#btw who’s that person in episode 10 thumbnail tho
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aishazero9i18r · 11 months ago
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Wakfu - The Great Wave webtoon preview thumbnail screenshot from Ankama launcher and ho boi I do not like where this thing going and I am genuinely scared jamshjdbdhd oh hey Aurora is back :D
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Also we got lil Yugo again hhhhhhh this is Yugo… right? R i g h t ? ? ?
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salvatoreren · 3 years ago
1. I have two impressions on them once was 5 years (2017) where I first saw about it and thought it was like any generic anime, with the whole fighting stuff, then 2020 where I really got in the show, my first impression was that it was a scary ass show and that it went like this Titans basically roam around and a few chosen people who have the will to fight them tries to kill them and the remaining live in hiding because at that time I didn't know they were surrounded by the Walls,
2. I thought Grisha kept some Titans in there and experimented on them to discover the truth about them, I also first thought that it was a panic room/safe room for the main characters because I saw a vid on youtube whose thumbnail was actually the Utgard Castle scene and assumed it was the basement
3. Yeah nope
4. So i asked my sister what she was watching then sat beside her and watched Carla's death and I'm like in a horrified expression and voice why? It was actually pretty scarring
5. Eren Yeager. Still Eren
6. King Fritz, Floch, tho im lowk understanding Floch and also Ymir and Annie too, I was really fuming with Annie killing Levi Squad and yk how Ymir was in the 1st season too, I've warmed up to them except Shitz
7. Season 3 Part 1
8. Episode 44- Wish
9. Well I recently bought a jacket
10. Nope
11. Honestly idk maybe Eren and Armin
12. None I actually love all of them
13. War for Paradis Arc lmao but maybe Levi's role in Wfp or Ymir's reason for staying in PATHS
14. This Eren fanfic I'm working on
15. The series went from being gray to black and white, realistic to unrealistic. Ships also went in the way with the plot.
16. Side character
17. I spoiled myself a lot honestly but Eren controlling Grisha and that humanity hasn't perished
18. I like all of them maybe Sasageyo and My war
19. Same with the op but most favorites are Akatsuki No Requiem and Akuma No Ko
20. Sasha and Eren.
21. 1 hour, though that depends on my position in the story
22. Timeskip uniform, it's a shame we didn't got to see more of them
23. Garrison
24. Armin can be a little theatric, does lame jokes during chess; arm-in/ arm-out and will go apeshit on anyone who has a dumb answer to a question he's explained many times
25. Ymir and Annie, Bertholdt too, and like I said lowk understanding floch
26. Probably Historia, Marco, Sasha or Connie
27. Idk honestly maybe s1 Jean
28. Warhammer Titan
29. Jean or Levi
30. Jean and Eren--they'd spent the first minutes fighting each other
31. Jean, Connie and Sasha
32. A Life with No Regrets and A Broken Heart's Resolve, they have no ships btw and the first is levi-centric the second one is lowk eren-centric with great dialogue
33. Um Idk, I like Sasha's off-shoulder outfit in the OVA, she looked so pretty
34. Trust the most; Armin, Mikasa, Marco, Annie & Bertholdt, Trust the least; Sasha
35. Historia. Watching the series I understood her the most, because backstabbing people was a thing in my school and so in order not to be shitted on or talked badly about, I pretended to be this person who cares about others, is kind and worries herself the least so I can be loved and when I'm gone everyone would have nice words to say on my grave when in truth just like her I'd do anything to save myself, could care less about other people and just have no personality
36. Yep I did. The Freedom Panel
37. Jean and Eren, they deserve it
38. I'd see Hange and Levi as a scientist and janitor respectively
39. Sasha and Connie would be the best, probably the worst would be Levi with his intimidating aura
40. With a bang. lol im kidding, um I thought the series would end with questions being answered, and someone holding a random baby and saying they're free
41. Lol these choices might suck, but I feel like Eren and Jean would watch Avengers, Jurassic Park or zombie apocalypse movies--world war z, Mikasa and Annie woud like Black Widow too, I feel like Sasha and Connie would be watching Friends, B99 or the Office, Erwin and Armin would be lowk watching documentaries. Why do i get the feeling that Hange would also watch Stranger Things with Levi
42. I feel like Levi would listen to something sappy and Eren would listen to metal hence in an interview I've read
43. Mikasa would like rice
44. Smash Eren sdjhsah
45. Fuck Levi, Marry Eren, Kill Shitz
9th Anniversary Ask Game
April 7th is the 9 year anniversary of the premier of Attack on Titan! In honor of this event, I’ve created a (not so little) ask game for the community! Since it’s officially the 7th in japan, I’m posting this now! Feel free to reblog and answer the questions yourself!
What was your first impression of the show?
What did you think was in the basement?
How old were you when Attack on Titan first came out?
What’s your first memory from the show?
Who was your favorite character originally? Did it change?
Who was your least favorite character initially? Did it change?
Favorite season?
Favorite episode?
Do you own any AOT Merch?
Any AOT tattoos?
In your opinion, who had the greatest glow up?
Worst glow up?
One thing you’d change about the story?
If you contribute to the fandom, what’s your proudest work?
Controversial opinion?
Would you go to the AOT world? What would your role be?
What twist genuinely surprised you?
Favorite op?
Favorite ed?
What was the hardest death for you?
You're transported into AOT, how long would you survive?
Original uniform or timeskip uniform?
What regiment would you join?
Any weird headcanons about the world / a character?
What character grew on you?
Who would be your best friend irl?
Who would you hate irl?
What’s your favorite of the 9 titans? Would you be willing to be a titan shifter?
You’re trapped on a deserted island, who would you be paired with ideally?
Who would be the worst person to be paired with on a group project?
Favorite trio?
Favorite AOT fanfic?
Favorite outfit for your favorite character?
You're at a bar, list five characters you’d trust to hold your drink. Who’d you trust the least?
Is there a character you really see yourself in? Why?
Did you read the manga? Do you have a favorite panel / scene?
Character(s) you’d love to share a beer or two with?
What job do you think [Character] would have in real life?
Who’d be the best roommate? The worst?
How did you originally think the show would end?
What kind of movies/tv shows do you think [Character] would enjoy?
What kind of music do you think [Character] would listen to?
What do you think [Character’s] favorite type of food would be?
Smash or Pass [Character] ?
FMK [3 Characters]
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