happened to me, i would have probably kicked her in the shin and told her that her cat was ugly (the ultimate sin) before crying it out and asking why? 
but the reality is, at the end of the day, friend, you’re talking about betty like she cheated on YOUR boyfriend for you.
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my favorite part of this is that you make yourself sound like an ominous group of people traveling around, ignoring archie’s existence, confusing him at every turn. 
oh god, please tell me you follow him around in cloaks while holding candles while whispering, “we don’t care for you...” 
that...that would be awesome. 
also, again, the fwb thing was a plot point to show that betty and archie don't work together. that's...it. it's not that deep. it might cause a little drama but it's not going to stop bughead from getting back together.
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werenzki · 8 years
Title: Food Fight Ship: Jughead Jones/Betty Cooper Fandom: Riverdale Episode: N/A (Just some cute Bughead fluff for ya) Misc: Feel free to send me some prompts and what not, if you like my writing!
My parents were out of town for the weekend. Which lead to Jughead walking through my front door and scaring me as I was half asleep on the couch. My heart was pounding as he took in the entrance way, chuckling as I tried evening out my breath. He slipped out of his boots and walked over till he was sitting where my feet were curled up. He took my feet into his hands, raising them and then setting them back down so I was stretched out over his lap now. 
“Were you actually napping?” He questioned me, eyeing the TV that was currently playing a rerun of some Disney Channel show. “It’s not even 3 in the afternoon, Bets,” 
I tucked the blanket I had over me, up to my chin and pouted while shutting my eyes again. “I was up late writing my essay for Mr Chan’s class,” I stated. 
“But you had all day to write to today?” 
“I wanted you to read over it before I submitted it, and then I wanted to just spend time with you today,” I said with a little smile afterwards. I opened my eyes to find Jughead staring at me, a smile on his lips too, he then leaned over and pecked my lips. 
I decided that wasn’t enough and knotted my fingered at the back of his neck, making him prop himself up and kiss me for much longer then he intended to. Once we broke apart I hummed to myself and stared into his eyes. He licked his lips and then sort of frowned, making me furrow my eyebrows together. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t over any earlier, my dad and I were talking for longer than I expected,” he explained. I shook my head and moved my finger tips along his hair line at the back of his neck. He smiled and relaxed at the affection. 
“Don’t apologize, I totally understand,” 
“I can read over your essay now though,” 
All of a sudden there was a grumble between us. I looked down to where the sound came from, realizing then that I had only eaten a banana all day. Jughead chuckled and rose up from the couch - and my hold on him. He extended a hand to me and I took it after kicking off the blanket that was draped over my body. 
“Hungry?” I asked while we walked into the kitchen together. 
“I can always eat,” he replied. I chuckled at him while opening the fridge. It was very true, there wasn’t a moment when Jughead wasn’t munching on some sort of snack or meal. I couldn’t go a day without him stealing something off my plate at Pop’s or during the lunch break at school. 
Everything was running smoothly, of course I took charge of cooking the meal. Knowing I was having Jughead over for dinner I took out everything I needed for chicken fettuccine with alfredo sauce. Jughead mostly stood back and watched as I cooked, only getting involved when I needed an extra hand, like holding the lid to the pot as I strained the noodles.
“You just throw it at the wall and if it sticks, then that means it’s done,” I explained while picking up a single noodle from the pot. Jughead wasn’t paying any attention to me, instead he chose to walk away from the stove and move to the fridge. I rolled my eyes and turned to see my target, the stainless steel door was in perfect range and empty from any papers or pictures. Without hesitation I threw the noodle. 
I was expecting it to stick to the surface - not to Jughead’s face. My hands flew to my mouth as I gasped and the noodle hung from Jughead’s face. A fit of giggles erupted from me as he looked more than annoyed. My giggling was stopped as he made his way to the stove and stuck his finger into the pan of chicken and sauce. I was nervous of his next move, but sighed of reflief when he popped a piece of chicken into his face and then detached the noodle from his face and dipped it into the sauce. 
As he took it out of the sauce it splashed me, specks of the alfredo falling onto my sweater. I gasped again. “Sorry,” Jughead muttered threw a mouth full of food. I narrowed my eyes at him and before I could think of any sort of consquences I stuck my fingers into the sauce and brought them to Jughead’s cheek, smearing it across as I chuckled. 
I was laughing, doubling over and clutching my stomach, making me fulling unaware that Jughead had scooped up alfredo sauce and aimed it sitraght for me. A gasped flew from my mouth as the sauce dipped from my hair and onto the floor. 
That’s when it really all broke out. I grabbed a handful of pasta and flung it his way, he did the same while I was running around the kitchen and ducking behind the island. Jughead seemed to be over with the food fight, already at the sink to wash off his face. But I wasn’t done yet, instead I stood up and grabbed another handful of chicken and sauce, standing behind him before smacking his face - gently - and falling into a fit of laughter again. 
“Oh Juggie,” I chuckled as he turned around and scowled at me. 
"We're supposed to be making fettuccine,” he stated while bringing the dish cloth up and wiped off his face, “but you're a child who likes to start food fights apparently,” he rolled his eyes which made me chuckle again.
I stood up and wrapped my arms around his waist, “would you have me any other way though?” I questioned with a smile. 
Jughead looked down at me, bringing the cloth to wipe the sauce that was on top of my head, then grabbing the few stray noodles and sticking one into his mouth. My mouth twisted up at how gross he was, but food was food to him I suppose. Jughead smiled and then leaned down to peck my lips. 
“Of course not,” he responded with that same smile that made my heart melt each and every day. I shook my head before standing on my tip toes and kissing him once more. 
“Let’s finish up dinner,” I said.
“Good cause I’m starving now,” he groaned as I turned around and turned off the stove top. I rolled my eyes at his dramatics before reaching up and grabbing two plates for us, I caught sight of the slight mess that resulted from the food fight. I bit down on my bottom lip, annoyed with the mess slightly, but knowing how worth it it was from the memory that came with it.
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shymeg · 4 years
I know some of you are done. I get it. Let's not let them win though. Let's show support for #bughead in gifs, stories, art work, videos, old and new, the true Betty Cooper along with Jughead who even in the comics supported Betty.
Find old classic fanfiction. Find old art work. Let's bring the positive back. Let's not let this show ruin us. We maybe inside. We may still have to work. Yet, we can make our dashes of happy times.
Times we hope they can still have. Instead of feeding into the monster of this show of what ifs. Some of us do have anxieties and I can't have this show feeding into mine.
Same goes with Varchie fans. Let's be a community a fandom of two. We may not always like each other ships but we can support each other. Especially now. When the world is going crazy so we were holding onto our fictional ships for security.
Who is with me? Let's do this! Right?
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Gif credit goes to @riverdaleuniverse
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Gif create goes to @sprouseharts
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Gif create @burberrycanary
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Gif credit by @jandjsalmon
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Gif credit by @enigmaticbughead
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Gif credit by @bugheadjones-the-third
I hope you all don't mind me using your gifs
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elegantmoonchild · 6 years
Omg, “Ouroboros” is so close to hitting 20K hits... I am SHOCKED! Thank you to everyone who has given this story of mine a chance and to everyone who has given it some love. You are all wonderful!!!
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If you haven’t read it yet and love anything dealing with Bughead, bikes 🏍, and hot hot sex (for multiple ships), you can find the link here!
Edit: Also winner of Bughead Fanfiction Awards 2018 “Best Overall Fiction Smut,” “Best Canon Divergence,” and “Best Enemies/Friends to Lovers”
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flannelplanet · 7 years
Stranger Than Fiction
Chapter 5
Read on ao3
The air outside was stale, just like she remembered and the sick, familiar feeling sitting deep within her gut reminded her of just how little she wanted to be back in Riverdale. As Jellybean’s sleek, black car pulled up just outside the only hotel within miles, Jughead’s hand tightened around hers, as if to say
you’ll be okay, I’m here.
Thanks to @jandjsalmon as always for being the most amazing beta to ever beta and for making my words beautiful ♥♥♥
Also thanks to @youbuildmeupbeliever, @tory-b, @paperlesscrown, @aunt-imogene​, and @a92vm for reading over it for me before it went to Jandy and making sure I didn’t use the word “thrust” a bajillion times (LOL y’all think I’m joking). You’re all amazing and I love each and every one of you.
*warning* This chapter is super spicy if you catch my Riverdale drift. Read with caution.
It is important to note that I completely made up the judicial element of this fic. The appeal scene in this chapter is absolutely not how it would work in real life at all.
Happy reading everyone! Since it took so long to update, I gave you a 6k+ word chapter to make up for it ;)
A preview of chapter 5 is under the cut!
The tinkling of the bells above the door at Pop’s Chock'lit Shoppe alerted the nearly-empty diner, along with Pop Tate, of their arrival. Though there were hardly any patrons inside, Betty still moved with caution through the tables and chairs with Jughead following closely behind. When they approached a somewhat private booth in the back they took their seats on opposite sides of the table and removed their jackets as a large man in a chef’s uniform approached them.
“Betty Cooper! Is that really you?” Pop didn’t care to hide his excitement at seeing one of his favorite customers return to him, “I’ve missed you, girl!”
Betty moved herself closer to the man so she could hug him, pleased and warmed by the enthusiasm and the fact that apparently she still had at least one ally in Riverdale. “Hey, Pop! It’s so good to see you!”
Once Betty scooted back to her original spot on the booth bench, the older man shook his head. “It ain’t right, what happened to you. This town ain’t treated you right, not for a second. I’m sorry ‘bout all that. But now you’re back!” Jughead smiled to himself at the jovial old man. “What can I get you and your-” he paused, acknowledging Jughead for the first time, smiling brightly, “boyfriend? You want your usual?”
“You remember my usual after all this time?” She asked, a little taken back by the fact, but feeling tender emotions in her heart just the same.
“Of course, Betty! I remember all my favorite customers’ orders! Now, what can I get you?”
“The usual would be great, Pop.” Betty motioned towards Jughead before introducing the two of them. They shook hands and Jughead placed his order.
“I’ll take the biggest cheeseburger you’ve got and a coffee, please.” Jughead was starving and though he tried staying in shape, he loved a greasy burger.
“Sure thing, Mr. Jones. Anything for a friend of my girl’s here. I'll have this up in a jiffy. Until then you two let me know if you need anything.”
As Pop walked away from their table, Jughead turned toward Betty. She looked beautiful in the soft, dim diner light despite the sun shining brightly outside. “Betty,” he said, smiling at the way her eyes snapped to his face so quickly. “Are you doing alright?”
“I’m doing as well as can be expected, I guess. Being in Riverdale makes my skin crawl.”
“I know, baby girl. We don’t have to stay here for very long. Just tomorrow and then we’re gone and I promise I’ll take your mind off things once we get back to the hotel... but first I need you to do something for me.” Betty agreed immediately, as she always did, eager to hear what was being requested of her. “I need you to call your parents’ house and let them know you’re in town,” he said solemnly, taking her hand in his across the table.
“What?” she practically screeched and pulled her hand from his. “I can’t do that, Jughead. I can’t.” Betty could feel the tightening in her chest. She was getting herself worked up and finding it increasingly difficult to breathe.
“Betty, baby. Calm down. It’s okay. I’ll be with you the entire time and all I want you to do is tell them that you’re in town. I’m certain they know about tomorrow. You don’t have to schedule a meeting with them or go see them, just tell them you’re here. They’re your parents and there is a real reason I’m asking you to do this, one that I’ll tell you someday, but for now I need you to trust me.” He again covered her shaking hand with his own warmer, steadier one.  
The weight of his hand on hers grounded her slightly, as did his calming words. She managed to slow her breathing to a normal rate after a few moments and as her thoughts came back to her, she took a deep breath and let her eyes roam over her dinner date. She knew exactly what he was doing getting her to take the steps to mend fences in the future. She appreciated it, but was equally terrified. Could she do it? Call her parents after ten long years of pretending they didn’t exist?
“Betts, you need to do this. I promise it will be as painless as possible but it’s important. A quick phone call and we can get on with… other things. If you’re good for me, I’ll make it extra good for you,” he added, hoping the light bit of humor would help calm her.
The fingers of the hand already holding his own tightened as she reached for her phone with her other hand. “Alright, Jug. I trust you. I’ll call them. I’m not promising I won’t hang up on whoever answers after I’ve told them I’m here, but I’m calling.” Her eyes narrowed on him as she picked up her phone. “You owe me so many orgasms, Mr. Jones.”
Her words startled a laugh out of him. He decided to get up from his own side of their booth and slide in next to her. His arm snaked around her and he held her tightly as she dialed the number she had known by heart since she was a small girl.
The phone rang until the answering machine picked up. Betty looked at Jughead whose expression urged her to continue.
“Mom and Dad? This is Betty. I just wanted to let you know I’m in town for the appeal hearing. I don’t know how long I’ll be here, but I’m staying at the hotel just past the town line. You can call there if you want to talk to me. Bye.”
Betty hung up the phone and allowed herself to fall back into Jughead’s arms as she sighed the biggest sigh of relief. “Such a good girl for me, Betty. Such a good girl,” he murmured, kissing the top of her head and rubbing his hand gently against her shoulder.
Once the two of them ate what amounted to one of the best cheeseburgers Jughead had ever eaten, they left Pop’s and walked back toward the Riverdale Inn hand in hand.
“Go, get cleaned up and ready for me, baby girl” Jughead told her as they approached their door. “I’m just going to let Jellybean know we’re back.”
Betty kissed his cheek and quickly entered their room, her excitement almost palpable as Jughead walked the few steps to his sister’s room and knocked. The door opened with a flourish to reveal Jellybean in her finest holey pajama bottoms and a Pixies shirt. “What do you want, Fucker?” she asked, raising her perfect eyebrow.
“Just to tell you that we’re back… and that you might want some earplugs,” he replied with a smirk.
“Ew, gross. I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that.” Jughead chuckled at his own joke as she continued. “How is she, Jug?”
“She’s okay. I had her call her parents before we came back just to let them know we’re here.”
“And how did she take that?” Jellybean stepped aside to let Jughead into her room.
“I really can’t stay long,” he said as he stepped inside from the hallway. “She panicked at first, but she did call them. It’s good for her, and for them, to at least know she’s okay. I know you would’ve wanted the opportunity to speak with our parents after what happened too, if you had the chance.”
Jellybean nodded. “You’re right, Juggie. Maybe before this trip is over I should sit her down and tell her my story?”
Jughead nodded, a thoughtful look on his face. “I think that might be a great idea, but you don’t have to go telling her tomorrow. Let the moment come. Now, I’m going over there and I’m going to take her mind off of all of this.” He grabbed a small plastic package from his pocket and threw it at his sister. “Here, I was serious about these.”
“Earplugs? You’re ridiculous.” She shook her head fondly at her brother. “Go do what you need to do, bro. I’ll be here doing my own thing. I have noise cancelling earphones and very loud music.”
A devastatingly handsome smirk crossed his features and he practically ran to the room next door.
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storiesaboutcole · 6 years
Request 10 (My first Riverdale imagine, what?)
From anonymous: Hi! Could you make a request where y/n is older sister by a few years and jugheaf likes and conquest her? Gracias!
From omgitskwistelsblog: Hey can you do a jughead imagine where you're a blossom and jughead cheats with betty and you make their life hell for a little bit and you're meaner than cheryl and she's really surprised by that cuz u r a sweetheart and in the end you and jughead get together again? Please? Thank u!!
I just thought I’d combine these two requests to make it more interesting since they are more or less the same? I do however need to apologize in advance if that I sorta changed the plot a bit and if I don’t translate your requests the way you hoped it’ll be translated. Let’s take it way back to season 1 shall we? Because I just love a lil throwback. I hope this will work. And I know this will sound nothing Riverdale because of the importance of Bughead, but hey, this is called a fiction for a reason, right?
You were at Jason’s memorial with the rest of your family as Cheryl stood in front of everyone, listening to her speak about Jason. Your aunt Penelope was trying to stop Cheryl,yet again, but you quickly reminded her that she’s just going to make things worst for everyone and for herself.
“Even though we were twins, I used to demand I have my own birthday party,” Cheryl muttered, adding, “Until one year, out of the blue, Jason convinced me we had to combine them into one. It wasn’t until years later that I found out why. It was because no one wanted to come to mine. And JAson didn’t want me to know...”
Hearing Cheryl’s words made you all teary. Your boyfriend Jughead, squeezed your hand tightly in his, as he was sitting next to you. “Are you okay?” he whispered. He knew you were very close to both, Cheryl and Jason. And Jason’s death was affecting you as much as it was affecting Cheryl. You knew about Jason’s plans to run away with Polly, as you were Polly’s best friend after all.It was a secret you swear to both Jason and Polly that you’d never tell. The fact that Polly was pregnant with Jason’s kid. No one knew about it. Not even Cheryl. Or your boyfriend, Jughead. When Jason proposed to Polly, you were the first person Polly told. You could only cry for the fact that Polly would never get to see Jason ever again. You just wished that Polly would be safe, wherever she was. 
“I’m so sorry Jay-Jay. We failed you. All of us,” Cheryl sobbed. You immediately got up from your chair to hug your grieving cousin. 
You stayed by Cheryl’s side throughout supper, to protect her from your aunt Penelope. And that’s when you realized that Jughead was nowhere to be seen. You searched the entire house for him, but, not even Archie nor Veronica has seen him. You the realized that Betty was gone too. That could only mean one thing.
You quickly ran to get to Jason’s room and heard Nana Rose telling Betty about the ring Jason gave to Polly.
“Nana Rose!” you interrupted. 
"Did you know that Polly and Jason’s engaged?” Jughead whispered, pulling you to the side. You shrugged. “You knew, didn’t you. Why didn’t you tell me, Y/N?”
“It’s not my secret to tell, Jug.”
“Wait,” Betty turned to face you. “You knew all these while that my sister is engaged with Jason and you didn’t say a thing to me?”
“Like I said, it’s not my secret to tell.’
“I can’t believe it, Y/N! You knew I am seeking answers about my sister, my family. Do you know where Polly is?”
“Tell me the truth!” 
“No! I don’t know where she is, okay? Maybe you should ask your dad! He’s the one who keeps wanting to send her away!”
“So Polly did tell you something? Come on, Y/N. You’re her best friend. You must know something.”
“Like I said, ask your dad, Betty.”
“Hey, Archie, have you seen Jughead? It sure feels like I keep on losing him lately,” you sighed. 
“You mean you didn’t know about Betty and Jughead’s stealth operation?” Kevin asked.
“Kev!” Archie stopped him.
“What stealth operation?” 
Kev looked at Archie for validation, but Archie shook his head like he was reminding Kevin to stay quiet. 
“Come on, Archie, tell me. Is it about Polly? I need to know. She’s my best friend, remember?”
“I mean, she deserves to know too, Archie,” Kevin agreed.
“Okay, okay. But, you must promise me that you’d never tell anyone, especially Cheryl, okay?”
“I promise.”
“Betty and Jughead figured out where Polly is and they are trying to rescue her.” Hearing your boyfriend’s name in the same sentence as Betty’s name made your heart ache a little. You sort of realized that he was spending so much time with her lately.
You were at Pop’s, all by yourself when you saw your boyfriend walked in. 
“There you are,” he smiled. “You have no idea what I’ve discovered today.”
“I can’t have any idea if you keep on hiding things from me now, can I?”
“Wait. What? Are you mad at me or something, Y/N?” Jughead chuckled.
You gave him a side eye.
“Hey, what’s wrong,” he placed his arm around you.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you knew where Polly was?”
“I wanted too, but Betty wants to-”
“And why are you spending so much time with Betty lately? Do you like her or something?”
‘Wait, what? Y/N, you can’t be jealous of me and Betty. You know me and her have been friends for ages.”
“I kinda knew that you always had a crush on her. Polly told me,” you sulked.
“Hey,” Jughead pulled you in closer so you could lean your head against his frame as he comforted you in his embrace. “I love you, okay? I am just helping a friend out and I am sorry if you feel left out. You know how invested I can be when it comes to solving mysteries.”
“Promise?” you glanced at him.
“Promise,” he smiled as he kissed your lips.
Jughead hadn’t realized that you were discretely following him from behind.You just knew that something was up with him. He felt distant. Like all he could ever think about was Betty. When you saw him climbed up a ladder to get to Betty’s bedroom, your heart began to race. You began to imagine all the worst possible scenarios in your head. When you saw that there was no car in front of the house, you felt relieved. You quickly made your way to the front porch of Polly’s house and searched for the keys she had always kept hidden under a rock in the lawn. You let yourself in and you walked straight up to Betty’s room.
Your body instantly froze when you saw Jughead and Betty kissed. You were right. Something was definitely going on between them. You just couldn’t believe that Jughead would do this to you. You were right. You were absolutely right.
“Jughead? Betty?” you croaked out, holding back the tears in your eyes, swallowing the huge lump in your throat.
“Y/N? What are you-” You walked away before Jughead could finish.
“Y/N. Y/N, wait.”
Jughead was quick on his feet, therefore he managed to get to you before you could even exit the house.
“I can explain.”
“Okay. Explain,” you sobbed. “How could you, Jug? I trusted you.”
“And with Betty? Really? I feel so stupid. You two have been lying to me the whole time. I just knew it!”
“Y/N... I-”
“You know what, Jughead? You two can go to hell. I hope you two are happy,” you cried, slamming the door behind you.
It’s been weeks since you last saw Jughead. You made some lousy excuses to skip school and you’ve blocked all of Jughead’s attempt to reach you. 
“Okay. You are pathetic.” Cheryl moaned when she saw you still in bed at at 2PM.
“Urgh! Go away cousin!”
“Wake up. Because you are going to love what I’m going to tell you.”
“Both of our archnemesi, Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge, will be at a little shindig at chowderhead Archie’s house.”
“I don’t have a problem with Veronica,” you told Cheryl.
“She’s best friend’s with Betty Cooper. You need to have a problem with her, cousin Y/N!”
You blinked when you saw the smirk on Cheryl’s face. You knew your cousin had some plans of sabotage up her sleeves and you want nothing more than a proper revenge on Betty Cooper for stealing your boyfriend.
“Wanna team up for a little destruction, Y/N?” 
The look on Jughead’s face when he saw you walked into Archie’s place was priceless. 
“Did you really think that you could have a party without inviting moi?” Cheryl said after making a grand entrance at Archie’s house. You were eyeing Jughead when you realized how upset he looked. You knew it was his birthday and the last thing Jughead would ever want is a birthday party.
“Archie, where do you want the kegs?” Moose asked.
“Screw it. One in the kitchen, one in the backyard.” 
You saw how disappointed Jughead looked and you felt really sorry for him. He left the room filled with people he’d usually avoid in school, leaving Betty and her friends there to watch the entire school wreck havoc in Archie’s living room.
You walked up to Betty with a smug. “Did you really think Jughead would appreciate a birthday party?”
“Y/N, not now. I didn’t invite you and your gangs here, okay?”
“What about his dad?” you muttered.
“What?” Betty asked, tilting her head confused.
“i invited his dad here,” you admitted. “You should know that it would mean the world to him if his dad remembers his birthday.” You nearly sob when you told Betty that intimate information. It was something that Jughead never told you but you knew because you witnessed how dejected he was, countless of times, wishing that his father would always be there for him.
“Y/N... I...”
“That’s a vital information, Betty. I am surprised you missed it.”
“Y/N, look. About Jughead and I. I am truly sorry for what we did. I guess... we just fell in love. Or has always been in love...”
“Do you really love him Betty?”
“I do, Y/N... Very much.”
“Then maybe you should go and look for him then.”
“I should grab a drink,” you told Betty, avoiding further conversation with her. You were suddenly reminded of the heartbreak that you were going through. You still love Jughead, that’s for sure. But he doesn’t love you back. He has Betty now.
A tear fell from your eye when you headed to the kitchen. Chuck saw you and followed you from behind.
“Still thinking about trailer boy, huh?” he chuckled.
“Go away, Chuck.”
“Come on,” he breathed near your neck, making your skin crawl. “Let’s forget about trailer boy and have fun a little.”
“Stay back!” you warned him.
“Or what? Come on, Y/N. You don’t have to act so pure, okay? You’re a Blossom, and we all know how dirty a Blossom can be,” he laughed. 
‘Stop!” you cried when he started to run his hand up your thigh.
“Oh, come on, Y/N. I know you’ve been lonely lately.”
“Well screw you!”
“Yeah? Well, look at you. All alone and pathetic. Not even Jughead wants to be with you. I gotta say, the boy has good taste to court Betty. I bet he is tired of screwing a grade C Blossom over and over again, huh?” Chuck smirked. You felt disgusted and started crying. Jughead would have defended you in a heartbeat if he was still boyfriend. But Chuck’s right. You’re alone now. You’ve lost your best friend Polly and now, Jughead.
You stepped out of Archie’s house and sat on the stairs. You buried you head in your palms when you heard someone called your name.
You looked up and saw Jughead’s dad standing in front of you, carrying a huge box of present in his hand.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” you wiped away your tears. “Jug’s inside, hiding if you can’t already tell...”
“I figured. Don’t think my boy had this many friends,” he chuckled, before adding, “Y/N, I should thank you for calling me today. I really appreciate it.”
“He’d love to see you here, Mr Jones,” you smile.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Y/N?”
You only nodded.
“Look, I don’t know what my boy did to you and if he ever hurt you, let me know.”
“Jughead... he’s... He is the sweetest Mr Jones,” you told him. “And he has Betty now. He is in good hands.” You admitted.
“Don’t be too humble, Y/N. I know you were always there for my son when I couldn’t even bare the responsibility of a father,’ he gave you a forlorn stare.
His words made you cry even more.
“I’m sorry, Mr Jones. I got to go,” you sobbed as you walked away from Archie’s house.
You heard the bell at Pop’s chime while you were sitting at the back booth. You were about to order another Cherry Cola for yourself when Jughead suddenly appears in front of you, with a glass of cherry coke and chocolate milkshake in his hands. Your eyes immediately saw the cut and bruises on his face, like he’s been assaulted.
“What happened?” you asked him.
“Can I sit here?”
You nodded and Jughead slowly slid into the empty space next to you. You and Jughead sat silently and awkwardly for a few seconds. He then cleared his throat.
“So, my dad came. Thank you, Y/N. I really appreciate what you did.”
“Partied too hard?” you chuckled, pointing at the cut on his face. The corner of his lips were bruised and you were certain that someone at the party had beaten the shit out of Jughead.
“Chuck,” Jughead chuckled.
“I heard what he said to you,” he admitted. “I’ve never lunged at anyone that fast my entire life.”
“Jughead...” you touched his face. He flinched a little indicating that he’s still hurting from the fight. “Sorry.”
“No, Y/N, I’m sorry. For everything,” he exhaled, grabbing your hand and placed it tightly in his. “I screwed up, didn’t I?”
“Jug. I get it. Feelings change. People change. You’re lucky to have Betty. She’s perfect for you and it’s not nice if she sees us like this,” you pulled away from him. 
“Why are you so selfless, Y/N? Even after what Betty and I did to you, you’d still want to put her feelings first before yours... You’re... You’re really special.”
“Because I know how a heartbreak feels like.”
“Y/N... I’m sorry.”
“I ended things with Betty.”
“What? Why? She loves you very much, Jug. I know she can be easily misunderstood, but trust me Jug, I’ve know Betty since she was born. She’s good for you. Don’t ruin that.”
“Betty doesn’t love me. I am just her second choice after Archie,” Jughead shook his head. 
“You know that’s not true.”
“Really? And you know that’s not true?”
“How so?”
“Because she told me how much she loves you. You know she’s good for you.”
“And what makes you think you’re not good for me?”
“You chose her over me, remember? And I guess I carry the Blossom curse. No one will understand a Blossom. Also...”
Jughead placed his lips against yours before you could even finish mumbling. You instantly froze, not really knowing what to do in that situation. Part of you wants him back. But another part of you resisted.
“Jughead, stop. Please.”
He was taken aback by your reaction. 
“I can’t do this, Jug. Not to Betty. I am sorry,” you told him. “You just broke up with her a few moments ago and here you are with me? Are you serious Jughead?”
“Y/N... I’m... I’m sorry.”
“I know... Me too. But until you figure out how you really feel, I think we should stop seeing each other.”
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bugheadfamily · 6 years
Bughead Family Discord Member Spotlight
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This week the spotlight is on Summer ( @srainebuggie )! Click the read more link below to get to know our member!
Spotlight by Mila, @jughead-jones | Graphic by Katie, @betty-cooper 
SUMMER | @srainebuggie
Name: Summer 
Age: I’m a lil 16 
Location: Ontario, Canada 
Any other languages aside from English people can contact you in?: Nah.
Favourite Riverdale characters and ships?: Oh gosh, Jughead, FP, Alice, and Betty are definitely my favourite characters. But as far as ships go, I’m here for all things Bughead, Falice, and Joavin.
Favourite moments from S1 & S2?: I will never get over the first time that Bughead said “i love you” to each other, that entire scene is just my favourite from the first season. But s2, wow um, where do I start. Every Alice and FP interaction, Betty and Jughead “like romeo and juliet” scene at Pop’s, Betty going at Veronica when Nick came into town. The Pussycats beating Nick senseless, and just every other scene that showed Lili’s wonderful acting chops.
What are your hopes for S3?: I want to dive more into Jughead as a writer, it’s my favourite thing about the show, and I hope we get more of that. Definitely a parents flashback, and some more development on characters like Veronica and Cheryl would be nice too. 
Other fandoms you’re into?: I’m not really into that much else, but I love Emmerdale. 
What are some of your favourite movies/TV?: Flowers in the Attic is a forever favourite movie series of mine, Emmerdale, Riverdale (obviously), and that’s about it. 
Favourite books?: Love, Rosie and Suicide: the forever decision. I have like 20 books in my room to read but haven’t gotten around to them yet. 
Favourite bands/musicians?: Demi Lovato. Love her with every little bit of my soul.
If you could live in any fictional world which one would you choose and why?: Probably Riverdale to talk some sense into the characters when they’re being dumb. 
Favourite food?: Ice cream and fries.
Favourite season?: Fall.
Favourite plant?:  Uh, don’t got one :(
Favourite scent?: I actually get headaches from scents, but probably vanilla. 
Favourite colour?: Definitely black and/or red. 
Favourite animal?: Dogs own my heart. 
Are you a night owl, an early bird, or a vampire?: Oh god, I love staying up until 3am. Definitely a night owl. 
Place you want to visit?: England, 100%
Do you have pets? If you do, tell us a little about them: I have 2 dogs and they’re my entire world. Both blood brothers born a year apart, they’re 7 and 8 and just the cutest things ever.
Tell us a little about yourself?: Oh god, well, hi, I’m Summer Raine. I was raised by a single mom and have one brother who is 8 years older than me, and a twin brother. I love to write and listen to music, I also love styling hair and helping my aunt with her four little kids. I work a part time job in retail and absolutely hate it lol. Uh, I have depression and I am an activist for mental health and sexual assault. I also stand up for LGBT rights and work hard to make things equal for everyone. 
Fun or weird fact about you?: People think I’m twice as old as I am bc apparently I’m ‘mature’.
Asks for fanfic authors: 
How long have you been writing?: I’ve been writing pretty much since I could put sentences together, but fanfic specifically, about 2 ½ years. 
Which is your favourite of the fics you’ve written?: My favourite is actually a fic I have coming out on August 24th, it is called Flashing Lights!
Favourite fic/chapter/plot-point/character you’ve ever written?: My favourite fic I’ve ever fic written is Flashing Lights. Favourite chapter was Chapter 10 of my fic “Stronger than Me”. Plot-point was Jughead seeking recovery for alcohol addiction in Stronger Than Me, and character was my Flashing Lights version of Betty. 
Which was the hardest to write, and why?: Without a doubt, Flashing Lights (I feel like I keep talking about this fic lol). It is a very dark themed fic and Betty struggles with a lot of problems, including addiction and recovery, it was hard to get that real and honest, especially when I’ve struggled with substance abuse as well. 
How do you come up with the ideas for you fic(s)? (examples: Do you draw inspiration from real life? Listen to music? Get inspired by TV/movies?) Do you have an process to your writing?: A lot of my one shots come from songs, but most of my multi chapters are inspired by real life 
Idea that you always wanted to write?: Jughead is Betty’s older brother’s (maybe Chic idk) best friend and they fall in love. Definitely a 5 year age gap!
Favourite character to write?: Betty, definitely
Best comment/review you’ve ever received?: *abstained* 
Best and worst parts of being a writer?: The worst part is constantly worrying about updating, and whether or not your updates will be enough. The best part is when someone is equally as proud of your for your creation as you are. 
Do you have any advice to offer?: Write for YOU. Making readers happy is great, but nothing is worth your time and effort unless it makes you happy too.
This is the sixth instalment of Bughead Family’s Member Spotlight series. Each week, a member’s url is selected through a randomizer and they will be featured in a spotlight post. In order to participate, please join the Bughead Discord (more information found here). Thank you.
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Below the cut are fictions starring Betty, Jughead, Varchie, Bughead, FP Jones, and Sweetpea!
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Kitchen Surprise - Sweetpea x Reader // Smut
Welcome to Riverdale High - Sweetpea x Reader // Requested
Welcome to Riverdale High (Part Two) - Sweetpea x Reader
Cafeteria Confessionals - Sweetpea x Reader
Siblings - Sweetpea x OC
Siblings (Part Two) - Sweetpea x OC
F*** Me - Bughead // Smut
Hands - Bughead // Mental Health
Understanding - Bughead // Mental Health (sorry for the multiple mental health fics - I’m a Counsellor ha ha)
Mine - Bughead // Smut
Wasted - Bughead // Protective Jughead
Big Brother - Snapshots of Jughead and Jellybean growing up together // Requested
First - Jughead x Jellybean // requested // Jellybean gets her period
Nostalgia - Jughead x Jellybean // requested // Jellybean gets sick
Home (Multi-chapter) - Jellybean x Jughead // requested // angst
Part One || Part Two || Part Three
Helpless (Multi-chapter) - Jellybean Jones // Angst // Protective Jughead
Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || Part Five || Part Six || Part Seven
That Rollercoaster (Multi-chapter) - Multi-chapter; Jughead’s Prologue
Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || Part Five
Gone - Betty Cooper // requested // Eating Disorder Trigger Warning
New Beginnings - Archie x Veronica // Requested // Smut
Flirting with Danger - Veronica x Archie // Smut // requested // Archie gets possessive
Primal - Dom!Archie x Sub!Veronica // requested // smut (duh)
Silence (Multi-Chapter) - Reader x Archie (platonic)
Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || Part Five || Part Six
FP Jones
FP Jones x Reader - Smut
At Last - FP Jones x Reader // Smut // Requested
The Drive-In - FP Jones x Reader // Smut // Requested
The Core Four
Treat - The Core Four + Jellybean go Trick or Treating // Requested
The Sleepover - The Core Four // Varchie // Bughead // Requested
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