#bucky's jealous kinda ooo
turtle-steverogers · 4 years
Don’t Take This the Wrong Way
Wrote this the other night on ao3 and wanted to post it here
During their hunt for Bucky, Steve and Sam take to cuddling for comfort. Bucky sees and naturally, he's got some feelings about it.
Ship(s): Stucky, platonic Sam & Steve
Warnings: none i dont think?
They’re in a motel room somewhere in Tucson when Steve finally relents. Admittedly, in the month that he and Sam had been searching for Bucky, his sleep schedule hasn’t been so good.  He’d been spending his nights tossing and turning, maybe dozing off for short thirty minute spurts here and there only to jolt awake with images of Bucky in the awful looking cryo chamber from the Winter Soldier files flashing in his mind. Usually he’d give up around 5 am and go for a run, then find him and Sam some breakfast. Given the nature of the serum, he was generally functional without substantial sleep.
But now, as he lies in bed, watching lights dance across the ceiling from cars passing outside, he’s just plain exhausted.
He rolls his head to the side, peering through the darkness to where Sam is sprawled out on his bed, arms tucked behind him under his pillow. The idea had been stewing in his mind for a couple weeks now; ever since Sam had reeled him in for a hug after he’d trudged his way through Bucky’s files and he’d honest to god collapsed at the contact, to which Sam had grimaced and murmured something about his “touch starved ass”. Which had gotten him thinking: human contact-- pleasant human contact-- sounds fucking amazing right now. And he hasn’t really had any since the war where it wasn’t uncommon for the Howlies to curl up with each other on cold nights or after long days of shelling. And then there was the matter of Bucky and what he and Steve were to each other. So yeah, in those days, kind contact with another person was never in short supply. 
Steve misses it. And maybe, just maybe, he might be able to sleep through the fucking night if he could get some. 
It’s not like Steve thinks Sam would be opposed to the idea of some down to earth cuddling. He’s a pretty empathetic guy with a solid regard to comfort and a vehement opposition towards what the 21st century calls toxic masculinity. It’s just that Steve doesn’t know how to ask and it would be weird to just climb in with him, right? No, Sam also preaches boundaries and instigating a cuddle session without asking would definitely be a clear violation of those. 
Frustrated, Steve blows a breath out through his nose. Fuck it, he’s just gonna ask. He’s damn tired and Sam will understand. 
He rolls over all the way and props himself up onto his elbow, leaning closer to Sam’s bed, “Sam,” Steve hisses. Sam snuffles and presses his face sideways into his pillow. “Sam, are you awake?”
Sam grunts and Steve sees his eyebrow furrow. “I am now,” He says, voice hoarse with sleep. He doesn’t open his eyes, “What’s going on?”
Steve bites his lip, suddenly unsure, “Uh…”
Sam opens his eyes and Steve can see the concern on his face despite the darkness of the room. 
“You alright?” Sam asks, lifting his head, “What’s wrong?”
Steve shrugs a shoulder, “I can’t sleep.” He says, casting his eyes somewhere over Sam’s shoulder. He sees him soften in his periphery.
“You wanna talk about it? Or, like, what can I do for you, man?”
Steve shrugs again, “Nothing really to talk about, but during the war...I dunno, it’s dumb, just...if things were tough we’d all-- I mean, like, we’d take our bedrolls and--” He can feel himself blushing and he swallows. This was a dumb idea.
The sound of blankets rustling makes Steve look back at Sam, who’s got the covers pulled back in front of him, a welcoming, non-judgemental look on his face. Steve hesitates and Sam rolls his eyes.
“Get over here, dude, I didn’t wake up for nothing.”
Blushing harder, Steve clambers out of bed and awkwardly slides into Sam’s, who pulls the covers back over the both of them. Steve holds himself stiffly until Sam makes a disapproving noise and pulls him down onto his chest.
“I would offer to spoon you, but I can’t sleep on my side,” Sam says, sounding sleepy again. 
“That’s okay,” Steve says, draping an arm across Sam’s stomach and nestling further into his chest, “This is good.”
When Steve wakes up the next morning, he feels more rested than he has in years.
Things change after that. Casual touches become more frequent and it becomes an unspoken ritual after hard days to climb into the same bed in whatever motel room they’re staying at for the moment and crash, limbs tangled together and Steve’s face mashed into some place on Sam’s torso. 
The stress surrounding Bucky and whatever condition he might be in still eats away at Steve relentlessly and his nightmares haven’t exactly eased up, but a certain, specific weight has lifted off his chest. It’s nice, he finds, to feel close to someone again off his own volition. It’s nice, Steve thinks, to feel seen.
Steve lies on his side, jaw clenched against his chattering teeth and hands fisted in the sheets in front of him. His stomach is in knots from being held so tense and he tries to reign in the shaking, but his body won’t cooperate and his lungs don’t seem to want to pull in enough air to battle out the adrenaline streaming through his veins. 
The dream hadn’t been anything new, but the Hydra stronghold they’d raided that day had left them a little worse for wear and Bucky’s screams for Steve to please come find him hit harder than usual. Falling asleep had been an accident and it’s not even 10 pm yet and Steve wants to cry his chest hurts so bad. Sam is in the shower and presumably, he hadn’t heard Steve gasp awake seeing as he’s still in there despite it being twenty minutes since he’d woken up. Steve’s partly grateful for that, but he can’t seem to calm himself down and he wants a fucking hug. 
The bathroom door opens and Steve squeezes his eyes shut as Sam’s whistling parts from the sound of the bathroom fan, then dies. He curls further on himself-- he’s been made.
“Hey, hey, whoa,” Sam says. The mattress dips behind Steve as Sam sits down. A moment later, a hand starts rubbing between his shoulder blades, “What happened?”
Steve shakes his head, leaning back into the touch. 
“Alright, that’s okay, you don’t have to tell me,” Sam says, voice even and soothing, “Can you stretch out a little for me?”
Steve forces himself to unwind a little bit and internally lets out a sigh of relief as Sam attaches himself to his back, hands carefully prying Steve’s from their iron grip on the sheets. 
“I’m here, man,” Sam says, starting to take deliberate breaths for Steve to match, “I got you.”
It takes a while, but Steve eventually calms down enough to roll over. Sam immediately accommodates, maneuvering them to their usual position of him on his back and Steve draped across his stomach. 
“Wanna talk about it?” Sam asks gently.
“No,” Steve croaks, clearing his throat, “Thanks.”
“Okay, lemme know if you change your mind,” Sam says, “Wanna watch something? I think this motel has pay-per-view.”
“Yeah, sure.” Steve says, feeling drained, “You pick.”
A couple minutes later, the intro to the first Indiana Jones movie is playing on the TV in front of their beds, volume pitched lower than usual. Sam is running a hand through Steve’s hair and he’s finding it increasingly harder to stay awake. 
He’s not sure how much time has passed with him half-dozing on Sam’s chest, when Sam jolts, head turned towards the window. Steve looks over, too, suddenly alert.
“What?” Steve asks, heart pounding, “What did you see?”
Sam shakes his head, frowning, “I don’t know, I just thought...I don’t know I just felt like I was being watched.” 
“Should we check it out?”
Sam squints, searching the window. A tense minute passes before he shakes his head, “Nah, not worth it.”
Still wary, Steve nods, “If you say so.”
When they get to the next Hydra stronghold in Malvan, it’s already ransacked. 
Smoke is still drifting up from the ruins and Steve can see mounds of rubble smoldering in the low dusk lighting. There are bodies strewn fairly consistently throughout the debris and Steve tries to ignore them as he wades into the remnants of the base. 
A gunshot sounds somewhere behind him and he glances back to see Sam jogging to catch up with him. He raises an eyebrow.
“Straggler,” Sam says. Steve nods.
“It was him,” Steve says, “Bucky beat us here and recently.”
“I don’t know, man,” Sam says, dubiously, “there are a lot of people out for Hydra right now. Could be anyone angry enough.”
“No,” Steve says, bending down to pluck a sticky note off of one of the guard’s bodies. He can’t make out what it says, but he can tell it’s Bucky’s loopy handwriting. He waggles it and shows it to Sam, “It was him.”
“What’s it say?”
Steve pulls his phone out of one of the pockets on his tac pants and switches on the flashlight, aiming it at the sticky note.
I was going to reach out, but you and Wilson seemed cozy enough.  :( >:(
An incredulous laugh bursts out of Steve and Sam crowds in close, reading over his shoulder.
“What the fuck?” Sam exclaims, “Does he seriously think-- when did he--” He cuts off, realization dawning on his face, “Oh my god, that night I thought I saw something out the window in Alcaine. That was Barnes.” He bursts out laughing, doubled over, bracing himself on Steve’s shoulder, “He-- he musta seen us cuddling and-- and thought-- oh my god.”
Steve’s laughing, too-- elated that Bucky seems to be in his right mind and willing to reconnect. 
“Damn, he’s a jealous type, too?” Sam says, still wheezing, “Wow, Rogers, you landed quite a man there. He even-- he fucking wrote out a grumpy face!”
“Yeah, I wasn’t the only dramatic one,” Steve says, “Peggy always got on us both for that. Liked to say we were a theatrical pair.” He says the last part with an accent and Sam starts laughing again.
A rush of warm hope spreads through Steve’s stomach and he closes his hand around the sticky note, “He’s okay.” He says, “He’s gonna come home.”
Sam sobers up a little and claps him on the back, “Yeah he is, man. You’re gonna get your boy back.”
Still, it’s another month and a half before Bucky finally makes an appearance. 
Sam and Steve had finally decided to take a break, tired of changing time zones three times a week and coming up with mostly dead ends since Bucky’s note back in Malvan. Even the satisfaction of destroying Hydra strongholds has diminished to something like itching a mosquito bite. So they leave one last base in Turkmenabat in ruins and head back stateside, eager to be without responsibilities for a while. 
They’re about to enter Steve’s apartment in Brooklyn when Steve senses something not quite right. He frowns, holding up a hand to stop Sam behind him and looking around. Nothing’s out of place but...but...but the plant outside his door is wet? Someone’s fucking watered his plant. He points it out to Sam and they both draw their handguns, hunching into a familiar defensive formation as Steve unlocks his door and shoulders his way inside.
They both train their guns on the figure sitting on the couch.
“Hey, Steve.” 
Steve falters, lowering his gun, “Buck?”
Bucky is sitting reclined on the couch, his feet kicked up on the coffee table. His hair is short again, reminiscent of how it was during the war, but modern enough to blend in to crowds and when Steve looks closer, he can see that he’s wearing a pair of his sweatpants and one of his t-shirts.
“Are you-- did you take my clothes? How long have you been here? Did you--did you water my plant?” He asks. Sam still has his gun drawn and Steve makes a motion for him to yield. Sam does so reluctantly.
“‘Bout a week? Took you long enough to get back,” Bucky says easily, “And yeah, Geoffrey needed watering, he was looking awful neglected. Also, yeah I don’t really have much of a wardrobe of my own.”
Sam shakes his head, “Geoffrey!?”
But Steve ignores him, heart breaking a little at the thought of Bucky wearing the same clothes for all these months, “Oh. Well, you’re totally welcome to take my clothes any-”
“Yeah, I know. It’s why I did,” Bucky says. He trains his gaze on Sam, “Are you two together?” He asks bluntly.
“I-- no.” Steve says. He’d figured this conversation might happen after the Sticky Note Incident, but it flusters him all the same, “We just-- things were hard for a bit and you remember during the war, it just-- it helps.”
Bucky nods decisively, “Yeah. Makes sense. When I saw you two, I was still trying to remember if you and I were actually a thing before or if that was something Hydra had put in there.” Steve makes a wounded noise and Bucky looks at Sam again, “Sorry about your steering wheel, I can steal you a new car.”
“Oh, I-- no,” Sam says, alarmed, “That’s alright, man, you don’t have to...uh--” he looks to Steve for help, who just shrugs, “It’s fine.” He finishes, visibly forcing nonchalance, “We’re cool.”
Bucky smiles and stands, crossing to them, “In that case, I should properly introduce myself,” He extends a hand to Sam, “James Barnes but folks call me Bucky.”
Sam takes his hand, “Sam Wilson. Good to meet you, man.”
“Back atcha,” Bucky turns his attention on Steve, looking him up and down, “You been eatin’, Stevie? You look skinny, like a little angry alley cat.”
“Fuck you, too.” Steve says brightly, “Sorry Sam and I made you jealous.”
“Wasn’t jealous,” Bucky grumbles. 
Steve just laughs and pulls him in for a kiss, “Missed ya. You stayin’?”
Bucky presses their foreheads together and for the first time in 70 years, Steve feels complete, “I am now.”
ok yeah that’s it
thanks for reading, chiefs
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
This is Me Trying
Part one and two
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader enemies to lovers!
Synopsis: it’s time for secrets to come out
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“How’s the project coming along?” You asked as you laid your head in Peter’s lap. You were in his room, like you always were, a month after you officially started dating.
“Just about done.” He answered you. “I made the periods bigger so we’d hit the maximum page length.”
“Ooo.” You snickered. “What a bad boy.”
“I’m really not.” He chuckled and began to play with your hair. “This is the most incriminating thing I’ve done all year.”
“I wouldn’t mind if you were.” You shrugged. “I like bad boys.”
“Do you?”
“Yeah. Remember that guy that like died in the war but then came back to life as an assassin? From a few years ago?” You asked as you looked up at him.
“The Winter Soldier?” Peter wondered.
“Yeah. Him.” You nodded. “I wanted to fuck him.”
The bluntness in your tone knocked the wind out of Peter’s chest. Nothing could have prepared him for what you had just said. You were too busy laughing to notice how shaken he was.
“W-what?” He stuttered as you sat up.
“I don’t know.” You laughed. “Like, I knew he was a murderer but I was into it. I wanted to spread him on a cracker.”
Peter pouted and folded his arms, his jealously getting the better of him.
“He’s not as strong as he looks, you know.” Peter got defensive. “And his hair is super greasy. It’s like a freaking slip and slide up there.”
“Hm. That’s a problem for me. I’m more into curls.” You smiled as you ran your fingers through his hair. “And how would you know how strong he is?”
Peter gulped, realizing he had said a little too much. Spider-Man knew how strong Bucky was, but you didn’t know about that.
“I don’t.” He lied. “I’m just assuming.”
“You don’t think he’s strong with that metal arm?” You asked as you pulled up a picture of him on your phone. “His biceps are like the size of my head.”
“They’re only bigger than mine because he’s older. A lot older.” Peter insisted. “Like, he’s geriatric.”
“Oh my God. Look at him!” You ignored Peter’s comment and showed him a picture of Bucky. “I want to suck on his thighs.”
“Ew.” Peter whined. “He’s like 400 years old.”
“So what you’re telling me is he’s experienced.” You raised your eyebrows suggestively. Peter let out an angry huff, jealousy bubbling in his stomach.
“Gross.” He groaned. “Why are you saying this in front of me? I’m your boyfriend. Not him.”
“I’m just kidding, Pete.” You chuckled and cupped his chin. “Plus, he’s basically a fictional character to us. It’s not like he’s some guy we know.”
Peter looked to the side, hating when he had to lie to you. Bucky was someone he knew personally, but you didn’t know that.
“Hm.” Peter mumbled quietly. You noticed Peter’s expression and climbed into lab, straddling his hips.
“Hey, I’m sorry.” You cupped his face and rubbed your nose against his. “I didn’t mean to make you all pouty. I’m only kidding about the Summer Soldier.”
“Winter Soldier.” Peter halfheartedly corrected you.
“Winter Soldier. See?” You shrugged. “I don’t even know his name.”
“You still said you would fuck him, though.” Peter pouted as he looked down at his lap.
“I said I wanted to. Past tense.” You corrected. “I had crush on him when I was like 14. I don’t even think of him or his thunder thighs anymore.”
“I have a hard time believing that.” Peter grumbled. You could tell he was still jealous so you pulled him in for a long kiss.
“It’s true. I only have eyes for you, Pete.” You whispered once you pulled away. He cracked a smile before rolling his eyes at you.
“Right.” He said sarcastically. “Just me and the murderer you want in your pants.”
“Come on.” You whined when he didn’t let up. “Can you even blame me? He works with the Avengers. You have to admit, that’s hot.”
Peter stopped pouting when he heard this. He may not be able to be the kind of bad boy you liked, but he was an Avenger.
“You really think that’s hot?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Duh.” You stated. “Don’t you like the Avengers?”
“Most of them.” He nodded. “But not Bucky.”
“Who’s Bucky?” You asked.
“Sorry.” He shook his head. “The Winter Soldier.”
“Why did you call him Bucky?” You laughed in confusion. You had no idea who James “Bucky” Barnes was. Unlike Peter, who sat across from him at dinner a week before.
“That’s his nickname.” Peter explained without thinking it through.
“I didn’t realize you and the Winter Soldier were on a nickname basis.” You teased. “What does he call you?”
“He doesn’t really talk to me.” Peter shrugged. “He’s really quiet, except when he’s with Cap.”
You sat back suddenly, looking at Peter like he was crazy. He was forgetting who his audience was and how you knew nothing of his double life.
“What?” Peter asked when he saw your face.
“Bucky? Cap?” You repeated his words. “Who are these people? What the hell are you talking about?”
“Bucky goes by, well, Bucky. And most of us call Steve, Cap.” Peter explained. “Well, except for Mr. Stark. He calls him Blondie most of the time.”
“So you’re hanging out with the avengers now?” You raised a skeptical eyebrow.
“Well, yeah, when when I’m…” Peter trailed off when he realized his mistake.
“When you’re what?” You asked. Peter knew he backed himself into a corner here. He didn’t want to lie to you anymore, so he figured it was time to tell you the truth. Not that he has much of a choice.
“I have something to tell you.” He stated. “It’s kinda important.”
“Okay.” You nodded and held his hand. “What’s up?”
“Don’t freak out, okay?” He prefaced. “It’s not as crazy as it sounds.”
“Oh.” You gasped. “Are you gay?”
“What? No.” Peter answered immediately. “Why was that your first guess?”
“Well my first guess was steroids but I know how you feel about that.” You mumbled out of the corner of your mouth.
“It’s neither of those things. I’ve Uh…I’ve been bitten.” Peter began, not sure how else to phrase it. You smiled a little, thinking he was flirting.
“So have I.” You mumbled as you brought his hand to your lips to kiss the back of it.
“No. Not like that.” He waved his hand and your face fell. “I mean, yes like that. But that’s not what I’m talking about right now.”
“Then what is it, Peter?”
“They do a lot of experimental science at Oscorp. Genetic mutations, stuff like that.” He explained, beating around the bush.
“Why are we talking about Oscorp?” You wondered.
“I broke into one of the labs freshman year.” He explained. “I was trying to figure out some equation my father was working on.”
“Okay.” You said skeptically.
“I ended up in this weird room with all these modified spiders and one bit me. Right here.” He showed you his knuckles, which had a tiny scar on the center. You took his hand and examined the scar closer.
“What is this leading to?”
“After I was bitten, I could do all these things I couldn’t do before.” He told you. “I could climb walls, lift buses, and you know, my biceps grew.”
“You’re telling me a spider bite gave you muscles?”
“I’m telling you that I’m Spider-Man.” He said finally, making the room go silent. It was his first time telling a person on purpose, so it meant a lot to him. Your expression changed from skeptical to serious as you dropped his hand. You reached forward slowly and touched his face, staring at him like you were seeing him for the first time.
“Oh my God.” You whispered. “Peter, you’re…”
He put his hand over yours when you trailed off, anticipating the end of your sentence. Suddenly, you pushed his face away with a smirk.
“Full of shit.” You finished. “You are so full of shit. You almost had me.”
“I’m not.” Peter insisted. “I am Spiderman. I swear.”
“Peter. Be serious.” You whined as you got off his bed. “I thought you had something real to tell me.”
“I am being serious.” He told you. “This is the truth.”
“This is the truth.” You mimicked his voiced, like you used to. “Why would I believe that? Because you called the Fall Fighter by his nickname? Please.”
Peter was starting to grow frustrated. He always feared someone would find out his secret and he’s have to beg them not to tell. He never imagined he’d be sitting in front of his girlfriend, trying to convince her he was Spiderman.
“I know Bucky’s nickname because I know him.” Peter explained as he got off his bed. “It’s the same reason I know how strong he isn’t. He tried to punch me once and I caught his fist before he could. And that thing is made of vibranium. My hand hurt for a week.”
“I don’t get it.” You shrugged. “I don’t get the joke.”
“It’s not a joke. I really am Spiderman.” He insisted. “Mr. Stark recruited me back in 2016 to help him fight Captain America at an airport in Germany.”
“Yeah.” You nodded. “And I killed Princess Diana. I killed her and framed John-“
Peter grabbed your face and kissed you to shut you up, not wanting to hear your jokes when he was trying to tell you the biggest secret of his life.
“Can you shut up for a second?” He asked sweetly when he pulled away. “I’m trying to talk to you about something important. And we both know who really killed her.”
“No you’re not.” You snorted. “You’re trying to mess with me.”
“I’m telling you the truth.” He whined. “Why won’t you believe me?”
“Because you’re saying ridiculous things.” You chuckled as you walked over to your phone, which had been resting on his desk.
“May’s asking what we want for dinner.” You read her text off your screen. “Do you want Chinese again or-“
Before you could finish your sentence, Peter shot a web at your waist and pulled you towards him. You stumbled into his arms before looking down in confusion. You saw the web attached to your hip and tugged at it, but it didn’t come off. You looked at Peter with wide eyes for some answers.
“What the fuck?” You whispered harshly as you yanked on the web.
“Do you believe me now?” He asked as he held up his wrist. You saw the web shooter he had slipped on and touched it carefully. Between the web on your hip and his crazy story, you had no choice but to believe him.
“Well now I’m just embarrassed.” You mumbled sheepishly. “I was pretty sure I was right.”
“I told you you’d have to get used to be being right.” Peter smirked as he helped pull the web off of you. You put your hands on your hips and sighed loudly as you processes the information.
“Okay, wait.” You began. “How have you been Spider-Man this whole time? I’ve seen you fall up the stairs.”
“It’s different when I have the suit on.” He told you. “It gives me confidence.”
“Can I see it?” You asked, a childlike smile on your lips.
“The suit? Sure.” Peter went to his closet and pulled it out of his hiding spot. He brought it over to you, noticing your awestruck expression and smiling.
“Wow.” You whispered as you stared at the folded suit. “Can I touch it?”
“Go ahead.” He smiled, loving how impressed you were. He watched you fondly as you carefully ran your fingertips along the suit, tracing all the lines and details.
“It feels like a football.” You commented, making him laugh.
“Yeah.” He agreed. “I’m not sure what material it is. Mr. Stark made it for me.”
“Tony Stark made this for you?” You gasped.
“Yeah.” He nodded. “A few years ago.”
“Is that when he recruited you?” You wondered. “For Germany?”
“Is it. You listened.” He smiled happily when you remembered little details he had told you.
“Well I can’t tune you out anymore if you’re my boyfriend.” You winked at him before returning your attention to the suit. He blushed a little, appreciating how far you’ve come in your relationship.
“Can you put it on for me?” You asked suddenly as you looked up at him. Peter didn’t expect this reaction, especially not this request.
“Really? You want me to put it on?” He smiled shyly.
“Please?” Your eyes lit up. “I want to see you in it.”
“Okay.” He nodded as he tried to hide his excitement. “I’ll go put it on.”
Peter went into his bathroom and slipped into the suit. He didn’t know why he was as excited as he was to show you. Maybe because you hadn’t caught him in the suit like May and Ned had. He told you his secret willingly, and you asked to know more.
“Are you ready?” You called from the other side of the door. “I feel like I’m waiting to see you walk down the aisle.”
“I’m ready.” He called back as he pressed the center of the suit so it tightened against his skin. He gave himself one last look in the mirror before going back to his bedroom.
“Here it is.” He said sheepishly as he walked towards you. “What do you think?”
Your jaw dropped a little when you saw him. He seemed taller, but you realized it was just because he wasn’t slouching. In his suit, he looked more confident then you had ever seen him. He looked like a hero, and it brought a smile to your face.
“Holy shit.” You whispered as you walked closer to him. You reached forward to touch him, but quickly moved withdrew your hand.
“Are you scared?” He worried when he saw you pull away.
“No. Not of you.” You assured him. “But sometimes I find random glitter on my hands and I’m scared of getting anything on the suit.”
Peter chuckled at your reasoning and picked up your hand.
“It’s okay. You can touch me.” He whispered as he put his hand on his chest. Your eyebrows went up when you felt his warmth through the suit.
“Wow.” You smiled softly. “I didn’t think I’d be able to feel your heartbeat through it”.
“Well you make it beat pretty fast.” He told you as he put his hand over yours.
“Wait.” You pulled away a little. “If you’re Spider-Man, does that mean…”
“Yes?” Peter asked when you trailed off.
“You can set me up with Bucky.” You finished your sentence. “Do you have his number? Tell him I want to wash his hair.”
Peter let out a loud groan, not finding your joke funny. You laughed and tried to pull him back to you, but he kept pulling away.
“I’m kidding. I’m kidding. Come back.” You laughed and tugged on his arm. “Come here. I love you.”
Peter stopped pulling away and froze. When you saw the bewildered look on his face, your smile fell.
“What?” He asked, his voice coming out in a whisper. That shit eating grin you used to hate broke through, lighting up his features. You tried not to let your shock show as you realized what you had said.
“Hm?” You pretended not to understand. “What?”
“What did you just say?” Peter again, now unsure he has heard you correctly.
“I didn’t say anything.” You shrugged, trying to act like you didn’t just tell your boyfriend that you loved him. It’s not that you didn’t mean it, but you didn’t mean to tell him that soon.
“Did you just tell me you loved me?” Peter asked hopefully as he pulled your closer to him.
“Hm. No. Wasn’t me.” You shook your head. “Must have been the wind.”
“My windows are closed.”
“Air conditioning.” You corrected.
“It’s off.”
“Then I don’t know what to tell you. I didn’t tell you I loved you. That would be ridiculous. How could I have fallen in love with the most annoying person on the planet?” You asked, questioning yourself more then him. You didn’t know how you had fallen for Peter in such a short amount of time. Just a few months ago, you couldn’t stand him. Now, you were standing in front of him, hoping he loved you back.
“I ask myself that every time I look at you.” He said, making your breath hitch in your throat.
“Are you saying you love me too?” You asked slowly.
“I thought you didn’t tell me you loved me?” He smirked, always taking a chance to tease you.
“I didn’t.” You lied, but you knew you were caught.
“Damn. That’s a shame.” Peter smiled softly. “Because I love you.”
“Yeah.” You smiled back once he confessed his feelings. “I bet you do, loser.”
Peter laughed at your never ending need to insult him before pulling you into a kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck to keep him close. You could feel his gloved hands on the bare skin of your waist and shivered. When you pulled away, you kept your foreheads pressed together.
“I never thought it would be you.” You mumbled as you twirled one of his curls around your finger. “I never thought I’d fall in love with you.”
“It surprised me too.” He chuckled. “I’m glad this happened though. You weren’t just who I wanted to be. You were who I wanted to be with.”
“Promise me you’ll be careful.” You whispered. “I don’t ever want to get a call at three am telling me I need to come to the hospital. And I don’t want to start bringing three roses to the cemetery instead of two.”
“Hey, I’m not going anywhere.” He assured you as he held your face between his hands. He wiped your tears away with his gloves hands and kissed your nose. “I would never go anywhere where you couldn’t follow”.
“Ew.” You sniffled as you wiped your eyes.
“Why ew?” He chuckled.
“We’re gross.” You said. “We fell in love and now we’re gross.”
“It’s okay.” He smiled. “I like being gross with you.”
“I’m gonna throw up.” You gagged, making you both laugh.
“You’ll be okay.” He told you, and you believed him.
“Okay, now that we got that conversation out of the way, I have a lot of questions about all of this.” You said as you gestured to his suit.
“Ask me anything.” He said. “I’ll answer.”
“What did you wear before this?” You wondered. “I saw Spider-Man sightings on the news before 2016.”
Peter went to his closet and pulled out his original Spider-Man suit, the makeshift hoodie he used to wear.
“This. I made it myself.” He said as he handed it to you.
“No kidding.” You teased as you took it from him. “Did you sew this with your feet?”
“It was the best I could do.” He rolled his eyes. “I’m so lucky he made me a real suit. This one was not very protective.”
“Actually, I kind of like it.” You smiled as you held it up. It had bullet holes and tears everywhere. “It shows where you’ve been. And how far you’ve come.”
“I like your way of looking at it.” He smiled. “It’s yours, if you like it so much. I don’t need it anymore.”
“Why don’t you tell people that its you? This would make you famous. Like, Tony Stark famous.” You said as you put the hoodie on. “Don’t you want that? You know, since you’re such a loser at school.”
“Very funny”. He narrowed his eyes at you. “And no, actually. I’m safer this way. Plus, the bad guys can’t tell if I’m scared with the mask on. And it’s fun to have a secret. It gives me an edge.”
“Wow. I did not think me telling you I wanted to fuck the Winter Soldier would lead to all of this.” You poked fun at the situation.
“Me either but I’m glad it did.” He remarked. “I’m happy that you know. And I’m happy that you love me.”
“Well don’t make a big deal out of it.” You mumbled. “It’s embarrassing.”
“Don’t be embarrassed.” He laughed. “This is exciting. It’s all exciting.”
“We get it.” You teased as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “You’re an Avenger, I’m in love with you, yada yada. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“It’s the hugest deal.” He insisted. “I want you to meet them. Come meet my team.”
“You want me to meet the Avengers?” You gulped.
“Yeah. I’m supposed to stop by the tower later for a meeting. Why don’t you come with me? This is one of the rare days where everyone is in the tower.”
“Are you sure about this?” You asked him. “What if they don’t like me?”
“They probably won’t.” He said simply. “Since you’re so irritating and everything.”
“Shut up.” You shoved him playfully. “I’m serious. This is way more intimidating than meeting someone’s parents.”
“Don’t be scared. I’ll be holding your hand the entire time.” He said as he kissed your knuckles. “And they’re way less intimidating than they seem. I promise, you’ll be fine.”
“Okay.” You reluctantly agreed. “I’ll meet them. But if I see Bucket, I can’t promise I’ll be able to control my hormones.”
“It’s Bucky.” He corrected. “And I’ll know if you’re getting too, you know, hot and bothered.”
“How would you know?” You asked, and his face flushed.
“Well, one of the powers I got was super smell. I can smell when people are scared or happy or…” He trialed off, too much or a gentleman to say the word.
“Horny?” You asked with a dropped jaw. “You can smell when people are horny?”
“I prefer the term aroused.” He said sheepishly, making you laugh loudly.
“Oh my God. What a pervert.” You teased him.
“It’s not my fault!” He was flustered now. “I didn’t ask for this power.”
“Wait.” You realized. “Can you smell when I’m aroused?”
Peter didn’t answer, but his silence spoke volumes. Your jaw dropped as you playfully smacked him.
“You pervert!” You painfully scolded. “You could smell that and never told me?”
“It’s my my fault.” He whined. “Not all the time, anyway.”
“So when is it your fault?” You folded your arms and he gulped.
“It’s only my fault when I purposefully wear that one white shirt.” He said quietly. “Whenever I’m wearing it, I can always, you know...”
“Smell me?” You nearly screamed. “You wear that shirt just to get a rise out of me? You little slut.”
“I’m not a slut.” Peter laughed. “I could just smell how much you liked it, so I started wearing it more. And in the name of being honest, I can smell you right now.”
“Oh my God. You whore. You little minx.” You taunted playfully. “Using your body for attention like that. What a dirty little slut.”
“I’m not dirty or a slut.” Peter insisted. “You’re the one who gets worked up over a t shirt.”
“Excuse me?” You let out a shocked laugh. “Don’t turn this around on me, mister. I can’t control how I react to your erotic clothing. Especially when you’re the one who can’t even form a sentence around me when I wear that one red skirt.”
“Erotic?” He shot back. “It’s literally a $5 shirt from Target. It’s shapeless. And that skirt could not be shorter. I can literally see your ovaries in it.”
“You give it shape with your stupid spider muscles.” You said as you pointed an accusing finger at him.
“Oh my God.” He gasped. “You’re thinking about the shirt now, aren’t you?”
“No I’m not.” You said quickly.
“Really?” He cocked his head. “Smells like you are.”
Before you could respond, and you had a lot to say, Peter’s phone buzzed.
“It’s Mr. Stark.” He told you. “He said I should come now.”
“We’re finishing this conversation later.” You said as you grabbed your phone. “You’re still in trouble.”
“Whatever you say.” Peter chuckled as he lead you out the door. You thought you were going to the elevator, but Peter brought you to the staircase.
“I don’t walk there.” He said as he lead you up the stairs. He opened the door to the roof and gestured to the edge. “I swing.”
The next thing you knew, you were swinging towards the Avengers tower in Peter’s arms. You held on tightly to him as you tried not to scream in his ear. He was loving how he finally got to show someone what his life was like while you were fearing for your life. Finally, you landed on the balcony of the tower and Peter set you down.
“So?” He asked excitedly. “Did you have fun?”
“You tell me. Can’t you smell my excitement?” You jeered as you caught your breath. Peter knew you weren’t going to drop that for a long time. He took his mask off and lead you inside, not wanting to tell you that he could smell how scared you were.
Finally, he brought you to the conference room where the rest of the Avengers were. Their causal chatter came to a stop when you walked in together and all eyes were on you.
“Hey everyone.” Peter said shyly. “This is my girlfriend, Y/n. Shes gonna sit in on the meeting today.”
“Y/n?” Nat jumped in immediately. “The one who’s hair you used to stick gum in when you were little?”
“I thought Y/n was the girl who filled your locker with extra small condoms and the filmed you when they all fell out.” Sam chuckled, giving you an impressed smile.
“No, wait.” Bruce cut in. “I thought she was the one who started the rumor that Peter didn’t know how to swim.”
“You’re all wrong.” Steve sighed. “Y/n is the one Peter blamed losing the class pet on. Remember? The little rat escaped and he told the class it was her fault.”
“It was a hamster.” Peter cringed. “And it was my fault. Sorry about that.”
“I love you, but I will never forgive you for that.” You smiled softly as you stroked his cheek with your thumb. The team looked at each knowingly at this display of affection.
“Love?” Tony asked as he entered the room. “Are we talking about how much you all love me?”
Tony stopped in his tracks when he saw you standing there. You had forgotten to take off Peter’s original Spider-man hoodie, and it caught Tony off guard. He never thought he’d see that hoodie again, the one that brought him to Peter in the first place. The one he studied and tried to replicate when he made Peter a new suit. The corners of his mouth turned down as he appreciated how much Peter had grown.
“Oh. I see Peter brought a friend.” Tony remarked. “Please, make yourself at home in our top secret facility that no one unauthorized personnel is supposed to enter.”
“Mr. Stark, this is my girlfriend Y/n.” Peter introduced you. You held out your hand for Tony to shake, and he did so without taking his eyes off of you.
“Y/n?” He asked. “The one-“
“Yeah. Probably.” You nodded, making him laugh.
“Nice to meet you, Y/n.” He said as he straightened himself out. “You’re welcome to sit in on the meeting. But if you make any noise, you will be taken out by a sniper.”
“He’s kidding.” Peter whispered to you, but he wasn’t entirely sure. Peter took a seat and you sat on his lap, making him fight back a smile. He was now at an Avengers meeting with his former enemy sitting on his lap, wearing his clothes.
“Thank you, sir.” You smiled at him. “It’s nice to meet you too. All of you. I appreciate everything you guys have done for the world. You’re all really brave.”
“Your boyfriend is pretty brave too.” Steve commented. “He surprises me everytime we work together.”
“I was surprised too.” You agreed. “I didn’t think the biggest loser I knew was protecting Queens.”
Everyone raised their eyebrows at your subtle jab at Peter and it suddenly made sense why the girl he’d been complaint about all these years had the same name as his girlfriend.
“You let her talk to you like that?” Sam teased.
“She can say whatever she wants.” Peter shrugged. “And she does. Do you know how hard it is to get her to stop talking?”
“Not nearly as hard as it is to get you to clean up after yourself, put the toilet seat down, or show up on time for dates.” You replied with a cheery smile. Peter smiled back and took the loss, not wanting to get into it in front of his team. He turned back to Tony and gave him his full attention as the meeting began. You stayed quiet on Peter’s lap as the team discussed their next mission and who would be covering what territory. You made a small noise when Tony gave Peter his assignment, making everyone look at you.
“Whats the matter?” Peter asked as he bounced you a little on his knee.
“I just didn’t realize you were such an important part of the team.” You said. Peter had a big role that required a lot more responsibility than you thought he was capable of. He didn’t seem worried in the slightest, which told you he was used to this much responsibility. Something about Peter’s ambition and ability to take on Avenger level tasks for very appealing to you.
So appealing, in fact, that Peter noticed.
“Hm.” Peter said and he sniffed the air. You folded your lips in, knowing exactly what he was doing. The rest of the team had no idea what was happening, but you knew Peter was trying to get a rise out of you.
“What’s wrong?” Nat took the bait. You pinched Peter’s leg under the table as he took another loud whiff.
“Nothing.” Peter smirked. “It just smells funny in here.”
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atomicstardust · 5 years
Ooo #77 Bucky/Tony :))
77. “Are you jealous” //  Please send the full prompt next time!
“Are you jealous?”
“Jealous? Why would I be jealous?” Tony sniffed, looking away and typing randomly on his phone. 
“You’re so jealous.” Pepper said in amusement. “Over a motorcycle!”
“I am not!” Tony defended himself. “He’s just...washing it.”
“Barnes, that shirt costs $105 dollars!” Pepper called out. Bucky looked up in confusion, then down at the t-shirt he was wearing. 
“Pepper what are you doing?” Tony hissed. 
“I may be a lesbian, but I’m not blind.” Pepper said primly. Tony choked on nothing when Bucky carefully stripped off his shirt, leaving him shirtless as he tossed the shirt away from the mess of water and suds around the motorcycle. 
“I hate you so much right now.” Tony said, helplessly tracking the movement of an oblivious Bucky as he continued to spray his motorcycle with the hose, water soaking him. 
“You love me.” Pepper sang with a smug look on her face. 
“If I tell him that his pants cost more, do you think we could get a full striptease?” May said, walking up to them and Tony facepalmed. 
“That’s objectifying.” Tony protested. 
“Can you imagine the amount of money we could raise if we got an Avengers car wash?” May mused, propping her chin on her girlfriends shoulder. 
“We don’t need it.” Tony pointed out. “Plus, we don’t know if they’ll agree to it.”
“Agree to what?” Bucky said, sauntering up in all his shirtless and soaked glory. Tony needed to get laid so bad.
“An Avengers car wash, you know, people donate for us to wash cars. Shirtless people, music, the stereotypical things.” Pepper said, “You think you’d want to participate?”
“I...uh,” Bucky said, self-consciously scratching his arm. “I don’t think it would really work if I was shirtless, my scars are kinda...ugly.”
“No they’re not!” Tony burst out, making Bucky look at him, startled. “I mean...your arm is still pretty cool, and you shouldn’t have to hide it if you don’t want to. The kids loved it, remember?”
Smooth Pepper mouthed at him out of view of Bucky. 
Tony narrowed his eyes at her. Fuck off
“Yeah,” Bucky said, clearly remembering when Tony had taken him to the children’s hospital. The children there with prosthetics had been delighted to see Bucky and didn’t really care about the Winter Soldier thing. 
It was the first thing that had gotten a smile out of Bucky, and it was the first time Tony had thought I’m fucked seeing the shy smile as Bucky had let a four year old knock their prosthetics together to make metallic ringing sounds.  
“Anyways,” Tony said, watching himself keep word vomiting but being unable to stop it. “You should do it, body positivity and all! I’m sure it will be a success!”
“Alright, but only if you do it as well doll.” Bucky said, making Tony splutter.
“Seems like a fair trade, since you’ve already seen me shirtless and I haven’t seen you yet.” Bucky said, leaning forward with an easy grin.
“Why would you-oh!” Tony said, willing the blush down as Bucky smirked at him and obviously looked him up and down.
“What do you say?” Bucky said, “Want to get shirtless....for charity?”
“Yes...for charity.”
“We should probably practice.”
“Good idea.”
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