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btssavedmylifeblr · 7 years ago
Everybody wanna love you - Pt. 2 (M)
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Summary: BTS gets drunk and reads fan fiction together.
Pairing: Platonic OT7
Genre: Ridiculously filthy smut and boys being boys
Word Count: 4621
Warnings: The fan fiction the boys read is quite explicit, but the boys stay (mostly) platonic.
A/N: All of the fan fiction the boys read in this is written (badly) by me. Any resemblance to other people’s stories is coincidence. I am not trying to make fun of anyone other than myself as an avid reader and writer of BTS fan fiction.
Part One     Part Two    Part Three
“Why are we doing this?” Yoongi asks as he passes around shot glasses to the table, filling Jin’s glass with soju before handing the bottle over to Jungkook to fill everyone else’s, then heading back into the kitchen for snacks. 
 “They need to know!” Jin shouts after him from the head of dining table, gesturing at the three youngest who are sitting together at the other end. Jungkook is busy pouring shots for everyone, delighted at being included in both the drinking and the risqué discussion. Taehyung is twirling his glass on the table and Jimin is frowning down at his empty glass, waiting for Jungkook to fill it. 
 “Why do they need to know?” Yoongi calls from the kitchen, pulling down a bag of chips from the top shelf of a cupboard and pouring some into a bowl for the table. 
 “They need to know how weird it gets!” Jin shouts back, laughing. 
 “I don’t want to know how weird it gets…” Jimin whines, head collapsing onto his arm which he has stretched across the table as he holds out his glass to Jungkook.
Hoseok has returned from his bedroom with his laptop and situated himself on Jin’s right side, chuckling to himself as he pulls up the fansites he’s familiar with. Taehyung leans across the empty seat next to him to see what Hoseok’s looking at. Taehyung’s eyes widen as he stares at the contents of the computer screen. 
 “Eh-hmn…” Yoongi clears his throat behind Taehyung, who startles and then quickly slides out of Yoongi’s designated seat next to Hoseok. 
 “Isn’t Jungkookie a little young for all this?” Taehyung teases, ruffling Jungkook’s hair as he scoots in next to him to make room for Yoongi and the bowl of snacks. 
 “Hey!” Jungkook objects, squirming out from under Taehyung’s hand, and gathering up his glass of soju protectively. 
 “He’s starring in it, Tae!” Jin says in a voice of barely contained laughter, smacking the table in emphasis. 
 “Plus…” Namjoon chimes in, leaning across the table from his seat on Jin’s left. “How’s he supposed to go out and get laid in the future if he can’t even handle reading about it?” Namjoon raises his glass of soju to Jungkook across the table. Jungkook raises his glass right back, giggling to himself.
 “You know that fan fiction is terrible advice for both relationships and sex, right?” Yoongi replies, raising his eyebrow at Namjoon in concern.
 “Yeah…” Namjoon nods. “But it sure is entertaining!”  Namjoon and Jin both burst into laughter and Jin wraps his arm around Namjoon, muttering something the younger boys can’t hear and chuckling conspiratorially.
 “You two really are the biggest perverts…” Jimin says, gesturing at their leader and their eldest member together before downing his glass of soju. 
 “Yah!” Jin shouts, hands on his hips. “No drinking before your elders!”
 “Sorry hyung…” Jimin mutters, holding out his glass to Jungkook for a refill. 
 “Why are we the biggest perverts?” Namjoon asks Jimin.  “Yoongi-hyung and Hobi have read it too!” He gestures at the two men across the table from him who are engrossed in something on Hoseok’s laptop. 
 “No, no, no…” Yoongi replies, looking up and shaking his head. “Don’t drag me into this. Jin-hyung is clearly the instigator here…”  
 “I’m just trying to educate!” Jin huffs, crossing his arms over his chest, but still grinning ear-to-ear. 
 “Fine… let’s settle it then.” Hoseok interjects, trying to bring the group make to the main point of this evening: traumatizing the maknaes.  “Each hyung gets one story. Whoever’s the biggest pervert wins.” 
 “What do we win?” Yoongi chuckles. 
 “Shame, guilt, and a sign you should rethink your life…” Jimin answers.
 “Well, that hardly seems worth it…” Namjoon scoffs, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms. 
 “I’ll do their laundry for a week!” Jungkook shouts, already two shots into the soju that he keeps sneaking whenever Jin isn’t looking.
 “You already do all our laundry anyways…” Namjoon teases and Jungkook pouts.
 “I’ll… uhh…” Jungkook racks his brain for a better bribe. “I’ll buy you lamb skewers!”
 “See?” Jin says to Jimin, gesturing at the overly excited maknae at the end of the table. “The boy wants to know!”
 Jin looks back to Hoseok. “I’m in.”  
 Hoseok looks to Namjoon and Yoongi. 
 “Yeah… me too.” Namjoon nods. Yoongi grunts in assent. 
 “Excellent!” Hoseok grins. “I have a good one…”
 Wednesdays are Jungkook’s favorite day of the week. If any of his friends asked why, Jungkook would tell them it’s because he has no morning classes and can enjoy a leisurely latte over his study materials. But the truth is that Wednesdays are Jungkook’s favorite day because Wednesdays are the day that Jimin works the morning shift. Jungkook would be lying if he said that the two minutes he gets to exchange small talk with the gorgeous pink-haired barista weren’t the highlight of his week. 
 “Wait…” Jungkook interrupts. “I’m gay?”
 “Yup.” Hoseok nods, trying not to laugh at how quickly the youngest already has questions. 
 “And I have a crush on Jimin?” Jungkook asks, looking quickly at actual Jimin and then looking away just as quickly.
 “Apparently…” Hoseok shrugs, before pressing onward with the story. Jungkook chews on the inside of his cheek, more questions brewing. 
 Today is probably the best Wednesday Jungkook has had in a month. Jimin not only remembered Jungkook’s name, but also Jungkook’s regular order. Jungkook wishes his regular order was something manly like a red eye or a café Americano black instead of the café mocha with extra whipped cream and chocolate shavings that was sitting in front of him now. But his regular order has been his regular order since long before the most beautiful man in the world started working here. 
Jungkook has also triumphed today by arriving early enough to lay claim to his favorite comfy chair. Jungkook would argue that it was his favorite because it was a particularly fluffy and soft, not because it happened to allow him the perfect view to watch Jimin’s butt jiggle whenever Jimin turned to work the espresso machine. 
 “Fan-fiction drinking game!” Jin shouts, raising his glass in the air. “Take a shot whenever they talk about Jimin’s butt!” 
 “Yes!!” Namjoon laughs, clinking his glass to Jin’s before they both down their shots.  
 Jimin folds over onto the table, face is hidden from view by his hands, no doubt flushing a bright pink. “Fuck me…” he whines into the table.
 “I think Jungkook’s going to…” Namjoon says and the whole table roars in approval.
 Hoseok cackles, smacking the table over and over as he laughs and Yoongi raises his glass to Namjoon in props. Taehyung sticks his tongue in his cheek and shakes his head, before downing his shot. Jimin peaks out from behind his hands to roll his eyes and grab another drink, and Jungkook begins giggling so hard that he nearly falls out of his chair, whole body doubled-over in laughter.
 “Let’s find out, shall we?” Yoongi eggs Hoseok on. 
“God, you are so obvious…” A deep voice interrupts Jungkook’s day dreams.  
Jungkook is startled from his dazed worshipping of Jimin’s backside…
  “Drink! drink!” Jin chants, downing his shot glass. 
 Hoseok pauses the story and everyone drinks. 
 “Erhm…” Hoseok coughs and clears his throat after the shot. “Maybe it should be a sip for every mention of Jimin’s butt…”
 “No way!” Jimin slams his hand down on the table, feeling bolder now that he has two shots of soju in his system. “My ass is worth a full shot!”
 “That’s my boy!” Namjoon laughs, slapping Jimin hard on the back and pouring him another. 
 “Ahem!” Hoseok calls for attention and restarts.
 Jungkook is startled by his blonde shaggy-haired best friend plopping noisily into the empty seat across from him and blocking Jungkook’s view. 
“I would think you would have learned to be subtler in your stalking.” Taehyung teases when Jungkook huffs in annoyance. “What with all the practice you get…”
“Shhh!” Jungkook panics, looking over at Jimin to see if he heard anything, but the barista doesn’t seem to be able to hear anything over the roar of the espresso machine.
“Oh relax…” Taehyung scoffs, sticking a finger into the middle of Jungkook’s whipped cream and scooping up a large dollop before depositing it into his own mouth and sucking noisily on his finger.  
“Hey!” Jungkook shouts. “Go get your own!” He grabs his mocha and yanks it out of his best friend’s reach. “I don’t know where your fingers have been…”
Taehyung wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “Only Hobi does…”
“Ugh… gross.” Jungkook frowns down at his mocha as images of Tae’s hand halfway up Hoseok’s ass come unbidden to his mind.
 “Euuggghhhhhhhh…” A uniform chorus of groans sounds from everyone at the table and Hoseok pauses to take another sip of soju.
 Hoseok looks over to check on Taehyung and discovers that Taehyung has hidden his entire head inside the neck of his shirt. 
 “You okay Taetae?” Hoseok asks. 
 The headless shirt nods at him and holds up his shot glass in solidarity. 
 Hoseok swallows to clear his throat and continues.
 Jungkook shoves his mocha back at Tae. “You owe me another…”
“Okay… okay…” Taehyung nods, standing back up. “Gives me an excuse to chat up the bartender with the spank-able ass …”
 “Drink! drink!” Everyone jubilantly chants, then downs another round. 
 “Wait…” Jungkook coughs as he recovers from the shot. “We’re all gay?” Hoseok nods in confirmation. Jungkook purses his lips in thought.
 “Doesn’t seem very realistic does it?” Namjoon says, swirling his soju. 
 “Well, duh…” Jimin responds. “None of us are gay…” He looks around the circle eagerly for confirmation. Jungkook nods at him, but the others all seem lost in thought. 
 “Well, statistically, one or two of us might be…” Namjoon replies, still swirling his alcohol and staring into space. “There’s nothing wrong with it. Love is just love, you know?”
 The boys glance around the circle at each other. Jin stares at Namjoon, who continues to swirl his soju. Yoongi’s eyes flick over to Hoseok to find Hoseok watching Jimin closely, but Jimin is also starring Namjoon, mouth open slightly. Taehyung is still hiding inside his shirt and Jungkook makes himself busy peeling the label off the soju bottle, not making eye contact with anyone.
 “But it’s highly improbable that all of us would be gay.” Namjoon adds, shaking his head and looking up from his glass. Everyone else exhales at the same time.
 “Didn’t girls write this?” Jungkook pipes up. 
 “I think so…” Hoseok answers. 
 “So why do they want us to be gay?” Jungkook asks. “Doesn’t that mean we’re less likely to hook up with them?”
 “I have a theory!” Namjoon sets down his glass and leans forward. “Most of our fans are girls, right?”
 The circle of boys nods in agreement. 
 “So…they don’t want to read about us hooking up with other girls. It makes them jealous. They want to imagine it’s them. That’s why they write that terrible ‘you… you… your name here…’ shit.”
 The circle continues to nod, following along with their leader. 
 “But!” Namjoon holds up a finger. “If you want to write real fleshed-out characters, you need protagonists with names and physical descriptions. So, they make us gay! Then we can hook up with each other and no one gets jealous.” Namjoon smiles proudly at his explanation.
 “I have a theory…” Yoongi interrupts. “Ever watch porn with two women in it?” Yoongi directs this question at the maknaes, but the whole circle nods in response. 
 “It’s like that.” Yoongi laughs and takes another drink. The boys laugh. Hoseok claps his hands. Namjoon frowns. 
 “Can we get back to the story now?” Taehyung asks from the inside his shirt. 
  “His name is Jimin” Jungkook retorts. 
“Good to know…” Taehyung smirks and heads for the counter. Jungkook pretends to be absorbed in his calculus book but can’t help watching in worry as Taehyung approaches the counter. Jungkook knows Taehyung would never cheat on Hoseok, but he is still jealous of Taehyung’s easy confidence. Tae probably hasn’t showered in three days and definitely just threw on a random assortment of clothes from his bedroom floor, but he’s still the most gorgeous man in a 5-mile radius (pink-haired baristas excluded). 
Taehyung’s head finally reemerges from his shirt, beaming proudly.
 “Well, hello Jimin…” Taehyung coos in his deep voice, leaning in casual elegance against the counter. “Or can I call you gorgeous…” 
“Ack!.. Bleckk…” A chorus of gagging sounds erupts as the entire table cringes in unison.
 Jimin covers his mouth with hand and breathlessly giggles as Taehyung leans further across the counter and Jungkook pouts into his contaminated mocha. He should have just drank it, Hobi’s ass juice be damned. 
 Taehyung continues the flirtation for much longer than is necessary to order a new coffee. He puts in the order and Jimin’s eyes flick over to Jungkook. Jungkook quickly stares down at his textbook. Finally, Taehyung returns. 
“What is the matter with you?!” Jungkook hisses when Taehyung finally sits back down. “You are practically married! What are you doing flirting with the potential love of my life?!”
The sad truth of Jungkook’s life was that all his friends had settled down now. One of the drawbacks to being the youngest. Taehyung had Hoseok, Namjoon had Yoongi and Jungkook was all alone. 
  “Wait just a second!” Jin interjects. “Where am I?”
 “Uhh… I don’t know…” Hoseok frowns at the computer screen, scrolling frantically.
 Jin frowns and sips his soju.
 “Here you are!” Hoseok finds something and points to his computer screen. “You’re the manager of the coffee shop.”
 “Do I have sex with anyone?” Jin leans over to see the computer screen too. 
 “Umm…” Hoseok skims the page. “You awkwardly hit on Jungkook which causes Jimin to realize his true feelings…” Hoseok explains as Jin squints at the computer. “But umm… no. You don’t have sex with anyone.” 
 “What the hell?!” Jin throws his hands into the air.
 “I’m still confused about why they want us to be gay…” Jungkook says, spilling some of his soju as he waves his hands in confusion.
 “I’m much more confused about why they want us to be baristas…” Yoongi replies. “Don’t they know we’re rock stars?” Yoongi laughs and shakes his head. “Isn’t that sexier than making coffee for a living?”
 “Yeah…” Namjoon begins explaining again. “But they want us to be approachable, you know? Tell real life stories…”
 “Yeah, yeah, yeah…” Yoongi waves his hand dismissively. “If I’m going to read some elaborate fantasy about myself, I want to be a cowboy or an astronaut or something… Who gives a shit about what it would be like if Min Yoongi worked at Starbucks?” Yoongi pushes in next to Hoseok and takes over the computer from him.
 “Hobi!” Yoongi turns to Hoseok, pointing at the screen. “This story is rated teen! There isn’t any sex in it!!”
 “Oh…” Hoseok pouts.  “But there was all that talk about ass juice!”
 “You lose Hobi.” Namjoon shakes his head.
 “My turn to pick one, right?” Yoongi asks the group and they nod. Yoongi clicks back to the main page BTS fanfiction page and his jaw drops as he begins scrolling through page after page. 
 “My god...” Yoongi mutters. “How much of this shit is there?”
 “Forty-one thousand, two hundred and thirty-nine stories…” Hoseok answers, pointing to the top right of the screen. 
 “Holy shit…” Jungkook whispers and the whole table looks shocked.  
 “Forty-one thousand, two hundred and forty stories…” Yoongi adds as he clicks the refresh button.
 “Who has the most?” Jin interjects, peering over Hoseok’s shoulder. 
 “Jimin” Hoseok answers. Jimin hides his face in his hands again. “Jimin, then Yoongi.”
 “Yoongi?” Jungkook asks in surprise.
 “Suga fans are intense people.” Yoongi says, shrugging, smug smile on his face.
 “It’s just because Yoonmin is the most popular ship.” Namjoon interjects and Yoongi’s smile falters.
 “What’s a ship?” Jungkook asks Namjoon.
 “People you want to be in a relationSHIP.” Namjoon answers.
 “Like Taekook…” Taehyung adds, nudging Jungkook with his elbow and Jungkook nods in understanding.
 “But why Yoonmin?” Taehyung asks. “You guys almost never interact!”
 Jimin and Yoongi both shrug. But Namjoon interjects with an explanation again. “I think it’s the juxtaposition of gruff and dominating with small and caring that the fans like.”
 “Yoongi-hyung is only 1 centimeter taller!!!” Jimin shouts in frustration, banging his hands on the table.
 “I think it’s because we’re the sexiest.” Yoongi says. Jimin smiles and the two reach across the table to clink their glasses together in triumph.  All the other boys frown with various degrees of jealously on their faces.
  “Who has the least?” Jin turns back to Hoseok.
 “Umm…” Hoseok bites his lip, like he doesn’t really want to answer.
 “It’s me, isn’t it?” Jin frowns. 
 Hoseok nods. 
 “Waaahhh…” Jin sighs, shock on his face. “Why don’t more people want to write about me? I’m an excellent muse!” Jin preens and laughs as he sips his soju.  “I’m the eldest!” He insists. “I could be gruff and dominating!”
 “Have you met you?” Jimin laughs.
 “Yeah…Looks who’s talking ‘small and caring.’” Jin replies. Jimin opens his mouth to object, but Yoongi cuts him off.
 “I want to read that one!” Yoongi insists pointing to something on Hoseok’s computer screen. 
 “Really, hyung?” Hoseok chuckles and Yoongi nods. Hoseok slides the computer over so it’s in front of Yoongi and Yoongi begins reading. 
 Captain Black Suga was shockingly beautiful for a pirate.  
That’s all Captain Hoseok Jung could think as he gazed down at the man in chains on the deck of his ship. 
Suga was wet from his recent dive overboard, another failed escape attempt, and his dark hair clung to his forehead, droplets of water dripping softly onto the deck. The captain watched as a single water droplet rolled down the pirate’s forehead, wrapped around the curve of his cheek, and traced a meandering path down the pirate’s neck. Captain Jung secretly wished he could follow the path of the water droplet with his tongue. 
  Hoseok begins giggling uncontrollably. “Why did you pick this one hyung?” He asks.
 “I’m a pirate!” Yoongi gestures at the screen.
 “Or he wants to read a Yoonseok story so he can flirt with you, Hobi.” Namjoon adds, chuckling. Hoseok laughs and blushes.
 “I don’t understand why they won’t call us Sope…” Yoongi mutters before resuming the story.
 God… he was beautiful. Hoseok’s loins ached just looking at him. 
Black Suga was the very definition of temptation. His features were delicate, his skin shockingly pale for a man who had spent his whole life on the open sea. His small mouth was turned down in a slight frown. His thin pink lips parted as he panted, exposed pale chest rising and falling with each breath. He looked so soft and innocent, all wet and bedraggled, kneeling on the deck. But then his dark eyes flicked up to meet Hoseok’s and Hoseok felt like his very soul was on fire.
Perhaps that is where Black Suga got his name from, Hoseok mused. He seemed sweet like sugar, but then he could murder you and your whole crew without breaking a sweat, smile on his face. He was young, about the same age as Captain Jung and Captain Jung was the youngest captain in Her Majesty’s Royal Navy. Hoseok could only imagine the different twists and turns their lives must have taken from them to end up here, on opposite sides of the law. 
Hoseok watched Suga’s tongue lap tentatively at the drops of water still running down his face from his hair and daydreamed about that tongue wrapping itself around his cock.
 “Uhhh…” Yoongi pauses, shocked at what he just read. “Maybe we should find a different one…”
 “No way!” The rest of the table immediately objects, delighted in how uncomfortable Yoongi suddenly is.  Yoongi tries to press onward.
 God… Hoseok can only imagine how beautiful Suga would be staring up at him from his knees, fiery black eyes focused on him, mouth full of his cock.
 “Nope… I can’t do this...” Yoongi shoves the computer away.
 “I can!” Hoseok scoops up the computer, laughing delightedly, and keeps reading.
 Captain Jung really shouldn’t be thinking such things. Captains in Her Majesty’s Royal Navy weren’t supposed to think pirates were beautiful, especially not those pirates they were commanded to track down and put to death for their crimes against the crown. Probably shouldn’t fantasize about bedding them either. But one look at Suga and bending him over the starboard railing and fucking him for the whole ocean to see is all Hoseok can think about. 
“Hey!” Yoongi interrupts. “I’m the badass pirate! Why wouldn’t I be the one fucking you?”
 “The fandom has decided that I top in this relationship.” Hoseok teases.
 “But I’m older!” Yoongi rants, pounding his fist on the table, and laughing.
 “More! more!” Taehyung and Jungkook call in unison from the end of the table, delighted at how embarrassed their surly hyung is.
 Hoseok had never seen Black Suga this close before. The best he had seen of the man was glimpses of him standing proud on the bow of his ship, usually sailing away from whatever carnage he had left in his wake: burned and sinking ships, ransacked villages, and suddenly penniless merchant vessels. Always leaving Captain Jung to pick up the pieces. Hoseok felt like he had spent his whole naval career chasing Black Suga. Hoseok felt disgusted with himself that he finally had the man in his clutches and instead of seeking justice, all he could think was how much he wanted to fuck him.
“You bring me here just to stare at me, sweetheart?” Black Suga asked and Hoseok jumped, taken aback by the forwardness of the pirate.
Captain Jung knew what he had to do. There was no way around it. Hoseok wished things were different. He wished this man was someone who had joined the royal navy instead of choosing a life of piracy. He closed his eyes for a moment, imagining a alternate life where Suga was his first mate by day and his lover by night. But there’s was no reaching that now.
“Black Suga…” Hoseok unfurled the scroll in his hand and began reading out the death warrant signed by the governor. “You have been sentenced to death by her royal highness Queen Elizabeth I for your crimes against the crown and the British people. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”
“Yoongi…” Suga said quietly. “Min Yoongi…”
“What?” Captain Jung paused.
“If I’m going to do die, I want to die with the name my mother gave me… not some dumb nickname.” The pirate frowned pensively at the deck.
 “He’s not going to die, is he?” Taehyung interrupts, hands clenched on the table.  
 “No…” Hoseok reassures. “It’s 27 chapters long. He can’t die in the opening chapter.”
 “27 chapters?!” Jin shouts.
 “Well… yeah! There are so many obstacles to their love!” Hoseok laughs as he elaborates. “They have to lust after each other for a while. Captain Jung has to discover that Suga is secretly a pirate with a heart of gold. Suga has to fall for the dashing captain and abandon his life of crime…”
 “We don’t have time for 27 chapters!” Jin objects.
 “Just a little bit more?” Taehyung asks.
 “Fine…” Jin takes another sip of soju.
 “Min Yoongi…” Hoseok repeated, making a note on the parchment of the pirate’s real name. “Do you have any last words?”
“Yeah…” The fiery eyes looked out past Hoseok’s shoulder, then straight back to the captain, as a dangerous smirk crossed Suga’s lips. 
“You might want to duck.” Suga laughed triumphantly, before rolling across the deck, perfect timing to miss the cannonball that went soaring past Captain Jung’s ear and crashing through the floor boards of his ship. 
Captain Jung whipped around to see the black sails of Black Suga’s ship, the Daegu Sun. Hoseok dived to the side to avoid another cannonball, screaming at his men to ready the cannons. 
Suga somehow escaped his chains and leapt up from the deck. He punched Hoseok’s first mate Jin in the face and stole his sidearm, before running across the deck to the edge of the bow. 
“See you later sweetheart!” Suga called out to Hoseok before grabbing part of the rigging and swinging across the water to his own ship. A larger part of himself than Hoseok would like to admit wished silently that he could board the pirate’s ship and sail away too, but he was a better man than that. 
Instead, Hoseok watched longingly as Black Suga greeted his first mate – a mysterious one-eyed man with purple hair who was known only by the initials RM – with an enthusiastic pat on the back. And then Hoseok watched with a dull ache in his chest as Suga greeted his cabin boy Jimin, planting the boy with an enthusiastic kiss and squeezing his butt possessively right in the open for Hoseok to see.
 “Drink! drink!” The table cackles at yet another mention of Jimin’s famous posterior.
 “Why?!” Jimin moans, face buried in his hands. “Why am I always the cabin boy?” Jimin slurs, way too many glasses of soju in his system.
 “What?” Hoseok asks, confused.
 “Why am I always the cabin boy?” Jimin moans again. “Or the barista? Or the slave? Or the stripper? Or the prostitute? Why?”
 “You said you never read them!!” Jin yells, smacking the table and laughing.
 “Yeah…” Jimin groans, shaking his head back and forth, but keeping his face hidden behind his hands.
 “Is this why you didn’t want to read it?” Namjoon laughs, patting Jimin on the back.
 “Yeah…” Jimin nods.
 “Oh Jiminie…” Hoseok chuckles. “We can find you a better story!”
 “But…” Yoongi begins to object, then bites his tongue. Hoseok taps just enough keys on the laptop to bookmark the page, smirking at Yoongi. Yoongi sees it and gives a small nod, clearing his throat and taking another sip of soju.
 Hoseok heads back to the main page and begins scrolling, looking for a story Jimin might be happier about.
 “Oh look!” Hoseok says when he finds one.  “In this one, you’re a robot!” Hoseok hands the computer across the table to Namjoon to show Jimin.
 “Like the Terminator?” Jimin drops his hands from his face as his smile perks up in interest.
 “Umm…” Namjoon frowns at the computer screen as he reads further. “Did the terminator have a vibrating dick?”
 “Fucking hell…” Jimin grumbles as the table bursts into laughter. Namjoon goes back to scrolling for another story.
 “Oh!” Namjoon pauses when he finds another. “In this one you’re a mermaid…”  
 “You mean a merman?” Jimin asks.
 “No…it says mermaid.” Namjoon tries hard not to laugh.
 “That’s it, I’m out.” Jimin declares, standing up from the table, and wobbling for a moment before turning to head for bed.  A chorus of boos and disappointed whines follows this announcement.
 “Wait!” Jin calls out to Jimin and Jimin pauses.
 “I know one where you’re in charge…” Jin says.
 “Really?” Jimin asks, turning back to the table.
 “Yeah…” Jin nods. “Gets pretty intense though…”
 Jimin pauses, mulling over his options. “What do you mean in charge?”
 “Umm…” Jin laughs, eyes darting around the circle of boys. “You spend a while punishing Jungkook and Tae for their disobedience…”
 Jimin grins. Taehyung and Jungkook both look at each other, eyes wide.
 “I suppose we could hear one more…” Jimin laughs and sits down. Jin grabs the computer from Namjoon and goes searching.
Part Three
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landersova · 7 years ago
You’re 31?! Yay! I’m 30. It’s so exciting to find other adult fans on here. Especially ones who bias hobi and ship yoonseok!! I really love your artwork!!
Ahh, hello friend! Yess, I always get excited when I see someone around my age whee! And yes, especially with such a fine taste in bias and ship ;D Thank you so so much
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johobi · 7 years ago
btsruinedmylifeblr reblogged your post and added:
I came to tumblr this afternoon in desperate need...
I’m so happy you were able to find some solace in my writing, even in something as outwardly unlikely as Dig Deep. It is probably one of my most crack-like fics. But, yeah, it’s also the one with a world lore that I was the most into, so I’m kicking myself now for making it so short. It was only meant to be a Halloween drabble, and I felt lengthening it might be too much due to the nature of it. But people seem to have really taken to it and I’m so happy!! As you say, it felt like a bit of a gamble uploading something so divisive, but it is a more ‘wholesome’ example of the genre, which people seem to be into. I have a sequel planned for it at any rate, and it could go beyond just one, because I do really like the idea of the universe I went far too gung-ho on creating lol.
Thanks so much for your kind and generous review. I’m so glad you enjoyed it and it was able to take your mind off things for a little while. <3
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hobies · 8 years ago
Hi! Just wanted to say that previous anon is wrong about Korean age. The day you were born doesn't matter for Korean age, just the year. You are 1 when you are born and everyone ages up at the New Year. This is why Tae and Jimin are considered the same age - both born in '95. They are both 23 Korean age and will be until Jan 1st, when they will both become 24 Korean age. Yoongi and Jin are considered different ages (25 and 26) because Jin was born in '92 and yoongi in '93. Love your blog!
thank you! 💕 Oooo this is what I thought and was always told too, but I also understand if traditions run differently even within the same culture. thanks for clarifying!
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tayegi · 7 years ago
I really enjoyed new rules!! I'm really excited to see where it goes. I went and listened to that hidden brain podcast and now i'm reeeeaaalllly eager to see where you take this. I loved the slow reveal of her emotions as the story went on. At first it didnt really seem like a fic you would write, but now I suspect you have a plan and I'm so excited to see it!
yeah there are so many fics where theyre fuck buddies and the guy is a huge player who doesnt want to get attached but uh oh he somehow catches feelings and i feel like that’s nice, but a bit cliche and i wanted to show a different perspective... ah im rambling but youll see what i mean in a few chapters :) 
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jungkookienoona · 8 years ago
Whether its the full chapters or links doesn't really matter to me, whatever you prefer. I just wanted to emphasize that thinking of it as "AO3 vs. Tumblr" is the wrong way to think about it. Both are promotional tools that get your work out to people. If you want the most people to see it, use both. Remember most readers are totally silent on both sites, so just because they respond more on one doesn't mean there's no point to posting on the other.
I was about to respond and then I remembered my laptop was still set to Korean ㅎㅎ 
We’re thankful that you’re offering helpful info but we can’t help but feel that the is a difference between reader behaviours on the sites. At the end of the day there is still time left for things to change. We’re just putting our thoughts out there (though pessimistic) and planning for worst case scenario.
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bulletproof-dork-boys · 8 years ago
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@btsruinedmylifeblr​ prepare for deTAEnation. (@fulgurite​ LOOK AWAY)
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btssavedmylifeblr · 7 years ago
You have an ao3? What is it?
Yes! I cross-post all my works there in case people have one site they prefer using over the other. I was actually posting on AO3 long before I made a Tumblr. All the works are the same between here and there though.  
It’s bts_ruined_my_life.
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noona-la-la-la · 7 years ago
I'm here to be controversial and cast my vote that Jungkook and the OC don't end up together in the Fitting. The pain and angst is so real and the obstacles between them so large. Don't get me wrong, I really want them to be together. But it just feels like the story has been building to the opposite conclusion. Either way I'm looking forward to it so much and know it will pack one heck of an emotional wallop whenever you get there. Love everything you write!
We’ll see!
I love the word “wallop”.  I need to use that word more often.  I’m adding it into the list of words I need to work into a fic at some point.  So far it’s a list of two words:  wallop and schlong.  I feel like it belongs in a Jin fic.  Something like “Jin walloped you in the face with his schlong.”
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solastia · 8 years ago
Weekly Reading Suggestions
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Shall I keep doing this weekly? Let me know. Also, feel free to send in any suggestions for stuff for me to check out or include in the next one. 
1. First, I have to tell you to read everything by soobadnoonecanstopher. I’ve enjoyed just about everything on there. I have a special soft spot for the Baek fic I Give Up though. So GOOD, and I’m still sad that it’s over. They have a couple Kyungsoo fics I’m pretty fond of too.
2. If you’re down with smut, bts smut galore is the place to be. I’m very fond of Forbidden right now, and I think there should be more Hobi smut in the world. He just screams sex god to me. 
3. sindrafalcone has great BigBang fics. I’m currently loving the Poly fic. There is smut afoot, so be of legal age. 
4. If you’re struggling like I am (can’t we make things a little easier? was a great Jungkook/Noona fic that had me in tons of feels. 
Blogs Mentioned:
Happy Reading! 
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nanabjk · 8 years ago
20 Questions Tag
Sooo since you asked.... Here it goes @btsruinedmylifeblr
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better!
Name: sorry!!!! rather stay anonimous for all the Trash I like
Nicknames: Nana!
Zodiac Sign:  Aquarius
Height: 170cm
Orientation: Just a single straight girl
Ethnicity: Latin! Ai ai ai!
Favorite Fruit: peach
Favorite Season: Summer! Since I’m latin, it’s basically summer all year long!
Favorite Book: can’t peak just one... Harry Potter, Peter Pan, Jane Austen (all), Agatha Christie (all) and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle!
Favorite Flowers: roses and lilies
Favorite Scent: when coming out of the shower!
Favorite Color: Purple/pink
Favorite Animal: My dog. But if I would relate myself with one, it would be a wolf
Favorite Beverage: coke!
Average Hours of Sleep: I usually suffer from insomnia, which makes me tired and sleepy during the day
Favorite Fictional Characters: Wendy, Elizabeth Bennet, Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, Sherlock Holmes, Scarlet O’Hara
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: 3, even on summer! 
Dream Trip:  South Korea and scandinavian countries
Blog Created: can’t remember! But I basically use  Tumblr to deepen myself even more on BTS
Number Of Followers: 5
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bulletproof-dork-boys · 8 years ago
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@btsruinedmylifeblr I was concerned about causing you irreversible damage... Then I changed my mind
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btssavedmylifeblr · 8 years ago
BTS reacts to you going down on them (M)
Me: I’m going to be so productive today and get so much work done…
My brain: Hahaha, that’s cute. But how about instead we imagine what it would be like to blow every member of BTS.
Me: Goddamn it…
This is filthy and definitely NSFW. I apologize in advance. My brain wouldn’t let it go and now you all must suffer with me. So here is my head-cannon that no one asked for about how I think each of the members would respond to oral sex.
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Source: bwiseoks
Jin is confident, composed, and down for anything. He loves his dick and is not surprised that you do too. Jin happily accepts whatever you want to do, just leans back and closes his eyes and enjoys it. He likes to cup your face and wind his fingers in your hair, but isn’t forceful about it. Jin makes a lot of appreciative noises, including some purposefully strange ones because he really likes making you laugh with his cock in your mouth. Always stops you before he cums so he can fuck you. 
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Source: jimiyoong
Yoongi loves blowjobs because you do all the work, and he especially loves them in bed where he can lie down and be comfortable. Yoongi is always amazed that you would want to go down on him and is super appreciative and considerate throughout. He is mostly quiet, but will let out a few soft groans when he’s really into it. Always thanks you afterwards. Doesn’t really care where he cums, just wants to be sure you’re comfortable. If it’s late at night, you better make sure he gets you off first because he always falls asleep immediately afterwards. When you blow him first thing in the morning, he walks around with so much swagger for the rest of the day. 
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Source: btsruinedmylifeblr
Hoseok is so fucking loud, constantly moaning and groaning and grabbing your hair. You keep having to pull off and shush him so the others won’t hear. He always nods quietly like he understands and then immediately goes right back to moaning and groaning the moment you take him back into your mouth. He loves it when you tease him and play with his balls.  Loves it when you bring him close to the edge several times before letting him cum. Hobi can’t keep his hands off you the whole time, grabbing your head, breasts, neck, whatever he can get his hands on. Always considerate enough to warn you when he’s going to cum. Wants to cum on your face and then laughs at how gross you think it is. You pout at him and he tells you you’re beautiful. Then he kisses you thoroughly, even though you’re all covered in him.
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Namjoon loves it when you go down on him and especially loves when you do it somewhere unexpected and a little risky, like in his studio or backstage at a concert. Sitting, standing, sixty-nineing, he’s down for all of it. Spends the whole time you’re down there swearing and spewing out an endless stream of filth, in both Korean and English because he wants to impress you. Always makes sure to thoroughly return the favor. 
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Source: btsruinedmylifeblr
Whenever you first suggest going down on Jimin, he’s always a little shy and embarrassed about it, but secretly he loves it because it means he has your undivided attention. Jimin likes to be standing up or leaning against something because he thinks his abs look best from that position. Spends the whole time you’re down there praising you, encouraging you, giving you subtle pointers about how to do it better and checking to make sure you’re okay. Really wants to cum in your mouth and talks you through it, encouraging you to swallow and telling you how great you are. High fives you afterwards with an enthusiastic “Great job baby!” Can’t stop giggling for a full 15 minutes afterwards. Runs and gets you a glass of water then pats you on the back and thanks you for “taking it like a champ” while still giggling. Has a really hard time not immediately telling all the other boys all about it. Spends the rest of the day smirking at you and sticking his tongue into his cheek in an effort to talk you into doing it again.
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Source: sweaterpawsjimin
Taehyung can’t totally enjoy himself unless he is sure that you are enjoying yourself too. For that reason, he really likes to 69 or stick his fingers inside you while you go down on him. Tae is a big talker and loves to tease you. Frequently pins you down and makes you beg to suck his cock. He loves to watch you as you go down on him and can’t stop smiling the whole time. Always wraps you in his arms afterwards and covers you with kisses, gushing about how great you were. 
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Source: yourpinkpill
Jungkook wants you to go down on him literally all the time, but rarely asks for it directly. He’ll talk a big game and joke a lot about how much you want to blow him, but whenever you actually get down there, he gets a bit nervous. He is always super polite and rather quiet, afraid to touch you or thrust into you too hard, only letting out little breathy moans. He wants to watch you, but can’t look directly at you for too long or he gets too excited, so he usually throws his head back and closes his eyes. Spends a lot of energy on trying not to come too quickly, even though you tell him you don’t care. He is bad at warning you when he’s going to come, but is getting better at it. Stares at you like you are a goddess for hours afterwards and shivers every time he thinks about it. 
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solastia · 8 years ago
20 Questions Tag
  I was tagged by @yoonmin-writes Thanks! That was a surprise! 
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better!
Name: Crystal
Nicknames: Crys, Crystizzle, every stupid variation of Crystal, Gizmo, That Kpop freak
Zodiac Sign:  Leo
Height: 5′0
Orientation: I love anything pretty
Ethnicity: Mutt
Favorite Fruit: Cherries and mangoes
Favorite Season: I like summer. I’m not a fan of being cold. 
Favorite Book: I don’t really have just ONE favorite book. I love many. I love to read. My favorite classic novel is Jane Eyre. I love the Outlander series. I read a lot of romance novels. Lots of poetry. I usually give anything a chance. 
Favorite Flowers: Sunflowers and gardenias
Favorite Scent: Vanilla and just clean smells. I don’t like it when guys wear cologne, I like that just showered smell. 
Favorite Color: Black and red. 
Favorite Animal: I love most animals, so it’s always hard to choose. I like foxes and pandas. LOVE my puppers. 
Favorite Beverage: Coffeeeee. I live off of coffee. 
Average Hours of Sleep: Depends. Usually between 6-7. On my days off usually a good 12 hours lol.
Favorite Fictional Characters: This is a hard one, because I love so many! Uh, Jamie Fraser, first off. Kyoya from OHSHC. Many characters from Dragon Age. 
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: Usually around three. I like the weight, it helps me sleep.
Dream Trip: My top answer will always be S. Korea, until I live there lol. Also Scotland, and I really would like to check out Paris at least once, although I know that a lot of people say it’s disappointing. 
Blog Created: It’s been a couple of months
Number Of Followers: 56
I tag: I don’t really want to bother a bunch of people lol. Maybe  @sindrafalcone  @btsruinedmylifeblr  @btssmutgalore @bangtansnapsandtexts @exo-tic-reactions @multifandom-hoes
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btssavedmylifeblr · 8 years ago
Can you turn off your phone? (M)
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Image Credit
Summary:  Yoongi’s alarm clock wakes you up at 6 am on a Sunday and you are not happy about it. At least, not at first...
Pairing: Min Yoongi / Reader
Genre: Established relationship, gratuitous smut, small amounts of fluff and angst
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, oral sex, orgasm denial, sex toys
Word Count: 9.5k
A/N: Written for a friend who has a thing for sleepy, needy Min Yoongi.
It begins as a quiet beat creeping in at the edges of your mind. You frown into the darkness, squeezing your eyes shut tight.
“We are girls that dream,”
You aren’t awake enough to truly hear it, unable to tell if the noise is happening in your dream or in your bedroom. All you register is the vague discomfort of being awoken too early and the drum of raindrops on your roof.
“This is the moment we share our dreams”
You roll over and snuggle your cheek further into your pillow, as the music gets steadily louder. Your bed is warm, comfortable, and smells like home. A rumble of thunder causes you to shudder and draw the comforter up over your shoulders.
“A shining light on you, I’m yours”
Your half-asleep brain fights to place the familiar song, struggling to remember where you’ve heard this refrain before.
“Hey baby show you my paradise”
The volume keeps increasing and it’s getting harder and harder to pretend that the music will just stop and let you go back to sleep. You pull the covers up over your head to shut it out.
“Can you feel me, feel me…”
You can’t remember if you set an alarm last night. You don’t remember what day it is or what time you went to bed yesterday. You don’t know why you needed to get up this early.
“Can you touch me, hold onto me…”
You now remember that it’s Sunday and you open one eye to see the time on the clock next to your bed reads 6:01 am. You groan and shut your eyes again, but it does nothing to block out the steady pulsing beat.
“Can you hold me, hold me tightly…”
You realize you didn’t set this alarm. You worked a double-shift yesterday and had been looking forward to a morning with nothing to do but sleep. This alarm is meant for someone else.
You roll over onto your back to discover you are not alone. A messy black head of hair - streaked ever so coolly with blue - pokes out from under the covers next to you. You don’t know when he got here, but it was after you went to bed.
The song reaches its maximum volume and you groan as your brain recognizes the tune, just in time for the beat to drop.
“I want you pick me up!!!”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” you groan, rubbing hard at your eyes with the palms of your hands.  The half of your brain is now cheerfully chirping along as “Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me Up!” blasts from your boyfriend’s nightstand. But the other half of your brain is pissed.
“I fucking hate you, Min Yoongi,” you sigh, flipping over so that you are facing him, giving your best murderous stare to the back of his head.
“Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me Up!”
The aggressively perky song continues to blast from the alarm on his phone. You stare at the shaggy head in front of you, silently begging him to wake up and shut the damn thing off. But your boyfriend has the audacity to just lie there - completely, perfectly, sound asleep.
He’s probably only had two or three hours of sleep at the most. You didn’t fall asleep until after one, hoping you could stay awake until he finished at the studio. You gave up and went to bed after the third time you accidentally dropped your phone on your face and still hadn’t gotten a text message from him.
You’re surprised he bothered coming here. He’s been working so hard on this new album that you’ve barely seen him this month. Your apartment is only a few blocks from the studio, yet the only time you’ve seen him this week was two nights ago when he stumbled into the coffee shop where you work in need of espresso.  That seemed to be more about needing the coffee than needing to see you, though.
“Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me Up!”
You know what this song selection means. Yoongi only pulls this alarm out when he’s desperate. “Pick Me” means his work isn’t done yet. “Pick Me” means he’s planning to go back to the studio today. You are annoyed that he felt the need to come here and ruin your morning too, instead of crashing at the dorm.
“Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me Up!”
The frantic pace of the song picks up and so does your temper. You’re annoyed with his indifference to your own lack of sleep. He has no idea how long you waited for him. He has no respect for your own plans for the day.
“Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me Up!”
Even the mighty power of “Pick Me” doesn’t seem to be working. Yoongi hasn’t moved a single muscle since the song started. You are astonished he can sleep through this self-imposed racket he’s created.
“Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me Up!”
Passive-aggressively staring at the back of his head isn’t working. You groan and roll over, kicking your feet free of the blankets in a small tantrum, hoping to make enough of a ruckus to get a response out of him. But he doesn’t move.
“Yah!” You grouse at the back of his head, fed up with waiting for him to do something as your chance for sleep ticks away. “Don’t you hear that?”
He releases a long-drawn out exhale, but continues to just lie there as the chorus repeats itself for a third time.
“Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me Up! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me Up!
“Yah!!!” you shout, losing all patience. “Get up, you horrible man!” You begin poking the middle of his back with your index finger repeatedly until he finally grumbles in response.  
“Let me sleep,” Yoongi groans, hunching his shoulders and drawing the covers in tighter.
“It’s your alarm!!!” you squeal in outrage. “Get up!!” You pull on his shoulder so he rolls over onto his back. “Get up! Get up! Get up!” you urge, as you continue to poke his shoulder incessantly.
Yoongi half-opens his eyes and gives you his best “don’t-fuck-with-me-woman” glare, swearing under his breath.
This is unacceptable. You will not tolerate this kind of attitude in your bed on a Sunday morning. Not when, by all rights, you should still be asleep.
In a last desperate bid to reclaim your bed and your sleep, you grab his covers and yank them off him entirely. You wrap them around yourself into a giant blanket burrito. Yoongi tries to make a grab for the covers, but you pin them down with your legs.
Your sleepy boyfriend finds himself exposed to the cold air in nothing but his black boxer-briefs. He whines, curling up into a ball for warmth. Yet, despite his whining, he makes no attempt to get up and do anything useful. He crosses his hands over his chest and clutches his shoulders tightly. And the unstoppable beat of “Pick Me” continues to blare across the bedroom.
Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me Up!”
You could go turn off the alarm yourself, but that feels like giving up. You are not surrendering this fight. It’s his alarm and he should have to suffer the consequences. You are not getting out of this bed.
Suddenly, it’s quiet. You realize that the song has finally reached its end and you breathe out a sigh of relief. You roll onto your back and stretch out your arms, letting out a victorious yawn and rustling down into the blankets to go back to bed.   
Yoongi sighs too and you look over at him, noticing the way his lip sticks out in a small pout.  You want to stay mad at him, to punish him for waking you so early. But as he reaches out and grabs pathetically for the covers again, you can’t help the small grin that crosses your lips. You begin to feel bad for leaving him all alone in the cold.
You are just about to welcome him back into the blanket burrito with you, when the unthinkable happens.
“Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me Up! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me Up! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me Up!”
The infernal thing is repeating!
Min freaking Yoongi put “Pick Me” on repeat. At 6 am. On a Sunday.
Any goodwill you had left for him evaporates instantly.
“Get up asshole!” you shout, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him in time with the beat. “Get up! Get up! Get up!”
“Okay! Ooooookay!!!” he shouts back, hitting his hands hard against the mattress as he pushes himself up. “I’m up! I’m up!” he mutters and begins to head in the direction of the bathroom. You are horrified when he walks right past his phone, making no attempt to stop the alarm.
“You better not leave without shutting off that fucking alarm!” you shout at his back. He pauses and his fists clench at his sides. You realize you’ve pushed him too far as he stomps back to his phone. In complete silence, he taps the buttons necessary to shut off the alarm, then throws the phone down and stalks off to the bathroom.
This silence doesn’t feel victorious. It is too quiet and too cold in your bedroom. It’s dark too. It’s spring now, so the sun should be up, but the rain makes it feel like it’s still the middle of the night. You hide the bottom half of your face under the covers while keeping your eyes wide open, waiting for him to return.
After a few minutes of tense silence, you hear him padding back from the bathroom. He picks up his phone again to check something.  The light from the phone shines across his face and the sight of him breaks your heart.
He looks so tired. Deep dark circles have formed underneath his eyes. His lips are dry and cracked. His face is puffy.  Half his hair is sticking straight up, while the other half is plastered to his forehead. He’s wrecked. He frowns down at his phone, deep creases between his eyebrows. You realize whatever is wrong with him is more important than this dumb feud about the alarm.
“Yoongi,” you whisper. “Are you okay?”
Yoongi looks up at you and you can see the exhaustion on his face. He looks so sad.  He sets the phone down and comes plodding back over to the bed. When he finally reaches you, he tips over, face-planting onto the mattress, feet still planted half-heartedly on the floor.  With his face pressed into the bed, he shakes his head back and forth.
You want to chuckle at his incredible pathetic-ness, but he hates that. You reach out and run your fingers through his hair, attempting to smooth down the part sticking up. You scrape your nails across his scalp and down toward the back of his neck. He nuzzles his head against your hand and lets out a soft groan.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, one hand running through his hair and the other tracing small circles across his upper back.  
“So tired,” he moans into the mattress. “I don’t want to go back.” He adjusts his weight so that he can turn his face to the side, looking up at you as you keep stroking his hair.
“Do you have to?” you ask. You hope he can stay for breakfast. He’s probably consumed nothing but coffee and instant ramen for the last three days.
“Mmhh,” he nods, eyes closed.
“Are you sure you don’t want to climb back into bed with me instead?” You lean down and press a light kiss to his cheek, trying to lure him into staying for his own well-being.
“Mmmmhhhh,” he whines and scrunches up his face, shaking his head back and forth.
“But it’s so dark,” you say as you kiss his cheek again. “And rainy.” You kiss along his jawline. “And cold.” You keep leaving small kisses down his neck.  “Stay with me,” you whisper in his ear.
“God,” he groans, burying his face in the mattress again.  “I want to,” he says, his voice muffled by the bed. “But I can’t.”
He sighs, pulling away from you and standing back up, tired hands running down his face and pulling his mouth down into an exaggerated frown.  “We’re so behind,” he mutters, standing next to the bed as he scrolls through his phone, looking for something.
“Surely, it can wait a few hours,” you try, scooting towards the edge of the bed so he’s within arm’s reach. You lay across the bed with your head near his stomach and begin running your finger across his bare hip and around his navel. His abdominal muscles twitch in response.
“No,” he replies, grabbing your teasing hand. “It can’t.” He holds out his phone to show you his screen. “Namjoon’s already texted me twice! He was pretty pissed that I wanted to come here at all.” He continues staring at his phone, while his free hand massages his temple.
“It probably would have made more sense to stay,” you reply, reflecting on your morning together thus far.
“Yeah,” he nods slowly, still staring at the phone. “But I wanted to see you,” he says, taking your hand in his. “I thought you might still be up.” He bits his lip and looks up at you. “It was stupid,” he says, dropping your hand and sighing.
All remaining bitterness over your morning wake-up disappears.
“Yeah,” you tease. “Kinda stupid.”  You lean in and kiss his stomach. He brings one hand to your neck, fingers twirling into your hair. But then his phone buzzes with notification and he turns his attention back to it, frowning.  
“I don’t know how going back there will help,” he sighs. “I’m so stuck on this new song.” He looks down at you, but seems to be staring through you, lost in thought.
“Can I help?” you ask and his eyes flick back to yours.
“Will you listen to it?” he asks, eyes wide and hopeful.
“Okay,” you nod slowly. “I don’t see what good that will do though.”
One of the many insecurities you have about your relationship with Yoongi is your lack of knowledge about music. Yoongi claims he likes that you aren’t part of the business, that his time with you is time when he can relax and not worry about any of it. Even before you had started dating, when Yoongi was just a trainee, he would visit your coffee shop when he needed a break and ask you about your day. He always showed up at odd hours, so there was rarely anyone else around. You would make him espresso and sit and chat with him. He never said much during those early semi-dates, enjoying listening to you talk.
Yoongi has told you time and time again that your lack of musical prowess isn’t important. But in times like these, when he was stuck with something and stressed, you felt woefully inadequate.
Yoongi doesn’t seem to care about your hesitance. He runs across the room in his underwear and bends over, fishing for something in his work bag. You chuckle to yourself as you enjoy the view, but he is too immersed in searching his bag to notice.
He finds his earbuds and comes scurrying back to the bed. He hands one of the buds to you and puts the other in his own ear. He smiles at you as he finds the song on his phone and pats the side of your thigh lightly to get you to scoot back to your side of the bed.
As the music starts, he snuggles in next to you, sitting upright against the headboard and wrapping his arm around you to pull you to his side. You feel him watching you for your reaction and know you need to be encouraging.
“I really like this beat!” you exclaim over the music, nodding along.
He nods and gives you a small smile, but you feel him growing tenser as the song goes on. You can sense his frustration emanating from the song itself. It’s choppy and disjointed. Individual pieces are good. The beat is bumping, the chorus is catchy, and Taehyung’s deep voice on the chorus is compelling. But the chorus doesn’t link to the verses, and the beat seems off in places.
You have no idea how to help. You know it’s not quite right, but can’t put your finger on why. You certainly don’t know how to fix it.
You watch Yoongi for his reaction. The small creases that had started to form between his eyebrows get steadily deeper as he stares hard at the bedspread. By the time the song gets to the second chorus, he sighs and closes his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose with his hand.
“I can’t think,” he groans, splaying his fingertips across his forehead and massaging slowly. “I begged Bang PD to let me produce this one.” He exhales. “I was so excited about it.” He hits his fist hard onto to his thigh. “And now I’m fucking it up.” He clenches his jaw and continues to pound his fist into his leg in time with the problematic beat.
“Shhh,” you murmur, grabbing his hand to keep him from continuing to abuse his thigh. “It’s okay.”
You don’t know how to fix the song, but you know he’s no good to anyone when he’s this agitated. You pull the earbuds out of your ear and out of his and set them down on the bed. He sighs at the silence, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the headboard.
“You’ll figure it out,” you implore, but he just shakes his head back and forth.
You rest your head on his chest and squeeze his hand in reassurance. You listen to his heartbeat as your head rises and falls with each of his breaths. You feel his breathing even out and you squeeze his hand again. He takes your hand in his and intertwines your fingers with his.
Yoongi’s hands are beautiful. His long thin fingers that are so thoughtful, so purposeful in their movements. They would be delicate, but his prominent knuckles make them seem stronger. His right hand is calloused from holding too many pencils too tightly for too many years. You like tracing over the callouses with your own fingers, as if you could smooth them out with your own hands.
Yoongi uses the tips of his fingers to trace around each one of your fingers individually, his eyes following the path of his hand. You watch the precision in his hands as each muscle and vein twitches as he slowly traces up and down each finger, then across your palm and up your arm. Every place his hand touches tingles with warmth.  It is so sensual that you feel desire begin to bubble in the pit of your stomach.
You snuggle your face into his chest, placing a small kiss right in the center. He shudders. You smile as you watch goosebumps spread across his chest and down his stomach. You eagerly place several more kisses across his chest, just to watch the goosebumps spread farther.
“I’ve missed this,” he whispers into your hair before placing a slow kiss on the top of your head. “I’ve missed you.”
“Me too,” You reply and pull back, turning your head up to meet his lips with yours.
Your lips connect and you both breathe in at the same time. He tastes minty from his toothpaste. As you deepen the kiss, the minty taste dissolves and is replaced with the taste of him. His long night at the studio means his usual cologne and body wash scents are gone. But the scent left behind is comforting and familiar. He smells and tastes like home.
Desperate to take in more of him, you open your mouth and suck on his lower lip. The way his lip trembles causes your heart to skip a beat. His lip trembles every damn time you kiss him. And it melts you every single time.
He lets out a long slow sigh through his nose as you continue the kiss. You feel his shoulders relax, but his opposite hand is still desperately clinging to his phone. You slide your hand into his slowly, trying to convince him to let go of the phone.  But as soon as he realizes what you’re doing, his grip on the phone tightens and he whines.
“I can’t stay,” he whispers against your lips. You pull back to meet his eyes. “I want to.” His eyes plead with you for understanding. “But I can’t.”
“I know,” you reply, nodding slowly. “It’s okay, I understand.” You connect your lips again for what you assume is a last kiss and decide to make the most of it. You wrap your fingers around his neck and pull him into you. You sigh in satisfaction as he lets go of his phone to bring his hands up to curl into your hair as he deepens the kiss.
You squirm with delight and smile into his kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him harder into you. His hands are cold and you hiss when he slides them up under the baggy t-shirt you wore to bed. One of the ways you deal with missing him is to go to bed wearing nothing but his t-shirt. It’s one of his favorite things to come home and find you in.
“Sorry,” he mumbles when you shudder at his cold hands, but you shake your head, not caring at all.
You shouldn’t kiss him like this. You’re going to be heartbroken when he gets out of the bed and leaves you here alone. But you can’t help yourself.
His phone buzzes with some new notification and he visibly flinches. He stops kissing you and closes his eyes in pain, fists clenching in agitation. He is so tense and miserable. You feel desperate to help him.
“Yoongi,” you say softly, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. “You’re so stressed.”
He nods slowly and opens his eyes again, biting his lower lip and watching you carefully.
“You need to relax,” you smile as you place small kisses down his neck. He trembles every time your lips touch him. His grip on your hair tightens as you suck a long slow kiss where his neck meets his collarbone. “Let me take care of you,” you whisper against his skin.
Yoongi whimpers and shifts his weight uncomfortably. You glance down and smile at the increasing bulge in his underwear. You keep trailing kisses across his collarbone, then down his chest. You run your tongue slowly around his nipple, before taking it into your mouth and sucking. It hardens instantly and his breath hitches. His hand flies up and catches your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
“Wait,” he breathes. His mouth is slightly parted, his skin flushed and he runs his tongue hungrily across his upper lip. “I can’t...” He searches for the words. “I can’t stay for long.”
“Five minutes.” You smirk up at him, pleased grin creeping across your lips at how wrecked he looks. “I want to help you.”
It’s unfair, but you purposefully use this moment to bring your hand to his underwear, palming him and finding him hard. His erection leaps up against your hand as soon as you touch it.
Yoongi looks down at you and you see whatever resolve he had left break.
“Fuck it,” he swears under his breath. “Yeah, okay,” he nods quickly. “Please.”
You use one hand to rub slowly up and down his erection over his underwear. He whines when you use your other hand to cup his balls.
“Oh god,” he groans. You use both hands to massage him as you keep trailing kisses lower and lower down his stomach. His abdominal muscles twitch with each kiss and a wet patch begins forming on his boxers where his erection is leaking in anticipation.
You continue massaging him as you kiss along his hip bone, tongue licking each spot as you work down from his side toward his center.
“Please,” he whispers again, his erection pulsing in your hand. You look up to watch him for a moment: head tilted back, eyes shut, breathing heavily. He looks down at you when you pause, eyes dark and observing you closely.
You remove your hands from him for a moment and he hisses at the loss.  You chuckle when he immediately brings his own hand down to replace yours on his erection.
You grab the hem of your t-shirt in both hands, preparing to pull it off, but pause when you see his face. He’s chewing his bottom lip, eyes closed, thin pale fingers rubbing urgently over the fabric just below the head of his erection. He stops when he realizes you are staring at him.
“What are you doing?” he grunts, breathing heavily.
“You’re beautiful,” you reply, and laugh when he rolls his eyes at you.
“Shut up.” His voice is annoyed, but a small smile flashes across his lips before he forces them straight again. “Get this off” he urges, coughing to cover his chuckle and tugging on the hem of your shirt.
You whip the shirt off over your head, still laughing. Yoongi’s breath pauses as his eyes scan your body. He reaches out for you, beginning to run his hands up your sides, but you catch his hands in yours, interlacing your fingers.
“Nuh uh,” you tease. “No time for that.” He pouts at you, but obediently drops his hands to his sides.
“Keep them there,” you murmur, as you bend down to kiss his stomach again. “Let me do the work,” he groans, but says nothing else.
You trail kisses down lower and lower until you reach where his erection is straining against the fabric of his underwear. You blow gently across the wet patch and enjoy the way he shivers, before placing a small kiss in the center. His fingers twist into the sheets on the bed as he fights to keep his hands at his sides. You place a longer, open-mouthed kiss on the head of his cock through the fabric of his underwear and his hips thrust up involuntarily.
“Oh god,” he moans, followed by a broken please, just under his breath.
You take pity on him and slowly pull down the front of his underwear. He eagerly lifts his hips up for you to slide them out from under him. You pull them down over his ass, squeezing teasingly as you go. He grunts, and watches you closely as you pull them down to his ankles then kicks them off quickly. He collapses back onto the bed, just his head propped up on the pillows to watch you.
His cock curves upward to his belly, head shining with moisture and dotting his stomach with wet spots as it twitches and bounces in anticipation. You walk your fingers lightly up the shaft before rolling the head under your palm. It’s already slick and slides easily under your hand.
Yoongi can’t help himself as he brings one arm up to cover his eyes, hips grinding up into your hand. You cup his balls again, massaging the thin, sensitive skin with your fingertips. He moans again and looks down at you hungrily.
You keep your eyes fixed on his as you bend down and run your tongue slowly up the length of his erection, wandering around teasingly, but steadily traveling upward. Yoongi’s fingers clench harder into the bed sheets as he stares at you, willing you to go further.
“Please,” he says one more time, fingers trembling as they trace along the bed.
You smile and wrap your hand around the base of his cock, squeezing it tightly. You lick your lips before curling them over your teeth and lowering your mouth onto him.
“Thank you,” he whispers when you finally take him into your mouth, sighing and craning his head back as he arches up into you.
You bob your head slowly up and down, hand wrapping around the part of him that you can’t reach with your mouth, mouth and hand sliding up and down his length in unison. Yoongi bites his hand to stop himself from crying out when you pause and rub your tongue hard back and forth across his frenulum.
Yoongi grabs frantically at the bed and you let go of his cock to catch his hands with yours, but keep your mouth wrapped tightly around him. You pull his hands toward you, finally letting him bring them to your head as you bob up and down again. He winds one hand into your hair. With his other hand, he cups your jaw, feeling with his fingers as his cock slides in and out of your mouth.
You’ve trying to keep yourself from becoming too aroused. He doesn’t have much time and you can always take care of yourself after he leaves. But every whimper he makes and every tremble of his fingers against your cheek causes your core to clench involuntarily.
You hear him pant and moan as you pick up the speed of your movements. You pump back and forth faster and faster, shaft slick with saliva and pre-cum.  His breath picks up its pace and his fingers tighten in your hair.  
Just as his moans reach the loudest point yet, you suddenly stop, hollowing your cheeks and sucking, before sinking all the way down as far as you can and swallowing.
“Aghhhh,” he moans and his legs shake.
You can’t help having to break off him for a minute to giggle at the sounds he’s making. You rest your chin on his thigh while you catch your breath, your hands continue to stroke up and down his erection.
“God,” he groans looking down at you and breathing heavily. “You’re so beautiful.” His dark eyes meet yours and his hand in your hair strokes you gently. “So fucking beautiful and so fucking good at that.”
Your heart swells with pride, pleased with how wrecked he looks. You smirk up at him and place a light kiss on his thigh.
“Fuck,” he groans when you tighten your grip on his erection again. He closes his eyes and cranes his head back, arching his hips up into your hand.
You don’t give him much of a breather before you take him back into your mouth and resume your tortuous pace of rapid up-and-down motions, followed by long slow deep-throating. He loves it when you bob up and down quickly, his fingers tightening in your hair, but what really makes him squirm is when you suddenly pause at the head and then inch slowly downward, tongue rubbing hard against the underside of his cock.
“Holy shit,” he pants as his legs start to tremble. “Stop,” he tries to warn you. “I’m-I’m gonna…”  he pleads, grip tightening in your hair.
Yoongi always warns you before he comes.  And while he never minds if you would rather him come somewhere else, he loves coming down your throat.
“It’s okay,” you whisper, kissing his stomach as your hand works him to give your mouth a break, before taking him back into your mouth one last time. You take special care to run your tongue up and down on the most sensitive spot right under the head, before you sink your nose all the way to his stomach and swallow again.
“God-fucking-damn it,” he wails as he comes, abdominal muscles clenching and hands gripping tightly in your hair as his erection pulses down your throat. He comes over and over, but you stubbornly keep your head there swallowing everything, wanting to take in all of him.
He stills at last and you come up for air, coughing and spluttering, but feeling totally victorious. He collapses back across the pillows, breathing hard. Yoongi gazes up at you in awe as you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, pleased grin on your face.
“My god, that was amazing,” he sighs as his eyes flicker closed. You take the opportunity to watch him, chest rising and falling as he recovers his breath. His face is flushed and his bangs stick to his forehead, beads of sweat at his temples. A small smile plays on his lips as he rubs his stomach contently. It’s the happiest he’s looked in a week.
You giggle to yourself and decide to head for the bathroom, eager to get a glass of water. Yoongi appears lost to the world, eyes closed and breathing slowly. He may have already fallen back asleep. You are quite pleased with yourself at how relaxed he looks.
You climb off the bed and walk toward the bathroom, but are stopped when Yoongi’s hand flies out and catches your wrist.
“Just where do you think you’re going, sweetheart?” he teases, eyes still closed, but mischievous grin spreading across his face.
“Umm,” you mumble. “Just going to get a drink.” You pull away slightly in an attempt to free your arm, but Yoongi’s grip on your wrist is unshakeable.
“I don’t think so,” Yoongi’s eyes are open again, dark and full of intention. He chuckles lowly in a way that makes your heart fly up into your throat. “Come here,” he insists, tugging on your wrist.
You wander over and place a hand on his chest as you lean in to kiss him.
“Good girl,” he whispers right before your lips meet his.
Your breath stops. He only calls you that when he’s planning on wrecking you. You don’t want to get your hopes up. He’s made it clear he can’t stay for long. He doesn’t say anything else, so you think maybe it was just a slip of the tongue.
As soon as your lips connect, Yoongi wraps his arms around you and pulls you into him. You lose your balance and topple on top of him. He doesn’t seem to mind at all, grabbing you around the middle and pulling you back onto the bed.
He rolls you over so he is above you and crashes down into you in a deep kiss. His leg slides in between your legs, pressing into you, making you buck your hips up. You feel desire coursing through you, but are hesitant to give in to it. He has to go back to work.
Yoongi seems to be in no hurry as he trails his fingers up your side to your breast, rolling your nipple in between his fingers. Heat floods your body and you moan. He groans at the sound and grabs your whole breast in his hand as he kisses you again.
His other hand comes down between your legs. Wetness floods your core and you can’t help grinding up into him. He laughs against your lips before breaking away and beginning to leave wet sucking kisses across your neck and chest.
He runs his tongue in a slow circle around your breast, getting closer and closer to your nipple before taking it into his mouth and sucking, teasing it until it hardens. He pulls away and smiles as he blows across it and you squirm at the sudden change in temperature.
“Yoongi,” you can’t help gasping. It doesn’t do any good as he repeats the whole process with your other nipple. Your core clenches and you feel your clitoris swelling. You have definitely lost the battle to not become too turned on. If he leaves now, you’ll be devastated.
“D-Don’t you have to go to work?” you groan as Yoongi begins trailing kisses down from your breasts across your stomach.
Yoongi pauses and looks up at you as he rests his chin on your stomach, fingers slowly massaging your inner thigh. A slow mischievous grin spreads across his face.
“I have important work to do here,” he replies smiling, before coming back up and pressing you into the mattress in a deep and thorough kiss. Then he gives you one last smirk before he starts moving lower.
Yoongi gets to the edge of the bed and drops to his knees on the floor. He grabs you by your thighs and you squeak as he tugs you down to him. He pulls you toward him until your ass is at the edge of bed and then kneels in between your legs.
For a moment, he just looks at you, enjoying the sight of you spread out before him. His fingers slowly walk up your thighs, and every second they get closer to your center, you tremble. When they finally reach the peak, he doesn’t touch you like you want. Instead he uses his careful fingers to pull your folds apart and examine you even more intimately.
“You’re so swollen,” Yoongi groans, running a single finger pad ever so slightly across your swollen clitoris. You push up into his hand but he withdraws it, chuckling.  “So swollen and wet,” he teases, other hand reaching in between your folds, feeling how wet you are and sliding up and down. When he pulls that hand back too, you sigh in exasperation. He looks up at you and gives you a self-satisfied smile.
“What’s got you so wound up?” he asks, as if he doesn’t already know the answer.
“I’ve missed you,” you squirm, eyes pleading with him to stop stalling and touch you.
“I’ve missed you too,” he laughs at the desperation in your eyes and finally brings his mouth to you.
“Fuck, Yoongi,” you whine and throw your head back as his tongue begins a slow circle around your clitoris. His hands tighten their grip on your hips when he hears you moan his name.
Even though this is a regular part of yours and Yoongi’s sex life, it still feels like a goddamn revelation every single time he does it. He never rushes you, never gets impatient, just methodically alternates running his tongue in a slow circle around your clitoris with pulling the whole thing into his mouth and sucking. He only pauses periodically to breathe, kissing your inner thighs ever so softly as he does.
You thread your fingers into his hair to hold him as he buries his face in you. He can tell when you’re getting desperate with the way you grip him harder. Your clitoris swells and your walls clench and he knows you’re getting close. He presses into you with two of his fingers, curling up inside you and rubbing intently on your front wall, chuckling when you clench around him again. You’re so very close to your climax when he pauses.
“Count for me.” He whispers and your stomach drops.  You were right; he does want to wreck you today.
This is his favorite game: counting the number of times he brings you right up to orgasm. He loves edging you until you are in tears. You both love it and hate it.
“You don’t have time for this,” you whine, trying weakly to talk him into just letting you come.  
“I can make time for this,” He smirks up at you, determination in his eyes. “Now stop me when you’re close.” The look in his eyes brooks no argument as he lowers his tongue back onto you.
There is more urgency in his movements now. His tongue has more pressure behind it and his fingers move faster as they slide in and out of you. Your legs tremble and you grip the bedsheets in an effort to fight back your impending orgasm.
Right when you feel like you can’t possibly take anymore, you tap his hand and he stops.  
“One,” you sigh as you feel him remove both his tongue and fingers from you to let you calm back down.
“Good girl,” he whispers again and there is no mistaking his intention this time. He blows cold air across you and you whimper. “So good.”
He waits for your breathing to level off and your grip on the bedsheet to relax, before he returns with both his tongue and fingers working you again. It’s only seconds before you are tapping urgently on his hand again.
“Two,”  you moan, hips bucking desperately into the empty air as he pulls away from you.
He begins alternating now, using just his fingers to get you to “three” then just his tongue to get you to “four”. You are a wreck, sweating and shivering, hands sore from how hard they’ve been gripping the bed. The amount of time it takes to get you to the edge gets shorter and shorter every time he touches you.
“Five,” You breath. You look up at him hopeful that it’s over, but instead he sits back on his heels, looking almost disinterested.
“I’m getting pretty tired,” he drawls, but the gleam in his eyes makes it clear that he is still just as determined to break you. “Take over for me.”
“What?!” you groan.
“You heard me,” he commands, making it clear that he’s not going to repeat himself.
Whining, you reach down with your fingers and begin circling your clitoris. You are so wet that everything slides easily. Yoongi just sits back and watches you carefully. Being so on display for him like this is both humiliating and a turn-on. The way he never takes his eyes off you helps you reach your edge again quickly.
“Six,” you practically sob as you pull your own hand away.
“Good girl.” He pats your thigh gently. “Keep going.”
It’s now only taking you seconds to get back to the edge. When you get to “seven”, you begin begging.
“We’re going to ten, right?” you plead, but he just smirks at you and doesn’t say anything. You press harder against your clitoris, desperate for this torture to be over.
“Eight.”  You sob. It is getting harder and harder to pull your fingers back each time. You are so close, your release right there.
“You’re so good,” Yoongi coos reassuringly as you cry in desperation. “Almost there.”
“Nine.” You tremble and clench. “Please… please… please…” you beg as you withdraw your fingers again.
Yoongi just laughs.
“Just one more?” you ask, panting and legs trembling, but he only shrugs.
“Guess you’ll find out,” he teases, as you resume the rapid circles on your clitoris.
“T-Ten.” You sigh in relief on reaching your goal, believing he’ll finally take pity on you. You relax as his fingers return to you and begin a slow slide in and out.
“Can I come?” you plead as his thumb lazily circles your clitoris. But, of course, he stops again.
“Aggghhhh,” you cry in frustration, unable to form words in your desperation. Yoongi laughs again. You could kill him, but then he’d never finish what he started.
“Yoongi, please,” You beg. “You have work to do.” You try to reason with him. “Please let me come.”
“Alright, alright,” He laughs, and places a light kiss to your inner thigh, smiling against your skin. “Come whenever you want, sweetheart.”
His tongue comes back with full urgency as his fingers curl inside you again. Your legs clench around him and your hands grip into his hair again as you grind against him, so desperate for release. You feel it coming and it builds and it builds. You are so relieved that you can finally let go.
“Come for me,” he whispers and it sends you tumbling off the edge.
You clench down hard on his fingers as waves of muscle contractions run through you and you come over and over and over. He rubs in time with the contractions on both your clitoris and your front wall, perfectly in sync, drawing more and more pulses out of you. When it finally stops, everything is suddenly way too intense, and you squirm away from him, whining. He laughs and takes pity on you, finally withdrawing his fingers.
“Fuck,” you whimper, falling limply onto the bed.
Yoongi looks up at you from between your legs and looks incredibly pleased with himself. He climbs back onto the bed and lies down next to you, arm wrapping around your waist, leaning in for a kiss.
Yoongi loves kissing you when his face is covered in you. You try to push him off, laughing and diving out of the way of his kisses, but he pins you to the bed and insists on forcing his oh-so-talented tongue into your mouth. You groan and are shocked to feel your pelvic muscles clench again in interest.
You should be satisfied. You haven’t come that hard in weeks. But Yoongi’s merciless edging has left you still wound up and swollen despite your orgasm. As he presses into you with a deep kiss, you can feel yourself tingling with want again. You really want him to fuck you.
You reach down to feel for his erection, but are surprised to find him flaccid.  You quickly pull your hand away and try to not look disappointed. But Yoongi’s catches your change in expression and sighs.
“Sorry,” he murmurs, kissing your cheek. “You already took everything out of me.” He bites his lower lip and looks down at you.
“Oh,” you say a bit surprised. Usually he’s good to go for at least a second round, but you shake your head. “It’s okay,” you reach up and kiss him hard in reassurance.
Yoongi just frowns at you though.
“You know I only got like 2 hours of sleep last night, right?” He explains, pushing his bangs off his forehead.
“Yeah, I know.” You nod quickly, not wanting him to feel in anyway inadequate. He had just given you your best orgasm in a month, to want anything more felt selfish.
“Are you still unsatisfied?” He asks, eyeing you closely.
“No, no,” you shake your head back and forth quickly. “Really, I’m fine.”
“Fine?!” he exclaims in dismay, smacking the bed in irritation. Apparently, “fine” is not what your boyfriend wanted to hear.
“Fine?!” He repeats in disbelief.  “If you aren’t totally wrecked, then I’m not doing my job. Be right back.” He climbs up out the bed and disappears into the bathroom, still muttering “fine’ to himself in disgust.
You hear a drawer in the bathroom open and shut. Your stomach clenches when you figure out where he has gone.
Yoongi emerges from the bathroom, long pink vibrator in his hands. Your eyes widen when you see it and a predatory gleam flashes in his eyes.
“Oh no,” You try to squirm away from him farther up the bed. “That’s really not necessary.”
“Well, I wouldn’t have thought so,” Yoongi smirks as he wraps his fingers around the shaft of the toy. “But apparently, my girl is feeling especially greedy today.”
“You really don’t need to do that,” You say, gulping with a combination of arousal and dread. You feel like if he makes you edge another 10 times, you might pass out.
“I know I don’t need to.” Yoongi smiles as he settles back down next to you. “But I want to,” he murmurs, kissing your chest again as he leans over you. “I want to watch you fall apart.”
He presses the tip of the vibrator to your clitoris and turns it on.
“Aaaaaghhhhh,” you wail as the sudden sensation makes every muscle in your body tense.  “Yoongi!” You cry out his name as your hips roll up and down involuntarily.
Your entire body is so sensitive and your clitoris still so swollen that everything feels even more intense this time. You squeeze your eyes shut and feel nothing but raw pleasure emanating from between your legs. Yoongi presses the vibrator harder into your clitoris and your legs start to tremble.  
“God, I’m going to come,” you moan out, then realize that he might not be finished with his game. You open your eyes and look hesitantly up at him. “Can I come?” you ask, eyes wide and pleading.
“Yeah, yeah,” he chuckles. “I’m not fucking around this time.” He smiles into your neck as you tremble beneath him and cranks up the speed on the vibrator. “I’ve gotta go to work, you know?”
As he teases you, he presses the vibrator up inside you, pushing hard into the squishy tissue inside. With the vibrator inside you, all the sensations magnify, as if your entire body is humming along with the vibrations. It feels wonderful to have something inside you, though not as amazing as he would feel.
“The sooner the better, sweetheart,” Yoongi urges as his long fingers return to your clitoris, rubbing hard in fast circles.
You cry out and rock your hips frantically up into him as he turns the speed up to the max and you feel your entire body clenching and vibrating.
“That’s right, come for me.” He orders, pushing hard into you with both his fingers and the toy.
Your body obeys and your abs tense, pulling you up and off the bed as you roll your hips over and over on the vibrator, waves of pleasure rushing through you. You squeeze your eyes tight and see bursts of white behind your eyes as you come.
“Goddamn,” Yoongi whispers as he watches your face. “You’re so beautiful.”
You cry out in overstimulation as you come down from your high and he gently clicks off the vibrator and tosses it to the side of the bed, before kissing you urgently. You pant, desperate to catch your breath, only now realizing just how sweaty you are.
You look down in surprise when you feel something hard poking at your side.
“Well, would you look at that?” Yoongi wiggles his erection proudly, before giving you a big grin.
“Thought you were too tired,” You tease, hitting his shoulder gently.
“Guess not,” he grins down at his erection, so pleased, before smirking back up at you. “You’re just so hot when you come.”
“Well, what are you waiting for?” you chuckle at his delighted expression. “Get over here.”
“You sure?” he teases. “Seems like you’ve had a lot today.”
You just nod eagerly and pull him up toward you.
“Yes,” you sigh as he enters you.  You feel sore and worn out, but so satisfied at the same time. Full in a way that only he makes you feel.
It’s been too long since you’ve had him like this and he feels so good inside you. You feel complete, surrounded by him, immersed in him. He rolls his hips slowly, before snapping quickly right at the end, sending shockwaves through your system.
“Yoongi,” you cry out, as he continues the slow roll followed by the quick snap. “God, it feels so good.”
“Yeah?” he looks down at you, so pleased with himself and you don’t want to get his hopes up.
“Not sure I can come again though,” you hurry to add.
“Oh, I know you can.” Yoongi nods as he kisses you. “I believe in you, sweetheart.” As if in confirmation of this fact, he reaches over and picks up the vibrator again.
“Hold this on your clitoris and don’t stop,” he commands and you do as he says.
“Fuck,” he hisses as you turn on the vibrations, feeling it too. The combination of the vibrations and him inside you is wonderful.
You feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. But just as your legs begin to shake and you feel you are about to come, he stops moving. You open your eyes to chastise him and find him looking down at you, watching you carefully. His face is so soft, mouth slightly parted, tongue running carefully across his lower lip in thought.
You raise your eyebrows in silent question, trying to figure out what he’s thinking. He smiles and bites his lip cheekily as he thrusts again, before diving down and catching you in a big kiss. When he breaks free, he keeps rolling his hips slowly, but keeps his lips right next to yours, breath ghosting across your lips.
“I love you,” he whispers, forehead pressed into yours. It’s not something he says often, but when he does, you know he means it with his entire being.
“I love you too,” you reply and grab him around the neck, pulling him down into a hard kiss.
He presses into you hard and you desperately cling to him. He is everything you want in this moment and everything you need. You’re still kissing him as waves of pleasure crash over you and you clench hard around him over and over and over. He cries out at the same time and stills as he finds his own release.
He collapses on top of you, breathing heavily. You giggle and kiss his neck. You both lie there for a while, completely entwined, catching your breath.
Eventually though his hip bone pressing into you starts to become uncomfortable and you wiggle uneasily as you feel the wetness inside you beginning to drip onto the mattress.
You shift your weight back and forth, but he refuses to budge, sighing into your neck and squeezing you tightly in his arms.
“Yoongi,” you plead, squirming again and trying to wiggle out from under him, but he clings to you.
“Yoongi,” you try again. “We have to get up now.”
“Noooo,” he moans, shaking his head back and forth.
“Yes,” you nod and finally manage to shove him off. You sit up and he groans, motioning at you with grabby hands as he lays on his back.
“Please,” he begs. “Just let me stay a little while longer.”
“Alright,” you reply. A contented smile spreads across Yoongi’s face as you snuggle into his side. He wraps an arm around you and kisses your forehead. His chest is warm and the sound of raindrops on the roof is a soothing drumming. You fall asleep, and so does he.
When you open your eyes again, the sun is shining through your window and the rain has stopped. You roll over, wanting to bury your face in Yoongi’s chest again, but your bed is empty. You sigh and wiggle over to his pillow to breathe in the way he smells. As you move to his side of the bed, your hand catches on a piece of paper.
“Figured out what was missing. Headed back to the studio.”
You sit up slowly and smile when you spot a mug of warm coffee waiting for you on your nightstand.
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btssavedmylifeblr · 8 years ago
BTS Fic Recommendations
There seems to be a weird divide in this fandom between reader x member and member x member stories, but I’m just here in the middle like “all Bangtan smut is good smut!” A good story is a good story and good writing is good writing. Some of these have no smut at all and some are so filthy that I can’t believe I’m recommending them, but, you know, BTS ruined my life and I have no shame anymore. 
I’ve probably read hundreds of BTS stories by now and these are the ones that I go back to over and over. I tried to pick only one per author, but all of these authors are amazing and you should go check out their whole masterlists. These are the authors that I personally fangirl over and stand in awe of. None of these are particularly similar to mine (eg. they are way better) and none of them are particular similar to each other. These are the fics that, for whatever reason, I couldn’t forget about after I read them.
Warning: Some of these are very explicit, so use caution. Anything marked with an M is definitely NSFW. 
Hope you enjoy!
New Recs! 
New as of 4/30/18
same damn hunger (M) by marienadine - Yoongi X Hoseok - I am weak for Yoonseok and this fic does an amazing job capturing the push and pull of their relationship. I think this might be my favorite fictional Yoongi I’ve yet read, striving so hard to be tough, but secretly and vulnerable softie. 
Dig Deep (M) by @johobi - Yoongi X Reader - Tentacle kink is not in my usual list of things I am interested in, but this was so enjoyable and weird and sexy and compelling that I actually sat in my car for 15 minutes not driving anywhere just so I could finish it. I love the level of world building in this tentacle porn. There are real characters and backstory and whole alien species with foreign biology. It is awesome. And the ending is so surprisingly sweet. I love how Jo kept all the things that can be sexy about this genre but made it all consensual and fun.
Completed Stories
All of these are stories that I’ve read more than once, and I am sad every time they are over. 
Transference (M) by @jeonjagiya - Hoseok x Reader - There is not enough Hoseok fiction in the world, but this story’s tantric therapist Hoseok goes a long way to making up for that. Probably my personal favorite male lead in a reader-insert story. Such an incredibly sexy story that feels real. I am madly in love with Iris and have read all of her stories more than once. Her sub!Jungkook story almost killed me.
In the Twilight Air (M) by @trilluvium - Yoongi x Jimin - Yoongi and Jimin are dorky best friends who lose their virginity together.  I don't think I've ever read a one-shot that made me feel so many emotions! It was so cute and sweet and felt authentic to what a good first time would actually be like. Originally this was a one-shot but Trill has expanded it and I am loving every new chapter. I have read Trilluvium’s whole masterlist and am in love with everything she’s ever written.
Good Boys Like Bad Girls (M) by @wildernessuntothemselves - Reader x Taehyung - I read this story and was hesitant to recommend it for a long time because it is so incredibly intense. All the characters are terrible people and the smut is both exceedingly hot and exceedingly disturbing. I cannot stop thinking about this story. It remains one of the stories that has stuck with me the longest after reading it. I care about all of its messed-up characters so much and the ending is devastating in such a perversely satisfying way. But seriously, don’t read this if you want all of your protagonists to be good people and do good things. This is not that story. I admire Moe so much for how unique and unapologetic her ideas are and have enjoyed a lot of her other writings as well, even if they all unsettle me in different ways.
Jasmine (M) by @btssmutgalore - Reader x Jungkook - Jungkook x noona is my favorite thing ever and he’s so well-captured here: nervous, but sexy at the same time. I’m also a huge fan of Business which is a very very sexy threesome with dom!Tae and sub!Jungkook. 
Playing to Win (M) by @tayegi​ - Taehyung x Jungkook x Reader - I am such a sucker for Taekook threesomes, but I particularly love this one because of “I hate you but you’re so sexy” thing going on with the reader and Jungkook. I haven’t a chance to read all of Lu’s astoundingly large masterlist but some of my other favorites of hers are her new MadScientist!Tae story, her Jungkook wolf stories, and this awesome fuck-or-die Jungkook story. Lu has an amazing ability to come up with such clever and unique fic ideas and all her stories are hilarious in addition to sexy.
Milage May Vary (M) by @crossfilth - Taehyung x Jungkook - Rix is the reason Taekook is my OTP (I have two OTPs and two biases, can’t help it). I love every single one of her stories. They are so incredibly sexy, but also so full of real emotion and great dialogue. This is Rix’s longest work so far and it is phenomenal, really sexy, but also really interesting character development and compelling love story. Her entire masterlist is amazing. 
Love at First Touch by @bagelswrites - Jimin x OC - I am such trash for soulmate AUs and this is my all-time favorite. The OC is so well-realized with her own flaws and struggles and you really feel for her throughout the story. This also has my absolute favorite fictional depiction of Jimin. I personally find Jimin very hard to write and he is so often written out-of-character, but this story really nails his signature blend of insecure, vulnerable manliness. The author did so much research to make sure this story lined up with BTS’s actual timeline in real life. Bagels is my hero. 
Thursdays are for… (M) by Arguileless - Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook - My favorite story in the “dating one member but really want to fuck a different member” genre. It’s all smut, but manages to reach 17,000 words. This version of Taehyung who is wildly adventurous and dominant is incredibly sexy. This story started my Taehyung as bias-wrecker problem.
tear the moon from the stars tonight (M) by euphoriae - Yoongi x Jimin - Historical AU with so much real research behind it, I’m blown away. At first, the “jimin is a slave” premise sounds ridiculous, but the rich context, attention to detail and world-building quickly make you forget about it.  I learned a surprising amount of Korean history because of this story, and the love story here is beautiful. One of the very first fan-fictions I read and it showed me how literary fan-fiction could be. 
Inc. (M) by @park-loins - Seokjin x Yoongi - BTS meets The Office. Had me cackling over and over, but also desperately rooting for the love story. Can’t believe this is the same author that also wrote the heart-breakingly beautiful Reprise.
you have 1 new message by bazooka - Namjoon x Jin - I think everyone in this fandom has already read this story, but on the off chance you haven’t, you should. It’s starts as totally hysterical and then becomes amazingly sweet. 
Love is not possession (M) by kuragecharms - Jungkook x Jin - More A/B/O because I am trash. I really love all of kuragecharms’ wolf stories. This author was also the first to sell me on Jin x Jungkook as a ship and now I’m a big fan.
Bloody paws in the snow (M) by pandorasumbrella - Yoongi x Hoseok - My all-time favorite A/B/O story. Does such a great job building an incredibly detailed world. This is the first work in an elaborate trilogy that is so beautiful it breaks your heart. 
Nirvana (M) by syubology - Jimin x Hoseok - Jimin and Hoseok struggle with their feelings for each other. One of the first fics I ever really loved. This story does a terrific job of depicting BTS as BTS and the possible ramifications of a relationship within that dynamic. 
In Progress
For where there’s sun you’ll find a moon by @bulletproof-dork-boys - Yoongi x Taehyung - I am huge a greek mythology nerd and I am super excited to see where this Taehyung as Hades, Yoongi as Persephone story goes.
SAVE ME (M) by agnes_viviane - Jungkook x OC - Adorably awkward OC befriends Jungkook on accident, then falls in love with him. Makes me cackle with glee and second-hand embarrassment every time I read it. Full of all my favorite things: awkwardness, angst and Jungkook. Agnes is the sweetest and taught me a lot of important things about the correct ways to address people in Korean and how to properly use Korean in my stories.
Touch Me, Touch You (M) by @deathbyyoongi​ - Yoongi x Reader x Hoseok - Yoongi + Hoseok + smut + angst + mild D/S… it is all the things I am weak for in one story.
The Fitting (M) by @noona-la-la-la​ - Jungkook x Reader - Noona-la-la-la writes really excellent, realistic but still super sexy smut and all of her reader inserts are adult women, often older than the boys. I also really really enjoyed Unexpected which is Yoongi smut and Conditioned featuring sub!Taehyung.
Grey Area (M) by @blushoseoks - Yoongi x Reader x Jimin? - Soulmate AU where everything is more complicated than it should be and so wonderfully angsty. Such an interesting take on the Soulmate AU.
The Purge by @jungblue - Hoseok x Reader - I just found jungblue and everything I’ve read from them so far is phenomenal! I love this fic in particular because it is such a different idea than anything I’ve seen before and stars Hobi!
The Unwanted Alpha (M) - by RedPantherVitality8 - Jungkook x Reader - Combines A/B/O with noona x Jungkook angst. No faster way to my heart.
Leave your mark (M) by @inarsics - Jungkook x Jimin - A/B/O is my big weakness/guilty pleasure. I love this story in particular for its interesting take on the genre, where all the alphas have gone extinct. Also, Jimin has a little brother and it’s incredibly sweet and adorable.
i like how desperate you seem (in the way you look at me) (M) by fatal - Jungkook x Jimin - A “classic” of BTS A/B/O subgenre. Super slow-burn that keeps you on the edge of your seat and desperate to know what happens next.  
your taste is so sweet on my lips (M) by @pinktteokie - Hoseok x Taehyung x Yoongi - My favorite polyamorous story. The slow-burn is so good and the way the relationship moves from a relationship between two people to a relationship between three people is fascinating.
read between the (panty) lines (M) by @lunaticmyngi - Yoongi x Jimin x Jungkook - I fangirl so hard about everything from TheHalesNyx. How she manages to write so many different requests and have them all be so well-done, I have no idea. This prompt started off so filthy, and became such an intensely emotional story. You feel so much sympathy and angst for all three members in this story. Her entire masterlist is amazing.
Obviously, there are many other amazing fics that I just haven’t read yet, or accidentally forgot about. As I find more, I’ll add them to this tag #fic rec.
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