#bsd theor
bungouchronicles · 7 months
Please don't let this age badly but Bram and Fyodor are totally gonna get shipped, right? I mean ancient enemies AND lovers anyone?!?
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studious-bookworm · 2 months
So fanfic idea, Port Mafia around the world.
Called Port Mafia around the world, Where the story is told in Kaji's perspective.(my favorite lemon boy) and his time with the port mafia.
•Its about how all the port mafia doing theor job overseas and even disguising themselves.
I created different crime organizations in different countries with powerful ability users some are even stronger than chuuya.
•But also explores the friendships between Akutagawa, Kaji, And Chuuya. (Which are like the main 3 in the show)
•So like in one chapter we have a mafioso from France, Her name is Annie (i thought it would be funny to call her that after seeing Chuuya dance like Michael jackson in BSD wan).
•She has blue hair and purple eyes, And her ability is called "Titan" where she can make herself bigger.
(This may or may not be refrence of attack on titans tho)
•One of the chapters would probably feature Q, As he needs to under cover as a student to find one of the rival mafia boss's daughter. While he is undercovering as normal student, he makes some friends who are also orphans and they call themselves the "tiny mafia."(but i might change this)
•The next idea in this, Project Fumi, Fumi is a little girl who was running away from the government because they were experimenting on her and ran in to Chuuya asking for help. Chuuya takes her in and the develop a father and daughter relationship.
She ends up dying by sacrificing herself so chuuya could live (evil laughter).
•Then its Mafia in the jungle, Where its like jumanji, (probably the 1st episode) where they're mission is to steal red ruby in the jungle. I say this because i love Koyou's explorer outfit. I kinda wanted to draw it before writing this but nah.
•Next episode, Would probably be funny one for my skk shippers. Where Shirase gets a gf and wants to take in the festival in Yokohoma.
•He and Chuuya rekindle and he askes Chuuya if he is still single. In which Chuuya lies, And no, and that he has gf. So Shirase invites Chuuya to double date.
(Reason why he lied is because Dazai decided to tag along, and was about make fun of him for being single)
This can go two ways:
1) Dazai calls Chuuya out on his lie, Chuuya gives in and admits his lie. But, Dazai decides to dress up and be Chuuya's fake girlfriend for the festival/double date.
2) Chuuya calls Annie, Askes her to be his fake gf. She accepts. But on the day of the festival, Dazai decides fo surprise Chuuya by being his fake gf.
So he introduces himself as Chuuya's gf buy Annie who came in late, Also introduces herself as Chuuya's gf. So these two have to pretend to be in polygamous relationship.
But then, More girls from different crime organizations that the port mafia have an alliance with comes in and claim to be Chuuya's gf and everything is just a mess. 😂
•The other chapter would be mafia in paradise (which is either going to be one of the first chapters or a seperate fanfic.)
But this one takes place after the current arc. Natsume decides to thank the PM and The ADA fot saving th city by paying for their trip in a tropical resort.
The mafia needs to be roomates with ADA members.
Fukuzawa is roomates with Mori
Chuuya roomates with Dazai
Atsushi roomates with Akutagawa
(These are funny especially when it comes to shower time, Mori takes a Looong time in the shower just to piss off Fukuzawa.
Fukuzawa: "you've been in there for 45 minutes, Get out! Already! "
Mori:" i am not with my 50 steps skin care routine so have some patiences"
Fukuzawa:"50 STEPS?!"
He doesn't but its funny.
And when Chuuya takes a bath, Dazai breaks in his bath and takes a bath.
Chuuya (relaxing) : Aaaah...this is the life,
Dazai: tell m about it
Dazai: relax chuuya~ we use to take bath like these together all the times.
Chuuya: Why You-
And Atsushi forcing Akutagawa to take bath.
Akutagawa running from Atsushi, While Atsushi has a spray of water, soap and a bath towel. And chasing akutagawa around to take a damn bath.
And Kunikida is roomates with Katai.
Where he just talks all day on how he needed to deal with Dazai and his annoying ex Partner. And Katai just silently listens to him. While forcing himself to make soup dumblings for Kunikida. (He gets depressed because he burnt them, but Kunikida eats them anyway because of their besties)
And Yosano is roomates with Koyou, Which she hates because Koyou is loyal to Mori. How can anyone be loyal to someone like that?
Q is with the Kenji, While Kyouka is with Higuchi and Gin and Naomi.
Tachihira and Horitsu are with Tanizaki and ranpo.
•Tachihira does meet Yosano, And Yosano sess that Tachihira looks like the boy she met long time ago. (Tachi's brother).
•But that's basically the rundown of paradise.
I also plan to write a backstory Kunikida and Katai, How Kunikida was adopted in to the Yakuza family, met Katai because he was being bullied at age 12.
(In the Kunikida and Katai LN, They met at age 12 but they never told us how.)
And they became besties for 10 years, Katai joined The ADA for Kunikida ( Katai joining the ADA kunikida, is actually in the LN between them)
But, it was never specified why he left ADA.
In my headcanon, Katai left because he felt like burden to Kunikida and felt like he couldn't protect him as a partner.
"Katai looks at Kunikida and smiles"Thank You". Before pushing Kunikida out the building. the building explodes and goes up in flames
Kunikida lands in the water, watching the building go up in flames. He joined the agency to save lives, and yet he hasn't saved any, He couldn't even save his own best friend. "
(Yeah, Imma find a way to traumatize Kunikiiiidddaa-kuuuun more)
Damn i wish i was better at writing XD.
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hamliet · 5 years
(1)The first question that came to mind when reading your hypothesis about Naomi being an illusion was: Why would Junichiro create Naomi? One reason may be to create a source of human connection for himself. Though I would like to think of the Agency as a found family, the truth is, most of the members are emotionally distant toward each other.
(2) The second reason is to project his own wishes of self-betterment onto a separate entity. When Atsushi got kidnapped, Junichiro clearly wanted to push for a rescue mission, but seemed too timid to contradict his senpais who were reluctant to do so (Kunikida and Ranpo—I still haven’t forgiven them for that). Naomi, however, confidently announced bringing in Fukuzawa to prompt the Agency into saving Atsushi.
(3) In other words, Naomi possesses the self-assertion Junichiro wishes he had. Though I hesitate to call Naomi his ideal, since she herself is an imperfect person (I know the series frames her interactions with her brother as comedy, but to me they portray a double standard in sexual harassment).
(4) In addition, Naomi liberates Junichiro from idealistic concepts of morality and justice. Junichiro told Steinbeck he would “gladly burn this world to the ground” for Naomi, and threatened to kill the Black Lizard when they threatened his sister. In this way, he contrasts Kunikida, who according to @linkspooky, values ideals over people.
(5) However, if Naomi isn’t a real person, then what exactly is Junichiro protecting? Is the affection between them an illusion, a fantasy? What’s the difference between an ideal and a fantasy? I’m sorry, this was originally going to be an ask about the Tanizaki siblings’ parallels with Mori and Elise, but it instead turned into a ramble.—BSD Chat Anon
Hello!! I’m glad to see you back, firstly :P And I think that’s fair about the interactions. You’re also welcome to send more asks/rambles anytime! 
Interesting... well, according to that crack theory of mine, he does have a sister--it would just be Haruno. But it’s entirely possible Naomi is really his sister, maybe even likely--I just like the implications otherwise (and the removal of the incest thing lol). But if that were the case it’d be kind of tragic because he’d be focusing on an illusion to cope with the reality, yet the illusion also brings them together (Naomi is a friend to Haruno as well) and helps them both cope. 
Regardless, I think Tanizaki is protecting himself with his illusions in a lot of ways. He’s clinging to a childlike concept of a sibling relationship (regardless of whether it’s real or a replacement) and it could be keeping him from having to speak up or do the hard work that any relationship comes with. It both helps him cope and prohibits him from growing. He’s had enough build up that I just hope his focus is interesting and this would really intrigue me--his ability has so many possibilities! 
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bi-dazai · 5 years
Hey can someone tell the weird hetero fetishist side of the soukoku fandom that chuuya and dazai's height difference is 21cm and not 21inches lmfao
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15 tag game
Not tagging anyone in particular so yeah im aready kind of breaking rules again but whatever lol. Tagged by wonderful @lycoryllis one again ^^
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope, my name was chosen by draw by my fathers ex collegues. If I was a boy I would be either called Thomas or by my father Peter and knowing him he would definitely choose his name so yeah
2. When was the last time you cried?
Eeh probably two weeks ago?? I had a pretty bad weekend back then
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Sometimes, it really depends on the people I’m around. Tbh I do not see myself to be a sarcastic person so I guess it depends on the situation. I think that if I use it then i tis mostly around my family and close friends. I do not open up to strangers or at school or in  public to people so it is only natural I would be less sarcastic
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
In general, I think I look at theor face firts then rest of the body. I do think I judge people based on theri first impression on me at least for a while before i get to know them better soo I am not immune to making prejuduces about them. I guess if someone were to look in my head they would want to have nothing to do with me lol I tend to judge the way they talk or what face expression they make biut mostly I judge their appearance. Sight I think that is also why I cant get boyfriend – I have a certain prefernces even in looks but those guys tend to be the worst or the y are gay or they are taken so yeah
6. What’s your eye color?
Grey blue – I was born with blue eyes but you know how they change during life – my dad has very strange color combinantions and I inhereted that from him I guess – in differnt light they may appear green, gray or even blue. All in all just know they are mostly greyish blue
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
I generally don’t like scary movies unless we are talking about surreal horor or psychological horror such as was anime and game Higurashi. I do not do well with gore but that series was waay more than that and so I did not mind. I think I do like happy endings over scary ones – I grew up on  fairytales and later as a teen on rom cons after all- but lately since I started to like thrillers and crimi series –and played  lots of games with that genre- I started to welcome bad endings too. It is fiction after all and sometimes some pretty shitty but well written bad ending can be waay better than happy ending / thats is why I was sad to learn everything turned out well in Clannad – the ending with Tomoya losing all was freaking sad but amazing and realistic af which I always appreciate
8. Any special talents?
I tend to think I am just average in everything I do. I am so jealous over anyone who has high IQ for example it feels like those guys just swim through life without any worries or care in the world whike I struggle here in academics. If they appear arrogant about it that is. Aside from itellegence I do not excel in other areas that much as well.
9. Where were you born?
In a very small country in Middle Europe – we are surrounded by countries such as Poland, Hungary and even Ukraine and Austria. I was born in second biggest city here but compared to rest of Europe we do not stand out that much. I leave our flag here so you can check it out. We have a beautiful mountains up in north for which we are well known for and our surrounding countries often visit them
10. What are your hobbies?
I like lots of things but not all of them can be called hobbies I do not engage in them that much. Those hobbies would be walking with my dog, swimming, cycling and dancing. Then there are my true hobbies – those include reading books, playing otomr or RPG games and as you all know anime and manga. I used to draw a lot too as a kid but I am not good and i tis not something I can do as I am nt patient enough. Then I also used to sing a lot with my grandpa. I think singing would have becomem my oassion and a career if I could actually sing, Musicv is also one of my true hobbies I love listening to my favourite bands and my favourite anime opening, endings or OSTs. Mazbe one day I decide to learn how to play guitar – my one and only attempt to enjoy music at its fullest – I have been playing wit that idea from time to time in the past but again I am too lazy to star anything new at this point.
11. Do you have any pets?
We have a dog bamed Ben he is 12 years old now ^^
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did swimming, soccer, netball and volleyball school during PE pnly which I kinda enjoyed. Indon’t play any particular sports or exercise
13. How tall are you?
Around 5’1 (156.5 cm) yes I am a smol bean too(>_<) – it is a still mystery to me how I could stop and did not grow at least that 0.5 cm
14. Favorite subject in school?
History, Art -bless my elemetary days the only days I had art classes in my life-, Literature and Social studies – and that mainly Psychology and Philosophy- if I did not decide I am not gonna listen to people problems as to avoid possibe depression-and trust me I was thinking about taking Psychology course a lot -even my dad told me I should- then I would. Also I loved talking about philosophers I think history gaves us a very inetresting ones but once again I did not see any point in talking Philosophy if I am not planning to become philospher myself ofc. I guess I only liked to learn about them – not to study and analyse them for the rest of my life.
15. Dream job?
My decision to take English language course was probably not the brightest idea but it was the only idea I had and could take at the time. I still have not freaking idea what to do with myself I am kind of still stuck at stalemate. The first step was to stalemate what I did not wanted to do, and I found I mostly crossed every option I considered – I have enough thought about acting as I used to do that as a kid and was quite good, but I have not further experience for more than 10 years. The one thing I always loved are books and I used to think I could live as a writer, but real-life situation is different isn’t it. Well, I have never thought about it much up until I discovered Japanese literature thanks to BSD and it I like a whole new world opened to me so now there is a tiny voice in my head telling me that that’s what I must do. I still have no idea what job I am gonna do once I have my degree but one thing is certain to me- one day I am gonna wake up from this slumber and write a book – not because I have to but because I want to.
If anyone should do this then: @pastel-sea-creature and @blackandwhitemusician Ily guys
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