#btw these are from early saw 4 script
sun-3-160 · 9 months
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Saw XI script writers... if you're out there...
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shiftingtomydrs · 4 months
who are you?? when is it??? any particular competition it is based on (I often see people do it with 22 beijing)?? what jumps do you have??? any ultra c elements (3A, quads)??? if you have one, who's your s/o??? what why who where when aaaa another fs shifter!!
xx kat (@xelsmultiverse)
hiii omg thanks so much for asking this <3
okk so just quick disclaimer beforehand, i dont know shit about figure skating except the very very basics (like what type of jumps and stuff) so if smth is incorrect or doesnt make sense its bcs of that haha also as always im hopelessly overpowered :D
In my dr im a figure skater from Germany, i was born in early 2007 and did ballet from when i was like 3 (thats canon btw i did that in my cr too haha) but then quickly got impatient and kinda bored with it (also canon, i regret stopping tho) and my parents put me into figure skating and gymnastics instead. since in my hometown there isnt really a big figure skating team (there is one but its not good ngl) i scripted that my now coach saw me by coincidence and decided i had talent and she wanted to coach me. I can do more on my coach if you guys want to btw its kinda a whole (unfinished) story (shes an oc).
So then she started coaching me in 2014, after a lot of convincing from me towards my parents cos they didnt actually want me to become a professional skater cos its obviously not the healthiest thing to do but after I saw Yulia at the 2014 Olympics I begged my parents to let me get private lessons until they gave in (yulia is kinda my role model and i wanna be like her)
I have an unfinished list of my senior competitions here (for the sake of plot i kinda made it so the covid restrictions on the 2020/21 season didnt happen for the junior competitions, only seniors, also kamila and i dont compete together before the olympic season) and yes ofc i win everything bcs as i said op af (also i know some of the competitions overlap so idk how im gonna do that yet, if anyone has an idea pls feel free to tell me haha)
for jumps i have all quads (yes including 4A cos im just that good lmao) and im playing with the idea (actually i put it already but its prolly impossible so im unsure if i should put it) of scripting i have a quintuple jump as well at some point.
Im really not knowledgeable on different spins i just scripted theyre centered and i dont have a lot of movement on the ice during them idk if thats how you say it but like i spin in one place and dont move to the left or right a ton
Then like some stuff that goes without saying, i have good technique, i dont get hurt badly, i dont have any long term problems from professional skating, stuff like that
My s/o is ilia malinin but since hes born in 2004 we dont get together for a while. We meet either at a competition or during my exchange year in the us in 2024 (my host family lives in the same state he does and we train at the same rink while im there) and then like slowburn friends to lovers pining everyone-knows-except-them kinda stuff (i really do love torturing myself in that aspect apparently)
Some other stuff i can think of rn is that my nickname is 'golden girl' or 'germanys golden girl' idk just smth i came up with (if you have any other ideas pls tell me haha unfortunately im uncreative af when it comes to stuff like that)
also you mightve noticed im technically too young to do senior competitions in time for beijing but i just decided to script that they make an exception for me for some reason haha
I can speak 4 languages, German, English, Russian (bcs of my coach) and Spanish
I get along kinda good (as well as you can as competitiors) with the Eteri Girls bcs we're similar age and my coach gets on kinda well with Eteri (they used to compete together except my coach is actually nice) and also i yk speak russian
oh also when i first get there its january 2022 so right before the olympics cos i wanna experience that not just in memory
soo yeah thats all i can think of for now again sorry for any inaccuracies or anything (wont apologize for op-ing myself cos thats what shifting is for after all ;) )
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strangertheories · 2 years
Hello! I've come by here before (asked about the Mandela effect of the Jonathan scene being edited but it actually wasn't, thanks again btw)
I don't have as much to ask as last time and it's not really about the ST content itself (I mean the stuff we watch) but more a question about the recent Twitter poll of the Stranger Things writers on Twitter.
if you aren't on there, here's a link
I voted on lumax (cuz idk, i thought they'd have more to gain and more depth added rather than the other options but to be fair same could be said to the byers brother talk).
Anyway, what I was wondering about was why the boobies scene the second most voted on (at the time of typing this out)?
I wanted to know your thoughts on this because I really wasn't expecting that and my gut reaction was asking why anyone would vote for this over the three other options.
No offense to the people who voted for that scene tho, I just meant that what hellcheer had going for it (I assume) is it being a ship, and I state that being a reason cuz fandoms love ships. The byers brother talk has the very deep emotional connection shown between the two characters there. Lumax has the being a ship as well (and being a super cute and endearing scene). And when I think about the boobies scene I don't see much of it having legs to stand on to be placed in the poll.
(Idk why I'm particularly questioning it tho, maybe it's cuz Steve is there and I'm not as enthused by him as the rest of the viewers are, although Robin is in the scene and she's my fav character lmao)
I'm looking at the numbers on the poll again and the distance of each contender isn't very far so this whole ask is kind of unecessary.
Disregard the last P.S., just saw the polls again and now lumax is 29% and boobies scene is now 28% while the byers brother talk is 24%, I'm back to being slightly questioning it again.
I realize the poll is ending in 4 hours (at the time of typing this) so I'm sorry if by the time your reply is sent it's kind of irrelevant, I swear I didn't mean for this to be so long!
Yeah, I have the exact same thought. Also why there's no Ronance or early season Byler stuff because I've seen that be requested tons although I'm also in a bit of a bubble online so who knows. Either way, I do not get why people are voting for that scene. Maybe it's their favourite? But like... How will a script add anything to that scene? It's the same with the Steve and Eddie scene; it's the actors' performances that make the scene special, the dialogue is pretty self explanatory.
Whereas the Johnathan and Will scene will make the scene sadder and also give some gay Will proof for the idiots who don't already believe that. And the Lumax scene... I need the Lumax scene. It's such a sweet and retroactively heartbreaking scene and I want to see what was originally planned and what was added by the actors. I know this is hypocritical with my point about how prior scripts added nothing, but Lumax makes me feel angsty. The boobies scene makes me snort but I doubt a script could do that. The Chrissy and Eddie script would be better see than that scene although in my opinion a lot of the flirting in that scene isn't from the text but from Grace van Dien and Joseph Quinn.
I need to go check the final poll I think, but I'm praying for Lumax! And then Johnathan Will next week. Fingers crossed and thanks for the ask (:
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hopevalley · 4 years
I've actually enjoyed watching new episodes of the show for the first time in a LONG time! I thought Lucas being frustrated w/ Elizabeth was contrived and misplaced. Was his mom like "me & your father are separated btw i told elizabeth before you?" The bit felt off. But hey, these past three episodes have been fun & much-better written than anything last season. How much of this season's improvement over recent prior ones do you think is due to the season having a new showrunner?
As to Lucas and Elizabeth, I feel this is an issue with shows in general of this runtime and episode length. I like to compare WCtH with Road to Avonlea because both shows had short seasons and 40ish minute long episodes, were family shows, and featured ensemble casts. Avonlea had a similar issue with pacing in the occasional episode. I know I like to nitpick WCtH a lot about its writing, and I never shy from honest critique, but I really do think the hiccup with Lucas and Elizabeth in Ep3 was just a product of needing a few more minutes of screentime—preferably the start of Helen telling Lucas about the situation with his father, since it did feel like him knowing everything came out of almost nowhere. We knew Helen would have to talk to him, but we never really saw her resolve to do so, and I think we earned the emotional payoff of the truth coming out. (As an aside, Helen should have apologized for telling Lucas that Elizabeth knew as well as putting her in a position where she had to keep a secret from someone she cared about. Elizabeth being put in a bad position was awful enough, but then she went and told Lucas that Elizabeth was aware the whole time? Yiiiikesssss...)
I’m pretty confident that Helen told Lucas something like: “I have to tell you something important... Your father...left me...a few weeks ago. I need to apologize for keeping it from you but I didn’t know how to bring it up...” and then probably responded to something Lucas said with a comment about how she’d talked to Elizabeth about it, or Elizabeth suggested she be honest about the situation because Lucas would find out eventually and it would be better if it came directly from her. I could definitely see Helen accidentally being too honest in a situation where she’s nervous about admitting the truth to her own son. She’s probably extremely embarrassed and ashamed, and the episode doesn’t really go into how Helen feels about it. They just jump into talk about love and how it needs to be nurtured and nobody ever asks Helen if she actually loved/loves her husband, let alone if he was a good man/husband to her. 
Not getting a scene where Helen confesses the truth weakens the entire plotline. I’m hoping they’ll just keep improving on this specific aspect of the show, and consider getting rid of unnecessary scenes or entire unnecessary storylines in favor of stronger, more complete stories.
I know their hesitation is based on the idea that not everyone cares about (for example) Lucas, so focusing really hard on Lucas’s relationship with his mother might feel Bad, but the entire “chair” plotline with Rosemary and Lee was unnecessary, as were the longer Florence and Ned scenes. Don’t get me wrong—I enjoyed them! But if they cut those out, or mostly cut them, then there would have been enough screentime for a full scene showing Helen telling Lucas about the truth.
And Chris McNally is clearly an actor who can handle an emotional scene like that, so it would have turned out well, and been well-received by the fans...even the ones who aren’t rooting for Lucas. Because what people who watch this show want to see is...depth, I think. So many relationships feel tacked on or fake. I’ve seen improvement this season, but they could definitely do more to bolster the “community” feel of the show.
As to the quality of the season so far...
@trash-god​ and I were chatting earlier this week about how wild it is that we’re both, like, actively looking forward to the next episode regularly. Sure, it’s still pretty early in the season, but we’re 25% of the way through. If the writing stays this consistently decent I think we’ll have the best season in a long time on our hands!
It’s funny because if you lurk on the WCTH subreddit, you’ll see most of the fans there are bored of this season, but I disagree with them in a bit way; this season is DEFINITELY better-written and smoother. As to where to place the credit, I think it’s worth considering the last few seasons and what the writers/writing teams have struggled with.
Season 4: They knew something was going to happen with their lead man so they tried introducing other things and in many ways had success. There were some REALLY GOOD scenes in S4, but there were also scenes or arcs that had a lot of potential that just fell flat. For example, they had that plot where Frank and Abigail got annoyed with each other over the fact that he’s kind of still living (mentally) as a carefree bachelor, and even though it wasn’t as thorough as it should have been, it was a pretty good and realistic storyline. But then later in the season, they introduced Carson, and Frank is suspicious of him for almost no reason (or at least, no solid reason), and then actively is...like a BAD PERSON for NO REASON. Two completely different plots, one was good and felt natural, and the other was awful and cringey. We also have the AJ plotline in S4. It started out super good because it was one of those plots that was genuinely built up to over the course of several episodes. We find out the accountant that was going to testify has withdrawn their statement, then we find out they’ve disappeared and we have a name. Bill discusses it with Abigail and Frank both, multiple times. He thinks it’s a payoff and he’s determined to prove it so he starts poking around. Eventually he gets a lead and follows it, and it’s revealed that AJ is a woman. Bill is annoying. AJ is a liar. I think conceptually this is one of the more interesting plots they’ve cobbled together, but in execution it was lacking toward the end of the story. Bill spent two episodes fighting AJ’s attitude and in the end he just lets her go with a smile? That isn’t like Bill at all. There’s a scene or two missing to make that reaction make sense. They don’t interact enough to give us the idea that Bill *understands* her, let alone would be okay with her literally breaking out of his jail ON HIS WATCH.
Season 5: They had to write Jack out of the story and had to rush a wedding in to “appease” the fans. They also had to write Shane, Philip, Frank, and Dottie off the show in this season (Dottie because the actress deals with a chronic illness and can no longer do acting work—I want to say she has Lyme’s). So they cobble this like, awkward storyline to write Frank out that doesn’t really make a lot of sense. They put this dramatic story together for Philip (when him just moving away would have been better/more interesting), and they try to bring AJ back for another 2-part episode, which sounded fun until we actually had to watch the episodes. It was at this point that I thought, “The people writing this show...think they’re writing a movie script.” It’s not that I think AJ isn’t pushy or emotionally blunt, but it definitely came across in those episodes that they wrote her that way specifically because the plot wouldn’t work out if she wasn’t. She does unreasonable things. For some reason Bill still has feelings even though she’s done nothing to earn them. (And vice-versa; he’s just so mean to her...why would she be interested?) Everyone was like :O when the AJ episodes weren’t very well-received. But like, I didn’t want AJ to come back for a huge dramatic rattlesnake bite scene. I wanted her back to see her emotional struggle with facing prison. I wanted to really see where they’d go with her seeing Henry Gowen. She says she wants to start over in Hope Valley after prison, but like...WHY? The only people who are nice to her are Dottie and Abigail! And then after this super dramatic poorly written set of scenes that pretty much ensured AJ would never be seen on the show again (because her presence was actively mocked by a lot of fans) they actually kill off Jack and try to have a deeply emotional and thoughtful episode.
The worst part is that...the post-death episode was good. The actors were great. Then you look back at the dramatic rattlesnake stuff and you’re just like, “What went wrong here?”
Season 6: They decided they were going to introduce a love triangle, so they start doing that, but then Abigail’s character AS WELL AS CODY’S CHARACTER has to be cut from the show, so they edit those out. I still think doing this was the right thing—Abigail as a character was literally UNBEARABLE throughout most of S5—but I also can’t deny that it probably brought the cohesiveness and overall quality of the season down by a bit, particularly with Abigail acting as a buffer between Nathan/Lucas and Elizabeth. I have no way of knowing if they edited other characters into those roles (it’s possible Bill became a buffer between Nathan and Elizabeth, for example), but the editing still gave us some scenes that just didn’t...quite work, like the one where Elizabeth comforts Henry, or when Lee becomes Bill’s confidant regarding the position of judge being offered to him.
Season 7: In their attempt to make Lucas seem “mysterious” they accidentally made him come off almost creepy. More than once. They had some good ideas in this season, but the writing felt a bit choppy and isolated from episode to episode. Of course Nathan’s father was innocent. Of course it was resolved in five minutes. You could see they were trying REALLY hard for cohesiveness at certain points (Elizabeth tried talking to Henry about his attitude; Jesse mentioned Frank; Dottie was mentioned), but each episode felt very isolated from the others, almost as if most of them were written completely separately from the rest.
And you’ll notice in S4, 5, and 6, we kind of have a similar problem, where some plots feel like they were written or inserted into the story independent of the other plotlines. Frank breaking into Carson’s room at the saloon to snoop through his stuff was one of the worst things in the season (literally cringey—and not in that “character is doing something in character that is hard to watch” way, but rather, “this character would literally never do that” way). The AJ storyline in S5 felt like the person who wrote it watched AJ & Bill’s interactions in S4 and absorbed ONLY the fact that they bickered a bit (and then didn’t know how to write that dynamic in a pleasing way). Writing Abigail out of the show was for the best, but it forced cracks in the plotlines that weren’t necessarily filled, as well as gave us interactions that didn’t feel quite right.
And I think S7 was trying to get on the right track, but wrote episodes in a very disjointed, haphazard kind of manner. There were good things about it, yes, but there were also some very...bad things. 
And overall the problem almost universally was that it felt like some of the episodes/interactions were written as if they were part of a movie, as part of a one time deal, instead of something that would need to be carried forward. If you go back and look over some plotlines you can start to see where the writers...didn’t know how to write fanfiction. S5 AJ is not the same character as S4 AJ. She doesn’t feel the same. She’s not written with S4 AJ in mind. She’s not a natural version of the character that exists a year later in the storyline...and then she was given a storyline that they had to force the character to fit, instead of tailoring a storyline to match the character. And they continued this trend...over...and over...and over...and over.
And now, finally, it feels that they may actually have a head writer who knows how to write television, who knows that in order to write a successful television series, you have to go back and watch the early episodes. You have to see how the characters have evolved. You have to consider how they’ve gotten to where they are, and where they will LOGICALLY go from here based on things that happen to or around them.
I don’t want to state this as Fact too early, but I definitely think it’s a factor. We’ll see how the rest of the season plays out, but I hope the quality continues to be as good as it is.
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my boyfriend never texts first
Remus just wants to not be the first one to send a message every once in a while. That’s not too much to ask, right?
relationship: romantic remrom, background remy and emile (also romantic)
warnings: major character death, extended mourning (secondary warnings- brief discussion of religious holidays, brief underage drinking mention, a lot of all-caps) notes: unrelated, human, hs/college au. virgil, emile, and remy are here too. If you need anything in the secondary warnings (or one of those latter three characters) edited out, please let me know and I can put that up for you!
Remus always texted him first. Always. It didn’t matter the situation, didn’t matter the time date place name face. Who what when where why. It first started when he texted hi roman :) when they first got phones; for whatever reason, Roman just never texted first. Either he’d call or they’d talk in person.
No matter. Remus could cope.
May 1:
8:37 PM tody i saw you by my locker 8:39 PM *today 8:42 PM why didnt you say hi?
May 2:
9:30 PM a teacher talked to me today 9:30 PM wanted to talk about how i’m doing after 9:52 PM well you know. he’s a sick bastard
Really, it wasn’t too much to ask for, was it? He just wanted to see him text first once in a while! May 7:
3:32 PM: by the way idk if you got this last time 3:36 PM: my class ring size is the medium 3:44 PM: hopefully you order it by the deadline :P 4:03 PM: no idea when the deadline is 4:20 PM: bLAZE IT 4:24 PM: sorry i have like 0 money so i got it from the consignment shop 4:31 PM: i hope you like synthetic rubies!! leaving them with ur dad 10:40 PM: update. i cried for four hours with your dad.
June 2:
7:30 AM: gRaDuAtIoN dAy!!! 7:32 AM: there’s cookies in the reception menu 7:35 AM: snickerdoodles your favorite [eyes] 10:02 AM: i’m getting some for u 10:05 AM: [kissy face] 7:40 PM: the announcement was Weird 7:43 PM: anyways i have the snickerdoodles (Remus couldn’t go over to where Roman was staying, so he left them in the living room. He knew Roman would appreciate them. Hopefully he’d come over (wait, probably not, given...))
Well, actually, he could understand why he never texted first. June 11:
12:14 PM: roMAN 12:16 PM: [Attachment: Remus_Picani-Kleitman_Acceptance_Letter.pdf] 12:18 PM: YEAHHHH 12:24 PM: I’m sure you got in too SEND ME YOURS WHEN YOU GET IT 12:32 PM: WE MIGHT SHARE A ROOM YEA 12:35 PM: [Attachment: celebration.jpg]
Everyone was probably saying that he ought to just move on, but to be honest, he couldn’t... Actually, to be honest, no-one had told him to move on to his face yet. In fact, everyone was surprised he was doing so well, given how bad the circumstances were! The situation was stressing him out so much, even his dads were gently advising him to rethink things. (Well, that was part of the territory with one of them being a therapist and the other being a barista.)
“I got y’all some kouign-amann from the cafe,” said Dad, putting it down on the counter. His shirt had SLEEP scrawled on it with a Sharpie; it was the one that Remus had made for him as a joke. He still wore it. Huh.
“Sweetie, what’s a queen amahn?” asked Papa.
“It’s a... er, it’s like a... this is kinda like a croissant that had dreams of a muffin tin and salted caramel. One for you, babe.... then one for Doodlebug-”
“Can I leave some for Roman?” asked Remus.
They exchanged a glance.
“Of course you can,” said Papa with a smile. “Your candle’s on the table. Also, I got the news about being accepted into university? Good job, kiddo. You know, that was your father’s alma mater.”
“Are you sure you want to go to school right away after...? No problem taking a gap year.”
Papa glared at Dad. “Be nice.”
“I’m sorry, Remus, it’s just...” Dad put down his coffee. “If you’re not ready, if you need more time-”
"I’m sure,” said Remus with a grin, trying to get rid of what he just remembered. “Trust me.”
“Please find a good way to put away the snickerdoodles, they’ve been there since last week!” shouted Papa.
June 12:
12:12 AM: its twelve twelve make a wish 12:15 AM: hey when does your phone bill go out? 12:20 AM: im just saying that would Explain some things 12:22 AM: i know your dad pays Everything like a year in advance 12:34 AM: tell him i say hi 12:34 AM: 12:34 MAKE A WISH
July 12:
3:30 PM: guess who’s a double major in bio and theatre!! 3:32 PM: marine biology babey 3:53 PM: it’s good for the SOUL 4:04 PM: this cute octopus reminded me of you by the way 4:10 PM: [Attachment: for_roman]
August 14:
6:24 PM: moving in is the Worst 6:32 PM: by the way i got a single 6:35 PM: no roommates 6:41 PM: still have the bunk tho 6:44 PM: also got ur favorite pillo
August 30:
2:12 AM: roman it is like two o’clock in the morning what the Heck are you doing here, 2:15 AM: if u see me wave Hi 2:32 AM: ok >:c 2:42 AM: dont mind Me just studyin on top of the planetarium 3:15 AM: tbh i didn’t even know we go to the same campus? haven’t seen you around or anything 3:17 AM: shit phones gonna di
September 28:
2:20 PM: i failed my test 2:22 PM: idk what to d 2:24 PM: *do
September 29: 7:30 PM: remember that octopus you gave me that eats negative emotions? 7:32 PM: it works!!
October 3:
1:10 PM:  You’d like the theatre program, really 1:15 PM: just so u know they’ve listed your name as an ‘honorary member of the class of’ 1:19 PM: that’s really nice of them. idk if your dad knows
October 23:
9:45 AM: i had to explain one of our inside jokes 8( 9:52 AM: i can’t Explain the deodorant thing that was One Time 9:55 AM: also why i’m called The Duke 9:56 AM: its bc you said it. not my fault 9:58 AM: its still cute pls call me that still 9:59 AM: pancake brunch pancake brunch pancake brunch October 31: 6:12 PM: sun’s down! joyous samhain 6:15 PM: i remember when you sewed me that octopus btw, the one that eats ucky feelings 6:19 PM: how long did it take you to get the laurel sachet into it?? 6:34 PM: also thank you thank you thank you for helping me find a friendly church to celebrate all saints day 6:47 PM: that year was a NIGHTMARE because you forgot to get your white candles and carnelian, and i forgot my holy water, so we were driving around town like Madmen 6:59 PM: it was worth it though 7:03 PM: i left you a script, i think you’ll like it.
November 9:
11:19 PM: i miss you so so much.
November 10:
12:20 AM: ignor this i drank like 12:24 AM: a lot 1:15 AM: i’m sorry i should’ve been with you 1:22 AM: i shouldve been there With You. 1:45 AM: but i wasn’t 2:20 AM: i didn’t know thered be a 4:11 PM: shit i just saw these. Sorry to bother you December 2:
10:10 AM: hey roman, been a bit. yea sorry about last time. too much of the Alcohol 10:13 AM: gonna go over to my parents’ house 1:00 PM: if you wanna come over, you can. dad’s making snickerdoodles and papa’s gonna watch atla (yes i still have that dvd you got me do not @ me it’s with your candles on your table just like everything else) 1:03 PM: that was on the dot, i’m happy.
December 21
8:34 AM: hey, it’s snowing 9:13 AM: couldn’t help leaving you some hot cocoa. and snickerdoodles of course 10:12 AM: i love you Remus went to go help his dads with making breakfast, but by the time everyone was done cleaning and they had finished watching some shitty Hallmark movie, he remembered that he had left his phone upstairs. Going upstairs and looking at it, he felt something in him break.
[2 Unread: Roman <3, bf’s dad]
10:22 AM, Roman <3: Why are you texting this number? 11:15 AM, bf’s dad: Remus, disregard that last, I’m so sorry. I just found his phone and I saw only the recent message first
The phone started ringing. Remus answered it as quickly as he could.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Sanders I didn’t know that someone was actually getting these messages I thought the line was out,” he said within a few seconds before the person on the other side sighed.
“No, it’s quite all right. And Virgil’s all right, by the way, if you prefer. I... I was just looking through his things for the first time. You know, it being a holiday and all... Memories, things like that.”
“Yeah, I understand.”
“I just turned the phone back on, I’m getting a lot of messages.”
“Oh.” Remus stared at the wall, trying to come to terms with everything. “Well, I--”
“I’m not going to stop paying for his phone. I’m sorry, I just... I still have his voicemails on it, and I can’t stand the thought of it going offline either.”
“Right, I... I listen to it too.”
“I happened upon the last one he sent to you.”
“You looked at the messages?”
“I only looked over when I stopped getting new ones, but I saw the last question he sent you. For your ring size.”
“Yeah? He asked my ring size so that he could--”
“There’s no easy way to say this, but.. I found something of his. Can you come over?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t, but can you please tell me what it was? Please?”
“I really think I should tell you this in person.”
“Please, Mr. Sanders. Please, I... I can’t manage that.”
He sighed. “All right, Remus. I found an early acceptance letter to SJAU, and... and a ringbox.”
Remus felt his grasp on the phone grow weak. It fell onto the bed, Mr. Sanders’ voice still clear.
“I think he was going to ask for you to....”
“No, we... We were just out of high school, I-- that doesn’t make sense.”
“He always was one for those romantic gestures. There’s some poems here, too. A life-plan. I’m not sure exactly what malacology is, but--”
“Mollusks. Like octopi and squids.. Sorry for cutting you off, what was that?”
“Some of it’s in your handwriting, but one of the entries is ‘ask him’, for the day after... you know.”
God, he could hear his sad smile through the phone. He knew exactly how Mr. Sanders looked right now just talking to him, probably wearing that hoodie that was too big on him, in a dusty room full of things that used to belong to the most vibrant person that Remus had ever met.
But then Roman had died.
He was the most wonderful person, and he had just died.
“I’ll come over to deliver the ring to you. Is that okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s... that’s fine. Uh, call my dads first, though. They’re still not convinced I’m doing okay.”
“I understand. I’ll talk to you later, Remus.”
“Thank you, Mr. Sanders.”
The line went dead in his hands.
Remus held himself and wept.
December 28:
12:30 PM, Remus Picani-Kleitman: Mr. Sanders, would you like to come over for our New Year’s party? 12:34 PM, Remus Picani-Kleitman: It’s a tradition we had. You don’t have to if you’d rather not. 12:45 PM, Virgil Sanders: I’d love to go.
January 1:
12:00 AM: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! 12:05 AM: [Attachment: :)] 12:07 AM: we are all smiling in this photo and for that i think we deserve a hug. 12:10 AM: this rings the most beuatifl thing i’ve ever fuckign seen. thank you,, 12:14 AM: never gonna get rid of it <3 12:16 AM: it looks Good on my finger 12:30 AM: jsyk your dad’s asking my dads for the kouign amann recipe 12:32 AM: thats a pastry, i left those for u a while back 12:39 AM: okay i’m crying a bit but honestly, i love u 12:44 AM: I love you so so so much, Roman
Somewhere out there, whether it was from some wonderful paradise or beyond the veil or even only in wishful thoughts, Remus knew that someone was saying I love you too.
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cogneartive · 5 years
The Great Peter Infodump of March 2020
yo @brackets-and-woolly-hats @mijaco-geo and @mike-nesmith-for-mayor I have recently been informed that yall would really like me to infodump about Peter and I want to thank yall because I think if I held it in any longer I would explode
Also thanks to the coolcherrycream articles and various interviews that I learnt all these from in the 5-ish months I’ve been thinking about the monkees for
But before I start going hnngggg Peter I would like to warn you that despite my tone this is going to contain some heavy stuff. We’re talking brief mentions of blood, and suicide and death so be careful about that
This is gonna get hella long so *cracks knuckles* let’s begin
let’s start from the very beginning: a very good place to start
Friday, 13th February one bb was born and he would always say that Friday the 13th was a lucky day for years onwards
He was born with a lot of diversity in his parentage
He’s Irish and German-Jewish on his mother’s side and Norwegian on his dad’s side
Speaking of Jewishness (is that a word???) I rememeber an article saying that he used to randomly say Hebrew words in interviews and I think he taught Mike how to say something too?? I dont know
Peter was a very friendly boy even when he was just a toddler cus he would drag any new friend he had home
Anyway, he was born in Washington DC
Once on Christmas he went missing and his mum and grams panicked and looked all over the house for him
Turns out he was just waiting at lampost in the snow because he wanted to make sure that Santa would bring him a present
Speaking of Grams, when he was 3 (i think im doing this from memory) he was at a post office with his mother when she came in.
He got uber excited and shouted “THAT’S MY GRAMS. HER NAME IS CAIT!”
And so everyone turned to look at her and he squealed
He would also often ride on the top part double deck buses and whenever the bus slowed down, he would wave to nearby people and say “HI MY NAME’S PETER WHAT’S YOUR?” to which those people who wave back and sometimes answer him. I mean, wouldn’t you?
Also he started to play with pianos when he was 3 and also he liked dancing so that’s cute
One of his first memories was of being at the hospital where his brother Nick (who they called Nicky and that’s what I’m going to call him) was born
Soon after Nicky was born they moved to Germany Yeet. He was 4 and the time and Nicky was like 18 months or smth
Right so I dont know why people dont talk about this part of his childhood because like,,,it’s interesting??
In Germany they had two maids
They had to put sugar in every food so that Peter and Nicky would actually eat the strange German food
He became very fluent in German and would help his mother with translations
He was also fluent in French for some reason
Someone made a statue of his 4 year old head and it became a famous minor art piece that featured in calendars
It probably now sits in his house because I saw in in the background of the short documentary that his son, Ivan Ivanoli made about him which you sould check btw
Anyway, when Peter was 5 he made his first official best friend Ule who was two years older than him
Once when he was playing hide and seek with Nicky he ran at full force at a closed glass door that he thought was open, shattering it, and getting a shard into his arm. Reasonably he screamed
Apparently, he was hurt a major artery and would have bled to death if not for someone being in the house to call a doctor
Once he was out and about wandering around, as you would do if you were Peter when he was stopped by some official looking guy from going back into his own house.
It’s important to note that Peter looked very much like a German boy and would ONLY talk in German outside. God knows why he did this.  Reasonably, the dude thought he was lying and he had to call for his mum
Anyway, in Germany school starts when you’re five but his birthday was in the middle of the school year so his parents sent him in early which set him up for some outcasted child syndrome later
And then the moved back to America yeet
So he moved back into America but it didn’t stop there. No. They had to move around like a 100 different times and as someone who went to a total of 4 different schools (so far oh no) that sets you up with outcasted child syndrome. What also sets you up with outcasted child syndrome is if you’re an undiagnosed neurodivergent which Peter seemed to think he was when he was in his 50s (either ADHD or autism) so uhh keep that in mind
So he was in school and as mentioned earlier he was a year younger than his peers so that’s fun
He was very very clever. Often he would finish his work first and his (4th grade) teacher would make do some reading or creative writing. She encouraged him to do creative writing because she saw some talent in there
Not only was he acadmically gifted, but he was also musically gifted. Playing not only the piano (which he got lessons for) but also the guitar, the banjo, the bass, and the french horn which he got an award for when he was in highschool playing in a band made out of college students for some reason
Speaking of awards, he was once given an award for maths
This giftedness would later set him up for Gifted Child Burnout he had in college
Also he changed schools like a total of 13 times so that’s fun
He went to a private school but apparentl, according to his parents, he hated it (but he remembered liking it???)
Also, he made a lot of jokes in class
Remember Nicky? Yeah, Nicky would often write songs for him to sing and stuff (Nicky would later write songs for Peter’s solo album and a bunch of other stuff what a great brother we stan)
The family had some kind of barn once where he would do puppet shows his siblings
Anyway, school life was all fine and dandy until 5th grade hit and he changed schools and everyone lost interest in him because he was one year younger
Also his dad was apparently very disconnected with him. Needless to say, Peter felt like his father didn’t like him
Once when he was 9, he told his father that he noticed that when the clouds were around at night, it would be warmer during the day to which his father shouted at him saying that “he has no proof of that” and that he shouldn’t say anything without proof
This of course led him to feel like no one wanted to listen to what he wanted to say
poor baby
I think his father would have been the reason why Peter would later say in an interview that he hated “loud abusiveness” the most
He would also later say that a combination of his dad and feeling like he was weird and different would lead him to his drinking problem
So umm we dont stan his dad ok
Once when he was 13 he picked up a loaded shotgun and put it against his head. But he decided that he didn’t want to do it at the last second.
Overall, life from 5th grade till highschool was terrible for him
He didn’t have any friends in his school
So when he moved to a new school in Conneticut where he was surrounded with people of the same age, he was really happy all the way until college where he flunked out twice
Hippie Time (Honestly this part is just me talking about him and Stephen Stills because Steter Stirk changed me)
And so Peter became a hippie in Greenwich Village
In the Village, he became a sort of entertainer. Not just singing and playing, he was also a comedian. 
And then he kept hearing about this dude who looked like him from other people.
This dude turned out to be Stephen who was also hearing the same kind of talk for about the same amount of time
Pete and Stephen VIBED im not kidding they started to play with each other and also Stephen’s room mate who was also there
Also it turns out that they liked to talk about the same things so that’s neat
Peter went to Venuzuela apparently and when he came back the Monkee thing happened yeet
Once when Stephen was waiting to move into his new house Peter was all like “hey dude live with me”
For a while they also lived in the same house when he was Monkee and if that doesn’t fuel any ship fics I dont know what will
Im serious the ship is here and its real I saw fics and fanart
Dont ask about Stirk
They played with the colour tv and would “pick apart each other’s brains” umm
Also Peter’s favourite band was buffalo springfield and we stan a friend who would say your band was their favourite band
And I think this is where my knowledge starts to fade because I haven’t really heard any cool facts from here on afterwards
Last Final Cool Facts
He was a teacher for quite a while and taught about Maths, basketball (despite not liking any sport except swimming) and Easter Philosophy,,,yes easter philosphy the man was into that kinda stuff
Also he was a big reader. Always having a smoll book in his pocket that he would read while on set with the Monkees. But he was particularly a non fic kinda guy
He would write poetry on the back of scripts
In the 2000s he said that his sister thought he might have ADD
Also autism but when asked about it he’d be all P E R H A P S
which is very unhelpful Peter pls give us a straight answer
I mean he cant give us straight answers because he was the gayest monkee (he fricked a dude once but he didn’t like it)
Hey look I ended on a gay note yeet. Thanks for reading this mess
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aion-rsa · 4 years
What’s Happening With Marvel’s X-Men?
This article contains spoilers for recent Marvel X-Men stories.
A long time ago, back at the beginning of the interminable, endless month of March that the pandemic has trapped us in, Marvel’s X-Men books were barrelling towards their first big post-Dawn of X crossover, X of Swords. And then the world stopped, and plans changed for the X-Men while everything was paused.
Now that we’re back, plans have changed, and books are coming fast and furious. So what’s going on with Marvel’s Merry Mutants? Which book did Storm get sick in? What book should you read for a good Laksa recipe? New Mutants, but we can answer all your other questions on what’s going on with the X-Men below. 
While we won’t rehash the entire thing, House of X/Powers of X reset the entire X-Men line. Mutants can’t die anymore (or rather, if they do, they’re resurrected from clone bodies and emergency backup minds by The Five and Professor X). The X-Men, and all mutants alive, are now living on Krakoa, a living, mutant island in the Pacific that, at some point in the distant past, broke in half, sending one part of it to a dangerous, monster-infested realm with Apocalypse’s first Horsemen standing guard making sure it didn’t return. 
Humans are back to hating and fearing mutants on a wide scale, but this time it’s mostly because the mutants are vehemently anti-capitalism, flooding markets with cheap, life-extending and health-improving drugs and vowing to take down the human world with economic weapons of their own making. This has the humans initiating some pretty intense Sentinel programs, particularly around the sun, where Nimrod – the adaptive Sentinel whose existence dooms mutantkind in one Powers of X future – was very nearly created. 
And amidst all of that, Moira MacTaggert, the secret mutant mastermind with the power of Groundhog Lifeing (when she dies, her consciousness is immediately transported back to her prenatal self to be born again with all her old memories. She’s on life ten now, btw), is frantically trying to manipulate events so that mutants continue to exist in the long run as the next phase in human evolution, averting a future where man-machine hybrids (like Omega Sentinels and the Children of the Vault) develop while humans and mutants are busy fighting among themselves. She’s also not allowing Charles and Magneto to revive any mutants with precognitive powers, expecting them to see her plan and ruin Krakoan civilization.
X-Men, by mastermind Jonathan Hickman with art mostly from Leinil Yu, is where big ideas are being seeded for later use.
This is where the story of Krakoa and its estranged, otherdimensional partner Arakko was further developed (following its introduction in Powers of X and setting up X of Swords, the first mutant crossover of the Dawn of X era). X-Men introduced Hordeculture (think the Golden Girls if they were also ecoterrorist botanists); reintroduced the Children of the Vault; showed how depowered mutants get in line to get their powers back; and saw Magneto and Apocalypse threaten humankind with the most terrible weapon of all: finance capitalism.
New Mutants
It also, just prior to the break, X-Men had a spiritual crossover with New Mutants, initially a split book by Hickman and Rod Reis on the space issues, and Ed Brisson, Flaviano, and Marco Failla on the Earth issues. Brisson, Flaviano and Failla’s story follows a group of Earthbound mutant kids (including Glob Herman and Boom Boom) as they track down stragglers to Krakoa, like Beak and Angel.
Hickman and Reis took the original New Mutants plus Chamber and Mondo into space to go pick up Cannonball (who was living on Chandi’lar with his wife, Smasher). On the way there, they stole a King Egg from the Starjammers and brought it back to Earth, where it turns out, we discover in X-Men, the King Egg is a bioweapon created by the Kree to control the Brood for an eventual war with the Shi’ar. Broo, the supersmart mutant Broodling from Wolverine and the X-Men, eats the egg and becomes the Brood King.
Excalibur is the shining star of the line so far. Tini Howard and Marcus To are growing the mythos of mutant magic with a very odd team that includes Betsy Braddock (now back in her original body and the new Captain Britain); Rogue and Gambit; Jubilee and her mysteriously dragonified son Shogo; new earth mage Rictor; and Apocalypse, who is clearly up to some stuff. Apocalypse picks a fight with Otherworld and places a newly resurrected but still batshit Jamie Braddock on the throne of the magical realm.
Excalibur was one of the first books to return from hiatus, and it came back with maybe the best single issue of the entire relaunch in issue #10. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Marauders launched as the story about the Hellfire Trading Company, the corporate arm of Krakoa that distributes the miracle drugs around the world while also smuggling mutants in trouble home to Krakoa. But Gerry Duggan and Matteo Lolli’s book quickly turned into the mystery of Kitty Pryde – why she’s not able to use the Krakoan gates that allow instantaneous travel around the galaxy, and whether she can be resurrected by The Five. That story has just about come to a head, but it is worth noting that it still contains a great deal of Hellfire Trading Company intrigue between Emma Frost and Sebastian Shaw, and a lot of drunken pirate antics. The resurrected original Pyro does get a tattoo of the Marauders skull on his face at one point. It’s fun.
X-Force, by Ben Percy and Joshua Cassara, immediately killed Professor X. He was resurrected, of course, but it served as both a notice that everyone is fair game, and alongside Marauders, keeps some slight mystery to character death alive post-The Five’s perpetual resurrection machine. It’s also the story of the Krakoan CIA, so it sets up the global threats facing the mutant nation, and then sends Wolverine to get cut in half fighting them. Also, Forge creates a bio-mech loader suit and smashes the two halves of Logan back together at one point. If that’s something you find yourself chuckling at, this book is going to exceed expectations.
Fallen Angels
Fallen Angels focused mostly on resetting the current Psylocke’s status quo. Kwannon was brought back to life and placed in her old body shortly before the reboot (very quickly: Spiral switched Psylocke and Kwannon’s bodies, then before they could be reverted, Kwannon got the Legacy Virus and died, then when Betsy used a villain’s powers to recreate her old body and reinhabit it, Kwannon…uh…got better…). Here, she teamed with X-23 and Cable, with ops backup from Mister Sinister, to track down Apoth, a technological being selling cybernetic drugs to humans.
It’s mostly setup for Psylocke, X-23 (now Wolverine again, I think), and Sinister while adding another technological foe to the mix. It leads almost directly into Zeb Wells and Steven Segovia’s Hellions, a book about Sinister’s team of mutants who are all gleefully, unrepentantly screwed up and are currently on a mission cleaning up some old clones Sinister left lying around.
Cable, Wolverine, and More…
Cable, Wolverine and the Giant Size issues, are still mostly seeding future storylines. Cable, from Duggan and Phil Noto, has only had a couple of issues so far, but it’s brought the Galadorians (the Spaceknights minus ROM, who belongs to IDW now, I think) into mutant orbit and given Nathan a sword for the crossover.
Wolverine, by Percy, Adam Kubert and Victor Bogdanove, has Logan tracking down illicit Krakoan flower dealers, and also Omega Red works for Dracula now. And the Giant Size issues are mysteries piled on mysteries piled on incredible art. Hickman has scripted all three, and so far, Storm caught a technovirus from the Children of the Vault in the Jean Grey/Emma Frost issue (drawn by Russell Dauterman); we find out what’s up with Cypher’s techno-organic arm in the Nightcrawler issue (from Alan Davis); Magneto buys Emma an island from Namor with art from Ramon Perez; and we get actual backstory and incredible Rod Reis art in the Fantomex issue. 
The recently wrapped Empyre: X-Men’s opening scene is simultaneously one of the most important to the metanarrative of mutant struggle that’s been developing since the Professor’s “No More” scene in House of X #4 AND the best setup/punchline in any Dawn of X comic. It also starts to deliver on some of the rumored-but-never-announced X-Men ideas that were floated early after the reboot – Angel and M are two of the leads, playing out a little of the boardroom drama we hoped for after an X-Corporation book was rumored.
X-Factor, from Leah Williams and David Baldeon, more or less just launched. It’s about the team investigating and verifying mutant deaths, to put those lives into the queue for resurrection. This feels like the book set up to deliver on the weirdest promises of the relaunch, and the creative team are inventive, fun storytellers, so keep an eye on this. Williams has a very sharp ear for patter and knows her characters well – while it’s not an X-book, Amazing Mary Jane is a stunning accomplishment of delightful character work. Early X-Factor is more of the same, with more mutant high concept.
And all this is leading to X of Swords, the new X-writers room’s attempt to outdo X-Cutioner’s Song: a 22-part Tini Howard-led crossover where everyone swordfights over half of Krakoa. And still dangling in the ether, unannounced but long discussed, are Vita Ayala and Bernard Chang’s Children of the Atom, following a group of mutant teenagers who idolize the X-Men, and a Moira X book that’s expected to fill in some of the gaps in Moira’s many, many timelines. 
The post What’s Happening With Marvel’s X-Men? appeared first on Den of Geek.
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acharlescoleman · 3 years
My movie weekend. 
I saw Plan B at home in the wee hours of...Saturday morning, around 1am? maybe 12:30?
Went to the Autry Museum to see Gas Food Lodging at like 1:30 in the afternoon. The director was there and the Q&A was really good. The fairly packed crowd, all wearing masks consistently which was nice, asked good questions! So it was a neat Q&A. Learned that in the original novel that there were three kids in the story and the writer-director was like gotta lose one of the kids lol. And recommended to screenwriters in the audience that like triangle situations are good for drama,   like for this movie,  the dynamics between the lead character the young middle teen girl,  her slightly older sister, and her mother was the crux of the movie. \
I really liked the movie btw,   it wasn’t like a strict Hollywood narrative movie but it also wasn’t totally like overly arty experimental either, very handheld and raw and funny at times. I remember complaining about Plan B that the parents were way too understanding and there wasn’t enough yelling between the teens and parents in that movie, I got my fill with this movie. There was like one scene where the slightly teen girl came home late, the mother isn’t happy, there’s a bit of a back and forth, then the older teen goes to in the restroom, and they’re still arguing! I felt at home in this world lol. The scene awkwardly in a good way went longer than most of those kind of scenes usually go on for which I appreciated! 
Like that scene took me back to all the bickering I had had with my parents, along with the ones I overheard my sis had had with my parents. Good times! Like you start arguing about the initial thing of being late but then other stuff sometimes comes out too, especially if you have teens with tongues like me and my sis,   like man,  sometimes looking back,  we just weren’t kids that would accept just getting yelled at lol. At some point, around 11 maybe? I think kids start talking back and it’s rarely good because as an older person reflecting,  like you’re not experienced enough to really fight back with your folks but if you’re also young and reactive so you gotta say something and hope it sticks and hurts lol. 
I don’t know why I’m harping on this but I remember in Plan B,   there was like a classic 90′s TV show scene where a girl came home late (that’s the whole movie!) and she’s sort of confronted by the mom when she got home,   there’s not much of a back and forth and at the end, the girl is more upset at her mom and she gets in the last word and walks away. The mother just stood there for a while until the next scene where she goes to her her daughter’s bedroom and they hash it out. I don’t know, I’m not a parent lol but I’m still not convinced a mother, especially an immigrant mother,  would let their daughter do that do them, get the last word and walk away from them. I also don’t see how that’s a good thing,   like shouldn’t the more ideal thing be that they just talk it out then there? idk. Gas Food Lodging does a bit of it too, as my parents and many others,  where you do let the parties calm down after a fight and then talk it out better. idk. That whole bit just seemed too rush and that so bothered me that the mom just stood there. 
Anyways,  I liked Gas Food Lodging!
After the movie,  I decided to get my iPhone fixed,   I needed a new battery and a glass replacement and I found a dude in Los Feliz who gave me a deal to do both for a really good price. And he was fast about it too which was neat. I really might give that dude a yelp review and I don’t think I’ve done that before,  as of day 2, the service was really that good. I think I’ll wait a week though to make sure the phone keeps working. (Knock on wood it is so far)
I had planned to get something to eat then go to the Landmark in West LA to see Language Lessons,   but I wound up just going straight to the Landmark from Los Feliz and eating there which was alright because they had like Hebrew Nationals. Pretty good dog imo. Popcorn was so-so but whatever, that’s fine. 
I liked Language Lessons even though I could see why other people wouldn’t like it, the whole movie is done by zoom chats and like phone video messages by the two lead characters. A guy gets signed up for like online Spanish lessons and because and he and his Spanish teacher are vibing each other, the lessons don’t go in a formal way, they have like more free forming conversations in mostly Spanish and she corrects his Spanish when she feels needed, or when he asks if he’s saying something correctly. It’s neat, the whole first part was pretty long which was nice, to just have scenes play themselves out. Then as the movie goes on rough stuff happens to each character and they continue with their Spanish lessons thing. 
The dramatic stakes just keep getting raised as the movie goes on which teetered on going overboard with trying to make a clear story out of the film but I was fine with it and obviously,  I won’t spoil the ending but I totally dug that ending too even though it’s kind of hokey. Sometimes I’m fine with hoke and schmaltz!
At the Q&A,   the writer-director Natalie Morales, who was also the Spanish teacher,  said the film was shot last year, had some improv but not too much and interestingly she said she was kind of inspired by some of the bad directors she had worked with (didn’t name) throughout her acting career. She was like if they can do it,  she could certainly do it too and she encouraged other artists to like to press on with their passions because even if you suck,  you might inspire good work too. Something like that. I appreciated that honestly I feel like that’s a real thing being inspired by stuff that doesn’t impress you where you think you could do it better. 
So that was neat.    
Then,  I walked to the blue line on Pico, took the blue line train to the red line in downtown LA and that lead me to Hollywood and my last two movies of Saturday/Sunday.
It was a part of a film festival and the movies started after midnight, my first midnight movie in like over two years! 
The first movie was a short film that was a sci fi experimental satire thing that got into social media influencers (I think?) and I couldn’t get into it. It was a little too offbeat for me but I did think it was neat that the movie was shot by iPhones and it looked alright. 
The second movie was the Alternate, a sci fi thriller feature that I really dug. A would-be young filmmaker finds out about like a loop thing from his computer,  that allows him, if he goes into the loop thing to go into an “alternate” world where “he’s” a successful filmmaker and his girlfriend is now his wife, they have a nice home and a daughter. A pretty good life. It’s not entirely clear early on why the young filmmaker keeps wanting to go back into this “alternate” world but as the movie goes on that becomes clearer and darker. It’s a really good trippy movie. 
At the Q&A,  I didn’t think of my question until near the end of the sessions and I didn’t get to ask my question which stunk lol.
So that was that, then the real fun happened which was me trying to get home at 2am. I missed my first bus which stunk because the subway was closed so I couldn’t do subway then Lyft. And Lyft/Uber from Hollywood to home was out of the question because that would’ve costed like $70+! So I spent most of my time, waiting for the bus and walking back and forth to the closest 7-11′s that I knew in Hollywood and they were both closed! I didn’t know they did that! 
Anyways,  that was a wild time,  almost everyone I encountered was not sober in some way or another. I was also surprised at how many people were awake at almost 3am too. Just wild, wild stuff. 
I finally made it home at like just before 4am. One cute thing that happened as I went to my room was the yorkie left his bed to see me. I didn’t pet him, I don’t know why but I was tired and he was probably tired too,   I had thought he needed to pee but I think he was concerned that I was gone for so long. It was so funny,  he saw me, shook his tail, did a little stretch, then I asked him if he needed to pee and he didn’t even acknowledge I had said something, and he just walked back to his bed to go to sleep. Love that dog.
AND THEN,  on Sunday, yesterday,  I went to the Grove to meet up with friends to see Shang-Chi which I thought was barely okay. I liked the actors but the story just reminded me of too many other Marvel movies plus the movie was insistent on popping in flashbacks almost every 15 minutes or so. That reminded me of Captain Marvel in particular! (although to be fair,  to that movie they spread out of the flashbacks more but it was still annoying). Non-marvel movie,   Aquaman did that too in possibly the most annoying way. I laughed a few times during the movie BUT there were at least two times where there was an attempt at a funny moment when it was so not needed at all. Marvel loves to pull shit like that. One I will spoil is Shang-Chi is basically doing the first part of his explaining who he really is Awkwafina’s character and like 3/4′s of the way into the flashback, the flashback stops because a stewardess asks them if they wanted to order food. Beef or vegan. They both say vegan. Stewardess says they’re out of a vegan so they say fine, they’ll get beef. And then, I think Shang-Chi went back to his story but to me, that was so unneeded. 
The action was mostly fine but there was also tons of CGI too and it got excessive especially the ending where Shang-Chi almost has nothing to do because of CGI circumstances and I was like lost at what was going on at times. That was so poorly executed. 
Tony Leung and Michelle Yeoh were great though. Newcomer Meng'er Zhang was solid. Shang-Chi himself was alright considering like he spends a lot of the movie,   telling stories and kicking ass. He’s very good at the latter. Okay at the other which I mostly blame on the script and story,  he had to do so much exposition yeesh. 
Anyways, so that was my movie weekend.
Today,  I might go with my sister to the Raiders game in Vegas. She’s a Raiders fan and just instantly got the tickets. The funny thing is like three weeks ago or so she got buyers remorse so she’s tried to sell the pair of tickets on some profit and it’s been a challenge because the Raiders are only letting ticket holders who have proof of vaccination to inside the stadium to see the game. I think they’re the only team in the league doing that, it’s like a step above of admission for even most businesses in Los Angeles too including movie theaters. None of the places I went to the movies at required that. 
And if you can believe it,  some football fans are not all-in on getting vaccinated yet so even though,  it’s a home opening game,  it looks like it’s not going to be  a guarantee that it’ll be a packed stadium. As of now they haven’t changed that policy which is interesting to me, obviously my sis would prefer to sell the tickets and make some money off it instead of go, she said she even went under value BUT there still weren’t any takers so it looks like we’re going to the game! Weird stuff. I have the day off and I don’t go into work tomorrow until like 11:45pm. Fun times. 
If you’ve made this far,   hope you’re well and have a good week! (if not, that’s cool too no biggie!)
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orphanblackzone · 7 years
1. Dennis K. via Facebook: It was on your recommendation years ago Maria D over a Guinness in the back of McArthys pub in Dingle after a gig you did with your husband that got me watching Orphan Black. I have loved every episode since. You seemed so passionate about this show and all your colleagues on it. My question is – did you shed a few tears when you realised Siobhans number was up? Maria Doyle Kennedy: Graeme Manson (one of the show’s creators) called me last summer to talk to me about the character’s journey for the final season. He said they had been searching for an “emotional bomb” to propel the story towards a grand finale and that S’s death was what they had thought of. As soon as I heard it, I thought it was exactly the right thing for the show — probably the biggest loss that the core characters could suffer , and something that would make them dig to their very essence in order to survive.
I was also honored that they (Graeme and John) had such respect for my character and for me as a person, that they felt it was important to make that early call.
2. Joshua T. via Facebook: How did the whole “chicken” thing come about? Was that written in from the start of the series or did it come in naturally from you developing the character? Is it something you say in real life? (For the record, the rest of the extraordinary cast has already spilled the beans about that.) MDK: It is something that I say in real life!  Like several other things in the show (my singing in Season 3, Kristian [Donnie]’s Highland fling in Season 5) it came from Graeme and John being present when something happens and saying to themselves “Let’s get that in the show.”
3. Brooke P. via Facebook: First off, thank you for Siobhan. She was my favorite character. A badass until the end. (I took her loss really hard and am still trying to process it) When did you find out about her demise? Did you know she was going to meet her end at the beginning of the season or is that something you found out once you got the script? What was your reaction when you read the script for the first time? MDK: When it came to the read-through for that episode though, I was very nervous. Even though I was aware of what it contained, I was fairly sure I was going to cry. I got through the reading and then was a bit tearful. I was sitting next to Tat who hugged me and told me they loved me, which of course turned the tears to sobs, mortified by my inability to compose my self. I looked up to say, “Sorry about that,” to find the whole room crying. I will never forget it. It was just prior to filming Episode 8 and the first time we all realized that it was really coming to an end.
3. Evelina S. via Facebook: Back in season one your only concern was Kira’s safety, but step by step you’ve forgive Sarah, you’ve accepted her brand new sisters (and brother) and protected them, and now you’ve finally welcomed Delphine, Colin and Adele, how do you feel about this change for Siobhan? MDK: I think for S., finding and reconciling with her own mother changed everything for her. She saw how much of her own actions and rebellion as a younger woman were a response to the disconnect and loss of relationship with her family. She also knows that she won’t be around forever, and so she desperately wants to create a network of love and support and friendship around Sarah and Kira and Felix, so that they are able to care for each other and able to carry on without her when she is no longer there.
4. Kaitlyn J. via Facebook: What was your favorite line to deliver as S? P.S. You were completely brilliant as our lovable but tough clone club matriarch. Really going to miss S in these last couple episodes.
MDK: Thank you so much. I’ve been overwhelmed by the #CloneClub love. I have so many memories of lines, not as they are meant, but of the random things that happened around them…usually that involves me or someone else farting (!) I remember in Season 3 somewhere, Sarah and S were on a Skype call hearing about Rachel’s demands for her safe passage away. A ticket to Taiwan was one of her demands, and I improvised “Taiwan no less,” sounding just like my own mother, and Tat burst out laughing.
5. María F. via Facebook: What was the hardest part of doing this character? Btw love you so much you are incredibly talented and you really made Mrs S one of the most amazing characters on tv!! MDK: Doing the really badass stuff.. the guns, the pinning folks to tables with carving knives… I had to work really hard at that — I’m not a natural gun-wielder. I would watch it again and again on the monitor to make sure I believed it.
6. Karla V. via Facebook: Please tell us one funny story you have on set! MDK: There are many, but my most recent one was when Sarah & S are in the hotel bar in Episode 4 of Season 5 pretending to have a fight in order to con Dr. Perkins. We were trying to keep the drink-throwing to a minimum in order to save costume drying time, so when he thought he had the shot, our director David Wellington shouted “CUT!” but so loudly that Tat’s hand flew into the air and completely soaked me. The entire crew cracked up!
7. @plusplusbrochu via Twitter: How was the feeling when you saw #cloneclub’s reaction after Siobhan’s death? MDK: I was, and still am, totally overwhelmed by the outpouring of affection and comfort from #CloneClub towards me and the rest of the cast, but also towards each other. Truly heartwarming.
8. @lilmistrouble via Twitter: Felix has been inspired by many women but which women inspire you the most? MDK: Oh so many. My mother; my sister Fiona; a special aunt (Veronica); a formidable group of female friends who have gotten me through everything thus far in my life; Tatiana for her extraordinary dedication to and ability at her craft… Some of the other artists… Patti Smith, Andrea Arnold, Frida Kahlo, Julia Margaret Cameron, and two incredible glass artists I have just gotten to know: Flora C. Mace and Joey Kirkpatrick. I could make this a never-ending list.
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mariadoylekennedy · 7 years
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Maria Doyle Kennedy Q&A: ‘Find Your Tribe’
1. Dennis K. via Facebook: It was on your recommendation years ago Maria D over a Guinness in the back of McArthys pub in Dingle after a gig you did with your husband that got me watching Orphan Black. I have loved every episode since. You seemed so passionate about this show and all your colleagues on it. My question is – did you shed a few tears when you realised Siobhans number was up? Maria Doyle Kennedy: Graeme Manson (one of the show’s creators) called me last summer to talk to me about the character’s journey for the final season. He said they had been searching for an “emotional bomb” to propel the story towards a grand finale and that S’s death was what they had thought of. As soon as I heard it, I thought it was exactly the right thing for the show — probably the biggest loss that the core characters could suffer , and something that would make them dig to their very essence in order to survive.
I was also honored that they (Graeme and John) had such respect for my character and for me as a person, that they felt it was important to make that early call.
2. Joshua T. via Facebook: How did the whole “chicken” thing come about? Was that written in from the start of the series or did it come in naturally from you developing the character? Is it something you say in real life? (For the record, the rest of the extraordinary cast has already spilled the beans about that.) MDK: It is something that I say in real life!  Like several other things in the show (my singing in Season 3, Kristian [Donnie]’s Highland fling in Season 5) it came from Graeme and John being present when something happens and saying to themselves “Let’s get that in the show.”
3. Brooke P. via Facebook: First off, thank you for Siobhan. She was my favorite character. A badass until the end. (I took her loss really hard and am still trying to process it) When did you find out about her demise? Did you know she was going to meet her end at the beginning of the season or is that something you found out once you got the script? What was your reaction when you read the script for the first time? MDK: When it came to the read-through for that episode though, I was very nervous. Even though I was aware of what it contained, I was fairly sure I was going to cry. I got through the reading and then was a bit tearful. I was sitting next to Tat who hugged me and told me they loved me, which of course turned the tears to sobs, mortified by my inability to compose my self. I looked up to say, “Sorry about that,” to find the whole room crying. I will never forget it. It was just prior to filming Episode 8 and the first time we all realized that it was really coming to an end.
3. Evelina S. via Facebook: Back in season one your only concern was Kira’s safety, but step by step you’ve forgive Sarah, you’ve accepted her brand new sisters (and brother) and protected them, and now you’ve finally welcomed Delphine, Colin and Adele, how do you feel about this change for Siobhan? MDK: I think for S., finding and reconciling with her own mother changed everything for her. She saw how much of her own actions and rebellion as a younger woman were a response to the disconnect and loss of relationship with her family. She also knows that she won’t be around forever, and so she desperately wants to create a network of love and support and friendship around Sarah and Kira and Felix, so that they are able to care for each other and able to carry on without her when she is no longer there.
4. Kaitlyn J. via Facebook: What was your favorite line to deliver as S? P.S. You were completely brilliant as our lovable but tough clone club matriarch. Really going to miss S in these last couple episodes.
MDK: Thank you so much. I’ve been overwhelmed by the #CloneClub love. I have so many memories of lines, not as they are meant, but of the random things that happened around them…usually that involves me or someone else farting (!) I remember in Season 3 somewhere, Sarah and S were on a Skype call hearing about Rachel’s demands for her safe passage away. A ticket to Taiwan was one of her demands, and I improvised “Taiwan no less,” sounding just like my own mother, and Tat burst out laughing.
5. María F. via Facebook: What was the hardest part of doing this character? Btw love you so much you are incredibly talented and you really made Mrs S one of the most amazing characters on tv!! MDK: Doing the really badass stuff.. the guns, the pinning folks to tables with carving knives… I had to work really hard at that — I’m not a natural gun-wielder. I would watch it again and again on the monitor to make sure I believed it.
6. Karla V. via Facebook: Please tell us one funny story you have on set! MDK: There are many, but my most recent one was when Sarah & S are in the hotel bar in Episode 4 of Season 5 pretending to have a fight in order to con Dr. Perkins. We were trying to keep the drink-throwing to a minimum in order to save costume drying time, so when he thought he had the shot, our director David Wellington shouted “CUT!” but so loudly that Tat’s hand flew into the air and completely soaked me. The entire crew cracked up!
7. @plusplusbrochu via Twitter: How was the feeling when you saw #cloneclub’s reaction after Siobhan’s death? MDK: I was, and still am, totally overwhelmed by the outpouring of affection and comfort from #CloneClub towards me and the rest of the cast, but also towards each other. Truly heartwarming.
8. @lilmistrouble via Twitter: Felix has been inspired by many women but which women inspire you the most? MDK: Oh so many. My mother; my sister Fiona; a special aunt (Veronica); a formidable group of female friends who have gotten me through everything thus far in my life; Tatiana for her extraordinary dedication to and ability at her craft… Some of the other artists… Patti Smith, Andrea Arnold, Frida Kahlo, Julia Margaret Cameron, and two incredible glass artists I have just gotten to know: Flora C. Mace and Joey Kirkpatrick. I could make this a never-ending list.
9. @HelenBranswell via Twitter: S had a connection to Rachel, or at least a sense of empathy towards her that the rest of the Clone community didn’t seem to feel. Why? MDK: I think she understood that Rachel was a product of the life she had lived and the (lack of) real love she had been shown. I think S began to believe that if she could really get in there, she could affect some change.
10. @ThereGoesMinky via Twitter: If Mrs. S were to give her #CloneClub chickens one piece of parting advice, what would it be? MDK: I am so honured to have been part of something that seems to have meant so much to so many. The ideas of identity and family are very big ones for all of us. Find your tribe. Kick negative ideas and a–holes to the curb. Live with honor and as little judgment of others as you can manage. I hope that although the show is ending, some sense of community and support will continue for each other among #CloneClub. You are a mighty force. X Maria
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mebeingserious · 8 years
(c.) End 2012 - Early 2013
- - #1
#Based On A You Story. Blinking cursor.
Peep my Doogie Howser blue screen. Peep my blue light. No bloc festivities, streamers, or tails to pin anything on. Pin that shit on yourself, B. Take responsibility.
“Pin The Tail” had a Max B verse on the original. Do with that knowledge what you will if what you will do is reimburse me for my strong miscellany-fact-brain game. I refined it through the arthritis of those on my personal Mt. Rushmore.
I’m unknowable, really. You should get to un-know me.
And it was an inside job, btw. Egged on by the peanut gallery, flipped the switch, gave you a parachute and some mumble-mumble about how the chlorophyll’s gonna be stunning.
I’m just another human cat, word to Grass Green. Don’t treat me like the grassy knoll. Leave them stones turnt all the way down.
But that “you” isn’t you, that’s you’s on you’s on you’s. UUU, if you will. Gotta not have it.
New swatch alert. Here. Peep the texture and the hues. That’s the interior.
Cam’ron in a Utah Jazz throwback staring back at me through a phone’s reflection. [||]. You right, you right.
Captain Quirk but the Captain Crunch Dog at the same damn time. Pretend it’s two months ago, though.
Your last.fm recent plays leave you vulnerable, if you think about it. I thought about it.
I need to remind myself I don’t do this for the little or the big dunns. Everyone needs to get their Lex Luger on from time to time. B.Y. Before Yokozuna.
So I say that to say this: “Can’t call it, might spoil it”
Performing tune-ups with some VBRs and possibly, 192s. You can only crash so many planes before you start frisking yourself in the airport.
Further and farther are in full effect. But then I remember “that’s when the money starts running” and Stoicism, and put it in hands I once knocked down.
- - #2
Spot ‘em, got ‘em. I got dirt on you, doggie.
But God made dirt and dirt bust your ass.
Or my ass. I know too much. Internal Spy vs. Spy.
I saw those stars. Had my radars up. Tangible air.
One minute it’s in the constellations, the next sixty-seconds it’s a “Superthug” if.
No, not you. The other. But you? You’re putting together a 150-piece in the dark.
Me? S.O.L. S.O.S. But I’m like Private Ryan. So you can save that.
Oh wait, I forgot that motherfucker survived.
Anyways, haardships.
My window’s been closed but at least I have a window. But it’s lowkey amazing that a window is even a thing.
I just did what Game did with the coaching of the fat producer on ironing Dickies. But you don’t hear me, doe.
Do you hear me, doe? This is the Gawd.
He doesn’t take requests but he’ll play me, though.
But really, I did that. Sorta like what Kane said on “The Symphony.”
Anyways, indecision.
He who hesitates in peace is even worse.
The pyramids didn’t get built by throwing stones or sitting on them. But I fucked up when I entertained the E.T. theory.
I’m the man now, dog. But really, without the seven you’re not Sean Connery. You’re just…
Anyways, alternate universes. That exist in shared thought bubbles.
But that’s the only place they ever existed, nah?
But let’s thought experiment. Does that outcome satisfy?
Or is it just better than hearing a single echo against drywall?
I can give you advice on farther but my track record is a stumble out the blocks paired with a horizontal starting gun, finished off with a somersault. 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0
Got gotted and spotted.
Need is whatever you think it is.
But try to take my arm and leg and I might be that shoe with the band between the big toe.
You can have a symphony composed of c-notes in that porcelain but if you don’t embrace that internal Hammer … well. Basslines don’t come across well in sign.
You can go on and be Big L’s Rocafella debut, but you don’t know voodoo.
But tangible is good. I mean, Tough Luv holds up pretty well eight years later.
I guess I misunderstood that originally. Or I tried to understand too soon. He was right when he said “…or rather me.”
- - #3
The last verse on “Pyramids” without the sonic context.
Strikes Back. In the Empire. They say it’s their favorite flick.
Swore my hand waved to me as it fell, in that “Hi, Hater” motion.
Took off that mask and it was a mirror. No disrespect but there’s truth to it.
Anton Chigurh in the guidance counselor’s office basically saying “heads or tails.”
Saw it with the old man. In the alt. section of the universe it was Batman Returns.
Trying to lucid dream about the Northwest in 1996, but I’m better off sleeping. And peeping those trees with the date emblazoned in a reddish orange beneath their stumps.
Subsidized Napoleon complex had me fighting on the wrong side. Got did like Waterloo.
Manila envelopes addressed to that British newspaper. Don’t you know this is the Empire?
Telepathy returned to sender.
Heard “boo” from that pocket-sized frame.
But ghosts only come for your wig when you turn your back.
“Whoa” ain’t me, that’s Black Rob.
Speaking of that song…
Come to terms with endearment.
You chose the ball and you joined me in breadth.
Another one chewing dead skin, dirt particles and textile fibers.
Carly Simon. Bet.
What came first, the wound or the egg that provided the shells that were stuck in the soles?
South West here like Northern OH. Something something “talent.”
Indecisive travel agent that forgot to build a plane.
I saw the white plates, the blue plates, and now they’re yellow. i.e. I’ve seen the Empire crumble.
Let an ocean talk for me.
What the fuck is portamento? Not worth it.
Waking up to a foreign vocabulary test. Appealing. No comprende.
Opted-in because I was loyal to the wrong things. Minus the fuckboy-isms.
He was the Pookie of venlafaxine.
Caesar: Judas.
Conversational anesthesia. Was on that Freud shit.
Liked the yellow yoshi that stomped and the one with wings.
And you can tell a lot about a man by how he uses a warp whistle. Button on the VCR.
Meant to hear Tiến Quân Ca in person but couldn’t. If he saw the inland, I wouldn’t.
Lucas Arts revisionist tip. Script = flipped. And now…
Telling the emperor “We don’t need to see all that.” I’ll say it.
And maybe worth it. But no capitulation. The sign fixed.
- Carly.
“You, Me, Him and Her” gets played twice.
The first one’s near Luxor, prolly.
Gut snitched.
Us couldn’t stop dreaming, then I couldn’t get to sleep. Both.
“I fuck around and have you sleeping underneath something”
But that last verse, though.
- - #4
Pop culture hustling and cocaine references are the way to my heart. My heart is sullen and abandoned; full of un-shatterable Pyrex-brand measuring cups.
Or is it. Racially ambiguous inquisition. Internal. In-terminal, I keep ticking. So, maybe occupied.
Don’t knock it. I’m taking out this time. To compose choppy sentences that stop before they start because I’m so non-fiction I might call myself Tumblr Game Tom Wolfe.
Looking back, YN really inspired me with his Letters From The Editor. But nah to that “Ha!”
Flirting with disaster because she sent me a flick. Y’all are too literal. Down to the ‘I’m so crazy.’
Meanings on top of meanings. Princess and the Pea. That now archaic Jay-Z and Kanye interplay. References need a new hard drive. They’re making that grindin’, too busy to stay up-to-date sound.
I’m not looking at your dues, I’m looking past you. Why are ghosts see-through but you can’t see through what you can see.
Peter Piper was too fucking picky. End of story. Citing Antwan Patton in MLA style. If you want the references, you gotta pay for this. I accept Juelz. Pay the pause forward.
Subtle is my subtitle. You can read or watch. An internet quiz will tell you what that means for you and your personality.
John on the run eating. But wasn’t gaining.
Acting like shenanigans in loosie, but there was no explaining.
No, no, no. I’m not you, rapper.
Jesus H. Pylori. The church of disrupted insulin function and latter day faints.
Glue where the flex be. Vampires that never heard about the smallpox blankets. Paul’s Boutique sample count. Dust, brother. Trying not to bite down.
That admittance, and the small BIC. Alluhdat.
Three letters. Now I feel alluhdat.
Maybe knowing in retrospect is the win. Like when they extend those legs and and hold their hands in a state-enforced half-hearted semi-prayer position saying “I hope this provides closure for your family.”
A & B convos. Split-tests. More like a two and eight.
Good things surface for those that hold elevators. Or something.
Lost the top about fitty-leven times. No lojack. Find it, then repeat. Dementia. Kojack.
No lolli. Point the finger, no Rollie. No handle, no bars. Just folly.
Was on that “If I die, I die.” Life Game Ivan Drago.
Try to be a fatalist. Unexciting Mortal Kombat finishers.
Marcus Aurelius darts onto the screen to kill the opponent with mercy.
No hip hop genius to help you. Y’all Nah Right sidebar. Newsy. Your quotient can’t save thee. Or thou. Or you. Let’s say you.
Because I’m like Jason Bourne asking himself about that one birthday party when he was an age that gets spelled out by the Associated Press. Hope unseen sequels don’t kill my simile.
We’re all trying to live facsimile’s meaning if you said it quick. Gender neutral, though.
Don’t, doe.
Because reflection requires dedication. Three’s ain’t always charming. There’s precedent. See the millionaire trying to kickflip.
I’m not a walking version of the back of the teacher’s edition history/sociology/psychology combo cost-saving textbook.
Slight of hand. Converse with it.
Phonte’s monologues on the last two from Get Back.
That’s the point. Nipsey Russell.
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First of all:
It’s interesting, this life we live. Isn’t it? Its like a movie and you’re the main character and no one gives you a script, but you feel like everyone else is reading from one and you need to improvise lines to deal with them. Here’s the mindfuck: they’re also the main character to themselves and believe they’re improvising as they go along.
“What’s my point?” I hear you say
My point is no one really knows what they’re doing here!
Most of us are just moving along, making it up as we go. Few of us have our lives planned out and even then life hits them HARD. I learnt a lot while in University, and maybe if I was a more active blogger at the time I’d have built a decent following and made use of that to push some ideas I’ve had laying dormant. No regrets though. Making a mountain out of a mole hill was my middle name in my teens. I was almost always planning, paranoid and anxious about something. I had a good way of hiding it: Preoccupying myself with other people’s problems and having a smoke or a drink with my guys in the evenings. It was very effective, numbing the anxiety and my worries but didn’t take them away. Sometimes it added more but on most days I just sat back, relaxed and enjoyed my time with people who were like me.
Now that I’m through with my philosophical musings:
Hey guys! I promised a double post this weekend right? Here it is. I hope you’re happy. Bother. I deserve an accolade, blogging is a bitch to do, I love it but still.
So this post will have two topics in it:
My NYSC Experience
A life lesson I wish to share for my readers
The two will be interwoven because they’re relevant to each other, but it will be obvious when I am talking about one over the other.
In my final year of University I was extremely pressured to make it to a 2:1. In the previous post I told y’all I got out with a 3.56 but didn’t tell you how. It was a long push from my 300 level when I realized if I kept slacking I’d finish “badly”. So, I went hard and studied and was so anxious that I’d fail but I ended up getting to it. It felt really good because people knew I was on a 3.49 all the way to the end of my first semester of 400. I was on a 3.49 for a year!
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It was after my finals that I got to 3.56 and it felt really good. The congratulations, the look on my mom’s face, my statement of result was lit so if I had to go for job interviews I’d look good.
I remember how hard I worked and how scared I was. I should’ve realized that all I needed to really do was work hard, pray and live life, be happy. I stressed till I graduated. I can’t even remember some things because of it.
Fast forward to NYSC registration and all that. I got the second batch, low-key I was stressing the registration because of placement and I wanted to serve quickly and keep it moving but it didn’t go the way I wanted because I didn’t get the first batch. I was sad but it ended up for good because I was able to graduate, celebrate my birthday and buy materials and learn from others mistakes because I went with the second batch. Also I was able to pick my certificate in peace. Some of my mates don’t have it yet cause they’re in other states. See why you shouldn’t stress?
Camp was quite the experience. I was at Lagos camp, some of you will hiss and say just Iyana Ipaja, it was sha still camp and if you don’t think it was worth it because it was close, that’s your cuppa tea.
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So let’s develop a system before I start narrating the experience. I’ll divide it into weeks so I can summaries and I remember that I promised we won’t have a repeat of my month recap in the previous post.
You know what, fuck that. Take it how I type it.
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So my first week was interesting. I was still trying to get used to it all. The bugle, the meals, the morning parade and all. I was in boarding school for my Junior Secondary Years so it was not that hard.
This was a typical day at camp, NOT ACCURATE, just a loose replication
4:45 : Morning Parade
7am: Breakfast
9am: Lectures
12:30: SAED
4PM: Man O War/Drills
6:30PM: Dinner
8:30pm: Socials (or for some of us Mami Flexing)
10:30PM: Lights out
So, as you can see it was a regimented life. Except Sundays.
Ordinary first day o, I got to the gate and this gate man saw matches abi was it lighter and was disturbing my life about if I smoke, telling me he will not do anything, bla bla me I was looking at him like
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I acted all innocent. In the end he let me go.
God. Registration. REGISTRATION.
Over 1000 smelly Nigerians gathered at the door of a hall and we were all tired. I had no idea I could’ve waited till the next day. Took it so seriously, put it on my head like a hawker and stayed there for hours. It wasn’t that bad though. I got in pretty early and registered did it all. I got Platoon 1.
Wait. I need to do this:
Okay I’m done.
So I got Platoon 1. S/O to Aunty Chioma, Poppin lady. She was awesome. We were the best platoon btw, I’m not hyping, we had the most 1sts and had the Overall best Corp member. Our Platoon leader Mr. Maleghemi Joseph aka Mr. Macho aka RJ aka baddest rapper, and inspirational leader.
After getting my platoon, I went in to get a room. See that my room ehn, we started very well but then I started to have issues with some of them because they made me welfare officer and some guy was being difficult. I digress. I went back to finish registration after getting settled in my room and got my kit . Please if your father works at NYSC, slap him for me, if it’s the two parents, slap them and then slap yourself. These people made us fill our sizes in the online registration and then we got there and almost everyone got random sizes. I was actually lucky and I got a goo jacket and crested vest. The rest were OP: OFF POINT.
I took the kit and chose not to slim them in camp because I wasn’t going to get bled dry just to look good, I found a way to look presentable for the Swearing in Ceremony.
The days went by and I applied for OBS. For those who don’t know, OBS is Orientation Broadcasting Service, the coordinators were from an older batch. S/O to Femi, Yetunde, TTuoyo, Ifeanyi and DJ Fingaz! I was advised to join OBS by my brother who was also in OBS and loved it. So I went for the interview and turns out I was good enough, they even made me Head of Editorial, that is the part of OBS that handles announcements and programmes. The engineering side handles Sound and Setup for Programmes. I was happy, not knowing that was the beginning of my problems in camp. 😦
Some fun activities I engaged in include:
Man o War Obstacle Course
Drilling (Marching Drills)
Drama (Qualifiers)
Dance (1st)
Talent hunt (3rd)
Kitchen duty (yeah, it was fun somehow)
OBS duties.
Other activities included:
Football (disqualified 😂)
Table tennis(QF)
Miss Petite (3rd)
Big, bold and Beautiful (Qualifiers)
SAED presentation ( 1st)
Lions den(3rd)
Debate (Quarter finals)
Cooking competition (2nd)
I engaged in some more than others and some “took my blood. Man O War literally got me slightly injured when I went the second time. (I went twice don’t ask how) I didn’t engage in drills past the first week because it clashed with other things I was doing. Dance I didn’t engage in fully, just some rehearsals. I did engage fully in drama but we didn’t get past the first stage. No regrets though it was fun. Our drama was about a village with Lassa fever and two corp members who came to the village to start a health center and a stubborn dibia (my humble self) who wouldn’t accommodate them. He ended up getting the disease too and was treated..
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  We were robbed of the second round in that play. It’s my blog let me vent. A young nigga like me, I wrote the script, and my lovely friend and someone who I admire from the depths of my heart, Faith, was stage manager and director. S/O to Ekene, Precious, Tobi, Uche, Jennifer, Vicky, , Make-up, Emmanuel, Stage hands, The guards, Extras,David (Director also but he was always busy drumming for dancers) and anyone I forgot.
We were the second platoon to present a play and the drama was spread across three days. We got the loudest applause for our day and even had to do an impromptu closing that we didn’t plan for and the crowd LOVED IT. So how, you ask, did we not qualify. Turns out on the final day another God forsaken platoon , platoon 9, did the same thing but executed it better. When we watched the second round, I wondered how some of the other platoons with a horrible play qualified over us. Some said it was because they forgot us since no one from our day qualified. Uh, Bullshit. Whatever. I still hold a grudge against them. I lost my voice over that play.
Dance group was amazing. They were first position. I’m glad I was able to famz their rehearsals and be on the group chat.
We also won Mr. Macho thanks to Joseph.
For the talent hunt i was reluctant to audition but Faith egged me on and when I did the judges said I gave the best performance of the day.
I perform like Josh Norman, I ain’t normal, nigga
Unfortunately, i couldn’t replicate it in the finals.
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  How? Well, we were third in the Talent Hunt, also thanks to Joe and I performed but apparently my mic wasn’t working I was told. Dunno why the judges didn’t stop me and tell me.
We were first in volleyball, that was for babes.
OBS was crazy. It was fun but we didn’t take advantage of our opportunities to be remembered because we were all not serious. I even chased one dead guy from the thing sef. I fell sick from the stress at a point.
We also had a camp carnival and a special night when Small Doctor, KENNYBLAQ, Ruggedman, 9ice and ahost of other scame through.
OOO, Tobi Bakre from Big Brother came and most of the girls lost their shit:
Some girls were like:
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  One weirdo in particular did this
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The food was… Food. I ate it sometimes but mostly patronized Mami.
All in all it was quite the experience
Tips for prospective corp members
Carry money at least 20k
Make friends but good with everyone
Try to enter your room first when they’re allocating so you can pick a good spot.
Don’t charge you phone at Mami if you can help it. People’s panels got destroyed because so many phone were charging.
Use the laundry if you can’t wash. There’s never really time. Laundry’s cheap.
Balance the days you eat at Mami.
Befriend your platoon inspectors.
Be active in camp, it’s a stepping stone to success.
Over rules
Come a day early or a day late. Not on the main day.
Carry your credentials. All of them. Especially certificate and statement of result and an ID card
Join an SDG group.
Don’t dodge morning parade if you can, Information is  passed and Man O War chants are really fun
Be humble, do not engage soldiers when they order you because they’re just following orders. They will miss you when you are gone.
Take a leadership role in camp at least once. It builds character and patience
Carry a Sweater, preferably white, for Cold days and Shades for Hot days
One fulfilling moment in camp was when I was recognized by the Camp commandant. We had a bad start because he came to chase us from rehearsals when it was coinciding with drill and I threw a fit. He saw it and was pissed and I legit stared him down till my platoon mates pushed my head to look down as a sign of submission. Then I apologized. In the final night of camp I came to drop asun and drinks for my OBS colleagues assigned to the staff party, he called me and reminded me of the altercation and said I changed his mind about me because I was really active for my platoon all over camp and he also saw me Emceeing the Camp Carnival. I was blushing like a fool because he is known to be very difficult. His nickname is delete because he chased a couple corp members from camp, yeah, he de-camped them and so he threatened others with the term. His favourite quote “I will delete you!” .
The man ended up being most popular camp official. See why you should not fuck with anyone, just be a badass and people will love you. This was me
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It felt good to be recognized and I learnt that people are always watching and admiring from afar when you do good or bad, you end up building a reputation for something. So don’t look for recognition just enjoy when it comes to you and do good in any endeavor you’re in.
Now to the life lessons I learned
Don’t take yourself too seriously: in camp I fell sick because I was stressed by someof the activities I was involved in. OBS was tasking because of a certain man who keppt threateningly us cause we were pretty lazy tbh and I’m ashamed about that. I took things on my head and rarely asked for help
Ask for help: people around you are ready to do things if you ask nielg. Even as a leader delegate wok and remind them that you trust them and need them. Don’t boss them around. It’s hard to remember in the eat of the moment of.but if you do you’ll make a great leader
Challenge yourself and Do it: if you feel like doing anything, do it. Don’t be shy or scared because fear is an illusion. Even if it is something you have never done, challenge yourself. If you feel nervous tell yourself you’re excited and your body is gearing up to shock the world. It works!
Have a support system: every other day I’d go to Mami with pals and drink and gist. Having a support system to take care of you when you’re stressed and need to vent helps you get over things. I appreciate my friends I made in camp and they’re all headed for greatness.
Be disciplined: I watched my friend Joseph in camp and noticed that the he was highly disciplined. Probably from his man o War days. Admired that. He was also platoon leader ad when he became most outstanding corp member. I was screaming in elation because he desred it.
Celebrate yourself and others: I know I said I had a grudge with the drama thing but really it’s no biggie. Learn to celebrate others victories and also be kind to yourself when. You lose. I learnt that from Faith who I told I’m always hard on myself that it won’t do me any good. I learnt to take it easy and always be kind to myself. So I’m leaving that with y’all!
DANCE: God I danced well in that case. Dancing is a joyous activity. You don’t need to know all the latest steps just have fun at the party. Or even if it’s not a party, play some music and dance. Take someone else along to dance with you, especially if you are the shy type. You’ll be happier for it
Ignore naysayers and Don’t be a naysayer: Ignore people who tell you you can’t do it. In the words of Kanye West. “Any pessimist I don’t talk to them, plus I ain’t have no phone in my apartment. ” Also don’t be a naysayer. Be a cheerleader!
Be grateful: gratitude goes a long way. Be grateful to God, to your neighbour, to the air, and everything around. When you can remember to just say thank you to think air. It sounds like some mystic weird zen shit but it works either way
Everything works out for good: While trying to crate this post I typed on my phone and my laptop but I did not have the full draft on PC, so when I got to work this evening, I did not see the full draft. I tried to connect my phone to the work Wi-Fi and it was misbehaving. I panicked a bit but in the end  I called the neighboring hotel that is under the company and got it reset and voila! Do not sweat the small stuff, the extra time I got helped me refine the post for your reading pleasure and  I got an idea I will share at the bottom of the post!
So, that’s that!
Here are some pictures from camp!
      Sometimes I will do reviews of the songs of the week courtesy Wax Poetic. I will also do movie reviews and opinion polls.
Next week’s topic will be about the candidates running for the office of President. I will do an expose on them. Also, its payday! Yaay, so i will be doing my first giveaway. So check in on my next post next weekend!
If you want me to review your album or track or want me to do something on this blog or a collaboration with you, hit me up here. I won’t review my upcoming project because it’s unethical.
See y’all next week
  Give some love to a stranger today
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CRAB: THE B SIDE First of all: It's interesting, this life we live. Isn't it? Its like a movie and you're the main character and no one gives you a script, but you feel like everyone else is reading from one and you need to improvise lines to deal with them.
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