#btw my birthday isn't today i just took a while to post this
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aromanticduck · 1 year ago
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Look at the cake my sisters decorated for my birthday.
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lisxdumbr · 2 years ago
i Finally finished the reply (I just woke up from taking a nap)
I don't mind you replying to both asks in one post at all! ♪ I intended for my asks to be separated so you can answer each with half the whole burden divided since they're pretty.. Long, yanno? Easier and faster to reply to each. Before anything else, thank you for taking out some of your precious time to reply !! I do have a small request tho, since the asks and reply can get long, will it alright for you if you can put *read more*? :0 I just feel like not wanting to take up space on someone's feed since i feel bad and so so sdfjfhds. I hope that's okay for you; I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY. help. BONJOUR to you☆ for the greetings, because I have no idea what to go for the greeting.
Themes can somehow show a person's uniqueness, a quick insight to their aesthetic choices and such, so it's a lovely thought! There will always be someone who will like what you do and create <3 I have seen Qian's!! but i am unsure about Soren's (have not seen it), either way, their themes surely look beautiful even if I have not witnessed it all 🙌✨
HI you are a Moon too...!! mm I don't know, but it radiated Yuta energy to me when you said that. I agree with the thing about the units choosing you !! There will be units you thought you'd like at first, but they don't survive in the end as the actual units you produce </3 you'll never know when it happens. I HAVE READ THE 2WINKVERSARY it is lovely. I think it made me tear up a bit, I can feel your love for them, and the journey along the twins hand in hand throughout the time. Sobs. It's really meant to be, isn't it?
Enstarsblr is wonderful, there's lots of nice people if you know where to look. I'm happy that it's a nice and welcoming community, good for everyone in here !! With the mention of the prev year, I have heard that it's quite the tiny community filled with peace back then (am not yet into enstars). I'll extend my support too, wherever they may be.
Controlling fear of bugs is so amazing that you could do it !! am so proud of you <33 i feel the same about thinking dragonflies were small, but they Weren't. Brings me back to the gigantic dragonflies of the prehistoric age, the Meganeura. Yes, the Horrors... If a cockroach in the area attempts to fly, pls see me in heaven.
Back then while I was doing my homework in our living room, there's a grasshopper (yes it aint crickets usually but they're similar in the jumping sense,,,) in the corner. More often than not, instances when there's a grasshopper in the house, it coincidences with the nearing date of our deceased relative's birthdays (more on my grandpas/grannys). It's like a culture belief in my country, like a dead relative visiting you in form of insects.
The horrible thing about them is when they JUMP. I am terrified. So when I saw one in the corner of our living room ( i have high insect detection instincts due to being afraid of them. and yet usually they say theres no bug in there when i see it with my two eyes ) I said, "Pack it up, soldiers. We're going home," and left everything else unattended for I will die within the presence of the grasshopper. I am very comfy with having sunflower as my emoji, don't worry !! ✨
Philo and psych are two interesting subjects to study, I hope you learned a bunch of things from studying it !! Absolutely take your time to answer, I beg of you... I get carried away when chatting (haha.,,..) so it results in typing long messages. and of course, more importantly, Take care now!! 💗 (i'll follow up the second reply)
P.S: How do i stop talking.. goodness. I cannot shut up for the life of me. I have the 2nd part ready, but it is Long as well, like a Ramble. Please answer my asks when you have the time Only !! Conserve thy energy for better things <3
— 🌻.
HELLOOO LOVELY ANON WHO GIVES ME A SEROTONIN BOOST EVERY TIME. I apologize for the time it took me to get to your ask ;; I hope you're doing great today btw !! I decided to reply to both of your asks in one post (again) but separately (?) this time, just trying formats.
And sure !! I didn't think about the length of the post at all because of the new Tumblr "expand" thing, but let's give it a try !
I still believe you're too kind when talking about my themes, oooh you should've seen my past ones. I still miss the Lemon Squash Cheers one and the No Name Yet Kohaku too ♡ I've been thinking I should. return to them one day, but I'd have to search for the assets I used and hhh. (Pretty sure I saved them on purpose because of this idea but my gallery is a mess 0(-( ). And !! I decided I will change to the Trick w Treat Yuta actually! When school allows me (fee me).
YOU SHOULD SEE SORENCAT'S THEMES. it's so unfortunate you can't see his past themes </33 (I'm crossing my fingers that he won't read this, else it'll be embarrassing) but,, he was a huge inspiration for me when designing themes. Actually the entire layout of my edit blog is so inspired in the layouts he previously had. HIS BRAIN >>> my favorite ones were both his autumn and winter themes (from last year) perhaps I have a screenshot? 👀 (As I implied before my gallery is a mess. I never delete anything, it's horrifying) but even if I did, I guess I'd need his permission to show u,, ANYWAY. I'm rambling about my friend and you don't even know him I believe-- his user is @ nnatsume ! He's currently on hiatus but he's as treasured as anyone,, even if we don't talk much anymore </3
YOU'RE SO !!!?&?&! I'm going to hold you in my hand. That actually irradiated Yuta energy??? I keep finding details that make us more and more similar. I am. so ashamed that you had to see my 2winkversary,, I went a bit insane there ummm twiddle. Enstarsblr was indeed one of the most beautiful places on earth, I'm sad to admit that the community crushed and divided itself after Eng release and the amount of new people getting involved </3
See I'm not mad at the newcomers or anything, glad they're enjoying their time. But I am a bit bitter towards them because, small parenthesis;
At the beginning they started causing a lot of controversy over stuff they were ignorant about. I remember they started insulting Anzu and "cancelling characters for being problematic" and they also refused to read stories--
I'm a silly little #gatekeeper idk I just don't like my interests to be mainstream (that's on me ik)
Ohhhmygod the amount of weird people plaguing the main tag now,, enstblr used to be a very tranquil space, not updated that much and with so little people on it we literally knew everyone. We could spot newcomers and welcome them in an instant. Now you see 70 different people there a day, and let's not talk about the,, fics. I'm personally not against dark content (I actually like some of it) or the NSFUU because it's just another genre of writing but,, does it has to plague the entire tag,, there's not even a balance, every day I check the tag and there are 20 different works from accounts I haven't seen in my life and like. 10 of them are nsw help me Jesus 0(-(
I know there are cool people among the newcomers probably, but I can't help but think about the golden era. Those shiny days we had last year and at the beginning of this year.. I miss them, I wish I could go back </3
This is such a jump of topics, but !! Yeah I'm surprised at myself too. This is going to sound stupidly silly but,, even if this "fear of bugs control" started a while ago, it actually started developing much more when I started thinking to myself "if Yuuta was here, who would protect him from the bugs!?" and for some reason that. helped a lot ????? I don't know if you know this but he's absolutely terrified of insects and I found that so cute he's the silliest YOUR INSTINCT IS AMAZING THOUGH, I was going to say a fun fact about scorpions, but I decided that. maybe it wouldn't be the best thing to do if you fear them. well.
It's totally ok to ramble btw, I enjoy reading you ! And I love looove talking too, so it's ok really <3
ー 〜 ー 〜 ー ♧ ー 〜 ー 〜 ー
Second ask <3
Omg... various face paints, I'd like to see that !! it's so nice that the face paints do not limit creativity, and allows it to grow. Ooh, although I cannot personally add a comment on your opinion, I looked up Skelita and !! She looks so amazing + according to the description, she has a nice personality too!! I love the orange highlights and colorful dress.
Worry not !! I'm glad you're at least fine, it means a lot already ^_^ Yeahhhh... homework... *collapses just by the thought of it* Liking your classes is so niceee waahh, I'm happy you're at least enjoying them ! OHHH your creative projects seems so interesting, I hope it goes well and you enjoy the process of doing so !! Media is a blessing, since it inspires us to find outlets for our hyperfixations and interests. I have some vague ideas in my mind for the final project, but it only focuses on aesthetics and symbolisms, if that's allowed within the "anything" range your teacher told you,,, let me know if you wanna hear it. all the best <3
thank you, i will be dropping by whenever i have the time (i actually typed this hours ago before i passed out ) also the amount of 0(-( in the second reply is sending me. i love that. 읏.
anon lore... i guess you could call it like that,... im not supposed to reveal that im a reiP first and foremost however i figured that it would make sense since it's timely that his fs 2 is around. 100 pulls hurts a lot in jp server,,, lis i am so sorry for your lost dias :((( .... this happened to me. Rei is a [redacted] for making me pull 130 pulls on his noir neige banner on taiwan server and NO, he did not came home. I think i lost my sanity along with my dias due to that.
I SUPPORT HINATAP agenda. idk to yuta, deserved... perhaps. there's something with liking a sibling which makes the other sibling to come home to you instead (hello ritsu). update: i tried doing single pulls until my dias went exactly to 1k, no rei for now!! in the future i hope. I HOPE YOU GET MIRAGE YUTA 3 MONTHS LATER !! *does the same violent act to yuta and throws many copies of mirage yuta to you. might as well kidnap him the izumi way. ( i am sorry )* Deeply thinking about what if the hinata cards that came home to you were supposed to be yuta in disguise but before he could change he was pulled in disguise as hinata (coping mechanism,, maybe.)
NOOOOOOO kanata..!!! they got fs 2 rei x2, but at what cost.. when kanata didn't puka puka his way to his pulls !! kanata probably floated in the wrong water 😭 i hope they get kanata too after 3 months !! love and support from an oddballsP <3 peace and love !!! we shall get our favs after 3 months... *prepares weapons and equipment for war* Being f2p in this game spells suffering. " i blocked him that day" HELP ME. That is so understandable fjdsjdks
& ! I did had an amazing day !! (it's midnight as we speak right now) MAY YOU HAVE AN AMAZING DAY AS WELL!! <3 heart heart. i talked a lott. Help. I just hope my asks were at least good reading materials to you, like a newspaper. See you !!
I'm so glad you feel interested in the culture !! It's actually, really wide (and cool too) honestly reading your reply hit me like a truck. Oh mein gott, sometimes I forget people grow in different environments and that not all experiences are similar to mine but. You're the first person who tells me they didn't know Skelita, I felt 💥 (am I getting old. are people these days not into MH anymore...? ‹/3)
And yeah !! My subjects are so cool, I'd love to hear your final project ideas btw <3 anything means anything. It's not the idea, but the way you execute it you know? 👀 I can use any concept if I'm able to demonstrate I actually learned techniques and composition and all that stuff.
I'm glad you love the 0(-( because that's. Me. That's my energy. 0(-( and yeah 100 pulls is. a lot. It pains me but well, one day ! Also omg I'm so sorry :(( I've never played twstars but I believe they hold the same system as foreign servers in general?? Hopefully you could replenish your dia quickly ! I actually pulled for that Rei too (and didn't get him aha) because,, Noir Neige my beloved and the ultimatum of my insanity. I wanted to grind that Ritsu but I had to save because I was a bit broke,, (and thanks god because the amount of faves that came after,, ohh if you knew).
HELP ME, hand me the Ritsus, I've been wanting kitty Ritsu since day 1. ACTUALLY since day 0. I knew about that card before I started playing and I knew I wanted it as soon as I created my account (and guess what. hueh. points at my empty Ritsu stock). THANK YOU SO MUCH. I hope so too :(( lady year I didn't get Fruitful Yuu either and he came in a free pull like. 6 months later so !! I have faith (though I give the credit to my friend Marchie (@ rinnelovebot) because before pulling she wished me to get a Yuta and !! It happened (and she's so lucky with my faves, she has the Hinata card I'm missing 0(-( ) Maybe they keep switching places, perhaps. Also it's ok if you kidnap him, deserved, I mean he already has experience after nightclub so hwJJBDHHWBFB I'm not sorry.
We all adore the eccentrics <33 my beloved weird geniuses. I miss them every day. I hope you get all your Reis in the future btw !! wishing you luck <3
Have a nice day too !! Yes your asks are amazing and good ! do not feel bad about talking and infodumping if it makes you happy ♡
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futuregws · 3 years ago
ugh the way she continues to act like a child. first by reblogging a post where someone simply disagrees with her actions (and made valid points about how she acts very childish) but got her age wrong and so she decides to reblog it with the caption "stopped reading right away because i'm 25 YOU GUYS HAVE EVERYONE'S BIRTHDAY'S WRONG LMAO" but ignores the actual main point of the post
then she screenshots a reply to her that points out the very obvious fact that her stans will likely harass that person and makes 3 posts saying that "responding to someone saying they got my birthday wrong isn't harassment lmao try again babe" (fun fact, babe: reblogging a post where someone criticizes you & attempting to dunk on them in front of your thousands of followers (when they likely do not have the same amount of followers/support as you) is pretty much setting them up to be harassed by your followers. kinda obvious)
and then in her most recent post she replies to that person in such a condescending manner when all they did was point out that she likes to makes rude posts and then deletes in a matter of minutes. like girl.. it's a valid point. if you really like "a lasting happy vibe" on your blog maybe don't be so obsessed with "haters" and "antis". appreciate the fans you do have and keep going. it's crazy how consistently strange she acts. but hey, any attention is good attention, right?
(also the fact that she took screenshots, some of them two seconds after that person replied, and made whole posts to reply to that person instead of just replying to them in the replies..... is very odd to me. almost like she wants them to get harassed by her fans)
i won't even touch on the joe stuff earlier today; its so funny to me that he never talks about her unless asked while she likes to drag him into her online messes (meanwhile he's not even on sm to know what is actually going on). like babe. if u respect someone's privacy so much maybe stop bringing them up when you know it's just going to lead to weirdos wanting to pry further into his life.
sry for the rant btw. i can also send u screenshots if you didn't see this, just lmk
Idk about ya'll but the fact that she stopped reading after someone got her age wrong just screams to me that she felt called out on it and decided to go and "be funny"
And if she posts stuff like that with people's @ and doesn't realize that she's sending haters straight to that person then she needs to step back and actually learn how the internet and stan culture works
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