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What do I do if I’ve been denied life insurance?
I got a ticket for no insurance in Tucson, AZ!!!?<br/>My question is if I get insurance prior to court date can they dismissed the ticket or lower the cost? How many points is it to ur license and can I go to traffic school for it? Also it doesnt say the amount the ticket is, so Im not sure what the cost even is.<br/><br/>BEST ANSWER Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies: http://salecarinsurance.xyz?src=scoop<br/><br/>RELATED QUESTIONS<br/><br/>Reimbursement from Health Insurance Payment?<br/> Three years ago I was injured in an automobile accident.  I was not at fault.  Last year I received a cash settlement from the at fault driver s insurance of which about a third of I had to pay back to my employee health insurance company for their payments for my medical bills.  Am I eligible to make a claim to the my automobile insurance carrier for reimbursement of the money that was paid to my health insurance carrier?<br/><br/>Can you go to the emergency room alone at 16?<br/>I have a horrible migraine that has me in tears...  my mom has work tomorrow so she has to go to bed... I do have my license so I can drive alone... thanks<br/><br/>Car Insurance Question?<br/>Hello I was just curious to know if someone gets moving violation ticket and their name is not on the insurance policy, if found guilty, will it have affect on insurance going up? Please let me know thanks. <br/><br/>Poll I m moving to Canada I need advice?<br/>Poll I m moving to Canada I need advice?<br/><br/>How much does it cost to insure a motorcycle for a first time driver?<br/>I live in the UK, by the way. <br/><br/>Where can i buy cheap insurance for 13 years olds in Atlanta?<br/>I Have a 13yr old and i need to get Cheap insurance for him to play.<br/><br/>Term Life Insurance vs. Permanent Life Insurance?<br/>Term Life Insurance vs. Permanent Life Insurance<br/><br/>How much do you pay for car insurance? (teenagers only please!)?<br/>I also qualify for the good student discount, and am female.. (i hear the price is a tiny bit lower for girls...) and plan on driving a 1999 honda civic <br/><br/>Why is home insurance going up when home prices are going down ? Are we fleecing the sheep ?<br/>Jif,It would cost 160,000 to replace my home and they say I have to carry 300,000 of insurance.This is Allied Ins. who can I call to see if they are being honest? <br/><br/>How much would the insurance be for a 17 year old that owes a bmw 2002 325i?<br/> My dad is currently driving a 2002 bmw 325i but he is getting a new car and he is going to pass on his current car to me. The car is in very good condition and I really like it. It s like a dark greyish blue color. Obviously, this will be my first car and I don t have to buy it cause he is just giving it to me, and it s fully payed off. I m just curious on how high the insurance will be every month because first I m young and second it s a luxury car. I rather not have the car in my own name (yet) but under my parents name so they wouldn t charge me much. Btw I do have a job.   But anyways, I just wanted your feedback and assumption of what the price on the insurance will be.   Thank you. <br/><br/>What is the best affordable device to locate my vehicle asap if it was stolen?<br/>Don t tell me cops or AAA it doesn t work<br/><br/>Are automatic cars cheaper to insure for young drivers (UK)?<br/>Are automatic cars cheaper to insure for young drivers (UK)?<br/><br/>Does this prove that having healthcare insurance does not necessarily mean you have access to healthcare?<br/>http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2...<br/><br/>How to cancel a Car Insurance?<br/> I just got my car and I do have a full coverage insurance for it. I have a 2000 Dodge Neon and I am 20 years old. My insurance company is called Insurance Doctor   <br/><br/>Will my husband s insurance cover my pregnancy if I m already pregnant when added to his policy?<br/> I just found out that I am pregnant and have no insurance. Fortunately, I am engaged and due to be married next month. My future husband does have health insurance and I can be added. I m only concerned because most insurers have a mandatory 10 month waiting period for maternity coverage to begin. I m wondering if this is also true when being added to an existing plan...my fiance has had the plan for two years. To make matters worse, I know I cannot qualify for US medicaid because I am currently living overseas. <br/><br/>Which car company has the lowest amount of insurance to pay monthly?<br/>im getting a car soon and i have to know which car company has the lowest monthly payment of insurance can anyone help me out??<br/><br/>State of illinois insurance?????????<br/>Im having trouble in finding an ob/gyn office that take my insurance. Its the Illinois stae insurance. Can someone please give me a list or something.    Thank you.<br/><br/>Do I have to get recomended surgery in order for auto insurance to pay for other medical treatment?<br/> Lets say someone totals their car and breaks their nose.. Goes to emergency room afterward immediately to make sure nothing else is going on. The only diagnosis for injury is the nasal fracture. Then goes to see nose doctor specialist and is told to get surgery to re straighten her nose... Ok now if she choses to not get surgery (nose barely able to tell it is crooked) then will the auto insurance medical coverage Not pay for the ER and already incurred expenses??<br/><br/> Forgot to renew my car insurance, is my no claims bonus affected?<br/> My insurance was due on 15th October but because km away at uni and the car is at home I completely forgot to renew it until today. If I decide to renew it now are there any consequences for paying it late? I would declare sorn but I don t know how it works and When I go home for christmas I do want to be able to drive. I ve got 3 years no claims and my insurance has gone down a lot since I started to drive so will I lose it?<br/><br/>Re saga insurance?<br/>has anybody had a bad experience with saga insurance  [over 50s only]<br/><br/>I got a ticket for no insurance in Tucson, AZ!!!?<br/>My question is if I get insurance prior to court date can they dismissed the ticket or lower the cost? How many points is it to ur license and can I go to traffic school for it? Also it doesnt say the amount the ticket is, so Im not sure what the cost even is.<br/><br/>Is Primerica (Life Insurance company) a scam or not? Can someone give me more info on this company.?<br/> An acquaintance knows I m looking for a job and asked me to go to one of his meetings tonight. I dont want to waste my time or money on some scam company. Ive googled the company a bit and im getting 2 sides of the story but Im wondering if those who say its a legit company is because they work or worked for them. As it is, my acquaintance already told me theres a $99 fee for background check. This already sounds bad off the bat. I told him Im not paying anything and he agreed to let me borrow the $99 until I get my 1st paycheck. He also said its salary +commission but Ive only seen its commission based. Also, are their products any good even? Im not going to do business unethically for $$$. I read online they do a credit check 7 times and they ask for a debit card. Im def not going if this is true. I heard the pros are that they do train you for no money to get the state license. Any info would b greatly appreciated, including costs and pay. <br/><br/>Whats an Average Insurance Quote For a 15 year old?<br/>I recently bought a car, so its not a family car. Its a vw manx buggy i use it to go the desert with my brother who is 25. I need insurance and I am wondering how much average it would cost to put just me on the plan. Our current insurance is wawanesa so maybe their price?? <br/><br/> If you get fired, how long is health insurance from the company available? <br/> if/ when some one gets fired, or laid off, how long is the health and dental insurance available?    I do believe there is a difference between getting laid off and being fired...    I live in California, if this matters..    Thanks, I am just trying to do some research before the company I work for has to let me go cuz they can t afford to pay anyone any longer. :( <br/><br/>How much to insure for drivers insurance?<br/> Im 16, so I know it will be expensive. I will be getting a 4 Cyl car, either a Honda Prelude, Civic, Accord, Nissan 240sx, something along those lines.    I took a drug and alcohol class which takes off 15% and then I got a B average which takes off another 10%    can someone please tell me how much it would be a month?     Thank you <br/><br/>I live fort worth Texas and How can I find an affordable psychiatrist without insurance?<br/>I have very little money, no insurance. Some one can help? <br/><br/>2004 RX8 insurance? Teens I need help!!!!?<br/>Ok I am looking to get a 2004 RX8. I am 16 and may get it at 17 if I wanna wait.I can afford the car (with parents help) but I wanna know, With Full Insurance Coverage, around what price is the Insurance (I know about the quote thing but what yours) for the 2004 RX8. Do any Teens have on that can tell me? <br/><br/> Which is better, Term Insurance or Whole Life Insurance? <br/> HotGirl, I checked out the site you mentioned and in the example I read, the person recommended TERM insurance, NOT Whole Life insurance.  Term insurance is pure life insurance.  Whole Life insurance combines life insurance with a so-called investment.  But it s a crummy investment which serves the insurance company well (they make a lot of money), but not the client. Since insurance companies make fat profits off of YOUR money, of course they re going to recommend it to their clients. But it s at YOUR LOSS.  A LOT of people get screwed. They only get a small percent of their money back. You need to do some research  NOW.  Good luck. <br/><br/>Gender Studies: should health insurance provide birth control? Why or why not?<br/>Please see the question before this one that begins:  Who is it that is trying to prevent women s access to birth control . . . .      <br/><br/>What would be a good first car thats cheap?<br/>by cheap i mean like $2500 and down lol and i mean a car that gets good gas mileage pretty much since i gotta pay for eveything gotta stretch my money :S<br/><br/>How much insurance coverage does the average Christian private school have?<br/>They have 120 employees. How much insurance (on average) in dollar amount, would a private Christian school obtain for worker s comp claims, discrimination claims, etc? <br/><br/>Auto Insurance Record?<br/>I was at fault in an auto accident but did not recieve a citaion. I switched insurance companies and found that they were aware of my accident. I was wondering how so? And how long will the insurance conmpnaies keep this on their records?<br/><br/>Questions about health insurance.?<br/> I m trying to get health insurance for myself since I have been to my doctor last week and he looked at my swollen cheek and said that it might be cancer tumor, but they re not sure about it and running a biopsy and will know by end of the week. Now, the health insurance companies are denying me coverage because I told them about the doctor s appointment and now considering the tumor as preexisting condition.    I was wondering if I didn t tell them about the tumor and got the insurance and got admitted to a hospital, and the insurance company sues me later on; would that a valid sue or could I actually fight it?    I only need the insurance till January since the Affordable Care Act comes out in January in which any preexisting cause goes out the window.   Thank You! <br/><br/> Car insurance help, going from provisional to full licence? <br/> Right, I m starting driving this month, I have my own car, and to drive it I will need to insure it under a provisional licence to learn in it. My question is that if I pay it with a lump sum, which this website offers, when I then get my full licence within the year will I only have to pay the difference between the 2 prices or what? <br/><br/>Why does owning a car have to be so expensive?<br/>I am 16 and I m planning on getting my license in a few months. I ve been saving up for a car since I was 13 and I just found out how expensive insurance is. I have about $3200 just for the car itself but I don t think I can pay for the ridiculous insurance rates every month.<br/><br/>Can you have life insurance while your on ssdi (disability)?<br/> I m trying to find out if I can have life insurance while your on disability. I was looking into it and called place to get a quote but they were clueless,I m not going there to purchase it lol. I ve heard you can but has to be under 25k? I ve heard someone has to cosign it! That one I don t believe. I d call the ssi office but good luck getting a response and sometimes the local offices do not have an answer to some things. I didn t know if anyone knew if there was a link on the Soc. Sec. Site that says anything? I looked but no luck. Thank you <br/><br/>What insurance is the best to have when?<br/>I am having ababy and I live-in Ohio. What insurance would be thebest without having a lotbof out of pocket expense at the doctor please help<br/><br/>Nervous about getting new home insurance with car ins. company or stay with farmers and add the car also?<br/> well the other company gave me the home premium quote considering the car, and when i called farmers i told her I wanted to have my car and home in the same company and she asked how much the auto insurance quoted me for the home premium. i said $545 she told me she was going to quote adding the car to the present home insurance and will call me back. she said $540, then I asked about rising the deductible  to $1000 ( i read that on the internet before, to save money on insurance), then she told me 95% of the homes have a $1000 deductible. and as long as I know, the insurance only covers fire. <br/><br/>Car insurance on your parents policy?<br/> my family currently has 4 cars on Geico insurance.  Im 16 years old and when i got my license, the cost of our insurace rose to $1200 more a year. Now, im looking to buy my own car but my dad claims buying another car will raise it to $1800.  Can someone explain this to me please? Does your insurance raise everytime you buy a new car? And is the fact that we have 4 cars making my share of the insurance cost more? <br/><br/>I would like to know if i can get affordable insurance for melanoma treatment?<br/>i am a low income single mother and need insurance for myself my kid is already covered<br/><br/>I got a ticket for no insurance in Tucson, AZ!!!?<br/>My question is if I get insurance prior to court date can they dismissed the ticket or lower the cost? How many points is it to ur license and can I go to traffic school for it? Also it doesnt say the amount the ticket is, so Im not sure what the cost even is.<br/><br/>Can I register and insure a car in Florida but use it in California?<br/> I m from Miami but live in San Diego for school, so I m only in California for half the year and don t want to completely get rid of my Florida residency - nor do I want to go through another driving test. Is it possible to register and insure a vehicle in Florida with my driver s license there but use the car here in San Diego when I need it? Thanks! <br/><br/>Car insurance on a subaru impreza wrx sti!!?<br/>About how much would it cost me for car insurance for a subaru impreza wrx sti? I am looking at a 2005. I am 20 years old with 1 speeding ticket.<br/><br/>Car insurance estimate for a 18 year old?<br/>And it s in Lethbridge, Alberta. <br/><br/>Do you need insurance on a motorcycle in Florida?<br/> I read online that if you own and have the title of the motorcycle you do not need insurance . But i never believe what i read on random websites so I m asking here. The insurance companies are giving me insane premiums even though i have a clean driving record. My question is,is that accurate that i dont need insurance to ride in Florida.?Thank you everyone in advance. <br/><br/>How much should life insurance cost per thousand?<br/> Specifically, my credit union has a deal with a company for term life. $3000 free for being in the credit union, and 1 dollar per month for each additional ten thousand, with a max of $300k. For $30 a month I would get a $300,000 term life policy. I m in good health but in my 50s and currently have no life insurance. Because it s partnered with the credit union, there is guaranteed acceptance without a medical exam. I just want to know if this is competitive, possibly bogus or outright expensive. <br/><br/> Response Insurance, Need Customer  Reviews?<br/>http://www.response.com    I recently checked the following for my auto insurance & they have good rates available but I have never heard of them.   Is there any place I can get the customer review for this company?   Or if you have dealt with this company please let me know your experience?<br/><br/>Does anyone know what a UWD guidline for home owners insurance means ?<br/>Does anyone know what a UWD guidline for home owners insurance means ?<br/><br/>Can I take out a life insurance policy on someone else?<br/> My sister and I would like to take out some sort of life insurance for my mom since my mom does not have any savings/401k nor does she have any life insurance. We just want to be prepared for when she dies so that there won t be such a financial burden on the family. So, can we take out a life insurance policy on her? And do we have to have her consent to get her covered because she is very resistant to talking about dying and such? <br/><br/>What kind of health insurance do i apply for?<br/> I have a one year old son and he has had medi-cal off on and they give me so many problems and i m tired of him having medi-cal. I recently reapplied because they stopped it again, but this time i added his father on there since he has no type of medical insurance either.4 weeks went by and i haven t recieved anything in the mail so i call and ask what is going on. The lady was extremely rude to me and tells me they denied my application because they never recieved a packet that requested birth certificates,social securities, proof of income etc. And i tried to explain to her i never recieved the packet that requested any of that and that s why i was calling to let them know and she said well they already denied you so you need to apply again   i m tired of medi-cal my poor son deserves better.so i was wondering if anyone knew of something else i could apply for? it s just for my son and his father i m still under my moms insurance so i don t need it but i have to apply for them since i m the mother of my child obviously. We live off of $400 every 2 weeks and have other things to pay for.so please someone help!   <br/><br/> Find the total monthly payment, including taxes and insurance? <br/>Mortage: 72,890   Interest Rate: 5.5%   Term of Loan: 15 years   Annual Taxes:$1850   Annual Insurance: $545 <br/><br/>Life insurance for seniors over 75yrs?<br/>Whats the slim chance that their is a company out there that provides life insurance for a Senior over 75 and has had and removed cancer in the past 12 months? None i bet huh?<br/><br/> Companies to work for, with best insurance? <br/>I want to find an employer with one of the better insurance plans; Blue Cross, etc.     Thanks! <br/><br/>What is a good car insurance company - value and a known company - not high risk?<br/> it in our name, getting plates etc. all indicates that we are not  resellers  he goes on to proclaim that many resellers title vehicles in their names and plate and flip vehicles and we wouldn t qualify for our insurance.  I think he was bullying me since my records show that we have held on to vehicles for extended periods and he took what I was saying to an extreme.  This made me feel very uncomfortable - so, please any good insurance companies out there that are reasonable?  This was with AIG. <br/><br/>If you decided to stop paying for car insurance does the company have the right to charge you for?<br/>btw I got switched to another car insurance company 10 days before it was due..<br/><br/>Swinton Car Insurance ?? Any one used Swinton ?<br/> I have always been insured with either Churchill or Direct Line.    Been shopping around this time and Swinton have offered the best quote so far through Highway Insurance.,.    Price includes Legal cover, High breakdown cover, courtesy Car ect,,    Im just abit unsure what the service is like as I dont know anyone who uses them.    Any one used them and what were your experiences? good or bad ?    Many thanks in advance. <br/><br/>How much is motor trade insurance?<br/>I know this is a bit of a vague question! I am 26, clean license, 1 years no claims and would be working from home buying and selling 5000-10000 cars. Any ideas or how much do you pay if your in the trade yourself? Cheers. <br/><br/>20 years old - Can I get a months Car Insurance?<br/>ah.. I should also point out I am in the UK :)<br/><br/>Cheap Health Insurance???<br/>Looking for less expensive   health insurance for my parents who are 57 and 59 years old. Is there such a thing or are they going to have to fork out $1000 per month?     Can anyone make a recommendation? Thanks.   <br/><br/>How much cheaper is a hospital visit wit health insurance?<br/>i m trying to decide if i should get health insurance, my job does not offer this, is it worth getting insurance? <br/><br/>Who do I call when your insurance company refuse to pay a pre-existing condition?<br/>Who do I call when your insurance company refuse to pay a pre-existing condition?<br/><br/>I got a ticket for no insurance in Tucson, AZ!!!?<br/>My question is if I get insurance prior to court date can they dismissed the ticket or lower the cost? How many points is it to ur license and can I go to traffic school for it? Also it doesnt say the amount the ticket is, so Im not sure what the cost even is.<br/><br/>Where can i find cheap car insurance for a 17 year old male?<br/> Its really starting to get on my nervse that i can not find any cheap insurance anywhere! Why do insurance companies in the UK want to make life so hard for young drivers? Yeah stasticaly the majority of us crash our cars. But why should the small majority of young drivers like my self have to pay the price and live with this stereotype by paying RIDICULOUS amounts of money?<br/><br/>Where can i get affordable health insurance for less than 100 dollars a month?<br/>just for me. i dont want a company that will take a week to decide..i want something fairly fast...can anyone help/? thanks<br/><br/>What is the best site to buy online non-med term life insurance?<br/>What is the best site to buy online non-med term life insurance?<br/><br/>Next step after finding out your being kicked from auto insurance?<br/> My boyfriend was on his parents policy with Met life and has been in 2 MINOR accidents in the last year and they told his dad either my boyfriend goes or everyone under that policy goes and they didn t tell us until a few days ago. Here s the kicker, he will be off the policy the end of the week.    Will this make it harder for us to get him insured? How can a car incarnate company do this? He can t work without driving there and he can t drive there without car insurance.    I don t know what to do. I currently have State Farm with my parents, would they let us open our own thing together even though we are not even technically engaged yet? <br/><br/>How to purchase unwanted life insurance policies?<br/>I am a investor seeking a website to purchase unwanted life insurance policies/ domestic or international doesnt matter.<br/><br/>New hampshire vs massachusetts car insurance?<br/>Is New Hampshire auto insurance better then Massachusetts auto insurance rates?<br/><br/> A starter motorbike for a 17 year old, needs to be cheap second hand and be able to ride on the motorway.? <br/> Hi, i need a bike which is cheap to run, cheap to insure and first and foremost cheap to buy.    I don t mind old second hand bikes unless advised against them because I believe you could learn a great deal repairing an old bike than having a new bike that nothing goes wrong with.    It needs to grow with my abilities, i.e in a couple of years when i go to university I may want to motorway travel, therefore a 50 cc moped is just not going to do.    Don t know whether this is correct, but I once read bikes are safer than mopeds/scooters because they have the acceleratory power to pull away from danger if necessary.    Needs to be cheap to insure, I looked at a 300cc MZ Saxon and fully comp insurance was around 317. This is manageable, 2000 for a car is not.    Please suggest to me some bike which fit these criteria, thanks! <br/><br/>Car Insurance Rates By City?<br/> Where can I find statistics that show the average car insurance rates for that city or town.     I am looking to invest in some property, not far from Metropolitan New York, and became interested in knowing.    Currently where I live and at my age, 20, insurance for me is in the proximity of $5,000. Which I do not intend on paying.    Thanks, and information or suggestions are welcome <br/><br/>Sport/Athletic Training Insurance?<br/>What kind of insurance do I need to cover basketball camps and athletic training?<br/><br/>What is the cheapest insurance for a 19yr old?<br/>What is the cheapest insurance for a 19yr old?<br/><br/>I have told my insurance to claim for the insurance guy who reversed into me,? <br/> my insurance told me that they were going to contact the insurance for this guy they were going to see if he was going to pay for the repairs and today they have rang me back and said the guy s insurance has refused responsibility and now they want me to pay the excess so they can pursue this to court , lm worried about my no claims bonus , which is 2 years now.    my insurance says for them to pursue this and take the other insurance to court l have to pay the excess otherwise it will take longer or never happen if l didn t   l have to decide if l want to use my excess for this or not   what do you think its the best way to this   its either l pay 230 from my pocket to fix car or pay 400 excess , what will they do take them to court will they really see this through because l know the end that this guy reversed into a parked car and l have pictures of our cars   please anyone help , lm literally in tears as l didn t expect his insurance to refuse , what do l do ??/ <br/><br/>Need help with my car insurance?<br/> I will be driving for a year this august and i m currently paying 105 a month for my current insurance. All the quotes im receiving at the moment are alot higher then i m already paying but i m sure it will go down once i ve been driving exactly 1 year.    Will i get a 1 year No claims discount automatically on the date i finish my current insurer? then just set my new insurance to start the day after?<br/><br/>Cheapest new driver insurance?<br/>What insurance company has the lowest rates for a new driver?<br/><br/>How can I get auto insurance for a car not in my name?<br/> I have the opportunity to take over payments on a car.  Since the title is not in my name, how can I get auto insurance for this car until the title is transferred into my name?  I d heard there is a form that the owner can sign that verifies that I will be the only one driving this vehicle.  Any suggestions would be helpful. <br/><br/>Which comes first? The car or insurance?<br/>You can t drive without insurance, but your insurance rate depends in part on what kind of car you drive. So which do you get first? <br/><br/>Getting Car insurance after DUI?<br/>I live in Toronto - anyone have any experience with this?    It was over 6 years ago - any companies to recommend?<br/><br/>Can you sell a car without insurance?<br/>Can you sell a car without insurance?<br/><br/>How much would it cost a new driver in the UK for car insurance?<br/>I haven t bought a car yet, but the compare sites want personal details. I don t really want to fill it out until I have a car. I am looking for ford fiesta zetec, I don t actually have the car. Do I still need to fill out the details on the comparison site? <br/><br/>Why are doctors refusing to take many Obamacare plans? What good is insurance if no one will accept it?<br/>Why are doctors refusing to take many Obamacare plans? What good is insurance if no one will accept it?<br/><br/>Will a citiation for having my brights on raise my insurance?<br/>And do I need to notify them? I have never had any other citations or anything else.<br/><br/>I got a ticket for no insurance in Tucson, AZ!!!?<br/>My question is if I get insurance prior to court date can they dismissed the ticket or lower the cost? How many points is it to ur license and can I go to traffic school for it? Also it doesnt say the amount the ticket is, so Im not sure what the cost even is.<br/><br/> https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/can-my-parents-add-me-car-insurance-mattie-maldonado
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