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remarkist · 2 years ago
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➡️ Calling all Scoobies! ☎️ Step into the Buffyverse this August with a lineup that'll leave you thirsting for more! From watch parties that'll awaken your inner Slayer to chilling listening parties and fun games that'll test your knowledge, it'll be a month to remember here on Instagram and in our fandom magazine! 🧛
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taniaairiarte · 11 months ago
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Willow and Tara illustration 👩‍🎨🫧 @alysonhannigan @rebma_nosneb
💖Strong Like An Amazon💖
I only have one season left until I finish watching @buffytvs and I still can’t believe the end of season 6😭
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jamiemarsters · 8 months ago
.@HARVEYGUILLEN | Tnx @galaxyconraleigh for the best con this weeknd .. tnx to all the fans who came to see @kayvan_novak and I … we love you 🥰
@realjamesmarsters #JamesMarsters #WWDITS #WhatWeDoInTheShadows #Buffy #BuffytheVampireSlayer #Spike #HarveyGuillen #KayvanNovak @GalaxyConRDU @theshadowsfx @buffytvs
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widderwise · 1 year ago
BuffyTVS/Marvel Fic Idea
Timeline: the Buffy show happens in the late 90’s/early aughts (?) and ends before the (Marvel) Invasion of New York happens and makes ‘superheroes’ and ‘gods’ more commonplace. I headcannon that SHIELD is very okay with the old Watchers Council way of handling (controlling/abusing/neglecting slayers) and are happy to leave them be. I imagine they’re less cool with Buffy and co taking over to run it after the old Council is blown is killed by minions of the First. Thankfully, they’ll be too buys with Stark and co by then. Timelines can be adjusted to make things work.
So remember when Willow, Xander, Anya, and Tara brought Buffy back to life by calling on Osiris (see Urn of Osiris)? Well, in my prompt Osiris (a cannon character in Marvel) exacts a price for the ritual to work. A few weeks after Buffy is successfully resurrected, they discover that Willow is pregnant and when the baby is born it has a symbol of Osiris on it somewhere. Could be an unknown father (demi-god?) or a mix of DNA from the four of them. A mix could have Xander’s magic unluck or a connection to the hyena, a touch of Anya’s past demon life, Willow and Tara’s magic.
The baby can be raised with the scoobies or not. Maybe sent away when Sunnydale evacuates for the last battle. Both Tara and Anya die by the end of the series, so maybe joint custody between Willow and Xander. Despite the mark the kids is as normal as a kid raised by witches, slayers, and watchers can be.
In the Moonknight series Arthur Harrow (former avatar of Khonshu and current devotee of Ammit) fights the Ennead (Egyptian gods that watch humanity and live in the Overvoid/Celestial Heliopolis), which is led by Osiris’ avatar, a man name Selim. Selim dies in the last fight to contain Ammit.
And when Selim dies… the child of the scoobies with the Osiris mark is empowered as Osiris’ avatar. Will the scoobies be accepting of that? Will they think their kid is evil/possessed?
Moonknight gets to meet the new avatar or Osiris, a slayer/witch/watcher raised possibly demigod. That surely can’t go badly.
I'll probably write at least a few scenes of this, but it would be OC heavy.
Demigod OC making friends in New Asguard? How do the Ennead and Asgardians get along? Does anyone know? Drop me a line! I'd love to read Moonknight comics but all I have atm is google and the mini-series.
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male2lich · 2 years ago
my next Worm/Marvel/Wahammer40k/BuffyTVS fanfiction will scour the topsoil of scandinavia into barren dust
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insurgentepress · 1 year ago
Preparan reboot de "Buffy, la cazavampiros"
Dolly Parton reveló que la serie "Buffy, la cazavampiros" (@BuffyTVS) podría tener un reboot.
Agencias, Ciudad de México.- Buffy, la Cazavampiros es una de las series más legendarias de finales de los noventa y principios de los años 2000, un hito de la pantalla chica que para siempre marcó la carrera de su protagonista y sentó un precedente para las producciones de su género. Ahora, para Business Insider, Dolly Parton anuncia que un reboot de la serie estaría en camino, noticia que…
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octoberboy1031 · 2 years ago
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Thank you @jonnytree84 and @meghan_tk421 for these amazing #Halloween3SeasonoftheWitch #ToonyTerrors figures and @buffytvs #tarotcards!!! My friends know me so well!! 💜☘️💀🎃🎴💜 #halloweenmovie #themagicpumpkin #thenightnoonecomeshome #scarymovie #horror #horrorgeek #buffythevampireslayer #btvs #gethomebeforedark #abeautifulsunset #vampiresoftheworldbeware #tarot #halloween #samhain #halloween365 #itsalwayshalloween #octoberdreams #theoctobercountry #march #spring #night #terrorverse (at North Providence, Rhode Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqPM_ASuyaA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thebigsl33p · 3 years ago
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Shadow and Bone
Aleksander Morozova:
Safe Pair Of Hands
We Were Angels Once Don't You Remember?
And If I Never Sleep Again, I Will Stand In The Dark For You? Last Words of A Shooting Star (1) (2)
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The Last of Us
Canary In A Coal Mine Masterlist (Playlist, Pinterest, AO3)
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The Sandman
Lord Morpheus: Dream's Moving Castle Masterlist
In Your Hopes And Dreams.
Little blurb/drabble of Dream returning home
Treat Me Right, I'm Still A Good Man's Daughter (1)
Let Me In If I Break And Be Quiet If I Shatter (2)
It's Never Only A Dream (Morningstar!Reader)
Morpheus blurb
It's Never Only A Dream (1)
It's Never Only A Dream (2)
Taking care of injured Morpheus
I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
reader Is Jealous of calliope
I Am No Mother, I Am No Bride, I Am King.
I Need My Golden Crown Of Sorrow, My Bloody Sword To Swing, I Need These Empty Halls To Echo With Grand Self-Mythology
You're Holding Me Like Water In Your Hands
I Don't See What Anyone Could See In Anyone Else, But You
Joanna Constantine:
You Are Sick And You're Married And You Might Be Dying (1)
You Are Sick And You're Married And You Might Be Dying (2)
Throw On The Black Dress, Mix In With The Lot, You Might Wake Up And Notice You're Someone You're Not
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Tag list is open! So are requests! I'll write for:
The Sandman
Midnight Mass.
Michael Langdon
The Darkling/Aleksander Morzova
Alina Starkov
The Last of Us
Sally Face
Quite literally any Ben Barnes character, including Logan Delos, the guy from Stardust, Caspian, Billy Russo and Aleksander Morozova
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multivoid · 3 years ago
Cordelia Chase x GN! Reader
(a/n: this is kinda trash since I wrote it at like 4 am, also haven't proof read this cuz I'm simply too lazy. pls keep in mind that English is NOT my first language, therefore there may be some spelling mistakes.)
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(gif is not mine)
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. "Oh that's right" I thought to myself, "It's a Monday". Now I don't necessarily HATE Mondays. It's just that I recently joined the cheerleading squad. (club? team? squad? idk) Which means that every time I go there, I have to see Cordelia Chase. Me and Cordelia used to be best friends beleive it or not. We followed each other around everywhere and told each other pretty much everything. We were so close to the point that people thought we were dating. But then all of a sudden one day, she became really distant. She started hanging around with me less and less and in the end we stopped hanging around completely. Then of course we got into the same high school, we have most of the same classes and we're both in the same cheerleading squad. Every time I see her I always think about maybe going up to her and just saying hi, y'know? "How've you been". But I never work up the courage to say it.
(time skip - in class)
I'm sitting there, minding my own business, doodling eyes on the desk, completely drowning out what the teacher's saying when I sense someone looking at me. I could just be being paranoid but have that feeling that someone is definitely watching me. I look up at the teacher but she's still talking to the class and obviously hasn't noticed that I'm not listening to a word she's saying. So look around at the rest of the class to find the one and only Cordelia Chase staring at me. When she notices me looking, she quickly looks the other way. "That's strange" I mutter under my breath.
For the rest of the day I keep seeing Cordelia glancing at me, and seeing as half the time she ignores me, there's obviously a reason why. So I decided to finally confront her about it. I waited by the steps just outside of the school and after waiting for a few minutes she finally shows, walking side by side with Harmony Kendall. "Hey Cordy Cordelia"! I correct myself. "Can I have a quick word, I promise I won't keep you too long". She takes off her sunglasses and rests them on her head. "Uh, yeah.. Sure, Harmony if you could wait for me that would be great- oh she's.. already gone". She chuckles nervously. "So what exactly did you want to talk to me about"?
Pt. 2?
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destielandspuffy · 4 years ago
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➞ {7.22} Chosen
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freezing82 · 4 years ago
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Via: Drew IG I have a question: why is Jughead always wearing ‘old man’ clothes? Ok, I get that they needed to show time had passed and Cole looks like a teenager no matter what he’s wearing LOL I condoned the glasses because I think they suit Cole, but come on! Button down pullovers? Wool jackets? Tweed?
Who is he, Rupert Giles?! (I DID love Giles, but he was clearly over his fifties) LOL Please bring back fit jeans and leather, people. I kinda need it.
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fndmpysco · 4 years ago
Theres no torture like trying not to spoil your favourite show when your best friend is watching it for the first time and you watch it every few months
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taniaairiarte · 11 months ago
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Willow Rosenberg illustration🧡 @buffytvs @alysonhannigan
I love all the characters but this is one of my favorites!🧡🧡🧡
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jamiemarsters · 10 months ago
Pic of the Day: James Marsters & Alyson Hannigan showing off the *awesome* work of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer make-up department
@realjamesmarsters #JamesMarsters @alysonhannigan #AlysonHannigan @buffytvs #Buffy #BuffytheVampireSlayer #BtVS #TeamUpWeWouldveLovedToSee #Spike #And #VampWillow #Slay
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local-plant-bitch · 5 years ago
Funny autism moment of the day
So while with some family today, and awkward conversation came up and I got nervous and since I know these people very well and they know I’m autistic, I started stimming
I didn’t think anything of it until my mom laughed and went “how long have you been doing that!?”
I was about to get indignant, think she was making fun of me for stimming, only to realize that she was actually laughing at the stim specifically.
I had cleaned my glasses to avoid the conversation.
Which to most people seems normal
But as my friends and family know, it’s something my favorite character from the TV show Buffy The Vampire Slayer does whenever he has to explain something he really doesn’t want to
Apparently I have stolen this little nervous tic, so I’m now wondering how many times I’ve done this without thinking
I’m also wondering if any other autistic people also experience this. Picking up a stim ir mannerism from a piece of fictional media.
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angxlized · 5 years ago
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“i hate that it’s so hard...”
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