#bubbleheads unite
Berserk Unit 02
tags from last round:
"#i want that twink obliterated [referring to Kaworu] #eva 02 berserk forever" - @blackmelange
"normally I wouldn't be biased and try and influence my own poll, but please stop voting for this twink! Unit 02 please you need to win!" - @daughter-of-sapph0
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"vote ramiel, i think we can really make her scream" - anon
"We all love cubes. Minecraft, Rubix, all classics.
Now, have you ever asked yourself, what if that cube could scream, and shoot lasers that can melt mountains? That would be Ramiel.
Ramiel, the angel of thunder, the 5th angel, is perhaps one of the most powerful angels faced by NERV. Nearly impervious to physical attack, it was only able to be killed by an extremely precise shot to the core with a positron rifle.
Also, have you seen the way she's animated in the rebuild movies? jesus christ i love her so much" -@alice-hastur
tags from last round:
"#RAMIEEEEELLLLL #ramiel sweep always and forever #sorry lilith you deserves more but the geometric shape wins for me" - @fire-lord-katara
"#Lilith I love you you're wonderful and I want you to turn me into orange goo #bUT OCTAHEDRON GOES EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH #RAMIEL SWEEP" - @fern-pajamabrain
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see-write-thru · 5 years
Response to Ray on Hong Kong, Trump, and Communism
Communism killed at least 10, if not 50 million before during and after the second world war. You really miss the point entirely, and never understand why I look at BBC, and other news outlets to understand more fully what is taking place. It’s not to erode freedom, or side with communism nor is it anti or pro Trump and certainly not taking away from your favorite Murdoch news. Communism was an aberration and more insidious than the very concentrated and systematic slaughter engaged in by rabid national socialists. Communism is certainly the worst ideology imaginable considering what bolshevism brought to eastern Europe and Russia preceding Germany's reaction to Poland and the murder of 58,000 ethnic Germans along the Danube and other places like Czechoslovakia, not to mention economic sanctions that weren't only crippling Germany, but decimating its people...literally. People didn't take up arms because they couldn't afford Play Stations - their very survival was at stake, as individuals and a people. Furthermore, look at what happened in Ukraine prior to WWII, and what happened to the poor Germans after they lost ...literal rape of all females daily and i mean from 8 to 80 (that was the expression used by Germans as they witnessed the 'Red Liberators' taking eastern Germany with support or at least complicity from the allies considering we did nothing about it, and that was ultimately what Deutschland was trying to avoid)
Patton wanted to kick all their asses clear into this century.  So, what I am saying is we need to be careful about everything and consider not only what we are doing and why, but what will be required in holding our position, in support of Hong Kong. You seem to believe that if I look deeper at what’s happening and why, that I'm anti-American, or anti-Trump. It's not pro or con with me - its observation and understanding meaningful challenges to this nation and others, either via proxy, nation states, or domestic, considering policies and intentions of all sides. I'm placing this in a historical context to show what's black and white and what is not.  
While Karl Marx worked backward from a conclusion, Bolsheviks murdered thousands through starvation, and people like Himmler and Hitler easily rose to power - and let’s not forget ideologically promiscuous financers and arms dealers selling loans or weapons and material, to ANY side buying. This statement may be antiquated but still bears some relevance: Historically National Socialism, and Communism had one common thread, despite linear opposition, in west and eastern Europe - both had dictatorships over central regimes by edict. That’s not supposed to be America...and I don’t believe it is.  Although I probably wouldn’t hang out with Trump, he is doing what needs to be done economically and politically and we can expect resistance and it may really affect us here more than some realize. What this country is doing is pragmatic and conducive to its economic needs.  
The irony here, is that Hong Kong is a competitor, yet strategic to our interests because of its alignment. China doesn't care about individual rights and they will now most likely be adversarial, and not only competitors. That said, i don't think the rape of Nanking was especially nice, nor Pinochet in some Chilean circles, or places like Dachau and Sorbibor. This planet has a history of enormous violence and looking at what is both noble and depraved in human existence I am uniformly inspired and terrified.  Just to set the record straight: STOP IMPLYING that I'm misinformed, or against this country or siding with communists, Ray. You are so binary as to be myopic in considering what’s happening.  All i am saying is that China will most likely react and it will be at least counter to our interests if not adversarial. And let’s not forget, Russia, who we are working tirelessly to pull away from China's orbit.
I won't apologize for looking further than Fox news to understand what's taking place and why. On violence, I'm agnostic considering only that less or none is better if possible and the plausibility of war is always present. Please get that straight.
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chdarling-tle · 3 years
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ok ok I know I said I wasn’t going to do more TLE2 spoilers for a little while, but then *waves hands vaguely* insomnia.
So here, have a series of letters from the summer of 1976, from Padfoot and Prongs to a certain missing-in-action welsh werewolf.
Full text under the cut. :)
To the Right Honorable Lord Moony of Somewhere-in-Wales-I-Can’t-Spell:
Well, it’s happened! The Catapults beat the Wasps to a bloody pulp and now all my dreams are coming true. They’ll be playing Puddlemere United for the League Cup on June 25th, and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t gloat about it to your face when we absolutely clobber you. So you better be there. We’ve got tickets, it’s going to be brilliant. Write me back as soon as you can and we’ll make arrangements to meet up.
See you soon, Mr. Prongs
[A doodle of a hand catching a snitch and the words: “Puddlemere’s seeker. (obviously)“]
Need you to settle a disagreement. Goes like this: Prongs reckons it’d be possible to do a complete survey of the lake by simply using a bubblehead charm and going for a quick swim. I say he’s an absolute twit and he’d be offed by a mermaid, if he didn’t drown first. Prongs counters that he could ‘take a mermaid.’ I reaffirm my previous assessment of ‘absolute twit.’
As the only reasonable member of this delegation, we require your input.
Please advise.
P.S. Any word on if you can make it to the match? Hope it’s yes.
To his Excellency, Mr. Moony, Sir:
I was right. Puddlemere positively destroyed the Catapults. I can only assume you predicted this and that is why you neglected to respond to my previous letter. We missed you, but I understand your position. It’s never easy to watch your team fail. Not that I’d know.
How are you holding up, you old hermit? You haven’t fallen into St. George’s Channel, have you? That would be very rude of you, I’ve waited years to gloat about clobbering you in Quidditch, and it would feel a bit tacky to carry on about it if you’d drowned. I’d still do it, mind you, but it would dull some of the shine.
We got our O.W.L. results today, so I’m assuming you did too. Glad that’s behind us. Anyway, guess who was just made Quidditch Captain? It’s me! This means I will no longer be cowed by your authoritarian prefect posturing. So, be ready for that. Also I get to use your secret prefect bathroom. Ha!
Seriously. Write me back. I’m getting worried.
Captain Prongs
[A doodle of an enthusiastic James Potter next to a tombstone that reads “R.J. Lupin. Lost at Sea.” An arrow points to the doodle with the words “me telling your grave about the AMAZING match”]
Well, it’s been all summer so I’m assuming you’re not going to write either of us back. Prongs says you’ve just reverted to your natural hermit ways and there’s nothing to be done for it, but I suspect you’re still angry with me.
I’m just writing you because
I wish you’d respond, but since I know you
He’s probably already told you — I doubt there’s a set of ears left in Britain who hasn’t heard — but Prongs has been named Quidditch Captain, and he’s properly chuffed. I think this means we have to salute him now. I’m telling you this so you can prepare yourself for the inevitable lectures on broom velocity and the optimal morning workout routine to develop the most aerodynamic Beaters, etc., etc. Don’t ask me how I know.
Only a few weeks left before school, so I guess I’ll see you there.
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soldierswar · 4 years
Feel Something
Bucky X Reader 
Pt 1 of 5
Plot: You’re new to working in a unit that works alongside The Avengers. Due to your troubled past, you're having a hard time adjusting to your new life. As you try to go about this new life as smoothly as possible, the presence of the infamous yet intriguing Bucky Barnes begins to complicate that very task.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, (eventual smut)
Saying that getting used to your new life working alongside some of the world’s most important and well-regarded people on the planet was a “challenge” was a big understatement. But getting used to being at a party with all of them would be a task that seemed almost more difficult than the former. More and more people walked through the door or Steve’s Brooklyn apartment. They greeted each other, laughed, joked, settled in, and seemed to be having a great time. You had no idea why you were actually there, or why you agreed to even go in the first place. You didn’t feel like you had the right to even deserve their hospitality towards you.  So, you stayed in a corner and tried to go unnoticed while sipping on your, (what was it), third drink?   “I see you too are an observer?” acknowledged someone next to you. It was Natasha. As much as all the Avengers and company adored her, she too was one to stay on the sidelines when she felt like it. If she was being conversational, it was going to be with one or two people in a quiet corner, or when she was acting as bartender. She just liked to play it off as being too cool for big groups at once, and honestly, it worked for her. But now for whatever reason, you seemed to be her target of interest. “Remind me your name? Y/N, right?” You knew that she knew your name. But that was just her way of striking conversation with the likes of someone as quiet as you. “Good to see you, Natasha,” you greeted attempting to show a kind smile before taking another big sip of your drink. “Not really your scene, I gather?” she inquired. You shrugged nonchalantly and smiled attempting to play it as cool as her. Unfortunately, you knew that your efforts at masking feelings in front of her while on the verge of being drunk were in vain.   “Steve!” you greeted cheerfully as he approached you for a hug. You tried to pretend that maybe he didn’t hear the overcompensation in your voice. “Y/N it’s great to have you here. I’d say make yourself at home and have a drink but I see that you already--” You raised your red cup in his direction and tipsily croaked in a high pitched voice, “Cheers!”   He chuckled and bumped his plastic red cup with yours. Suddenly your efforts to seem cheerful failed you as a familiar face entered the room. You could feel all of the color leave your face, and numbness began to overtake your occupied hand. Luckily, it wasn’t enough to make you drop your cup. In fact, you looked down to realize that you were actually gripping onto it even harder. Steve turned around and saw what or who the culprit was.  
He turned back to you. 
“Y/N, I’m sorry I should have told you. It was last min—” 
“Why are you apologizing?” you reassured in hushed tones. “He’s your best friend. It would be stupid for me not to think that he wouldn’t be here.” It’s not that you thought it was strange that Bucky Barnes would be at the party…You were just too bubbleheaded to even think about it as a possibility in the first place. Steve set a sympathetic hand on your shoulder and said goodbye before making his way over to Bucky. You decided that you needed to be distracted, and resolved that it was time to allow yourself to have fun and get to know more people; especially the ones you were working within your unit. So you struck up a conversation with Natasha and began to familiarize yourself with each other. Eventually, others joined you, and you surprisingly began to enjoy yourself. For the first time in a long time, you finally started to feel your true personality start to pop out, and it felt good. But one thing that you couldn’t help doing was glancing across the room at none other and Bucky himself. Or as you had once known him as ‘The Winter Soldier’. It was weird for you to see him as a normal human being doing exactly what you were doing with a calm demeanor. He stood in the open kitchen leaning against the counter talking to Sam and Wanda. He too seemed to be enjoying himself. But if you didn’t know any better, it seemed as though he’d sneak a glance at you too. “Y/N,” said one of the agents across from you in the little 5 person circle you were in. “You knew him back in the day, right? Back when you were with Hyd—’ “Aaron,” snapped the girl next to him. He raised his hands in surrender and apologized. “It’s cool,” you reassured in hushed tones. It seemed to be something that you had to do a lot that night. “I wouldn’t say I knew him. But I did work with him.” Everyone around you went quiet for a moment, and the tension began to be too much for you. It wasn’t like it was awkward that he mentioned you having been with Hydra before. It was the whole reason you were there. It was the whole reason that most of the people circulating around you were there. That small faction of you were valuable because you knew how Hydra worked, and what they could possibly be doing next. And your methods for the past 6 months were effective. But no matter how much you did to help eliminate them as much as they possibly could be, there was no pretending that none of you came out of that dark organization without crippling guilt and both literal and emotional scars that would never heal. And you all had your own unique set of triggers. Sometimes yours was the thought of seeing a familiar face. And the only familiar face that you knew just happened to be Steve Rogers’s best friend. “I don’t know about you guys,” you sighed trying to sound chipper. “But I’m gonna get me another drink. Anyone want one?” Everyone shook their head as you walked off toward the kitchen to where the booze was. You noticed that Bucky wasn’t around there anymore. Maybe he left? You disregarded it, grabbed your drink, and decided that you needed air. So once your cup was full of  “mystery punch” as Sam liked to call it, you headed to the balcony. The fresh, cool autumn air felt nice as you inhaled and exhaled your worries away. You centered yourself and decided that you weren’t going to let anything bother you. You were going to have to face other aspects of your past that didn’t involve planning operations. Sure, there were other people like you in your unit, but none were familiar faces. And they certainly weren’t someone as significant as the Winter Soldier. Or rather, Bucky Barnes. Speaking of… You felt a quiet presence near you. To be honest, you wouldn’t have even noticed had it not been for the click of a lighter followed by the faint smell of cigarette smoke across the balcony. It was him. Was he there the whole time? “You didn’t strike me as the smoker type,” you said. He snapped his head in your direction seeming just as surprised as you were that you were on the balcony, much less strike up a conversation with him. He pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and look down at it for a second. “I’m not,” he shrugged. “Well…If I’m at something like this. Force of habit I guess.” You raised an eyebrow. “You go to these a lot?” He shook his head. “No, I meant back…you know.” You felt like an idiot. “Sorry, I’m being stupid,” you stuttered reaching your nervous hand out to shake his. “I’m Y/N.” He looked at you, tilted his head for a split second before putting the cigarette back in his mouth to shake yours with his warm flesh hand. “Bucky,” he answered taking the cigarette out of his mouth with the other hand. Not that he had to. He had to know that you knew who he was. “I believe I’ve heard about you, Y/N.” You were relieved that he didn’t continue his introduction with ‘I remember you’. From what you understood he remembered a lot from his dark past. So much so that he worked on the sidelines of the unit that you worked with. He was very different from, well…the other times that you had interacted with him. There was a softness in his voice when he wasn’t speaking in Russian. His eyes were kind, and he was gentle when he took your hand to squeeze it. It was like meeting an entirely new person, but with the same face. You wondered what was going on in his mind. Was he introducing himself to you because you were a completely new person to him? Or was he being polite and trying not to acknowledge the fact that you had worked together during the darkest times of your lives? And if it was the former, why did it seem as though he was taking an occasional glance in your direction before your mutual retreat from the crowd? “Are you enjoying yourself?” you asked nervously. He took a long seemingly anxious drag and exhaled to the side before answering. “It’s a nice party. Not as bad as I thought it would be I guess.” He seemed to be holding back from what he really wanted to say. But who were you to pry? And it wasn’t like you didn’t understand, or weren’t in pretty much the same situation. He was just probably feeling the same way a grander scale than you could ever imagine. “Is this your first one?” he asked. You nodded. “Well, everyone seems to like you. From a distance, you seem to fit right in.” So he did notice you. “One could say the same for you too,” you replied. He gave you another soft smile. A smile that made you feel more and more at ease by the second. You returned it hoping you made him feel the same way. He offered you a cigarette, and you politely accepted. As you stepped forward to lean against the railing of the balcony you tentatively took the first drag which was followed immediately by an involuntary coughing fit. “I’m sorry,” you gasped as you watched the orange glow of the end of the cigarette drop all the way to the sidewalk. “You didn’t strike me as the smoker type,” he snorted. You turned to him and rolled your eyes as you chuckled at his amused expression. “Okay, I see you have jokes now,” I huffed playfully. He shrugged. For the next hour or so, you both stayed on the porch and talked. He was funny in a sarcastic sort of way. He talked about Steve and so many of the shenanigans that he would get himself and Bucky into from the time that they were children up until their adulthood. You talked about how some had to talk Steve off the ledge from doing something stupid, and Bucky responded by rolling his eyes unsurprised about what you had to say. You even talked about some of your own blunders. (Of course, only recent blunders). And for that time, you completely forgot about his and your past. You forgot that he may or may not have remembered you, and it didn’t matter. You were nothing more than two people who had just met. Two people who enjoyed each other’s company. “Y/N! You still want a ride home?” asked Natasha noticing when she realized who you were with on the balcony with a seemingly surprised expression. “Or are you good?” You had totally forgotten that you asked Nat for a ride home on her new motorcycle. “No, I’m coming,” you replied before turning to Bucky to say goodbye. “I guess I’ll see you around, maybe?” He gave you that same soft heart-melting smile. “Yeah. You will.”
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queenofwerewolves · 4 years
Top 5 Countries from Sonic Unleashed?
OK look.
Ya'll gotta know that I have a sibling, OK? And she's the type that wont do something until I do it, that means playing videogames
I waited. Twelve. Years.
Twelve. Years.
For my Sonic obssessioned ass to finally play Sonic Unleashed, and not to let my ignorant bubbleheaded sibling to ruin my progress become she's videochatting with her friends about Now United WHILE USING MY XBOX WHICH SHE DOESNT EVEN KNOWS HOW IT WORKS. SHE ASKED ME HOW IT TURNS ON FOR FUCK'S SAKE.
"Oh why doesnt she ask for your hell to learn more?" You might be wondering, because as I say, she's only interested once I touch it, with everything I use, the Netflix, the TV, THE TOILET. SHE DOESNT EVEN LIKES VIDEOGAMES SHE DOES THIS TO TICK ME OFF.
So I play when she isnt at home, which is quite often. But another fact is despite how much I love videogames, I suck at them because I havent had much time to practice due to school, meaning I am still very, very early to Sonic Unleashed and no thanks to FUCKING ICE LEVELS I cant progress further because I suck.
So, dear Spike, for this question I have to answer with:
5. Holoska
4. Mazuri
3. Apotos
2. Spagonia
1. Chun-Nun.
Which are the first five countries of the game, and I refuse to take spoilers and know what others are there
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quenchmagazine · 4 years
Drinkmate adds sparkle to your beverages
Love carbonated beverages but can't stand the plastic waste? Tod Stewart reviews Drinkmate to find out if quenches our bubble cravings.
Calling all bubbleheads (yes, I’m talking to you)! Want to put more fizz in your fluids? Any fluids? The Drinkmate carbonated drink maker adds some sparkle into any liquid you choose quickly, easily and without using electricity… or any real moving parts.
The secret to the unit’s unique ability carbonate everything from water to juice, to tea, coffee, cocktails, and even wine, is the patented…
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hviral · 5 years
Trump blames market meltdown on “Fake News,”
President Trump responded to a tanking stock market, a global economic slowdown and an inverted yield curve by suggesting there was a conspiracy by economists and the media to make him look bad.
Trump tried to blame this week’s stock market slide, which was triggered by worries of a coming recession, on the media.
“The Fake News Media is doing everything they can to crash the economy because they think that will be bad for me and my re-election,” Trump declared on Twitter. “The problem they have is that the economy is way too strong and we will soon be winning big on Trade, and everyone knows that, including China!”
Trump’s prediction that “we will soon be winning big on trade” betrays the current reality: The United States is not winning on trade. His escalating trade war with China has wreaked havoc on the stock market and economists worry it has increased the risk of a recession. Meanwhile, the trade deficit with China has actually been increasing and the trade deficit with Europe is now higher than when Trump took office. The money raised by his tariffs on China are not even enough to cover the taxpayer-funded bailout of farmers hit hard by the trade war and taxpayers have also been hit with big price increases on countless products.
While blaming the media to the public, Trump has privately accused economists of conspiring against him by releasing bad numbers to make him look bad.
“He’s rattled,” a Republican source close to the administration told the Washington Post. “He thinks that all the people that do this economic forecasting are a bunch of establishment weenies — elites who don’t know anything about the real economy and they’re against Trump.”
Except it isn’t just “establishment weenies” sounding the alarm. A survey of American manufacturers found that production is at its lowest since Trump took office, with many blaming his tariffs. Farmers in the Midwest are going broke at record rates, with Trump’s trade war driving many out of business. More than 50 coal plants and eight coal companies have closed since Trump took office. Job creation under Trump is more than 800,000 short of the job growth during the first two and a half years of Obama’s presidency, while the tax cuts he claimed would pay for themselves have added trillions to the national debt. More than 70 percent of American corporate CEOs expect a recession before the end of Trump’s first term.
Trump’s denial of the economic realities that could imperil not just his re-election campaign but millions of workers has spread to his top economic advisers. Larry Kudlow, the former CNBC pundit Trump hired to be the director of the National Economic Council, shrugged off worries of a looming recession.
“Nobody likes to see market volatility. I get that. You get bears coming out of the woodwork. I get that. But we’ve been through that before,” Kudlow told the Post.
It’s worth noting that ahead of the 2008 recession, Kudlow called economists who predicted a coming recession “bubbleheads.”
“There’s no recession coming. The pessimistas were wrong. It’s not going to happen,” he wrote in December 2007. “The Bush boom is alive and well. It’s finishing up its sixth consecutive year with more to come. Yes, it’s still the greatest story never told.”
The Post reported that Trump advisers “acknowledge that they have not planned for a possible recession” and are instead “delivering the president upbeat assessments in which they argue that the domestic economy is stronger than many forecasters are making it out to be.”
Lawrence Summers, the former treasury secretary who served as the National Economic Council director under Obama, warned that it was vital for the administration to prepare for a possible recession but noted that Trump has surrounded himself with economists with no credibility in the event a downturn does hit.
“Ludicrous forecasts and economically illiterate statements have dissipated the credibility of the president’s economic team,” Summers told the Post. “It’s banana republic standard to deny the statistics, bash the central bank, try to push the currency down and lash out at foreign countries.”
Despite a no good, horrible, very bad week for the U.S. economy, and the fact that his team has taken no steps to prepare for a possible recession, Trump bragged to his supporters at a New Hampshire rally on Thursday that the economy would tank if anyone but him is elected in 2020.
“You have no choice but to vote for me, because your 401(k)’s down the tubes, everything’s gonna be down the tubes,” Trump told rally-goers in Manchester. “So whether you love me or hate me, you gotta vote for me.”
The post Trump blames market meltdown on “Fake News,” appeared first on HviRAL.
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