#btw who's your favourite dwarf and why?
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beatx-mavie-archangelx · 11 months ago
I think it's kinda funny how you can see if a The Hobbit fan is a book fan or a movie-only fan just by asking who their favourite dwarf is and why
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howlingdemon13 · 3 months ago
Who was your first fictional crush?:
Frodo Baggins. At least, I think he was the first one…? Little me was onto something there…
What's the first colour you think of when I tell you to think of a colour?:
Emerald green, but that’s because it’s my favorite.
Which fanfiction emotionally scarred you and still makes you shudder to this day?:
I don’t really read fanfiction if I’m being honest. I’ve tried to read and write it, but I just end up losing focus and idk why. When I do read anything, I make sure to read the tags and avoid things that might make me upset.
I'm coming to your house for dinner, non-negotiable, what are you making me?:
A beef roast with garlic harvester sauce with a side of baked potatoes and sauteed mushrooms (with enough seasoning to kill a WASP). Dessert is apple cake.
Do you prefer lions or kangaroos?:
Lions. I’m a sucker for anything kitty-cat shaped.
Which fictional villain do you brush past the glaringly obvious issues for because you really like them?:
My pwetty widdle meow-meow angel pwincess woobie babie ✨ DIO ✨
(the title is non-negotiable btw).
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And honestly, Kars, too.
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Also, does Beetlejuice count as a villain? I guess he does in the movies, but I’m a little more partial to the musical? So, antagonist? Anti-hero? Whatever, he gets a pass, too.
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“Howie, is this because you’re a closeted monsterfu-?”
*I explode you with my eyes.*
And, because this is the piss-on-the-poor website, just because I love morally-reprehensible dudes in fiction does not mean I condone that shit irl. 🙄
What would accompany your picture in the Burn Book in Mean Girls?:
Annoying know-it-all freak lesbian (based off of multiple rumors about me that circulated in elementary and middle school. Jokes on them though! I’m bi! >:D The rest have… some basis in reality…)
How many days would you last in the universe of your favourite fandom?:
I assume this is asking for media, and I have a few main ones so…
Beetlejuice: Until I actually die-die. It’s basically how I live now since I don’t think I’d be living in a haunted house. If that is the case though, maybe a day? Depends on the bug demon’s shenanigans. At worst, a few minutes.
Lord of the Rings: Depends on where I live? If I were a hobbit in the Shire, I feel like I would survive Saruman’s takeover (I survived one Trump presidency, so…). I’d probably be fine as an elf or dwarf in the Third Age: they don’t get involved in anything lol, and I certainly wouldn’t try to reclaim Moria (sorry, Balin). If I was a Gondorian though…? That siege of Minas Tirith?!?!?! Haha, yeah, I’d be toast within minutes. Totally cooked.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Am I a Stand user? Because, if so, I’m D.O.A. But I feel like I’d probably be fine if I just ignore the Joestar-related shenanigans? … Wait, I made a sona… son of a-!
Dracula: Consider me a walking juicebox full of blood. I’d be dead-dead in a fortnight max. Can I at least be a vampire though? Like, if I’m gonna get bit, can I at least get turned and have some perks? Because I think that counts as dying.
Have you heard of Mischief Theatre?:
Respectfully, what is that? Now I’m curious.
Do you feel sorry for Medusa?:
If we’re talking about the modern retelling of the story, then obviously.
If we’re talking literally every other version of the myth, then I’m kind of ambivalent? Though I do love a well-designed monster lady…
“Howie, are you saying that because you’re a closeted monsterfu-?”
*I cut a rope. An ACME safe lands on you.*
Which song makes you think of your OTP?:
I’ll be honest, I really do not think about shipping enough to care about songs for said ships? Like, I genuinely do not care about that aspect of fandom (with a minor exception being AvPol maybe, but I really don’t think about that ship any more than, say… Beeltelands or Trephacard in the past). Not applicable lol
Which song makes you disassociate and daydream the fastest?:
Depends on the vibe we’re going for, but Funeral by Neoni or Death by Melanie Martinez ig?
Tagging @an-darth-maiden @ealvara7 @hallowyeet @justsayapple
But consider yourself tagged if you see this.
My own get to know you game:
Who was your first fictional crush?:
What’s the first colour you think of when I tell you to think of a colour?:
Which fanfiction emotionally scarred you and still makes you shudder to this day?:
I’m coming to your house for dinner, non-negotiable, what are you making me?:
Do you prefer lions or kangaroos?:
Which fictional villain do you brush past the glaringly obvious issues for because you really like them?:
What would accompany your picture in the Burn Book in Mean Girls?:
How many days would you last in the universe of your favourite fandom?:
Have you heard of Mischief Theatre?:
Do you feel sorry for Medusa?:
Which song makes you think of your OTP?:
Which song makes you disassociate and daydream the fastest?:
Tags: @weltato, @snarky-wallflower, @feathertru, @barclaysangel, @fanficwriter284, @silvershewolf247, @shadowbrightshine, @luxury-nightmare and anyone else who wants to have a go, feel free!
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theharellan · 4 years ago
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101 DRAGON AGE QUESTIONS | not accepting
for the sake of reducing the number of ooc posts i’m answering these all in one and just @ing the people who asked the questions! thank you for them all!
if you sent me one of these btw and rbed this meme yourself and i didn’t send you something, please let me know! i want to send you things back and must have missed you reblogging the meme. this includes non-mutuals.
1. How did you get into Dragon Age? | asked by @kaaras-adaar & @dreamerlavellan​
Sort of by accident, actually. It was the summer between my freshman and sophomore years in university (2011) and summertime is generally a time of inactivity and depression because I cannot tolerate the weather here. My dad happened to own Origins and I picked it up because??? Fantasy? RPG?
Starting the game I saw you could play as a dwarf, who have been my favourites in fantasy since a child as The Hobbit is among my favourite books. Then after that I fell in love with the worldbuilding for dwarves and Gorim, my first actual Dragon Age love. I was more or less hooked after that. DA was actually not my first Bioware game, I was obsessed with Jade Empire as a kid so like Origins appealed to me immediately despite being far less fun to play than literally any other Bioware game I’ve ever played. The characters and world more than made up for it.
I beat it relatively quickly and my dad bought Dragon Age II which had come out earlier that day, actually against my suggestion because I’d heard it wasn’t good. And in this instance my dad forgetting something I said turned out for the best because I ended up enjoying DAII more in some respects. While it took me a while to join the fandom as a content producer I was a consumer and certified DA trash from then on.
2. Have you finished all three games? | asked by @kaaras-adaar
Kskjdfs yes. I’ve beaten each at least 4 times, but probably more like 8. The only thing I haven’t played are some of the Origins DLC because as much as I enjoy my replays I am so ready to be out by the end of the game (and I have the worst luck with Awakening bugs) and I also don’t have Sebastians DLC b/c his never goes on sale individually and I refuse to spend more than like $4 on him.
3. How long did it take you to finish the series? | asked by @kaaras-adaar
I honestly don’t know. I think it took me like a week to beat Inquisition without 100%ing it, I’d say my first playthroughs all probably took about that long. I tend not to do everything in my first playthrough. Like shard collecting didn’t happen until round two, etc.
7. Favorite DA:O backstory? | asked by @dreamerlavellan & @fatefaulted
I’ve played through all of them and I enjoy them all except Cousland, but my favourite is Aeducan. I enjoy the politics, the culture, the aesthetic of Orzammar. I love Gorim Saelac and the surprising amount of depth to this character who is designed to be thrown away after the prologue. I love how it ties you to the Darkspawn threat in a bigger way than any of the origins accomplish. I love how it ties you to the Orzammar plot later in the game, and playing Aeducan first is probably one reason why I adore that branch of the game. It’s a good origin that establishes its world really well and has great characters to boot.
11. Share a pic of your favorite OC from any DA game. | asked by @dreamerlavellan
I just want to share pics of my girl and Solas’ future husband.
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Ian Lavellan, non-Inquisitor written by @theshirallen
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Thora Cadash, dwarven Inquisitor and default Inquisitor for this blog written by... me lmao.
22. Favorite DA2 party combo? | asked by @fatefaulted
My main Hawke is a mage Hawke, so this party is horrendously imbalanced, but: Varric, Merrill, Isabela. They all just like each other and I think that’s neat. Although in act one my favourite is probably Carver, Merrill, Isabela / Varric. Unfortunately the game doesn’t want me to have a warrior in my party.
24. Favorite main-story quest from DA:I? | asked by @kaaras-adaar
It’s hard to pick between In Hushed Whispers and In Your Heart Shall Burn. I love seeing the red lyrium’d companions and the dark future of Thedas, and speculating on what happened in the intervening year. I love reflecting on what it must do for the Inquisitor to see that and have it be undone. I think it sets up the rest of the game really well, and in ways Champions of the Just doesn’t do quite as well.
In Your Heart Shall burn is a simpler quest but I think the power and emotions in the quest are so raw. Playing this the first time was riveting and I was on the edge of my seat. The triumph of closing the Breach, the strangeness of your first encounter with Cole (whose appearance at the gates is another reason I prefer IHW tbh, I think it’s more tension building than Dorian’s), Corypheus, crawling through the snow. Capping it off with The Dawn Will Come and the journey to Skyhold idk, it’s just such an emotional high point in the series that every time I replay I get goosebumps.
25. Favorite DA:I place? | asked by @fatefaulted
It’s a tie between the Frostback Basin and the Emerald Graves. I love the lore in both, as elf trash I prefer the lore in the graves especially if I can include the Din’an Hanin into that category. But the Avvar lore and Ameridan is also Very Good, and while I adore the giant trees of the graves the Frostback Basin clearly was able to have more resources poured into its design, and as a result the different sections of the map have so much more character.
A close runner-up is the Hinterlands, as I think the quests there are fun and it feels like home. I enjoy returning to it. Which is good, b/c I’ve played through it... a lot... I think loving it might be a coping mechanism, but also I love the vibe of the early game that’s best captured in the Hinterlands.
32. Favorite DLC mission overall? | asked by @fatefaulted
Trespasser is up there with Shivering Isles as my favourite DLC ever produced. Its hits every emotional beat I think it needed to hit, set up the next game with greater detail and intrigue than the initial epilogue, and I’m honestly dying to get to replay it again on Thora despite what it does to my nerves. The first time I played it I could feel my heart beating faster like wtf me.
37. Blood magic: yes or no? | asked by @hopewrought​
Would I use it myself? No. Morally I think it can be reprehensible but also neutral, much like any other magic in the game. In certain characters I think even if used for good it may encourage unhealthy habits, but I think it can be learned to be engaged with in better ways.
59. Who was written really poorly? | asked by @theshirallen you can’t hide behind anon I know it was you
Oghren fucking Kondrat. When I think about the reasons Origins is my least favourite game he is among them. With Oghren there was a really good chance to portray an alcoholic abuse victim, suffering from severe mental health issues, and still mourning his wife, with the respect it deserves. Instead he just... is a gross sexist dwarf and his alcoholism is mostly played for jokes. And then he comes back in Awakening and... continues to be a gross sexist dwarf whose alcoholism is mostly played for jokes.
There could have been some really interesting stuff with Oghren, the Warrior caste of dwarves I think would suffer from issues similar to qunari warriors, where when they can no longer fill the purpose society has dictated they must serve, what then? They can’t do anything but fight. There could be comradery with Sten, or perhaps Zevran or Alistair, or any of the companions who have had the path their lives took dictated to them by societal forces they had no say in (even if they are happy with that direction). There are snippets of good stuff in here, the line “let us show them our hearts, Warden, and then show them theirs” is one of the best of the good-byes the game offers us imo. It’s a shame about what came before.
Like there are other characters, such as Sera, who I think were done dirty by their writers, but Sera at least got some growth in the DLC and there were attempts to address criticism of her character. Oghren in Awakening was just kind of a take two of an already poorly-done arc.
60. Who do you wish had been given more story? | asked by @hopewrought​
I wish Briala had more, like that she had some impact on the story in universes where Gaspard isn’t crowned with her as his puppetmaster. She and the elves reappears in that but not if you reunite her with Celene or exile her, and I think it would’ve been neat. I also wish she’d had a chance to interact with Solas in some small way given how many parallels were drawn by one of his own agents during Masked Empire.
I also wish we had more about dwarves in general in 2 and Inquisition. We get some great lore in Inquisition that was set up in 2, but with our only dwarf companion being Varric, who honestly has a relationship with his race that at times is comparable to Sera’s, it pulls a few of its punches. I really think they have dwarves set up to be important players in the next game, with their architecture featuring heavily in the dev diary, buuut no dwarves to be seen. So who knows. Just give me dwarves in the next game who aren’t Varric Bioware pls. Let me kiss one maybe.
61. Favorite NPC? | asked by @kaaras-adaar​
I’m not going to count advisors even though they kinda are NPCs and I’m going to answer one for each game so uhh...
Origins - Anora
DA2 - Feynriel
DA:I - Krem
Bonus - Lord Woolsley, the only unproblematic DA character
63. Best story moment? | asked by @ghilannainguideme
It’s a tie between the journey to Skyhold and the talk with Solas at the end of Trespasser and the resulting disbanding of the Inquisition (if you so choose). I really can’t separate them because I think the reason Trespasser works so well is how it calls back to the very beginning of Inquisition and that moment with Solas in the snow. It’s triumphant and sad, something’s ending, the fellowship is breaking, but you know all of you will continue to work towards a better world apart.
In DA:O I think it’d be saying good-bye before the final battle and in DA2 I think the moment where you can tell the Arishok he was right to take in the elves who killed that guardmen is good. Probably one of the reasons why I think Hawke-Arishok work so well as a protagonist-antagonist combination.
81. Favorite fanfic? | asked by @ghilannainguideme​
I don’t read a lot of fanfic, actually. Save what I read on here, which I do count, but idk if other people do.
My favourite writers to read are @theshirallen​, obviously. Joly wants to tweakIan’s personal quest but I think the version they have written now is still very good and you can find it here. I love reading Peace’s stuff and find their smut especially spicy in the best possible way, you can find a Merrill/f!Mahariel piece here! Gaia doesn’t write on Tumblr much these days, but she wrote a wonderful Tug/Sketch (the companions from Leliana’s Song) that you can find here.
I follow so many talented writers and I can’t list them all but here are a few I can fire off real fast: @theshirallen / @ghilannainguideme / @seahaloed / @sabraelin / @valorcorrupt / @mercysought / @hopewrought / @ofrevas / @skyheld have all moved me with their words at some point, be it in fic or rp.
82. Favorite fanart/fanartist? | asked by @ghilannainguideme
Again I just can’t choose jsdfks.
The easiest way is to just link my Solas fanart tag. Obviously this favours Solas artists, however, so also here’s a link to thedaswlw where there’s a boatload of amazing fanart all of wlw.
Of people I’m mutuals with I know @abracafockyou, @kaaras-adaar, @dalathin (currently inactive but I gotta link them), and @syntharts​ are all very talented artists.  I’m also a big fan of destinyapostacy, nipuni, elbenherzart, starscollected (on twitter), and many more.
97. What’s your favorite DA mod? | asked by @ghilannainguideme​ & @hopewrought​
I’ll chose one as many as I want to apparently from each game again, b/c why not?
DA:O - I have to admit I find this game hard to mod because nothing can really salvage the gameplay or look of the game. I need Better Dwarf Model so I don’t have to look at the odd dwarf proportions in the game (the women have arms for days). Mostly I have armour mods. I like Grey Wardens of Ferelden so I can match Alistair in the final batte and have everyone in uniforms in Awakening. I do like Kirkwall Exports because I can put Zevran in the robes of the notorious pirate tho. I haven’t used this mod yet but I also love this mod I retweeted this morning.
DA2 - Again, I don’t mod 2 very much. You could probably make some kind of chart for correlating my enjoyment of a game versus my urge to mod it, with the more I love a game means I want to mod it more. With 2 I enjoy the combat and overall design of the characters more so I mostly use a couple of tweaks, my favourite is Ishs Scarf for Merrill which just adds a cute blue scarf to Merrill and hides the fact that elves in this game have weirdly long necks. Oh and a mod to fix the weird hand dirt.
DA:I - Equal Opportunity Solas mod, I bought the game again on PC just to use it. Being able to play Solas/Ian for screencaps was everything tbh. Other mods I enjoy are More Banter, which while I have better luck with banter it is nice to be able to count on it. I installed it this latest pt and I have heard location comments that have never triggered before. Black Hair for Everyone has changed my life because finally Thora doesn’t have grey hair. No Dirt Buildup is also amazing, as the dirt can cause some really weird blotting on PCs that’s especially noticeable on dark-skinned Inquisitors.
99. Where would you live (Ferelden, Orlais, Free Marches etc?) | asked by @heysales​​
Probably Ferelden. It is fantasy England and hey if I make it past Inquisition maybe nothing will ever happen there again. Somewhere in the Free Marches might also be chill. Not Kirkwall. Maybe Starkhaven? Honestly tho I just want to live in the Frostback Basin. Have a spirit friend. Shake hands with nugs.
101. If you could meet your Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor, what would you say? | asked by @dreamerlavellan​
If I met Thora I’d tell her I’m proud of her. She’d be confused, but that’s ok.
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atopearth · 5 years ago
Chrono Cross Part 2 - The Prevalence of Death
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To save or not to save Kid is always the hardest decision for me. Like, can’t we spend a few days trying to find a way at least? I always feel so slack ditching her since I like her, but honestly, I really want Glenn in my party so I can’t choose her, I’m sorry, Kid. Like, who wants Korcha?! I always love it when Harle appears, she’s so fun lol. Anyway, I always found it saddening yet sweet that Doc got to talk to Orlha about his inability to save patients, but really, it’s difficult for him to save Kid when she needs Hydra Humour and there’s no more Hydra in this world. I’m glad she motivated him to try his best instead of running away though, everyone relies on him in Guldove, so if he gives up, everyone else will too. Btw, gliding on that wire (from the top of Korcha’s house) back to the entrance of Guldove is my favourite thing ever here, so worth the 10G haha. I love how helpful of a person Macha is, it’s true though, Serge didn’t exactly say he wouldn’t save Kid, he just didn’t know what to do hearing that she was going to die. HAHAHA, I love how the laundry lady in Termina is obsessed with her laundry, she literally wonders whether the Radical Dreamers (thieves) steal laundry, so she’s staying there until they dry hahahaha. I really like how the sick kid in Termina who likes listening to Korcha’s stories actually really enjoys Korcha’s company and admires him for being so strong even without a father. She knows that her father most likely isn’t coming back, and understands how hard her mother is working for her, so she listens to her mum, but she also makes her own judgement about people rather than just blindly listening to her mum and that’s really cool. I wonder if it’s Korcha or her dad or something that’s been giving her Drakehorn grass to soothe her cough? LMAO Greco was the real exorcist the dragoons called to the valley that we impersonated?! Hahahaha, so sorry for wasting your time, Greco lol! It’s pretty nice but random that he wants to help Serge find his “way” kinda thing because he’s alive but not alive, but I guess it kinda aligns with his work… Not that I’ll be using him though lol, 2 agility is so slow!
Radius, Zappa and Garai were dragoons! Dang, Zappa the blacksmith must have been really strong back in the day! Lmao at the guy in Marbule who stares at you as you run around because he wants you to get out since you’re not a demi-human haha! Lol at the guy sleeping in Viper Manor, he’s been sleeping since the beginning of the game! It’s kinda funny though, when you talk to him, he’s like where’s everyone (since most of the dragoons and Viper etc went to Fort Dragonia), but then he’s like whatever and just goes back to sleep LOL. Aww I kinda regret getting iron weapons for everyone now, it makes Polly, Fargo and that black goo monster on the S.S. Invincible so much easier to beat! Kinda wanted more of a challenge aiyaa, I remember I used to think they were kinda hard back then. I love seeing Pip on the ship though, he’s really sailing the seas like he wanted! It’s so cute how we run after him because he’s running away from ghosts lol! It’s quite convenient how Serge is one of the keys to cross worlds as the guy that’s kinda like half dead half alive considering his contradicting existence, but also the Astral Amulet being the other half of the key to cross worlds is nice lol! I never realised until I googled that Norris was the one who saved Kid (with Hydra Humour) and that he’s the spy (who’s acting as a dishwasher in the manor) infiltrating Viper Manor! He’s a cool guy. As for the poem girl, I really enjoy the Home World one, she obviously thinks the idea of there being another her is crazy, but she goes along with it anyway, because who knows, there really might be another her that’s given up on writing poems! So, she gives her collection of poems signed in her name for Serge to give to the other her, and honestly, I really love how she wrote that one can’t appreciate joy without experiencing sorrow, it was cool that her existence and words motivated the Another World poem girl to dream again instead of wallowing that there’s no point. Taking life slowly but surely is also another way to live, it doesn’t matter if her poems amount to nothing in other people’s eyes for now, because this is what motivates her to dream and I think having that in itself is very important.
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It’s pretty interesting yet saddening how in Another World, there’s no more hydra and water in the Water Dragon Isle, yet it’s so plentiful and beautiful in Home World. It really shows how different the possibilities can be. I always found it so saddening how the dwarves felt like they were forced to kill the fairies for a home. Like, I’m not justifying their actions because really, they killed so many fairies, I always feel so sad having to play this part because the fairies are such small and peaceful creatures that even the fisherman loves coming here every now and then to fish and watch them dance around. But, I think the last words of the dwarf bosses we killed was really daunting. The fact that humans have trampled upon the ecosystem so much to keep themselves alive, whilst neglecting the lives of all the other species such as them who are forced to move from home to home trying to find a place that they can actually live in felt...uncomfortable. Just hearing their lament and sadness towards it all made me feel like such a bad guy… I guess it’s normal for the fairies to hate Serge and them though. If the humans didn’t chase the dwarves out of the forest, the dwarves wouldn’t have needed to come here, everyone would have still had their friends and family, I’m sure the dwarves also lost a lot of their friends to the humans, and that’s why they felt so frustrated that even in death, humans were always the ones killing them, it honestly felt really terrible. I guess in the sense, a lot of the parts in Another World such as the dried up Water Dragon Isle is probably the result of human actions destroying the nature they should be in harmony with too… Before playing Chrono Trigger, I never really realised who Lucca was so it never really affected me as much when it came to Kid’s past. But, now, when I think about Lucca opening this orphanage taking care of kids like Kid, whilst making her fun and weird contraptions, and then having that all destroyed by Lynx, it really makes me so sad. I can see why Kid is so adamant on finding him and getting revenge. In that sense, I’m surprised the Water Dragon gave her ice breath to Serge and them so easily (to get past the lava in Mount Pyre).
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Lmao, I love the demonstration Solt and Peppor give to teach us about trap elements with their stupidity haha. The Fire Dragon is as cute as always~ He would be cuter if he didn’t kill Leena though haha! Anyway, I always used to bring Kid to Fort Dragonia with me because I liked her and it was cool for plot purposes I guess, but I decided to bring Glenn and Leena with me this time, because I want to see how the Dragoons etc react to him going against orders to discover what’s happening, and I kinda want to see how Glenn reacts to it all too. For now, I’m quite loving it, Karsh is shocked, and Marcy just says she doesn’t care about Glenn hahaha. Lmao when Marcy said she hates Serge so much, she practically hates everyone related to him lol. She’s such a cute kid lol. I always thought of Fort Dragonia as a tedious place as a kid, but now that I’m playing it again, it’s not too bad, much shorter than I thought haha. The best thing is being able to trap Iceberg, Freefall, Inferno, Volcano and Holy Light! It’s so cool being able to trap them and then run away from battle and do it again hahaha. The Bunyip had so less health in the first phase though! I wasted a few of my traps lol, but otherwise, I’m really stacked for now hahaha. It’s always pretty disheartening to see Serge swap bodies with Lynx and seeing everyone beat him up. But I think now that I’ve played Chrono Trigger, the most saddening thing is hearing Kid wanting to avenge Lucca. Like, you can’t kill Lucca!!😭 I’m just not gonna think of Chrono Cross as a sequel to make myself feel better lol. The power of the Frozen Flame to swap their bodies etc because they both lost a part of themselves back then (I assume) is pretty crazy. Otherwise, I’m excited to play as Lynx! I used to always hate this part since you kinda lose the characters you’ve built up, but when I think about it, a lot of the characters that join up with you as Lynx are pretty fun too!
I always find it hilarious that you shake a berry off the tree to lure Sprigg out of her home so you can go invade it hahahha. I always found the Temporal Vortex a very interesting place, because it looks so much like a sketch of a world, as if it’s in between the real and the fake, it looks so fake but it’s supposed to be real, and I guess that was amusing. Ooh I wondered why Radius became chief for Arni in this world, but it seems that it might be related to the fact that Viper has disappeared in this world? It’s nice of him to want to travel to Another World and save the Viper and Riddel there before it’s too late though. But I really love the different reactions to Lynx throughout the village (since he’s Demi-human and saying he’s actually Serge). Most of them are pretty friendly though! Although there are some that are hostile or scared haha. I always hate the Home World Termina because it’s literally just filled with the Porre military and has none of the vibrancy it had in Another World. But, I do like getting Norris in my team! Kinda crazy how the Viper Manor is destroyed and literally in ruins though..and Karsh and everyone disappeared along with Viper after they went to the Dead Sea, which is also the place where Wazuki (Serge’s father) and Miguel (Leena’s father) went 14 years ago, but Miguel never came back, whereas Wazuki changed after that. I can’t really remember what the whole thing about the Dead Sea was about… 
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Btw I feel sorry for Zappa and Zippa (these names lmaoo) since Karsh (their son!) has already disappeared for 3 years and they’ve been waiting for him all this time… Cool that Zappa is kinda continuing the dream of finding rainbow shell, it’s just that compared to Chrono Trigger, rainbow shell isn’t really the legendary thing it once was, because now it’s kinda scattered everywhere in random places haha. It’s kinda interesting to see Van the poor version though. In Home World, Van’s father (called Gogh LOL, is it supposed to be funny or morbid?!) decided to continue pursuing his art dream, but doesn’t want to sell his works unless he’s satisfied with them, causing a lot of trouble with rent, so Van has been trying his best to save money to support his dad. It’s kinda saddening though, because this is exactly what Another World Van’s father knew it would be like and that’s why he chose the path of money instead of his dream. However, I guess there are positives and negatives to both lives, nothing can be perfect. I think it was great that he was supportive of Van leaving to see the world instead of staying and worrying over this hole forever. On the other hand, lmao at Funguy, I’ve always found it pretty hilarious that we give this mushroom lover a random mushroom someone gave us and his head turns into a mushroom LOL, so he joins our party to seek the Frozen Flame so hopefully he can turn back, because he’s too ashamed to show his family what happened. Which is pretty funny in a sense, because when you go back to Lisa’s shop in Termina, she complains about how her Dad still hasn’t come back from his usual mushroom hunting, and how he’s really going to turn into a mushroom one of these days LOL. Yep, he really did lol. Starky is so cute btw hahaha. The big him that wants Star Fragment is so adorable lol. Understandable though, since he needs them to repair his ship when he crashed here. Love stealing some UltraNova off him hahahah. I never realised you could get a plasma gun from the sawfish in Arni with him though! Lmaoo at Starky learning thanks from the fisherman guy because he said you’re welcome instead hahaha. Starky seems to have pretty good stats though, might play with him a bit to try hahaha.
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It’s kinda saddening that in Home World, Marbule is deserted because the demi-humans were kinda attacked for the element resources here, so now they’re forced to work at S.S. Zelbess just to find a place to live. The only good thing is that Toma now has enough money to travel again and discover things like this lol. Wait, what?! I never realised that Nikki and Marcy were siblings?! I always loved the story of Fargo, Irenes and Nikki but I didn’t remember this part that Luccia tried her best to save Zelbess (Fargo’s wife and Nikki + Marcy’s mother) but could only save the baby Marcy, and now just supports Marcy from a distance, like wow, never knew that about Luccia! It’s not a surprise that Fargo has really just been drowning in his sorrows after Zelbess’ death and can’t move on, I mean, he names the ship after her and doesn’t really do anything about his own kids, nor does he do anything to help the distance between humans and demi-humans and instead fosters the discrimination by having them do the worst jobs and with no income, just food! As usual, Fargo is a cheater in that spinning game lmao, but in a sense, I always “cheat” too by pressing the pause button so I know where the needle is and then I can kinda pinpoint how to get the needle to stop at the North point lol. It’s worth it though, rainbow shell!! Anyway, I love turning into a cat by Sneff and running around lol. It’s kinda funny how Lynx turns into a white cat, I guess you change depending on your soul? Since Serge is white. The kitchen cat is hilarious btw, it appreciates you for being a cat that has manners by paying your regards to it by talking to it, so it gives you a present hahahaha. Gotta love the mentality where the cat thinks the ship is his hahaha. The sequence of events is so great here btw, it’s definitely my favourite story in Chrono Cross. I love how we can steal the handle for the magnet (as a cat) that lets Fargo cheat hahaha. It’s really saddening how stubborn Fargo is about letting the Sage of Marbule stay here as a janitor and preventing him from teaching the song to bond humans and demi-humans, the song would also save the dying Marbule! I honestly feel sorry for Sneff though, he’s such a good guy getting cheated by Fargo! Fargo makes him stay on his ship by making him wrack up more and more debt through the cheating! It was so cute when Sneff was trying to earn some money to get cat food for us (when we turned into cats) lmao, it was so cute. I feel so bad for him! Wow, you can trap so many great elements from the Sage! I spent a good amount of time doing that lmao. Otherwise, it’s great that the Sage is starting to believe in Nikki as he did with Fargo in the past, hoping that he will be able to save both humans and demi-humans with the legendary song of Marbule. It’s also nice that the Sage acknowledges Serge’s resolve to go to the Dead Sea. Okay, the Grand Slam was as annoying as I remember! Lol. Anyway, I shouldn’t have been cheap lol because the third round is so easy with TotalChaos!! Anyway, you only need the Wraith and 2 random weak monsters because the Wraith should Hellbound that annoying bull (I just run away if it fails lolol) and then it’s pretty easy to kill them. The second round took the most time because I was being cheap with my monsters lol, but I think Snibgoblin, Cat Burglar and the Lagoonate are great because they’re all relatively strong. Then TotalChaos uses Blackhole in the last round and most of them are pretty much dead! Super easy if you don’t try to be cheap haha! Totally doable with the default monsters, because I honestly can’t be bothered going to “capture” monsters just to do this later lol. 
In a certain sense, there is a bit of beauty in the idea of Nikki and them playing the song whilst Serge and them defeat the Lagoonate that have infested Marbule (since the song weakens them apparently). I was wondering why Solt and Peppor were doing stand up comedy on the ship, but apparently it’s because they have had amnesia since 3 years ago when Sneff picked them up and helped them! I’m really happy for Sneff though, he’s always wanted to get off this ship, and now that he’s paid off his debt (with his winning streaks at the casino without Fargo cheating him lmao), he can journey with us! Although, I find it really sweet that even though he’s free, he’s planning to stay here with the other comedy guys because they’re family and he wants to take care of them until they’re a bit more independent. Anyway, I can’t wait to hear the song because it’s one of my favourite parts!!
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epic-summaries · 6 years ago
Celtic Tales - The Basin of Gold and the Diamond Lance
New section and new colour scheme. Love it.
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So this takes place in Vannes in Brittany. Brittany is having hard times because it’s being besieged by the French. Our protagonist is a young boy named Perinnik. He was happy and resourful. One day, he is starving a farm woman gives him a little bit of porridge.
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That’s sad! My dog Loki agrees but that might be him upset I stop petting him.
While Peronnik was eating a knight comes. Oooohhhh. It’s a knight errant! He’s on a journey! I don’t care what happens this is turning into my favourite story!
Anyway, the knight wants to go to The Castle of Kerglas because he is looking for the titular golden basin and diamond lance.
Peronnik asks why are those things valuable. Dude gold. Gold is always valuable.
But for real it’s a discount Holy Grail.
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Okay so the wizard, Rogéar, keeps the lance and basin deep underground. And the knight is like I’ll attack and win the treasure.
The farmwoman is like well good luck with that because tons of others tried that.
But the knight has asked advice from the hermit of Polavet.
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Well. That doesn’t seem complicated. Oh there’s more.
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I’d do that for discount Holy Grail.
Then the knight says something misogynistic. The farmwoman says something about there would soon be another soul before the throne of judgement.
The farmwoman’s husband hires Peronik to be a cowherder. Omg there’s now cowboys in this story. Knights, cowboys, hermits and wizards!
Oh btw the wizard is also a giant. He rides off and Peronnik sees him.
OMG Rogéar has an older brother! His name is Bryak. And he needs to travel through an enchanted wood because he wants the discount Holy Grail.
Then he says some magic words n a horse magically appears n off they go in the enchanted forest.
This is when Peronnik decides he will go to Castle of Kerglas.
He memorized the verses to call the horse. He makes riding stuff. And he does it. A foal comes. And he starts remembering what the knight told him, who is tots dead I assume.
He goes to talk to the elf.
He tells the elf that he wants to give the wizard his horse back. Then the elf notices that Peronnik has something, which happens to be for bird catching and the elf has problems with blackbirds eating his apples.
Peronnik traps the elf. He takes an apple and leaves.
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That’s so cool.
Anyway, the lion is like let’s talk. Peronnik tells him he wants to give the wizard his horse back. But the lion is like what is in the bag? Peronnik hints it’s birds. The lion wants lunch. Peronnik traps the lion.
Now get to the lake of 12 dragons. Peronnik feeds them. The dragons let him go. It sounds freaking cute because it sounds like they ask for belly rubs too.
Now it’s time for the valley of the six eyed man. Of the six eyed man sees you he attacks you n one shots you. So like all the enemies in Breath of the Wild. Peronnik sings a lullaby.
He gets away.
Then there are basically sirens.
He gets passed them.
Now, Peronnik takes the lady across the river. (Me hoping she’s secretly Hera but this isn’t Greek Mythology.) The women gives him the advice to feed the apple to Rogéar. Then she gives him a riddle to find the discount Holy Grail and Lance.
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When Rogéar sees Peronnik, Peronnik makes sure to say oh greatest of all magicians. Lol. Also he gives him back his horse.
So the apple turns this giant magician into a dwarf magician. Discount Holy Grail is in the castle with thenlaughing flowers.
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Peronnik saves Brittany from France.
Oh yeah, Peronnik becomes king of Brittany.
And there’s a nice little nod to why eventually France conquers Brittany. It’s because Rogéar took back the lance and discount Holy Grail.
Anyway, moral of the story, do your research and go in with a plan. Then you can succeed at something everyone else has failed at.
This is my favourite so far.
Day 9 - The Soul Cage
Day 11 - The Brownie of Fern Glen
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Let’s debunk this shit.
First off...why should we, on the topic of Spider-Man, actually place stock by the guy who has in the past argued Sins Past is as, if not more, bad than One More Day when anyone with an ounce of knowledge of how writing craft works would realize this is abjectly false. As a story the flaws in Sins Past amount to it inserting something into the past that doesn’t fit at all. One More Day by contrast not only does this but needs to violently ignore 45 yrs of established characterization to even function and even then it fails since it needs to contradict its own narrative.
  Oh and you know MovieBob is the guy who said ‘That Spec cartoon wasn’t as good as people make it out to be. People like it more for what it could be than what it was.’...WTF was he even watching.
 But let’s dive into some more specifics of Bob’s argument.
 “OMD ‘needed’ to happen.”
 This is objectively untrue.
 Let’s give the benefit of the doubt and say what Bob meant wasn’t so much that Spider-Man needed to make a deal with the Devil but rather it was necessary to get rid of Spider-Man’s marriage.
 I can’t bring myself to do a 3000 word essay on why the latter alone is idiotic, sexist, myopic and utterly false but here is a cliffnotes version.
 There are 2 fundamental problems with Bob’s line of thinking.
 The 1st is that to end the marriage you needed to outright alter Spider-Man’s history via a soft DC style continuity reboot thus creating in a literal sense an alternate universe version of Spider-Man who’d just never been married in the first place.
 Put simply Spider-Man’s marital status could’ve been ended in universe through numerous methods that avoided that. He could’ve gotten divorced. The US government as some kind of petty revenge upon Spider-Man turning on the Registration Act could’ve legally annulled his marriage along with certain other legal aspects of his life. There could’ve been a reveal that due to a legal loophole nobody realized at the time technically speaking Peter and MJ had never been married in the first place despite believing they were.
 None of this would’ve fixed the most egregious contrivance of OMD and OMIT, that by simply never having been married magically this = Peter and MJ would break up. You still need to justify THAT separately which OMD didn’t even attempt to do. OMD in isolation erases their marriage but it doesn’t explain or justify why doing this would mean they are now no longer in a relationship. OMIT tried and miserably failed to do that because once again it required the abject ignoring of decades of established (and logical) characterization.
  But what should we expect from the guy who in another video once said Superman would be a jerk if he married Lois Lane because of the stress and dangers it’d expose her to, specifically comparing it to real life people who’s jobs offer comparable examples. ‘Superman would never put Lois Lane through that’ said Bob (though I am paraphrasing I admit.
  If REAL people do that then why WOULDN’T Superman OR Spider-Man do so?
 It’s a line of thought which amounts to Bob saying those people shouldn’t have marital relationships. And that is gross.
 The 2nd problem with Bob’s ‘it needed to happen’ assertion is the notion that CREATIVELY it was necessary for the health of Spider-Man.
 Let’s ignore how creatively (and financially) Superman has been on the up and up since 2016 when he got his marriage BACK.
 Instead let’s consider for a moment...why?
 Why CREATIVLY does Spider-Man need to not be married to work? Why does he need to be single for his long term creative/financial health?
 There is no answer because the truth is he isn’t. Spider-Man’s love life is relevant only in so far as the series follows his life and not being asexual romance is a part of that. At which point if you are arguing for his long term creative health he needs to be able to swap out the women he’s going to be romantically/sexually involved with why then does that not also apply to literally every other character connected to every other part of his life?
 It doesn’t.
 It’s a bullshit argument born of an ignorant lack of questioning. It’s born of “Well it’s got to be this way because it’s always been this way and it’s worked that way.” Ignoring how it doesn’t and how you know...Marvel comics itself exists off the back of saying “Maybe it doesn’t have to just be this way. I don’t like that way in fact, I like the idea of trying it this other way.”
 Spider-Man being single keeps Spider-Man stunted and in a state of doomed to failure. It literally renders his love life redundant because every reader (and this applied before 1987 when he got married, but applies a thousand times more now) knows his romances will never amount to anything and that they are glorified Bond girls. And I’ll be honest the substance (such as there is) in the Bond movies NEVER lies with the Bond girls with the sole exceptions of those few movies where they tease you with the idea that he has deeper feelings for them.
 Then you have the fact that marriage as a part of most people’s lives and a responsibility is outright tailor made for the character who’s core concept is entwined around the interconnected idea of responsibility and being a (relatively) normal person. It’s not different to him graduating from High school or moving out of Aunt May’s house or getting a job.
 But let’s look at the franchise in the wake of OMD creatively and financially has it been doing better than before?
 In 2016 we had the Power Play arc. This arc was THE Spider-Man event of the year. It tied into the previous Spider event of 2015, Renew Your Vows by introducing the incredibly powerful villain Regent who’s powers were that he had the powers of EVERY other hero virtually and in RYV took over all of NYC following killing the X-Men and Avengers on his own. It guest starred fan favourite Miles Morales, the first substantial appearance of the character in Amazing Spider-Man since his migration into the 616 universe. It also guest starred lead character of the MCU and (then) Marvel comics poster boy Iron Man fresh from his hyped up run under Bendis, the biggest name in comics of the previous 20 years. It also teased the appearance of the newest team of Avengers, a brand that has been huge since 2012 for obvious reasons. Oh and it featured the return of another fan favourite Mary Jane who was once more being used to tease the possibility of her and Spider-Man’s romantic reunion which had been a surefire way of raising hype for a story since 2008 onwards. Oh and it was clearly a tie-in to the international blockbuster and critically acclaimed movie, Captain America: Civil War.
 And of course you had much promotion from the Marvel hype machine, Dan Slott interviews and the usual variant cover artificial sales inflation gimmick that had become common to Marvel.
 Safe to say that this story was a big, big deal and sure to sell well right?
 Well....it actually sold less than a barely promoted, run-of-the-mill ASM arc from 2005 by J. Michael Straczynski that featured in the first issue Tony Stark sitting on a chair sans armour and beyond that no guest stars....oh and there were no variant covers....and btw Spider-Man was married in it
  . ...Oh....
  But hey what about some OTHER Spider-Man stories since OMD. Haven’t THEY been creatively enriching?
 I mean we had classics like:
 The Lizard ruins the interesting humanizing aspects of his character when he becomes a cannibalistic monster who eats his own son and maybe rapes someone
 Black Cat’s characterization gets flushed down the toilet so she can be an indulgent juvenile sexual fantasy for Joe Kelly who believes Spider-Man is fundamentally a man child Black Cat’s characterization gets shot to shit again by her ripping off Catwoman by becoming a gangster, something she has never held aspiration for before and seems to want to get involved in now for no reason at all beyond being angry that Spider-Man imprisoned her and exposed her identity that wasn’t even secret in the first place
 Dan Slott who likes Doc Ock more than he likes Peter Parker decides to say screw it and make Doc Ock Spider-Man thus invalidating the entire reason he was hired, which is to write about Peter Parker. He proceeds to make Doc Ock a villain sue and cause readers to wonder if he’s this smart and this dangerous he lost so many times in the past at all? Also he tries to rape Mary Jane in issue 2 and then succeeds in maybe raping Spider-Man himself in the same issue and definitely succeeds in raping the only dwarf character in Spider-Man’s canon.
 Spider-Man becomes like Iron Man thus invalidating the entire point of his character and reasons people like to read about him.
 A mystery surrounding the Green Goblin’s identity that turns out to be the twist that he was Norman Osborn all along meaning this was a pointless mystery the whole time.
 Ben Reilly finally comes back after 20 years but doesn’t act even a little bit like the character people knew and loved causing people to wish he’d stayed dead
  Betty Brant is physically assaulted and Spider-Man tracks down the assailant but when he finds him lets him go (thus enabling him to assault other innocent women) because Aunt May guilt tripped him by saying he was a jerk at age 15 for allowing her, a 50+ year old adult and his parental guardian, to cope with Uncle Ben’s death alone on the night of his death.
  Fan favourite Mayday Parker has her character now defined by the death of her father invalidating the entire point of her character which was the ongoing relationship between herself and her Dad
  Every spider person ever fights a bunch of one note cosmic vampires across alternate niverses who are variant action figures of another one note cosmic vampire villain. The story is utterly reparative and makes Spider-Man play second fiddle to all the other characters cramming for panel time.
 I could go on but I won’t.
 To count the creative successful and enriching Slott and the post-OMD Spider-Man stories is a far easier task than to count the ones which are for the most part mediocre-God forsakenly terrible and miss the whole point of the various characters involved (most of all you know SPIDER-MAN himself!) because the latter is the norm post-OMD.
 Tellingly both volume 1 and volume 2 of Renew Your Vows a book BUILT around the concept of a married Spider-Man have (when judged appropriately given their out of continuity status) garnered perfectly respectable sales (especially in volume 1) prior to their recent time skip (an ill advised move regardless of what the series was about) and critical acclaim. And critical acclaim from people besides Marvel/Spider-Man sycophants like CBR who have vested financial interests in positively reviewing the stories.
 In fact there is a very strong argument in favour of Slott being the single most creatively damaging Spider-Man writer in history. The list of things that need to be FIXED because of his idiocy and incompetence is vast.
 Moving on to Bob’s other points:
 “Peter and MJ being together was a dumb stunt when the did it in the first place”
 If Bob had you know READ the stories leading into the wedding he’d know
 a) That relationship and marriage was being built up since 1984 albeit with the initial intention being Peter stranded at the altar.
 b) A stunt isn’t rendered invalid merely because it is a stunt. A Stunt can make sense and with the build up the wedding had this was one such example
 “The marriage generated very few decent stories that wouldn’t have worked just as well without it”
 Here is a list of a FEW decent or above stories which in some significant way make use of the Spider marriage between 1987-2007
 Kraven’s Last Hunt
 ASM #400
 Revenge of the Green Goblin
 A Death in the Family
 ASM volume 2 #49-50
 ASM volume 2 #51-54
 Sensational Spider-Man volume 2 #32
 Sensational Spider-Man Annual 2007, the only Eisner nominated Spider-Man story ever
 Spider-Man unlimited volume 3 #2 Story 2: Making Contributions
 Eleven Angry Men and One angry Woman
 Parallel lives
 Spider-Man: the Final Adventure
 Web of Death
 Revelations the end of the Clone Saga
  Spectacular Spider-Man #241
  Spectacular Spider-Man #242-245
 ASM vol 2 #39
  Ultimate Spider-Man Anthology book: Five Minutes
  I Heart Marvel Web of Romance #1
  Spectacular Spider-Man #199-200
  Spectacular Spider-Man #250
  The Tombstone arc
  Peter Parker Spider-Man volume 2 #14
 Marvel Knights Spider-Man #1-12
  Hmmm...it’s almost like Bob sucks at mathematics and story evaluation or something. Then again he did say there was no problem with Luke Skywalker in Last Jedi so you know...I should know better.
  Oh and btw the whole ‘those would’ve worked JUST as well without the marriage’ argument is a double edged sword since there are literally less than 20 Spider-Man stories post-OMD that WOULDN’T have worked with a married Spider-Man and only one of them is good...and only if you also take entirely in isolation of Spider-Man’s wider history. Every other story with tweaks could work AS if not MORE effectively with a married Spider-Man.
  If the argument is there should be no elements in a story that do not actively contribute to it then shit....why should Spider-Man’s SINGLE status be in a book? Why should Aunt May, Jameson or shitton else be multiple stories across the decades of Spider-Man? Hell by this logic Aunt May or Betty Brant are superfluous to ASM annual #1 which inspired part of Spider-Man 2.
   “The Spider Marriage left the franchise spinning it’s wheel for a very long time.”
 This is another lie. After Peter and MJ got married there was precious little wheel spinning. Almost immediately we jumped into ongoing stories involving Betty Brant, Joe Robertson, Peter going to school again, MJ and Peter’s finances taking a hit when MJ lost her job, Jameson being impersonated by Chameleon, Black Cat dating Flash, Peter’s parents returning and THEN you got the Clone Saga FFS.
  Following that we got Norman Osborn running the Daily Bugle followed by the true wheel spinning garbage of the Mackie/Byrne run which was bad BECAUSE they axed the marriage. Following that when JMS took over his wheel spun for maybe 5 months tops? The rest of the time he reconstructed Peter and MJ and Aunt May’s characters, thrust forward with his Spider totem storyline and then began the slow build up to OMD starting with Peter becoming and Avenger.
  There were few months were NOTHING was really happening and the number of issues where that was the case owed much more to the fact that the writers needed to pad out FOUR monthly titles each month!
 “By contrast BND and Slott’s run has been good”
 By objective writing standards this is a fallacy and Bob is offering no proof to this. He just says ‘it’s been good’. Except Bob’s word isn’t proof unto itself despite how much he must like to think so.
 “Peter and MJ are more interesting now”
  This is the proof Bob is not a...I don’t want to say he isn’t true fan. I rarely use that term. It’s more that he...isn’t an informed fan.
 Anyone who knows any legit shit about Spider-Man could tell you Spider-Man is far from more interesting now than he was prior to BND.
  Pre-OMD Spider-Man was the sum of 45 years of experiences. A 30ish average guy who’d been through Hell and a lot of battles and survived them and coped with that pain. He was a competent hero and a flawed human being who was just trying to look out for the little guy and take care of his family.
  MJ meanwhile was a woman who’d also lived through Hell but demonstrated sheer steel by surviving it in spite of having no powers to fall back on. She’d gone from a carefree party animal who was seemingly selfish, to a hero in her own right who had an endless well of inner strength.
  In contrast post-OMD Peter Parker is a man-child fuck up who illegally invades foreign nations with his giant G.I. Joe action figures whilst often playing second fiddle in his own fucking book to whatever guest stars want to steal the limelight. And he’s not believable anymore. He isn’t a grounded guy who copes with the shit thrown at him. He’s the guy who just shrugs off being killed, having his body stolen and his life upended by his enemy and then losing a year of his life.
  That isn’t more interesting unless you are arguing being a Saturday morning cartoon character is inherently more interesting than being....welll actually inherently more interesting than being a certain character Stan Lee and Steve Ditko invented in 1962.
  Which Bob plainly isn’t arguing because he’s also listing MJ as ‘more interesting’....how?
  MJ isn’t even IN the book regularly any more so HOW could she be more interesting. Worse when she WAS in the book she had 2 roles. Ship tease the fans by being Peter’s friend and confidant (i.e. something she used to do BEFORE BND) or being a blind idiot in Superior which is NOT more interesting.
 So what the fuck is he talking about?
 I don’t know WHAT he’s talking about. But when you make a statement like: ‘on balance this story that eviscerated and betrayed everything about who Spider-Man is and invalidates his motivation from now on because he sold out in the biggest way possible, was on balance worth it because we got t see Doc Ock as Spider-Man try to rape people’ I certainly from WHERE he is talking from.
  And the sun don’t shine there son.
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vondrakenhof · 7 years ago
Spoilers for Infinity War under the cut because Holy Fuck I need to talk about this film!
Fuck me that whole movie was an emotional gut-punch. First of all Loki trying to be all stoic while Thor is being tortured and failing. Then Thanos fucking exterminating the Asgardians? Fucking leaving Thor the last one? Heimdall and Loki dying (not entirely sure that last one will stick). Where the hell was Valkyrie? How did Thanos beat Hulk so easily?
Fucking had to endure watching Bernards Clusterfuck as Dr Strange (Only downloaded that film yesterday to know what happened. Visually stunning but otherwise forgettable by the way) who is officially my least favourite hero in the MCU. Though I may just be biased against Bendis Crumbface. The fight against the two aliens who showed up in New York was pretty awesome. Hulk not getting out was interesting (more on that later). Of course, Spidey was the highlight. And then Spidey and Iron Man getting on the ship, nice.
Meanwhile we have Vision and Wanda having a lovely romantic holiday in Scotland. Pretty sweet, right until they get attacked. Btw that alien woman was awesome. Steve, Sam and Nat pulling a big damn heroes moment was perfect. Then meeting Rhodey at the compound and shutting down Ross (who is both a hypocrite and a dick).
Wakanda was amazing, just like in Black Panther. T’Challa, Shuri and Okoye, brilliant. Bucky getting a vibranium arm and just asking where the fight was. Steve and the crew flying in. Shuri just casually dropping science on both Vision and Bruce. Fantastic.
Everything with the Guardians of the Galaxy was great. Singing along to Rubberband Man. Arguing ethics vs profit. “This is not a dude. You are a dude. This is a man. A very attractive man.” The whole thing with Thor, Rocket and Groot (who Thor understands because it was an elective in school what?) going to the giant Dwarf to get Stormbringer. How can Thor speak in space though? Like I get that Agardians are inhumanly survivable and so they can survive in a vacuum but how was he able to talk in that environment? Groot putting down his video game to make the handle out of his own arm. Fucking Awesome.
But then begins the emotional destruction as the other group get fucked up. Gamora being tricked into thinking she’d won. Nope. Drax and Mantis literally falling apart. Quill’s gun suddenly shooting bubbles. Gamora being taken. Forced to watch Nebula get tortured until she gave up the location of the Soul Stone. Going with Thanos to Vormir(?). The theory everyone had years ago that Red Skull wasn’t dead but transported across the galaxy turning out to be true.
Then Thanos kills Gamora to get the stone. Tbh I agree with Gamora that it wasn’t love, but I guess whatever twisted version it was good enough for the stone. Still fucking hurt.
Every interaction between the Guardians, Iron Man, Spidey and Strange was gold. The fight between all of them and Thanos was amazing until Quill lost his temper. And then everything went to shit. Fuck, what was strange thinking? He’d already said he’d let Tony die to keep the Stone out of Thanos’ hands but noooo. I thought at least maybe he’d cast a spell on it to make it backfire on him. Fucking Dr Strange.
Back on Earth we have the Wakanda battle which was fucking insane. Fucking awesome and insane. Just Fucking Awesome. I’m stuck in a loop here there’s not much else to say except that they really had me fooled with all the Hulk content in the trailers. Why wouldn’t he come out? Is he too scared of Thanos or something? Of all the times to lose your spine dude.
And then Thor shows up at exactly the right time. Bruce just laughing about how they’re all screwed now. Rocket and Bucky’s little moment everyone wanted “How much for the gun” “Not for sale” “How much for the arm?” “...” “Yeah I’m totally getting that arm”
And then the completely unexpected sneaky tactics from the aliens. Apparently they’re not above subterfuge. And of course Thanos shows up just when his lieutenants are defeated. And he just fucking owns everyone. Fuck. And just when you think there’s hope and Wanda destroys the Soul stone, a gut-wrenchingly heart-breaking moment in itself, suddenly Thanos uses the Time Stone to bring it back! I didn’t think the Stones would be able to affect each other.
Finally there’s Thor’s last attack, sinking his brand new axe into Thanos’ chest. There’s hope. And then Thanos snaps his fingers. And the good guys lose. Not only that but half of them die! What the fuck? Peter Parker’s death was the most traumatic “I don’t want to go” I was tearing up. Don’t get me wrong, all the other deaths were sad too (except maybe Strange’s, again I’m biased) but that one hurt the most.
I sat stock still throughout the credits, waiting for the end credits. And then I watched Hill and Fury turn to dust. But Fury got a message out to Captain Marvel! Fuck yes! The moment I saw that symbol I literally said “Oh shit” out loud in the cinema.
TLDR: Holy fuck! What the fuck? HOLY FUCK!
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kinkyacademia · 7 years ago
Ohhh!! Maybe a scenario where heroes "rescue" Shigaraki's S/O (who was there willingly, but they don't know) thinking he kidnapped them and he has to go get them back? – (=ↀωↀ=)
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I realized that these requests BOTH applied to this, so I just added them together for one big request. By the way, this is PART 1, and I will be responding to another request as a part 2.
BTW! Shigaraki’s height? Well, comparing him to Midoriya’s 5’ 5.25”, standing next to him he seems like he’s 5’ 10- 5’ 11”. Also; seriously, YES? I loved writing this because I could insert a bit of myself into it.
-Mod Pasta🍜🍝
“Oh, you’re so sarcastic Tomura, almost too much for your own good.”
Midoriya and Toogata’s eyes snapped upwards to see two figures passing them leisurely. They had been sitting on a park bench, getting a bit of lunch before continuing to monitor the city. That, though, had gone down the drain when they saw the infamous Shigaraki in his black hoodie and pants. This time, though, he was without a mask, and latched onto his arm was you. You wore black sandal heels, a black skater skirt with two (F/C) stripes on the bottom, white stockings, and your favourite fancy top along with a (F/C) Pillbox with black lace covering half of your face. It might not be as obvious to other people, but Midoriya could tell that you two were on a date.
“Isn’t he?…” Toogata slowly glanced at Midoriya, his voice muffled slightly from the sandwich hanging out of it in shock. He quickly bit all the way into it, chew and swallowing so that he could speak correctly.
“Yeah… he is. And it looks like he… he has…. a girlfriend,” Midoriya muttered, causing Toogata to nod violently as he grabbed his helmet and turned on the communicator.
“Sir; we have a situation,” he started, watching intently as you giggled and pulled Shigaraki to a vintage dresses shop, showing him them. He mumbled something that Toogata couldn’t hear, and you seemed to alight in a blush and Shigaraki almost grinned to. Midoriya felt sick.
“He… he captured her,” Midoriya whispered, and Toogata glanced at him and then back at the “couple.”
“That’s quite obvious, Deku,” he whispered, then went back to talking to Sir Nighteye.
“Yes-____ Ward, next to the poncho shop that Bubble Girl said she wanted to go to. What, you didn’t know that? Yes, sir,” he nodded once, then glanced at Midoriya with a short smile that he could tell was forced.
“We’ve going to finish the rounds, then discuss it in the police station before taking action,” Midoriya protested that they should act now, but Toogata confirmed that it would create a disruption that could cause Shigaraki to hurt someone.
“I think they spotted you, (F/N),” Shigaraki caught your attention as you walked back into the Alliance from Kurogiri’s portal. She perked up, smile still adorning your plump lips.
“Who, the Heroes? Tenko,” you started, gently grabbing his chin and pulling him towards you. He stared daggers down at you, his height, social standing and figure dwarfing your own easily. But, this never seems to really bother you, “don’t think about them. Just focus on me.”
“I’m worried about you. Always,” he confessed, then leaned into you whilst pressing his lips to yours. It started out as a casual kiss, but as you started to move your lips against his, it became more heated and meaningful. He placed a few fingers against your cheeks, cupping them endearingly. As you tenderly nibbled his bottom lip, closing your eyes, someone cleared there throat from across the room, causing you to jolt and pull away from Tenko, effectively making him yelp and stumble towards you.
“When on earth will you two leave the “honeymoon” phase of your relationship?” Kurogiri asked, hands on his hips and eyes narrowed. Shigaraki glared heavily at him.
“Mind your own business, Kurogiri,” He muttered, and the man sighed as Shigaraki pushed past him, and you happily trailed behind me, giving Kurogiri an apologetic smile.
“Whatever you say, Shigaraki Tomura,” he muttered, scratching the back of his… mist, then turning to the hallway and walking off. This was the new Villain Alliance, and the house was a lot bigger on the underground level.
“Should we get something to drink before I take this dress off?” You questioned, and Shigaraki turned around very quickly, a glimmer of hope in his eyes, “And change into pajamas,” you confirmed, and you could see his lips pouting ever so slightly.
“Vodka on ice,” he simple ordered, walking past the kitchen and likely to his room. You nodded, veering left into the kitchen to prepare the drinks. How on Earth had you, a civilian, fallen for The Shigaraki Tomura? Well, the short story was that he bumped into you and grabbed your shoulder to steady you. You, a girl who is a little obsessed with 1940s attire, had worn a beautiful floral dress that day, and his thoughtless blunder caused it to rip. Your skin had also suffered, and if the ear piercing scream wasn’t what caused him to apologize, then your bag hitting his face definitely did.
On the next day, you awoke early to go back to your house. Tomura had tried to pull you back into bed, claiming “you’re naked; just stay and be warm with me.” Alas, you were going to go visit a friend today. You put your clothes on, and he groaned in annoyance when you pulled your bra on.
“Mmm, sorry for obstructing your view,” you cooed, and he huffed and turned away. Once you threw a little bit of makeup and powder on, Shigaraki started getting ready as well. You pulled a hairbrush out of your purse, gently tugging him back.
“I’ll never understand why you don’t brush your hair,” You fretted, running it through his hand a few times, causing him to grumble and swat your hand away.
“It’s fine. I like it like this,” he mumbled, and you whines before putting it back in your purse. You pecked his cheeks, adoring his sigh of embarrassment as you walked past him.
“Bye, Tomura, I’ll see you tomorrow,” you called ask you exited the building. You didn’t hear his response.
As you stepped onto the train, you heard a short gasp from right. Ignoring it, you sat down elegantly in an open seat, pulling a fan out and cooling yourself as you looked out of the window.
“E-Excuse me, miss,” you glanced over to see a young girl, maybe a few years younger than you, with a full Hero Suit on. It blue, yellow, and white, and her blatantly blue hair complimented it nicely. You turned your body to her, closing the fan and placing it across your lap.
“Yes, ma’m?” You furrowed your eyebrows, a little confused as to why she looked so flustered.
“I-Um-I’d like to take you t-actually, can I just sit down?” She stuttered her way through, even though she didn’t look like someone who stuttered a lot. You nodded, gesturing to the open seat.
“Absolutely,” You then turned away, flipping your fan back open and slowly fanning yourself. It took her a few minutes to say anything.
“I like your dress,” you glanced at her, a small smirk pulling at your lips.
“Ah, it’s nothing compared to what you’re wearing. Off to duty, Miss?” You assumed, and she nodded.
“Yes, I am. I’ve never seen one of those dresses in public before,” she used any tactic available to keep the conversation going, and you could tell that she was doing this for some sort of an ulterior motive. As it came to your stop, you felt the woman put a hand on your shoulder, and you stood up a little straighter.
“Alright, I must go now,” you waved her off, and she grinned happily.
“Me too! This is my stop,” she got up, letting you out with her. You started to feel a bit awkward at that.
“Ah… marvelous,” you pulled your phone out, dialing a cab. You could definitely walk, but this girl seemed a little obsessed with you, and you didn’t really like the vibe she was giving. As you exited the train, she continued to talk to you.
“I don’t do too much, but I am his main sidekick. What do you do, Miss (L/N)?”
“I’m an anesthesiologist, I work for eight days a month,” you explained in simple. It was true; you would be assigned to certain cases, complete the cases and go home. That’s why you had so much free time. You did have one college class, though, but that was only twice a week, and it was only one hour.
“How interesting, and you’re so young,” she added, causing you to chuckle.
“Ah, early twenties. I skipped Junior High, so college came naturally. I have a Masters, so I can’t work immediate cases, only the small ones,” you waved her off, slightly flattered. Then you saw your cab pull up, and you started walking towards it, “Ah, I must go now, Miss Kaoruko,” you waved to her, forcing a smile before entering the open door. She looked worried, taking a few steps toward you. You quickly closed the door, feeling ever so slightly threatened by her.
“Alright…” she muttered, waving to you as you left. You sighed to yourself, scratching the back of your head.
“I’m not surprised that you have a fan, with how you look and all,” the driver laughed, deep and rich. You sighed, chuckling as well.
“Oh, shut it sir.”
It was a peaceful ride to your friends house, but that was all until the cab got pulled over. Your eyes widened. “Were you speeding?”
“No,” he promised, and the person who came out of the police car definitely wasn’t a police man. He was tall, green haired, and a adorned a suit. The man, no, the boy who was behind him adorned a red cape and what looked to be armour. It was a fancy hero suit, and it read “1,000,000” across it. You rubbed your arm uncomfortably, adjusting your Pillbox down slightly.
“Sir, I must ask for your passenger to step out of the vehicle,” the tall man’s voice was a droning one that demanded attention. You felt fear strike your heart; was what Shigaraki said yesterday truly happening?
“Miss, they need you out of the car,” the man relayed to you, and you quickly nodded before opening the door and shyly looking away from them.
“I-I don’t have anything illegal, sir,” you confirmed, and his eyes seemed to soften in a sort of apologetic fashion.
“What’s your name, Miss?” He asked, and the boy beside him looked like he was about to respond for you. It honestly creeped you out slightly. The loud cars that rushing past you and the people walking on the sidewalk behind you were almost the perfect situation for you to get away if you so pleased.
“Well… it’s Doctor (F/N),” you avoided using your last name, lest it give away who you are in some context that you didn’t understand. The tall man took a step behind you, gesturing to the police car.
“Doctor (F/N), we would appreciate it if you would follow us.”
“Why should I?” You shot back, feeling a little bit creeped out. You took a step away from him, but then nearly ran into the boy wearing armour. He quickly grabbed your shoulder to make sure you didn’t fall over, and you pushed him away in fear. He didn’t budge, but it at least got you away from him.
“Doctor (F/N), you don’t have to be afraid of adhering to the Villain Alliance any longer. You’re under the protection of us,” the armoured boy pointed to himself with his thumb, a comforting smile upon his face. You did the only thing you could think of to do as your heart rate increased in pace.
“Villain Alliance? I’m ever so sorry, but… I’m afraid I don’t know what that is,” you pushed some of your hair into place, using a bit of your quirk to iron it out. Your quirk, creating small patches of hot iron on your skin, was quite basic and civilian-like. It wasn’t flashy, and definitely couldn’t be used for Hero purposes.
“It’s alright, you don’t have to tell us anything just yet. But, you are required to get into the police car, Doctor (F/N),” the tall man asserted, and you moaning softly in protest as his hand ghosted over your back, guiding you without touch into the back seat of the car.
The young boy sat next to you, and the taller man sat in the front.
“Hey, that was my customer!” The taxi driver exclaimed, and the police officer who was the driver explained something to him. You glared at the boy sitting next to you.
“I’m not fond of being treated like this.. I’m just a civilian, nothing more,” You started, and the boy frowned slightly.
“I’m sorry that they scared you that much, Doctor (F/N)-Oh! Haha, I’m such an idiot, neither of us have introduced ourselves,” he patted the taller man’s shoulder, “This is Sir Nighteye, and I’m Lumillion.”
“That’s fine and all, but I kind of want to go home right now,” you mumbled, looking away from the two boys as the police officer, a young lady with short brown hair, stepped into the vehicle and started it. You looked out at the people walking by, the bustling crowd now just flowing by like you never existed in the first place.
They acted like you were some sort of captive and that they had saved you. It got irritating, and once you arrived at your destination, you pulled your phone out and started to text Tomura.
-These stupid heroes saw us together yesterday and thought that you captured me. They aren’t taking no for an answer.
—What? Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?
-I thought that I could talk my way out of it…
“Who are texting?” Sir Nighteye asked as he opened the door for you. You closed your phone, slipping it into your purse and stepping out of the car.
“My friend. I was headed to her house before you so rudely interrupted,” you explained, looking away from him in a dignified fashion before crossing your arms and closing your eyes.
“Just follow me, Doctor (F/N),” He muttered, obliviously annoyed with how you were acting. You felt Lumillion very close behind you, almost daring you to try and escape. You entered a large building with the words “Sir’s Corporation” in big letters across the top entrance. You had to go up a full flight of stairs to even get to the entrance. Once you entered, the casual building reeked of heroic intent. You were led to a questioning sort of room, but you hesitated to enter.
“This… this is too much, I want to leave,” you swallowed hard, feeling immensely nervous. You wished Tomura would just come and hug you in one of his special hugs where he slid his fingers into your back pockets.
“We know this is hard, but we’re going to need you to trust us,” Lumillion acknowledged, and you glared at him before entering the room and plopping onto the farthest chair away from the rest of them. There was a white table in the middle of the room with the contents to make tea on it and a few other fairly nice chairs along with light green walls. You closed your eyes, hoping immensely that this would just be over with.
“Doctor (F/N), we need you to tell us how they kidnapped you,” Sir Nighteye asked once the door had closed. You rolled your eyes under your lids.
“Oh, you must be joking. I’m not kidnapped, I was literally just going to my friend’s house,” you tried, and Lumillion piped up.
“Doctor, we get it; they’re scary, and we’re sure they threatened you to keep your mouth shut. You can tell us where they really intended for that cab to take you,” he sounded practically patronizing, causing your blood to boil. You sighed in relief when you felt a short buzz from your purse, and you looked down as you whipped your phone out.
—Where are you? I’m coming now.
—Put your phone away. They’ll get suspicious.
You quickly did so, and as you did, you feel a hand on your arm, causing you to look up and see the police officer from earlier.
“Mis-Doctor, please hand over the contents of your purse.”
“Why? Do you fancy my perfume?” You shot back, glancing at the wall and then back at her. Secretly, you were boiling down to a nervous and anxious mess inside.
“We need to know who you’ve been contacting,” she reached slowly for your purse, and you simply gave it to her. She seemed a bit surprised at that.
“My friend. Boyfriend, to be exact, it’s easy to say that he’s freaking out since I’m practically being interrogated,” you snapped, and the police woman pulled your phone out and set the crimson purse on the table. She looked over the first message, eyes softening.
—Stick through it, I love you
“She isn’t lying,” The officer informed Sir, handing your phone over to him. He checked it over, and once his eyes narrowed, you knew that he had found something important. He handed the phone to Lumillion, and you shifted awkwardly in your seat before pulling out your fan to keep yourself cool from how warm and uncomfortable things were getting.
“Doctor (F/N), you referred to your friend as a girl in the car. Is there a reason for that?” Sir questioned, and the Officer’s eyes widened as she turned to look at you. Your heart clenched; there wasn’t really a way out of this one, and you sighed before scratching the back of your head.
“What’s your lover’s name?” Lumillion questioned, slowly setting your phone on the table. In hindsight, you seriously did look like a captive right now, eyes wide and fingers shaking.
“Fine… his name is T-Tomura,” you felt your throat tighten up; what if Tenko couldn’t get you out of this? All you wanted was for you two to be back in bed, cuddling after that crazy sex last night. You just wanted to be away from these heroes, the ones who could so easily rip everything away from you; your love, your happiness, where you can go whenever and however because of Kurogiri’s quirk, where you can cry and hug Shigaraki or rant to Twice about the latest news.
There was a universal sigh around the room, and Sir Nighteye was the first to speak up.
“How did you first meet Shigaraki Tomura?” He questioned, causing you to smiled ever so softly as you reminisced. After you hit him with your purse, he glared hardly at you before he looked like he was about to slap you. Your eyes widened, and the people walking around you didn’t seem to recognize what was going on. Before he could do anything, though, a man in similar attire to Tomura had shown up and gently pushed him back. The man under the hood had no face, only two white eyes that resembled male sperm.
“At a mall. He bumped into me, and things blossomed from there,” you said in simple, and Lumillion presses his lips together and raised his eyebrows before shifting his body to you.
“You don’t have to be afraid of saying anything to us, (F/N), he can’t get to you in here. He doesn’t know where you are, and we’re heroes, so we can protect you if anything horrible happens,” Lumillion tried to comfort you, but it was to no avail; all you wanted was Tomura, and their comforts more came as threats.
“He’s not a good man, I know that, but I also know that you people never give anyone the benefit of the doubt,” you closed your fan momentarily to take a deep breath to calm yourself down. You then opened it again, continuing to fan yourself.
“What is the situation with you and the Villain Alliance right now, Doctor (F/N)?” The police officer asked, and she pulled a yellow notebook out and began to scribble on it.
“First of all, my name isn’t actually (F/N), it’s Miya,” telling that lie would allow for them to track less of you after Tomura found you, “and I don’t know anything about this Villain Alliance. All I know about them is what Tomura tells me,” the lie was an easy one to make, but Sir Nighteye didn’t see to believe it.
“Where do you meet up with Shigaraki Tomura, then?” He asked, and you decided to place a slightly different rout. You closed your fan, placed it on your thigh and hiking up your skirt to where the white stockings didn’t cover it. Scratch marks, freshly scarred, shown upon your skin. This caused the room to take a sharp breath, coming to expect the worst, all except for Sir Nighteye. He swallowed hard, looked away from you in slight surprise.
“Sometimes in hotels, sometimes otherwise,” that wasn’t was they were expecting. Lumillion’s face alighted in a bright red, and the police officer gaped.
“W-Wait, so you’re saying that you two….?” Lumillion threw his hands around, unable to find his words. Sir Nighteye cut him off.
“Yes, Miya is saying that her and Shigaraki Tomura meet up for sexual escapades.”
“Yes. It’s probably not in my best interest, but I can’t seem to stop myself when I remember his face when-“ The Police officer cut you off.
“Alright, that’s enough. We have a few other questions b-“ it seemed to all happen at once.
Sir Nighteye turned to the wall near the door, shooting out of his seat before the wall collapsed towards him. Tomura, clad in what you dubbed his “combat hands,” jumped through the mess and glanced at the two heroes and police officer.
“Miya, let’s go,” He used your fake name, grabbing your arm as you got up and closed your fan, placing it next to your purse as you picked it up. You simply tossed your things into it as he grabbed something from your dress and pulled it off, then turned to Tomura as you zipped it up. His eyes were the only thing you saw, but they still held the fire of a warrior. It was actually kind of cute. You then saw what you had expected in his hand; a small tracker device.
“Alright,” you muttered, heart still beating quickly from earlier. His arm, all but his pinky, wrapped around your shoulders as he started walking towards the wall, and he dropped the tracker on the ground and crushed it with his foot. Lumillion suddenly burst into action, scrambling up from the rubble since some of it had hit him.
“Wait, Doctor, don’t go with him! We can protect you!” He shouted, and you rolled you eyes away from him before walking through the portal that had just appeared in front of the back wall. You walked into a sort of main living room of the Villain Alliance, and as the portal closed, you heard one last curse from Sir Nighteye:
“We failed,” and the portal closed. Now, this might seem as quite a weak showing from the heroes, but you have to consider that this all happened in a matter of under five seconds. From the wall bursting in to the portal closing, you had moved as maximum speed out of the room.
“I told you not to go out today,” Shigaraki snapped, and you nodded quickly as you began to breathe quicker. Since this was the main room, other members around you stared in question and sympathy.
“I’m sorry-I should have listened to you, Tomura,” you admitted, and he pulled you closed before yanking you out of the room. Kurogiri shouted after you, but he was ultimately ignored.
“Wait, we must discuss this!”
“(F/N),” he stopped when you had made it about halfway down the hallway, and he threw you against the wall gently, enough not to break anything. You yelped, smile adorning your face before his arms came down upon either side of your head, almost cracking the wall, “do you think that you hold some sort of rule over me? Maybe because you control me in bed?”
“No, Tenko-“ you absolutely loved this heated overprotection radiating off of him.
“I can change that so, so quickly, (F/N),” he took a couple of the hands on his arms off, dropping them gently to the ground before putting the one on his face in his pocket. He then roughly grabbed your face without his thumb, his lips smashing into yours.
“I’ll admit, I made a blunder,” you said in between heated kisses. Then, yet again, Kurogiri broke your heated session.
“Shigaraki Tomura, (L/N) (F/N), seriously, is this the time to be making out? We must discuss the current events that just occurred,” he exasperated, and you pouted before grabbing Tomura’s sleeve and using it to whip the lipstick off of his lips.
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry Kurogiri,” you waved him off, slipping out of Tomura’s grasp.
“But… fine,” Shigaraki grumbled, grabbing his hands off of the ground and looking slightly like a chipmunk with too much to hold as he followed you and Kurogiri to the main room once again.
‘What a dork’ you thought.
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theharellan · 7 years ago
❄ your favourite da:i personal quest
dragon age positivity meme | not accepting
i didn’t mean to leave this ask to answer until pride month, but it feels fitting to get to it now b/c cole’s personal quest means a lot to me as a biromantic asexual, specifically his spirit path.
i love this quest b/c there’s no wrong choice, cole finds a way to be happy either way. i went with spirit in my first playthrough b/c my inquisitor trusted solas’s judgment more than varric, and it makes me cry tbh. it’s just… well-written and acknowledging of the fact that there’s no one way to be a person.
but i’m getting ahead of myself. i want to start at the beginning with how you get this quest, with solas and cole arguing over him binding cole. it’s such a good moment for their characters, you feel the trust cole has for solas and a good sense of solas’s morals. it’s a distressing moment b/c of how emotional cole is, but still a good one. i love the war table mission where you secure the amulet b/c– the seers of rivain have a solution! i love the seers lore, and even this little piece is fascinating. does this mean spirits like cole exist in rivain? or is it something used by the seers in rivain who play hosts to spirits, similar to the avvar?
then the introduction of the choice that will ultimately have to be made: with varric offering an opposing position to solas. both of them come at this issue incredibly biased, with solas having a lifetime of recognising spirits as people and a little over a year of experience in this world, with even less time recognising that its inhabitants are people. meanwhile you have varric, who equates demons and spirits with Bad Shit and personhood with behaving a certain way. there are issues with both of their perspectives, but both ultimately have good intentions and want only good things for cole.
what i also appreciated about this quest was it felt like there was a reason to not do what cole wished. there are a lot of times in dragon age games where characters get their agency taken away in the name of player choice. while i wish there had been an option to do what cole’s choice was (kill the templar) i can appreciate that there wasn’t time, and feel that whatever the outcome of stabbing the templar would be (cole becomes a demon, cole becomes more human but with different morals, cole becomes a spirit but another kind than compassion) it does make sense that this choice is denied compared to some, like, marethari giving merrill the arulin’holm just for hawke to have the chance to deny her it.
as i said, my first inquisitor, a cadash, figured the safest option would be to go with solas’s option. varric was operating mostly on gut feelings and it felt like a risk. while i don’t think making the templar forget was the best choice for the templar, from my perspective it wasn’t really about the templar. forgiving him helped, as did not forgiving him, and it’s rare to see both options presented as valid for victims of trauma.
the choice also leads to some good moments where we see the cracks in varric’s perspective. cole and solas confront the templar, and upon the return to skyhold cole is leaning more towards the spirit side, meaning he’s acting a little different. i believe varric’s last line in the scene is “he could’ve been a person” which… breaks my heart? b/c he is still a person, he’s just not the kind of person varric expects him to be, not human. it’s a good line that exposes the biases of varric in ways you don’t get to see in the human path, which i think is a shame esp given solas’s are out there on display from the first time varric enters the conversation.
what ultimately makes spirit cole’s path my favourite personal quest, however, is your conversation with him in val royeaux. he’s ecstatic. my inquisitor, a dwarf and still learning about spirits, has come a long way since the beginning of inquisition, but doesn’t completely understand spirits. but she still says she’s happy for him…? and cole???
“you found out, but you didn’t change, didn’t make me change. you let me be this, be more.”
this line has a lot of meaning to me as a queer woman, and hit me in a more personal place than dorian’s. which isn’t a criticism of dorian’s quest at all, btw, my experience is just different than dorian’s. having someone you love not quite understand why what makes you happy makes you happy, but still accepting and loving you, and being happy for you, is just a really important sentiment to me. my inquisitor will keep striving to understand cole, but she’s happy for him, and he’s happy.
a lot of ppl have said that the human path is progressive and the spirit path is regressive, and i think that perspective is problematic and putting a value statement on the quest. ultimately it’s just choosing two ways to be, one which might be familiar to us and another which isn’t.
spirit cole resonated with me as a queer woman, as someone who has had diverging interests but still found ppl who can relate or humour me. my love for spirit cole only solidified with trespasser, when the veil was confirmed fabricated and cole realises that it was never wrong to want to cross the veil, that he was always supposed to be able to be in both places. that it never should’ve had to have been a choice. cole is one reason i would love for a peaceful solution to the veil situation (the other reason: every other spirit), he deserves a world where he can be in both places. i wanna give cole everything he wants guys i just love cole a lot.
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