#bruce y keila
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karen-crysttina · 1 year ago
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Berlin ❀ (la casa de papel)
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clubartaesthetic · 1 year ago
My kinda love
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hollandspiderling · 5 years ago
Homecoming Redemption || Part One - The Planning
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Summary: After everything that has happened to Peter, all he wanted was to have some sort of normalcy for his senior year. With the new school year finally underway, so far everything seems to be going to plan. He and his friends are trying to not let the effects of recent events get the best of them and everyone is moving forward. Now with the homecoming dance quickly approaching, what will Peter do once he realizes that he needs to find a date?
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Word Count: ~2.3k
Warnings: Mild swearing in this part! 
Author’s Note: Sorry the first part was released a day later, lovies. Something came up with my family last night and I wasn’t able to finish writing it. But without further ado, here is the first part! Also, I apologize if this was a little shorter than usual, a lot of things happened unexpectedly and I still wished to give you guys an update. Hope you guys like it, hehe. ^^~ xoxo, Astrid ❀
Teaser | Prologue | Part One | Part Two 
“Ugh, training days are always the longest.”
Peter laughed to himself as he watched you throw yourself onto his bed and rubbed your sore muscles. Steve finally let you guys off the hook after watching the two of you spar against one another for a good two hours. He watched as you lazily grabbed onto one of his pillows and turned on the TV in his room. It was a habit of yours to waste time in his room whenever you guys trained because it was closest to the compound’s gym. The two of you would usually end up having a movie marathon or work on homework together because Bruce would be on your asses if any of the Avengers found out that your grades managed to slip.
He shook his head and threw the towel he had around his neck at you. You playfully gagged when it landed on your face and tossed it to the ground.
“Not cool, Parker.”
“Get off of my bed, missy. You already know the drill.”
You rolled your eyes and slid off his bed before going towards his closet. Rummaging through your stash of comfy clothes you had stored there; you grabbed a fresh set of clothes and began to make your way towards his bathroom.
“I’ll be back in ten.”
Peter hummed in acknowledgment as he threw his training bag towards his bed and walked towards his desk. Turning on his laptop, he saw that the people he needed to talk to was online and immediately requested them to join a group Skype session. A relieved smile crept onto his face when they appeared on his screen and nervously cracked his knuckles.
“So, guys
I need your help
Ned’s laugh echoed through his room and Peter sighed in relief when he heard the shower turn on. He was afraid that you might hear the conversation he was having with the rest of your friends. MJ raised an eyebrow at him, and he watched as she settled her laptop in a more comfortable position on her bed.
“Ned was catching me up with what happened this afternoon. You aren’t going to let Brad win, are you?”
“No, no, no of course not! I just don’t think she’d actually say yes if I asked her.”
MJ’s jaw dropped and gave him an incredulous look.
“Are you shitting me right now, Parker?”
He groaned and let his head fall into his hands.
“Now isn’t the time for this MJ
“You must be one of the slowest guys I know and yet the city of New York depends on you.”
Ned snickered and Peter glared at him through his monitor. He threw his hands up in response and twirled around in his chair.
“Peter, you gotta have more confidence in yourself dude. You guys are close and I’m pretty sure she’d prefer to have you as her date over Brad.”
“So have you figured out his plan, yet?”
Ned shook his head and MJ casually flipped through her notes and said, “He’s planning on asking her during lunch in front of the whole school.”
“How’d you know?”
She shrugged and said, “He wouldn’t stop yapping about it in our art class. I was trying to finish the sketch I was doing but he was being too annoying.”
“Leave it up to MJ to have ears for everything,” Ned said and Peter laughed in response.
“So all we have to do is make sure he doesn’t make it to lunch then.”
“Exactly, Pete. Should we meet up tomorrow to discuss further details?”
Peter looked at him with his eyebrows pinched and asked, “Why would-“
“Ned! MJ! What’s up?”
His eyes widened as he felt your hands on his shoulders and you leaned down to greet them. He gulped and readjusted his position as the familiar scent of the body wash you left in his bathroom filled his senses. Unconsciously, he leaned against your arms as your head casually rested on his shoulder.
“What have you guys been talking about?”
“Oh nothing, we were just going over where we should meet up for the dance.” MJ swiftly covered and her eyes were studying the both of you.
Your eyes met hers and you gave her a look before smiling at the two of them. She laughed and shook her head.
“This just proves my case.”
“MJ, shut up.”
She couldn’t help but snicker at your response and Ned sighed. “Women and their ability to have many silent conversations to themselves.”
Peter snapped out of his daze when you moved away and felt his cheeks burn. The rapid beating of he felt in his chest threw him off and all he could do was sigh to himself, trying to process what just happened in the span of fifteen seconds. He sighed as he looked back and you were already on the other side of the room looking for a hoodie to steal from him again.
“Meet at the library tomorrow during free period.” He said and the other two nodded before he ended the call.
You smiled at him when he got up from his desk and joined you on his bed. He let out another sigh as he laid face down on his pillow and you could tell he was thinking about something. With your eyes glued to the latest episode of Love Island, you simply began to run a hand through his hair. Ned’s words from earlier that day ran through his head as all of the symptoms were ringing throughout his body. He realized how much he realized he looked forward to seeing you every day. He was frustrated to only recognize that the butterflies in his stomach were not from nervousness but because of what he was feeling towards you. He loved the way how you were a constant in his life. His mind flashed back to when you had fallen asleep on his shoulder earlier. He admired the way your hair fell over your face like a curtain covering you from what was around you. He laughed at the way your nose scrunched up when something happened in your dream. And when he turned around to see you wearing his favorite Midtown hoodie, that solidified just how much he liked you.
Now with Brad being his competition to asking you towards the dance, he wasn’t sure what he was going to do. Brad was the heartthrob of your class and he was simply just Peter Parker. Looking at the odds, he couldn’t help but think that Brad was going to be the one you chose. Peter groaned and flopped onto his back and shook his head to clear the negative thoughts out of his head. He looked up at you as you looked down at him with concerned eyes. Smiling softly at you, he flicked your forehead.
“No need to worry about me, Stark. Just stressed about the upcoming test we have for Statistics.”
You looked at him with doubt, but he gave you a reassuring smile. “Just give me a couple more minutes and I’ll be fine.”
Sighing, you nodded, and he raised himself up to lean against the headboard of his bed. You naturally followed suit and the two of you settled into your Love Island marathon. You leaned closer to him and groaned. Pushing him off the bed, he cursed and looked at you in surprise.
“What’d you do that for?!”
You laughed and pointed towards the shower. “You smell like the gym and before we can continue this marathon.”
“You could’ve just told me.” He huffed before pushing himself off the floor.
Smiling cheekily at him, you shrugged and said, “That wouldn’t be a classic move of mine, wouldn’t it Parker?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
You sighed to yourself as you made your way to the council room. It was finally free period and you were glad to spend some time on making sure that everything for the dance was going according to plan. Letting your bag slip to your hand, you twisted the doorknob to the room and raised an eyebrow. Alex was supposed to unlock the room for all of you and you found it odd that it was still locked. He was a guy who was only on time and you leaned against the wall. You took out your phone and quickly sent a text to him,
To: Alex From: Y/N
Where are you?
You watched the bubbles appear on the screen and scoffed once you saw his response.
To: Prez Stark From: Alex
Sorry, Prez! The others and I got pulled into different things last minute. Twins had to stay back because Kai got in trouble. Betty needed to go over her essay, and I need to redeem an ‘I owe you’ to one of the football players for the dance. We all agreed that we’d do double time after school for ya. Just enjoy this free time and relax for a bit!
You laughed to yourself and contemplated with the free time you had. A buzz came from your wrist and you looked at it to see your uncle calling. Smirking to yourself, you made your way to the school’s rooftop to see what everyone’s favorite superhero wanted from you.
Meanwhile, everyone sighed in relief to see that you wouldn’t hunt you down. Peter smiled sheepishly as Alex gave him a reassuring nod to continue what he was saying.
“So, I need you guys to help me figure out a way to smoothly ask Y/N to the dance.”
“Do you have an idea of what you want to do?” Keila asked as she smiled excitedly.
Peter pursed his lips and shrugged. “Uh
I really haven’t done a proper asking for.”
“Well, first of all, you need a poster that’s for sure.” Betty said.
Ned nodded in agreement and said, “Do you know any of her favorite things to play around with?”
“I know that she loves puns because her mom would tell her one every morning.”
“That’s something we can work with since that’s usually the case for these posters,” Alex said matter-of-factly.
“Anything else, Parker?”
“She loves coffee and can’t function without it. Disney movies are her guilty pleasure besides scented candles. Y/N prefers savory snacks over sweet. Her favorite flowers are roses and sunflowers and her favorite TV show is Love Island at the moment. If it’s not Disney, then her favorite movie is The Devil Wears Prada.”
When Peter looked back at his friends, they all had teasing smiles.
“Aw, look at that. Little Peter Parker is in love.” MJ smirked.
“And he knows all of her favorite things, that’s so sweet.” Kai snickered.
“Well how about this: MJ and Keila can work on the poster together. Betty and I will get the basket together. Alex and Kai can go bother Brad when he plans on asking Y/N.” Ned offered.
“Just tell us what her favorite colors are, and we’ll work our magic.” Keila winked at him as she stood up and made her way to where MJ was sitting so they can sketch out a design together.
Alex and Kai high-fived each other and stood up as well. “We’re going to go talk to the basketball team to see what’s up. We’ll infiltrate the nemesis and make sure Y/N is free for you.”
Ned and Betty looked at Peter before Betty said, “Don’t worry Peter, we’re going to help you make sure that this asking is going to be one for the books.”
Peter smiled gratefully at all of his friends and a surge of confidence spread throughout his body. He nodded and said, “Don’t forget, this is all happening tomorrow. I just really hope everything is going to be fine.”
“Don’t worry Parker, Y/N means a lot to us and even if you weren’t asking her, Brad would’ve been rejected either way. She never stops ranting to the council how much he keeps bothering her.” Keila laughed and MJ nodded in agreement.
“Since there’s still some time left before the period is over, why don’t you go find her?” Betty offered.
He nodded to the idea and immediately grabbed his things. “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea, I’ll go find her right now.”
His friends watched him leave the library and they all shook their heads in unison.
“They’re helpless, aren’t they?” Ned asked as he turned his attention back to the rest of the group that stayed behind.
Alex nodded and said, “It’s so obvious how much they like each other.”
“I don’t understand why they haven’t caught on to each other yet.” Betty added.
“When a fool’s in love, they don’t realize anything else.” MJ finished.
Keila shook her head in amusement. “I think it’s adorable and if you think about it, it’s a free show for us to watch as they figure things out.”
“There have been so many times that Y/N has made it so obvious, but Parker is really slow at realizing things.” Kai sighed.
“It’s alright, what matters are the baby steps. Peter is finally growing the balls to ask her and Y/N just needs to wait for him to realize what’s been in front of him all along.”
Everyone nodded and MJ said, “Let’s get to getting all of this done so Operation: Homecoming can achieve its goal and the two lovebirds can finally be in a relationship.”
Taglist:  (lmk if you want to be tagged! Tagged those who asked and who I think might enjoy this fic || Crossed out means I wasn’t able to tag you!) @ithinkimightlikehim @ homecomlng @meganlikesfandoms​ @tomfiction4​ @averyfosterthoughts​ @justcallmehitgirl​ @procrastinatingismybiggestflaw​ @mrhollandisart​ @yeahimcrying​ @littlebookbengal​ @caretheunicorn​ @mara-twins​ @jackiehollanderr​ @imsocial-not​ @ibookishqueen​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @ 3tothe1 @babebenhardy​ @kewl-r​ @llamazarecoolaf​ @mrsfortune1306​ @dangerousluv1​ @distracted-paganism​ @stxfxniexreads​ @mybitchborky​ @autty0314​ @problems-in-paradise​ @megaprincesscakes​ @marvel-ousnesss​
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