#bsd thieves
justapanpirate · 6 months
I’m so fucking tired of seeing people praise “A spring without you is coming” even though it turned out to be a stolen story with parts basically just being copy pasted with the names changed. I don’t care how much you loved it, I don’t care if it has some changes here and there. It’s a “copy your homework but change a few answers” situation. I remember seeing a tiktok where someone went through both fics and found parts that was more or less exactly the same as the original. It’s so incredibly disrespectful, especially when the person who stole it is a writer and should understand how disgusting it is. I cried through it too before I found out, but now it doesn’t matter how good their other fics are; I don’t want to read them because how can I be sure that they haven’t just stolen those as well?
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starlightshadowsworld · 4 months
Bsd 55 minutes era Kunikida with a dozen guns pointed him and refusing to back down. His tone even and calm as he tells them:
"This is my final warning as well. We are detectives given orders to catch the thieves. This island may have extraterritorial rights, but don't you dare think you can threaten civilians at gun point on my watch."
You will always be iconic.
Kunikida being so committed to the protection of civilians and being so badass that the guards were told to back down.
Because there was no way they could scare him.
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Anime Convention (feat. someone real). Interlude I
Self-Aware! Ayatsuji Yukito x GN! Reader
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Description of Interlude I:
Cats can be mischievous thieves. And, sometimes, they could steal something interesting.
Ayatsuji try to make sense of what he has learned and take a trip down the memory line.
For Ayatsuji Yukito, self-awareness was a blessing. For Ayatsuji Yukito, Real World is big and unexplored. Yukito Ayatsuji must learn, how to interact with Real World.
Yukito Ayatsuji has two cats. And there is only one can of cat food left. He also has almost no tobacco left.
He needs to face Real World and went to the store.
He is lucky, that Guiding Light is also home.
A.K.A. Shy and timid Reader are more important, than they think they are.
Ayatsuji's P.O.V.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Slight mentions of stalking (BSD Cast had access to Reader's messenger and phone). Reader have some negative feelings towards them. Reader try to be better.
Set at the same time, as Part I, and flashback took place two weeks before Part I. [Before people started gossip about Reader, but, after people saw Albatross and Doc]
Mall trip incident described here
<| Part 1 |_________| Part II | >
Ayatsuji was sitting in his chair, reading a book [Y/N] gave him. To be more specific, it was a library book, that Ayatsuji wanted to read and that was put under [Y/N]'s name. The book was a compilation of mystery novels by different authors.
It not only was a way to spend time for Ayatsuji. It was a “training”. Training, before Ayatsuji could read a book with his name on a cover.
He knew, that there was a specific someone in this world. Author. Reason, why Ayatsuji existed in the first place. The reason, why his ability was named Another, why his ability worked the way it worked. Author was the reason of everything, that was happening with Ayatsuji Yukito.
Ayatsuji can't say, for sure, who exactly he meant by “Author”. His namesake… Or…
Meowing, that came from the door to Ayatsuji's room grabbed his attention. Meowing sounded odd. Like it was muffled. Ayatsuji knew too well, what it means. Cats were back from “treasure hunting” and wanted to show him, what they have found.
Ayatsuji put a bookmark between pages and closed the book. He signed and looked at his cats. Mei and Misaki¹ were good cats, but, sometimes, they liked to steal something to show their master.
Ayatsuji blamed Karl and Poe for that behavior. Karl often brought things to Poe, and Poe also asked Karl to bring small things to Ranpo. This behavior rubbed on Ayatsuji's cats, and they started to act the same way. The only problem was that Ayatsuji didn't ask for anything to be brought to him. Unfortunately, cats refused to stop. The list of stolen things already included Dazai's bolo tie, Q's doll, Ranpo's glasses, Kunikida's notebook and Yosano's hairpin. Thankfully, cats were careful, and all things were returned to their owners good as new.
“What did you two steal this time?” mumbled Ayatsuji, standing up.
Mei, black cat, meowed again. She was holding a few papers in her mouth. No, not just papers. There were some text on them. A document?
Misaki, a calico cat, pawed on the corner of the document. Before cats could damage it, Ayatsuji took it away. Cats looked at Ayatsuji, waiting for a praise. Ayatsuji crook an eyebrow.
“You do realize, that earlier we will have to apologize for your behavior, right?”
Cats looked unbothered by it. Ayatsuji sighs and adjust his glasses. He starts reading the document's text.
“Okay, who it belongs to…” Ayatsuji's eyes widened. It was a rent contract. With [Y/N]'s name on it. And it wasn't expired.
“They're still keeping their old apartment… Why?” whispered Ayatsuji. His gaze stopped on the rent's price. It was higher, that before.
All of them knew, how much you paid for your previous apartment. You always send screenshots, proves of successful payments, to your landlord.
Why were you renting an apartment you didn't use?
Cats rubbed against his back. They looked at their master, waiting for something. For praise, or… For an order?
Ayatsuji took his phone and took a picture of the contract. He kneeled before his cats, holding contact towards them.
“Mei, Misaki, thank you. Now, please, took it back where you found it. And I… I need to go to my collection.”
The cats purred, and Misaki took the document in her mouth. Ayatsuji and both cats left the room. Mei and Misaki ran towards [Y/N]'s room. With the corner of his eye, Ayatsuji noticed a familiar striped tail. That explained, how his cats managed to open whatever drawer, where [Y/N] hid the contract.
Ayatsuji Yukito was glad, that he was able to took his collection here. It helps him think.
Surrounded by puppets, he sat in an armchair. His eyes were closed.
“Why… Why [Y/N] are keeping the apparent?” Ayatsuji mumbles under his breath.
Did [Y/N] leave something in the old apartment, that they can't move to the new house? Unlikely. Ayatsuji remembered the day they helped [Y/N] with moving out. All furniture and washing machine belonged to the landlord. The biggest and heaviest of Guiding Light's belongings were a mini fridge, microwave, mini stove and vacuum cleaner. They and the rest of [Y/N]'s belongings were transported in Annie's room and didn't take too much of a space.
So, not it.
Are [Y/N] planning to leave them? Did he and others do something wrong? Were they too forward? Are [Y/N] afraid of them?
Should Ayatsuji confront [Y/N]? Should he tell others?
Ayatsuji shook his head.
Stop. He is getting too worked up. No. He should start with the first question.
Are [Y/N] planning to leave them?
Ayatsuji opened his eyes and focused on one of the dolls. The first new addition to his collection.
Present from [Y/N].
/Two weeks ago/
Mei and Misaki were rubbing against his legs, waiting for their food.
Ayatsuji send a quick glance towards his pets, smiling slightly, but frowned, when he looked at the shelf in kitchen's cabinet, where animal food were kept.
Enough raccoon's food and birds' seeds.
And only one can of cat food left.
Enough for today. But he had to buy more.
Had to go outside, to the pet store, and buy more cat food.
Mechanically, he opened the can, put food in two bowls and put them down on the floor. Mei and Misaki purred gratefully, before digging in. Ayatsuji pet both cats, looking out the window.
Outside… All of them fight tooth and nail to get into the real world. Not only to see Guiding Light, but to finally start living their lives.
Who could guess, that they would be horrified of the real world.
Ayatsuji wasn't an exception. He was also nervous about the Real World.
And “Another” wasn't the reason for his fear.
At first, self-awareness was “shocking, but it doesn't change things for me”.
Ayatsuji, back in their world, was forced to stay away from most people. Even after they gained self-awareness, he was forced to stay away.
His uncontrollable ability could still work on others. No one would want to find out, what would happen, if Ayatsuji saw some event in the manga, that makes his ability activate.
Ayatsuji can't blame them. No one wants to die.
When Oda Sakunosuke, Shibusawa Tatsuhiko and André Gide returned to life, after Guiding Light got their cards, the experiments began.
Soon, others dead characters returned to life.
And Ayatsuji was finally part of the group. Now the results of his ability could be “fixed”.
Still, Ayatsuji could hear them. Whispers about him. If he should be allowed in real world. Specifically, if his ability should be allowed near Guiding Light.
If someone started a vote on “Should Ayatsuji be left behind”, Ayatsuji himself would say “yes”. He wanted to go to the Real World, have a full life, met Guiding Light (or Porcelain Treasure, that's how he called them, after hearing from Tsujimura about 'personal nicknames for Guiding Light'), but, he also didn't want to harm Guiding Light. What if they were a criminal? He didn't want to pay for their kindness with murdering them!
The situation was resolved in an interesting way.
They believed, that cards affected only 'dead' characters. They were wrong.
Ango, when he was trying to raise Guiding Light's chances on getting Yosano's cards, discovered, that they could change their abilities for a bit.
Ayatsuji was among people, who wanted to have their abilities changed. He only asked for one thing. To have control over his ability.
And it was time to wait. He could test, if changed works only in Real World.
He was grateful, that the only crime [Y/N] have committed were a crime of adorableness. At least, if changes didn't work, [Y/N] won't be harmed.
They only need to find a criminal.
With some fake documents and snooping around the police station, Ayatsuji managed to find one. A burglar, who break in a house, steal everything and murdered owners.
And when Ayatsuji explained in great details, how he solved the case, he felt it.
His ability was waiting for his command to be activated.
Changes worked.
Self-awareness was a blessing for Yukito Ayatsuji. His ability wasn't a problem anymore.
Now, there is just one issue was left.
All this people, that lived in real world.
All of them knew, how crowded and loud cities are. It was a well known fact, one of many bits of information, that were there, the moment they became self-aware. Knowledge, they were born? with created to have?
Despite “Yokohama” being a dead city. No other people, except them, no other animals, except Karl, Mei and Misaki.
Only almost two years of silence. For two years, they only have each other and Their Guiding Light.
And then, the Real World greeted them with noises. With stable day and night cycle. With animals and people. Full of life.
And this life was scary and unfamiliar.
Ayatsuji felt, like he was a sheltered child, who was taught about the outside world, but never was allowed to take a step outside. And after years of sheltered life, he was kicked in the middle of “reality” and now must live in almost unfamiliar world.
Ayatsuji shook his head, chasing away the flood of memories and thoughts. No matter, how much he was nervous to go outside, he has to buy cat food.
He will simply grab his coat and wallet and go to the pet store, while smoking his pipe.
He was out of tobacco. Now, he has to go to one more store.
“Just two shops. Everything will be fine…” Mumbled Ayatsuji under his breath. He was sitting in the living room, trying to get a hold on himself. He was so deep in thought, he didn't notice, that he got a company.
“Ayatsuji… Are you okay? You look nervous.” the voice, that became so familiar and dear for the last two years, was coming from behind.
Ayatsuji turned around, looking at [Y/N]. They tilted their head, a concerned expression was clear on their face. Ayatsuji couldn't help, but smile slightly. He skipped his normal distant and cold attitude. Jouno's warning was fresh in his mind.
“Mind what you said around [Y/N]. Their heartbeat… They accept all our words for truth.”
“I am fine. I'm simply trying to get enough courage to step outside and do some shopping.”
[Y/N]'s concern was replaced with worry.
Ayatsuji shrugged his shoulders.
“Mhm. Real World is too loud to immediately accept it. But I need cat food and tobacco right now, and have no time to wait before I get used to the real world.”
For one second, [Y/N]'s expression changed. Ayatsuji couldn't put his finger, on what emotion it was. 
or, perhaps, he knew this emotion too well, but didn't want to admit, that [Y/N] felt the same emotion
Nevertheless, the emotion was gone, and [Y/N]'s expression became determined.
“Do you want some company?” they asked, taking a step forward. “I need to get a package from the post office, besides, I am currently free, so, I can go with you… If you want, of course.” Immediately add [Y/N]. 
Ayatsuji thought about the proposal. It would be good to have [Y/N] near. Someone, who was comfortable in Real World. Ayatsuji nodded with a smile.
“Thank you, I will be happy, if you join me.” 
For one second, [Y/N] looked shocked, but, quickly, smiled in return.
“Got it. Give me a minute, I will be ready in a minute.” [Y/N] turned on their heels and headed to their room, only to be stopped by Ayatsuji. Detective put his hand on [Y/N]'s shoulder.
“Wait, [Y/N], do you think, I should change my outfit? I don't want to grab people's attention.” Ayatsuji shivered involuntarily. Gogol's story about that trip to the mall was an unpleasant but important warning. When you go out onto the streets of this world in your ordinary outfit, you can expect a wave of fans with a desire to take pictures and touch you, people who consider you a pervert and accusations of satanism.
[Y/N] were silent. They looked at him from top to bottom, then walked around him, taking a good look at his clothes.
Half-rimmed, light-colored sunglasses, white shirt with a vermilion-based checkered border and a gray knit vest, dull orange checkered knickerbocker pants, and beige boots. Ayatsuji decided to add something.
“I will wear my hat and coat.”
 [Y/N] nodded, stepping once again before him, then took their phone and started to type something. After a moment, [Y/N] looked away from the screen.
 “Hey, Ayatsuji, can you please take your glasses off? Okay, thanks. Now, please, put them on again. Thanks again.”
 [Y/N] put their phone back.
 “You don't necessary need to change your outfit. I don't think, that you would get too much attention. But, if you are worried, I think, you could change your coat and vest. You can keep hat and glasses. If someone asks about eye color, tell them, you are wearing contacts.” 
 Ayatsuji raised an eyebrow.
 “But with Gogol…”
 [Y/N] raised their hands, shushing Ayatsuji.
 “Gogol's looks are… I mean, he is… You are… Umf…” [Y/N] hide their face in both hands, breathing heavily. After a minute, [Y/N] spoke again. They were speaking slowly, choosing words carefully.
 “Gogol are well-known among… other fans… You are… Details of Kyougoku's case aren't known by everyone… I guess.”
 [Y/N] looked up. They looked extremely guilty.
“What I mean… If we didn't run into hard fans, we would be okay. I think.”
'Why [Y/N] looked like they are on a verge of crying?' ignoring the thought, Ayatsuji hummed.
“Understand… Thanks for your advice, [Y/N]. Let's meet near the front door in ten minutes.”
[Y/N] nodded and hurry to their room.
You washed your face with cold water. Familiar feeling of helplessness and disgust squeeze your insides.
You almost (if not already) messed up. First, you thought, that someone was rude to Ayatsuji and that's why he didn't want to go outside. Then, you had to mentioned BSD Media fact. Ayatsuji and others have enough on their plate, and don't need any reminders about their origins from you.
you didn't regret of offering help that's what friends do
They would be right, if they choose to leave you. If thinking rationality…
You splash more cold water on your face. You need to remember psychology books you like to read.
Your negative feelings were unhealthy, and you really need to control your habit of trying to rationalize your feelings and find “logical” reason to fell/ not to feel/express/not express them.
You will go with Ayatsuji to the mall, you will be happy, and you won't mess it just by being near.
“You are an interesting person, you are an interesting person, you can keep friends…” you repeated this sentence like mantra, while getting ready.
Shopping trip went, mostly, smoothly. As [Y/N] predicted, no one was bothered by Ayatsuji's appearance. People didn't pay any attention to him and [Y/N]. They were just another people in a crowd.
You were glaring at the cans of cat food, Ayatsuji choose, like they were your worst enemies. Without warning, you turned your head towards Ayatsuji.
“Ayatsuji, if remember correctly, Pushkin will do the cooking tomorrow, right?”
Ayatsuji nodded.
"Yes. Something wrong with it?"
You point at the can.
"No. But, just you know, that tomorrow your cats will have duck with wild berries, while we'll munch on plain pasta with sausages."
And Ayatsuji saw it in [Y/N]'s eyes. They were waiting for something. And they were nervous. Ayatsuji chuckled.
"Agree, people, who produce cat food, really should mind, how to name their products."
Happiness, that shined in [Y/N]'s eyes were the biggest reward he could ever ask for.
You didn't comment on tobacco he bought. Right after leaving the shop, Ayatsuji filled his pipe, light it and start smoking. 
Tobacco from Real World felt different. And Ayatsuji prefer it to whatever he smoked back in “Yokohama”.
Suddenly, [Y/N] let out a quiet laugh.
“You remind me of Sherlock Holmes."
Ayatsuji pulled deeply on his pipe, before asking.
"Of whom?"
In one second, your expression from happy became guilty.
"Genius detective, who smokes and wears a hat. Didn't I... watched something about him, while you were... I am sorry..."
That expression again. The expression of shame. Without hesitation, Ayatsuji put his hand on [Y/N]'s head, ruffling their hair.
"Don't sweat it, Porcelain Treasure. All of us, you included, have a long way before us. There's nothing wrong with keeping our origins in mind. Or we would have another "Gogol's shopping trip" incident.
He could feel, how [Y/N]'s cheeks were burning with embarrassment. They still weren't used to nicknames. 
"If I insisted on him wearing a disguise..."
Ayatsuji rolled his eyes and flicked [Y/N]'s nose.
Yup, they were burning with embarrassment.
"Okay, hush. Don't put the weight of our decisions on you. Otherwise, we will never learn."
[Y/N] opened their mouth to say something else, but change their mind and stay silent. 
'Okay, now, to change the subject' 
"So, can you tell me more about that Sherlock Holmes guy? He sounded interesting." Ayatsuji observed [Y/N]'s reaction. 
'Why do they look... defeated?'
"He is a book character... Created by Arthur Conan Doyle. I should have one of the books at home. I can give it to you..." it looks like [Y/N] were trying to say as less as they can. 
'Come on, I see, that you want to say more! I want to hear you! I want to talk to you!'
Ayatsuji squeezed [Y/N]'s shoulder. 
"Tell me more, please. I want to know more."
Ayatsuji was waiting outside the post office, trying to hide his smile. Hearing [Y/N]'s passionate speech about Doyle, mystery novels and Sherlock Holmes were a real treat. [Y/N]'s eyes shined, when they were talking about things they liked. And when Ayatsuji paid attention and asked questions.
You still had a big smile on your face after you finished your businesses in the post office and returned to him, holding a big package in your arms.
Ayatsuji didn't expect that [Y/N] will come to his room later that day. They were holding a cardboard box into your arms.
"Hey, Ayatsuji, I have a present for you."
They hand him the box. 
It was a ball-jointed doll. The box looked old, but the doll looked good as knew.
"You like it?" [Y/N] sounded nervous. Ayatsuji nodded. 
"Yes. Thank you, [Y/N]." He smiled warmly at them. [Y/N] returned the gesture.
"You are welcome. Don't be bothered by an old box. This doll were with me for many years now."
Ayatsuji raised an eyebrow.
"Favorite toy?" Ball-jointed dolls wasn't that good for playing with them, but, maybe...
[Y/N] shook their head.
"No. Present from distant relative. My parents kept it hidden. They wanted to keep it for 'better times'. You have no idea how much I wanted to play with it. I often looked at the box, dreaming about playing with it. But, my father always said, that doll was a possible investment in my future." [Y/N] let out a quiet chuckle.
'They wanted to sell it in a future' mentally translated Ayatsuji. Meanwhile, [Y/N] continue talking.
"But, now, I am an adult, it belongs to me, I am the only one, who can decide, what to do with it."
Ayatsuji put box on the table.
"Are you sure? It seems, doll was important to you."
[Y/N] just waved their hand.
'They looked confident'. They are sure.'
"I am sure. Among two of us, you will be the one, who can truly appreciate the doll."
"Thank you again." Ayatsuji nodded slightly in appreciation.
[Y/N]'s smile was bright.
"You are welcome."
Ayatsuji was gently holding his new doll.
"No. They aren't planning to leave."
In a quiet basement, Ayatsuji's voice sounded louder, that it really was.
But it means that...
He should face it. Few things, that Ayatsuji willingly ignore.
[Y/N]'s nervousness and fear.
And almost empty chat list. With chats, where [Y/N] were ignored.
Bruises, Doc were talking about.
And that little fleeting expression on [Y/N]'s face. Expression, that was too familiar to Ayatsuji Yukito. Expression, he sometimes saw in the mirror, before he stopped constantly thinking about his ability. Expression, that he saw on Gide's and Verlaine's faces.
It was an expression of self-resentment. Of self-disgust.
"Why? Why can't you see, what a great person you are?" whispered Ayatsuji. "Who... Who did this to you, [Y/N]? What could we do to help you?"
There were no answers. For now.
Ayatsuji put the doll back, leaving the basement.
Flags must return soon. They wanted to investigate your workplace.
First steps were made.
As he said, they have a long way ahead of them. He and others should learn to live in the Real World. [Y/N] should get used to have them in their live.
And Ayatsuji and others should show [Y/N], that they won't be alone and won't be ignored anymore.
¹As long as I knew, Ayatsuji's cats don't have official names. So, I decided to named them after Misaki Mei, Main Character of “Another” novel.
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leniisreallycool · 4 months
Skk and sskk are the two biggest ships in the BSD fandom but I just don't like them, at least not as romantic ships. It feels like these deeply complex and compelling characters are reduced to "heehee pretty boys kissing" and that sucks.
Atsushi was abused for his whole life growing up for the tiger, something he didn't even know he was. The story is about his will to live and defend the people who gave him a home and taught him that although his past is a part of him, it does not define who he is and and who he can become.
Akutagawa grew up in the slums and watched his friends murders at the hands of thieves. He killed them as revenge and joined the Port Mafia under Dazai, who taught his that his only worth was his ability. His part of the story is learning that that's not the case, that's he's worth more than that. That he can be something other than his past.
Dazai was suicidal as a very young teenager and didn't believe in the value of living, likely because of whatever he suffered before Mori found him. He seemingly flourished in the environment but in reality he was still suffering. Then he lost his two closest friends, one to death and one to betrayal. He abandoned the Mafia, wandered around for a few years, then joined the Armed Detective Agency to fulfill his friend's dying wish.
Chuuya was kidnapped as a toddler and experimented on because of his single ability singularity. His closest friends betrayed him and tried to kill him, then a year later his new friends were murdered by someone calling himself Chuuya's brother. His partner abandoned him. He doesn't truly believe in his humanity but ignores it because that's no longer his biggest priority.
(I oversimplified these characters and their backstories to reduce the length of this post because each character could have essays upon essays about the complexities and relationships between them.)
Yes they're all thematic parallels to each other, individually and as a whole. The thing is, I have no problem with romantic skk and sskk. Some of the best fics and fanart is of the romantic versions of the ships.
My problem is when people look at these characters and only see the parts they like and refuse to acknowledge their personalities and backstories to any capacity because it doesn't fit with their personal narrative.
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yarrayora · 1 month
Servamp cast: if we had a nickel for everytime the world was rewritten by someone who claimed to have the best intentions to created a "perfect" world, except if you look closely there are a lot of issues/cracks still. Where only a couple people remembered the original world and so this forced one of the antagonists to team up with the protag to try and bring back the old work, we'd have 2 nickels which isn't alot but Real weird that it happened twice, what the fuck guys.
Phantom thieves:... what
this is even funnier in stray gods timeline where tooru is engaged to bsd fukuzawa. thrice. THRICE!!!
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flowerimiya · 3 months
I hope in the next bsd chapter, the phantom thieves from persona 5 appear and steal fyodors treasure to save the day. That guy has a palace for sure 💯
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meloriri · 8 months
Major p5r spoilers, minor “The Boy Detectives Club” spoilers.
First and foremost, I’m starting with Akechi because I thought his name was the most obvious, so I know the references in his name better. I will be making a post about Joker too, and hopefully more if I find enough material.
Akechi, meaning wisdom and intellect, Goro meaning “Fifth son.”
You might think that it was smart of the persona devs to name him Akechi for this reason, but it actually goes far deeper than that. (There’s reason for the name Goro too!)
(i promise this is relevant) Edogawa Rampo is a Japanese author who is highly important to mystery and thriller genre. He lived through the 19th-20th century and wrote many books considered classics.
Being a mystery writer, of course Edogawa had a main detective character. Known in the stories as “Japan’s greatest detective” is Akechi Kogoro, a private investigator inspired by Sherlock Holmes. That being said, naming your detective character “ Akechi” is pretty much equivalent to naming your detective character “Holmes.” Funny, right?
Akechi Kogoro is undeniable a genius, but quite eccentric. (For any BSD fans, the character Rampo is somewhat based off of Kogoro!) He appears in MANY of Edogawa’s books, as well as Edogawa’s juvenile fiction series, The Boy Detectives Club. Kogoro is a master of disguise, particularly good at disguising as young women. (Perhaps explaining Goro’s more typically effeminate appearance?)
Of course, Akechi Goro in Persona 5 is inspired by Akechi Kogoro, but it goes farther than that! I believe Goro is specifically based off of Kogoro in “The Fiend Of Twenty Faces,” the first book in Edogawa’s juvenile fiction series. The fiend of twenty faces is a gentleman thief based off of Arsène Lupin. I don’t want to spoil his name, So I’ll be calling the gentleman thief Kichi. Kichi and Kogoro have a relationship of mutual respect despite being rivals. Kichi is particularly well known for a character inspired by him, that character being Joker from Persona 5. I’d say Kichi is a notably worse person considering he threatened a group of ten year olds, but thats another story.
I won’t get too into whatever Kichi has going on since that’s more related to Joker than Goro, but you get the idea. Initially however, Kichi was going to be called “The phantom thief of twenty faces” but it was ruled out because… It wasn’t appropriate enough for kids..? Regardless, Joker and Goro are clear parallels to Kichi and Kogoro, from Mutual respect to their rather dramatic rivalry.
SECTION TWO - Akechi Goro & Akechi Mitsuhide
Goro’s name holds a genius double meaning — The other being historical figure Akechi Mitsuhide. Considering this is based on reality rather than fiction, this part may be a bit disturbing. I’ll be using Goro for Akechi Goro and Akechi for Akechi Mitsuhide, because it feels wrong to use his given name.
PS: Im a random canadian teenager, Please tell me if i got any history wrong!!!
Akechi was a samurai in the Sengoku period, but also a grand traitor. Best known as Oda Nobunaga(One of the three great unifiers of Japan)’s killer. Akechi was Oda’s bodyguard, but rebelled against him and forced him to commit seppaku, which is essentially suicide. Goro’s use of mental shutdowns is likely a reference to this, as is his rebellion against the Phantom Thieves.
SECTION THREE - Crow, Kuro, and Karasu.
Goro’s codename “Crow” is pronounced in Japanese as “Kuro”, which is “coincidentally” also the word for black. Because of this, as soon as the Black Mask was mentioned (i had already been spoiled on Goro’s codename) I immediately knew it was going to be him.
Crows represent misfortune and death, but also self-reflection and intelligence.
And finally, something that was most likely unintentional but I found funny nonetheless. When Akechi first teams up with the Phantom Thieves, he suggests his codename be “Karasu”, meaning crow. The other members suggest Crow instead since they all have english codenames. The first time (I think?) Joker is given an official name is in a spin-off manga, in which they call him Akira Kurusu. It probably means nothing, but I found the idea of codename Karasu working with Kurusu pretty funny, so I decided to mention it anyway.
That’s all I caught on to!! Let me know if I got anything wrong :)
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Anakin the bartender
Ability: Water or Wine? (Aka The Jesus Power™️)
Can turn water into any wine and any wine into water.
Age: 26
Birthday: November 18th
Height: 5'6
Likes: The tavern he works at, profit, his brother (Jacob), nuts, compliments, honey.
Dislikes: Thieves, tavern fights, the one person who stays before closing shift, broken glass, raspberries.
Jacob the mage
Ability: A life for a life
Allows him to bring people back to life but at the cost of him starting to slowly fade away the more he uses it.
Age: 24
Birthday: January 5th
Height: 5'4
Likes: Woodland creatures, helping people, the necklace of his mother, his brother (Anakin), raspberries, flowers.
Dislikes: Being called a witch, taking off his shoes, horses.
-> No NSFW asks
-> In character I use "quotation marks"
-> Out of character I don't use quotation marks or I use ooc:
-> Jacob speaks in green.
-> This is a bsd oc account
-> Au master list
-> Same owner as @paintedgrilledcheese
Extra/Master List
(Short story)
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daz4i · 1 year
this isn't every single character bc some i have a very shaky grasp on so i just skipped them
for some. i had a funny/angsty idea for an aspect and then went with it (for example: kouyou with light). there might be a better option but i like this one
i mostly used one blog for reference bc it has very convenient lists, but i tried to cross check with others as well jic
if you disagree with my takes that's perfectly fine 👍 i will admit i'm no expert on classpects lol and i encourage you to make your own post of this sort, if you'd like :)
if you wanna make art/fics/anything else inspired by any of these...... please tag me in it.......👀👉👈
that being said. here's my list of bsd classpects:
armed detective agency:
atsushi: page of breath
dazai: seer of void 
ranpo: heir of light
yosano: witch of life
kunikida: mage of time
kyouka: knight of space
kenji: sylph of hope
tanizaki: prince of mind
akutagawa: maid of doom
chuuya: heir of blood
mori: rogue of life
kouyou: bard of light
higuchi: mage of heart
kajii: witch of mind
q: page of hope
odasaku: knight of space
decay of angels:
fyodor: bard of mind
nikolai: rogue of breath
sigma: page of blood
bram: mage of life
fukuchi: heir of time
chosen guild members bc i'm too lazy for everyone and idk enough about them:
francis: sylph of blood
poe: mage of mind
lucy: maid of space
hunting dogs:
tachihara: mage of blood
teruko: prince of life
jouno: sylph of rage
tecchou: heir of hope
ango: maid of void
aya: witch of time
mushitarou: rogue of heart
bro the ada is the only one who has a chance of surviving this session fr
also if you're already here have some things that made me feel like i galaxy brained big time:
already posted abt it but, kyouka and odasaku being the same classpect (i knew i want them both to be space bc i thought it fit them and their vibe and patience. but then knight ended up being the best class option too. so)
jouno and tecchou being opposing aspects
^in turn, tecchou being the same aspect as kenji
kunikida and aya being the same aspect, and aya ending up a class that's considered "the same but stronger and more chaotic" than kunikida's
mori being a life player :) he's a doctor after all :)))) (tbh his personality fits a thief way more, but thieves are selfish while rogues work for the benefit of others. and i think that's a core thing about him. so!)
i had the doa trio's classpects locked and loaded in my brain for months now. i actually only made this list so i have an excuse to talk about them. i will not budge on these choices
ok that's it. if you wanna i can elaborate on specific choices but i'm way too lazy to explain every single one lol
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kaurwreck · 1 year
For the song ask game!!! I hope when you shuffle for this ask you get chuuya's character song or wake up call from the dead apple ost or something equally gay
full disclosure: with some semi-rare exceptions, I don't usually add OST or character songs to my playlists because part of why i make character playlists is to tease out my understanding of their characterizations and dynamics by extrapolating my understanding and applying it to noncanonical material. for playlists that are explicitly about a specific dynamic, i also generally avoid single-character songs. every song has to relate to who they are relative to the other character(s) or their relationship with the other character(s).
(i do love bsd's ost and anime sound design though, it's bop after bop)
okay for the ask game!!!!
Real Love Song, Nothing But Thieves
This is a love song, real love Dirty rip out the whole of your soul love I'll hate myself for days love Sitting all alone and listening to Nick Cave love ... This is a dark song, real dark Feral tear off your skin to the bone dark I’ll drink myself to death dark Do anything to feel your breath on my neck dark ... This is a sad song, so sad Aching like it's more than I can take sad I cried so hard I died sad Losing all that's making me human inside sad
in the timeline of their relationship, this song exists in the interim between dazai leaving the port mafia and the guild arc. i fully believe dazai fell first, fell hard, and fell semi-gleefully, but when he left the port mafia, he wanted to leave. his aches and traumas around mori and who he was then are tangled and messy, evidenced by the extent to which the port mafia makes him emotionally erratic and passively self-contradictory (the image he projects starts to glitch as his sincerity and uncertainty trip over themselves) during the guild arc. that suggests to me he hasn't fully processed and struggles to reconcile what was good and golden about his time in the port mafia (including chuuya) with his prey animal fear of it and his inability to become someone other than himself.
from his perspective, he shouldn't be having this problem. he fucking ditched the port mafia; he went no-contact, off the grid, full ego death and death of his prior self. it's something he's used to; it's what he seemed to have done when he found mori. dazai is comfortable ripping out parts of himself and leaving them behind.
however, he can't do it this time. he tried, he really, really tried. but he couldn't. he couldn't let go of who and what he loved in the port mafia, and chuuya brings that into sharp relief. dazai couldn't just leave without first telling chuuya (by setting his car on fire), couldn't just disappear without some assurance to chuuya that he'd gone on his own, by sending a message only chuuya could understand (setting his car on fire). (chuuya says "that was you?!" when dazai references it later, but the feigned ignorance is part of their intricate rituals; how else would chuuya know to open the 1889 Petrus.)
(the omake dazai in which chuuya drunk dials dazai is especially damning: he kept the cellphone he had in the port mafia. not only that, he kept the same number, and he kept it on and charged. he got a new one too, as he tells hirotsu, sure. but he didn't get rid of the old one, and he didn't even turn it off. because, after all, what if chuuya called him?)
and then, of course, as soon as there's the slightest excuse to spill his past into his present (and now that he feels almost secure enough to do so), he can't help but go see chuuya. he didn't need to get captured to get the info he wanted on atsushi's bounty. he wanted to see him. he's wanted to see him for four years, he's thought about him every day, he misses him and his reactivity and who he is and he's both very aware of it and sooooooo mad about it.
i fully believe dazai when he tells chuuya, "I hate everything about you too." because dazai is very self aware, he's fully clocked his inability to let chuuya go. chuuya's roots in him are inextricable and dazai loves him with a ferocity that he doesn't completely believe people can feel or reciprocate, and he hates it because it's exposing and vulnerable and makes him feel like raw meat instead of an intangible, untouchable anomaly. (i.e., human, it makes him feel human, and he can't trust that feeling because he's also convinced humans can't actually love (not with any depth) least of all reciprocate his love, creating a paradoxical spiral that could be resolved if he admitted humans can in fact love how he loves, and they can even love him like that too, indicating that he is also human. but. the mental diseases). he loves everything about chuuya, and because of that, he hates everything about him too.
(whenever love and hate are this entangled, it reminds me of what aphrodite says to helen in the iliad: ‘Wretched girl, do not tease me lest in anger I forsake you and grow to hate you as much as now I terribly love you, lest I encompass you in hard hate, caught between both sides, Danaans and Trojans alike, and you wretchedly perish.’)
Can I sing this to you? Got a thing about you And it won't go away, no It won't go away It won’t go away ... This is a love song, so what? Did it slide into your heart? I guess not I still want your love a whole lot Have you heard a better song? Oh, I hope not ... Can I sing this to you? Got a thing about you And it won't go away It won't go away And I just came to say That it won’t go away It won’t go away
so, dazai loves chuuya and hates him for how much he can't help but love him. but what's so special about the dazai we're introduced to, the current dazai, is how he's beginning to succumb to his love. his attachments to others were a threat, but repeatedly in bsd, he gingerly prods that threat, tentatively hoping it's a promise too. and repeatedly in bsd, he is assured that it is.
it's why he can flit back to tease chuuya, and why it didn't take much at all for him to abandon any attempt to separate who he is from his attachments in the port mafia. he came to chuuya and all but spilled his guts to say that it won't go away. that he wanted to see him, that he can't stop thinking about him, that he won't let chuuya rest either because he can't help it, and that he's stopped trying. so what?
(and no, he can't sing it to chuuya quite so explicitly, he knows what will coax chuuya and what will make chuuya violently demur; it took five flags holding chuuya at proverbial gunpoint to restrain him enough to affirm their affection for him overtly without getting slung through multiple concrete buildings.)
for me, this song encompasses a critical juncture in dazai's growth, the moment dazai began to yield to the anguish of adoring chuuya even though that meant yielding, also, to the reality that he was still himself, even after shedding his prior skin.
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cowboylikesubai · 1 year
bsd characters as taylor swift lyrics pt.1
lemme know if they were accurate 😚
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i've been the archer / i've been the prey... / who could ever leave me darling? / but who could stay-?
and now that i'm grown, i'm scared of ghosts/ memories feel like weapons / and now that i know, i wish you left me wondering
i can't let this go/ i fight with you in my sleep the wound won't close/ stained glass windows in my mind/ i regret you all the time...
and I can go anywhere I want / anywhere I want, just not home / and you can aim for my heart, go for blood / but you would still miss me in your bones
i wake up screaming from dreaming one day i'll watch as you're leaving/ cause you got tired of my scheming/ it's me, hi, i'm the problems it's me
you're not my homeland anymore / so what am I defending now? / you were my town / now I'm in exile, seein' you out / i think I've seen this film before
from sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes / i gave my blood sweat and tears for this
i looked around in a blood-soaked gown and i saw something they can't take away / cause there were pages turned when the bridges burned
cause he was sunshine i was midnight rain / he wanted it comfortable i wanted that pain / he wanted a bride i was making my own name, chasing that fame / he stayed the same, all of me changed like midnight rain
^^^the manga readers know what i'm on about lol
dear john, i see it all now that you're gone.../ don't you think ninenteen's (eleven) too young to be played by your dark twisted games / when i loved you so?
power went to my head and I couldn't stop / ones I loved tried to help, so I ran them off / and here I sit alone behind walls of regret / falling down like promises that I never kept
and I feel like my castle's crumbling down / and I watch all my bridges burn to the ground / and you don't want to know me, I will just let you down / you don't wanna know me now
they told me all of my cages were mental / so I got wasted like all my potential / and my words shoot to kill when I'm mad / i have a lot of regrets about that
ladies always rise above / ladies know what people want / someone sweet and kind and fun / the lady simply had enough..../ while he was doing lines, and crossing all of mine / someone told his white collar crimes...to the FBI
and they called off the circus, burned the disco down / when they sent home the horses and the rodeo clowns / I'm still on that tightrope / I'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me
now you hang from my lips like the gardens of babylon / with your boots beneath my bed / forever is the sweetest con.
i never trust a narcissist / but they love me / so I play 'em like a violin and I make it look oh so easy / 'cause for every lie I tell them / they tell me three
^^ again, iykyk
cause for a moment a band of thieves in ripped-up jeans got to rule the world / long live all the walls we crashed through / i had the time of my life fighting dragons with you / and bring on all the pretenders / one day, we will be remembered.
should i do a part 2???
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starlightshadowsworld · 6 months
Bsd Beast AU where Detective Ryuunosuke Akutugawa has reached another dead end in his case.
Usually he'd pass it on to someone else, but this case is important to him. A personal one, it's about the disappearance of his younger sister Gin.
With no other options, Ryuunosuke sets a meeting up with the last person the kidnapper (known simply as "The Man in Black") was known to be in contact with.
The contact is a criminal who once closely worked alongside The Man in Black, but now works alone and has cut contact with him.
Seemingly turned over a new leaf, if you'd believe such a thing.
He's also someone Ryuunosuke had helped get arrested in the past, before breaking himself out.
Nicknamed by the public as the Man Eating Tiger, Atsushi Nakajima.
Ryuunosuke is suprised when Nakajima says he'll help him.
"Not that I'm complaining, but what happened to honour among thieves?"
"Dazai is a man of no honour. I trusted him and he made me regret it. Besides, you're not the only one who's lost a sister because of him. I already hate the bastard, now he's made it personal."
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Hi! Could you answer a question regarding your SAGAU world? How do Teyvatians, the Souverigns, and Celestia view the Creator? What are their stances when the real Creator hasn't left? Why do the Tsaritsa and Souverigns hate Celestia? I appreciate your work and effort in writing them, take your time.
Take care!
Thanks for your kind words. And, of course, I can answer questions about SAGAU world.
Things to note! I have no intention to offend any real world religions. I didn't try to slander anyone or paint someone in a bad light.
One more thing. That "lore" are only relevant to Self-Aware BSD AU x SAGAU Crossover. Creator lore from Tired Creator AU is different. If the question was about Tired Creator AU, please, send that question in that blog.
To the question.
All groups worship Creator. However, all groups worship different aspects of a Creator.
Teyvatians and Sovereigns worship Creator themselves. They pray and make offerings to make Creator happy. And they will burn Teyvat, if they think, it will make Creator happy.
Celestia worship Creator's laws and rules. They want everyone to follow that rules. No exceptions, to breaking the rules. Creator gave them to Teyvat. People must respect them.
In a nutshell, Teyvatians and Sovereigns will shave a person’s head in order to present a wig from their hair to the Creator.
Celestia will put both a Treasure Hoarder (for stealing) and their victim (for hurting them), into a jail. Because Original Creator were kind, didn't like thieves and when people hit each other.
"You have begun to matter more
Then the things you say"
That's why Tsaritsa and Sovereigns hate Celestia, and, in return, Celestia despise them.
To be fair, both sides have a point.
Celestia likes to get their noses into other's business and can be quite brutal, if they think someone is breaking Creator's laws. And their punishment will end in disproportion retribution (in Teyvatians' eyes).
Tsaritsa and Sovereigns are going overboard with their worshiping of Creator. Crucabena will offer House of Hearth children to be sacrificed to Creator. Sovereigns will enslave humans to train them into obedient servants of Creator.
When Fake Creator destroyed Celestia, Tsaritsa saw it as a sign of Creator's approval of their way of worship.
And, if Original Creator stayed in Teyvat... It won't end well.
Original Creator aren't a human. And I mean in a bad way. While non-human races from Teyvat (youkais, aranaras, melusines), vishaps, dragons, Sovereigns, abyssal monsters and even common monsters can understand human emotions and reasons. Original Creator can't do that.
They can't understand, why people wanted to do something, or why they will try to reach some goals.
But they still love their creations.
They are like a parent, who love their kid, who want them to have dreams, for them to follow that dreams. And who would hide all toy musical instruments, will edit music from any media and will make sure their child will never want to be a musician, because the parent can't see a purpose in being a musician, and are afraid for their child to end up as an addict and alcoholic.
Original Creator didn't want to rule over Teyvat. They wanted people to be free.
However, they would still look after them. They won't let Akasha be created, because they don't see a point in them.
Creator would change humans, taking away their ability to grief, because they won't understand, why people wanted to be sad.
One by one, Original Creator would take something important from humans. They would stall progress, emotionally cripple people.
All because they love their creations. In a very twisted, for a human, sort of way.
Tag list: @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters @nervousinfluencertidalwave @ayameshu @izzieg3987
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oopsalldadsderby · 1 year
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The contestants have been finalized! Here's the bracket lineup!
So how this is going to work is, there's going to be 8 polls a day, starting tomorrow, until we hit semifinals. That means we'll do group A, B, C, D, then side AB, then side CD, then all the quarterfinals together. I'll update the images whenever we hit a new round.
Plain text Round 1 matchups under the cut:
(As a reminder, groups are formatted as [Dad name] & [Kid name]. So if there's multiple of either dads or kids, they'll use the word 'and.' Think of the ampersand like a separator.)
Group A
Bruno & Team Bucciarati (JJBA:GW) vs. Kanan & Ezra (SW Rebels)
Tony Stark & Peter Parker (MCU) vs. Lin & Asami, Mako, Bolin, Korra (LoK)
Balsa Yonsa & Chagun (MGotS) vs. Thancred & Ryne (FFXIV)
Aizawa & class 1A (MHA) vs. C!Philza & crew (DSMP)
Sojiro Sakura & the Phantom Thieves (Persona 5) vs. Tommy "Big Man" & Gus (Sweet Tooth)
Finn & Leif (FE) vs. Sandor & Arya (GoT)
Axel/Lea & Roxas and Xion + King Mickey and Riku (KH) vs. Artemy & Sticky and Murky (Pathologic)
Joel & Ellie (TLoU) vs. Darkwing Duck & Gosalyn Mallard (Darkwing Duck)
Group B
Pyrrha & Nona (TLT) vs. Kelsier and Vin (Mistborn)
Fukuzawa & Ranpo (BSD) vs. Miss Honey & Matilda (Matilda)
Jack Wynand & the Little Sisters (Bioshock) vs. Scar & Mei Chang (FMA)
Eda Clawthorne & King and Luz (TOH) vs. John Silver & Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet)
Logan & Kitty and Jubilee (Wolverine) vs. Geralt & Ciri (Witcher)
Donquixote "Rosinante" Corazon & Law (OP) vs. Rouxls Kaard & Lancer (Deltarune)
Sully & Boo (Monsters Inc) vs. Simon & Marceline (AT)
Din & Grogu (The Mandalorian) vs. Bobby Singer & Sam and Dean (SPN)
Group C
Welt Yang & March 7th and the Trailblazer (Honkai Star Rail) vs. Jim Hopper & Eleven (Stranger Things)
Ingo & Irida and protagonist (PLA) vs. Gregor Samsa & Emil Sinclair (Limbus Company)
Nanami Kento & Itadori Yuuji (JJK) vs. Meta Knight & Kirby (Kirby)
Phoenix Wright & Trucy (AA) vs. Shirou & Michuri (BNA)
Yuugo and Lucas & 50 kids (The Promised Neverland) vs. Stan Pines & Dipper and Mabel (GF)
Date & Mizuki (AI:TSF) vs. Peabody & Sherman
Cabalena and Jowd & Lynne (Ghost Trick) vs. Pigsy and Tang & MK (LMK)
Kiryu & Haruka (+others) (Yakuza) vs. Tenmyouji & Quark (Zero Escape)
Group D
Silco & Jinx (Arcane) vs. Guts & Schierke (Berserk)
RGB & Hero (TPoH) vs. Father Garcia & John (FAITH)
Sam and Max & The Geek (Sam and Max) vs. Tom Wachowski & Sonic (Sonic movie)
Rei and Kazuki & Mira (BD) vs. Daud & Billie Lurk (Dishonored)
Chongi-re, Numeri and Butler (TRPC) vs. Jacob Holland & Maisie (The Sea Beast)
Reigen & Mob (MP100) vs. Maedros and Maglor & Elrond and Elros (Silmarillion)
Jean Valjean & Cosette (Les Miserables) vs. Loid & Anya (Spy x Family)
Batman & Robins (Batman) vs. Kurogane & Syaoran (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle)
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yarrayora · 7 months
Fic author interview!
tagged by @carriagelamp and immediately interested in doing it after seeing the questions
tagging people who will be mentioned at question 12 alongside @mickeymagpie @unexbellexreverie and @booksandberries
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
112 surprisingly!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
235,399 words which is actually lower than i expected it kinda annoys me
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
if i didn't delete my rise of the brave tangled dragons and my voltron fics it would be them but i did. i deleted them. now my top 5 are all bsd fics
A Good Enough Reason to Keep Meeting Up (1,055 kudos) is part of Stray Gods series where the supernaturals are all real and Abilities came from them. This specific fic is about Chuuya and Atsushi's budding relationship. Or rather Chuuya's budding crush on Atsushi with malnourishment and chronic pain as the vessel to get there.
Money Makes the World Go Round (939 kudos) BSDxOuran crossover that is part of a collection of crossover fics about Atsushi attending high schools from different fandoms in order to attain the qualifications to enjoy the employment benefits his workplace has to offer. You can tell I'm old when that's my worldbuilding for writing high school AU
Moral Compass (923 kudos) the first installment of the Stray Gods series set post Dead Apple where unlocking his repressed memories about Shibusawa let the actual god Byakko to finally communicate with his Champion.
Delicate Job (791 kudos) A case fic written to explore Atsushi's role as a detective and how he would handle a case while prioritizing the victim's feelings unlike popular depictions of detectives where they use facts and logic to trample over people because the authors think that's what makes intelligent people cool
The God of Destruction Wished For Naught (752 kudos) the third installment of Stray Gods and a continuation of A Good Reason to Keep Meeting Up where Chuuya's body is falling apart, which could lead to Yokohama's destruction via blackhole, forcing Atsushi to make connections with the Port Mafia
I was a bit disappointed at first that my most kudos'd fic hasn't broken 2k kudos yet but seeing how my top 5 fics don't have a huge disparity between the amount of kudos makes me happy
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes! i don't always know how to reply but i especially makes the effort for people who leaves paragraphs on my fic. sometimes if i know the commenter i just reply on their discord lmao
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
oh that's hard. i have a lot of oneshots that are basically "and so, the cycle of suffering repeats yet again" and you'd think it would be the servampxbnha crossover where despite mahiru's best attempt to help deku get into UA even without a quirk so he will let go of his self-hatred for being born quirkless, in the end he receives One For All from All Might, undoing all the works mahiru-sensei has done to help deku but NO it's a bsd fic again that embodies this concept in the worst way possible as it's revealed that the event that happened in canon timeline was kickstarted by post-beast!atsushi who copes for his feelings for beast!dazai (both affection and hatred) by writing numerous worlds into existence to prove that dazai is a good man all along
wait. no. actually. the persona 5 fic where the phantom thieves deal with goro's sacrifice might be angstier considering this line
Akechi Goro was the only murder they ever committed, and in the years that follow never once would his name ever passed their lips. But he would always be at the edge of their vision, a ghost that they could never speak to.
or the birthday fic i wrote for the hunt twins where oz killed ewan who crawled back out of the cauldron to re-sacrifice himself so patchman won't survive???
or the big hero 6 fic where people are holding a funeral for personal health companion robots who carried a bunch of people out of a burning building??? repeating the word "Tadashi is Here" to people who never knew the man to comfort the terrified humans?
or the ben 10 fic where ben accidentally used too much force in his alien form resulting in his first murder and then repressing the memory??
it's impossible to make me choose
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
d-do i have a happy ending posted
actually im choosing the dragon age fic where cole accidentally made him saving the inquisitor from the envy demon sounds sexual which leads to hilarious results
7. Do you write crossovers?
yes and my non-crossover fics are actually stealth crossovers
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
i dont remember ever getting one
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
this is the question that actually made me want to do this interview. SO. be kiddie yarra during ff.net era. i was writing persona 4 fic where naoto says goodbye to souji. it was romantic. someone left a comment on my fic saying my writing got stolen and linked me to a naruto fic which made me go??? huh??? and turns out it was Word By Word the same fic but with souji being replaced as naruto, naoto as hinata, and the train station into konoha gate. it was insane.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not on AO3 i think?? someone DID contact me to ask for my permission to translate my fic to russian but i don't remember the details
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
stray gods is written alongside @faerynova while @katzkinder helped with children's war. oh and also the Not Posted smtiva series written with @gothamcityneedsme
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
impossible to choose but i can tell you the very specific criterias that attract me to my ships if you want
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
usually when i abandon a fic i lose interest in it altogether
15. What are your writing strengths?
my bsd x ouran fic has been complimented as staying true to the characters even though im throwing ouran into a serious series like bsd and vice versa so i like to think it's my ability to keep the core of the characters true even when putting them in a different AU unrelated to canon. also writing convoluted political struggles that makes sense.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
grammar. but apparetly im also somehow better than a lot of native english speakers???
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
im writing in english, arent i? (lol)
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
persona 4. it was an talkshow styled interview fic
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
don't have one as far as i can think of. i guess i want to write more of "how to make my notp make sense" and "characterxreader fic that doesn't sacrifice canon characterization" as a challenge for myself
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
the hope chapter of Despair (and Hope) because i had fun writing mahiru fixing mikuni through a persona 5 palace-like challenges except with zero fighting and more puzzle-solving
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rotisseries · 7 months
rori bestie what is 55 minutes
a bsd light novel!! idk the plot let me google it rn actually
ok so the ada has to go to this island for what they think is some jewel thieves but ends up way more serious there's some bombing, time travel, and a guy named h.g. wells so. sounds like a lot of fun actually
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