firelxdykatara · 8 months
I actually really don't want to hear anything about how 'overcoming misogyny' is a major theme in Avatar: the Last Airbender when "The Fortuneteller" exists and the ultimate thesis of that episode, in the context of the show as a whole, is that if a girl is in unrequited love, it's cringe and kinda pathetic and she should move on cause the boy will never want her; but if a boy is in unrequited love, he just needs to be patient and wait for the girl he wants to come around cause he's a hero and how could she not?
Its secondary thesis is that you need to make your own destiny and not rely on someone else's words to tell you what your life has in store...if you're a BOY; if you're a girl then what the fake psychic told you will actually determine your ENTIRE life even if you are only fourteen years old.
Meng's existence really would have been the final nail in the coffin for Kataang even if the arc of the ship in Book 3 weren't so abhorrent to me personally (sorry but I have higher standards for romantic relationships than 'the girl is completely oblivious to the boy's advances for the entire show, is actively distressed when those advances become more pronounced, and then her feelings are resolved completely off screen between episodes so that the boy can get his prize in the end')--because her relationship with Aang is deliberately paralleled to Aang's relationship with Katara, and yet Meng, the one-off character, learns a lesson which Aang is quite literally told he must learn in the Book 2 finale... but he never ever does.
Aang has an entire season to internalize that lesson and come to terms with it--that maybe she doesn't have feelings for me and that's ok because I still love and care about her and that's enough--but he never even comes close. His possessive attachment to her gets worse, culminates in the EIP kiss, and Katara just capitulates because we're meant to believe that she went through the entire development of her romantic feelings for the love of her life off-screen between the penultimate episode and the four-part finale.
This was misogynistic even in 2008, and the idea that the show truly had anything meaningful to say about sexism/misogyny when uncritical and unchecked misogyny was baked into its very DNA (assuming we're meant to agree with Brychael that Kataang is 'in the DNA of the show) is just laughable to me. When it comes to 'overcoming misogyny' the show doesn't actually say anything more profound than 'girls can fight too!!!!!'
And that wasn't good enough for me then, it certainly isn't good enough for me today.
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katara-stan-club · 3 years
I’ve noticed that a lot of the time the script will make other characters OOC as a way to get them to shame Katara for being rightfully upset. The biggest examples I can think of are TSR and EIP.
If you have to break every other character in order to shame one particular character, perhaps you should take a step back and figure out if the characters are shaming that one character, or if you the writer are shaming that character. And then stop fucking shaming a teenage girl for rightfully being angry at the world and how she's being treated, brychael.
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mslazykat · 4 years
Brychael gave us a look, an aesthetic, but they cannot give us a story. I need you all to understand that. It was the team of writers in the original canon that gave us a story. Brychael being there doesn’t mean shit for how the story will turn out. They can’t even recognize that animation is the superior medium for telling this story, what with the live action nonsense they keep trying to do!
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azulapropaganda · 4 years
I think we should call Bryke Brychael when we’re angry at them
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watch Zutarans stay the most hyped for the live action as they have been since their nemesis Brychael announced their departures from it, just as they are in defending M Night‘s my immortal, high production value ATLA fanfiction since M Night do be dropping hints he supported Zutara. watch the show be so good and maybe in writing kataang even better than the show ever did in a way that their romance is even more unignorable and more celebrated with yet them still being mad because Zutara isn’t canon. that’d be amazing.
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goraturtle · 7 years
@madidrawsthings replied to your post: Y'all ever think abt how fucking badly atla and...
oh brychael…… why are you like this
HONESTLY... like i'm not gonna deny they're still 2 of my fav series but it physically pains me how avoidable all of those messups were
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airspeedprime · 7 years
Third, any ideas on how to get Brychael to Europe? I know, it's up to Cons inviting them, but the organizers don't seem to have the shows or the comics up on their radar as it seems. I know, they've been in Amsterdam in 2008, but that was before their social media days, so no way for foreign fans to know about it (also, I wasn't looking for their public appearances back then). (1/2)
Being from Ireland I have basically given up hope of ever meeting Mike and Bryan in person. I just do not see any way that they end up coming to europe with how busy they are on the comics and their own projects.
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savedbythemell · 8 years
Unpopular Opinion
…..but I still prefer K/ataang over Z/utara?
I mean, idk maybe without the influence of the internet and if Aaron Ehasz had been allowed to take it in the direction he wanted I probably would’ve been more of a fan
but I still just have some negative associations w Z/utara bc Aang was always my favorite character from the start and he got so much hate from the fandom at the time (especially from Z/utara fans?)
idk now I have a lot of friends who shipped Z/utara back in ATLA days and reading up on what happened in the writers room (where most were certain Z/utara was endgame except Brychael got their grubby mitts on things) and just being reminded of how much I dislike Brychael makes me feel super guilty for still shipping K/ataang since that was their ship and they also ruined it later on in the comics AND in LoK AND also the general dickishness they pulled at SDCC right after ATLA finished like……….
by all accounts i shouldn’t still ship it but like my 14 year old self won’t let it go so it is a struggle
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jollysunflora · 10 years
I'm still so angry at Bryke.
There was no reason to get rid of all the past Avatars. None.
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toph-baeifong · 11 years
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sixthrangerknight · 11 years
A though regarding Gen. Iroh the Younger
The way I understand it, the United Forces are the military of the United Republic, which itself is a 5th nation (I guess technically 4th because of the Air Nomads) but my point is, it is its own, independent nation. Right?
And General Iroh is, we assume, the crown prince of the Fire Nation. His mother is the Fire Lord after all, and we don't know of any other children she might have had.
So why is it then, that the next in line for the throne of one nation is serving as a high ranking officer of another nation's military? Someone who's position requires they take orders from the other nation's leader.
That would be like Prince Charles coming over to serve as a General in the United States Marines (albeit maybe in the 60s). And the more I think about it, the better that comparison sounds.  The United States began as former British colonies, the United Republic as Fire Nation colonies. The former a republic, now with a (again assumed for the UR) democratically elected president, the latter a monarchy with a female monarch.
So yeah, just wanted to put that out there. Maybe Brychael could provide insight, assuming either of them find this (their asks aren't open).
Any other thoughts?
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general-iroh2-0-blog · 11 years
Dear Brychael
Please just release everyone's age
so we can end this silly and ludicrous debate. Sincerely, A Fan Girl.
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thats-not-a-toilet · 11 years
I can't believe how cold Tenzin is... He just hit that thing [robot] in the crotch! Dude, have some ethics and honor!
Commentary- Episode 10
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ectoheart · 12 years
so follow it maybe?
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jollysunflora · 12 years
The reason why we all can't just "get along" is because privilege is real.
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musicalpandabear · 12 years
Dear Bryan.....
4 books? 4 BOOKS!!! YAY!!! I'm soooo happy, even though I'm sad cause us selfish fans are taking you from your wife :( Sorry, but THANK YOU!!!
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