#bttf iii: the novel
knickynoo · 17 days
Back to the Future Part III, The Novel by Craig Shaw Gardner: Thoughts, commentary, and general ramblings
Part 1: Marty-themed nightmares and lots of cowboy talk
• So! We all know how this one starts. Marty's just come running down the street; he announced he’s back from the future, and Doc is out cold.
• Marty brings Doc home, and while Doc is unconscious, we get to go inside his head for a little dream sequence! And if I may say so: it’s a travesty that this wasn’t in the movie. He has a nightmare that there are Marties everywhere, and he can’t get away from them. Everywhere he turns, there’s A Marty staring back at him. His escape from the horde of Marties only comes when the “Howdy Doody Time” theme song starts, and he wakes up. Since the song also wakes up Doc in the movie, I’d like to believe he was also having Marty Nightmares.
Also, this reminds me of that one post. I can't track down the original to include a link, but I do have a screenshot saved, so that'll have to do.
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• Meanwhile, Marty is over on the couch having Cowboy Dreams. He dreams he’s in the Old West with Clint Eastwood and is woken up by the sound of Doc talking into his tape recorder.
• As Doc reads the letter, Marty sits quietly in a chair, intently listening to the whole thing, which is very un-Marty if you ask me. Very glad we ended up with Movie Marty wandering all over the place and touching everything, as it should be.
• Ok, the book earns a point for having both Doc and Marty get emotional to the point of actual tears after reading his letter. Doc is sniffling and wiping tears away, and Marty is described as, “trying hard to keep his lower lip from quivering.” They should have cranked up the emotion for the movie scene.
• Also, I somehow purchased a version of the novelization that was printed in Great Britain, so I’m continuously running into different spellings, such as “centre” and “favourite.” My inner voice narrating as I read is occasionally speaking with an accent because of this. Adds to the fun, I guess.
• Once they locate the DeLorean in the mine, it says, “Doc and Marty grinned at each other,” then they just get to work uncovering it. This is interesting to me because it contrasts so much from the actual movie scene where these supposed grins are replaced with a look of awe from Doc and a look of what I can only describe as horror/fear in Marty. It’s one of my favorite scenes of part III because of their reactions, actually. It's almost as if the realization that the car has been there for so long, and that the older version of the guy standing next to him had stood in that very spot to hide way back in 1885 is a little too overwhelming for Marty. It's a great moment. Next time you watch part III, really focus in on their expressions during this quick little scene.
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• Book Marty does NOT stumble over the word “schematic.”
• When Doc tells Marty that he always wanted to be a cowboy, he mentions that he spent a few summers working at Statler’s Ranch, where he learned how to ride horses and shoot guns. In the DeLorean Manual (you know I always have to bring up this book; it’s a treasure trove) Doc says he learned these skills because his father sent him away to “wilderness camp.”
• Got a chuckle at what follows Doc talking about those summers working at the ranch: “Marty got the oddest look on his face. He was probably trying to imagine Doc Brown as a cowboy.”
• Marty then asks Doc how he ended up becoming a scientist instead. Which is kind of an odd choice. Are you to expect me to believe that Marty doesn’t already know the story of how Doc went into science?? This is something I assume 1980s Doc would have told him in their first week or so of knowing each other.
• Marty, initially wary at Doc being “stuck” in 1885 has a change of heart after hearing Doc talk so enthusiastically about his older self getting to live out his cowboy dreams. He says, “Doc, if you’re happy, then I’m happy. It’ll be a whole lot easier for me to go back to 1985 knowing you’re living it up in 1885.” I actually think this is a wonderful addition that might have been nice in the movie. It just…it displays their relationship so nicely. Marty doesn’t WANT to lose his best friend, but he values Doc’s own happiness above his own. To Doc, he isn’t stuck or condemned to a life in the Old West. He’s living out his childhood dream! If you’re happy, then I’m happy. It’s such a beautiful way to reframe the situation.
That seems like a good place to leave things for now.
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bg-sparrow · 1 year
🎞️, 🎼 and ⌛ for the bttf ask game :)
Yeee! BttF Ask Game is so fun!
🎞️ If you could change one scene from any of the movies, which one would you change and how?
I kind of did this already in my Part III rewrite, but it always irked me that Marty was so against going to say goodbye to Clara. That whole conversation hurt me physically, and I know the purpose it served and that Marty was right to want to limit further interactions. But in the novelization, we get this one line where Marty thinks about how he could never leave without saying goodbye to Jennifer if the shoe were on the other foot, and I wish that would have softened him enough to say "Yeah, go say goodbye, but go easy on the details and be back an hour". Friendship means tough love sometimes, but I could have done with a more empathetic Marty here.
🎼 If you have one, share a song that you associate with your favorite character!
I have so many songs I associate with BttF, but there is really only one I associate specifically with one character, and that would be "You Might Think" by The Cars for Marty. It's just got the perfect opening-scenes-of-Part-I Marty vibes. This is Marty's song to me!
⌛Choose a timespan in the trilogy that wasn't shown on screen (e.g. the time between November 5 and the Monday where Marty goes to the school to introduce his parents). How would you have filled that moment out?
Ha! I do believe I've fleshed out the majority of the gaps I wanted to see in the Time Circuits Series (granted, my OC, Emma, is included in some of these "gap filler" scenes).
I loved filling in the gaps where Marty is staying with Doc in his mansion in 1955.
In Part I, after Marty talked George into the "big plan" on Wednesday afternoon, I had Doc and Marty come together in the lab to talk about the progress he was making on getting his parents together, and Marty readily expressed his concerns that his father won't "hit the guy nice enough to take it".
Also, getting to explore more of the time they spent together at the beginning of Part III was fun, especially Marty getting Doc inside after he collapsed, Doc opening a to-scale schematic of the "hood box" in the mine and laying it open on the hood, and Doc realizing while he's out getting new tires/ parts for the DeLorean on Tuesday morning what a hypocrite he is for refusing to let Marty tell him about his future demise and how he is now sending Marty back in time to prevent another future death (because Doc always knew what Marty was trying to tell him in Part I and I WILL die on that hill; Doc was just too scared to face the truth and the consequences of knowing).
I had so much fun with this! Thanks for the ask! :D
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professorsaber · 4 years
@knickynoo’s Back to the Future Challenge!
So, a few weeks ago @knickynoo posted these questions here.  It’s taken me a while, but here are answers to all of them!
1. Which film is your favorite in the trilogy and why?
Well, when I first saw the movies when I was a little kid (in 1997, I think), my favorite was Part II, because of the future portion. I would sometimes just watch until they left to return to 1985, rewind the tape, and watch that part again.
By the time I was in college, Part III was definitely my favorite. I think the romance aspect resonated with me at that age.
By the time the real 2015 came around, it became Part I. I’m not entirely sure why, though?  Maybe because of how well it stands on its own.
2. A favorite memory attached to the films
In 2000, my parents and I took a vacation to Los Angeles, and we stopped at Universal Studios. I got my picture taken with “Doc,” and I rode the ride at least three times. But I was kinda more interested in the props and memorabilia in the waiting rooms for the ride than the ride itself, as well as the names on the doors of the “offices” in the Institute of Future Technology. (Like Benjamin Franklin.)
Also, after having moved to Los Angeles late in 2014, I was actually in Courthouse Square on October 21, 2015. It was quite something. Though the buildings were different (The Courthouse facade is different, for one), it was still like actually being in Hill Valley.
Finally, I saw the 25th anniversary rerelease in 2010. It was amazing! I saw and heard things I never had before, like all the past due bills in Doc's garage, and the leaves rustling at the clocktower.
3. A scene that makes you smile/laugh/cheer and why
I always want to cheer at the scene in Part II when Marty burns the almanac and sees that his dad is alive again. Also works as an answer to the next question.
4. A scene that makes you emotional (sad, edge of your seat, etc.)
I get so emotional at the scene where Doc tells Clara he’s leaving her that I usually have to mute it because I can’t take it!
5. Who is your favorite secondary character?
I have to go with Jennifer Parker. I feel like there’s much more to her than we get to see. (Enough that in a fanfic that I’ve been working on [for like seven years now, so don’t get your hopes up] she sorta took over as the main character from Marty!) Also, what little we see of her and Marty in the first movie—like, it’s obvious that they’d still be together thirty years later, IMO.
6. A favorite quote/bit of dialogue
I have to go with “EAT LEAD, SLACKERS!” I crack up just thinking about it. Marty’s little “Augh!” as he runs away adds to it.
7. Things you would have liked explored or explained
This one was holding me up for a while, but I think that, after seeing so much of the McFlys and the Tannens, we need more of the Browns, Baineses, and Claytons. Especially the Baines family--even the extensions (see below) have no information on their background, AFAIK.
8. Any thoughts or opinions on the extensions of the film? (TellTale game/comics, etc.)
I’m not a video game player—the most recent system I have is an N64 I was given when it was new, in 1996—but I tried the Telltale game. I didn’t finish it, but I read the articles about it on the BTTF wiki and fell in love with the story anyway! I actually started incorporating bits into my fanfics.
The comics I liked enough, though I should note I never got around to Hard Time, Tales From The Time Train, or Biff to the Future. 3.5 of 5 stars, perhaps—though mostly because they conflict with my post-Part III headcanons and such! Still, I wish they were making new ones. (Also, I did a fic in 2009 called “The Other Time Traveler” about someone else who comes up with the flux capacitor, and it was interesting to see the same idea in the comics with Professor Irving.)
The animated series—I’ve never seen it. I’ve heard bad things, but all I’m going to say is that, from seeing screen grabs, I don’t like the art style. But, when I learned about the series as a kid, it had already gone off the air, so I scoured every video rental store in town to find a copy of any episode (there were some VHS releases). I couldn’t find them anywhere, and writing this almost makes me relive the disappointment!
Finally, though I’ve never read the whole thing, a copy of the Part III novelization is in my possession. I got it at a thrift store/antique store the first day I transferred to my university, and the lady there said she hoped it would be good luck, since it was my favorite of the three at the time.
I’m going to tag anyone who’s interested, assuming everyone hasn’t done this already!
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cinnamongeek · 8 years
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Covers for the Back to the future, Back to the future part ii, Back to the future part iii, and The Secret of my success novelizations.
I didn’t even know there was a novelization for TSOMS, but I really like the cover picture for it.
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abouttiimeadjacent · 5 years
huh... so in the bttf part iii novel... craig shaw gardner either wanted marty to be chilling in 1985 an extra 9 days before the version of him from that timeline went back to 1955... or saying marty got back on october 17 was just a big mistake
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allspark · 6 years
It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like Lost Light, Rom, My Little Pony, Sonic the Hedgehog, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and much more! All coming your way for August 15th!
James Roberts (A) Alex Milne, Brendan Cahill, Jack Lawrence, Sara Pitre-Durocher (CVR) Jack Lawrence
Crammed into a dead Decepticon astropod that’s 10 sizes too small, the displaced crew of the Lost Light faces their most serious threat yet: each other. No worries though, Rodimus can save the day! Or maybe they’ll all die… Plus, the Scavengers have never had it so good. The war is a receding memory, their patchy service records have been forgotten, and the five of them can roam the galaxy as they please. All’s well that ends well? Not quite. Collects issues #13-18.
Chris Ryall, Christos Gage (A) David Messina, Ron Joseph, Paolo Villanelli (CVR) Loston Wallace
The evil Dire Wraiths have escaped to Earth but are hounded by a Knight of the Solstar Order, the one feared more than all others. He is Rom, the Wraith-slayer. Rom, the Spaceknight!
Having followed the Dire Wraiths across the galaxy to Earth, Rom finds they have infiltrated all levels of society, hiding in plain sight. Replacing many humans in key leadership positions, the Wraiths’ plan to dominate the planet-and everyone in it-is gaining momentum. But Rom finds resistance from the humans as well, who fear he is just another alien invader. He is joined in the battle by two other Solstar Knights… but are they here as friends or foes? •   Collects all 14 issues of the series, the 2017 Annual, and the Rom: Revolution one-shot.
Bob Gale, John Barber (A/CVR) Megan Levens
What does the future hold for the Brown family? Find out what happens to Doc, Clara, Jules, and Verne after the end of BTTF Part III! It’s 1893, and at last, Doc Brown fulfills his promise to Clara as he completes the project he’s been working on: the Time Train! But where in time and space will the Brown family go on their inaugural trip? And what could possibly go wrong if and when they get there?
Chris Claremont (A/CA) John Byrne
Advance solicited for July release! John Byrne’s run on the X-Men began with issue #108 and lasted until #143. The team of Claremont, Byrne, and Austin made the X-Men (which was already a hit series under Dave Cockrum) soar to the top of the charts in comics sales. They introduced Alpha Flight, and the created the near mythical storylines “The Dark Phoenix Saga” and “Days of Future Past.” These and the rest of their stories remained burned into the memories of collective fandom to this day and have been the basis for several X-Men films. This Artifact Edition will include more than 100 pages of X-Men covers, splashes and pages from Byrne’s X-Men run, all have been meticulously scanned from the original art and reproduced to the exacting Artist’s Edition standards that have won IDW Publishing five highly coveted Eisner Awards (to date)!
Christina Rice (A/CVR A) Agnes Garbowska (CVR B) Philip Murphy
The Cutie Mark Crusaders are trying to solve the case of the missing spa water! But what happens when all signs point to a member of a Crusader’s own family being the culprit?
Ian Flynn (A/CVR A) Evan Stanley (CVR B) Gigi Dutreix
Hush! You hear that? It sounds like Sonic’s racing off to another adventure and he’s not alone! But who is this “Guardian Angel” and why does everybody talk about her in a Whisper?
Scott Tipton, David Tipton (A/CVR A) Tony Shasteen (CVR B) Photo
When a routine diplomatic mission takes a catastrophic turn, Counselor Deanna Troi is the only thing that stands between the Federation and the prospect of galactic war! From the creative forces behind Star Trek: The Next Generation-Mirror Broken and Star Trek: Discovery-The Light of Kahless!
Alessandro Ferrari (A) Various (CVR) Eric Jones
Capturing the galaxy-spanning action of A New Hope, experience Episode IV as a beautiful graphic novel combining the epic wonder of Star Wars with streamlined, young-reader friendly designs. This all-ages graphic novel is a must-read for longtime fans and a great introduction for newcomers!
Ben Bates, Dustin Weaver (A) Dustin Weaver (CVR A) Nick Pitarra (CVR B) Ryan Browne
Time-travelling menace Savanti Romero returns to enlist Bebop and Rocksteady again… but he’s brought a whole heap of trouble back with him from the 79th dimension!
Gary Carlson (A/CVR A & B) Frank Fosco (CVR B) Erik Larsen)
This is it! Fans demanded it and IDW Publishing listened! The entire TMNT Volume 3, reproduced for the first time ever in full four-color glory! As all-out war wages between his brothers and the forces of Warlord Komodo, the most mechanically minded of the Turtles returns-as a living machine! And you’ll never believe whose side he’s on!
Tito Faraci, Joe Torcivia (A/CVR A) Giorgio Cavazzano (CVR B) Andrea Freccero
The sinister Blot and Pegleg Pete are robbing Mouseton blind-and with Mickey Mouse out of the picture, it’s up to Detective Casey and his wild-card “bad cop” partner, Brick Boulder, to take the menace down… or join the hit list!
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IDW Comics Shipping List for August 15th! It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like 
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cbilluminati · 8 years
IDW has so much great stuff on sale this week, and we have a look at all of it for you. Here’s the IDW Publishing Previews for 1-25-2017.
Back to the Future: Biff to the Future #1 (of 6)
Writer: Bob Gale, Derek Fridolfs Artist: Alan Robinson Cover Artist: Alan Robinson
When Old Biff Tannen travels to the past to give his younger self the Grays Sports Almanac, he opens a lethal Pandora’s Box that drastically changes the course of history. In the BTTF movies, Doc and Marty save the day — but what happens in Biff Tannen’s dystopia before they do? Find out in BIFF TO THE FUTURE, the alternate life story of Biff Tannen detailing his diabolical rise to power, his dangerous relationship with the McFly family and Doc Brown, and his ultimate demise. The apocalypse has got nothing on the kinds of trouble a Tannen can make! Written by BTTF co-creator Bob Gale with Derek Fridolfs (Batman) and illustrated by Alan Robinson (BTTF: Citizen Brown).
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Variant cover by Anthony Marques!
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BATMAN/TMNT Adventures #3 (of 5)
Writer: Matthew K. Manning Artist: Jon Sommariva Cover Artist: Jon Sommariva
A fiendish alliance unfolds behind the scenes, unbeknownst to Batman and the TMNT as they are forced to fight a Poison Ivy-powered Snakeweed!
Bullet points:
New team-ups and classic characters return!
Variant cover by Billy Martin!
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Comic Book History of Comics #3 (of 6)
Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Ryan Dunlavey Cover Artist: Ryan Dunlavey
The inspiring, infuriating, and utterly insane story of comics, graphic novels, and manga continues in four-color glory! This issue, the award-winning Action Philosophers team of Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey bring you ROMANCE, WAR, and CRIME comics galore!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Featuring variant covers with all-new historically inspired comic strips by Van Lente and Dunlavey!
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D4VEocracy #1 (of 4)
Writer: Ryan Ferrier Artist: Valentin Ramon Cover Artist: Valentin Ramon
Ryan Ferrier and Valentin Ramon are back with D4VEOCRACY, the third arc of the acclaimed D4VE series. In the wake of a robo-political assassination, D4VE begins a presidential campaign. A hip new app startup has other plans for the robot society, however, and creates the perfect political rival.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
From the acclaimed creative team of D4VE, D4VE2, and HOT DAMN!
“…this book is funny. Not chuckle-quietly-to-yourself funny, but actual laughing-out-loud-in-public funny.” – IGN
“A sardonic satire of modern society that’s as funny as it is true…a series that will continue to delight.” – Multiversity
“…a fully developed future world that ingeniously blends technological fantasy with the mundane reality of domestic life.” – The AV Club
“D4VE is one of my favourite comics of the year. Very high quality work from Ryan Ferrier and Valentin Ramon!” – Fiona Staples
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G.I. JOE #2
Writer: Aubrey Sitterson Artist: Giannis Milonogiannis Cover Artist: • Aaron Conley
G.I. Joe’s mission in Mongolia gets underway, but the Dreadnoks and Crystal Ball have more allies than the Joes expect. And meanwhile, Lady Jaye and Gung Ho stumble upon a familiar enemy in Greece…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Spinning directly out of the events of IDW’s Revolution event!
Variant cover by Corey Lewis!
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G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #236
Writer: Larry Hama Artist: S L Gallant Cover Artist: S L Gallant
As Cobra Commander continues his scheme to start the Cobra World Order, Destro and Baroness begin to bring their own contingency into play…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Insufferable: Home Field Advantage #4
Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Peter Krause Cover Artist: Peter Krause
The lives of Nocturnus, Galahad and Meg hang by a thread as the INSUFFERABLE saga comes to a climax! Lives, worlds and relationships will be shattered, and there’s little guarantee that the day will be saved. Fingers crossed!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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Jack Kirby’s Fantastic Four: Artist’s Edition HC—SPOTLIGHT
Writer: Stan Lee Artist: Jack Kirby Cover Artist: Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby’s Fantastic Four. World-shattering events, cosmic calamities, and Kirby Krackle—does it get any better?
Jack Kirby is the most important creator in the history of comics, and the Fantastic Four is one of his greatest achievements. First published in 1961, the adventures of Mr. Fantastic, the Human Torch, the Invisible Girl and the ever-loving Thing introduced a bold new era in comics. Kirby’s dynamic storytelling, coupled with Stan Lee’s poignant writing style, were unlike anything comic book readers had seen before—it literally ushered in THE MARVEL AGE OF COMICS!
Now, with the cooperation of the Jack Kirby Estate and under license from Marvel Comics, IDW is proud to present the first Jack Kirby Fantastic Four Artist’s Edition! Including Fantastic Four Annual #6, the 48-page groundbreaking story that featured the birth of Franklin Richards! Also presenting issues #82 and #83, guest starring the Inhumans–plus more stories and and a beautiful gallery section of some of Kirby’s most incredible pages, all scanned from the original art!
HC • BW • $Please Inquire • 144 pages • 12” x 17”  • ISBN: 978-1-63140-831-1
Bullet points:
Celebrate the 100th birthday of the King of Comics with IDW Publishing—Artist’s Edition style!
  Jem and the Holograms #23
Writer: Kelly Thompson Artist: Meredith McClaren Cover Artist: Meredith McClaren
THE STINGERS part 5! It all comes down to this! The Misfits latest attempt to ruin Jem & The Holograms comes to fruition, and with Jem and The Holograms performance officially sabotaged will The Misfits have finally succeeded? Or will Jem and The Holograms live to fight—‘er sing!—another day!? Meanwhile, recent events mean The Stingers are shaping up to be not just reasonably friendly adversaries, but potential nemeses. Can Jem and The Holograms really have TWO nemeses?!?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
THE STINGERS arc ends here!
Variant cover by Gisele Lagace!
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Joe Hill: The Graphic Novel Collection
Writers: Joe Hill, Stephen King, Jason Ciaramella, Chris Ryall Artists: Zach Howard, Nelson Dániel, Charles Paul Wilson III, Vic Malhotra Cover Artist: Shane Pierce
New York Times #1 Best Seller Joe Hill is the creative force behind this collection of comic one-shots, short stories and graphic novels that showcase the world-building and bone-chilling talents of the famed Locke & Key creator. This deluxe hardcover includes: Kodiak (2010) with illustrations by Nat Jones, The Cape (2010) and The Cape 1969 (2011) illustrated by Zach Howard, Thumbprint (2013) illustrated by Vic Malhotra, Wraith (2014) with illustrations by Charles Paul Wilson III, plus the short stories “Throttle” (2009) from the Road Rage collection and “By the Silver Water of Lake Champlain” (2012) taken from 2016 Bram Stoker Award Winner Shadow Show: All New Stories in Celebration of Ray Bradbury. Fans of comic books, horror and Hill, take note.
HC • FC • $49.99 • 472 pages • 7” x 11” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-768-0
Bullet points:
Advance solicited for December release!
“Over the course of a decade, Joe Hill has gone from ‘promising new horror writer’ to one of the industry’s most reliably striking, exciting creators.” — V. Club
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Mickey Mouse: Shorts, Season One
Writers: Paul Rudish, Scott Tipton Artist: Paul Rudish Cover Artist: Paul Rudish
Join Mickey, Minnie, and all their pals in a comic adaptation of the celebrated multi-Emmy and Annie Award-winning shorts from Disney Television Animation!
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 132 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-814-4
Bullet points:
“It could almost double as an ‘Art of…’ book. Irreverent and fun, it’s capable of making you grin broadly the entire time you’re reading it.” –Multiversity Comics
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Mickey Mouse: Timeless Tales, Vol. 2
Writer: Romano Scarpa, Andrea “Casty” Castellan, Giorgio Cavazzano, Jonathan Gray, David Gerstein, Joe Torcivia Artist: Romano Scarpa, Andrea “Casty” Castellan, Giorgio Cavazzano, Jonathan Gray, David Gerstein, Joe Torcivia Cover Artist: Andrea “Casty” Castellan
“Omigosh!” IDW’s Mickey Mouse issues #7–12 land in a luxurious, limited collectors’ volume… with epic tales by Romano Scarpa and Andrea “Casty” Castellan, featuring the return of Atomo Bleep-Bleep, the quest for “The Chirikawa Necklace,” and the debut of Pegleg Pete’s sinister main squeeze, Trudy Van Tubb! Including archival extras for true Disney Comics aficionados, this extra-thick Mickey tome brings hours of thrills and comics history!
HC • FC • $29.99 • 256 pages • 7.25” x 10” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-801-4
Bullet points:
“A collection of different MICKEY MOUSE comics across various eras of the character that tell you absolutely why he and his comics have stood the test of time.” –Comicsverse
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Micronauts Annual 2017
Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Marcelo Ferreira Cover Artist: Marcelo Ferreira
The Micronauts have encountered many strange allies and enemies since they became stranded on Earth, a planet of giants, but perhaps none have been as unexpected as those awaiting them here. As we explore the origins of the various Micronauts, the team encounters a future version of… themselves? Are they friend or foe?
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s 2017 Annual Offensive! Over-sized and action-packed key stories in a deluxe format!
Explore the origins of some of today’s most popular Micronauts characters in this can’t-miss annual!
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Micronauts #9
Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Max Dunbar Cover Artist: Max Dunbar
The Micronauts are stranded on a world full of giants, but they may not be as far from home as they thought. Relics from Microspace are all around, and allies–and enemies–from the microscopic universe have found their way to Earth!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
The Micronauts adventures on Earth continue!
Introducing all-new characters into the Micronauts mythos!
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by K. Woodward!
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My Little Pony: Friends Forever #36
Writer: Christina Rice Artist: Tony Fleecs Cover Artist: Tony Fleecs
Rainbow Dash travels to a remote and dangerous location and finds her fellow Wonderbolt, Soarin, is about to undertake a dangerous mission. Will Dash be able to get over her ego help her fellow Pegasus?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Low Zi Rong!
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Optimus Prime #3
Writer: John Barber Artist: Kei Zama Cover Artist: Kei Zama
An uneasy peace between Optimus Prime and the newly arrived Junkions is threatened by Soundwave’s discovery within their massive ship…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Joana Lafuente!
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Writers: John Barber, Cullen Bunn Artist: Fico Ossio Cover Artist: Tradd Moore
Explosions rip across the Earth—and all signs of blame point to OPTIMUS PRIME and the TRANSFORMERS! G.I. JOE refuses to go quietly—and they assemble heroes big enough to stop the invaders! ACTION MAN and M.A.S.K. fight for humanity—but where do ROM and the MICRONAUTS stand? Celebrating more than a decade of stories by IDW and HASBRO, this unprecedented event draws everything together—and leaves nothing standing. The REVOLUTION is here—TAKE A STAND! Collects Revolution issues #0–5.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 152 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-816-8
Bullet points:
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Star Trek/Green Lantern Vol 2 #2 (of 6)
Writer: Mike Johnson Artist: Angel Hernandez Cover Artist: Angel Hernandez
STRANGER WORLDS PART TWO! With their power rings running low and no power batteries left to recharge them, the surviving heroes of the Lantern Corps join with Starfleet in the ultimate battle with Sinestro and the resurgent Klingons… until the arrival of an unexpected visitor from the Lanterns’ past changes the game entirely!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Following the blockbuster success of last year’s Star Trek/Green Lantern, DC Entertainment and IDW once again bring you the best team-up in the galaxy!
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Jen Bartel!
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #66
Writers: Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman Artist: Sophie Campbell Cover Artist: Sophie Campbell
Alopex is alone, her psyche reeling from Kitsune’s mind control. With Raphael and Nobody searching for her, will Alopex be able to find her way back to the side of good?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Sophie Campbell returns to TMNT for a very special issue!
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Kevin Eastman!
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WEIRD Love #16
Writers: Richard Hughes, and more Artists: Bob Powell, Ogden Whitney, and more Cover Artist: Bob Powell
If you love your comics weird, then Weird Love is the perfect comic for you! This issue starts with the cover story by Bob Powell, “To Love A Cheat.” There are many more sordid stories this ish, but you demanded that we present another pinko-commie-cold war-comic so read it and weep: “Iron Curtain Romance!”
FC • 48 pages • $4.99
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via IDW Publishing
IDW Publishing Previews for 1-25-2017
IDW has so much great stuff on sale this week, and we have a look at all of it for you.
IDW Publishing Previews for 1-25-2017 IDW has so much great stuff on sale this week, and we have a look at all of it for you.
4 notes · View notes
outright-geekery · 8 years
IDW has so much great stuff on sale this week, and we have a look at all of it for you. Here’s the IDW Publishing Previews for 1-25-2017.
Back to the Future: Biff to the Future #1 (of 6)
Writer: Bob Gale, Derek Fridolfs Artist: Alan Robinson Cover Artist: Alan Robinson
When Old Biff Tannen travels to the past to give his younger self the Grays Sports Almanac, he opens a lethal Pandora’s Box that drastically changes the course of history. In the BTTF movies, Doc and Marty save the day — but what happens in Biff Tannen’s dystopia before they do? Find out in BIFF TO THE FUTURE, the alternate life story of Biff Tannen detailing his diabolical rise to power, his dangerous relationship with the McFly family and Doc Brown, and his ultimate demise. The apocalypse has got nothing on the kinds of trouble a Tannen can make! Written by BTTF co-creator Bob Gale with Derek Fridolfs (Batman) and illustrated by Alan Robinson (BTTF: Citizen Brown).
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Variant cover by Anthony Marques!
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BATMAN/TMNT Adventures #3 (of 5)
Writer: Matthew K. Manning Artist: Jon Sommariva Cover Artist: Jon Sommariva
A fiendish alliance unfolds behind the scenes, unbeknownst to Batman and the TMNT as they are forced to fight a Poison Ivy-powered Snakeweed!
Bullet points:
New team-ups and classic characters return!
Variant cover by Billy Martin!
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Comic Book History of Comics #3 (of 6)
Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Ryan Dunlavey Cover Artist: Ryan Dunlavey
The inspiring, infuriating, and utterly insane story of comics, graphic novels, and manga continues in four-color glory! This issue, the award-winning Action Philosophers team of Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey bring you ROMANCE, WAR, and CRIME comics galore!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Featuring variant covers with all-new historically inspired comic strips by Van Lente and Dunlavey!
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D4VEocracy #1 (of 4)
Writer: Ryan Ferrier Artist: Valentin Ramon Cover Artist: Valentin Ramon
Ryan Ferrier and Valentin Ramon are back with D4VEOCRACY, the third arc of the acclaimed D4VE series. In the wake of a robo-political assassination, D4VE begins a presidential campaign. A hip new app startup has other plans for the robot society, however, and creates the perfect political rival.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
From the acclaimed creative team of D4VE, D4VE2, and HOT DAMN!
“…this book is funny. Not chuckle-quietly-to-yourself funny, but actual laughing-out-loud-in-public funny.” – IGN
“A sardonic satire of modern society that’s as funny as it is true…a series that will continue to delight.” – Multiversity
“…a fully developed future world that ingeniously blends technological fantasy with the mundane reality of domestic life.” – The AV Club
“D4VE is one of my favourite comics of the year. Very high quality work from Ryan Ferrier and Valentin Ramon!” – Fiona Staples
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G.I. JOE #2
Writer: Aubrey Sitterson Artist: Giannis Milonogiannis Cover Artist: • Aaron Conley
G.I. Joe’s mission in Mongolia gets underway, but the Dreadnoks and Crystal Ball have more allies than the Joes expect. And meanwhile, Lady Jaye and Gung Ho stumble upon a familiar enemy in Greece…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Spinning directly out of the events of IDW’s Revolution event!
Variant cover by Corey Lewis!
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G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #236
Writer: Larry Hama Artist: S L Gallant Cover Artist: S L Gallant
As Cobra Commander continues his scheme to start the Cobra World Order, Destro and Baroness begin to bring their own contingency into play…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Insufferable: Home Field Advantage #4
Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Peter Krause Cover Artist: Peter Krause
The lives of Nocturnus, Galahad and Meg hang by a thread as the INSUFFERABLE saga comes to a climax! Lives, worlds and relationships will be shattered, and there’s little guarantee that the day will be saved. Fingers crossed!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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Jack Kirby’s Fantastic Four: Artist’s Edition HC—SPOTLIGHT
Writer: Stan Lee Artist: Jack Kirby Cover Artist: Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby’s Fantastic Four. World-shattering events, cosmic calamities, and Kirby Krackle—does it get any better?
Jack Kirby is the most important creator in the history of comics, and the Fantastic Four is one of his greatest achievements. First published in 1961, the adventures of Mr. Fantastic, the Human Torch, the Invisible Girl and the ever-loving Thing introduced a bold new era in comics. Kirby’s dynamic storytelling, coupled with Stan Lee’s poignant writing style, were unlike anything comic book readers had seen before—it literally ushered in THE MARVEL AGE OF COMICS!
Now, with the cooperation of the Jack Kirby Estate and under license from Marvel Comics, IDW is proud to present the first Jack Kirby Fantastic Four Artist’s Edition! Including Fantastic Four Annual #6, the 48-page groundbreaking story that featured the birth of Franklin Richards! Also presenting issues #82 and #83, guest starring the Inhumans–plus more stories and and a beautiful gallery section of some of Kirby’s most incredible pages, all scanned from the original art!
HC • BW • $Please Inquire • 144 pages • 12” x 17”  • ISBN: 978-1-63140-831-1
Bullet points:
Celebrate the 100th birthday of the King of Comics with IDW Publishing—Artist’s Edition style!
  Jem and the Holograms #23
Writer: Kelly Thompson Artist: Meredith McClaren Cover Artist: Meredith McClaren
THE STINGERS part 5! It all comes down to this! The Misfits latest attempt to ruin Jem & The Holograms comes to fruition, and with Jem and The Holograms performance officially sabotaged will The Misfits have finally succeeded? Or will Jem and The Holograms live to fight—‘er sing!—another day!? Meanwhile, recent events mean The Stingers are shaping up to be not just reasonably friendly adversaries, but potential nemeses. Can Jem and The Holograms really have TWO nemeses?!?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
THE STINGERS arc ends here!
Variant cover by Gisele Lagace!
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Joe Hill: The Graphic Novel Collection
Writers: Joe Hill, Stephen King, Jason Ciaramella, Chris Ryall Artists: Zach Howard, Nelson Dániel, Charles Paul Wilson III, Vic Malhotra Cover Artist: Shane Pierce
New York Times #1 Best Seller Joe Hill is the creative force behind this collection of comic one-shots, short stories and graphic novels that showcase the world-building and bone-chilling talents of the famed Locke & Key creator. This deluxe hardcover includes: Kodiak (2010) with illustrations by Nat Jones, The Cape (2010) and The Cape 1969 (2011) illustrated by Zach Howard, Thumbprint (2013) illustrated by Vic Malhotra, Wraith (2014) with illustrations by Charles Paul Wilson III, plus the short stories “Throttle” (2009) from the Road Rage collection and “By the Silver Water of Lake Champlain” (2012) taken from 2016 Bram Stoker Award Winner Shadow Show: All New Stories in Celebration of Ray Bradbury. Fans of comic books, horror and Hill, take note.
HC • FC • $49.99 • 472 pages • 7” x 11” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-768-0
Bullet points:
Advance solicited for December release!
“Over the course of a decade, Joe Hill has gone from ‘promising new horror writer’ to one of the industry’s most reliably striking, exciting creators.” — V. Club
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Mickey Mouse: Shorts, Season One
Writers: Paul Rudish, Scott Tipton Artist: Paul Rudish Cover Artist: Paul Rudish
Join Mickey, Minnie, and all their pals in a comic adaptation of the celebrated multi-Emmy and Annie Award-winning shorts from Disney Television Animation!
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 132 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-814-4
Bullet points:
“It could almost double as an ‘Art of…’ book. Irreverent and fun, it’s capable of making you grin broadly the entire time you’re reading it.” –Multiversity Comics
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Mickey Mouse: Timeless Tales, Vol. 2
Writer: Romano Scarpa, Andrea “Casty” Castellan, Giorgio Cavazzano, Jonathan Gray, David Gerstein, Joe Torcivia Artist: Romano Scarpa, Andrea “Casty” Castellan, Giorgio Cavazzano, Jonathan Gray, David Gerstein, Joe Torcivia Cover Artist: Andrea “Casty” Castellan
“Omigosh!” IDW’s Mickey Mouse issues #7–12 land in a luxurious, limited collectors’ volume… with epic tales by Romano Scarpa and Andrea “Casty” Castellan, featuring the return of Atomo Bleep-Bleep, the quest for “The Chirikawa Necklace,” and the debut of Pegleg Pete’s sinister main squeeze, Trudy Van Tubb! Including archival extras for true Disney Comics aficionados, this extra-thick Mickey tome brings hours of thrills and comics history!
HC • FC • $29.99 • 256 pages • 7.25” x 10” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-801-4
Bullet points:
“A collection of different MICKEY MOUSE comics across various eras of the character that tell you absolutely why he and his comics have stood the test of time.” –Comicsverse
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Micronauts Annual 2017
Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Marcelo Ferreira Cover Artist: Marcelo Ferreira
The Micronauts have encountered many strange allies and enemies since they became stranded on Earth, a planet of giants, but perhaps none have been as unexpected as those awaiting them here. As we explore the origins of the various Micronauts, the team encounters a future version of… themselves? Are they friend or foe?
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s 2017 Annual Offensive! Over-sized and action-packed key stories in a deluxe format!
Explore the origins of some of today’s most popular Micronauts characters in this can’t-miss annual!
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Micronauts #9
Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Max Dunbar Cover Artist: Max Dunbar
The Micronauts are stranded on a world full of giants, but they may not be as far from home as they thought. Relics from Microspace are all around, and allies–and enemies–from the microscopic universe have found their way to Earth!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
The Micronauts adventures on Earth continue!
Introducing all-new characters into the Micronauts mythos!
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by K. Woodward!
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My Little Pony: Friends Forever #36
Writer: Christina Rice Artist: Tony Fleecs Cover Artist: Tony Fleecs
Rainbow Dash travels to a remote and dangerous location and finds her fellow Wonderbolt, Soarin, is about to undertake a dangerous mission. Will Dash be able to get over her ego help her fellow Pegasus?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Low Zi Rong!
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Optimus Prime #3
Writer: John Barber Artist: Kei Zama Cover Artist: Kei Zama
An uneasy peace between Optimus Prime and the newly arrived Junkions is threatened by Soundwave’s discovery within their massive ship…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Joana Lafuente!
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Writers: John Barber, Cullen Bunn Artist: Fico Ossio Cover Artist: Tradd Moore
Explosions rip across the Earth—and all signs of blame point to OPTIMUS PRIME and the TRANSFORMERS! G.I. JOE refuses to go quietly—and they assemble heroes big enough to stop the invaders! ACTION MAN and M.A.S.K. fight for humanity—but where do ROM and the MICRONAUTS stand? Celebrating more than a decade of stories by IDW and HASBRO, this unprecedented event draws everything together—and leaves nothing standing. The REVOLUTION is here—TAKE A STAND! Collects Revolution issues #0–5.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 152 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-816-8
Bullet points:
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Star Trek/Green Lantern Vol 2 #2 (of 6)
Writer: Mike Johnson Artist: Angel Hernandez Cover Artist: Angel Hernandez
STRANGER WORLDS PART TWO! With their power rings running low and no power batteries left to recharge them, the surviving heroes of the Lantern Corps join with Starfleet in the ultimate battle with Sinestro and the resurgent Klingons… until the arrival of an unexpected visitor from the Lanterns’ past changes the game entirely!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Following the blockbuster success of last year’s Star Trek/Green Lantern, DC Entertainment and IDW once again bring you the best team-up in the galaxy!
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Jen Bartel!
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #66
Writers: Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman Artist: Sophie Campbell Cover Artist: Sophie Campbell
Alopex is alone, her psyche reeling from Kitsune’s mind control. With Raphael and Nobody searching for her, will Alopex be able to find her way back to the side of good?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Sophie Campbell returns to TMNT for a very special issue!
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Kevin Eastman!
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WEIRD Love #16
Writers: Richard Hughes, and more Artists: Bob Powell, Ogden Whitney, and more Cover Artist: Bob Powell
If you love your comics weird, then Weird Love is the perfect comic for you! This issue starts with the cover story by Bob Powell, “To Love A Cheat.” There are many more sordid stories this ish, but you demanded that we present another pinko-commie-cold war-comic so read it and weep: “Iron Curtain Romance!”
FC • 48 pages • $4.99
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via IDW Publishing
IDW Publishing Previews for 1-25-2017 IDW has so much great stuff on sale this week, and we have a look at all of it for you.
1 note · View note
knickynoo · 21 days
I feel like I've really been neglecting this blog in the past month or so. Gonna sincerely try to get back in the swing of things in the coming weeks. I've got a big backlog of asks, a list of FT gifsets to make, want to start on the BTTF pt III novel reviews, and I've got a handful of fics in the works.
17 notes · View notes
knickynoo · 4 years
Analyses/Ramblings Master-List
Here’s a collection of some of my analysis & commentary posts on BTTF & Family Ties. I’m going to pin it to my page & try to keep it updated as I write more. Note: It’s not an exhaustive list. These are just the more prominent ones.
Back to the Future
LINK TO ANALYSES/RAMBLINGS MASTER-LIST PART 2! (because tumblr only allows 100 links per post lol)
Doc & Marty Friendship Mega-Post
Doc & Marty Name Game
Twin Pines Lot Scene 
“Thanks.” ��Thank you!” : 1955 goodbye hug
A McFly Family Dinner 
“It’s romantic nonsense!” : Doc’s part III arc
Marty McFly: Polite Boy
Marty “The Hair” McFly :  A ridiculous headcanon that definitely falls under the category of nonsense rather than analysis, but I had so much fun writing it that I’m including it here & no one can stop me.
“I’m really gonna miss you,” : The other 1955 goodbye scene 
“If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.” 
Seamus McFly 
Saying goodnight at the McFly house
Marty sees the DeLorean get struck by lightning
Marty the Parrot
Get Thee Back to the Future highlights
Marty & Jennifer Headcanons
Marty + “Wait a minute”
Do Improved! George & Lorraine approve of Doc? 
Highlights from Doc’s DeLorean Owner’s Manual Book
Einie Headcanons! 
Marty’s ADHD 
Marty’s Self-Esteem Issues 
Doc’s Letter (Pt III)
Marty Adopted AU
How long did it take Marty to trust Doc? 
Doc being neurodiverse headcanon
Marty in the new timeline + Comic book Jennifer
Marty and Clara headcanons
What if Doc had died in the parking lot + what if Buford had killed Marty?
McFly sibling headcanons
Marty and Jennifer
Favorite Little BTTF Moments
How Bad was Original Timeline Lorraine?  
If Marty had a little sister (headcanons) 
Marty college (headcanons)
BTTF comics: “Continuum Conundrum” Commentary 1, 2
Nikki has feelings about Doc and Marty’s friendship
Twin Pines and Lone Pine Marty
What if Marty and Ferris Bueller were friends? 
BTTF novel commentary 
Doc and Marty’s taste in music
Marty and 1955!Doc headcanons
The role of love in the BTTF trilogy
Marty ADHD moments gifset 1 & 2
Doc’s biggest insecurity
Doc & Marty’s sleep habits
Marty McFly: character of all time
Trixie Trotter thoughts
McFly family Thanksgiving
Has Marty watched “Family Ties”?
Family Ties 
APK Gets an ‘F’
“Hotline Fever” : An APK rambling 
Alex & The Box 
Top 10 episodes + commentary 
Steven in the fashion show
“The Disciple”: Alex plays dumb
Alex & Nick
Highlights from the Family Ties book parts 1 & 2 
“Go Tigers”
MJF’s portrayal of Alex
Alex is a spoiled egomaniac and it’s Steven & Elyse’s fault: An Essay
Could there be a modern-day APK? (ask) ~Nikki talks politics~
APK Autistic Headcanon 
Alex & Ellen as Parents (Headcanons)
Alex and Elyse “How Do You Sleep?” 
Alex’s Intelligence 
FT Incorrect Quotes
APK TV Tropes 1, 2, 3
The episode I wish FT would have made
Alex rants about Santa Claus
The Keaton family orange juice gif compilation parts 1, 2, & 3
Alex & Steven gifset 1 & 2
“A, My Name is Alex” Deep Dive parts 1 & 2 (Major APK analysis)
A general rambling about Mallory Keaton 
Marty & Alex switch places (ask)
Marty & Alex as brothers (ask)
Marty and Alex as brothers pt 2
MJF as Dr. Kevin Casey on Scrubs
McFly & Keaton family game night (ask)
A BTTF/Family ties AU idea (nikki goes off the rails)
Michael J. Fox Sues a Dog: A retelling of one of the funniest dreams I’ve ever had
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