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falling-mellow · 10 months ago
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Our mom Bloom told him he was too much of a scaredy cat to become a warrior. This is what that does to a kit. I'm hugging my baby brother as we speak MOM GO AWAY LEAVE US ALONE 😤
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Orioleclaw and Gullburn found another litter of kits and adopted them as their own (Whiskerkit - Noisy, Brushkit - Impulsive, Icykit - Skittish).
Hailpaw saw a very strange dream. Later he asked Tiny for help and both talk through the vision to understand its meaning.
Plumback's gift became a start of a jay feather collection for Bud. She now always wears feathers in her tail.
During a border patrol, Abyssclan's cats met Lightningclan's patrol. Plumback was quick to chat with the two she-cats, leaving both patrols in a better mood. Next Moon | Previous | First
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scoopsforthetruth · 3 months ago
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MORE EPITHET ERASED DOODLES!!! *throws tthem at you!!!!*
i was listening to some really good music (volume warning?) so that's probably what inspired 2 of these
original image of the third one under the cut :3 (not mine!)
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recurring-polynya · 8 months ago
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I got this brushkit for making patches from my art club, and I knew immediately that I wanted to use it to live out my dreams, which is to say, make an embroidered version of the lieutenants' badge, like big-ass Girl Scout merit badge, and I did it. The only hard part was faking up the armband.
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chimeclan-tales · 1 year ago
Brushkit's art in Tale of the Departed and the art of Moon 3 are sooooo amazing it make me so happy I love it so much
Aww thank you so much!!! I'm really glad someone else enjoys these kitties i've been so obsessed with them HSDJKDFDJKS
Also that reminds me, yeah Nightsplash is the type of aunt for this:
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one-flying-squid · 1 year ago
☆ Flow- My webcomic ☆
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Pompom, a bunny from another dimension, finds a job at "Flow industries", a place where all minds go when lost in thought. However, an unexpected case on his first day of work might change his plans for this simple nine to five job.
Flow is a passion project I have been idealizing for a long time, with a mix of science fiction and fantasy elements.
(Please, if possible, go trough this whole post before reading. Thank you!)
Below, you will find links to all of the pages to read right here on Tumblr, but if you want, you can also read it on tapas and webtoon:
-> Tapas: https://tapas.io/series/Flow_oneflyingsquid/info
-> Webtoon: https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/flow/list?title_no=911173
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Chapter 1: (Finished)
-Cover -Page 1 -Page 2 -Page 3 -Page 4 -Page 5
-Page 6 -page 7 -page 8 -Page 9 -Page 10 -Page 11
Chapter 2: ( Working on it o( ̄▽ ̄)d )
This section can and will change if something I use on later pages was not created by me. If you see anything in this section that I should not be using due to copyright or if you are the creator and do not agree on the use of your resources on the comic, please, let me know as soon as possible trough the "questions and suggestions" icon on my profile.
Also, please check and support the work of these creators, fonts are not easy to create and neither are brush sets:
->Art and story were created by- One flying squid (me)
-> Explizit (dialog font) was created by- Linafis Studio
->Glitch Goblin (Cover font, also used in screens) was created by- GGBotNet
->Help me (Scratchy font that made its first appearance on page 5) was created by- GGBotNet
-> Krita Brushkit v8.2 (brush presets I use in Krita, my drawing program) was created by David Revoy (deevad)
My native language is Brazilian Portuguese, but I had to make the though choice to write the finished dialog either on english first or portuguese first. For a wider reach, I chose to prioritize the english version. I will be working on a portuguese translation for Flow, but I cannot predict a date in which the translated pages will be available, since this is just a side thing I do for a hobbie at the moment. I all I can say is that, as soon as I finish, the translated version will be posted, ideally, on all the platforms the english version is.
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clangenwritingexperiment · 1 year ago
Moon 130
Hailleaf had healed from some minor scrapes and had set foot into the forest, only to instantly have their tail bitten by a fox. The dejected trudge back to the medicine den was met with sympathetic glances and muffled laughter.
Bearrain's broken bone has become infected.
Dewspots and Moletangle have managed to fight back their infections with Moletangle being able to recover entirely.
Buzzardpaw's mangled tail has healed up well.
Sunpaw caught whitecough.
Mallowpaw has had their leg amputated. They quietly pray that they can still be a warrior with one less leg.
Waterkit was almost abducted by a seagull but Grousefleck managed to kill the bird before it took off with the kit.
Riverfin has recovered very well from their snake bite. In fact, the only evidence of there ever being a bite is a scar.
Skyback has caught whitecough from treating Sunpaw. Sunpaw feels really guilty.
Moletangle and Busheye have confessed to each other and become mates!
Mallowpaw's amputated leg had developed an infection. the medicine cats are working hard to preserve as much of their leftover leg as possible.
Wormpaw, Peachpaw and Lichenpaw have all become apprentices! Their mentors are Pondfrost, Whisperpeak, and Splashtooth.
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Waterkit has passed on due to the injuries sustained by the seagull.
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Brushkit was also almost abducted by a seagull but Clamtrail saved the kit before the seagull could fly away.
Slightkit has admitted themselves to the medicine cat den when their runny nose only seems to get worse.
Sunkit and Shorekit have caught kittencough.
Grousefleck was badly injured in a fight with a big dog.
Hawkbit, Dazzlenest, and Riversand have caught whitecough.
Pondfrost fought off a rouge all by themselves and they weren't even touched!
Dazzlenest tried to confess to Conchblaze but was rejected.
Bearrain's infection is gone and their broken leg is now twisted.
Runningcrest, Hemlockpelt, Moonkick, Springkit, Sharphare, Splashtooth, Hawkbit, Fleckrustle, Mantisears, and Thunderfur were all abducted by twolegs.
Dewspots' leg is healed but weaker than before.
Vestapelt narrowly avoided a fox.
Moletangle has also caught whitecough.
Fawnfur is able to walk around again after injuring their leg.
Buzzardpaw becomes Buzzardspike and is celebrated for their energy!
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Sunpaw has recovered from whitecough.
Sootpaw is made an apprentice to Shimmerfreckle and immediately asks about gathering moss.
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Springkit has died. So far from home and so alone. they wonder if Starclan waits for them or if they are too far away for even Starclan to see them.
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A loner decides to join the clan. They take on the name of Pinebranch.
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When on a patrol sent to look for the missing cats Chasingpaw hears the sound of a dog in the distance. When investigating the noise they see a cat being chased around by a large dog. The patrol manages to lead the dog away while Chasingpaw escorts the injured cat the the medicine den. Moved by their bravery and kindness the cat joins the clan and takes on the name of Shellaster.
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Pinebranch finds an abandoned kit on their first patrol out and brings it back to camp to be nursed back to health. They decide to name the kit Flashkit.
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Squidburn and Pinebranch have been infected with whitecough.
Hailleaf's tail is scarred but healed from their wound.
Skyback has recovered from whitecough.
Beetleclaw has caught yellowcough.
Sunpaw has become Sunknoll and is honored for their dedication.
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Mallowpaw is feeling better than they have been in a long time so they start running around camp doing exercises and apprentice tasks so that they can recover faster! However, this has only led them to scrape their paw pads pretty badly.
Heatherpaw begins training with Tumblethud.
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Sunkit and Shorekit have died of kittencough. Shadowcreek knows that if Hemlockpelt finds their way back they will be devastated...
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Clamtrail caught greencough.
Swiftspark and Skyback have caught whitecough.
Primwave was rejected by Swiftspark.
Dazzlenest has recovered from greencough... and then fell out of a tree...
Moletangle and Slightkit have recovered from whitecough.
Heatherpaw got into a scuffle with a fox and came out of it with only a few minor scratches!
Brushpaw and Slightpaw have become apprentices under Shadowcreek and Podarch.
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Moletangle decided to tangle with a large dog and was injured.
A loner decides to join the clan. They take on the new name of Cavewave.
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Some rouges attack a search patrol and kill Wormpaw, Deltarunner, and Sabletooth.
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catgirlkirigiri · 2 years ago
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Moon 30! Fishpath and Lightningfur have become mates, and three litters of kits have been born: Slugwatcher’s kits, Furledkit and Sweetkit; Falconheart’s kit, Sedgekit; and Sunsight’s kits, Brushkit, Bouncekit, and Cypresskit. Half was lost to a twoleg trap, and in its place an apprentice-aged kit named Golden was left with the Clan and a kittypet named Cream joined.
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tumblypooclan · 2 years ago
Moon 109
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Damn... 109 moons as leader. What a run! She more than earned her spot as the first leader of TumblypooClan.
Speaking of... I believe we have a new leader to greet.
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CONGRATULATIONS TO TALLSTAR! The new leader of TumblypooClan!
And to Carpfern! Deputy of TumblyPooClan!
Man... seeing Primroseleaf in the ceremony made me tear up a little I can't even lie. I'm sad to see Nintendo wasn't among the cats who gave Tallstar her lives. Though I suppose those two never did get along as well as Nintendo did with the other Inklings...
Except... one of the cats who gave Tallstar her lives... wasn't dead last moon.
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I'm sad to see Wishtail go. She was always so cute and I loved her little tail full of feathers, which I know is a normal thing in ClanGen, but it felt RIGHT with Wishtail's name.
The cats all seem to be getting restless, and unfortunately for Wishtail, that was fatal.
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God could you IMAGINE antagonizing an abandoned kit.
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Welcome, Brushkit!!
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Oh my god his name is Lady Figment...
He is my new favorite cat.
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haxihoovis · 11 months ago
what do you call meat with a comb
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itsgeorgic · 1 year ago
Krita - Pinceaux
Packs variés
FizzyFlower's "ESSENTIAL" Krita Brushset VERSION 2 de FizzyFlower
Brush Bundle Bonanza d'Awez
2023-01 bundle de David Revoy
FizzyFlower's "ESSENTIAL" Krita Brushset VERSION 2
Brush Bundle Bonanza d'Awez
2023-01 bundle de David Revoy
Brushkit v8.2 de David Revoy
Krita 4 Extras de David Revoy
Daily Brush Set de Konayachi
Krita 5 Starter pack de wojtryb
Memileo Brushes de emilm
Memileo 360light 05 de emilm
Rakurri Brush Set V2 de Rakurri
Packs spécialisés
Sketch V2 de Ramon M
Alcohol Markers 2.0 de Couchwolf
Flat Brushes d'Awez
Hard Rough Brushes d'Awez
Charcoal KA
Crayons de RamonM
Duo bundle de David Revoy
Impression V.1.1 de RamonM
Ink Pro Artist et InkT de RamonM
Watercolor Brushes de Pesi
RGBA-WET de RamonM
RGBA Oil brushes de RamonM
Spray brushes
Pointillisme / Tattoo
Stipple Beast V.2 de Tomb of Null
Grime Machine d'Awez
Manque un pinceau générateur de palette
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High Ranks: Leader: Violetstar ~ Male ~ 124 moons ~ Confident ~ Unusually Strong Fighter Deputy: Fleetleaf ~ Male ~ 107 moons ~ Loyal ~ Skilled Mediator Medicine cats: Tiny ~ Female ~ 148 moons ~ Strict ~ Beloved Kitsitter Firefly ~ Female ~ 147 moons ~ Strange ~ Fast as the Wind Gullburn ~ Male ~ 80 moons ~ Daring ~ Clever New cats: Tiny ~ Female ~ 148 moons ~ Strict ~ Beloved Kitsitter ~ Former Rogue Firefly ~ Female ~ 147 moons ~ Strange ~ Fast as the Wind ~ Former Rogue Hydraquill ~ Male ~ 99 moons ~ Nervous ~ Great Speaker ~ Former Loner Bud ~ Female ~ 31 moons ~ Righteous ~ Fast Runner ~ Good Teacher ~ Former Loner Brownpaw ~ Male ~ 9 moons ~ Shameless ~ Quick to Help ~ Bud's kit Crookedpaw ~ Female ~ 9 moons ~ Ambitious ~ Never sits still ~ Bud's kit Slitpaw ~ Male ~ 9 moons ~ Loyal ~ Confident with Words ~ Quick to Help ~ Bud's kit Minkpaw ~ Female ~ 9 moons ~ Cold ~ Splashes in Puddles ~ Bud's kit Hailpaw ~ Male ~ 9 moons ~ Loving ~ Lover of Stories ~ Constantly Climbing ~ Bud's kit Dancingkit ~ Male ~ 2 moons ~ Know-it-All ~ Quick to Help ~ Hydraquill's kit Lowkit ~ Male ~ 3 moons ~ Noisy ~ Quick to Help ~ Orioleclaw's and Gullburn's kit Whiskerkit ~ Female ~ 1 moon ~ Noisy ~ Curious about Starclan ~ Orioleclaw's and Gullburn's kit Brushkit ~ Female ~ 1 moon ~ Impulsive ~ Never sits still ~ Orioleclaw's and Gullburn's kit Icykit ~ Female ~ 1 moon ~ Skittish ~ Quick Witted ~ Orioleclaw's and Gullburn's kit Deaths: Plumback ~ Male ~ 23 moons ~ Charismatic ~ Great Teacher ~ Killed by a Snake Living Clan Cats: 21 Next | Previous | First
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scoopsforthetruth · 3 months ago
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recently got my hands on sm flipnote hatena-esque brushes... have a naven kitty!!
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HollowClan's Origin (part 1)
Moon 0:
Fleetstripe believes her Clan has become too cruel to the loners in their desperation to find what food they could in the harsh leaf-bare. When it results in the death of an apprentice and loner of a similar age, she announces her decision to leave, not wanting to be part of it anymore.
Her sisters, Pebblestorm and Silkpelt (both trans btw) and their long-time friend, Crookedfur, join her.
Fleet = yellow
Pebble = purple
Crooked = blue
Silk = pink
(I use one of Tumblr's dark-screen options, which makes the words easier to read when they have colour. If reading it with a white background hurts, consider doing the same so you don't have to miss out).
Moon 1:
Fleetstripe begins to be called Fleetstar, if only because the others keep calling her it. She doesn't feel like a true leader and doesn't go to recieve any lives, as she wants to head away from RockClan territory. She named Crookedfur as her deputy, so that they are not lost if she dies.
After following the stream to ensure they keep near a source of water, the cats find a good place to make some dens--a dried-up hollow where a lake must have once been. They dig dens into the sides.
Soon after they make their home, while out collecting bedding, they spot a fox searching for a den. They chase it off.
Moon 2:
Fleetstar keeps doubting herself. She knows she shouldn't have watched as her Clan attacked innocent, starving cats, but maybe she should have pushed her sisters and Crookedfur to stay. Now, she only feels like she doomed them all to their deaths. And would StarClan even accept them, now that they left their Clan?
Pebblestorm notices how anxious Silkpelt seems while gathering supplies, and splashes them with water to cheer them up. They end up playing together in the streams.
Moon 3:
Silkpelt notices Fleetstar getting skinnier...was she not eating prey so that the others had more?
Fleetstar wonders if Silkpelt had received any message from StarClan.
Crooked realizes they want to identify as a she-cat.
Moon 4:
Crookedfur is bitten by a snake and dies. Everyone grieves, and Fleetstar's guilt digs deeper and deeper with each day.
Moon 5:
Silkpelt tries to convince Fleetstar to go recieve her nine lives, but Fleetstar doesn't feel they deserve it.
Fleetstar names Pebblestorm as her new deputy
Silkpelt has been hearing the voices of StarClan cats....
While patrolling, Silkpelt finds a loner and her litter of kits. They are being attacked by a fox, bleeding and sweaty, and Silkpelt leaps in to help them. The mother, Dark, turned out to be so desperate to feed her kits that she attempted to steal prey from a fox. Silkpelt brings her and her newborn kits to the camp. Dark is renamed as Darktooth.
One of the kits, Murkkit, is born without a tail.
Moon 6:
Sunkit tries to steal herbs from the medicine den, and is scolded by Silkpelt.
Murkkit catches Sunkit climbing a bit too high.
Fleetstar thinks they had a vision, but can't make sense of it.
Moon 7:
Silkpelt finally convinces Fleetstar to go receive her nine lives. She dreads possibily meeting her old Clanmates, and at the same time yearns to see some of them.
Silkpelt and Darktooth patrol together. As they do, Darktooth asks about StarClan, and they spend the patrol talking.
Moon 9:
Sunkit is not allowed to leave the nursery after pranking Pebblestorm.
Murkkit splashes in puddles, getting Darktooth wet.
Moon 11:
Darktooth survived an eagle attack.
Sunpaw is apprenticed to Fleetstar, and Murkpaw is apprenticed to Pebblestorm (Note: Murkpaw does not have a tail).
Murkpaw's leg is mangled by the fox.
Moon 17:
Sunpaw is named Sunbud.
Murkpaw and Sunbud both found thorns in their nests--turned out they set the same prank on each other.
Moon 18:
Murkpaw finds an abandoned kit and rushes it back to camp for healing. They are named Brushkit and is adopted by Pebblestorm.
Moon 19:
Murkpaw thinks it would be funny to teach Brushkit the word 'stinky,' and the kit goes up to unintentionally insult Pebblestorm.
Moon 23:
Brushpaw is apprenticed to Darktooth.
Fleetstar decides she will not risk anyone else dying, and on a lone-patrol, chases off the fox. She is badly injured, and lost a life, but that's alright, so long as no one else is hurt. Silkpelt snaps at them for being so reckless, exclaiming they she doesn't want to lose her sister.
Murkpaw is named Murkdrift.
Moon 29:
Brushpaw is named Brushshell, and believes they are meant for something greater.
Fleetstar is getting weaker with age.
Moon 31:
Fleetstar lost a life while fighting off an aggressive loner.
Moon 32:
Fleetstar lost all their lives when they were mauled by coyotes.
---Damn, Fleet was the opposite of Bearstar. Died so damn fast--
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frightnightindustries · 1 year ago
NightClan allegiances!
Leader Finchstar - reddish and pinkish tom with a scar across his nose
Deputy Belugasplash - black and white tuxedo tom
Medicine Cat Berryspeckle - cream tom with a faraway look in his eyes Grasstrail - light brown tom Badgerwillow - swift red tabby she-cat
Warriors Forestscar - short-haired dark gray and white she-cat Burnscream - energetic light tortoiseshell she-cat Blackstone - golden brown she-cat Snowjaw - golden she-cat Pebbleslip - dark gray and white tom Cinderwhisker - nimble pure white she-cat Quailspark - Mountainsong tom Harespark - silver she-cat with brown eyes Quickcloud - energetic light gray tom Dewgaze - light tortoiseshell she-cat Goldgrass - light cream tom Tumblegaze - golden tabby tom Rustfall - bluish-gray tom
Apprentices Whistlepaw - muscular light orange she-cat Sorrelpaw - white and ginger tom Fuzzypaw - dark brown tom Fawnpaw - long-limbed gray tom
Queens Fawncreep - huge speckled white she-cat Clawstream - mottled brown she-cat with a painful burnt scar Reedstream - red she-cat with very long whiskers Pearspirit - white she-cat
Elders None.
Kits Brushkit - lithe creamy brown she-cat Firekit - lithe russet colored she-cat Pricklekit - nimble golden tom Sheepkit - fluffy brown tom with no whiskers Rushkit - cream she-cat
Leader Fallingstar - fierce dark gray and white tom
Deputy Blizzardmask - russet colored she-cat with torn ears
Medicine Cat Dawnsong - fierce pale tabby she-cat
Warriors Mistlejaw - dark black she-cat Lightdust - small white she-cat Shiningdawn - short-tailed gray and white tabby she-cat Cindermist - light tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes Owlwhisper - silvery gray tom with white forepaws Volecall - dark black she-cat with golden-brown muzzle Buzzardwillow - broad-shouldered gray she-cat Jaystorm - very creamy brown she-cat Whiskerhawk - long-tailed creamy tom Rockswipe - muscular pink she-cat Tawnymask - black and white tom with black tipped fur
Apprentices Sunnypaw - gray and white she-cat Bumblepaw - skinny dark black tabby she-cat Goldenpaw - short-haired pink she-cat
Queens Liontail - golden tom Scorchcloud - swift black tom
Elders Mistytalon - pure white she-cat Mintmoon - cream tom
Kits Wildkit - broad-shouldered smoky black tom Skykit - brown she-cat
Leader Ratstar - reddish-brown she-cat
Deputy Stormyscar - orange she-cat
Medicine Cat Leaflight - nimble white she-cat Slatewatcher - red tabby tom Meadowcall - silver she-cat Spiderbranch - pale tabby tom
Warriors Coalwind - gray and white tom Blizzardspots - brown and cream tom Streamstalk - brown she-cat Wishneedle - huge white she-cat Cloudjaw - smoky black she-cat Nightbright - long-legged orange tabby tom Ashbriar - white tom Frostcloud - skinny red she-cat Flamebee - orange tabby she-cat Tigerspirit - creamy brown she-cat Lakefoot - speckled ginger she-cat
Apprentices Beechpaw - light gray tom Mossypaw - brown tom Haypaw - brown she-cat Dawnpaw - fluffy light orange tom with a large scar on their back
Queens Birchtalon - white she-cat Heathershine - swift cream tabby tom Flintheart - white tom
Elders Hollowpeak - red tabby she-cat Larksong - speckled brown she-cat Furzestrike - ginger tom with patches of darker fur Brindlepetal - night-black she-cat
Kits Tornkit - swift light cream tom Featherkit - cream tabby tom Oddkit - energetic black tom with pointy ears Stonekit - red tom Tanglekit - black she-cat
Leader Muddystar - brown tom
Deputy Echowish - dark brown tom with a silvery sheen
Medicine Cat Thorntuft - pale ginger she-cat
Warriors Rapidnose - lively gray and white she-cat Flowerbrook - broad-shouldered white tom Melodysong - white she-cat Bravehawk - muscular pale tabby tom Specklestreak - gray she-cat Rabbitface - white she-cat Thistleeye - dark gray and white tom Branchrapid - pale ginger she-cat with white muzzle Rocksong - skinny creamy tom with huge teeth Seedmist - speckled white she-cat with a grumpy temper Palehare - white tom with a long rippling pelt Shredsnow - long-haired gray and white tom with white back paws Frostbright - golden brown she-cat with a huge scar on their belly Quailpool - creamy brown she-cat Kestrelblaze - pale tabby she-cat
Apprentices Timberpaw - pretty brown tabby she-cat Lionpaw - small blue-gray tabby she-cat Tigerpaw - large dark cream she-cat Shellpaw - agile light golden tom with a huge scar on their belly Lizardpaw - dark black she-cat Hornetpaw - very dark orange tom
Queens Starlingspirit - golden tabby she-cat Duskbriar - brown she-cat with long curved claws
Elders Marshstream - ginger tom Fleetflight - dark orange she-cat Creekfrost - short-tailed dark black tom with distinctive dappled coat Poppydawn - silvery gray she-cat with a large scar on their back Silentface - sleek red tabby tom
Kits Graykit - russet colored tom Archkit - huge red tabby tom with torn ears Wolfkit - cream tabby she-cat Weaselkit - cream tom
Cats outside of Clans Sorrel - speckled white she-cat Raven - light cream tom with distinctive dappled coat
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wills-woodland-warriors · 2 years ago
WolfsfootClan clan moons 201-401
- Boneflower brought home three kits, MoonKit, RootKit, GravelKit
- WishWhisker has kits, RookKit, TornKit, PineKit, 
- VinnieJump has two kits, SwallowKit and PebbleKit 
- SorrelBounce and PosyRain are both expecting kits 
- MottledHeart is made a warrior! 
- HollowPaw is made an apprentice
- KitePaw is made a med apprentice 
- MarshFall is made deputy 
- SorrelBounce has one kit, WheatKit
- PosyRain has two kits, SloeKit and NectarKit
- BirchSnout is expecting kits 
- WillowIce is expecting kits 
- AdderDusk dies and SwallowKit is killed by a snake 
- BearPelt, RubbleStripe, HickoryClaw, BraveBush, StrikeSpeck, PurryLeaf, BrindleBlaze, QuietStem, BurntDawn, QuailWhisker, MyrtleBelly, ThornHeart, ShortThistle, PranceWhisker, BoneFlower, WishWhisker, WillowIce, RoachDaisy, BerryStorm, BugHeart, ElmSpots, PaleLight, FishHeart, OneStem, BirchNeedle, BirchSnout, BadgerDrift, ThunderKit, PebbleKit, SpruceKit, HickorySpots, SnapHorse, ThymeStripe, VinnieJump, BurdockFish, TornKit all die from a flash flood. 
- RobinStreak, CragStrike are both expecting kits 
- SunnyBark brings home three kits, GorseKit, WisteriaKit, BeaverKit, 
- Reece brings home two kits, HopKit, SpotKit
- MottledHeart is expecting kits!!! 
- CragStrike has four kits, ThornKit, PounceKit, BrushKit, CedarKit 
- RobinStreak has two kits, BassKit and HollyKit. 
- RootPaw, MoonPaw, GravelPaw are made apprentices 
- MottledHeart has four kits, CoyoteKit, BriarKit, CuttleFishKit, ChamomileKit 
- RookPaw, PinePaw are made apprentices 
- BeaverKit has chronic joint pain 
- ChamomilePaw and CuttleFishKit dies of kitten cough 
- RookMinnow, GravelHeart, PineTooth, RoseClaw, MoonStream, RootSplash all earn their warrior names 
- RainKit is found dead, Monika dies of yellowcough 
- LavenderSnout is made a warrior 
- DriftTooth and FurledBee are made warriors 
- Reese died of green cough 
- GorseEater, WisteriaPelt, BeaverPelt, HopRose, SpotStripe are made warriors 
- Ploverdawn has four kits, MouseKit, HoneyKit, LeafKit, SloeKit, 
- Hollowfur is expecting kits 
- BassNeedle, HollyTooth, ThornPelt, PounceTalon are made warriors 
- SnapPaw is made an apprentice 
- QuietRunner brings home three kits, EgretKit, TuftKit, ClawKit, 
- MottledHeart is expecting kits 
- CoyoteTuft, BriarScar, is made a warrior! 
- MarshFall is expecting kits 
- HollowFur has five kits, MoorKit, MumbleKit, RapidKit, FleckKit! BirdKit, 
- FurledBee dies 
- MottledHeart has four kits, OrangeKit, SandyKit, NeedleKit, DawnKit
- MarshFall has three kits and dies giving birth, frecklekit, bravekit, arckit
- Gold died 
- DarkClaw has GannetKit, MothKit, DarkKit 
- RookMinnow is made deputy 
- TuftPaw, ClawPaw start their apprenticeships 
- MoorPaw, BayPaw, RapidPaw, is made an apprentice 
- Broccoli brings home three kits, RushKit, TigerKit
- MartenLotus has two kits, MantisKit and BlossomKit
- Flutter is expecting kits 
- IvyLake died of greencough! 
- SnakeStar is expecting kits! 
- QuillThroat had four kits, LilyKit, ClawKit, BiteKit, BurrKit
- FernGaze has one kit, MartenKit
- Flutter has four kit, ShiningKit, BreezeKit, DayKit, CherryKit 
- FernGaze, OspreyFur, GravelHeart, HareBracken are found dead 
- MudKit and RapidStripe die of heat stroke 
- SnakeStar has two kits, LionKit and RosyKit 
- RookMinnow is expecting kits! 
- LarkFoot brings home an abandoned litter, BirdKit, StagKit 
- ShiningPaw, CherryPaw, DayPaq Start there apprenticeships 
- RushPaw learns of a prophecy 
- ClawCall is expecting kits 
- MartenPaw, LilyPaw, BitePaw, ClawPaw, BurrPaw start their apprenticeships 
- QuickBlink has CrestedKit 
- RookMinnow cheated on lavendersnout and has a single secret kitten with MoorStripe! PikeKit 
- RookMinnow loves LavenderSnout, is crushing on RootSplash, BeaverPelt, and MoorStripe! 
- ClawCall has three kits, 
- TigerHail, RushClover are made warriors and med 
- LionPaw and RosyPaw are made apprentices 
- Mantisdusk and blossomfreckle are made warriors 
- FirHeart dies of whitecough 
- SloeFreckle and HopRose are murdered 
- ShiningRapid, CherryAcorn, DayCry, BreezeDusk 
- DarkWhisker has five kits and is absolutely refusing to talk about them or acknowledge them at all, MilkWeedkit, BayouKit, SkyKit, BloomKit, DappledKit 
- MartenTail, BiteTuft, BurrWater, LilyTooth are made warriors 
- PounceTalon brings home four kits, JaggedKit, ShortKit, ConiferKit, MottledKit
- BirdFoot has six kits, WebKit, FurledKit, BriarKit, BreezeKit, ArcKit, SweetKit
- PikePaw is made an apprentice 
- StagMoon is made a warrior 
- HoneyKit dies from a hawk wound 
- LionWillow and RosyMinnow earn their names 
- MartenLotus adopts a litter, LeafKit, LarkKit, BumbleKit 
- MothWhisker had two kits but is absolutely refusing to talk about or acknowledge them at all, GarlicKit and TwigKit 
- TigerHail and JaggedKit died of greencough 
- ConiferKit is killed by a snake 
- RoseClaw and CoyoteTuft lure GarlicKit, BayouKit, and MilkWeedKit out of camp and abandon them in an active fox den
- RoseClaw and CoyoteTuft kill SkyKit, BloomKit, TwigKit
- MottledKit died of kitten cough 
- CrestedSlip is made a full mediator 
- ClawCall is expecting kits 
- SiltShine dies of whitecough 
- DappledPaw, LeafPaw, LarkPaw, BumblePaw are made apprentices 
- CurlyBranch is killed by a dog 
- Flutter died from snake venom 
- Broccoli and PikeHeart are found dead 
- Pretty much all kid are made apprentices
- Zorro, now BrambleBounce joins the clan 
- ClawCall has TangleKit, and WhisperKit 
- StagMoon brings home five kits, HazelKit, DrizzleKit, FrostKit, GullKit, KinkKit 
- BraveLeap has six kits, PaleKit, WebKit, b QuailKit, BrambleKit, TimberKit, MapleKit 
- CoyoteTuft and RoseClaw kill WebKit, BrambleKit, KinkKit, WhisperKit 
- SwampRapid and DawnSpotsvare both expecting kits 
- BirdDusk brings home four kits, MottleKit, HayKit, HavenKit, TulipKit 
- HavenKit and TulipKit die from greencough 
- CedarClover brought a litter of three kits home, PranceKit, KaleKit, and CicadaKit 
- PranceKit and KaleKit are killed by RoseClaw! 
- RoseClaw and CoyoteTuft argue, and Coyote refuses to kill anymore kits. She kills RoseClaw! 
- SwampRapid has HootKit, SheepKit, 
- DawnSpots has SandKit, BarleyKit, GreyKit 
- MottledHeart, RookMinnow, CoyoteTuft are all expecting kits! 
- BriarFawn is expecting kits! 
- RookMinnow lost his tail to a dog! 
- MottledHeart has three kits, AlmondKit, WhistleKit, SageKit
- RookMinnow has three kits, FennelKit, LichenKit, IrisKit 
- CoyoteTuft has two kits, SundewKit and HopeKit 
- GorseEater dies of whitecough 
- BriarFawn has four kits, FerretKit, LakeKit, OddKit, RushKit 
- QuailPaw and DawnPaw died of greencough 
- LarkFoot died from a claw wound 
- MoorStripe brought home four kits, FlickerKit, BrookKit, SkyKit, PatchKit 
- ShiningRapid has one kit, GooseKit 
- FlashBlotch and TimberPaw die of greencough 
- bumblepelt and moonstream are killed by rogues 
- Doestripe died 
- LarkPelt died of greencough 
- So many more apprentices 
- KiteFoot is expecting kits 
- CrestedSlip has two kits, EagleKit and SilkKit
- SwampRapid has three kits, AntKit, DappledKit, SkipKit 
- SnakeStar succumbs to cancer after secretly losing lives to it for years 
- RookStar is made the leader, and appoints CoyoteTuft as his deputy 
- RavenSong was killed by a fox 
- RookStar is expecting kits! 
- Kitefoot and SnakeStar have one kit, SerpentKit
- CoyoteTuft is expecting kits! 
- ArchBack dies from whitecough 
- Drizzlebloom brought home tow kits, WishKit and Leopardkit 
- TinyFoot, MantisDusk are both expecting kits 
- BraveLeap has four kits, FogKit, MurkKit, DuskKit, CragKit 
- RookStar has two kits, WolfKit and LightKit
- CoyoteTuft has one kit, SnapDragonKit 
- OrangeSpeck died of whitecough 
- WhistleFeather, AlmondFur, SageBee, FennelLeaves, LichenHorse, IrisWhisker, SundewTwine, HopeWater are made warriors 
- MantisDusk has two kits, LotusKit and SwallowKit 
- TinyFoot has two kits, QuietKit and LarchKit 
- OddShadow, RushHeart, FerretBerry, LakeFlame, 
- SorrelBounce was found dead 
- DawnSpots, QuietRunner, BeaverPelt, ThornPelt, SharpStone, CedarClover, LeafSpeckle, MoorStripe, BrushStrike, ClawCall, BirdFoot, NeedleGaze, MothWhisker, BlossomFreckle, BurrWater, BirdDusk, SweetHawk and HayBlaze are swept away in a flood! 
- FennelLeaves dies of yellowcough 
- ShortBee has one kit, woodKit
- ClawSpring has four kits, CoyoteKit, HareKit, DandelionKit, SnapKit, 
- SundewTwine has mantisKit 
- BrookSpots, DrizzleBloom, SkyFrost die 
- ArcHeather is expedients kits 
- CragStrike, DarkClaw, FrostPelt, TinyFoot, MumbleSky, PounceTalon, RootSplash, PinkBlink, BreezeDusk, StagMoon, SandClaw, ArcShade, SilkPaw, FlickerRose, RushHeart, MurkPaw, GorsePetal, PaleStripe, BriarFawn, SwampRapid, BuzzardClaw, BayClaw, StrikeFern, LilyTooth, GannetBush, IrisWhisker, GooseWave, SnapKit, all die from an outbreak of wolfcough. 
- CoyoteTuft is expecting kits! 
- ArcHeather has three kits, TumbleKit, BeetleKit, BirdKit
- SheepPelt had four kits, TipKit, BayKit, DaisyKit, RaggedKit, 
- HareKit dies from wasting disease, 
- HazelClaw brings home one kit, 
- SerpentWing is made a warrior 
- CoyoteTuft has one kit, FalconKit 
- LightDust, SnapDragonBerry WolfFade are made warriors  
- DandelionPaw, WoodPaw, MantisPaw, CoyotePaw are made apprneinces 
- SageBee died from a mangled ta 
- RookStar is expecting kits! 
- PloverDawn was killed by a fox 
- KiteFoot has three kits, BlotchKit, PheasantKit, RosyKit 
- MartenLotus died of old age, 
- RookStar has three kits, RussulaKit, QuickKit, CordyCepKit 
- BreezeRun dies to a snake 
- ShortBee adopts BassKit 
- BeetlePaw, BirdPaw, BayPaw, TipPaw, DaisyPaw, RaggedPaw, BitternPaw become apprentices 
- CordyCepKit dies of heatstroke 
- RussulaPaw and QuickPaw are made apprentices 
- ArcHeather is expecting kits 
- CoyoteTuft is expecting kits 
- ArcHeather has SleetKit, CliffKit
- CoyoteTuft has SnakeKit, OneKit 
- Fogbright has one kit, SpikeKit 
- SnakeKit dies of kitten cough 
- BriarScar has PiperKit, SlightKit 
- CrestedSlip has FreckleKit, KestrelKit, RussetKit 
- QuickChime and RussulaRoot earn their names 
- BaiselTail joins the clan 
- KestrelKit has a seizure 
- coyotelily is expecting kits 
- QuillThroat is found dead 
- CliffPaw, FoolsPaw, SleetPaw are made apprentices 
- CoyoteLily has four kits, CliffKit, EgretKit, ShiningKit, JayKit 
- SpikePaw is made an apprentice 
- HollyTooth and LarchMoon drowned trying to save eachother 
- CliffKit died 
- BaiselTail has three kits, HoneyKit, ChaffinchKit, PearKit 
- AlmondFur is killed by a snake while saving a kit! 
- QuietHare is expecting kits 
- DahliaKit joins the clan 
- RosyMinnow is burnt alive while saving FalconBeam from a fire! 
- SkipFern has QuailKit, FinchKit, CaveKit 
- QuickChime has ChirpKit, SparkKit 
- SerpentWing is expecting kits! 
- FoolsRapid earns their name 
- SnapDragonBerry has three kits, PinkKit, RippleKit, BroomKit 
- Mantisjay is killed by a snake 
- RussulaRoot is expecting kits, 
- SerpentWing has four kits, CicadaKit, PuddleKit, BluebellKit, BarleyKit, 
- AntHorse brings home two kits, BrindleKit and LotusKit 
- BassPelt, EgretPaw, SparkKit die 
- RussulaRoot has two kits, RacconKit and NettleKit 
- DappledSpot has three kits, BoulderKit, BayouKit, BlueKit 
- RussulaRoot died of greencough! 
- ChirpPaw dies of frostbite 
- BirdFeather is expecting kits 
- LionWillow has four kits, JumpKit CypressKit LocustKit TallKit 
- BassNeedle, BriarScar, DaisyFur2, LionWillow, CragTail, SwallowJaw, CoyoteLily die from sickness 
- BirdFeather has two kits, 
- RussetPelt is found dead 
- BlueBellPaw, PuddlePaw, CicadaPaw, LotusPaw, BroomPaw, 
- QuietHare is expecting kits 
- BoulderPaw is killed by a snake 
- TallPaw died of kitten cough 
- PiperDrift died of heat stroke 
- SnapDragon and QuietHare have three kits, CuttleFishKit, BassKit, TunaKit 
- LichenHorse died of yellowcough 
- BroomWave died of greencough 
- Bayou paw died of a mangled tail 
- LavenderSnout is expecting kits
- CicadaWing, LotusStorm, PuddleEars, BrindleEyes are made warriors 
- Woodpelt is found dead, BaiselTail is found dead 
- LakeFlame died of yellowcough 
- LavenderSnout and RookStar have one kit, ApricotKit 
- BassPaw, TunaPaw, CuttlefishPaw are made apprentices 
- CoyoteTuft retires 
- FurledLotus died from a snake bite 
- OrangeTuft died 
- JayStrioe is found dead 
- ShiningRapid had QuillKit, HayKit, FallowKit 
- TangleHeart has two kits,  CurlewKit and GannetKit 
- HoneyPath dies from a snake bite 
- LavenderSnout is found dead 
- Slight cloud died from poison 
- WhistleClaw is expecting kits 
- Bitternaw brings home three kits, MudKit, PebbleKit, ConiferKit 
- BrambleBounce is killed by a badger 
- CurlewKit died from a claw wound 
- QuickChime died from a mangled tail 
- KiteFoot dies 
- CuttleFishCall, BassFlood, TunaSplash are given their names 
- ArcHeather, CrestedSlip, DarkWhisker, ShiningRapid, SloeFur, SandySwoop, CherryAcorn, BirdFeather, ShortBee, BiteTuft, DayCry, SheepPelt, FerretBerry, SkipFern, BirdSky, DandelionEyes, AntHorse, RosyClaw, CliffBurr, FreckleWing, ChaffinchSight, ShadowFire, CaveBeam, BlueThroat, RippleStep, LotusStorm, BrindleEyes, WheatSpirit, SpotStripe, ThriftTalon, PineTooth, ConfierKit all die in a flood 
- WhistleClaw had four kits, FlyKit, FallingKit, WaspKit, DustKit 
- DappledSpot has four kits, HeavyKit, DogKit, AppleKit, CloverKit
- RushLightening is killed by a fox 
- OddShadow dies of greencough 
- SundewTwine dies of yellowcough 
- QuietHare is expecting kits 
- PatchHeart is expecting kits 
- FallingPaw died in a training accident 
- QuietHare and SnapDragonBerry have a single kitten, ThymeKit 
- WebIce is expecting kits
- WhistleClaw is expecting kits 
- FallowBush brings home two kits, SparkKit and ScorchKit 
- WebIce and FoolsRapid have two kits, PineKit and BlackKit 
- WhistleClaw has two kits, PuppyKit and WhirlKit 
- BrindleBloom died 
- CoyoteTuft died from age complications 
- PuddleEars brings home four kits, HopeKit, CocoNutKit, AppleKit, DuskKit 
- CuttleFishCall brings home three kits, ThornKit, FidgetKit, RatKit,  
- MottledHeart is grieving deeply for CoyoteTuft, and she has given up on the world 
- LeopardBird has four kits, JuniperKit, RowanKit, SoftKit, StoatKit 
- RookStar is mortally wounded by a fox! 
- BluebellSpring died of greencough 
- MottledHeart wanders out and is found dead 
- DahliaNut is expecting kits 
- RookStar is expecting kits! 
- CicadaTail is expectinf kits! 
- DahliaNut has four kits, StemKit, PineKit, RunningKit, AmberKit 
- RookStar has two kits, CatfishKit and GoldKit 
- CicadaTail has three kits, SheepKit, WeedKit, ArcKit 
- SparkPaw PuppyPaw ScorchPaw BlackPaw WhirlPaw JuniperPaw RowanPaw StoatPaw SoftPaw HopePaw CoconutPaw ApplePaw DuskPaw ThornPaw FidgetPaw RatPaw all start their apprenticeships 
- CicadaWing is expecting kits 
- WolfFade is expecting kits 
- PuddleEars died of a mangled tail! 
- RoawnPaw was found dead 
- WolfFade had four kits, LarchKit, PlanktonKit, JetKit, StreamKit 
- CicadaWing had three kits, RushKit, Iris, SpotKit, 
- WhistleClaw died of severe burns 
- CuttlefishCall and LittlePelt drowned! 
- BlackBloom, SparkJay, ScortchToe, SoftToe, WhirlAster, JuniperToe, StoatLeaf, SoftToe, HopeBee, CoconutTooth, AppleTail, DuskCatcher, ThornThistle, FidgetBurr, RatMuzzle are made warriors 
- RookStar loses his last life and passes
- CicadaStar is made leader
- WolfFade is made deputy 
- RunningHare, AmberBush, PineStripe, StemThroat
- SparkJay is killed by a snake 
- HoneyWhisker and BraveLeap are expecting kits 
- HoneyWhisker had three kits, ShineKit IvyKit HailKit 
- RushClover died of heatstroke 
- CatFishcrown, GoldTooth earn their names 
- BraveLeap has curlykit, DaisyKit
- PearFlower has one kit, 
- CoconutTooth is expecting kits 
- BeetleBeart is expecting kits 
- TangleHeart has two kits, PlumKit and PineKit 
- StreamBlink died from poison 
- CurlyKit died of kittencough 
- PlanktonPearl, SpotBurr IrisMist RushFur JetThorn LarchFlower ArcFur WeedSpeckle SheepFang are made warriors 
- BeetleHeart had two kits, PranceKit, IcyKit, 
- PebbleWhisker is expecting kits 
- CoconutTooth has three kits, FallingKit, ClawKit, GoldfishKit
- FoolsRapid was burnt alive while trying to save SerpentWing from a fire!! 
- RunningHare died of yellowcough 
- GrassAsh died 
- TangleHeart and PearFlower died of yellowcough 
- PebbleWhisker had three kits, JayKit, DawnKit, BasilKit 
- fidgetburr died of infected wounds 
- DryMoth and ThymeTail are both expecting kits 
- BlackBloom and DryMoth had three kits, BarleyKit, CondorKit, FallenKit 
- BraveLeap was killed by a badger 
- ThymeTail has four kits, PrickleKit, SnakeKit, PantherKit, PlumKit 
- HootBerry died 
- PineStripe has three kits, ReedKit, MallowKit, RiverKit, 
- StoatLeaf has four kits, ElmKit, SongKit, BristleKit, ChiveKit 
- HazelClaw died 
- TumbleBrook died 
- GoldFishFur, ClawHeart, FallingNight, IcyStripe, PranceBlossom, PineGrass, PlumShade are made warriors 
- IrisMist, RushFur, SpotBurr, DaisyPelt, HailFoot, DappledSpot, ArcFur, AmberBush, RatMuzzle, StemThroat, JuniperFur, AppleTail, AppleLeaf, CloverShadow, BuckPlume, NettleStem, kestrelBee, DaisyPelt, BlotchLotus, RaggedSeed, FinchSeed, FogBright, ShiningMark, PineGorse, DahliaNut, BassFlood, QuillClover, CypressBright, SpikeFire, DustHeart, HollyPelt, ScorchToe, JetThorn, GoldTooth, SoftToe, FleckSpark, BristleKit, SnakeKit, MantisDusk, ApricotDapple, LeopardBird, PlumShade, die in a flood 
- BeetleHeart chooses to see the world and leaves the clan 
- ClawHeart died from yellowcough 
- Triscuit Jon’s the clan 
- QuailFoot had three kits, BrambleKit, YellowKit, WolfKit 
- LocustWhisker had five kits, Badgerskit, BrindleKit, GoldKit, TulipKit, BounceKit 
- Speckle has four kits, FawnKit, SilverKit, SleekKit, PoppyKit 
- DryMoth and SerpentWing are both expecting kits 
- SerpentWing had two kits, WolfKit and ErmineKit, 
- DryMoth and BlackBloom have four kits, but DryMoth died in labor. YellowCressKit, BuckeyeKit, PloverKit, ThunderKit 
- ThornThustle had five kits, PetalKit, DriftKit, TawnyKit, SiltKit, LarkspurKit 
- Apprentices are made apprentices 
- ClawSpring is found dead 
- HopeBee had three kits and won’t acknowledge them, MoonKit, MistleKit, AnemoneKit 
- MudStream has three kits, BreezeKit, BriarKit, TallKit
- HoneyWhisker brings home three kits, CarpKit, GorseKit, MossyKit 
- Sleetmark and pinkfoot expecting kits 
- Many, many apprentices are made 
- GannetFur is expecting kits 
- WeedSpeckle is found dead 
- SleekMark has one kit, DoeKit 
- PinkFoot had moonkit, sleetkit 
- GannetFur had lightningkit 
We’re now approaching WolfStar’s reign in the final post of WolfsfootClan
final part 3:
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