#btw i love when a actor is so recognizable that people call all hus characters by his name
I saw some great bad takes about this movie but holy Jesus Christ mother Mary and all the saints if this ain't the single worst
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Look I love jupe as much as the next guy but you had to be watching this movie with closed eyes and the sound off to come out if it thinking he was the "main character" or at least the only main character
I watched the video and the guy just uses the same points everyone made online about the movie being about the spectacle, but comes to the conclusion that because jupe was the center of the spectacle (Gordy's home) and tried to create another spectacle (jean jacket) he was a tragic hero of sorts
Which no he wasn't
Look I don't think jupe was a proper villain but just a victim of his own hubris a modern day Icarus who flies too close to the sun and dies
He is presented in a antagonistic way, the plot of him trying to buy the ranch pulls from the old western trope of the rich bad guy trying to buy land for profit, his kids scaring oj also play in said trope, yes he was traumatized but he also was both careless and exploitative about JJ then the worst scene in the movie is his fault, innocent people died because he viewed himself as special and thought death would spare him again
Now oj and Em are more of the main characters. Their relationship, the relationship between them and their father's legacy is what moves the plot, the conclusion is tied to them they are the heroes who at the end without causing unnecessary death defeat the big creature.
Now outside of the movie and the metad it's hilarious to think that someone would think that a Jordan-all-my-movies-are-focused-on-black-people-and-racism-Peele somehow intended to make a non black character the "main character"
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