#bsh haley
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fudanshidoublevision · 1 year ago
It's pretty funny how the three love interests have something in common 。。。。besides their obvious interest (Haley) and obsession (Double Vision and Ray) towards the MC of the game.
The three of them smoke, which might be something banal for some but I like to hold into small details like these and make up stuff.
Haley takes smoke breaks, Ray smokes when he is in your apartment and Double isn't shown smoking in the game but he does on his birthday illustration. ᶘ ⊙ᴥ⊙ᶅ
Not sure if that was on purpose or just a coincidence but either way, it makes sense to me.
Ray, especially, the fact that he smokes.
Considering that he spent most of his pre-teen and teenage years until he was 18 years old living with Steel Sheriff and remember, Steel Sheriff is a shitty person and a BAD influence, so it makes sense that maaaybe that bad habit was influenced by that horrendous man and Ray took a hold into it.
Ray strikes me as the type of guy who's addicted to nicotine and honestly? I don't blame him at all, that man went through so much shit since he came out of his mother's womb so if he EVEN chain smokes, it wouldn't faze me at all.
Not sure if Ray smokes only at night but someone dear to me does and well, the only time of the day Ray is completely free of any duty is at night, as far as i've seen? Also, smoking at night sounds...right to me, he takes notice of you and opens the window so he isn't stinking up your place...which is surprising, the only smokers I know always smoke in secluded places and I can smell it all the way into my bedroom. ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ
I'm aware that nicotine has some benefits but we are talking about Ray, who is freaking Binary Star, HIS ABILITY???? EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. /j This man does not GAF about the side effects or the benefits of smoking. Out of the three I believe that Ray is free from any illnesses or any type of side effects, heh.
Now, Haley, they are shapeshifter...? Correct me if I'm wrong, im an amateur on the Haley department. Crazy idea but imagine if they smoke on their cat form, holy fucking shit. Their brain, gastrointestinal system or even their heart is not safe though...but I believe that they can easily shift into any animal with the strongest lungs ever and live another day without being worried about any complications? Huh, this sounds batshit crazy so I think I'll stop writing this part.
Like Ray, Haley seems to smoke as a sedative, what if they smoke herbal cigarettes? Also, I believe that they can easily quit if they want to (heh, now that I'm reading this part i forgot that this is something most addicts say, LOL.) , which I beg to differ when it comes to Ray or Double, I don't judge them, just an observation I guess.
At last, my favorite character and current obsession, Double Vision.
Cigarette smoking, yeah but what about vaping? He looks like the type of guy that would vape or maybe is it too tame for him? Maybe he wants something stronger. Wait, does anyone really need a reason to smoke? ಠಿ_ಠ
People say that vaping is less hazardous than smoking but to me? It's the same thing, most e-cigarretes contain nicotine but yeah, you are inhaling smoke from burning tobacco when you smoke a cigarette. I don't know anything about vaping. It's pretty popular in my country though, never tried it but my friend told me that vaping feels and tastes different from smoking, so I believe their judgement.
Forgive my yapping, like I was saying! He isn't safe from the lung cancer, at all. Yeah, this man can do sick tricks with the smoke, for sure... I'm not going to name any because I might be wrong but you name it and maaaaaaaybe he would be capable of doing it, if you can do something for him back, of course. Oh, I'm 100% sure this freakazoid throws the smoke in your face on purpose, I find that hot actually...if only my nostrils and eyes could say the same about that. If he does that, I'll be coughing like I have asthma until I die.
Hmm, I can't think of when he started smoking...maybe on his teenage years? After all, I think it was at that time that he started to get along with shady people and ugly business. The power of influence and their ambience might be a big factor of this habit on these guys. Heavy on Ray.
That's everything I could think of. For now.
If you are a real person, don't smoke, I guess?. Do whatever you want BUT DON'T BE TELLING ANYONE THAT TUMBLR USER fudanshidoublevision encouraged you to do it.
If you are fictional character, yassss smoke all you want beautiful inexistent individual, you don't exist after all!
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shoyastars · 1 month ago
One word.
Your favorite Binary Star Hero Character.
Level of fluff to spice.
I’ll write it for you. This place is in need of more scenarios.
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shoyastars · 6 months ago
Happy Birthday!!!🎉🎂
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Happy birthday! 🎂🎉 🖤💚🐈‍⬛
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binarystarhero · 1 month ago
This is a blog dedicated to the visual novel game : Binary Star Hero
General tags:
#bshvn - general bsh tag
#bshvn oc - tag for posts that include player's ocs
#concrete art - tag for posts with my art
Asks tags:
#bshvn asks - for all bsh asks
#gen asks - For general questions about the game
#backstory asks - for asks about game backstory/lore
#ray asks - Ray specific asks
#haley asks - Haley specific asks
#double asks - double specific asks
#blaze asks - Blaze specific asks
#miles asks - miles specific asks
Fan art related Tags:
#bshvn fanart - any/all bsh fanart
#ray fanart - Fan art of Ray
#double fanart - fan art of double
#haley fanart - fan art of haley
#miles fanart - fan art of miles
#bshvn fanfic - for bsh fanfic
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winged-self-indulgence · 1 year ago
I replayed BSH and was immediately infected by the dark urge to write a fic for it. Or at least, the first 2.6K words.
The crash of ceramic colliding with the beige tiles jolted Diya from her work, and it was only the reflexive tightening of strong fingers around the heavy box in her arms that prevented a veritable flood of brand-new oat milk from joining the rapidly spreading brown puddle on the ground.
The woman inhaled and exhaled a deliberate breath of coffee-flavoured air as her co-worker’s grating voice cut through the hum of the café’s background chatter.
“Ayo, Newbie, pass me some napkins!” Miles shouted despite being barely 10ft away, “some old fart dropped his coffee!”
Carefully, Diya set down the delivery – both because it was heavy, and to remove the temptation to brain the man with its vegan-friendly contents – and charitably yanked a wad of thick, perforated napkins from the box beneath the counter.
“Stop calling me Newbie,” she snapped, shoving them at his chest hard enough that Miles let out a little oof at the sudden impact before scrambling to catch the napkins before they could hit the ground. “Either use my name, or don’t call me at all.”  
“Haha, someone’s grouchy this morning!” He shot finger guns her way, making little pew-pew noises to go with them. “Guess you’re in a brew-tal mood, huh? Get it? Brew-tal? Brutal?”
As always, Miles just laughed as though he hadn’t noticed her bad temper or genuinely didn’t care that he was about 30 seconds away from being violently strangled with his own apron strings. Most days Diya wasn’t sure whether to be annoyed by his perpetual good humour or amused by his easygoing nature, so usually she simply settled on being begrudgingly fond of his particular brand of nonsense. Like a particularly stupid orange cat that constantly knocked over anything not nailed to the countertop.
A sigh escaped Diya’s lips. Her sister would have loved Miles. They could both make godawful puns together.
“Speaking of…uh…what is your name again? If I ask Hals they’ll explode at me again,” Miles scratched the back of his head sheepishly, nearly knocking off the beat-up beanie barely holding his messy brown hair in check.
Diya shot him a pointed glare, before intentionally directing her gaze down to the front of her forest green apron where a very obvious employee name card proclaimed the word Dayana in neat looping letters. As Miles lips parted in a silent oh of realization,she rolled her eyes and turned back to continue restocking the fridge.
“We have been working together for over a month, Miles,” she snapped, running a frustrated hand through the wavy strands of her chin-length black hair. “I know you have the brain capacity of a severely concussed goldfish, but you could at least try to make some effort. It’s two syllables.”
“I’m sorry! I promise I’ll remember next time!” It was a blatant lie but only one of them knew it. Diya wouldn’t be surprised if Miles had already forgotten her name in the five seconds it had taken him to look away and check the coffee spill. “By the way, can I get more napkins? It was a ton of coffee. Like, a whole bean coffee, hehe…”
For fuck’s sake, is he already high? Diya stared at the man in dull disbelief as Miles continued to chuckle under his breath. It was only 9 a.m. Haley would have his ass if he was.
“If the spill’s that big, just get one of the mops. We have a cleaning closet for a reason, dumbass,” she informed him, jerking a sarcastic thumb over to the door that led to the employee-only area at the back of the café. “Besides, if you just wipe it down with paper towels the whole area is going to get super sticky and attract ants–. You know what? Never mind. I’ll take care of it.”
Miles’s bright blue eyes went even brighter, and he even clapped his hands underneath his chin, dropping the tissue dispenser to the ground where it split open with a metallic thunk. “You sure Newbie? ‘Cause my legs are super sore from stocking up this morning, so this would be a real lifesaver!”
The headache building behind Diya’s eyes grew exponentially as she stared down at the carpet of napkins littering the ground with dead-eyed acceptance. Genuinely how did someone as careless as Miles survive on their own for so long without accidentally getting themselves killed? Without an ability or extremely good luck, people like him couldn’t last long without some sort of safety net.
“Sure, let me just–”
“Let you just what?” Haley’s tall, unimpressed form appeared behind Miles, causing both employees to jump a good foot off the ground in surprise. A pair of dark brown eyes levelled Miles with a glare sharp enough to cut through steel. “Just let Miles do his job and clean up the huge mess on that table? What an excellent idea, Diya.”
Without giving the man a chance to respond, Haley handed Miles a bucket and mop. He took the cleaning instruments meekly, shooting them a nervous grin before trailing off in the direction of the spill with all the melodramatic malaise of a Victorian orphan being sent off to the workhouse. Haley watched him go stoically, waiting for him to be mostly out of earshot before turning to Diya with a complicated expression on their face.
“You don’t have to baby him so much,” they said, grabbing a slightly burned croissant from the discard pile. Painted black fingernails picked at the charcoal-covered tips where the heat of the oven had burned them to a crisp. One of the heating implements was out of order, meaning it either didn’t work or it worked far too well and roasted everything in that corner. “I know Miles seems ridiculously incompetent, but you shouldn’t do everything for him. It just enables him.”
“It’s easier than watching him fuck up,” Diya snorted, smirking across the room where Miles was trying to mop up the pool of milky brown and mostly succeeding in smearing it around in a sickly mess of coffee and pink, floral scented cleaning fluid. Still, the tense jut of his shoulders indicated that he could feel their hawkish stares and was trying to maintain the veneer of a hardworking employee while still appearing pathetic enough that hopefully Diya would swoop in to do the work for him.
It might have worked. The tips of her fingers itched to snatch the mop away from him and just do it herself, but Hal’s stern gaze kept Diya’s feet rooted firmly by the counter.
“I know it’s tempting,” they acknowledged, wincing as some of the gross fluid splashed onto Miles’s fancy-looking shoes. Diya vaguely recalled seeing them in some brand fashion magazine going for a few hundred, if not more.
Ah, so money was his safety net.
“Shit…think I could nab those while he’s napping in the breakroom?” Haley waggled their brows invitingly, a lock of dark green hair falling into their hopelessly pretty face. “Wannabe my partner in crime? We’ll even split the winnings, 50/50.”
 “50/50?” A snort of laughter erupted from Diya’s lips. “What does that even mean? They’re shoes! What, do I get the left leg and you get the right? Do we switch on a weekly basis?”
“I was thinking more like shared custody,” Haley smirked, biting off a mouthful of somehow still-warm pastry. “You can get them…hmmm…on the weekends.”
“Wow, so generous. What am I, a deadbeat dad?” Diya rolled her eyes as she retook her place behind the register and began wiping down the countertops with a harsh, self-deprecating snicker. “Besides, I don’t think I’m cut out for a life of crime. Making minimum wage as a barista is all the excitement I ever want to handle. I don’t need any more trouble.”
Haley’s smile softened, soft lips taking on a gentler curve. “Sounds like you’re speaking from experience,” they replied. To Diya’s surprise, they leaned closer, the deep emerald hues of their long hair forming a forest-like curtain that seemed to banish all outside noise. “I wonder what secrets you’re hiding, Diya~”
Temporarily frozen in place, it took Diya a few seconds to huff and shove them away. “My secrets? I should be more concerned about you, Mx. Owns My Own Café in The Middle of The City. How am I going to fulfil my dreams of lifelong mediocrity if you get arrested for insurance fraud?”
Haley spluttered with laughter, nearly choking on her croissant. “Ew, insurance fraud? At least let me be arrested for something flashier, like a bank heist! Then my grand, daredevil deeds can serve as an inspiration to you to go on and find your dream job!”
That was the thing about Haley, Diya thought with a grin. They always knew how to cheer her up, even in the absolute dregs. A month ago, Diya had been on her last legs. Her apartment lease was about to end, and the landlord had been banging on the doors almost every week demanding she either fork over rent or get lost.
Chilled wind carried the stirrings of autumn and the warning of winter, and she had been desperate, starving, and almost homeless until Haley had offered her a job as a barista. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that they had saved Diya’s life. Haley was her hero, though that was something Diya would never say aloud considering their vitriolic opinions on heroes and the NAHA.
Opinions that Diya herself shared, though she had the public sense to be considerably less outspoken about them than her boss. Heroes were not only huge celebrities, but also pillars of morality embedded deep into the fabric of contemporary society. They were modern myths, their images featured in preschool cartoons, on children’s books, and stamped on charities. To speak ill of a hero was, at best, social suicide and at worst legally suspicious. The last thing Diya needed was some ‘concerned citizen’ calling a raid on her apartment because she’d accidentally insulted their favourite hero.
“Uh…can I order?”
Shit! Diya’s head sprang up at the low, drawling voice emanating from a customer standing at the other side of the counter. How engrossed in the conversation with Haley had she been that she hadn’t noticed an entire grown man less than two feet away? For the sake of her pride, Diya hoped he’d only just arrived and hadn’t been waiting there listening to the two of them chatter.
The man rubbed his arm awkwardly, pupils scanning the overhead menu in an effort to avoid eye contact. Paradoxically, his obvious discomfort with the situation helped Diya calm down, banishing the heat from her cheeks as she craned her neck up to take the stranger in. He was tall, with a pronounced and off-kilter slouch that tilted his weight forward and made it appear like he was drowning in his maroon sweater. The fabric hung off his frame, revealing a lean throat and collarbones. Strands of thick, golden-brown hair tumbled down his neck and swept across his forehead, framing a wan face speckled with a striking constellation of freckles.
“Sorry about that. I didn’t see you there,” Diya put on a tight-lipped, customer-service smile.
The man finally tore his gaze away from the menu, briefly fixing her with a pair of eyes the colour of a clear summer sky. The kind of sky you get when the sun is so impossibly hot that it chases all the clouds away and all that exists is blue, blue, blue stretching out as far as the horizon. A hungry sort of hue, a void erasing gravity and swallowing up everything around.
When he looked away again, Diya felt like she had been allowed to come up for air after an unknown amount of time. “No worries. I prefer it that way.”
“Hm. I think I get it,” she replied, shrugging when he shot her a disbelieving stare. “It’d be nice to not be noticed sometimes, is all. What would you like to order?”
Those impossible eyes flickered back to the menu, pausing on the seasonal options, and Diya mentally went over the syrups they had and whether there was enough whipped cream to last until the weekend or if she should tell Miles to run out and buy some more. “Can I get…a black coffee to go?”
“What?” The word was out of her mouth before she could stop it, causing her to be on the receiving end of the man’s startled stare. Diya’s cheeks heated up and she shook her head. “Sorry, sorry. Just one black coffee, and nothing else?”
The man paused and narrowed his eyes as though trying to parse whether this was some sort of elaborate trick question. It was…kind of cute if she had to be honest. “Uh…no?” He replied, cheeks going a little pink. “No, thank you.”
Well then, it seemed the whipped cream would last a little longer. “Okay, that’ll be $3.”
The man dug his hands into his pocket and pulled out a battered wallet from which he retrieved a $5 bill. Diya quickly rang him up and counted out his change on the receipt, but he just shoved his hands back into the pockets of his jeans and muttered a curt, “Keep it.”
Not very talkative, huh. That was fine. At least he wasn’t being outright rude. Diya had frequently found that the worst, most entitled customers were the ones who never shut the fuck up. One man had even insisted on making conversation with her while she’d been preparing his drink, resulting in a near brush with the hospital from the milk-frother when his yelling got too distracting.
Then he’d even had the audacity to leave a one-star review on Yelp for ‘unfriendly service’.                     
“Here you go,” Diya handed over a to go cup of plain black coffee, wrapped in a protective sleeve. “Please be careful. It’s very hot, and I don’t want you to burn your hands.”
Internally, Diya wanted to slam her face into the countertop. ‘It’s very hot’? Wow, no kidding! Luckily the man didn’t seem to take the redundant statement with any bad intentions, and just flashed her a wry smirk.
“Thanks…uh…” His eyes dropped down, and for a single enraging moment Diya was certain that he was staring at her tits. Sharply, she followed his gaze to the name tag pinned to the left of her chest. “…Dayana? Have a good day.”
He took the coffee from her hands, their fingertips brushing as the cup was exchanged. It was barely a flicker of contact, yet something in Diya’s stomach stirred; a swarm of butterflies bursting to life inside her belly and fluttering to be free.
Embarrassment welled up in the back of her throat, sickly and nauseating, but she managed to smile back and return his words with a polite, “Same to you.”
Against her will, Diya watched him exit the café – the bell above the door chiming gently as he stepped out into the semi-busy streets – and quickly looked away when he glanced back at her with a knowing smile. The blue of his eyes would not leave her mind, no matter how hard she tried to throw herself into her work. A glance at the clock on the wall revealed that it was only 10am. Damn. Still hours to go.
Not even watching TV helped, because every news channel was running the same special on Binary Star Hero – sponsored by the NAHA of course – and Diya refused to watch the their propaganda poster-boy for a single second of her own free will. However, several customers began to complain when she tried to change the station so she was forced to work the rest of her shift trying not to think about blue eyes while a gratingly cheerful voice parroted the same corporate platitudes and catchphrases in a dozen different ways.
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elijah420 · 1 year ago
this is so real IVE BEEN HYPERFIXATED ON BSH FOR SO LONGGG!!!! hear me out on ray & haley…
So recently I've watched ppl play "Binary Star Hero"
and all I can say is that I am simping SO HARD FOR DOUBLE OMG
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fudanshidoublevision · 11 months ago
Watching Ray and Haley throwing shade at each other in front of MC was my favorite part of the whole game like, OHHHHH MY GOD THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTINGGGG NOOOOO WHYYY?????
I love how much of a HATER Ray is and oh my GOD, the sassiness.... Why are you behaving like that old man? Take a chill pill 🩷 Oh BUT HALEY, they didn't back down AT ALL and LITERALLY MULTIPLIED THE DAMAGE AHAHAAA HALEY I LOVE YOU, YOU ARE SOOOOO EVILLLLLLL. God, definitely my favorite part of the game.
Was he listening the conversation from a mile or something? Most likely, not sure if Haley knows about Binary Star's ability to read people's mind but i could imagine that they were literally THINKING the most disrespectful and condescending shit towards him. I hope they did or it was such a wasted opportunity to not say what they REALLY wanted to say but couldn't because MC was present.
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fudanshidoublevision · 1 year ago
Happy White Day! (o^∀^o)
I made this on Valentine's Day. So, I'm expecting some chocolate back from Double. /j
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I bought a lot of purple things because it reminded me of Double and to decorate that damned top loader but I ended up using pink. Fuck.
For some reason, I think Double has a sweet tooth but maybe he is a bit picky? He isn't fond of cake but considering his choices (Mille-Feuille and Tarte Tatin) when it comes to cake, I find it interesting. (WHAT KIND OF CHOICES ARE THOSEEEE. this is the first time I've ever heard of such desserts, they look pricey and...something a rich person would eat but we are talking about Double here so yeah.)
I was wondering if giving him chocolate was a right choice, lol. But it's not (un)common to give other type of gifts on Valentine's and White Day, especially on White Day.
PERSONALLY, I would give him chocolate and some other type of gift. Yeah, he is an asshole but I love him so much and I'm obsessed with him, so WHAT.
I don't really care about not receiving something back but I would FUCKING do the same for Ray and Haley, and I will most likely give 義理チョコ to Miles. I like Miles enough to give him a customary gift.
I'll love to see Ray's and HALEY'S reaction, especially Haley. They are so cute when they are flustered.
Also, RAY...that would be such a big surprise to him! I'm sure he has never participated on this kind of thing so im guessing that he would appreciate this a lot. Especially when it comes from someone he is romantically inclined to.
Hmmm, I might write something about this but I just wanted to share the decorated top loader I did for that “photocard” of Double. It's my most precious item, it holds a big emotional value. 😌
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shoyastars · 3 months ago
If I was in Binary Star Hero:
Mc: You really love me?
Mc: what the-
Me: Shit-
Mc at work I’m a co worker
Me: Oooo~ looks like someone’s thinking of a certain someone~
Mc: that obvious?
Me: Pretty much.
Mc: I don’t know about him, who knows.. he could be a like a serial killer….
Me: good point.
Mc: Or married!
Me: I didn’t see a ring on any of his ring fingers.
Mc: You didn’t- wait… why were you paying attention to that…?
Me: Your not the only one interested 🤭
When the Mc is “Alone” with double.
Mc: Y-you….
Double: Good to see you again ho-
-Awkward silence-
Me: I sense I’ve interrupted something dangerous…..
When Binary Star saved Mc from the alien attack.
Me: Phew…. I’m so glad Binary Star got you here safe and sound.
Mc: I think I should call Ray if he’s in the area….
Me: Wait- your telling me you haven’t figured out what he’s actually doing right now?
Mc: Huh? What do you mean?
-I’d take a deep breath and put a hand on their shoulder.-
Me: Mc, we need to have a talk��
Mc: huh??
Me meeting Ray face to face. (Me and mc roommates.)
Ray: So your mc’s roommate?
Me: Yeah?
Ray: Have they said anything about me?
Me: Alright… I see where your going, I approve… now let me tell you some things that are definitely icky for them and are a yes for them.
Ray: Um…. Thanks?
Interacting with Haley during their smoke break.
Me: Didn’t you quit smoking?
Haley: Tried…. Till the headache came along.
Me: Miles?
Haley: Miles…..
Conversation with Miles
Miles: Check this out, the Sidekick Era Blaze figure I was talking about!
Me: Holy shit that’s expensive.
Miles: Would you like to-
Me: No.
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shoyastars · 2 months ago
Been thinking of a doing a Christmas special of the Binary Star Hero Characters, any ideas you guys would like?
(Yes they can have spice.)
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shoyastars · 3 months ago
Quick Question
Do you guys like my writing upon fanficion in the Binary Star Hero Fandom?
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