#brujay omegaverse
hyperfixatingeveryday · 11 months
✨ Okay, here we go again ✨
Looking for someone to roleplay my Omega Jason Todd headcanons. It can be ship, pack fluff, and you can be whatever character you want!!! We'll make an idea together.
— Problematic ships that I'd like to try: a!Ra's x o!Jason | a!Damian (aged-up) x o!Jason | a!Slade x o!Jason | a!Clark Kent x o!Jason
— Semi-problematic ships: a!Bruce x o!Jason, a!Tim x o!Jason, a!Dick x o!Jason
Must like: breastfeeding, non-traditional A/B/O (but traditional too), dark themes, literate roleplay
Limits: major character death, roleplaying noncon, underage
PM me!!!
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lovecinnatwist · 1 year
I'm half alive. Send me horny omegaverse thoughts so I might feel again. The burnout it real.
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jrosa82 · 1 month
Guess who wrote most of a new fanfic? And on my phone no less?
Basically, my life feels like it's on the precipice of becoming in shambles with all my hopes and dreams being thoroughly dashed on the harsh rocks of reality, So I wrote a silly little one shot to make me feel like something is going ok.
Might post it if I manage to find the energy to get out of bed. If not I'll throw it into the world in all it's unedited glory via ao3.
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benbamboozled · 2 years
The basic gist was: Alpha Bruce wanted to mate alpha Dick with omega Jason. This was for many reasons from 'Adorable grandchildren' to 'new soldiers' to 'Um. Hot.'
To ensure they knew he was still the one in charge of both of them, he arranged it so that he and Dick would be trapped together with Jason for his heat, thereby removing all other options from play. (And if I were writing it, I would have it getting to uncomfortable levels of angst and desire for Jason, until Dick professed his secret longing, and maybe they both begged Bruce for permission? To which Bruce "Begrudgingly" approved as though this wasn't his plan all along. But that wasn't part of the dream lol)
Then, while they were rutting like mad, Bruce took turns at fucking each of them into each other and into the mattress/floor/wall. His boys. HIS.
So. You know. Just normal stuff.
Mmhmm. Indeed.
Yes. Interesting. Intriguing.
I am appreciating this. Completely objectively, of course, as one may appreciate a beautiful sunset, or a grand old oak tree, mmhmm.
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002yb · 1 year
With the recent happenings in Gotham War what r ur thoughts on it all? Me personally? I'm devastated for Jason!
Devastated, but also so excited! ✧٩(ˊωˋ*)و This is a detail that I hope stays around for a while if only for the consequences to be explored in all their angst and drama-ridden glory.
Fair warning. Route thoughts below go from okay to deranged like, immediately. Also, stream of consciousness.
Potential Routes (Reversal, Everything Hurts, Scarecrow, Basement)
Reversal: Bruce with all his endless failsafes rectifying the changes he forced on Jason. And while maybe he's gritting his teeth because Bruce knows the consequences (ie. 'letting Jason be a murderer again') it will be a gesture to show that he wants Jason and doesn't need to change him to love him.
Everything Hurts: Alternatively, Bruce only being able to love Jason because of this change he imposes on him. The tragedy in that. ;U; What's more, Jason having a spike of adrenaline and thus fear (terror, really) whenever Bruce comes near him. Because Jason recognizes Bruce as 'dangerous' and ahhhhhh. The way this would jar Bruce and make him falter. Ugh, so good. So sad. He wanted to protect his boy and he ruined him, instead.
Scarecrow: Titans (2018) had a plotline with Jason and fear. Where he turned to an anti-fear drug to combat his fears and got swept up in a whole thing with Scarecrow who supplied him and it was really homoerotic omg like. This is a perfect set up for something like that to happen. Bruce 'healing' Jason, only to devastate him worse. And to see Jason struggle with something so personal (drugs, addiction) would be really interesting to see. Him hurting to the point he goes down that route and being tormented for it. How his friends, family, and Bruce would react as Jason spirals while trying to overcome this terror Bruce put in him. And ahhhhhhh let this boy break; let Scarecrow capitalize. Scarecrow doesn't need fear gas to fuck Bruce up - Batman has brought his fears to life by hurting his own boy to such an extent. ( ๑‾̀◡‾́)✨ OH! Bruce being put in a position to save the city or save his boy. A callback to Jason's time before he was killed by Joker. And ahhhhhhh copious amounts of fear because Jason learned this a long time ago: a hero will never love anything more than their cause. And idk maybe Jason loses it and he gets a different sort of rogue!era for everyone to be mad about. (⭑•͈ 𓎟 •͈ )
Basement: Alternative to the 'Everything Hurts' Route. Where Bruce doesn't actually let Jason go to Metropolis to live that normal life because Bruce keeps him chained in a basement. Which would be such a solid callback and ouchie plot if this was AKverse and Jason suffered through that fate before. Just a constant registering of danger which leads to adrenaline and fear until Jason shuts down and Bruce can have his twisted wicked way with him ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)
Additional thoughts: brujay winning so hard (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧. Also, someone on that team is an avid omegaverse fan it's coded in there so hard ahhhhahahaha perfection.
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bestangelofall · 15 days
strong urge to know all ur omegaverse designations for dc charas (as many as u have a strong opinion for) <3
Hi anon, thank you for the ask! :)
Hmmm I don't really have a strong opinion on a lot of them and all of my opinions on that are just based on vibes, so don't really expect any kind of argumentation on this. I am not willing to change my mind on this, but I also like, don't care if anyone has different opinions on the subject.
(I don't want to tag the ships/characters I'm mentioning, so my answer goes below the cut).
Omega Jason (the one exception I make to this one, if we're going by traditional ABO """rules""", is Alpha Jason so that he can get Bruce pregnant after a highly fucked up fuck or die, mutual non-con situation and that leads to horrible horrible angst 🙃 that lives rent-free in my mind)
Alpha Cass. I'm not a Cass understander or anything like that, I've only read Batgirl (2000) but I think that's 100% her vibe.
Alpha Dick. I think I already mentioned this before, but I'm saying again.
Bruce is a case that I literally don't mind any ABO designation, I'll change it depending on the kind of fic I'm in the vibe to read/write. I probably read more Alpha Bruce because Brujay, but I don't mind other designations for him.
Alpha Talia. Specially love the idea of Alpha x Alpha Brutalia!
From my GL and JLA more recent reading (these are more subject to change by my own vibes criteria):
Omega Kyle
Omega Guy (I specifically ship omega x omega GuyKyle btw)
Beta Clark
I think these are all so far... I wanted to have an opinion on Diana and Hal too, but so far I can't say I have one (maybe once I read more of them 🤔)
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Rule: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your WIPS, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received. Tagged by the incredible @setsailslash
I'm extending this to a week, to give folks a chance to read the previews beforehand. Previews for each WIP below the cut!
And I'm forcing @daemoninwhiteround2 @scandalsavagefanfic @sarriathmg and @nightwang96 to join in the fun, because I know they've got some excellent WIPs tucked away.
Enjoy the previews! 💙
Wild West AU — Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson — Mature
The main street of Gotham rises like a vulture’s shadow over the prairie, solidifying before their eyes as Slade guides them towards the townsfolk milling through its paved streets. They strike Dick as odd; it’s not often towns this far out on the county’s border will bother with infrastructure. But even the wooden facades of the bank and the sheriff’s office are immaculately painted, not a single chip to mar their appearance.
Dick casts his gaze around, pitching his voice above the gentle clop of their horses’ hooves. “This place looks well-to-do.”
“You’ll do well to keep your mouth shut and your comments to yourself, boy,” Slade reminds him, and Dick sighs as he steers them towards the hitching posts of the saloon.
They earn a few wayward glances as Slade dismounts, the spurs of his boots chiming gently as he steadies himself and deftly lashes his reins to the timber. Dick leans his bound wrists onto his saddlehorn and offers him an amused smirk when he circles around to meet him.
The look Slade gives him is unimpressed, like he knows exactly what game Dick is playing at. To be fair, it isn’t the first time they’ve played, but Dick is always looking for the simplest, time-proven means to irritate the man. It’s the least he can do.
“Dismount,” Slade commands, and Dick’s gaze flicks to the slatted saloon doors and back again.
“Too tired to lift me off yourself, old man?” he purrs, flashing Slade a thinly veiled smile. That blue eye rolls, one hand snapping out to seize Dick’s belt. There he pauses, the threat obvious, and Dick tenses.
“Hop down, boy, or I’ll pull you down. Quicksmart.”
“That’d cause a scene,” Dick murmurs down at him.
A muscle in Slade’s jaw ticks. “If these townsfolk are wanting to see a criminal spluttering in the dirt, who am I to deprive them of the entertainment?”
Dick’s ribs twinge at the threat, the reminder of their last venture into a populated town still fresh in his mind. One snowy brow crooks, and Dick kicks his boot from its stirrup, shifting until he can dismount clumsily.
One broad hand falls to his hip to steady him when he staggers at the force of his descent, dust gathering around his calves as he sucks in a breath. Dick clenches his fists to curb the way he wants to flinch from under that grip.
Slade’s lips brush his ear, breath warm in the stagnant air as he murmurs, “Keep testing me, and I’ll leave you tied in the sun with the horses.” Then he straightens, that hand shifting back up to the small of Dick’s back, to press his shirt into the beads of sweat that have been slowly gathering there. “But I thought you said you were thirsty.”
It takes most of his self-control to unwind his jaw and mutter, “Yes.”
“What was that, boy?”
“Yes, sir.”
“That’s what I like to hear,” Slade murmurs, one wrist winding through the tether of Dick’s cuffs. His tongue clicks once as Dick falls into step, and he takes the time to glare at the man as they cross onto the timber floorboards.
Pacific Rim AU — Tim Drake/Jason Todd — Mature
You can begin to read this here.
“You know who they assigned me to?” Jason asks, and Dinah shakes her head clinically.
“Not my place to ask. I don’t need to know to provide my diagnosis.”
“But you know, right?” Jason presses anyway, holding her gaze, because he and Dinah go way back. She’s got a better map of his head than anyone, and he hasn’t even shared a drift with her.
Dinah purses her lips, considering her answer for a moment. “I don’t know,” she answers, honestly. “But I can guesstimate their height based on the dysmorphia.” Jason waits. “They gave you Drake, huh?”
“Has he seen you?” Jason asks, and Dinah nods. “You wanna give me a heads up on anything?”
“There’s legislation that prevents me from disclosing confidential patient information,” Dinah reminds him with a wry smirk.
“Well, he’s gotta have all the pieces ticking up there if you’ve approved him for duty,” Jason reasons, and Dinah doesn’t acknowledge that, but she does smile like she’s proud of his deductive reasoning. Jason leans his forearms onto his knees, bowing forwards as he studies her expression. “And he’s gotta be pretty fucked up in there for him to still want to be a pilot. What’s his motivation?”
Dinah doesn’t gratify that with an answer, and Jason sighs.
“Fine. He said he’d lost people. How many copilots has he had before me?”
“That’s classified information,” Dinah provides on auto-pilot, and Jason frowns.
“Two,” Jason retorts, and lifts the fingers on his left hand for emphasis. “I’ve had two copilots so far. Tim’s my third. Based on what I’ve seen of the inside of his skull, I’m at least his third. But I get the impression with a career as illustrious as his, I’m well out of the ballpark.”
“Does the number of co-pilots he’s had previously trouble you?” Dinah asks.
It’s a digging question, and Jason’s lips twist, but he answers, “Just want to know if I’m up to scratch or if they threw me in here because they had no other option.”
"It can't be both?"
Royal AU — Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson — Mature
"Will you be back later tonight?"
The crown prince's skin looks bronze in the flickering torch light. Stretched out across the furs and linens, all plump sinew and firm muscle bared, Slade could mistake him for a sculpture.
Those blue eyes are heavy, indolent. The smile tugging at his lips even more so. He'll rise soon, to clean the stain of Slade's release from between his thighs; but for now he indulges.
Slade lowers his eyes to the teeth of his belt, scabbard rattling against his armour as he redresses. "I will. I'll wake you."
Prince Richard turns over, spine arching as he stretches into a more favourable position. Slade has never understood how such positions could be comfortable — far more suited to a hard stretcher or a thin bedroll from his earlier military days than the palatial silks that line Dick's bed — but he also supposes pleasure and discomfort are often bedfellows when it comes to the prince.
Slade pauses to press a lingering kiss to the prince's shoulder as he passed. He's enjoyed many luxuries since he came into the royal employ. Slade's still learning to enjoy them fully.
Dom/Sub AU — Dorian Chase/Dick Grayson — Mature
“Shit, kid,” Dorian sneers, half-impressed, half-disgusted. It makes Dick’s chest pang. “They really did a number on you, didn’t they?” 
“Dorian,” Dick wheezes, but the rest of his sentence is swallowed in a groan when he’s dumped on the concrete. 
“Stay,” Dorian orders, thrumming with command, and Dick’s muscles unspool of their own will. His shoulders roll forward, breath sighing from his lungs as all of him melts pliantly into the floor at Dorian’s heel. Beneath Dorian’s heel, when the vigilante rests a boot on the back of Dick’s upturned neck. “Good.” 
He doesn't stay there long. It might feel like an eternity to Dick, all of his focus narrowed to the scrape of Dorian's tread over his skin. But it can't be more than a few contemplative minutes before Dorian is shifting down to crouch beside Dick's prone form. 
“Tell me what Eddie and Liu did to you,” Dorian instructs, and Dick hiccups on his next breath. It hurts, even now, even after the months Dick’s had to work through it. The hours he’s dedicated in therapy to getting over one bad dom. 
He doesn’t want to talk about it. He doesn’t want to talk about it. Dick doesn’t want to have to relive every excruciating moment, squeeze out every blind ounce of trust he put in his former doms. Doesn’t want to pick over every wrong word he said, to earn their betrayal. Doesn’t want to analyse every disappointed look, to work out when he should have seen it coming. 
Dorian doesn’t give him the reprieve. Dorian’s never been that kind of person. 
Bodyguard AU — Harvey Dent/Lincoln March — Explicit
Lincoln blinks. Harvey shifts, uncomfortable with being so vulnerable.
Repeats himself, rephrases it to, "Fuck me, damnit. Hard."
And he must have had a lot of champagne, because the words don't stop pouring out of him; every fantasy Harvey's had spilling up.
"Push me down on my knees and make me suck your cock. Throw me onto the bed and fuck me until I come without even being touched. Make it hurt. Make me enjoy it." 
Lincoln doesn't move, and Harvey can feel the frustration ebbing; he's not going to get what he wants, he's drunk, this was stupid—
And then Lincoln moves.
Hunger Games — Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson — Explicit
You can read the beginning of this series here.
He forces a smile onto his face when the door whispers open, blinking back the last of his prickling tears to beam at his guest.
In all honesty, Dick is terrified. The thought of servicing Slade Wilson, the gamemaker who crafted his Games, who nearly sent Dick to his death… It’s too much to stomach.
If the dread is plain on Dick's face, Slade doesn't acknowledge it. He takes his time crossing the room, surveying Dick where he sits. Those eyes pin him to the bed like a butterfly to a board, and Dick's chest feels tight beneath the draping sequins and fabric.
When Slade reaches out, Dick flinches. Doesn't pull back, lest he provoke the gamemaker, and chastises himself for being so obvious. Dick's spent months playing at this game, preparing for this dreaded moment. He's a victor, for Christsakes; he needs to be smarter than this. His survival depends on it, now more than ever.
The earrings clatter, little gems chiming, when Slade tips his face up with two fingers beneath his chin. With the height disadvantage, Dick feels small and outmatched, his pulse a drum in his chest.
Slade fingers the sapphires, watching them refract the light. “Are these pierced?” he asks, and Dick glances down, shaking his head.
He tugs them free of Dick’s ears, tossing them aside. Dick swallows, summoning resolve as he’s made bare before his gamemaker.
Dom/Sub AU — Tim Drake/Jason Todd — Mature
You can begin to read this here.
"As his physician, I'm asking you to leave."
Tim does his utmost not to bristle. "And I'm refusing, as his dom."
When Jason flinches at that assessment, bare shoulders pulling together beneath the harsh fluorescents, Tim swallows and shifts into a less rigid stance.
"I'm not trying to be an ass," Tim begins with, and forges ahead despite Dr Thompkins' arched and acerbic brow. "But I have a responsibility to Jason, now that he's my sub. His well-being is my priority. If I'm responsible for his care and maintenance, I need to know his afflictions. All of them, not just the ones he wants to tell me about. Then I can be mindful of them when we scene. Can't soothe a bruise with a harder hand, or so the saying goes. I'm staying."
Dr Thompkins watches him for a moment before straightening and holding Jason's attention like Tim had never spoken.
Jason's lip twitches at that, the first hint of positivity that Tim's seen from the moping teen all week.
"Legally, I can't remove him," she tells him, and Tim bites his lip to let her have this small victory. "He's entitled to attend on you, as your dom. But I want to take this opportunity to remind you that I'm your physician, Jason. And my confidentiality does not bend, not matter how persistent the dom."
Star Wars AU — Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd/Slade Wilson, Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson, Tim Drake/Damian Wayne — Teen & Up
You can begin to read this here.
Some of his lackadaisical grace is marred by the onset of adrenaline, sliding into that entrancing focus Tim’s all too familiar with. 
It’s not like Tim’s focus; it’s more fluid, less tangible. Shifting around his opponents, to ensnare and entrance. Tim’s spent years beneath Dick’s leadership, learning to undo the effect that trance has on him. Learning to ensnare himself. 
Dick rolls his sabers over his palms, the motion an outlet as much as it is a goad. He can see how tightly the jedi is wound, how firm a grasp he has over his control as they circle one another. Their footsteps are steady, pace languid if not for the thick undercurrent of anticipation that runs between them. 
“Been a while,” Dick calls around a broad smile. The flares of his saber reflect off the whites of his teeth, carving them into vicious incisors. 
Tim doesn’t bite. He knows every tactic the knight has to offer; distracting him with banter is hardly the sharpest tool in Dick’s arsenal. 
He rolls his shoulders, sliding into a stance as he grips his saberstaff in a defensive lean. 
Dick considers him for a moment, the last dregs of amicability dying as those lips close thin over his teeth. “Alright,” he says, dangerous and resigned, and springs. 
Wild West AU — Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne — Mature
The boy is persistent, Bruce will give him that.
He’s swearing up a storm, wrists burning raw with the friction of the ropes he won’t stop trying to fight.
Bruce ignores him, checking his mare over. She’s remarkably placid, considering Bruce has never handled her before. Her tack is worn in places, repaired in others. Meticulously maintained, despite its age. The mare, too, is in good nick; her girth filled out, and coat gleaming in the midday sun.
Bruce flicks a glance towards her ears, and sensing no protest, dips a hand into her saddlebags.
Her owner isn’t nearly so neutral. “Hey!” the boy pipes up, slightly breathless. Bruce doesn’t even look down. “I said, hey!”
“You did,” Bruce agrees, retrieving a tattered novel from the saddlebags. He flicks idly past the worn cover, skimming the prose.
“That’s mine,” the boy snarls, with such indignant fury that Bruce glances up from his place on the page.
Hockey AU — Duke Thomas/Jason Todd/Slade Wilson — Explicit
"You're sloppy," Duke says without looking up. 
That hits Jason under the ribs. He cocks his hip, tilting his head to survey the goalie. "Excuse me?" 
Duke looks up, his gaze arresting. "You're sloppy. You miss passes. You make too many turnovers." 
Abruptly, Jason feels defensive. "In the rush of a game—" 
"Let me be clear," Duke says with a mirthless huff. He sets his stick against the goalpost to give Jason his full attention. "You miss easy passes. You make too many easy turnovers." 
"Is that so?" 
Duke crosses his arms over his chest at Jason's tone, unfazed. "The GM brought me in to give this team a breath of fresh air before playoffs. If you don't want my insight—" 
"No, please," Jason says, haughty without being able to pin down why. "Give me the miraculous insight you gleaned from sitting at one end of the ice, watching through bars."
Vikings AU — Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson — Explicit
Dick laughs when Slade tips him back into the bed of furs, ankles still hooked over his hips. His dark hair looks like water in the nighttime, trickling between the soft white fleece as Slade lifts a hand to trail down his cheekbone.
He's still bloody, still stained with the rot of battle, but so is Slade. It flakes beneath his touch, Dick's warm, blemished skin waiting for him beneath.
Dick's eyes are hooded, his throat tipped back for Slade to kiss down as his fingers move deftly for the knots at the warrior's waist. They fall apart with a harsh tug that rocks Dick up the bed, drawing another chuckle from his smiling lips.
"You nearly died out there, today," Dick hums, arching to press his collarbones to Slade's fingers when he slides them up Dick's chest, shucking his tunic with heady care. "Again."
Slade breaks from his warm skin long enough to murmur, "I have Hel's blessing."
Dick scoffs, lips curling further in his mirth as Slade sits back on his heels to tug his own tunic over his head. When he looks back down, Dick is watching him, all indolence and amusement.
"You'll slight her one day," he warns, shivering when Slade's calloused fingertips trace the blue inked vegvisir on his wrist, trailing up his forearm to finger the heavy gold of his wedding band. "Outlive her graces, and then she'll take you from me."
Slade smiles, soft and amused, and dips his head to kiss Dick's shoulder, wrap his hands around his husband's narrow waist as Dick's ankles tighten around his back. Holding them together, as inseparable here as they had been on the battlefield.
Omegaverse AU — Apollo/Midnighter/Jason Todd/Slade Wilson —Explicit
Apollo can feel Mid's temple cushioned on his collarbone, Slade's steady presence at his back. Cracking his eyes open reveals the murky shadows of their bedroom, sunlight lain across his brow like a lover's touch.
Everything is muted, the sweet dregs of slumber still clinging. Apollo becomes blearily aware of what's woken him:
Jason, straddling his thighs, his wet heat grinding against Apollo. Coaxing the alpha to half-hardness in the morning light. Enough that he can begin to lower himself into Apollo's length.
A whine fills the room when Apollo reaches a hand down to splay over Jason's thigh, anchoring him.
"Oh, starlight," he murmurs, voice thick with sleep.
Thank you for reading 💖
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kieran-granola · 11 months
So, @brurobinweek is coming up, and I have two drafts that could potentially fit, but I have to pick one if I want to have a chance to have an actually finished work to post so... I'm giving the people a vote 😂
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notaninja83 · 4 months
Chapters: 1/?
Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (comics), Red Hood/Arsenal (comics), DCU (comics), DCU
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Rape/Non-con, Underage
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Talia Al Ghul/Bruce Wayne
Characters: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Ace the Bat-Hound, Joker (DCU), Talia Al Ghul, Barbara Gordon
“Please, Jason, don’t make this any harder than it has to be. We know the truth.”
Jason couldn’t help but scoff, rolling his eyes beneath his domino. “Oh yeah? And what’s that? I haven’t done anything wrong Night-fuck.” He sneered, not even bothering to turn his face to his older ‘brother’. No, he had to keep an eye on Bruce in case he decided to do anything stupid.
“We know…” Nightwing’s voice wavered, sending a cold chill down Jason’s spine. “That you’re an omega.”
Jason Todd is an omega living in a world that isn’t fair to them. He knows this; it’s been drilled in his head since he was born. It’s how he'd known to take suppressants the moment he presented as one. For years, he hid it.
Until he couldn’t.
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darkdoverpseeker · 1 year
hello!! resending because i figured i left some stuff out, uh oh.
🕊️ 25+ nonbinary (they/them) roleplayer coming around with a proposal of sorts: i have been itching to write jason todd / red hood from dc comics, you see, and my offer is just about that: i write you jason against whatever muse of choice you have in mind! platonic, romantic, familial or it's-complicated dynamics are all welcome, since i am mostly looking to write him first and foremost. i am pretty headcanon-friendly (including trans hcs) and like talking about dynamics plenty, so i would appreciate ooc communication.
my one hard limit is no underage jason in non-family friendly content, otherwise i am open to most plots and tropes. omegaverse, aus, elseworlds-based, what ifs, rewriting parts of canon—anything goes, really! nsfw or sfw plots are good by me as well.
some ships i enjoy but aren't the be all end all of this list: batcest (jaytim, brujay, jaydick, jaysteph), jason/rogues (harvey dent, harley quinn, potentially slade wilson and roman sionis for more unsavory stuff), jayroykory. i like to explore the psychological aspect of relationships a lot and given jason does not have a healthy outlook on life after coming back from death, there's always a lot to talk about.
my timezone is gmt-3 but i tend to be awake at some real weird hours. my replies fluctuate in speed according to college work load, but i usually can guarantee a reply once a week at latest. i prefer to mirror what my partner offers me but i generally work around three paragraphs worth of writing.
like this post and i will reach out through dms!
like if interested!
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lovecinnatwist · 2 years
Got any smutty Omegaverse BruJay thoughts? 👀
Forever and always anon.
I cry at night wishing for an au where omega!Jason's plan in under the Red Hood goes up in smokes because he an Bruce end up hooking up after a run with poison ivy.
I feel like Bruce is too weak to sexy morally gray villains for it not to happen. Jason keeps his helmet on and they just rip off just enough clothing to fuck and take the edge off.
Jason tries to pretend it doesnt mean anything but Bruce thinks about the Red hood every night.
Cue Jason getting pregnant because plan B what? The lazarus pit spits it out. So change of plans he settles down and plans to raise the baby until he can get back to crime lording. Meanwhile the pregnancy hormones melt the pit influence slowly slowly away.
Cue Bruce fucking the rest of the influence out of him when he finds Jason had his pup.
Identity porn is just my favourite. Hue hue.
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jrosa82 · 2 months
Okay, yesterday I made a poll for which ship i should write, and now that BruJay won should I do omegaverse or not? I'll be posting the fic when I finish it here on my blog @jrosa82fanfics
Also, if you vote yes, feel free to share preference for like omega Jay or beta Bruce or whatever.
Thank you in advance for anyone who votes I really appreciate the help! <3J
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We. (Brujay fanfic) Part 1/4
Summary :
Alpha and Omega, more of a curse than a second gender. Theorized to be the nature’s solution of human’s close brush against extinction hundreds of thousands of years ago. It’s truly a blessing that their population is near extinction, not more than 5% of the total. The percentage of them meeting is slim to none. Yet here they are.
Word count : 1.3 k
Note : it's been a long time since I posted anything. To be fully honest, this is the first fic that i'm not sure whether to post or not bcs i'm not happy with it when posting. But I just feel like there's no room to grow this anywhere, and it's completely done. So...Enjoy?
Part 2
Click link to read on AO3
Click keep reading to read on tumblr~
Bruce has a secure private line created especially to connect through Jason’s. That flip phone has no contacts, and only the same set of numbers ever flashed on the outside screen. A Motorola flip phone with a monochrome graphic. They went great lengths to have this method of communication separated from their work, their families, and their intruding night time associates.
The security and secrecy take intricate design, but what they have is simple.
What they knew are crucial, and yet so easily contained.
Inside the text is a location and time, sent over an hour ago. In an hour and one minute, Bruce sent back the exact text message. Anything earlier means he won't be there.
Right on the edge of Gotham. Tight slums and abandoned buildings tower tightly. But one among many is not like the other. For one, access to an underground bomb shelter for the rich and has been long forgotten, abandoned since world war two. Its records, -a floor plan on a piece of paper signed by the government- doesn’t exist at the Records of Deeds. Bruce doesn’t know what happened to it, but he does have a concrete hint who might have it.
The building above the shelter had been inhabitable for ten years. Only roaches and rats as big as your biceps roams around and called it homes. Unlike the bunker that’s been revamped into something else. Batman slips to the underground floor from the long broken lift. A secret entrance triggered by messing around the elevator button that seemed to rust and long gone. A hatch opened under Batman’s feet, too small to fall in, but big enough for him to shimmy down.
The small tunnel ends on the rooftop of a wide but short corridor. Its blue light gave him an empty feeling. Even after a few seconds, Batman’s heavy drop still echoes. The corridor is less of a path and more like a rectangle box. Unlike the building on top of it, it’s clean, almost eerily spotless, and Batman with all the darkness of him is like a speck dirt in the middle of it.
Batman takes off his heavy and armored gloves, revealing the prim and manicured hand fit of Bruce Wayne the quirky playboy billionaire, Gotham’s darling. He presses his hand on a wall exactly 10 centimeters off the room’s center, pressing on it exactly 10 seconds before pulling it away.
The wall behind him opens from an invisible seam, another hallway deeper where he’ll finally reach the bunker.
The enforced door at the end of this second hall opened. Another seamless wall, a short and dead-ended room. Bruce takes off his cowl, stands with feet shoulder length apart, facing the wall and pressed both hands on the wall, shoulder-length from each other. The wall glows a faint green light, a small dent in the front of his eyes glares laser that scans through his face. That one is new, but he goes along with it. All this for the prize in the room behind the wall.
The final door opens, with it, a gush of cold refreshing wind brushed against his skin, leaving warm pleasurable shivers down his spine. He takes in a deep breath, smelling intently the scent of faint jasmine, a strong smell of cedarwood, a hint of lavender, and a tinge of iron and sweat.
Bruce is greeted with a shocking difference between the exterior and the interior. No matter how much he came to this room, he’s never numb to the amusement. A room with pastel walls and the softest carpeted purple floor his feet ever stepped on. It was a bunker that could easily be crammed with a hundred people but originally made for 10 upper-class people to take shelter luxuriously comfortable, now transformed as a room for two.
The room is filled with plushies, cabinets filled with sex toys, soft clothes, and extra pillows. At the end of the room, is a king-sized bed with red silk covers. There, laid the prettiest piece of man that made his Adam's apples bobbed at the sight. Just like him, the man gulps at his appearance. Unlike him, the man is already completely naked.
Bruce takes off his gear, putting them on the compartment that’s open and waiting right beside the door. As his gear put inside, along with another gear that’s already there, the compartment closed. As
The closer he approached, the stronger the man’s scent is. The scent of arousal. The scent of heat coming. So strong that it’s triggering his rut. He feels even his breathing grows heavy.
“If you’re going to walk any slower,” the man sigh, flinching, already in pain as his heat started without any sign of an Alpha in the perimeter, “I’m... going to start without you.”
“I’m sorry I’m late.” Bruce takes off the scent blocker from the flanks of his neck, a thinner than a paper membrane, invisible to the naked eye. When he lets his scent adds to the air, he could see the omega deeply breaths it in like a drug and exhales in a pleasured moan. The most melodic sound that Bruce Wayne had ever heard.
Bruce lands his knee to the plush mattress, hand on the back of the omega’s neck and bare his own for the omega to scent. They stayed a few seconds to take each other’s scent, to calm the omega and give the reassurance of safety.
“I thought you’re taking suppressant,” he asked in worry. For the omega in his arms hates it to the core and their sex always without them.
Not that Bruce minds. Heat sex is said to be the most pleasurable kind. An omega in heat will want you no matter how much the person behind it doesn’t want to. An omega in heat doesn’t have their straight mind to say no. Their body will be punished with pain if no one ‘assisted’ them in their heat. An alpha in a rut doesn’t have the straight mind to say no as well. Their rut came triggered always, over the smell of an omega in heat.
Alpha and Omega, more of a curse than a second gender. Theorized to be the nature’s solution of human’s close brush against extinction hundreds of thousands of years ago. It’s truly a blessing that their population is near extinction, not more than 5% of the total. The percentage of them meeting is slim to none.
Yet here they are.
“Consider yourself lucky.” The omega smirked, finally taking off his nose from Bruce’s scent glands. “I can’t take the shots forever. Healthwise, I still have to have them once every two years. I knew that the hard way when I first have my heat.”
Bruce felt his blood boil, from the top of his head down to his groin. His nose flared as he takes in his omega’s scent, rich and closing in on a full-blown heat. But he’s just way too angry to enjoy how easy the omega aroused him, with his scent and with the way his body reacted violently on his touch alone.
Without smelling his sweet scent, Bruce can’t imagine ever looking his adopted son is such ways. Supple, endearing, beautiful, with a delicious slick leaking down his carved legs, prepped and ready for mating.
 Heats last for days. The first time Jason revealed he’s an omega, he was in heat, in pain. For once in a long time, Jason needed him. Bruce took that chance. To let himself be the Alpha he had hidden from the world. No one knew about their second gender but each other. Not his other sons, not even his best friend Clark. The days they spent together for days, conversing normally between the calm in his waves of heat, made him remember two years ago where he had done this exact same thing.
In their little bunker, Jason tucked in his arms, as they wait for Jason’s next wave over a movie. Talking about petty topics with light delicate laughs slipping in between.
It’s not usually like this. Their heat less sex more sober and enjoyable as they’re there as themselves, not as a rut ridden alpha, and a lulled omega. Though Bruce is here, no matter what Jason needed from him.
Once in two years, he has an omega. Every once in a while, he has Jason.
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daemoninwhiteround2 · 3 years
Tim, your stalker side is showing. Stop before someone sees it.
Oh boy, Jason will NOT be happy waking up on that bench. How are the Bats going to keep him from fighting against the restraints? Are they going to keep him drugged, maybe with some Poison Ivy Pollen TM?
dae! dae dae dae the latest countdown au killed me you have blood on your hands you magnificent writer you - holy shit amazing
Bruce buckles the last restraint around Jason's back and steps back. He wishes, deeply, that it had not come to this: he's never been attracted to alpha forms or scents, and even with his rut turning his gut heavy and hot with anticipation, putting his hands on Jason's naked form makes the skin across his shoulders prickle. He closes his eyes and reminds himself that this is necessary, that Jason will be an omega in the end so in a way he is an omega now, his body just needs to be shown how. It is an alpha's duty to guide their packmates along the right path.
This is for Jason's own good.
He carefully lubricates and stretches Jason's body. All alphas technically have the potential to become omegas—even Bruce has a tightly clamped shut, barren vagina behind his testicles, and more than one threat has been made to bitch the Batman. First they will have to introduce a lot of foreign alpha pheromones into Jason's system, which will make his vagina open up, and then they can work on turning him into a proper omega.
Technically that initial blooming can be triggered by just ingesting semen (and at boarding school Bruce heard more than one giggled rumour/threat that all it took was enough scent marking between unrelated alphas) but they don't have that type of time. Jason burns through sedatives and Bruce knows how Jason feels about narcotics and opioids, he wouldn't wish to use either long term on Jason.
So anal it is, until he blooms, then the pack will fuck the rest of Jason's alphahood out of him until he's a good little omega.
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brucewayneweek · 2 years
Bruce Wayne Week 2022
Bad Habits by @nyxkvistadwrites
Day 2 - Hugs & Cuddles / Mer AU / In the PTA
Ships: BruJay, BruDick, JayDick, BruJayDick
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