#bucky x reader soulamte
bradshawwannebe · 4 years
Bits and Lost Pieces- Part one
A Chain of Silver- prologue
Bucky x reader
Summary: Soulmates gain what the other loses. But you’ve never heard of soulmates born in different centuries…
so in order to get the whole… picture, I’m going to be making this a fic. If i’m moving to fast… oh well. This is also loosly based off of a soulmate tik tok and a fic called I knew you by @klinenovakwinchester its amazing and wonderful and I fully and truly believe that you should go read it 
Warnings: there is slight angst and cuss words, mention of drugs and deadbeat parents but detail are very vague
“No, Mechel, I’m telling you I don’t have one.”
“Oh… come ON. You really can’ t expect me to believe that you don’t actually have a soulmate.” 
your best friend, Mechel, has been trying, and failing, convince you that you have a soulmate. 
“Ok, well, if soulmates were real, and I of all people have one, why haven’t I found anything? Have you gotten anything yet, from your soulmate? And that is where I'm gonna hit you with a hard no, you haven’t” apparently, whatever your soulmate loses, you gain. However, having something stolen or taken doesn’t exactly count. Mechel figured that one out when some hobo stole her wallet which also included her ID.
“No, I haven’t but that could mean anything, but that doesn’t mean that soulmates don’t exist. Weren’t your parents soulmates or something?” 
You deadpanned, right before you face palmed a bit too hard. “No, Chelly, my parents’ soulmates were drugs. That’s why we were handed over to my grandparents, you dingle berry.”
Her face fell ever so slightly. “N/n, honey, I’m sorry, but I can’t believe that soulmates don’t exist when my parents were. My mom got my dad’s boot… and she didn’t even know him then, and dad got her camera with her name on it. You, have to believe me when I tell you this.”
“Look, you shouldn’t be sorry, I’m sure soulmates do exist but mine probably fell off a train or something and died because I haven’t gained anything. Maybe yours is just super organized and doesn’t lose anything,” you weren’t lying, well not to her. 
Ever since you were little, you always thought soulmates were a hoax. Your father didn’t have one, always trying to find his after your mother left him for someone else, and then your father dropped you and your siblings off at your grandparents house when you were 15, and oddly enough you never asked either one of them if they were soulmates, it just never came up in conversation before. You’ve never had real proof.
“Well, Mechel, I have to get going, I’m opening the store up early tomorrow.”
“Why the hell would you do that?” she asked almost in horror.
“I don’t know, it’s my store, and if I wanna open up early tomorrow, I’m gonna do it,” you sassed standing up to boop her nose, which caused her to scrunch up her face.
“No one likes a smart ass.”
 “I don’t really know about that, I’ve always liked my ass,” you met Mechel when you were a freshman in high school while she was a sophomore and when you took classes to graduate together… God bless the teachers that had you two in the same classes. 
However, your best friend’s voice stopped you dead in your tracks when you got to the door, “It would explain a lot, especially the emptiness you’ve always felt, maybe yours died before they could lose anything.”
“Yeah, your right, maybe.” 
The revelation was really nothing but a self-deprecating jab at your lack of a soulmate, but you never really put two-and-two together. I mean, he might not have fallen off of a train, that would be sad and very painful. 
That night, not much sleep was gained, but you didn’t notice the silver chain that was laying on your night stand either.
“Hello! Welcome Starstruck Books,I hope you found everything nicely,” you said to the little girl with a soft kind smile.
“Me and Mommy want to find the kid’s books… can you help us?” The small girl looked extremely shy and almost like she didn’t know how to ask the question.
“Sure thing, sugar plum, how old are you?” you asked squatting down to her height. Feeling a warmth spread within your heart at the smile the girl gave you.
“I’m 5,” she said a bit louder counting her fingers to hold them up to you, and you held out your hand for her to take.
“Well, I think we have to find your mommy first, don’t you?” the girl’s hair bobbed up and down as she nodded and she pointed to the adult section of books off to the right.
“She’s over there,” walking over to her mother, you told her where you would be. Just in case something were to happen and she needed to find you.
“Hey, kiddo, how do you feel about poetry?” the little girl nodded and you showed her your favorite book as a child.
“What’s The Giving Tree?” the little girl was full of curiosity pausing between words while reading the title,when she asked you the question. Her brown eyes looking into your own.
“It's a poetic book by Shel Silverstein about a tree and a little boy. The tree loved the boy, and the boy loved the tree.”
The little girl looked thoroughly confused, “How can a tree love a boy?”
“I don’t know, but the tree gave the boy as much as she could, and as the little boy grew up, she kept giving and he kept taking,” at that remark, her eyes lit up.
“Can I take this to my mommy?” 
“You sure can!” she smiled big, grabbed the book, and took off. Her hair bobbing behind her.
“So when do you think you’re gonna be a mom?” you popped up, Mechel standing behind you.
“Oh, I don’t know, Chelly, probably whenever I get married,” you stood up, Mechel stepping closer to you.
“Well, I stopped by your house to-” 
“How the hell did you get into my house?”
“Shut up! That's not the point-”
“It kind of is…” and if looks could kill you be dead ten times over, “Ok, ok, I’m done.”
“Well, I went to your room to see if I could find anything that wasn’t yours and….” her hands whip out from behind her back holding something that you didn’t recognize.
“They appear to be dog tags, any idea where they came from?” that smug grin was what always got you two into trouble in high school. 
“James B. Barnes.”
“I don’t-”
“ I know you don’t,” and with that she handed you the tags, “you’ve got customers.”
You were in a bit of a shock. So much so, you gave the little girl and her mother a discount on The Giving Tree but that also might have been because you wanted to. You haven’t figured that one out yet.
‘Ring, Ring’
“Hello?” you picked up the phone without even looking at the caller ID.
“Hey, it’s Mechel.”
“I kinda figured that, you lean-to.” 
“HEY! I am not a lean-to… what is a lean-to?”
“Well, firstly, you could have fooled me because you’re attached to me and it doesn’t seem like there is much of any reason to be doing that, and two, you seem like an extension of my dark counterpart.”
“No, honey, I am your dark counterpart, and as your dark counter/lean-to I want you to be happy. So I did a search.” If you can’t hear actions, then you must be delusional or lied to because the smug smirk in her voice was so real.
“What kind of search?” 
“On your James, duh. What else am I supposed to be doing with my life?”
“Well, Chelly, as head of security at the City Hall, watching the security cameras for possible threats.”
“Pfft, your so dense, that’s what my brother does, I’m a secretary at the police station, dummy,” Welp… some friend you are.
“I was testing your memory, now what did you come up with?” 
The hesitation in continuing the conversation on her part was… unsettling to say the least.
“James Barnes has an exhibit at the Smithsonian-,”
“Okay it means he’s smart, keep going,” you walked over to the door of the store, turning the sign to Sorry, We’re Closed!.
“Well, actually he was a soldier in the second World War. He fell of a… well he fell off a train in 1944. They never recovered his body.”
When you collapsed in a sobbing wet mess of tears, you don’t know, but then why did you end up with his dog tags?
“Oh,” you cleared your throat,” I can’t drive right now, not in this condition, could you-.., could you take me home?” It wasn’t a complete lie, per say, but you really just didn’t want to be alone.
“Yeah, babe, I’ll be there in 5.”
“You don’t have to thank me.”
Well, this explains a lot.
With a small half smile you looked over at your best friend,”Well, I mean at least we know what happened to him.”
She sent you the worst glare possible, you almost thought she’d stab you, but the meaning was very clear ‘don’t do that to yourself’
“Well I mean I wasn’t wrong, but like... if he’s dead why would he have lost something? How could he lose anything if he’s dead? It doesn’t make sense.”
“Stop, you’re going to hurt yourself and you’re over analyzing, and that isn’t good, not now, not ever, especially not in this situation.”
“No, Mechel, you’ve said it yourself. I have a soulmate and at that point one would realize that when their soulmate loses something they gain it. My soulmate lost something. James. Is. Alive. He has to be. It’s logical-”
“No, Y/N, its not. That’s impossible. Have you ever heard of soulmates being born in different centuries? No. James cannot be alive, and that is proven by the emptiness you always feel, for Christ’s sake y/n he fell off of a damn train!”
“Then explain to me why you would have brought the whole thing up if you don’t believe he isn’t alive. Exactly you wouldn’t. Not unless you’re just so cruel you wanted to get my hopes up to tear them apart and I know you wouldn’t do that to me because we’ve been through some terrible crap together. Deep down, subconsciously, you believe he is alive. He lost his dog tags and if I have to find out why, or how. and If I have to do it myself, then by golly I will. I will do this with or without you, you brought the soulmates thing up, you broke into my apartment-”
“You gave me a key-”
“You broke in,” you said with a pointed glare,”He lost this. He has to be alive,”
“Okay, calm down.”
You went silent.
He has to be alive... he has to.
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ellie-bee242 · 7 years
Ellie-Bee’s Master List 2.0
* indicates a sex scene. Read at your discretion.
^ indicates genuine violence. Do not read if you are triggered by depictions of violence. Message me and I will give you the plot points you missed.
I no longer write fan-fiction. Anything on this list will stay as is. I’m sorry if this disappoints anyone.
One-shots/Two-shots are bolded
Anything with more than one part is Headlined
Mitch’s section
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My Heart Bleeds For You: A Mitch Rapp x Reader Fic
1: Rollin’ || 2: Think || 3: Going To Hell || 4: Feel It Still || 5: Body On Me^ || 6: I’d Love To (Love You)* || 7: Second Nature* || 8: Arsonist’s Lullabye^ || 9: All We Do || 10: I Lie Awake Every Night || 11: Tonight* || Epilogue: All Of Me
Money Make Her $mile: A Mitch x OFC Series
Stiles’ Section: For various Stiles fics including Void Stiles.
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Now Or Never: A tragic Stiles x Reader One Shot
Now Or Never^
The Truth Revealed: A Stiles Stilinski x Reader One-Shot
The Truth Revealed
Winter Wonderful: A sort of companion piece to TTR
Winter Wonderful
Santa’s Cutest Helper: A Christmas Stiles X Reader OneShot
Santa’s Cutest Helper
Sleep Is For The Weak: A Stiles Stilinski x Reader Two-Short
Part 1: Sleep Is For The Weak || Part 2:  Sleeping For A Week
The Beautiful Lie: A void Stiles/Stiles x Reader Two-Shot
Part 1: The Beautiful Lie* || Part 2: The Hideous Truth
If You’re Lucky: A Stiles Stilinski x OFC AU Fic
Prologue: It Happened One Night || 1: Should Fate Be Kind || 2: Accidental Coincidences || 3: Is It Chance? || 4: Life, Unpredictable ||  5: Catching Feelings  || 6: Would You Ever? || 7: Do You Think? || 8: I’d Cross An Ocean || 9: I Think Of You || 10: Attack Plan || 11: Organization Skills || 12: Perspective   || 13: Desperate Measures || 14: One Step At A Time || 15: Authentic Love* || 16: The Day || Epilogue 1: _________ (coming eventually) || Epilogue 2: _________ (coming after the apocalypse)
Stuart’s section
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You’re The One! A Stuart Twombly x Reader Soulamte AU One Shot
You’re The One!^
Dylan’s Section
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Safety First: A Dylan O’Brien X Reader OneShot
Safety First
Scott’s section
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The Confession: A Scott McCall x Reader Two Shot
Part 1: The Confession^ || Part 2: The Reply
Lazy Day: A Scott McCall x OFC/Apollogirl13 Imagine
Lazy Day
My original poetry blog
thoughts spilling like ink
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier section
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I’ll Be Your Home: A Bucky x OFC OneShot
I’ll Be Your Home*
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