#bts x Royal au
yakuly · 1 month
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Príncipe Namjoon X Princesa Leitora
Palavras: 2.955
Avisos: Friends to enemies to talvez lovers (🫂); câncer ( um personagem tem adoença, mas não se tem descrições, nem de qual câncer é); nesse universo só se existe a monarquia (aterrorizante!); Geograficamente falando, mantive os países, mas com momes fantasia (mas aqui só cito um, na verdade); Mantive também os grupos raciais (é relevante pro futuro disso aqui, confiem pfr 🙏); álcool, menção à drogas; Namjoon é levemente humilhado, mas sobrevive!
N.a: É aquilo, né me deixei levar por Bridgerton e Polin, mas não é só, além do fato de originalmente ver só umo fic de uma parte, que claramente, não vai rolar... lembrei que tinha um cenário bem fofo que se encaixaria... pena que a história saiu completamente diferente. mas mesmo assim, até que gostei. Espero que gostem ❣️
Sinopse: S/n é uma princesa dedicada à seu trabalho e estudos, desde sempre ávida para assumir o trono, se esquecendo apenas do modo como a coroa lhe é passada... mas quando o destino bate à sua porta, a princesa se vê obrigada a enfrentar sombras do seu passado.
Parte 2 |
Ser uma princesa significa ter muitos deveres, fato inegável para qualquer um, principalmente para você. Se dedicar à monarquia, se dedicar aos seus súditos, se dedicar às relações reais com outras monarquias… nada que não tivesse sido preparada sua vida toda. Mas nem a reduza está imune às brincadeiras da vida.
A notícia que seu pai, rei em atividade, estava com câncer avançado foi um soco no estômago de todos na família. Muito se foi conversado entre vocês, e entre os médicos, ele tinha chances de sobrevivência mas mesmo com as quimioterapias elas ainda eram baixas, houve também a sugestão de buscar ajuda em outro país, mas de acordo com o Secretário de Segredos Reais, seria uma péssima ideia pois segundo suas palavras, seria "expor demais o rei, e não é o que a monarquia precisa agora”. Argumento que foi bem rebatido por suas palavras ferozes:
— O que a monarquia precisa agora é achar um jeito de manter seu rei, meu pai, vivo!
Mas infelizmente seu pai concordava com o tal Secretário, pedindo à sua mãe que pelo menos no início, que mantivessem segredo, ao passo que ela concordou. Não foi uma tarefa fácil, primeiro para garantir que o segredo não sairia do castelo contratos de sigilo foram redigidos e emitidos para todos os funcionários; encontrar um modo de levar e trazer médicos e os remédios; tentar explicar porque quem agora participa de reuniões, encontros, e compromissos reais agora era você (mesmo que acompanhada por toda a comitiva do rei), sem levantar suspeitas de que algo estava de fato acontecendo. Felizmente para o Sr. Secretário dos Segredos, você sempre foi excelente coma mídia, sendo a queridinha de todos.
Você estava preparada… melhor, está preparada para assumir o trono, e isso acalma o peito dos seus pais, mas seu pai ainda tinha um desejo.
— Casar? — sua indignação faz com que seu tom de voz aumente no quarto. — Por que? Já existe tanta monarquia que permite seus príncipes assumirem sem casar! — você tenta argumentar com o casal.
Seus pais, que já esperavam resistência da sua parte, tinha um sorrisinho no rosto. Seu pai, um homem caucasiano, de cabelos negros e agora muito pálido estava deitado em sua cama, coberto por cobertores pesados e roxos, e sua mãe, uma mulher asiática estava do seu lado, mas em cima dos cobertores, com um livro grosso apoiado no colo, e seus óculos em cima da capa dura.
— Não é para assumir o trono…— Sua mãe responde. Seu cérebro corre rapidamente para tentar encontrar outra justificativa, e quando encontra, surpresa os acusa:
— É porque sou mulher? — dessa vez os dois soltam risadas altas, e antes que você diga alguma outra teoria, seu pai pede que você se aproxime, e segura suas mãos, olhando em seus olhos.
— My sweetheart você sabe que eu não tenho muito tempo…e te ver casando sempre foi meu sonho… sei que estou sendo injusto com você, e pedindo alguma coisa que pode ser demais pra você — é possível ver a sinceridade e dor, nos seus olhos castanhos — mas eu sei também que ser alguém no comando de um país pode ser demais para alguém, e ter um parceiro pode ajudar a tirar um pouco desse fardo…
— Então você está me chantageando? — Sua voz trazia certo tom de brincadeira, mas seu pai viu que você o entendia, e isso o acalmou. Suspirando você pisca as lágrimas que molhavam seu olho — Tudo bem, mas tenho pena do homem que aceitar esse casamento.
— Nós também!
Acontece que seus pais já tinham um pretendente em mente: Kim Namjoon. Herdeiro da família Kim, amigos de longa data de seus pais, e até certa cidade, seu amigo. Você se lembra de como eram quase inseparáveis, sempre brincando juntos quando suas famílias se visitavam, em eventos excepcionais da monarquia… sempre! Mas então quando chegaram a adolescência ele seguiu seu caminho repleto de problemas e outros amigos, te deixando completamente de lado por muito tempo sendo o principal problema das famílias reais. Mas para seus pais, ele era perfeito, ambas as famílias já se conheciam, vocês estavam familiarizados um com o outro, e não precisam inventar desculpas para o casamento.
A comitiva da família Kim já era bastante conhecida não só para os moradores do castelo, mas para todos seus súditos. Todos já sabiam da dinâmica de visita real da família, mas dessa vez com algumas alterações, como a recepção sendo feita dentro do castelo, não no jardim frontal. Assim, além de se esconder da mídia, os reis podiam abandonar as cordialidades. Isso não impediu que seu primeiro encontro com Kim Namjoon não fosse estranho, após abraçar seu pai e mãe, optou por uma semi reverência ao príncipe.
Será que ele já sabe que é meu noivo? O que será que ele achou disso? Ele se lembro de como éramos? Ele lembro que me abandonou?
Se o rei e a rainha Kim ainda não sabiam da situação de seu pai, não comentaram sua figura já frágil, apenas sorriram, e seguiram com as saudações e brincadeiras de amigos e amigas. Não ter a presença da mídia no castelo facilitou a interação, assim como facilitou conforme você se esquivava de qualquer interação com Namjoon. As tentativas do moreno eram todas frustradas por suas respostas monossilábicas que ele mal ouvia:
“ Faz muito tempo…” “Aham.”
“Você está bem?” "Aham"
“ Alguma novidade?” " Uhum.”
Você sabia que ele estava tentando, mas você simplesmente não conseguia apagar toda a mágoa que sentiu durante anos, só porque ele perguntou se tinha alguma novidade (Se não tivesse me descartado como uma folha de papel, saberia que meu pai está morrendo, e teria sido o amigo que eu precisava e não tive), então se manteve quieta até a hora que seus pais decidissem conversar com os Kim.
Recepção, almoço, sobremesa, café pós sobremesa… foi um longo caminho, mas você sabia que eles tinham muitas coisas para colocar em dia. Quando sua mãe percebeu seu silêncio eterno, e sua máscara de tédio para reuniões, ela chama pelo nome do rei, e com sua incrível comunicação por olhar, ele entende.
— Jihoon… preciso confessar algo, e pedir uma coisa também.
A conversa foi bem direta, característica do tipo de rei que seu pai era, e a monarquia Kim recebeu a notícia com silêncio, e então todos ofereceram algum tipo de ajuda, o que trouxe um sorriso brincalhão e um brilho de criança para os olhos de seu pai, e o comentário “você não sabe o que está oferecendo!”
Namjoon nunca parou de pensar em você. Ele não entendia como, nem porque vocês se afastaram, mas ele sentia que era o único culpado, uma vez que teve um fim de adolescência um tanto quanto perturbado.
Ele se lembra de como eram inseparáveis, sempre brincando juntos, indo para eventos juntos, conversando como amigos, os únicos que seu estilo de vida os permitia, sendo os únicos que se entendiam.
— Pedi para minha filha, um favor que jamais poderei retribuir… — Namjoon observou como seu pai tentava encontrar as palavras certas, sempre segurando a mão de sua mãe, enquanto você ficava ali parada.
Talvez vocês não se vejam a certo tempo, mas Namjoon te conhecia o suficiente para saber que quando olha para um ponto cego no chão, longe o suficiente para parecer que está de fato na conversa, uma mão segurando a outra em seu colo, tudo o que mais quer é fugir.
— Nam, saiba que pode negar, mas… nós realmente gostaríamos que se case com S/n.
Ninguém da família Kim esperava por essas palavras, e o silêncio ensurdecedor do sala entregava a situação. Namjoon observa o modo como você engole em seco, evitando a todo custo, o olhar. O coração do rapaz se aperta em seu peito, sentindo falta de como você o olhava com tanto carinho e admiração.
— Eu aceito. — Sua voz se propaga pela sala silenciosa, e pela primeira vez desde que ele e sua família chegaram ao seu castelo, que você o vê de fato. Ele não queria deixar de te olhar, mas a dor que ele viu escondida nas suas órbitas era demais para ele, então ele se vira para seu pai, o rei — Sei que não fui um pr��ncipe exemplar, mas posso garantir que mudei, e garanto trabalhar duro para ser o marido que sua filha merece, e o rei que sua nação precisa.
As palavras de Namjoon te pegaram de surpresa. A última vez que o viu Kim era um idiota bêbado que só sabia te ofender. Esse kim Namjoon parecia ser um príncipe decente. como alguém que definitivamente estava ouvindo atrás da porta, Sr. Segredos Reais surge com um sorriso sinistro, seu celular e uma agenda praticamente explodindo em suas mãos. Ele informa que já que o casamento acontecerá, será necessário que você e Namjoon o encontre no escritório "real” ( o escritório usados para assuntos da coroa, mas que geralmente só você e seu pai entram, e que o Sr. Segredos, estava louco para usar).
Felizmente você consegue se esgueirar para seu quarto, onde se esconde até o jantar, que infelizmente tem sua presença requisitada. Os reis e rainhas continuam com sua sessão de saudosismos, incluindo de vez em quando você e Namjoon na conversa “Se lembram daquela vez que Namjoon derrubou chá no vestido da S/n?” “Não foi nesse dia que ela derrubou a rainha da Portidozia?” Não pôde segurar o riso ao se lembrar de algumas situações – até porque quando derrubou a rainha de Portidozia, só porque pensou que abelha de brinquedo que jogava, era real, e ia a atacar, e sua feição enquanto caia para trás era hilária de mais para ser esquecida.
Após agradecer a todos pela noite, inventou uma dor de cabeça e se escondeu em seus aposentos, apenas esperando o sono chegar, o cansaço a dominar, ou o novo dia chegar, qualquer coisa que acontecesse primeiro. Mas sua mente não parava de rodar, memórias se misturavam com incertezas do futuro, felicidades que não retornarão, preocupações e medos que parecem intermináveis. Três batidas leves em sua porta te tiram de seus devaneios, e da sua cama.
Seu visitante noturno é ao mesmo tempo muito e nada surpreendente. Kim Namjoon. Ou será que agora precisa o chamar de noivo? Cedo demais? Talvez, mas estranho? Indubitavelmente.
— O que faz aqui? — pergunta abrindo a porta e colocando apenas a cabeça pra fora, procurando por alguém. Namjoon usava uma camiseta enorme e preta , e calças de flanela vermelha, e sua proximidade física a permitiu ver como o corpo do rapaz se desenvolveu, aquilo definitivamente eram músculos.
— Podemos conversar? — ele pede, sussurrando.
— Não é de bom grado um rapaz fazer visitas noturnas à uma dama — você argumenta rapidamente tentando fechar a porta, mas Kim te impede, segurando a madeira com sua mão.
— Não estamos mais no século dezoito, e nos conhecemos desde crianças! — Nam retruca, mas sua resposta rápida o pega de surpresa “Será?”, efeito que quase a permite fechar a porta nele, mas os reflexos masculinos foram ainda mais velozes, a impedindo mais uma vez. Você suspira tentando guardar sua raiva dentro de si e não gritar em pleno corredor vazio — Eu só quero conversar…por favor!
Você não queria abrir a porta e o deixar entrar, mas sabia que de certa forma devia pelo menos cinco segundos de conversa, uma vez que o rapaz praticamente já é seu noivo. Quase que ele não percebe quando você o deixa entrar sem mais nenhum empecilho.
Namjoon esperava ver seu quarto de antigamente. Metade de uma parede vermelha, repleta de posters, quadros e fotos. Mas agora ele só viu paredes bebês, matérias de jornais com suas fotos e de outros membros da monarquia, algumas coroas diferentes. Ele sempre amou como seu quarto parecia alegre e expressivo como você era…agora ele reflete essa mulher pronta para assumir a coroa.
— Como você está? — é a primeira coisa que ele pergunta, e assim que as palavras saem de sua boca, ele se martiriza percebendo o quão ridículo foi. Você ri incrédula com a pergunta dele.
— Meu pai está morrendo de câncer, e vou casar com você pra ele morrer feliz… eu tô nas nuvens, Namjoon!
— Tudo bem, eu mereço isso…— o moreno suspirou se recostando na sua cabeceira, enquanto você o observa, de cruzados esperando por alguma coisa a mais, umas desculpas, talvez. Mas Namjoon tinha um questionamento, que ele tinha certeza que a deixaria ainda mais raivosa, mas era necessário. — Você esqueceu da nossa promessa? “Nunca abandonar o outro?”
Se Namjoon sentiu seu erro quando perguntou como estava, agora ele sabia que estava prestes a sentir anos de fúria guardados, e como um homem criado com mulheres que precisam guardar sua raiva, ele estava ciente que quando se abre essa porta, seus piores demônios são soltos.
E você estava pronta para o fazer se sentir da pior maneira por tudo o que te fez, mas o olhar do moreno o denuncia, que ele de fato não sabe o que fez, e isso a irritou e machucou ainda mais.
— Você não lembra…— não foi uma pergunta, Kim notou. Ele percebeu também a decepção na sua voz — Não, é claro que não lembra, você tinha álcool suficiente na sua bunda para esquecer tudo o que você fez!
Ele não sabia o que dizer. Claro que ele sentia que tinha algum nível de responsabilidade no seu afastamento, mas ter certeza, ainda mais com o modo que falou com ele, o atordoou.
— Você por algum acaso se lembra da última vez que nos falamos? — você pergunta pronta, esperando que ele dissesse não, por que assim, você teria uma oportunidade de ouro que aguardou por muitos e longos anos.
— N-não… eu… — Nam gagueja se sentindo pequeno com seu olhar e raiva que começava a emanar do seu corpo, a fazendo parecer muito maior do que realmente era — por favor, por que?
— Sem problemas eu refresco sua memória…
“... Nós tínhamos acabado de fazer 20 anos, e finalmente nossos pais nos deixaram participar dos seus eventos políticos, como a reunião da ONU… a questão é que eu estive lá do começo ao fim, mas e você? Sabe onde estava?
Você achou que seria uma excelente ideia, ir pra balada qualquer, cercado de bebidas, problemas e garotas que como você, não tinham idade suficiente pra estar lá!”
Sua voz começa a crescer no quarto, mas Kim não ousa falar nada, ele apenas fica lá observando como seus olhos brilhavam, e uma pequena veia a esquerda do seu pescoço começava a se levantar, e ele estava maravilhado com sua beleza naquele momento. Com medo, mas ainda sim, maravilhado.
— E como sei que não se lembra nenhum um pouco, o tema de debate da ONU era sobre adolescentes fora da escola, e em lugares que definitivamente não deveriam estar!
“A mídia caiu matando, nos comparando, fazendo manchete atrás de manchete… seu pai te deu a maior bronca do mundo, e você pouco se importou, mas eu achei que ia me ouvir, que ia entender como seu país precisava de você…mas não… a Coroa se tornou pesada demais pra sua cabeça fraca!...”
Isso não era novidade, e ele se lembra bem não só do sentimento de estar perdido, de não saber pra onde ir quando só se tinha um caminho, mas também da inveja que ele sentia de ver como você era perfeita para a monarquia.
— Mas eu entendia, e quis te deixar claro isso, mas você achou que seria uma boa ideia me destratar, como uma qualquer! E mesmo com isso, e a sua família sendo obrigada a fugir daqui, eu te mandei mensagens. Por meses, Namjoon! Eu me humilhei em nome de uma promessa infantil! Sabe quando parei?...
“... Quando eu só sabia de você por conta da mídia e em como você não se importava mais com o trono, e pior! Quando durante eventos, eu via seus novos amigos, mas não você… quando eles eram ‘dignos’ o suficiente pra beber e cheirar nos banheiros sujos durante a noite, mas ainda sim participavam da política. Você me bloqueou, me esqueceu, e eu segui em frente. Eu percebi que não queria laços com alguém fraco como você!”
O silêncio no quarto foi ensurdecedor. Você encarou o rapaz à sua frente. Ele estava boquiaberto e de olhos arregalados, e só então percebeu que você estava respirando forte, tremendo, com o coração batendo a mil, repleta de raiva e até alívio.
— Me desculpa, eu sei que fui um idiota, e que machuquei muitas pessoas que amava. Você sempre foi animada para assumir o trono, mas eu nunca fui um líder, quem dirá um rei!
— Eu percebi
— Posso contar a parte que não sabe? — o moreno pede, e seu silêncio é a resposta que ele precisava, seguindo em frente, ele coça a garganta antes de falar — quando voltei meu pai foi incrivelmente sincero, disse que não podia me afastar do trono, e que eu sempre seria o príncipe, próximo na linha de sucessão… mas ele podia me mandar pra algum lugar onde eu poderia pensar melhor. Fui pro exército. Fui pisado, jogado e mal tratado…
— É pra eu sentir pena? — você indaga, e ele solta um riso fraco nasal. Ele estava gostando de descobrir como você se tornou feroz.
— Não, só queria preencher as lacunas… — se desencostando, Kim se desculpa mais uma vez por tudo e está prestes a sair, quando outra dúvida surge — você está com raiva de se casar comigo?
— Sabe, se me dissesse quando eu tinha 7 anos, que ia casar com você, eu seria a criança mais feliz do mundo! Certa que ia viver meu próprio conto de fadas perfeito! Se me dissesse quando tinha 21, eu provavelmente vomitaria de nojo de alguém como você, mas agora… é como casar com um estranho qualquer. — Sua careta dizia tudo o que sentia.
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junqkook · 6 months
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PAIRING. jungkook/reader, taehyung/reader GENRE. faerie au, angst, smut WORDS. 10,234 RATING. explicit
SYNOPSIS. six years after escaping from the faerie realm, you’ve done everything to hide yourself and your son from the high king. but you should have known he would never let you go so easily.
CONTENTS. boyfriend taehyung, faerie king jungkook, human reader, mother reader, father jungkook, kidnapping, manipulation, slight dubcon, riding, grinding, creampie, unprotected sex (stay safe!), rough sex, hair pulling, biting/marking, possessiveness, accidental exhibitionism/voyeurism, infidelity, multiple orgasms, hinted f/f, pregnancy, multiple smut scenes (!), overstimulation, fingering, dom jungkook.
NOTES. this is a sequel to rottenfolk. i highly suggest reading rottenfolk before reading this one. Y’ALL GOT ME MISSING THIS WORLD, so i gave in to my own desires and wrote this. i’ll warn you all now: this is not a happy story.
EXTRA NOTES. UNRWA; Care for Gaza; Direct Aid For Gaza. please consider donating to and/or sharing these organizations.
— rottenfolk. rottenfolk: aftermath.
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Taehyung’s arms wrapped around you from behind and you giggled, leaning back into his chest. The smell of breakfast filled the kitchen and your boyfriend’s warm lips pressed chaste kisses against your neck.
“Missed you this morning,” he murmured.
You hummed and closed your eyes, losing yourself in the feeling of him. “I woke up early and decided to treat my lovely boys to breakfast today.”
Taehyung chuckled and pulled his mouth away from your neck, resting his cheek against yours instead. “You know what Soobin told me last night?”
“What’d he tell you?”
“He concocted such an imaginative story,” your boyfriend of three years started, a lightness to his voice that comforted you. “Said he saw magical creatures in the forest by the park that knew his name—”
Your eyes shot open and you tensed in Taehyung’s arms. “What?”
He continued without noticing your reaction. “Yeah, he was telling me all about these—actually kind of grotesque now that I think about it—”
You whirled around in his arms and faced him. “When did he tell you this exactly? Where?”
Taehyung cupped your face and smiled at you. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Don’t worry, it’s just a story, he was probably watching YouTube or something and got the ideas—”
“Tae,” you pressed. “I’m serious. Please answer me.”
He held up his hands in defense and nodded. “Okay, okay. He told me while we were walking home from the park yesterday. He was really excited about it and said the fairies told him they’d see him again. It’s nothing bad, sweetheart. He’s just a five year old with an active imagination.”
You cursed under your breath. “Why didn’t you tell me last night?”
Taehyung shrugged and crossed his arms. “I don’t know, it didn’t seem like pressing information to share. And you were dead tired when you came home, so it must have slipped my mind.” As he watched you flutter around the kitchen nervously, he continued. “Can you tell me what’s going on with you right now?”
You sighed and faced your boyfriend. “Remember when I told you about Soobin’s father?”
Taehyung pursed his lips. “Yeah. You said he’s dangerous.”
“He is,” you said. “I didn’t think he’d find me, or even be interested in it, but—he doesn’t know about Soobin. And I planned to keep it that way.”
“Okay,” Taehyung replied slowly. “So what’s changed?”
“Everything,” you whimpered. “If Soobin said that to you, it means his father knows about him. It’s… his people,” you said carefully. “They’re the only ones who would tell Soobin that they’re magical creatures and—if they know about my son, it’s only a matter of time before he knows, too.”
Taehyung rubbed his temples, making sure to keep his voice low. “So, what do we do now?”
Before you could answer, the sound of padding footsteps through the house interrupted your conversation. “Mama, good morning!” Soobin’s sleepy voice called out. He appeared from behind Taehyung, rubbing his tired eyes.
Scooping him up into your arms, you pressed kisses to his chubby cheek. He murmured half-heartedly and buried his little face into your neck. The tips of his growing horns pressed into your skin lightly. You smoothed down his dark hair and gave Taehyung a pleading look.
“Morning, little man,” your boyfriend said, patting your son on the back. “You ready for breakfast?”
Soobin sat up in your arms, turning his small body to look at his surrogate father, who had been in majority of his life. “Yes,” he mumbled, squirming until you set him down so he could grasp at Taehyung’s large hand. “Good morning.”
You watched Taehyung lead him over to the table, helping him scoot his chair closer to the table once he was seated. Hurrying, you brought over your boys’ plates and then went back for yours. Soobin and Taehyung waited for you to be seated to start eating.
“S’good, Mama,” Soobin said around his food.
You smiled. “Thank you, Binnie,” you replied. You almost had no appetite, the thoughts of Jungkook swirling in your head. You hated that your chest still ached, even with the years distancing you.
The day passed achingly slowly, every minute and every second feeling like an eternity; every sound and every shadow brought with it a wave of anxiety that you hadn’t felt in a long time. You felt bad for not allowing Soobin to go with Taehyung to the store, ignoring his pouting with a heavy heart.
Finally, when it was time for bed, you tucked Soobin in with a kiss to his forehead. He looked up at you with his eyes that were so like his father’s, pupils slitted like a cat’s, that you couldn’t help the wave of fear that shot through you. But you knew Soobin wasn’t like Jungkook, no matter how much he grew to resemble him in his looks with every day.
“Binnie,” you whispered, sitting at the edge of his bed while your hand stroked the strands of his dark hair. “I love you.”
He gave you a smile that was so soft, you hated yourself for seeing any part of Jungkook in him. “I love you more, Mama.” You chuckled, your worry easing a tiny bit. “I don’t know why you were sad today, but tomorrow will be better!”
You blinked back the tears that you could feel prickling in your eyes. “I know it will be,” you answered him, leaning down to press another kiss to his forehead. “Sweet dreams, baby.”
As you stood, you noticed Taehyung smiling at the scene from the doorway. “Night, little prince,” he said to your son. The word jabbed at your ribs and you felt like you couldn’t breathe for a moment.
“That’s a new nickname,” you managed to get out between your nerves.
Soobin giggled from his bed. “The magical faeries called me that!” he said excitedly. “Wouldn’t it be so cool if I really was a prince, Mama?”
You turned to give him a strained smile. “It would be so cool, Soobin.”
“So cool,” he repeated, his voice trailing off as his eyes shut. “G’night, Tae.”
When you shut the door of his bedroom, you nearly collapsed—if it hadn’t been for Taehyung’s arms wrapping around your waist, you would have dropped like a puppet with its strings cut.
“What’s wrong?” Taehyung whispered in panic as he held you up. You tried not to cry into his chest, finding comfort in his arms for a few agonizing seconds before you stood completely.
“Nothing, just—I’m fine,” you lied. “We should go to bed.” Taehyung’s lips pursed, not believing you for once second. “Please,” you whimpered.
With a sigh, Taehyung nodded. “Okay, okay. Let’s go to bed.”
Once in your own room, Taehyung’s warm body against yours, you rolled over until you were on top of him. He gazed up at you with hooded eyes, his hands finding purchase on your hips.
“I thought you were tired,” he murmured.
“How can I go to sleep when my man is laying there, looking that good?” you teased, wiggling yourself until you were slowly grinding against his clothed cock. He groaned and you could feel him hardening underneath you. With a shudder, you started grinding yourself against him harder, the friction delicious against your clit.
Taehyung’s hands slipped under your shirt and dragged it off your torso, your hips never stopping their movements against him. He sat up in the bed, his hips rocking up, and his mouth started sucking one of your nipples harshly. You pushed yourself off his lap for a few seconds to rapidly tug your pajama pants and underwear off, pulling Taehyung’s sweats and boxers halfway down his thighs as well. His cock was hard and red and you wrapped your hand around the length of it, pumping it quickly.
“You’re so hot, you know that?” he groaned against your breast, flicking and twisting your other nipple with his fingers. You tried to keep your voice down as you mewled, pushing yourself flush against his body and guiding the head of his cock to your slit. You rubbed it against your slit a few times, the head bumping into your clit with every drag, before you started to lower yourself onto it.
“You’re so big,” you panted into his ear, the burn of his cock stretching your walls making you clench tightly.
“No matter how many times I fuck you, this pussy is always so tight for me,” he grunted, grabbing for your hips and removing his mouth from your chest. His fingers dug into your bare skin and you sank down completely, shivering and clenching his cock inside of you.
Taehyung’s fingers found your clit easily after years of learning your body and he started to rub as you ground your hips into his. Soon, he was thrusting up into you roughly, his fingers on your hips helping you move up and down to keep pace with him. You gripped his hair and tugged his mouth to yours, kissing him deeply, the slap of your skin against his filling the room along with your little noises.
You orgasmed quickly, your wound up body giving way to pleasure easily. As your walls spasmed around his snapping hips, Taehyung cursed under his breath and held you down on his cock as it twitched, spurts of hot come filling you up. He didn’t stop grinding you against him while he rode out his own release, his fingers sliding down to play with your clit.
“Taehyung,” you whined, “I can’t—”
“Yes, you can,” he mumbled against your shoulder, his eyes shut while he savored the feeling.
You couldn’t help your bucking hips, chasing the feeling of his fingers pressed against your clit. You blinked your bleary eyes open and glanced toward the window, meeting cat-like eyes that startled you into a second orgasm while the head of Taehyung’s spilling cock continued to rub against your g-spot.
You had to bite down on your bottom lip to stop the shout that tried to tear itself out of your throat—a mix of fear and pleasure.
Rocking your hips against Taehyung’s softening cock inside of you, you wrapped your arms around him and kept his head buried in your chest as he pressed kisses to the tops of your breasts. Your eyes never left the ones staring back at you.
Jungkook watched you with heat in his gaze, even though the rest of his face seemed as through he were bored and uninterested.
The shockwaves ran through your body, igniting every nerve in your limbs while your boyfriend’s cock slipped out of you, his come following. Your breaths started to quicken when Jungkook’s form left your window, and for a second you thought you might have imagined it. For a second, you let yourself breathe.
Then you realized he had moved toward Soobin’s window, on the other side of the hallway.
With a small yelp, your throat closed up and you couldn’t breathe. Taehyung lifted his head, startled at your sudden sound, and you ripped yourself away from him, not even bothering to clean the mess dripping between your thighs as you hurriedly dressed yourself, moving at a speed you had never moved before.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” Taehyung asked, tucking himself back into his pajamas and shifting off the bed.
You didn’t have time to answer him, messily dressed now. Rushing to the bedroom door, you yanked it open and sprinted to your son’s bedroom, heart pounding and blood rushing through your ears.
You threw open Soobin’s door and for a second, time seemed to stop.
The window was open and Soobin was in front of it, Jungkook leaning against the windowsill from outside. Your son turned to look at you, surprise etched into his features, and Jungkook’s eyes found yours for a second time that night. Beside each other, the two looked so alike that you wondered how you had deluded yourself into believing they would never know.
“Sweetmeat,” Jungkook’s voice drawled, your body shuddering on instinct alone. You couldn’t stop shaking, rooted to the spot as his hand settled on top of Soobin’s head. “It’s been a while, I see.”
“Mama!” Soobin cried out, a smile pulling his lips up. “You know faeries? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Jungkook,” you choked out, taking a step into the room as Taehyung’s footsteps sounded behind you. You couldn’t hear what he was saying, every atom in your body completely focused on the father of your child. “Get away from him.”
The faerie king hummed and he moved his hand down to Soobin’s shoulder. “I will not.” Those eyes that were the same as Soobin’s darted down to the young boy before darting up to yours again. “All these years, you’ve kept him a secret from me.”
Taehyung was behind you now, his voice shouting something at Jungkook, but all you could hear was the pounding of your heart and the sweet voice that came from the faerie. You were already inside the bedroom, Taehyung right outside the doorway behind you.
“Close the door, ____,” Jungkook said softly.
Your body moved on its own, shutting the door before Taehyung could force his way in.
“Now lock it.”
You locked it.
Taehyung’s panicked voice and slamming hands against the door barely registered in your head as you turned to face Jungkook.
“Jungkook, please,” you whispered, tears pricking at your eyes. You took a few steps forward, stopping only when you saw his fingers tighten around Soobin’s shoulder. “Please. He’s my son—”
“And mine,” he interrupted harshly. Jungkook’s eyes narrowed when your breath hitched, Soobin’s wide and curious eyes turning toward him once again.
“You’re my dad?” he asked quietly.
Jungkook’s eyes seemed to soften for a moment. You thought it must be a trick of the moonlight. “I am,” he told Soobin. “And I’ve come to bring you to your real home, where you belong.”
“Mama can come, too, right?” he asked, glancing at you before looking at his father.
“Of course,” he said easily. “She is mine, after all, until she draws her last breath and an eternity after.”
He tilted his head and then beckoned you over. You dropped to your knees, wrapping your arms around Soobin and yanking him away from the High King.
“Please, Jungkook,” you whimpered. “Please, leave us here. Leave us alone.”
Jungkook’s eyes hardened and his hand shot out like a bolt of lightning, fingers wrapping around the collar of your shirt and dragging you toward the window roughly. Soobin’s small hands dug into your shirt and you heard him make a distressed noise where you had tucked him close.
“Do you forget yourself, human?” he growled, voice dangerously low. You could feel the anger simmering under the surface, unlike anything you had seen from him years ago—he had always been indifferent to you, never angry. You supposed it was only natural after finding out you had kept Soobin a secret, no matter how unnatural Jungkook was. “Answer me.”
“No,” you said shakily. “I am yours.”
“You will be returning with me to the Faerie Realm,” he snarled. “If only because my son has wished for it. You belong to me, sweetmeat. You are mine to do with as I please.”
“Yes,” you replied quietly, never looking away from his slitted eyes. “I am yours to do with as you please, my king.”
“Now get up and come.”
You did as he asked, rising to your feet and releasing Soobin from your grip, though he kept his hold of your shirt as he looked between the two of you. You couldn’t stop your body from removing his hands from you, even as your hands shook and your breath caught when he begged you not to. Your fingers didn’t even twitch when Jungkook lifted him out of the window and kept him on his hip. You followed immediately after, surprised when Jungkook grabbed a hold of your upper arm and maneuvered you on the branches so that you didn’t fall over as the three of you descended to the grass.
Jungkook kept a tight hold on Soobin’s hand as he led you two away from your home. He didn’t need to keep any kind of grip on you—he knew you would follow him, unable to refute his orders, especially not when he was leading your child away with him.
You didn’t look back at the house once.
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The sounds and smells of the Faerie realm was something you hadn't realized you had missed so much. Nostalgia for the years you had spent among these fair folk blossomed in your chest, flowering through your skin until you could feel the tingle in your fingertips.
The faeries through the forest watched the three of you with wonderous eyes, all colors and shapes, the whispers like the sound of bees buzzing through the night air. When you looked at your son, his eyes were taking in everything around him with delight and curiosity.
Soon enough, you were walking up toward the palace that you had known so well before, familiarity settling in your bones as you took the trek.
"Soobin," Jungkook said softly—you didn't think that the High King could ever sound so soft while speaking. "Do you want to see your room?"
"Jungkook," you called, taking a few steps toward them so that you were right behind your husband and the faerie king.
His cat-like eyes cut to you, not nearly as soft as they were when looking at your son, and you hesitated to reach out to touch him. Your brain was screaming at you that any move you made would be a terrible idea.
"You'll wait your turn, sweetmeat," he said to you with a smile that could carve through flesh. "Though I thought you would remember where your place is here."
"Of course," you replied quickly, simmering down so as to not scare Soobin with your own fear.
"Mama," your son said excitedly, his small hand still gripping Jungkook's. "This place is so cool! Why didn't you tell me you knew faeries?" he questioned.
Looking at him now, your heart ached for the way you, too, had once looked on in amazement and only excitement in this realm. What would this place, with its cunning smiles and sweet dangers, do to him and his precious, innocent smile?
"I'm sorry, baby," you cooed, dropping to your knees on the ground in front of you and cupping his face in your hands. You brushed his dark hair back, fingers trying not to bump onto his little horns—they had always been sensitive to the touch. "The faeries have just been so busy, I haven't seen them in so long and forgot to tell you about them."
"Can I play with them?" he asked.
"Of course—"
You and Jungkook cut yourselves off, meeting eyes as Soobin looked between the two of you. You could almost see the thoughts swimming around in Jungkook's head, as if deciding what to say. You were too afraid to make a sound, furrowing your brows a bit and hoping that he would have some sense to how your child had been raised so far.
"Why don't your mother and I discuss that and let you know tomorrow, okay?" he eventually said, smiling sweetly at your son—his son. Soobin nodded ecstatically, throwing his arms around you for a tight hug. You squeezed him close to you, kissing the top of his head. "Now say goodnight and I'll show you to your room."
"Goodnight, Mama!" Soobin exclaimed, letting go of you quickly and slipping his tiny hand back into his father's. How were you going to explain everything to him?
Jungkook paused to look back at you as you were getting up from your knees. "I trust that you remember where your chambers are?" he inquired, a small smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
Your cheeks flushed with heat and you willed them to go back to their normal color, not wanting to look embarrassed in front of your son. "Yes," you eventually choked out, ignoring the quiet chuckle that Jungkook let out, leading your son down the hall and towards whatever room he had assigned for him.
Sighing, you turned to the other side of the hall, ashamed that your feet did remember the way to Jungkook's chambers, where you always slept, ready to embrace him into you night after night. And you hated that your groin tingled at the memories, the release from earlier still sticky against your skin, even as it dried.
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"Sweetmeat," Jungkook cooed as he came into his chambers, a devilish smile playing at his lips.
Your cheeks flushed as you sat on the bed, ashamed at your own body for reacting to his voice like this. The memories flooded your brain, every muscle in your body thrumming as you expected his touch.
"Well," he said, now standing in front of you and his hips sliding between your knees. "I see you have become forgetful in your time away," he murmured, his fingertips brushing your cheek and then tucking your hair behind your ear. "Usually you would await me with nothing on that smooth skin of yours."
You cleared your throat awkwardly as you looked up at him, your legs automatically spreading wider to make room for him to stand between them. You bit your bottom lip and couldn't stop yourself from leaning into his palm, his skin warm and so familiar to you.
"I can't," you whispered, shutting your eyes so you wouldn't see the look on his face.
To your surprise, he leaned down so that his nose brushed yours. Against your better judgement, you let your eyes flutter open and you met his slitted eyes, soft as they looked at you. There was no rage or wrath.
"Why can't you, sweetmeat?" he whispered back, every word making his lips brush against yours lightly with how close he was. You took in a shaky breath, leaning back on your hands to try to put distance between the two of you. "Don't you want me to have you?"
"Yes," you replied on instinct, screwing your eyes shut as his body pressed against yours. "But Taehyung—"
Jungkook's thumb pressed against your bottom lip, stopping you. Your eyes opened again, watching how his were trained on your mouth. "No need to worry about that human," he told you. "You were always mine first." Before you could object, he leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips—you never thought you would receive a simple peck from the High King, whose touch had always been so rough and ragged on you.
"I—" You breathed against his mouth, leaning in for more of his kisses. He stayed just out of reach and it felt like a punishment. "I want you," you whimpered, letting one of your hands come up to cup his cheek. You met his eyes shyly, a spark traveling through your abdomen at the dark way he looked at you, like he wished to devour you. "I want you," you repeated.
"You'll never be anyone else's," he said to you as he crawled over your body, gently pushing you back onto the lush mattress. Your heart was pounding in your chest as he tugged your baggy shirt over your torso, revealing your bare breasts to his gaze. "I simply allowed that mortal to loan you," he growled, leaning down to nip at your hard nipple.
"Yes," you sighed, your fingers digging into his dark hair. "I'm only yours." His mouth enveloped the tip of your breast, biting down around the areola and making you hiss from a mix of pain and pleasure. "I belong to you."
Jungkook pulled your sweats down your legs, lifting his head from your chest for only long enough to remove them completely and undress himself as well. Your eyes marveled at his body, not realizing how much you'd missed looking at it. Of course, you couldn't help but let your eyes trail down to his cock, which was already hard and you could feel the tingling between your legs.
His smirk widened as he grabbed your thighs, yanking you towards him until the underside of his cock was pressing against you. A quiet whimper fell from your lips.
"You don't need to be loosened, do you?" he asked sweetly, though you could hear the tinge of mocking in his tone. You'd heard it so often, right here on this very bed, that you could detect anything in Jungkook's voice.
Your cheeks were hot. "No," you whispered, shaking your head. "But I should clean fir—"
"No," he replied, rocking his hips toward you playfully. "I'll fuck you right now."
You wanted to protest, still dripping with Taehyung's cum. A pang of guilt throbbed in your chest, but the ache of desire drowned it out quickly. Your breath caught in your throat as he slowly pushed the length of his cock inside of you, a groan leaving his lips when he bottomed out.
"How are you still this tight?" he asked you, almost incredulous. "Just fucked and still this tight around my cock?"
Clenching around him, your eyes rolled back as he pulled out only a few centimeters before pushing back inside slowly. "I can't help it," you whined, spreading your thighs further apart until your knees were about to touch the silky bedcovers. "You make me this way."
When you met Jungkook's eyes, they were dark and hungry. "You're so wet," he told you, his fingers finding the flesh of your hips and digging into your skin. "I'm going to replace all this cum inside of you with my own."
Before you had a chance to say anything, or even start to feel a shred of shame, he pulled out almost all the way and then shoved himself inside of you, starting a brutal and quick pace. The bed was already shaking with the force of his movements, and your hand darted to your mouth for something to bite down onto.
As he thrusted into you, the lewd sounds echoing in the bedchamber and cum dripping past his cock and down your skin onto the bed, all your thoughts melted away. You had missed him. You'd missed everything about him—your body had missed him. Logically, you knew that this was wrong, that you had finally managed to find peace with the family you had created—but now—
"Jungkook," you moaned, releasing your hand from the bite of your teeth, and slid it onto his shoulder. "I need you—"
"Of course you do, sweetmeat," he cooed, though you could feel the shiver that went through his body. "You belong to me."
You wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him even closer to your body. One of his hands moved up from your hip, his palm dragging lightly against your bare skin, cupping your breast and squeezing it in his hands. You whimpered and he pinched your nipple between his fingers, almost too painfully, but you liked it—maybe a little too much.
When his hand moved higher up your body to your neck, squeezing it gently while he shoved himself deeper and deeper into you with every thrust of his hips, you couldn't help the wanton moan that ripped its way out of your throat. Your legs tightened around him, trying to hold him inside of you forever while you twitched and squirmed, your orgasm building quickly and intensely.
"That's it, sweet thing," he purred, pushing his cock in as deep as it would go, using his other hand to push your thigh up so he could shove it in further while you came, clenching around him sporadically. "Did your human make you feel this good?"
"No," you croaked, seeing stars. "No one has ever made me feel this good." And you weren't lying, even though the guilt had started to eat its way through the pleasure in your abdomen.
Jungkook hummed and then started up his agonizing pace once more, making your body squirm and your toes curl.
"I can't," you begged, hands lowering to the bedsheets and clawing them in your fingers. "It hurts—"
"You can," he replied smoothly, and the head of his cock brushed the sensitive spot inside of you. You clenched hard, a cry falling from your mouth. "You will, human."
He pulled his cock out of you and when you looked down, it was wet with a mix of your slick and the cum that had still been inside of you. You didn't have the energy to feel embarrassed, though your cheeks did flush a little hotter than before. In one fluid movement, Jungkook turned you onto your stomach, his hands finding purchase on your hips and pulling them up so that your ass was in the air and your face was pressed against the bed.
You felt the slide of his cock back into you, eyes rolling back and fingers gripping the sheets. As it filled you, the squelch of it entering you again filling the room, Jungkook fisted your hair in his hand and pulled your head up.
Your body was still reeling from your orgasm—the second one that night—so you could do nothing but let him hold you in place there, a little moan coming out of your throat with every harsh thrust.
"That's a good girl," he groaned, his cock twitching inside of you while his thrusts started to slow down. "You always did take my cock so well for a human."
"Yes," you whispered, feeling a little bit of your spit on the corner of your lip. "It's all for you."
Jungkook moaned, shoving your head back down onto the bed, fingers still tightly gripping your hair. The slight pain from his hold mixed well with the pleasure of him rubbing against that spot inside of you over and over until you could barely take it.
"It's like you were molded for me," he said roughly, his body towering over yours as he tried to bury himself inside of you as far as he could go.
"I was," you said in a broken whimper, and you felt the twitch of his cock, followed by a spurt of his release, hot inside of you and filling you completely.
He rolled his hips a few times, and while still inside of you, his hand released your hair and curled around your torso, fingers finding your clit immediately. Your eyes widened for a second, the feeling of his fingers moving against your clit mixing between pleasure and pain. While his seed slipped past his cock and down your thighs, the feelings all crashed into you at once—guilt, pleasure, pain, shame, tingling—and you couldn't help but buck your hips against his hand and orgasm a second time.
When you were done, seeing stars behind your eyelids, he finally pulled out of you, letting his seed spill out of you and allowing your body to fall completely against the cool bed.
Turning to face him as he laid next to you, you couldn't even muster up a smile. Even with sweat on his face, his dark hair clinging to his skin, he still looked beautiful and ethereal.
Jungkook's eyes met yours and you couldn't stop your panting, your body completely spent—you couldn't even bring yourself to care about the mix of your slick and his seed still dripping out of you and onto the bed.
"Are you spent, sweetmeat?" he asked, a smirk starting to play at his lips.
You sighed and nodded, eyes still focused on his. "Yes," you replied slowly. "It's been... A long time," you settled on, not sure how to navigate your absence, even if he had originally allowed it.
"Well," he said gleefully. "You will get used to it again, soon."
It was then that you realized you couldn't see his other hand. When you let your eyes follow his arm down to his hand, you realized it was stroking his still hard cock, your slick and his come mixing all over it. Your cheeks flushed and your eyes widened—though, you could already feel the heat of desire in your belly and the tingling between your thighs as you clenched and unclenched around nothing.
"We are going to have so much fun, sweetmeat," Jungkook snickered, rolling over towards you to lick into your mouth.
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The music and feasting was something you had missed, watching all the faeries let loose and be themselves, as grotesque as that might look to your human eyes. Jungkook had seated you at the table, taking Soobin away to introduce him to others and show him around a bit.
You were dressed in a gown made of silk, the neckline dipping almost halfway down your chest, but still covering your breasts from view—Jungkook could be possessive when he wished.
The faeries had given you looks, some with curiosity and some with suspicion—others even with pity, if you weren't completely delusional. Your eyes stayed trained on your son, who was learning how to play a game from the other young faeries around him.
"He belongs here," Jungkook whispered in your ear, spooking you for a moment. You looked up at him as he grinned at Soobin, watching him still as he took his seat beside you at the table, his hand patting your thigh before resting on the arm of his chair.
"I didn't think he'd fit in so well," you admitted, unable to stop the smile on your lips and the softness in your voice when Soobin laughed, holding hands with a young faerie who was dripping sap from their limbs.
Jungkook hummed and lightly tapped your chin with his fingers, turning your face to look at him. "Eat," he said flatly. "You belong here, too."
You swallowed nervously. Your eyes darted down to your plate, full of deliciously smelling food, the aroma calling to you. "Jungkook," you whispered, looking back at him.
His fingertips were so soft against your skin that their presence there could've been a hallucination—but you could feel a razor sharp tingle where they touched you, a subtle threat in the gentleness.
"Jungkook, when will we be able to go home?" you asked quietly,
Though his face hadn't changed, you could feel the tension settling in between your bodies. He hummed and let his fingers drag down from your chin to your neck, and then further down to your collarbones. You shivered, letting your eyes flutter shut while they continued their way down between your neckline, every touch of his igniting the nerves in your body.
His hand shot up and gripped your throat, startling your eyes into opening. He didn't tighten his hold, simply keeping a slight pressure on your neck. Jungkook's expression was wicked—and cruel.
"This is your home," he cooed, though nothing about his tone was soft. He leaned in closer, bringing you closer in as well with his hand around your throat. Your breath caught and he brushed his nose against yours lightly, eyes never wavering from yours. "I thought I did well to remind you of that earlier, sweetmeat."
Heat flooded your cheeks, traveling down your chest and between your thighs. You clasped them together instinctively and shuddered when you saw Jungkook's gaze glance down towards your legs.
"Should I remind you here, sweetmeat?" he continued, snickering at the way you were going pliant in his grasp. "Shall I show my court who you belong to?"
You wanted to say yes—everything in your body was craving him already, wanting every bit of him all over you. And to have every faerie in his court watch as he took you—over and over again—you could barely resist the temptation.
But you couldn't give in right now.
"I want you to," you whimpered, shutting your eyes again as he leaned in closer, licking your lips lewdly. He bit your bottom lip and you gasped, allowing him to press closer, kissing you lazily. His hands released your throat and moved back to the nape of your neck, holding you in place while he kissed you.
"Ew!" a voice exclaimed, a voice that was too familiar—and the entire reason you were planning to refuse his tempting offer.
You tore yourself away from Jungkook, who looked puzzled. "Binnie!" you breathed, shifting in your seat. "What's up, honey?"
Jungkook's hand stayed firmly in its place at the back of your neck, hot and heavy.
"Mama, what are you doing?" your son asked, crinkling his nose up in disgust.
"Your dad and I, we just—we just missed each other, that's all," you explained quickly. "Sometimes adults do that when they really love each other!"
Soobin frowned, tilting his head to the side. Before he could ask anymore questions, Jungkook smiled down at him. "Why don't you go to bed, Soobin?" he said, though you could see even your son, at such a young age, instinctively knew to heed his king's command.
An older faerie, one whose hair looked like sea moss trailing all the way down to its feet, arrived quickly and started to pull Soobin and the other young faerie with him away from the table.
"Wait!" he cried out, rushing over to your side.
You quickly enveloped him in your arms, raising him up to your lap. "What's wrong?" you asked, cupping his cheeks in your palms.
"You didn't give me a goodnight kiss," he pouted, wrapping his small arms around you for a hug.
"Aw, my baby Binnie," you cooed, kissing the top of his head. "Mama loves you so much." He looked up at you, his pouting lips still the same, and you kissed his cheek three times.
"I love you, too, Mama," he replied, leaning up to give your cheek a kiss as well. He looked over to Jungkook. "Can I give Dad a kiss, too?"
You hesitated, looking over at the High King, whose face was unreadable. Then, he opened his arms up in a welcoming gesture—Soobin hurriedly climbed down from your lap and rushed to his father, who gave him a peck on the cheek and ruffled his matching dark hair.
Once your son was bounding away, happily chatting with the faeries surrounding him, you sighed and turned to look at the High King, who you found already watching you.
"This is his home," Jungkook repeated harshly. You pursed your lips, hating yourself for the butterflies in your stomach when you knew Taehyung was waiting for you in the human realm. "Soobin belongs here." You didn't want to admit it, though you knew both of you knew perfectly well that he did fit in here—especially once his horns fully grew in atop his head. "Our other children will belong here, too."
Your cheeks flushed and your eyes widened, taken aback at his words. His face was unreadable, even after spending so much of your time with him. "Other children?" you gasped.
"Yes," he said easily, turning away from you and looking over the dancing and partying faeries. "I need many heirs."
A faerie took his attention before you could formulate any words in response to his statement, but you couldn't stop the pounding of your heart in your chest and the quick soar of elation that filled your head with dangerous thoughts—thoughts of the two of you together for the eternity you had promised to him, of you as his bride, of belonging to this world eternally.
You didn't see Jungkook for the rest of the night, but that didn't stop your imagination from running wild with the possibilities of your future together.
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The nights passed in a blur of music, little adventures with Soobin, and reliving your memories from years ago. You couldn't help but lose yourself in this world, fully immersed in the customs and life of Faerie—especially now that you were anticipating your new familial life with Jungkook, as he'd implied.
The door shut behind him quickly and you were already slipping the straps of your dress off of your shoulders, the glitter from the fabric sticking to your skin. It fell to the ground softly and Jungkook's hands were already running down your arms, his body right behind yours.
You turned your face sideways to glance back at him, heat already pooling in your lower abdomen at his touch.
"Lie to me, sweetmeat," he whispered, dropping his head to press kisses to your shoulder, nipping at the flesh with his teeth.
You shuddered as his clothed body pressed into your bare one from behind, the tickle of the fabric causing goosebumps to raise on your skin.
"I want to go home," you murmured, your body molding against his as he walked you forward, bending you over onto the mattress. He undid his pants, letting them fall to the ground, and slid his hard cock against your ass.
You whined and pushed back against him, not even embarrassed at how slick you already were. You were already clenching around nothing in anticipation.
"How badly do you want me?" he asked, keeping one palm spread on your back to hold you down. His foot kicked your legs further apart to open you up completely to him. "Do you crave me?"
You moaned as the head of his cock pushed into your folds lightly but pulled away before giving you what you wanted. "Yes," you said. "I've never stopped wanting you."
Jungkook finally—finally—pushed his cock into you, sliding all the way in easily. He said nothing for a while, simply groaning and thrusting in and out of you, filling the room with the lewd sounds of skin against skin. You were gripping fistfuls of the sheets, even biting down on them when his pace became unforgiving.
"How often did you picture me when that human was buried inside of you?" he asked, and you could hear the large grin in his voice. You didn't answer, heat flooding into your cheeks. "Were you hoping it was my cock inside of you, filling you with my seed?" You moaned in response, clenching tight around him as he picked up his pace even faster, almost slamming his cock into you over and over. "Answer me," he growled, his fingers finding your hair and pulling your head up from where it was flush against the bed.
"Yes," you admitted, your voice shaking. "I wanted you to be the one fucking me—"
Jungkook's door opened and you flinched, though his grip on you didn't loosen and his movements only slowed, never stopping.
A woman came into view, though your eyesight was blurred and you had to focus them to see what she looked like.
"Ah, Wife," Jungkook purred, slowly pushing his cock into you so you could feel every centimeter.
"Husband," she replied easily, barely glancing at you.
You clenched around him from your shock, your little breathy sounds fading into the background. You couldn't stop your body from pushing back into him, wanton for him.
"What is it?" he asked, his hips still pounding into you from behind. You were staring at the woman, unable to take your eyes off of her as you took in her beauty. Her hair was a light blue, the very tips turning white and ending near her hips. There was a small golden crown wrapped around head, weaving through her hair like vines. Her ears were long and pointed—longer than Jungkook's ears.
"I see you returned your pet," she said instead, blankly looking over your form. You felt like you were being shown at an auction, but you couldn't muster up any feelings of shame, still used to the way the High King would keep you exposed to anyone who opened his door—even his apparent wife.
"I have," he returned gleefully, snickering. His cock slipped out of you with a lewd sound and his hands gripped your body, forcefully turning you over from your bent position so that you were laying flat on your back on the bed. You let out a small sound at the shift, but his cock was already burying itself inside of you again, brushing against your g-spot and making you moan loudly instead. "Isn't she exquisite?"
"She's very loud," his wife said plainly. "I can see the appeal."
Jungkook rocked his hips into you at a slow pace, one of his hands moving up to your breast and kneading it, pinching your nipple hard as you cried out, clenching and unclenching repeatedly.
"They require you in the meeting hall tomorrow morning," his wife continued. Jungkook merely hummed, his eyes completely focused on his cock disappearing into you over and over slowly. "Do not forget to attend."
"You should really try a human woman," Jungkook redirected, biting his lip and hissing as his bottomed-out cock twitched inside of you. You whimpered, unable to help the flush of arousal at the thought of her joining, memories of the others flooding your head for a few moments. You wrapped your legs around Jungkook's hips, pulling him tighter against you as he chuckled.
"I have humans," she replied, eyes running up and down your sweaty body and stopping for a few seconds too long on your breasts. "I find myself more inclined for the men of the species."
"Your loss," he grunted, grabbing your hips and yanking you harder towards him, picking up his brutal pace again and filling the air with the sounds of your skin slapping together. "Close the door."
You watched her nod her head towards him slightly before she retreated, pulling the door shut behind her. You could feel the orgasm building inside of you as he continued his movements, all your thoughts and words scrambled in your head.
"That's it, sweetmeat," he cooed, hissing as he rushed his pace. "Come all over me."
You moaned loudly at his command and felt complied to respond with your body, the pleasure tightening in your belly first as your orgasm hit you like a wave, shockwaves throbbing through your body as he continued to thrust into you through it.
"Jungkook," you panted, tightening your legs around his hips and fisting the sheets in your fingers as you winced. "It hurts—"
"Take it, human," he said blankly, his eyes focused on yours intently. You bit your bottom lip and shivered, trying to move your hips along to his bruising pace. "You're so good for me," he purred, leaning down as he stilled inside of you so that he could lick into your mouth lewdly. You could feel his cock twitch before he came, spurting his seed deep inside of you.
"Jungkook," you whimpered, arching your back, arousal swirling in your belly at the feeling of him releasing.
He shushed you as he rode out his orgasm, keeping himself flush against you even as he began to soften and his come started to slip out of you and down your thighs to the bed. As you kissed him back, licking back into his mouth and running your fingers through his dark hair and touching his horns lightly, causing him to growl against your lips, you couldn't help but remember the faerie that had stopped by.
"You're married," you whispered against his lips.
He pulled back just enough to look at you and a razor sharp smile was present on his mouth. "Yes," he said. "The High King must be wed for the future of Faerie." When you didn't say anything, pondering his words to you earlier, he continued as his finger began to trace your cheek. "Did you think I would marry you, sweetmeat?"
Your cheeks flushed. "No."
Jungkook laughed loudly and then pressed a harsh kiss to your pouting lips. "Humans are so fascinating when they lie," he finished, and you could feel him getting hard again inside of you. You squirmed underneath him as he kept you pinned down, a gleeful glint in his eyes as he watched you.
"Again, Jungkook?" you whined, though you were already clenching around him and rocking your hips up into him, your body begging him to start moving again.
He hummed and grinded against you slowly, enjoying the sounds your sticky bodies made with every movement. His hand came to grip your face and he held you still, pulling his cock out halfway and then sliding back in slowly. "I will keep you here, bred and ready for me for eternity," he said roughly, the head of his cock brushing against your g-spot again and making you mewl. He took the opportunity to lick into your open mouth.
When he released you, you sighed against his lips and pressed your thighs against the bed to allow him in deeper. "For eternity," you promised.
Jungkook's hips bucked into you and started another brutal pace, filling the room with your moans for the rest of the night.
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"Soobin!" you called, running your hand down your belly bump and feeling the fabric of your dress, like silk, cool against your palm. Each of your fingers was adorned in rings, some metal and some vine. "Bring your brother and sister from the trees."
Your oldest son rolled his eyes, his horns curled backwards and ears almost as long as Jungkook's. He was taller than you now, his growth spurt hitting him years prior, and you couldn't help but smile at him sweetly as you made your way to the long table. Jungkook was seated at the head of the table, your family feasting inside the castle on a rare occasion. His wife was seated to his right and you made your way to his left, huffing as you struggled to sit comfortably.
Jungkook's smile to you was as sweet as it could be. "They should be content to play," he started, but you tutted at him and leaned back in the chair.
"I want them to have some connection to human manners," you replied easily, already used to having the same conversation every time you ate inside.
"I think it's good for them," Hana said, interjecting for once into the conversation.
You nodded your head at her, gesturing. "See?"
Jungkook sighed, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms across his chest. "Yes, yes, go ahead and gang up on me."
"Daddy!" your daughter called out loudly, the rushed footsteps of her and her siblings filling the hall as they ran over to the table. Jungkook immediately opened his arms and let her jump into his lap, running his hand down her long dark hair. "Minnie hit me!"
Jungkook hummed, looking over at his two sons as they took their seats beside you, Soobin first. "And what did you do back?"
Ha Yoon smiled wickedly. "I bit him."
Jungkook and Hana laughed. He let her down from his lap, patting the top of her head. She bounced over to you, pulling on the tips of your hair the same way she used to as a baby. You lowered your head as much as you could and then winced when she nipped at your cheek with her sharp teeth. She giggled when you returned it with a kiss to her head and then rushed over to sit beside her brother.
"Soobin," Jungkook started as the servants, a mix of faeries and humans alike, began to place the food on the table and into your plates. "Have you thought about Hana's proposition?"
Soobin perked up, though your body tensed. Jungkook's eyes cut to you for a brief second, noticing your reaction, before he returned his gaze to your son.
"Yes," he replied, his voice much deeper than it had been when you'd returned to Faerie. "I'd like to go."
You bit the inside of your cheek and shoveled a spoonful of food into your mouth, now used to the wonderfully rich tastes this world had to offer you.
"Wonderful!" Jungkook said, smiling widely. "The carriages leave tomorrow for the Court. You'll go with them."
"My brother will teach you well," Hana said, smiling at Soobin sweetly. She had been like a second mother to him all these years, so you understood that your anxiety was rooted in nothing but jealousy and a wish to keep your children near you. "Oh, and Jungkook," she continued, turning her attention to her husband while you fussed over Soobin and Minhyuk.
"Yes, Wife?" he hummed, making a face at his daughter, who looked the most like him out of the three children.
"I'm pregnant," she giggled.
Jungkook's ears twitched and he turned to her quickly, all sounds quieting in the hall. "You are?"
"That's wonderful, Wife," he said smoothly, reaching over and holding her hand in his. You eyed their intertwined fingers and rings with a rush of jealousy, but the anxiety in your chest worsened. "Faerie will be full of my children's laughter."
They looked over at you expectantly. "Congratulations, Hana," you gulped, smiling as wide as you could to mask your fears.
She smiled tightly back at you, her eyes darting down to your own pregnant belly. "Thank you," she said.
Jungkook reached over and took your hand in his so that he was holding both of your hands. "We will celebrate and have a feast tomorrow with the courts," he said. He squeezed your hand and then released Hana's first, using his now free hand to pat your arm before he let go.
"So we're going to have another brother?" Minhyuk asked, speaking for the first time since he sat down. Your middle son was rather quiet and looked more like you than his father, though you didn't think Jungkook minded. He spoiled them all the same.
"Or sister," Hana told him, her face back to the usual stoic expression that everyone was familiar with.
"And it'll be two of them," you told him. Minhyuk tilted his head and then went back to his food, shoveling it in ravenously.
"And there will still be time for more," Jungkook said wickedly. "From both of you." His foot bumped into yours and you looked up at him through your lashes, arousal swirling between your legs when he winked at you and reached over to rest his hand on your thigh. Hana gasped and you looked over to her, watching how her cheeks flushed pink and you could see that Jungkook's other hand was below the table in her direction as well.
He released both of you again and continued his food, the children chatting with each other and him, mostly, excited to have their father's attention since most of his morning and afternoon had been spent in his office and among his advisors.
Once the children were done with their food, they excused themselves from the table and went to go continue playing. Soobin decided to go off on his own from his siblings, but you still had no idea where he went on nights like these; Jungkook always quelled your worries, telling you that he was at that age now where he should be left alone when he needed to be, instead of fretted over.
Jungkook gestured for you with his hands and you rose from your chair, moving over to stand in front of him. He placed his hands on your belly, eyes devouring you in a way that made you want to push your thighs together for relief. He smirked.
"Have they told you what it is yet?" he asked.
"No," you replied quietly, glancing over at Hana. "They say it'll be another boy."
"Faeries and their theories," he sighed, though his tone was fond. "We'll be visiting the Unseelie Court in a few days," he continued.
"Me as well?" you asked, confused. Usually him and his wife went, but you stayed here.
"Yes," he said. "Hana will be going with Soobin. You will come with me."
You bit your lip as his hands started to travel down your dress, using his fingers to pull the fabric up higher and higher, pulling you closer to his lap as he did so. Even after all these years, he was still insatiable.
"I will go prepare and find Soobin," she interrupted, standing up and dragging your attention away from Jungkook.
He stopped her for a brief second, though his hands continued their work until your dress was lifted enough for him to slide his fingers along your unclothed folds, gathering the slick of your arousal on them before he pushed two inside at once, making you whimper as you leaned back on the table.
"Be ready for me tonight, Wife," he told her. She nodded her head.
Then she took a few steps forward, leaning down and pressing her lips to yours. You gasped into her mouth, letting her tongue press against yours as Jungkook snickered from below you, continuing to work his fingers in and out of you. Hana pulled away with an obscene pop of her mouth, biting down on your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood and make you hiss, clenching around Jungkook's fingers.
"I will be," she told him after, leaning down and kissing him harshly. He groaned and rubbed his thumb against your clit with every lick of her tongue against his. Then she pulled away and left the hall, you suspected to her own quarters.
Jungkook pulled his fingers from you and put them in his mouth, licking your slick off while he maintained eye contact with you. He let go of your dress, letting it drop back down to cover your legs, and stood from his chair, walking past the table and looking back at you.
"Come, sweetmeat," he commanded you. Rushing forward as fast as you could in your condition, you slipped your hand into his and allowed him to lead you out into the hall. Jungkook took the opposite turn from the hall leading to his bedroom, instead leading you towards the doors that led into the massive back gardens of the castle, one of your favorite places. You could feel your cheeks flushing with excitement already, knowing he was going to splay you out for anyone wandering the garden to see.
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Your packed suitcase was ready beside you, but you ignored it and spent your time fixing Soobin's shirt collar and patting down his hair. He shook his head around, huffing as you fussed over him.
"Mom, I'm not going to be gone so long," he protested, though his voice was soft. You frowned, letting your fingers run through his dark hair one last time before you lowered your hand.
Hana flicked his nose lightly, earning a noise of complaint from the now young adult. "A mother worries, Binnie," she chided him. You smiled lightly when he lowered his head, mumbling an apology to you at her words. He held your hand lightly and pressed a kiss to the back.
"My sweet boy," you said almost tearfully, bringing him in for a hug even though he stood much taller than you. He wiggled uncomfortably, trying not to press too hard against your belly as he returned the hug. "Be safe."
He pulled back with a large smile. "You, as well."
Jungkook arrived, pressing a hand to the small of your back to nudge you forward. "Let us go, sweetmeat," he told you, still using his favorite nickname of yours after so many years. "Yeon will care for the children while we are away."
You looked back, waving to your other two children, who were still so young they couldn't care any less about all of them leaving for about a week's time. "Take care of him, Hana," you said quietly, grabbing her hand and giving it a squeeze.
She smiled pleasantly. "As I always have," she replied, returning your squeeze.
Jungkook ruffled Soobin's hair. "Do give them some trouble," he said wickedly, sharing a similar smile of mischief with his oldest son. He leaned over and pressed a long kiss to his wife's mouth, sliding his hand to the back of her neck to keep her close while Soobin started to put their bags in their carriage. When he pulled away, her lips were plump and red from his.
You waved to them as they got in and the drivers led them away, your own carriage pulling up to the front and the servants opening the door. Jungkook easily tossed the suitcases in and then helped you up, always more caring and careful when you were carrying his children. He slid into the seat beside you, never preferring to be across from you like in the shows you had always seen, even if sitting beside each other was more cramped.
"Do not worry, human," Jungkook told you blandly, not even looking out of the window as the carriage started to move, taking you away from the place you had become so familiar with. "We will only be visiting a few days and then we will be back with our children."
You couldn't help but take his hand in yours, thankful he simply opened his palm and let you intertwine your fingers together. "I know," you said, leaning over and resting your head on his shoulder.
As the carriage continued on, you dragged your free hand down your belly nervously, hoping that all your fears concerning the courts were unwarranted and simply human anxieties.
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all rights reserved © junqkook | 13 MARCH 2024 | the reposting/modifying of any kind on any medium is strictly not allowed. translations are not allowed.
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daechwitatamic · 10 months
Of Ruin || KTH || Masterpost
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(banner by @/itaeewon)
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Title: Of Ruin
Status: complete - all chapters now posted
WC: 85k total, 16 chapters
Rating: NSFW - minors DNI
Pairing: KTH x reader || platonic Namjoon x reader friendship!
Genre: supernatural!au royalty!au magic!au || s2l || angst fluff smut trifecta��
Summary: Taehyung of House Rune, Prince of Infracticus has been cursed. You’re the human world’s leading curse-breaker. It should be simple. But unraveling the curse becomes the least of your problems in the face of a world on the brink of civil war… and the love you start to feel for the prince.
Warnings: language, casual drinking, lots of vampire warnings such as scary situations, vampires hunting/biting/feeding/killing, magic and magical fighting, magical world politics, eventual smut but not a lot dont expect too much, EXTREMELY slow burn even for me DONT SAY I DIDNT WARN YOU, chapters will have individual warnings
Author’s Note: Although the worlds, rules, characterizations, and plot are very extremely different, I have to say that I was inspired to write this after reading @/kth1fics Black Ravens series. Thank you to Maggie for being so gracious when I asked if she’d be okay with me trying a vamp!tae fic of my own.
Big thank you to @sailoryooons for the quick, thorough, and masterful beta job, and for letting me ask questions, shout and scream, and send endless screenshots as I worked on this for the last six months! Thank you also to @eoieopda, @jeonqkooks, and @yoongiphoria for accepting an ungodly number of screenshots as well. There would be no fic without y'all, I mean it!
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Series Teaser:
He’s on you in an instant, so quickly you don’t see him move. Your back hits the wall behind you and you let out an audible grunt.
He sniffs at you, fangs displayed and ready. Your heart pounds desperately, and beneath his inhumanly strong hold, your muscles shake. Your body knows you are about to die, even if your mind still wants to lie to you about it.
He laves at a spot near the base of your neck, giving a happy hum as your pulse thunders against his tongue. You close your eyes, feeling your whole body shudder in terror.
“Taehyung,” you whisper, eyelids fluttering.
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Chapter 1 || wc: 5.7k
Chapter 2 || wc: 5.9k
Chapter 3 || wc: 5.1k
Chapter 4 || wc: 5.5k
Chapter 5 || wc: 4.6
Chapter 6 || wc: 6k
Chapter 7 || wc: 5k
Chapter 8 || wc: 4.8k
Chapter 9 || wc: 4.3k
Chapter 10 || wc: 5.2k
Chapter 11 || wc: 4.7k
Chapter 12 || wc: 4.8k
Chapter 13 || wc: 6k
Chapter 14 || wc: 6.3k
Chapter 15 || wc: 5k
Chapter 16 || wc: 5.1k
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808 notes · View notes
taecherries · 2 months
the princess bride 🗡️ story moodboard
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synopsis. soon to be betrothed to a neighbourhood kingdom, you escape into the woods toward your freedom. there you find your calling in the hold of a dark and troublesome stranger instead.
< read it >
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125 notes · View notes
riphobisbraces · 1 year
The Lucky Seven | BTS ot7 x reader
Hybrid/Royal AU
~ chapter 3 + lore ~
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[word count: 3650+]
❀ genre: dark royal core, hybrid au, royalty au, hybrids/knights!ot7 x human/ princess!reader, afab (she/her) reader, polyamory (mostly ot7 × reader), strangers to lovers, daddy dom, smut and sexual sometimes. tiny bits of horror
❀ warnings: smut, swearing, murder, death (not the reader or ot7 though, l'm not evil), mentions of inbreeding (not between reader or ot7) some unsettling horror depictions, it won't be every chapter though or the whole story, just little bits here and there. (I'm willing to re write chapters for you to read if you can't do horror but still wanna follow along, just ask! 🖤 )
——— summary ———
In a world of hybrids and humans, following each other closely to extinction, you are one of the last full humans, Princess y/l/n of the emerald nation. humans are essential for the survival of hybrids so why are assailants hunting you and your family down? because of this, the court has decided it’d be best for you to be guarded at all times by the nations strongest knights, you’ve only ever heard of them but have never seen their faces. What will happen once you come face to face with the infamous “lucky seven”?
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[ chapter 3 + lore ]
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You swallowed loudly, Namjoon’s words ringing through your head. Stood before you were seven knights, as attractive as they were intimidating. They were clad in dark iron armour, long swords strapped to their sides.
“Princess, I introduce to you, the lucky seven.” Your father promptly stated, therefore queuing the men to kneel before you. “Your highness” they all spoke in unison whilst looking down in respect. This made your heart slightly jump at the sudden submission from the domineering looking men.
Standing up, the men turned their sight to your father as he continued “the lucky seven are our nation's most powerful and capable knights. They are of full hybrid, all seven being a pack.” Taking in your father's words, their pack name finally rang a bell. You’ve heard of them before. You’ve heard from whispers of servants that the pack is strong enough to take out dozens of assailants at once.
You had no idea that the two men that had saved you the night before were part of the infamous pack. With Namjoon’s kind and gentle smile you could have never imagined that he was apart of such a daunting pack. “Now. These men are to guard you in and out the palace at all times. You are required to have at least three knights by your side in the palace, all seven if you wish you leave the palace.” Your father ordered.
“Sir Kim Seokjin” he called. The man from the far left stepping forward, “My lord” he replied. “This here, is Sir Kim Seokjin, the pack’s oldest. He is a hamster hybrid.” your father declared gesturing to the man.
A hamster? He was tall and had broad shoulders, contrasting a small waist. You would’ve never guess that the tall and muscular looking man was a hamster hybrid. He was staring forward, head held up high.
Examining his face, you took note of his lips immediately. They were strikingly plump and glossy. Making your way up his face, his eyes were the colour of chocolate, the same as his hair. You found yourself in awe of the man’s attractiveness, you’ve never seen anyone so radiant, other than the two hybrids you had just met last night of course.
Without warning, the man’s glance turned from your father to you. Startled, you glanced away, embarrassed. Looking down, you closed your hands together and started to fidget with your thumbs. The man smiled at this. ‘how cute’ he thought to himself before turning his glance to your father once again.
“Sir Min Yoongi” your father called, saving you from your embarrassment. “My lord” answered the man, stepping forward. You looked back up to see the knight.
This man was shorter than the others, almost petite, with long black hair swept over the top of his head. He was just as ravishing as the hybrid before him, feline-like eyes and a downturned mouth. His jawline was less sharp than the others, giving him a soft look.
“Sir Min Yoongi here, is the second oldest of the pack. He is a cat-hybrid” your father spoke. ‘Of course’ you thought to yourself, even in his human forum he resembles a feline. You nodded to your father to continue.
“and I’m sure you’ve already been acquainted with Sir Kim Namjoon and Sir Jung Hoseok.” the two stepped forward, “my lord” they replied in unison before both turned their sights to you, making you unconsciously clear your throat. “Sir Kim Namjoon is the third oldest of the seven, a wolf hybrid as you may already be aware of. He is the pack’s leader.” stated your father, looking to Namjoon causing the knight to smile proudly, dimples displayed while straightening his posture somehow even more so.
Your fathers eyes then moved to whom you knew as Hobi. “And Sir Jung Hoseok is the pack’s fourth oldest. A dog-hybrid, specifically of the golden retriever species” your father gestured to the man. So he’s a golden retriever? You can’t help but smile at the thought, it suits him. His smile was wide and bright, truly like a golden retriever.
“And now I want to introduce the pack’s three youngest” decreed your father, resulting in the last of the three to step forward “my lord” they replied in unison, just like Hobi and Namjoon did. “Starting from the left, this is Sir Park Jimin, the third youngest. His hybrid animal is also a feline like Sir Min Yoongi” you turned your sight to aforementioned the man.
‘Woah’ you thought to yourself. He was a pretty man, face adorned with plump and pillowy lips like the hamster hybrid before him. His eyes were feline-like, almost seductive. The man was smaller than the others, a slim waist also like the hamster hybrid’s but you could tell that he had a strong figure.
“The middle knight is Sir Kim Taehyung, second youngest and a lion hybrid” your father motioned to the knight. This knight was equally as attractive as the rest of his pack, having an alluring look. The man having thick brows, making him look serious.
Upon further examination, you took note of his facial moles, one being above his lip and another on top of his nose. He also had both a monolid and a double lid. The knight had a structured face paired with a sculpted body, much like his other pack mates, only difference being his hands, as they were a bit larger than the others.
“And last but certainly not least, the pack’s youngest, Sir Jeon Jungkook, a bunny hybrid.” spoke your father. The last and youngest knight was ironically the second tallest of his pack. You could see that he was also most likely the most buff, coming to a close tie with Namjoon.
Contrasting his bulky frame, was an innocent appearing face. His eyes were wide, doe like, accompanied by lips with a sharp cupids bow. The combination was very charming. Enticed by the man before you, you also took notice of a little scar across his left cheek.
Your father cleared his throat, taking you out of your mesmerization “you are dismissed until dinner” he declared. You curtsied your father before turning to walk out the room. Followed behind you were multiple steps pattered against the floor, causing you to turn around, the steps to coming to a halt.
Behind you, stood the seven knights ready to escort you. “Oh, you meant starting now?” your voice rang through the courtroom.
The sounds of numerous footsteps clacked against the marble floor behind you as you made your way through the corridor back to your chamber. You couldn’t help but feel uneasy with the amount of eyes you felt on your back. The men were in a line, taking up the whole hallway while following closely behind you.
Each step you took, felt calculated, as if you would trip from the burning stares. You decide to stop, the footsteps behind you also stopping, mirroring yours. Acknowledging this, you started walking once again, footsteps following suit.
You stopped one more time, the steps halting once more. This is when you turned to face the men “can you guys at least walk beside or in front of me, you’re all making me very nervous.” you stated whilst rubbing your wrist. You were used of a servant or two following you around from time to time but certainly not 7 very attractive men.
“Why are you nervous? We’re your guards, we are supposed to protect you after all.” The knight named Jin spoke with a sly manner while moving to stand in front of you. The man bent down to match his height with yours, cocking his head with a smile. This made your stomach do all sorts of flips.
Startled, you took a step back and swallowed dryly. You weren’t used to such close eye contact, especially with a man who wasn’t your servant. You could feel the sweat beads quickly forming behind your neck when Namjoon stepped forward, wrapping his hand around Jin’s shoulder.
“Alright hyung, be mindful of the princess. Remember, she’s never been around anyone other than her parents and servants until the night before..” the wolf hybrid reminded the hamster hybrid. Jin clicked his tongue against his teeth “I guess you’re right…” he reluctantly admitted. “so? can you guys please walk in front of me….” you spoke quietly, causing the men to turn their attention back to you.
They could all feel their hearts warm at your timidness. Hoseok abruptly spoke up, stepping forward “Namjoon and I will walk beside you, the rest will walk behind you” he happily volunteered, much to the other hybrids chagrin. They wanted you walk beside you.
“okay.. thank you..” you breathed out. Namjoon and Hoseok walked up to your sides, the wolf-hybrid taking your left and the golden retriever-hybrid your right. The rest of the knights lined up behind you.
“better?” Asked Namjoon looking down at you. You looked up the at the wolf-hybrid, feeling a bit more comfortable than you did before. “Yes.” You replied and with that, you continued making your way to your room, the hybrid knights by your side and behind, following closely along.
As you finally made it to the oh so familiar tall white doors of your chamber, you couldn’t help but notice the gasps and whispers that came from your servants and maids as you were walking through the palace. Usually you’re kindly greeted and approached in the palace by your servants but with the intimidating looking pack that followed you, they all seemed to scatter away. It was as if they were avoiding you or more accurately, the pack.
This saddened you a bit as you already don’t have any friends. As pathetic as it may sound, your servants were the closest things you had to friends. Sighing, you were about to open your doors when you were cut off by a pair large arms.
“Please, allow us. Wait here.” Contended Hoseok. He turned the knobs, opening the doors as he and Namjoon stepped inside while the others waited outside with you. After the two deemed the room safe, they called out to their fellow pack members.
“it’s clear” signalling for you and the rest to walk in. ‘Is it going to be like this every single time I walk into a room?’ you questioned to yourself.
The sound of your clock filled the silent room, with the occasional turn of a book page from Namjoon who was reading by the seat near your windowsill. You were sitting in front of your vanity, braiding your hair while the men were scattered across your room. When your father said they were to be by your side at all times, you didn’t think he meant it literally.
Swinging your head back and groaning in frustration, you started to mentally berate yourself. If you hadn’t snuck out, you wouldn’t be in this predicament. 'You should’ve just stayed home' you thought to yourself.
Suddenly a light bulb went off in your head. Would the attack even still have happened if you weren’t there? How did the assailants even know that you were the princess? Was it the same way Hoseok did? Did they know you would be there that night? And if so, how?
Millions of questions ran rapid through your head. Your head started to feel heavy and sore. With sudden pangs of pain shooting through your mind, you decide to put your head down on your vanity, arms wrapped around underneath for cushion.
You shut your eyes and tried to do the same with your mind. You inhaled through your nose deeply before exhaling slowly through your mouth, as though if you controlled your breathing, your mind would soon follow suit. Much to your surprise, it did. Your mind slowly started to go blank, instead, focusing on the ticking of your room’s clock.
tick..tock..tick..tock..tick..tock.. you find yourself start to yawn as your body began to sunk even more into your vanity, relaxation running through your body. With the recent events that had transpired, you would think you wouldn’t be able to get a blink of sleep out of fear or paranoia.
Instead you felt safe. Knowing deep down, it is because of the hybrids that currently reside in your room. The ticking of your clock is getting quieter and quieter, before you succumb to your inevitable slumber.
It doesn’t take very long before the youngest hybrid notices that you had fallen asleep. Cautiously, he began walking towards your sleeping figure on the chair. You were facing down on your vanity table, head wrapped around with your arms.
Unexpectedly, you moved your arm to scratch your head, placing it back down away from your face. Jungkook slowly bent down and moved toward you to examine your face. Upon closer inspection, the hybrid noticed a little bit of drool on the corner of your mouth. This made him chuckle in endearment.
Slowly backing up, he cleared his throat “Guys? I think the princess has fallen asleep” he whispered with a smile. Quickly, the men turned from whatever they were doing and fixed their sights upon you. Their faces softening as they took in the sight before them.
Your hair was half braided, baby hairs sticking to your forehead from sweat. Mouth slightly parted as you breathed in and out. “She looks so… peaceful.” Jimin spoke. “You’re right” Taehyung agreed.
They all continued to stare at you in silence whilst you slept, only the clock ticking and your soft breaths filling the silent room. What after seemed like an eternity, Namjoon finally spoke up. “We should get the princess into her bed.” The men uttered courses of agreement before Jungkook quickly offered “I’ll do it!” while standing up.
Everyone nodded and made their ways back to their spots, secretly a bit jealous that they didn’t think of Jungkook’s offer first. Quietly, the youngest made his way to your sleeping body, carefully picking you up out of your seat as to not wake you. Lifting you up, he laid your head on his shoulder, causing you to unconsciously wrap your arms around his neck, the action warming his heart.
He then wrapped your legs around his waist one by one. Cautiously, he started walking, making his way to your bed careful not to drop you. Slowly, he began to put you down on your bed but much to his surprise, you wouldn’t let go, your legs and arms still wrapped around his body.
“Um, Hyungs….” Jungkook quietly spoke. The rest of the pack turned their attention to their youngest, eyes widening at the sight. Jungkook wasn’t even holding onto you, yet, you were wrapped around him like a spider monkey.
“She won’t let me go…” Jungkook continued. The sight made them envy the youngest. Jin stood up “are you sure? try leaning down on the bed” ordered the hamster hybrid. Jungkook nodded and did what he was told.
You were still holding on tight but now you were whining. Your whines tugged at the men’s heart strings. “shit…” Namjoon said, holding his chin while thinking. “Well… just let her sleep on you.”
Jungkook’s heart raced. He swallowed dryly “ar-are you sure?” asked the youngest. “yes, I’m sure” affirmed the leader. Namjoon couldn’t lie, he was envious of the youngest but your safety and well being came first, that included your sleep. So alas, he would just have to deal with his jealousy.
Slightly shaking, Jungkook softly sat down on the bed before putting his legs up and laying down on his back with you still wrapped on him. ‘The princess of the emerald nation is wrapped around me’ he thought. Looking straight up to the ceiling, he was nervous.
He didn’t want to make any wrong move so he just laid there, stiff, not even breathing. Suddenly you yawned and your grip on him became even tighter. This turned his gaze to you. You looked so comfortable. This subconsciously made him follow suit, his body relaxing at the sight and finally breathing.
Once he inhaled, he caught your scent. You smelt of vanilla and shea butter, causing him to decompress even more. He looked over your face and noticed your baby hairs, still stuck to your forehead. Slowly, he raised his hand toward your head, lightly moving them to the side. This made you sigh in content, the sound making the hybrid’s cheeks heat up.
'You were really cute' he thought to himself. The hybrid laid his head back down, closing his eyes. Your scent, the sound of your breaths and the weight of your body, all combining together to create a deadly melatonin for the bunny-hybrid. He soon followed suit you, falling into a slumber.
Night time quickly fell. The hybrids stared at Jungkook and you, begrudgingly. You were for sure going to be scented by the bunny hybrid by the time you woke up, and they all each wanted to be the first one to do so. You looked like a little pup compared to Jungkook’s large frame.
Although envious, they enjoyed the sight in front of them, their pack mate and their princess looking so comfy sleeping together. A knock brought them to their senses followed by a door creak. “Your highness?” spoke a servant.
They all immediately shushed the servant, startling him and almost causing him to jump. Looking around, he noticed that they were all sat around your bed, you still being wrapped around Jungkook. The servant nervously cleared his throat “apologies but uhhh, is princess y/l/n going to make it to dinner?” He questioned in a hushed voice.
“I don’t think so” answered Jin while turning to look at your sleeping figure on Jungkook, in a complete dead sleep. “okay well just so you’re aware, only three of you need to be here over-night so if the four of you wanna go back to your den then you ca-“ “no.” Namjoon abruptly cut the servant off. “we’re okay here.” The wolf hybrid affirmed, looking back to you.
“thank you, that will be all” finished the leader, turning back to give the servant a courteous, but fake, smile. “oh okay. I’ll be off then.” replied the servant before he made his exit, the sound of the doors shutting gently behind him. “So how are we gonna do this?” Asked Hobi.
“I guess the two of us can try and fit on the bed with Jungkook and y/n while the others can sleep on the floor” answered Namjoon. Jimin immediately stood up “I am not sleeping on the floor” making his way to the bed, laying down beside jungkook and you.
Jimin stretched his arms and yawned. “So who’s sleeping with us? There’s one more spot” questioned the feline. Suddenly a body jumped onto the edge of the bed, causing it to slightly shake. The pack members angrily shushed in unison. “sorry, I couldn’t help it” Hobi smiled, making himself comfortable on the bed. Namjoon sighed “I guess it’s you guys and I on the floor tonight, huh?” he concluded to Jin, Yoongi and Taehyung, nudging the youngest one.
“aishhhh.” Yoongi exclaimed while throwing his head back. “alright whatever” the lion-hybrid defeatedly said throwing his hands up before he started to make his way to what he assumed was your closet, looking for any sort of extra blankets. Taehyung wanted to sleep with you but he guesses that his three pack members will do for tonight.
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[ LORE ]
Hybrids are a humanoid species who can shape shift. They require the blood of humans in order to survive. Without it, they can lose the ability to shape shift back into humans. If hybrids stay in their animal form for too long, they can lose their humanity and minds before ultimately, dying as a rabid animals. Not all animals in this world are rabid, just hybrids who lose their humanity. This becomes a problem as humans become more scarce and classism rises in the nations. Needing twice as much as blood from a half human then you would a full human. Poor or small hybrid villages are often overlooked, deemed unfit for survival.
Humans. What can we say about humans.. except everything. They are seen as gods, saviours, supreme beings and everything in between. Their yearly blood sacrifices that nourished their hybrid minds and bodies were seen as the most noble act. For this, they were and are forever in their debts. Human blood wasn’t seen as something to have to regulate or worry about since there were so many humans. Before the disaster that is. There was a huge unknown catastrophe hundreds of years ago that wiped out only and nearly all humans. Since then, humans and their blood have been regulated, only the richest villages in the nations being sub-stained while others, perished, turning into rabid animals forever before finally succumbing and dying. The fall of a hybrid village is something no one should ever witness. The scent of a human can also help a hybrid thrive and become stronger, kind of like a boost.
Emerald nation:
This nation was formed hundreds of years ago along with dozens of other nations following the catastrophic disaster that took almost all humans. The fateful surviving human families of that day were sent over all the nations, one family for each one. Over the years the nations capital villages that the human families resided in soon turned into kingdoms, the families also turning into what we know as royal. The humans served and provided for their respective kingdoms alongside hybrids alike. The humans also courted fellow humans from other nations royal families to keep the human blood line going but as time went on, there were no more other humans to court. This caused a proposal, a proposal for selected hybrids to court and mate with royal family members. This went on for years, resulting in half hybrids and quarter hybrids before only one full blooded human family remained. Your family.
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a/n; hello again everyone! it’s currently almost 7am where I live. I stayed up to finish and proof read the chapter and I’m soooo tired but I really wanted to finish and share with you guys :)) anyways I’m gonna try and sleep for a bit. I’ll start a bit of chapter four tomorrow but I’ll be sure to have it finished and posted by Wednesday night or Thursday morning (my time zone is EDT) thank you for reading! 🥰
[tag list🖤🖤🖤: @strxwbloody @exfolitae @thebisexualonesworld @skyys-universe ]
*tag list is open, just ask 🖤*
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demonshauntingthedoves · 11 months
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Bring The Fire : YanderePrinces!ot7 x female reader [series] (@bangfantanfic)
The Royal Scandal : YandereKings!ot7 x maid female reader [scenarios] (@angellgguk)
Unmei : ot7 x princess reader [series] (@peachywritess )
𝒌𝒊𝒎 𝒔𝒆𝒐𝒌𝒋𝒊𝒏
Mercy : YandereKing!seokjin x female reader [oneshot] (@raggaraddy)
𝒌𝒊𝒎 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒋𝒐𝒐𝒏
Tastes Like Royalty : YandereServant!namjoon x princess reader [ part I ] (@sluttyandere )
Torn Emerald Stockings : YandereKing!namjoon x female reader [ part II ] (@sluttyandere)
𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒊
Beloved : YandereKing!yoongi x fem reader [oneshot] (@bang-tan-bitches)
𝒌𝒊𝒎 𝒕𝒂𝒆𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒈
Potrait Of A Prince : DrugaddictPrince!taehyung x female reader [oneshot] (@flowerwrites06)
𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝒋𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒏
Tainted : YanderePrince!jimin x female reader [oneshot] (@girl8890)
Bloody Love : YandereKing!jungkook x femreader [series] (@hongjoongscafe )
Love Is A Game : YanderePrince!jungkook x fem reader [series] (@lleldey)
Silver Blades : YanderePrince!jungkook x fem reader [oneshot] (@jooniyah)
The Dark Prince : YanderePrince!jungkook x fem reader [series] (@jkeuphoriadreamland)
To Obtain The Flower : YandereKing!jungkook x fem reader [ part I ] (@mingshits )
Primrose : YandereKing!jungkook x fem reader [ part II ] (@mingshits )
Slave 19990319 : YandereAlienprince!jungkook x human! reader [ part I ] (@explicit-tae)
Concubine 19990319 : YandereAlienprince!jungkook x human! reader [ part II ] (@explicit-tae)
You Are My Crown : YanderePrince!jungkook x fem reader [oneshot] (@redsaurrce )
A Prince With A Ugly Heart : Prince!jungkook x fem reader [series] (@daydreamindollie)
Bow To You : King!jungkook x Queen reader [series] (@flowerwrites06 )
Love Letters : Prince!jungkook x maid reader [oneshot] (@bonny-kookoo )
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gguk-n · 23 days
Royal Heart (Crown Prince! Jungkook x Maid!Reader)
Happy Birthday to Jungkook!!
Summary- Falling in love is a luxury for Y/N. And Jungkook has too many responsibilities to be a hopeless romantic.
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Jungkook was the crown prince of his kingdom set to take over as the King. His life was predetermined since the day he was born. Jungkook was good in everything he touched; archery, horse riding, sword fight, you name it. He was called the Golden Prince. He was loved by all the Kingdom's people. But Jungkook lacked one thing, love. He was a hopeless romantic and yearned for the love he read about in all the romance books he would steal and read. He hoped to find the woman of his dreams some day.
The woman of his dreams came in the form of his chamber maid, Y/N. A young, lively, hard working woman who worked as a baker's apprentice until she took up a job at the palace due to financial difficulty. She hoped to help her family and being employed at the palace meant a fixed and steady income for life. She too used to hope for love but circumstances made her lose her belief in love. She worked her way from the kitchen and cleaning the palace until she was informed that Prince Jungkook's chamber maid was getting old and couldn't work like she used to and Y/N was supposed to take over. Her predecessor was next to her as they opened the curtains and called out to the Prince to wake him from his slumber. Jungkook groggily rolled around in his bed till his eyes opened to the bright light shining in from the window. Jungkook was ready to fall back sleep when his eyes met hers. "Who are you?" he asked, his interest piqued. "Your highness, this is Y/N. She'll be taking over my duties from now on. I'll be around to teach her the ropes for a while, so please be understanding." her predecessor said while bowing her head. Jungkook got off the bed and wrapped his robe around him. "I'm used to how you do things, I hope there will be a smooth transition" he said while walking off to the bathroom. "Yes, your highness" her predecessor replied while following him. They had prepared the bath and once Jungkook was done, they helped him dress.
Y/N started to adjust well to her new role. Jungkook also seemed to enjoy the company of someone close to his age rather than his grandmother's age who babied him. You would find the both of them discussing the most random things when Jungkook returned from his lessons. Being good at anything and everything meant praises but Jungkook didn't realise how much he enjoyed being praised until Y/N praised him after his archery, begging him to teach her. Jungkook's chest swelled as he heard praises dropping from her lips; the first time since she started working as his chamber maid. From the responsibility of making sure Jungkook's room was clean and bath ready, she ended up following him around like his shadow much to his request. Her responsibilities had just increased and so had her affinity to Jungkook. She was the one getting his clothes ready and making sure he was dressed for the day. By any standard, Jungkook was attractive and she would have to be blind to disagree with it.
Y/N found herself looking at Jungkook a little longer than usual. The light reflected off his sweaty face after a horse riding session or the sweat dripped down his forehead after archery; his clothes were sweaty and stuck to him, accentuating his toned figure. He was well liked among the princesses of the neighbouring kingdoms when they would visit. They would attach themselves to Jungkook so as to keep his attention while holding onto his forearm. But Jungkook's attention was on another woman; dressed more modestly and not adorned in silks and jewellery. He would always find a smile on her face no matter the situation. She encouraged him and maybe sometimes he would talk to her about his deep dark secrets or fears. She understood him and didn't judge him for complaining even though he was the crown prince.
The first time Jungkook realised he liked her was when they were laughing and her laughter made everything lighter. The fact that he loved her was cemented when she hugged him after a long talk with his father, the King who was keen on marrying him of to the neighbouring Princess in hopes of expanding the kingdom. She sat there with her arms wrapped around him, consoling him. His relation with his parents wasn't the best but the constant pressures of being the Prince were getting to him. He wished to run away. And when he pulled away, he looked into her eyes momentarily before kissing her. It was as if he had waited all this time for this exact moment. His arms now rested on her waist and hers were cupping his cheeks. He pulled away to look into her eyes, "I love you, Y/N" he said. She smiled and whispered "I love you too, your royal highness" "Call me Jungkook, my love" he said.
Y/N had realised she loved him when he would be entertaining the princesses and a pang of jealousy would rip through her chest and make it difficult for her breathe. She hated that they could sit with him as his equal and talk to him about their day. She couldn't dare tell him about hers. It wasn't like Jungkook wouldn't let her, she just didn't feel comfortable to do so. Until, Jungkook asked her on one of her hardest day, how her day was and she broke down. He consoled her even gifted her silks and food to comfort her. She knew then that she loved him. He made butterflies erupt in her stomach and she couldn't explain it any other way.
Soon after their love confession, you could see them exchanging glances. A small smile graces his features when he would look at her. In the dead of the night when the whole castle was asleep, Y/N would be in Jungkook's bed as they explored each other and made promises of a future together. "I'm gonna make you Queen when I'm King" he mumbled against her neck as he trailed kisses along her shoulder. "I can't wait for that day" she whispered bringing him to her lips. "I love you, my prince charming" she said, a nickname she gave. "And I love you my future queen."
Their love was short lived since Jungkook was sent off to fight in a war against another Kingdom trying to conquer his Kingdom. Y/N would slip into his room when he was gone to feel closer to him. Others had started to talk, they used to talk before too but now it had become more obvious. Her duties didn't lie in the Prince's chamber right now and the fact that she would come out from his room in the wee hours of the night wasn't very well received. The other maids had started to whisper. The Queen had heard the rumours but they were confirmed when Jungkook returned and she found them arm in arm kissing. She couldn't have this, a lowly maid seducing her only son.
She quickly called for all of the most eligible maidens to come to the Palace and have Jungkook pick one of them. She watched her son reject the proposal, "If you do not do as I say, I shall behead the lowly maid" she bellowed. Jungkook looked shocked, "You know" he stammered. "Yes, now if you do not want her to lose her life or her job, you will do as I say." And Jungkook did exactly that. Y/N watched Jungkook dance along with his future wife as the King and Queen announced their union. Was everything he said a lie? Did he ever love her? She thought as tears burned her eyes. She watched them make small talk and laugh along.
Jungkook tried to reassure her that this meant nothing but she couldn't believe it. In no time, Jungkook and the Princess were married and she was made to stand outside the door to keep watch on the Queen's orders. She heard it all, Jungkook consummating his marriage. It broke her, she was still their chamber maid. The days after their marriage were hell, she wanted to run away. That's when she caught him a few days before she had decided to leave, it was confirmed that the Princess was with child and would be giving birth to the next heir. She couldn't take this anymore, watching her love live a fulfilled life while she suffered in silence. "Your royal highness, congratulations on the baby. I must say you are a very good actor. You had be fooled there for a minute." she stuttered while a lump formed in my throat. "Y/N, it is not like that" he said trying to hold her face. She moved back, "I'm sorry your highness, but you are a married man and a father to be. I was a fool so I must apologise" she cried. "Please, I love you so much" he cried. "I cannot believe that and I cannot watch you two anymore. I do not think my heart can take it. I wish you all the best, Jungkook" she said while leaving.
She was never seen after. Jungkook spent the rest of his time in search of her, his marriage fell apart and so did the kingdom. He regretted ever letting her walk away.
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What if... you decided to run away? part three | OT7 BTS au
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A very belated update starring my soulmate @shadowofahope and some angst. Warnings: mentions of murder, crime scenes, betrayal, injury, a mentally deranged villain, and bts hurting. 6.3K words
Two options presented themselves to Min Yoongi as he watched you happily having breakfast with the others. He could tell you and this whole dream would be shattered, or he could bury it, and they could all live happily ever after. He was deluding himself he knew it, it wasn’t a question of if you’d find out, it was a matter of when. He also knew, if he wasn’t the one to tell you, you’d never forgive him.
Still with knowing this, his tongue felt heavy in his mouth as he looks at you, his throat seized. All his instincts wanted to do was keep him from breaking the mirage of everything he wanted, and that’s what he would be doing. Call him a coward, like Namjoon was doing with his gaze eating into the side of Yoongi’s face, but to keep that smile on your face, he’d be anything to keep dreaming.
“Hyung, Princess is sleeping next to us tonight,” Jungkook stares down the Prince with the most serious glare he can muster before he sits down for his serving of pancakes. Jimin and Taehyung nodding furiously on either side of him, imploring with their eyes that you both agree.
The idea of you not being in his arms as he slept made an uncomfortable itch manifest under his skin, akin to anxiety but more volatile. He keeps himself from scratching, nodding quietly in agreement as he plays with his food. He can feel the surprise in the room, Jin and Hobi looking at each other in shock. Even you nearly choked on the orange juice, whipping your head round to inspect the silent prince.
He tried to keep his features neutral, knowing you could read him like a book. Your reassuring palm on his thigh lets him know you can see through him, that light squeeze trying to coax him to look at you, but he’s too afraid to. If he faces you he would have to face Namjoon too, and right now, he couldn’t deal with either of you.
“Yoongi?” Your voice is so understanding and soft, the disgust he had in himself he could feel rise like bile in his throat at the sound.
“I don’t like it Jagi,” he tries to smile, trying to meet your eyes. “But you’re right I have to share.”
He excuses himself, unable to stand lying to you about his current predicament, Namjoon’s eyes following him every step of the way. You’re about to follow after him but the taller individual beats you to it, telling you to stay.
The remaining men look between themselves, questioning each other silently before you verbalise their thoughts.
“Did someone say something to him?” You wince at the accusation in your own words.
“We’ve been saying something to him since we landed Princess,” Jimin deadpans, eyes narrowing at you as you defend the greedy prince.
“Look I know he’s been… unreasonable lately, but you know him,” you didn’t want to talk about Yoongi’s vulnerabilities, but the suggestion was clear in your tone. “He doesn’t mean to be-” you hesitate, trying to find the right word.
“An asshole?” Jin suggests, making Jungkook snicker at the language. “We know Princess, but I think he’s forgetting the fact we nearly lost you too.”
“Of course you’re going to defend your prince over your knights in shining armour,” Taehyung mumbles to himself, his fork hitting the plate harshly as he picks up a piece of pancake.
You press your lips together to hold back the laugh, Jin and Jimin mirroring your expression.
You knock on the door again, the fifth time, but still no response. It had been a week since you last saw her and now you were worried something was wrong. You frown, there were only so many places you could be on this island and when the weather was scorching like today, the only place was home. So why was your new friend not answering the door?
“Nym?” You call out again, but not a whisper greets you back.
You sigh, sweat starting to drip from your scalp to your face. You turn back to your place, telling yourself you’d try again later.
The heat of the sun cooked the top of your head, you curse yourself for not bringing out a hat or parasol or something. As beautiful as this piece of heaven was, you were not acclimated to it.
You try not to run back to the villa to escape the heat, ready for a cool drink as you reach the front step.
“Where have you been?” Yoongi almost yells in his panic when you walk through the door making you jump.
“Hey,” you frown, hand on your chest to slow your startled heart. “What’s wrong?”
He composes himself at that question, as if he wasn’t aware of his demeanour until you called it out, like he forgot himself for a moment.
“Nothing,” he mutters, walking away with his head hanging low in guilt.
What the heck was that?
“Yoongi?” You call after him, knowing he wanted to be alone but not wanting to leave him with the thoughts drowning him. You follow him into his room, staring in worry when he sits on the bed and hangs his head into his hands. 
“Baby?” you ask, heart thumping uncontrollably as your mind races. “Yoongi what’s wrong?”
You’re scared to approach him, depending on his disposition he didn’t always welcome physical comfort when he felt vulnerable. Whatever cloud was thundering above him had his shoulders slumped, you couldn't see his eyes, couldn’t read his expression. 
“Yoongi say something,” you beg, still standing by the door. “You’ve been acting weird all week, please say something.”
He sniffs, lifting his head, eyes full of water ready to spill. You stand in shock for a second, Yoongi wasn’t one to cry. You rush to him, holding him tight as he starts to sob, knowing he was unworthy of your comfort right now when he kept the worst secret from you. 
“Jagi, tell me what's wrong please,” your own bottom lip wobbles, you hate seeing him upset, it kills you. 
He shakes his head against you. You would never forgive him, he tries to get ahold of himself, pushing away from you as he wipes his face in his hands. The look of worry you give him breaks his heart. He takes your hand in his, trying to reassure you silently by stroking his thumb against your skin but he can’t meet your eyes. 
He wants to thank you when you don’t push it, when you let it go for now, but the words are bitter and vile in his mouth and he doesn’t release them.
“Why are you guys making popcorn?” Namjoon asks when he enters the kitchen, Yoongi close behind him after another argument. 
“We fixed the TV,” Jungkook says with a mouthful of snacks.
The prince becomes petrified with panic, he was the one to mess with the wiring so you wouldn’t have access to the outside world or the news. The fear that freezes him, suddenly jolts him out of shock, almost running to the living room where he finds you flicking through the channels. He doesn’t think before he snatches the remote out of your hand, turning the device off and gaining everyone’s questioning gaze.
“Hyung, what are you doing?” Taehyung asks in disbelief, he just got comfortable for movie night. 
He can’t say a word, his mind drawing blanks for an excuse. 
“You’ve been acting weird all week,” Jin says.
“What the hell is going on with you?” Jimin looks at him as if he’s grown 2 extra heads. 
“No tv,” he breathes, the panic not subsiding. Namjoon stands behind him, his cheeks sucked in as he watches the scene. He’s still angry from the fight with the prince, but he wasn't vindictive enough to throw him under the bus.
“Why?” Hoseok asks.
“He’s hiding something,” you finally speak after observing him, trying to take the remote back but he grips onto it like his life depends on it. 
Jungkook had followed behind the two when they entered, moving towards the screen while you and Yoongi stared at each other. He uses the controls on the TV to turn it on, Yoongi’s face turning blank when he changes channel. It’s his worst luck that it revealed what he tried so desperately to hide. 
You turn to the image of your father’s coffin being walked out of his castle, held up by 6 men as Baekhyun and Taeyeon walked behind it dressed in black. The words the newscaster was saying don’t even reach your ears, your face contorting from shock into pain. 
You start hyperventilating, the others caught in stupor, unable to move. The king was dead, and they all had strong suspicions that Yoongi knew. 
“Y/n let’s calm-“ Namjoon tries reaching for you but you snap away at his touch.
“Did you know?” He would take bullets right now than the look of fire on your face.
“Did. You. Know.”
But his face confesses for you where his words can’t. That’s all it takes for you to break down, falling to your knees with your arms around your head, whimpering not just at the loss of life, but the loss of trust.
“Jagi,” Yoongi tries again, his heart blaring fast in alarm.
“Don’t,” the strength in your voice is gone, but he knows not to say another word. 
The tension turns thick, Jungkook mutes the news channel, but the footage of your father’s funeral still plays on the screen for them all to see. Minutes pass, no one daring to speak first. Jin glares at the prince, knowing what emotional turmoil he just put you through, how could he keep this from you? His gaze flickers to Namjoon with even more contempt.
“I have to go back,” you say more to yourself than them, coming to stand on wobbly legs, but your words cut through the silence for them all to hear.
“No,” the prince almost growls at the suggestion, but you look ready to tear him right back, looking like a wounded animal on edge, ready to do whatever to survive.
“You,” that one syllable held more venom than he had ever heard from you, finger pointed like a knife in accusation, “don’t get to decide for me, you don’t get to control me, y-you-“
You can’t help it, your words falter as you break down again, the corners of your sneer weighted down by grief, the bottom lip trembling as the fire in your eyes is drowned out by tears.
“You of all people know what it’s like to be controlled your whole life, and you tried to do that to me.”
Your words hit him, they do, like a truck to the chest, ploughing him down, but he can’t regret his actions, only your sorrow.
“If you go back,” he takes a step towards you. “We,” he points to himself and the rest of inhabitants in the room, “go back.”
He waits for the realisation to pass your eyes, and he knows it’s there as they soften on him for a moment.
“If we go back Jagi,” his voice cracks, hating himself for causing you this pain, but wanting you to listen to him. “We are dead men.”
“I can ex-“
“They won’t wait for an explanation Y/n!” He yells frustrated. “They’ll sentence us to death before we’re questioned, you know how it works! How it really works.”
Your lips quiver as you try to look strong, but everything inside of you is crushed. The hurt clawed its way through your body, reducing you to nothing. 
“I should have married him,” you say quietly to yourself but the sincerity in your tone breaks their hearts. You regretted choosing them, choosing your freedom.
“And lived unhappily ever after?” Yoongi scoffs with disgust at the image of you and Wang at the altar.
“And this is better? Letting my country and my people fall into the hands of a psychopath? Be betrayed by men who I thought loved me enough not to lie to me?” you reply, staring despondently at nothing. “I was born with my duty and I have failed it.”
His red rimmed eyes can’t look at you.
“For what?” Your hoarse voice presses, hurting you all. “For something as trivial and fickle as love, the monarchy comes first and I have forgotten my place.”
“Please,” he begs, head hung low as every word you uttered, although right, killed him.
“My father was right.” It was like a final bullet, the harshest slap or ice bucket thrown over him.
You turn to Namjoon.
“If you didn’t love me, would you have let me escape?”
Both your minds go to the night he caught you, the night their feelings were revealed. He thinks it through, understanding his own duty. You stare in silence, his mind calculating, overthinking. There just wasn’t a world that existed in his mind where he didn’t love you, so how could he answer?
“I don’t know,” he confesses sincerely.
“I wish you didn’t,” you breathe. “My father might still be alive.”
“That’s not your fault,” Taehyung says but you shake your head.
What if he died because of you? Because you ran away? The guilt eats away at you, and you know if Yoongi and Namjoon were honest from the beginning you could have accepted it, could have leaned on them for emotional support but now you felt a rift between yourselves that ran too deep to fix. Yet despite that distance that now existed between you, you had no one else to turn to. 
“I don’t know what to do,” you sob, looking to them all for guidance. It was ironic that you were now technically queen, and you had no clue, no power, nothing.
They stay silent, solemn as they look to the ground and avoid your gaze.
“Princess there’s nothing we can do,” Jin says softly, not wanting to upset you but unable to feed any fantasy you had of fixing this.
“I can’t leave my people to Taeyeon,”
Yoongi stands in front of you, his eyes piercing into yours, with an anger you couldn’t place.
“They’re not your people anymore,” he says harshly, “you abdicated, this isn’t your problem.”
“Hyung,” Jimin warns him gently, he was pushing it.
You search his eyes, wondering why he was trying to hurt you further, until you realise there was fear he was trying to hide with his wrath.
“You knew when you left, eventually Baekhyun and that psycho bitch would be next in line,” Yoongi continues, ignoring Jimin. “You don’t want that life Y/n.”
A knock on the door snaps everyone’s attention to the sound, the tension not broken but they’re grateful for the pause.
Your new friend enters cautiously, eyes wandering around the room at everyone’s sullen expressions and the endless stream of tears pouring down your face. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was going on.
“Nym, is everything okay?” Namjoon asks politely, not appreciating the disruption but knowing there wouldn’t be one without good reason.
“I… I did some digging,” Nym breathes nervously, wanting to bolt out of the room with the heaviness in the air but this was important. “The authorities already know something was unusual with the late king’s passing so-“
“You knew too?” The sting of betrayal had you interrupting before you could stop yourself. You were stuck on this island and you thought you could run to your friend’s place for help when the conversation was over but now you truly had nowhere to turn to. This paradise had turned into a prison, they weren’t going to let you leave.
Nym looks at you sadly, apologising silently hoping what was uncovered with a week of no sleep would earn your forgiveness.
“I thought hard about what I could do to help, and I think I have something.”
“What is it?” Hoseok asks.
“The authorities know there’s something odd about the King’s passing, but Prince Baekhyun and his wife closed any investigation, so I did some digging,” Nym explains, feeling the intensity of everyone’s stares, no one breathed. “I…”
She pauses, looking at you wondering whether it was right to just lay everything out on the table, but how can something so destructive be cushioned. Namjoon’s eyes glance towards the laptop in the computer genius’s arms.
“What did you find?” you barely whisper. 
“She didn’t cover her tracks very well,” Nym replies, hesitating. “I don’t think you should see this.”
“Taehyung and Jimin, maybe your should take Y/n-”
“No,” you interrupt, the hell were they going to discuss this without you, that was what caused this fucking problem in the first place. “Show me.”
Your eyes don’t implore your friend, they demand authority and everyone in the room understands why you deserve your title, blood had nothing to do with it. The laptop is placed on the table, everyone’s eyes glued to the screen. 
“The Imperial castle has two sets of security cameras, someone hacked into them to erase everything the night of your fathers death,” Nym explains. “It took a week but I recovered them.”
“How did he die?” Jin asks what you couldn't stomach asking.
“The official story is he mixed medication with alcohol and…” there's a pause for concern over your wellbeing, but you were done with walking around eggshells, they were all broken anyway. 
“Say it,” you beg.
“He fell down the Castle stairs,” Nym says, watching your reaction cautiously, “there was a dent on his head that was unexplainable with the fall, but they think he might’ve bumped it on something given his state. They blamed the security camera malfunction on the storm.”
“And what actually happened?” Namjoon asks.
“Just play the footage Nym,” you say, it didn’t matter anyway, what was done was done, what you wanted was the truth.
After a deep breath, Nym presses play, the screen is grainy at first but clears. Your father comes into the frame, obviously heavily intoxicated with someone pushing him from behind. Whoever it was, wears a ski mask, looking around on edge. There’s a glint of metal in their hand that you can’t make out but it’s pressed against his back. After a stumble, he trips on the ground, and the masked figure tries to pull him up. They get into a tussle, your father grabbing the individual but only able to pull off the balaclava. Your breath catches as you recognise her, and now the object in her grasp. You jump when the pistol is slammed against his skull, and he’s pulled to his feet. He’s disorientated, clutching his head in his hands before he’s pushed to the stairs. You close your eyes, knowing what was about to happen, and you thought you could stomach it but you can’t. Arms wrap around you, someone strokes your hair. You bury your head into his chest, knowing it was Taehyung who had come to comfort you from the most abhorrent scene you ever had to witness. 
“I’m so sorry Y/n,” Nym says sincerely as you muffle your cries. 
They sit in silence once Nym leaves, the hours tick by with you sitting on the ottoman alone, too quiet, too stoic, too deep in thought. No one dares to break it first, no one dares to move, scared that the already fragile state of your being could shatter more than it already had. There was no coming back from this, that was the fear, no recovering. 
The footage would be released with your permission, it would solve the issue of letting the psychopath sit in your throne, and yet there was another fear in the room. The proof of your father’s murder didn’t solve everything. 
“I’m going back,” you say calmly.
“You’re not coming with me,” you don’t mean it in a cruel way but it still breaks their hearts. “I have a role I was born to serve, a people who need a queen they can trust, not some relative who thought they were safe from ever having to wear the crown.”
“But we’re happy here,” Jimin says with wobbling lips, eyes and nose streaming.
“Why can’t we come with you?” Jungkook cries.
“Because for right or wrong reasons, the government will still have you tried for concealing my whereabouts without consulting the royal guards,” you state, hating the matter of fact but you couldn’t risk their safety. “Rules are rules, and no matter what story we spin, we still broke the law.”
“You’re going to leave us?” Hoseok asks in disbelief. “After everything.”
You bite your lip hard to stop your eyes watering but it doesn’t work. This would be the hardest thing you would do but it needed to be done.
“Not forever,” you promise, voice hoarse and heavy. “But until I can clear your name and guarantee your safety, this will have to be goodbye.”
“No,” Yoongi shakes his head, his arms crossed, his eyes closed as if that would protect him and stop everything.
“You and I both know what happens if you come back with me Yoongi,” you sniff. “If you get imprisoned in my country, the repercussions will be war and you know it.”
“What if we go back to our country?” Hoseok suggests, “Yoongi’s uncle might be able to liaise with little Queen’s government and clear our name.”
“There’s no guarantee that would work,” Namjoon sighs, massaging his head with his fingers as he tries to solve this impossible conundrum. Politics was more complicated than chess, it was like playing on a board 50 times the size with a thousand more unique pieces.
“Not to mention what Y/n’s government will force her to do in return for clearing our name,” Yoongi seethes, finally looking at you with a sad anger welling his eyes. “What if they ask you to marry Wang like your father proposed, to honour his wishes and get whatever deal he was offered by selling your hand in marriage.”
“That’s not how it works,” Tae says in disbelief, looking between you and Yoongi waiting for someone to reassure him you wouldn’t become a pawn for your country. You only look at him sadly in reply.
“One problem at a time please,” Jin mutters, catching Namjoon’s headache.
“Please don’t go back,” Jimin begs, the palm of his hands covering his eyes as he sobbed. This was so cruel, that they finally got to taste a life with you in their arms for only seconds before you were taken away.
“What if Princess married Hyung?” Jungkook suggests desperately, but the question makes you burst more into tears, your head tilted to the ceilings as you try to stop.
“She can’t get married without the permission of the courts,” Namjoon says solemnly, head hanging low. “And Yoongi Hyung’s uncle would never agree, there’s too much bad blood.”
“He barely agreed to let Yoongi become little queen’s guard,” Jin remembers out loud.
Yoongi shakes his head. He hated this, the fact his blood had a say in his life, ruled it without thought to what he wanted.
“If my father was king he would have allowed it,” Yoongi admits, for years he prayed his uncle would sire offspring so the crown would never fall on him, now he was second guessing his wishes.
You both look at eachother, another life flashing before your eyes, one so out of reach it was more of a fantasy than a dream. You still held a resentment for his actions, but the concept of leaving him overcast everything. You understood it to some extent but you truly didn’t know whether you could forgive him. 
“It doesn’t matter,” you say, “right now it doesn’t change anything.”
He hangs his head in shame, knowing he really fucked up beyond repair. 
Your attention shifts to Namjoon as he kneels in front of you, the equation in his head starting to solve itself. His eyes implore into yours, the rest of the group fade to the background when he takes your hands into his, his warm touch soothing you. 
“You always said growing up royal was awful,” He starts cautiously, not wanting to cause any more problems or misunderstandings. “There were too many rules, too many restrictions, too many classes on how to behave.”
You nod as you take in his words, wondering where he was going with this. 
“Your father pushed you away, there's a history of that you know,” he informs you. “The first heir is always treated differently, the spare is raised with less restraint, they say the prospect of raising a child who is set to replace you throughout time has caused parental rifts.”
“Where are you going with this Joonie?” you ask, he smiles apologetically, the tangent was somewhat an accident to avoid a harsh truth he needed to reveal.
“If you go back, your whole life is decided for you, Queen of a country or not, the government will set your alliance to someone they see fit, you will be expected to have two children, at least, and then they will be subjected to everything you did growing up.”
You stare at him. The thought had crossed your mind before but you always swore you would do better. The reason your father was so harsh on you was he couldn’t have a spare, your mother died too soon after your birth. You were it, he drilled that into you from day one.
“I can protect them,” you say weakly, tears starting again when Joon shakes his head in disagreement. 
“I know you’ll fight Y/n, but it would be you against a hundred officials, you tried to fight your father and you couldn’t and every one of those officials were behind him in his decision.”
“Joon,” you cry, wanting him to stop. His hand squeezes yours, the other wiping away the teardrops gently trying to cushion his words. 
“To the world, you are so privileged, and part of that is true, but they haven’t seen you suffer like we have, and I hate to think about how much you suffered before meeting us.”
You sniff, looking around the room at the rest of them looking so downtrodden, your eyes falling last on Yoongi who wipes his tears before they can fall. Yoongi, who understood you through experience, who you connected with the moment you met. 
“You guys are the best thing that ever happened to me,” you tell them truthfully, “I don’t want to go back without you, but I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do.”
“It’s your decision little Queen,” Hoseok steps forward, smiling sadly but knowing how hard this was for you. “We’ll support you no matter what.”
The younger three glare at him for that comment, the others hanging their heads low as if in prayer. 
“Whatever happens,” Jin agrees, “you always have our love and support Princess.”
“Please,” Yoongi begs quietly, his face scrunched in pain as he cries openly. The sight breaks your heart all over again, you really did hate seeing him in pain. 
“After the tribulations and trials of our beloved royal family, I think the country can say this is a monumental event in history. Like treachery out of a mediaeval plot, today also marks the one month anniversary of the death of our late king, murdered by the wife of his nephew in a scheme for the crown.
Of course this plot was unveiled by his daughter, who at the time fled the country for her safety, but returned to ensure the safety of her people and bring Kim Taeyeon to justice.”
Sadness sat like stones in their stomachs, sinking slowly as your face graced the screen. You smile but they know it doesn’t reach your eyes, you wave to the crowd and the cameras before climbing into the carriage off to the citadel for your coronation. 
“She looks so beautiful,” Taehyung mumbles, in awe of your figure in the red ruby gown. He blinks back tears, your absence didn’t get any easier for them, and seeing you on a screen just cemented the fact you were no longer here. 
“I can’t believe she went back,” Jin whispers to himself but the others hear. They also hear his unsaid words hiding between the lines, you chose duty over them, the irony was hard to ignore. You always thought they would do the same.
“Of course the matter still remains about the young Queen’s foreign bodyguards who’s current whereabouts are unknown. There is massive divide in the country and government over the actions of Kim Namjoon and his men, one of whom is the current Prince of another nation. There are calls for their presence in the court, others are demanding they receive the medal of valour, and during a recent official press conference this is what our new Queen had to say…”
The screen shifts to you at a podium, cameras and lights flashing on your form as you look at your paper. They hadn’t seen the footage yet but the date stamp on the footage showed it was from a few days ago. Jungkook holds his breath, waiting for you to speak, it felt like a lifetime ago that he heard your voice. 
“I understand there is a lot of speculation over my disappearance, and rumours that I was abducted by the men sworn to protect me.”
The youngest can’t help sniffling at the sound, he misses you and the feeling opened new excruciating wounds in him where he thought there was room for no more. 
“I am here to clear any misunderstanding over the events of the last month or so. This accusation has put to question the character of the men my own father, the late king, employed and I can say one thing for certain with absolute conviction…”
You take a pause, looking up at the cameras as if staring into each of their souls. They can see the longing in your eyes, the tears forming that you blink away, a moment of weakness that you had to hide. 
“Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin… Min Yoongi,” you take a breath as if his name pained you. “Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jung Jungkook are the best men I have ever met, and they saved my life, and any call for their imprisonment is a crime against the crown and against me. I will do everything in my power to clear their names, and have them return. Our relations with King Min must remain peaceful, and I will not have my country tarnish their character and cause unrest between two nations. 
My first act on the throne will be to resolve any remaining issues between our countries and draw up a new treaty with King Min, and I know my people will stand with me. Thank you.”
“She’s gonna do it,” Namjoon says quietly but proudly, smiling sadly when he sees the resolve on your face as you start answering press questions. “It’ll take some time but we’ll be by her side again.”
The room is quiet as they watch the footage change back to your coronation, all of them swallowing back tears with heavy hearts. They wished they could be standing there beside you, but one day they knew they would be again, no matter how long it took. 
There are cheers coming from the crowds as the crown is placed on your head, you take a deep breath that they can all see, a smile to the people but your eyes are glassy. 
“Our beautiful little Queen,” Jimin says in awe, tears slipping that he can’t help. 
“I know she’ll be the best Queen in the world but I’m so anxious for her,” Jin breathes, his heart nervous for you. 
“I wish we were there,” Hoseok whispers.
“She shouldn’t be there,” Yoongi says solemnly, standing. “She should be here with us.”
The others watch him walk out of the room, the prince had fallen into a deep stoic state, they just hope the hurt would fade with time. You carved out Yoongi’s soul the day you left, they could only pray he would find himself again. 
You don’t know how you managed to give your new staff the slip, you had paid the driver off with enough money that he couldn’t refuse, despite what your advisors and the government officials tried to stop you from doing.
You knew it would bring you nothing but more grief, but you had to. You could already hear Namjoon berating you, it almost makes you smile before you remember why you’re here. You’re glad to see the tower is cold and depressing as promised, the criminals in here were all in treachery of the crown. 
The guards all gave you worried looks as you demanded to see her, and there she stood in the last cell, trapped behind metal bars finally looking like the madness she held within. Her hair stood on end, a nest of knots that could never be undone, much like the chaos she caused in your life. 
She sees you, and now you really do smile vindictively when her eyes travel down the length of your coronation gown before fixing themselves on the crown that sat where it belonged. She growls, her teeth baring in disgust and hate you never witnessed before.
She presses herself against the metal, reaching for you as if she could snatch all her wants within her grasp. 
“You abdicated, that crown is mine!”
It was strange, confronting her like this. Almost surreal, the concept that this was the woman you befriended, the woman who failed in killing you, and the woman who murdered your father. There was no denying it, you saw it for yourself. 
“Why couldn’t you just stay away?” she has the gall to sob, to truly cry over her loss as if she was the victim, and you knew then there was no hope for her, not that you would ever offer it to her in the first place. 
You shake your head in disbelief, a humourless laugh before you take a step closer, wanting no one but her to hear your words.
“You know what?” You start, voice quiet but unwavering. “If you had just left everything well enough alone, I wouldn’t be here, if you didn’t let your greed become so heinous it cost a man his life, eventually you could’ve worn this crown and I would have let you.”
She screams, the sound making you want to slap some sense into her. 
“But your actions have cost so many people in so many ways,” you say sadly, not an ounce of sympathy for her, but for yourself as selfish as that might sound. “I can see now there’s no saving you.”
“That crown is mine! THAT CROWN IS MINE!” She repeats it as if it would become true, getting louder and louder as you stare. 
“You killed my father you psychotic bitch,” you spit, but there was no point to this, there would be no real justice for her actions, and she would never regret them. You wonder what closure you were trying to gain by being here, there was nothing you could do to make her feel your pain. 
“Your majesty,” your new personal advisor bids your farewell. You had moved to the cold imperial castle, the official site for the monarch. The day had cost you all your energy and you could barely bring yourself to climb the stairs to your new chamber. You try to ignore the urge to glance towards where you know they found your father’s body, the hurt of losing him still fresh despite the strain of your relationship with him. You push away the thoughts to deal with another time. 
Your jaw hurts from forcing your face to smile all day for the public eye, as you get ready for bed the deep empty void in your chest gets filled with pangs of sadness so intense you have to stop and breathe for a moment. You had kept it subdued all day for duty, but it came back with a vengeance. 
You were now Queen, and completely utterly unfathomably alone. The thought grips you so painfully in the silenve you can’t help the sob that turns into a wail. There was no one here to comfort you, no one to hear you yet you still covered your cries with your hand, sinking pitifully to the floor. 
The agony of leaving them didn’t fade for a day. You forgave Yoongi and Namjoon the second you returned to this awful cage, wanting to regret leaving them but there was nothing you could do about your decision now. You knew what Yoongi was trying to protect you from, there was no malice in his actions, just desperation that undid you both. You walked back into the life you tried to escape, and lost far more than you could ever explain. 
In truth you didn’t know whether you would see them again, whether you would win the fight to clear their name. You would never give up, you couldn’t, the only thing that kept you going was getting them back, otherwise this was going to be a long lonely purgatory for you without them. 
“Min Yoongi I forgive you,” you barely breathe out loud, needing him to hear you no matter how impossible. You knew him better than you knew yourself, knew he needed to hear those words for his own peace, or he would never forgive himself. You knew what state you left him in, and that one thing was your biggest regret.
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aguststhv · 1 year
Melting Your Heart- MYG
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╰ ̷ ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ → 𝖠𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖾𝗅𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝖻𝗋𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗊𝗎𝗂𝗌𝗁𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖼𝗋𝗈𝗐𝗇 𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾, 𝖸𝗈𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗂 𝖻𝖾𝖼𝖺𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖪𝗈𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝗈𝗇𝖾. 𝖸𝗈𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗂 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖸/𝗇 𝗋𝖾𝗎𝗇𝗂𝗍𝖾 𝖺𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 𝗒𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗌 𝖺𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍, 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝖸𝗈𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗂 𝗁𝖺𝗌 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗂𝗌 𝗇𝗈𝗐 𝖼𝗈𝗅𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒𝗈𝗇𝖾. 𝖸𝗈𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗂 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖸/𝗇 𝗐𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗋𝗂𝖾𝖽 𝗈𝖿𝖿 𝖻𝗒 𝖺𝗋𝗋𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝖺𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖸/n'𝗌 𝖿𝖺𝗆𝗂𝗅𝗒 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝖿𝖺𝗅𝗌𝖾𝗅𝗒 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝗀𝖾𝖽 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗁𝗂𝗀𝗁 𝗍𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝖺𝗀𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗌𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀. 𝖣𝗎𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝖼𝗒 𝖻𝖾𝗁𝖺𝗏𝗂𝗈𝗋, 𝖽𝗎𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗌𝖾 𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝗒𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗌 𝖸𝗈𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗂 𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗇𝗂𝖼𝗄𝗇𝖺𝗆𝖾 "𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾". 𝖶𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝖸/𝗇 𝗌𝗎𝖼𝖼𝖾𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗇 𝖻𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁 𝖸𝗈𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗂'𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍'𝗌 𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖻𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗈𝗅𝖽 𝖸𝗈𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗂 𝖻𝖺𝖼𝗄?
╰ ̷ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ → 𝖼𝗋𝗈𝗐𝗇 𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾!𝗒𝗈𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗂 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
╰ ̷ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ → 𝖺𝗋𝗋𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗋𝗂𝖺𝗀𝖾 𝖺𝗎, 𝗋𝗈𝗒𝖺𝗅𝗍𝗒! 𝖺𝗎, 𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽𝗁𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝖻𝖾𝗌𝗍𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗆𝗂𝖾𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌(?) 𝖺𝗎, 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗎𝖺𝗅 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍.
╰ ̷ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ → 𝗌𝗐𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗎𝗇𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗍𝖾𝖼𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝖾𝗑, 𝖺𝗅𝖼𝗈𝗁𝗈𝗅, 𝖼𝗂𝗀𝖺𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗌, 𝗀𝗎𝗇𝗌, 𝗎𝗇𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗀𝗇𝖺𝗇𝖼𝗒, 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗁, 𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗅𝗅𝖻𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗁.
COMING JUNE 30th, 8:30pm CET
Tag list: @fairywriter-oracle ; @winterbear3 ; @yoongisducky ; @jwlmnbt ; @ahses-world ; @sugaslittlekookies ; @piecesofapril11 ; @scentedsope ; @captainchrisstan ; @janura26 ; @strxwbloody ; @baechugff ; @svnbangtansworld
a/n: If you want to be added to the taglist, feel free to send an ask or comment down here! Prologue | ch.1 |
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alphabetboyluvr · 1 year
dance with the devil | jjk
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REQUEST | jktaee3 on wp
VIBES | angst, royalty - bridgerton vibes, childhood friends to enemies to ?luvrs?
SOUNDTRACK | die for you - joji
HOLLY'S NOTE | (originally posted april 2023) so fun facts, i've never watched bridgerton. i actually put it on in the background as i was writing, which is where the lil line about being diamond comes from. i also do fuck all world-building in this, so just... use your imagination lol. i have no idea if this is like... correct? i dont read nor write period pieces and haven't done since school so.... go easy on me hahaha <33
also!! went for jeongguk instead of jungkook. feels more dramatic? time appropriate?? idk! mix of eng and Korean inspo for titles / locations!!
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There are easily a hundred pairs of eyes on you as you walk into the ballroom. Maybe more. The room is grand, gilded in gold—grotesque in its display of wealth, but nothing new to you. You've been in a dozen rooms like this within the last month alone. More money than taste—but you can't buy class.
Despite the influx of unwelcome stares, there's just one you can actually feel. It comes from a pair of deep brown eyes in the corner of the room; a glass of red in one hand, the gloved fingers of your least favourite cousin in the other.
Dark and brooding, Jeon Jeongguk has no right to look at you in the way that he does. Duke of Busan, womaniser of more counties than you care to imagine, he's troubled wrapped up in a waistcoat and ruby-encrusted signet rings.
But you've always liked trouble. Shame.
The grip that Lord Min of Daegu has on your hand tightens. He can notice it too; Jeongguk's stare. Your satin gloves are silky against Lord Min's skin, and he must admit he enjoys being the focus of Jeon Jeongguk's envy. He thinks it's about time that the over-egotistical tyrant of hearts had his comeuppance.
"Remember," Lord Min whispers quietly to you as the crowd watches on. He's a trusted confidant; not suited for marriage. At least not with you. It's the county's worst-kept secret that he retires to the boudoir with Master Park each and every evening. No one at the ball is under any illusion that he is a suitor of yours. "You're a diamond in a mine of sapphires."
"Oh, but sapphires are far prettier than diamonds," you pout, voice dulcet as you scan the room. It's approaching your birthday, and time is running out. A suitor needs to be found, and found promptly. Too much time squandered on frivolous pursuits during your youth had prevented such a search.
It's something you're reminded of whenever your eyes catch Jeongguk's. Endless days spent under beating midsummer sunshine; burnt skin and freckled cheeks. Youth well-spent. Youth wasted.
"So? It matters not." Lord Min smiles. "Diamonds are far stronger. Sharper. And still just as exquisite as sapphires. Do not sell yourself short."
And by that, you know exactly what he implies: steer clear of the Duke of Busan.
It would be a fruitless endeavour. No good would come from it.
Years of your childhood had been spent in a whimsical land with him, full of castles and fairies, and witches and warlocks. Potions had been made in his garden using his mother's best perfumes and items stolen from the pantry; make-believe scenarios came to life in the forest between your family's estates.
Summers had been frittered away together by the sea; Winterton Manor the backdrop of your dreams, your hopes, your fears.
But the Duke did as Dukes so often do; embroiled himself in debauchery and distasteful pleasures.
You had watched on, bemused for the most part, and also intrigued by what compelled him.
Had you not been enough?
Grapevines whisper, and Jeongguk had spent far too much time frolicking in vineyards. Drunk on the delights of his youth, he'd forgotten that there would be life beyond the present.
It's a price he pays, now. A debt he hadn't realised he had racked up.
One that he's reminded of every single time you glance his way. He cannot afford a diamond.
Somehow, however, he can seem to afford the audacity of approaching you in the powder room towards the end of the evening.
You've had lacklustre dances with half a dozen bachelors, and they've all been uninspiring. Only two of them managed to make it through the waltz without stepping on your toes.
Time is running out.
And Jeongguk?
He's running in circles trying to get you out of his head.
Seems apt that he'd bump into you at some point.
Not like he sought you out. Not at all.
Not like he handed the maids by the staircase a few silver coins to divert other partygoers elsewhere, either. He wouldn't dream of doing such a thing.
The Duke of Busan knows you well.
Knows that it takes all of your might to not glance in his direction as he makes his presence known.
"Really?" He asks with a cocked brow and arrogant smirk, leaning against the doorframe. You're preening at your hair. Making sure your pins remain in place. "That's what you chose to wear? To a ball of this grandeur?"
You're wearing white. It's tight against your chest. Too tight. Pleated beneath the satin ribbon under your bust, encrusted with sequins and finished with lace. It's beautiful. Matches the white satin gloves that finish just above the crease of your elbow. You carry yourself with elegance.
In fact, your posture is so well-poised that Jeongguk is the only attendee of the ball who has noticed the split in your skirt. When stood, it is hidden by the pleats. When dancing, it is camouflaged by the lace. When you lift your skirt to meander up the stairs? He becomes reacquainted with the curve of your ankle. The split is no larger than the length of a letter inviting him to tea, but it feels overwhelmingly large.
As far as the Duke is concerned, you may as well be wearing lingerie.
You smooth the skirt of your dress and consider rearranging your tits just to give him something to stare at. You decide against it. Think he would enjoy it far too much.
"Oh precisely," you respond with an equally arrogant grin, before turning to face him. You're haughty in the way you position your body, almost as if you're trying to entice him. "Haven't you heard? I've a suitor to find."
He scoffs. "And you think dressing like a whore is going to find you one of any value?"
A whore.
Very rich of him, you think, as if the entire party doesn't know what he gets up to in the dark. And the daylight. And just about any time of the day, actually.
What they really don't know?
That he used to get up to it with you.
"Absolutely not," you smile. Your father might want you married off, but there's no suitor here for you. Not tonight. If you have to bring a man home, it unquestionably has to be one that your father won't approve of. "That's the point—although, now I come to think of it—this dress did seem to find you, didn't it, Jeongguk?"
He stays quiet for a moment. He doesn't enjoy you being correct. It's part of the reason you bicker so much. You're always correct.
"White really isn't your colour," he tells you with an ambivalent shrug. "We both know that."
Innocence. Purity. Virginity.
For once, The Duke is correct. It really isn't your colour.
Humorous, how he's dressed head to toe in black. Perhaps you should be, too.
"And green isn't yours," you tease, walking towards him. "Yet you seemed to be full of it when I entered the ballroom with the Lord of Daegu."
He remains silent. Can sense you have more to declare.
"Moreover," you hum, proving him right as you pause beside him, "as I'm sure you're well aware, Duke, it's the colour beneath the dress that counts."
"And what is beneath the dress?" Jeongguk husks, not looking over towards you. He doesn't want to let you know how much you affect him, still.
"The same lace that greeted you last summer in the stables of Winterton Manor."
Red. Fuck.
His favourite.
"Tell me, Duke," you tease. He deserves it, you think. "Does the Viscount of Gwangju like red?"
"Hoseok?" Jeongguk scoffs, addressing him by name, not title. The lack of respect shown by the young Duke is asinine, truly. A show of his immaturity. "Despises it."
Truthfully, he has no idea of Viscount of Gwangju's preferences.
"Good," you taunt. "I'm enthralled by the prospect of a challenge."
Jeongguk will be damned if you end up betrothed to the Viscount of fucking Gwangju.
"He concedes easily," he says. This is another lie. He just doesn't want to give you any further ideas. "Do not expect a challenge. Anticipate disappointment."
"Oh, but Duke," you laugh and it's so exquisite that he thinks he might just melt. "Disappointment has always been your forte, has it not?"
During the balls of recent years, where Jeongguk would only ever offer his hand to other women, and never you? Yes. Disappointing.
In the smoky parlours, where he laughs and jokes with the other gentlemen, about which debutantes are simply destined to become spinsters? Oh, incredibly disappointing.
In the drawing room adjacent to his bedroom, while you had waited beneath his sheets for his return, as he was agreeing to court your cousin instead of you? Perhaps the most disappointing he'd ever been.
It's been a year—the worst of your life.
"You've made your bed, Duke. Sleep in it."
"I've tried," he says sternly. He doesn't want to joke any more. Doesn't want to flirt. "I cannot bear to sleep in it without you."
You shake your head. Such a devil.
"You seem well rested enough."
"It's a facade."
And you find yourself quite annoyed; frustrated by his apparent disdain for a life he chose. A destiny brought upon you both by his inability to be discreet—though you're unaware of this caveat.
You see, everyone does know of his reputation, but he always kept your pursuits of passion hidden. Private. To the world, you're pristine.
"What do you require, Duke? My pity?"
He knows he doesn't deserve it.
"I require nothing of you."
"Then seek me out no longer. Do not pursue what you cannot commandeer, Jeongguk."
It's a lesson he would have done well to learn many moons ago; one remembered by you even if it was lost on him.
And yet, at quarter past twelve, as he loosens the black satin bow of his collar in his bedroom, Jeongguk pauses.
A knock has just sounded at his door. His chambermaid, he assumes, just checking on the fire—or maybe Master Park's chambermaid, instead (though Jeongguk's business with Master Park's staff isn't ever entirely 'business').
Regretfully, he thinks it could be Lord Kim Namjoon of Ilsan, here to reprimand him for his manners. His mentor in all fashions, Namjoon is always the first to discipline the young Duke following his nights of debauchery—though all things considered, he feels he's been quite well-behaved tonight.
He sighs as he rests a palm flat against his bedpost, and bellows, "Enter."
A sternness settles on his brows, hard and uncompromising, as he turns to the door. There's a dishevelled nature to his hair, undone and falling slightly over his dark eyes. His loosened collar and unbuttoned waistcoat only aid to make him look even more rugged.
He's marred in vulnerability, though. His pretty pink lips rest ajar, as his eyes fall on the intruder of his thoughts.
Amusing, you think, how the bedroom is where he domineers best, and yet is always where he seems the most unfortified.
Perhaps he hadn't been lying about his facade.
Perhaps he really doesn't sleep well without you.
Perhaps—just perhaps—you might indulge him one last time.
"Tell me, Duke"— You walk into his room and close the door behind you, eyes not leaving his —"Do any of them compare?"
He watches you strut past him and crawl on the luxe quilt on his bed. Oh, how you've missed it.
"Any of who?"
"The maids," you shrug. You aren't naive. You know exactly what he does, and who he does it with. "Master Park's maids? Surely Lord Kim's, too. And the working girls. The debutantes—need I go on?"
"No," he says, watching as you loosen your heels and kick them to the floor. They land with a thud. He knows the noise will have echoed throughout the house. "You needn't."
The truth of the matter is that his escapades are well-known amongst high society. He has a reputation, which is why his courtship with your cousin was forced upon him.
You're surely too good for him, but he's of too much value to remain without an heir.
A marriage is needed for him before the end of the year. His father says so.
Contrarily, your father would never agree to the Duke of Busan proclaiming you as his Dutchess.
Jeongguk knows this, for he's already asked.
Of course he has.
Last spring. Kept his mother's ring in his pocket just in case. A proposal was planned for early summer, before your trip to Paris.
He thought perhaps he would go with you—a pre-honeymoon, maybe—but your father had refused his request for your hand, and who was Jeongguk to go against the will of the man who had raised you?
Jeongguk won't burden you with this knowledge. Your life will be far more fruitful if you remain silently furious with him for never giving you what you deserved.
"And do they?" You enquire once more. unaware of his anguish. "Do they compare?"
Jeongguk leans down to his boots. Unties his laces and stands on his heels to remove them. He kicks them away. Is just as undressed as you are. Equal.
"Do you think my bed would be empty right now if they did?"
"It isn't empty," you tease.
"No," he acknowledges. "But it has been. It's been empty for months."
You don't believe him.
"I've had an empty bed since I returned from Winterton last summer," he declares.
"Though your hands have been full?" You sneer, painfully reminded of the way he'd held the hand of another woman in the ballroom that evening. You've had to bear witness to it on multiple occasions by now. It never gets any easier. Your fucking cousin, of all people.
"Pay no mind to the fact my hands have not been empty in ballrooms," he speaks quietly, shame washing over his features. Yes, it would be far more desirable if you were to be furious with him, but he wants to alleviate the hurt that you are quite clearly encumbered with. "As I said, it's a facade."
"Why? What are you hiding, Duke?"
As if you don't know—he laments—that I'm utterly besotted with you.
He glances away from you to watch the fire as it crackles in his hearth. He wonders if it would be less painful to tear his heart from his chest and roast it in the flames, than it is to be in love with you.
"I hide nothing from you," he says with a broad smile as he turns to face you once more. Jeongguk is adept at falsifying his discretions. "But I am without at a dance."
You grin, now. "A dance?"
"I'd love one," he smirks as he holds out his hand. He twists your words almost as elegantly as he used to twist you around on empty ballroom floors; just two of you after the parties had died down and the revellers had hung up their dancing shoes.
He strides to the side of the bed. Satisfaction sinks into his features when your gloved hand slips into his palm. He pulls you up. Pulls you closer. Rests a hand upon your waist and positions himself perfectly for you. He was raised a gentleman after all, even if grew up to be a rogue.
"May I have this dance?" He says quietly, only needing to whisper.
You're so close you probably count the beat of his heart.
One, two.
Does anyone dance better than I do?
Three, four.
Do you lose your breath when someone else draws you closer?
Five, six.
I could dance with you forever.
Seven, eight.
Would that be agreeable?
Nine, ten.
As if you can read his thoughts, you just nod.
"You may."
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flowerwrites06 · 8 months
devil on his knees — kth (teaser)
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This fic has been released, click on the title below to check it out!
DEVIL ON HIS KNEES | Taehyung | Oneshot | Request
Original Request: Taehyung as a villain who is willing to kill anyone to protect his beloved oc. This pic literally left me speechless, I low-key want to see villain tae🥹  Plot: An exiled princess takes her throne with a shamed general. Pairing: General!Taehyung x Queen!OC (Name: Althea) Genre: Royal AU Type: Oneshot Rating: 18+ Word Count: 200+ (teaser wc) Warnings: violence, sexual content. Author’s Note: first fic of 2024 coming soon!
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It was so easy to forget the blood trails when they were behind Althea, covered by the train of her coronation dress. The crown ripped from her brother’s head rested gently on her own by the high priest as the crowd of people cheered for her arrival. Althea had waited four years, hidden in forests and cowered in tavern rooms until she gathered enough forces to reach this palace. Her home.
As the weight of the crown settled on her head, Althea watched the shadow behind her walk forward. A chill settled in the room when General Taehyung stepped closer to Althea’s feet, eyes darkened and face hardened from the lives he had taken. Everyone with a conscious told her not to bring him into court. That the moment his sword began swinging, there would be no end to the bloodshed.
But they failed to realise Althea wanted blood. Her own brother kicked her out of her home, just as they had been mourning their father. He wanted her to die in that forest, starved and freezing. So why should Althea gather any semblance of kindness?
It was Taehyung, an exiled general who helped her back into the comforts of her life. Not the court members who happily kissed her brother’s feet, not even her maids who quickly rushed to the side of her brother’s wife. No one helped her but him.
Althea loved him for it.
The hardened face cracked into a small but satisfied smile as Taehyung lowered himself for a bow, keeping his eyes fixed on her. As Taehyung made his place known by her side, cheers erupted and echoed through the room.
They had won.
The kingdom of Dysminia was hers to keep. 
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junqkook · 6 months
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daechwitatamic · 7 months
Of Ruin: Chapter 13 | KTH
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(banner by @itaeewon)
Of Ruin (Masterpost)
Rating: NSFW - minors dni Genre: vampire!au magic!au royalty!au, s2l, slow burn, eventual smut, angst and fluff
Summary: Taehyung of House Rune, Prince of Infracticus has been cursed. You’re the human world’s leading curse-breaker. It should be simple. But unraveling the curse becomes the least of your problems in the face of a world on the brink of civil war… and the love you start to feel for the prince.
A/N: Thank you endlessly to @sailoryooons for betaing!!! 💕
Section Warnings: language, kissing, we are jumping straight into smut lol, nip stim, clit stim, dry humping, fingering, oral (f. receiving), uhhhh fang play? lolol pls do not perceive me, penetrative sex, love confessions during sex oops lol, biting/feeding during sex but its consensual on all parts, kind of sort of subspacey at the end with help from vampire venom, taehyung pov for a minute, drinking and drunkenness, hurt feelings wc: 6k
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“You must have been terrified.”
“No. Not once I knew it was you.”
To emphasize this, you loop one arm around the back of his neck, drawing him closer, kissing him harder. Everything you’ve been holding back seems to burst from you - his faith in you, your trust in him, the love you’ve been tucking away, all of it. You kiss him feverishly, trying to translate every bit of it into the way you press against him, open for him.
He licks into your mouth and you groan quietly, wanting more, more of him, more of his mouth, more of his hands, just more. He responds to your sound with a pleased grunt of his own, and he slides one large hand around your waist, pressing against your lower back, pressing your hips harder against his own.
You slide your tongue against his and he brings his hand up your back and wrap his hand firmly around the back of your neck to keep you close. You let out a tiny whine, letting your hands wander up his chest over the thin cloth of the shirt he wears. You pass your hands over his shoulders, down his back, holding tight as your head spins - from the kiss, or from the events (and blood loss) of last night, you aren’t sure.
You murmur his name when the kiss breaks, and he responds by capturing your lips again, sweetly, then pulling back to look down at you.
“What is it?” he murmurs, voice as deep as the ocean.
You strain upwards, trying to find his mouth again, your right hand gathering the material of his shirt’s hem and bunching it in your fist. You slide your other hand into the gap you’ve made, practically gasping with delight as your palm slides along his cool, bare skin for the first time. He shivers beneath your touch, then reaches between his shoulder blades to grab the neck of his shirt. You let go of the hem, allowing him to tug it off and over his head before he bends to kiss you more.
Pleased, you press your mouth to his gladly, letting your hands explore up and down his ribs, over his pecs, down his stomach, around to his back, feeling him move and respond beneath each touch. You can feel him beneath you, responding to each kiss and every caress, and you tighten the grip of your thighs on either side of his own, as if holding on tighter can urge him even closer.
“So warm,” he murmurs against your mouth, letting out a quick sigh as one of your hands works to memorize the slope of his jaw.
You still want more. You use both hands and card your fingers through his hair, curling them to hold his roots, and pull lightly. He moans into your open mouth, the sound so pretty it makes your toes curl. You do it again, pressing your hips against his as you do, trying to egg him on.
He’s behaving too much, keeping his hands on your waist, your hair, not daring to toe the line even as you leap over it. You don’t want him to behave.
“I want to feel you,” you breathe, pressing your forehead to his as you both take a second to catch your breath. “Please.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice; he finds the hem of your shirt and pulls. You lift your arms so he can slide it over your head. His eyes follow the path of newly bared skin - up over your stomach, your chest, your face, up to your arms.
You reach back to unclasp your bra, tossing it away, but Taehyung isn’t watching. His eyes have instead caught on the scabby marks on your upper arm, and then on the inside of each wrist. He reaches for your right arm, pulls it closer, examining the place where his very first bite had pierced you.
“Did it hurt?” he asks sorrowfully, brushing a thumb lightly over the reddened skin around the bite.
“No,” you say, but it isn’t quite true, so you try again. “I mean, yes, but after a few seconds it was…”
“What?” he whispers, even as he pulls your wrist towards his mouth, brushes the healing bite with his lips. Your breath stills in your throat, but he only kisses the spot, waiting for your answer.
“Once the venom hit,” you admit, a little embarrassed, “it felt… kind of good, actually. Like being a little drunk.”
He lets out a breath that’s almost a laugh. “That’s how it feels when we drink,” he tells you. “The want, the thirst, it’s lessened… but it also gives a sort of high. It’s addicting - you’re addicting.”
He punctuates this thought by pressing an open-mouthed kiss to the fang-marks on your wrist, as you think that he must be mistaken - between the two of you, it’s him that’s addicting: powerful and beautiful, thrilling and dangerous.
He moves to kiss you again, licking against your lips until you open for him again, hands skimming along your now-bare sides, thumbs coming dangerously close to your chest before sliding back down. You shiver, grinding down into him, making an encouraging sound low in your throat.
He finally slides a hand where you want it, caressing and gently kneading your breast, letting his thumb circle the sensitive nipple before flicking over the top of it as it hardens beneath his touch. You keen, the sensations tingling and magical, pressing harder into his touch.
He abandons your chest and slides his hand down your arm, still kissing you languidly, deeply. His fingers rest against your wrist, and the wound starts to tingle. You recognize the sensation and realize he’s healing you as he kisses you, fixing each broken spot he finds, undoing the damage he’d wreaked on your body the night before.
He does the same to the wounds on your upper arm and the opposite wrist, then goes back to exploring what sounds he can pull from you as he lowers his mouth to your breast. He hums happily as he kisses, licks, and nips his way around the full bottom of one before making his way back up to your nipple, taking it between his lips and flicking his tongue against it repeatedly. You feel your eyes roll back, your core clenching in response to the feeling of him.
“God, Taehyung, please,” you beg. You don’t even know what you’re begging for - more, just more.
At your plea, he pulls himself back up and kisses you so hard that your head spins. He slides a hand, behaving no more, down your stomach and around your waist, gripping you tightly as he pulls you tight against his trapped cock, which is solid beneath you, begging for attention. You gasp, hips jerking with the sudden friction, breaking the kiss.
He releases your waist and his hands travel around to grab full handfuls of your ass, fingers tightening there as his lips work their way down your jaw and towards your throat. You groan in pleasure and excitement, feeling yourself getting wetter at an alarming rate.
“Smell fucking amazing,” he murmurs, lips against your throat, and you feel your whole body heat at the words. He holds you, mouth pressed to the flushed skin of your throat, pressing closed-mouth kisses to it as his fingers slip beneath your waistband, sliding down the bare skin of your ass and seeking the heat and wetness between your legs.
He toys with you, teasing your hole from behind, sliding easily through the slickness waiting for him. He doesn’t enter you, as you’re still pressed too tightly against him, rocking against his clothed length. Even still, you whine at the sensation of his fingers exploring what parts of you they can.
He growls, and you shiver. He lifts you in one easy motion, pulling his hand from inside your leggings to settle you down onto your back. He presses his long body alongside yours and slips his hand beneath your waistband - properly, from the front this time. He runs his fingers through the arousal he finds only once before plunging two fingers into you just as his mouth finds the tender place his fangs had pierced into your neck the night before. You moan so loudly it echoes through the room, the sound long and tortured as your body adjusts to the stretch of his digits and as the tender wound on your neck tingles at the pressure of his lips and tongue as he kisses and licks over the healing punctures.
“God,” you breathe, rocking against his fingers, trying to work them deeper. You can hear them squelching, and that should be embarrassing, but you can’t care. Not when he’s pulling his sticky fingers out of your leggings and rolling back over top of you, pressing his still-clothed length against your mound, his mouth firmly attached to the marks on your neck, tongue caressing the spots as if he could convince just a bit more blood out of them.
He ruts against you mindlessly, like he doesn’t even know he’s doing it, seeming to be fully focused on your neck, like he’s forgotten about relieving his aching cock when faced with the promise of your fresh blood. His hands are splayed and pressing into the mattress on either side of you, holding himself up just above you.
He slides his mouth from the wound to the unblemished skin just slightly to the left, sucking deeply, no doubt pulling more blood to gather below the surface of your skin. A growl reverberates through him, but you feel no fear; he’s not the beast now, he’s yours - yours. You know he won’t hurt you.
He brings up a hand to caress your jaw. “Tell me what you want,” he murmurs, barely removing his lips from your neck enough to enunciate.
You close your eyes, sighing, letting every sensation wash over you. I want to be yours, you think, just the same as you are mine.
“You,” you say, only part of the truth.
His mouth finds yours again, his taste slightly coppery, and then he’s pulling at your waistband. You hurry to assist, lifting your hips up and using both hands to push the material over your ass and down your legs, kicking both leggings and underwear to the side as quickly as you can.
“You, too,” you say petulantly, and he smiles against your lips.
He lifts up to untie his own trousers. When he’s free of them, you expect him to settle himself back as he was, but he surprises you by scooting down the bed and gripping your thighs firmly, pressing them apart, opening you reverently. You shiver as the room’s cool air, and his hungry gaze, find your exposed core.
“Taehyung,” you keen, not sure if you’re urging him on or questioning him away.
He tears his eyes away from your glistening pussy, gaze rising to find yours, hungry. His pupils are so blown out that for a second you jolt with alarm, thinking you’re seeing the black Infracti eyes of the beast.
“Can I?” he asks, and you’re reminded of last night, the way he asked before each bite, the way that despite instinct and thirst driving him to bring his mouth to each spot, he still waited for permission.
“Yes,” you breathe, head falling back against the mattress, as if you’re physically incapable of watching as he grips your thighs again and pulls himself closer, burying his face in your heat and licking his first stripe from bottom to top.
You let your breath out between gritted teeth as he does this again and again, tongue dipping in, stretching your entrance for only a second before sliding up to pass firmly over your clit before retracting altogether. It’s a slow, dizzying torture, and you find yourself shaking slightly each time he repeats the series of motions.
Eyes screwed shut, fingers digging into the blankets beneath you, you suck in a breath and try to relax, try to open your legs wider for him, even as the tremors roll through your lower body gently, building up to something fiery and explosive.
He stops his repetitive torture, flattening his tongue and rubbing firmly over and around your clit, the onslaught so intense that your hips jerk and twitch away until he reaches up and holds them still with firm fingertips. You whine and moan as he works you, powerless to shift away from the onslaught of his tongue and lips. He groans when you do, his dulcet voice weaving with your own wordless pleas, his hips undulating slowly against the bed beneath him as he feasts.
You breathe his name, needing reprieve, needing more, needing to unclench and inhale, the sound morphing into a low moan. He seems to hear your unarticulated request, pulling off and moving to press kisses to the insides of your thighs, the juncture, your spasming entrance as you gasp for breath.
Then, his mouth moves, tongue slipping along your outer lips. The sensation changes, alarm bells sounding in your head several beats before your buzzy brain can process why. It’s sharp, and your breath rattles to a stop, muscles tensing in anticipation, as Taehyung slides the tip of his left fang up one side of you, pressing it just hard enough against you that you can feel the sting even when he’s moved on to a higher place.
“T-Tae,” you gulp, pulse thudding even harder than it was before, desperately aware of how close he is to biting you. He growls again, then licks over where his fang had trailed, soothing, before moving to the other side. Gently, slowly, he lets the tip of his sharp tooth press against you, and weaves a line from bottom to top with it. Your breaths come shallow - you’re afraid to move, lest you accidentally pierce yourself on him.
“You’re so, so good,” he groans, and you don’t know if he means for staying still, for letting him play, or if he’s talking about your taste, not your behavior. You whimper, still nervous - but the fear is exciting. He centers his mouth and places a chaste kiss over your clit, causing you to jerk under his hands again.
“Taehyung,” you whine, a plea and a complaint all at once. “Please.”
He heeds your tone, releasing you after one more kiss to the spot he’d been torturing. “Please what?” he asks, teasing, starting to climb back up your body, mouth working its way up the plane of your stomach, past your ribs, over your breasts, up your throat, and then kissing you again, heady and impassioned.
You’re shaky from the adrenaline released by his toying with you; you pull him close, his chest flush against yours, trying to find comfort in his solidness, hands clinging to his biceps as they flex above you. You can feel his cock, hard and heavy, brushing your inner thigh, and you shift, trying to get it closer to where you want it.
He growls when he feels himself slide easily up your slit, grinding frantically against you until he’s slicked up, too, then letting his head snag on your entrance.
His eyes find yours, asking the question that he doesn’t vocalize.
You answer wordlessly, too, lifting up to take the first inch of him, letting out a strangled sound as he follows your lead and pushes through your heat until his hips are flush with yours again.
You stay locked like this for just a moment, and you look up at him with adoration as your body adjusts, stretching to accommodate him.
“God,” he breathes above you, starting to move minutely, just barely shifting. “You’re so -.”
He doesn’t finish the thought, dipping his head down to kiss you again. He shelters you between his arms, his black hair swinging above you, casting his face in shadow, and he begins fucking into you in earnest.
You move with him, hands roaming his arms and back, hooking one leg around the backs of his thighs to draw him even closer. He feels amazing dragging away from your walls and slamming back in, feels amazing kissing you so deeply you could drown in it, feels amazing stroking your face with gentle hands that promise to honor you.
As you move together, each delicious slide causing your core to tighten and grip at him, it builds - fuller and more powerful until it’s crashing over you: the need to tell him.
“I love you,” you breathe. “I should have said it before.”
He rolls you easily in response to this, one arm tight around your back as he maneuvers you so you sit astride him, his cock managing to sink even deeper into you from this angle. You moan, eyes slipping closed, missing it as he reaches for your upper body, trying to pull you down into some semblance of an embrace, even as he fucks you steadily, not faltering for a second.
He kisses you sloppily, arms locking you against his chest, cock sliding in and out of you at a steady pace. One of his hands slides up your back and rests across your throat; you shiver at the contact, and then you feel the familiar tingling. He’s healing your neck, where he drank from you last night.
When he releases you, hands settling on your hips and helping to lift you up and pull you down, you sit back up, looking down at him. He looks so good spread out beneath you that it makes your core clench, which makes his hands on your hips tighten and a low grumble reverberate from his chest.
He squirms and sits upright, capturing your mouth in another searing kiss as soon as he’s close enough, huffing against your mouth happily when he gets what he wants. He tugs you down on his cock and you keen, whining deep in your throat as his tip kisses your cervix until he lets up.
“Fuck,” you manage, gasping for a new breath as the pain-pleasure ebbs. You’re close, you realize, as he kisses his way down the column of your throat, teeth grazing in places and then tongue soothing the scrapes. You rock against him, your hard nipples brushing his chest, your hands finding his hair again, and you know exactly what you want to push you over the edge.
“Taehyung,” you say, lips so close to his ear that you can see him shudder from the tickle, “I want…”
He spears you particularly hard, grunting, and you lose the thought for a second, letting your forehead drop to his shoulder.
“Want what?” he asks, breathless, fingers splayed over your waist. He watches the place where your bodies meet, distracted by the sight of his cock emerging from within you, shiny and sticky.
“Drink from me,” you beg, not lifting your head, not wanting to see his reaction.
“No,” he says, not looking up, not stopping his fluid strokes into your tight heat. “It’s too dangerous, especially like this - I might not be able to stop.”
“If you can control yourself through the curse, you can control yourself now,” you argue, swiveling against him a little, relishing the feel of how deeply he’s touching you. “Please. It wasn’t you last night - I want it to be you.”
It’s not quite the whole of what you mean; if you weren’t split open by his cock right now maybe you could explain better than it felt like you’d been intimate with him without his presence, that you wanted a chance to share that intimacy with him, now, now that you’d told him how you feel about him.
But he seems to understand. His strokes slow but don’t stop as he tips your head up with the knuckle of his pointer finger, looking deep into your eyes as if looking for the right answer within them.
“Please,” you say, and you watch him break.
He pushes himself deep within you, then presses his face to the side of your neck he hadn’t touched yet. You rock against him, feeling his hard length push against each sensitive spot, colors exploding behind your eyelids as you move.
“Please,” you whimper again, because the anticipation is worse than the pain will be, and you want him.
He can’t resist, not with you begging, and he presses his fangs to your sweaty skin, then pierces you swiftly. The pain overtakes you, worse than you remember from the night before. You cry out loudly, eyes squeezing shut, fingernails raking down his shoulder blades, your whole body squirming and fighting instinctually to get away. He holds you tightly, and all your squirming does is push him deeper inside you, all those spots lighting up behind your eyelids again, causing your cry of pain to trail into a loud moan.
The venom hits you as Taehyung starts pounding into you faster than he has this whole time, his arms tight around your back, fangs still lodged in your throat, a growl ripping through him as your blood hits his tongue and your body tightens and twitches around his length.
The floating high hits you as your body reacts to his new, breakneck pace and you let out a mindless wail as you pulse and squeeze around him in rhythmic waves. It lasts and lasts, and you think you might trip straight into a second orgasm as he holds you even tighter, removes his mouth from your neck long enough to gasp your name as he pumps his release deep inside you.
After, he holds you still, hands petting your hair, smoothing down your back, until your heartbeat calms under his hands. Then, he lowers you to lay down side by side.
You float, aware of only snippets of sensation - the pulsing between your legs taking ages to settle, aftershocks causing the muscles in your legs to tense and release. Your heartbeat slows. The well of blood to the wound in your neck, Taehyung’s gentle tongue still pressed to the spot, taking what your body willingly gives but not pulling from it.
Slowly, you come back to yourself.
“How do you feel?” he asks, perhaps a bit apprehensively.
“I need to eat, shower, and sleep, in that order,” you murmur, eyelids heavy. “But otherwise… I can’t complain.”
In the end, his guards keep the corridors clear as he carries you back to his rooms. It’s a bit embarrassing, you think, but you’re way too weak to walk there, so there’s no arguing the point. He orders a full breakfast spread from the kitchens, sends Satuel to your rooms to get you something comfortable to wear, and runs a hot bath in a tub so deep you’d honestly call it a small swimming pool.
When your stomach is full and your body clean, you burrow under the blankets in his ridiculously opulent bed, body thrumming with happiness and oxytocin and all those other happy chemicals that come after good sex and good food.
“I suppose I should thank you,” Taehyung murmurs as his fingers trace patterns over your shoulder. He lays beside you, on top of the blankets, waiting for you to be claimed by sleep. “I got a whole night of sleep last night. My first in months.”
You hum, stretching, halfway to sleep already. “I think you have other things to thank me for,” you tease, the words falling heavily from your lips as you’re pulled under.
You feel his hand, gentle on your throat, drawing near the bite mark he’d made this morning, the one he’d made as himself, at your request.
“No,” you say strongly, suddenly awake. “Don’t heal that one.”
He balks. “People will know.”
“Good,” you say firmly. “Let them know I’m yours.”
Let them know you’re mine, you think, and then you only know sleep.
Taehyung watches you sleep for longer than he’d admit to anyone. He watches your face, calm and smooth in sleep. He thinks of how he has to bite back smiles when you get fired up about something, your eyes narrowing and mouth tightening.
He thinks of the look of quiet determination you get when you’re casting, when you’re working with the magic that naturally lives within you.
For all of history, Infracti and venefici have lived together, helped each other. Long ago, the heir to Infracticus’s throne would be purposely matched with the venefici’s strongest magician - the Highest. Venefici would leave their homes, live and practice with the other magic-wielders, train and compete to be the best, to be given the honored title. It’s been hundreds of thousands of years since the days of those arranged unions, but Taehyung’s had that custom in his head for weeks now.
It makes him feel fated, like you were brought to him on purpose, his natural other half. The Highest to his hunter. The Priestess to his Blood-letter. His venefici, his witch, his bringer of humanity, his to protect.
Like in another lifetime, it would have always been you and him. 
Loathe as he is to admit his father could be right about anything… he was right about you. You’re powerful, beautiful. You’re brave, surprisingly funny. Taehyung sees a lot of himself in you - in your bravado, in the way your words don’t always seem to match what you want to say, in the way you only find peace when you’re faced with the sea.
He loves you. He loves you, and he thinks you could be amazing here - thinks you’d be an amazing queen, thinks you could be happy in his palace by the ocean’s side.
But you had a whole life before, that you’d left on hold to come here and fix him. If he loves you, he thinks, then the right thing to do is to let you go back to that life. It isn’t right to keep you here, away from your family, away from your studies and your job, just because he wants you to. It isn’t fair to ask you to give up what you worked so hard for.
It is with these thoughts in mind that he presses a feather light kiss to your unfurrowed brow and makes his way out of his bedchamber into his main rooms, closing the door quietly behind him to let you sleep.
When you wake, you’re alone. You worry for a split second, then you hear his voice floating from further in his wing, and you relax.
You rouse yourself slowly, savoring the chance to take your time, to be alone with your thoughts in the comfiest bed you’ve ever experienced. A quick look around the room alights your attention on a bundle at the end of the bed; someone left clothes for you.
You do your best to make yourself presentable, and then follow the sound of voices and laughter into Taehyung’s main rooms.
You’re greeted with a sight you’ve never seen before: the group of young Infracti men seem to be having fun, just hanging out. Taehyung is lounging on one of the couches, ankles crossed and arms folded behind his head. Jimin is perched on the arm of the couch, currently doubled over in laughter so strong that he wheezes and clutches at Taehyung’s shin desperately. You also recognize the round-eyed Infracti who had attended the strategy meeting in the pub not that long ago - Jungkook. The other two you’ve never seen before, but they appraise you with interest as you step into the room.
Taehyung lights up like a Christmas tree when he spots you, sitting up so abruptly that he almost knocks Jimin from the couch.
He crows your name, and then calls to you, “Come! Make merry with me!”
You step forward with trepidation, looking around at the others for an explanation.
“His Majesty has been imbibing,” Jimin explains, straightening himself up. “But, yes, you should join us. Your time here has been very serious, and we’re determined to have a pleasant night now that the business is handled.”
“Business?” you echo, still making your way into the room by degrees. It does not escape you that if these Infracti are drunk, it may put you in a bit more danger than normal.
“You just missed Seokjin,” Taehyung explains, the words a bit loose. He waves a hand towards the door as if to indicate which way Seokjin left. “We were discussing matters of state.”
“While drunk?” you can’t help but ask.
Taehyung lets out one cold laugh, and then holds up an arm, making a space for your body to fill. As you make your way over, he muses, “Yes, it makes it less painful to stare the cold, hard future in the face that way.”
“That’s a bit grim,” Jimin remarks from behind you as you settle next to Taehyung’s torso, seated on the edge of the couch’s cushion.
“Justice is grim,” Taehyung declares dramatically, and you press your lips together, trying not to giggle. Then, he adds, “Especially when it’s coming for your own family. Or yourself.”
He flops back against the arm of the couch, reaches around you for his goblet. You can smell the wine as it passes by you.
“Do you want some?” Jimin has the presence of mind to ask, but you shake your head.
“Better not,” you say. “Is it even safe for me to be here right now, while he’s…?”
Taehyung sputters loudly in indignation. “What,” he demands, “you think I can control myself while I’m cursed but not when I’m inebra - ineba - ineeny - drunk?”
Your eyes widen in mirth, and you hiss at Jimin, “What did you do to him?”
Jimin laughs, shaking his head. “His Majesty did this to himself, I’m afraid. I think he’s been stressed.”
“Come on, little witch,” Jungkook says, playfully taunting, black eyes glinting. “Are you afraid? I thought you put people through walls.”
You eye him flatly. “I don’t want to mess up Maiesti’s pretty face,” you deadpan.
This gets a smile out of the others in the room. Beside you, Taehyung pats at his face thoughtfully but says nothing.
“You should all go,” he finally says, the words slow and lazy, head lolling back on the arm of the couch. “Come, now, begone.” He literally waves a hand at them as if they’re nothing but gnats.
“He’s brattier when you’re around,” Jimin tells you petulantly, as he rises. You start to follow, but Taehyung’s inhuman grip finds your wrist and tugs you back.
“Not you,” he murmurs, and there’s a hint of growl to it. A shudder rolls through you.
The others make their way past you, saying their goodbyes, and Taehyung tugs you by the wrist so that you fall over top of him, chest to chest. You think he’s going to pick up where you’d left off this morning, but instead he wraps his arms around your back and buries his face somewhere near your clavicle, eyes closed.
“You’re warm,” he murmurs.
You smile, feeling a rush of affection. “You’re cute,” you counter.
You feel his lips pout against your skin. “I’m not cute. ’M scary.”
“Sometimes you’re scary,” you agree lightly. “But not right now.”
He lets out an unhappy hum. “You’re scary sometimes,” he muses. He unburies himself, lets his head flop back to the arm of the couch. His eyes are still closed. “You’d be the best queen because everyone would be scared shitless of you.”
He’s let slip similar thoughts before, but never in a setting where you could sit with the words, consider the weight of them.
“I can’t tell if you mean that,” you admit, “or if you’re just…” Getting ahead of yourself, you finish the thought silently.
“Why wouldn’t I mean it?” he argues. He lets his arm drop over his face, his eyes hiding in the crook of his elbow. “I agreed when my father told me to court you, didn’t I? Wouldn’t have done that if I didn’t think…”
He mumbles the rest of this sentence into his arm, and you don’t try to catch it. You’re stunned, knocked breathless.
“Wait,” you say, the word dropping from you like a stone. “What?”
“Mm,” he says, like this is an answer, nodding his head minutely. “My parents were intrigued by your magical quotient. I, on the other hand, was intrigued by your-”
You’re barely hearing him. “Wait,” you interrupt, the word the only one you can grasp. “You… they asked you to court me because of my magic? And you… you… agreed?”
“Well, yes,” Taehyung huffs, frustrated. “I had to, or he wouldn’t have -”
“So,” you interrupt again, head spinning, “how much of it was… for his sake?”
Taehyung removes his arm from his face and looks at you in confusion, brows furrowing, lips pouting.
“Were you faking it?” you demand, feeling yourself spiraling but unable to stop it. “Was I just… a means to an end? An asset for the bloodline?”
He winces, which is enough of an answer for you. You push away from him, and he’s too slow in his drunken state to catch you in time. You stand, backing away.
“I have to go,” you say hollowly, already looking at the door.
“No,” he says, desperately, sitting up and reaching a hand towards you. Your heart breaks another degree; part of you wants to go back to his embrace and tell him never mind, you aren’t fighting, everything is okay. You force yourself to back away, making your way around the couch.
He watches you go, mouth turned down and a hand following your path. “My love,” he breathes, “please don’t.”
“No,” you say, shaking your head, half to yourself, half to remind yourself not to give in. “No, I need to. I need to think. You should… drink some water and get some sleep… or whatever it is your people do to avoid a hangover.”
You open the door and slip through, but you’re weak. You’re weak, and you look back over your shoulder, and so as the door closes you get one last view of Prince Taehyung, watching you go, his eyes now a deep, fathomless black.
You move in a daze. Namjoon is closed in his own room when you reach your rooms, so there’s no one to stop you as you toss a few essentials into a small bag, no one to witness it when you tell Satuel that if she doesn’t take you to the Ostium then you’ll walk there yourself.
“His Majesty will be very displeased,” she points out as you walk.
“His Majesty has a long, long life ahead of him during which he can get over it,” you bite back.
The Infracti working the Ostiums - both the one in Infracticus and the one above, in your city - nod politely at you as you pass through, checking your identification, but don’t say much.
In fact, no one speaks to you again until after you’ve climbed a familiar, worn set of stairs, pushed open a squeaky office door.
Dr. Kim stares at you like you’re a ghost, an apparition drifting up through his carpeting.
“You,” he says, eyes wide with disbelief, “are not supposed to be here.”
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aloneatpeace · 4 months
Fall of Empire
MAID '7'
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Summary :𝓯𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓼 𝓪 𝓯𝓾𝓷𝓷𝔂 𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓫𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓱 𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 . 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓪𝓵𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝔂 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷 . 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓭𝓮𝓷𝔂 𝓸𝓻 𝓵𝓲𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓯 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓲𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓼.
→✒️:★: ͜͡✿͜͡ →.- this is pure fan fiction it's not real. I mean no disrespect to any of the members.The stroy is fictional it's doesn't have anything to do with the real life members of bts.
.→✒️:★: ͜͡✿͜͡ →. Sorry it's short chapter guys
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Your heart beats anxiously, griping the apron that hug around your waist, the clothes fit you well. Emma guides you through the halls of palace. “We can start with mopping the ballroom” she quietly says glancing back at you while walking.
You nod seeing that she is speaking quietly almost faintly that you are afraid your voice would only come out as loud and disturb the peace atmosphere. The ballroom stands empty, silent and still. The polished the hardwood floor and high, painted celling reflect the flickering glow of the chandlers overhead. Tall windows set into one wall overlook the guidance, while ornate doorways on each side of the room lead to other parts of the palace.
Emma hands you a rag and bucket of water and instruct you to starts with the door you two quietly starts working, scrabbing the door to the floor there was no exchanges of words between the two of you as you both worked. 
Hoseok stands in between jungkook and jimin waiting for yoongi to show up, they had huddled together outside the palace near to the stable.
“Hoseok how are you with swords?”
Hoseok thinks for a moment if he become a he would not have access to the palace where you are, who would even allow a stable boy enter the palace. If he become a knight like his new friends then he can enter the palace with no difficulties even if he would a low rank the possibility would be higher to if he become a knight.
“I do well” he decided
Jimin raise his eyebrow at the male who clearly laying but says nothing jungkook beams “That great, you can even train with us”
Hoseok nod and his eyes finds yoongi walking towards them “Yeah, yoongi I want to become a knight” he states without any hesitation the other knights look dumb found at the male who freely called the commanders son’s name without any fear, no one had dared to addresses by his name it always Sir yoongi, or Sir Min yoongi.
They were expecting yoongi to glare at man but they were surprised when yoongi merely just nodded. the selection for knights and stable boys done relatively quickly. The sun had long set; the moon slowly rise in the sky hiding behind the clouds. The three knights had taken hoseok to where they reside the youngest one said that he could stay with them and hoseok found no reason to deny the request, hoseok and the new knights are instructed to starts training early morning under one of their supervisions.
Thaddeus Theron knuckle softly knocks against the door of king’s study quarter, the door opens by one of the servants who bow and move out the way Theron enter the room before motioning the servant to leave with a flick of his wrist.
The king sits on his chair looking out of the large to the sky “is everything in order for their arrival”
“Yes, my king” Theron answers “You seem troubled my king”
The king nod “I am afraid they remember what happened maybe he does” his voice came out Shakey
Theron understanding what the king refers walks towards the king “burden not my king, its was years ago its impossible for them to know, the emissary informed that princes are oblivious as ever. And even if they come to know, they do not hold the power to compete against you”
“I am getting not any young, Thaddeus. The throne belongs to one of them”
Theron nod “But that does not mean we cannot control them, what we need to pass the throne my king not the power”
 “Keep everything in control as well” the king adds
“Certainly, my king” 
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riphobisbraces · 1 year
The Lucky Seven | BTS ot7 x reader
Hybrid/Royal AU
~ Chapter 1 ~
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[ word count 3400+ ]
❀ genre: dark royal core, hybrid au, royalty au, hybrids/knights!ot7 x human/ princess!reader, afab (she/her) reader, polyamory (mostly ot7 x reader), strangers to lovers, daddy dom, smut and sexual sometimes. tiny bits of horror
❀ warnings: smut, swearing, murder, death (not the reader or ot7 though, I'm not evil), mentions of inbreeding (not between reader or ot7) some unsettling horror depictions, it won't be every chapter though or the whole story, just little bits here and there. (I'm willing to re write chapters for you to read if you can't do horror but still wanna follow along, just ask!🖤)
——— summary ———
In a world of hybrids and humans, following each other closely to extinction, you are one of the last full humans, Princess y/l/n of the emerald nation. humans are essential for the survival of hybrids so why are assailants hunting you and your family down? because of this, the court has decided it’d be best for you to be guarded at all times by the nations strongest knights, you’ve only ever heard of them but have never seen their faces. What will happen once you come face to face with the infamous “lucky seven”?
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[ chapter 1 ]
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“you will not go.”
Your father states lowly but firmly. The voice sharp enough to slice the chatter amongst the servants into silence. you were having lunch with your mother and father when you made the fatal mistake of bringing up the possibility of you attending tonight’s annual masquerade ball and thereby making your debut to the kingdom.
Ever since you were a little girl you had been sheltered your entire life. You’re told it’s for your own protection, for your people. you have to stay safe and alive to be able to nourish your nation.
being one of the last full blooded humans, you are a target. No one knows what you look like and you don’t know what anyone else looks like as well. Aside from your staff and servants, no one has ever seen your face. The kingdom and nation knows of your existence of course and they love you nonetheless but because of the scarcity of humans, your father has hidden you away in fear of you being kidnapped or worse.
Your father sees you as a priceless pearl, something he has the strong urge to protect. You were his treasure and he himself had a dark past he never got into as to why he was so overprotective. “but father… I’m 22 years old..” you say but as soon as it leaves your mouth, you wish you could take it back.
“Daughter, I know your age. And to question me is to disobey me, please leave your mother and I at once and make your way into your chamber” your father ends the conversation with that, wiping his mouth with his hanker-chief. He’s always been strict and what he says is always final. As you sat across from your mother, you stood up, placing your hands on the cold grey marble table.
You give her a look, furrowing your eyebrows as to say “please say something” but to your dismay she does the same as your father, wiping her mouth then clearing her throat before looking down to finish her meal. You sigh before you give in with a feeble “yes father”. standing up, you make your way out of dining room, feeling sympathetic glances from the staff as you leave the room.
Walking to your chamber you notice the marbled white floor feels a bit chilly today. you walk through the corridor, onto the white stairway, feeling the relief of warm velvet carpet beneath your chilly feet. Walking up the stairs, one by one, you reach the halfway mark.
The sun from the large glass windows on top of the staircase beams through, tickling your eyes. you squint and use your hand to shade your eyes before looking up. You see two birds fly by, disappearing as quickly as they appeared, almost looking like as if they flew into the clouds.
You feel your heart fall heavy, filled with desperation to be like one of those birds, even just for a second. how lucky they were, to be able to go anywhere, anytime they want. no responsibilities.
It’s a little cliche but people are right when they say they wish they were birds you think to yourself. You’ve read hundreds of books and definitely have come across some descriptions of people wanting to be birds. Never understanding though as a child, you would think to yourself “why on earth would one want feathers? And to have a beak? How bizarre” But as an adult, you understood why now. It was about the freedom.
“Your highness, are you alright? Is your heart okay?” No it isn’t. You snap out of your thoughts before you realize you were still standing halfway up the staircase, clutching your chest all the while an old male servant by the name of Lloyd, looked at you with a face of concern. How long did you space out for, you thought.
“Oh yes, thank you. I guess I just got lost in thought” you give a half smile to your servant. His face of concern turned to relief before quickly turning sour again. while waiting for his response you realize he was one of the servants that was in the dining room when that whole theatrical happened with your father.
“Your highness, please forgive me if I’m speaking out of turn but I do feel sorry for you and your predicament. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to lessen your grievances.” He tries to smile before dismissing himself with a bow and turning away. this of course isn’t unusual, your servants do seem to pity you a lot, which you find ridiculous and kind of ironic, that your “sheltering” has gotten to the point where servants pity a princess!
you’re grumbling as you think and make your way through the upstairs corridor, before eventually finally reaching your room. the oh so familiar two large and tall, white doors stand in front of you. you’ve seen these doors more often than you’ve seen your own face you thought to yourself.
reaching for the diamond knobs you turn them before pushing your way in. The breeze of the outside immediately hits your nose. It’s so fresh and delightful.
Your maids know how stuffy it gets in your chamber and how much you love fresh air so they leave your window open whenever you’re away from your chamber. Your room is cream coloured and filled to the brim with gold accents. High ceilings and lots of books.
Walking towards your desk by the window, you feel your mood start to shift. you feel a bit better despite the little argument you had with father this afternoon. you take a seat in your chair, it’s plush seating immediately coaxing your back into comfort and relaxation.
Inhale… exhale… you look up to your painting above the desk. it’s of two women, dancing in glee at some sort of outdoors festival. you always loved this painting, the happiness they seem to exude, the freedom and love.
They look like they don’t care about the past nor future, they are just focused on the present and what’s in front of each other. Oh how you longed to be that free and content. you feel the familiar heaviness sinking into you chest once again.
you have to feel that freedom, you have to have that happiness at least for one night, dear god, please, just for one night. The desperation in your chest starts to grow more and more. The desperation turns into fear and anxiety.
You feel your palms sweat and your face get hot just at the very thought. Your hands start to shake once you come to the very obvious conclusion. you HAVE to sneak out to the ball tonight.
“But Lloyd, you said you would do anything” you whine with a pout to your servant. “Your highness I-I might’ve of offered but I didn’t think you would need this! And your father- ohhh no, your father is a very scary man and I don’t think if I-“ you shush Lloyd, the same old male servant from before from the stairway. “shhhh. Keep it down! you aren’t doing anything you aren’t supposed to be doing, just play along. Just- Please.. “ You reply with hopelessness at this point, looking down.
you had hatched the perfect plan. You made it as though you were sleeping in your bed, forming your pillows to the shape of your body underneath the comforter. You were all dressed and had your mask on but even so, you would just have to avoid your personal staff and your parents, no one knew you were the princess and what you looked like.
Your father had luckily assigned Lloyd to sit outside your chamber with the guards. The routine is usually a servant will come in and out, checking on you from time to time making sure you are okay before letting the guards know. they would sit there all night which you had gotten used to over the course of your life.
You were always being watched and protected. a sigh interrupts your thoughts “if you’re caught, I knew nothing.” he says in defeat. your eyes widen with a bright glow and you feel your heart skip a beat before jumping into his arms “thank you, thank you, thank you” you whisper. he knows he shouldn’t be doing this but he can’t help but feel for you and your situation.
But the way you lit up and how fast he heard your heart go at his answer, he didn’t regret agreeing. Suddenly he pulled away from the embrace to face you, “Okay princess but you have to promise me not to leave the castle! please stay within the ball and please don’t get recognized. If you’re in danger please just run back to your chamber and reveal yourself to the servants so we can help you. And-“ the old man was about to continue before you cut him off “I promise I’ll be safe. just leave it all to me” you smiled at him.
He sighed out before he looked down at you and tried to return the smile but couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. “Okay your highness” He replied. You give him one last smile before you let go and he dismisses himself.
Hearing your chamber door closed, you slowly walked up to your mirror, taking one last look. you were adorned with a long black dress, thin short sleeves resting on your shoulders, décolletage exposed wearing a pearl necklace with a dark green emerald laid in between your collarbones. your bangs were slightly pinned back just enough to show off your black lace mask.
Wearing your silk black gloves, you pulled up your mask to your face. this was the night. Tonight would be the night of your life. you feel yourself start to shake, before you suddenly feel the urge to throw up from all the adrenaline already.
you swallow it back holding your stomach. You thought this would be easy, thinking of it so many times before but now that you’re actually doing it, you are very frightened. You’ve never been by yourself, you’ve never been in public and mostly, you’ve never disobeyed your father.
You start to rethink your decisions. It’s not too late to undress and head to bed your good conscience says. father would never know. no. something snaps in you saying “it’s now or never”.
you shake your hands breathing in and out walking back and forth from your window before looking out to check for the outside night guards. You planned on jumping out your window and making your way to the ball since you’re only up on the second floor. There was also a small tool-shed in front of your window so you decided that you could easily make that jump to on top of it.
Once you’ve noticed that the guards finished their round near your window and were out of sight, you decide you have to just do it, or else you never will. without thinking, you opened your window ever so slightly before making the jump to the top of that very shed you’ve thought about jumping onto for years.
breathing in and out while looking up at the stars, you just lay there, on top of the tool shed. “I did it” you thought. You start to quietly giggle to yourself.
Even if you didn’t make it to the ball, this was enough. this was the furthest you’ve ever been outside the castle by yourself and it was simply outside your window. you catch eye of the Big Dipper, noting how prettier it looks outside.
You’ve seen the Big Dipper many times before from your window but to be apart of it outside, feels different. there are no walls surrounding you, just miles and miles of horizon. you feel like you’re in space.
“wow..” you say. You’re enjoying being in this new space before you’re brought back to reality with the sound of a snap of a twig. you quickly sat up and gasped.
you looked around into the darkness, squinting in hopes that would somehow improve your night vision. you quickly climb off once you decide that the coast is clear, making your way into the night. you can’t shake the feeling that someone or something is watching you though so you pick up your pace to the entrance.
Turns out your feeling was right. someone was watching you, not a threat though. the hybrid watched in the dark with curiosity as you made your way to the front of the palace. “Hmm” a low voice grumbles from the dark as you’re already long gone.
“woah…” you say in amazement at the crowd. You made your way to the front entrance where every hybrid of all ages were laughing and chattering. everyone looks beautiful and exquisite, definitely fit for a Royal ball.
You can’t help but smile like you never smiled before in your life. in awe of the different faces and smells, you find yourself all of a sudden getting pushed inside as everyone makes their way in. the crowd forming a moving wave toward the entrance with you in it so you decide to just go with the flow hoping you won’t trip.
As the crowd moves towards inside, it doesn’t take long before everyone starts to disperse into a large and grand ballroom. You gasp in astonishment, why haven’t you ever seen the ballroom when it was decorated like this?
Yes you’ve passed by it many times but the room was always empty and plain. It always felt spacious and dark, a lonely room. but tonight was different, the room had come alive with warmth and gold.
It was as if what was missing were people, smiles and laughter. It felt like an another dimension, the layout was your home but you were somewhere completely different. You made your way to the side of the room, leaning against the wall and just taking in the scene before you.
The sound of trumpets startle you from your bewilderment, panicking and immediately ducking down because you know that could only mean your father is going to make his entrance. “Woahh there miss, it’s just the horns for the king” a deep voice makes you turn your head.
A tall man standing in front of you makes your stomach drop. Looking him up and down real quick you realize, he’s a knight. you’ve never been this close to anyone but your servants, let alone having to speak to them. “o-oh yeah. I know” you quickly say before trying to hide again.
You look at the grand staircase in the middle of the room where it looks like your father will be entering from. Feeling your heart beat faster you turn back to get another look at the man’s face beside you before realizing he hadn’t broken his eye contact on you since he’s spoked. he was wearing a black eye mask but you could tell that he was handsome.
His heart shaped lips and angular jawline. He had dark hair and dark eyes to match, you could feel your palms getting hot and a weird fluttering feeling go off in your stomach just by looking at him. “is there a reason why you don’t smell of hybrid miss?” he broke your thought whilst smirking.
Wait what, smell? “what do you mean?” you question. He continues “well it’s just that, every hybrid has a certain scent that others can decipher as hybrid but it seems that…” he leans closer to smell you as you shiver from the sudden close contact “you don’t have a scent. Not a hybrid scent anyway, and as a hybrid, I shouldn’t even be having to explain this to you as you should know this… right?” He smiles. Shit, you are screwed.
You didn’t know that. otherwise you would’ve stayed in your chamber. Humans and hybrids have differentiating scents? your father never really told you these things as he thought you wouldn’t need to know them.
God damn it, father, you thought to yourself. “I just-“ you were about to continue when you were saved by the bell, or at least you thought you were. It was your father speaking. “Welcome to the 34th annual masquerade ball! please help yourself to refreshments and dance to your heart's content! please enjoy!” He finishes with a bow.
Everyone begins clapping as you find yourself sneaking away to get back to your chamber. Making your way out, you suddenly feel your wrist being grabbed, you gasped before your turned to face the same man you were talking to before. “I know you’re the princess, and I know you shouldn’t be here” he admits with a soft voice.
You feel your knees turn into noodles as you’re caught. “Please oh please don’t tell my Father, I was just about to go back into my chamber-“ you’re cut off when something quickly partially covers your sight. the room went quiet from the sudden fast flying object. you look above the thing partially covering your sight before you realize what it was.
An arrow. in between yours and the man’s face. You gasp, breath hitching, trembling as you look at the man in front of you who also has wide eyes. he suddenly covers you and picks you up bridal style without a thought and yells “THE PRINCESS IS BEING ATTACKED” everyone starts to scream and duck once everyone registers what’s going on.
“the princess?” “What is she doing here” screams and confused chatter quickly spread amongst the ball all the while, your father is standing on top of the stairs frozen in bewilderment.
What were you doing here? Who was attacking? Who’s going after his little girl? Why can’t he move? He can’t do anything but watch everything unfold in shock, still like a statue.
The voices of servants and knights trying to get orders from him, just registering as ringing in his ears. His mouth slightly agape, amongst the chaos, one of his best knights pulls him by the shoulders. “MY LORD” suddenly a loud voice abruptly brought him back from his frozen shock.
He looks up before realizing it’s one of the lucky seven. Ironically, he feels lucky because of this. “get my daughter out of here” is all the king could muster before the knight gave him a stern nod.
Running down the stairs, the knight yells out to his pack member carrying the princess “HOBI, GET HER TO NAMJOON” hobi nods while running to the front to where the said knight named Namjoon resided. The aforementioned knight running down the stairs then took out his sword and quickly looked for his other pack members to take down the asalients.
you’re frozen. You can’t do anything but watch the horror unfold. This is all your fault, it had to be. People were pushing each other, screaming and crying.
Everyone was running for their lives all the while you were being carried by this unknown knight. You could feel the regret and fear in your stomach churning together to create this whole new awful feeling. You just wanted to go home, you regretted ever coming out.
Your train of thought is broken when the two of you finally made it outside. An even taller and buff looking man ran up to you guys. “Hobi, what’s going on?” he asks concerned while looking back at you both and everyone running past you guys. Who you guess is Hobi, puts you down and replies “this is the princess, she’s being attacked. We need to hide her until the others calm everything down, king’s orders”
Namjoon looks at you in shock “the princess?” before quickly shaking his head, snapping himself out of his own shock before saying “alright, I’ll take her from here”. The buff looking man quickly shape-shifts into his animal form, a large dark grey wolf.
Hobi quickly puts you on top of his back before saying “hang on tight your highness” you do as your told and hold onto the wolf around its shoulders, not being able to wrap your arms fully around because of how truly large he was. Letting your hands sink into his fur, you grab on before he suddenly starts running.
You turn around as the palace behind you becomes smaller and smaller and the screams become quieter and quieter. You turn back to face forward before letting yourself succumb to your adrenaline, now feeling safe. This fur is warm you think to yourself before drifting to sleep, all the while you somehow held onto the hybrid tight the whole ride, too scared to let go or be alone even whilst asleep.
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a/n; okay so I know I said I would start writing chapter one tomorrow but I couldn’t wait, I wanted to get the story rolling before I started writing tomorrow again. anyway what did you think? why didn’t Lloyd tell y/n about humans and hybrids having different scents? who was watching her while she was on top of the tool shed? and how did hobi know y/n was the princess 🤔 also who was the knight that broke the king out of his thoughts? So many questions unanswered but continue reading to see what happens! we will be meeting the boys properly next chapter :)
Next chapter:
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runariya · 2 months
I just saw that prompt game thingy and thought maybe you could write something for me too.
Emojis: 👑🥰💍🥂
Member: Taehyung
Line: 'With a smirk, Taehyung scoffed, "You think you can resist me? How adorable."'
(royal+fluff+wedding+party) part of the prompt game pairing: prince!Taehyung x female reader genre: royal!AU, f2s2l, fluff warnings: yearning, fluff, fluff, fluff, kissing word count: 2.092
a/n: thank you anony for this prompt request! I hope you like it! I tweaked the tense to better match my writing style, I hope that works for you!
The grand halls of the palace are alive with laughter and music, the chatter of guests echoing against the high ceilings adorned with crystal chandeliers. Tonight, the Kingdom of Kimhan celebrates the wedding of its beloved prince, Kim Taehyung, in a grand party that has the entire realm buzzing with excitement.
You find yourself among the crowd as an unexpected guest at this royal affair. Receiving an invitation had been a complete surprise, especially since you aren’t royalty and haven’t spoken to Taehyung in five years. As a commoner, you feel slightly out of place among the nobility, but the allure of the celebration pulls you in regardless. The hall seems foreign but familiar at the same time. 
Dressed in a borrowed forest green gown, you glide through the ballroom, admiring the regal decor. Golden banners hang alongside rich tapestries, and the floor sparkles as if scattered with stardust. The guests are a sea of elegant dresses and tailored suits, moving rhythmically to the orchestra playing a waltz.
As you move through the crowd, your eyes are drawn to the center of the room, where Prince Taehyung stands, a magnetic figure who draws everyone’s gaze. He is as charming as the latest stories suggest, with his dark, tousled hair falling effortlessly around his eyes and a smile that could light up the night. His suit is perfectly tailored, accentuating his broad shoulders and confident and tall stance. The prince's eyes, a deep brown that seem to hold a thousand secrets, scan the room with an easy confidence.
Despite the attention he receives from the well-wishers surrounding him, there’s a part of you that wants to avoid him. Memories of your shared childhood flood back—the days spent exploring the palace gardens, the laughter echoing between the corridors. Those days seemed simpler, back when you were just two kids enjoying each other's company, before the weight of social class became apparent.
You’ve had a crush on Taehyung for as long as you can remember, but the divide between your worlds kept you at a distance. You’ve watched him grow from afar, seen him transform into the man he is now. And though your heart yearns for him, you’ve always convinced yourself that someone like you could never truly fit into his world.
Yet, here you are, and despite your resolve to remain unnoticed, your eyes keep finding their way back to him.
A soft voice catches your attention, pulling you from your thoughts. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” a woman next to you comments, gesturing to the scene. She’s older, with kind eyes and a warm smile.
You nod, forcing a smile. “It’s like a dream,” you reply, trying to keep your awe in check.
She chuckles. “Indeed. Prince Taehyung’s wedding is the event of the century. I’m just glad to witness it.”
“Who is he marrying?” you ask, though the question leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. 
The woman laughs softly. “Oh, the prince isn’t marrying tonight. This is a pre-wedding celebration. The actual ceremony will be held tomorrow. Tonight is for the people to rejoice.”
Your heart sinks a little at the confirmation. Taehyung, your Taehyung, is to marry someone else. You can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy, wondering who the woman is that will stand beside him for life. You’ve spent years trying to suppress your feelings, but the thought of him with another makes your heart ache in an intensity you never knew it could feel. 
“Do you know who the lucky bride is?” you inquire, your voice barely masking the tremor beneath.
The woman gives you a conspiratorial smile. “Rumor has it she’s a lady of noble birth, but beyond that, it’s anyone’s guess. The royal family has been quite secretive.”
You thank her for the information, and she moves on, leaving you alone with your thoughts. Your gaze drifts back to Prince Taehyung, now dancing with a young woman who’s matching his beauty with ease. His movements are graceful, and he leads with an effortless confidence that draws admiration from those around him.
As you watch them, a wistful longing fills your chest. How many times have you imagined being in her place, twirling in his arms under the soft glow of the chandeliers? You’ve always known it was a foolish dream, yet the desire persists even years later.
The night wears on, and you find yourself swept into the festivities. You dance with strangers, share laughter and stories, and for a while, forget your unease. The music is intoxicating, and you let yourself be carried by the rhythm.
Eventually, you step outside for some fresh air. The gardens are illuminated by lanterns, casting a warm glow over the carefully manicured hedges and flowers. You stroll along a path you know from your childhood days spent here, enjoying the tranquility that contrasts with the lively atmosphere inside.
Lost in your thoughts, you almost don’t notice when someone joins you. It’s Prince Taehyung, his presence unmistakable even in the dim light. He walks beside you silently for a moment before speaking.
“It’s a beautiful night,” he comments, his voice smooth and inviting.
You nod, caught off guard by hearing his deep, velvety voice after so long. “It is. The gardens are lovely.”
He chuckles softly, glancing at you with a playful glint in his eyes. “I noticed you inside. You seem to be enjoying yourself.”
You feel a blush creep up your cheeks, unsure of how to respond. “I didn’t expect to be here, honestly. But it’s been a wonderful evening.”
Taehyung stops, turning to face you fully. “I’m glad. It’s important that everyone feels welcome at the palace.”
There’s a sincerity in his words that surprises you. Despite his status, he doesn’t carry the aloofness you expected. Instead, he seems genuinely interested in your presence despite you ghosting him years ago. 
Before you can respond, he speaks again, his tone lighthearted. “Do you know how to waltz?”
The question catches you off guard. “I’ve had some lessons, but I’m not very good,” you admit, feeling self-conscious.
Taehyung offers his hand, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. “Care to join me for a dance? I promise I won’t step on your toes.”
You hesitate, glancing back towards the ballroom where the music drifts softly. You remind yourself that his future wife is probably waiting for him inside and that it’s best not to get too close. After all, he has a new life ahead of him, one that doesn’t include you. But his invitation is hard to resist, and you find yourself placing your hand in his.
As Taehyung leads you to a small clearing, the moon casts a silvery glow over the scene. He guides you with practiced ease, his touch light. His hand on your waist feels reassuring, and you try to focus on the steps rather than the fluttering in your chest.
“You dance well,” he compliments, his gaze holding yours.
You laugh softly, shaking your head. “I’m just trying not to trip.”
Taehyung chuckles, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “You’re doing just fine. Trust me.”
His confidence is infectious, and you relax into the dance, allowing yourself to enjoy the moment. The music, though distant, provides a perfect backdrop to your impromptu waltz.
Dancing in the moonlight with the man you’ve always loved, you try with all your might to hold yourself together. You want to create a beautiful memory that will last for the rest of your life, something that you can look back on fondly when all of this is over. 
You gaze at Taehyung, who is stunningly handsome and just as charming as he was when you were children. His warm brown eyes, one with a monolid, are deep and mesmerising, filled with a kind of tenderness that makes you ache inside. His plush, heart-shaped lips curl into a gentle smile that sends your heart racing, and his perfectly sloped nose complements his elegant features. You resist the urge to feather your fingers across the smooth skin of his cheek, knowing that this moment must be enough.
Taehyung hasn’t changed a bit, but he has grown into the most attractive man on earth. His long hair falls softly around his face, framing those beautiful eyes you once knew so well. He holds you close, his hands steady and reassuring, and you can’t help but notice how much he has matured. The same boyish charm he had as a child is still there, but now it’s paired with a confidence that makes him irresistible. 
As he gazes at you, his expression is warm and sincere, as if he sees right into your soul. You wish you could freeze time, stay in this moment with him forever, but you know that soon he will return to a life that no longer includes you. So, you hold on tightly, committing every detail of his face to memory, hoping it will bring you comfort in the days to come.
When the song comes to an end, Taehyung slows, keeping you close. There’s a warmth in his expression that doesn't seem to falter one bit. 
“Thank you,” you say, breathless from both the dance and his proximity.
“It was my pleasure,” he replies, his voice soft. “I’ve missed seeing you around.”
The confession takes you by surprise, and you can’t help but wonder if there’s more beneath his words. Taehyung’s hand brushes against your cheek, a soft, lingering touch that makes your breath hitch.
“You’ve grown up,” he muses, his gaze never leaving yours. “But you’re still the same girl I remember.”
The tenderness in his voice tugs at something deep within you. It’s as if he sees past the walls you’ve built, straight to the heart you’ve tried to guard.
“I suppose some things never change,” you reply, trying to keep your voice steady.
Taehyung’s eyes hold a depth of emotion that makes your heart ache. “Why do you always avoid me, hm?” he asks with a smirk, his tone both teasing and challenging.
You hesitate, the truth hovering on the tip of your tongue. “I guess I just didn’t want to get in the way. You’re royalty, Tae.”
He steps closer, his hand still resting lightly against your cheek. “And you think that means we can’t be friends?”
“Friends,” you repeat, the word feeling bittersweet. “I’m not one of your delusional fangirls.” You attempt to step back, but he draws you into his chest, and you collide with a soft exhale.
With a smirk, Taehyung scoffs, “You think you can resist me? How adorable.”
You meet his gaze, a smile tugging at your lips despite yourself. “I didn’t say I wanted to resist.”
The air between you shifts, charged with possibilities. It’s a moment suspended in time, where anything seems possible.
Taehyung’s expression softens, and he moves closer, his breath warm against your skin. “I’m glad. Because I’ve always wanted to see you again.”
His words wash over you like a gentle wave, filling the spaces you didn’t know were empty. Despite the improbability of it all, you feel a thrill of excitement.
“I’ve always wanted to see you too,” you admit, feeling a sense of certainty in your response.
The tension between you builds, and Taehyung’s gaze drops to your lips. His hand moves to cradle the back of your neck, his touch as gentle as the warm summer breeze.
You lean in, your heart racing as you close the distance between you. The kiss is soft, a tentative exploration that quickly deepens into something more. Taehyung’s lips are warm and inviting, and you lose yourself in the sensation of being so close to him.
The world around you fades away, leaving just you and Taehyung, two souls drawn together by fate and choice. In the gardens of the palace, beneath the stars, you find a connection that defies expectations.
As you pull apart, your foreheads resting against each other, you can’t help but smile. The promise of new beginnings fills the air, a future you’re eager to explore together.
Taehyung gazes at you with a tenderness that makes your heart soar. “You were my past. You are my present.” he promises, his voice filled with conviction. “Please be my future and marry me tomorrow.” 
“What about the bride?” You ask him dazed. 
“That all,” he gestures to the festivities inside, “is all for you. It was always only you.” 
And in that moment, you believe him. Together with Taehyung, you step into the future, a future you always wished for. 
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