#btw thats osmanthus ���️
dom1re · 5 days
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My fanart of Artemis Loreley from A Bouquet of New Beginnings!!
@polarisgreenley thanks for letting me draw Artie! Truth is I've been wanting to do it for a while 🙈🙈💖 Your fic has been my comfort read these past few months. Whenever I go back to it I'm amazed by your vivid proses and clever world building, and I leave each chapter feeling inspired as a writer.
If anyone's looking for a quality longfic with a badass MC this is the one!! go check it out check it out💃💃
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ok! so! heres the general gist of the story im working on:
im gonna try to explain it but its probably gonna sound stupid. anyways theres these five kingdoms, and each one has a different type of magical creature living there (except for the fact that two of the kingdoms have mages living there but they're different i promise). anyways originally these five kingdoms were one kingdom, but they split due to the betrayal of one of the five original royal siblings (this was like three hundred (?) years ago though). so fast forward to present day and the kingdom that came from the person who betrayed originally (her name was edela and the kingdom is called osmanthus btw) is back at it again. they attack the kingdom called albaeus (which is the other mage kingdom. osmanthus is also a mage kindgom). it seems super out of the blue, but there's a whole reason behind it i promise. anyway, albaeus quickly retaliates, and eventually the other kingdoms get involved, and a world war has broken out. the story follows a 15 year old mage named juno who was gifted with the ability of natural magic (meaning she doesnt need to use any objects to cast spells). at the very beginning of the war, her parents were forced to join, but before they left, her city was attacked and she and her parents were separated. she escaped into a gigantic forest on her city's borders that stretches across most of albaeus. in the forest, she meets liv, who's a mage from osmanthus. they begrudgingly agree to work together to get back to their families. on their journey, they meet kids from the different kingdoms, odessa, pippin, and caros (names are subject to change. also caros im just now realizing looks like carlos but without the l but its supposed to be pronounced care-os). anyways they decide to pool their magic together and see if they cant find a way to put a stop to at least the worst of the war
anyways idk if any of this made sense and im totally willing to explain more things if you need me to. thank you for letting me ramble abt this!!
Omg i love this!!!!!! it sounds so cool! id love to hear more about if thats ok for you!
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