#btw if you go onto this post bashing on Kaidan then get the hell out LMAO
flame2ashes · 10 months
People always be like "Oh I left Ashley on Virmire because it seemed like her sacrifice was a satisfying way to end her arc" but also, like. Do you ever think about what it means to save her instead
Shepard actually has the choice to confront her martyrdom. She says "It should have been me, I'm the lower-ranking officer" and Shepard can basically be like "Are you trying to be a martyr? For whom? Your grandfather?? Listen. What the Alliance did to your family was unfair. But I'm not going to lose a good soldier over it"
And it's like, now Ashley has a chance to keep going. Because Shepard gave her a second chance in life
There's no redemption in death, is the point here
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