#bsf login
kandeonlinecenter · 1 year
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luvv-byte · 3 months
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sgt-scottymoreau · 9 months
Alliances - Part 2
Summary: They all say there's a begining to everything. They also say that when the opportunity present itself, you should take it. After a terrorist slip throw her hands, she found herself need of foreign help. Call it faith or dumb luck, but this is how Scotty would describe how she got to meet the 141.
Warning: None, probably lot of military innacuracy and other things like that, but we are here for the fun not the realism :P
Word: 6.3k // Part 1 // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: This will be a two part because no way I'm post 11k fic in one post here lol But the A03 version is the full fic no cut.
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Price was pissed that this went sour as it did. They just have to hope that the fire that started after the explosion was able to cover up most of the papers related to the terrorists. News would be talking, they didn't need the public to worry and even less Lambert to figure they were after him. Which so far seems like he did. A question that everyone wondered about; how? He was not aware that Scotty had followed him all the way here, as far as they knew, he probably bet on the fact that she had no way to come after him to be moved to England. In theory, he would never have been aware of her current position and he should be in custody by now. 
Scotty was out of the infirmary with her shin bandaged and ready to return on the field. Her shoulders were painful, but nothing she couldn’t handle. She walked towards Price's office for a debriefing on what just happened, when she spotted Ghost ahead. She quickened her pace to catch him. "Thanks for the save back there, sir." She thanked him. Scotty knew it was his job, but it never hurt to be nice. 
"Don't mention it." He replied not even looking at her. They walked in silence together after that as they were both heading the same direction and room. 
Price was at his desk, face in his hands. He had to think carefully of their next step of action. He lifted his gaze only when the door closed behind Scotty. Soap and Gaz were already there, also rattling their brains on what could have happened. Price let out a sigh and shifted in his seat. “The only connection we had with Lambert is death, all proof except for the map Scotty took are considered gone. We need more than that if we want to find him.”
“What about the file she brought?” Gaz referred to the papers she shared about the recent activities on the first briefing. 
“Despite being recent activities, none of them connect to the current situation. At least not from the first glance of the map.” She said almost defeated. “However, I have much more information on his older activities on the BSF database. If I could just retrieve it, we might be able to work out something.” 
That sounded like the exact kind of good news they needed to hear. Price offered his seat so she could potentially login. Scotty found her way quickly on the Belgian Silent Force personnel only website. In a matter of minutes she was in, full access to all the reports she made and current work. “That’s odd.” She muttered. Price wondered what she meant, but Scotty didn’t reply. Her face changed from calm to concerned. She quickly scrolled up and down, fast and then slow. Her eyebrows frowned at each rolling movement. Even tried the search option. Yet, nothing came up. She let out a swear in French which took everyone by surprise. 
“Sorry.” She smiled. “But, I can’t find the dossier anymore. All that I had on Lambert is gone… Fuck it was all here before I left! How the fuck did it all vanished!”
“Either someone had access to the system or internal help?” Gaz tried. 
“That’s the only two options. First one is very worrisome while the second… I had this man under the radar for a while, nothing he did escaped me and I never saw if he had no connection with the inside.”
Scotty groaned with frustration. This was getting ridiculous. Since she teamed up with the 141, it felt like everything that could go wrong was and she felt like an idiot.  Price was leaning above her shoulder looking at the screen, thinking that maybe she just missed it; nothing. Scotty glanced quickly at the captain to try to see what he was thinking. A neutral concerned face. Her eyes then followed the lieutenant who was in front. He had his arms crossed and despite the mask, she could feel his glare. Great, he was probably thinking she was a waste of time, exactly what she needed… The other two sergeants were as concerned as the captain. 
But not all hope was lost. While 141 would examine the map and draw conclusions, Scotty would try to make some call back home. The file might have disappeared, but maybe someone could help her trace it back. Considering this fact, she should also notify her superior to be on the lookout for any suspicious activities. Pacing up and down the hallway as she called a colleague, her brain was restless. She missed something, something that could cost the life of many now that it seemed that Quds Force were also involved. A name that didn’t go unnoticed by Price. This small fact changed everything. It meant that if Lambert was working with them the risk of a bigger disaster was high. Added to this the military grade armament they found, they had to act quick. Gaz was the first one to point at the marked locations on the map connected all to one central point; Lambert’s ex company HQ. The one Soap and Scotty just infiltrated. The possibility of another bombing or hostage event was most probable if they followed the man’s pattern. One location actually matched the port the captain had been in. Reinforcing his theory. Their train of thoughts was disrupted as they heard a voice rise in the hallway, in a language they were not used to.  
“Sir! Please even without all of this we are still close enough to get him! …. No! I refuse! I do not care if it’s an order! … Give me two more days! …. Fuck, yes sir. Sorry sir.” When Scotty returned inside, she was greeted by the four men looking at her. “What?” 
“What was that about?” Soap asked before anyone else could. 
“That was hmm… my commander on the phone.” She grimaced. “He said that I’m wasting my time and should return to base.”
“Didn’t catch everything, but that didn’t sound like a calm conversation.” Price smirked. Scotty rubbed the back of her neck with a nervous laugh.
“I would be surprised if you know Dutch, sir. But indeed… it wasn’t. Nothing to worry about really. What did you find? On my side, nothing could be done to find the lost data, it was worth the shot.” 
Price explained their findings and the plan from there. Because of the spread out operations, they would have to work with more than just five. Price could call the SAS to get agents positioned at the designated places. However this had to be done without anyone knowing they were being watched. The death of Goldberg will already put them on alert, no reason to alert them more. If they know, they will disappear. The cities had enough CCTVs cameras around that the task force could request help to keep an eye on any sight of Lambert. The 141 and Scotty would be stationed near the HQ. Because of a lack of information on the time and date, they would have to stand outside and be ready at any moment. Price, Soap and Gaz will be wandering around the building, disguised as civilians. And because of Scotty's involvement before, she would have to remain on overwatch with Ghost. If Lambert sees her, he would most likely call off any operation he had planned. For now, the captain ordered his team to take a rest while he did make some calls. They had, according to numbers found on the map, only one day to prepare everything. 
Scotty tried her best to sleep the rest of the night, but her mind was restless. The more she thought about what was unfolding, the more it felt like she was missing a big piece of the puzzle. The one that would explain all the bullshit that was going on since she landed in England. She berated herself for being so careless and to provide botched intel. Eventually Scotty fell asleep, but wasn’t rested when the first ray of the sun timidly showed up in the foggy morning. Her brain was still rattling to connect the dots even now, it was exhausting. Vaguely remembering where the mess hall was, Scotty made her way there to grab something to eat. On her way there, she spotted Soap and Ghost in a lounge room, sipping their coffee in peace. At least Soap was. She greeted them. 
“How was sleeping?” Soap smiled. Without even asking, he poured her a cup and handed it.  
She returned the smile and grabbed the mug. It tasted bitter! She usually drowns her coffee with sugar and milk. “As good as you can have when you can’t stop thinking.” 
“If your intel was good from the start, we wouldn’t be there.” Ghost dropped casually. No accusation in his tone, but still could hear some annoyance.
“Excuse me?” She raised an eyebrow. He stood up, the chair loudly creaking under him.
“Let’s say you leave a bad first impression. Everything is going to shite since you arrived. I have seen better recon specialists, much better.” He didn’t mince his words. He grabbed his mug, walked to the sink to dump whatever was left and walked out the room without more. Scotty was speechless. Frowning like she just had been insulted, which yes was the case, she turned to Soap who was casually sipping his drink.
“What the fuck is his problem?” She dropped once her brain had fully reseted.
“None, he is always like this. Don’t take it personally. On the fields you can count on him no matter what, but outside? It takes him a while to warm up to people.” 
It was true that she had only met them only a day or two ago. She couldn't really expect them to all be as welcoming as… She snorted. Technically, the other three operatives had been welcoming. Price as a captain probably hadn’t many choices. Soap and Gaz could have been jerks, but no they had been quite nice. Only Ghost seemed to have issues with her. He was right in a sense that she didn’t give the best first impression. But how could she have predicted that all of this would go from bad to worse?
Eventually in the late morning, early afternoon, the task force was called in the briefing room. Agents from the SAS, CCTV agencies and other military personnel were seated to listen as to what their task would be. Scotty was put under the spotlight when it came to explain which man they were after. Not that she minded it wasn’t the first time she had to speak to an audience. Once everyone was clear on their task, it was time for the real thing. 
Stationed in an old building across the HQ, Scotty looked through the scope. They had set up a stakeout last night so they would be ready as soon as the working crowd would start to flood in. The street wasn’t too busy once the 8 to 9 hour rush passed, she easily spotted the three men who scouted the surrounding area.  
“Roger that, 0-7 out.” Ghost replied to the radio and let out a sigh. “Don’t lose sight of anyone will you?”
Scotty hummed an answer, not even wanting to bother. Her eyes followed Gaz for a moment, she warned him about a suspicious individual at his 3 o’clock. It turned out to be nothing. Four hours went by and no sign of either Lambert or Quds Force. Had they been tipped off again about what was going on? No. This time she didn’t even take the time to inform her commander of what was happening. Too focused on finally catching the man. 
“CCTV 5-896 here.” A voice came through. “Back of the building, emergency exit on the north-east side, there’s someone matching Lambert's description.”
Finally some good news! Price ordered Gaz to come with him through the back. Soap had to enter the building with Ghost providing cover. Scotty would remain on the lookout for anything else suspicious. The captain and sergeant carefully made their way to the back, arriving just on time to see someone opening the door for Lambert to get it. With only a fraction of a second to act, Price jumped to grab the door before it would completely close. He gestured to Gaz to silently follow him inside. 
Soap entered the building who was slightly more lively. Looking at his watch it was lunch time, indeed people would be gathering here and there a lot more than during work hours. That was the perfect time to strike something. With Ghost watching him like a hawk, he walked around the lobby, on high alert.
Scotty couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right. Why would Lambert join forces with terrorists from another country against his company? Even if it was because he wanted to make things right for the shady trials that were done in the country Quds Force were, that was very extremist on his part. Not only that but why suddenly dip in illegal weapons trading? Military grade even, well at least they looked like standard weapons used, which was probably stolen property thanks to Lambert's new allies. She scouted the street as her brain was burning to connect all. Two gray vans rolled in opposite directions. They parked right in front of the building. It all clicked in an instant. Most of Lambert’s bomb attacks were never meant to hurt, only to scare. But this time? It wasn’t a bomb he had planned. Her hand flew to the radio and pushed the button. “Captain, there's no bomb! This is going to be a bloodbath!” 
Ghost shifted to look at her. “What do you mean? What’s going on?” Price asked in a whisper. 
“Two vans parked in front of the building… the weapons… Quds Force… They are not taking hostages today!” 
Ghost’s head snapped back to his scope to look at what she meant. Indeed when the doors opened from the vehicle, men with scarves, masks on their faces were visible. “There’s hostiles coming your way Soap. Possibly armed.” 
A door slamming behind him, brought him back to his surroundings. He looked above his shoulders to see the room empty. “Fucking hell don’t tell me!” He returned to his scope and saw Scotty running across the street, a bulletproof jacket in hand, avoiding being seen by the enemies and she entered the building. 
She pushed the door, getting a few puzzled looks from everyone. She was in full gear standing out from everyone else in the big hall. The security guard didn’t waste time to catch up with her, but she was faster to catch up with Soap who was rather surprised to see her. “What are you doing here? You are supposed to be with Ghost.” He inquired. 
“You're gonna need a hand. And more plates.” She handed him the bulletproof jacket that he quickly put on. 
“Excuse me, I don't know what is going on here, but I’ll ask you to come with me or exit the perimeter.” The guard said.
Scotty grabbed his shoulder. “What is going on here is that in a few seconds you have a group of armed personnel who are going to come through that door and start shooting. So get everyone out of here now!”
“You expect me to belie-” He was interrupted when a gunshot came from behind them. The two soldiers turned around handguns at the ready, to see Lambert standing on the central counter. They could have shot him right and here and there, if it wasn’t from the panic of the crowd and the new rounds of shoot being fired. It was pure chaos. Civilians ran everywhere to take cover, others ducked flat on the ground making it a hazard for the runners and death bodies started to drop. On the opposite, ten men, armed with automatic rifles, approached shooting at anyone they had in their way. Soap and Scotty didn’t waste another second and opened fire back. But not before, she fired on Lambert who realized who was standing in front of him. She got him in the chin. The man yelped in pain and fell down. At the same time, one of the attackers dropped dead, headshot on the back. This took all of them by surprise. A window of opportunity for Soap to aim at one and hit him on the chest. 
They all quickly dodged for cover once they figured out they were surrounded. Price and Gaz showed up on time and they also took cover. 
“That’s a little extreme isn’t it?” Gaz commented. 
“You don’t say!” Scotty groaned, ducking back after attempting to take a shot. 
“How did you figure this out?” Price asked. He got one that dropped right in the middle of his track to change position. 
“Instinct? This was a much more calculated operation. He had many allies and new gears, then the vans showed up. It just clicked.” She admitted. Another sniper shot echoed in the hall. Scotty looked over her cover to see how the situation was. Many civilians were still in the crossfire, seven out of ten attackers always standing and… “Son of a bitch!” 
Lambert was attempting an escape despite his wound. He escaped her once, not this time. Cover me was all she asked the 141 as she jumped back in the action to run after him. One of the attackers saw this reckless act and took the chance to shoot at her. Price reacted fast, however not fast enough. The bullet still hit her. Scotty groaned in pain that did not stop her though. She kept going after Lambert who in a desperate attempt started to fire back. She dodged it by jumping in a nearby room. “It’s over Lambert! Surrender now!” She yelled.
“Not till they realize what they have done to thousands of innocents!” 
“What do you think you are doing here! Not much better!” Scotty mounted her gun on the door frame and leaned to check how the situation evolved. Lambert was standing in the hallway, a young man held in a choke hold and gun pointed at him. Not good. Scotty slowly raised from her spot, gun aimed at Lambert. “How is killing innocent people here, will change anything?” 
“Please!” The young man begged. “I don’t want to die!”
“Shut up! I tried to bring attention to the company, but no one listened! I tried to scare them and it changed nothing. I tried the pacifist route, time to speak the only language they understand, death!” 
“Come on Lambert, this kid has nothing to do with all this. Let him go.”
Lambert tightened his grip and pressed the muzzle harder against the man's head. “She is right sir.” He cried out. “I’m just an intern! I did nothing!”
Lambert was getting agitated. “Fuck! He promised you wouldn’t find me! Fuck!”
“Shut up! Fuck this was not supposed to happen!” Footsteps echoed from behind the sergeant. Lambert saw the three men coming towards them. “Don’t come closer or I’ll shoot!” 
The captain and two sergeants stopped only a few meters behind Scotty. The tension was high. One wrong movement, word or look could end in an innocent man dying. Lambert stepped back, eyes locked on the task force, if they dared a single step forwards… “Lambert, for the third time, let the kid go and let’s talk about everything. We can find a peaceful solution.”
“You think I’m stupid! No court will let me out of prison till I die, there’s no peaceful solution.” He armed the gun.
A shot fired. And a scream echoed. 
Her eyes never blinked once even after the body hit the floor. The young man collected himself and made a run for his life in the direction of the soldiers. Scotty didn’t want things to end up like this, but with the life of an innocent at stake, it’s all she could do. Reasoning with Lambert was impossible. His body lay down on the ground, motionless, blood slowly covering the carpet where the shot had pierced his head. She lowered down her weapon and turned to Price who looked at her unfazed. He would have probably made the same call. 
While everything went down to the HQ, the other teams raided the location simultaneously putting an end to any further risk from these specific operations. Once all the heat had died down, SAS cleaned up the mess, paramedics were called from all stations to tend to the wounded and critical states. Meanwhile the 141 and Scotty returned to the base. Now that this was all done, she could return home, more or less at peace. Something was still missing. Who helped Lambert? The only reason why she regretted killing him was that this will remain a mystery for a little longer. If she could ever get to the bottom of this.
Pack hanging from her shoulders, Scotty let out a sigh. It was time to return home and for some reason, she couldn’t bring herself to be happy to do so. She had barely spent three days with the team and wished they could work again together… Would it be wild to say that she wouldn’t mind working for the 141? A crazy idea that Scotty pushed aside for the moment. But the sense of urgency, the action, the quick thinking and fast pace, she never experienced that in such a short time. Usually, even with the big cases, it took longer to get from start to finish, the adrenaline rush wasn’t the same. She closed the door of the room and headed to Price’s office. 
Scotty knocked on the door and a faint coming in rose from behind. Price was there talking with Ghost, it felt like she was interrupting something important. "I can't come back later." She proposed. 
"No, it's alright, lass. We were done." Price reassured. He grabbed a backpack under his desk and threw it on his shoulder. "Time to go, Scotty."
She frowned. She came here to say goodbye and thanked him for all that they had done for her. But the way he was acting now, why did he sound like he was also going on the plane? "You are going somewhere, sir?" She played dumb. Which dragged what she swore to be a snort from Ghost and his shoulders quickly moved up and down. Probably the closest thing to a laugh she saw coming from this man. So he had a sense of humor! 
"I'll be accompanying you back to your base. Laswell wants to make sure that your superiors get good words for your work."
"And it has to be in person? Not that I mind the company traveling back but wouldn't it be simple to send a message, letter I don't know."
Price and Ghost exchanged a look. She was wiser than she made it look. Price reassured her by explaining that he anyway had business to attempt in a nearby country, so a quick stop wouldn't be an issue. Scotty shrugged it off and half an hour later they boarded the plane back to Belgium. 
At the landing, Scotty was rather surprised to not see Commander Peeters standing there ready to chew her up as soon as she stepped a foot on the tarmac. Thinking about the last conversation she had with the man, it was obvious she would be in trouble for her disrespect. Only his assistant, who urged her to go see him.  She guided the captain throughout the building to her commander's office. At the door, waiting outside they saw a familiar face. 
"Laswell?" Scotty wondered. The woman lifted her eyes from her device.
"John, Moreau. Glad to see you here." She offered a smile. 
"I didn't know you would be there." The sergeant returned the kindness with a shake of hands. 
"This mission sort of became mine when I assigned the 141 to help, it's only wise to see it's complete resolve from where it all started. It's a shame that Lambert had to die, he could have given us more information on Quds Force." Scotty raised an eyebrow. "I read it in the captain's report." 
"That was quick, sir." She scoffed. "I still have to write mine." Price gave a pat on her back. She excused herself to have a talk with her commander. The door closed silently behind her, the man never lifting his head from the papers on his desk. She cleared his throat, not even a reaction. 
"Good afternoon sir." She attempted. 
"Take a seat, Moreau." The commander finally got up from his, went to the door and locked it. Scotty took a deep breath ready to get chewed on. "I'm very disappointed in your attitude these last days. Going above my authority to get what you want, yelling at me when I calmly asked you to come back because this was going nowhere."
"Sir, if I'm may…"
"No, you may not." He dryly interrupted her. "I don't care what you have to say. If you can’t respect your superior, I don't think you deserve that promotion." 
"Sir, wait! Laswell is the one who…"
"Enough! I'm not done! Not only do you not follow the directive, but now our only suspect is dead. What if he had more allies? Why did you have to shoot him?" He leaned close, glaring at her.
Time stood still for a moment. Scotty looked at her commander worried. Not because she lost her promotion but… "Sir, I haven't written my report to you yet… how do you know about this?" 
Peeters’s expression changed quickly and he shifted back up, uneasy. "I… I have my contacts." 
If he had been wise enough he would have said he read it in Price's report that Laswell could have given him prior to this meeting… but his non verbal spoke for him. This was all she needed to finally connect what was right under her nose. 
It came all crashing down like the biggest slap in the face she ever received. That was why he tried to get her off the case, she was getting too close. When they raided Golberg's house, she did call him first and told him too much, he tipped off Lambert about their arrival which would explain why they missed him by not much. The missing files in the database, he erased all of them. The weapons transfers must have been approved by him… And the only reason why they succeed in catching Lambert this time was because she kept most of her newest information to herself. Otherwise, the terrorists would have called off the attack. Her eyes glared at the commander, Scotty kept it together. Her fists clenched on the armrest. Rage was boiling up inside her chest, her breathing was fast. "It was you." She dropped. 
Peeters adjusted his uniform, more as a nervous tic than a need. But his demeanor changed quickly. As if the man in front of her was someone completely different. He walked calmly behind his desk. "You can't prove anything. In the end, it is your word against mine and who do you think higher up will believe? Now, I'll be waiting for your report on my desk by this evening."
"You… How! Why!" Scotty stood up, slamming her hands on the table. The commander didn't flinch. It was from this angle that Scotty saw it. His hand under the desk. "You wouldn't dare kill me when there's people outside?"
"I think we both know that this wouldn't be the worst thing I have done." They remained at a stand still for a moment. Waiting for the other to make the first move, tension rising up at every click of the clock. What could she do? Jump on him and defend herself? It was probably what Peeters hoped to make it look like she was the one to have been a threat. Run to the door? He wouldn't hesitate to shoot her and god know what excuse he would find to save his ass. She could call for help… but the door was locked. Sweat rolled down her temple, she never looked away for a second. Something had to be done and now. The only weapon she had with her was a throwing knife, however her intentions were not to kill the man. He had to stay alive and face the consequences of his acts. 
"Why would you even do this? Why would you betray us?" Scotty questioned. 
"We are not military, Moreau. We are something different and…"
"We are still sworn to protect our country and the civilians! Not bring terrorists and bombs all across it! Did you agree with Lambert? That our government and this company should pay for what's going on in other countries? Your sentiments might be in the right place, but your actions are not!"
"Wise as always. I didn't lie when I told Laswell that you were one of my best assets… it's a shame to waste it." 
Fight or flight. Scotty pushed herself quickly over the desk to grab the commander's arm before he would pull out the pistol. The man moved a step back, almost tripping on his chair, but was able to avoid her. In the action, all the paper and computer's screen that on the desk went flying in a loud noise. A noise that alerted Price and Laswell on the other side, as if the heated conversation hadn't already but it was hard to understand what they were even talking about when it was a language they didn't understand. 
The sergeant rolled off the desk, fell flat on the ground and pushed herself back up ready to tackle the commander. The man had anticipated her actions; he was anchored, immovable. Peeters grabbed her shoulders and hit her in the stomach with his knee. She let go of him with a groan. He took this opportunity to grab the pistol. Before he could aim at her, Scotty grabbed his arm, twisted in his back forcing him to let go of the weapon. She kicked it away. Peeters yelped in pain. His remaining free arm was enough for him to elbow her in the face. She bit her lip and the taste of blood overwhelmed her mouth. Scotty lost her footing, Peeters went for a frontal tackle. Both hit the ground, Scotty harder than him, knocking the air out of lungs. The commander punched her in the face. She barely had the time to protect herself from the second blow. "Captain!" She screamed. 
Peeters was taken by surprise. Now was her chance. She hit him hard on the side. The commander growled, moving off her with the impact. Scotty rolled on her belly, ready to jump back on her feet and aim for the door. He was quicker and grabbed her by the hair, pulling her back to him. Meanwhile, Price was pounding on the door, slamming with his shoulder to open it. 
The commander grabbed her in a chokehold, his arm pressed tight around her neck. Even using his second arm to apply as much pressure as he could. "It's over, Moreau! You can't win, you were never meant to." He whispered in her ear. Scotty struggled to get him off. Her body jerked in all directions, feet kicking to push him back, arms trying to loosen the grip or hit him, nothing. She gasped for air, but none filled back her lungs. 
The door came crashing. Scotty choked on a call for help. "Let go of her now!" Price barked at the commander. 
Peeters didn't not. "She attacked me first!" He yelled back with a strong accent. His grip tightened even more to the point Scotty swore her neck was about to be snapped. Through her blurry vision, she could see that Price and Laswell had nothing to force him. In a last attempt, she jerked her foot in a direction. Price followed and saw the pistol on the ground. Without hesitation he grabbed it and aimed at the commander.
"Don't make me repeat myself!" The pistol clicked. The commander admitted defeat. 
Scotty was about to pass out when his arm loosened. Air rushed back in, she caught violently and choked on a few breaths. Laswell intervened to grab her and pull her away from the commander. Price was always aiming at the man.
The racket alerted other operatives in the area who rushed to the scene. Including the second-in-command of the base. He entered the room rather surprised by the scene unfolding. "What's going on here?" 
"Fucking Commander Peeters is a traitor!" Scotty choked. Her throat hurted. "He worked with Lambert and the terrorists! He fucking betrayed us!"
The commander slowly stood up, hands up. The second-in-command looked at his superior silently asking if this was true. A question that got no answer. "What proof do you have about these accusations, sergeant?" 
Scotty opened her mouth to explain what she found, even if nothing had concrete hard proof, but Laswell was faster. "Sergeant Moreau here has actually been the one to reinforce proof we had about your commander sir. Whatever she can add, will be supported by ours." 
Scotty looked at Laswell bewildered. What was going on? Laswell explained how the CIA had been into Commander Peeters for a while now, how they retraced some shipments all the way to here that, now thanks to Scotty's help, made in his name. Second-in-Command Willems was still skeptical but to not risk anything, he agreed to put Peeters under custody till he could either clear himself or Laswell could prove his guilt. 
Sat on the infirmary's bed, Scotty winced when the alcohol rubbed on her wound. Price was standing there watching with a smile. When the nurse was done, she left the sergeant and captain alone. Scotty put back her jacket, lifting her head to meet the captain's eyes. "So, she only helped me because that was an advantage to her?" 
Price chuckled. "No, kid. You two just happened to need each other. You needed someone to keep going with your operation, she needed someone that could fortify her findings, in a situation you were both working on. Don't take it like you were used."
"But I was, in a way." She held her head in her hands with a groan. "I get what you mean captain. Don't worry. It explains why she was inclined to help a total stranger in the first place."
"No hard feelings?" He took a seat next to the bed. 
"Not at all. Not toward you or her… only my commander. I held him in such high regard and, despite my sometime talkback, always respected him… it's a little bit of a blow." 
"Betrayal is always a tough pill to swallow. I hope you are ready to testify against him. You know this might happen."
"He tried to kill me, sir. I'll be more than glad  to testify." They both laughed heartily. Scotty began to fidget with her fingers. "May I ask you something, sir?"
"Call me Price. What is it, Scotty?" 
She softly smiled when he emphasized on her callsign. "Working with the 141 was… I really liked that. The team was great to work with." Even if Ghost was a little bit of a cold bitch. Well the only good word he said was that she did a good job after the assault on the HQ. First and last compliment she got from him since she had arrived. "From what Soap and Gaz told me about your previous missions, your job seems more interesting than what I do."
"Interesting is one word to describe it." He smiled.
"What I mean is what you do really has a larger scale impact on everything… And… well the worse you can say is no, but…"
"You want to join?" She nodded. "Let me talk with Laswell. But you might have to get approval from your new commander."
Scotty thanked him, holding down a much more excited reaction. She didn't want to put too much hope into this. 
Ghost was standing on the tarmac wondering why Price asked him to retrieve something important. Soap was also there, looking rather more restless than usual. They had heard from the captain what happened two weeks prior when he traveled with Scotty. It was an impressive turn of events. In the meantime, life had returned to normal for the 141. Well Soap had been corresponding with Scotty at that time and he knew a little secret. The reason for his demeanor as the helicopter landed. 
"What's the matter, MacTavish?" He asked. 
"Nothing, Lt." The Scotsman replied, yet he had a grin on his face. 
"Something I should know?" 
"See for yourself." He nodded in the direction of the heli. Ghost returned his focus on it and saw Scotty jumping down from it. That was a surprise. She quickly ran to them as the heli started its engine to fly back. 
"It's good to see you again." She greeted them. 
"What are you doing here?" Ghost wondered. "Need help again?"
"No sir. I'm here to be officially part of the 141." It was hard to read him behind the mask. She couldn't tell if he was surprised, happy or angry by this. All he did was a small nod. 
"Welcome back." 
They took her back to Price who made her sign a few more papers. Being classified as an international task force, adding someone like Scotty wasn't much of an issue. Commander Willems allowed her to 'quit' the BSF, on the condition that she would come back to the country once in a while. Especially when the time will come to bring Peeters to martial court. Otherwise, she was free to be part of her new team. 
This was a big decision and change, something Scotty was used to, from joining the military to the Belgian Silent Force and now the 141, this would only be a new challenge she was happy to accept. 
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manasastuff-blog · 14 days
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For More Details : https://manasadefenceacademy.com/ssc-gd-constable-notification-2024-2/
SSC GD Constable Notification 2024: Comprehensive Guide and Training at Manasa Defence Academy
1. Introduction
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) GD Constable exam is one of the most popular and prestigious opportunities for aspirants aiming to join the security forces of India. The SSC GD Constable Notification 2024 has been eagerly awaited by thousands of candidates across the country, providing them with a chance to secure a career in paramilitary forces like the BSF, CISF, CRPF, and others. But succeeding in the highly competitive selection process requires dedicated preparation. This is where institutions like Manasa Defence Academy come into play, providing top-notch training and guidance to help students ace the exam and become successful constables.
2. SSC GD Constable Exam Overview
The SSC General Duty (GD) Constable exam is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission to recruit candidates for various paramilitary forces in India. The primary role of an SSC GD Constable includes maintaining law and order, border security, and handling internal disturbances. It is a physically demanding job that also requires mental agility.
Roles and Responsibilities of SSC GD Constable:
Safeguarding sensitive areas
Assisting in maintaining public order
Supporting the Indian Army in times of need
Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates must meet the following criteria:
Age: 18-23 years
Education: Minimum qualification of 10th grade
Physical Standards: Set requirements for height, chest measurements, and fitness levels
Important Dates:
The official notification for the SSC GD Constable 2024 recruitment is expected to be released in early 2024. Candidates should keep an eye on the official SSC website for application dates and deadlines.
3. SSC GD Constable Selection Process
The selection process for the SSC GD Constable 2024 includes the following stages:
Written Exam: Multiple-choice questions based on general knowledge, reasoning, and numerical ability.
Physical Efficiency Test (PET): Running and other physical tasks to assess fitness.
Physical Standard Test (PST): Checking candidates’ height, chest, and physical standards.
Medical Examination: Ensuring candidates are medically fit.
Document Verification: Final verification of educational and identity documents.
4. Key Changes in SSC GD Constable 2024 Notification
The 2024 notification may introduce some new elements in the exam process, such as updates in the PET standards or changes in the number of vacancies. Additionally, there may be more opportunities for women and candidates from specific regions.
5. How to Apply for SSC GD Constable 2024
Applying for the SSC GD Constable 2024 is straightforward:
Visit the official SSC website.
Register with your details and obtain login credentials.
Fill in the application form.
Upload necessary documents like photographs and ID proofs.
Pay the application fee online.
Send in your work and save a copy for your records.
6. Manasa Defence Academy: The Best Training Hub for SSC GD Constable Aspirants
Manasa Defence Academy is renowned for its holistic training approach for aspirants aiming to crack the SSC GD Constable exam. With its well-rounded curriculum, it focuses on both physical fitness and academic excellence. The academy provides specialized training under the guidance of retired Army officers and other experienced professionals, making it a standout choice for students.
7. Training Programs at Manasa Defence Academy
In addition to SSC GD Constable preparation, Manasa Defence Academy offers training for:
NDA (National Defence Academy)
Navy, Army, and Airforce
Coast Guard
Various Central Government jobs
This variety makes the academy a preferred destination for students aspiring to serve the nation.
8. Physical Training by Retired Army Officers
The SSC GD Constable selection process puts a heavy emphasis on physical fitness. At Manasa Defence Academy, students undergo rigorous physical training overseen by retired Army officers. This training is designed to build endurance, strength, and agility, essential for clearing the PET and PST stages of the exam.
9. Special Focus on Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
The Physical Efficiency Test is a critical component of the SSC GD Constable recruitment process. Manasa Defence Academy ensures that students meet the required standards by conducting mock PETs and offering personalized fitness regimens, which include running, push-ups, long jumps, and other activities.
10. Written Exam Preparation
The written exam is often a challenging hurdle for many students. Manasa Defence Academy provides comprehensive coaching in subjects like general knowledge, reasoning, and arithmetic. With well-structured study materials and experienced faculty, students are fully equipped to tackle the exam confidently.
11. SSB Interviews and English Speaking Skills Training
While the SSC GD Constable exam focuses on written and physical abilities, communication skills are equally vital for future growth in defence services. Manasa Defence Academy offers training for SSB interviews and helps students develop strong English-speaking skills for a well-rounded personality.
12. Hostel, Mess, and Additional Facilities
Manasa Defence Academy provides excellent hostel and mess facilities, ensuring students live in a healthy and comfortable environment. Nutritious meals are served, and the students are provided with all necessary amenities to focus entirely on their training.
13. Continuing Education Opportunities at Manasa Defence Academy
A unique feature of Manasa Defence Academy is that it allows students to continue their higher education alongside defence training. This opportunity is especially beneficial for students who have completed their 10th grade and want to pursue both academics and a career in defence.
14. Why Choose Manasa Defence Academy for SSC GD Constable Preparation?
With a proven track record of success, Manasa Defence Academy stands out as the best choice for SSC GD Constable aspirants. The academy’s focus on overall personality development, combined with rigorous training, has produced many successful candidates in various government defence exams.
15. Conclusion
The SSC GD Constable Notification 2024 opens doors for aspiring candidates to join India’s elite paramilitary forces.
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peachyteabuck · 4 months
okay no giant to do list for today because I am about .5 seconds from collapsing!! I genuinely think I am still sick but I cannot miss work again 😭
dye hair (+ do dishes so I can wash in sink)
put dishes away
get change + do laundry (put load in ~10:15)
round up + take out trash
do yoga (lower back focus)
tt favs down to 2500
spend 30 mins to sketch out plan for end of year
make marinated chicken
Amazon: deodorant, mini fan, stupid lil make up thing
pay chase cc bill
switch madams collar
find lemon chicken recipe
finish an audio book
write 500 words in draft 1
do thing for caro I promised weeks ago and never did (sorry girl)
prep outfit for tomorrow
prep lunch for tomorrow
prep coffee for tomorrow
drink tea bitch!!
update vet budget + charge the gf
update transportation budget
take $3 off laundry budget
text stepmom cat pics
charge eye mask
download hulu to ipad + login to bsf's acct
give reuben his meds
other stuff I did not on the list:
donated read books to the little library on campus
tidied up closet
0 notes
latestgovtjobnews · 9 months
Assam Rifles Exam 2024: Application and fee deadlines announced; women encouraged to apply.
New Post has been published on https://www.jobsarkari.in/assam-rifles-exam-2024-application-and-fee-deadlines-announced-women-encouraged-to-apply/
Assam Rifles Exam 2024: Application and fee deadlines announced; women encouraged to apply.
The Central Armed-Police Assam Rifles Exam 2024 is scheduled to take place, and the important dates for the submission of online applications, receipt of applications, and fee payment have been announced. The government aims to have a workforce that reflects gender balance, and women candidates are encouraged to apply. The recruitment process will consist of a Computer Based Examination (CBE), Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Medical Examination, and Document Verification. Candidates should carefully fill out the application form, and selected candidates will be liable to serve anywhere in India.
The examination will be conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) for the recruitment of Constables (General Duty) in various forces, including the Border Security Force (BSF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), Secretariat Security Force (SSF), and Rifleman (General Duty) in Assam Rifles (AR). The vacancies will be filled based on the vacancies intimated by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and the Memorandum of Understanding between MHA and SSC.
Candidates should meet the age limit criteria, which is 18-23 years as of January 1, 2024. Age relaxation is applicable for candidates belonging to SC/ST, OBC, Ex-Servicemen, and other categories as per government rules. The educational qualification required is Matriculation or 10th Class Examination from a recognized board or university.
Candidates should carefully select the examination centers and indicate their preferences in the online application form. The examination will be conducted in English, Hindi, and 13 regional languages. The syllabus for the examination includes General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Knowledge and General Awareness, Elementary Mathematics, and English/Hindi.
Candidates should adhere to the physical standards set by the CAPFs, which include height, chest measurement, and physical efficiency tests. Relaxation in height and chest measurements is applicable for candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes, North Eastern States, Gorkha Territorial Administration, and other categories as per government rules. The physical efficiency test includes a race of 5.6 km for male candidates and 1.6 km for female candidates.
Selected candidates will undergo a medical examination and document verification to verify their eligibility. The final result will be based on the performance of candidates in the Computer Based Examination, PET, Medical Examination, and Document Verification. The Commission will provide the tentative answer keys of the Computer Based Examination, and candidates can submit online representations if they have any objections.
Candidates should submit their applications online through the official website of the Commission. The application fee is Rs. 100/- for general category candidates, while women candidates and candidates belonging to SC, ST, and Ex-Servicemen categories are exempted from payment of the fee. The fee can be paid online through BHIM UPI, Net Banking, or debit/credit cards.
Candidates should carefully fill out the application form and ensure that all details are correct. They can make corrections in the application form during the specified period. The Commission will not be responsible for any disconnection or inability to login to the website due to heavy load or other reasons beyond their control.
The vacancies are tentative and subject to change. Candidates should regularly visit the website of the Commission for updates on the examination process and download of admit cards. Admit cards will not be sent by post and can be downloaded from the regional websites of the Commission.
Candidates who have already secured employment in civil side under Central Government on a regular basis after availing of the benefits of reservation as ex-servicemen will not be eligible for re-employment. However, they can avail of the benefit of reservation for subsequent employment if they immediately join civil employment after retirement from the Armed Forces.
Candidates who belong to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, and
The Central Armed-Police Assam Rifles Exam 2024 has certain eligibility criteria and requirements that candidates must meet in order to apply. Female candidates who are found to be pregnant at the time of examination will not be eligible to participate. Candidates must also meet the physical and medical fitness standards set by the CAPFs. The examination will consist of a Computer Based Examination (CBE), Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Medical Examination, and Document Verification. NCC certificate holders will be granted incentive marks. The final selection of candidates will be based on their merit in the Computer Based Examination, and the allotment of CAPFs/ Organizations will be made based on their preferences. Candidates should provide accurate information about their personal details, including their domicile state and district, as any variation in this information may result in the cancellation of their candidature. Candidates are advised to carefully read and follow the instructions provided in the notice of examination. Multiple applications from a candidate will be rejected, and candidates should submit their applications well before the closing date to avoid any technical issues. Admit cards for the different stages of the examination will be available for download from the respective websites. Candidates should carry their admit cards, along with two passport size photographs and a valid photo ID proof, to the examination venue. Any misconduct or use of unfair means during the examination will result in strict action against the candidate. Candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions for admission to the examination, as their admission at all stages will be provisional and subject to verification of eligibility. Candidates should also note that success in the examination does not guarantee appointment unless the government is satisfied with their suitability. Candidates should exercise due diligence while providing information about their domicile state and district, as no request for change will be entertained after submission of the application form. Candidates should also be careful while providing their personal details and ensure that they match the details in their matriculation certificate. Any discrepancies may result in the cancellation of their candidature. Candidates should also note the various malpractices that are strictly prohibited during the examination, and any candidate found guilty of misconduct will face appropriate action. The decision of the Commission in all matters relating to the examination will be final. Candidates who score above the cut-off marks in the Computer Based Examination will be considered eligible for short-listing to the next stage, which includes PST/PET, DME/RME, and Document Verification. Candidates who are not satisfied with the decision of the PST board may appeal to the appellate authority. Candidates should participate in the recruitment process with proper physical and mental preparation and will be responsible for their own safety during the recruitment stages. Candidates should regularly check the websites of SSC-HQ, SSC Regional Offices, and CRPF for updates on the recruitment. Candidates should also provide accurate contact details, including a working email ID and mobile number, as all correspondence will be made through email/SMS. Candidates should also note that possession of mobile phones or any other electronic gadgets in the examination hall is strictly prohibited. Candidates should carefully review their application before final submission and take a printout for their records. Admit cards for each stage of the examination will be available for download from the respective websites, and candidates should carry their admit cards to the examination venue. Candidates should also carry two passport size photographs and an original valid photo ID proof. Candidates should be aware of the appellate authority for Physical Standard Test and should contact them in case of any disputes. Candidates should also be aware of the help desk contact numbers for any clarifications regarding filling and submitting applications and computer-based examinations. Candidates are advised to complete the registration process within 14 days and ensure that their basic details are filled exactly as recorded in their matriculation certificate.
The Central Armed-Police Assam Rifles Exam 2024 is scheduled to take place with important dates for online application submission, receipt of applications, and fee payment announced.
The recruitment process includes a Computer Based Examination (CBE), Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Medical Examination, and Document Verification.
Candidates should meet the age limit criteria of 18-23 years as of January 1, 2024, with age relaxation applicable for certain categories.
The educational qualification required is Matriculation or 10th Class Examination from a recognized board or university.
The examination will be conducted in English, Hindi, and 13 regional languages, with a syllabus covering General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Knowledge and General Awareness, Elementary Mathematics, and English/Hindi.
The Central Armed-Police Assam Rifles Exam 2024
Scheduled exam dates and online application submission
Encouragement for women candidates to apply
Reflecting gender balance in the workforce
Recruitment Process Overview
Computer Based Examination (CBE)
Physical Standard Test (PST)
Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
Medical Examination
Document Verification
Age Limit and Age Relaxation
Age limit: 18-23 years as of January 1, 2024
Age relaxation for SC/ST, OBC, Ex-Servicemen, and other categories
Educational Qualification Required
Matriculation or 10th Class Examination from a recognized board or university
Examination Details
Conducted in English, Hindi, and 13 regional languages
Syllabus includes General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Knowledge and General Awareness, Elementary Mathematics, and English/Hindi
Physical Standards and Tests
Height, chest measurement, and physical efficiency tests
Relaxation for certain categories
Race distance for male and female candidates
Medical Examination and Document Verification
Ensuring eligibility and verifying documents
Final result based on performance in CBE, PET, Medical Examination, and Document Verification
Application Submission and Fee Payment
Online submission through official website
Application fee exemption for women candidates and certain categories
Application Form and Correction Period
Careful filling of application form with accurate details
Corrections allowed during specified period
Updates and Admit Cards
Regularly visiting Commission’s website for updates
Downloading admit cards from regional websites
Employment and Re-employment Eligibility
Eligibility criteria for re-employment after availing benefits of reservation
Benefit of reservation for subsequent employment after retirement from Armed Forces
Eligibility Criteria and Requirements
Meeting eligibility criteria for applying
Physical and medical fitness standards
Incentive marks for NCC certificate holders
Final Selection and Allotment
Merit-based final selection through CBE
Allotment of CAPFs/ Organizations based on preferences
Important Instructions and Exam Conduct
Accurate information about personal details and domicile state/district
Instructions to follow and avoidance of malpractices during the examination
Eligibility Verification and Appointment
Provisional admission subject to verification of eligibility
Suitability evaluation for appointment
Key Takeaways for Central Armed-Police Assam Rifles Exam 2024
The exam dates, recruitment process, and eligibility criteria have been announced.
Candidates should carefully fill out the application form and meet the age and educational qualifications.
The examination will cover various subjects and be conducted in multiple languages.
Physical standards, tests, medical examination, and document verification are part of the recruitment process.
Regularly visit the Commission’s website for updates and download admit cards from regional websites.
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hinduactivists · 10 months
पुलवामा आतंकी हमले का मास्टरमाइंड, लश्कर ए तैयबा का आतंकवादी हमजा अदनान को पाकिस्तान के कराची शहर में अज्ञात लोगों ने मारकर 72 हूरों के पास जन्नत में भेजा।
#pulwama #pulwamaattack #pulwama_attack #pulwamaterrorattack #pulwama_update #jammuandkashmir #crpf #bsf #indianarmy #terrorattack #terrorist #hanzlaadnan #adnanahmad #karachi #unknown #hindiquotes #facts #hindifacts #rochaktathya #hinduactivists_ #thehindu #hindinews #hindiwriting
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latestjobhub-blog · 2 years
BSF Head Constable RO RM Admit Card 2022
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BSF Head Constable RO RM Admit Card 2022- BSF HC RO RM Exam Date, Border Security Force Head Constable Exam Call Letter, BSF Radio Operator Radio Mechanic Hall Ticket Name wise at bsf.gov.in
Board Security Force has announced the Head Constable (RO/RM) Exam Date. Authority is going to organize Radio Operator (RO) and Radio Mechanic (RM) on 20th November 2022. On 14.11.2022, Department issued the BSF HC RO RM Exam Call Letter on its official website. 
It is mandatory to bring the BSF Head Constable RO RM Admit Card to the Test Center for everyone. They may see BSF HC Exam Center, City/District Name, and Roll numbers. We have provided here a direct link to check the Border Security Force HC Hall Ticket online. There is login details like E-Mail ID and Password required to access BSF Head Constable Radio Operator Hall Ticket. 
बीएसएफ हेड कांस्टेबल आरओ/आरएम एडमिट कार्ड जारी हो गए है। सीमा सुरक्षा बल विभाग द्वारा रेडियो ऑपरेटर एवं रेडियो मैकेनिक लिखित परीक्षा का आयोजन दिनांक 20 नवंबर 2022 को किया जा रहा है। अभ्यर्थी निचे दिए गए लिंक से अपना प्रवेश पत्र डाउनलोड करे।  
For more visit www.latestjobhub.in
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jobkari · 5 years
RSCB Online Form For Various Vacancies
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Name of the Post: RSCB  Vacancies Online For Various Vacancies Post Date: 13-09-2019 Latest Update: 17-09-2019 Total Vacancy: 715 Brief Information: Rajasthan State Co-operative Bank (RSCB), Central Cooperative Banks of Rajasthan has published Notification for the recruitment of Sr Manager, Manager, Computer Programmer & Other vacancies.  All Interested Candidates Read The Notification of The Following Vacancy. Read and Check Are You Eligible For This Vacancy and Read The How to Apply The Online Form of This Job. Read The Following Details Of The Job. Rajasthan State Co-operative Bank Various Vacancies 2019 WWW.JOBKARI.COM Important Dates ·         Starting Date for Apply Online: 12-09-2019 Changed to 18-09-2019 · the Last Date to Apply Online: 06-10-2019 Changed to 10-10-2019 ·         Last Date for Editing Application Details: 10-10-2019 ·         Last Date for Printing Your Application: 25-10-2019 ·         Tentative Date for Online Exam: November 2019 Age Limit (as on 31-07-2019) ·         Minimum Age: 18 Years ·         Maximum Age: 40 Years ·         Age relaxation is applicable as per rules. Vacancy Details Sl No Post Name Total Qualification Rajasthan State Co-operative Bank 1 Sr Manager 06 Graduation, PG Diploma, MBA 2 Manager (Manager Apex Bank/ CCB) 12 Graduation 3 Banking Assistant 29 Various District Level Central Co-operative Banks 1 Manager (Manager Apex Bank/ CCB) 102 Graduation 2 Computer Programmer 10 Graduation, B.E/ B.Tech, MCA, M.Sc with Relevant Experience 3 Banking Assistant 553 Graduation 4 Stenographer 03 Graduation with Typing Knowledge Interested Candidates Can Read the Full Notification Before Apply Online Important Links Apply Online Registration | Login Last Date Extended Click Here Syllabus Click Here Vacancies List Click Here Notification Click Here Official Website Click Here           Also Read Other Important Jobs BSF Head Constable (RO/ RM) Screening Test Admit Card Download 2019 SSC SI & ASI 2018 PET/ PST Result Released UPSC Indian Forest Service (Mains) (DAF) Apply Online Form 2019 IBPS CRP Clerk-IX Apply Online Form 2019 Read the full article
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cdntrustee · 7 years
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Public Access to Court Electronic Records https://www.pacer.gov/ The PACER solution provides online accessibility to U.S. Appellate, District, as well as Bankruptcy court records and also records nationwide. ... enable you to use the same make up both PACER as well as digital declaring access. ... Free PACER Training info Find a Case (PACER)|United States Courts www.uscourts.gov/courtrecords/find-case-pacer Locate a lawsuit by utilizing the general public Access to Court Electronic Records ... area, and also insolvency lawsuit and docket information making use of PACER Case Locator. ... documents retained at the court website can be seen at the courthouse for free, ... Where can I discover complimentary public insolvency records? - Quora https://www.quora.com/Where-can-I-find-free-public-bankruptcy-records Easy and also Affordable Public Records Access Unlimited Public Records ... liens, judgments, personal bankruptcy filings, along with Uniform Commercial Code filings. 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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Coronavirus Outbreak Highlights: Mumbai Police registers fourth COVID-19 death as samples of ASI who died on 8 May test positive
23:54 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in India Latest Updates
Three migrant workers returning to Uttar Pradesh die in Madhya Pradesh
  Three migrant workers who were on their way to Utttar Pradesh from Maharashtra, mostly walking, died in Barwani district of Madhya Pradesh on Saturday, officials said. The trio were among thousands of migrant workers who have set out on foot for their home states from Maharashtra in the last few weeks amid lockdown on account for coronavirus.While autopsy reports were yet to be available, doctors said the possible cause of deaths was fatigue and
dehydration in peak summer heat.
23:49 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak Latest Updates
Railway ministry tweet incorrect, claims West Bengal home secretary
West Bengal Home Secretary Alapan Bandopadhyay on Saturday termed as misleading and incorrect a Railway ministry tweet which claimed that the West Bengal govt had approved eight special Shramik trains from various states after Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday alleged that the state was not allowing such trains. "All 8 trains were approved, communicated to states concerned on Friday," PTI quotes him as saying.
23:43 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak Latest Updates
Iran-linked hackers recently targeted staff at drugmaker Gilead, claims report
Hackers linked to Iran have targeted staff at US drugmaker Gilead Sciences Inc in recent weeks, according to publicly-available web archives reviewed by Reuters and three cybersecurity researchers, as the company races to deploy a treatment for the COVID-19 virus. In one case, a fake email login page designed to steal passwords was sent in April to a top Gilead executive involved in legal and corporate affairs, according to an archived version on a website used to scan for malicious web addresses. News agency Reuters said it was not able to determine whether the attack was successful.
23:40 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak In Maharashtra Latest Updates
160 new cases, five fatalities recorded in Pune
 Pune district reported 160 new coronavirus cases since Friday night, taking the tally of cases to 2,732, PTI quotes health officials as saying. The death toll reached 148 with five COVID-19 patients succumbing to the infection, an official said.
23:27 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak In Maharashtra Latest Updates
Mumbai Police registers fourth COVID-19 death
  The samples of an assistant sub inspector attached to Vinoba Bhave Nagar police station in Mumbai who died on Friday have tested positive for novel
coronavirus, PTI quotes officials as saying. He died in the early hours of Friday after being admitted in a civic hospital on Wednesday with COVID-19-like​symptoms, an official said. "He was also a diabetic. His samples returned positive on Friday evening. This is the fourth COVID-19 death in Mumbai police. Some 350 personnel in the metropolis' force have tested positive for the virus so far," he added.
23:22 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak In Gujarat Latest Updates
Ahmedabad Municipal Commissioner Vijay Nehra says he tested negative 
  Ahmedabad Municipal Commissioner Vijay Nehra  on Saturday took to Twitter to announce that he had tested negative for the coronavirus. Nehra was placed under quarantine on 5 May after he came into contact with a COVID-19 patient and CEO of Gujarat Maritime Board Mukesh Kumar had taken over the charge.
  I have tested NEGATIVE for COVID-19 Will rejoin the #FightAgainstCOVID19 ASAP Thank you everyone for your wishes and prayers🙏🙏#AmdavadFightsCorona
— Vijay Nehra (@vnehra) May 9, 2020
23:18 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak In Bihar Latest Updates
Cop beats up doctor for refusing to conduct medical exam of four accused
  An Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police (ASI) thrashed a doctor of a primary health centre for allegedly refusing to conduct medical examination of four accused of a rape case who were without face masks and also tied with a single rope against the social distancing norms in Bihar's Darbhanga district on Saturday, reports PTI. The incident took place in the Jalle Primary Health Centre this morning. Doctors and other staff of the Jaale PHC went on strike to protest against the incident.
23:05 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak In India Latest Updates
Air Indian Express flight from Kuwait lands in Kochi
Kerala: An Air India Express flight brings back 177 passengers and 4 infants to Kochi from Kuwait#VandeBharatMission pic.twitter.com/0sFauBZ0Ir
— ANI (@ANI) May 9, 2020
22:58 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak In India Latest Updates
Rahul Gandhi demands audit of PM-CARES fund
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Saturday demanded audit of PM CARES Fund and said the account of money received and spent be made public. The Centre had set up the Prime Minister''s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations (PM CARES) Fund  on 28 March, with the primary objective to deal with any kind of emergency situation like the one currently posed by the COVID-19 outbreak and provide relief to those affected. The Congress has questioned the government over setting up of a separate PM CARES Fund by the prime minister for fighting coronavirus, demanding that the same be merged with the PM National Relief Fund.
The #PmCares fund has received huge contributions from PSUs & major public utilities like the Railways. It’s important that PM ensures the fund is audited & that the record of money received and spent is available to the public.
— Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) May 9, 2020
22:54 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak In Tripura Latest Updates
17 more BSF personnel test positive in Tripura
Tripura chief minister Biplab Kumar Deb on Saturday said that 17 more personnel from the Border Security Force's 86th Battalion have tested positive in Ambassa. Tripura now has 132 active cases and none of them are among civilians.
ALERT ! 17 persons found #COVID19 POSITIVE in Tripura today from 86th-Bn #BSF, Ambassa. No Civilian found POSITIVE among them. ✔️Total #COVID19 active cases in Tripura now stands: 132 ✔️ Transferred out: 02 ✔️Recovered: 02 Updated at : 10:00 pm, 9th May.#TripuraCovid19Count
— Biplab Kumar Deb (@BjpBiplab) May 9, 2020
22:48 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak In Assam Latest Updates
Three, including ambulance driver, test positive in Assam
Assam minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said that three more persons, including an ambulance driver have tested positive for the coronavirus infection in Jorhat, taking the total number of cases in the state to 62. The driver has been sent back to Maharashtra, he said while the other two patients have been admitted to the JMCH. 34 persons have been discharged and the number of active cases in the state stands at 27, said the minister.
Alert ~ 3 people, incl an Ambulance Driver from Mumbai who drove the 2, test #COVID19 + in Jorhat. Driver sent back to Mumbai. 2 are at JMCH since their arrival in Jorhat. ↗️#COVID19 patients in Assam 62 ↗️Active cases 27 ↗️Discharged 34 Update10.20 pm/May 9#AssamCovidCount
— Himanta Biswa Sarma (@himantabiswa) May 9, 2020
22:42 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak In Italy Latest Updates
Italy records a fall in both new cases and deaths
Deaths from the COVID-19 epidemic in Italy climbed by 194 on Saturday, against 243 the day before, Reuters quotes the Civil Protection Agency as saying, while the daily tally of new cases fell to 1,083 from 1,327 on Friday. The  toll since the outbreak came to light on 21 February now stands at 30,395 the agency said, the third highest in the world after those of the United States and Britain. The number of confirmed cases amounts to 218,268 the third highest global tally behind those of the United States and Spain.
22:37 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak In Delhi Latest Updates
Delhi govt orders release of Tablighi members from quarantine centres
  The Delhi government has directed district administrations to release 2,446 Tablighi members from quarantine centres and ensure that they don't stay at any place except their residence, reports PTI. In a letter to deputy commissioners (administration), Delhi Disaster Management Authority's Special CEO KS Meena said all the 567 foreign Markaz attendees will be handed over to the Delhi Police. The move comes days after Delhi Home Minister Satyendar Jain ordered the release of Tablighi members who have completed their quarantine period at facilities in the National Capital. The district magistrates will explore the possibility of sending the Tablighi members, who belong to other states, in buses to their native places following social-distancing norms and other protocols, Meena said.
22:26 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak In Telangana Latest Updates
Telangana reports 31 new infections, count rises to 1,163
Telangana on Saturday recorded 31 new cases — 30 from Hyderabad and a migrant worker who tested positive —taking the state total to 1,163. According to a bulletin issued by the state government, 751 persons have been cured and discharged till date, including 24 who were discharged today and the number of active cases is now 382. Till date, 30 persons have died after contracting the viral infection.
Media bulletin on status of positive cases of #COVID19 in Telangana (Dated: 09.05.2020)#TelanganaFightsCorona #StayHome #StaySafe pic.twitter.com/oCPzaQtpok
— Eatala Rajender (@Eatala_Rajender) May 9, 2020
22:19 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak In Maharashtra Latest Updates
Thane now has 2,006 confirmed cases
The number of COVID-19 cases crossed the 2000-mark in Thane district as 184 people tested positive for coronavirus on Saturday, PTI quotes a health official as saying. As on Saturday, the total number of COVID-19 cases in Thane district is 2,006, and the number of deaths so far is 52, he said.
22:15 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak In Rajasthan Latest Updates
Rajasthan reports 129 new cases, three fatalities
Confirmed cases in Rajasthan climbed to 3,708, including 106 fatalities as the state registered 129 fresh infections and three deaths on Satuday, said the state health department. 1,895 persons have been cured and discharged till date and the number of active cases stands at 1,440. Of the 129 new cases, 51 were reported in Jaipur and 24 in Udaipur.
  129 fresh cases of #COVID19 & three deaths have been reported in Rajasthan today, taking total number of cases & deaths to 3708 & 106, respectively. Number of active cases stands at 1440: Rajasthan Health Department pic.twitter.com/u9yIS2Y7sm
— ANI (@ANI) May 9, 2020
22:04 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak Latest Updates
Flight carrying Indian nationals stranded in UK to reach Mumbai on Sunday morning
  The first batch of Indian nationals stranded in the UK after suspension of commercial air passenger services amid the COVID-19 outbreak are set to arrive at Mumbai's Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport in Mumbai early morning on Sunday, reports PTI. The Air India flight, a Boeing 777 aircraft, departed for Mumbai from London at around 11 am on Saturday, an airline source told the news agency.  The flight is expected to arrive at the airport at around 1.15 am on Sunday, he said. 
  The Mumbai International Airport Limited (MIAL), which manages and operates the Mumbai airport has put together standard operating procedures (SOPs) to ensure safety of passengers arriving on repatriation flights, starting from Sunday, according to airport officials. 
22:00 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Kerala Latest Updates
First patient to receive plasma therapy in Uttar Pradesh dies of heart attack
The first patient to receive plasma therapy as an experimental treatment for coronavirus infection in Uttar Pradesh died following a heart attack on Saturday, reports PTI. The patient, a 58-year-old doctor, was admitted at the King George's Medical University (KGMU) in Lucknow and was on ventilator support since the last 14 days. Since he had high blood pressure and diabetes, he was under the continuous observation of doctors in the isolation ward, KGMU Vice Chancellor MLB Bhatt said. The doctor from Orai in Uttar Pradesh was administered plasma therapy at the state-run KGMU on 26 April. He was administered the plasma donated by a doctor from Canada who was the first COVID-19 patient admitted at the hospital and later recovered.
  “The patient was in a stable condition. His lungs had improved, but he later developed urinary tract infection. Two reports of his samples came out as negative (for COVID-19) today,” the vice chancellor said. “He, however, suffered a heart attack around 5 pm. Despite all efforts, he could not be saved,” he said.  
  21:53 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Kerala Latest Updates
Kerala to observe complete shut down on Sundays till further orders
The Kerala government on Saturday issued a standard operating procedure (SOP) for implementing a complete shutdown in the state on Sundays with a view to containing the contagion and to protect the environment. The list of activities allowed on Sunday includes sales of essential items, movement of vehicles bearing goods, supply of newspapers and medicines among others. Social gatherings apart from marriages and funerals will be barred.
Kerala Government has issued Standard Operating Protocol to observe complete shut down across the State on Sundays until further notice. pic.twitter.com/C9iRmTTGVw
— ANI (@ANI) May 9, 2020
21:43 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Gujarat Latest Updates
Ahmedbad reports 280 new cases, 20 fatalities
  A total of 280 new COVID-19 cases were reported from hotspot Ahmedabad along with 20 more deaths on Saturday, taking the total case count to 5,540 in the district and fatalities to 363, PTI quotes a health department official as saying. Principal Secretary (Health) Jayanti Ravi said that the number of the discharged patients from various hospitals in Ahmedabad after recovery mounted by 106 to 1,107 in the last 24 hours.
21:39 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in India Latest Updates
ICMR teams up with Bharat Biotech to develop COVID-19 vaccine
  The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has partnered with Bharat Biotech International Limited (BBIL) to develop a fully indigenous vaccine for COVID-19, the apex health research body said on Saturday. The vaccine will be developed using the virus strain isolated at the ICMR's National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune, a statement said. The strain has been successfully transferred from NIV to BBIL, it added.
  "Work on vaccine development has been initiated between the two partners. The ICMR-NIV will provide continuous support to BBIL for vaccine development. ICMR and BBIL will seek fast-track approvals to expedite vaccine development, subsequent animal studies and clinical evaluation of the candidate vaccine," the health research body said in the statement.
21:36 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Himachal Pradesh Latest Updates
Himachal Pradesh now has 10 active cases
  A man in Kangra district has tested positive for #COVID19, taking total number of active cases to 10 in Himachal Pradesh, ANI quotes State Additional Chief Secretary (Health) RD Dhiman as saying.
21:30 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in India Latest Updates
35 more BSF personnel test positive
  35 new cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Border Security Force (BSF) on Saturday, reports ANI. The total number of COVID-19 cases in the force crosses 250.
  21:22 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in India Latest Updates
Health ministry to send additional teams to 10 states
The Union health ministry has decided to deploy Central teams to 10 states that have a high case load and are recording a high spurt of cases, in addition to the twenty teams deployed to districts with a high number of cases. These teams will assist the state health departments of respective states to facilitate management of the coronavirus outbreak, the ministry said in a press release. The teams will consist of a senior official from the ministry, a joint secretary level nodal officer and a public health expert and support the state health department in implementing containment measures in the affected areas.  The teams will be sent to Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
21:13 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Madhya Pradesh Latest Updates
Madhya Pradesh COVID-19 count crosses 3,000
  Number of those infected by the novel coronavirus reaches 3,457 in Madhya Pradesh, with 116 new cases being reported today, ANI quotes the state health department as saying. As many as 1,780 cases and 87 have been reported from Indore. Out of the total cases, 1,480 patients have recovered while 211 others have succumbed to the infection. There are 625 containment areas in the state.
Number of #COVID19 cases reaches 3457 in Madhya Pradesh, with 116 new cases being reported today. Out of the total cases, 1480 patients have recovered while 211 others succumbed to the infection. There are 625 containment areas in the state: Madhya Pradesh Health Department pic.twitter.com/3awdE6JrRU
— ANI (@ANI) May 9, 2020
21:01 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in India Latest Updates
West Bengal approves eight special trains, none from Maharashtra yet, says Rail ministry
In a series of tweets, the ministry of railways said that the West Bengal government today approved eight special trains to bring back migrant labourers stranded in various states, however, no trains have been approved from Maharashtra, it said. "After request of Hon’ble HM, today afternoon WB has approved two trains from Punjab, two from Tamil Nadu, three from Karnataka and one from Telangana, which are being arranged," it said. 
"However, West Bengal has not approved any train from Maharashtra, while there is a requirement of 16 trains to the state and presently six requests are pending for which approval is still awaited from West Bengal," it said in another tweet. According to the ministry, railways has run 300 sepcial trains till date from various states, however, West Bengal had given approval for only two trains till Saturday morning.
20:47 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in India Latest Updates
CRPF reports 62 new cases
   The country's largest paramilitary force CRPF reported 62 fresh coronavirus infections on Saturday from a single Delhi-based unit, officials said. The total number of active cases in the 3.25 lakh-strong force now stands at 231, they said. Two personnel have recovered from coronavirus while one succumbed to the infection.
20:45 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Maharashtra Latest Updates
Maharashtra sees spike in cases as total reaches 20,228
1165 new  cases, 48 deaths were reported in Maharashtra. The total number of positive cases in the state rises to 20,228, while the toll reaches 779. Over 12,800 cases have been reported from Mumbai, according to the state health department.
  1165 new COVID19 cases, 48 deaths reported in the state today. The total number of positive cases in the state rises to 20,228: #Maharashtra Health Department pic.twitter.com/AL4rlBxtKe
— ANI (@ANI) May 9, 2020
20:36 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Haryana Latest Updates
Confirmed cases in Haryana climb to 675
  Number of coronavirus infections reaches 675 in Haryana, including 290 recoveries and nine deaths. Number of active cases stands at 376. Doubling rate of cases in the state is 9 days, ANI quotes the Haryana Health Department as saying.
  Number of #COVID19 cases reaches 675 Haryana, including 290 recoveries & 9 deaths. Number of active cases stands at 376. Doubling rate of cases in the state is 9 days: Haryana Health Department pic.twitter.com/DidJDHLLbE
— ANI (@ANI) May 9, 2020
20:29 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in India Latest Updates
Cabinet secretary to hold video conference at 10 am on 10 May
Cabinet Secretary Rajiv Gauba will hold a video conference about containing the spread of the novel coronavirus with all States/Union Teerritories  at 10am on Sunday, reports ANI. Chief Secretaries , Principal Secretaries (Health) from states along with  Niti Aayog members, secretaries of the health ministry, home ministry and information and broadcasting ministry and the secretary of the National Disaster Management Authority are expected to attend the virtual meeting
20:25 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Mizoram Latest Updates
Mizoram's lone COVID-19 patient discharged from hospital
  Mizoram became coronavirus-free with the discharge of the lone COVID-19 patient from a hospital on Saturday, PTI quotes officials as saying. It now shares a similar status with four other northeastern states -- Manipur, Sikkim, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh.
  Mizoram Health Minister Dr R Lalthangliana said the state's lone COVID-19 patient, a pastor, was discharged from Zoram Medical College (ZMC) on Saturday afternoon after 45 days of intense treatment. He was discharged from the hospital after four consecutive tests turned negative, the minister said. The pastor, who is in his early 50s and working under the Baptist Church of Mizoram, returned to the state from Amsterdam on 16 March. He was pursuing higher study in theology in the Netherlands capital. He tested positive for novel coronavirus on 24 March and was admitted at ZMC along with his wife and two children. The pastor's wife and children were discharged from the medical college on 28 March after they tested negative for COVID-19.
  20:17 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Uttar Pradesh Latest Updates
UP doctor, who contracted coronavirus in line of duty, dies in KGMU hospital
Dr Sunil Agrawal, who got infected with coronavirus while on duty in Auraiya Hospital, passed away in Lucknow's KGMU hospital today. He was also the first patient to have recieved Plasma Therapy treatment in the state. His condition had improved after the therapy, and he even tested coronavirus negative, but later died after a heart attack. 
“The patient was in a stable condition. His lungs had improved, but he later developed urinary tract infection. Two reports of his samples came out as negative (for COVID-19) today,” KGMU vice chancellor said. “He, however, suffered a heart attack around 5 pm. Despite all efforts, he could not be saved,” he said.
20:14 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Gujarat Latest Updates
Cases in Gujarat surge to 7,797
 23 deaths and 394 new cases were reported in Gujarat in the past 24 hours, reported the Times of India. The total number of cases in the in the state reached 7,797 including 472 deaths. 2,091 persons have been cured and discharged till date.
  20:01 (IST)
Aarogya Setu app alerted govt about over 650 current and 300 emerging hotspots
Aarogya Setu app alerted the government about more than 650 hotspots across the country and over 300 emerging hotspots, said NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant. 
19:56 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Tamil Nadu Latest Updates
Tamil Nadu govt sets up high-level committee to assess COVID-19 impact
  The Tamil Nadu government has set up a high-level committee headed by ex-RBI governor C Rangarajan to assess COVID-19 impact and suggest the way forward to improve its fiscal position, reports PTI.
19:48 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Chhattisgarh Latest Updates
Five-year-old among five discharged in Chhattisgarh; active cases stand at 16
  Five people were discharged from  the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Raipur​ in Chhattisgarh on Saturday after recovering from the novel
coronavirus infection, PTI quotes health officials as saying. Those discharged include two women and a five-year-old boy, an official informed. So far 43 people have been discharged while the number of active cases in the state is 16, he added.
    Chhattisgarh COVID-19 figures are as follows: Positive cases 59; New cases nil; Deaths nil; Discharged 43; Active cases 16; People tested so far 23,629.
19:44 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Karnataka Latest Updates
Asymptomatic international passengers to be kept in institutional quarantine for 14 days, says Karnataka health department
Correcting its guidelines for international passengers arriving in the state, the Karnataka health department on Saturday said that asymptomatic passengers would be kept in institutional quarantine for 14 days instead of seven days institutional quarantine and seven days home quarantine. It also said that all international passengers would be tested twice, first on arrival and  on the 14th day after arrival.
SOP for international passengers 1. 14 days mandatory quarantine under Government arranged facilities. 2. Swab testing on arrival and on 14th day@CMofKarnataka @BSYBJP @sriramulubjp @drashwathcn @mla_sudhakar @iaspankajpandey @BBMP_MAYOR @BBMPCOMM @KarnatakaVarthe pic.twitter.com/g7cNxb5hcZ
— K'taka Health Dept (@DHFWKA) May 9, 2020
19:24 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Tamil Nadu Latest Updates
Coronavirus cases in Tamil Nadu jump by 526 to 6,535
Tamil Nadu recorded 526 fresh cases in the last 24 hours and Chennai recorded 279 cases with four deaths, reports News18. The total number of coronavirus has  infections in the state has reached 6,535. Four deaths were also reported today, taking the toll in the state to 44.  Acoording to the report, as many as 1,867 cases are linked to the Koyembedu market cluster. 
  19:13 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Chandigarh Latest Updates
Confirmed cases in Chandigarh rise to 169
23 new COVID-19 cases were reported in Chandigarh on Saturday, of which 21 were from a colony in sector-26, ANI quotes the Chandigarh Health Department as saying. The total number of positive cases is now 169, including two deaths.
23 new COVID19 cases including 21 from Bapudham colony sector-26 reported today; the total number of positive cases is now 169: Chandigarh Health Department pic.twitter.com/9YTpc9E8xj
— ANI (@ANI) May 9, 2020
19:07 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Guajrat Latest Updates
Gujarat govt announces exemptions from labour laws to new units for 1,200 days
The Gujarat government on Saturday announced exemption from certain labour laws for 1,200 days to firms that want to set up new units in the state in order to "boost economic activities" post-lockdown, reports PTI.  "Companies in Gujarat, India and abroad willing to bring new projects and set up new units in the state will be freed from labour laws for 1,200 days, except those related to the minimum wages and industrial safety," said Ashwani Kumar, secretary to Chief Minister Vijay Rupani. Local MSME owners willing to set up new units will also get this exemption, he said.
19:02 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Punjab Latest Updates
Case count in Punjab rises to 1,762
  Number of coronavirus positive cases in Punjab climbed to 1,762 as 31 more people tested positive on Saturday. The total number of active cases stands at 1574 while 31 persons have died due to the disease, according to the Punjab Health Department
Number of #COVID19 cases reaches 1762 in Punjab, with 31 more people testing positive today. Number of active cases & fatalities due to the infection stands at 1574 & 31, respectively: Punjab Health Department pic.twitter.com/R1dMQmZuDz
— ANI (@ANI) May 9, 2020
18:44 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in India Latest Updates
Testing capacity scaled up to 95,000 per day, says Harsh Vardhan
  The testing capacity for COVID-19 has been scaled up to around 95,000 tests per day and a total of 15,25,631 tests have been conducted so far across 332 government and 121 private laboratories, Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan said on Saturday.  “The testing capacity has increased in the country and it is 95,000 tests per day with 332 government laboratories and 121 private laboratories. Cumulatively, 15,25,631 tests have been done so far for COVID-19," PTI quotes him as saying.
18:30 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Maharashtra Latest Updates
BMC Commissioner Iqbal Singh Chahal visits Dharavi
Newly-appointed BMC Commissioner Iqbal Singh Chahal visited Mumbai's Dharavi area on Saturday to take stock of the situation as the number of cases rose to 833.
Mumbai: Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation Commissioner Iqbal Singh Chahal visited Dharavi area today and took stock of COVID19 situation and the preventive measures being taken.#Maharashtra pic.twitter.com/BhqcqzF7hr
— ANI (@ANI) May 9, 2020
18:27 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Odisha Latest Updates
Five special trains to bring back 5,000 stranded workers to Odisha
  Five special trains will start journey from three states on Saturday to bring back 5,000 stranded Odia people, a day after the Supreme Court allowed the return of migrants to Odisha, officials told PTI.The Supreme Court on Friday stayed an interim order of the Orissa High Court which had asked the state government to ensure that only those tested negative for COVID-19 were allowed to return to Odisha. Three trains will come from Gujarat and one each from Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, the officials said, adding that about 5,000 people will return to Odisha by these five trains.
  A senior East Coast Railways official said one of the five trains has already left from Surat for Odisha's Ganjam district. Two trains will leave from Ahmedabad in Gujarat for Khurda Road in Odisha, one train from Panvel station in Mumbai will start the journey to Odisha's Titlagarh in Bolangir district and another will leave from Chennai for Jagannathpur in Ganjam district, the official said.
18:20 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Delhi Latest Updates
224 new COVID-19 cases recorded in Delhi, total climbs to 6,542
The number of confirmed cases in Delhi climbed to 6,542 as 224 new infections were reported between 4 pm on Friday to midnight. According to data released by the Chief Minister's Office, no new deaths were recorded and the toll stands at 68. 2,020 people have recovered from the viral infection and there 4,454 active COVID-19 cases in the National Capital.
From Sunday, the state government will follow a midnight to midnight cycle and data will be released every morning. 
🏥Delhi Health Bulletin - 9th May 2020 🏥 Note: This health bulletin has data from 4 PM yesterday to 12 midnight. From tomorrow onwards, we will follow 12 midnight to 12 midnight cycle. The health bulletin will be released every morning. #DelhiFightsCorona pic.twitter.com/ssK7fQlVUY
— CMO Delhi (@CMODelhi) May 9, 2020
18:10 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Maharashtra Latest Updates
Dharavi reports 25 new cases, one death
25 new cases, one death due to the viral infection were reported in Mumbai's Dharavi today, ANI quotes the BMC as saying.A total of 833 positive cases and 27 deaths have been reported from the largest slum in the world. 
18:05 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Maharashtra Latest Updates
Policeman dies of coronavirus infection in Nashik
A 51-year-old police constable who had tested positive for coronavirus died in Maharashtra's Nashik district on Saturday afternoon, PTI quotes an official as saying. This is the sixth death of a police personnel due to COVID-19 in the state, he said.
  The constable, a resident of Nashik city, was deputed on security duty in Malegaon town in the district which has emerged as a coronavirus hotspot. He was admitted to the civil hospital in Nashik after showing symptoms of infection on 1 May, the police official said.
17:55 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Karnataka Latest Updates
Confirmed cases in Karnataka up by 41 to 794
  Karnataka on Saturday registered 41 fresh infections, pushing the total in the state to 794, including 30 deaths and 386 recoveries, according to the 5 pm bulletin issued by the state health department.
41 new cases of #COVID19 have been reported in Karnataka today, taking total number of cases to 794 including 30 deaths & 386 discharges. Number of active cases stands at 377: Karnataka Health Department pic.twitter.com/wVwINZz6EH
— ANI (@ANI) May 9, 2020
17:49 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Jammu and Kashmir Latest Updates
Case count in Jammu and Kashmir reaches 836
  13 more people tested positive for COVID-19 in Jammu and Kashmir, taking the total number of cases to 836, reports ANI.
13 new positive cases have been reported since yesterday. The total number of positive cases is now 836: Govt of UT of Jammu and Kashmir pic.twitter.com/S75hENZjPF
— ANI (@ANI) May 9, 2020
17:39 (IST)
Coronavirus Outbreak in Delhi Latest Updates
Six more ITBP personnel test positive in Delhi
  Six new positive cases were reported among the Indo-Tibetan Border Police in the last 24 hours, reports ANI. Till date, a total of 100 personnel (all in Delhi) have contracted the viral infection.
Coronavirus Outbreak Updates: The samples of an assistant sub inspector attached to Vinoba Bhave Nagar police station in Mumbai who died on Friday have tested positive for novel coronavirus.
Confirmed cases in Rajasthan climbed to 3,708, including 106 fatalities as the state registered 129 fresh infections and three deaths on Satuday, said the state health department.
The Union health ministry has decided to deploy Central teams to 10 states that have a high case load and are recording a high spurt of cases, in addition to the twenty teams deployed to districts with a high number of cases.
1,165 new  cases, 48 deaths were reported in Maharashtra. The total number of positive cases in the state rises to 20,228, while the toll reaches 779, according to the evening bulletin issued by the state health department.
In a series of tweets, the ministry of railways said that the West Bengal government today approved eight special trains to bring back migrant labourers stranded in various states, however, no trains have been approved from Maharashtra, it said.
The country's largest paramilitary force CRPF reported 62 fresh coronavirus infections on Saturday from a single Delhi-based unit, officials said. The total number of active cases in the 3.25 lakh-strong force now stands at 231, they said. Two personnel have recovered from coronavirus while one succumbed to the infection.
23 deaths and 394 new cases were reported in Gujarat in the past 24 hours, according to reports. The total number of cases in the in the state reached 7,797 including 472 deaths.
Tamil Nadu recorded 526 fresh cases in the last 24 hours and Chennai recorded 279 cases with four deaths, reports News18. The total number of coronavirus has  infections in the state has reached 6,535.
 The testing capacity for COVID-19 has been scaled up to around 95,000 tests per day and a total of 15,25,631 tests have been conducted so far across 332 government and 121 private laboratories, Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan.
The number of confirmed cases in Delhi climbed to 6,542 as 224 new infections were reported between 4 pm on Friday to midnight. According to data released by the Chief Minister's Office, no new deaths were recorded and the toll stands at 68
Karnataka on Saturday registered 41 fresh infections, pushing the total in the state to 794, including 30 deaths and 386 recoveries, according to the 5 pm bulletin issued by the state health department.
Two persons who were brought back to Kerala on an evacuation flight on 7 May have tested positive, taking the number of active cases in the state to 17, said Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan.
The Tamil Nadu govt announced major relaxations in lockdown guidelines in non-containment zones from Monday.  Essential shops can function from 6am to 7pm while standalone and neigbourhood shops to open from 10 am to 6 pm and from 10.30 am to 6 pm in Chennai.
"Number of active cases of COVID-19 stands at 1800 in Uttar  Pradesh and 1399 patients have recovered. Our average recovery rate stands at around 43 percent as against national average of 30 percent," ANI quotes Principal Secretary (Health) Amit Mohan Prasad as saying.
 In a slugfest over the transportation of stranded migrants to West Bengal, railway officials on Saturday said there were no proposal on record so far with the national transporter to run any more 'Shramik Special' trains to the state.
The Indian Railways reaction came minutes after the TMC said they have already planned to run eight trains to ferry migrants from Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Punjab and Telangana. The railway said they did not even have the proposal yet for the train, which the TMC claimed has been scheduled from Hyderabad to Malda on Saturday at 3 pm
As the Centre has started running special trains to send stranded migrant workers back to their states, close to 1.09 lakh migrant workers from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh have applied on a Haryana government web portal to come to the state, Indian Express reported.
According to the report, around 79.29 percent of migrant labourers have applied to come to Gurgaon, Faridabad, Panipat, Sonipat, Jhajjar, Yamunanagar and Rewari. Little over 50,000 of them want to come to Gurgaon district.
Officials believe the state's low coronavirus numbers is a factor for the workers seeking return. Till Friday, Haryana had 647 positive cases,
West Bengal is running 711 camps for the migrants in state, we are taking good care of them, said TMC leader Derek O'Brien, reacting sharply to the allegations made by the Centre over the failure of the West Bengal government to implement standard operating procedures in bringing back stranded migrants.
TMC leader Derek O'Brien on Saturday accused Amit Shah of being biased with the BJP-ruled states with regard to stopping the movement of migrant labourers.
"The Home Minister is writing so many letters to Bengal but nothing was done in Karnataka when the CM stopped the movement of migrant labourers. Later he had to revoke the decision. The Uttar Pradesh government has waived off all labour laws but, no letters were written to them," said O'Brien.
He further alleged that the Centre was responsible for the rail mishap in Maharashtra's Aurangabad.
In response to Amit Shah's letter to West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee alleging that migrants were not permitted to enter the state on trains, TMC's Derek O'brien was quoted by News18 as saying, "Home Minister of India has finally woken up from a deep sleep. We were wondering if you have helped any migrants."
A letter by the Home Minister first reached Delhi before it reached the West Bengal Govt. You sent doctors to Gujarat but a IMCT to Bengal, why are you messing around?
India's current doubling rate of COVID-19 cases improved to 11 days as against 9.9 days in the last week, while the mortality rate has been recorded at 3.3 percent, said Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan on Saturday.
The Maharashtra Education Department said that no fee hike in schools can be imposed for academic year 2020-21. "Parents should not be forced to pay the remaining fee of academic year 2019-20 and the fee for 2020-21 in one go, they must be given monthly/quarterly payment options," said the state Education Department.
With the issue of migrant labourers being the latest flashpoint between Centre and West Bengal government, Home Minister Amit Shah took a potshot at chief minister Mamata Banerjee for not getting "expected support" help migrant workers reach home.
"West Bengal government is not allowing trains with migrants reaching the state. This is injustice with West Bengal migrant labourers. This will create further hardship for them," Shah said in his letter to Mamata.
He further pointed out that the Centre has facilitated the return of more than 200,000 migrant labourers to reach home and that workers from West Bengal are also eager to go back.
According to the health ministry's latest notice on discharge policy for COVID-19 patients, for mild and pre-symptomatic cases, patients can be discharged after after 10 days of symptom onset and no fever for three days.
For moderate cases, patients will be discharged only after resolution of clinical symptoms and ability to maintain oxygen saturation above 95 percent for three consecutive days without support.
For severe cases, patients will be discharged after they test negative by RT-PCR.
Rajasthan registered a total of 3,636 COVID-19 positive cases after 57 more individuals tested positive for the infectious disease on Saturday. According to the state health department, the toll remained at 103 with no new deaths recorded in the past 24 hours.
With 3,320 more people testing positive in the past 24 hours across the nation, the total number of confirmed cases climbed to 59,662 on Saturday. Of the total, there were 39,834 active cases.
The Karnataka government has permitted the sale of liquor in standalone clubs, boarding hotels and bars, where the existing stock of alcohol can be sold at MRP, reported News18.
The alcohol can be bought only as takeaways from 9 am to 7 pm from Saturday till 17 May.
Karnataka has been among the few states that has wanted to restart economic activities and have the revenue come in for the state.
The National Human Rights Commission on Friday issued notices to the Maharashtra Chief Secretary and the District Magistrate of Aurangabad over 16 migrant workers being mowed down by a goods train. The incident happened between Badnapur and Karmad stations in Nanded Division.
The NHRC has taken suo motu cognisance of media reports about mowing down of 16 migrant workers by the goods train in the early hours of Friday, it said in a statement.
The officers have been directed to submit a detailed report within four weeks. "It should also include details of the steps taken by the state and the district authorities to provide food, shelter and other basic amenities to the poor people, especially migrant labourers, who are facing extreme difficulties from every angle during the coronavirus-triggered lockdown," it said.
The nationwide tally of COVID-19 cases reached 56,342 on Friday  with more people testing positive for the deadly virus infection in Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan among other states.
India registered an increase of 103 fatalities and 3,390 infections in the last 24 hours, on Friday while the number of those having recovered from the infection crossedg the 16,000 mark and the toll neared 1,900.
Meanwhile, the situation in Maharashtra's Mumbai and Pune remained worrisome with both cities reporting 748 and 111 cases, respectively. The massive spike in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region was reported along with the news that the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation chief was replaced by the Maharashtra government on Friday.
BMC commissioner Pravin Pardeshi will swap offices with Iqbal S Chahal, currently additional chief secretary (urban development).
Delhi, Chennai and Ahmedabad emerged as other  major hotspots in the country, with the National Capital reporting 338 new cases, while the other two cities registered 399 and 269 cases, respectively.
Spike in cases continue despite extended lockdown
A large number of new cases were reported during the day from various cities in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, while Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Odisha also reported rise in their tallies.
The number of active COVID-19 cases stood at 37,916. While 16,539 people have recovered, one patient has migrated, it said. "Thus, around 29.35 percent patients have recovered so far," a senior health ministry official said. The total cases include 111 foreign nationals.
The total of 103 deaths reported since Thursday morning include 43 in Maharashtra; 29 in Gujarat; eight in Madhya Pradesh; seven in West Bengal; five in Rajasthan; two each in Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh; and one each in Bihar, Delhi, Karnataka, Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir.
Of the 1,886 fatalities, Maharashtra tops the tally with 694 patients dying of COVID-19, Gujarat comes second with 425 deaths, followed by Madhya Pradesh at 193, West Bengal at 151, Rajasthan at 97, Delhi at 66, Uttar Pradesh at 62 and Andhra Pradesh at 38.
The death toll reached 37 in Tamil Nadu, 30 in Karnataka while Telangana has reported 29 fatalities. Punjab has registered 28 COVID-19 deaths, Jammu and Kashmir nine, Haryana seven, Bihar five and Kerala four.
Jharkhand has recorded three COVID-19 fatalities. Odisha and Himachal Pradesh have reported two deaths each. Meghalaya, Chandigarh, Assam and Uttarakhand have reported one fatality each, according to the ministry data.
According to the health ministry data updated in the morning, the highest number of confirmed cases in the country is from Maharashtra at 17,974 followed by Gujarat at 7,012, Delhi at 5,980, Tamil Nadu at 5,409, Rajasthan at 3,427, Madhya Pradesh at 3,252 and Uttar Pradesh at 3,071.
The number of COVID-19 cases has gone up to 1,847 in Andhra Pradesh and 1,644 in Punjab.
The tally has risen to 1,548 in West Bengal, 1,123 in Telangana, 793 in Jammu and Kashmir, 705 in Karnataka, 625 in Haryana and 550 in Bihar.
Kerala has reported 503 coronavirus cases so far, while Odisha has 219. A total of 135 people have been infected with the virus in Chandigarh and 132 in Jharkhand.
Tripura has reported 65 cases, Uttarakhand has 61, Chhattisgarh has 59, Assam has 54, Himachal Pradesh has 46 and Ladakh has 42.
Thirty-three COVID-19 cases have been reported from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Meghalaya has registered 12 cases, Puducherry has nine, while Goa has seven. Manipur has two cases. Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh and Dadar and Nagar Haveli have reported one case each.
"Our figures are being reconciled with the ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research)," the ministry said on its website.
State-wise distribution is subject to further verification and reconciliation, it said.
MHA says 'learn to live with virus'
During a press briefing on the COVID-19 situation, Health Ministry Joint Secretary Lav Agarwal said, "As we talk of relaxations to the lockdown and of migrant workers returning back to their respective homes, there is a big challenge in front of us that we also have to learn to live with the virus."
"And when we are talking about learning to live with the virus then it is very important that the guidelines that are there on saving oneself from the virus are adopted in the community as a behavioural change," he added.
It is a big challenge and the government needs the community support for it, Agarwal added.
The ministry also reeled off various datasets, including those showing a rising number of infection-free districts and an increasing recovery rate, to suggest the success of the government's strategy in the COVID-19 fight, even as it sought "a behavioural change" and everyone's support in this massive challenge.
Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav Thackeray, however, admitted there has been no success yet in breaking the virus chain, and said his government may seek deployment of central forces, if needed, to allow police personnel to take rest in phases. The state tops the nationwide tally for confirmed cases as well as deaths.
Ugly side of migrant crisis
Sixteen migrant workers sleeping on rail tracks while returning to Madhya Pradesh were crushed to death by a goods train in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra. The migrant workers, rendered jobless due to the coronavirus-enforced lockdown and desperate to go to their native places, were walking along the rail tracks apparently to escape police attention.
Those killed and the four other migrant workers who survived were all male, officials said. A viral video clip from the scene of the tragedy shows the bodies of migrant workers lying on the tracks and nearby with their meagre personal belongings scattered around.
Aurangabad SP Mokshada Patil told PTI that three of the four survivors had tried in vain to wake up their colleagues who had slept on the track after an overnight walk from Jalna, around 40 kilometres from the accident spot. The workers were walking to Bhusawal from Jalna along rail tracks, while returning to their home state Madhya Pradesh, an official at the Karmad police station said.
Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh governments announced financial aid of Rs 10 lakh  to Rs 5 lakh each to the families of the deceased.
Separately in Karnataka, hundreds of migrant workers gathered on Mangaluru station in protest.  They told the local police that they were stuck in the city without jobs, money and adequate food and that they were even willing to walk to their home states if the special trains were not operated immediately.
Meanwhile, a plea has been filed in the Supreme Court on Friday seeking a direction to the Centre to ask all district magistrates in the country to identify stranded migrant workers and provide shelter and food to them before ensuring their free transportation to native places in view of the Aurangabad tragedy.
Economic costs of lockdown causes worry
With the pandemic and the ongoing lockdown hitting the economy badly, Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh urged the prime minister to spell out the way forward for the country's economic revival and an exit strategy from the third phase of the lockdown.
A nationwide lockdown has been in place since 25 March, which was first imposed for 21 days but got extended first for another 14 days till 3 May and then for further 14 days in the third phase, with considerable relaxations, till 17 May.
The economic cost of the COVID-19 fight and the ongoing nationwide lockdown also appeared rising manifold with Moody's Investors Service projecting India's economic growth at zero percent for the current fiscal. It also said that a high government debt, weak social and physical infrastructure, and a fragile financial sector face further pressures due to the coronavirus outbreak.
According to experts, industrial and other business establishments may also face a huge labour shortage once they resume operations after the lockdown, which has been in place since 25 March and is scheduled to continue till 17 May. Lakhs of migrant workers have either left for their native places or are in the process of doing so, including by trains and buses arranged by state governments.
There are also worries that the virus spread may grow further in newer areas following these movements, while a large number of Indians stranded abroad have also begun returning home in special flights.
Since its outbreak in China last December, more than 38.6 lakh people have been found to be infected with this virus, while over 2.7 lakh people have lost their lives. Nearly 13 lakh people have recovered so far, including about 2 lakh in the US.
Separately, a panel of experts, formed to suggest ways to revive Maharashtra's economy, hit by the COVID-19 crisis and the resultant lockdown, submitted its report to the government during the day.
Several states have been taking steps to shore up their resources, including by levying higher taxes on fuel and liquor. After Delhi, Andhra Pradesh and several others, Himachal Pradesh government has now decided to impose a 'corona cess' on liquor sales, while Puducherry chief minister V Narayanasamy also said the territorial administration was mulling imposition of special COVID-19 tax on liquor to wriggle out of the current fiscal crisis.
The Madras High Court, however, ordered closure of liquor shops in Tamil Nadu a day after they were reopened, but allowed sale of liquor through online and door delivery till the end of the lockdown.
The Supreme Court too asked states to consider non-direct contact or online sales and home delivery of liquor during the lockdown period to prevent the spread of coronavirus on account of crowding at the shops.
Liquor shops were allowed to be opened in the third phase of the lockdown, which began on 4 May, subject to compliance to social distancing and other guidelines issued by the government.
With inputs from PTI
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Indian Army Siliguri (West Bengal) Recruitment Rally 2019
Indian Army Siliguri (West Bengal) Recruitment Rally 2019 Post Last Updates: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 @ 12:22 PM
 Indian Army Siliguri (West Bengal) Bharti Rally Recruitment 2019
(Army Recruitment Rally, Siliguri, West Bengal) Post Name – Soldier IMPORTANT DATES • Starting Date – 07-July-2019 • Last Date – 20-August-2019 • Admit Card – 21-31 August 2019 • Rally Date – 05-12 September 2019 APPLICATION FEE • There is no application Fee for all categories JOB LOCATION All Over India Rally Venue– BAIKUNTHPUR ARMY GROUND (SEVOKE MILITARY STATION) OPPOSITE BSF STC CAMP, SALUGARA, SILIGURI (WEST BENGAL)   AGE LIMIT Soldier General Duty-17 1/2- 21 Years Rest All Posts-17 ½-23 Years Age Relaxation-As per Rules Number of post- Not specified www.SarkariNaukria.com
  Vacancy Details for Army Rally Siliguri  Recruitment Online Form  2019 Post Name – Soldier General Duty Soldier Technical Soldier Technical(Aviation/Ammunition Examiner) Soldier Nursing Assistant/Nursing Assistant Veterinary Soldier Clerk/Store Keeper Technical Soldier Tradesman Pay Scale- As per Indian Army Rules Educational Qualification- Soldier General Duty-Candidates who has passed their SSLC/Matric level of Examination, with minimum 45% in aggregate & 33% in each subject will be considered for this post. Soldier Technical– Candidates who have passed Intermediate/10+2 Level of Examination in Science Stream (PCM group) & English with 50% marks in aggregate & 40% marks in each subject will be considered for this post. Soldier Nursing Assistant/Nursing Assistant Veterinary – Candidates who have completed their 10+2 examination in science stream (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology & English) with minimum 50% marks in aggregate & minimum 40% in each subject will be considered for this post. Soldier Clerk/store Keeper Technical – Candidates who have passed their Intermediate level of Examination in any stream with 60% marks in aggregate & 50% marks in each subject & Should have studied & passed English & Maths/Accounts/Book Keeping in Class X or class XII with 50% marks in each subject will be considered for this post. Soldier Tradesman – Candidates who have passed their 10th class level of Examination/ITI (excel, Syce, Mess Keeper & House keeper, who may 8th Pass) will be considered for this post. Physical Details – (A) Height – Soldier Clerk/store Keeper Tech-162 cm Rest All Posts – 169 Cm (B) Weight – Soldier Tradesman – 48 kg Rest All Posts – 50 Kg (C) Chest – Soldier Tradesman- 76-81 cm Rest All Posts-77-82 cm Candidates belonging from following Districts can participate in Rally-: Jalpaiguri Darjeeling Alipurander Malda Kalimpong Uttar Dinjapur Dakshin Dinjapur Cooch Behar How to Apply for Army Rally Siliguri Recruitment Online Form 2019: Candidates can apply through link provided below or they can also apply form official site of the Indian Army before 20/August/2019. List of Documents to be carried on the Rally Venue-: Admit Card Twenty Copies of Photograph Education Certificates Domicile Certificate Caste Certificate Religion Certificate Character Certificate Unmarried Certificate Relationship Certificate NCC/Sports Certificate Id, Address Proofs Bank Account Details *Candidates are suggested to read the official notification before applying. Mode of Army Rally Siliguri Recruitment Online Form 2019: Selection will be based on Written Test, Physical Fitness Test& Medical Test.
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BSF Head Constable Admit Card 2019 Download HC (RO & RM) Exam Hall Ticket @bsf.nic.in
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ITBP Medical Officer Online Form 2019
ITBP Medical Officer Online Form 2019
Post Last Updates: Tuesday, April 2, 2019 @ 10:19 AM
ITBP Medical Officer Online Form 2019
(Indo Tibetan Border Police Force) Post Name – Medical Officers IMPORTANT DATES • Starting Date- 02-April-2019 • Last Date – 20-May-2019 • Fee Payment Last Date – 01-May-2019 • Exam Date – Update Soon APPLICATION FEE • General /OBC – Rs. 400/- • SC/ST/PH – Exempted Payment will be made through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/E Challan LOCATION All India   AGE LIMIT (As on 01/May/2019) Super Specialist Medical Officer (Second- In- Commandant) – 50 Years (Maximum) Specialist Medical Officer(Deputy Commandant) – 40 Years Medical Officer (Assistant Commandant) – 30 Years Age Relaxation (Upper Age Limit) –  03 SC/ST-05 Years OBC- 03 Years Number of post- 496 post
Vacancy Details for ITBP Medical Officer Recruitment  Online Form 2019 Post Name  & Category Wise Vacancy Details-: (A) Super Specialist Medical Officer( Second- In- Commandant)- ITBP-04 Posts (Gen-03 Posts, OBC-01 Post, Rest all categories- Nil) (B) Specialist Medical Officer(Deputy Commandant)- BSF-56 Posts (Gen-26 Posts, SC-10 Posts,ST-04 Posts, OBC-16 Posts) CRPF – 85 Posts (Gen 20 Posts, SC-17 Posts, ST-10 Posts, OBC-38 Posts) SSB -19 Posts (Gen-19 Posts, Rest all categories- Nil) ITBP – 09 Posts (Gen-02 Posts, SC-01 Post, ST-01 Post,OBC-05 Posts) Assam Rifles-06 Posts (Gen-04 Posts, SC-01 Post, OBC-01 Post) (C)Medical Officer(Assistant Commandant)-317 Posts BSF-102 Posts (Gen- 36 Posts, SC-12 Posts, OBC-54 Posts) CRPF-21 Posts (Gen 13 Posts, SC-03 Posts, ST-02 Posts, OBC-03 Posts) SSB-59 Posts (Gen-14 Posts, SC-08 Posts, ST-02 Posts, OBC-35 Posts) ITBP-107 Posts (Gen-18 Posts, SC-29 Posts, ST-02 Posts, OBC-58 Posts) Assam Rifles- 28 Posts (Gen-04 Posts, SC-07 Posts, OBC-17 Posts) Pay Scale- Super Specialist Officer( Second-In- Commandant)- Rs. 78,800/- -Rs. 2,09,200/- Specialist Medical Officer( Deputy Commandant)- Rs. 67,700/- -Rs. 2,08,700/- Medical Officer(Assistant Commandant)- Rs. 56,100/- -Rs. 1,77, 500/- Educational Qualification- Super Specialist Officer( Second-In- Commandant)-Candidates  having M.B.B.S Degree /equivalent from any recognized institute/college  included in the first schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 will be eligible for this post. Specialist Medical Officer (Deputy Commandant)-Candidates having a recognized medical qualification of allopathic system of medicines included in the first/second schedule/equivalent will be eligible for this post. Medical Officer (Assistant Commandant) – Candidates having a recognized medical qualification of allopathic system of medicines included in the first/second schedule/equivalent will be eligible for this post. Note- Candidates are suggested to read the official notification regarding educational qualification and related information before applying. How to Apply for ITBP Medical Officer Recruitment Online Form 2019-Candidates can apply through link provided below or they can also apply through official site of the ITBP before 01/ May/2019. *Candidates are suggested to read the official notification before applying. Mode of Selection for ITBP Medical Officer Recruitment  Online Form 2019-Selection will be based on- Online /Offline Examination
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EARNING UPDATE $BSF Bear State Financial, Inc. for quarter ending q_Sep17 - Revenue fell, Margins contracted
EARNING UPDATE $BSF Bear State Financial, Inc. for quarter ending q_Sep17 – Revenue fell, Margins contracted
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