#btw this does change a lot of inna lore i know but overall he still acts the same just more clinglier than before
alien-til-i-stage · 1 month
UPDATED INNA PROFILE thank you to @solei-eclipse FOR THE TEMPLATE!!!!
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more down below!!!
Innamorati’s guardian, Dottore, was a scientist who specialized in human studies and biology. In order to further his research, he decided to buy a pet human.
This pet human was a girl, one who was quite beautiful and could be described as an angel. With curly black hair and fair skin, Dottore took a liking to her quickly. Not only was she adorable, she was intelligent, and able to learn materials far more advanced than most of other pet humans.
While Dottore still desired to learn about humans, he decided from that point that she was no longer a research subject but an assistant he can teach. He even started to view her as a daughter.
However, due to her intellect, she was held away from the rest of the pet humans. She was constantly with aliens who were disgusted at the idea of a human being allowed to be educated on their research. While Dottore tried his best, she felt alone and depressed. In order to pull her out of her slump, he got her a human for her own.
She named the child Innamorati, out of hopes that the name will ensure Innamorati to a fate where he will never be alone.
However she wasn’t able to stay with Innamorati for much longer, as one day when attending one of the Alien Stage rounds, rebels broke in and recovered many humans, however just as humans were saved, many were also shot dead, even if they were innocent. The guards could not tell as it was a massive rebel attack.
Dottore and Innamorati both lost her that day.
Dottore found himself to be in a depressive mess after her loss. And Innamorati’s presence wasn’t helping. Out of grief, he began to force Innamorati to wear the clothes she once wore at his age, even calling him by her name. But Innamorati didn’t look like her, sound like her, or even act like her. She was intelligent and mature. He was childish and was more interested on drawing instead of working.
He began to despise Innamorati, resenting him for even existing. “Why did she die, yet her useless pet lives?” He would often yell. When he would, Innamorati would cry, unable to do anything else. This only enraged Dottore much more, to the point he would lock Innamorati up in a room far away from his lab.
One day in the lab, he came up with an idea. He would try to create a daughter that was basically a clone of her. But there was a twist he wanted to add. He wanted to create an alien, who looked and acted like a human.
Was it even possible? many of his co workers asked. But none tried to stop him. He was a grieving father, best to let him mourn, they told each other.
But somehow, it had finally worked. He had created an alien hybrid. One that mimiced humans yet biologically was an alien. The child he had created was fragile, due to having a weak exterior of human skin. But he didn’t care. This was finally his child, he had her back (she’s never coming back)
When Innamorati had heard the news, he was excited. He wanted to protect the new child, and be there for her like an older brother. Maybe he would finally be able to prove himself to Dottore, and maybe he wouldn’t be alone much longer.
But Dottore refused him to be able to see the new child at all. Saying she was too fragile and weak, but he had another idea in store for Innamorati.
“You want to comfort her, correct?” He asked, already knowing the answer. “Singing is very comforting to children you know.”
Innamorati didn’t understand what Dottore meant, but he nodded his head. Dottore only chuckled, a sinister tone took over the room, as while Innamorati had no idea yet, but Dottore had planned to put Innamorati into Alien Stage, to finally get rid of him.
- Inna hates being called Innamorati! Only Dottore and Macbeth have called him by his full name.
- Inna carries around a scrapbook filled with drawings and pictures he finds interestinf as well as book quotes he likes. This is so he can show his little sister when he graduates Anakt Garden.
- When alone in the room, he’d hum to himself often, replaying the song that was playing prior to the rebel attack
- Inna’s favorite story is The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevesky.
- The first story he wrote was one that was meant for his little sister. He never got to tell it to her, but he was able to tell it to Nene ( @junebluues )
- He’s particularly close with Nene because of how excited he was to meet a little sister. Part of him wishes Nene was his real sister and then feels bad about it
- He never knew the names of his younger and older sisters. Dottore never told him
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