#bucky barnes xofc
band--psycho · 4 years
Bucky Barnes x Reader-A Stupid Plan
Kicking the new year off the right way with this request!
Requested by Anon-I wanted to send in a Bucky imagine. Maybe where you're best friends but you have feelings for each other but don't talk about it. When you finally have the courage to tell him, you see him with another girl at the compound (talking, smiling..) so you leave the scene heartbroken and avoid him since that day. He feels sad without you and misses you so he tries to find a way to show you his feelings and explains that it was a misunderstanding & he only wants you?
Thank you for such an awesome request, I kinda got a bit carried away with this but I hope you enjoy it! 
A startled yelp works it’s way up my throat before I can think to stifle it, panic setting in as I find myself suddenly airborn and thrown over a meaty shoulder. My mind was racing with ways to free myself but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t seem to break free from the hold. I tried to recall the moves Bucky had taught me in training, but all the memories seemed to blur into one as I attempted to focus on getting free from the hold. I knew Bucky would kick my ass for such a delayed reaction, but it all comes to a halt at the sound of a familiar throaty chuckle.
“Bucky?!Buck, Really?” Propping myself up as best I can, my grip slips as he loosens his hold, arms tightening just as I slip down to his chest. I felt butterflies erupting in my stomach at the thought of him holding me so close with one arm.
“We spoke about this, doll,”  He replies with a lilting tone, the amusement in his eyes clear as day, though I knew him well enough to recognise the underlying reprimand. I was too slow. Bucky was constantly reminding me to always keep my guard up and be prepared for any and all threats. 
“What if I was someone else?” He asked, with a tilt of his brow. 
“Then I’d have a hell of a lot to say to Tony in regards to his security systems,” I joked, causing him to shake his head as a small smirk graced his face, the familiar banter flowed seamlessly, helping to settle my nerves slightly.
Falling in love was never something I planned on. Least of all with my best friend, not that he knew. It took me a long time to admit to myself that had feelings for Bucky, to some of the people that knew me best it was obvious. Nat and Wanda knew how I felt about Bucky even before I truly did. Anytime they’d mention if I’d brush it off, tell them that they were just imagining things and that we were just friends. Wanda said that that’s how all the best love stories start, not that I paid much attention to what she said. Until things began to change...my feelings for him started to change, whenever I saw him I’d get this warm feeling in my heart, and I found myself worrying about how I looked around him. When I admitted to Nat and Wanda how I felt, they laughed, revealing in their triumph that they were right about how I felt, they said it was obvious by the way I looked at him; they said that they noticed the little twinkle in my eyes that would appear whenever  I was with him, whether it be training, talking or just simply being around him. It made me question if he knew. 
Third Person POV
“Maybe this isn’t a good idea,” Y/nmuttered running a hand through her hair.
“It’s gonna be fine!” Wanda reassured, putting her arm round Y/n comfortingly,pulling her into a friendly side, making sure not to smudge any of the makeup Nat had decorated her face with.
“You look absolutely stunning, Y/n/n, he’s gonna love you,” Nat encouraged with a warm smile on her face.
“Now c’mon, let’s go,” she continued, extending her hand to Y/n, pulling her up with a small smirk on her face. 
“You’ve got this,” Wanda whispered in Y/ns ear as they made their way out of the room to the party. 
The party at the compound had only been going for about half an hour before Y/n made a swift exit,retreating back to her room. The water from her eyes mixed with the mascara she was wearing, causing trickles of black tears to stain her face. Y/n thought she had everything figured out, she was going to mingle with the other avengers for a while and then she was going to pull Bucky aside and take him to the terrace and admit her feelings to him...it all sounded so simple and romantic. But what Y/n hadn’t expected was to see another girl with Bucky. She was stunning. Her body was pressed closed to Buckys, one had lightly wrapped around his neck whilst the other stroked up and down his arm, meanwhile Buckys hands were sitting delicately on the girls waist, both of them laughing and smiling at each other in unison. The sight was enough to break Y/ns heart. She couldn’t work out what she hated more, the fact that she didn’t admit her feelings to him sooner or the fact that she let herself fall for him in the first place. They were friends and that’s all they could ever be even if Y/n wanted something more. 
Buckys POV
“It’s been three days, Steve,” I sighed, putting his head in his hands. I knew I never should’ve gone along with Starks plan, I should’ve listened to Steve and just been honest with Y/n. I’d love to say that I didn’t know what possessed me to listen to him, but that would’ve been a lie. I know why I listened to Stark instead of Steve because I was scared. Scared of rejection, of ruining our friendship for feelings only I felt. But by following Starks plan I managed to ruin our friendship anyway. The plan was to make her jealous so that she would admit if she felt anything for me...not to make her avoid me. I missed her. I missed everything about her, from our conversations and training sessions to just being around her in a comfortable silence.
“I miss her,” Steve just placed his hand on my shoulder at my words, a solemn smile coming across his face. 
“She’s hurt, Buck, you’d be the same if you saw her with another man.” He said simply and I knew he was right...I needed to tell her how I truly felt. I needed to tell her that I loved her and hope that it wasn’t too late. 
“Buck, where are you going?”
“To find Y/n/n and tell her how I feel, like I should’ve done,” I explained simply, leaving the room to go and find her. 
Third Person POV
Bucky quickly found Y/n, she was training. Releasing all the hurt, anger and sadness in every punch, the tears brimming in her eyes as she thought back to the party.  Bucky silently snuck towards her, worried if he announced himself she’d run away and he’d lose his chance. When he was just mere steps away from her, Y/n turned round with her fists still clenched, missing Buckys face by mere inches. 
“Sorry,” she muttered out reluctantly, part of her horrified at the fact that she nearly hit him, the other part of her wishing her fist had actually hit him. She went to make a quick exit but was stopped when she felt Buckys hand on her shoulder forcing her to face him.
“Can we talk,” he wasn’t asking a question, he was more pleading with her, begging her to let him explain. 
“I don’t think we have a lot to say to each other,” Y/n replied, trying to break free from his grip but to no avail.
“Doll, let me explain,” Bucky began calmly.
“You don’t need to explain anything,”Y/n interjected, cutting him off. The slight venom in her voice catching Bucky off guard.
“You’re with that girl and I’m happy for you, I’m happy that you’re happy because you deserve it but-“ 
“I’m not with her,” Bucky answered simply, causing Y/ns eyes to grow wide with confusion.
“Wh..what,” Y/n stuttered out, unsure if the words she heard were real.
“It was..it was part of Starks plan to make you jealous, the plan was that you seeing me with that girl would make you jealous and that if you did have any feelings for me you’d admit them,” an ashamed look came upon his face as he uttered those words.
“But instead I ended up losing you,” Bucky breathed out, the sadness washing over him as he let go of her arm, coming to terms with the fact that he’d lost the woman he loved.
“I’m so sorry, doll, I should’ve just told you the truth, I should’ve told you that I love you, you’re the only person I want,” the tears filling his eyes as he declared his true feelings, preparing for rejection. But no words came from Y/n. Instead he felt her soft hand caress his cheek, before rising up slightly on her tiptoes to place a delicate kiss on his lips. As soon as their lips touched both of them felt like there hearts could explode with sheer joy.
“I love you, too” she whispered against his lips, a beaming smile coming across both of their faces at her admission.
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(Credit to the gif owner)
Tagging those who may enjoy this fic: 
@little-diable @xacatapelsyx @sarcasticallywitty15 @amythedvdhoarder @drabblewithfrannybarnes @chrissquares 
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jpat82 · 6 years
Order Of The Midnight Sun
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    "So where did you go today?" Steve asked as I sat down at the table, downing two of the white pills.
    I flicked my gaze to Bucky who was helping him make dinner. I chewed on my bottom lip, I wasn't sure how he would react to what I was about to say. Steve wouldn't bat an eye I know that but Bucky, my ever changing wild card.
    "I went to the Boston PD, I wanted to see Jonesy's record." I stated, Bucky looked up from the island, his cold eyes landed on me as Steve turned slight brow pinched together.
    "Why?" Bucky asked slowly.
    "It was something Zimo said to me. He had been ordered to kill executioners and people in the Order." I told them, gauging their reactions. "And before either of you chide me, or remind me that I was dealing with a crazy man that's why I didn't tell you yesterday. I didn't want either of you stop to me."
   "And?" Steve asked, turning back to the hot stove. Bucky's eyes still bore into me, the plates in his arm clicking.
    "He was never convicted of any crimes, the girl who filed the report recanted after we gave him his warning." I explained, raising from the table as Bucky very slowly moved around the island, his eyes never wavering from me.
    "What do you mean she recanted?" Steve asked, keeping his back to us.
    I rounded the table keeping it between Bucky and I. I could see he was pissed, his lips a thin line, the muscles in his shoulders seeming to hunch up. I didn't exactly break any rules, it was another one of those grey areas. We follow orders, we never question them. By going and asking for the file I, in a way, was questioning orders. My heart rate picked up, as I started surveying options while never looking away from the man with the predatory stare.
     "What I mean is it wasn't in his file. I talked with Captain Wilson, he was the one that told me legally he was a free man, since there were no charges against him." I stated, Bucky stopped just on the other side of the table from me. His hands splayed out on the dark wood, as he leaned a bit forward.
    "Then what?" He growled, fuck, I was in deep shit.
    I knew when I left this morning there was a chance I would be caught. I knew I would have to explain myself if that happened, and I was praying to make if home before him. Me and my stupid curiosity. No matter how I tried to spin this, I was up shit creek.
    "I went to the Needham PD." I watched as the man tensed even further.
    Closest thing I could make to was the top of the metal cupboards. They were strong enough to hold my weight but not his. This was tested four years ago, and had been a last restore when I pissed him off. Hell, I have an extra pillow and blanket up there. Just goes to show you how much I piss this man off.
    "Captian Romanov showed me his file there, he didn't do shit in Needham." I explained, ten feet to the island, and a four foot jump. But in that ten feet was a table and a very angry man.
    "Anything else happen?" Steve asked, turning to grab the chopped veggies off the counter, not bothering to look at the situation unfolding less then twelve feet away.
    Did he really have to ask that question. I can't lie to them, that's breaking one of our core rules. Jerk, now I really was in trouble.
    "Ran into an executioner named Thor, rightful pissed off asshole cause he didn't get the job of the Order." I spat out.
     No sooner then the words slipped from my lips did the table go careening to the side. I sprang from my spot, rushing passed Bucky. I went to duck under his arm but he had learned since the last time. He snagged me around my waist and pulled me from my feet. He walked me over to the bed and slammed me down.
   I rolled to my side, grabbing my ribs as pain racked it's way through them. I had the wind knocked out of me with how hard threw me down. I heard his buckle clink, as I attempted to roll to my knees coughing. Bucky reach out and shoved me back over to my back.
    "No!" Steve yelled, rushing out of the kitchen, he grabbed Bucky by the shoulder and pulled him away from me.
    They squared off with each other as I tried to remember how to breathe. Fuck, here we go again. I pulled myself to knees, grabbing at one of their hands. If I didn't deescalate this I would have an all out brawl in our home.. again.
    "Not while she's hurt." Steve stated through gritted teeth. "Never while she's hurt."
   "She could of gotten herself killed. In her state, another executioner could of easily taken her out." Bucky hissed back. "And Thor has the size he could easily have done so."
    "He didn't and she's home. I let you have your fun while she went for the pills." Steve growled back at the man, my fingers laced around Bucky's as I reached over and grabbed Steve's hand. "You won't do this to her while she's injured the way she is."
    "Boys, please." I coughed, trying to defuse the situation. Bucky slowly looked down at me, his eyes softening a bit before they returned to Steve. "Not today, I just want eat something and curl up. I know what I did was incredibly stupid, but I had to know."
   Bucky continued to stare down at him, I could see that he was thinking it over. His features continued to soft and he sat down on the edge of the bed. Steve stood there for a moment longer till he decided it was safe to return to the kitchen. Leaving the two of us to talk it out.
    "Doll, do you realize that you had me worried when I came home and I didn't find you?" He asked, placing his hand on my knee. This was out of character for him, but then again he had been trying to open more for the last year. Trying hard not to the brutal man he was trained to be. "Knowing the state you were in last night and then finding you gone. What if Thor wanted to challenge your rank? There is no way you could of fought back."
Ranking, it's an executioner thing. The higher the rank the better the perks, well for most. You can choose what area to operate in, if you want to move, the authorities pay for it. Better housing in dorms, you get your pick of women when the locals decide to celebrate. Even though I am a high ranking executioner I'm still bottom of the ladder, mostly because I'm a female and partially for decking the Commander.
If an executioner challenges you to a fight, you go until one of you is incapacitated or dead. There is no one breaking up a challenge, and there are no rules. Had Thor decided to challenge me, I would not be able to say no, and if he won then he would take over my rank and my title in the Order.
     "I know, and I'm sorry." I leaned into him, curling my body around him.
     Bucky placed his hand on my back and pulled me into his lap. He stroked his hand through my hair gently, kissing my temple. He looked over to Steve who pulled the table back to its original spot. He placed our plates down and looked over to us.
@kitkatkl @octobermermaid @ajosieface @instantnoodlese @crystlblu @coffeebooksandfandom @thisismysecrethappyplace @the-wayward-robot @lokilvrr @moodygrip @shynara51
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band--psycho · 3 years
So my amazing friend @xacatalepsyx came up with this idea (all credit to her for this) but I know that there are a few people who might be interested in doing this! All you have to do is take the first nine pictures from your Pinterest board and create a story around it (it doesn’t matter how long or short it is)
This is mine:
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If you wanna be tagged in this story just let me know!
Tagging people who might be interested in this (but there’s no pressure!) :
@miss-nori85 @little-diable @hotdamnhunnam @rebelwrites @xbreezymeadowsx @darthwheezely @mrsnegan @flanagirl @outer-banks-bitches @amourtentiaa @impala1967dwinchester @barneswidow @heloisedaphnebrightmore @dumbassunderthemountain @fizzyxcustard
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