#bucky banres fic
buckyalpine · 3 months
Chicken nuggies.
Crack thought with all the fluff. ALL the fluff. Maybe a tiny dash of angst at the start but it's to set the plot.
Everything that could have possibly gone wrong went sideways as soon as the mission started. The team was ambushed. Bucky was separated from everyone else. His trigger words blared through the speakers and there was nothing anyone could do to stop the soldier from awakening.
Worst of all, you were badly injured. Steve groaned in pain, struggling to pull himself up when he saw the solider lock his eyes on your limp form, taking long strides towards you with purpose.
That wasn't good.
"Tony-I-I need back up, y/n is-what the hell"
Steve blinked watching his friend pick you up with the utmost care, holding you securely in his arms. A hydra agent attempted to order him, only to be silenced with a knife thrown to the throat. The soldier made his way towards the exit with you along with a limping Steve trailing behind him.
"Быстрее" [move] he ordered, carrying you close to his chest and sitting in his designated on the spot on the jet. He didn't say a word as the others filed in, growling when Tony didn't start the engine up fast enough. No one dared look in your direction, not wanting to make the wrong move and happy that Bucky had busied himself with looking over your injuries, mumbling in Russian while letting his hand brush over your cheek.
As soon as the jet touched the ground, he was on his feet and carrying you over to the medbay, refusing to set you down until he saw a doctor ready to help. While it wasn't exactly protocol to have him in the operating room while the doctors worked, no one was interested in arguing back with him when he placed himself in a corner, watching intently. His blue eyes which were normally filled with warmth and softness were now stone cold, eyeing every single movement of what was being done to you, his gaze relaxing when the surgeon gave him a shaky thumbs up.
He sat by your side the entire time, gear still strapped to his body, watching the steady beep of your heart monitor while you slept, the rest of the team quietly waiting outside. Sam peered in, quickly retreating back when Bucky glowered at him, getting up and closing the door so you could rest. He and Steve continued to peep through the little glass window, immediately ducking when they could feel steel blue eyes watching him.
"Do we try and help or-
"I don't want to die yet, also based on what I'm seeing, y/n in the safest place she could be"
You sighed happily as you blinked awake, feeling hazy as if you were floating upon the softest of clouds. The room was bright and clean, you could have been in heaven for all you knew.
Or you were just high as a kite from all the pain killers.
Then you saw him beside you.
Such a gorgeous man.
One who gave you butterflies with shy smiles.
"Soldat" You giggled, reaching over to stroke his scruffy cheek, brushing your thumb over the scowl on his lips, "Hi" You admired his sharp jaw, idly tracing over his features while his mouth twitched into something of a smile, all his muscles finally relaxing seeing you awake.
You yawned, stretching yourself out like a kitten out before rolling over with a flop to face the very pretty man who was sitting at your bedside. Your admiration was cut short with the rumble of your tummy.
There was only one thing you wanted now.
"Soldat, I want chicken nuggies" You demanded, the growl of your stomach solidifying your request. He simply nodded, getting up and out of his seat, making his way over to the one place he knew you'd want your "nuggies" from.
"H-how may I h-help you" The Mc Donald's cashier stared at the numerous guns and knifes strapped to the infamous soldier, his metal arm pointing to a kids meal combo that came with a 6 piece nugget.
A little red box was placed in front of him at lightening speed but that wasn't good enough. He peered into the bag, frowning when he saw a toy that you already had. He grabbed it and placed it back onto the counter, staring at the trembling employee while they rummaged to find a new one, grabbing fistfuls and stuffing into the bag instead. The soldier nodded when he was given one you didn't have before, making his way back to ensure you were fed.
It didn't take long for the news outlets to catch on that the Winter Soldier was out buying Happy Meals.
*Tony's suit, Thors hammer, Steve's now broken shield and some gentle deprogramming later*
"Still want more nuggies" You murmured against Bucky's chest, still a little hazy while he chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
"I'll always get you chicken nuggies, doll"
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the-winter-spider · 24 days
What I Have | B. Barnes
Word Count: 2.5k
Warning: Probably the fluffiest piece ive written lol
A/N: I was listening to What I Have by Kelsea Ballerini and well here we are lol
The year was 2024, over one hundred years since you were born—105, to be exact. Your life hadn’t turned out at all like you had dreamed or hoped it would.
You were supposed to marry the boy next door once the war was done. You’d picked out your wedding dress while window shopping with your best friend, even before he proposed. You made a scrapbook, meticulously curating hairstyles and makeup looks, debating over the choices as if they were the most pressing decisions in the world.
You sketched out your dream house, selecting the colors, the flowers for the front garden, and the vegetables you would surely grow in the back. You even chose the font for your new last name on the mailbox.
You had each of your children’s names picked out—three, to be exact. Two boys and one girl, you had hoped. Everything was a dream, but it seemed so close, so possible, as if it should have been a reality. You should be dead by now, having lived a full life, with your children who should have been walking the earth with their children, your grandchildren.
But everything went wrong. Literally, everything possible went wrong.
Bucky fell off a train and died. He actually fell off a train, and they declared him dead. In reality, he had lost his arm, survived the fall because Hydra had already experimented on him. They brainwashed him, like something out of a twisted fairy tale, turning him into a deadly assassin. Your beautiful, blue-eyed Bucky, your sweet Bucky, became a killer. A Bucky you would never see again, because even though he was still here, and you were so thankful for that, he would never be your Bucky again.
And then there was Steve. Of course, Steve found him, because of course! And let’s not forget that your best friend, Steve, who was once smaller than you, was injected with a serum that not only tripled his size but turned him into a superhero because, yes, apparently those needed to exist. Of course, he went off to war, driven by a need for revenge for his best friend, your fiancé Bucky. And of course, he had to be noble, going down for the cause, leading everyone to believe he was dead. But of course, he wasn’t. They found him, frozen but alive, because he was Captain America, and that’s just what happens.
And then there was you, consumed by grief, first losing the love of your life and then your best friend. You begged, on your knees, begged Howard Stark to use you as his test subject for cryogenic testing. You couldn’t bear to be here without your boys. He hesitated because he loved Steve, and he knew Steve wouldn’t want this for you. But when you threatened that if he didn’t, you would take your own life, he relented. So, of course, it worked because it was Howard, and he was a Stark. But decades passed, and the year he was supposed to wake you up, The Winter Soldier murdered him. So, as usual, you stayed frozen, but alive, until Howard’s son, Tony, found you in his father’s hidden lab.
You woke up to a world that was not your own, a century too late for the life you were supposed to live. The world had moved on, but you hadn’t. Your friends were legends now, mythologized beyond recognition. And you, well, you were the ghost of what could have been.
The years that followed were a blur of new faces, new battles, and new griefs. You tried to adapt, to find a place in this future that had no room for you. But every corner of this brave new world reminded you of the past, of the life that slipped through your fingers.
And then one day, while sifting through old boxes in Tony’s lab, you found something. It was an old, faded book, as soon as you saw the brown cover you heart dropped you knew what it was, it waa your scrapbook. The cover had an old faded photo of you, Bucky, and Steve, taken on a sunny day before the world went mad. You barely recognized the girl in the photo, with her bright smile and unbroken heart. But there she was, a relic of a time that now felt like a dream.
You realised then that maybe you didn’t belong in this world. Maybe you never did. But as long as you were here, you could try—try to make sense of the pieces left behind, to find some small measure of peace in the chaos.
And that’s exactly what you did. Even though you didn’t have the life you had once dreamed of, you still had them. And in what world does all that trauma happen, and you still end up alive with your boys?
You picked up the dusty book, holding it close to your heart, as you navigated through the compound, following the sound of laughter coming from the living room. You paused just outside the doorway, soaking in the warmth of his laugh—a sound you feared you might never hear again after Bucky began recovering from his trauma. But here it was, filling the room, and even though it wasn’t the same Bucky you knew decades ago, his laugh was unchanged, and it made your heart swell.
Rounding the corner, you saw Steve clutching his chest in joy, playfully shoving Sam, who was grinning widely.
Bucky’s eyes immediately found yours; he could always find you in any room. “Hi, doll,” he said, getting up to kiss your cheek and taking your hand to lead you to the couch.
“Hi, Buck. Hi, Stevie, Sammy,” you greeted them, settling in beside Bucky.
Sam rolled his eyes at the nickname. “You’re lucky I like you.”
Bucky glanced down at the book in your arms. “What’s that?”
Steve’s smile faded into something more serious as he noticed the book, instantly recognizing it. “Is that what I think it is?”
You nodded, feeling tears well up in your eyes. “Stark… he kept it. I haven’t opened it yet. I thought… I thought we could do it together.”
“What is it?” Sam asked, his curiosity piqued.
“It’s my life,” you began, your voice trembling slightly. “There are a few pages of what I thought it would turn out to be… but after everything happened…” You paused, taking a steadying breath. The memories of losing Bucky and Steve were still fresh, no matter how much time had passed. “I never planned or dreamed of anything else. It just felt silly without you boys. So, I just filled it with photographs.”
“Photographs of who?” Sam asked, leaning forward.
“Everyone,” you replied softly, glancing between Bucky and Steve. “Peggy and Mrs. Rogers,” you said, meeting Steve’s gaze. You saw the emotion in his eyes at the mention of his mother. “Becca and Winnie, Mr. Barnes,” you continued, feeling Bucky tense slightly at the mention of his mother and sister, their faces now distant memories. “I even have Howard and the Commandos.” You smiled a little. “But mostly, it’s us—all of us.”
Bucky reached out, gently taking the book from your hands. His fingers brushed the worn cover, the room fell silent as the weight of the past settled around you all.
“Let’s open it together,” Steve suggested, his voice thick with emotion. He moved closer, his presence a steady anchor as you all gathered around the book. Sam stayed distant, letting the three of you have your moment but still staying there.
Bucky opened the cover, and the first page revealed a photograph of you, Bucky, and Steve, taken in a simpler time. The three of you looked so young, so hopeful. You felt Bucky’s hand tighten around yours as he stared at the image, memories rushing back. It was a photo from your 16th birthday, the day he had gifted you the book.
“I gave this to you,” Bucky said quietly, the realization settling over him.
You nodded. “For my birthday. You wrote…” You trailed off, pointing to the top left corner of the front of the book.
He read the words aloud, his voice filled with emotion. “Happy 16th birthday to my best girl. I hope you fill these pages with your hopes and dreams. I can only hope that somewhere in amongst them, I’ll be a part of it. With all the love, Bucky.”
Sam smiled, leaning back in his seat. “Who knew you were such a romantic, Buck?”
You watched as Bucky’s cheeks flushed a light shade of red at the comment, and you gave his knee a gentle squeeze, feeling the warmth of the old affection between you.
“For y/n, he was crazy,” Steve chimed in, grinning. “You should have seen him—head over heels is an understatement. Try obses—”
Before Steve could finish, Bucky reached behind you and gave him a playful shove. “Can it, Rogers,” he muttered, trying to hide his embarrassment.
Steve just laughed, catching himself before he toppled over. “You know it’s true.”
You chuckled, resting your head against Bucky’s shoulder. “I wouldn’t have had it any other way.”
Bucky’s hand found yours again, his thumb tracing circles on your skin. “Neither would I.”
As you all shared a quiet moment, the weight of the years seemed to lift, replaced by the warmth of old memories and the comfort of the present. Bucky turned the page, revealing more photographs—snapshots of moments that had once seemed so ordinary but now felt like treasures.
The pages turned slowly, revealing a life that could have been—a wedding dress sketched out, a house with a picket fence, names of children that never came to be. And then, the photographs—snapshots of moments frozen in time. Peggy’s bright smile, Mrs. Rogers’ kind eyes, the mischievous grins of Becca and Winnie, Howard’s confident stance, the Commandos’ camaraderie. But the most frequent faces were your own, Bucky’s, and Steve’s, from a time when the world was both simpler and infinitely more complex.
Each image told a story. There was one of you and Steve dancing at a neighbourhood block party, both of you laughing so hard you could barely stand. Another showed Bucky in his military uniform, giving you a wink as he prepared to head off to basic training. Then there were pictures of Steve and Bucky goofing around, each trying to outdo the other in some silly stunt, and you caught in the middle, rolling your eyes but smiling all the same.
There were pictures of Bucky and you around the campfire on the night before everything changed—before he fell off the train. Bucky paused on that photo, his eyes lingering on it. “That was the night before…” he said softly.
You nodded, squeezing his hand, understanding the weight of those words.
“Night before what?” Sam asked, his voice gentle.
“Before I fell,” Bucky replied, those three words carrying a lifetime of pain and loss. The room grew still, the significance of that moment hanging heavy in the air. Sam didn’t say anything more, sensing the depth of emotion in Bucky’s words.
Bucky’s gaze remained fixed on the photo, his voice quiet as he continued. “It was the last time I felt so much joy… I feel it now, but it was different then.”
Steve nodded in agreement, his expression solemn. “I get it, Buck.”
“Me too,” you added, your voice trembling slightly. “I keep thinking about what was supposed to be, what should have been.” You paused, wiping a tear from your eye. “I don’t understand why it all happened the way it did—why I didn’t get the life I thought I was going to.”
“Sweetheart,” Bucky whispered, his hand gently reaching out to wipe away your tears, his touch as tender as it had always been.
The room fell into a reverent silence, each of you lost in your own thoughts, the weight of your shared history settling over you like a heavy blanket. Finally, Sam spoke, his voice soft and full of understanding. “You’ve lived a hell of a life.”
You nodded, taking a deep breath as you wiped away a stray tear. “It wasn’t what I planned,” you admitted, your voice thick with emotion. “But I wouldn’t trade it. Not if it meant losing this—losing you… both of you.”
Bucky’s hand tightened around yours, his thumb brushing over your knuckles. “We didn’t get the life we dreamed of, but we got each other. And that’s enough.”
Steve leaned back, his eyes bright with unshed tears. “We’ve been through so much, but we’re still here. Together.”
Sam smiled, the warmth in his expression offering a quiet reassurance. “That’s what matters in the end. Not what you lost, but what you’ve kept.”
“Till the end of the line,” Steve spoke, the words heavy with emotion and depth.
“Till the end of the line,” Bucky echoed, pulling you closer to his side.
You glanced around the room at the faces of the people who had become your family—the ones who had stood by you through the darkest of times.
As the pages of the scrapbook turned, the photographs shifted from black-and-white to colour, reflecting the passage of time. The images grew fewer as the years became harder, but each one was more precious because of it.
Finally, you reached the last page, where an empty space awaited a new photograph. You looked up at Bucky and Steve, both of them gazing at the book with a mix of nostalgia and gratitude.
“You should take a new photo,” Sam suggested, his voice soft but certain. “One to mark this moment.”
Bucky nodded, his eyes meeting yours with a warmth that melted away the years. “Yeah, we should.”
Steve grinned. “I’ll get the camera.”
As Steve stood to retrieve a camera, you leaned into Bucky, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath your hand. This was the life you had, and it was more than enough. The empty space in the book was no longer a reminder of what was lost, but a promise of what was yet to come—a new chapter, filled with love, laughter, and the people who mattered most.
Sam took the camera from Steve, ready to take the picture. But just as he was about to snap the shot, you paused. “Wait!”
“What? You don’t have food in your teeth, but your hair…” Sam teased with a smirk.
“Well, I was going to say I want you in the picture too, but…” You trailed off
“No, no! I’m sorry, you’re beautiful… perfect—”
“Sam, watch it, that’s my girl,” Bucky warned, a protective edge to his voice.
Sam rolled his eyes, chuckling. “The whole world knows that, Buck.” He placed the camera on the tripod and took a seat beside Steve. “You sure you want me in this?”
“Of course, Sammy! You’re one of us now,” you insisted, smiling warmly at him.
Sam’s expression softened, and he nodded, touched by your words. As the camera clicked, capturing the four of you together, you knew that this was the memory that would fill that final page—the proof that even after everything, you still had your boys, old and new, and they still had you.
The book might never hold the life you once dreamed of, but it would hold the life you had lived—the one you had fought for, the one you had loved.
And that was more than enough.
329 notes · View notes
vase-of-lilies · 1 year
Efforts to Make Amends
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❀ Tfatws!Bucky x Mom!reader (f)
❀ Non-con and rape (DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT LIKE IT), past abuse, past parental abuse, mentions of captivity, fluff, childbirth, some suicidal ideation (but no actions), taking of virginity, some after sex bleeding, talking badly about a baby, pregnancy, dad bucky 🥺 (if there is anything else, PLEASE let me know!)
❀ Word Count: 6.3k
❀ A/N: This came to mind when I was just thinking about Buck:) I don’t know if this is already a concept, but if it is here is my take on it! :D
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The cry of the newborn baby sent shivers down your spine. Not a scared shiver, or a nervous shiver. Just a shiver. You are her mother now, and you can not let this baby down. You won’t let this baby down. As the nurse gently handed the bundle of joy over to you in a pink blanket, you laid eyes on the most beautiful little thing in the world. With her eyes barely open to see, her blue eyes stared back into your own. 
Tears filled your eyes as you held her to your chest, her babbles slowly dying down to soft breaths. You smiled down at the tiny human in your arms, clutching onto your finger softly. You heard the heart monitor go off, and you immediately held your daughter tighter in your arms. Not wanting to let her go, not for one second. Your OB/GYN entered the room, smiling brightly with the paperwork of your brand new baby. 
“All is well with your little girl. I’ll let you decide on a name and we can fill out this boring stuff.” She chuckles and sits next to you on the bed. 
“Oh, I really like this one.” She hums softly at the baby names in question. She points to the fourth one on the list that you made on a piece of paper. “Clarisse” is the name she chose. It was your mother's name. Bright, shining, gentle, and brave. She was your advocate through the years you were held captive by your own father. 
Of course the circumstances of how this child came into this world is not how you imagined it, you are still eternally grateful to have her in your life. 
It was at this moment you knew all too well what you had to do. You had to start brand new; New name, address, hair color. Everything you can to stay away from the life you were forced into as a child. Going by the name Carla, you set off out of the police station with your new ID, and a new life ahead of you. You couldn’t hold back the smile that had formed on your face by the time you made it to the bus stop. 
Paying the bus driver, you sat down on the bench by the window. Carefully holding your newborn baby to your chest, you stare out the window at the passing cars, buildings, and people. All making their way home from work or even to work. Even the people who call themselves “superheroes” have a home to go to, don’t they? No matter where you go, you know you have to provide what's best for this baby. The police were some help, getting you your ID, colored contacts as well as a wig and a new passport. But it was a long, aggravating process. With every woman looking at your baby with prying eyes, getting ready to let their lips loose in the daily office gossip session. 
Finally, it was time to leave. It was time to leave the life you were previously living, and set off on a new adventure with a new companion.
Arriving at the airport, you follow the directions to buy a ticket to Spain. With what little Spanish you knew was not the problem at this point. It was getting away from a crime populated city such as New York. The culture, the people, and the ocean around the country felt like the safest option. 
“ID, ma’am.” You heard the woman at the desk say. Pulling out your ID, you make sure it is your new one. This has a special hidden key trustworthy people can scan that tells them you are a witness in protection. They are very caring with you, and question nothing if you hesitate with your new name. “Carla Davenport. Date of birth November eighteenth.” Fuck! What's the year?? “Year?” The woman asks. “U-uhm, 2001...” You almost say it as a question, but the woman smiles and hands you back your ID. 
“Enjoy Spain!” She says from the desk, and onto security you go.
The plane ride was long, and agonizing with how anxious you were. But Clarisse easily soothed your nerves. The looks people gave you were noticeable, and the last few people to board on the plane seemed reluctant to sit next to you. A newborn on a plane is someone's worst nightmare. But Clarisse was a sleepy girl, and slept a majority of the flight. The moments she did start to cry, you knew she either had to be changed, or was hungry. Once you went to the bathroom, you sat on the toilet and began to breastfeed your little girl.
The mirror that was across from you, a woman you barely recognized stared back. False black-dyed locks fell around an exhausted, hurt, and abused mother. There wasn’t much that stared back. You peeled your eyes away from the mirror, and pinned them back on your little girl. Clarisse was enjoying her milk, and was soon going to fall into a milk coma. You just knew it. 
Sighing as you sit back down, you look back out the window. The night sky was absolutely beautiful at this time, and you loved what it looked like. Even though Clarisse was asleep, you still pointed out the lights along the coast that shaped the continent of Africa, and soon to the lights that covered Madrid. Your new home town. 
As the plane landed, you stopped at the gift shop to get a Spanish-to-English dictionary to start learning. Also stopping at a small convenience store in the airport, you exchanged all of your US dollars to Euros and bought some diapers and a diaper bag as well. It was the small things that the program didn’t provide that seemed to be the biggest issues for you. But you were grateful for the small apartment they found, and even more grateful that they provided rent for the first year of living there. 
Getting a job will be difficult, but you knew that you would figure it out somehow. With how populated the world is, there is bound to be an English speaking job for you out there. But that was the least of your worries right now. What you needed the most was food, sleep, and a warm blanket for you and Clarisse. All that you needed for a couple nights was already at the apartment, and you were eternally grateful. 
Finally getting to the small one bedroom apartment, you immediately lock the door behind you, and set off to the small bedroom. There is a mattress on the floor as well as a few blankets and a pillow, but other than that nothing much else. It was simple, and you liked it. Just for you and your little girl. You smiled as you saw the view out the window. The beautiful city lights shone through the fire escape balcony, giving a soft glow in the bedroom. It felt safe. 
Getting out a diaper and some wipes, you begin to change Clarisse. “I know sweet girl, it’s been a long day.” You whisper, giving soft kisses to her face as she babbles into the open air. “Are you gonna sleep well tonight? Hm? Or are you gonna keep me up?” You chuckle at the small girl in front of you, and you softly tickle her sides. Her incoherent giggles are music to your ears, and it is nothing like you have ever heard before. “You are so beautiful my little flower.” You smile, nuzzling your nose against hers softly.
After getting Clarisse all settled, you decided to move the mattress just under the window to get the perfect view of the night sky. You lay your head on the pillow, a feeling you haven’t felt in a very long time. Your little girl snuggled right up next to you, and stared up at the sky as well. You knew she would grow up to be the best little girl there is, and there is no doubt about that.
Sweat covered your forehead as you ran through the cold Russian woods. Barely escaping the Hydra base with your ankles not broken. You kept running until you knew you were far enough away to take a breath. But oh... were you wrong. The Winter Soldier was right behind you, every step of the way. It almost felt like he was in the trees, stalking your every move just like your father had conditioned him to. 
The man was silent as he looked for you, but the silence screamed death. You were terrified, and rightfully so. Even trying to hold your breath so no one could see it, including you, was one of the only options to stay hidden. Besides trying to hide within the trees, and snow on the ground. It was hopeless. You could already hear the crunching of the snow underneath the heavy combat boots of the Winter Soldier coming your way. 
This was it, you were going to die. You never knew why your father kept you in the base, but he would not be disappointed to hear that you were gone for good. Maybe it was for the best. No one would have to worry about keeping you silent, or contained. With the secrets you know, you could uncover the world's most dangerous criminals, documents, and codes to plenty of nuclear energy. But you swore to your mother you would never tell a soul. She loved her husband and her daughter equally, but her caring nature made her keep the world she lived in safe. 
You were in your thoughts for too long. ‘Fuck-’ you suck in a breath, not moving an inch as you feel the cold blade barely cut into your neck. “Please...” you couldn’t believe you were begging for mercy, but you were strong. You had to stay alive; for your mother. “Cooperate and I won’t kill you...” the soldier said in a dark voice. You didn’t understand why he wasn’t going to kill you. 
Instead of questioning him, you gave a small nod. “Good girl.” He whispered in your ear, sending chills down your spine. Soon the cold spread from your arms all the way down to your most intimate parts. He had sliced away at your thin hospital-like gown, and stripped you bare. You couldn’t do anything with a knife to your neck so you stayed still. “Please d-don’t, I-I’ll go back wi-with you, just p-please!” You quietly beg him, but he has already stripped himself of his own tactical pants. 
He ignored your pleas, commanding you “Be a good girl and lay on your back...” A whimper left your throat and you froze. “N-no.” You stated, calmly. Instant regret filled your veins as he swiped his foot underneath yours and you fell to the ground. Your head hit a root sticking out from the ground and your vision was rendered blurry. “P-please...” Your attempt of a small plea exited your mouth, but you gave up. 
His veiny, god-like sculpted cock filled your cunt to the brim. You tried to scream, but nothing would come out. He started to thrust, and thrust, and thrust. It felt like it never ended. His blue eyes stared into your dull y/e/c eyes with no emotion or mercy. He was told to do this to you, and it traumatized you. With no luck, you tried to push him away but he was quick to pin your hands above your head with his strong arms. One metal, one flesh. 
“It's ok... just take it...” Was he trying to comfort you? 
“I- I can’t...” 
“You will.” That was the very last thing before you were left in darkness, unconscious and barely alive. 
Clarisse lets out a small cry, waking you up instantly. “Hey sweet pea, shh shh mommas got you.” You whisper to her, gently rocking her in your arms. You didn’t know what time it was, but you knew for sure you only slept a wink. You stayed up the rest of the night, helping her to sleep, feeding her every now and then, and getting only some sleep yourself. You were more than happy to stay awake for her, and that was a sacrifice you were willing to take. 
Once the sun started to come up, you yawned and decided to see what snacks you had brought from the airport. Some ChexMix and an apple was enough until you gathered enough courage to go grocery shopping. It had to be about 9:00 once Clarisse started to wake up. Swaying her as she drank from your breast, you hummed her a soft song and smiled from above her. As she drank, you began to grab what money you had, Charisse's baby bag and a face mask just in case someone did end up recognizing you. It would be lethal to have anyone from Hydra even know you exist. 
Bucky POV:
Of course I regret everything. I have to live with what I have done every day of my life, and deep down I know that I can’t blame myself for my actions. It’s not something to get used to. Some would say that I have gotten used to hearing the last breath come from someone's gurgling throat. Some would say that “he likes to watch them die.” But in truth, nothing is worse than seeing someone's life drain from their eyes just like a painting being washed away; the paint clinging to life to stay on the canvas but the water just too damn strong. 
A victim I remember very clearly, said whilst looking through the barrel of my gun “Fools make romance of death, for it is brutal and cruel. That I say be at peace with my passing is not such a thing. But once it is done, I will be safe and sound once more. I will live as long as I can, be with you as many days as we are sent, then keep me in your memories. I will see you again. That is a promise.” He was right, I would see him again. Not in heaven, or hell where I belong. But in my nightmares every single night. Therapy can only do so much for a broken, lost and helpless soldier. Let alone a 106 year old one. 
However, I was slowly making amends with the people who were fortunately left alive. Yori Nakasima, the sweet old man I have lunch with every Tuesday is just an example. He was not a victim, but his son was. He was caught at the wrong place at the wrong time, and in turn he fell straight to the line of fire. My line of fire. No matter how much I try, I can never expel the begging that came from his mouth. He was innocent and had absolutely nothing to do with that mission. Simply… a loose knot that had to be tied tight. Yori and I went our own ways, and it makes me happy to see him still go to the same restaurant every Tuesday. He may not remember our conversation, but rest assured he can sleep knowing what happened to his son. 
One more name.
One more name and I can throw this damned book away.
Y/n Y/L/n. 
Y/n has been on this list for four to eight months now. Her name staring back at me with anger and regret. God why did her own father make me do this? Thoughts were racing through my head as I searched for Y/n, but nothing came up besides death certificates. She can’t be dead. She has to be alive, I know that she got out of there alive… Going deep into police, military and FBI/CIA records, along with the witness protection program as a sergeant, I was able to find someone by the name of Carla Davenport. I obviously knew this was wrong, and I was mostly doing this for myself. But there was one part of me that wanted to tell her that she is safe, and that she could finally rest with her guard down. 
Doing further research, I finally came across an address. I lucked out by being in Madrid at the time with Zemo and Sam while I did my research. All I had left was to confront her and tell her my intentions. Knowing Y/n, she would be feisty, careful but most likely fearless. I know her, and she would fight with every last cell of energy in her body to win. I slightly jump as I hear my phone buzz and I answer Sam.
“Hey Sam.” I said, jotting down Y/n’s new address. I heard a sigh on the other line, and I knew I was in for something. 
“I got a call from a CIA agent who found a breach in the witness protection program. Was that you?” Sam replies. 
“Uh, why would you think it would be me? I have no reason to be on that site in the first place.” Seriously? What kind of answer was that?? “Dr. Raynor told me you needed to find some people… Buck come on man, we could have done this together.” 
“Whatever happened to patient privacy? I found what I needed, so can I log out and be on my way?”
“Listen, I know you’re hurting. Especially over Y/n. I'll help you find her, but can we please do it the legal way?” He sounded convincing enough that he actually wanted to help, but I knew that it was just a ploy. Or, maybe that was my irrational thoughts talking for me.
“I’ve gotta do this on my own. She is the last one before I can finally go out and live how I want to. She will determine if I deserve to be free.” There was silence for a short period of time, and then another soft sigh from the man on the other line. 
“Alright, fine. But if I get one more phone call telling me you did something illegal, you’re kicked off my team for charades, and you are going to talk with Dr. Raynor. Do you understand?” 
I chuckled at his threat, and I nodded to myself. “Yeah, Sam. I understand. I wouldn’t want to bother Captain America with calls from random CIA agents about the site of witnesses in protection. This is honestly something Raynor should have let me do. She was the one who told me to “use your resources'' where there was nothing else to use. Anyway, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow.” 
“See you tomorrow Buck. Have a good night.” 
Hanging up the phone, I sigh and I finish writing down the information from the website. Now that I knew where she lived, it would then be the hard part of everything. Telling her what I did, and apologizing for it. 
Your POV:
It had now been three full weeks of living in Madrid and you were living your best life! You had a desk job dealing with English complaints for a website that was fully in Spanish, and your little girl could be with you all day long. Being able to earn a stable living was nice in such a large and new country. Also with your new way of life, you were not living off of ramen and buttered toast. You were able to make full meals with fresh ingredients from the finest vendors just down the street from your apartment. Steamed vegetables, freshly cooked meat that only needed a little bit of heating in the oven and your own seasonings and finally the glorious, melt-in-your-mouth Churros con Chocolate was what you were blessed with for dessert. It was heaven, and you were living in it with such happiness. 
Clarisse is now one month old, and has been a little more aware of what she can do with her body. Even at this young age, she knows who you are and who you are to her. Soon she’ll be running around on two healthy legs with energy skyrocketing every second. Watching her grow up is the highlight of your life, and you never wanted it to end. Her eyes would scan each room you went through, each aisle you walked down, and even grabbed up at you from your arms as you made your way down to the baby section. Clothes, shoes, food. Clothes, shoes, food. All you needed was those three things, and you would be on your way. 
It was a relief that you had not encountered a challenge by anyone. Not when little Clarisse cried for a little bit, and not even when the panic set in at the sound of the bustling cars outside the store. It was a success, and you could not wait to get home. Checking out with ease, you held Clarisse close to you as you took your groceries in the small basket on the back of your bike, and strapped the little girl into her car seat carrier on the front of your bike. “All safe and sound, my sweet girl,” You whisper, gently putting her blanket over her. On the way back to your apartment, you followed the same route to and from. Two lefts, a right, up the hill and to the left. It was almost a song you replayed over and over in your head, just to help you get home. Just like your mother taught you;
Down the hall and to the left, a little bit longer, up the stairs and in my arms you go! This song was to navigate the hallways of the large house your father had bought your family before he decided to keep you as his own lab rat. 
Once you made it into the safe walls of your home, the lock was the first thing in place after putting your bike inside. Clarrise still strapped in her seat, you rolled the bike to the far wall of your kitchen. The babbling baby in her carrier made you smile as she reached out to you, her feet kicking in excitement as she made eye contact. 
Holding your little girl felt so right, yet so wrong at the same time. Not only was this life forced upon you, but this baby took everything from you. Your passion for dancing and painting, your want to go to college, desire to learn and grow. This creature that is in need of so much care and attention took all of that from you. But so did he. He hurt you the most. 
Every day memories flow through your brain like a movie projecting onto a loosely hanging sheet. Warped, but clear for a person to know what happened. It was your duty to Clarrise that she did not know your past, and that she was brought into this life in a way that is a crime. And she never had to know. Having her not grow up with a father was a sacrifice you were willing to take to keep her protected from the pain you went through.
Your alarm on your phone went off, and you sat down on the couch to feed Clarrise. As you unclipped your padded bra, you froze at the sound of a knock came from the front door. Luckily Clarrise didn’t seem too hungry at the moment, so you slowly approached the door. You looked through the peep hole and saw a man. He had short brown hair, and piercing blue eyes. He looked… gentle. 
As you held your child close to your chest you slowly opened the door.
“Can I help you?” 
He looked down at you, a hight difference clearly present. He smiled at the small child in your arms and responded to your question. “Im looking for Carla. Does she live here?” 
You nod and say “I am her, is there something I can do for you?” You ask again, wanting a reason for the sudden visit from this man. He looked back to your face and you made eye contact with him, it was his eyes that looked so familiar. 
“Right, I just moved in down the hall way and wanted to introduce myself. Im James Barnes, and I’m from 107, that way.” He pointed down the hall way and you followed his finger. You nodded with a smile. “Well, its nice to meet you James. Would you like to come in? I was just about to feed this little one, but if you don’t feel comfortable with breast feeding, you don’t have to come in.”
You invite him in, not thinking of the dangers or intents of this man. He kindly accepts and enters your small apartment. Offering him a seat on the couch, you sit down opposite from him in the rocking chair. Putting a cover over Clarrise, you begin to feed her, the milk coming from your breasts entering her mouth as she begins to feed. 
“What brings you to Spain? I don’t know a lot of English speakers here besides the land lord.” You say, wanting to start conversation. He nods and shrugs, smiling softly. 
“I just needed a change of scenery, thats all.” He keeps his answer simple, not knowing how to bring himself to tell you what he did. 
“Have I seen you around? You seem very familiar, maybe in the market?” You ask, knowing you have seen him somewhere. 
This was his chance, this is the time to tell her. 
“No, I don’t think it was in the market,” He says in a sad tone. “It was a while back, I- um, I worked with Hydra. For your father. A-and I was ordered to do something very harmful to you, and I believe it was the result of- of her…” He slowly explains as he takes off his glove, revealing his metal hand. 
Your heart drops, the puzzle piece finally fitting in the right place in your mind. Tears pool in your eyes as you look from his eyes to his hand. The metal one. The memories come flooding back to your head, the nightmares, the feelings, and the eyes. His eyes, those got forbidden eyes. As cold as ice, yet as blue as the ocean of where you pictured yourself at the time of his assault. 
"I am only here to apologize. I am not asking for forgiveness. I am no longer the winte-”
“Why,” you cut him off. “Why did you do it?” Your voice cracks, many emotions coming through your gritted teeth. 
His eyes softened at your broken voice, and he sighs softly looking down at his hand. “I didn’t have a choice.”
“What did my father do? What did he do to you?” You ask, pity also filling your voice as you too know what horrors other prisoners went through. You felt bad, even for him. You tear your eyes away from him, moving them to your baby, his baby. 
“He did horrible things, but nothing compares to what he did to you. What he made me do to you. I- Im so sorry Y/n…” He takes the risk of saying your name, not expecting anything from it. 
“What are you doing here, James? What do you expect me to do?” I ask, trying to understand why he is here. “Did you come to finish the job?” You ask the question that dreaded your mind the moment he told you who he was. 
“No, not at all. I actually came here to offer protection. But I understand if you want nothing to do with me or the life you had to endure when under the horrors of Hydra.”
You considered. You actually considered letting him stay and try to protect you. “What or who am I in danger of?” You counter his offer, trying to prove something but unsure of what. You sigh and shake your head. “Forget about it. Im in the witness protection program, so protection shouldn’t be a problem.” 
“I wouldn’t be so sure, Carla. How do you think I found you?” He asks, exposing what he did to find you. 
Your brows furrowed and you glared at him. “I see.”
You didn’t engage anymore, you were numb and didn’t know how to feel about the situation. You felt violated all over again, by the same man. “Leave. Please just go.” You whisper, tears falling freely down your cheeks. Once Clarrise was done eating, you clipped your breast back into your bra and stood up. You didn’t notice James put a card on your coffee table as he made his way to your door. 
“I understand your fears. I hope you have found safety in Spain, Carla.” He said emotionlessly, actually understanding your fears. As he went back to his apartment which he did actually buy, he sighed and shut the door. 
As he dialed the only phone number he actually knew, he slid down the door and sat against it as the line rung. He closed his eyes and let his head hit the door. 
“Hey, you’ve reached Sam Wilson, Trauma counselor at the department of veterans affairs. Please leave a message and I will call you back when I’m free. Thanks!”
“Sam, It’s done. She- She’s crossed off the list.” 
Hours had passed by the time you could even speak. “How could he have found us?” You ask as you bounce Clarrise in your arms. The sleeping little girl in your arms was clueless to your question, hopefully dreaming of running free and not in hiding anymore. “My god, maybe it would be good to have protection…” 
You were talking to Clarrise as if she understood, but you knew she didn’t. You give her head a small kiss, looking in the direction of the coffee table in the middle of your small living room. An index card sat on the corner, scribbled on it was a phone number and a sloppy “107” on the bottom. You knew who this was from. 
You sighed and sat on the couch, cuddling your baby close to your chest, clutching her as if she would disappear. Staring at the piece of paper in your hands you contemplate calling him, contemplating on apologizing. Apologizing on your fathers behalf. 
Before you could stop yourself, you reached for your phone and dialed the number. 
Bucky jumped at the ring of his cell phone. He instantly recognized the number from the witness protection program website. 
You took a few seconds before talking. “I know you know who this is. I’m making dinner a-and was wondering if you would like to join me?”
Bucky was taken a back by the sudden invitation, “Oh, sure I would love to. What time should I be there?” 
Responding rather quickly, you said, “Now?”
Before he could say anything, you had hung up and began making dinner. Boiling water for the noodles, opening up some seasonings you had just bought and putting the bread in the oven, you were ready for James. 
He knocked on your door and you put Clarrise in her bassinet in the living room, keeping an eye on her as you cooked. As you opened the door, you smiled softly at James. Instead of fearing him, you wrap your arms around him. He freezes, not yet used to such a gentle gesture from someone. 
As you sigh into him, he returns the hug and softly wraps his arms around you too. “Im so sorry James. Im sorry for everything my father did to you…” You know you shouldn’t have to apologize, but you can’t help but feel obligated knowing what James went through. 
“No, you have nothing to apologize for. It was and never will be your fault. Do you understand me?” James said, giving you a soft squeeze. 
You nod silently in response, and you gently pull away; tears falling from your eyes. Out of instinct, he cups your cheek and tenderly wipes the tears from your cheeks.
You lean into his benevolent touch and look up at him, a sense of security falling over yourself. Even though you knew him as the winter soldier, you knew you were safe with James. You knew that Clarrise was his child as well, and that she was safe with James. 
Gently reaching for his hand, you lead him into your home. He shuts the door behind him, and smiles as you walk to the kitchen continuing your work making dinner. You pause and look over at Clarrise who is now wide awake. 
“Do you want to meet her?” You ask, noticing James looking over at the babbling baby. 
He nods with a smile, subconsciously knowing that Clarrise is his child. As you approach the bassinet, you smile down at her. “Hi sweetheart, are you awake?” You ask in a small voice, smiling as she smiles back up at you. Picking her up, you hold her against your chest, looking to James with a smile. 
“I named her Clarrise, after my mother. Do you want to give her a middle name?” You ask, subconsciously accepting that he is her father. He looked to you and tilted his head. 
“Are you sure?” He asked, not wanting to force himself into the life you and Clarrise already have. You nod and wait for him to give an answer. “What about Sarah? After my sister?” 
Your ears perked at the word ‘sister,’ “You have a sister?” You ask with smile. 
“I had a sister. She um, she passed away a couple years ago. But she was sweet, and I think that it would be perfect for this sweet girl as well.” You smile at his suggestion and nod in approval. 
“Clarrise Sarah Barnes.” You utter, gently handing James your baby girl. “It’s ok, you won’t hurt her, I know you won’t.” Looking up at him, you can see the hesitation in his eyes. As he takes Clarrise in his arms, the connection is clear between them. A father-daughter bond that no one can just create. She was his.
“She’s beautiful, just like her mother.” He subtly compliments you, himself falling for you. This time in the form of true love, not forced love. You feel your cheeks heat up, a shy smile pulling at your lips. 
“She has her fathers eyes,” You point out Clarrise's blue eyes, still slightly forming as she grows. “And his bravery.” Adding onto her attribute, you look at James face as he interacts with the baby. 
Thinking of his preposition, you say to him, “You know, I wouldn’t mind a little protection. I-it would be nice to not feel so scared going out. Clarrise I bet would love to have her father around as well.” 
You anxiously wait for James’s reaction, hoping he doesn’t think you are moving to fast. Relief flooded your system as he nods. “I promise you, no one will hurt you. Not anymore.” He says, turning his head back to you. “I promise, Carla.”
You shake your head, and wave your hand a little bit. “Y/n is fine. Im sick of being someone Im not.”
He chuckles softly. “Trust me, I get it.” You smile and you move next to him, leaning on his strong bicep as you both look down at your beautiful baby girl. 
“Yes, Y/n?” 
You pause.
You smile as he transfers Clarrise back into your arms. She has fallen asleep again, so you put her back in her bassinet. With the knowledge that both of her parents looking down at her, it makes you feel secure and safe. 
You turn to Bucky and look up at him, your hands coming to meet his cheeks. The proximity of the both of you made your heart beat quicker, and your mind blank. You did what you felt was right and leaned forward, connecting your lips with his. His hands hold your waist gently, and he pulls you into him. You pull away breathlessly and he kisses your temple. You move your arms around his torso, and he holds you in an embrace, his chin resting on your head.
"I’d like you to stay. Please.” You answer, a sigh of relief escaping your mouth as you feel him nod his head. 
“Of course, princess, of course.” He cradles the back of your head in his large hand and kisses your forehead once again. He may have hurt you in the past, but he’s gained a little bit of your trust. He showed you that he is sorry, and you understand that it was not his fault. In this new chapter of your life, you know you will make it far.
And so will your baby girl. 
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ahrahrahraha · 11 months
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Your Hands Have Made Some Good Mistakes by @thenhewaswrongaboutme
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3B by @softlyspector
"Bucky is used to being alone, so is the girl living in apartment 3B. He keeps to his routine, to crossing off amends. But mutual loneliness forges an unlikely friendship. Alone and reclusive, sweet and incredibly strange, with deep secrets and regrets, 3B has more to reveal than meets the eye".
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Sugar by @softlyspector
"By a miracle of fate, Bucky Barnes does not fall off of the train. He does not spend decades as a brainwashed assassin. Instead, he goes home to Brooklyn to spend his life with a girl he adores, a snarky nurse that he met during the war.  Told through a series of non-chronological one-shots."
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
The Florist, The Beekeeper & The Pumpkin Carver by @softlyspector
Home & Better by @softlyspector
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For The Love Of The Game by @pellucid-constellations (college/baseball AU)
"Bucky Barnes was a menace. NYU’s top baseball player, he was used to girls falling at his feet and could smooth talk his way out of just about anything. You hated him. He couldn’t figure out why. So when the novelty of weekend parties and quick hookups finally wore off—and his feelings for you began to grow—he made it his mission to fix it." 
Pairing:  College Athlete!Bucky x Reader 
Undisclosed by @pellucid-constellations (lumberjack!bucky)
"Desperate to outrun a secret that could cost you your life, you seek refuge in a small mountain town. Its deep forests and small cabins make it the perfect place to hide, but the travel website hadn’t mentioned anything about the quiet, burly lumberjack that wouldn’t leave your thoughts. No one had warned Bucky about you either." 
Pairing: Lumberjack!Bucky x Reader
A Correspondence Of Obligation by @pellucid-constellations (prince!bucky)
"Obedience, duty, pristine smiles—raised as the princess of an oppressive kingdom, you knew nothing else. Your father signed your life away at the ripe age of five, black ink bleeding into a contract between nations, fate cemented with the flick of a quill. So when the time came to fulfill the promises you were too young to make, you expected much of the same in the land of Brookshire. But Prince James had other plans, as did the enemies looming outside the castle walls".
Pairing: Prince!Bucky x Princess!Reader (Royal AU)
A Million Reasons by @pellucid-constellations
"Bucky Barnes, with all of his trust fund money and family connections, gets assigned community service. You, as someone that's technically part of the community, have to put up with him. Every day. And he won't stop killing your plants."
Pairing: College!Bucky x Reader
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Never Let You Go by @bitsandbobsandstuff
"After losing the woman they love, Bucky and Steve make a desperate decision with unimaginable consequences."
A Love That Never Leaves by @bitsandbobsandstuff
"Sometimes when you go looking for the past, you find things you never expected. When an accident brings him face to face with something he never knew he lost, Bucky Barnes begins to understand an age old truth – it’s so easy, sometimes, to love the things that destroy us."
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Safe With Me by @bitsandbobsandstuff
"When an unknown threat enters your life, protection is offered at the highest level. As Bucky Barnes comes into your life, the game changes, and you realise falling for the man tasked with keeping you safe is the last thing you expected."
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Three Shades of A Man by @bitsandbobsandstuff
"It was different every time, what Bucky needed from you to survive himself. It was in these moments you saw the shades behind the mask he wore in front of the world"
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
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Guiding Light by @wkemeup
The Witness by @wkemeup (detective!bucky)
By Any Other Name by @wkemeup (FBI!bucky)
Sunrise by @wkemeup (armyvet!bucky)
Delicate Edges by @wkemeup (biker!bucky)
Sky Full Of Song by @wkemeup (pirate!bucky)
Pride & Privacy by @adrinktostopyourthirst
Feelings Are Fatal by @sunmoonandeddie
Appointments by @noctumbra
Codename: Lazarus by @sagechanoafterdark
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I'll Take Care Of It by @tellmealovestory
Something More by @tellmealovestory (modern au)
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It's a Deal by @justreadingfics
Looking For A Heartbeat by @justreadingfics
Bad Match by @justreadingfics
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Lumby & Bunny by @sweetdreamsbuck (lumberjack!bucky)
Florist Bucky by @navybrat817
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Biker Bucky by @angrythingstarlight
Soft Mafia Bucky by @angrythingstarlight
Chubby Baker Bucky by @angrythingstarlight
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The Two of Us by @bucky-bucket-barnes
The Five Times Bucky Saved You... by @buckysknifecollection
Tiktok Trend by @tuiccim
Snow by @delaber
Personal Pillow by @buckyalpine
Untouched by @buckyalpine
Wait, What? by @buckyalpine
Untouched by @buckyalpine
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Project V by @babyboibucky
"You ask your best friend Bucky a favor of a lifetime." Pairing College!Bucky Barnes x Reader"
What's Left Behind by @ussgallifrey
"The world turned upside down the minute you let your guard down and, despite it all, you just had to keep going because… what else could you do at a time like this?"
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Gender Neutral Reader
The Kids Aren't Alright by @ussgallifrey
"Nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy but, between the three of you, there’s enough lyrics to write an anthem. You’re doomed from the start"
Pairing: Steve x named!Female Reader x Bucky
Updated 4/11/2023
173 notes · View notes
elixirfromthestars · 1 year
Lucky Day
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (College AU)
Summary: Bucky, your childhood best friend, takes you to a baseball game to thank you for helping him with his chemistry class. However, between bets and kiss cams, luck seems to be the real game being played. 
Word Count: ~800
Warning(s): nothing really it’s just a whole lot of fluff 
a/n: Here is a little fluffy drabble I’ve had in my drafts for quite some time. ❤️ Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!! 💖 
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
      “ Y/n, I caught it!” Bucky yelled grinning from ear to ear. Cheers erupted from the seats around you as he waved the baseball he caught in the air. “ There’s no way,” you grumbled staring at the baseball Bucky was twirling around in his hands. You placed a bet with Bucky earlier on whether or not he would catch one of the stray baseballs from the game. He would routinely complain about coming here and never catching one, so you thought this would be a good opportunity to make a few extra dollars. Unfortunately, for your bank account, luck was on his side today. 
     You reached into your wallet and took out a twenty, handing it to him annoyed at your loss, “Here.” Bucky was grinning smugly as he took the money from your hand, a twinkle of satisfaction in his eyes, “ Maybe you're my good luck charm, Y/n. You should come to these games more often with me.” You glared at him playfully,” And have to do more of your chemistry homework? No thanks.” He laughed at that, stealing a cheesy nacho from the container on your lap.
     “ Not chemistry. Next time it’ll be algebra.” 
     “ In your dreams, Barnes.” 
     “ Oh, so we're on last-name terms now? Well, L/n, to cheer you up I’ll buy you some of that cotton candy you wanted. Although, technically, you'll be buying it,” he cheekily remarked calling over one of the snack vendors and buying a pink fluff of candy floss with the twenty you just gave him. He handed it to you and you gladly took it,” Whatever, Barnes,” you replied holding back a grin. It was nice to see how excited Bucky was to have finally caught a baseball from his favorite team. You knew he wanted one for a long time, and no doubt would stay after just to try and get it signed by his favorite players.
     Even though you lost the bet, you were glad you came to the game with him. You usually don’t come to outings like these as you’re usually busy with coursework and Bucky tends to invite Steve or Sam to these kinds of things. However, when he was falling behind in chemistry, you helped him complete some assignments and study for an exam he ended up acing thanks to your tutoring. Tutoring is not your specialty, but when the request came from your childhood best friend, there was no way you could say no. You can’t remember the last time you genuinely said no to Bucky.   
     The people in the seats surrounding you suddenly started to get rowdy breaking you from your thoughts. You scanned the stadium confused as to what everyone was getting animated over. You knew there was a current break in the game, so it couldn’t be that. Hearing the romantic music being played over the speakers brought your attention to the giant screen in the stadium. Your heart skipped a beat as soon as you saw who was on it. 
     It was you and Bucky. 
     There the two of you were on the jumbotron with the words ‘KISS CAM’ plastered on the screen surrounded by a scatter of red hearts. You froze in your seat never been put in a position like this. You felt the heat rise to your cheeks as the people around you encouraged the two of you to kiss—including the announcer. You weren’t a stranger to any sort of public displays of affection, but this was something else in its entirety. 
     “ Y/n, you know we don’t have to do this. They’ll just switch to another couple. Relax,” Bucky spoke up from beside you, his voice gentle and kind. He must have noticed how nervous you had gotten as soon as you two showed up on that screen. You turned to him, the word couple bouncing around your mind with mixed emotions. However, as soon as you locked eyes with him the emotions were no longer mixed. 
     You wanted to kiss him.
     This came as no surprise to you, and most likely no surprise on his part either. There was a constant flirtatious dynamic between you and almost everybody you knew assumed you were a couple. It's not like they would be wrong to assume that since there were a few times you almost crossed the line between friend and lover, however, neither of you ever took the step to fully cross it. Stolen glances, lingering hugs, and near kisses were no strangers in your friendship.
     “ But I want to,” your voice came out quieter than you expected, and yet Bucky had heard you. His demeanor changed from earlier, a hopeful yet almost shy look overtook his face. A sheepish grin replaced the confident one from earlier as the reality of what could and would most likely happen, set in.
      “ You sure?” He asked coming in closer, his right hand taking your left in his as a comforting gesture. You were so entranced by the moment you only managed to nod your head before he leaned over and kissed you. You kissed back, your right hand dropping the cotton candy and instinctively holding onto his cheek. As the stadium erupted with cheers, he used the hand that was holding yours to pull you in closer by the waist.
     Today turned out to be a lucky day for both of you. 
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wh0reforoldmen · 1 year
I'm Sorry
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Pairing: Softdark!Lumberjack! Bucky X Fem!Reader
warnings: Angst, fluff??, manipulation, implied imprisonment, implied dubcon/noncon depending on how you interpret it, Not beta red, written on my phone while sleep deprived, tell me if I missed anything.
word count: 1.13k
summary: You made Bucky mad, and he makes you apologize for your "wrong doing"
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You didn't hear the door slam, you didn't even hear him come into the house or walk upstairs and open the door.
"Honey," he spoke from the doorway, his voice soft and soft and smooth.
You sucked up a breath and slowly lifted your head, the ache at the back of your neck made you wince. Your arms and legs were bound to the bed so you couldn't escape.
Bucky had two things in hand, a small thin box and something that looked like a bouquet. The black room made it hard to tell just from the light behind him.
"Hey there," he greeted, turning on the lights with a smile on his face.
Wincing at the sudden brightness, you closed your eyes and waited to adjust to the light before opening them. The first thing that caught your eye wasn't the gifts, but how sweaty he was, his red and white chequered flannel shirt was open revealing his chiselled and toned chest, his skin sheen with sweat, his hair was scruffed up, strands escaped the hair tie and was free to go wild, a few strands sticking up from his scalp. You couldn't lie, he always looked good after chopping down some trees, and while he's doing it is even better. Some days if you wake up early enough, you can hear him grunt and groan, followed by the sound of wood splitting.
Shaking your head and clearing your mind, your eyes wander to the gifts; a box of your favourite chocolate and a bouquet, bright red and fresh roses and soft pink tulips with other flowers and green decorations you didn't know the name of. It was nice, considerate even, but it was from him. And you didn't want anything from him.
"You like them? I picked them myself, thought of you," he explained with a smile, walking over to you, his heavy boots making the floorboards creak with every step. You still wonder how he gets around the house with no shoes in silence.
"Don't want them," you hissed, turning your head and facing away from him.
A month you've been here. A month being in this room. A month being in this house unwillingly. You just walked passed his shop a few months ago, and here you are, tied to a bed so you can't escape, no one looking for you, and with James fucking Barnes. The hot lumberjack who is the most fucked up person you've ever met!
Bucky was stunned at your words, he gets up at the ass crack of dawn to work, and then he feeds you and cares for you even when you're having a bad day. He thought it'll be nice to treat you, but this is how you repay him?
"I'm sorry?" He asked as it came out as a chuckle, keeping his anger at bay.
"You heard me! I. Don't.want.them." You spat, turning your heat, eyebrows furrow, your jaw tight before you looked away again.
The control over his anger snapped.
"Listen here, missy!" He yelled, grabbing your shirt and yanking you towards him, earning him a gasp.
"I'm the only one who works around here; I feed you, I look after you, I make sure you're comfortable, I make sure that you're happy here. And this is the thanks I get?" He snarled. "I try my damn hardest, and this is what I get. Someone who is an ungrateful girl! Thanks, it lets me know I'm appreciated around here!"
He threw you back down on the bed, bouncing at the force as you watched him storm out, slamming the door behind him and storming down the stairs. You didn't know when you started to cry but you felt the hot tears trickle down your cheeks. You hated yelling in general, and that lost you. You hated it.
You kept your sobs at bay as you laid down on the comfortable bed, the soft pillows embarrassing you and your tears. You couldn't even hug yourself since the restraints were too short.
You stared at the blank ceiling as tears continued to flow. You didn't get it though. You were crying over him yelling at you. He was upset. And that made you upset. Why? It shouldn't have! What's happening?
It took you a few minutes to calm down but the sounds of Bucky grunting and the sound of the logs being split in two in one or two hits wasn't a good sign.
You turned to your side and listened to his grunts as they lulled you to sleep, the pillow still wet on your cheek.
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Bucky had walked back in a few hours later, his anger gone and what was left was hurt. He wanted to care for you. He loves you! Yes, he did take you from your home, but it was for a good cause! You love him too. He knows it. You may not yet, but he knows that deep down in that big heart of yours, you love him and you'll forgive everything that he's done.
He sighed as he made his way upstairs with a glass of water. He saw red when he was yelling at you, but when he heard the soft sobs after he walked out made his heart shatter into a million pieces. But it is what you deserve. You're in his house, and he rests you like a guest but you're rude. Hopefully, you've learnt.
Slowly, he opened the door to your room and smiled as he saw you sleeping peacefully. You did look a little uncomfortable due to the soft rope, but he had to ensure you weren't going anywhere.
Bucky silently walked over to you, sliding off his shoes and quietly laying next to you on top of the covers. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you to his chest. You must have woken up from it because you looked behind you, your face had fear written all over it.
"I do anything for you, I do everything. I thought that you'd like them, but apparently not…" he mumbled, shaking his head "think you have something to say to me,"
Your brain screamed at you to not say anything, to keep your eyes away from his, but your eyes met his beautiful blue ones. The softness towards you, the love and admiration no one ever gave you. "I'm sorry, Bucky. Having a bad day…" you whisper, looking down. "I do like them I just… miss home,"
"This is your home, honey. I promise, it will look better than this with our children, but baby steps," he smiled, planting a kiss on your head before kissing down your cheek, to your neck.
"I think I have an idea how to cheer you up,"
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lovebugspots · 1 year
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How crazy can one man be?
For preface, the reader has the ability over nature. So things like plants, water, growth, healing, light are her powers. Think of a Fairy, and how Maleficent has that like golden dust.
It was normal to be chased out by a crazed man because of being a mutant, mostly… But what was not normal, was getting chased by two super soldiers, widow, and a bird-like human? No idea.
The not-so young mutant saw them, and sprinted off when the group of heroes started chasing her, little did they know, they got the wrong mutant.
11:26 AM. June 13th.
Y/n was trying to have a somewhat nice day. Just trying to get her weekly shopping done, getting groceries, some new books, new cleaning products and laundry. But before she even got into the local grocery store she heard loud footsteps.
She turned around and saw the group of men and one woman all staring at her. Bucky Barnes, Steve Rodgers, Sam Wilson, and Natasha Romanoff. “Earths Mightiest Heroes”.
Y/n knew better then to run, usually.
But this wasn’t the case, Barnes started chasing her so quickly she ran and she heard his rough voice bark out.
“Get back here!”
“I’ll pass!”
She screamed back and started running as fast as she could, adrenaline pumping through her blood as her heart beat quickens.
She pumped her arms and her legs as she dodged the poor men and woman just trying to shop.
“Sorry! Oh shit! Sorry kid!”
She yelled apologetically as she body slammed a kid on accident…She looked back and saw that all of them started chasing her while The Falcon was sin the sky. So, in the heat of the moment she created a bomb out of her magic golden glitter, and threw it up.
“What the fuck?!”
Sam yelled as he descended from the sky, slamming down on the top of the building. He definitely now had a few broken ribs.
Y/n kept running, and unsurprisingly, the only person left running was Bucky. He still yelled for her to stop, but she didn’t. The adrenaline was starting to wear off as she got tired, her lungs hurting and sweat stuck to her skin. Her clothes now felt sticky, and gross.
Bucky to advantage of that and ran up to her and jumped on her, pinning her to the ground.
“Ma’am you are arrested for- oh shit.”
His beautiful steel blue eyes, they now were filled of regret. His pupils small and he got off of her.
“Oh my god…I-I am so, so, sorry. We thought you were…someone else…”
He professed, he got off of her, he helped her up. Y/n…wasn’t happy…
“Excuse me?”
Y/e/c was filled with unadulterated rage, he thinks that he can just say ‘I’m sorry for chasing you even though you aren’t the right person’ and she would accept?
“Did you say ‘wrong person?’”
She spat out and puts her hands on her hips. He grimaced and nodded, he wasn’t happy either, he was ashamed.
“I-I did-“
She cut him off quickly, and seethed out bitterly.
“So are the Avengers after mutants as well?”
She rolled her eyes and scoffed and she backed away from him, but her shakes his head and said softly.
“No not at all! I-I though, I mean, we, thought you were Mystique…”
Y/n’s eyes soften at that name, an old friend of hers, Raven.
“Yes! You know her?”
“Of course…her death was impacting to all.”
Bucky’s eyes widen, his lips parted but he stammered out…
“Death..? She…died?”
Y/n nodded, she walked up to him and said.
“1992, Jean killed her.”
All Bucky could do was nod, he bit his lip and looked up at her. She sighed and asked delicately.
“Why are you after her?”
Bucky sighed, it was private S.H.E.I.L.D information. But she deserved to know.
“There have been reports about a shapeshifter, and the only person we could point to was her…”
He paused then continues softly.
“But her death isn’t in the system?”
Y/n nodded and answered.
“Xavier said nothing, so mutants wouldn’t get more hate then we already do…”
Bucky sighed and nodded, understanding her words. He stood up fully and puts his flesh hand (his right) out to shake with hers.
“I’m sorry about that. But I’m James, James Buchanan Barnes. But call me Bucky.”
He expressed, giving a beautiful smile…a smile that gave Y/n butterflies. She shakes the feeling off and puts her hand in his.
“Y/n Máxima, just call me Y/n.”
She smiles softly, shaking his hand.
Little did she know, he had the butterflies too. Except it was the ones where he wanted to puke from how harsh they were.
“What a beautiful name…”
He mumbled softly and takes his hand away, and he added softly.
“Hopefully I see you in the near future, Mrs. Máxima…”
She immediately missed his warm, and calloused hand. But all she did was smile and said.
“You will, I assure you of it.”
She looked around and when she looked back at him…he was gone.
Hii this is my first work, not the best, but it was on my phone and I am way better with a computer. I will definitely make a part two when I’m not busy <3
And I will take requests, and such. I can do other MCU characters but I am in the process on working on my blog. So please be patient. :)
Much love-
Ry 🩵
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reagi-df · 10 months
The Die Is Cast
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel 616 Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanova Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Nick Fury, Brock Rumlow, Alexander Pierce, Maria Hill, Clint Barton, Other Avengers
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Has Issues, Minor Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Bucky Barnes as Captain America, Hydra (Marvel), Bucky Barnes Recovering, Bucky Barnes Has PTSD, Steve Rogers is Not Captain America ,Steve Rogers is So Done, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Recovery, Hurt Steve Rogers, Manipulation, everyone has a bad time, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
“You'll be moving in with Barnes.”
“Hell no!”
“Not on your life!”
Both Barnes and Steve shouted in unison, making them shoot glares at one another.
“It's bad enough I have to look after him like a child.” Barnes growls at him but Steve pushes on. “But now you're asking me to move in with him? Hell no.” Steve rebukes.
While recovering from an injury, SHIELD agent Steve Rogers' biggest fear was being resigned to desk work, but he didn't expect Fury to assign him to babysitting Captain America. The more Steve gets to know the Captain, the more Steve wishes he was assigned to paper work. It would daintily save him the headache.
For the @shrinky ShrinkyClinks big bang thanks to @mildgrooveon for the amazing art, been fun to work with you
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thewulf · 1 year
At Odds || James "Bucky" Barnes
Request: hii!! Can you write an enemies to lovers with Bucky x fm reader? They hate each other with everything inside of them (you can make up a reason) and they hate being put together on missions because they don’t get along well but they’re fighting skills are similar so they get paired at times. They’re on a mission to infiltrate a hydra base and Bucky doesn’t know the reader is also from hydra and she starts getting flashbacks bc she has just escaped, maybe a couple years ago. While fighting she gets shot in the stomach and is about to pass out so Bucky has to save her and take her to a safe house to attend to her wound. Super angsty pls.
A/N: Timeline is a little wonky (sorry haven’t watched early avengers in so long) so just role with it. Changed a few things around to make it work! Sorry this took so long, hope you guys enjoy!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Word Count: 5,700+
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Naivety. That’s what got you into the forsaken mess that you found yourself in. Sold a bill of goods that you would never receive. They promised you that they were the good guys. They even showed you that they were the good guys. That you would be saving the world. They were supposed to be the people that would save the world. Until you learned they weren’t. Until it was too fucking late. No longer you. You were a freak. A half human. A super soldier. Reduced to a fucking weapon.
They weren’t supposed to make anymore. Bucky was supposed to be the last. But once S.H.I.E.L.D. went down and the mask fell off you learned. You were one of five new weapons for them. They learned from Bucky and ‘corrected their mistakes’, whatever that means. You trained to become an assassin for the worst people in the world. Once the facade was exposed and the bricks started to crack you knew you had to run. To get so far away from them that they’d never find you.
It was difficult faking it while you formulated a plan. You still had to present yourself as a loyal agent that’d do anything they asked. You still had to be their super soldier, or they’d put a bullet right between your eyes. They made sure that you knew this.
Keep reading
It wasn’t easy escaping, but you managed. You decided that it was best to go as unseen as possible, leaving in the middle of the night. Only having to neutralize a few Hydra agents you managed to slip out a side door. You had prepared for that. Taking night missions and scoping out the base when you could. What you weren’t prepared for was the trek you were about to go on.
Not having a clue where you were other than being in some underground bunker in the middle of a mountain range you began your journey. Quickly, you learned that you’d ended up in the Swiss Alps at Hydras headquarters. They’d kept you in the dark for so long it shouldn’t have surprised you this was where you’d ended up. There were spans of time you couldn’t remember and account for, why should it be so surprising that you were moved at some point.
You walked and walked for what seemed like forever. Hiding in empty homes and scavenging your way. You’d landed in a small town just south of Munich deciding this would be the best place to land. Keeping your cover low you quietly learned German trying to integrate yourself in. You thought you were good and safe there until you were approached by S.H.I.E.L.D. only a year into your hiding.
They brought you back to America, at your request, and dug into everything. You drew maps and gave them all the details you could remember. One perk of being a super freak is having a super freak mind. You remembered a whole lot that you hoped could take these evil people down.
They had offered you a spot on The Avengers which you turned down. You had forgotten how fucking nice it was to just be normal for a while. That year long sabbatical really changed the way you thought about life. Spending god knows how long trapped with Hydra really put things into perspective.
You were approached again after another year. This time Nick Fury himself showed up at your front door practically begging you to join the cause. They were planning on infiltrating their headquarters and needed you for it. Apparently, it was life or death. So, you agreed, it’d be good to go home anyway. America was such a distant place for you now that you’d lived a completely different life.
They brought you to compound in upstate New York. Your room was better than any room you’d ever lived in. As you laid down in your bed you realized this wouldn’t be so bad after all. Sure, you’d have to go back to that horrific place but at least you’d have backup with you. You had a chance to change your story. To be the actual hero for once. It didn’t take much convincing on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s part, you needed it. You needed that God damn satisfaction of helping instead of hurting. If your life was cursed, then you needed to do some good. To hopefully fix whatever evil you had brought to the world.
Steve volunteered to walk you around the complex so you wouldn’t get lost. Not that you minded, he was very great to look at. Another awful thing about Hydra? There was no eye candy. Everyone was fucked up. This was a very nice change for you.  
“How’d you guys find me?” You asked breaking the comfortable silence between the two of you. He had shown you the kitchen and you were making your way through some hallways before he decided to answer you.
“Bruce did. Don’t ask me how but he’s got some radiation detector thing that does whatever it does.”
You didn’t try and stop the laugh the bubbled up, “Not really the sciency type? Whose Bruce?”
He shook his head, “Not at all.” He smiled continuing to lead you down a few more hallways, “We’ll stop by his lab to say hello. The Hulk. Big green guy.”
“The Hulk?” Tilting your head, you looked up at him, “He’s here? This place is so damn cool.” You’d read up on The Avengers. Hell, you were even slated to take one of them out before you managed to escape. The Hawkeye or some shit.
“Yeah. He’s usually here. Tony comes and goes, I usually stay here, Nat and Clint are never here unless its for a mission. You might even get to meet Thor at some point.”
“He’s real? No fucking way.” Eyes bugging you had a hard time believing him. All of the information Hydra wanted to feed you never included what was happening in the real world. You were immersed in a world of total propaganda the second you signed your name of the dotted line. Your sole purpose in this world, to Hydra, was to be their weapon. A weapon didn’t need to know what was going on outside. Having that weapon actually know what was going on might make that weapon flip. And that’s exactly what you did.
You broke through the hellish layers of propaganda one day when you were ordered to execute a little girl. An innocent little girl who happened to be the child of a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent that Hydra was trying to break. He apparently held the key to something they needed. You made it all the way to the site and couldn’t do it. She was six years old playing with one of her dolls. You watched as she had a tea party with all her stuffed animals. Sitting there watching her through the windows of the quaint little house in the countryside. You watched as she ran out to go play with her brother. Her mom seemingly preoccupied with making dinner that night.
You were once that little girl. You once had a family just like that. You could have a life just like that but here you were sitting at a window watching and observing. That’s all it took. Dropping your comms, you rushed to the front door knocking rapidly. The mom answered, horrified when she realized you weren’t one of the good guys. The sheer look of absolute terror coming from her broke you. It broke your training. Your propagandized mind was slipping. You told her everything. That they needed to stage their daughter’s death. That if they didn’t you would have to come back and do the job for real next time.
She listened. God bless her soul. She listened and faked her daughter’s death. Hydra didn’t know. S.H.I.E.L.D. sure as hell knew. That was the day everything changed for you. The day you knew you needed to escape. The day you knew you had to put on the greatest show you could. You were going to be the most perfect super soldier until you figured out how in the hell to get out. And that’s exactly what you did. They didn’t suspect a damn thing. Oh, you would pay big money to see the look on their faces that morning you went missing.
The two of you talked to Bruce for a while before he continued the tour of the compound. Eventually you ended in the living room area where you ran into someone you hadn’t seen before. Someone who seemed terribly familiar.
“Bucky.” Steve nodded to the man dressed in all black.
“What’s she doing here?” Bucky pulled Steve off to the side leaving you on your own momentarily.
Of course, you could hear everything. Your stupid hearing being incredible and everything. You sat back into the couch listening in. Might as well use this ‘gift’ as an advantage.
“We told you. She’s here to help. She just got out and it’s been years since you’ve been there…”
Bucky seemingly interrupted Steve as his voice cut in, “I don’t fucking need help. You know it. Fury knows it. This whole God damn team knows it.” He sounded pissed. Was he Hydra too? He sounded like it.
“Stop being so stubborn Bucky! You haven’t been there in years. Things change.”
“She can’t be trusted.”
Frowning you understood why he didn’t trust you. He was definitely Hydra. The famous super solider The Avengers have been hiding. It was hard to trust once you left that place. They broke you down so far you weren’t sure if you could ever build that feeling back up.
“Why? She left there just like you did.” Steve challenged.
“She just can’t!” He yelled making you jump right out of your seat, out of your composed demeanor. Fuck Hydra. Any loud noise and you were ready fight. Fight or flight was engrained into you.
Slowly you made your way back over to them only to earn a nasty glance from the long-haired man. Shooting Steve one last scowl he made sure to hit your shoulder when he left the room.
“Ouch.” You glared at the back of the man that was walking away, “What’s his fucking problem?” Crossing your hands over your chest you turned back towards Steve.
“That’s just Bucky.” Steve gave you a small half formed smile. Pursing your lips, you eyed him with a harsher look than you really should’ve, not really believing the words that came out of his mouth. Even if that was just Bucky it seemed personal.
“And you just deal with that?”
Steve sighed taking a seat at a bar stool, “He’s difficult with new people?”
“Are you asking me or telling me?”
He sighed not sure how to respond. Admittedly Steve wasn’t good at this people stuff. He was good at the fighting and saving people stuff. Not the trying to keep everybody on good terms in the team kind of guy. But he had to try. He knew Bucky needed you on the mission, “He’s just not a people person.”
“Wow,” You laughed harshly, not finding the situation funny in the slightest, “He’s a great person to have on a team then!”
Steve really didn’t know how to respond now. You walked into this place with the utmost confidence. Challenging not only him but everybody in this building. You were confident but not arrogant. Questioning the status quo that Bucky needed to latch onto. He wasn’t good with change. He was good with constants. And you were a change. A big change.
“He’s difficult. You’ll get used to him.” Steve nodded awkwardly, almost as if he wasn’t believing what he was saying.
And boy was that the understatement of the year. Bucky despised you. Not even sure what you did to get him so worked up all the time you just opted on ignoring the dude. It was easier to just pretend he wasn’t there than to try and get him to talk to you. Every single interaction with the man got harder and harder. You tried talking with Bruce and Natasha about it, but they were also at a loss. Even Steve couldn’t seem to figure it out.
Days turned to weeks turned to months and you turned to hate him to. If you couldn’t get a reason from him then you sure as shit didn’t need one then either. Every time the two of you were in the same room some stupid fucking fight had to occur. Sometimes he got the better of you and sometimes you got the better of him. Two super soldiers that hated each other for no apparent reason.
You went on missions together and learned that you fought nearly identically. Not a huge shock considering you were trained by the same supposed masterminds. Often being paired up because it worked the two of you just seemed to click on the battlefield, always coming up with a win. Holy hell did you two hate it though. Every second flying into the mission was met with complaining and nasty looks. Every moment flying home was met with criticisms and complaints about how you fought.
It was exhausting. He was pushing you further than fucking Hydra had just by his measly ass words. You wish you could let them roll off you like you had prior, but you couldn’t. Because of course you couldn’t. You took every fucking word to heart. Every criticism made you train harder. Every complaint made you fight with a little more force.
It was never enough. It would never be enough, and you had to accept it.
Then the day came for the big one. The big mission. The back ‘home’ mission. The mission you knew you were risking your life for. But hey, that’s why you came. Too late to back down now. You, Bucky, Cap and Nat were on the mission. You and Bucky would be the ones infiltrating with Nat and Cap ready for backup and ground cover.
You were ready for this. You’d trained for this.
You’d gotten in flawlessly. You just had to get to the damn office and go. Always easier said than done though.
“Y/N!” You heard the one voice you were praying you weren’t going to hear. The motherfucker that tortured and brainwashed you for all those years. Your bonafide handler if you will.
Instead of turning you pushed on behind Bucky, “Levi.” You muttered to Bucky. Get in, shoot the target, grab the goods, and go. It should’ve been simple if you were in the right headspace. But you weren’t, not just having a blowout with Bucky twenty minutes before. You’d argued the best way in because the two of you could never agree. Not until it was life or death.
“Y/N stop!” You shouldn’t have paused. That was your first mistake. Enough time for him to aim a bullet right at your hip. Luckily you were in stride, so it didn’t embed itself, just grazing your side deeply. You yelped out in pain. He knew where to hit. Of course, he had the right guns to get through your shield. You knew it you just refused to believe it. Push on, keep running.
Bucky only grabbed your hand when he saw your speed slowing. He knew better than to leave a soldier behind. Even if it was you.
“Come on, keep up!” He grunted pulling you along faster.
You face crinkled up in pain as you tried to keep up. Each step hurting slightly more than the last, “Sorry, Bucky. ‘M trying.” You could barely get out. Trying to focus on your breathing rather than the pain you hadn’t realized he nearly stopped to a halt. Hands grabbing your shoulders he shoved you behind him as he pulled out his own gun.
With movements faster than even you could comprehend he fired a shot to his head before he even realized what was happening.
“Holy shit.” You muttered watching the man that had tortured you for so long drop to ground like a bag of bricks.
“You’re welcome.” He smirked looking all too proud of himself.
You huffed, “Thanks, I guess?”
“Don’t get used to it. Let’s go. We’ve made a scene.” He dramatically rolled his eyes before continuing on running, just not as fast this time.
“Fuck.” You groaned trying to keep his pace but failing miserably. The wound starting to hurt more and more with each passing minute. The adrenaline was fading faster than you would’ve hoped.
“Gotta keep up now, we’re almost there.” He slowed down to a walk to keep pace with you. That was embarrassing.
You stopped when you couldn’t take it any longer, “I can’t, sorry. My side. It’s hurting. You go and I’ll keep cover or something. I’m useless right now.” You admitted as you moved you bloody hand away from your side.
“Ouch.” He raised an eyebrow in surprise. It must’ve been pretty bad if you got that reaction out of Bucky, “Right through the armor.”
You sighed, “Some special bullet. They were working on it when I was escaping. I’m sure they’ve perfected it by now. Lucky it hit my side, or it’d be right through me.” Laughing nervously, you observed a new reaction from him, actual empathy? He looked concerned as he walked around you, making sure you weren’t hurt.
“Who was that anyway?”
You shrugged, “They called him Levi. Not sure. He was my scientist and handler if you know what I mean.”
He nodded, “Sure. I had one myself.”
You sighed placing pressure back on the still seeping wound, “Guess they don’t change. Even eighty years later.” You leaned back on the wall, “Go. Finish the mission.”
“Yeah, one problem though. Can’t leave you. Boss’s orders.” He tapped his microphone in his ear before making his way over to you.
“What?” You could barely get out before he picked you right up, “What are you doing Bucky?” You didn’t want to admit just how fucking good his embrace felt. Not now especially. Not in the middle of the damn hydra base. Not when you knew he fucking despised you.
“Boss said nobody left behind. Off we go.” He ran with you easily. You knew you could likely do the same. Being super soldiers and all.
“Who?” You challenged him. Why? You didn’t really know. Maybe it was your defensiveness kicking in. More so it was that you were confused as to why he was helping. You were sure he was going to sprint right away once you gave him the go ahead.
Thinking for a moment you realized that it was plausible. Steve had been very protective over you from the get-go, “Guess I’ll have to thank Cap later then.”
“Sure.” Bucky refused to look at you and kept his eyes ahead. Bucky knew these hallways just as well as you did. You were right after all, not much had changed in the eighty or so year timespan between the two of your stays.
Realizing his one worded answers were a tactic you quieted down. He wasn’t a terribly chatty guy to begin with. Then add you to the mix? He couldn’t stand it. What was his reasoning for disliking you so? He knew deep down you were fine. You escaped the Hydra hell hole just like he did. But he knew how fucked up you likely were. Even if you were just a quarter as fucked up as he was you were in a bad state. Hydra had no limits. They’d kill for far less.
He didn’t trust you. He didn’t trust himself so how in the hell could he trust you? It was easier this way. Keep the Hydra girl far, far away. What’s the easiest way to do that? Be the biggest dickhead he could be. It was successful. He even had his best friend stumped. He wouldn’t budge. Couldn’t budge. It was best for both of you.
Then you had to go and get yourself shot. He’d never leave you behind. Even if he didn’t trust you fully, he couldn’t let a member of his team stay back when he was more than capable of helping.
He set you down in the office chair once he made it to the main office where all the documents were kept, “Keep watch, alright?”
“Yes sir.” Giving him a more than sarcastic salute you nodded him to look for the files needed.
He turned concentrating on finding what he needed. You heard footsteps from down the hall. You didn’t think much of it as you started to feel a little funny. The sound of those footsteps marching in such a manner brining you right back to when you were a prisoner in their system only two years ago. The sights, smells and now sounds flashing you back to those horrific days.
You heard the steps stop at the door. You fucked up. You lost concentration. You were supposed to be keeping guard and you couldn’t even do that. Fuck, the footsteps should have started up again, but they didn’t. They stopped right in front of the door.
“Bucky!” You yelled getting his attention, your cover was blown anyway. It didn’t matter, “Door. 2 people.”
He nodded grabbing his gun a little too late. As did you. Hearing a faint, “It’s her.” Before a bullet ripped right through your lower half. You immediately let out a pained cry as the bullet hit you straight in the abdomen. Fuck. How unlucky could you be?
Quickly, Bucky shot them both a second too late. Realizing you were the target he rushed over to you. Your eyes felt far too heavy to know you probably weren’t making it out of this one. Not without help at least.
“Oh, no, no, no, no.” Bucky’s eyes widened seeing the blood drip down you side, staining your suit a nasty crimson color. Slumping back into the chair you were already sitting in. You closed your eyes before opening them very slowly.
“Damn.” Looking down you covered your stomach as best as you could, but this was a whole lot of blood. You’d never seen yourself this bloody before. The worst was the smell of it. The nasty metallic stench was a smell you could certainly live without. It smelled even worse knowing it was your own fucking blood.
He ripped off a pant leg quicky tying it around your waist as quick as he could, making sure the bulk of it sinched your abdomen in, “Good enough.” He grumbled before lifting you bridal style, “I need you to stay with me now, Y/N. Eyes on me now.”
“Okay.” You spoke as best as you could.
Your eyes felt too heavy though. It was getting hard to keep them open. You knew this meant you lost too much blood. You’d only felt this a few times prior, each time just escaping by the skin of your teeth. This seemed different though, a little more severe.
“Shit, Y/N. You’ve gotta keep your eyes open.” You felt like he was climbing now. Was he really about to get you out of here safely?
“’M trying.” You mumbled.
What came out of Bucky’s mouth shocked you right back into the present, “And you’re doing so good. But I need to see them open right now yeah?” Was Bucky, of all people, praising you? You hated to admit it, but it felt too damn good.
Opening them just a bit more you saw Bucky’s now anxiety riddled face, “Thank you.” He sighed while squeezing you softly, “Just a little bit further. There’s a house on the mountain side with some suppliers. I hid there not too long ago when we were scoping the place out.”
“Sure.” You coughed, immediately regretting the reaction. You let out a guttural cry feeling the pain ripple from your abdomen all across your body.
“Almost there. Just a little longer.” You saw him tap his comm’s continuously trying to get ahold of anybody.
“Cap, oh thank God.” He sped up seeing your eyes begin to shut again softly, “She’s shot… yeah… no, it’s not good. I’m heading to the bunker now. We need backup right away… Yes, got the documents. Copy.”
He looked relieved when he saw the house on the horizon only to be shattered when he saw your eyes closed completely, “Y/N! Wake up!”
You faintly heard him but couldn’t seem to care. It was too fucking hard to open your eyes, “Come on Y/N!” He tried shaking you gently once he got to the side door.
You hummed trying to let him know you heard him.
“Fuck.” He kicked the door in not really giving a damn about it now. He laid you down on the couch checking your back to see if there was an exit wound. He was a little relieved to know there wasn’t one, which meant the bullet was in you still. That sucked for you later but for now it meant he could get you back into a survivable state.
“This is going to hurt.” Bucky frowned pulling the stitch kit out of the bathroom along with the first aid kit. Bucky opted for the stapler as it was quicker and slightly less painful than stitching you back up without any numbing.
He went ahead without your acknowledgement. Your eyes shot open as the first staple began to close the wound. Letting out a quiet whimper you knew you needed to stay as still as possible for him but damn, did that hurt
“I’m so sorry. Here squeeze my leg. But don’t break it.” He shuffled around so his leg was near a hand offering you something to grasp onto. He knew just how painful this was. He’d been through it a few times before. Just like you had. It didn’t make it hurt any less though.
“Shit.” You let out a soft cry as he placed the second staple through your skin.
“I know. Fuck. Only a few more.” His hands trembled as your blood coated his hands. He paused only to wipe it clean so he could see. He didn’t want to put you through any more pain than necessary.
You nodded blinking back tears. For whatever reason this was worse than the Hydra torture. This felt like you were being cared for by somebody who actually did care. Not just an asset. Even if he hated you at least he had an emotion towards you. He noticed you.
You groaned when you felt another staple bring your skin back together.
“Two more.” He sighed wiping away the seeping blood that didn’t want to stop.
“Go fast.” You bit your teeth together grabbing onto his leg. He nodded hitting the last two back-to-back.
You sighed knowing the worst of it was over. Placing a pack of gauze down he pressed down firmly before wrapping and bandaging you up, “How do you feel?” He asked nervously not sure what to expect from you. Things were going to get awkward now. He just knew it. He couldn’t go back to treating you the way he had been before. Not after this trip. You’d gotten too close. Shared a little bit too much to act so cold.
“Better.” You gave him a soft nod thankful that it was closed up. But you were still feeling it. You still had a wound, a bullet lodged in you.
“Cap and Nat will be here soon.” He broke you out of your thoughts.
You closed your eyes focusing on breathing. It hurt, really fucking bad. But at least you weren’t bleeding anymore. Bucky had taken care of that for you.
“Wake me when they get here.” Your eyes felt too heavy now. The adrenaline all but worn off all you wanted to do was sleep.
He didn’t like that answer. “Y/N.” He shook your shoulder forcing you to open your eyes before he would stop, “Just keep them open for a little longer. Once you’re hooked up to a monitor then you can go to sleep. Okay?”
“I’m just... so tired.” You sighed, trying your best to stay earth side.
“I know.” He paused before speaking to Cap again, “We’ll be right out.”
He didn’t wait to explain anything before he picked you right back up hauling you out to the jet, “Get Banner on the line!” Bucky shouted before gently setting you on the first aid gurney they had stashed for injuries. It was used more often than the team wanted to admit.
“Nat’s on the phone with him now. What happened Bucky? I told you…” Steve gave him a frustrated look. A look that let Bucky know he was angry.
“You don’t think I fucking know?” He growled feeling terrible about what happened, “It happened too fast. They had these special fucking bullets, Steve. I stapled her up. Fuck. She lost so much blood.” He slammed his fist down on a table next to you making you jump slightly. Bucky mumbled some half-baked apologies before walking away. Running his hands through his hard trying his hardest not to rip some of it out.
He should’ve been quicker. He knew you were injured and weren’t on your best game. He had no excuse. You even gave him a heads up and he still failed to protect you. He felt like he was the worst. Always seemingly failing.
“She’s fine. She’ll make a full recovery. Bruce is sure of it. He’s reading her vitals right now and he’s saying she’s right where she should be. You did exactly what you needed to..” Nat placed a comforting hand on her friend’s shoulder. She knew he was tearing himself up over this.
“Hey, you heard Nat, right?” Steve asked. He didn’t like the way Bucky didn’t seem to respond, “What’s going on? You don’t even like her?”
Letting out a frustrated sigh he turned to face Steve, “I don’t trust her. It’s not that I don’t like her. And then she was so fucking helpless. I haven’t seen her like that. Not in the months of training we had back and forth. I thought she was going to die.” Bucky admitted to his best friend.
“Well she didn’t and she’s not. Let’s get her home first and we’ll talk later.”
Bucky nodded, too afraid to go back over to you he took a seat at the front of the jet. Nat and Steve were right there for you anyway. It’s not like you wanted to see him away, or so he thought.
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A soft knock at the door drew your eyes away from the book you were reading. The only thing that seemed to pass the time as you waited for Bruce to let you go back to your room. So far, you’ve been confined to the damn hospital wing for three days, three very long days.
“You came?” You asked a little confused by your guest.
Bucky hummed letting himself in, “How are you?” He stood at the foot of your bed not sure what to do with himself.
“I’m good. Thanks for saving my life and all.” Smiling at him for the first time ever you didn’t mind it. You didn’t mind not yelling at him. Actually, kind of enjoying it.
“Yeah sure. Need somebody to argue with.” He tried to joke only to be met with a frown by you.
You sighed, “Can we not? For once? Please. I’m so tired.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m sorry. I was joking.” He looked away pretending to be captured by the painting on the wall.
“Yeah.” You nodded not sure what to say. How awkward was this. You’ve known each other for months but didn’t know each other at all. All you’ve done was argue. Fight. Yell and scream. But now? This was weird.
“I’m sorry.” Bucky leaned back onto the wall, “Really. I would understand if you don’t want a thing to do with me Y/N. Really. I’m..”
You stopped him by placing a hand up, “It’s okay. I wouldn’t trust me either.” You breathed out, “Just can we not fight? It’s exhausting.”
He nodded, “Sure, yeah.”
“Okay, good.” You let out the breath you’ve been holding for a while. It felt as if a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Sure, it was awkward, but damn did it feel good to talk to him for once.
“You sure you’re, okay?” Bucky asked again. He was at a loss for words, but he decided to try. Maybe he could find some commonality with you. You’d been through the same shit after all. He didn’t blame you if you wanted him to go far away though, he treated you so terribly.
You nodded sincerely, “I’m great. Bruce just won’t let me go.” You watched his face full of skepticism, “Really, I’m good. Surgery went well and I’ve been out and about all morning. Bruce made me rest.”
Bucky smiled for the first time in a while. Enjoying hearing your explanation even if he didn’t fully believe you, “I’ll tell you what. Once Bruce gives you the okay… since you’re so fine. Me and you spar in the weight room?”
You laughed. It didn’t surprise you. It seemed like him. His way of apologizing to you as best he could, “Sure thing James.”
“What? How’d you know?” He thought back to anytime anybody had called him that name he so rarely heard.
Grinning you couldn’t stop the sudden smile that graced your face, “Rodgers.”
“Bastard.” Both of you joined in laughter for the first but definitely not last time.
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lolitastories · 2 years
You work alongside Matt and Foggy at the law firm. Of course, as one of the most successful lawyers in the city the one and only Tony Stark would recruit you. As you are trying to find a meaning of your life you find life in someone. It may be a rocky start for you two but maybe it’s worth taking.
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Chapter 7:
I walked out a metal door when all the stairs were finished. Quietly I walk on the overhead squaring over the main floor. My back was backed up to the closest wall. I felt like if I just walk normally trying not to be seen or heard I would eventually fall on my face. Trying to clench the wall and feeling the cold concrete was what I needed to calm my heart down. I came this far, can’t turn around now. “Maybe I should take you and with that your team will leave me alone” A dark voice was heard. I look over and see a tall broad shoulder man who was talking to Nat. Fuck. Her head was restless, unable to pick up her head. Both her arms are tied with chains and hanging like arag doll.
“You killed an innocent person, you really think we will let you go that easy?” While they continued talking I walked down some stairs in the back, careful to watch if anyone else or anything else was in the room. In the back of the man who I am guessing is Kidd, there was a table. He emptied his pockets. I grab a gun hand and press it to the back of his head.
“I was wondering when you were going to show up” He turns around to face me with an evil smile on his face. I had the gun and the upper hand but he was the one who was calm. “I did my own research on you” Every step he takes I take a step back. “I know where you came from”
“Shut up” I take the gun closer to him. “You have nothing to say to me. Let her loose '' He chuckles, turning around and before I could do anything he pulled out another gun aiming it to the cieling and taking a shot. The glass crumbles down with dirt flying everywhere. I pull on the Nats lever and cover her.
“Y/N. The place is about to fall down. Take the door to your right. The yellow one! Hurry!” Maria pleas were the last thing on my mind. More dirt came down and I could hear the building crumbling over us.
“Nat?” holding onto her cheeks to make her face me. Her eyes were drifting and if I let her go her body would melt. “Shit. Nat. Wake up” Fuck. I get up, placing my arms under hers, pulling her towards the door.
“I got her” I look up and see Vision coming down. I nod. I see him carry her through the opening where everything was falling. I made sure they were gone as I ran safely past the door.
“Who has the upper hand now?” Goddamit. “ I should have done some research before targeting you. I thought you were going to be a normal person who if they are threatened they would always watch over their shoulder not involve the one and only avengers team." What kind of villain circles someone as the place is about to come down on us?
“Never did plan on it but since you literally tried to bomb me in the avengers tower, you kind of did that to yourself”
“Right now is not the time to be a smart mouth don’t you think?” He drew the gun closer to my face.
“So let me get this straight. Your boy fell for Jessica. Jessica was killed by the 3 suspects. Then your son committed sucide so you went on to kill the three suspects and Mr. Miller to cover up your tracks of revange?”
“Yes” He huffed, taking a look behind me. He lets go of the gun and starts walking away. “Now I know they won’t stop until I am captured but if you die here and I go to court for any of that, well lets just say corpses cant” He makes it to a covered door and locks it before I could stop him. Fuck. I run back to the yellow door and debris blocks the other side. What kind of ward, maze, or fucking warehouse is this?
“Y/N?” oh thank god
“Maria? How Nat?”
“Really? You are stuck underground. Mrs. Romanoff is a couple of minutes away from
the tower. Bruce is with her.”
“Thank god. Trust me I am freaking out. I don’t like being stuck in place more when its
“You know what the good news is?” There's good news?
“My hair still look good?” I slide down the wall ready to collapse and stay there until I die
of starvation
“I can’t tell through infered but what I can tell is we have Kidd under custody and is on
the way to jail” another sigh of relief. “Are you ready to get out of there?” Before I could answer I hear a loud explosion and the hallaway I am in starts moving.
“What the hell is happening?” Please let it be an earthquake and not the ground underneath me falling.
“We cleared the ground above and now we are taking the enclosure you are in out to the surface” I could hear the container I was in hit the ground. Enclosure? What the hell am I, an animal? The sound and the smell of something burning was opposite of me. The metal rectangle opening fell, the light came through and an annoying and pissed off Tony did too.
“I should have kept you in here. Cut an opening on top and fed you like a hamster. That way you couldn’t get stupid ideas an act on them”
“Can we go home now? I did enough heroing today?” I know I didn’t help and probably interfered more than helping but I was tired and I hadn’t had anything to eat. No one got hurt and the criminal is underarrest.
“Yeah. Get in the quinjet” I smile passing by him. Never have I been so happy to touch the ground.
“You okay?” Steve says as I am walking up the ramp
“Next time I tell you to get out you do just as I say so I don’t have to come to you and have something like this happen again” I hear his slight chuckle. I take a seat and close my eyes.
“You saved Nat you know?” Lazily I open my eyes and see him kneeling infront of me. “We weren’t going to give up that easily. We have gotten into bigger messes before. As for you coming over that was a bad idea yes but if you didn’t we wouldn't have gotten to Nat in time” His smile always makes me feel better and he always knows what to say.
“Alright let's go home” Tony demands, walking into the quinjet. “And Bucky is, I would say angry at you but I don’t think that begins to cover it” Fuck! I forgot about Bucky. Fuck Bucky. Lydia. I am a horrible guardian. Leaving her alone with a guy who might have nice intentions but probably doesn’t even know how to take care of a plant. All the way I had two things on my mind. One Lydia and second Nat. When I told you I ran I ran to my room. I think all I saw was tunnel vision.
“Oh thank god” I pressed a hand over my heart seeing Lydia sleep soundly on my bed. His stare was very distinctive so when I felt a stare I knew it was him. I turn around and see him leaning with his arms crossed in the door entry. “Hey Tinman”
“Are you serious? Leaving me alone with a baby?! No. Leaving Lydia alone with me! To go to a mission that didn’t include you. That you could be injured or worse, died from!”
“Am sorry I wasn’t thinking” I walk forward tailing out the door so Lydia wouldn’t wake up. I knew saying sorry was enough when his face wasn’t angry but sad. “I understand-”
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“You don’t understand anything! You could have died while under my protection! Lydia could have been harmed while I was with her. Goddamit!” I was looking at the ground like I was some little kid being screamed at by their parents. I didn’t know what to say and I guess he didn’t want to hear anything of what I was going to come up with. His footsteps moved quietly down the hall until he went into his room. The elevator dings and I see Wanda walking out.
“Everything okay?” Why did I feel a sting in my eyes? I never liked people screaming at me. But it never made tears form like this before. Not since the last time I saw my mother. “Y/N you need to understand way better than the quick story” She is right. I don’t know who Bucky is but I really do feel sorry and I have to make him believe me. “I will stay with her. Go”
“Thanks Wanda” I walked towards the door but stopped before I could try the knob. My mind was a mess or words. Every word that I think has no meaning because I am scared it's the wrong ones to use. “Bucky?” He probably hates me more than he did before now. That's why he doesn’t answer the door. Even trying to take a deep breath was a mistake. My breathing was out of order now. I turn the door thanking it for being unlocked. The lights were off but the light from outside gave me enough to see the form of the bedroom. He wasn’t in bed and the bathroom or closet door was wide open with the lights off. Where is he?
“Normally when people don’t answer the door it is because they don’t want to speak to anyone” Shit. I turned to the dark corner his voice was coming from.
“Normally people don’t seat in dark corners in their own room with the light off” Everystep I took towards him I had a bad idea in my head. What if it wasn’t Bucky? What if it was a serial killer pretending to be him? What if it was my imagination or just a dream? What if I walk into the dark corner and get sucked in a different demination?
“For someone who has a lot of thoughts in their brain, you can’t make decisions rapidly” I stop immediately after bumping into him. I kneel infront of him. I don’t hear him even flinch in the chair.
“Tinman I came here to apologise and you are making it really hard” Fuck I can’t come up with words now and that basically in my job description. But I can’t help this feeling, I don’t want to hurt him or have him hate me even more becasue I don’t know how to apologise to someone. I have never been the one to show emotion or love towards somebody. Maybe a hug and a smile with friends but never this. With Bucky it's like a connection and as stupid as it sounds I just crave him more than a physical way. Wanda always said I would find someone who would change my mind on belonging to someone. Having to give everything to them no matter the pain. To make myself vulnerable to them. I would tell her she was crazy. If I did find someone they wouldn’t rule my life. I wouldn’t be someone who would do that. I thought I was strong but with him, it just feels different. Words can’t explain that. “I am not good at apologising because I don’t do it often” I place my hands on his knees. Why? I don’t know!. His muscles tense but I can’t remove them now. “You can ask Wanda. I hardly apologise to people one because I am hardly in the wrong and two because most of the time it is something stupid. I can’t even accept and thank you because I hate feeling like I have to keep up an act of being someone they like-”
“You’re rambling” His voice was above a whisper and If he wouldn’t have moved a little I wouldn’t have quit talking to hear him talk.
“Right. Look I just want to say I am sorry for leaving Lydia with you. I should have thought it through but when I saw that the team needed help, well I bolted. I know you, Bruce, or Sam could have been of better service but it was my problem to fix. So I apologise for that. I don’t know everything,” Shit. I feel a problem coming. “I just know that I am sorry for making you feel like a danger to someone.” more a baby. “ I won’t do it again” I hope he could hear my sincerity in my voice. How can he make me feel so vulnerable? Like I want to cry because I caused him some kind of pain. I met him not even a week ago. Yet he makes me feel like we have been friends for years.
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mxtantrights · 2 years
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in this lifetime 
part one      part two
part three    part four
part five       part six 
part seven   part eight 
part nine      part ten
part eleven   part twelve 
part thirteen   part fourteen 
[more coming soon]
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buckyalpine · 4 months
I've always had this acting AU idea where you and Bucky are co-stars in a movie/tv show and your characters are enemies. It makes people feral because you're both so crazy attractive but you just hate each other so much on screen and your story lines have you at each others throats.
Now the part I love with this idea is the press actually thinking you don't get along with him whatsoever and thinking there's drama between the cast because you're never around with them. Whenever they hang out together, literally everyone by you is there. There are so many rumors about how Bucky can't stand working with you and how the cast leaves you out. Natasha even had a thanksgiving dinner recently and the Instagram photo she posted has literally everyone present but you.
Things heat up even more when you barely update your own socials after filming wrapped up. You basically disappeared and it confirms everyone's suspicions. The only time you post here and there is when you're at home alone, doing your own thing. You're never present in any of the interviews. No one ever comments even when they're directly asked about you. There has to be drama.
It's been over a year of near radio silence and people anticipating for the release of this movie.
I love the idea of the movie premier day being full of anticipation and people buzzing over if Bucky would bring a date, if you'd even show up, wondering how you'd interact with everyone else. No one's even seen you but you're one of the main characters so you have to show-
A large black SUV rolls up.
Then Bucky steps out.
Everyone screams. He looks stunning in his all black suit, with his scruffy beard and chestnut locks. Instead of making his way down the red carpet, he stays in place waiting for someone to join him.
Confused murmurs start among the screaming.
And then.
He holds his hand out to help you out.
And everyone goes absolutely wild as you step out, seeing your very round baby bump and that ring on your finger. He makes a show of kissing you deeply before walking you down and of course the cast showers you in love and hugs as if you're all in your own little bubble.
They already knew all long. The secret, low key relationship with you and Bucky. You didn't want people to know because it would bring on so much speculation and scrutiny. When everyone bombards you both with what's going on, Bucky only answers one reporters question with a simple "I'm here with my wife"
Seriously, people can't handle it.
A few days after the reveal, Bucky, you and the rest of the cast including Sam, Steve, Nat and so many others post all the outings they had where you were actually present. The "thanks giving dinner" was actually your baby shower. So many pictures where they're holding your bump with "aunt" and "uncle" sashes tied around them. Pictures from the secret wedding. The honeymoon. The cutest pictures of Bucky cuddled up with you; wholesome intimate moments with you and him. Moments with getting mani pedis with Nat and Wanda.
No on can understand how this was all hidden so well. No one would have guessed.
Weeks later you have your babies and this time everyone posts pictures, all of them surrounding you in the hospital.
Seriously, this reveal breaks the internet in a way you'd never imagine.
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the-winter-spider · 18 days
The View Between Villages: Part Three
Word Count:3.9k
Pairings: Bucky x reader, TASM!Peter x Reader
A/N: I changed the title, it use to be ‘Love You More’ but this felt more fitting because well multiverse lol
Master list
Part One, Part Two,
“You’re so cool,” Peter 3 grinned, his eyes lighting up like a child on Christmas morning. A warm sensation spread through you at his enthusiasm.
“I mean, you have ‘superpowers’ too,” you replied.
He nodded, still beaming. “Yes, but yours are better.”
You allowed a genuine smile to form. “Well, too bad we couldn’t swap for a day to put that theory to the test.”
“Crazier things have happened,” the older Peter added from the corner of the room.
“Yeah, what’s going on?” you gestured between them.
“Well, I can’t tell you the full story from your Peter’s side, but I was just doing my nightly patrol when suddenly it was daytime, I was here, and it wasn’t my New York anymore.”
You turned to the older Peter. “About the same for me. I wasn’t on patrol, though. Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” he replied.
“Do you know how time works here? Because I have someone back home—in my universe, and it’s always been almost a full day.”
“A full day? You’ve been here twenty-four hours already?” He looked alarmed at your tone.
You stood up, clutching your side as you walked toward the window. The two Peters exchanged frantic glances, as if they had just realised something critical.
“H-he tried to call you earlier, but we told him n-not t—”
You glanced over your shoulder. “Lying for him already, Parker?”
“W-what? No!” Peter 1 stammered.
You struggled to open the window because of your wound, and tall Peter hurried over to assist. He leaned against the window sill as you stuck your hand outside, closing your eyes. “Time moves faster here. A minute there is an hour here, vice versa.” Your eyes shot open, glowing white.
“Holy shi—” The Peters exclaimed in unison, their voices blending together as you reached out to the universe you came from.
The door burst open, and your Peter rushed in, followed by Ned and MJ. His senses were on high alert. “What’s going on?!” he asked, his eyes zeroing in on you.
“We don’t know. She wanted the window open, then she stuck her hand out, closed her eyes, said something about time here, and then—boom—her eyes went white,” Peter 1 explained.
Your Peter moved toward you carefully, shaking you gently. “Y/n?! Y/n?! What’s happening?”
You could hear the chatter around you, making out sound waves but not fully understanding the situation. You sensed the anxiety in the room but stayed focused. You saw it—the multiverse breaking apart, tearing at the seams. Each crack in the timeline was visible, coming from your universe, with Peter playing a role in delivering the final blow.
A small voice pierced through the chaos, your Peter’s voice. “You’re scaring me, Y/n. Please stop.”
You closed your eyes and opened them again, focusing on everyone in the room. You struggled to keep your balance.
“What was that?” Peter asked quietly.
“The multiverse is shattered,” you replied.
Your Peter placed his hands on his hips. “Well, yeah,” he gestured to the other two Spider-Men. “That’s why they’re here.”
“No, Pete, that’s not what I mean,” you ran a hand through your hair. “God, this is so bad. Have you heard from Strange?”
Peter turned to Ned and MJ. All three wore guilt on their faces. “About that…”
“What did you do, Pete? I need the full story now. This is so bad.”
Peter 3 stepped forward. “I hate to interrupt, but you’re bleeding. You must have ripped your stitches.”
You glanced down and noticed blood seeping through the bandages. “Screw this,” you muttered, ripping off the white wrap and starting to pull out stitches.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, no!” Fluffy-haired Peter started waving his hands.
Your Peter put a hand out to stop him. “No, she’s going to heal them.”
“How is that—” Peter 3 pointed at you pulling out the final stitch, “—going to heal them?”
“Just watch.”
They all did. You closed your eyes, a soft humming emanated from your throat, barely audible to those with heightened senses. A glow began to illuminate from your hands, your skin around the claw marks glowing as it mended back together.
Your Peter moved closer, knowing you would be exhausted afterward. He had seen you nearly collapse after healing Tony.
“Holy shit,” Peter 3 breathed.
“Yeah, what he said,” the eldest Peter agreed, stunned.
You opened your eyes and began to lean back, but Peter caught you. “Thanks, Pete.”
“Let’s get you to the couch. I have a lot to tell you.”
“That you do,” you replied, sinking onto the couch.
“That was so cool, Miss. Y/L/N!” Ned said, awe in his voice.
You chuckled. “Thanks, Ned.”
“So, start talking.”
And he did, recounting everything in a jumbled sentence. You had known Peter long enough to piece together the story.
Rubbing your temples “You're telling me Strange, our Doctor Strange cast a spell for you, because everyone knows who you are and you couldn’t get into MIT because of it? And everyone that knows Peter Parker is Spiderman from other universes, is here?”
He nodded. “I know it’s so bad.”
“Wait, so where is Strange?”
“Well, um, I kind of left him in the Mirror Dimension.”
“I can’t believe this.” You placed your head in your hands, shaking your head.
“I know it’s bad, Y/n. I messed up so badly, but I’m going to—”
You stood up, heading toward the door. “Y/n, please don’t go. I need your help. I do—”
“I’m not going to leave you, Pete. I promise. I just need a minute. This is a lot.” You squeezed his shoulder gently. “Plus, you need to get them”—you pointed at Ned and MJ—“somewhere safe, and that isn’t here.”
MJ shook her head. “No way. We’re staying right here.”
You glanced over his shoulder. “Unless either of you have superpowers or abilities I’m not aware of, then you go. I’m not going to be responsible for someone else’s death.” With that, you shut the door behind you and headed for the roof.
“She’s so cool,” Ned whispered in awe.
MJ turned to him. “She just kicked us out.”
Ned nodded vigorously. “Yeah, we just got kicked out of an Avenger safe house by an Avenger. So cool.”
MJ gave a small smile. “Kinda cool.”
Peter 1 turned to them. “She’s right, though. You should go somewhere far from all of this.”
“I can portal us to my Lola’s,” Ned offered.
MJ lifted up Doctor Strange’s box. “But we’re taking this with us.”
“Good idea,” Peter 1 said, nodding. “Let’s go.”
As they left, Peter 1 and Peter 3 exchanged a worried glance. They knew the situation was dire, and you needed all the help you could get.
As Ned and MJ left the safe house, you took a deep breath on the roof, trying to steady yourself. The cool night air helped clear your mind, though the weight of the situation still pressed heavily on you. You closed your eyes, focusing on the soothing rhythm of your breathing, and tried to gather your thoughts.
A moment later, Peter joined you on the roof, his presence a quiet comfort. He stood beside you, looking out over the city, the lights below flickering like a sea of stars. “Y/n, I—”
“Don’t,” you interrupted, holding up a hand. “We’ll talk about it later. Right now, we need a plan.”
Peter hesitated but then nodded, taking a deep breath. “Okay. But we need to figure out what to do next. Strange said we have to fix the multiverse before it collapses completely.”
You turned to him, determination steeling your gaze. “Yes. We need to find Strange and fix this mess. But first, we have to deal with the immediate threat.”
“Right,” Peter agreed, though the worry in his voice was unmistakable. “But how are we going to do that? We don’t have a lab or anything… I don’t even know how we’re supposed to send the other Peters back.” His voice began to rise in panic.
You stepped forward and grasped his hands, grounding him. “It’s all going to be okay, alright?”
He searched your eyes, his own filled with uncertainty. “H-how do you know? How can you be so sure?”
“I’m not,” you admitted, pausing to let the weight of the situation settle between you. “But this isn’t the craziest thing that’s happened. And we figured it out all those other times.”
Peter took a deep breath, your words offering him some comfort. “You’re right. We’ve been through worse, and we’ve always managed to pull through.”
You gave him a small, encouraging smile. “Exactly. So let’s focus. We need to gather everyone and come up with a plan. We may not have a lab, but we have each other—and that’s more important.”
Peter nodded, the panic in his eyes subsiding as resolve took its place. “You’re right. We’ll figure it out together.”
As you both turned to head back down from the roof, a sudden thought crossed your mind. “Peter… this time, no one goes off on their own, okay? We stick together.”
Peter glanced back at you, his expression serious. “Agreed. No more solo missions.” He started to head back down but paused when he noticed you weren’t following. “Are you coming?”
You clutched your phone, feeling the weight of the moment. “In a minute, okay? I just need a minute.”
Peter’s gaze softened as he glanced at your phone, understanding dawning in his eyes. “Okay,” he said quietly before jumping down, leaving you alone on the rooftop.
Flashback: The Safehouse
The rain poured heavily outside, drumming a steady rhythm against the roof of the safehouse. It was late—everyone else had already gone to bed. Steve was sprawled out on the couch, his face turned toward the back cushions as he tried to catch some sleep. Sam and Natasha were in the tiny bedrooms, their doors closed but not locked, ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice.
You sat at the small kitchen table, nursing a mug of tea. The flickering candlelight was the only illumination, casting a warm glow across the room. You were exhausted but too wired to sleep. The constant worry, the fear that at any moment the government would burst through that door and take away your friends—no, your family—kept your thoughts racing. Only a handful of people knew about this place, and three of them were fugitives in hiding. You were the fourth, and Fury and Tony were the other two. Signing the Accords had been a difficult decision, one that left Steve more than a little pissed, but you had seen the bigger picture. You needed to stay on Tony’s good side to protect Bucky and Steve, and when you helped Steve break everyone out of the Raft, bringing them here was the only option. The relief you felt when your access code worked after Steve’s and Natasha’s were denied still clung to you. But now Tony knew where your loyalties lay, and you knew you would have to make it up to him somehow.
A soft creak came from the hallway, making your heart skip a beat. But then, Bucky appeared, his silhouette barely visible in the dim light. He looked like a shadow of the man you once knew, but there was something about his presence that always brought you comfort.
“Couldn’t sleep?” you asked softly as he stepped into the light, his hair still damp from his earlier shower, hanging loose around his face.
He shook his head, the corners of his mouth turning up in a faint smile. “You either, huh?”
You shook your head and pushed the chair out with your foot, offering him a seat beside you. This Bucky wouldn’t just sit unless asked. “Want some tea? It’s chamomile.”
Bucky sat down next to you, his metal hand brushing lightly against your arm as he did. “Sure, if you don’t mind.”
You poured him a cup, the steam rising between you like a curtain. He took it, wrapping both hands around the mug, and for a moment, neither of you spoke. The silence was thick, filled with all the unspoken words and shared pain that neither of you knew how to express.
“I’ve been thinking,” Bucky said finally, his voice a low rumble that matched the thunder outside.
“About what?” you asked, glancing up at him. His eyes were distant, lost in thought, but he was here, with you, and that was all that mattered right now—that’s all that ever mattered to him: you.
“About how different things could have been… if none of this had happened. If I hadn’t—” He trailed off, his gaze dropping to the table, as if the weight of his past was too much to hold.
You reached out without hesitation, placing your hand over his. The metal was cold, but you didn’t mind. “You can’t change the past, Buck…none of us can, but you’re here now, and that’s what matters.”
His blue eyes softened as they met yours. “I don’t deserve this… Any of it. Steve… you… keeping me safe when I’ve only ever brought trouble.”
“You’re not trouble, Bucky… You never were, and you never will be. Those things that they did... You’re just a man trying to make things right, and you don’t have to do it alone.” You squeezed his hand gently, hoping he could feel the sincerity in your words.
He looked at you for a long moment, the storm raging outside forgotten as the warmth of your hand seeped into his cold one. “You always knew… know what to say, don’t you?”
You smiled, a soft laugh escaping your lips. “Not always, only with Steve and you, but I’ve had a lot of practice when it comes to you.”
Bucky’s expression softened even more, and for the first time in a long while, there was a hint of peace in his eyes. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, doll.”
Your heart skipped a beat at the nickname you hadn’t heard in decades. “You don’t have to find out,” you replied, your voice tender. “We’re in this together, no matter what happens, you always have me, Buck.”
He nodded, setting the tea down and reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. The gesture was so gentle, so intimate, that it made your heart ache. “You’re too good to me, too good for me. You always have been.”
“And you’re worth it,” you whispered, leaning into his touch. “You always will be.”
For a moment, the world outside ceased to exist. The rain, the fear, the constant running—it all faded away. There were just the two of you, sitting at a small kitchen table, sharing a quiet moment in the midst of chaos.
Bucky’s hand slipped from your face to your shoulder, and he gently pulled you closer until your head rested against his chest. You could hear his heartbeat, steady and real, a reminder that despite everything, he was alive. You both were.
“Thank you,” he murmured into your hair, his voice so quiet you almost missed it.
“For what?”
“For being here, for not giving up on me.” His arms tightened around you as if he feared you might slip away.
“I’ll never give up on you, Bucky. Not ever.”
And for the first time in what felt like forever, he believed you.
Your finger hovered over Bucky’s name, but before you could press the call button, the screen lit up, displaying all the missed calls from him—each one a silent plea. The last one was over a week ago, and your voicemail was full. A sinking feeling settled in your chest; this fight might be your last.
The phone started ringing again. You hesitated, your breath catching as you debated whether to answer. On the second ring, you gave in, pressing the phone to your ear. The sound of banging and a door slamming filled the silence before Bucky’s voice broke through, desperate and familiar.
“Doll? Is that you?” His voice was hoarse, tinged with panic and uncertainty.
Your throat tightened, the words trapped inside you. You couldn’t find your voice, couldn’t push past the fear and doubt gnawing at you.
“P-please say something. Anything,” he pleaded, his voice cracking under the weight of his worry.
You tried to speak, but nothing came out. Your mouth opened and closed, but still, the words refused to form. You hadn’t thought this far ahead, hadn’t prepared yourself for this moment.
When he began to say, “I love—” you ended the call abruptly, your heart pounding as the silence that followed pressed down on you. You cursed yourself, frustration and regret tangling in your chest.
Two steps forward and one step back. But did you even take those steps forward? It felt like one giant leap backward, and now, you were left standing on the edge, unsure of where to go next.
The night buzzed around you, oblivious to the turmoil in your heart. You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, but the weight of everything—the missed calls, the unspoken words, the looming threat—pulled you down.
After a moment, you forced yourself to move, standing up and putting your phone away. There was no time to dwell on what you couldn’t change. The fight was far from over, and you had a promise to keep—no more solo missions.
With that thought, you stood up, ready to head back down, when you felt someone approaching from behind.
“Hey, are you okay?” Peter 3 asked, his voice gentle. “I know we don’t know each other well, but I felt like I needed to check on you. Peter—your Peter—said he didn’t want to pester you, but I told him I didn’t mind because, well, this isn’t my universe, so it didn’t matter.”
You slipped your phone into your pants pocket and offered a small smile. “Wow, you really are the same, right down to the rambling.”
He laughed, his head tilting back slightly. “Y’know, I’m gonna let that slide because you probably—no, most definitely—could kick my ass.”
You shrugged. “You said it, not me.”
Peter’s expression turned thoughtful. “I’ve been thinking about the multiverse and how it works. You seem to know more than me, obviously, and I was wondering if you knew anything about, like, cosmic connections. It’s weird—we don’t have a you in my universe, at least I don’t think so—but I still feel this trusting, comfortable vibe with you.”
He looked at you with a warmth that starkly contrasted with the cold night air. There was a kindness in his eyes that reminded you of your Peter, but there was something different about it—more tangible, more urgent.
“It’s because of Peter,” you said softly. “He and I were close, and even though we’re from different universes, I feel like that connection is still there.” You thought about the countless universes out there, somewhere you got to live peacefully, where you had a happy ending with Bucky, or where Steve didn’t leave.
Peter nodded slowly. “Makes sense. When I lost Gwen, I hoped that if there were other universes, one where she was okay and happy, even if it meant I didn't get that happiness, yknow?”
“Maybe you just haven’t met your ‘MJ’ yet,” you suggested, thinking of how the other Peters had found their own versions of happiness.
Peter’s eyes brightened with hope. “Maybe, i hope so.”
You managed a small smile. “I’ll manifest it for you, Parker. You deserve your happy ending.”
“We all do,” he agreed. He paused, then asked, “You never answered my question—are you okay?”
A shaky breath escaped you. “Honestly? I don’t think I’ll ever be okay. I’ve been trying to do good, to save people, but it feels like nothing changes. I’m tired of giving and giving—I just want to take something for once.”
Peter’s gaze softened, understanding written all over his face. “I ask myself that all the time. It should be enough, but sometimes it just isn’t.”
You nodded, feeling tears well up in your eyes. “I’ve been asking that question for years.”
Peter smiled gently. “You deserve so much more. You’re amazing.”
A shiver ran down your spine as a gust of wind blew by. You tried to shake off the cold, pulling your jacket tighter around you.
Peter chuckled softly. “Was that you?”
You laughed lightly. “I don’t know what Ned told you, but our world can still make gusts of wind without my help.”
Peter’s cheeks flushed the same colour as his suit. “Sorry.”
“You’re forgiven—just this once,” you said with a teasing smile.
Peter’s eyes lit up with curiosity, and you could see the inner turmoil in him, the battle between wanting to ask more questions and holding back. To save him the struggle, you took a deep breath and decided to share more of your story.
“I was born on June 3rd, 1920, in New York. I met Bucky and Steve in 1930. We were inseparable. When Bucky and Steve went off to war, both were declared dead—but obviously, that wasn’t true.”
You left out the more painful details, not from mistrust but from fear of reliving them. “I found out in 1945, about both of them at the same time. I don’t remember much—it was overwhelming.” You paused, looking at Peter, his brown eyes full of reassurance. “I ran to our spot and cried for hours. I must have fallen asleep because the next morning, I woke up in 2012.”
Peter’s eyes widened in disbelief. “And your powers?”
“I woke up with those too,” you explained. “Bruce said I must have been born with them, but something in my family’s bloodline and the trauma triggered them. Nature thought I needed to be protected, that what I have is sacred, or that I wasn’t needed yet. Everyone has a purpose, and this was mine.”
“Like destiny,” Peter murmured.
“Something like that.”
Peter leaned forward, intrigued. “So, you, your two best friends—all born over a hundred years ago—got superpowers and crossed paths again in the 20th century?”
You nodded. “Yep.”
Peter made a gesture as if his mind had just exploded. “My universe seems so mundane compared to yours.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” you replied, a hint of a smile on your lips. “I’ve seen your villains. It’s far from boring.”
Peter reached up to scratch the back of his head, looking sheepish. “Yeah, um… sorry about that. So, where are your other two, hundred-year-old friends?”
You shifted uncomfortably. “Steve went back to the 1940s to be with Peggy. Bucky’s still here, but… we don’t really talk much anymore.”
Peter’s expression softened with sympathy. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine” You shrugged
“You say that a lot.”
“Because everything is fine,” you replied, though the words felt hollow, less true with each passing day.
“You deserve more than ‘fine,’” Peter said quietly.
“Hey, are you two coming? I have a plan!” Your Peter’s voice called from below, interrupting the moment.
Peter 3 responded, “Yeah, we’re coming.”
He looked back at you with a curious expression. “How did you even get up here?”
You grinned. “The air?”
“The air?”
“Yeah, like this—” You floated him briefly before setting him back down gently.
Peter looked astonished. “Holy shit.”
You laughed, feeling a lightness you hadn’t in a long time. “You’ll have to see more sometime.”
Peter extended his pinky, a playful glint in his eyes. “Promise?”
“I promise,” you said, linking your pinky with his.
As you both stood up and prepared to join the others, a small spark of hope flickered in your chest. Maybe, just maybe, things could turn around after all.
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flightlessangelwings · 11 months
Ktober 2023 Day 15- Against a Wall
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Bucky Barnes x fem!curvy!reader
Word count- 2k
Warnings- s.mut (18+ ONLY!), reader wears a skirt and works as a waitress for Tony, described with curves but it's briefly mentioned, mutual pining, protective!Bucky, no use of y/n
Notes- I actually kept changing my mind on who to write this prompt with but I landed on Bucky lol. And the setting here is reminiscent of 2012 mcu tumblr where Bucky joined the avengers and they're all friends. And I purposefully had a curvy/plus sized reader in mine for this prompt to show some love! Prompt list made by me! Enjoy!
@flightlessangelwings-updates is myupdate blog so please follow that too and turn on post notifs to stay up to date on my new fics!
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Over the years of working for Tony Stark, you had seen more than your fair share of exciting things. Serving cocktails at his parties meant you had a front row seat to events that usually got splashed across headlines the following morning. Rich people flirted with you all the time, and you flirted back to get extra tips. Plus, you actually became friends with Tony over time, possibly the thing you had least expected. Even as his list of friends and party attendees grew to include otherworldly and superhuman guests.
Overall, you were able to keep your cool, even when meeting big names like Steve Rogers. He was kind and courteous, and handsome of course, but he wasn’t your type. No, your breath wasn’t taken away until his old friend, Bucky Barnes came along. Bucky was everything you had dreamed of, and when you laid eyes on him for the first time, it was as if he stepped out of your fantasy.
“Your drink, sir,” you fought to keep your composure as you handed him a glass.
“Thank you,” his low voice went right to your core as he smiled softly at you.
Bucky wasn’t much for words, but his eyes bore into you, studying your curves as if he could see into your soul. Part of you craved it, but the other part was worried he could read all your secrets, especially the one that you harbored feelings for him. He seemed to grow more and more comfortable as time went on, though, and he started to integrate more into the group. All the other guests did so too, and the more he was around, the less afraid of him they were.
Not you, though. You were never afraid of him. And it wasn’t just from your attraction to Bucky. No, there was something there that you knew you could trust. Something in him that read that he was a good person, a kind person. And though you had never exchanged more than a few words with him, sometimes you felt your gaze linger on him longer than it needed to.
Bucky noticed of course, and sometimes your eyes met for a brief moment before you looked away in embarrassment. You went back to your tasks until you felt you could safely glance back over once more. This dance went on every time Tony had a party, yet everything remained in the air, unspoken, only flirting for a couple seconds with your eyes. What you didn’t know, though, was Bucky’s gaze lingered on you for just as long, if not longer. And a feeling of jealousy built up in his gut whenever he saw others flirt with you.
One night, though, Bucky couldn’t take it anymore. He watched as you served drinks, your skirt running high up your thigh, exposing your flesh more and driving him wild. He wasn’t the only one watching, however, and a man he had never seen before stumbled over to you, draping his arm over you. When you obviously didn’t want him there, Bucky made his move.
“Please do not touch me, sir,” you said sternly but politely, trying to diffuse the situation without making a scene.
“Oh come on sweet girl,” he slurred, “Let me take you home.”
When he tried to lean in closer, the man found himself yanked off of you and instead in the grip of Bucky Banres.
“The lady said no,” Bucky’s tone was firm and low.
All the fight left the man’s eyes as he cowered, “I’m sorry,” he stammered before he wriggled free and ran off.
Bucky watched to make sure he was gone before he turned to you, “Are you alright?” he asked, his voice noticeably softer.
“Y-yeah,” your eyes went wide as you processed what just happened. Bucky Barnes just saved you, and he seemed genuinely concerned about you, “Thank you,” you added in a whisper.
Bucky brushed the back of his hand across your cheek in an affectionate gesture, “Can’t let my favorite waitress get into trouble now, can I?”
Heat rose in your face as the room spun. Was Bucky actually flirting with you? Part of you wanted to pinch yourself in case you were dreaming, but you also didn’t want to wake up if you were. “I’m your favorite waitress?” you asked slyly as you subtly shimmied your shoulders.
He cupped your chin to make you meet his eyes, “Who else would be?”
Time stopped as you met his gaze. It was different looking into his eyes up close, like you could swim in them. And you couldn’t help but glance down at his lips for the briefest moment. 
Bucky took that as his invitation, “You wanna get out of here?” he asked in a low tone.
You bit your lip, “I can’t leave the party,” you paused, hating the look of disappointment on his face, “But,” you slipped your hand into his, “I have an idea. Follow me.”
“Yes ma’am,” Bucky eagerly followed as you led him out of the main room and down a hallway. He couldn’t help but glance at your ass as you walked just in front of him. But, his breath hitched in his throat when you came to a small hall closet and quickly ushered him inside, not wanting anyone else to see.
“It’s not romantic or anything,” you sounded sheepish suddenly as you closed and locked the door, “But it’ll have to do.”
“Are you kidding?” Bucky said as he put his hands on your hips, his lips hovering over yours, “You’re dressed like this, we’re sneaking away from a party, we’re alone… I’m with you,” he exhaled sharply, “This is plenty romantic.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but it was cut off when Bucky placed his lips over yours in a soft kiss. You moaned into him as your eyes fluttered shut and you held onto his shoulders as you parted your lips for him. You felt a low rumble in his chest as he took the invitation and deepened the kiss, tasting you for the first time.
“Damn, sweetheart,” he mumbled between kisses, “You’re… Incredible,” Bucky murmured as he kissed you again, backing you up against the wall.
He swallowed the moan you let out as your back hit the wall, and you clung to him for support. Bucky gladly gave it to you, pressing his body against yours to keep you pinned there. His knee parted your legs slightly so that he could press it against your pussy, and you let out a whimper at the contact.
“Fuck,” you breathed.
“My thoughts exactly,” Bucky breathed as his hands dipped below your skirt. He paused, though, and looked back up into your eyes, “Is this ok?” he asked.
“Shit, Bucky, don’t stop now,” you huffed, “Please.”
“Fuck, I love when you say my name,” Bucky groaned as he kisse you again and tugged at your skirt, pushing it up to expose your panties.
“Bucky…” you moaned again as you clung to his shoulders.
“Do you trust me, sweetheart?” he asked.
“Yes,” your reply was immediate and your tone was more serious.
Suddenly, you found yourself in the air; Bucky grabbed onto your ass and used his super strength to lift you up and pin you against the wall. You squealed, more in surprise than anything, but let out a moan when you felt his clothed cock against your pussy.
“Please, Bucky,” you begged.
He grunted as he leaned his bodyweight forward, keeping you against the wall as he fumbled to free his cock with one hand. As much as Bucky wanted to take his time with you, he was too desperate right now. And so were you. With hope, Buck would have another chance with you, and that time he would treat you the way he wanted to. He would spend hours between your legs until you told him to stop. He would kiss you all over, worshiping your beautiful body, and feeling every dip and curve of you.
But right now, fucking you against the wall in a close would have to do. Not that either of you were complaining.
You whimpered when you glanced down and saw Bucky’s thick cock pop out against his suit. You panted as you anticipated it filling you, and you had never been more turned on in your life. Bucky murmured your name to get your attention, and the look in his eyes sent another pulse right to your cunt.
“I’m ready,” you answered the unspoken question, “Please, Buck.”
“Fuck,” he growled as he hooked a finger on your panties and pushed them aside, “Hold onto me, alright? I’ve got you.”
A loud hiss escaped your lips as he slowly pushed into you. You bit your lip to try and hold back your moans, but his cock felt so good as it entered you and you couldn’t help but cry out. Bucky groaned as he felt your warmth engulf him, and he couldn’t stop himself from thrusting the rest of the way into you.
“You ok?” he asked when he heard you whine.
“Yes,” you breathed, “Fuck me, Bucky… Please,” you tugged at his shoulder as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
Bucky growled your name as he reeled back and thrust forward again. Both of you gasped at the action, and from there Bucky lost all control. He rocked into you over and over again as you hung helplessly against the wall. Moans and groans from both of you filled the tiny space as Bucky thrust into you at the perfect angle.
“Shit,” you cried out as you slammed your head back against the wall.
“Feel so good… Sweetheart,” Bucky grunted as the room started to spin for him as well.
“I know… I’ve got you.”
He pounded into you with fervor, with desperate need as you screamed even louder. He rested his forehead against yours, feeling your breath on his face with every moan you let out. Bucky already craved more of you; he wanted to always feel you around him and in his arms. He tightened his grip on you as his thrusts became more erratic as his own climax quickly approached.
“Bucky… I’m…”
All he could do was groan your name and close his eyes. Your orgasms hit simultaneously, one right after the other. You trembled in Bucky’s arms as you came hard, and Bucky fought to keep himself upright as he spilled himself deep inside you. As he thrust into you, riding out your climaxes, Bucky took your lips with his once more in a deep and passionate kiss.
Sweat lined your brow and the sensations overwhelmed you, but you felt safe in Bucky's arms. As you started to come down from your high, you broke away for a deep breath, and you gasped as you felt yourself go more limp in his arms. Bucky immediately snapped to attention, and gently lowered you down, pulling out of you in the process.
You whimpered at the loss, but Bucky never let go of his grip on you, even as he settled you back on your feet. Your eyes trailed up from the ground as you met his gaze, and your heart skipped a beat from the way he looked at you.
“That was… Wow,” you whispered as you composed yourself and fixed your skirt, “Better than I ever imagined,” you muttered under your breath.
Bucky tucked himself back in his pants and straightened out his jacket, “So,” he smirked, “You imagined me?”
You looked at him wide-eyed, “I- I didn’t mean…”
“It’s ok sweetheart,” he cupped your face, “Can you keep a secret?” when you nodded he continued, “I imagined you too.”
You exhaled deeply as you leaned into his touch. You allowed him to slowly pull your face to his and parted your lips as Bucky kissed you once more. This kiss was slow, yet deep, and it helped all the unspoken emotions you both felt. When you broke away you let out another deep breath, “Tony is going to have a field day with this,” you said with a laugh.
“I’m by your side,” Bucky reassured you after joining your laughter, “Shall we?”
Swallowing hard, you nodded, “Let’s go,” you slid your hand in his and opened the door to your futures.
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ahrahrahraha · 11 months
Biker Bucky
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Delicate Edges by @wkemeup
"Trapped under a mountain of debt to the Hydra club, it’s only in moments when Bucky Barnes walks into your shop that you can forget the cruelty of the biker clubs of this town. But a war is brewing. And Bucky will stop at nothing to keep you safe. Pairing: BuckyxReader"
Beefy Biker Bucky Series by @angrythingstarlight
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Updated 31/10/23
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subwaysurf45 · 2 years
A Little Rusty (Ep.3)
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Summary: As an aspiring author and current intern, getting a new car was a luxury you never dreamed of. Natasha, your roommate, used you as a personal chauffeur until your car started breaking down. Luckily, you knew some people who worked at Auto Buddy, an auto shop, who could fix your car. But you hadn’t met Bucky yet, and quickly after you found out you’d be stuck with him for a little while.
Pairing: Mechanic!Bucky x reader
Words: 5,240
Warnings: ANGST, fluffy at the beginning, Bucky being a massive flirt, mentions of past abusive relationships
Series Masterlist
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Your workday was done and you were now sitting behind the main desk at Auto Buddy, stacking papers and typing replies to curious customers. 
It had been a week since you went on your outing with Bucky, you’d done it a few times since then in various locations. After he proposed the idea of you working at the shop you talked with Hero, your boss, to see what the new pay you’d be getting since getting a promotion. 
“We only have the same pay in the budget,” he said as he looked over his notes. 
“But Sam isn’t getting paid anymore, where is his money going? It’s not like you invested it back into props.” You press as you stood in Hero’s small space, typical circle lightbulbs around his mirror, they had turned a dressing room into an office. 
“That’s going to pay our leads and our cast, they’re getting tired of not picking up a show date and they want compensation so we need to keep them…over you, I’m sorry.” 
You told Bucky over the phone that same night, almost crying from the frustrations of not getting paid enough. He was kind, his voice was melodic over the phone as he calmed you down, telling you everything was going to work itself out. You tried to believe him, you really did, but no amount of his voice was going to calm your nerves. 
You were still the Master of Props but you had an intern’s pay, it was far from ideal but when you asked for a day off on Saturday they gave it to you, which led you to take the job at Auto Buddy; but only on Saturdays. You were getting paid a lot more than your intern gig and every day you wondered what you should really be doing with your life, your book was still a work in progress but you felt as though the finish line kept moving further away from you. 
Ryan had already texted you today, asking where his smoking buddy was even though you didn’t smoke and he just invaded your space with cigarettes every day. 
You: it’s my day off
Ryan: day off from what?
Ryan: you’re not rehearsing or performing, what are you getting a day off from? 
You: work. 
And with that you let the replies roll in but you didn’t answer, turning your phone over and sighing when the buzzing stopped. Hero sent you a few text messages as well, saying he was already starting to get a plan for your new paycheck, you were just happy he was taking you seriously. 
“Working hard or hardly workin’?” Sam asked as he walked in from the garage, he waved over the mother with her little child, “I’m going to get my friend to ring you up,” Sam slid over a sheet of paper of all the things he did to the car and the total amount of all of them, “so we fixed the leak, pretty standard oil leak, nothing to worry about,” Sam eased the worried lady, “you shouldn’t have any problems with it anymore, ITAIlCS alright?” his voice changed as he leaned down to high-five the son who was hugging his mother’s knee. “I’m gonna grab this little guy something from our office, hold on.” 
“Here’s your total,” you pointed to the little screen that was facing her, when you heard a gasp you looked up, “is there something wrong?” 
“C-can we negotiate the price?” her hands clutched at her chest, almost in a beginning position. 
You could see the worry in her face, her eyes never leaving the little bar with the price on it. “I’ll ask Sam, the guy who worked on your car.” you reached over and touched her arm, “I’m sure we can figure it out.” 
“Th-thank you,” she stuttered before letting you walk away and into the office room where Bucky and Sam were talking. 
“What’s up?” Sam asked as he held a toy car in his hands. 
“Can we lower the price, the lady out here looks like she’s going to have a panic attack from the total on the screen,” you looked between Bucky and Sam, not entirely sure who to ask. 
“Let me take a look,” Bucky stood and Sam followed him out of the office, you stayed put and looked around for a moment, seeing the messiness of the room. 
Absentmindedly you began to tidy, looking for papers that matched and stacking them together, there were coffee mugs and garbage pushed to the edges of the room, you quickly threw them all out. There were pens and highlighters scattered around, you gathered them up and put them in the pen holder that was actually another mug; which was clean. 
“How messy does one room have to be for someone to voluntarily clean it, huh?” Bucky asked as he leaned against the door frame, his muscular arms crossed in front of him. It didn’t help that the dry-fit shirt he was wearing hugged his muscles not only on his arms but chest as well. 
“Did you lower the price?” you asked, peering out of the doorframe to see the women driving off and Sam heading back into the garage. When you looked back at Bucky you caught him checking you out, heat instantly bloomed all over your face. 
“Yes we did,” Bucky nodded and stepped into the room, closing the door behind him and you couldn’t help but feel the tension grow with the lack of exit. “There’s always something we can do to the bill to help people,” he slowly walked towards you. 
You were standing on the other side of the desk, putting the cluttered desk between you and Bucky. With a quiet laugh to ease the tension you walked around the desk and kept your eyes to the ground, not seeing Bucky move his arm so he could gently guide you to stand in front of him. Your butt was pushed up against the desk and you could feel his warmth as Bucky stood in front of you. 
“Hi,” you whispered, peering at his lips. 
“Hi,” he smiled, “how are you doing today?” his hands gently ran up your arms, “need to take your break?” a good kind of twist began to form in your lower stomach, and you could feel yourself getting a little turned on at the smoothness in his voice. 
“S-sure,” you gulped and it seemed Bucky’s face dramatically changed. 
“Am I making you uncomfortable?” he stepped back, “did I misread the situation because if I did I am so sorry, Y/N, really am-shit.” 
“No!” you yelled but quickly covered your mouth, “it’s just been a while since someone has flirted with me and I don’t know what to do with myself,” you pressed your knuckles against your cheeks to feel the warmth, “I’m not used to all this attention, that’s all.” 
“I see,” Bucky nodded, “so I can step forward?” 
“You may,” you whispered and let out another breathy laugh, “it’s nice, actually.” 
“Good,” he whispered and put his hands back to barely touching your arms, rubbing up and down which set goosebumps to rise on your arm. “So…” he started and stared at your lips, “as I said before, do you need to break now?” 
“I-I don't know,” you smiled and tried to tuck your chin into your neck, “this is a lot,” you admitted. 
“Then I’ll take a step back,” Bucky slowly blinked and took a step back, “you’re cute when you get all flustered,” he smirked at the way you tried to cool off. 
“I really like it though but…” your hands made circles, “it’s just a lot.” 
“Then forget about it,” Bucky waved you off, “but I do have one question-” 
“Yes, I’ll take my break now, Bucky,” you laughed and looked to the wall with a container full of toy cars, but when you looked back you didn’t see him laughing, he was back to the sultry look from before. “What?” 
“I normally don’t do this but I was wondering if you’d like to grab dinner sometime?” his voice got a little higher and quieter as he asked, “not like burgers at the diner…like a date with some flowers…” his hands shoved into his tight jeans as he looked for any sign you were happy about being asked out, but all you could give him was a blank face. “Is that a no?” 
“You want to go out with me?” you whispered, your hand coming up and letting your fingers rest on your bottom lip, “really?” 
“Yeah,” Bucky laughed and took a step forward, “bring your lunch in here, I need a break too.” 
“Alright,” you nodded, “and yes to the date.” 
“Perfect,” Bucky smiled as he sat at his desk. 
“Nat,” you gasped as you walked into your apartment, “I have some massive news!” 
“Grab a glass, Honey,” she called from the couch, a glass of red wine in her hand, “what’s the news?” 
You poured yourself a glass and grabbed a slice of pizza from the box, skipping over to the couch, “I got asked out on a date!” you beamed and took a seat, “and guess who asked?” 
“Ryan?” Nat said slowly, she also didn’t like him. 
“She’s gay?” 
“Bi,” Nat nodded, “I saw her with a pin when Steve forget his phone at the shop and swung back to pick it up.” 
“Huh…” you sat for a moment, “okay, keep guessing?” 
“I don’t know?” Nat laughed. 
“Bucky!” you cheered. 
All at once, the red wine sprayed from Natasha’s mouth and onto your face, some of it making it on the cream-coloured couch. She seemed to be frozen in place, looking between your red-spotted face and the red-spotted couch. She was whispering something under her breath as she stood up to find her phone, not explaining why she was acting like this as she went out to the balcony to make a phone call. 
Instead of pressuring her you slowly stood up and wiped off your face, looking up in the bathroom mirror to find the shocked look still printed there. You could faintly hear yelling from the balcony and hoped she wasn’t calling Bucky to scare him out of it, you just wanted to be happy and maybe Ryan was right about how she’s not a good friend. I should call Ryan, you thought.
When you walked out of the bathroom you found the carpet cleaner and began scrubbing the wine stains out of the couch, “that’s it,” you threw the brush down and opened the balcony door. 
“Who are you calling?” you asked. 
Nat turned around with a massive smile on her face, “I’m calling Steve,” she said her goodbyes and hung up the phone, pulling you into a tight hug, “I’m so happy for the both of you, oh my god,” she squealed and hugged your tighter. 
“I don’t understand,” you hugged her back but with a little more reserve than her. 
“Don’t worry,” she whispered, “this is so nice for the both of you!” 
You accepted her hug but you didn’t feel fully happy for yourself. Bucky was a very sweet guy but it seemed as though everyone but you knew this secret that he had, which is fine if he didn’t want to pour out his trauma to every single person he meets but you felt this untouchable conversation was being dangled in front of your face. 
After making your way back to your room you pulled out our laptop and went back to working on your novel. It was a story set back in the 1800s, the gilded age. You had a princess who was younger and would never hold any throne and a knight, a love-struck man that would do anything to protect his princess. As much as it was set in past and had themes revolving around how women were treated back then you made sure to add some modern takes to your novel, making it a better read for a target audience; teenage girls. 
Writing seemed to be the thing that could take your mind off of anything, stress from work, stress from people, and everything else. There would be times in high school when you’d write all during lunch before a big test to try and calm yourself down, you had this touch that allowed you to do so well in English classes as well as personal writing. 
Becoming an author was always a dream but it was a risky one. You wished you could write a book so well you’d live an author’s life, living in a New York apartment and writing on your window sill as your legs hung over and sat on the fire escape ladder, sipping a latte that was a little too expensive. You’d go to book signings and meet the fans you’d gather after making sequels to your novel, seeing people fall in love with your book. In about ten years in your fantasy, you’d begin writing horror stories under a pen name so people would take the story seriously, after the great success and maybe a limited series adaptation you’d reveal it was you and maybe accept an award. 
But all that rested on how well you wrote this book. 
A few publishing companies had reached out, one stuck with you and asked for the entire book to be done in two weeks. You were ahead of schedule but it felt like the day was just getting closer, you began to second guess yourself. 
But all of that had to be put away after two hours of editing writing, Bucky had texted you he was on his way to pick you up. 
You: dress code? 
Bucky: I’m wearing jeans and a dress shirt
You: that doesn’t exactly help but alright
Bucky: opps…
Hair and makeup was easy a very minimal, not wanting to go too overboard and be overdressed for your first date with him. As you found something to wear Natasha migrated to your room, most likely hearing your rustling. She wore her pyjamas and sat cross-legged on your bed, watching as you moved around to find clothes. When you looked over your shoulder you found her eating a slice of pizza. 
“Mmm-” she had taken a bite but wanted to say something, “don’t wear that, there’s a hole in the back.” 
“Shit, you’re right,” you faced your back to the mirror and looked over your shoulder, seeing the hole that randomly showed up. “I think I’m going to go for those fake leather pants, my boots, and then a purple little top with a big white cardigan,” you explained to Natasha as you found the clothes. 
“Brown pants,” Natasha corrected, “too much dark on the top and too much light on the bottom.” 
“It’s a dark purple top,” you held it up to show that it was in fact, a dark purple. 
“Oh, then that’s fine,” she waved you off, “wait- that’s my top!” she laughed and walked over, touching your shoulder to feel the fabric, it was a small cropped t-shirt. After laughing together for a while you got serious again. 
“Lipstick?” you asked as you walked into the bathroom. 
“Hell no,” she said before ripping the crust and plopping the piece in her mouth, “lip gloss.” 
“Got it,” you applies a little and smacked your lips together, “how do I look?” you turned to face her. 
Natasha took a step back and surveyed your outfit, nodding as her eyes travelled up your body. Natasha was the kind of friend to tell you straight away if you started your period and it stained your pants, or if you had lettuce in your teeth. She was a ‘no bullshit’ kind of person and you loved her for these moments. If she hated the outfit she’d tell you, sparring your hatred for any pictures you saw after the fact. 
“You look hot,” a smile graced her face, “here, eat this,” the last piece of crust was shoved into your mouth, slightly hitting your lip gloss but you didn’t care. As you chewed and looked in the mirror the doorbell rang, and a flash of panic showed up on your face. “Breathe,” Natasha whispered, “he likes you, you like him, this is going to be really fun for the both of you.” her hands grabbed both of your shoulders, “let me get the door, take a sip of water, and go see your man, alright?” you nodded and the doorbell rang again, “shut up, Barnes!” she yelled as she left the bathroom. 
“Just a date,” you whispered to yourself, fixing your hair absentmindedly, “you got this.” 
After rounding the corner out of the bathroom you saw Bucky standing alone in the doorway, holding a bouquet of flowers. When he saw you his posture slightly straighten and he extended the flowers to you, you felt like you were in high school at that moment. 
“You look lovely,” his voice was so quiet and sincere that you knew that was only your ears. 
Natasha took the flowers and put them in a vase, coming back with her retro camera. Her hands made a motion to tell you to push in together. Bucky laughed it off and you tried to get her to put the camera down but Natasha insisted she took a picture. 
His arm wrapped around your back, his hand falling on your waist and slightly squeezing you. You leaned into him and placed his hand on his chest, smiling at the camera and trying not to look dizzy from the smell of his cologne. It had something to do with the woods but not pine, something muskier. After the picture was taken you waved goodbye to Natasha and left, being led by Bucky to his convertible. 
The sun was setting but there wasn’t a chill tonight, he let the top stay down as he drove to the restaurant. Small talk moved quickly as you caught up on what you did when you got home, telling him about all the writing you were doing. Even though he was looking at the road you still felt him listening, you had turned to face him by the end of your ramble about everything. He’d nod and peel his eyes off the road for a second, nodding again and looking back to the road. Little hums came from behind the wheel as you filled him in, letting you know he was still listening. When he’d reach a red light his entire body would turn to face you to match how you were facing him, when the light turned green and change the hue across his face he turned back to drive again; most likely seeing the change of hue on your face as well and using that as his signal to keep driving. 
“This place looks nice,” you whisper as you lean forward to see the sign through the windshield and not have the edge block anything. As you looked forward you didn’t notice Bucky getting out of the car and running to your door, opening it for you and taking your hand to help you stand. 
There was soft music playing in the background, you could hear the chefs and waiters talking to each other in a frantic manner to get the busy restaurant fed. It was hot and dim, the hostess table was almost right in the doorway, making everything very tight and too close together. 
“Watch out!” someone called, you instinctively took hold of Bucky’s entire arm, hugging it to your chest. But when you located where the voice was coming from you realized they were nowhere near you. 
“Uh, I have a reservation,” Bucky cleared his throat as he walked up, “for Barnes.” 
“Right this way,” the teenager making minimum wage smiled and walked both of you to your table, one hand had slid down to hold his hand while the other stayed wrapped around his bicep. 
“Breathe,” he leaned down and whispered. 
The teenager placed the menus down and stepped aside, letting both of you slip into the booth across from one another. She walked away and you looked up and Bucky smilled as he just stared at you with soft eyes. 
“You alright?” he asked, “you seem a little…shaken up.” 
“It’s just…” you looked around, when you looked back at Bucky you could tell he was nervous you really didn’t like it, “nothing, just got a chill,” which was the exact opposite of what you were feeling. 
“Good,” from the way his arms were moving you could tell his hands were running down his thighs, trying to get rid of sweaty palms. 
“So,” you curled both hands under your chin, “do you know the waiters and managers here too?” you joked. 
“Very funny,” Bucky said sarcastically before breaking out a smile. 
Conversation flowed easily after that, between bites of complimentary bread you learned a little bit more about Bucky as he talked. He told you he was in a band for a month in high school, but he had faked knowing how to play the drums just to hang out with the cool guys in his grade. He met Steve in high school and Sam in university. Bucky was older than the both of them, he was in grade twelve with Steve in grade ten and Bucky was in the third year when meeting first-year Sam. 
“I’ve known Natasha for a long time and she’s been dating Steve for a while as well, how come I’ve never really met you before- I mean, I’ve heard your name in stories and I’ve seen pictures from when Steve was in high school and you were there, how come I haven’t formally met you?” You laughed, not understanding how you two could avoid each other for so long. 
“It’s complicated,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “I-...it’s just a lot.” 
“Sorry,” you saw the way his tone changed, “I didn’t meet to pry, just curious- again, asking too many questions.” 
“No no,” Bucky shook his head, “I’ll tell you soon enough, don’t worry.” All you did was nod, your mouth opened as if you were about to say something but your phone began to ring. “See who it’s from,” he nodded towards your bag, knowing you didn’t want to be on your phone during a date. 
“It’s my boss…Hero,” you looked to see Bucky nod, “I’ll be back in two seconds, I swear.” 
“Take your time,” he said as you stood up, “just don’t ditch me, pretty lady.” 
“I won’t,” you felt warm at the pet name, “order something for me.” before the ringing stopped you picked up your phone, pushing the doors to the outside. “Hey, Hero.” 
“Great news!” he almost cut you off, “we’ve been picked up!” A happy scream left your body, Hero copied you. You jumped a little and looked around to make sure no one was laughing, hold a hand over your mouth in disbelief. “We’re doing our friends and family show this Sunday and then our first show is Tuesday.” 
“This is amazing,” you leaned against the brick wall, “I’m so happy for us.” 
“I know,” you could hear his smile, “how many seat should I save for you?” 
“I’ll get back to you on that but I’m going to go with…” Natasha is going to come and she’ll bring Steve and then maybe Sam will come because he doesn’t want to feel left out and then- Bucky. Would Bucky come? “Save four for now.” 
“You got it,” Hero cheered, “see you soon!” 
The hostess recognized you when you walked in, not asking if you’d like a table. You carefully walked back to your booth and tried to not get in any server’s way, the last thing you wanted was to cause a massive spill in front of everyone; including your date. When you could see Bucky he hadn’t looked over yet, both menus were gone so you guessed he order for you but he looked more worried than normal, his hands rubbed faster on his jeans. You were crafting a long speech in your head to tell him to relax a little but the second he saw you he stood up, putting on his jacket. 
“I have to leave,” he was frantic, “I-I’m so sorry, I ordered you food if you want to eat it but I really have to go.” 
“Bucky,” you whispered, holding your hands out and trying to push him back into the booth so no one could look over and judge. “What’s going on?” 
“You wouldn’t understand,” he said more to himself and began to walk away, heading towards the door. 
Forgetting about the food you ordered, you followed him, trying not to yell in the restaurant where kids were colouring on their kid's menus and grandparents exchanged cards for their anniversary. Before Bucky pushed open the door the teenager grew suspicious. 
“Have you paid?” she asked. 
Bucky kept walking, not even looking over his shoulder. “I’m so sorry,” you shook your head, “my bag is still there, something has just come up and we need some air, I’m coming back in and I’ll pay- here,” you took out your ID and passed it off to her, “take my word.” 
“Thank you,” she smiled, knowing she wasn’t getting paid enough for this. 
You quickly ran out to see Bucky next to his car, not waiting like he normally would and just opening his door. It was getting dark out and the lamp posts that were placed evenly through the outside of the restaurant lit him and his car up perfectly, almost like a spotlight. 
“Bucky!” you yelled, grabbing his arm so he wouldn’t get in, “what’s the matter with you, what are you doing?” you tried to pull him out but the look on his face told you he needed to leave. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, “but I have to go.” 
“Why?” you crouched so you were his height, reaching out and cupping his face. 
“I can’t tell you.” 
“Why is no one telling me anything?” you stepped away as you raised your voice, “people are walking on eggshells when I bring you up, there's something you’re hiding from me and I want to know-I’m being selfish, I know I am but it feels like every single person but I know what’s going on.” you turned to him, “is your name really James? Have you actually been working at the Auto shop for that long? Or are you some convicted felon, charged with murder, served twenty years and you’re actually “fifty-fucking-years old!” you screamed as you leaned forward. 
He sat there a took it, “who are these other people?” his voice the exact opposite of yours. 
“Natasha and Steve and Sam, all the time. Whenever I bring you up and you’re not there they i see if you’ve ‘told me the thing yet’. Sam literally asked me today after our lunch break,” you ran your hands down your face, “whatever you’re hiding I’m still going to like you, Bucky, I just want to know because if it’s this big of a secret I feel like you’re living a double life.” 
“Fine,” he swung his legs out from the car but stayed seated, “I was in an abusive relationship.” 
Cold water poured down your back and made you freeze in front of him. You couldn’t help your jaw from slacking and your eyes widening. The shameful look on Bucky’s face seeped into the pavement and made its way onto you, making you want to curl up or go back in time. He didn’t look mad at you, the way his eyes spaced out as he looked at your shoes told you he was thinking of this previous significant other. 
“I-” the words choked you, gripped your throat as you saw him begin to cry, “Bucky, no,” you gasped leaning down and wrapping your arms around him. At first, he didn’t hug back, just letting his head rest on your shoulder as you frantically apologies, “please, I didn’t know, I wouldn’t have called you out, I’m so sorry, please forgive me, I can’t believe-oh my god, no,” you began to cry as well, “no no no,” when you pulled away your hands went into his long locks, pushed them out so you could see his eyes and the way they cast onto the ground and nothing else. 
“I’m not mad at you,” his voice was like the gravel you kneeled on, “I’m mad at her, she was right.” 
“No, she wasn’t,” you didn’t know what he meant but you know he shouldn’t believe his abuser was right, “whatever it is, she wasn’t right.” 
“She said I was so ruined, I’d never be able to trust anyone again, I’d never be able to be in a relationship again because she took pride in ruining that for me.” the words tumbled out as he cried, “she was awful,” his voice dropped down an octave, a rough tone shot out, almost a growl when he said that, “she’d-she’d…” his lip quivered. 
“It’s okay,” your hands were still cupping his face. As you looked at him your thumb came to brush his bottom lip, trying to stop it from trembling. “Don’t tell me if you’re not ready.” 
“I have to go home,” more tears crept upon him, “I really have to go and I’m so sorry,” finally, he met your eyes and you could tell it was the most sincere thing he’s ever said. 
“I’ll call an Uber,” you spoke softly, “go home, Bucky, and text me when you’re there, alright?” 
“Who called?” he asked, when you looked at him with a furrowed brow he further explained, “who called when you left?” 
“My boss,” you shook your head, not wanting to make him feel bad for leaving when you had good news. But he looked at you, silently asking what he said, “the show got picked up, he asked how many seats I wanted for family and friends night.” again, another look to ask how many seats you got. “I got four. Natasha, Steve, Sam, and…” his eyes squeezed shut, “you. I got a seat for you.” 
With the final wave of tears hitting him he lunged forward, wrapped his arms around you and hugged you back. Heavy sobs ripped out of his chest as his hands grabbed a fist full of your white cardigan as more than just this moment fell out. You couldn’t figure out if he was happy, upset, or overwhelmed that you got him a ticket, he didn’t have the breath support to whisper anything to you while he cried. Once the tears stopped a few whimpers left him, not waiting to let go of you. 
“Would you like me to come back to your place?” you whispered, running your hand down the back of his head. 
“N-no thank you,” he shook his head, your heart twisted at how polite he was being. 
“Text me when you’re home safe, alright?” you pulled away and watched as he swung his leg back into the car, “hey,” you smiled when he looked at you, “we’ll do this again, I promise.” 
He could nod, pull out of the spot, and drive away. 
Leaving you alone in an almost vacant parking lot.
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