#btw will he get her finally or I have to wait for their 3rd collab?!
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resbang-bookclub · 8 years ago
AMA Transcript: Awoken
This past week, @professor-maka​ and @sahdah​ stopped in to chat about their work on their 2016 Resbang, Awoken! Here’s some of what went down:
Q: How did your fic change/evolve over time? Any deleted scenes/headcanons you couldn't fit into the fic?
ProMa: Sort of? In that I wasn't exactly sure how far I wanted to take the plot at first, and at one point considered a Medusa appearance but decided I liked flipping the villain expectation too much to fuss with it.
Q: How the frick did you write the songs and stuff?? It was so good and hilarious.
ProMa: Ahhhh I can't music which is why the songs are either poems (only the first, and it's intentionally bad) or I took actual songs and just--modified lyrics in the same meter.
Q: You wrote your own lyrics tho?
ProMa: I did. I carefully plotted to the meter of the original. Or in the case of Ox's first song, just kept a really trite meter.
Q: Gotta ask the obvious question: What made you want to do an Enchanted AU!!
ProMa: It's a really fun movie, and I just felt I could do something fun with it. Though I'll admit there's a heavy Enchanted Forest Chronicles in there, too.
Q: What was the hardest scene to write?
ProMa: Hardest to write was hmmmm... Maka waking up the second time. I got stuck in that section forever.
Q: And which scene did you write first?? Loved the song summons btw. It made me laugh so hard.
ProMa: I wrote it pretty much in order except in a few places where I wrote the song before the scene, so the taxi scene came first. The song summons was so fun to write. I wanted to take that scene from Enchanted and completely flip it on its head.
Q: Proma, I love the running gag with the disembodied music, was that from the AU's or your own detail?
ProMa: Disembodied music was just drawing from the brand of humor in Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Patrick Dempsey's reactions in Enchanted, and the reality of musicals. So basically my take on it, lol.
Q: How early in the process did you figure out that Ox was gonna be the prince? Were you always sure it would be him or did you have to narrow it down?
ProMa: Ox was my prince pretty much from the get go. He just fit what I wanted to do. I was going for the more noble version of Hans from Frozen.
Q: Was there anything weird that you didn't expect to make it into the final cut?
ProMa: The potty humor I definitely wasn't sure I would keep. But I am 14 at heart and kept it.
Q: Alternately, anything you wanted to keep but had to cut?
ProMa: I kind of wanted a Black Star appearance but time and plot arc did not allow. Also Wes was not in the original plan but he happened anyway.
Q: Tell us about the art collab! How did it work for you?
ProMa: They were really enthusiastic and supportive and started throwing ideas out from the get go! 
sahdah: Read voraciously, threw my ideas at Proma. 
ProMa: The poster image sahdah did was so great she worked on it forever! sahdah: Proma was super chill and awesome about things, I'd ask for direction and she gave like dress ideas. It was so much fun! 
ProMa: And rogha's painting was lovely.
Q: What was the hardest thing about that poster image?
sahdah: Ahhh the coloring. I did pen drawing and scanned but I'd just gotten a tablet for digital so working the layers was interesting. I had lots of support from Proma and Aer!
Q: How many drafts did you do before you decided on a final image for the art?
sahdah: Um, it started off with just Maka, and then Ox got added. And then I think Kim was next - this is all on the same page - and I knew Soul in a beanie had to be there. So it just grew. 
ProMa: It grew in the most glorious way possible. Sahdah kept sending me updates and I just [said] YES YES GOOD YES.
Q: I am jealous of how well-behaved this fic was for not having any deleted scenes.
ProMa: AHAHA I'm a weird writer. I delete sometimes, but not often.
ProMa: Noooooooo no no no no no. Epilogue is my limit.
Q: What was your favorite scene to write?
ProMa: Either the vermin scene or Maka laying the smackdown on Ox. Both were fun. Maka as badass is always my jam.
Q: Is this a genre you'd want to do again?
ProMa: It was fun, I'd definitely do it again!
Q: Please tell me what inspired the "friendly neighbourhood broctologist" line because I literally laughed at it for 30 straight seconds.
ProMa: B* works in mysterious ways. He always gets my best lines. What inspired it? B* being B*.
[discussion of the rats/roaches scene]
ProMa: That scene is one of the more direct lifts from the film. It's really nasty. Vermin squick me so hard, but vermin summoning is one of the most hilarious things in the film. I HAD to. 
sahdah: Giriko running in fear when he next sees them, lol. 
ProMa: Poor Giriko, he only wanted some loot.
[discussion of how numerous people have not seen Enchanted]
ProMa: It's cute and funny and I did something completely different with the premise because Maka is no Gisselle.
Q: Real question time: Why George Michael?
ProMa: Omg. It was my server name because it was a play on the kiss thing and then I just--had to. Because Wham is awesome and cheesy and it fit.
Q: I'm kinda mad with how it was not awkward or cheesy. How do you put Wham in a story and make it charming?
sahdah: Promagic. 
ProMa: I have no idea. I love Wham, they were my first album. Call it a labor of pure love.
Q: Did you listen/watch anything (besides the obvious) for inspiration?
ProMa: I had a playlist I've been meaning to post: http://8tracks.com/professor-maka/awoken. I'll have to make it not unlisted later lol.
Q: Is it possible for Mr. Proma to do a cover the fic songs?
ProMa: It'd be hilarious but he'd side eye me hard. Very not his genre. Well, maybe the Foo Fighters. :') I would laugh so hard to hear them performed though. Maybe someday someone will perform one and make my life. 
sahdah: Soul singing Pearl Jam in the shower <3 
ProMa: Mr.Proma sent me that song when we were dating, it was a nod to self. 
sahdah: Awwwh, such a good husbando! 
ProMa: Such good husbando. Well, boyfriendu then.
Q: If you had to do it over, would there be anything you'd change?
ProMa: Hmmmmm man I just reread it. I wish I'd edited another round, because I missed some dumb reppy shit and just dumb shit. Also, the ending could be drawn out a bit. So I would do that if I had it to do again. But I was in serious time crunch mode.
Q: I am so impressed with how much fic you can crank out, Proma.
sahdah: Proma cranked out the last bit of the fic in... what was it, like 2 days? 
ProMa: Yeah, the last third was very fast. 
sahdah: I'm like WAIT!!! SO MUCH I NEED TO ART. 
ProMa: Sahdah did her second two pieces in like two days so MASS APPLAUSE. 
sahdah: /head scratch like there was so much good content! 
ProMa: And those pieces are great too.
Q: How does one do that, pull out quality in such a short time?
sahdah: Copious amounts of caffeine and manic cackling with Resbang partners. <3 
ProMa: I write fast under pressure. It's a skill I picked up in school that weirdly translates into creative things. Thank you, undergrad all nighters.
Q: Proma, [in the] epilogue, how does Ox fare with Kim?
ProMa: Omg Ox does not fare with Kim. She is all about dat Jackie. But I mean, he has his kingdom. Even if Spirit gives him constant shit for the rest of his days.
Q: How does Spirit react to maka moving?
ProMa: Spirit is so dejected. I haven't worked it out, but he would definitely seek Maka out. Might even just hand the kingdom to Ox eventually, and go [to the] whole other world. He will visit, that's not even arguable. That omake I will heavily consider. 
Q: Proma, one thing that I was interested to see and that I think I'm glad about is that you didn't do the whole Aesop where Maka has to go back and learn how to break the curse, find happiness in her own world. While I can appreciate that message and I think it has its place, I also think that if people could really do that... there are probably people who would find a place and feel better somewhere other than their "home world." I mean, you could translate the "world" metaphor to people choosing to leave a toxic family of origin, which would be a good thing.
ProMa: Oh yeah, I was never going to go there. This was about Maka shaping her own life on her terms. I was not going for archetypes at alllll. Blair was always my choice for the fairy godmother role. It's so canon anyway. You can do some good things with that trope, it just wasn't the goal. Maka staying in her new life definitely came from the source -- even if a lot of the source is altered beyond recognition. 
sahdah: I also love Maka working to improve herself on her terms. Like the details with the soufflé. 
ProMa: I definitely borrowed some flavor from Wrede.
[more discussion of the vermin scene]
ProMa: That's one of the biggest actual pulls from the movie though -- I flipped it completely. Giselle summons vermin to clean the messy house. Yeah, that is not Maka. Maka just wants her crap back and she's not into the singing thing. 
sahdah: Giriko! The real vermin, lol.
Q: Maka asking animals via Disney princess song to wreck Giriko's shit was one of my favorite things. 
ProMa: It's Maka, she's not gonna sing to clean Soul's house, he can get off his own ass! 
sahdah: Let's be real, he probably has a cleaning service, because of Mother. 
ProMa: His house is spotless, there are maids. (Why a high powered lawyer in Enchanted couldn't hire a maid is beyond me.) 
sahdah: Mc-Procrastinator, not Dreamy. 
ProMa: Mc-raises kid in nasty house. I actually have a soft spot for pet rats, we had them in 3rd grade but an actual in my house rat would make me into a quivering pile of NOPE.
Q: Is it Mc-over? [ implied :( ]
[insert giant chorus of thanks] 
ProMa: You guys asked great questions thank you! It was so much fun, I'm glad others thought so too! 
sahdah: It was my pleasure, I love musicals! 
ProMa: And thanks to my betas here too. Yulie and Sand saved my liiiife.
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