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rolfschroedergc · 2 years ago
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Expand your Cooking Options…Doylestown, PA Outdoor Living Remodel. Bucks Mont NARI & Northeast Regional NARI recently recognized this project with a Contractor of the Year Award in Outdoor Living Spaces $100,000 - $250,000. What was once a none cohesive deck and patio area was completely demoed and redesigned into a space this family could expand their cooking & entertaining options. • Project includes various methods of additional cooking (grill, smoker, and high BTU side burner. The upper covered portion is perfect for protection from inclement weather cooking and dining. The uncovered areas allow the client to enjoy beautiful days and nights under the stars. • 📸 @lindamcmanusimages 🌫️ @suburbanmarble @durationmouldingandmillwork @sequoiaoutback • #rolfschroedergc #designbuild #designbuildremodel #outdoorkitchen #outdoorliving #weremodelaHOMEnotahouse #exteriordesign #exterior #remodel #remodeling #remodelingcontractors #kitchenremodel #homeremodel #architecture #buckscounty #buckscountypa #buckscountydesign #buckscountydesignbuild #buckscountyremodeling #buckscountyremodeler #customcabinetry #millwork #millworkdesign #expandyourcooking (at Doylestown, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpBMdiYJ2_S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rolfschroedergc · 2 years ago
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Can you see yourself enjoying a morning cup of coffee here? • Custom screen porch we are wrapping up in Yardley, PA. • #rolfschroedergc #custom #designbuild #remodel #designbuildremodel #exteriordesign #exterior #enjoyingtheview #boral #truexterior @durationmouldingandmillwork @boralnorthamerica #screenedporch #screenporch #outdoorliving #contractor #remodeler #buckscounty #buckscountypa #buckscountydesignbuild #builtbetter #buckscountyremodeler #buckscountybuilder (at Yardley, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjQAKS0O1Xu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rolfschroedergc · 2 years ago
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Last light sanding & final coat of poly means we are nearing the end on our Whole House Remodel in Yardley, PA. This was a fun project with some major changes to help create a better way of living for this client. • #rolfschroedergc #designbuild #remodeling #wholehouseremodel #wholehouseremodeling #interiordesign #millwork #custommade #craftsmanship #woodworking #yardleypa #yardleyremodeling #generalcontractor #carpentry #buckscounty #buckscountypa #buckscountyremodeler #buckscountydesignbuild #weremodelaHOMEnotahouse #builtbetter (at Yardley, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjIorDEOl7p/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rolfschroedergc · 4 years ago
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Recently finished Mudroom Project in Churchville, PA. Removal of some walls and closet helped open this space up to create improved functionality and a more welcoming feel for this clients main point of entry. • After’s and Before’s • #rolfschroedergc #designbuildremodel #transformation #interiorremodeling #design #remodel #contractor #customtile #custommirror #detailsmatter #builtbetter #storage #functionality #welcoming #buckscounty #buckscountyremodeler #buckscountydesignbuild (at Churchville, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJjCy4Xj8n2/?igshid=d92b29qn8h7y
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rolfschroedergc · 4 years ago
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We promised to show you the extra detail that beautiful vanity was getting and here it is. A custom mirror frame (glass was templated today) using the tile to match the floor inlay. We can’t wait to see this finished! ❤️ • #rolfschroedergc #custom #custommade #tile #mirror #powderroom #powderroomdesign #designbuild #designbuildbuckscounty #buckscounty #buckscountypa #buckscountydesignbuild #buckscountyremodeler #remodeling (at Churchville, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHwE8p3jGuU/?igshid=b83fafzzeo80
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rolfschroedergc · 5 years ago
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We are excited to announce we came in at No. 198 in this years Remodeling Top 550 most successful remodeling firms in the United States. Thank you to our entire team and clients for helping in our company’s success over the last almost 40 years. Here’s to another at least 40 years in business serving our community and neighbors with all their remodeling needs. • @remodelingmag • Call us today for your Home Design & Remodeling @ 215.672.0829 • #rolfschroedergc #remodelingtop550 #success #supportlocal #designbuildremodel #interiordesign #kitchenremodel #bathroomremodel #wholehouseremodel #interiorremodeling #exteriorremodeling #buckscountypa #buckscounty #buckscountyremodeler #buckscountyremodeling #buckscountydesignbuild (at Bucks County, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE5LLp-jq9v/?igshid=2ot0ok6tr5wf
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rolfschroedergc · 5 years ago
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Another Outdoor Living Porch going up in Doylestown, PA. This is will add much needed shade and an outdoor entertaining space for this Client. • #rolfschroedergc #outdoorliving #deck #porch #design #build #remodeling #designbuildremodel #deckdesign #outdoorlivingroom #entertainingathome #doylestownpa #buckscountydesign #buckscountypa #buckscountyremodeling #buckscountyremodeler #buckscountydesignbuild #designbuildbuckscounty (at Doylestown, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEXdvtKD-Qo/?igshid=630j6evjchvs
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rolfschroedergc · 5 years ago
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Cabinetry is coming off the truck for our Churchville Kitchen Remodel. Excited to get these beauties installed next week. • @starmarkcabinetry • #rolfschroedergc #cabinetry #kitchen #remodel #churchvillepa #buckscounty #cabinets #cabinetdesign #quality #carpentry #interior #paintedcabinets #glazedcabinets #buckscountypa #designbuildremodel #designbuildremodeling #designbuildremodeler #designbuildbuckscounty #buckscountydesignbuild #buckscountybuilder (at Churchville, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDjloLJDvYw/?igshid=h6kvxlshtt7k
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rolfschroedergc · 5 years ago
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Which Father’s Day Man Cave would you want? • @chiefarchitectsoftware • #happyfathersday #mancave #lowerlevel #basement #basement #basementdesign #designbuild #designbuildremodel #uniquelyyou #remodeling #rolfschroedergc #interiordesign #visualize #buckscounty #montgomerycounty #buckscountybuilder #buckscountyremodeler #buckscountydesignbuild (at Bucks County, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBtCLAkj8W8/?igshid=1js8272dack93
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rolfschroedergc · 5 years ago
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#transformationtuesday take a look at the After & Before photos of this recent Kitchen Remodel we completed as part of a Whole Home Remodel. • Cabinetry made by: @village_handcrafted Cabinetry installed by: @rolfschroedergc Marble Countertops by: @suburbanmarble 📸: Randl Bye Photography • #transformation #after #before #beforeandafter #kitchendesign #kitchenremodel #kitchenisland #kitchenrenovation #kitchen #butcherblock #marble #insetcabinets #customcabinetry #hardwoodfloors #designbuild #designbuildremodel #buckscountydesignbuild #remodeling #contractor #interior #interiordesign #wholehouseremodel #wholehouserenovation #wholehouseremodeling #builtbetter #weremodelaHOMEnotahouse #lovewhereyoulive (at Bucks County, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAeHhKwjfIY/?igshid=8v3fe287wcjv
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rolfschroedergc · 5 years ago
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Wow we have hit 500 followers. Thank You to all of our followers for the continued support of our Family-Owned Remodeling Firm which has been designing and crafting beautiful living spaces in Bucks and Montgomery Counties since 1982! • #grateful #thankyou #500followers #buckscounty #buckscountypa #montgomerycounty #montgomerycountypa #design #build #remodeling #buckscountydesign #buckscountyremodeler #buckscountydesignbuild #montgomerycountydesign #montgomerycountyremodeler #montgomerycountydesignbuild #remodeler #home #craftsmen #builtbetter (at Bucks County, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_GAZNSDkT8/?igshid=fj8kgb87isra
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rolfschroedergc · 5 years ago
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As we all take a step back and spend some more time in our homes...look around, make a list, and contact us with your wish list of projects and we can begin a conversation with you about your needed projects. • Design | Build | Remodel We handle all aspects in house for all home remodeling projects which helps streamline the process. This leads to a more efficient projects saving our Clients time and money. • #rolfschroedergc #designbuildremodel #homeremodeling #contractor #design #interiordesign #exteriordesign #remodeling #builtbetter #lovewhereyoulive #webuildaHOMEnotahouse #clientsforlife #family #buckscounty #buckscountypa #buckscountydesignbuild #buckscountydesign #buckscountyremodeler (at Bucks County, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-A8dmjjYCH/?igshid=tp5lv047wbx0
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rolfschroedergc · 5 years ago
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Starting off the new year with the first delivery of cabinetry for our #redfoxdrivereno from our local custom cabinet company. Wait until you see these beautiful #cabinets used through the #wholehouse • #rolfschroedergc @village_handcrafted #custom #cabinetry #cabinetrydesign #kitchendesign #bathroomdesign #customcabinetry #collaborationovercompetition #localbusiness #local #wholehouseremodel #wholehouserenovation #designbuild #designbuildremodel #buckscounty #buckscountypa #buckscountydesignbuild #buckscountyremodeler #buckscountyremodeling #newhopepa #soleburypa (at New Hope, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B61St5wjYrZ/?igshid=gd8n27d20782
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rolfschroedergc · 5 years ago
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Time to place a bow on 2019 and call it finished. It was another great year for the RSGC Team and our Clients. We are looking forward to what new and exciting projects 2020 brings our way. As well as continuing our current Client relationships. Cheers to a new year, new growth, and new opportunities! 🥂🎉 • #rolfschroedergc #happyholidays #newyear #newopportunities #clientrelationships #construction #designbuild #remodel #kitchenremodel #bathroomremodel #addition #buckscounty #buckscountypa #buckscountyremodeler #buckscountybuilder #buckscountydesignbuild #interiordesign #weremodelaHOMEnotahouse #lovewhereyoulive #uniquelyyours #traditions #familybusiness #generations #newbuild #renovations #team #teamwork #trusttheprocess #homedesign (at Bucks County, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6vXo_qjY3o/?igshid=1j3pok3nxceo3
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rolfschroedergc · 5 years ago
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Hardwood flooring is finished, site protection is in place and now time for the millwork to acclimate over the next 72 hours before we install it. Why do we take this extra step? It prevents the millwork from shrinking/expanding causing problems later on. This is a very important step missed by many in our industry. • #rolfschroedergc #attentiontodetail #itsallaboutthesmallthings #becausewecare #stepabovetherest #quality #craftsmanship #siteprotection #millwork #acclimation #carpentry #contractor #remodeler #designbuild #buckscountyremodeler #buckscountybuilder #buckscountydesignbuild #weremodelaHOMEnotahouse #lovewhereyoulive #wholehouseremodel (at Solebury, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6uE-xCj8wR/?igshid=1bn98tuab4nq5
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rolfschroedergc · 5 years ago
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Some big changes and finishing up the millwork at our #hilltowncustomcapereno project. Stay tuned to see the before and after transformation of these two girls bedrooms. • #rolfschroedergc #designbuildremodel #bedroomremodel #millwork #casing #builtins #capecod #remodel #buckscounty #buckscountypa #buckscountyremodeler #buckscountydesignbuild #interiordesign #interior #hilltownpa #perkasiepa #countryliving #contractor (at Hilltown) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5q7ocbjRvU/?igshid=1g3hhg3mnaoi6
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