#bud budddys
wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows Reaction:
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
My… “friend.”  Sureeee, Watson
[Out of curiosity.  Do you know the name "Reichenbach"?]  It looks familiar ☠️ but idk what it is ☠️☠️☠️  [Aight]  👀 why tho lol  [I- Uh.  You'll see]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️ Ok lol
This woman!  Hmph!  See, the women in their lives suck.  That’s why they should just be together  [I want to show you a thing btw]  Ok 🙂  [Here!  (below)... Bros.  Man's alleged love interest is literally.  Right there.  And the bros are staring at each other]  😂😂😂😂  I love ittttt
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Buddy… the bald cap
[I know they’re whistling, but… Men will make kissy faces at each other]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  Why were they whistling?  ['Cause.  Just 'cause]  Ah ☠️☠️☠️
I’m ded  [No, I think they are (jk)]  ☠️☠️☠️ Very true.  But I meant the jump
[Man's a bit of a dumbass laskjfd  How much clearer can you get than "don't move"]
A bomb!  Le gasp
I love her! (The actress not the character)  [I mean, the character's fun too]  She is! (Just them together is not… well 🙂 you know 😉 )
[Oop- man died anyway.  But took a lot fewer people with him, so.  That's good.]
Oh shit, she scurrrd
He’s such a good actorrrrr [I knowwww]
He kill her?  [I say nada]  Le gasp!
Well.  Now I feel bad
He done got stood up and widowed (kinda)
[Oh look, it's Watson and "our dog"]
Wait  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  They are at Baker Street?  [Holmes is.  Watson's moved out, I think]  It sounded like he was calling Mary tho [aslkdjf]
Buddy.  You’ve been shot
This man is insane
["I've barely noticed your absence"  Mmmhmm]  ☠️☠️☠️  [Buddy was lying in wait to surprise you, but of course he didn't notice a thing]
WATSON!  You Are Shot!  Have the actors forgotten?
[Oh, I lied.  Apparently he's getting married tomorrow]
“Embrace me.”  “EMBRACE ME”  I fucking will be using that the day we meet!
[I love lil string maps]
Le gasp!
["A shadowy game"  Title drop (ish)]
Buddy.  BUDDDY!
How is he still alive?  [I don't know... Formaldehyde will literally destroy your stomach]
["Our dog"]
The smileee
The glasses 😂😂
“Armageddon!”  Mood Holmes moood
Poor Sherlock  [Holmes still raging, raging, against the dying of their best bro bud bachelorship]
Is that Mycroft?  [idk, but I think so]  So do I.  Funny… Mycroft in Enola Holmes looks like Watson
He calls him Shirley tho… I love it  [:)  The temptation to make an Airplane reference]
“Not a ponce”  ["You know me" alksdjflkadsjfa That's all you need, Watson, don't you know?]
Watson. You are being too trusting with that ring that’s been lost how many times already?
[:((((((( Watson so mean]  Yes… He was very rude
[I like her :)  Noomi Rapace]  She looks like Mary… I was confused
Shawn/Sherlock same thing  [This is indeed an apt comparison]  They way he just did that was sooooo much like Psych
[Ouch]  Oooof
Well, shit, eggs sounding pretty good rn  [Ma'am.  This is a scene about beating a dude up… And you're more concerned with brekkie]  I mean— 😁
“She was biting my leg”
Poor Watson ☠️☠️☠️
Ah yes [alskdjf I know where you're going with that alskdjf]  Let us hold hands while we walk to my wedding ‘cause that’s what bros do
Poor Sherlock… again  [*simultaneously* Poor Sherlock ]
💔💔💔 “Watson… he gone”  [:( ]
AGAIN.  SIR!  SIRE!  THE TENSION!  and for why!?
Le gasp!  [Sir's gonna regret threatening his best bro bud]
“Poor Sherlock” times like 50000
I just… don’t like her ☠️☠️☠️  [I assume the her is Mary?]  It’s like she is only even here to be in the way  😩😩  [IT'S THEIR HONEYMOON]  Tsch tsch tsch :)
[Is that a gun or are you just happy to se-]  
☠️  [Okay, tbf, she was pretty damn cool there]  Yeah that’s true!
Um.  [:)]
Idk I guess I’m just overly understanding but I hate situations like this where hubby’s bf shows up and like there’s actually a good reason and the new wife is all OMG IM SO DISTRAUGHT THIS WAS OUR big day. And I get it a little but at the same time I don’t ☠️ same happens with wives of husbands with dangerous or demanding jobs being bitchy when he has to leave for work. It frustrates me.
He threw her off the train.  HE THREW HER OFF THE TRAIN! and I get it was to save her but I’m ded
“Did you just kill my new wife?” Sounds a lot like this isn’t the first time  ☠️☠️☠️
😂😂😂 So much is happening
Also.  The photo I just paused on.  (below)  I’m Ded.  DED!  DECEASED!!!  I REPEAT SIRS  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  I.  Am.  DED
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Buddy.  There’s no need to be so in character in the bathroom.  Where no one can se— Ah I give up he’s insane
[Sir.  Sir.  Was that a stick-and-some-grenades or are you just happy to se-]  In👏🏼Sane👏🏼
[Sir.]  SIR.
Once more!
He looks like joker  [I KNOW]  Heath ledger one  [I gathered]
I was gonna say poor Sherlock, and then he sniffed the bloody rag, and ack!  And then… He Ed tossed it off the boat!  So ok, poor Sherlock!  [asdfklajsflkjf  Also he looked at Watson first.  He gave up the memory of his love interest while staring at Watson]  😭😭😭😭
Oh no not “violated”  [alskdjf]  They did enough of that on the train  [ALSKDJF]
The laugh!  I’m dead
[Bickering bros.  Married vibes]  Lovers  Jusssssst bros
Funny side story my dad got robbed by gypsies one time  [aslkdfj well damn]  Him and his cousin. The women seduced em, got em drunk, and robbed em blind 😂😂 ☠️☠️
Speak of the gypsy… I’m ded
Wot is this fucking movie?  Nope, that's it: it’s a bloodline thing… They are all insane
This screen is cutting it mighty close
I like this Mycroft! He a lot less assholish!  [This is true.  Just a little more... nekked  (I assume)]  Scratch that he’s just— well yes lol  But he’s way better.  Only good thing the other one does is allow Sherlock to be Enola’s caregiver
Well damn
Ahh more ofmd vibes with the hidden passage  [How dare you]  Wot 👀☠️  [Bring up the pain of that show]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  [Twice]  😁😁 Not my fault  [Mmmhmm]  I say what I see
Le gasp  He’s been had
Oooooof ‘Splosion
[I love her hair]  YESSSS  
Well… is she takes Irene’s place they will just be dating different fonts of the same person  [aslkdfjalksdjf  I mean.  you're not wrong]
[Um.  Um.  Sherlock gave up his handkerchief (sign of past love interest) while looking at Watson; Watson gave up his scarf (sign of current wife) while looking at Holmes]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Poor Sherlock
Wait Wot.  Sir.  “Why would I want something I couldn’t control bobbing around between my legs”  SIR
ALSO THIS MAN IS ON A FUCKING PONY IM DYING  [Please don't; 'twould be a shame]  😂😂😂
This man and kicking in doors
Oooooop he’s been got
Buddy.  Why.  Would.  You.  Drink.  It.  Then again his body is probably just immune by now
[Now you'll understand why this song playing on my dryer is so fecking creepy]  Slasher flick ptsd  [alsdkfj]  Yes! Cause he is fucking creepy
Ooooo that got Watson up  [*simultaneously*  Also, the thing that motivates Watson most is the screams over the intercom, just to point out]  🙂  [aslkfdj]
["To whom"  Love you for that Moriarty]  Lol!  [Sorry, but the grammar obsessed me is happy by that]
[btw, this whole scene between Sherlock and Watson... I think it has Vibes.  It's been a bit, but I'm pretty sure]  Well damn.  [Yup, I was right]  🥺🥺🥺💕  ["Always good to see you Watson" and the hand on his arm and the-]
“You didn’t find me; you collapsed a building on me”
Oh shiiiit that’s scurry lol
😦  [:(]  Well damn
Oooop- He ded
Watson, he needs a kiss
Oh, wait… He’s got that thing!  The thing he used on the dog!  [It's called an adrenaline shot, dear lakdsjf]  Ack  [It's also called his wedding gift]
The fucking run
Oh god they are gonna be fun to write  [I've come to the conclusion I have to do something too]
[*Sherlock mutters*  Watson: "Be nice"  Sherlock (essentially): "Fineeee"]
Wot the fuck is that house
☠️☠️☠️ No pressure
Nooooooo.  NOOOOOOOOO!!!???!  [:)]  I’m dying
Why.  Are they dancing.  Still?  [To be.  Subtle]  Of course
Yes, yes… So very subtle
[They're so.  This.  Bruhhhh]  Oh it’s not their first dance
Well he ded  [Poor Simza]
I’m ded… His disguises  [:)  One of my favorite bits from the original stories]
[Y'all gonna kiss?]  ☠️☠️☠️  They might  [I joke but also I don't]
☠️☠️  [Lestradeeeee]  🙂
[This is important.  This is why I asked if you knew what Reichenbach means.  It's a place, but it's significant for a reason]
Oh shit  [Yup!  He took over the monologue!  And did bad things with it!]  Oh shiiiit  The end
Bruh.  BRUH.  BROS  [He kept his eyes shut.  The last thing he saw... was Watson]  I KNOW.  I KNOW.  I FUCKING KNOW
🙂  I was about to kill you.  Just so you know.  [I figured]
– – – 
Wench: So, before your endpoint, I need to express just how much this story fucked me up.  I was a kid and we had a picture book.  "The Final Problem" it was called, and it was the story of Holmes and Moriarty and the Reichenbach Falls.  This was the cover.  (below)
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Jezebel: Well damn!!
Wench: And when I tell you.  That that fucking book.  Made me cry.  (Makes me cry, if the time is right.)  Every.  Fucking.  Time.
Jezebel: Ack! Imma need them to get serious about the third movie now
Wench: That line?  About "in that dreadful caldron of swirling water and seething foam will lie for all time the most dangerous criminal and the foremost champion of the law of their generation."  is a paraphrase of one of the lines from that book.  And it is a rare day that I read it and don't struggle
Jezebel: ☹️☹️☹️☹️
Wench: Anyway... endpoint to you!
Jezebel: How feeeeeeeeeeeeeee- no. How fuuuuuuuuuucking dare you lead me into that ending blind you Wench
Wench: Because it deserved to not be spoiled.  My favorite part of the movie right there
Jezebel: Of all the dastardly, deceiving, horrrible things!  So evil!  So evil.  So *opens new Google Doc* evil  😭😭😭😭😭
Wench: We're gonna go back in our convo and find out that I did warn you and we just forgot… Devour, take two
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Wench: You cannot tell me that scene wasn't golden though.  And the look?  The Look?!?!?!  THE LOOK.
Jezebel: It was.  He 😭😭 he smiled and just cartwheeeled off like yep all is good now I got one last look. 
Wench: Can you see why he's (this specific version of the character) on my fave list?
Jezebel: YES!  😭😭😭😭😭😭 Ahhhh I love RDJ omg
Wench: I meant the self-sacrificial bit but go off ig  ME TOO
Jezebel: Of course he is ma’am 😂😂 that’s just your type
Wench: I've been attacked.  It's true, but still
Jezebel: I'm not ok  😭😭😭😭😭  Even though I suspected he wasn’t dead… Mainly because there is a third movie in the works… I still am not ok.  I was like: Welp. This has been a good friendship. But I’m bout to head out now..
Wench: RUDE
Jezebel: Bruh by the time they finally make the third movie, there will be a third Enola Holmes and I’m pretty sure they said Watson will be introduced
Wench: Ooop-
Jezebel: I’ll have pre bros and post bros and I may just die.  Ngl I already have a doc like very VERY rough drafted for Enola Holmes Sherlock but I wanted to see the RDJ movies first ☠️ to get a better feel of how they act
Wench: I love it :)))  You got any other endpoint comments?
Jezebel: Yes!  Mary flipped her bitchiness in the end and I’m here for it
Wench: This is true!
Jezebel: And I love Mycroft!  But I can’t reallly think of much more endpoint ☠️☠️☠️ movies are hard ☠️ to end point I mean.  ‘Cause I feel like I explained enough through it, yanno?
Wench: Yeah, that’s fair.  Do you see what I mean about Die Forelle being creepy af now tho?
Jezebel: YES  Also, I’m hurt and now have to sleep on that, you Wench
Wench: Think of it this way... it's the ideal domain for fics… Angsty out the freaking wazoo
Jezebel: I KNOWWWW!  but you don’t have to pretend there’s a happy ending… You just expand it
Wench: The thing is.  The Thing.  Is.  Angst.  And Hurt/Comfort.  Have apparently become my ideal genres.  So… I need to come up with something to write  (PROMPTS ARE ACCEPTED at @scripted-downfall --- within the constraints of sooooo much work 😭) 
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ Yesss
Wench: But that's for a later time.  Ready to call it a night?
Jezebel: Yes!
Wench: Oh, what’s our next react?
Jezebel: The Musketeers, right?
Wench: laksjdf;lksajdf I was giving you the choice to pick something else.  Or say no
Jezebel: 😌😌Wench: Hell yeahhhhhhh!  Alright, then... 'Til tomorrow, for The Musketeers!
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maplebongwater · 2 years
U are so dear 2 me i just wanted to say. Cheers bud
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(Me under watder)
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