#brrrr im having brainworms
lilac-melody · 10 months
Hypmic s2 e6 spoilers but I wanted to dive into some scenes in a bit more detail
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So this scene is what caught my attention the most. It's interesting to me because given the framing of it- from Ramuda's hands tightly clenched to his eyes being shadowed most of the time, with only cold fury being shown in one frame, we can easily tell that Ramuda is not only echoing things he was told by Chuohku, but echoing his own thoughts towards himself.
In the manga/drama tracks, we see plenty of instances where the moment Ramuda's humanity is brought into question, he quickly spirals. If it's brought up by someone else, he gets furious, but if it's his own thoughts, he becomes depressed.
"A fake like you isn't worth the air you breathe" does this not sound like Ichijiku's words to him, whenever she threatens to replace him???
"You don't even know who you really are. You just wander around, lost in a sea of deception." That's exactly what happened with Ramuda. He formed TDD and FP because he was told to, and despite his growing emotions, he tells himself it's all fake. Even how he became chipper and expressive was because of someone else. He agonizes over his deception when his feelings with Gentaro and Dice come to play.
His cold gaze when he told Rabuta that he was an imitation could just be because Rabuta's annoying, but it could also be an internal anger at himself.
"Just disappear. Stop existing." With how many people he's hurt- even if he did it solely to survive, do you really think he would tell someone harmless to just stop existing? No, and we know Ramuda has issues with his own existence. Time and time again, he's thought "if I didn't exist, (x) wouldn't happen". He even brought it up to Jakurai that his existence was what ruined his assistant's life, and that life would be better without him.
He considers himself nothing more than a burden to the people around him. Someone who can't form any real attachments because he's a fake.
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His posse will always be there to pick him back up- literally and figuratively...
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And the true, sparkling awe on his face when Gentaro and Dice saved his life made him realize something- at least in the anime universe. (As he's already realized it all in the manga/DTverse)
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His posse is here with him. And that's what makes him truly happy. Being with them. Because he loves them, and like their rap said, you can't fake an emotion like that.
And of course, to Gentaro and Dice, of course they all love each other. I don't necessarily mean romantically (even though I personally ship them), but Fling Posse does love each other.
So even if Ramuda hates himself for being a clone, he knows- he understands, that his feelings for Gentaro and Dice are real. He, in the manga/DT, has even sobbed over how it hurts that he can't have a true bond with them. Though he does. And he always will.
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After all, this is happiness- a smile, that you can't fake.
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