#btw i know i talk about my fics and/or fic ideas waaaaay too much and y'all gonna snap at me some point
theflyingfeeling · 1 year
Also regarding to the thing you wrote: I love it 🥺 Olli and Aleksi as fwb is making me feel things tho 😳😳
Oh? 🥺 I'm so happy to hear you liked it! 🥰 I came up with the idea for it the other day and I'm kinda happy with how it turned out. I myself find the whole friends-with-benefits trope soooooooooo hot and the idea of Olli/Allu having something like that is just......... 🫠
I also think fwb-to-lovers is such a delicious trope and I've been wanting to try it for any of my favourite ships for a while, I was so happy I finally had the inspiration to actually write it! And I would read this trope x Olli/Allu endlessly, just fyi @ my fellow fic writers 👀
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peachyholland · 7 years
Something Different || Peter Parker
Pairing: Peter Parker X Reader 
Warnings: Underage drinking and like one swear word. 
Summary: Peter decides he wants to attend Liz’s party but gets a little carried away. 
 Word count: 1.3k 
 A/N: So this is my first ever fic I’m posting so I just hope people like it but constructive criticism would also be accepted with open arms. Btw when I was writing this over half of it got deleted just after I had finished so I had to try remember what I could and rewrite. I was stressed to say the least lmao. 
I’m tagging my two loves who persuaded me to post this @tomsh0lland and @tomhhollands :-)
Peter Parker was the schools model student. He was quiet and awkward but he knew every answer to every question ever asked in the classes you shared.
You became good friends with the so called “genius” through academic decathlon. Quickly developing some interesting feelings which you prefered to try and ignore. But Parker wasn’t exactly the social type. His idea of fun was staying in and building lego models with Ned, which you enjoyed too but sometimes you just wished that he’d actually do something a little more exciting. So when he brought up the idea of going to a party you were surprised to say the least.
You were in his room helping him design a poster for one of his classes when he mentioned it.
“Um so I heard Liz is having this party and I-I was sort of maybe thinking of going.” Peter mumbled avoiding any eye contact. You laughed not thinking much of his comment but the silence that fell afterward made you rethink his sincerity. “Oh you weren’t kidding.” You spoke feeling bad for not believing him. “Yeah I just, I know it’s probably dumb but I thought maybe if I went I would get a chance to talk to Liz about something other than equations and formulas.” Cue the feeling of your heart sinking at the mention of Peter’s huge crush on Liz Allan, the worlds most perfect girl. You sat up on Peter’s bed trying to distract yourself from the feelings rushing through your body and focused on his proposal. “Peter I think this is a great idea! We can finally branch out, maybe meet some new people!” You exclaimed already getting excited. “Really? You want to do this ? Are you sure because I don’t want to force you into anything” He was already starting to regret his idea. “Peter did you not here me ? I want to go, it’ll be fun !!” You smiled uncontrollably.
You stood outside Liz’s lavish suburban house along side Ned and Peter, who looked like he was going to be sick. “Look you guys, I don’t think this is a good idea, I can call May. She can come pick us up, we can go get Thai food instead?” He rambled nervously, probably second guessing every life decision he had ever made. “No Peter we are doing this, if it’s really bad we can leave but you at least have to walk through the front door.” You persisted, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the loud music and flashing lights.
You guys were standing in the living room chatting amongst yourselves when you noticed Peters eyes widen and his expression soften. You knew exactly what that meant, you turned your head and just as you expected, you saw Liz standing across the room. Immediately Ned grabbed Peters shoulders and attempted to give him some sort of pep talk “Okay there she is, we all know she’s way out of your league but there’s no harm in trying. You can do this buddy” Peter shot him a confused look but shook his arms and rolled his neck anyway. “You can do this. You totally got this.” He repeated, trying to hype himself up. You groaned, sick of their stalling, and pushed him forward “Just go talk to her loser.” As much as you would have prefered him not to, you knew you had to support your friend one way or another.
Peter had made it half way across the room when he froze. You and Ned shared a knowing glance and it didn’t surprise you when Peter turned around and marched back to where you stood. “Nope nope I definitely cannot do this.” He didn’t stop walking and as he passed he grabbed your hand leading you towards the kitchen. “I think I need a drink.” He muttered. This seemed to be Peters motto for the rest of the night.
A few hours had past, they had been somewhat eventful and Peter was now stumbling and slurring his words. The boy drank whatever he could get his hands on in hopes of it giving him some confidence. But let’s just say he got a little carried away. By now he had reached the sleepy, needy stage of his drunkenness and lay with his head in your lap as you lazily ran your fingers through his now unruly curls. “You know Peter, I think you’re too good for Liz.” You mumbled softly. “Thanks but I know Liz is waaaaay to cool for me plus it’s just a silly high school crush.” He gave you a sweet yet drunken smile.
“Guess what though” He whispered “I liiiike you” He slurred. “I like you too pete” You chuckled, glancing at your watch. “Actually I think it’s about time we left.” Peter sat up and grabbed your face, squishing your cheeks. “Nooooo you don’t understand.” He whined “I really really like you, like more than Liz Allan like you. She’s nice and all but you’re just so …. woooow.” You could feel your heart beat quicken and heat starting to rise to your cheeks. “Peter honey, you’re drunk.” You replied not wanting to get your hopes up. “Just because I’ve had a little to drink doesn’t mean I can’t be honest sweetheart.” He pouted. “Okay okay how about we talk about this in the morning when you’ve sobered up?” You suggested pulling him up off the couch “You’re too good to me.” He grinned throwing his arm around your shoulder.
The morning arrived and you stood outside Peter’s apartment awaiting an answer. When May opened the door she welcomed you in with a warm smile. You had always loved May, she was like the cool aunt you never had. “He’s in his room and judging by the state he’s in you guys had a good time.” She grinned, sipping her coffee.
You slowly opened the door to Peters room, softly whispering his name to make sure he was awake. A soft grunt came from the figure curled up in bed. You took this as permission to enter. "How are you feeling?” You gave peter a sympathetic smile. “Like shit” He stated bluntly. “I can hardly remember anything. How drunk was I?” He questioned, propping himself up on his elbows to look at you. “Well let’s see …” You sat down onto his desk chair “You did climb on to a table, announce to the whole room that you’re Spider-Man and then attempted to shoot webs, sounds and all, and you were utterly confused as to why it’s wasn’t working” You laughed at the memory. Peter groaned and buried his head in his pillow. “But don’t worry no one believed you” You tried reassuring him.
Peter sat at the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. “Oh and before I forget, there was one other thing.” You stood up and tried to suppress the grin creeping onto your face. “Something about liking me more than you like Liz ?” You raised an eyebrow at Peter. His head shot up and his eyes grew wide. “I uhhhh” He fumbled not knowing what to say. “Look it’s fine, I get it. You were super drunk and probably didn’t mean it. We’re chill” You chuckled and sat down next to him. “But that’s the thing … I defiantly meant it, I just didn’t plan on your finding out like that” He spoke softly, staring at floor beneath his feet as his hand slowly made his way into yours. You could hear your heart thumping louder than ever before and you let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god because I was afraid I was going to have to ignore these feelings forever” You beamed.
“I like you too Peter Parker” You whispered in his ear before kissing him sweetly, the taste of alcohol still lingering on his lips.
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