#bruh I'm better at reporting this that these shitty journalist
papirouge · 1 year
Twitter rightoid poltard better keep my country out of their fricking misinforming mouth
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"they voted for this" what is this idiot talking about? People are looting because a guy DIED. The police lied on the report, and since everything got filmed, truth eventually came out (the kid was not armed, and the policeman shot at close range). It's getting so bad than even Emmanuel Macron (France president) who usually ALWAYS sides with the police when this type of incident happens, said what happened what "unexcusable". That policeman is currently in 'preventive prison' (sorry idk the term in English lol) so he definitely fucked up big time.
This shit isn't some little LeFtiSt tantrum. Those rightoid online journalists are LYING.
What's happening is more of a social justice phenomenon that's pretty irrelevant to left vs right politics. And social justice isn't the monopoly of left aligned politics (see the Freedom Convoy movement)
"police are unable to control the migrant and left wing riots" those riots are perpetuated by french CITIZENS. They are young people from very low social classes parked in secluded suburbs. Statistics show that this social class is one of the LESS politically involved (they don't vote) so lumping them into "left wing" is a flat out lie. If they don't vote and aren't involved into politics how can they be remotely be affiliated to left or right? Stop being stupid, Amy.
"the french media have surrendered" what the heck is she talking about?? French medias are covering this 24/7. They are literally pulling out NUMBERS of burned car/train/ buildings, AND how many looters have been arrested (who are by THOUSANDS)
Why is she literally making shit up to sound dramatic? Is she stupid???
Oh and look at the Islam shoe horning here when this incident has NOTHING to do with Islam. We don't even know whether the kid was Muslim... Those looting are more of a social justice movement, not religious. No islamist movement ever looted cities.
and theeeeere go Elon Musk attention seeking ass sliding into the convo. First of all, non Europeans need to stop lumping"Europe" like it was a monolith. European countries still have very different policies when it comes to gun carrying, so brushing the whole continent à la whether "Europeans need better gun access" is stupid.
And yeah, Elon : unlike what stupid USAmericans gun sexuals say, gun ownership is legal in France. It's just that culturally we aren't fond of gun ownership. Even if there was a policy to ease up gun access, those who are already owning those (illegal) guns -and are french, not immigrants- would be the first to jump on the opportunity to level up their artillery legally, so the poltards foreigners who know NOTHING about France social climate acting like gun carrying like the crux of social peace are stupid. If anything, ut's just going to accelerate the process of civil war that those demons are lowkey summoning.
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